Local Content Policy of Tanzania For Oil and Gas Industry
Local Content Policy of Tanzania For Oil and Gas Industry
Local Content Policy of Tanzania For Oil and Gas Industry
Dar es Salaam
April, 2014
AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
BCF Billion Cubic Feet
CBOs Community Based Organizations
CSOs Civil Society Organizations
CSR Corporate Social Responsibility
DPs Development Partners
EWURA Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory
FBOs Faith Based Organization
HIV Human Immune Deficiency Virus
IOCs International Oil Companies
LGAs Local Government Authorities
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
MDAs Ministries, Departments and Agencies
M&E Monitoring and Evaluation
NGOs Non-Governmental Organizations
NSGRP/MKUKUTA National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of
PPP Public Private Partnership
TCF Trillion Cubic Feet
TPDC Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation
Liquefied Natural A liquid form of natural gas, after been
Gas (LNG) cooled to about minus 1620C (minus 260oF)
at normal atmospheric pressure. The
liquefaction converts the gaseous phase into
an easily transportable liquid whose volume
is approximately 600 times less than the
original volume of natural gas.
Local The Tanzania Mainland and its people.
Local Business Business which is incorporated under the
applicable laws of Tanzania and is wholly
owned by Tanzanians or with at least 51% of
shares owned by Tanzanian Nationals and is
registered to offer goods or services in the oil
and gas industry.
Local Content The added value brought to the country in
the activities of the oil and gas industry in
the United Republic of Tanzania through the
participation and development of local
Tanzanians and local businesses through
national labour, technology, goods, services,
capital and research capability.
Local Content Plan A plan agreed between the Ministry
responsible for petroleum affairs, the
Contractor and TPDC, which forms an
integral part of the approval for an
Exploration License, Development License
and Operational License, and which guides
the activities and eligibility for recovery of
costs of Contractor and Lead Contractors in
their use and development of Local Content.
Local Goods Refer to goods obtained, produced or
manufactured and have after-sales services
in Tanzania Mainland.
Liquefied Petroleum Light hydrocarbon material, gaseous at
Gas (LPG) normal atmospheric temperature and
pressure, held in the liquid state by pressure
to facilitate storage, transport and handling.
Commercial liquefied gas consists essentially
of either propane, butane or a mixture of
Local Services Services provided in Tanzania Mainland
Marshal Plan Refer to the educational plan in oil and gas
related subjects prepared to bridge the
observed gaps for fast and successful
operations in the oil and gas industry.
Midstream Refer to the gathering, compression and
Activities processing functions required between the
wellhead and the transmission system. Mid-
stream facilities and activities are found at
any location where natural gas is produced,
transported or sold.
National Oil and Gas An oil and gas company established under
Company the laws of Tanzania in which the
Government or its agent owns majority
Natural Gas A fossil fuel naturally occurring as a gaseous
mixture of light hydrocarbons in sedimentary
rocks. Main constituents of natural gas are
methane, ethane, propane, butane and
pentane with other non-hydrocarbons
compounds including carbon dioxide,
hydrogen, sulphide, nitrogen and rare gases
found in small quantities.
Offshore An area away from the shore located in water
depth equal to or greater than 200 metres.
Atmospheric = 760mmHg
Pa Pressure
To respond to the above, this policy outlines that among other things,
the oil and gas industry in collaboration with the Government needs to
do the following:
(i) Develop a baseline data/information to identify the current
capacity and capabilities for Tanzanians to be employed and
owned companies to become suppliers;
(ii) Develop needs assessment of the required capacities to deploy the
Tanzanian experts in the oil and gas industry;
(iii) Identify the areas in which there is no capacity and capabilities
and it will not be sustainable for Tanzania to have such a
category in place;
(iv) Identify potential partner companies who support our strategy
and will help deliver it; and
(v) Identify ways in which this development will be reported,
monitored, measured and evaluated through a regulated
framework for local content with aim of continuous improvement.
This policy defines the Local Content as the added value brought to a
host nation (and regional and local areas in that country) through the
activities of the oil and gas industry. This may be measured (by project,
affiliate, and/or country aggregate) and undertaken through two main
(i) Workforce development, through employment and training of local
workforce; and
(ii) Investments in supplier development through developing and
procuring supplies and services locally;
While the main National Energy Policy 2003 addresses issues pertaining
to local content, related policies in oil and gas sub-sector have all
emphasized broadly on enhanced local content, without detailing on the
Tanzania has few local experts in the oil and gas industry, most of
whom are serving in public sector. These experts are capable of
operating and maintaining the respective facilities e.g. the wells and gas
processing plants in the producing gas fields of Songo Songo and Mnazi
Following the huge discoveries of natural gas, skill shortages across the
industry value chain has become apparent. It is important for Tanzania
to develop more local experts in the oil and gas industry who will be
capable of operating and maintaining the imminent gas facilities
resulting from these new discoveries. This policy aims at devising Local
Content implementation strategies for the development of competitive,
capable, and sustainable Local labour. The policy aims at generating
and promoting adequate supply of Local workforce with the necessary
knowledge and skills. The companies and government entities will be
expected to work together to support the development of adequate local
skills that are necessary to fulfil the strategic and operational objectives
of the oil and gas sector.
Local content requirements for the upstream operations in the oil and
gas industry are currently enshrined in the Model Production Sharing
Agreement (MPSA). The MPSA is the basis for the individual contracts
(PSAs) signed between the operators and the Government/TPDC for
exploration and production of oil and gas. The local content provisions
are stipulated under Article 20 and 21 of the MPSA 2013 and are
periodically improved to reflect the development in the industry.
The MPSA 2013 contains the latest local content requirements, but they
are so far not yet adopted into any effective contract.
Based on the rapid growth in its oil and gas industry, the exploration
activities in large part of the country, discovery of remarkable amount of
natural gas both on and off – shore are anticipated to significantly
contribute to the socio – economic development of the country and
certainly raise the living standard of Tanzanians. For Tanzania to
attain middle income status by 2025, it has to increase its GDP per
capita of about $600 in 2014? to around $3000 in 2025?. This can be
achieved by, among others, rationalising the exploitation of its oil and
gas industry resource and increased local participation in the value
Despite of having all the above instruments, the local content policy is
meant to link and enable those policies to be achievable and create the
impact they were intended for.
The policy has identified five key focus areas to address, namely;
Capacity Building and technology transfer;
Participation of Tanzanians and Tanzanian owned entities;
Procurement and usage of locally produced goods and services;
Fabrication and manufacturing in-country; and
Socio-economic responsibilities.
A developed oil and gas industry with several local firms providing
goods and services, including fabrication and manufacturing as well as
huge workforce employed in the entire industry to maximize benefits
arising from oil and gas value chain.
This Policy recognizes that oil, natural gas and minerals are National
resources that belong to the people of the United Republic of Tanzania.
It is therefore inherent that Tanzanians must be engaged in the entire
value chain in order to ensure its benefits to the entire Tanzanian
society, for present and future generations.
The main objective of the Local Content Policy is to provide the guiding
principles for maximum engagement of local content and local
participation in the development of the oil and gas industry to ensure
optimal benefits to Tanzanians.
Very few Tanzanians are currently involved in activities of the oil and
gas industry. The Government is therefore committed to ensuring
Tanzanians participate in this industry.
All goods, services and materials imported for upstream, midstream and
downstream oil and gas industry activities will have to be of certified
standards and in addition to international standards also be in
accordance with Tanzanian Authorities responsible for Standards,
Foods and Drugs or any other relevant authority established and
operating under the Law.
Policy Statements:
An Operator, while carrying out operations in the oil and gas industry is
therefore expected to prepare and implement plans for the transfer of
technological know-how and skills relating to oil and gas operations to
Tanzanians. Emphasis may also be put on establishing in country any
necessary facilities for technology transfer.
Policy Statements:
The Government shall:
(i) Ensure Tanzanians have adequate capacity to manage modern
or requisite technology;
(ii) Ensure that all players in the industry prepare capacity building
programmes for training of Tanzanians;
(iii) Ensure affordable technologies from multinationals are available
to develop oil and gas industry;
(iv) Ensure adoption of relevant information technology in all oil
and gas operations by local businesses; and
(v) Ensure there is an obligation to Licensees and their
subcontractors to support local capacity building by direct
Policy Statements:
The Operator in the oil and gas industry is expected to prepare on job
training programme in all aspects of the oil and gas industry activities,
which may be carried out in or outside the country. The
Contractor/Operator shall also facilitate recruitment of the same in
their supply chains in Tanzania. Furthermore, such an Operator is
therefore expected to ensure that opportunities are given as far as
possible for the employment of Tanzanians having the requisite
expertise or qualifications in the various levels of the operations.
Policy Statements:
Where Tanzanian owned businesses can meet the quality, quantity and
time required but higher on price then Tanzanian owned businesses
shall receive a margin of price preference as prescribed by legislation.
Where bids are being evaluated, and where bids are otherwise equal,
the bid containing the highest level of Tanzanian content shall be
selected. Where a foreign entity is to provide goods and services for the
licensee, the foreign entity shall operate from Tanzania and partner with
a Tanzanian owned and registered company.
Objective: To enhance value addition and job creation through the use
of local businesses.
Policy Statements:
Objective: To enhance the value addition and job creation through use
of local firms to provide goods and services.
Policy Statements:
Policy Statements:
HIV and AIDS are associated with other infectious diseases which have
greatly affected socio-economic development and livelihoods. Like many
other large scale projects, oil and gas industry projects will attract the
concentration of people looking for employment and other related
activities. In the process, this may escalate the HIV and AIDS infections.
Awareness and education on HIV and AIDS to all stakeholders is
important to reduce its impacts on communities surrounding such
Policy Statements:
Oil and gas operations may have adverse effects on the environment,
health and safety of people. Adherence to good industry standards and
practices will contribute significantly to preventing or mitigating such
effects. It is important to plan for remedial measures prior to any
operation. Regulations of these operations are necessary to ensure that
activities in the oil and gas industry are conducted taking environment,
health and safety issues into serious consideration.
Policy Statements:
The primary business reasons for developing Local local content are to
Policy Statements:
The rapid growth in the oil and gas industry in Tanzania requires the
involvement of the Government in directing resources and leading other
players towards a desired development direction. The Government has
vowed to build the gas economy in Tanzania which can only flourish
with the Tanzanians participating adequately in the oil and gas
business. The role of the Government shall therefore be:
(i) To prepare and periodically review Policies, Strategies, Acts and
Regulation as well as to administer their implementation;
(ii) To attract foreign direct investment in capital intensive and
technologically demanding oil and gas projects;
(iii) To facilitate national enterprises and Tanzanians to participate
actively in the oil and gas industry;
(iv) To strengthen the capacity of Government’s institutions
responsible for the oil and gas industry;
(v) To strengthen legal and regulatory framework for oil and gas
industry; and
(vi) To set targets and monitor results of oil and gas projects and
The designated National Oil and Gas Company (NOC) will have to take
new roles and responsibilities in the light of new developments and
reforms in the oil and gas industry. Oil and gas activities including
commercial and regulatory roles shall be carried out separately by
relevant entities. The role of the NOC shall therefore include:
(i) To acquire mandatory participating interest in each license issued
in the upstream activities at a percentage as may be determined
by the relevant authority.
The potential size of the natural gas resources in Tanzania and its
expected multiple uses require a robust regulatory regime. Depending
on prudent industry practice, the Upstream and Downstream segments
will be regulated separately, but compliance to local content
requirements shall be mandatory. The role of the Regulatory
Authorities, in close liaison with the local content committee shall,
therefore, include:
(i) To enforce Acts and Regulations;
(ii) To establish standards for goods and services in their jurisdiction;
(iii) To regulate rates and charges in according to prudent industry
(iv) To monitor and evaluate performance in the oil and gas activities
including levels of investment, cost of services and availability of
regulated services; and
(v) To facilitate the resolution of complaints and disputes.
(vi) To perform other functions conferred to them by the relevant
With respect to local content in the oil and gas industry, the BoT, in
addition to managing and administering the Natural Gas Revenue
Fund, BOT will release and monitor expenditure of the requested and
approved funds for the local content purpose.
As a way of good industry practice and with respect to this policy, the
private sector shall:
(i) Invest in business improvement and training to enhance quality;
Health, Safety and Environment (HSE); employment practices
and environmental impact.
(ii) Avoid opportunistic pricing which may increase project costs
(iii) Create non-state sponsored industry groups to improve
knowledge and capabilities
(iv) Be transparent.
and research in the oil and gas industry, recruitment and retention of
the human resources required in the industry.
This Policy recognizes the role of NGOs and other civil society
organisations in enhancing advocacy, mobilization and dialogue with
communities, investors and the Government. These entities will
contribute to improve HSE and information dissemination related to oil
and gas activities, and to collaborate with Government in designing,
monitoring and implementing socio-economic programmes related to
the natural gas industry.
This Policy has been developed with a primary focus on one main
objective: The main objective of the Local Content Policy is to provide
the guiding principles for maximum engagement of local content and
local participation in the development of the oil and gas industry to
ensure optimal benefits to Tanzanians.
The output and deliverables of the local content Policy 2014 will be:
(i) Local Content Regulations
(ii) Implementation Strategy
(iii) The National Local Content Committee.
(iv) Communication Strategy with an interactive element to facilitate
ongoing feedback from stakeholders;
(v) Progress Report, using Monitoring and Evaluation System output
to both indicate progress and update on implementation of the
Local Content Policy; and
(vi) Analytical report of different studies (including feasibility and
researches) undertaken.