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A framework to analyze the robustness of

social-ecological systems from an institutional

John M. Anderies∗ Marco A. Janssen† Elinor Ostrom‡
May 6, 2004

School of Life Sciences and Center for Environmental Studies, Arizona State University PO Box 873211
Tempe, AZ 85287-3211, USA, phone: (480) 965-8712/6518, fax: (480) 965-8087 email: m.anderies@asu.edu

Corresponding author: Center for the Study of Institutions, Population, and Environmental Change,
Indiana University, 408 North Indiana Avenue, Bloomington, IN 47408-3799,USA, phone: (812) 855-5178,
fax: (812) 855-2634, email: maajanss@indiana.edu

Department of Political Science; Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis; Center for the
Study of Institutions, Population, and Environmental Change, Indiana University, 513 North Park Avenue,
Bloomington, Indiana 47408, USA, phone: (812) 855-0441, fax: (812) 855-3150, email: ostrom@indiana.edu

What makes social-ecological systems robust? In this paper we look at the institutional con-
figurations that affect the interactions among resources, resource users, public infrastructure
providers, and public infrastructures. We propose a framework that helps to identify po-
tential vulnerabilities of social-ecological systems to disturbances. All of the linkages among
the components of this framework can fail and thereby reduce the robustness of the system.
We posit that the link between resource users and public infrastructure providers are a key
variable affecting the robustness of social-ecological systems that has frequently been ignored
in the past. We illustrate the problems caused by a disruption in this link. We then briefly
describe the design principles originally developed for robust common-pool resource institu-
tions since they appear to be a good starting point for the development of design principles
for more general social-ecological systems and do include the link between resource users and
public infrastructure providers

keywords: institutions, social-ecological systems, resilience, robustness

Over the past century, growing human influences on biophysical processes have led to many
perceived environmental problems. A typical response has been to improve our understand-
ing of the underlying biophysical process about which decisions must be made, and thus
reduce the uncertainty decision-makers must face. This is a difficult task. A degree of irre-
ducible uncertainty always exists about how the dynamics of coupled social and ecological
processes unfold. This fact suggests that rather than asking how society can better “manage”
ecological resources, we ought to be asking “What makes social-ecological systems robust?”
The concept of robustness is well developed in engineering where it refers to the mainte-
nance of system performance either when subjected to external, unpredictable perturbations,
or when there is uncertainty about the values of internal design parameters (Carlson and
Doyle, 2002). Robust design often involves a trade-off between maximum system perfor-
mance and robustness. A “robust” system will typically not perform as efficiently with
respect to a chosen set of criteria than its non-robust counterpart. However, the robust sys-
tem’s performance will not drop of as rapidly as its non-robust counterpart when confronted
with external disturbance or internal stresses.
Resilience, a similar concept to robustness that has been developed in ecology (Holling,
1973), measures the amount of change or disruption that is required to transform a system
from being maintained by one set of mutually reinforcing processes and structures to a
different set of processes and structures. Resilience is an appealing concept and it is tempting
to extend it to Social Ecological Systems (Berkes et al., 1998). However, resilience can be
difficult to apply to systems in which some components are concsiously designed (Carpenter
et al. 2001). More recent developments in resilience theory emphasize adaptive capacity,
and coupled cycles of change that interact across several scales (Gunderson and Holling,
2002). These ideas are useful in a descriptive sense, but are less useful for studying designed
systems. How does one design for adaptive capacity? What is the cost of adaptive capacity?
Robustness, on the other hand, emphasizes the cost benefit trade-offs associated systems
designed to cope with uncertainty. As such, robustness is a more appropriate concept when
trying to understand how SESs can deal with disruptions. However, we do not abandon the
concept of resilience. For example, one approach to enhance the robustness of a SES would
be to focus on governance that enhances the resilience of an ecosystem configuration that
produces a desirable bundle of goods and services. The important point is to recognize both
the designed and self-organizing compenents of a SES and to study how they interact.

Given the previous discussion, it seems natural to extend the idea of robustness to a
social-ecological system. However, it is difficult in practice. In engineered systems, defining
a performance index is straight-forward. Engineered systems are frequently relatively simple,
controllable, and better understood than ecological or social systems. Even complex engi-
neered systems that are composed of many subsystems, like a jet airplane, have relatively
complete blueprints that can be used when diagnosing a problem and engaging in repair.
SESs are never fully designed or controllable, nor are they amenable to the definition of one
simple, easily measurable performance index such as output value minus input costs. In this
sence, fully engineered systems and SES’s provide examples at different ends of the spectrum
of systems with both designed and self-organizing subcomponents and levels of uncertainty.
In the former, the majority of subsystems are designed (airplane components), very few
subsystems self-organize (pressure drop over an airfoil), and uncertainty is low (mostly elim-
inated by wind tunnel experiments and prototype testing). In the later, the majority of
components are self orgainizing (ecological systems, social networks), very few are designed
(rules of interaction), and uncertainty is high (experimentation is difficult or impossible).
despite these difficulties, the idea of enhancing the robustness of social-ecological systems is
appealing in the present context of rapid change and increasing uncertainty at and across
various scales. the first step is developing a framework to study the robustness of social eco-
logical systems and then to posit broad design principles for robust social ecological systems
that may be improved with further research.
Any such framework must address three issues: 1) the maintenance of cooperation and
potential for collective action within the social system, 2) ecological systems are dynamic, as
are the rules of the games that agents play amongst themselves, and 3) ecological systems
can occupy multiple stable states and move rapidly between them. The first of these issues
has become a well developed field in the last three decades The conditions under which
cooperation is maintained or will evolve has been the focus of field researchers, game theorists
and experimental economists for some time (e.g. Axelrod, 1984; Ostrom, Gardner, and
Walker, 1994; Bowles and Gintis, 2003). However, this work focuses on resource users and
their actions when payoffs are constant over time, i.e. the resource base is static. Dynamic or
differential game theory allows the incorporation of the second issue into models of strategic
interaction. Dynamic games have been applied to dynamic resource management issues (e.g.
Clark, 1990; Mäler et al., 2003) but here the focus is to determine optimal strategies and
the assessment of the effectiveness of economic instruments toward achieving them. Little
attention has been paid to the institutional context, It is simply assumed that the necessary

institutional and any other associated infrastructure is in place. Finally, the third issue has
been addressed in several recent papers (Carpenter et al., 1999a, 1999b; Scheffer et al., 2001;
Anderies et al., 2002; Janssen et al., 2004; Brock and Xapapadeas, 2004). These studies
focus on management regimes that reduce the probability that a system with multiple stable
states will enter, and possibly remain in, undesirable states. However, these studies do not
include institutional contexts.
The innovation in this paper is to pose a framework that enables us to begin to address
these three issues as they affect one another. We wish to address the resource, its users,
its governance system and associated infrastructure as a coupled system. We attempt to
lay the foundations for eventual theories and models. We are using the term, “framework,”
purposefully. A framework identifies a broad set of variables and their linkages. Within
any particular framework, alternative theories are used to make broad predictions about the
effect of changes in relevant variables while multiple models operationize theories using a
variety of formal techniques (see Ostrom, 1999). In this paper, we first define our area of
interest and characterize “robustness” in this context. We then use this framework to discuss
several general themes and apply it to specific cases. Finally we provide initial directions for
future research.

The Framework
How do institutional arrangements affect the robustness of social-ecological systems? Why
do some systems survive in highly varying environments over time while others collapse?
Which attributes of the institutions are more likely to lead to the creation of robust social-
ecological systems? How do these attributes depend on the underlying ecological system?
To answer these questions, we propose a “framework”. The framework consists of a set of
definitions and a list of attributes that are of key importance to understanding the robustness
of a social ecological system. This framework is only a beginning. We present it here in order
to lay the foundation for future work.

Defining a social ecological system

What is a social-ecological system (SES)? A SES is an ecological system intricately linked
with and affected by one or more social systems. An ecological system can loosely be defined
as an interdependent system of organisms or biological units. Social simply means “tending

to form cooperative and interdependent relationships with others of one’s kind” (Merriam-
Webster Online Dictionary, 2004). Broadly speaking, social systems can be thought of as an
interdependent system of organisms. Thus, both social and ecological systems contain units
that interact interdependently and each may contain interactive subsystems as well. We use
the term, SES, to refer the subset of social systems in which some of the interdependent
relationships among humans are mediated through interacting biophysical and non-human
biological units. A simple example is when one fisher’s activities change the outcomes of
another fisher’s activities through the interacting biophysical and non-human biological units
that constitute the dynamic, living fish stock. Further, we restrict our attention to those
SESs where the cooperative aspect of social systems is key, i.e. where individuals have
intentionally invested resources in some type of physical and/or institutional infrastructure
to cope with diverse internal and external disturbances. When social and ecological systems
are so linked, the overall SES is a complex, adaptive system involving multiple subsystems
as well as being embedded in multiple larger systems.

Figure 1: A conceptual model of a social-ecological system

Given this focus, we suggest than a minimal representation includes the elements depicted
in Figure 1. Examples of the elements and their interactions are given in Tables 1 and 2.
One component is a resource (A on Figure 1) which is used by multiple resource users.

Two components are composed of humans: the resource users (B on Figure 1), and the
public infrastructure providers (C on Figure 1). There may be a substantial overlap of the
individuals in B and in C or they may be entirely different individuals depending on the
structure of the social system governing and managing the SES.

Entities Examples Potential Problems

Water source Uncertainty
A. Resource
Fishery Complexity / Uncertainty
Farmers using irrigation Stealing water, free riding on
B. Resource Users
Fishers harvesting from in- Overharvesting
shore fishery
C. Executive and council of lo- Internal conflict or indeci-
Public in- cal users association sion about which policies to
frastructure adopt
providers Government bureau Information loss
Engineering works Wear out over time
D. Public Infras- Institutional rules Memory loss over time, de-
tructure liberate cheating
Weather, economy, political Sudden changes as well as
External Envi- system slow changes that are not
ronment noticed

Table 1: Entities Involved in Social-Ecological Systems

Public infrastructure (D on Figure 1) combines two forms of human-made capital—

physical and social (Costanza et al., 2001). Physical capital includes any engineered works
such as dikes, irrigation canals, etc. By social capital we mean the rules actually used by
those governing, managing and using the system and those factors that reduce the transaction
costs associated with the monitoring and enforcement of these rules (Ostrom and Ahn, 2003).
One example of a rule used in many self-organized SESs is rotating the role of monitor among
resource appropriators. In centrally governed SESs, monitors would be employed and paid
by a government agency.
In our examination of robustness, we address two types of disturbances. External distur-
bance can include biophysical disruptions (Arrow 7) such as floods, earthquakes, landslides,
and climate change which impact the resource (A) and/or the public infrastructure (D) or
socioeconomic changes (Arrow 8) such as population increases, economic change, depres-
sions or inflations, and major political changes that impact on the resource users (B) and
the public infrastructure providers (C ). Internal disturbances refer to rapid reorganization of

Linkages Examples Potential Problems
Availability of water at time Too much or too little wa-
(1) Between Resource and of need/availability of fish ter / too many of uneco-
Resource Users nomic fish – too few of
valued fish
Voting for providers Indeterminacy / lack of
(2) Between users and participation
public infrastructure Contributing resources Free riding
providers Recommending policies Rent seeking
Monitoring performance of Lack of information/ free
providers riding
(4) Between public infras- Impact of infrastructure on Ineffective
tructure and resource the resource level
(5) Between public infra- Impact of infrastructure on Ineffective, unintended
structure and resource the feedback structure of the consequences
dynamics resource-harvest dynamics
Coproduction of infrastruc- No incentives / free riding
(6) Between resource users ture itself, maintenance of
and public works, monitoring and sanc-
infrastructure tioning
(7) External forces on Severe weather, earthquake, Destroys resource and in-
resource and landslide, new roads frastructure
(8) External forces on Major changes in political Conflict, uncertainty, mi-
social actors system, migration, commod- gration, greatly increased
ity prices, and regulation demand

Table 2: Linkages Involved in Social-Ecological Systems

the ecological or social system induced by the subsystems of the ecological or social system.

Highlighting the key drivers

A part of our framework is to highlight key interactions within SESs, often overlooked in
the past, that are especially important with regard to robustness. These interactions revolve
around strategic interactions between agents, the rules devised to constrain the actions of
agents, and the collective choice process used to generate the rules. We discuss each of these
in turn.

Strategic interactions
A major focus of the past literature has been strategic interactions amongst resource users
themselves and the consequences for the resource system. Classic studies by Gordon (1954)
and Hardin (1968) presumed that without private ownership by individuals or a governmen-
tal unit, the temptation to over-harvest (Linkage 1) and to free ride on public infrastructure
provisions would lead to the destruction of the resource base. The “property rights” solu-
tion persisted through the 1980’s as the method of choice for solving common-pool resource
dilemmas, one of the possible dilemmas that resource users can experience in SESs. Scholars
disagreed, however, on whether this was private or government ownership. Many models
presumed very simple, single species ecological systems (see, for example, Gordon, 1954). In
irrigation, the presumption was that water could be delivered to farmers in known quantities
following a careful marginal benefit analysis so that those farmers with the highest produc-
tivity would receive the most water and pay appropriately for the water they received (e.g.,
Smith, 1988).
These simple models were used to determine Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) and
Maximum Economic Yield (MEY) and prescribe simple policies to reach the these goals.
Their simplicity made them tractable and appealing to scholars searching for ways to improve
the performance of SESs through the application of modeling and policy analysis. For
decades, donors urged developing countries to change indigenous institutions that had existed
for long periods of time because they did not conform to the prescriptions derived from the
earlier models (Lansing, 1991; Mwangi, 2003; Netting, 1976, 1982).
We argue that a richer characterization is required to properly address the robustness
of a SES. We must move beyond the earlier foundation focusing on just the resource users,
the incongruence between individual and collective rationality, and the problem of the main-
tenance of cooperation (Sandler, 1992; Udéhn, 1993; Ostrom et al., 1994). For example,
referring to Figure 1, there are a variety of strategic factors that may influence the inter-
action between resource users and the public infrastructure providers (Linkage 2 on Figure
1), public infrastructure providers and actual investment in the infrastructure (Linkage 3),
resource users and the harvesting rate (Linkage 1), and potentially, between resource users
and the public infrastructure (Linkage 6). Linkage 6 is rarely even addressed in most anal-
yses of SESs since many analysts have ignored the active co-production of resource users
themselves in the day-to-day operation and maintenance of a public infrastructure (but see
Evans, 1997). Further, the linkages among the ecological entities (Linkages 1, 4 and 5) are

also sources of fluctuations that may challenge the robustness of the overall SES at any
particular point in time. In Tables 1 and 2, we present an initial overview of some of the
potential problems that may exist within the four entities and eight linkages identified on
Figure 1.
We know it is not possible to have one integrated model that captures all these potential
interactions. It is important, however, to understand the broad structure of the entities and
linkages in a SES and to begin to show how the games within and between entities affect
the likelihood of long-term robustness. That is what we hope to illustrate in this paper and
other research in progress..

Operational rules and collective-choice processes

Most institutional analyses of SESs have so far focused on either the harvesting decisions of
resource users (operational processes) or the policy choices of public infrastructure providers
(collective choice processes). Operational level analyses have normally assumed an exoge-
nously fixed set of rules and then determined the appropriate incentive to maximize a social
welfare objective (e.g., Clark, 1990). Such studies suggest that the operational rules need
to be well-tailored to avoid overharvesting or, in the case of public infrastructure provision
(e.g. irrigation systems), to avoid free riders. The resulting recommendation is frequently
that the government should manage these systems through the development of rules lim-
iting the choice sets of resource users regarding harvesting or investment. Alternatively,
individual rights to resource units should be determined so that a market mechanism will
allocate resources to their most valued use (see Tietenberg, 2002, for a recent review of this
At the collective choice level, scholars investigate how to aggregate preferences of individ-
ual resource users over various policies, and the likely outcomes of various voting procedures
given the preference structure involved. Arrow (1951) highlighted the impossibility of map-
ping individual preference orderings into a societal preference order. Shepsle’s (1979, 1989)
work showed how institutions may solve some of these problems by empowering some actors
and demoting others. McKelvey’s chaos theorem asserts that (a) when there is more than
one dimension to a policy, the social preference ordering is likely to be intransitive, and
(b) by manipulating the agenda, the public infrastructure providers can choose anything!
(McKelvey, 1976, 1979). That is, group choice becomes completely unpredictable again and,
what is perhaps worse, subject to strategic manipulation by a smart agenda-setter.

We argue that the operational and the collective choice levels must be analyzed together
in order to assess the robustness of SESs. Thus, the main aspect of the framework shown
in Figure 1 that we wish to examine first in this paper is the linkage between the opera-
tional level (resource users), and the collective choice level (public infrastructure provision).
Depending on the precise implementation of the institutional rules, conflicts between the
resource users and the public infrastructure providers may exist since there may be a mis-
match between the costs and benefits. For example, the resource users may not be willing
to pay a tax if the public infrastructure providers do not invest in and maintain a public
infrastructure of benefit to the resource users.

Robustness in SESs
Given our characterization of the main components of a SES and the key drivers, we can
now define robustness more precisely. By robustness we mean “the maintenance of some
desired system characteristics despite fluctuations in the behavior of its component parts or
its environment” (Carlson and Doyle, 2002: 2,538). Unfortunately, what kinds of system
failure should be measured are not very clearly defined for SESs (Carpenter et al., 2001).
To examine robustness, one must minimally address: (1) What is the relevant system?, (2)
What are the desired system characteristics?, and (3) When does the collapse of one part
of a SES, imply that the entire system loses its robustness? For example, when a particular
ecological system collapses, but the social system continues to function due to its ability to
adapt and use alternative resources, is that system robust? Or, does the entire system lose
its robustness due to the robustness of the social component?
Within SESs, this difficulty of interpretation is a problem of defining the appropriate
scale of analysis. For example, a small scale (or short time scale) resource might collapse in
order to maintain desired functions at a larger scale (or longer time scale). An example is the
transformation of mangroves and rice fields into intensive shrimp aquaculture in Thailand
and Vietnam, which is unsustainable, but argued to be required as a (short time scale)
stepping stone for the industrial development (long term stability) of these countries (Lebel
et al., 2002). Another example is peat mining in Holland during mainly the 17th century
to meet the demand for fuel in Dutch cities (Westbroek, 2002). Swamps were drained in
order to mine the peat. It is interesting to note that the characteristic Dutch landscape
of waterways, polders, and dikes is nowadays viewed as nature, but was actually a swamp
before the peat mining industry started a few centuries ago.

Since we explicitly analyze SESs, we distinguish between the collapse of a resource or
an undesirable transformation of the resource (e.g. a fishery or a water distribution system
that is no longer productive), and the collapse or loss of robustness of the entire system.
We require that both the social and ecological systems collapse before we define a SES as
being collapsed, and thus implicitly define our scale of analysis (or system boundary) as to
include the human social system and all ecological systems from which it extracts goods and
For example, social systems that reward innovation can be robust to many external
shocks, as long as it innovates quickly enough. As Anderies (2003) shows in a recent paper,
however, such innovation can make the eventual collapse of a larger-scale system more ex-
treme. Unless a society can manage to organize around principles other than “replacement
technologies,” its eventual collapse is likely. Are such SESs robust? We would argue that
they are, in respect to a certain time scale. As time progresses and problems become more
complex, the probability increases that society will eventually fail to cope with a shock.
Eventually, a “collapse” event is triggered, after which reorganization occurs on a very large
scale (Holling’s r-K phase followed by <Omega>) (Holling, 1986).
In summary, we will argue that a SES is robust if it prevents the ecological systems upon
which it relies from moving into a new domain of attraction that cannot support a human
population, or induces a transition that causes long-term human suffering. We might argue
that the ability of a social system (B and C in Figure 1) to persist in the face of an ecological
collapse is a sign that that system has a low adaptive capacity in relation to that ecological
resource. Rather than looking for social changes to prevent the collapse of a resource base
and transform to a lower use of the resource, the social system maintains itself and looks for
another resource to exploit. Eventually, we hope to be able to offer some useful suggestions
for how to avoid this sequential destruction of natural resources.

Applying the Framework: Designing for Robustness

In this section we apply the framework to highlight aspects of robust designs for SESs.
Through the discussion of general examples, we highlight examples of vulnerabilities that
reduce the robustness of SESs and reflect on Ostroms’s (1990) design principles for common-
pool resource institutions. These principles were based on extensive fieldwork, extensive
reviews of case study literature, and the growing theoretical literature on institutions. The
cases varied from small, self-contained systems of homogeneous resource users to complex

systems organized in modern economies where the resource users were linked to public infras-
tructure providers through a variety of mechanisms. Instead of focusing on specific rules, the
effort turned to identifying underlying design principles that characterized robust common-
pool resource institutions. No assertion was made that those crafting these institutions were
intentionally using the design principles, but rather that robust systems could be character-
ized as meeting a large number of these principles. The design principles identified at that
time are listed in Table 3.
One of the limitations of the original design principles is the lack of imbedding of ecological
dynamics (Brown, 2003). Future versions of the design principles should address mechanisms
related to the match between the spatial and temporal dynamics of ecological and social
systems, like, for instance, those that sustain institutional and ecological memory (Berkes
et al. 1998). Several aspects of the case studies that follow highlight the importance of the
close linkage between the biophysical and social components of these systems. However, our
analysis just scratches the surface of this important issue that deserves significant future
research effort.

The cases
Many examples exist of complex interactions between the components of a SES. Many are
farmer organized irrigation systems, such as those of Bali (Lansing, 1991), the zanjeros of the
Philippines (Siy, 1982), and of Spain (Maass and Anderson, 1986). These are examples of
long-lived, “robust” irrigation SESs. The Hohokam, on the other hand, provides an example
of a long-lived irrigation SES that eventually collapsed (Bayman, 2001). Other examples
come from managed fisheries, forests, and dike systems. Some of these are long-lived and
remain robust, e.g. the Dutch water boards (Kaijser, 2002), the lobster fisheries in Maine
(Acheson, 2003), or the Hatfield Forest (Rackham, 1988), while others were long-lived yet did
collapse, e.g. early Mesopotamian civilization, the lowland Mayas (Tainter, 1988), Chacoan
culture (Mills, 2002), Mesa Verde (Lipe, 1995), the northern cod fisheries (Finlayson and
McCay, 1998) and the customary marine system of the Tonga (Malm, 2001). Other SESs
have not been long-lived and have been rapidly destroyed, e.g. the Aral Sea (Glantz, 1999).
Still others never seem to get organized in the first place and experience substantial overuse
and mismanagement, such as the oyster fishery of Chesapeake Bay (McHugh, 1972), or the
irrigation systems of Ghana (Webb, 1991).
Our objective is not to characterize the robustness of each of these cases in detail in

1. Clearly Defined Boundaries
The boundaries of the resource system (e.g., irrigation system or fishery) and the
individuals or households with rights to harvest resource units are clearly defined.

2. Proportional Equivalence between Benefits and Costs

Rules specifying the amount of resource products that a user is allocated are related
to local conditions and to rules requiring labor, materials, and/or money inputs.

3. Collective-Choice Arrangements
Most individuals affected by harvesting and protection rules are included in the group
who can modify these rules.

4. Monitoring
Monitors, who actively audit bio-physical conditions and user behavior, are at least
partially accountable to the users and/or are the users themselves.

5. Graduated Sanctions
Users who violate rules-in-use are likely to receive graduated sanctions (depending on
the seriousness and context of the offense) from other users, from officials accountable
to these users, or from both.

6. Conflict-Resolution Mechanisms
Users and their officials have rapid access to low-cost, local arenas to resolve conflict
among users or between users and officials.

7. Minimal Recognition of Rights to Organize

The rights of users to devise their own institutions are not challenged by external
governmental authorities, and users have long-term tenure rights to the resource.

For resources that are parts of larger systems:

8. Nested Enterprises
Appropriation, provision, monitoring, enforcement, conflict resolution, and gover-
nance activities are organized in multiple layers of nested enterprises.

Table 3: Design principles derived from studies of long-enduring institutions for governing
resources. Source: based on Ostrom (1990: 90)

this article. Rather, we look for commonalities. Each case includes a common-pool eco-
logical resource that has two characteristics (Ostrom et al., 1994): 1) it is costly to devise
physical (e.g. fences) and institutional (e.g. boundary rules) means of excluding potential
beneficiaries, and 2) one person can withdraw valued “resource units” (e.g. water, fish, CPU

time) from the system for the given infrastructure at a particular point in time that can-
not be used by others. When exclusion is difficult and consumption is subtractive, resource
users face incentives to over-harvest, free ride on the provisional infrastructure, and shirk on
maintenance, unless institutions are crafted, monitored, and enforced that counteract these
incentives. What can we learn about general robust design principles from these cases?

The simplest type of case

The simplest case of the linkage between B and C (the operational and collective choice
levels discussed above) would be a small group with relatively homogeneous interests in
which each agent acts both as a resource user and as an infrastructure provider. Further, if
there is no medium of exchange other than labor and goods, cooperation in constructing and
maintaining infrastructure must be undertaken by transparent means. An example might be
a small irrigation system where the farmers meet once a year to decide how many days they
will work to repair and maintain the canal and how they will monitor each others’ use of the
flow of water from the system (see Tang, 1992; Lam, 1998; Ostrom, 1992). If all farmers are
required to be present for a work day to maintain a canal, it is easy to detect non-cooperation.
This is also the group that decides on the rules for allocating water and these rules need to
be relatively easy to understand, monitor, and enforce. So, in such a system, the resource
users are also involved in collective choice and impose upon themselves harvesting rules and
investment requirements. Such rules then tend to be perceived by resource users as legitimate
and tend to be followed without high costs of monitoring and enforcement. If such systems
experience little external challenges, they can sustain themselves for very long eras. Some
long-lived irrigation systems in Asia (Coward, 1979, 1980; Siy, 1982) were examples of this
kind of extremely simple SES until the end of the last century.
Although SESs consisting of small homogeneos groups of resource users can function
for long periods of time, they are not immune to new disturbances. Challenges for the
continuation of these SESs come from outside the system, like new technologies, new job
opportunities, new media of exchange. Our framework can be useful to understand the
impact of such challenges, which we will illustrate with some examples below.
In the case where the actors at the operational and collective choice levels are roughly the
same individuals, the system is likely to persist in an environment with a stable disturbance
regime. Because the SES is well adapted to this stable disturbance regime, however, it
might not be robust to challenges coming from outside the system. An example might be

the construction of a new road. The population in the system may decline due to better
opportunities elsewhere, leading to declining investments in maintenance and a resulting
decay of the SES. On the other hand, the population might increase due to immigration
or accelerated natural growth (e.g. a decline in the death rate due to better health care,
the option to import food in periods of scarcity, etc.) which may threaten the SES. More
resource users may harvest from the resource, challenging the rule makers at the collective
choice level to develop new and better ways to allocate resource units. It also might provide
more labor and investments in the public infrastructure to increase the carrying capacity of
the system (Fox, 1993; Leach and Fairhead, 2000).
With a larger population size it becomes more likely that specialization of tasks will
occur. A subset of resource users may now become public infrastructure providers. As
long as there is a strong social embedding of public infrastructure providers within the
community of resource users, networks of control and monitoring may be strong, and the
system might persist for a long time. The irrigation system of Bali is an example. Temple
priests act as public infrastructure providers by giving advice, maintaining knowledge, and
ensuring coordination (Lansing, 1991). The public infrastructure providers are closely related
with the resource users since the priests are family members of the resource users. When
the Indonesian government imposed the Green Revolution to increase rice production, the
robustness of the Bali irrigation system was seriously challenged. The bureaucrates from the
Indonesian government lacked an understanding of the system. The introduction of new rules
and infrastructure (artificial fertilizers and new rice varieties) and ignorance of indigenous
rules resulted in water shortages and pest outbreaks (Lansing, 1991).
Changes in the economic opportunities in a region may also challenge a SES. When
all resource users heavily depend on the resource, they are more likely to follow rules and
contribute time and effort to co-producing infrastructure. Baker (forthcoming) analyzes a set
of 39 farmer managed irrigation systems in Himalchal Pradesh, India, where some farmers
using an irrigation system begin to obtain significant off-farm income. Baker finds that
their valuation of some of the resources and their own time changed substantially. For some
SESs the resource was thus reduced to marginal economic importance. The cost of the work
required to maintain those irrigation systems exceeded benefits generated and these systems
collapsed, while others with higher continuing economic value reorganized their rules and
continued as robust SESs.
Just the introduction of money as a medium of exchange can by itself be an impor-
tant disturbance. When labor is the primary medium of exchange, investment in public

infrastructure is easy to monitor. Further, resource users can easily see where this input is
allocated. If, for example, the public infrastructure providers request resource users to build
them beautiful homes, resource users can object on the grounds that such activity does not
contribute to their irrigation system. If money is involved, it is more difficult to monitor both
the tax paying efforts of resource users and the rent allocation of the public infrastructure

More complex types of cases

Beyond the case of small, homogeneous groups involved in a pattern of mutual reciprocity
to produce an obvious collective benefit, the picture becomes more difficult. The more the
composition of the resource users and the participants in the public infrastructure provision
differ, the more complex incentive structures become. In an extreme case, when there is
no overlap, the public infrastructure provider has an incentive to engage in rent seeking by
imposing high taxes on the resource users while not investing in public infrastructure. In
this case the public infrastructure providers do not depend on the SES, and may act as a
“roving bandit,” extracting wealth with little regard for the future (Olson, 1993). Multiple
variations exist between these two extremes:

• The public infrastructure providers might be (elected) representatives from the popu-
lation of resource users. Since they also benefit from the resource there is an incentive
to invest in public infrastructure. However, problems with rent seeking and lobbying
may lead to little investment reaching public infrastructure. It is therefore important
how Link 2 is implemented, such that public infrastructure providers experience the
consequences when resource users are not satisfied with their decisions.

• Resource users and public infrastructure providers may posess different information
sets. Resource users may have more local knowledge about the resource dynam-
ics, while the public infrastructure providers have better knowledge of larger scale
processess. Public infrastructure providers might generate harvesting rules without
sufficient understanding of the resource dynamics, thus generating unintended conse-
quences. An example is the collapse of the northern Cod. Government scientists used
a scientific model of the fishery and highly aggregated data to assert that the amount
of fish being harvested was within the MSY, while the fishers argued from the size
of the fish in their nets that the fishery was in grave danger (Finlayson and McCay,

1998). Others argue that the politicians and bureaucrates were biased when choosing
which scientific information to include in the decision making (Spurgeon, 1997). Direct
observation of the diverse dimensions of the state of the resource is often not possible
by public infrastructure providers in complex SESs. Public infrastructure providers
may derive information about the functioning of the resource in different ways. For
example, from resource users who directly experience the flow from the resource (Link
1) and may provide the information to the resource users (Link 2), which may include
various reasons of miscommunication. Public infrastructure providers may also employ
scientists or others who study the resource (Link 5), and report back to the public in-
frastructure providers (Link 3). Again the indirect way of deriving information may
lead to translation error.

• Heterogeneity in the benefits resource users derive may exist. Some may benefit from
the public infrastructure and others do not. Nonbeneficiaries may refuse to pay tax.
The Aral Sea is an extreme example of heterogeneity. Farmers upstream benefited
from the irrigation infrastructure, but those dependent of the ecological services of the
Aral Sea witnessed the disappearance of their resource system. In more complex SESs,
the boxes in the framework consist of a diversity of agents who may have conflicting
goals and attributes.

• The public infrastructure provider behaves as a stationary bandit, who has some incen-
tive to invest in improvements because he will reap some return from those improve-
ments (Olson, 1993). Therefore the public infrastructure provider has the incentive
to invest in the public infrastructure to maximize his or her long-term tax revenues
without regard for the welfare of resource users.

In some cases, relatively robust local SESs have been seriously challenged by a lack of
understanding of public infrastructure providers, of how they operate, and why an effective
linkage between the resource users and the public infrastructure providers is so essential.
An intriguing example is from Taiwan, where the weakening of Link 2 led to a weakening of
Links 3 and 6. In Taiwan, a set of seventeen Irrigation Associations have been responsible
for the operation and maintenance of a large number of Taiwan’s irrigation systems. The
Irrigation Associations were corporations organized by the farmers, who paid fees to their
local Irrigation Association. The Irrigation Association, in turn, took substantial responsi-
bility for the day-to-day maintenance and operation of local canals, while the Government of

Taiwan undertook responsibility for the construction and operation of the larger irrigation
works. Thus, the Irrigation Associations acted as local public infrastructure providers that
were linked to a larger-scale public infrastructure provider. The Irrigation Associations have
repeatedly been acclaimed as major contributors to efficient irrigation in the country and
thus to substantial agricultural development (Levine, 1977; Moore, 1989; Lam, 1996).
Taiwan, like other countries whose economies are less and less dependent on agriculture
and more dependent on industrial and service industries, has been trying to find ways of
adjusting a variety of economic policies. Further, the rural population still has a significant
vote and national politicians have been vying for support in the rural areas. In the early
1990s, politicians argued that farmers faced hard times and could not make a decent living.
“The government, argued these politicians, should not burden the farmers with irrigation
fees. In 1993, after much political negotiation, the government agreed to pay the irrigation
fees on behalf of the farmers” (Lam, 2003: 8). As it turned out, both major national parties
supported the cancellation of irrigation fees as no one wanted to be seen as being against
the farmers, even though many of the officials familiar with irrigation expressed substantial
concern about the long-term consequences.
The cancellation of the fee has had substantial and unexpected adverse consequences.
Farmers are much less likely to volunteer for work activities, to pay voluntary group fees, or
to pay much attention to what is happening on the canals and in the ecological environment
around them, as they had done earlier (Wade, 1995). As one Irrigation Association official
expressed it: “The problem facing irrigation management at the field level is not simply a
matter of finding one or two farmers to serve as local group leaders, the more serious challenge
is that nowadays fewer and fewer farmers have good knowledge of their own systems and
understand how to engage with one another in organizing collective action” (quoted in Lam,
2003: 12). Maintenance of the systems has declined precipitously. The cost of water has been
increasing rather than decreasing. Thus, systems that had been robust for long periods of
time have largely been destroyed by an effort “to help” the resource users by changing Link 2
between the users and the public infrastructure providers. The problem of misunderstanding
what makes a SES robust can lead to public policies that undermine the more successful

Design principles for robustness
We do not wish to argue that the only robust SESs are small-scale common-pool resources in
remote locations serving a homogeneous community without market opportunities or access
to a commonly-used medium of exchange (see Dietz et al. 2003). We started with the
example of how operational and collective-choice situations may be robustly linked as the
“simplest” possible example of a relatively robust system. In such a simple SES, it is easy to
understand why the system can be robust over very long periods: the resource users and the
public infrastructure providers are the same individuals who observe each other’s behavior
and the impact of these actions on the resource on a daily basis. They solve their internal
problems through reciprocity and trust based on reputation and repeated interactions over an
indefinite time horizon (Ostrom, 1998). Such systems may collapse rather rapidly, however,
when large biophysical or socioeconomic disturbances occur.
The design principles of Ostrom (1990) were developed with robustness in mind. How-
ever, Ostrom used the definition of Shepsle (1989), and studied whether the institutions
were robust or in institutional equilibrium. To enhance the robustness of SESs, it might be
desirable to have institutions which are not persistent but may change as social and ecolog-
ical variables change. Ostrom (1990, p. 58) mentioned that “appropriators designed basic
operational rules, created organizations to undertake the operational management of their
CPRs, and modified their rules over time in light of past experience accoding to their own
collective-choice and constitutional-choice rules”. This statement illustrates a situation in
which a social system adapts to an ecological systems whose dynamics do not change over
time. Ecological dynamics may change, and institutions may need to adapt to this change
in order to sustain the robustness of the SES. We do not yet know in detail what the design
principles for robustness of SES are., However, we will breifly discuss aspects of the original
design principles that suggest they are a good starting point.
We now return to the principles listed in Table 3. Why would these design principles
enhance robustness in SESs? Clearly defining boundaries (Principle 1) helps to identify
who should receive benefits and pay costs. If these are not well defined, resource users are
less willing to trust one another and the public infrastructure providers. Assigning a rough
proportionality between the benefits a resource user obtains and his or her contributions to
the public infrastructure (Principle 2) is considered a fair procedure in most social systems
(Isaac et al. 1991). Decisions that are considered fair reduce the chance that the resource
users will try to challenge, avoid, or disrupt the policies of the public infrastructure provider.

Decisions by local users to establish harvesting and protection rules (Principle 3) enable those
with the most information and stakes in a system to have a major voice in regulating use.
This principle emphasizes the importance of Link 2 in Figure 1. Further, rules that most
of the resource users themselves establish are better known, understood, and perceived as
being legitimate.
The first three principles together help solve core problems associated with free riding
and subtractability of use. They do not by themselves necessarily improve the robustness
of a SES because rules made to solve these problems are not self-enforcing. Thus, monitor-
ing (Principle 4), graduated sanctioning (Principle 5), and conflict-resolution mechanisms
(Principle 6) as part of public infrastructure provide continuous mechanisms for invoking and
interpreting rules and finding ways of assigning sanctions that increase common knowledge
and agreement. These principles, taken together can be thought of as a feedback control for
resource use. They transform information about the state of the system into actions that
influence the system. However, the constraints imposed by rules are not like the constraints
imposed by the physical infrastructure. Whether resource users follow the rules depends on
their perception of legitimacy and whether the rules are monitored and enforced. Thus, given
that agents do not possess perfect information about the state of the system and actions of
other agents, the SES can become fragile from within due to conflicts over the interpretation
of rules, whether certain agents have indeed broken a rule, and the nature of the appropriate
punishment. Without regular access to low cost and rapid conflict resolution mechanisms
to mediate this internal noise, the common understanding about what rules mean can be
lost. Graduated sanctions preserve a sense of fairness by allowing flexible punishment when
there is disagreement about rule infractions. Without these mechanisms the incentives to
over-harvest and free ride may again dominate strategic behavior.
Recognizing the formal rights of users to do the above (Principle 7) prevents those who
want to evade local systems from claiming a lack of legitimacy. In addition, nesting a set
of local institutions into a broader network of medium- to larger-scale institutions helps to
ensure that larger-scale problems are addressed as well as those that are smaller. Institutions
that have failed to sustain resources tend to be characterized by very few of these design
principles, and those that are characterized by a few of the principles are fragile.
We expect that more systematic analyses of the robustness of SESs will provide de-
sign principles concerning how communities deal with ecological dynamics at various scales.
Such principles will include, for example, sustaining memory, adapting rules when ecological
conditions change, maintaining institutional diversity, or experimenting systematically with

alternative institutional configurations.

We have presented an initial framework for the analysis of robustness of SESs. Our framework
is useful for scholars from diverse disciplines as a method for analyzimng the internal dynam-
ics within the components of a SES and the important links among the components. The
design principles that originally were developed to understand robust, but simple, common-
pool resources are, we think, a good starting point for developing further design principles of
robust but more complex SESs. Given that multiple scholars have independently examined
their relevance of these design principle for explaining the difference between sustainably ver-
sus unsustainably managed SESs, we have some confidence in starting here (Guillet, 1992;
Abernethy and Sally, 2000; de Moor et al., 2002; Kaijser, 2002). We will undertake more
research on the robustness of linked SESs. We plan to build a dynamic systems model of a
SES, for example, that enables us to examine specific rules that are used in linking A, B,
C, and D in Figure 1. We will ask which rules tend to protect the system from the perverse
non-cooperative incentives that exist within B and C, as well as in the linkages between
them. We also want to examine what rules protect SESs from particular types of external
disturbances (E). We think several types of formal models will be useful tools for examining
the internal mechanisms of the four entities as these affect their linkages. Rule-based com-
putational models can be used to analyze which conditions of SES configuration are robust
(Anderies, 2002; Janssen, 2002).
In this paper we have made some modest steps in what might become an exciting journey
to understand how institutional arrangements affect the robustness of SESs. We hope that
the proposed framework will function as a valuable roadmap on this journey.

We gratefully acknowledge support from the Center for the Study of Institutions, Population,
and Environmental Change at Indiana University through the National Science Foundation
grant SES0083511, from the Resilience Alliance through a grant from the James S. MacDon-
nell Foundation, and from the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis through
a grant from the MacArthur Foundation. We greatly benefited from discussions with Ed
Araral, Bobbi Low, Vincent Ostrom, Carl Simon, Brian Walker, and James Wilson, and the

helpful editing of Patty Lezotte and Sarah Kantner. An earlier version of the paper was
presented at the workshop on “The Robustness of Coupled Natural and Human Systems,”
May 16-18, 2003, Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, NM, USA.

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