Apiary TeachingGuide r7

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Teaching Guide

Each player takes a faction tile (starter Factions provide special abilities and
factions have ), a hive mat, a docking mat in determine your starting workers and
their player color, 3 player tokens, resources. Hive mats show where you can
7 hibernation tokens, and workers. build (you must always build adjacent to
existing tiles on your hive mat). If you build on
Make sure the non-upgraded side of the
a hex with a build bonus, gain that bonus.
faction tile is face up.

On your turn, either: RETRIEVE
Place one worker on the board (on the 1. Retrieve all your workers on the board
leftmost or topmost space if there are two) and in your landing area. Strength-4
and perform the action; or workers must hibernate.
Retrieve all workers. 2. All other retrieved workers collect income
(each from a different farm), increase
PLACE strength by 1, and return to your active
Apiary uses a “bumping” mechanism. When pool.
you place a worker, other workers on the You do not need to place all workers prior
space are either bumped or—if there are two to retrieving, but active pool workers aren’t
spaces—shifted right or down. If a worker is affected by retrieve turns (i.e., they do not
shifted off the rightmost or bottommost space hibernate, increase strength, or gain income).
of the action, it is bumped back to its owner,
abiding by the following: HIBERNATION
If the worker has strength-4, it must When a strength-4 worker is removed from an
hibernate. action, it hibernates. Place a hibernation token
(not the actual worker) into the Hibernation
Otherwise, the owner of the bumped Comb and gain the benefit printed on the
worker may either increase its strength by pod. Then the worker returns to the general
1 and place it in their active pool or place supply. (Note the Hibernation Comb’s endgame
it in their landing area without changing its scoring opportunities.)
strength. Either way, do not collect income.

FARMS: Cost fiber and/or water and provide DEVELOPMENTS: Cost wax and provide you
storage and income. Circles in the center of powerful one-time bonuses.
the tile indicate storage capacity. Income is
Whenever a farm, recruit, or development is
shown at the top of the tile.
purchased, remaining tiles slide to the left and
RECRUITS: Cost pollen and provide ongoing a new tile is flipped over.
abilities throughout the game. Purple triangles
indicate that the recruit is triggered when you
CARVINGS: Buy a carving (costs honey and the
use of a strength-4 worker) and build it to add
perform certain actions.
an endgame scoring opportunity. Purchased
carvings are not replaced.

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Each action uses worker strength differently. CONVERT: Pay resources from your hive to
gain resources from the general supply. For
EXPLORE: Move the QueenShip orthogonally each strength of your worker you may perform
up to the total strength of the worker(s) on the
one conversion, as printed on the board, or a
Explore action.
dance. Refined resources are Wax and Honey.
If there’s an explore token at the
If you place a strength-4 worker, you may first
destination, collect both the token and its
teach a dance (create a new conversion using
benefit. Then, place a planet tile from the
the available tokens). All players can use the
top of the stack face-up on the spot.
new conversion. You can teach only one dance.
If there is an empty resource spot on
RESEARCH: Draw a number of seed cards
the planet, place 1 basic resource token
equal to the strength of your worker, keep 1,
from the general supply onto the spot.
and discard the others.
Then collect 1 matching resource token
from the general supply for each visible Seed cards can be played at the beginning
resource (those printed on the planet and or end of your turn for their instant effect
tokens placed on the planet). (or 1 basic resource)
If you placed a strength-4 worker, the planet Seed cards can be planted for endgame
may also provide an additional benefit. scoring.
GROW: Gain new workers to your active pool, If you place a strength-4 worker on the
add hive frames, and/or upgrade your faction Research action, you may also plant
tile. Allocate your worker’s strength value 1 seed card from your hand. Your hive has
between one or more options (do not actually a limit of 2 planted seeds, but the first 2
change its strength). E.g., if you place a frames increase the limit by 1. Planting
strength-3 worker, you can allocate 1 strength forfeits the instant benefit but adds an
toward a worker and 2 toward a frame (if you endgame scoring opportunity.
pay all resource costs).
ADVANCE: Buy tiles and build them in your
You can have up to 4 active workers hive. The total strength of the worker(s) on
action spaces determines which column(s)
All frames are identical and offer seed-
you may buy from. If your worker is alone, the
card build bonuses.
1 printed on the other action space counts
If you place a strength-4 worker, you can as a strength-1 worker. E.g., if you place a
also upgrade (i.e., flip) your faction tile. strength-1 worker to join a strength-2 worker,
the total strength is 3 and you can buy a tile
CARVE: Using a strength-4 worker, pay the from either of the first two columns.
printed cost on the carving tile to gain that tile. Do
not replace the selected tile (carvings are limited). If you place a strength-4 worker, also gain 3 .


At the end of every turn, discard down When the Hibernation Comb is full or one
to the resources you can store. For each player hibernates their 7th worker, each player
resource discarded, you may gain takes one final turn (including the player who
1 Queen’s Favor. Gain victory points ( ) completed the final sector), then the game
at the end of the game based on your ends. The player aid lists endgame scoring
position on the track. opportunities.

Rules video available at stonemaiergames.com

© 2023 Stonemaier LLC. Apiary is a trademark of Stonemaier LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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