Overview Local Government Administration
Overview Local Government Administration
Overview Local Government Administration
Seminar on
What’s New in Local Governance
Let’s start understanding the local government units
2023 Challenges
Local Governance
v Local Government Cybersecurity
v Aging Infrastructure
v Loss of trust in government institutions
v Low recruitment and employee retention
v Increasing prominence of natural disasters
v Economic Decline
Local Governance
v Comprises a set of institutions, mechanisms and
processes, through which local government, central
agencies, community members and their groups,
private sector can articulate their interests and
needs and exercise their rights and obligations at the
local level;
v Local Governance is not just about local governments-
v All local institutions contributes to local governance;
v Local governance is not synonymous to decentralization.
Issues and Concerns on Local Governance
• Mandanas Ruling • The Rising Inflation Rate
• Formulating • Local Autonomy
Implementing Ready • Embracing E-governance
Budget Proposals
• Emerging Social Problems
• Smart Communities
• Election Related Issues
• Digital Transformation
• Rampant Graft and Corruption
• Decentralization
• Demand for Change
• Greater Involvement of
the Society • Devolution over 30 years
• Transparency and • Towards Ambisyon 2040
Accountability • The Quest for Galing Pook
What local government units should apply?
Good Local Governance
Community Development
v Good local governance:
v Empowered local community;
v Participation to meet people needs;
v Capable local institutions to engage in partnerships (PPP)
v Effective and accountable local government;
v Local development;
v Improvements in social and economic welfare of people
7 & accumulation of social capital
What Reminds You…
Elected and
Programs and
PEOPLE Appointed
Powers, Duties
1. Policy-making in favor of?:
Factor Affecting Good Local Governance
• Lack of institutionalized opportunities to participate in local
planning, policy making and service delivery processes;
• Lack of permanent participation and monitoring
• Opportunities to participate maybe not equally available to
• Insufficient inclusion of different social and disadvantaged
groups as contributors to local governance, service
10 provision and as service beneficiaries;
1. Policy-making in favor of?:
Factor Affecting Good Local Governance
2. People (Wrong Choice) :
Factor Affecting Good Local Governance
• Local governments do not have sufficient capacities
and resources to play a community leadership role:
• Limited or/and unclear mandate and responsibilities
of LGs;
• Organizational capacities and resources are
inadequate to meet citizen expectations or the
responsibilities transferred to them by national
12 • Lack of a modern understanding of the role of local
2. People (Wrong Choice) :
Factor Affecting Good Local Governance
May mali ba sa
Sino ang
4 Chapters
• Legislation
• Elective and Appointed Officials
• Powers
• Programs
Chapter 1. Legislation
Lesson 1. Local 2. Legislation Lesson 3. Structure Lesson 4. Local
Overview (Ordinances) and Creation of Fiscal
Local Government Administration
1. What is Local 1. Test of a Valid 1. The DILG 1. Budget Preparation
Government? Ordinance 2. Structure and Levels 2. Budget Cycle
2. Historical 2. Quorum of Governance 3. Budget Limitations
Background of 3. How to Pass an 3. Creation, Merger 4. Procurement Process
Philippine Local Ordinance and Demolition of 5. Principles of
Government 4. Action by the Local LGUs Transparency and
3. Principles of Local Chief Executive 4. Organizational Chart Accountability
Governance 5. Implementation of and Staffing Pattern
4. 1987 Philippine Ordinance per Levels of
Constitution on 6. Judicial Intervention Governance
Local Government 5. Autonomous Region
(Article II and X) and Highly
5. Summary of Local Urbanized Cities
19 Government Code 6. The MMDA
of 1991 (RA 7160)
Chapter 2. Elective and Appointive Officials
Leeson 5. Elective Lesson 6. Lesson 7. Local Lesson 8. Human
Officials Disciplinary Actions Governance and Resources and
Other Disciplining Development
1. Qualifications 1. Grounds for 1. COMELEC 1. Appointed Key
and Administrative 2. DILG Positions in the
Disqualifications Action 3. The Ombudsman Local Government
2. Elections 2. Preventive 4. The 2. Careers in Local
3. Allocation and Suspension Sandiganbayan Government
3. Benefits and
Appointment 3. Resignations 5. COA
4. Composition 4. Removal 6. PNP
4. Compensation of
5. Vacancies and 5. Recall 7. PCGG Elective Officials
Succession 5. Code of Ethics for
Public Officials
6. Practice of
20 Profession
Chapter 3. Powers
Lesson 9. General Lesson 10. Duties Lesson 11. Lesson 12. Local Lesson 13. Local
Powers and and Decentralization Government Government
Attributes of LGUs Responsibilities and Governance Funds and Taxation
of LGUs Taxation
1. Powers of the 1. Agricultural 1. What is 1. Local and 1. Definition and
Local Chief support services Decentralization General Funds Rationale of
Executives 2. Health services 2. Public 2. Resource Taxation
2. Powers of the 3. Social Welfare Governance Generation and 2. The Philippine
Sanggunians 4. Public works and 3. Forms of Allocation Tax System
3. Regulatory facilities Decentralization 3. Income 3. Local
Powers 5. Environmental 4. Local Autonomy Classifications Government
4. Corporate Protection 5. Intergovernment of LGUs Taxation Law
Powers 6. Research and al Relations of 4. IRA and Share 4. Tax Exemptions
5. Appointing Development National 5. Summary Tax
Authority and Government Guide in the
Appointive and Local Philippines
Officials Government
6. PNP Inter-
21 Relation
Chapter 4. Programs
Lesson 14. Local Lesson 15. Local Lesson 16. Lesson 17. Good Lesson 18.
Special Bodies Government Sustainable and Governance Current Issues in
Reforms Development Initiatives Local Governance
1. Local School 1. LGU Push for 1. Infrastructure 1. Improved 1. Unequal and
Boards key local Projects Transparency Biased Sharing
2. Local Health governance 2. Planning and and Citizen’s of Wealth
Boards reforms Community Empowerment 2. Devolution:
3. Local 2. Seal of Good Development 2. Improved public Mandanas
Development Local 3. Economic sector Ruling
Councils Governance Development performance 3. Political Dynasty
4. Local Peace Program 4. Promotion of 3. Improved anti- and Election
and Order 3. Digital Culture and corruption Unease
Council Transformatio Sports measures 4. Aging
5. Autonomous n 5. Improvement of 4. Improved policy Infrastructure
Special 4. Policy Tourism environment for and Insufficient
Economic Zone Reforms to good of Funds
6. People’s Law improve Local governance 5. Emergency and
22 Enforcement Governance Natural Disaster
Board 6. Other Issues
Why do we
need good
Good Local Governance Requires
*Changing attitudes and practices, that is more
than changes in rules and procedures;
program, or a person.
How to Make a Case Study Analysis
1. Read and examine the case thoroughly. 2. Focus your