XRead - Summary and Articles 1
XRead - Summary and Articles 1
XRead - Summary and Articles 1
April 2022
AAO‐HNSF General Otolaryngology & Sleep Education Committee
Valerie A. Flanary, MD
Sveta A. Karelsky, MD
Benjamin D. Malkin, MD
Lara K. Reichert, MD, MPH
Jeffrey J. Stanley, MD
This activity provides five scientific journal articles with expert summaries designed to provide relevant and timely
clinical information for physicians in training and current practitioners in otolaryngology – head and neck surgery.
Summary: The authors perform a systemic review of 27 studies to compare tongue suspension, tongue suspension
with uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), genioglossus advancement (GA) with UPPP, and GA with hyoid suspension
myotomy (GAHM) and UPPP. Surgical success of tongue suspension alone was 36.6%. Chi‐squared analysis showed
no difference between surgical outcomes of tongue suspension + UPPP, GA + UPPP, and GAHM + UPPP, with
success rates of 61‐62%. Surgeons should consider tongue suspension among options for surgical management of
hypopharyngeal obstruction.
Article 2
Huyett P, Kent D, D’Agostino M, et al. Drug‐Induced Sleep Endoscopy and Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation
Outcomes: A Multicenter Cohort Study. Laryngoscope. 2021 July; 131(7): 1676–1682.
EBM Level: 3
Summary: This is a retrospective multicenter study of 343 adults with OSA who underwent drug induced sleep
endoscopy (DISE) and treatment with hypoglossal nerve stimulation (HNS). The purpose is to examine associations
between DISE findings and outcomes of HNS treatment. DISE scoring took place by four blinded reviewers and HNS
treatment outcomes were evaluated with titration PSG and treatment HSAT. The study found that contribution to
obstruction primarily by the tongue was associated with better outcomes, whereas obstruction by the lateral
pharyngeal walls was associated with worse outcomes in patients with higher BMI. The study also challenges the
notion that patients with complete circumferential obstruction at the velum do not benefit from HNS treatment.
The study provides more detailed information as to which patients may benefit most from HNS than has generally
been available to date.
Kent D, Stanley J, Aurora, R, et al. Referral of adults with obstructive sleep apnea for surgical consultation: an
American Academy of Sleep Medicine clinical practice guideline. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. 2021; 17(12):
Summary: Although positive airway pressure (PAP) is a highly efficacious treatment for obstructive sleep apnea
(OSA), a portion of patients are unable to tolerate it, compromising the potential subjective and objective benefits.
A discussion with patients regarding referral for surgical consultation in this situation is recommended.
Upper airway surgery is a viable rescue therapy for many PAP‐intolerant patients. Structural surgeries are designed
to reduce upper airway collapsibility and have demonstrated substantial improvements in patient‐centered
outcomes including excessive daytime sleepiness, sleep specific quality of life and snoring. Improvements in
objectives measures of disease severity include a reduction in Apnea Hypopnea Index (AHI), Oxygen Desaturation
Index (ODI) and a reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Upper airway stimulation via implantation of a
hypoglossal nerve stimulator has also been shown to achieve significant improvements in daytime sleepiness,
quality of life and AHI. Upper airway surgery has also been utilized as an adjunctive treatment to facilitate the use
of PAP. Surgeries targeting the nose, tonsils and soft palate have demonstrated clinically significant reductions in
therapeutic PAP requirements as well as significant increases in PAP adherence. Bariatric surgery has also been
shown to improve objective measures of OSA and to reduce therapeutic PAP requirements.
Article 4
MacKay S et al. Effect of Multilevel Upper Airway Surgery vs Medical Management on the Apnea‐Hypopnea
Index and Patient‐Reported Daytime Sleepiness Among Patients With Moderate or Severe Obstructive Sleep
Apnea: The SAMS Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA 2020;324(12):1168‐1179.
Summary: The authors present the results of a randomized trial of 102 adults with moderate or severe OSA,
BMI<38, Friedman sleep stage I‐III, in whom prior attempts at conventional medical device treatment had failed;
multilevel sleep surgery was compared with ongoing medical management. Surgery significantly improved the AHI
and patient‐reported sleepiness at 6 months. It was also associated with improvements in most other
polysomnography measures (arterial oxygen saturation measures and cortical arousal frequency), partner‐reported
snoring and patient‐reported sleep‐specific quality of life and general health status. Mean sleep latency and blood
pressure values were in the normal range and were unchanged at 6 months. There were six serious adverse events
in four participants in the surgery group and no serious adverse events in the ongoing medical management group.
EBM Level: 4
Summary: ADHERE registry update, similar to previous study, shows a significant decrease in AHI and normalization
of the ESS. Patients with discomfort had higher AHI and lower therapy use but no significant difference in ESS. Most
patients used UAS a monotherapy. Patients with BMI greater than 35 had lower likelihood of meeting Sher surgical
success criteria. UAS is an effective second line therapy for greater than 32 BMI in moderate to severe OSA. Reports
of adverse effects were low. Discomfort did decrease time of device use and less decrease in AHI. Addressing pain
early on is important for long term adherence.
Ethan Handler, MD; Evert Hamans, MD, PhD; Andrew N. Goldberg, MD, MSCE; Samuel Mickelson, MD
Objectives/Hypothesis: Our first objective was to perform a systematic review of suture-based tongue suspension pro-
cedures as a stand-alone therapy for hypopharyngeal obstruction in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). A second objective com-
pared outcomes of tongue suspension as part of a multilevel approach to OSA surgery to genioglossus advancement (GA)
with uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), and to genioglossus advancement with hyoid suspension (GAHM) with UPPP.
Study Design: Systematic review.
Methods: The PubMed database was queried for English-language studies published after 1997 to create four cohorts:
tongue suspension alone, tongue suspension with UPPP, GA 1 UPPP, and GAHM with UPPP. Chi-squared test was used to com-
pare outcomes between cohorts.
Results: Twenty-seven studies were included, broken down into cohorts based on our selection criteria. Six studies
qualified for the tongue suspension-alone group with a surgical success rate of 36.6%. Eight studies qualified for our cohort
of tongue suspension with UPPP with a surgical success rate of 62.3%. Eighteen studies qualified for our remaining two
cohorts: GA 1 UPPP, and GAHM 1 UPPP. Their surgical success rates were both 61.1%. A chi-squared test to compare surgical
outcomes showed that there was no difference between tongue suspension with UPPP, GA 1 UPPP, and GAHM 1 UPPP.
Conclusion: Tongue suspension is effective and safe as part of a multilevel surgical approach for patients with OSA. As
a stand-alone procedure, its success rate is 36.6%, comparable to UPPP procedures for OSA success rates across the board.
Tongue suspension should be considered in patients with OSA who demonstrate tongue base obstruction.
Key Words: Tongue suspension, OSA, hypopharyngeal, multilevel surgery, genioglossus advancement, hyoid suspension.
Level of Evidence: 4.
Laryngoscope, 124:329–336, 2014
Laryngoscope 124: January 2014 Handler et al.: EBM Review of Tongue Suspension for OSA
TABLE I. The clinical indication was unrelated to OSA and/or snoring.
Hierarchy From Oxford Center for Evidence-Based Medicine. The language was not in English.
The article was published before 1998.
Level of Evidence Study Design
The second search was used to identify tongue suspension
1 Randomized, controlled trial
procedures as part of a multilevel approach to treat OSA. A
2 Cohort study PubMed search for “tongue suspension” was performed in Octo-
3 Case-control study ber 2012, resulting in 195 potential articles. Articles were
4 Case series excluded from this pool for the following reasons:
5 Expert opinion The publication was a letter or comment.
A tongue suspension procedure was not performed as part of
the methods.
consensus is that patients with hypopharyngeal obstruc- The procedure was performed without UPPP.
tion in addition to retropalatal obstruction are unlikely The clinical indication was unrelated to OSA and/or snoring.
to be improved by retropalatal surgery alone. Further- The language was not in English.
more, the practice of a patient-specific operative The article was published before 1998.
approach to level of obstruction is gaining acceptance The third search was used to identify both cohorts that
among sleep apnea surgeons. included genioglossus advancement (GA) with UPPP and genio-
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) is the most glossus plus hyoid suspension (GAHM) with UPPP. A PubMed
widely performed operation for OSA, although its lack of search for “genioglossus advancement” was performed in Octo-
efficacy for hypopharyngeal obstruction has been widely ber 2012, resulting in 75 potential articles. Articles were
documented. Success rates range within the literature excluded from this pool for the following reasons:
from 30% to 78%, and these studies are often con- The publication was a letter or comment.
founded with selection bias.21 At this time, there is no A genioglossus advancement procedure was not performed
consensus for which procedure is best used to address as part of the methods.
hypopharyngeal obstruction in OSA.21,22 The clinical indication was unrelated to OSA and/or snoring.
Tongue base procedures that do not remove tissue The language was not English.
aim to tether the tongue via sutures/ribbons/barbs to the The same patient results from another identified article
mandible, or to advance the tongue via mandibular oste- were being reported upon.
otomies. The purpose is to enlarge the hypopharyngeal The article was published before 1990.
airway in the anterior to posterior dimension. Proce- Lastly, only data where the surgical interventions were
dures targeting the hypopharynx have been hotly performed simultaneously (not staged) were included (e.g., if a
debated over the past few years, making this operation UPPP and GA were performed in one operation and a hyoid
an ideal one to review. suspension was subsequently performed on the failures from
The first objective of this study was to perform an the first combined operation, only the results from the
evidence-based medicine (EBM) review, based on the GA 1 UPPP were reported and the “staged” results for the
Center for Evidence Based Medicine guidelines, of the GA 1 HS 1 UPPP were discarded).
minimally invasive suture-based tongue suspension pro- To identify additional applicable literature articles, a
PubMed search for “genioglossal advancement” was performed
cedure as a stand-alone therapy for hypopharyngeal
also in October 2012, resulting in 14 potential articles. Articles
obstruction in OSA to evaluate its baseline safety and were excluded from this pool for the same reasons given above.
effectiveness. A second objective was to compare out- Lastly, the bibliography of the most recent (2006) review
comes of tongue suspension as part of a multilevel of hypopharyngeal sleep surgery,23 the most recent (2008)
approach to OSA surgery to an EBM review of genioglos- review on multilevel sleep surgery,24 and two reviews of non-
sus advancement (GA) with uvulopalatopharyngoplasty pressure sleep apnea therapies21,25 were analyzed for potential
(UPPP), and of genioglossus advancement with hyoid publications missed in the above PubMed searches for all
suspension (GAHM) with UPPP (operations considered inquiries.
the accepted standard for hypopharyngeal obstruction).
Laryngoscope 124: January 2014 Handler et al.: EBM Review of Tongue Suspension for OSA
TABLE II. representing two different follow-up periods for their
Grades Corresponding to Levels of Evidence. patients. Both Kuhnel30 and DeRowe28 had a total of
three patients between the two studies who needed re-
Grade of
Conclusion Supporting Evidence moval of the tongue suspension suture. The causes cited
within those publications were infection and pain, which
A Consistent level 1 promptly resolved with removal of the tongue suture.
B Consistent level 2 or 3 or extrapolation The last two studies on this list, performed by Fibbi and
from level 1 Sezen, yielded better success rates than the earlier ones.
C Level 4 or extrapolation from level 2 or 3 Sezen and Fibbi chose patients with almost 50% lower
D Level 5 or troubling, inconsistent, or preoperative AHI when compared to the earlier studies.
inconclusive studies of any level of evidence Sezen also described lower suture placement with
tighter suspension, a technique that may have yielded
better results.
of this review is dependent on the quality of the available evi- The second literature review performed to identify
dence. Table II presents the grades that correspond to the levels tongue suspension in conjunction with UPPP to treat
of evidence on which the conclusions are based. OSA yielded eight publications.31,34–40 The results are
Consistent with the (2006) review of hypopharyngeal sleep presented in Table IV. A total of 167 patients were iden-
surgery,23 we then compared the results for each procedure or tified with an average BMI of 29.9. Average preoperative
each combination of procedures according to the criteria for a and postoperative AHI was 44.0 and 16.6 (62.3% reduc-
successful surgical outcome as outlined. We used the v2 test to
tion), respectively. Based on the measure of surgical suc-
determine whether there was a difference in the share of
patients with a successful outcome among treatments, and
cess defined previously, this resulted in a surgical
P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. success rate of 62.3%. Postoperative follow-up is listed
and ranges from 3 months to 3 years. There were two
articles of level 2 evidence, and six articles of level 4 evi-
RESULTS dence. There were three patients among the cohort who
A total of 27 studies was gathered for comparison. had a reversal of their procedure. One patient had
The first literature review performed to identify tongue extrusion of the suture; another patient at 2 months fol-
suspension as a stand-alone procedure to treat OSA low-up had broken the suture; and the third patient had
yielded six publications.28–33 The results are presented persistent globus sensation, which resolved with suture
in Table III. A total of 82 patients were identified with removal.
an average body mass index (BMI) of 29.4. Average pre- The third literature review performed to identify
operative and postoperative AHI was 32.0 and 18.8 genioglossus advancement with UPPP, with or without
(41.1% reduction), respectively. Based on the measure of hyoid suspension myotomy to treat OSA, yielded 18 pub-
surgical success defined previously, this resulted in a lications.39,41–56 The results presented in Table V show
surgical success rate of 36.6%. Postoperative follow-up is the cohort of GA 1 UPPP, and the results in Table VI
listed and ranges from 2 months to 2 years. There was show the cohort of GAHM 1 UPPP.
one level 2 study, and five of level 4 studies. The data A total of 151 patients were identified in the cohort
listed from Kuhnel30 and Fibbi29 are listed twice, of GA 1 UPPP with an average BMI of 29.0. Average
Suture-Based Tongue Suspension.
Surgical Patients With
Number of BMI Success Level of Diagnosis OSA Type Reversed
Patients† (average) Pre Post (%) Follow Up Author/Year Evidence Methods (I, II, III) Therapy
*Patients with data from more than one reported follow-up time point are only tallied for the index follow-up.
Count is only patient who received tongue suspension and had follow-up at the indicated time point.
AHI 5 apnea-hypopnea index; BMI 5 body mass index; CM 5 cephalometric analysis; E 5 endoscopy; MM 5 Mueller maneuver; MRI 5 magnetic reso-
nance imaging; OSA Type (I,II,III) 5 based on Fujita classification of hypopharyngeal obstruction (I 5 upper oropharynxy, including palate, uvula, tonsils, upper
pharynx; II 5 upper oropharynx and hypopharyngeal obstruction; III 5 hypopharyngeal obstruction, including tongue base, lingual tonsils, supraglottis, hypo-
pharynx); RDI 5 respiratory disturbance index; TS 5 tongue suspension.
Laryngoscope 124: January 2014 Handler et al.: EBM Review of Tongue Suspension for OSA
Suture-Based Tongue Suspension Combined with Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP).
AHI Patients
Surgical With
Number of BMI Success Level of Diagnosis OSA Type Reversed
Patients† (average) Pre Post (%) Follow Up Author/Year Evidence Methods (I, II, III) Therapy
preoperative and postoperative AHI was 53.2 and 23.8 genioglossus advancement, with the addition of tran-
(55.3% reduction), respectively. Based on the measure of sient dysphagia and wound dehiscence.
surgical success defined previously, this resulted in a The published studies are summarized in Table VII
surgical success rate of 61.1%. Postoperative follow-up is according to the listed procedures or combination
listed and ranges from 3 to 10 months. There was one thereof. Consistent with the most recent (2006) review of
article of level 2 evidence, and six articles of level 4 evi- hypopharyngeal sleep surgery,23 the evidence supports a
dence. Complications included tooth root injury, mild grade C recommendation. The pre- and postoperative
transient dripping of saliva and numbness of the chin, AHI and definition of surgical success as defined above
wound infections, and mandible fractures. serve as the primary mode of comparison between
A total of 467 patients were identified in the cohort patient groups. Surgical success rates for all the studies
of GAHM 1 UPPP, with an average BMI of 29.9. Average reviewed varied widely (0% to 87%). Results of a v2 test
preoperative and postoperative AHI was 54.6 and 22.7 showed that, when aggregated data are used to compare
(58.4% reduction), respectively. Based on the measure of suture-based tongue suspension with UPPP for hypo-
surgical success defined previously, this resulted in a pharyngeal obstruction in OSA against genioglossal
surgical success rate of 61.1%. Postoperative follow-up is advancement with UPPP and GAHM with UPPP,
listed and ranges from 3 months to 4 years. All articles there is no difference in reported outcome of surgical
were level 4 evidence. Complications were similar to success.
Genioglossus Advancement With Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty.
Surgical Patients With
Number of BMI Success Level of Diagnosis OSA Type Reversed
Patients* (average) Pre Post (%) Follow Up Author/Year Evidence Methods (I, II, III) Therapy
*Count is only patient who received treatment and had follow-up at the indicated time point.
AHI 5 apnea-hypopnea index; BMI 5 body mass index; CM 5 cephalometric analysis; E 5 endoscopy; OSA 5 obstructive sleep apnea; MM 5 Mueller ma-
neuver; OSA Type (I,II,III) 5 based on Fujita classification of hypopharyngeal obstruction (I 5 upper oropharynxy, including palate, uvula, tonsils, upper pharynx;
II 5 upper oropharynx and hypopharyngeal obstruction; III 5 hypopharyngeal obstruction, including tongue base, lingual tonsils, supraglottis, hypopharynx);
RDI 5 respiratory disturbance index.
Laryngoscope 124: January 2014 Handler et al.: EBM Review of Tongue Suspension for OSA
Genioglossus Advancement, Hyoid Myotomy, and Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty.
Surgical Patients With
Number of BMI Success Level of Diagnosis OSA Reversed
Patients† (average) Pre Post (%) Follow Up Author/Year Evidence Methods Type (I, II, III) Therapy
30 30.1 44.9 27.8 43 3–10 months Kezirian et al., 2010 4 CM, MM, E II 0
24 30.5 52.9 15.9 67 3–6 months Miller et al., 2004 4 CM, MM II 0
13 31.4 52.8 15.6 77 6–24 months Hsu and Brett, 2001 4 CM, MM, E II 0
46 28.9 47.9 18.6 65 3–4 years Nerunarat, 2003 4 CM, MM, E II 0
46 28.9 47.9 14.2 78 6 months Nerunarat, 2003 4 CM, MM, E II 0
31 28.8 48.2 14.5 70 8 months Nerunarat, 2003 4 CM, MM, E II 0
223 30.5 n/r n/r 60 6 months Riley et al., 1993 4 CM, MM, E II 0
31 28.5 65.9 28.6 67 6 months Sun et al., 2008 4 CM, MM, E II 0
14 31.1 46.6 23.3 57 4 months Utley et al., 1997 4 CM, MM, E II 0
11 27.8 70.5 57.4 18 6 months Vilaseca et al., 2002 4 CM, E II 0
26 65.6 30.1 46 6 months Yi et al., 2011 4 CM, E, MRI II 0
18 28.7 63.8 21.4 67 6 months Yin et al., 2007 4 CM, MM, E II 0
Total or 467* 29.9 54.6 22.7 61.1
*Patients with data from more than one reported follow-up time point are only tallied for the index follow-up.
Count is only patient who received treatment and had follow-up at the indicated time point.
AHI 5 apnea-hypopnea index; BMI 5 body mass index; CM 5 cephalometric analysis; E 5 endoscopy; MM 5 Mueller maneuver; MRI 5 magnetic reso-
nance Imaging; OSA Type (I,II,III) 5 based on Fujita classification of hypopharyngeal obstruction (I 5 upper oropharynxy, including palate, uvula, tonils, upper
pharynx; II 5 upper oropharynx and hypopharyngeal obstruction; III 5 hypopharyngeal obstruction, including tongue base, lingual tonsils, supraglottis,
The tables for specific cohorts document a number suspension, midline glossectomy, radiofrequency abla-
of patient characteristics, including BMI, pre and post tion, mandibular osteotomy with genioglossus advance-
AHI, surgical success rate, duration of follow-up, type of ment, and maxilo-mandibular advancement. Many of
hypopharyngeal obstruction as described by Fujita,18 these procedures are associated with significant morbid-
and patients with reversed therapy. ity and change in facial anatomy and may require a per-
ioperative tracheotomy.28 We now practice in an era
where patients demand efficacious, minimally invasive
DISCUSSION procedures, followed by a reasonable recovery and
Our literature review of tongue advancement sur- return to work/life. Traditionally, obstructive sleep apnea
gery for sleep apnea is the most recent since the (2006) surgery has not followed this paradigm. Recovery from
review.23 Our article sought to narrow the focus to com- palate and hypopharyngeal surgery is painful, and time
pare tongue suspension against an “accepted standard” away from work can extend up to 3 weeks.
for hypopharyngeal surgery, genioglossus advancement The Repose Surgical Kit (CKA AirVance, Medtronic,
with UPPP, with or without hyoid suspension. A similar Inc.) was one of the first devices aimed at the tongue
comparison is made in the previous review, but results base and considered minimally invasive. The ease of use
from tongue suspension with and without UPPP are and preliminary clinical data was documented with two
grouped together and compared to GAHM with UPPP, initial articles, one by Woodson et al.33 and a second by
thus diluting the actual success rate of tongue suspen- DeRowe et al.28 Woodson reported on a patient popula-
sion with UPPP for multilevel sleep surgery. tion of snorers and mild to moderate sleep apneics, most
Surgical treatments of the tongue base and hypo- of whom had failed UPPP. He found symptomatic
pharyngeal collapse include lingual tonsillectomy, hyoid improvement in quality-of-life scales, but only a mild
Comparison of Tongue Suspension With Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty to Other Combined Procedures.
(%) Of Compared With
Level of Success Number/ Surgical Tongue Suspension
Procedure Evidence Grade Total Number Success Plus UPPP P Value
UPPP 5 uvulopalatopharyngoplasty.
Laryngoscope 124: January 2014 Handler et al.: EBM Review of Tongue Suspension for OSA
effect on AHI/RDI. His support for tongue suspension obtained in patients with a BMI < 35 kg/m2.40 This article
was in conjunction with other OSA procedures in a mul- suggests long-term efficacy of tongue suspension in con-
tilevel approach. The most common complication was junction with UPPP. Suture migration may occur to some
delayed infection of the suture, thought to be due to degree as the suture or ribbon obtains equilibrium with
inadequate coverage of oral flora in the perioperative the tongue musculature, but what is difficult to ascertain
and postoperative periods. In patients where discomfort is if this migration is solely responsible for a worsening
or infection persisted, removal of the suture was easy AHI years after the surgical intervention. Other con-
and the reversibility cited as an advantage of this tech- founding variables likely play a role, such as weight gain
nique. DeRowe had better success with the Repose sys- and sleep habits. The Encore System has a radio-opaque
tem. This trial enrolled 16 patients, excluding those marker so that an assessment of suture migration can be
with a BMI over 35 and an RDI above 70 or below 12.5. accurately assessed over years of follow-up with a lateral
They noted a significant drop in RDI postoperatively, as cephalogram.
well as documented snoring improvement by bed part- As newer studies regarding CPAP compliance
ners. The complications included a floor of mouth cyst emerge, physicians will face a surge in patients seeking
that resolved with marsupialization. The other com- definitive surgical treatment. A recent study reporting
plaints were related to postoperative pain that subsided outcomes of long-term CPAP compliance and AHI reduc-
within 1 to 2 weeks. This article also supported tongue tion discovered a few important points. First, that even in
suspension/stabilization as a minimally invasive adjunct an ideal and carefully selected group of CPAP patients,
to other sleep apnea operations to appropriately satisfy CPAP cannot completely eliminate respiratory events due
the multilevel approach. to limited adherence. Second, when the reduction of the
Since these initial studies, treating the tongue base AHI is used as the criteria for treatment success, adher-
has garnered momentum among practitioners. New tech- ence needs to be taken into account when comparing
niques and devices are currently being developed that CPAP with alternative methods, especially those with
aim to improve the efficacy and reduce the morbidity of 100% compliance such as surgery. Lastly, defining treat-
hypopharyngeal interventions. Hypoglossal nerve stimu- ment success as an AHI <5 is inappropriate; even CPAP,
lation implants have been developed, and three competing which is considered the gold standard of treatment, is
companies (Inspire Medical, Inc., Apnex Medical, Inc., unable to achieve these results under everyday conditions
Imthera, Inc.) are currently working on clinical trials. when adherence is taken into account.16 In contrast, stud-
These devices target lingual advancement by stimulating ies are lacking with regard to long-term outcomes of mor-
the hypoglossal nerve during sleep. Early results for these bidity and mortality, as defined by a successful sleep
devices have been published and appear promising.57 operation yielding a >50% drop in AHI with an AHI < 20.
The Repose system requires a transoral suture As surgeons, we need to hold ourselves to a higher stand-
placed through the mucosa at the tongue base. An ard of defining success, both short term and long term,
anchor screw is placed on the inner cortex of the mandi- and evaluating the benefit of any reduction in AHI
ble, originally performed through a floor of mouth inci- through further studies. The paradigm of successful sleep
sion, although most surgeons now use a submental apnea treatment is evolving; and as more patients seek
incision for access. An adjustable tongue suspension de- surgical intervention it is important to provide minimally
vice was developed by Aspire Medical Inc., which invasive multilevel options, including tongue suspension.
included a tongue anchor and a tetherline to suspend There are some limitations of our current review.
the tongue. This device was reviewed in three trials con- Patient demographic data for each individual study was
ducted by Hamas et al.,58 Woodson et al.,59 and Pave- not available for review; as such, a t test comparison
lec.60 This device is not currently available for use due that draws from the average data among all patients,
to breakage of the anchor over time. The Encore System including the standard deviation, could not be used to
(Siesta Medical) is a newer adjustable and multilevel measure statistical significance within each study and
tongue suspension device. It includes two tongue suspen- across the aggregated study groups. Second, of the 27
sion/stabilization ribbons that utilize small screws on total studies used to create our surgical cohorts, three
the lingual cortex, which allows for chronic adjustment were of level 2 evidence; the remaining 24 were consid-
of ribbon tension, as well as a suture passer that allows ered level 4. Unfortunately, this pattern is a reflection of
for easy placement of the suspension ribbon within the studies performed within surgery and surgical subspe-
genioglossus muscle without passing through the mu- cialties, recognizing the inherent difficulty of randomiz-
cosa. The incision is hidden well beneath the submental ing patients to different surgical interventions or sham
crease. surgery to create a control group. Dominated within the
Suture migration has been discussed as a potential searchable publications are articles citing mainly level 3
reason for lack of tongue suspension efficacy over time, and 4 evidence in contrast to preferred randomized con-
although this has not been proven.32,33,35 Vincente et al. trol trials. Last, in compiling the various studies for our
has had the longest follow-up period to date at 3 years. A review based on our strict search criteria, we found
total of 54 patients were followed during this time period, some of the studies used pre- and postoperative respira-
with a 78% surgical success rate as defined by a greater tory distress index (RDI), while others used the apnea-
than 50% reduction in AHI and an AHI < 20. They per- hypopnea index (AHI). This has potential to impact the
formed tongue suspension as part of a multilevel surgery weighted averages, although consistency within each
with UPPP. It was noted that the best response was study serves as its own control.
Laryngoscope 124: January 2014 Handler et al.: EBM Review of Tongue Suspension for OSA
It is worth mentioning that the average results 9. Young T, Finn L, Peppard PE, et al. Sleep disordered breathing and mor-
tality: eighteen-year follow-up of the Wisconsin sleep cohort. Sleep 2008;
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lar. One would assume that the addition of hyoid sus- 10. Sullivan CE, Issa FG, Berthon-Jones M, Eves L. Reversal of obstructive
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There was approximately three times the number of 11. Chobanian AV, Bakris GL, Black HR, et al. Seventh report of the
Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and
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and preoperative AHI was 1 point higher in this group 12. Marin JM, Carrizo SJ, Vicente E, Agusti AG. Long-term cardiovascular
outcomes in men with obstructive sleep apnoea-hypopnoea with or with-
as well. The choice for the additional hyoid suspension out treatment with continuous positive airway pressure: an observatio-
was likely a judgment call of the sleep surgeon, but fur- nal study. Lancet 2005;365:1046–1053.
ther controlled studies with randomization may be able 13. Weaver EM, Maynard C, Yueh B. Survival of veterans with sleep apnea:
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difference. 14. Wolkove N, Baltzan M, Kamel H, Dabrusin R, Palayew M. Long-term com-
pliance with continuous positive airway pressure in patients with ob-
Developing a specific patient plan for treating sleep structive sleep apnea. Can Respir J 2008;15:365–369.
apnea is paramount in predicting success of the proce- 15. Yetkin O, Kunter E, Gunen H. CPAP compliance in patients with obstruc-
tive sleep apnea syndrome. Sleep Breath 2008;12:365–367.
dures chosen.22 In addition to physical exam, diagnostic 16. Stuck BA, Leitzbach S, Maurer JT. Effects of continuous positive airway
tests such as fiberoptic nasopharyngoscopy, and more pressure on apnea-hypopnea index in obstructive sleep apnea based on
long-term compliance. Sleep Breath 2012;16:467–471.
recently drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE), has 17. Friedman M, Ibrahim H, Bass L. Clinical staging for sleep-disordered
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Laryngoscope 124: January 2014 Handler et al.: EBM Review of Tongue Suspension for OSA
HHS Public Access
Author manuscript
Laryngoscope. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2021 August 13.
Author Manuscript
Corresponding author: Phillip Huyett, MD, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard Medical School, 243 Charles Street,
Boston, MA 02114, Phillip_Huyett@meei.harvard.edu.
Presented at the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Foundation Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA
September, 2019.
Huyett et al. Page 2
Munich, Germany
Objectives: To determine the association between findings of blinded reviews of preoperative
drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE) and outcomes of hypoglossal nerve stimulation for
obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).
Author Manuscript
Subjects and Methods: 343 adults were included from 10 centers. Preoperative DISE videos
were scored by 4 blinded reviewers using the VOTE Classification and evaluation of a possible
primary structure contributing to airway obstruction. Consensus DISE findings were examined
for an association with surgical outcomes based on therapy titration polysomnogram (tPSG).
Treatment response was defined by a decrease of ≥50% in the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) to <15
Results: Study participants (76% male, 60.4±11.0 years old) had a BMI of 29.2±3.6 kg/m2. AHI
decreased (35.6±15.2 to 11.0±14.1 events/hour; p<0.001) on the tPSG, with a 72.6% response
rate. Complete palate obstruction (vs. none) was associated with the greatest difference in AHI
Author Manuscript
improvement (−26.8 ± 14.9 vs −19.2 ± 12.8, p=0.02). Complete (vs. partial/none) tongue-related
obstruction was associated with increased odds of treatment response (78% vs. 68%, p=0.043).
Complete (vs. partial/none) oropharyngeal lateral wall-related obstruction was associated with
lower odds of surgical response (58% vs. 74%, p=0.042).
walls. This study suggests that the role for DISE in counseling candidates for hypoglossal nerve
Author Manuscript
stimulation extends beyond solely for excluding complete concentric collapse related to the velum.
hypoglossal nerve stimulation; upper airway stimulation; drug-induced sleep endoscopy;
obstructive sleep apnea
Hypoglossal nerve stimulation (HNS) is FDA-approved for treatment of positive airway
pressure therapy (PAP)-intolerant moderate-severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients.
Contraindications to HNS include a number of clinical, polysomnographic and drug-induced
sleep endoscopy (DISE) criteria, largely carried over from the Stimulation Therapy for
Apnea Reduction (STAR) trial.1 Drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE) was incorporated
Author Manuscript
As with all surgical interventions for OSA, improving patient selection is of critical
importance to improving outcomes. Certain variables such as older age, female gender,
therapeutic PAP pressure less than 8cmH2O and lower oxygen desaturation index
have demonstrated associations with better response rates to HNS.3–5 In small studies,
preoperative DISE findings have not demonstrated consistent associations with HNS
The aim of this study was to determine the association between findings of blinded reviews
Author Manuscript
This was a retrospective cohort study of adults undergoing HNS for OSA. Inclusion
criteria were age >21, diagnosed OSA on a preoperative sleep study, absence of prior
pharyngeal surgery beyond palatine tonsillectomy, video recorded preoperative DISE,
successful implantation of the Upper Airway Stimulation™ (Inspire Medical Systems, Inc.,
Maple Grove, MN, USA) system, and post-operative titration polysomnography (tPSG) with
or without home sleep apnea test (HSAT) performed after the tPSG.
Methods were similar to a previous study of DISE and upper airway surgery (excluding
HNS).10 Study participant data included age at system implantation, gender, body mass
Author Manuscript
index (BMI) at time of implantation, postoperative sleep studies, and tonsil size according
to Brodsky11 or Friedman classifications.12 De-identified DISE videos and study participant
data were submitted to a HIPAA-compliant, cloud-based database (Box.com) maintained
through the Keck School of Medicine of USC. DISE videos were reviewed and scored by
four physicians blinded to outcomes (P.H., D.T.K., M.A.D’A., and E.J.K.) according to the
VOTE classification.13 The VOTE classification involves scoring the overall degree (absent,
0; partial, 1; or complete, 2) and configuration (anteroposterior, lateral, or concentric) of
airway structures (Velum, Oropharyngeal lateral walls, Tongue, and Epiglottis) collapsing
Author Manuscript
during DISE. In addition, an assessment was made of the primary structure (of the four
VOTE structures) contributing to airway obstruction. If at least two reviewers felt they were
unable to review the DISE video due to poor technical quality, the study participant was
A priori criteria for reconciling DISE scoring disagreements to obtain consensus scores were
established. For each VOTE structure degree and configuration, agreement of at least 3/4
reviews was considered the consensus score. In cases without such agreement, the mean
score was used for degree (rounding down to the nearest integer) and no configuration was
assigned. Similarly, primary structure was assigned only if there was agreement among at
least 3/4 reviews; otherwise there was no consensus primary structure.
The tPSG was a type 1 sleep study wherein the sleep technologist remotely adjusts
Author Manuscript
stimulation parameters in an attempt to objectively identify optimal settings. The HSAT was
a type 3 sleep study without device titration. All sleep studies were scored per institution
standards, and there was no re-review of sleep study raw data for this study. Surgical
response was defined as a ≥50% decrease in the AHI to a level <15 events/hour on the tPSG
or on the HSAT, when available. A ≥50% decrease in the AHI to a level <15 events/hour on
the tPSG was used for analyses of surgical response unless specifically stated otherwise.
Data analysis was performed using Stata/IC 10.1 (StataCorp, College Station, TX, USA) and
SAS 9.4 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA). Categorical variables were reported as frequency
and percentage; continuous variables were reported as mean and standard deviation.
Associations between individual DISE findings and surgical outcomes were tested. DISE
findings that were examined included: degree of obstruction (none vs. partial vs. complete),
Author Manuscript
complete vs. partial/none, complete vs. none (excluding partial), and any (complete/partial)
vs. none. The specific finding of complete concentric collapse related to the velum vs.
absence was also considered. Comparisons made for continuous variables were made using
the independent 2-sample or paired t-tests and for categorical variables using the 2-sided
Pearson χ2 test.
Logistic regression evaluated the independent association between DISE findings and
surgical response, with and without adjustment for potential confounders age, gender
and BMI. For each VOTE structure, the DISE finding most clearly associated with
outcomes in the univariate analyses was used, with a default of including each structure
as a dichotomous variable of complete vs. partial/none obstruction. P-values <0.05 were
considered statistically significant.
Author Manuscript
A generalized linear mixed model based weighted kappa (κma) was used to test the interrater
reliability for each VOTE structure’s degree of obstruction. Fleiss’ Kappa was used to
assess the interrater reliability for the velum and epiglottis structure’s configuration along
with the primary site. Both kappa statistics range from 0 to 1, where values ≤0 indicate
poor, 0-0.20 indicate slight, 0.21-0.40 indicate fair, 0.41-0.60 indicate moderate, 0.61-0.80
indicate substantial, and 0.81-1.0 indicate almost perfect agreement. Institutional review
board approval was obtained from each participating center.
Author Manuscript
The cohort included 343 adults from 10 centers (Table 1) who underwent treatment with
HNS. Table 2 presents baseline and post-treatment findings in the overall cohort (post
treatment findings on tPSG) and in the subgroup with postoperative HSAT. The cohort
primarily included middle-aged and older adults (inter-quartile range 53-69 years) who
were overweight or with Class I obesity (BMI inter-quartile range 27.0–31.7 kg/m2). No
subject had palatine tonsils with marked enlargement (3+ or 4+ on Brodsky or Friedman
Postoperative sleep studies were performed at 4.1±4.1 months (tPSG) and 16.5±10.8
(HSAT) following implantation. AHI improved in the overall cohort (tPSG) and the
subgroup with HSAT (Table 2). Response rates were higher when the postoperative AHI
was determined from the tPSG than the HSAT. Using the Sher criteria14 (≥50% decrease in
Author Manuscript
the AHI and to <20 events/hour), the response rates were 78% and 63%, according to the
tPSG and HSAT, respectively.
Consensus ratings of DISE findings are presented in Table 3. Compared to the entire
cohort, the subgroup with HSAT had a higher proportion of subjects with concentric (vs.
anteroposterior) velum-related obstruction (19%,vs. 6%, p = 0.002), a greater degree of
oropharyngeal lateral wall-related obstruction (p = 0.028), and a lesser degree of tongue
related obstruction (p<0.001). There was fair inter-rater reliability for the degree of velum
related obstruction, otherwise there was moderate to substantial inter-rater reliability (Table
Univariate analyses for the association between individual DISE findings and change in
tPSG AHI and tPSG surgical response rates are presented in Tables 5 and 6, respectively.
Author Manuscript
In isolation, most DISE findings were not associated with HNS outcomes. For the velum,
complete obstruction was associated with a greater decrease in AHI but not a greater odds
of surgical response. In contrast, complete oropharyngeal lateral wall-related obstruction and
complete tongue-related obstruction were both associated with a greater odds of surgical
response but no difference in AHI changes.
Post-hoc analysis revealed that the associations were limited to those with preoperative
BMI greater than the median in this cohort (29.5 kg/m2). Among this subgroup, there
were associations between complete (vs. partial/none) oropharyngeal lateral wall-related
obstruction and a lower odds of surgical response (53% vs. 74%, p=0.049) and between
complete (vs. partial/none) tongue-related obstruction and a greater odds of surgical
response (81%, 56/69 vs. 65%, 66/101; p=0.025). There were no statistically significant
Author Manuscript
associations between these DISE findings and outcomes in those in the subgroup with lower
preoperative BMI (76%, 59/78 vs. 72%, 68/95; p=0.55).
Elevated BMI was found to be associated with concentric collapse (partial and complete) but
no other DISE findings; 69% (22/32) of those with partial or complete concentric collapse
related to the velum were in the high BMI subgroup, compared to 47% (124/265) of those
with an anteroposterior configuration for velum-related obstruction and 38% (9/24) with no
Similar patterns were seen with definition of surgical response based on the HSAT (data
largely not shown), although most results were not statistically significant. Of note,
complete oropharyngeal lateral wall-related obstruction (vs. partial/none) was associated
with a decrease in surgical response according the definition requiring AHI <15 events/hour
(11% vs. 61%, p = 0.003). Complete tongue-related obstruction (vs. partial/none) was not
associated with HSAT outcomes based on this definition of surgical response (61% vs. 56%;
Among the 14 study participants with complete concentric collapse related to the velum, the
surgical response rate was 57% (8/14) and 36% (5/14) for the definitions using tPSG and
threshold values of AHI <15 events/hour and <5 events/hour, respectively; both values were
Author Manuscript
not statistically different from study participants without this DISE finding.
Consensus scores for primary structure associated with obstruction are presented for the
entire cohort and the HSAT subgroup in Table 7, along with surgical response (≥50%
decrease in the AHI to a level <15 events/hour). Overall, there were differences in odds
of surgical response according to primary structure. Specifically, for tPSG results, study
participants with a primary structure as the tongue had greater odds of surgical response
than with a primary structure of the oropharyngeal lateral walls (p=0.028). Those with a
primary structure of the velum (p=0.016) and tongue (0.002) both had better odds of surgical
response than those with the epiglottis. For HSAT results, both the velum (p=0.002) and
tongue (p=0.048) had greater odds of surgical response than for the oropharyngeal lateral
Author Manuscript
Multivariate logistic regression results are reported in Table 8. There were no statistically
significant associations in adjusted or unadjusted analyses, but the point estimates were
consistent with results of analyses of DISE findings in isolation.
This is the largest study examining the association between DISE findings and outcomes
with HNS and the only study incorporating blinded DISE reviews from a large number of
Overall, the response rate HNS on the tPSG was similar to previous post-market studies,
although this study primarily utilized a more stringent definition of response (AHI <15
Author Manuscript
events/hour and ≥50% decrease) than those employing the Sher criteria (AHI <20 events/
hour and ≥50% decrease). Compared to tPSG response, HSAT response rates were notably
lower, highlighting the importance of evaluating response over a full night without titration
of settings. The lower surgical response rate on the HSAT may reflect a selection bias if
study participants who did not have clinical success were more likely to undergo HSAT or
if it were solely related to differences in DISE findings for those who underwent HSAT
(lower odds of complete tongue-related obstruction; higher odds of concentric palate and
oropharyngeal lateral wall obstruction). The direct comparison of tPSG and HSAT outcomes
in those with HSATs suggests that this is unlikely to explain the findings entirely. This
Author Manuscript
concern about the tPSG as defining optimal therapy has been noted clinically in other studies
and publications.15 The effectiveness HSAT may also always yield higher residual AHI
figures if the patient utilizes the pause feature or does not adhere to therapy for the full
study duration and is therefore untreated for portions of the night. Since our study began, the
manufacturer of this hypoglossal nerve stimulation technology has altered the post-implant
protocol to include at least a 3-month period of acclimation after activation but before
titration to enhance readiness for the tPSG and to decrease adjustments made during the
tPSG (to enable longer periods of assessments at target settings). It is yet to be seen whether
this translates to improved success rates on tPSG and in the long term.
Tongue-related obstruction has the clearest association with increasing the odds of response
to hypoglossal nerve stimulation, whether in the tPSG response rates for complete tongue
related obstruction (Table 6) or when the tongue was identified as the primary structure
Author Manuscript
contributing to obstruction (Table 7). Given that this therapy specifically is designed to move
the tongue anteriorly, this finding is important but not surprising
The association between complete tongue-related obstruction and response rate was seen
largely in those with higher preoperative BMI. These post-hoc analyses of complete (vs.
partial/none) tongue-related obstruction and preoperative BMI subgroups showed that those
with complete tongue-related obstruction in the higher-BMI subgroup had the greatest odds
of response (81%). Based on the association between increasing BMI and fat deposition
in the tongue,16 these individuals may have OSA largely due to tongue enlargement and
HNS provides pharyngeal dilator muscle augmentation at the level of the tongue directly
addressing a key mechanism for their OSA. For those without complete-tongue related
obstruction in the higher BMI subgroup and lower response rate (65%), their OSA may be
Author Manuscript
due to anatomic or non-anatomic factors that do not respond as clearly to this therapy.
Oropharyngeal lateral wall obstruction was associated with poorer outcomes, whether for
complete (vs. partial/none) obstruction (Table 6) or as the primary structure contributing
to airway obstruction (Table 7). Similar to the tongue base findings, post-hoc analyses
showed that the association was seen primarily with BMI greater than the median in this
cohort. This finding is consistent with our previous study showing that oropharyngeal
lateral-wall obstruction was associated with poorer outcomes for upper airway surgery
(excluding HNS)10 as well as a smaller study of HNS and mandibular advancement.9 HNS
has been shown to improve the transverse width of the hypopharyngeal airway (presumably
due to lateral displacement and/or stabilization of the oropharyngeal lateral walls) during
wakefulness and DISE.17 However, the effect on the oropharyngeal lateral walls is also
Author Manuscript
indirect, reflecting the connections between the lateral pharyngeal soft tissues and the tongue
(glossopharyngeal coupling). These indirectly transmitted forces might not be as great
as direct forces, perhaps explaining why complete oropharyngeal lateral wall obstruction
had an association with poorer outcomes not seen for partial obstruction. Conversely,
the presence of these indirect forces may explain why partial oropharyngeal lateral wall
obstruction does not compromise outcomes of HNS, whereas both partial and complete
oropharyngeal lateral wall obstruction are associated with poorer outcomes after other
upper airway surgeries (that lack this indirect effect of glossopharyngeal coupling seen with
Author Manuscript
small sample size showed that mandibular advancement was not clearly associated with
hypoglossal nerve stimulation outcomes.9
Epiglottis-related obstruction was associated with the lowest response rates, especially in
Author Manuscript
those with the epiglottis as the primary structure contributing to airway obstruction. Future
studies are needed to clarify the role of HNS in patients with isolated epiglottic collapse.
This study has important limitations. First, we used AHI reported by the sleep center as the
primary measure of outcomes because it was recorded universally, but we did not evaluate
other potential objective and subjective measures: AHI scored by review of raw sleep study
data, oxygen desaturation index,15 Epworth Sleepiness Scale, and Functional Outcomes
of Sleep Questionnaire, to name just a few. The inter-rater reliability demonstrated a
range of fair to substantial agreement on VOTE and primary site scoring, reflecting the
Author Manuscript
known subjectivity of DISE. To overcome this, we used conservative criteria for developing
consensus scores and used only those. We also intentionally did not exclude outlier scoring
to improve the external validity of these results. Even in the largest study of its kind, the
sample sizes for specific DISE findings were small, in many cases, solely because these
patterns are less common or because individuals with these findings were generally excluded
from treatment (complete concentric collapse related to the velum).
DISE is required for preoperative evaluation prior to hypoglossal nerve stimulation in
order to exclude those with complete concentric collapse related to the velum. Certain
other findings are associated with surgical outcomes, suggesting a wider role for DISE in
treatment selection.
Author Manuscript
The authors would like to thank biostatistician Melissa Mert, MS for her contribution to the research.
Author Manuscript
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Author Manuscript
Author Manuscript
Table 1.
MSH 14 4.1
MUN 35 10.2
TJUH 42 12.2
UC 32 9.6
UPMC 90 26.2
USC 18 5.3
VUMC 27 7.9
WCM 28 8.2
WSU 13 3.8
Author Manuscript
Author Manuscript
Author Manuscript
Table 2.
Patient characteristics.
Baseline (n=343) tPSG (n=343) HSAT Subgroup Baseline (n=110) HSAT (n=110)
Huyett et al.
BMI, kg/m2 29.2 ± 3.6 28.5 ± 3.6* 29.6 ± 3.5 28.4 ± 3.6*
OSA severity
None (AHI <5) 0 (0%) 146 (42.6%) 0 (0%) 30 (27.3%)
Mild (AHI 5- <15) 7 (2.0%) 112 (32.7%) 0 (0%) 41 (37.3%)
Moderate (AHI 15- <30) 134 (39.1%) 61 (17.8%) 43 (39.1%) 22 (20.0%)
Severe (>30) 202 (58.9%) 24 (7.0%) 67 (60.9%) 17 (15.5%)
Response rate 15 (≥50% decrease in the AHI to <15 events/hour) 249 (72.6%) 63 (57.3%)
Response rate 5 (≥50% decrease in the AHI to <5 events/hour) 151 (44.0%) 30 (27.3%)
SD = standard deviation, tPSG = titration in lab polysomnogram, eHSAT = efficacy home sleep apnea test, BMI = body mass index, AHI = apnea hypopnea index, OSA = obstructive sleep apnea.
p < 0.05, comparing preoperative to postoperative values
Table 3.
DISE findings: VOTE Classification and primary structure for overall cohort
In some cases, there was no agreement on configuration, making the total amounts based on configuration findings differ from those for degree of obstruction.
There was no lateral velum-related obstruction
Table 4.
Unable to calculate due to substantial missing data (no configuration identified because no obstruction related to the epiglottis)
Table 5.
DISE = drug induced sleep endoscopy, AHI = apnea hypopnea index, V = velopharynx, CCC = complete concentric collapse, O = oropharyngeal lateral walls, T = tongue, E = epiglottis
Page 15
Huyett et al. Page 16
Table 6.
Surgical response (≥50% decrease in AHI to <15 events/hour) on tPSG and association with DISE findings
Author Manuscript
DISE = drug induced sleep endoscopy, V = velum, CCC= complete concentric collapse, O = oropharyngeal lateral walls, T = tongue, E = epiglottis
Author Manuscript
Table 7.
tPSG (N, %)* Success tPSG HSAT (N, %)* Success HSAT
p=0.007 p=0.025
tPSG = in lab titration study, eHSAT = efficacy home sleep apnea test
Total N does not match cohort or subgroup total because some study participants did not have consensus primary structure contributing to
Author Manuscript
Author Manuscript
Author Manuscript
Table 8.
Logistic regression analyses for odds ratios reflecting association between surgical response (tPSG) and
Author Manuscript
Introduction: This guideline establishes clinical practice recommendations for referring adults with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) for surgical consultation.
Methods: The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) commissioned a task force of experts in sleep medicine, otolaryngology, and bariatric surgery to develop
recommendations and assign strengths based on a systematic review of the literature and an assessment of the evidence using the GRADE process. The task force
evaluated the relevant literature and the quality of evidence, the balance of benefits and harms, patient values and preferences, and resource use considerations that
support the recommendations. The AASM Board of Directors approved the final recommendations.
Recommendations: The following recommendations are intended as a guide for clinicians who treat adults with OSA. Each recommendations statement
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is assigned a strength (“Strong” or “Conditional”). A “Strong” recommendation (ie, “We recommend … ”) is one that clinicians should follow under most
circumstances. A “Conditional” recommendation is one that requires that the clinician use clinical knowledge and experience and strongly consider the
patient’s values and preferences to determine the best course of action. (1) We recommend that clinicians discuss referral to a sleep surgeon with adults with
OSA and BMI <40 kg/m2 who are intolerant or unaccepting of PAP as part of a patient-oriented discussion of alternative treatment options (STRONG). (2) We
recommend that clinicians discuss referral to a bariatric surgeon with adults with OSA and obesity (class II/III, BMI ≥35 kg/m2) who are intolerant or
unaccepting of PAP as part of a patient-oriented discussion of alternative treatment options (STRONG). (3) We suggest that clinicians discuss referral to a
sleep surgeon with adults with OSA, BMI <40 kg/m2, and persistent inadequate PAP adherence due to pressure-related side effects as part of a patient-
oriented discussion of adjunctive or alternative treatment options (CONDITIONAL). (4) We suggest that clinicians recommend PAP as initial therapy for adults
with OSA and a major upper airway anatomic abnormality prior to consideration of referral for upper airway surgery (CONDITIONAL).
Keywords: upper airway surgery, hypoglossal nerve stimulation, bariatric surgery, maxillomandibular advancement, obstructive sleep apnea
Citation: Kent D, Stanley J, Aurora RN, et al. Referral of adults with obstructive sleep apnea for surgical consultation: an American Academy of Sleep Medicine clinical
practice guideline. J Clin Sleep Med. 2021;17(12):2499–2505.
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Vol. 17, No. 12 2499 December 1, 2021
D Kent, J Stanley, RN Aurora, et al. Referral of adults with OSA for surgical consultation
referring health care provider, leveraging each one’s areas of guideline and the supporting systematic review. Members of
expertise, is the management pathway most likely to yield sat- the TF were required to disclose all potential conflicts of interest
isfactory outcomes. (COI), per the AASM’s COI policy, prior to being appointed to
This guideline utilizes available evidence to support recom- the TF and throughout the research and writing of these docu-
mendations regarding discussion of referral in the following ments. In accordance with the AASM’s conflicts of interest pol-
scenarios: icy, TF members with a Level 1 conflict were not allowed to
participate. TF members with a Level 2 conflict were required
(1) Patients who are intolerant or unaccepting of PAP therapy to recuse themselves from any related discussion or writing
(2) Patients who have persistent inadequate PAP adherence responsibilities. All relevant conflicts of interest are listed in
due to pressure-related side effects the Disclosures section.
(3) Patients with obvious upper airway anatomic abnor- The TF conducted a systematic review of the published scien-
malities potentially amenable to surgery as initial OSA tific literature, focusing on patient-oriented, clinically relevant
treatment outcomes to answer 4 PICO (Patient, Intervention, Comparison,
The treatment of adults with OSA should be based on a diagnosis of and Outcomes) questions regarding the surgical treatment of
OSA established using objective testing performed in adults with OSA. This review was designed to determine if surgi-
conjunction with a comprehensive sleep evaluation. For this guide- cal therapies for OSA are effective for improving outcomes of
line, the terminology “discuss referral” implies a discussion interest when analyzed collectively, which will inform recom-
between the patient and health care provider regarding the option mendations for when health care providers treating OSA (subse-
of surgical consultation as part of a comprehensive discussion of quently referred to as “sleep clinicians” in this document) should
alternative treatment options to PAP. Under ideal circumstances, discuss referral for upper airway or bariatric surgery evaluation
patients with inadequate PAP utilization will have had an opportu- with adults with OSA. Surgical procedures included pharyngeal
nity to consult with a sleep medicine professional to address bar- soft tissue modifications, skeletal modification, and upper airway
riers to adherence, although access to such resources may be stimulation, as described further in the accompanying systematic
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limited in some areas.3 A threshold for adequate PAP adherence review. Meta-analyses were performed on outcomes of interest,
will vary between patients depending on their individual underly- when possible, for each PICO question. Patients unaccepting
ing medical history, symptomatology, disease severity, and of PAP were considered untreated for the purpose of these
response to PAP, and should be part of the discussion between analyses. Therefore, comparisons of surgery to no treatment
the health care provider and patient. “Sleep surgeon” refers to an and/or assessment of efficacy before and after surgery to treat
otolaryngologist or oral and maxillofacial surgeon with training OSA in adult patients were performed. The clinical practice rec-
and expertise in upper airway surgery who has an appropriate ommendations were then developed according to the Grading of
understanding of sleep medicine and modern surgical techniques Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation
for the treatment of OSA. If the patient elects for referral, the (GRADE) process.4 The TF assessed the following 4 components
standard surgical consultation includes a detailed anatomic assess- to determine the direction and strength of a recommendation:
ment for surgical treatment occasionally using tools unavailable to quality of evidence, balance of beneficial and harmful effects,
the average health care provider, such as flexible fiber-optic laryn- patient values and preferences, and resource use. Details of these
goscopy. A discussion of the individual’s expected risks and bene- assessments can be found in the accompanying systematic
fits of each appropriate treatment option is part of the standard review.2 Additional information is provided in the form of
“Remarks” immediately following the recommendation state-
Copyright 2022 American Academy of Sleep Medicine. All rights reserved.
The recommendations in this guideline define principles of prac-
The AASM commissioned a task force (TF) of experts in sleep tice that should meet the needs of most patients in most situations.
medicine, otolaryngology, and bariatric surgery to develop this Each recommendation statement was assigned a strength
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Vol. 17, No. 12 2500 December 1, 2021
D Kent, J Stanley, RN Aurora, et al. Referral of adults with OSA for surgical consultation
(“Strong” or “Conditional”). A “Strong” recommendation is one studies showingclinically meaningful andbeneficial differences in
that clinicians should follow for almost all patients (ie, something nearly all critical outcomes, and the benefits of discussing referral
that might qualify as a quality measure). A “Conditional” recom- over the harms of no treatment.
mendation reflects a lower degree of certainty in the appropriate- The TF investigated the use of upper airway surgery as rescue
ness of the patient care strategy for all patients. It requires that the therapy for adults with OSA who were intolerant or unaccepting
clinician use clinical knowledge and expertise and strongly con- of positive airway pressure (PAP) to improve 1 or more of the fol-
siders the individual patient’s values and preferences to deter- lowing critical outcomes: excessive sleepiness, sleep quality,
mine the best course of action. The ultimate judgment quality of life (QOL), snoring, blood pressure (BP), apnea-
regarding any specific care must be made by the treating clinician hypopnea index (AHI), and respiratory disturbance index
and the patient, taking into consideration the individual circum- (RDI). The TF also considered the risks of perioperative death
stances of the patient, available treatment options, and resources. and permanent dysphagia as critical outcomes for decision-
The AASM expects this guideline to have an impact on profes- making. Meta-analyses demonstrated a clinically significant
sional behavior, patient outcomes, and—possibly—health care reduction in excessive sleepiness, snoring, BP, and AHI/RDI,
costs. This clinical practice guideline reflects the state of knowl- and a clinically significant improvement in sleep-related and gen-
edge at the time of publication and will be reviewed and updated eral QOL. The results of the meta-analyses also demonstrated no
as new information becomes available. clinically significant risk of permanent dysphagia. The incidence
The following clinical practice recommendations are based of perioperative death was not reported in the studies.
on a systematic review and evaluation of evidence using the The overall quality of evidence was low due to imprecision and
GRADE process. The implications of the strength of recommen- risk of bias associated with observational studies. The potential
dations for guideline users are summarized in Table 1. Remarks benefits of upper airway surgery as a rescue therapy include a
are provided to guide clinicians in the implementation of these reduction in excessive sleepiness, snoring, BP, and AHI/RDI,
recommendations. and an improvement in QOL in patients unaccepting of PAP ther-
apy. Benefits demonstrated in the literature are limited to patients
Downloaded from jcsm.aasm.org by on January 25, 2022. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
Surgical treatment of patients who are intolerant or considered appropriate for surgery by the treating surgeon and
unaccepting of PAP may not be representative of all patients with OSA. The potential
harms of upper airway surgery include short-term discomfort that
Recommendation 1: We recommend that clinicians discuss is expected during postoperative recovery and is discussed during
referral to a sleep surgeon with adults with OSA and BMI < the preoperative informed consent process between the surgeon
40 kg/m2 who are intolerant or unaccepting of PAP as part and patient. Additionally, potential persistent long-term side
of a patient-oriented discussion of alternative treatment effects have been reported including dysphagia, taste alteration,
options (STRONG). mandibular paresthesia, perceived worsening of facial appear-
Remarks: The recommendation to discuss referral is not ance, aspiration, hemorrhage, and globus pharyngeus, but the
required to result in referral and does not preclude patient con- incidence of these is low. Surgery carries inherent risks, but based
sideration of other viable alternative treatment options (eg, man- on their combined clinical expertise and the substantial effects of
dibular advancement device, positional therapy, lifestyle surgery on objective and subjective measures of disease, the TF
changes). The strong recommendation to discuss surgical refer- judged that the potential benefits of a discussion regarding refer-
ral with patients with a BMI < 40 kg/m2 is not a recommendation ral to a sleep surgeon with patients unaccepting of PAP therapy
outweigh the potential harms of untreated OSA. The TF observed
Copyright 2022 American Academy of Sleep Medicine. All rights reserved.
Table 1—Implications of strong and conditional recommendations for users of AASM clinical practice guidelines.
Strong recommendation Almost all patients should receive the recommended course of action. Adherence to this recommendation could
“We recommend … ” be used as a quality criterion or performance indicator.
Conditional recommendation Most patients should receive the suggested course of action; however, different choices may be appropriate for
“We suggest … ” different patients. The clinician must help each patient determine if the suggested course of action is
clinically appropriate and consistent with his or her values and preferences.
The ultimate judgment regarding the suitability of any specific recommendation must be made by the clinician and patient.
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Vol. 17, No. 12 2501 December 1, 2021
D Kent, J Stanley, RN Aurora, et al. Referral of adults with OSA for surgical consultation
clinical expertise the TF judged that most patients would gener- patients with obesity and OSA. While the benefits of bariatric sur-
ally be accepting of a discussion regarding referral. The choice gery are clinically significant, the surgeon needs to consider fac-
to pursue referral is expected to vary between patients based on tors that would make a patient at higher risk for surgical
personal values, beliefs, and expectations for recovery time or intervention, which are not captured by this analysis. Selection
pain with surgery. bias may be present in the observed outcomes as adherence
with lifestyle changes is required of patients undergoing bariatric
Surgical treatment of patients with obesity with surgery. It is difficult to determine whether the effects of bariatric
bariatric surgery surgery on BP and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) are
directly attributed to weight loss from surgery or the lowering
Recommendation 2: We recommend that clinicians discuss
of AHI. Potential harms of bariatric surgery include short-term
referral to a bariatric surgeon with adults with OSA and obe-
discomfort that is expected during postoperative recovery and
sity (class II/III, BMI ≥ 35) who are intolerant or unaccepting
is discussed during the preoperative informed consent process
of PAP as part of a patient-oriented discussion of alternative
between the surgeon and patient. Additionally, iron malabsorp-
treatment options (STRONG).
tion, gastric ulcer, vitamin deficiency, bowel obstruction or
Remarks: The recommendation to discuss referral is not leak, gastrointestinal reflux disorder, and gastric band slippage
required to result in referral and does not preclude patient con- have been reported but the incidence of these is low. Bariatric sur-
sideration of medical weight loss strategies or other viable alter- gery carries inherent risks but based on their combined clinical
native treatment options for OSA. For patients within the BMI expertise and the substantial effects of bariatric surgery on objec-
range of 35–40 kg/m2, discussion regarding a referral to both tive and subjective measures of disease, the TF judged that the
sleep and bariatric surgeons (as per Recommendations 1 and potential benefits of a discussion regarding referral to a bariatric
3) to discuss management options is appropriate. The strong rec- surgeon with patients who are intolerant or unaccepting of PAP
ommendation to discuss surgical referral with patients with OSA, therapy outweigh the potential harms of untreated OSA. The
obesity, and PAP intolerance or unacceptance is not a recommen- TF observed that the balance of risks vs benefits for bariatric sur-
Downloaded from jcsm.aasm.org by on January 25, 2022. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
dation against (and does not preclude) discussion of surgical gery is highly dependent upon an individual patient’s OSA sever-
referral with patients with OSA, obesity, and adequate PAP use ity, symptoms, medical comorbidities, and selected surgical
if the health care provider deems it an appropriate management therapy but noted that a discussion of individualized risks and
discussion point. Other organizations, such as the National benefits is a standard component of the preoperative informed
Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, recommend consideration of consent process. There is insufficient evidence in the literature
bariatric surgery for individuals suffering from obesity (class to compare the costs of bariatric surgery to nutritional care or
II/III, BMI ≥ 35 kg/m2) and OSA, regardless of PAP adherence untreated OSA. Because acceptability of surgical interventions
status.5 varies and there is little harm in discussing referral, based on their
The TF made a strong recommendation in favor of bariatric sur- combined clinical expertise the TF judged that most patients
gery referral based on moderate-quality evidence from 2 RCTs would generally be accepting of a discussion regarding referral.
and 28 observational studies that showed clinically meaningful The choice to pursue referral is expected to vary between patients
improvements in several critical outcomes, and the benefits of based on personal values, beliefs, and expectations for recovery
discussing referral over the harms of no treatment. time or pain with surgery.
The TF investigated the use of bariatric surgery to improve 1 or
Copyright 2022 American Academy of Sleep Medicine. All rights reserved.
more of the following critical outcomes: BP, QOL, sleep quality, Surgical treatment of patients to facilitate PAP use
OSA severity, and excessive sleepiness. The TF also considered Recommendation 3: We suggest that clinicians discuss referral
the risk of perioperative death as a critical outcome for decision- to a sleep surgeon with adults with OSA, BMI < 40 kg/m2, and
making, although the risk of other serious persistent adverse persistent inadequate PAP adherence due to pressure-related
events and motor vehicle accidents was also reviewed. The TF side effects as part of a patient-oriented discussion of adjunctive
identified 2 RCTs and 28 pre- vs postsurgical treatment observa- or alternative treatment options (CONDITIONAL).
tional studies comparing the use of bariatric surgery vs no
treatment that reported on 1 or more of the critical outcomes. Remarks: Available data suggest that upper airway surgery has
Meta-analyses demonstrated a clinically significant improve- a moderate effect in reducing minimum therapeutic PAP level and
ment in all critical outcomes. None of the studies reported on increasing PAP adherence. The decision to offer referral should be
the risk of perioperative death and motor vehicle accidents. based onthe clinician’s judgmentofa patient’s currentPAP adher-
The overall quality of evidence was moderate due to large ence and tolerance as well as the patient’s treatment preferences.
effect sizes in the observational studies and due to imprecision Low degrees ofnonadherence orminimal side effects may preclude
in the RCTs. The benefits of bariatric surgery in patients with obe- consideration of a referral. Referral may be informed by the pres-
sity and OSA include a reduction in AHI/RDI, BP, oxygen desa- ence of other surgically treatable conditions that contribute to
turation index (ODI), excessive sleepiness, BMI, snoring, and upper airway obstruction(eg, persistentnasal obstruction, chronic
optimal PAP level, and an increase in the minimum oxygen satu- tonsillitis, malocclusion). For patients within the BMI range of
ration during sleep (LSAT). Benefits demonstrated in literature 35–40kg/m2, discussionregardinga referraltobothsleep and bar-
are limited to patients considered appropriate for bariatric surgery iatricsurgeons (as per Recommendation 2) todiscuss management
by the treating surgeon and may not be representative of all options may be appropriate. The conditional recommendation to
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Vol. 17, No. 12 2502 December 1, 2021
D Kent, J Stanley, RN Aurora, et al. Referral of adults with OSA for surgical consultation
discuss surgical referral with patients with a BMI < 40 kg/m2 is not assess differences in resource requirements for surgical referral
a recommendation against (and does not preclude) discussion vs inadequate PAP use. Because acceptability of surgical inter-
of surgical referral with patients with a BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2 if the ventions varies and there is little harm in offering referral, based
health care provider deems it an appropriate management discus- on their combined clinical expertise the TF judged that most
sion point, especially as some surgical therapies that reduce patients would generally be accepting of a discussion regarding
minimum therapeutic PAP level (eg, nasal surgery) are not antic- referral but that its clinical utility may be more limited in patients
ipated to be impacted by BMI. who are partially PAP adherent as opposed to those who are
completely untreated. The choice to pursue referral is expected
The TF made a conditional recommendation in favor of surgical
to vary between patients based on personal values, beliefs, and
referral based on very low-quality evidence from 7 observational
expectations for recovery time or pain with surgery.
studies showing clinically meaningful improvements in several
critical outcomes and the benefits of discussing referral over the
harms of persistent PAP-related side effects or inadequate use Surgical treatment as initial therapy in patients with a
that likely vary depending on the patient’s degree of use. major upper airway anatomical abnormality
The TF investigated the use of surgery as an adjunctive proce- Recommendation 4: We suggest that clinicians recommend
dure to facilitate the use of PAP by improving 1 or more of the fol- PAP as initial therapy for adults with OSA and a major upper
lowing critical outcomes: optimal PAP level, excessive airway anatomic abnormality prior to consideration of refer-
sleepiness, sleep quality, PAP adherence, snoring, and sleep- ral for upper airway surgery (CONDITIONAL).
related QOL. The TF also considered the risks of perioperative
Remarks: Major upper airway anatomic abnormalities con-
death and permanent dysphagia as critical outcomes for
sidered by the task force included tonsillar hypertrophy and max-
decision-making. The TF identified 7 observational studies com-
illomandibular abnormalities. While data suggest a clinically
paring pre- vs postsurgical treatment comparing 1 or more of the
significant benefit from surgical intervention in these popula-
critical outcomes. Meta-analyses of data extracted from these
tions, PAP should be recommended as initial treatment as it car-
studies were used to determine whether changes in these
Downloaded from jcsm.aasm.org by on January 25, 2022. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
patients considered appropriate for surgery by the treating sur- referral as initial treatment for OSA based on low-quality evi-
geon and may not be representative of all patients with PAP- dence from 2 RCTs and 15 observational studies, the balance of
related side effects or inadequate use. The potential harms of benefits to harms favoring PAP as an initial treatment over sur-
upper airway surgery as an adjunctive procedure include short- gery, and the benefits of discussing referral over the harms of
term discomfort that is expected during postoperative recovery PAP as an initial OSA therapy trial.
and is discussed during the preoperative informed consent pro- The TF investigated the use of surgery to improve 1 or more of
cess between the surgeon and patient. Surgery carries inherent the following critical outcomes: AHI/RDI, excessive sleepiness,
risks but based on their combined clinical experience and the sleep quality, LSAT, sleep-related QOL, snoring, and oxygen
moderate effects of surgery on PAP pressure requirements and desaturation. The TF also considered the risks of perioperative
adherence, the TF judged that the potential benefits of a discus- death and permanent dysphagia as critical outcomes for
sion regarding referral to a sleep surgeon for consideration of sur- decision-making, although the risk of other serious persistent
gery as an adjunctive procedure to facilitate PAP use may, in some adverse events and motor vehicle accidents was also reviewed.
patients, outweigh the potential harms of inadequate PAP-related The TF identified 2 RCTs and 15 pre- vs postsurgical treatment
side effects and adherence depending on their severity. If referral observational studies comparing the use of surgery vs no treat-
is discussed, the TF observed that the balance of risks vs benefits ment that reported on 1 or more of the critical outcomes. Studies
for upper airway surgery is highly dependent upon an individual including patients with prior PAP treatment were not excluded
patient’s OSA severity, symptoms, medical comorbidities, and from analysis as prior PAP exposure was not anticipated to rea-
selected surgical therapy but noted that a discussion of individu- sonably affect response to anatomy-altering surgery. Meta-
alized risks and benefits is a standard component of the preoper- analyses demonstrated a clinically significant reduction in AHI/
ative informed consent process. There are insufficient data to RDI, excessive sleepiness, snoring, and oxygen desaturation
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Vol. 17, No. 12 2503 December 1, 2021
D Kent, J Stanley, RN Aurora, et al. Referral of adults with OSA for surgical consultation
index (ODI) and a clinically significant improvement in the techniques have proliferated over the last 10–15 years as surgeons
LSAT with surgery. There was no evidence to assess improve- have developed more effective and less morbid procedures better
ment in sleep-related QOL. The results of the meta-analyses tailored to the individual patient’s anatomy.
also demonstrated no clinically significant risk of permanent dys- Surgical treatments for OSA demonstrate large reductions in
phagia. The incidence of perioperative death was not reported in objective disease burden and patient-centered outcomes as com-
the studies. None of the studies reported on the risk of motor vehi- pared to no treatment. Patients who are intolerant or unaccepting
cle accidents. of PAP therapy should be informed that surgical management is
The overall quality of evidence was low due to imprecision and one of several viable alternative treatment options. The recommen-
risk of bias associated with the observational studies. The poten- dation to discuss referral does not preclude a patient-oriented dis-
tial benefits of upper airway surgery as an initial therapy include a cussion of other viable alternative treatment options (eg,
reduction in excessive sleepiness, snoring, systolic blood pres- mandibular advancement device, positional therapy, behavioral
sure, AHI/RDI, and ODI and an increase in LSAT. Benefits dem- changes)that may yieldfavorable benefitover nofurther treatment.
onstrated in the literature are limited to patients with a major The decision to undergo surgical treatment for OSA is a personal
anatomical obstruction considered appropriate for surgery by one, and the risk-benefit ratio will vary given an individual’s
the treating surgeon and may not be representative of all patients own values, personal preferences, anatomy, and medical history.
with OSA with similar anatomic findings. The potential harms of Health care providers are encouraged to consider these factors dur-
surgery include short-term discomfort that is expected during ing a discussion regarding referral, understanding that as the field
postoperative recovery and is discussed during the preoperative of surgery continues to rapidly evolve, the surgeon may ultimately
informed consent process. Additionally, potential persistent have the most current and comprehensive understanding of the evi-
long-term side effects have been reported including dysphagia, dence surrounding a patient’s individualized surgical indications,
taste alteration, mandibular paresthesia, aspiration, hemorrhage, risks, and potential outcomes. A patient-tailored discussion of
and globus pharyngeus, but the incidence of these is low. Given appropriate surgical risks and benefits is a standard component
that even low surgical risks are elevated as compared to the min- of the informed consent process conducted by the surgeon so that
imal risk of initial PAP therapy, the balance of benefits to harms a patient may make an informed decision. A discussion of the
Downloaded from jcsm.aasm.org by on January 25, 2022. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
favors PAP therapy as initial treatment over discussion of referral short-term andlong-term sideeffects of surgery arepart of that con-
for surgical evaluation. Nevertheless, the presence of major ana- versation. A potential limitation regarding this management option
tomical obstruction may tip the balance in favor of surgical refer- is access to a surgeon familiar with the variety of modern surgical
ral discussion depending on a patient’s upper airway medical techniques for OSA.Sleep surgeons havea responsibility toremain
history. Despite the low risk of surgical referral discussion, there current on new discoveries underlying the pathophysiologic mech-
is no harm in an initial trial of PAP therapy if other surgical indi- anisms of OSA, as these findings will likely inform an individual
cations are not present. Given that the intent of discussion of sleep patient’s surgical candidacy in the future. Close collaboration
surgery referral in this clinical scenario is consideration of upper with referring sleep medicine colleagues will help foster multidis-
airway surgery prior to any PAP trial, based on their combined ciplinary educational opportunities. Surgeons interested in treating
clinical expertise, the TF judged that the potential benefits of sur- thispatientpopulationshouldhavean appropriateunderstandingof
gical referral discussion in patients with major anatomical sleep medicine and modern surgical techniques.
obstruction do not exceed the potential benefits of an initial Upper airway surgery may have a moderate effect on decreas-
PAP trial for OSA in the absence of other medical conditions ing therapeutic PAP requirements (ie, optimal PAP level) and
affecting upper airway patency. Based on their combined clinical increasing PAP adherence although this estimate is based on a
Copyright 2022 American Academy of Sleep Medicine. All rights reserved.
expertise, the TF judged that most patients would generally be small number of uncontrolled observational studies. Considering
accepting of a discussion regarding referral for surgical evalua- the very low risk of surgical referral discussion and the informed
tion as there is little harm in the act of offering. Patient acceptance consent process, clinicians should consider discussing referral to
of surgical interventions will vary, and the clinical utility of refer- a surgeon with patients struggling with PAP tolerance and adher-
ral may be more limited in patients who are partially PAP adher- ence who have not responded adequately to previously attempted
ent. The choice to pursue referral is expected to vary between nonsurgical treatments.
patients based on personal values, beliefs, and expectations for Some patients are noted to have major anatomic obstruction on
recovery time or pain with surgery. initial evaluation, such as tonsillar hypertrophy or significant
maxillomandibular deficiencies. Despite the large effect size
seen with the appropriately indicated surgery, the high efficacy,
DISCUSSION low cost, and minimal harm of PAP therapy justify an initial trial
prior to consideration of surgical referral. It is important to
Positiveairwaypressure(PAP)isrecognizedasthemostefficacious remember that additional patient history (eg, chronic tonsillitis,
treatment for the majority of OSA outcomes if worn consistently, malocclusion) may justify discussion of a surgical referral prior
but a growing body of literature confirms that a substantial portion to an initial medical therapy trial. Patients with major anatomic
of patients do not accept or tolerate it as a treatment option.6–9 Poor obstruction who refuse PAP therapy should discuss referral for
adherence to PAP therapy likely compromises patients’ ability to surgical evaluation with their health care provider.
derive all potential subjective and objective benefits. A variety of Weight loss can have a substantial impact on OSA disease bur-
alternatives to PAP for OSA treatment exist, including surgical den in obese patients. Bariatric surgery is the most effective ther-
interventions. New diagnostic tools and improved surgical apy for weight loss in patients with class II or III obesity.
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Vol. 17, No. 12 2504 December 1, 2021
D Kent, J Stanley, RN Aurora, et al. Referral of adults with OSA for surgical consultation
Discussion regarding bariatric surgery referral should be consid- 7. Jacobsen AR, Eriksen F, Hansen RW, et al. Determinants for adherence to continuous
ered in this population, which may be considered in parallel with positive airway pressure therapy in obstructive sleep apnea. PLoS One. 2017;12(12):
medical weight loss options as well as other OSA treatments. Dur-
8. Kohler M, Smith D, Tippett V, Stradling JR. Predictors of long-term compliance with
ing the consultation, the surgeon will discuss lifestyle changes continuous positive airway pressure. Thorax. 2010;65(9):829–832.
necessary to be successful with bariatric surgery. Ultimately, 9. Virk JS, Kotecha B. When continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) fails. J Thorac
patients will have to agree to major lifestyle changes to be suc- Dis. 2016;8(10):E1112–E1121.
cessful with bariatric surgery, and some are not ready for these
changes. Although not specifically included in this review, avail- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
able data suggest bariatric surgery can reduce positive airway
pressure requirements and improve PAP adherence. Referral The task force acknowledges the early contributions of Edward Weaver, MD, MPH
(University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle, WA), who assisted with the
may be limited by proximity to a bariatric surgery center, and development of the PICO questions and project charter. The task force also thanks
varying insurance coverages may impact patient access to this Ofer Jacobowitz, MD, PhD (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY);
treatment option. A growing evidence base from patients outside Eric J. Kezirian, MD, MPH (Keck School of Medicine of University of Southern
the US with class I obesity and access to bariatric surgery suggests California, Los Angeles, CA); Reena Mehra, MD, MS (Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland,
significant potential health benefits in this population as well. The OH); and Sanjay R. Patel, MD (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA)
for serving as external reviewers of the document and providing valuable feedback.
potential for surgical weight loss benefits in patients with OSA
and body mass index less than 35 kg/m2 will require further eval- This guideline was endorsed by the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric
uation in the coming years. Surgery and the Alliance of Sleep Apnea Partners. The American Academy of
Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery affirmed the value of this guideline.
1. Aurora RN, Casey KR, Kristo D, et al. American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Practice Submitted for publication August 3, 2021
parameters for the surgical modifications of the upper airway for obstructive sleep Submitted in final revised August 3, 2021
Downloaded from jcsm.aasm.org by on January 25, 2022. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Vol. 17, No. 12 2505 December 1, 2021
MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Primary outcome measures were the apnea-hypopnea
index (AHI; ie, the number of apnea and hypopnea events/h; 15-30 indicates moderate and
>30 indicates severe OSA) and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS; range, 0-24; >10 indicates
pathological sleepiness). Baseline-adjusted differences between groups at 6 months were
assessed. Minimal clinically important differences are 15 events per hour for AHI and 2 units
for ESS.
RESULTS Among 102 participants who were randomized (mean [SD] age, 44.6 [12.8] years; 18
[18%] women), 91 (89%) completed the trial. The mean AHI was 47.9 at baseline and 20.8 at
6 months for the surgery group and 45.3 at baseline and 34.5 at 6 months for the medical
management group (mean baseline-adjusted between-group difference at 6 mo, −17.6
events/h [95% CI, −26.8 to −8.4]; P < .001). The mean ESS was 12.4 at baseline and 5.3 at 6
months in the surgery group and 11.1 at baseline and 10.5 at 6 months in the medical
management group (mean baseline-adjusted between-group difference at 6 mo, −6.7 [95%
CI, −8.2 to −5.2]; P < .001). Two participants (4%) in the surgery group had serious adverse
events (1 had a myocardial infarction on postoperative day 5 and 1 was hospitalized for
observation following hematemesis of old blood).
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE In this preliminary study of adults with moderate or severe
OSA in whom conventional therapy had failed, combined palatal and tongue surgery,
compared with medical management, reduced the number of apnea and hypopnea events
and patient-reported sleepiness at 6 months. Further research is needed to confirm these
findings in additional populations and to understand clinical utility, long-term efficacy, and
safety of multilevel upper airway surgery for treatment of patients with OSA. Author Affiliations: Author
affiliations are listed at the end of this
TRIAL REGISTRATION Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry: ACTRN12614000338662 article.
Corresponding Author: Stuart
MacKay, MD, Illawarra ENT
Head and Neck Clinic, Suites 1&2,
8-10 Victoria St, Wollongong,
JAMA. 2020;324(12):1168-1179. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.14265 NSW 2500, Australia (sgmackay@
Published online September 4, 2020. ozemail.com.au).
dult obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is associated with
numerous adverse effects if left untreated, including Key Points
daytime sleepiness, reduced quality of life, increased
Question Is multilevel airway surgery effective in adults with
cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, and an increased risk moderate or severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) who cannot
of motor vehicle crashes. 1-3 A narrow or unstable upper tolerate or adhere to device use?
airway4 predisposes to episodes of complete or partial air-
Findings In this randomized clinical trial of 102 adults, modified
flow reduction (ie, obstructive apnea or hypopnea) during
uvulopalatopharyngoplasty and radiofrequency in saline tongue
sleep when pharyngeal dilator muscle tone falls. Continuous reduction, compared with ongoing medical management,
positive airway pressure (CPAP) delivered by mask, or jaw significantly improved the apnea-hypopnea index (mean
advancement with an oral appliance, can alleviate obstruc- baseline-adjusted between-group difference, −17.6 events per
tion; however, many patients either refuse these therapies, hour of sleep) and patient-reported sleepiness (mean
use them inconsistently, or (as in the case of oral appliances) baseline-adjusted between-group difference in Epworth
Sleepiness Scale, −6.7; range, 0-24; higher score indicates greater
achieve suboptimal efficacy, leaving at least 50% of patients
sleepiness) at 6 months.
without effective treatment5,6 and exposed to the risk of seri-
ous long-term morbidity. Surgical treatments aim to enlarge Meaning In this preliminary study of adults with moderate or
and stabilize the upper airway and may provide an option for severe OSA who failed conventional treatment, combined palatal
and tongue surgery improved patient-reported sleepiness and
patients in whom conventional medical treatment had
polysomnographic measures of OSA severity at 6 months,
failed.7 However, to date, there have been few randomized although further research is needed to confirm these findings in
trials evaluating the benefits and complications of these sur- additional populations and to evaluate the safety, clinical utility,
gical procedures compared with controls,8-11 and most have and long-term efficacy of multilevel upper airway surgery for
tested surgical treatment at a single level of the upper airway treatment of individuals with OSA.
in highly select patients.8,9,11
The Sleep Apnea Multilevel Surgery (SAMS) trial was a ran-
domized clinical trial of a standardized surgical procedure to or psychiatric comorbidities, were judged to be a high anes-
relieve both retropalatal and retrolingual obstruction in adult thetic risk, were pregnant, or had specific anatomical contra-
patients who had moderate or severe symptomatic OSA for indications to the intended surgery (eg, severe palatal scar-
whom conventional device treatment had failed. The pri- ring from previous surgery or severe retrognathia). A full
mary hypothesis was that surgery would be more effective than description of the inclusion and exclusion criteria is provided
ongoing medical management in improving OSA, as mea- in eTable 1 in Supplement 2.
sured by a decrease in the frequency of sleep apneas and hy- After eligibility was confirmed, participants were ran-
popneas and a reduction in subjective daytime sleepiness. domly assigned to receive either surgery or ongoing medical
management at an independent central location. A minimi-
zation program (MinimPy 0.3)13 incorporating biased-coin
minimization (base probability, 0.7; marginal balance; 1:1 al-
Methods location ratio) was used to ensure balance between variables
Ethical Approval and Informed Consent that had the potential to affect outcomes, namely, study site,
Each of the participating sites had human research ethics ap- sex, age (<50, ≥50 years), AHI (<50, ≥50 events/h), and body
proval to conduct the study. An independent data and safety mass index (<28, ≥28). Enrollment began in August 2014, but,
monitoring board regularly reviewed data on serious and non- because of slow recruitment, the protocol was amended in
serious adverse events and study quality. Written informed January 2016 after reaching 30% of the recruitment target (31
consent was obtained from each participant. of 102 planned participants) to relax the body mass index ex-
clusion threshold from greater than 35 to greater than 38 and
Study Design and Patients lower the AHI inclusion requirement from greater than 20 to
This was a multicenter, parallel-group, open-label, random- greater than 15 events per hour.
ized clinical trial of upper airway surgery vs ongoing medical
management conducted across 6 Australian academic cen- Interventions
ters. The study reporting conforms to CONSORT guidelines for The surgery intervention (eFigure in Supplement 2) con-
randomized trials. The full protocol and statistical analysis plan sisted of a modified uvulopalatopharyngoplasty to widen and
for this trial are available in Supplement 1. The rationale and stabilize the velopharynx and 7 to 9 submucosal insertions of
design of the study has been published previously.12 a radiofrequency-in-saline wand to reduce tongue volume as
Eligible adults were aged 18 to 70 years with moderate or previously described.14 A training workshop was conducted
severe OSA (defined as apnea-hypopnea index [AHI] of 15-30 to standardize the surgical techniques among the 7 participat-
and >30 events/h of sleep), body mass index less than 38, and ing surgeons.12 Ongoing medical management consisted of a
Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) greater than 8 (range, 0-24; range of evidenced-based treatments as appropriate (eg, weight
higher scores indicate greater sleepiness) in whom medically loss, alcohol reduction, sleep posture modification, medical
supervised attempts to use CPAP and, when deemed appro- management of nasal obstruction) and assistance with retrial
priate, a mandibular advancement device failed or were re- of CPAP or mandibular advancement device therapies if par-
fused. Patients were excluded if they had significant medical ticipants were willing.
jama.com (Reprinted) JAMA September 22/29, 2020 Volume 324, Number 12 1169
Assessments 15-30, moderate OSA; and greater than 30, severe OSA (a change
The follow-up assessment was scheduled for 6 months after of ≥15 is considered the minimal clinically important
the surgical intervention for the surgery group and for 6 months difference).2 The ESS evaluates patient self-reported sleepi-
after the date of baseline assessments for the ongoing medi- ness (range, 0-24; higher scores indicate greater severity; >10
cal management group. All participants were assessed by a phy- signifies pathological sleepiness; change of 2 indicates the mini-
sician certified in sleep medicine at baseline and at 1, 3, and 6 mal clinically important difference).20
months. Participants in the surgery group were also assessed Secondary outcomes included the following polysomnog-
by a surgeon before surgery; at the time of surgery; and 1, 3, raphy measures of OSA severity and sleep quality: the per-
and 6 months after surgery (eTable 2 in Supplement 2). Vali- centage of participants with AHI less than 10, the apnea in-
dated questionnaires measured patient- and partner- dex, 3% and 4% oxygen desaturation indices, the lowest oxygen
reported outcomes at baseline and each follow-up. Demo- saturation in sleep, percentage of sleep time with oxygen satu-
graphic information, medical information, OSA treatments ration <90%, AHI and lowest oxygen saturation in supine and
used, and body mass index were measured for all enrolled par- nonsupine sleep positions, arousal index, and percentages of
ticipants at baseline and at each follow-up visit. Information total sleep time spent in sleep stages nonrapid eye movement
on race was collected because severity of OSA can vary by race, stage 1 (N1) through N3 and in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep
and it was defined by participants using an open-ended ques- (mean available age-appropriate normal values: lowest oxy-
tionnaire. Friedman stage was determined at baseline by di- gen saturation, 90.5% [95% CI, 89.3%-91.7%]; arousal index,
rect visualization of tongue position, tonsil size, and measure- 12.5 [95% CI, 10.7-14.2]; N1 sleep, 8.0% of sleep time [95% CI,
ment of body mass index. Stages I through IV denote the 6.9%-9.2%]; N2 sleep, 52.2% of sleep time [95% CI, 50.6%-
presence of anatomical features previously considered to range 53.8%]; N3 sleep, 20.4% of sleep time [95% CI, 18.5%-22.2%];
from the most to least favorable for upper airway soft tissue REM sleep, 19.3% of sleep time [95% CI, 18.2%-20.3%])21; there
surgery: stage I indicates low tongue position with moderate are no agreed minimal clinically important difference values
or severe tonsil enlargement; stage II, low tongue/no or mi- for these parameters. Other secondary outcomes were objec-
nor tonsil enlargement or high tongue position/moderate or tive daytime sleepiness, measured with the multiple sleep la-
severe tonsil enlargement; stage III, high tongue position/no tency test and expressed as mean sleep latency in minutes (val-
or minor tonsil enlargement; and stage IV, body mass index ues below 10 minutes signify an increased propensity to fall
greater than 40 or skeletal deformities (eg, micrognathia or asleep; the minimal clinically important difference is 1
midface hypoplasia).15 The exclusion criterion for this study minute2); partner-reported patient snoring, measured with the
precluded the recruitment of patients with Friedman stage IV. Snoring Severity Scale22 (range, 0-9; higher scores indicate
All adverse events and postsurgery symptoms, regardless of more intense snoring; no agreed minimal clinically impor-
their severity, were systematically recorded at each of the tant difference); sleep-specific quality of life, measured with
follow-up appointments.12 Serious adverse events were based the Functional Outcomes of Sleep Questionnaire-3023 (range,
on the guidelines adopted by the International Conference on 5-20; higher scores indicate better functional status; ≥17.9 is
Harmonization of Good Clinical Practice.16 considered normal; a score change of 1 is considered to be the
Polysomnography, multiple sleep latency tests, and blood minimal clinically important difference24); generic health-
pressure measurements occurred at baseline and 6 months. related quality of life25 and self-rated health status,26 mea-
The sleep tests were scored according to the American Acad- sured with the EuroQol Group 5-dimension 5-level (EQ-5D-
emy of Sleep Medicine 2007 manual17 at a central sleep labo- 5L) instrument (utility index range, −0.594 to 125; higher scores
ratory (Adelaide Institute for Sleep Health) by 2 experienced indicate better quality of life; score change ranging from 0.03-
sleep technicians who were blinded to patient treatment al- 0.52 are considered the minimal clinically important differ-
location. For the AHI, the alternate criteria was used with hy- ences in other diseases there is no minimal clinically impor-
popnea defined as 50% reduction in airflow for at least 10 sec- tant difference established for OSA27]) and EQ visual analogue
onds and associated with either a 3% oxyhemoglobin scale (range, 0 [worst possible health] to 100 [best possible
desaturation or a cortical arousal.17 The multiple sleep la- health]; score changes ranging from 3.5-10.1 considered to be
tency test consisted of 5 daytime 20-minute sleep opportuni- the minimal clinically important differences in other
ties spaced 2 hours apart from which mean sleep latency was diseases28,29); the Glasgow Benefit Inventory,30 which was
calculated as the mean time to sleep onset after lights out.18 completed by participants randomized to the surgery group
Office and 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure measure- 6 months after the surgical procedure (change in quality of life
ments were obtained at baseline and again at 6 months. It was following surgery is graded from −100 [poorest outcome] to
not possible to blind the research staff assisting with the other 100 [best outcome], with 0 indicating no change; no reported
evaluations. Further details on patient assessments are pro- minimal clinically important difference); and office and am-
vided in Supplement 2. bulatory 24-hour, daytime, and nighttime blood pressure (mini-
mal clinically important difference for 24-hour ambulatory
Study Outcomes blood pressure is 1 mm Hg2). Some other outcomes were col-
The primary study outcomes were the baseline-adjusted dif- lected to provide mechanistic insights (eg, anthropometric
ferences between groups in the AHI and ESS19 at 6 months. The measures, adherence to other OSA therapies). Data on cost,
AHI reports the number of apnea and hypopnea events per hour imaging, and nasendoscopic findings were collected but are
of sleep, with 0 to 5 signifying no OSA; 5 to 14, mild OSA; not reported in this article. Serious adverse event rates were
1170 JAMA September 22/29, 2020 Volume 324, Number 12 (Reprinted) jama.com
jama.com (Reprinted) JAMA September 22/29, 2020 Volume 324, Number 12 1171
1172 JAMA September 22/29, 2020 Volume 324, Number 12 (Reprinted) jama.com
Figure 2. Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI) and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) Outcomes in a Study of the Effect of Upper Airway Surgery vs Ongoing
Medical Management on Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
Surgery group Medical management group
120 50
–20 –75
Baseline 6 51 1 1 50 Baseline 6 Surgery Medical
mo mo management
Surgery group Medical management group
25 5
20 0
Baseline 6 50 1 1 49 Baseline 6 Surgery Medical
mo mo management
The ends of the boxes in the boxplots are located at the first and third quartiles, ongoing medical management group. A, The AHI indicates the number of apnea
with the black line in the middle illustrating the median. The dashed line and hypopnea events per hour of sleep (0-5 is classified as normal; 5-14, mild
signifies the mean. Whiskers extend to the upper and lower adjacent values, the OSA; 15-30, moderate OSA; >30, severe OSA; a change of at least 15 is
location of the furthest point within a distance of 1.5 interquartile ranges from considered clinically meaningful and can move a patient 2 levels from severe to
the first and third quartiles. The parallel line plot contains 1 vertical line for each mild with established benefit for health2). B, The ESS19 evaluates sleepiness
patient which extends from their baseline value to their 6-month value.40 (range, 0-24; higher scores indicate greater severity; score >10 signifies
Descending lines indicate an improvement in symptoms. Baseline values are pathological sleepiness; a change of 2 is the minimally important clinical
placed in ascending order for the surgery group and descending order for the difference20).
CI, 2.5-4.4]; P < .001), and self-rated general health status Very few participants attempted to use CPAP (n = 7) or a
(EQ visual analog scale score: 10.5 [95% CI, 5.6-15.4]; mandibular advancement device (n = 1) during the trial, and
P < .001), but were not statistically significantly different for there was no significant weight loss in either study group
general health-related quality of life (EQ-5D-5L score: 0.06 (between-group difference, −1.2 kg [95% CI, −2.8 to 0.4]; P = .14)
[95% CI, 0.00-0.12]; P = .054) (Table 2). Participants in the or change in health behaviors (eTable 7 in Supplement 2).
surgery group identified specific health benefits from the
surgical procedures (mean [SD] Glasgow Benefit Inventory, Post Hoc Sensitivity Analyses
32.1 [22.8]) (eTable 7 in Supplement 2). Mean blood pressure There was no significant difference in treatment effect among
values were normal at baseline and showed no significant surgeons for the AHI (χ 25 = 5.66; P = .34) or the ESS (χ 25 = 4.51;
between-group difference at 6 months (in-office systolic P = .48). There was also no significant difference in the treatment
blood pressure: −2.5 [95% CI, −7.1 to 2.2]; P = .30; in-office effects after incorporating a random intercept for surgeons into
diastolic blood pressure: −3.9 [95% CI, −8.1 to 0.3]; P = .07) each model or when using data only for participants who met
(Table 2 and eTable 7 in Supplement 2). the original inclusion criteria (eTable 8 in Supplement 2).
jama.com (Reprinted) JAMA September 22/29, 2020 Volume 324, Number 12 1173
Table 2. Estimated Treatment Effects in the Primary and Secondary Outcomes in a Study of the Effect of Upper Airway Surgery vs Ongoing Medical
Management on Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea
of surgery
Surgery group (n = 50) Medical management group (n = 49) vs medical
Change from Change from management
Baseline, 6 mo, baseline, Baseline, baseline, group,
Outcome mean (SD) mean (SD) mean (95% CI) mean (SD) 6 mo, mean (SD) mean (95% CI) mean (95% CI)a P valueb
Primary outcomes
Apnea-hypopnea 47.9 (23.1) 20.8 (18.4) −27.4 45.3 (23.9) 34.5 (23.0) −9.8 −17.6 <.001
indexc (−33.8 to –21.0) (−16.5 to −3.1) (−26.8 to −8.4)
Apnea-hypopnea 43.2 15.6 34.1 26.7 (17.1 to 48.0)
index, (28.7 to 74.7) (9.8 to 24.8) (25.0 to 61.8)
median (IQR)
Epworth Sleepiness 12.4 (3.6) 5.3 (3.0) −7.2 11.1 (4.7) 10.5 (4.7) −0.51 −6.7 <.001
Scaled (−8.3 to −6.2) −1.6 to 0.6) (−8.2 to −5.2)
Secondary outcomes
OSA severity
and sleep qualitye
Apnea-hypopnea 0 (0) 13 (26) 13 (26) 0 4 (8) 4 (8) 18% (4 to 32) .01f
index <10, n (%)
Apnea index 12.7 (14.5) 3.1 (5.6) −13.4 13.2 (21.1) 6.8 (12.1) −6.0 −7.4 .04g
(−20.5 to −6.3) (−9.6 to −2.4) (−14.3 to −0.5)
Apnea index, 8.3 0.4 3.6 2.75
median (IQR) (1.5 to 21.0) (0.0 to 4.4) (1.0 to 17.2) (0.7 to 6.25)
3% oxygen 29.0 (17.9) 11.4 (12.7) −17.7 27.0 (19.8) 21.6 (17.8) −4.2 −13.5 .001
desaturation index (−22.2 to −13.3) (−8.9 to 0.4) (−20.0 to −7.1)
of sleep)
3% oxygen 25.1 6.7 22.1 15.7
desaturation index (15.3 to 43.7) (4.8 to 14.4) (11.0 to 40.6) (9.3 to 34.2)
of sleep),
median (IQR)
4% oxygen 23.2 (17.8) 8.1 (11.1) −15.3 21.5 (19.9) 15.9 (16.2) −4.3 −11.0 .003
desaturation index (−19.6 to −11.0) (−8.8 to 0.1) (−17.2 to −4.7)
of sleep)
4% oxygen 17.8 3.6 12.6 9.5
desaturation index (7.6 to 33.6) (2.0 to 8.2) (7.2 to 36.0) (4.1 to 23.6)
of sleep),
median (IQR)
Lowest oxygen 79.0 (8.7) 83.9 (6.1) 4.9 (2.8 to 7.0) 80.7 (9.1) 81.5 (8.9) 0.4 4.5 <.001
saturation, % (−1.7 to 2.6) (1.5 to 7.5)
Total sleep 8.8 (10.9) 3.8 (8.1) −8.5 8.3 (13.5) 6.0 (12.2) −0.8 −7.7 .008g
time spent (−14.1 to −2.8) (−2.3 to 0.7) (−13.3 to −2.0)
with oxygen
<90%, %
Total sleep 4.3 0.7 2.3 1.2
time spent (0.6 to 11.8) (0.1 to 2.1) (0.2 to 8.7) (0.1 to 4.1)
with oxygen
desaturation <90%
median (IQR), %
Arousal index 33.4 (18.6) 19.0 (10.8) −15.1 31.7 (18.1) 25.8 (15.0) −3.9 −11.2 <.001g
(arousals/h (−18.0 to −12.2) (−6.2 to −1.5) (−14.9 to −7.5)
of sleep)
Sleep stages χ 23 = 13.46;
(% total sleep time) P = .004h
N1 11.4 11.8 −0.4 12.1 9.4 −2.7 −3.9 <.001i
(−1.3 to −2.1) (–−7.2 to 1.8) (−5.5 to −2.3)
N2 63.0 56.1 −6.9 61.3 57.7 −3.6 0.1 .87i
(−13.9 to −1.3) (−8.8 to 1.6) (−0.8 to 0.9)
N3 10.7 14.0 3.3 11.7 14.4 2.7 2.6 .75i
(−1.7 to 8.3) (−1.8 to 7.2) (−1.3 to 1.8)
REM 14.9 18.1 3.2 14.9 18.5 3.6 0.8 .38i
(−1.7 to 8.1) (−1.6 to 8.8) (−1.0 to 2.5)
1174 JAMA September 22/29, 2020 Volume 324, Number 12 (Reprinted) jama.com
Table 2. Estimated Treatment Effects in the Primary and Secondary Outcomes in a Study of the Effect of Upper Airway Surgery vs Ongoing Medical
Management on Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea (continued)
of surgery
Surgery group (n = 50) Medical management group (n = 49) vs medical
Change from Change from management
Baseline, 6 mo, baseline, Baseline, baseline, group,
Outcome mean (SD) mean (SD) mean (95% CI) mean (SD) 6 mo, mean (SD) mean (95% CI) mean (95% CI)a P valueb
Objective daytime
Mean sleep 10.5 (5.2) 11.1 (4.3) 0.8 (−0.5 to 2.1) 11.6 (5.3) 11.9 (4.7) 0.2 0.6 .54k
latency (−1.1 to 1.6) (−1.3 to 2.5)
Partner- and
Snoring severity 7.7 (0.9) 2.6 (2.3) −5.1 7.1 (1.5) 6.6 (1.7) −0.56 −4.0 <.001
scalel (n = 35) (n = 23) (−5.8 to −4.4) (n = 32) (n = 26) (−1.23 to 0.10) (−4.9 to −3.1)
Functional 15.1 18.6 (1.8) 3.6 (2.9 to 4.2) 16.1 (2.7) 16.3 (2.4) 0.1 (– 0.6 to 0.8) 3.4 (2.5 to 4.4) <.001m
outcomes (2.8)
of Sleep
EQ-5D-5Lo 0.86 (0.20) 0.93 (0.12) 0.06 0.86 (0.10) 0.86 (0.10) 0.00 0.06 .054
(0.02 to 0.11) (−0.03 to 0.04) (−0.00 to 0.12)
EQ visual analog 76.4 (16.4) 85.0 (12.1) 8.8 78.7 (13.2) 76.8 (14.0) −1.7 10.5 <.001
scalep (5.4 to 12.2) (−5.3 to 1.8) (5.6 to 15.4)
Blood pressureq
24 h ambulatory 121.9 (8.4) 120.0 (12.0) −1.5 125.4 (12.2) 124.7 (13.6) −1.3 −0.2 .94
systolic blood (−5.0 to 1.9) (−4.6 to 1.9) (−4.9 to 4.6)
24 h ambulatory 75.3 (6.0) 74.1 (8.0) −1.3 77.4 (9.1) 77.7 (10.9) −0.4 −0.9 .59
diastolic blood (−3.5 to 1.0) (−2.6 to 1.7) (−4.0 to 2.3)
Body mass index 30.7 (3.9) 30.6 (4.2) −0.14 29.5 (3.7) 29.4 (3.7) 0.29 0.43 .11
(−0.51 to 0.23) (−0.10 to 0.68) (−0.10 to 0.97)
Abbreviations: EQ, EuroQol; EQ-5D-5L, EuroQol 5-dimension 5-level daytime nap opportunities when the patient is instructed to try to fall asleep.
questionnaire; N, nonrapid eye movement stage; OSA, obstructive sleep apnea; Values below 10 minutes signify an increased propensity to fall asleep.
REM, rapid eye movement sleep. The minimum important clinical difference is 1 minute2.
a k
Using the group × visit interaction term from a linear mixed-effects model with Measured by the Multiple Sleep Latency Test, mean sleep latency calculated as
group, visit (baseline or 6 months), and group × visit as fixed effects and the mean time to sleep onset after lights out on 5 daytime 20-minute sleep
participant as random intercept. opportunities spaced 2 hours apart.
b l
For group × visit interaction term. Snoring severity scale22 evaluates snoring (range, 0-9; higher scores indicate
For definition see footnotes for Table 1. more intense snoring).
For definition see footnotes for Table 1. Assessed using a linear mixed effects model with bias corrected and
accelerated bootstrapped 95% CIs.
Available age-appropriate normal values for secondary polysomnographic
parameters: lowest oxygen saturation, 90.5% (95% CI, 89.3%-91.7%); arousal Functional Outcomes of Sleep Questionnaire23 is a measure for sleep-specific
index, 12.5 (95% CI, 10.7-14.2); N1 sleep, 8.0% of sleep time (95% CI, quality of life (range, 5-20; higher scores indicate better functional status;
6.9%-9.2%); N2 sleep, 52.2% of sleep time (95% CI, 50.6%-53.8%); N3 sleep, normal is considered a score of ⱖ17.9; a score change of 1 is considered to be
20.4% of sleep time (95% CI, 18.5%-22.2%); REM sleep, 19.3% of sleep time the minimal clinically important difference24).
(95% CI, 18.2%-20.3%).21 There are no agreed minimum important clinical o
EuroQol group EQ-5D-5L26 questionnaire is a measure of general
difference values for secondary polysomnography parameters. health-related quality of life (utility index range, −0.594 to 125; higher index
Assessed using Fisher exact test. score indicates better quality of life; score changes ranging from 0.03-0.52
are considered to be the minimally important differences in other diseases
Assessed using mixed-effects model with a Poisson distribution to account for
[there is no minimal clinically important difference established for OSA]27).
data nonnormality, the mean differences were estimated from these models.
h EQoL-5D-5L visual analogue scale26 is a measure of self-rated general health
Using χ2 test of association for overall difference between groups across the
status (range, 0 [worst possible health] to 100 [best possible health]; score
4 stages of sleep at 6 months.
changes ranging from 3.5-10.1 are considered to be the minimal clinically
Using a mixed-effects logistic regression model for each separate sleep stage important differences in other diseases).28,29
with adjustment for baseline percentages. q
The minimal clinically important difference for 24-hour ambulatory blood
Mean sleep latency is the average time to fall asleep (measured by pressure is 1 mm Hg.2
polysomnography in a sleep laboratory) across 5 equally spaced 20-minute
jama.com (Reprinted) JAMA September 22/29, 2020 Volume 324, Number 12 1175
No. of events
Surgery management
Adverse event group group Discussion
Seriousa and related to surgical procedure
In this randomized clinical trial, multilevel upper airway sur-
Results in death 0
gery, compared with ongoing medical management, resulted
Life-threatening 1
in significant reductions in the frequency of sleep apneas and
Requires in-patient hospitalization 2
(>24 h) or prolongation of existing
hypopneas and daytime sleepiness in patients with moder-
hospitalization ate or severe OSA in whom prior attempts at conventional medi-
Results in persistent or significant disability 0 cal device treatment had failed. Surgery was also associated
or incapacity
with improvements in most other polysomnography mea-
Seriousa and unrelated to surgical procedure
sures (arterial oxygen saturation measures and cortical arousal
Results in death 0 0
frequency), partner-reported snoring, and patient-reported
Life-threatening 0 0
sleep-specific quality of life and general health status. Mean
Requires in-patient hospitalization 3 0
(>24 h) or prolongation of existing sleep latency and blood pressure values were in the normal
hospitalization range and were unchanged at 6 months.
Results in persistent or significant disability 0 0 The statistically significant between-group difference in
or incapacity
Nonserious and related to surgical procedure
the AHI was above the established minimal clinically impor-
tant difference (15 events/h) 2 but less than the a priori
Minor postoperative tonsil bleeds 5
(Stammberger grade A-B; hospitalization hypothesized difference of 20 events per hour.12 The accom-
for observation)
panying significant decrease in ESS exceeded the a priori suf-
Hospital admission <24 h 1
(for observation only) ficiently important difference of 3 for the trial.12 The signifi-
Globus pharyngeusb (at 6 mo) 0 cant improvements in self-reported sleepiness and sleep-
Taste changes (at 6 mo) 1 specific quality of life were considerably greater than those
Tongue numbness (at 6 mo) 0 found in patients with OSA treated with CPAP.2 Although the
Tongue weakness (at 6 mo) 0 lack of change in the multiple sleep latency test might appear
VPI speech (at 6 mo) 0 discordant with the marked change in ESS, these 2 tests mea-
VPI swallowing/regurgitation (at 6 mo) 1 sure different aspects of daytime sleepiness as demonstrated
VPI hypernasality (at 6 mo) 0
by their poor correlation in OSA populations.32 Compared
Other (excess saliva, feeling of scar tissue 2
with ESS, mean sleep latency is relatively insensitive to
on roof of mouth) change with OSA treatment2 and, unlike ESS, was within nor-
Nonserious and unrelated to surgical procedure mal limits at baseline.
Planned elective or hospital admission 2 3 The significant surgery-related improvements in this study
(<24 h)
are similar to those reported in 2 previous surgery random-
Injuries or other medical conditions 6 5
ized clinical trials8,9 conducted in patients with similar OSA
Abbreviation: VPI, velopharyngeal insufficiency. severity. However, these trials used uvulopalatopharyngo-
There were 6 serious adverse events in 4 participants in the surgery group and plasty alone in patients because of predominant retropalatal
0 serious adverse events in the ongoing medical management group. Three
obstruction and/or palatine tonsil enlargement (ie, Friedman
serious adverse events occurred in the same patient. Two other patients
had a serious adverse event prior to surgery. Further clinical details concerning stage I or II). Most patients with OSA have multilevel obstruc-
all adverse events are located in eTable 10 in Supplement 2. tion, including increased tongue size due to fat deposition.33
Globus pharyngeus is a persistent or intermittent nonpainful sensation of a Thus, this trial of multilevel surgery supports a broader role
lump or foreign body in the throat. for upper airway surgery to manage OSA and expands on an
earlier randomized clinical trial of multilevel minimally inva-
The patient was hemodynamically stable with a normal sive surgery in patients with mild disease.10 The more exten-
hemoglobin concentration and was admitted to the hospital sive approach used in the present study had a greater treat-
for observation. The remaining 2 serious adverse events (hos- ment effect, whereas the serious adverse event risk was
pital admission for asthma/bronchitis and colitis) occurred in similar to a large observational cohort of predominantly uvu-
2 participants after randomization but before the surgery. lopalatopharyngoplasy alone. 34 None of the participants
Thus, 2 of the 50 participants (4%) who underwent the sur- reported significant long-term functional difficulties. Two
gery were considered to have serious adverse events possibly participants experienced serious adverse events potentially
related to surgery and 0 of the 49 participants in the ongoing related to surgery (another 2 participants randomized to the
medical management group experienced a serious adverse surgery group had serious adverse events before undergoing
event (between-group difference, 4.0% [95% CI, –3.8% to the surgical procedures).
13.5%]). At 6 months, 4 participants in the surgery group Based on the preliminary study cohort, 14 and that
reported oral or pharyngeal symptoms, none of which were nonanatomical as well as anatomical factors contribute to
1176 JAMA September 22/29, 2020 Volume 324, Number 12 (Reprinted) jama.com
ARTICLE INFORMATION (Jones); Health Economics Unit, College of responsibility for the integrity of the data and the
Accepted for Publication: July 15, 2020. Medicine and Public Health, Flinders University, accuracy of the data analysis.
Adelaide, SA, Australia (Kaambwa); Hollywood Concept and design: MacKay, Carney, Catcheside,
Published Online: September 4, 2020. Medical Centre, Perth, WA, Australia (Lewis); Chai-Coetzer, Chia, Cistulli, Hodge, Weaver, Woods,
doi:10.1001/jama.2020.14265 Department of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Yeo, McEvoy.
Author Affiliations: Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Surgery, Royal Perth Hospital, Perth, WA, Australia Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: All
Health District, Wollongong, NSW, Australia (Lewis); Department of Otolaryngology, Head and authors.
(MacKay, Jones); University of Wollongong, NSW, Neck Surgery, Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide, Drafting of the manuscript: MacKay, Carney,
Australia (MacKay, Jones); Illawarra ENT Head and SA, Australia (Ooi, Woods); West Australian Sleep Catcheside, Chia, Cistulli, Hodge, Jones, Woodman,
Neck Clinic, Wollongong, NSW, Australia (MacKay); Disorders Research Institute, Queen Elizabeth II Woods, Yeo, McEvoy.
Southern ENT & Adelaide Sinus Centre, Flinders Medical Centre, Perth, WA, Australia (McArdle, Critical revision of the manuscript for important
Private Hospital, Adelaide, SA, Australia (Carney); Singh); Department of Pulmonary Physiology and intellectual content: MacKay, Catcheside,
College of Medicine and Public Health, Flinders Sleep Medicine, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Chai-Coetzer, Chia, Cistulli, Hodge, Jones,
University, Adelaide, SA, Australia (Carney, Ooi, Perth, WA, Australia (McArdle, Singh); The Kaambwa, Lewis, Ooi, Pinczel, McArdle, Rees,
Woods); Adelaide Institute for Sleep Health, College Memorial Hospital, Adelaide, SA, Australia (Rees); Singh, Stow, Weaver, Woodman, Woods, Yeo,
of Medicine and Public Health, Flinders University, Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Western McEvoy.
Adelaide, SA, Australia (Catcheside, Chai-Coetzer, Australia, Perth, WA, Australia (Singh); The Statistical analysis: Catcheside, Kaambwa, Weaver,
Pinczel, McEvoy); Respiratory and Sleep Service, Woolcock Clinic, University of Sydney, NSW, Woodman, Woods, Yeo.
Southern Adelaide Local Health Network, Adelaide, Australia (Stow); Department of Otolaryngology/ Obtained funding: MacKay, Carney, Catcheside,
SA, Australia (Chai-Coetzer, McEvoy); Department Head and Neck Surgery, University of Washington, Chai-Coetzer, Cistulli, Ooi, Weaver, Woods, McEvoy.
of Thoracic Medicine, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Seattle (Weaver); Staff Surgeon, Seattle Veterans Administrative, technical, or material support:
Adelaide, SA, Australia (Chia, Yeo); Charles Perkins Affairs Medical Center, Seattle, Washington MacKay, Carney, Catcheside, Chai-Coetzer, Chia,
Centre, Faculty for Medicine and Health, University (Weaver); Flinders Centre for Epidemiology and Jones, Ooi, Pinczel, McArdle, Rees, Stow, Woods.
of Sydney, NSW, Australia (Cistulli); Department of Biostatistics, College of Medicine and Public Health, Supervision: MacKay, Chai-Coetzer, Chia, Cistulli,
Respiratory and Sleep Medicine, Royal North Shore Flinders University, Adelaide, SA, Australia Hodge, Jones, Ooi, Rees, McEvoy.
Hospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia (Cistulli); Ear Nose (Woodman). Other - Trial PI: McEvoy.
and Throat Department, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Author Contributions: Drs McEvoy and Woodman Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr MacKay
Adelaide, SA, Australia (Hodge); Illawarra Sleep had full access to all the data in the study and take reported receiving grants from National Health and
Medicine Centre, Wollongong, NSW, Australia Medical Research Council of Australia, Flinders
jama.com (Reprinted) JAMA September 22/29, 2020 Volume 324, Number 12 1177
University, and The Repat Foundation 2013 Prabha Australia, Flinders University, and The Repat Antic, PhD (Flinders University). Dr Antic brought
Seshadri Research Grant during the conduct of the Foundation during the conduct of the study and together the collaboration of sleep physicians and
study and nonfinancial support from Genio-Nyxoah grants from Philips Respironics and ResMed outside surgeons, led the funding proposal, and was the
and grants from Garnett-Passe Rodney Williams the submitted work. No other disclosures were study’s principal investigator before his untimely
Foundation and Illawarra Health and Medical reported. death (in 2016). We thank the patients who
Research Institute outside the submitted work. Funding/Support: This study is supported by a participated in this trial; the various clinical and
Dr Carney reported receiving grants from National project grant from the National Health and Medical research teams of the Sleep and Respiratory, and
Health and Medical Research Council of Australia, Research Council of Australia (1059510). Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
Flinders University, and The Repat Foundation Supplementary trial funding was provided by departments; and the technicians in the core sleep
Prabha Seshadri Research Grant during the conduct Flinders University and The Repat Foundation laboratory at the Adelaide Institute of Sleep Health
of the study. Dr Catcheside reported receiving Prabha Seshadri Research Grant. Dr McEvoy was for their work on the study.
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jama.com (Reprinted) JAMA September 22/29, 2020 Volume 324, Number 12 1179
Maria V. Suurna, MD ; Armin Steffen, MD ; Maurits Boon, MD; Eugene Chio, MD; Marcel Copper, MD;
Reena Dhanda Patil, MD; Katherine Green, MD; Ronald Hanson, MD; Clemens Heiser, MD ;
Colin Huntley, MD ; David Kent, MD; Christopher Larsen, MD; Shalini Manchanda, MD;
Joachim T. Maurer, MD; Ryan Soose, MD; Nico de Vries, MD; Harneet K. Walia, MD; and
Erica Thaler, MD, ADHERE Registry Investigators
Objectives/Hypothesis: To provide the ADHERE registry Upper Airway Stimulation (UAS) outcomes update, including
analyses grouped by body mass index (BMI) and therapy discomfort.
Study Design: Prospective observational study.
Methods: ADHERE captures UAS outcomes including apnea-hypopnea index (AHI), Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS), ther-
apy usage, patient satisfaction, clinician assessment, and safety over a 1-year period. BMI ≤32 kg/m2 (BMI32) and 32 < BMI
≤35 kg/m2 (BMI35) group outcomes were examined.
Results: One thousand eight hundred forty-nine patients enrolled in ADHERE, 1,019 reached final visit, 843 completed
the visit. Significant changes in AHI (20.9, P < .0001) and ESS ( 4.4, P < .0001) were demonstrated. Mean therapy usage
was 5.6 2.2 hr/day. Significant therapy use difference was present in patients with reported discomfort versus no discomfort
(4.9 2.5 vs. 5.7 2.1 hr/day, P = .01). Patients with discomfort had higher final visit mean AHI versus without discomfort
(18.9 18.5 vs. 13.5 13.7 events/hr, P = .01). Changes in AHI and ESS were not significantly different. Serious adverse
events reported in 2.3% of patients. Device revision rate was 1.9%. Surgical success was less likely in BMI35 versus BMI32
patients (59.8% vs. 72.2%, P = .02). There was a significant therapy use difference: 5.8 2.0 hr/day in BMI32 versus
5.2 2.2 hr/day in BMI35 (P = .028).
Conclusions: Data from ADHERE demonstrate high efficacy rates for UAS. Although surgical response rate differs
between BMI32 and BMI35 patient groups, the AHI and ESS reduction is similar. Discomfort affects therapy adherence and effi-
cacy. Thus, proper therapy settings adjustment to ensure comfort is imperative to improve outcomes.
Key Words: Hypoglossal nerve stimulation, upper airway stimulation, sleep apnea, sleep surgery, neurostimulation.
Level of Evidence: 4
Laryngoscope, 131:2616–2624, 2021
From the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (M.V.S.), Weill Cornell Medicine/New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York,
New York, U.S.A.; Department of Otorhinolaryngology (A.S.), University of Lübeck, Lübeck, Germany; Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck
Surgery (M.B., C.H.), Thomas Jefferson University Hospital; Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery (E.C.), Ohio State University,
Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A.; Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (M.C.), St. Antonius Hospital, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands; Department of
Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery (R.D.P.), University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A.; Department of Surgical Services
(R.D.P.), Cincinnati Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A.; Department of Otolaryngology (K.G.), University of Colorado, Denver,
Colorado, U.S.A.; Otolaryngology, St. Cloud Ear, Nose, Throat Clinic (R.H.), St. Cloud, Minnesota, U.S.A.; Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and
Neck Surgery (C.H.), Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany; Department of Otolaryngology (D.K.), Vanderbilt University Medical Center,
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.; Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (C.L.), Kansas University Medical Center, Andover, Kansas, U.S.A.;
Section of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Sleep and Occupational Medicine (S.M.), Indiana University School of Medicine and Indiana University Health,
Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A.; Division of Sleep Medicine, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery (J.T.M.), University Medical Center
Mannheim, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany; Division of Sleep Surgery, Department of Otolaryngology, Pittsburgh
School of Medicine, UPMC Mercy (R.S.), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.; Department of Ear, Nose and Throat, OLVG,
Department of Oral Kinesiology (N.D.V.), ACTA Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Cleveland Clinic, Sleep Disorders Center (H.K.W.),
Neurological Institute, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.; and the Center for Sleep and Circadian Neurobiology (E.T.), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
The study is financially supported by Inspire Medical Systems.
Editor’s Note: This Manuscript was accepted for publication on July 6, 2021.
The authors have no other funding, financial relationships, or conflicts of interest to disclose.
Abstract was accepted for podium presentation at the Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meeting (COSM) April 22–26, 2020 in Atlanta, Georgia.
Cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Send correspondence to Maria V. Suurna, MD, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Weill Cornell Medicine/New York
Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY. E-mail: mas9390@med.cornell.edu
DOI: 10.1002/lary.29755
Laryngoscope 131: November 2021 Suurna et al.: ADHERE Registry 2020 Update Impact of BMI
pressure (PAP) is an effective first line treatment for to provide necessary device setting adjustments. Sleep studies
OSA,2 however, despite advancements in technology, poor performed during the annual visits do not include titration of the
compliance continues to be a major barrier to treatment.3 UAS system and the AHI reported for these visits is a total or
all-night AHI. The registry captures data on each enrolled
Upper airway stimulation (UAS) therapy is an established
patient through their first annual visit. However, the visit win-
therapy for PAP-intolerant patients. The UAS system is dow for the first annual visit can be up to 2 years post-implant to
composed of three implantable components including a allow patients to get full therapy optimization. The registry pro-
programmable implanted pulse generator (IPG), a stimula- tocol was reviewed and approved by each contributing center’s
tion lead with electrodes that are placed on the medial bra- institutional review board or ethics committee, and all patients
nches of the hypoglossal nerve, and an intercostal participating in the registry have provided informed consent.
respiratory sensing lead.4 The system is designed to sense
respiration and deliver synchronized stimulation to the
hypoglossal nerve, which causes stiffening and forward Outcome Measurements
Demographic and baseline medical history information was
protrusion of the tongue leading to the airway opening
collected for all enrolled patients. Patients completed the
during each inspiration. The efficacy of this therapy was Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS) questionnaire, a self-reported
demonstrated in the Stimulation Therapy for Apnea instrument of 8 questions that measures daytime sleepiness,
Reduction (STAR) trial.5 prior to UAS implantation and at 12-months postoperatively.
Data from patients treated with UAS as part of rou- Sleep data were captured prior to UAS implantation and the
tine clinical care have been collected in the Adherence final visit using a PSG or HSAT with one implant setting during
and Outcome of Upper Airway Stimulation for the OSA the entire night study. The final visit collected the AHI from the
International Registry (ADHERE). Previous publications entire night of the sleep study. During the post-PSG therapy
of data from the Registry reported that the use of the optimization visit and at the final visit, clinicians rated patient’s
progress using the Clinical Global Impression Index (CGI-I), a
therapy was effective in AHI reduction, patients had high
7-point scale to assess improvement or worsening of the patient’s
levels of adherence, and the majority were more satisfied OSA burden as compared to before UAS implant. Patients filled
with UAS than PAP. Review of ADHERE data found out a survey on UAS therapy satisfaction in comparison to PAP
older age and lower body mass index (BMI) associated at the post-titration and at the final visit. Therapy usage was
with therapy success. There was a trend toward women captured upon device interrogation at the post-titration and at
having increased odds of therapy effectiveness.6–8 the final visit. Safety information, including device, surgical pro-
Since the last publication, the number of the cedure, or therapy-related adverse events, was collected for the
patients in the registry has almost doubled. This work time period spanning UAS implantation through the final visit.
presents a 2020 update on registry outcomes. Further
analysis was focused on factors impacting therapy adher-
ence and therapy efficacy in BMI less than 32 kg/m2 and Statistical Analysis
those above 32 kg/m2, which were not studied in the Data from all enrolled patients (n = 1,849) and those who
STAR trial and is of interest to the clinicians. were eligible for the final visit (n = 1,019) were included as the
primary analysis cohort. A sub-analysis cohort included patients
who have completed final follow-up visit, underwent PSG or
HSAT at the final visit and had recorded baseline BMI
MATERIALS AND METHODS below 35 kg/m2 (n = 535). BMI-related outcome analysis was per-
Study Design formed by comparing two groups: patients with a baseline BMI
ADHERE (NCT02907398) is an ongoing, international, ≤32 kg/m2 (BMI32, n = 438) and patients with baseline
multicenter, observational registry designed to capture outcomes 32 < BMI ≤ 35 kg/m2 (BMI35, n = 97). Statistical significance was
of 5,000 patients implanted with the Inspire™ UAS System determined using Wilcoxon rank-sums test for non-normal data
(Inspire Medical Systems, Maple Grove, Minnesota). Manufac- and t-test for normal data with an a priori significant threshold
turer indications for implantation with the UAS system include of P < .05. If the results of the Wilcoxon rank-sum test or t-test
diagnosis of moderate to severe OSA (AHI 15–65 events/hr) with were non-significant, noninferiority testing was performed using
less than 25% central/mixed apneas, intolerance or failure of one-sided t-test for normally distributed data. The noninferiority
PAP treatment, and absence of complete concentric collapse at margin was set at five for AHI and two for ESS. The results were
the palatal level during drug-induced sleep endoscopy. reported as a mean standard deviation. Sensitivity analyses
This registry includes patients undergoing standard of care using multiple imputation method were performed to determine
management following UAS implantation without any additional the effect of missing data on the results.
intervention. All patients who undergo implant of the UAS sys-
tem are eligible to participate in the registry if they are willing
to provide consent and have a life expectancy of at least one year. RESULTS
Sites are paid for data entry for each subject. Each subject A total of 1,849 patients were enrolled at 43 global
receives a stipend for participation in the registry. Stipends are centers from October 19, 2016 to March 13, 2020. At the
paid out after visits are completed. Current UAS therapy man-
time of data analysis, implant data were available for
agement protocol includes device activation 1 month after system
1,768 patients. About 1,019 patients reached the time of
implantation, followed by patient self-adjustment for approxi-
mately 2–3 months. After self-adjustment, device optimization is 1–2 years post implant to be eligible to complete a final
recommended during an in-lab polysomnography (PSG) at 3– follow-up visit. Of these patients, 823 (83%) had com-
6 months post-implant. After initial therapy optimization, pleted a final follow up visit, 782 of these patients
patients are followed by annual visits to assess effectiveness of reported at least one of the following: AHI, ESS, Therapy
the therapy with PSG or home sleep apnea testing (HSAT) and Use, Figure 1. The population was primarily comprised of
Laryngoscope 131: November 2021 Suurna et al.: ADHERE Registry 2020 Update Impact of BMI
Enrolled Subjects BMI Subset
N=438 N=97
Subjects 1-year post Implant
Laryngoscope 131: November 2021 Suurna et al.: ADHERE Registry 2020 Update Impact of BMI
Summary of Results.
ALL Patients BMI32 (n = 438) BMI35 (n = 97)
12-mo data with 12-mo data with
Baseline 12-mo data with Multiple Multiple
ALL Baseline 12- Multiple Imputation Imputation Imputation
Variable (n = 1,849)* (n = 782)† mo (n = 782) (N = 1,019) Baseline 12-mo (N = 765) Baseline 12-mo (N = 155)
Body mass index (kg/m ) 29.3 3.9 29.2 4 29.2 4.2 27.7 2.7 27.8 2.9 33.4 0.9 33.0 2.5
(N = 415) (N = 89)
Apnea-hypopnea index N = 438 N = 97
Mean 36.0 15.7 35.8 15.0 14.5 14.9 14.7 15.1 35.4 14.1 14.0 14.5 13.8 14.1 37.1 14.5 16.8 15.1 17.7 16.3
All subjects with enrolled in ADHERE.
All subjects with a final visit (and at least one of the following reported: AHI, ESS, therapy usage).
Significant change from Baseline.
No significant difference between BMI groups.
Significant difference between BMI groups.
Laryngoscope 131: November 2021 Suurna et al.: ADHERE Registry 2020 Update Impact of BMI
Subanalysis of Two BMI Groups visit (mean difference = 0.63, upper 97.5% confidence
BMI analyses included 535 subjects with AHI data interval = 4.3). Mean ESS in the BMI32 group decreased
collected at both baseline and final visits and enrollment from 11.6 5.5 at the baseline to 7.1 4.7 at the final
AHI between 15 and 65 events/hr. There were no other visit (a mean change of 4.5 points), whereas the mean
demographic differences between the two BMI groups. ESS in the BMI35 group decreased from 12.4 5.0 at the
Prevalence of hypertension was significantly higher in baseline to 7.8 4.6 at the final visit (a mean change of
the BMI35 group (59.8% vs. 45.0%, P = .01). No signifi- 4.8 points). The mean difference in change in ESS
cant difference between the groups was observed with between the two groups was 0.23 with the upper 97.5%
regards to other co-morbidities (Table I). The mean AHI confidence interval at 0.78 which falls within the non-
at baseline in the BMI32 group was 35.4 14.1 events/hr, inferiority margin. The results were similar after performing
compared to the mean AHI in the BMI35 group of sensitivity analyses using multiple imputation to account for
37.1 14.5 events/hr. At the final follow-up, mean AHI in missing data at final visit (mean difference = 0.16, upper
the BMI32 group was 14.0 14.5 events/hr (a change of 97.5% confidence interval = 0.91) (Table II, Fig. 2A,B). How-
21.4 events/hr), whereas the mean AHI in the BMI35 ever, there was a significant difference in surgical success
group was 16.8 15.1 events/hr (a change of 20.3 rate using the Sher criteria defined as AHI reduction by
events/hr). The change in AHI for BMI35 group was non- 50% to below 20 events/hr (72.2% in BMI32 group vs. 59.8%
inferior to the change in AHI for the BMI32 group. The in BMI35 group, P = .02). Subjects with a higher BMI were
mean difference in change in AHI between the two groups less likely to achieve an AHI < 20. There was a significant
was 1.07 with the upper 97.5% confidence interval at 4.5 difference in therapy use between the two BMI groups with
which falls within the noninferiority margin. The results patients in the BMI32 using therapy a mean of 5.8 2.0 hr/
were similar after performing sensitivity analyses using day compared to patients in the BMI35 group who used ther-
multiple imputation to account for missing data at final apy a mean of 5.2 2.2 hr/day (P = .028). Between the two
A 50.0
36.0 37.1
*p<0.05 compared to Baseline
AHI (events/h)
14.5* 14.0*
Baseline Final Follow-up
All Subjects (n=782) BMI32 (n=438) BMI35 (n=97)
20 *p<0.05 compared to Baseline
11.4 11.6 12.4
7.1* 7.1* 7.8*
Baseline Final Follow-up
All Subjects (n=782) BMI32 (n=396) BMI35 (n=84)
Fig. 2. A, Apnea hypopnea index (AHI) change over time (by body mass index [BMI] group); B, Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS) over time
(by BMI group)
Laryngoscope 131: November 2021 Suurna et al.: ADHERE Registry 2020 Update Impact of BMI
11% 13%
80% 19%
56% 61% 32%
40% 30%
Fig. 3. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) Severity (by body mass index [BMI] group)
BMI groups, there were no differences in patient reported guard has helped address discomfort concerns related to
therapy discomfort. BMI was also not a predictor for adjunc- tongue abrasion. Overall, the rate of serious adverse events
tive therapy use. remains low. Device revision was required in 1.9% of cases,
Both BMI groups had a significant number of with the respiratory sensor lead revision being the most
patients with change in OSA severity from the baseline to common. Attention should be given to patients who report
final visit, with the percentage of patients with severe sudden change in stimulation pattern or strength, new or
OSA decreasing from 56% to 11% in the BMI32 group and worsening pain, and signs of infection at the sites of the
61% to 13% in the BMI35 group (Fig. 3) The BMI35 group implant. Device testing and appropriate imaging in such sit-
reported slightly higher adverse event rates (SAE: 4.1%; uations can help detect hardware issues.
non-SAE: 29.9%) compared to the BMI32 group (SAE: Several reports have suggested that use of adjunc-
2.3%; non-SAE: 24.7%), however, due to sample size, sta- tive therapy, such as chin strap, oral appliance, and
tistical comparison of these adverse event rates is not UPPP, can improve UAS therapy outcomes and adher-
appropriate. Clinician assessment using CGI-I and ence.9–11 Nevertheless, prior ADHERE analysis has not
patient satisfaction was similar between groups. Both demonstrated an association between other upper airway
groups had high self-reported patient satisfaction with surgeries and UAS efficacy.12 Positional OSA was also
the UAS therapy (Table II). found to not have significant impact on therapy out-
comes.13 The current ADHERE data analysis revealed
that adjunctive therapy is infrequent with 91% of
DISCUSSION patients using UAS as their only OSA treatment at final
The ADHERE registry has grown to include 1,849 par- visit. These results suggest that UAS is often effective as
ticipants worldwide. These results represent the 2020 a monotherapy, however, individualized combination
update which is the largest analysis of UAS therapy to date. therapy should still be considered in patients with sub-
Consistent with previously published therapy outcomes, optimal treatment response.
therapy use continues to demonstrate significant reduction All patients implanted in the STAR trial had a BMI
of mean AHI from 36.0 to 14.5 events/hr with normalization less than 32 kg/m2. This criterion has been required for
of ESS.5–8 Mean therapy use of 5.6 hr/day is consistent with patient selection by many insurance coverage policies,
previously reported ADHERE results.6–8 and UAS efficacy in patients with BMI > 32 kg/m2 is still
This update on therapy safety demonstrates a low debated. Potential UAS efficacy in patients with higher
rate of adverse events. Reported therapy-related discom- BMI has been suggested by Huntley et al. who reported
fort included stimulation-associated tongue abrasions and no difference in UAS therapy success rates between
insomnia/arousals that had a significant negative effect BMI > 32 kg/m2 and BMI < 32 kg/m2 groups.14 However,
on AHI reduction and therapy use. However, discomfort this study reported AHI data from 2-months PSG titra-
did not negatively affect subjective symptoms based on tion studies, as opposed to full-night AHI which is
ESS. These results suggest that assessing and addressing reported in the current ADHERE update. The data analy-
discomfort early in the postimplant care process is critical sis of the two BMI groups (BMI32 and BMI35) indicated
to long-term therapy adherence. Patients’ complaints of that although the change in AHI for patients in the
therapy discomfort during follow up visits or after PSG BMI35 group is noninferior to the change in AHI for
therapy titration should ideally be addressed immedi- patients in the BMI32 group, subjects with a higher BMI
ately. Therapy setting adjustments by changing electrode had a significantly lower likelihood in meeting Sher surgi-
configuration, therapy start delay, pulse width and fre- cal success criteria secondary to an inability to achieve an
quency can allow for more comfortable therapy use and AHI < 20 events/hr. Even though patients in both groups
potential improvements in effectiveness. Use of a dental have met DISE criteria for therapy indication, higher
Laryngoscope 131: November 2021 Suurna et al.: ADHERE Registry 2020 Update Impact of BMI
BMI is associated with an increase in airway closing pres- surgical success rate outcomes, AHI reduction, ESS
sure which might not be fully overcome with comfortable improvement, and therapy satisfaction are similar
UAS settings, thus leaving patients with higher residual between patients with BMI32 and BMI35. Consistent use
AHI. Analyses further indicated lower therapy usage in is imperative for therapy efficacy and is affected by dis-
patients with higher BMI. However, the higher BMI comfort. Therapy-related discomfort should be addressed
group (BMI35) experienced similar reductions in AHI and early in the process of therapy optimization to improve
there was a significant reduction of OSA severity with UAS adherence and outcomes.
UAS use. The patient-reported therapy satisfaction
with therapy was also similar for patients in both groups.
Although there was a difference in surgical success rate ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
and therapy usage between the BMI groups, there was no We acknowledge all investigators and research coordina-
significant difference in addressing the patients’ subjective tors at 43 participating centers for their contribution of
symptoms. Reduction of sleepiness with the therapy use data collection in the ADHERE Registry.
was similar in both groups, both reporting normalization
of ESS score. These updated ADHERE results indicate
that UAS is an effective and beneficial second line treat-
ment for patients with moderate to severe OSA and
M.V.S. has received honoraria from Inspire Medical; A.
BMI > 32 kg/m2. It should be noted that patients in the
S. has received honoraria and covered travel expenses for
BMI35 group had higher prevalence of baseline hyperten-
invited talks on behalf of Inspire Medical; M.B. has received
sion. Considering that untreated OSA is associated with
research support and is a consultant for Inspire Medical;
increased risk of developing new-onset hypertension and is
R.D.P. has received honoraria from Inspire Medical; C.H. has
a modifiable risk factor,15 higher BMI patients should be
received research grant, travel support and consulting
considered for UAS implantation if unable to tolerate PAP.
honoraria from Inspire Medical; C.H. has received research
ADHERE continues to gather data on outcomes,
support from Inspire Medical; C.L. is a consultant for
adverse events, and therapy satisfaction in patients
Inspire Medical; J.T.M. received honoraria from ImThera
implanted with UAS as part of regular clinical care. This
Medical, is a consultant and received honoraria from
publication reports outcomes from the largest cohort of
Inspire Medical, is a consultant and received honoraria
patients using UAS to date. Lack of standardization in
from Nyxoah Medical, has received honoraria and travel
polysomnography outcomes reported by individual institu-
reimbursement from Neuwirth Medical Products; R.S.
tions has been an ongoing concern.16 The registry collects
received research support from Inspire Medical, consultant
and reports total AHI using full night PSG or HSAT at
for Smith & Nephew, Cryosa Inc, Invicta Medical, Inspire
final visit which addresses previous concerns of reporting
Medical, Galvani Bioelectronics, Enhale Medical; N.D.V. is a
only treatment AHI from the titration polysomnogram.
researcher for Inspire, Nyxoah, on medical advisory board
Nevertheless, it is not possible to mandate absolute unifor-
for Philips NightBalance; H.W. serves as the principal
mity of diagnostic testing equipment and treatment proto-
investigator of the studies with Inspire at Cleveland
cols between institutions implanting patients with OSA as
Clinic, has received funding from Resmed; E.T. has received
part of regular clinical care. The registry reports outcomes
a research grant from Inspire Medical.
only for enrolled patients who have completed final visit. A
significant portion of data for final visit AHI outcomes is
still missing, most likely related to patient noncompliance
with recommended follow-up after therapy activation. BIBLIOGRAPHY
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