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1 s2.0 S0016236122038972 Main
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/fuel
Keywords: As an alternative to conventional pyrolysis, CO2-assisted pyrolysis is ideal for treating organic waste materials
CO2 such as plant biomass, animal manure, domestic and municipal wastes as the usage of CO2 facilitates the
Catalysts decomposition of materials and inhibits the formation of many harmful chemical compounds. The application of
catalysts in CO2 pyrolysis has been viewed as a way to valorise waste on a large scale. This article provides
Organic wastes
Products characteristics
insight into the advantages of using CO2 and catalysts in pyrolysis and a list of catalysts currently used in CO2
pyrolysis. The main purpose of this review is to summarise the findings of recent analyses of catalytic CO2 py
rolysis of wastes. The study also discusses the different procedures involved in catalyst preparation and provides
a broad review of the effects of catalytic CO2 pyrolysis on pyrolysis products’ quantity and quality. The article
concludes by evaluating the competency level of catalytic CO2 pyrolysis technology and providing an overview of
the technique’s current challenges and future recommendations. The review is in line with fostering the usage of
CO2 to meet CO2 emission regulations outlined by the 2015 Paris Agreement.
1. Introduction In recent years, there has been a surge in the use of CO2 in thermo
chemical processes like pyrolysis and gasification to valorise wastes like
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the majorly greenhouse gas in the atmo biomass and plastics [3–6]. As CO2 is one of the main components of the
sphere, and human-made activities including burning of conventional gases formed in the course of pyrolysis and gasification, its reuse as a
fossil fuels, among others, are fast raising its emission to over 421 ppm reactant will significantly reduce its release into the atmosphere [7]. A
[1]. The International Energy Outlook (IEO) foresees that CO2 emission further benefit of using CO2 is that it promotes the thermal breakdown of
will grow from 30.2 BMT (Billion metric ton) in 2008 to 43.2 BMT by volatile components and prevents the synthesis of many dreadful
2035 [2]. But the encouraging fact is that it is feasible to reduce carbon chemical pollutants covering polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
dioxide emissions to the atmosphere by developing CO2 utilization and benzene derivatives [8]. Apart from that, recent research studies
routes, notably in energy production techniques, to help reduce the have shown that pyrolysis/gasification of wastes in a CO2 environment
anthropogenic influence on the climate. Therefore, it is imperative to not only modifies the dissemination of products but also their compo
make efforts that use CO2 in many applications. sition, particularly bio-oil and pyrogas [9].
CO2 conversion and utilisation have recently become a key compo Catalysis is pivotal to most chemical processes, facilitating and
nent in research on sustainable development, as CO2 is plentiful and a speeding up reaction kinetics and increasing the efficiency of desired
significant source of carbon. As a result, it has become an important raw reaction paths. Catalysts are important in the synthesis of many bulk
material in industries such as chemical (in the synthesis of urea, formic chemicals including sulphuric acid, nitric acid, ammonia, and methanol,
acid, and specialty chemicals), fuel (in the production of pyrogas, as well as in a variety of process industries such as food, pharmaceutical,
methanol, etc.), polymer (in the production of plastic, rubber, and fiber), textile, petroleum, fertilizer, polymer, and so on. Catalysts are used in
food (as an additive and acidity regulator), beverage (in the production some form or another in over 90 % of the chemical manufacturing
of carbonated soft drinks and soda water), construction (as a medium for processes used around the world today [10]. Catalyst demand is esti
welding and to produce ready-mixed concrete), and so on. mated to be around $30 billion, and it is expected to grow over the next
* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: pparthasarathy@hbku.edu.qa (P. Parthasarathy), gmckay@hbku.edu.qa (G. McKay).
Received 18 September 2022; Received in revised form 25 November 2022; Accepted 4 December 2022
Available online 13 December 2022
0016-2361/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
P. Parthasarathy et al. Fuel 335 (2023) 127073
decade as demand for all chemicals is rising, along with growing pres valorising organic waste, lowering CO2 emissions, and producing high-
sure to reduce process costs, energy use, and emissions [11]. The need quality biochar, bio-oil, and pyrogas [22]. It is the purpose of this review
for better catalysts is driven both by mass chemical production as well as article to provide researchers with a comprehensive understanding of
environmental demands as there is a growing demand for cleaner energy the function of CO2 in catalytic pyrolysis processes. A number of papers
and waste material utilization, including CO2. have been published on CO2 used in the pyrolysis of organic wastes
The fundamental distinction between catalytic and thermal pyrolysis [6,9,23–25], but there are only a few articles on catalytic CO2 pyrolysis
is the application of a catalyst in pyrolysis process. Catalytic and thermal [26,27]. As a result, ample communication covering the essentials in this
pyrolysis are essentially comparable in process and most conditions. area remains scarce. A review of recent studies conducted on catalytic
Catalytic pyrolysis describes the method of using a catalyst to break pyrolysis for the recovery of energy from a variety of waste feedstocks
down wastes into products including biochar, bio-oil, and pyrogas. It has such as agriculture (rice straw [28], pine bark [29]), animal (swine
a number of benefits over the non-catalytic method. First and foremost, manure [30], chicken manure [31], cow manure [32]), industrial
it significantly lowers the pyrolysis temperature by decreasing the re (textile waste [33], cellulose [34], cellulose acetate [35]), municipal
action activation energy [12]. In addition, the application of catalysts (fishing net waste [36], flood debris [37]), and domestic (food waste
has shown greater selectivity toward desired pyrolysis products [38], disposable diaper [39]) are summarized and discussed in this re
[13–16]. However, there are several limits to catalytic pyrolysis. The key view. This critique also includes research into the effect of CO2-assisted
constraint is the decrease of catalyst performance over time. As a result, catalytic pyrolysis on products yields and properties. It provides a list of
catalyst durability and regeneration throughout the process should be current catalysts used in CO2 pyrolysis and discusses the various pro
considered to optimise economic value. Catalysts can be used in situ as cedures involved in catalyst preparation. Furthermore, the SWOT
well in ex situ pyrolysis systems [17]. Fig. 1 presents a simplified (Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats) and Technology Readi
schematic of the in situ and ex situ catalytic pyrolysis systems. ness Level (TRL) analyses are conducted to check the competency level
Pyrolysis can be made more efficient with the usage of CO2 as a of the technology. A discussion of the process’s open challenges is also
reactant. Using CO2 in the pyrolysis of organic feedstocks significantly provided, followed by recommendations for the future.
influences the selectivity and properties of pyrolysis products (biochar, New information about recent scientific output may be particularly
bio-oil, and pyrogas). It has been demonstrated experimentally that valuable in this regard, given the importance of recent research. This
using catalysts in CO2 pyrolysis improves the thermal efficiency of the research article offers a novel approach to the production of value-added
process [18,19]. In recent years, the concept of microwave heating and products from organic waste materials through catalytic CO2 pyrolysis.
vacuum pyrolysis have been introduced into catalytic CO2 pyrolysis. In the quest to provide sustainable energy as a product yield, this work
Microwave pyrolysis is a thermal disintegration in an inert environment sheds light on the potential of CO2 assisted catalytic pyrolysis to valorise
that uses electromagnetic radiation as a heat source, whereas vacuum organic wastes. The findings of this study are expected to make a sig
pyrolysis is a thermal deterioration that occur in the absence of oxygen nificant contribution to waste-to-energy research, organic waste treat
and at low pressure. Microwave pyrolysis has received a lot of attention ment and disposal, CO2 utilization, and catalytic CO2 pyrolysis
because of its benefits over traditional methods, such as high heat technology. The review is in line with encouraging the use of CO2 to
transfer efficiency, helps to save time, homogeneous internal heating, meet the Paris Agreement’s CO2 emission regulations made in 2015.
and immediate response for fast start-up and shut down [20]. According
to a recent study, microwave pyrolysis yielded more pyrogas and less 2. Pyrolysis mechanisms
bio-oil, but the pyrogas had higher H2 concentrations and lower CO2
concentrations than those produced by conventional pyrolysis [21]. For Equation (1) is a generalized pyrolysis reaction
the microwave process, the char had greater porosity and less oxygen.
Cn Hm Op →CO2 + H2 O + CH4 + CO + H2 + (C2 − C5 ) (1)
Vacuum pyrolysis is also appealing because it allows for easier product
condensation and composition control (pyrogas, bio-oil, and biochar). The sequence of pyrolysis reactions is as follows. Below 300 ◦ C,
CO2-assisted catalytic pyrolysis is viewed as a possible remedy for evaporation of water, formation of free radicals, and depolymerisation
Fig. 1. A simplified schematic of the in situ and ex situ catalytic pyrolysis system.
P. Parthasarathy et al. Fuel 335 (2023) 127073
reactions occur resulting in the formation of carbonyl and carboxyl 2.2. Role of catalysts in CO2 pyrolysis
compounds [40]. At this stage, the release of CO and CO2 also happens,
resulting in the formation of char. At 300–450 ◦ C, the glycosidic bonds During pyrolysis, many homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions
of polysaccharides are broken down by substitution reactions leading to such as dehydration, cracking, polymerization, oxidation, reforming,
the formation of oligosaccharides, levoglucosan, and anhydrides. At and condensation occur, which are classified into primary and second
temperatures beyond 450 ◦ C, further evaporation, cracking, and rear ary reactions. During primary reaction, H2 and CO are formed while the
rangement of sugar molecules occur leading to the release of compounds production of aromatics including benzene derivatives occur during
such as glyoxal, acrolein, and acetaldehyde. All of the aforementioned secondary reactions. In general, at high pyrolysis temperatures, sec
reactions occur above 500 ◦ C, resulting in the formation of a mixture of ondary reactions are suppressed due to short residence time of volatiles.
all of the aforementioned products. During condensation, unsaturated The slow removal of volatiles, on the other hand, simplifies the sec
compounds condense resulting in the production of activated char ondary pyrolysis reactions. However, the above phenomena can be
product. averted by employing catalysts. In addition to the above, the addition of
catalysts in pyrolysis speeds up reactions such as evaporation, cracking,
2.1. CO2 impact on the pyrolysis behaviour and the distribution of deoxygenation, decarboxylation, dehydrogenation, alkylation, decar
products bonylation, and so on [42]. At temperatures above 600 ◦ C, catalysts
induce the conversion of volatile compounds into non-condensable gas
In CO2 pyrolysis, CO2 plays a multi-purpose role in the formation of components. As a result, higher yields of gaseous products and lower
H2, CO2, CO, CH4, volatiles, char, and tar. The presence of CO2 enhances yields of biochar and bio-oil are feasible due to catalytic activity.
CO2-char reactions, while it inhibits secondary char formation and Cho et al. (2021) confirmed the above findings by demonstrating that
polymerization reactions by breaking down tar and volatile organic there is increased pyrogas production when Ni/SiO2 is used as a catalyst
compounds (VOCs) [41]. For example, tar cracking under CO2 condi for deoxygenation and dehydrogenation reactions, which is due to the
tions significantly increases pyrogas production at the same time mechanistic functions of Ni/SiO2 [35]. Furthermore, the use of Ni-based
reducing volatile compounds. catalysts enhances the functionality of CO2, thus increasing the pro
duction of H2 and CO during pyrolysis. By simultaneously using Ni-
CO2 + Tar ↔ H2 + CO + CH 4 + Hydrocarbon(C2 , C4 ) (2)
based catalysts and CO2, primary reactions are initiated, which lead to
Furthermore, CO2 is also utilised indirectly in gas-phase reactions the production of gases including H2 and CO2.
(GPRs) that result in the formation of CO through GPR between CO2 and
VOCs leading to a higher yield of pyrogas, and a lower yield of char and 3. Catalysts in CO2 pyrolysis
volatiles than pyrolysis under N2 conditions. In addition to that, CO2
undergoes a dry reforming reaction with CH4 resulting in the increased A variety of parameters including the composition of feedstock
production of H2 and CO [8]. wastes, the kinds and qualities of the catalysts, and the process param
eters govern catalytic pyrolysis processes, resulting in a diverse spec
CH 4 + CO2 ↔ 2H2 + 2CO (3)
trum of product yields, compositions, and properties. Various types of
Also, CO2 undergoes a reverse water–gas shift reaction with H2, catalysts, including zeolites, alkaline, and alkaline earth metals,
enhancing the production of CO. calcium-based materials, etc. have been intensively researched for cat
alytic pyrolysis of wastes [43]. Table 1 presents a list of catalysts that
CO2 + H2 ↔ CO + H2 O (4)
have been employed in previous catalytic pyrolysis studies.
In general, CO2 pyrolysis produces a higher yield of H2 and CO but a Although significant research has been conducted on catalytic py
lower yield of CH4, CO2, and other hydrocarbons than pyrolysis under rolysis of wastes in the past, there are still challenges that need to
N2. Regardless, the extent of the above reactions are influenced by py overcome before commercialisation of the process. The development
rolysis conditions such as temperature, heating rate, and residence time. and design of catalysts and engineering processes for waste catalytic
This section contrasts the effect of CO2 on the thermolytic behaviour pyrolysis products are underway in order to provide sustainable and
of organic wastes and the distribution of pyrolysis products with the cost-effective energy and chemical uses.
effect of N2.The impact of CO2 on the Pt catalyst-induced pyrolysis of
food waste was investigated by Kim and Lee et al. [38]. To investigate 3.1. Synthesis of catalysts
the impact of CO2, pyrolysis was performed in both N2 and CO2 atmo
spheres. First, thermal degradation analysis using TGA revealed that no There are different methods to synthesize catalysts. A few methods of
change in TG-DTG patterns was observed under N2/CO2 mediums when catalyst synthesis followed by researchers are discussed below. Choi
temperatures were below 820 ◦ C, but an obvious difference was et al. (2021) synthesized a biochar catalyst from livestock waste using
observed when temperatures were above 820 ◦ C. This difference in the one-stage pyrolysis [52]. First, the feedstock was thermally decomposed
degradation pattern could be attributed to the production of CO due to from ambient temperature to 650 ◦ C at 10 ◦ C/min under the influence of
the Boudouard reaction as it is more favourable above 800 ◦ C. Under N2 a CO2 atmosphere. The biochar was then processed for roughly-one hour
and CO2 mediums, the experimental pyrolysis studies demonstrated that at a uniform temperature of 650 ◦ C.
the pattern of product distribution with respect to the temperature In another study, Lee et al. (2021) used a wetness incipient impreg
change was the same under the Pt catalyst. According to the study, the nation approach to synthesize Ni/SiO2 catalyst [27]. First, deionized
presence of CO2 in a catalytic pyrolysis process aids in the breakdown of water was used to dissolve nickel nitrate hexahydrate. Subsequent to
high molecular weight molecules (i.e., bio-oil) into low molecular that, the nickel precursor solution was dropped onto the SiO2 support.
weight molecules (i.e., pyrogas). The impregnated sample was dried at 105 ◦ C overnight before being
In another study, Lee et al. (2020) studied the influence of CO2 on the calcined by heating to 500 ◦ C for nearly-one hour in a hot air oven. The
Ni/SiO2 catalyst-assisted pyrolysis of cow manure [32]. The CO2 atmo reduction process then involved heating the material from 30 to 550 ◦ C
sphere produced 11.4 % more pyrogas yield than the N2 medium. This (ramped at 2 ◦ C/min) while maintaining a 20 vol% H2 (N2 balance)
improvement resulted in lower biochar and bio-oil yields. According to atmosphere.
the findings, CO2 plays an important role in the formation of pyrogas. Similar to the previous approach, Jung et al. (2020) prepared CO/
SiO2 catalyst [53]. Unlike previous approaches, Jiang et al. (2022) used
a high-temperature solid-state technique to produce a Ce-Co-Na ternary
composite catalyst [34]. Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), cerium nitrate (Ce
P. Parthasarathy et al. Fuel 335 (2023) 127073
P. Parthasarathy et al. Fuel 335 (2023) 127073
medium heating value pyrogas (10–15 MJ/kg). the CO2 condition, according to the findings. Similar to the previous
There are several factors that affect the gasification rate, including study, Aljaziri et al. (2022) found that biochar produced by CO2 pyrol
the type of gasifying agent employed, catalyst activity, and the ysis of Salicornia bigelovii had a large surface area and great stability
complexity and reactivity of the carbon deposits on the catalysts [55]. At [62].
moderate temperatures (e.g., 400–600 ◦ C), the catalytic removal of Guizani et al. (2014) investigated the elemental composition prop
carbon with oxygen occurs very rapidly, so industrial processes typically erties of biochar made from CO2-produced beech wood chips [63]. Ac
regenerate catalytic materials that have been deactivated by carbon or cording to the researchers, CO2 preferentially removes functional groups
coke. containing oxygen and hydrogen. The amount of H2 was reduced by 60
%, and the amount of O2 was reduced by 18 %. The study concluded that
4. Experimental studies on catalytic CO2 pyrolysis of wastes adding CO2 to the pyrolysis process increases hydrogen and oxygen loss
as well as residual char carbon enrichment. The elemental analysis of
The pyrolysis operating conditions and findings of previous catalytic peat biochar generated in CO2 and N2 conditions was compared by Lee et
CO2 pyrolysis studies is reviewed in Table 2. The table highlights the al. (2017) [64]. It was noted that biochar synthesised under CO2 con
influence of CO2 on organic waste pyrolysis using catalysts for energy ditions had higher O and N contents and lower C, H, and S compositions.
recovery. The effect of catalytic CO2 pyrolysis on the pyrolysis products Yi et al. (2022) investigated the elemental analysis of cellulose biochar
yields and characteristics are discussed in the subsequent sections. generated in CO2 and N2 ambiences [65]. Biochar produced in a CO2
influence displayed a higher carbon composition and a lower oxygen
4.1. Effect of catalytic CO2 pyrolysis on products yields presence than biochar synthesised in a N2 condition.
CO2-cofeed influences the carbon distribution of three pyrolysates 4.3. Effect of catalytic CO2 pyrolysis on bio-oil characteristics
(pyrogas, bio-oil, and biochar) in accordance with the overall mass
balance. The pyrolytic product distribution in CO2-assisted pyrolysis As a result of different pyrolysis/gasification reactions, the bio-oils
differs from that in N2-backed pyrolysis. The modification of pyrolytic generated under CO2 and N2 conditions possess different chemical
products is most likely due to the accelerated thermal cracking of vol compositions. In their study, Zhang et al. (2011) noticed that different
atile matter produced during pyrolysis. Several studies have discovered pyrolysing conditions affect bio-oil’s production and chemical compo
that adding CO2 results in less char, less bio-oil, and more pyrogas. This sition [58]. It was noted that the bio-oil synthesised under a CO2
result can be attributed to the reaction of char and CO2 at high tem ambience exhibited a 3 % higher hydrocarbon composition and 5 %
peratures, which is further supported by an increase in CO yield in the lower oxygenate content than that synthesised under a N2 condition.
presence of CO2 [58]. Under both CO2 and N2 atmospheres, Kwon et al. pyrolysed banana peels
The combined influence of catalyst and CO2 medium on the pyrolysis [66]. In addition to increasing the aromaticity of pyrolytic oil, CO2-
products yields of some previous studies is illustrated in Fig. 2 assisted pyrolysis facilitated the dehydrogenation of liquid pyrolysates
[33–35,38,56,59]. Only the product yields obtained at high tempera without the need for catalysts.
tures (600–900 ◦ C) are shown here. According to He et al. (2020), bio-oil derived from CO2 has lower
In all of the studies, the synergistic effect was observed to contribute toxicity than that derived from N2 [67]. In the study, it was found that
to the maximum yield of either pyrogas or bio-oil. Among the studies, CO2 promotes the formation of phenolics and aromatics in bio-oils,
Cho et al. (2021) and Kwon et al. (2021b) reported the highest pyrogas thereby producing a more stable bio-oil. The liquid produced by the
yields (85 % and 80 %, respectively) and the lowest bio-oil yields (0.3 % pyrolysis of food waste was analysed in N2 and CO2 by Ly et al. (2022)
and 1.5 %, respectively) [33,35]. This high pyrogas yield and low bio-oil [68]. The researchers reported that CO2-pyrolysis increases the pH of the
yield is attributed to the composition of cellulose acetate and synthetic liquid. The bio-oil product produced from Salicornia bigelovii CO2 py
textile waste. rolysis was characterised by Aljaziri et al (2022) [62]. In the study, the
CO2 as a reaction atmosphere not only changes the distribution of yield of bio-oil increased with greater amounts of acids, carbonyls, and
pyrolysis products, but also their compositions and characteristics. For compounds containing nitrogen. By pyrolysing corncob using CO2,
example, Ahmed et al. found that the CO2 reaction atmosphere increased Zhang et al. (2011) produced bio-oil with more acetic acid than when
pyrogas yield by 15 % to 20 % when compared to the N2 reaction at using N2 [58]. According to Valizadeh et al. (2021), bio-oil obtained
mosphere [60]. Furthermore, the researchers reported increased pyro with CO2 (17.1 %) had a lower cyclic content than bio-oil obtained with
gas generation and decreased bio-oil production. This indicates that N2 (22.4 %), demonstrating the combined influence of CO2 atmosphere
when CO2 is used, the carbon distribution in the reaction products shifts and catalyst [59].
from condensable to non-condensable gases [38]. When both CO2 and
catalysts are used, condensable compounds decrease while non- 4.4. Effect of catalytic CO2 pyrolysis on pyrogas composition
condensable gases increase. It is obvious that the presence of the cata
lyst and CO2 aids in the cracking of heavy molecules (i.e., condensable Jung et al. (2020) investigated catalytic pyrolysis using fishing net
molecules) into light molecules (i.e., non-condensable gases). waste and CO2 as feedstocks [36]. The study demonstrated that total
overall pyrogas generation (H2 and CO) was greater under CO2 condi
4.2. Effect of catalytic CO2 pyrolysis on biochar characteristics tions than under N2 conditions and it indicated that the GPRs between
gaseous pyrolysates and CO2 happen at the same time as the reverse
Kwon et al. (2019) compared the surface area characteristics of water–gas shift reaction over Ni/SiO2 catalyst. Jung et al. (2020) used
biochar produced from chicken manure in CO2 and N2 environments cobalt to catalyse rice straw pyrolysis in a CO2 environment [53]. The
[61]. According to the researchers, the surface area of biochar made study clearly demonstrated that the cobalt metal catalyst accelerated
from chicken manure feedstock under CO2 environment, is greater than dehydrogenation and deoxygenation bond scissions on the volatile
that from the N2 environment. It has been reported that the surface area organic compounds, resulting in increased pyrogas generation. Sur
of biochar in CO2 and N2 is 13.59 and 3.37 m2g− 1, respectively. The prisingly, the catalyst did not further activate CH4 and C2H4 formations.
variance in surface areas could be ascribed to a heterogeneous reaction Lee et al. (2020) used Ni/SiO2 catalyst to conduct CO2-assisted cat
between the feedstock particle surface and CO2, which alters the alytic pyrolysis of hen manure [57]. The study found that CO2-assisted
composition and morphology of the char. The mean pore diameter of catalytic pyrolysis produced significantly more CO than non-catalytic
CO2 and N2 biochar, on the other hand, is 9.29 and 10.93 nm, respec pyrolysis. Lee et al. (2020) investigated the influence of Ni/SiO2 cata
tively. The pore design or structure of biochar is more developed under lyst and CO2 on cow manure pyrolysis [32]. Similar to the previous
P. Parthasarathy et al. Fuel 335 (2023) 127073
Table 2
Summarizes the pyrolysis operating conditions and results of previous catalytic co2 pyrolysis studies.
Reactor type Feedstock Operating Catalyst and Specific results Comparison with N2 Inference Reference
and its and its conditions its pyrolysis
dimensions quantity composition
Tubular. Swine Temperature: Steel slag Catalytic CO2 pyrolysis Both N2 and CO2 pyrolysis This study experimentally [56]
Outer manure (1.0 20–900 ◦ C improved CO production. produced nearly the same demonstrated that CO2 could
diameter-2.5 g) Heating rate: The addition of catalyst amount of biochar. be promising for limiting the
cm, length- 10 ◦ C/min significantly improved the However, CO2 pyrolysis formation of toxic pollutants
120 cm. reaction kinetics yielded less bio-oil. in thermochemical
associated with the treatment because CO2
mechanistic role of CO2 provides an innovative and
(up to 80 %). strategic means of
controlling the C/H ratio.
Tubular. Fishing net Temperature: Ni/SiO2 (5 The formation of pyrogas The mass loss profiles of The CO2-mediated catalytic [36]
Outer waste (1.0 g) 35–600 ◦ C %). was accelerated by the fishing net waste under N2 pyrolysis produced a higher
diameter-2.5 Heating rate: application of the catalyst and CO2 mediums were H2 yield while maintaining
cm, Inner 10 ◦ C/min CO2 under CO2 ambience, same, according to TGA catalyst stability.
diameter-2.2 flow rate: 200 ml/ producing significant results. Due to catalyst
cm, Length- min amounts of H2 (770 mmol deactivation under N2
120 cm. g-1 − 1
cat h ) and CO (1157 influence, the rate of H2
mmol g-1 − 1
cat h ). synthesis considerably
decreased. Nonetheless,
an additional CO
formation was obtained
under CO2 conditions.
Tubular. Rice straw Temperature: Co/SiO2 (5 Relative to non-catalytic TGA clearly shows that, The combined influence of [53]
(1.5 g) Room-720 ◦ C %) pyrolysis, the use of the when compared to the N2 the CO2 feedstock and Co/
Heating rate: catalyst sped up the condition, rice straw SiO2 catalyst ensued in an
10 ◦ C/min CO2 kinetics of the CO and H2 underwent more increase in pyrogas
flow rate: 200 ml/ reactions by three and six thermolysis at a production, particularly in
min times, respectively. temperature of about the significant formations of
Significant amounts of H2 700 ◦ C. Under N2 and CO2 H2 and CO.
and CO were synthesized conditions, the final
as a result of the CO2 and weights of rice straw
catalyst’s synergistic samples were 32.0 wt%
effects. and 23.0 wt%,
Tubular. Hen manure Temperature: Ni/SiO2 (5 Compared to non-catalytic In comparison to N2, CO2 CO2-assisted pyrolysis could [57]
Outer (1.0 g) Room-720 ◦ C %) pyrolysis, CO2-mediated promoted undue thermal be viewed as an
diameter-2.5 Heating rate: catalytic pyrolysis breakdown of volatile environmentally benign and
cm. 10 ◦ C/min CO2 substantially increased CO species into pyrogas. commercially feasible
flow rate: 100 ml/ production. method of producing
min pyrogas from biomass
Tubular. Cow manure Temperature: Ni/SiO2 (1.0 CO2 accelerated the CO2-cofeeding catalytic Cow manure pyrolysis using [32]
Outer (1.0 g) Room-720 ◦ C g) significant production of pyrolysis of cow manure CO2 is a practical method for
diameter-2.5 Heating rate: CO at 600 ◦ C through the produced 25 % more manure valorization in the
cm, Inner 10 ◦ C/min CO2 homogeneous reaction of pyrogas than catalytic livestock industry without
diameter-2.2 flow rate: 100 ml/ VOCs. pyrolysis in N2. the need for numerous pre-
cm, Length- min and post-treatment steps.
50 cm.
Tubular Food waste Temperature: Pt The CO2 reactant and Pt The TGA curves achieved A CO2-supported catalytic [38]
(1.0 g) Room-900 ◦ C catalyst and had zero effect under N2 and CO2 pyrolysis is as ecologically
Heating rate: on the quantity of biochar, ambiences at 820 ◦ C were benign disposal approach for
10 ◦ C/min CO2 but they did have an identical, there was a food waste.
flow rate: 300 ml/ impact on the generation noticeable variance at
min of bio-oil and pyrogas. At higher temperatures. The
700 ◦ C, with the catalyst quantity of cyclic species
presence, the CO2 in the catalytic reaction
atmosphere, produced diminished from 22 % in
roughly 67.3 % fewer N2 to 17 % in CO2.
cyclic compounds,
including derivatives of
benzene, than under non-
catalytic circumstances
without CO2.
Tubular Cellulose Temperature: Ni/SiO2 (1.0 Owing to the collective The TGA findings showed In contrast to N2, the study [35]
acetate (1.0 35–710 ◦ C Heating g) effects of CO2 reactant that CO2 degraded suggested that CO2 would be
g) rate: 10 ◦ C/min medium and the Ni-based cellulose acetate more a more advantageous
CO2 flow rate: 100 catalysts, a significant effectively than N2 did. In reactive co-feedstock for
ml/min enrichment of CO the N2 and CO2 pyrolysis from a technical
formation and pyrogas atmospheres, the residual and environmental
yield was obtained. weights of cellulose standpoint. As a result, this
Additionally, the CO2 acetate were 14.2 and study demonstrated a
helped to prevent biochar 13.2 wt%, respectively. straightforward and
adaptable technical
(continued on next page)
P. Parthasarathy et al. Fuel 335 (2023) 127073
Table 2 (continued )
Reactor type Feedstock Operating Catalyst and Specific results Comparison with N2 Inference Reference
and its and its conditions its pyrolysis
dimensions quantity composition
study, the researchers noted an increase in CO and H2 yield in the study found that when CO2 was used, the distribution of carbon in the
pyrogas composition. The total amount of gas products obtained in a reactants changed from volatiles to permanent (non-condensable) gas
CO2 environment was 25 % greater than in a N2 environment. The species.
findings strongly suggest that both CO2 and Ni/SiO2 promoted pyrogas Cho et al. (2021) investigated catalytic pyrolysis of cellulose acetate
generation during cow manure pyrolysis. under the influence of NiSiO2 in a CO2 environment [35]. The combined
Kim and Lee (2020) investigated pyrolysis decomposition of food effect of CO2 and catalyst increased H2 and CO production. The
waste under a CO2 atmosphere using a platinum catalyst [38]. The increased CO production was attributed to GPRs between volatile py
combined influence of platinum catalyst and CO2 contributed to a rolysates and CO2 gas. It was also observed that increasing the Ni metal
considerable increase in the production of non-condensable gases but loading boosted H2 generation. Furthermore, the overall quantity of
only a slight increase in the formation of less condensable species. The pyrogas in the CO2 environment was found to be 47 % greater than that
P. Parthasarathy et al. Fuel 335 (2023) 127073
in the N2 medium. Furthermore, the catalytic influence of Ni/SiO2 on 4.5. Selectivity of products in CO2 assisted pyrolysis using catalysts
GPRs was found to be proportional to pyrolysis reaction temperature
and Ni loading. In catalytic pyrolysis of organic wastes, H2 and CO are the main
Choi et al. (2021) catalysed flood debris pyrolysis in a CO2 envi gaseous effluents. During pyrolysis, the ratio of H2/CO in feed is
ronment using a Ni/SiO2 catalyst [37]. The study inferred that the extremely important for selecting desired products from chemical re
synchronised employment of Ni/SiO2 and CO2 aided in the enhance actions of pyrogas [27]. Commonly, CO2-assisted pyrolysis enhances CO
ment of CO. Choi et al. (2021) investigated the pyrolytic effects of CO2 production through GPRs. In general, diffused catalytically active
and cattle waste biochar as a catalyst on the pyrolysis product behaviour compounds such as Ni, Pt, Fe, and Co produce a high number of catalytic
of cattle manure [52]. It was reported that the presence of biochar activities, recyclability, H2 selectivity, and pyrolysis efficiency when
significantly increased the formation of all gaseous emissions. The they are used on porous pellet supports [69]. Catalysts based on Ni are
generation of H2 and CO in particular were augmented, and the obser more cost-effective, gum-resistant, and possess the appropriate catalytic
vations clearly demonstrated that the kinetics of GPRs are catalytically activity as compared to others [70]. On the other hand, the addition of
positively influenced. Lee et al. (2021) utilized pine bark to examine the catalysts such as calcium oxide, nickel, etc., in conjunction with the
influence of Ni/SiO2 catalyst and CO2 [27]. The researchers found an selection of appropriate operating parameters, enhances methane
increase in CO and H2 yield in the pyrogas composition. It was inferred selectivity [71]. The following is a review of a few studies on CO2-
that the Ni/SiO2 catalyst accelerated gas phase reactions (GPR) for assisted pyrolysis selectivity using catalysts.
increased CO production, possibly through the reverse CO-shift reaction Lee et al. (2019) used steel slag as a catalyst to catalytically pyrolyse
(H2 + CO2 ↔ H2 O + CO). Both GPRs and reverse water-gas shift re swine manure in a CO2 medium [56]. The results showed that CO2
actions were found to contribute to the increased CO generation. When increased the generation of CO while suppressing the formation of H2.
compared to catalytic pyrolysis under an N2 ambience, CO2-supported Researchers reported that using steel slag as a catalyst, the kinetics of the
pyrolysis under the catalyst influence produced 23 % undue pyrogas. reaction related to the mechanistic role of CO2 were significantly
Kwon et al. (2021) investigated the degradation of disposable diapers improved (up to 80 %). Choi et al. (2021) used biochar as a catalyst to
in a CO2-mediated medium using a Ni/SiO2 catalyst [39]. In the pyrogas pyrolyse livestock waste in a CO2 atmosphere [52]. The catalyst accel
composition, the researchers noticed an increase in CO and H2 yield. The erated the GPR kinetics and increased the formation of H2 and CO. The
results indicate that CO2 speeds up thermal breakdown liberating H2O. catalytic capability was found to be directly proportional to the amount
Kwon et al. (2021) used Co/SiO2 catalyst to investigate the degradation of catalyst loaded.
of synthetic textile waste in a CO2-assisted medium [33]. According to Kim and Lee investigated the pyrolytic degradation of food waste in a
the researchers, CO2-supported catalytic pyrolysis bettered CO and H2 CO2 medium using a platinum catalyst. Both the platinum catalyst and
yields. However, the concentration of CH4 in both CO2 and N2 atmo CO2 slowed the synthesis of bio-oil molecules while increasing the
spheres was almost the same with and without the catalyst. production of pyrogas. The use of the catalyst and CO2 simultaneously
Jiang et al. (2022) used Ce-Co-Na ternary catalyst to perform CO2- was most effective in reducing the content of condensable cyclic com
supported pyrolysis decomposition of cellulose material [34]. The re pounds, including benzene derivatives. The combined effect of the
sults showed that the synergistic influence of the CO2 medium and the catalyst and CO2 reduced the harmful chemical species produced by
ternary catalyst had a positive effect on increasing ketones (bio-oil) and food waste pyrolysis. The findings indicate that CO2-assisted catalytic
pyrogas production. Using steel slag as catalyst, Lee et al. (2020) studied pyrolysis is an environmentally friendly method of disposing food waste.
the pyrolysis of polystyrene under CO2 medium [47]. The improved Jiang et al. (2022) used CO2-supported pyrolysis to decompose cellulose
generation of CO2 indicates that CO2 is catalytically developed and using a Ce-Co-Na ternary catalyst [34]. The addition of CO2 and a
controlling its aromaticity might be feasible. The results of the study catalyst improved the liquid product’s selectivity for ketones. Further
indicate that CO2 can be converted into fuel in CO2-to-fuel processes. more, the production of CO in the pyrogas was encouraged. This
P. Parthasarathy et al. Fuel 335 (2023) 127073
research suggests an alternative method for pyrolysing biomass to pro converting flood debris into pyrogas with CO2-assisted pyrolysis [37].
duce ketone platform compounds and pyrogas. Ni/SiO2 catalysts significantly enhanced pyrogas production when
Kwon et al. (2021) catalytically pyrolysed synthetic textile waste in a compared with non-catalytic pyrolysis. Nearly 50 % more pyrogas was
CO2 medium using a Co-supported on SiO2 catalyst [33]. The combi produced through the synergistic effect of CO2 and Ni catalysts than by
nation of catalyst and CO2 accelerated the GPR kinetics for the pro catalytic pyrolysis under N2.
duction of pyrogas. CO2-assisted catalytic pyrolysis produced three and Kim and Lee (2021) investigated the pyrolysis of pine bark under a
eight times more H2 and CO than non-catalytic pyrolysis, respectively. CO2 atmosphere using a Ni/SiO2 catalyst [27]. CO2 and Ni/SiO2 syn
Over 80 % of textile waste can also be converted into pyrogas and CH4 ergistically promoted pyrogas formation while delaying catalyst deac
using this method, thereby reducing catalyst deactivation. In an exper tivation. Kwon et al. (2021) used a Ni/SiO2 catalyst to study the
iment published in 2020, Jung et al. (2020) generated pyrogas through degradation of disposable diapers in a CO2-mediated medium [39]. At
CO2-mediated catalytic pyrolysis of rice straw [53]. SiO2-supported Co 700 ◦ C, pyrolysis with CO2 and catalyst produced 4 and 15 times more
(Co/SiO2) catalysts produced three folds more CO and six folds more H2 H2 and CO, respectively, than pyrolysis without catalyst.
when compared to non-catalytic pyrolysis. As a result of the synergistic The effect of eggshell (EG)- and homo-type (HO) Ni/Al2O3 catalysts
effects of the Co/SiO2 catalyst and CO2, significant amounts of H2 and on the pyrolysis of food waste under a CO2 atmosphere was studied by
CO were produced. Valizadeh et al. (2021) [59]. Compared to Ni–HO catalyst, Ni-EG cata
Jung et al. (2020) used a CO2 medium and a Ni/SiO2 catalyst to lytic pyrolysis was more selective in producing H2 and CO, especially
catalyse the pyrolysis of fishing net waste [36]. The combined effect of under CO2 rather than N2 conditions. Results indicated that Ni-EG cat
CO2 and catalyst improved the kinetics of the H2 reaction and the gen alysed bio-oils had higher selectivity for H2 and CO, lower levels of
eration of CO. According to the findings, CO2-mediated catalytic py cyclic and detrimental compounds in bio-oil, and greater stability than
rolysis is very effective in the synthesis of H2 while maintaining catalyst Ni–HO catalysed bio-oils. According to this study, metallic Ni loaded on
stability. Lee et al. (2020) used a Co-supported on SiO2 catalyst to EG catalysts (in collaboration with CO2) produced more H2 and CO
catalytically pyrolyse hen manure in a CO2 medium [57]. Relative to while suppressing unwanted reactions compared with uniformly
non-catalytic pyrolysis, CO2-assisted catalytic pyrolysis produced more diffused Ni on HO catalysts.
CO significantly. Lee et al. (2020) examined catalytic pyrolysis of cow
manure using CO2 over a Ni/SiO2 catalyst [32]. CO2-assisted catalytic
4.6. Key outcomes of the CO2 catalytic pyrolysis studies
pyrolysis of cow manure produced 25 % more gas production than cow
manure catalytic pyrolysis under an N2 atmosphere.
The influence of CO2 on pyrolysis of organic wastes is shown in
Cho et al. (2021) used a Ni-based catalyst to catalytically pyrolyse
Fig. 3. Pyrolysis involves many homogeneous and heterogeneous re
cellulose acetate in a CO2 medium [35]. The presence of CO2 and a
actions (e.g., evaporation, cracking, oxidation, reforming, polymeriza
catalyst aided in the formation of CO and the generation of pyrogas. The
tion, condensation, etc.), which can be categorized into primary and
study proposed an innovative and environmentally friendly method of
secondary reactions [72]. Primary reactions produce pyrogas containing
converting cellulose acetate waste into energy in the form of pyrogas. A
H2 and CO, while secondary reactions produce aromatics (e.g., benzene
study by Choi et al. (2021) investigated the process of thermally
derivatives). In the presence of CO2, the active centre of biochar first
P. Parthasarathy et al. Fuel 335 (2023) 127073
reacts with CO2, followed by thermal cracking of tar, resulting in an with regard to its Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
increase in char production and a decrease in pyrogas production. At (SWOT) and Technology Readiness Level (TRL).
high temperatures, secondary primary reactions predominate over pri
mary pyrolysis reactions. By employing catalysts, undesired reactions 5.1. SWOT analysis of catalytic CO2 pyrolysis
such as aromatics that might increase tar content can be effectively
mitigated. Furthermore, the presence of catalysts speeds up dehydra Analysis of SWOT is vital for determining a project’s, process’,
tion, cracking, dehydrogenation, decarboxylation, deoxygenation, product’s, or service’s current state. An assessment of strengths, weak
alkylation, and decarbonylation, eventually leading to catalytic nesses, opportunities, and threats is a simple and effective way to
decomposition of bio-oil into pyrogas at temperatures above 600 ◦ C identify potential problems and critical issues, and it provides a foun
[73]. However, at medium temperatures around 500 ◦ C, CO2-assisted dation for making decisions [76]. As a general rule, strengths refer to the
catalytic pyrolysis likely affects homogeneous reaction with VOCs. qualities and resources that contribute to success, while weaknesses are
Overall, the use of catalysts in CO2 pyrolysis improves the functionality the traits and resources that impede success. Threats are external factors
of CO2 to increase the generation of H2 and CO. that threaten the success of a process, whereas opportunities can be
It is evident that the results reported by the researchers differ leveraged to its advantage. The conventional N2 pyrolysis and CO2
significantly and sometimes show inconsistency, making comparisons catalytic pyrolysis have been analysed by a SWOT analysis (Figs. 4a and
between them difficult. It is because pyrolysis product yields and their 4b.) to gain insight into business strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
compositions are influenced by a wide variety of parameters, including and threats.
waste composition, operating temperature, heating rate, pressure, solid A major strength of these two processes pyrolysis is their high flex
residence time, apparent vapor residence time, flow dynamics, etc. [74]. ibility of their operations. Different yields and quality of solid, liquid,
There are several factors that influence the rate of heating, including the and gaseous products can be controlled by changing parameters such as
temperature distribution, the conditions of convection and radiative temperature or heating rate. An unquestionable advantage of these
heat transfer inside the reactor, as well as the particles’ size, shape, and techniques is their possibility of thermal treatment of various types of
mass. However, the key outcomes of the CO2 catalytic pyrolysis studies waste, both industrial and household.
discussed above are outlined in Fig. 3. Although there is not much difference between the two processes,
the SWOT analysis demonstrates that there are more strengths and op
5. Technology competency portunities than weaknesses and threats in the waste valorisation pro
cess specifically in catalytic CO2 pyrolysis. The main strength of this
The five key elements of an organic waste source of energy are sus process is the use of greenhouse gases such as CO2 for waste manage
tainability, low price, good quality, sufficient quantity, and low emis ment and the production of valuable commodities. The energy and
sions. There have been many developments in renewable energy products produced by CO2 catalytic pyrolysis would be much cleaner
technology in recent decades, including gasification, liquefaction, etc.; than those produced by conventional N2 pyrolysis. Furthermore, the
most of them have proven to be successful in achieving initially set goals process is applicable to the treatment of all types of solid waste. Finally,
and are suitable for producing high amounts of energy under certain as a robust and versatile process, pyrolysis provides numerous
conditions [75]. There are, however, some flaws associated with the five opportunities.
key elements mentioned earlier. As a result, in this study the competency
level of catalytic CO2 pyrolysis of organic wastes is thoroughly assessed
Fig. 4a. SWOT analysis of the conventional N2 pyrolysis process for wastes valorisation.
P. Parthasarathy et al. Fuel 335 (2023) 127073
Fig. 4b. SWOT analysis of the CO2 catalytic pyrolysis process for wastes valorisation.
5.2. TRL of catalytic CO2 pyrolysis capabilities, and concepts of the program. A TRL consists of nine phases:
progress lab-scale (phases 1–4) for obtaining basic data, development of
Identifying the challenges and perspectives of a new concept or pilot-scale (phases 5–7) for obtaining the most optimal process param
technology can be accomplished through the assessment of TRL. In eters and overcoming technical obstacles before the new technology is
addition to measuring the maturity of a technology, TRL provides a applied to an industrial setting, and finally development of industrial-
comparison tool for different techniques considering their requirements, scale (phases 8–9) for the production of the final output/product [77].
Fig. 5. . Compares catalytic pyrolysis, co2 pyrolysis, and CO2 catalytic pyrolysis technologies TRL assessments.
P. Parthasarathy et al. Fuel 335 (2023) 127073
Industries around the world have used the TRL assessment. Industrial effects of CO2 on catalytic pyrolysis products and the article concludes
processes evolve from a conceptual concept to a fully developed appli by assessing the capability of catalytic CO2 pyrolysis technology con
cation as they progress from lower to higher TRLs. Pyrolysis is an ducting the SWOT (Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats) and
effective way of treating agricultural and municipal wastes. Pyrolysis is technology readiness level (TRL) analyses. The article summaries the
a relatively simple process that has been commercialized and used on an current challenges and future recommendations for catalytic CO2
industrial scale with a TRL of 7–9. Nevertheless, this method faces pyrolysis.
challenges due to the high emissions of GHGs like CO2. A TRL appraisal Based on previous studies, it can be concluded that using CO2-
comparing catalytic pyrolysis, CO2 pyrolysis, and CO2 catalytic pyrolysis assisted catalytic pyrolysis increases thermal efficiency, resulting in a
is exemplified in Fig. 5. more efficient valorisation of the waste materials than using N2. It is
A TRL of 7 to 9 for catalytic pyrolysis indicates that the technique is most likely since CO2 breaks down tar and polymerises volatile com
in the commercialization stage. A TRL value for CO2 pyrolysis between 4 pounds to inhibit secondary char formation.
and 6 indicates that the method has been prototyped and the relevant The application of CO2 in the catalytic pyrolysis process has been
system is competent. The score also indicates that the facility is run for shown to have a significant positive effect on product compositions and
profit and that the products are marketed. A TRL score of 4 or 5 for properties. The utilisation of CO2 in catalytic pyrolysis improves biochar
catalytic CO2 pyrolysis indicates that the technique has been corrobo properties such as porosity and surface area, produces more stable bio-
rated but has yet to be prototyped. oil, and generates higher quality pyrogas. Aside from modifying the
The TRL metrics were used by Beims et al. (2019) to track the compositions and properties of pyrolysis products, the CO2-supported
development of biomass pyrolysis. The researchers claimed that catalytic pyrolysis is effective for valorising organic wastes such as plant
although the technology has nearly reached its pinnacle, there are still biomass, animal manure, algae, food, textiles, plastics, and other ma
some obstacles to be overcome. Further research is required on issues terials. Another major benefit of CO2 pyrolysis is its ability to mitigate
like kinetics mechanism, efficient heat integration, and the creation of the release of harmful chemical species such as polycyclic aromatic
cost-effective upgrading techniques [78]. Pyrolysis is anticipated to hydrocarbons (PAHs) and benzene derivatives. The SWOT and TRL
reach up to a TRL of 9 in the following two decades, according to Lepage analyses confirm that catalytic CO2 pyrolysis has a high potential for
et al [79]. waste valorisation in the near future.
Even if a TRL evaluation is crucial for evaluating technology, it While CO2-assisted catalytic pyrolysis has received a lot of attention,
cannot be relied upon entirely because it considers numerous techno it has yet to be used commercially. For practical applications, future
logical and financial factors. However, the appraisal helps all parties research should investigate the utilisation of impure/spent CO2. Opti
(investigators, legislators, businesses, etc.) understand the state of the mization of N2 and CO2 can be one of the ways for commercialisation by
technique, technology, system, and maturity level. using impure CO2. Previous research has shown that using mixed at
mospheres (CO2 and N2) results in higher quality pyrogas with higher
5.3. Challenges and future recommendations CO yields. Another important aspect of CO2 pyrolysis that requires
additional research is the use of microwave heating rather than tradi
While CO2-assisted pyrolysis has received a lot of attention, the tional heating methods. The review is unquestionably in line with
technology is yet to be used on a commercial-scale because the use of encouraging the use of CO2 to meet the Paris Agreement’s CO2 emission
either compressed or high purity CO2 gas which increases the operating regulations made in 2015.
cost of the pyrolysis process. Future research should look into using
unpurified CO2 to cut costs for practical applications. The optimisation CRediT authorship contribution statement
of the N2 and CO2 gas mixture for pyrolysis of various wastes would also
help to optimise the economics of industrial-scale processes. The life Prakash Parthasarathy: Conceptualization, Investigation, Writing –
cycle analysis of CO2-assisted pyrolysis for waste treatment and energy original draft. Shifa Zuhara: Writing – original draft. Tareq Al-Ansari:
recovery will help determine its effectiveness in reducing global carbon Funding acquisition, Resources, Project administration, Writing – re
emissions and reducing climate change. In spite of the fact that CO2 is view & editing. Gordon McKay: Funding acquisition, Resources, Project
clearly an effective agent in pyrolysis of waste materials, the mecha administration, Supervision, Writing – review & editing.
nisms by which it works are largely unknown. Investigating these
mechanisms is therefore crucial. Declaration of Competing Interest
Process simulation can be useful in developing CO2 pyrolysis pro
cesses as feedstock types, temperature, heating rate, reactor configura The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
tion, feedstock size, and CO2 flow rate, all have a significant impact on interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the process. Multiple operating conditions can be analysed and opti the work reported in this paper.
mised using simulation studies. Another important facet of CO2 pyrol
ysis that necessitates more research is the application of microwave Data availability
heating rather than traditional heating methods. There has been evi
dence showing that microwaves produce better physicochemical prop No data was used for the research described in the article.
erties in biochar than conventional heating methods under N2 inerting
conditions. The life cycle assessment of microwaves must be evaluated, Acknowledgements
thermodynamic parameters must be considered, and economics must be
appraised in order to benefit from comparing microwave heating to Open Access funding provided by the Qatar National Library. The
conventional heating. authors would like to thank Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) for
their support of this research through NPRP-11S-0117-180328, the Su
6. Conclusion preme Committee for Delivery and Legacy (SCDL) and to Hamad Bin
Khalifa University (HBKU) and Qatar Foundation (QF).
This paper reviews the CO2-assisted catalytic pyrolysis of organic
waste in order to develop a sustainable framework for waste manage
ment and energy recovery. The primary goal of this review is to high
light the findings of the latest research studies on catalytic CO2 pyrolysis
of wastes. The study also includes an extensive investigation of the
P. Parthasarathy et al. Fuel 335 (2023) 127073
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