(B) wrong because the law recognizes that the EQUAL PROTECTION CLAUSE
power to tax is the power to destroy
Heeding the pronouncement of the President
In the protection of general welfare, the power that the worsening traffic condition in the
to tax is the power to destroy. Preventing the metropolis was a sign of economic progress,
consummation of cigarettes by increasing its tax the Congress enacted Republic Act No. 10701
to lessen its consumers is an act for the (RA 10701), also known as An Act
protection of the general welfare Imposing a Transport Tax on the Purchase of
Private Vehicles.
───※ ·❆· ※───
Under RA 10701, buyers of private vehicles are
THE GOVERNMENT CANNOT TAX ITSELF required to pay a transport tax equivalent to
5 % of the total purchase price per vehicle
purchased. RA 10701 provides that the Land
Philippine National Railways (PNR) operates Transportation Office (LTO) shall not accept
the rail transport of passengers and goods by for registration any new vehicles without
providing train stations and freight customer proof of payment of the 5% transport tax. RA
facilities from Tutuban, Manila to the Bicol 10701 further provides that existing owners of
Province. As the operator of the railroad private vehicles shall be required to pay a tax
transit, PNR administers the land, equivalent to 5% of the current fair market
improvements and equipment within its main value of every vehicle registered with the LTO.
station in Tutuban, Manila. However, RA 10701 exempts owners of public
utility vehicles and the Government from the
Invoking Section 193 of the Local Government coverage of the 5% transport tax.
Code (LGC) expressly withdrawing the tax
exemption privileges of government-owned
A group of private vehicle owners sue on the developer which constructed a community mall
ground that the law is unconstitutional for over the property.
contravening the Equal Protection Clause of
the Constitution. (2017) Since the rental income from the lease of the
property was substantial, the KKI decided to
SUGGESTED ANSWER: use the amount to finance (1) the medical
R.A. 10701 is valid and constitutional. The expenses of the charity patients in the KKI
uniformity rule provided in Sec. 1 Art. III of the Hospital and (2) the purchase of books and
1987 Constitution does not prohibit classification other educational materials for the students of
for purposes of taxation. The Equal Protection KKI School.
Clause provides that a classification is allowed
provided the classification rests on substantial Is KKI liable for real property taxes on the
distinction, the classification is germane to the land? (2018)
purposes of the law, the classification applies to
the present and future conditions, and the law SUGGESTED ANSWER:
applies equally to those categorized in the same Yes, but only on the leased portion.
Article VI, Section 28(3) of the 1987 Constitution
In this case, the classification between private provides that “charitable institutions, churches
vehicles and public utility vehicles and and personages or convents appurtenant thereto,
government owned vehicles is valid as there is a mosques, non-profit cemeteries, and all lands,
substantial distinction between them, the latter buildings, and improvements, actually, directly,
being owned or being highly regulated by the and exclusively used for religious, charitable, or
government and does not contribute much traffic educational purposes shall be exempt from
as compared to private vehicles, the taxation”.
classification is germane to the purpose of the
law as the purpose of taxing private vehicles is to The test of exemption from taxation is the use of
lessen the traffic and the amount of private the property for purposes mentioned in the
vehicles is no doubt bigger than public vehicles Constitution. The leased portion of the land may
and government vehicles. be subject to real property tax since such lease is
for commercial purposes, thereby, removing the
Thus, RA 10701 is constitutional and does not asset from the property tax exemption granted
violate the equal protection clause. under the Constitution (CIR v. De La Salle
University, Inc., G.R. Nos. 196596, 198841,
───※ ·❆· ※─── 198941, November 9, 2016).
Below are some of the employees of KKI. C) Krisanto Konde is subject to income
Determine whether the compensation they tax. He should file a return unless he
received from KKI in 2017 is taxable under is subject to substituted filing.
Philippine laws and whether they are required BIR Ruling No. 512-2011 provides that
to file tax returns with the Bureau of Internal income of an employee from a
Revenue (BIR). (2018 Bar Examinations) domestic corporation for services
rendered here in the Philippines or
A) Kris Konejero, a Filipino accountant in KKI’s abroad, is still considered as income
Tax Department in the Makati office, and here in the Philippines.
married to a Filipino engineer also working in Thus, even if Krisanto is assigned
KKI abroad, his income is still considered
as income within the Philippines, as
B) Klaus Kloner, a German national who heads KKI is a domestic corporation.
KKI’s Design Department in its Makati office
C) Krisanto Konde, a Filipino engineer in KKI’s D) Kamilo Konde is subject to income tax.
Design Department who was hired to work at He should file a return unless he is
the principal office last January 2017. In April subject to substituted filing. BIR Ruling
2017, he was assigned and detailed in the No. 512-2011 provides that income of an
company’s project in Jakarta, Indonesia, which employee from a domestic corporation
project is expected to be completed in April for services rendered here in the
2019; Philippines or abroad, is still considered
as income here in the Philippines. Thus,
D) Kamilo Konde, Krisanto’s brother, also an even if Krisanto is assigned abroad, his
engineer assigned to KKI’s project in Taipei, income is still considered as income
Taiwan. Since KKI provides for housing and within the Philippines, as KKI is a
other basic needs, Kamilo requested that all domestic corporation.
his salaries paid in Taiwanese dollars, be paid
to his wife in Manila in its Philippine Peso E) Karen Karenina, is subject to income tax.
equivalent; She should file a return unless he is
subject to substituted filing. BIR Ruling
E) Karen Karenina, a Filipino architect in KKI’s No. 512-2011 provides that income of an
Design Department who reported back to KKI’s employee from a domestic corporation
Makati office in June 2017 after KKI’s project for services rendered here in the
in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia was completed. Philippines or abroad, is still considered
as income here in the Philippines. Thus,
SUGGESTED ANSWER even if Krisanto is assigned abroad, his
A) As a resident citizen, Kris must file an income is still considered as income
income tax return with the BIR, within the Philippines, as KKI is a
unless she qualifies under the domestic corporation.
substituted filing of income tax
return as provided by the NIRC. (Sec. ───※ ·❆· ※───
23 & 24(A), Sec. 51(A)(2)(b), NIRC)
Sure Arrival Airways (SAA) is a foreign
B) Klaus Koner must also file an income corporation, organized under the laws of the
tax return, unless he is qualified for Republic of Nigeria. Its commercial airplanes
substituted filing. Klaus Koner, a do not operate within Philippine territory, or
service passengers embarking from Philippine violation of the principle of territoriality in
airports. The firm is represented in the taxation.
Philippines by its general agent, Narotel.
───※ ·❆· ※───
SAA sells airplane tickets through Narotel, and
these tickets are serviced by SAA airplanes
outside the Philippines. The total sales of
airplane tickets transacted by Narotel for SAA
in 2012 amounted to Pl0,000,000.00. The
Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR)
assessed SAA deficiency income taxes at the
rate of 30% on its taxable income, finding that
SAA's airline ticket sales constituted income (a) Differentiate between a calendar year and
derived from sources within the Philippines. a fiscal year.
SAA filed a protest on the ground that the (b) When is the deadline for the filing of a
alleged deficiency income taxes should be corporation's final adjustment return for a
considered as income derived exclusively from calendar year? How about for a fiscal year?
sources outside the Philippines since SAA only (2019 Bar Examinations)
serviced passengers outside Philippine
territory. It, thus, asserted that the imposition SUGGESTED ANSWER:
of such income taxes violated the principle of (a) Calendar year refers to the accounting period
territoriality in taxation. of twelve (12) months ending on December 31.
On the other hand, fiscal year means an
Is the theory of SAA tenable? Explain. (2016 accounting period of twelve (12) months ending
Bar Examinations) on the last day of any month other than
December. (Section 22(Q), NIRC).
No, SAA’s theory is not tenable . In the case of, (b) The due date for the filing of the
Air Canada vs. CIR (CTA Case No. 6572),a foreign corporation’s final adjusted return for calendar
airline company selling tickets in the Philippines year is 15 April of the succeeding year. When a
through their local agents shall be considered as corporation uses fiscal year, the due date is the
a resident foreign corporation engaged in trade or 15th day of the fourth month following the close
business in the country. of the fiscal year. (Sec. 77, NIRC)
The absence of flight operations within the
Philippine territory cannot alter the fact that the ───※ ·❆· ※───
income received was derived from activities
within the Philippines.
The test of taxability is the source, and the
source is that activity which produced the
income. Rakham operates the lending company that
made a loan to Alfonso in the amount of
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: P120,000.00 subject of a promissory note
No. The activity which gives rise to the income is which is due within one (1) year from the
the sale of tickets in the Philippines. In Air note’s issuance. Three years after the loan
Canada v. CIR, the Court ruled that the income became due and upon information that Alfonso
derived from the sale of airline tickets by a is nowhere to be found, Rakham asks you for
foreign corporation should be considered as advice on how to treat the obligation as “bad
income derived from sources within the debt.” Discuss the requisites for deductibility
Philippines, hence, the income from sale of of a “bad debt?” (5%)
tickets is subject to the Philippine income tax.
(Air Canada v. CIR, G.R. No. 169507, January 11, SUGGESTED ANSWER:
2016, 778 SCRA 131).Therefore, there is no I will advise Rakham that the obligation of
Alfonso may now be considered as bad debts for
having met the yardstick of a debt which had (b) Is the reimbursement received by Calvin
become worthless. In order to be considered from SPRC subject to tax? Explain your answer.
worthless, the taxpayer should establish that (2017)
during the year from which a deduction is sought,
a situation developed as a result of which it SUGGESTED ANSWER:
became evident in the exercise of sound, a. SPRC cannot claim as a deduction, the amount
objective business judgment that there remained spent for lunch in the meeting with the Regional
no practical, but only vaguely theoretical, Director of HLURB. While the expense is business
prospect that the debt would ever be paid connected, the same is not allowed as deduction
(Collector of Internal Revenue v. Goodrich because it was incurred as an indirect payment to
International Rubber Co., G.R. No. L-22265, a government official which not only amounts to
December 22, 1967, 21 SCRA 1336). A bad debt is a violation of the Anti Graft and Corrupt Practices
deductible if it complies with the following Act, but also constitutes bribes, kickbacks and
requisites: similar payments. (See Sec 34 (a) (c) NIRC).
(a) There must be a valid and subsisting debt. However, with respect to the amount spent for
(b) The obligation is connected with the breakfast with a prospective client, the same is
taxpayer’s trade or business and is not between deductible from gross income of SPRC. The
related parties. expense complies with the requirements for
(C) There is an actual ascertainment that the deductibility, namely: (a) the expense must be
debt is worthless. ordinary and necessary; (b) it must have been
(d) The debt is charged-off during the taxable paid or incurred during the taxable year; (c) it
year. A partial write-off is not allowed.(PRC v. CA, must have been paid or incurred in carrying on
G.R. No. 118794, May 8, 1996, 256 SCRA 667). the trade or business of the taxpayer; and (d) it
must be supported by receipts, records or other
───※ ·❆· ※─── pertinent papers. (CIR v. General Foods (Phils.),
Inc., G.R. No. 143672, April 24, 2003). Section 34
Calvin Dela Pisa was a Permits and Licensing (A)(1)(b) of the 1997 NIRC, as amended, does not
Officer (rank-and-file) of Sta. Portia Realty require that the substantiation be in the form of
Corporation (SPRC). He invited the Regional official receipts or invoices issued in the name of
Director of the Housing and Land Use the taxpayer claiming the expense. It must only
Regulatory Board (HLURB) to lunch at the Sulo be proven that there is a “direct connection or
Hotel in Quezon City to discuss the approval of relation of the expense being deducted to the
SPRC's application for a development permit in development, management, operation and/or
connection with its subdivision development conduct of the trade, business or profession of
project in Pasig City. At breakfast the the taxpayer”.
following day, Calvin met a prospective client
interested to enter into a joint venture with b. No. Any amount paid as reimbursements for
SPRC for the construction of a residential representation incurred by the employee in the
condominium unit in Cainta, Rizal. Calvin performance of his duties is not compensation
incurred expenses for the lunch and breakfast subject to withholding, if the following conditions
meetings he had with the Regional Director of are satisfied: (i) It is for ordinary and necessary
HLURB and the prospective client, representation expense paid or incurred by the
respectively. The expenses were duly employee in the pursuit of the trade, business or
supported by official receipts issued in his profession; and (ii) The employee is required to
name. At month's end, he requested the account/liquidate for the such expense in
reimbursement of his expenses, and SPRC accordance with the specific requirements of
granted his request. substantiation pursuant to Sec. 34 of the 1997
NIRC, as amended. The amounts are actually
(a) Can SPRC claim an allowable deduction for spent by the employee for the benefit of his
the expenses incurred by Calvin? Explain your employer, so no income is considered to have
answer. flowed to the employee.
computation of its annual corporate income corporations do not actually render services
tax for 2010? Explain your answer. for a fee subject to VAT. Whose argument is
b) Should the Shanghai Branch of Anchor Bank correct? Decide. (2014 Bar Examinations)
remit profit to its Head Office in the
Philippines in 2011, is the branch liable to the SUGGESTED ANSWER:
15% branch profit remittance tax imposed The argument of the condominium corporation is
under Section 28 (A)(5) of the 1997 Tax Code? correct. The association dues should not be
Explain your answer (2012 Bar Examinations) subject to VAT because the condominium
corporation does not realize any gain or profit.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: They merely hold the fees in trust for
a. No. A Domestic Corporation is taxable on all administrative expenses. This, it does not form
income derived from sources within and without part of the gross income of the corporation, and
the Philippines. (Section 23, NIRC) The income of consequently, is not subject to VAT. (RTC
the foreign branch and that of the home office Resolution SCA No.12-1236 on RMC 65- 2012,
will be summed up for income tax purposes Petition for Declaratory Relief).
following the single entity concept and will all be
included in the gross income of the domestic ───※ ·❆· ※───
corporation in the annual Philippine income tax
return. SMZ, Inc. is a VAT-registered enterprise
engaged in the general construction business.
b. No. The branch profit remittance tax is HP International contracts the services of SMZ,
imposed only on remittances by branches of Inc. to construct HP lnternational's factory
Foreign Corporation in the Philippines to their building located in the Laguna Techno Park, a
Home Office Abroad. It is the outbound branch special economic zone. HP International is
profits that is subject to the tax not the inbound registered with the Philippine Economic Zone
profits (Section 28 (A) (5), NIRC) Authority (PEZA) as an ecozone export
───※ ·❆· ※─── enterprise, and, as such, enjoys income tax
holiday pursuant to the Special Economic Zone
Act of 1995.
c) The destination principle provides that “no VAT May the bank deposits – peso and foreign
shall be imposed to form part of the cost of goods currency of an individual taxpayer be
destined for consumption outside of the disclosed by a commercial bank to the
territorial border of the taxing authority”. Hence, Commissioner of Internal Revenue, in
connection with a tax investigation being a) A taxpayer does not have to do anything after
conducted by revenue officials, without the Bureau of Internal Revenue’s (BIR’s) rejection
violating the relevant bank secrecy laws? of the taxpayer’s reply to a PAN while the denial
Explain your answer. (2012) of a protest against a FAN should be appealed by
the taxpayer to the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA)
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Division. (RR No. 12-99; Sec. 228, NIRC).
No. As a general rule, bank deposits of an
individual taxpayer may not be disclosed by a b) No. Both the deficiency tax assessment and the
commercial bank to the Commissioner. As warrant issued are invalid. The deficiency tax
exceptions, the Commissioner is authorized to assessment issued against KLM Corp. is invalid
inquire into the bank deposits of: (1) a decedent due to the absence of a preliminary assessment
to determine his gross estate; and (2) any notice (PAN), which is required by law for the
taxpayer who has filed an application for validity of the assessment. (Sec. 228, NIRC).
compromise of his tax liability by reason of Sending a PAN to the taxpayer to inform him of
financial incapacity to pay his tax liability. the assessment made is but a part of the “due
In case a taxpayer files an application to process requirement in the issuance of a
compromise the payment of his tax liabilities on deficiency tax assessment,” the absence of which
his claim that his financial position demonstrates renders nugatory any assessment made by the tax
a clear inability to pay the tax assessed, his authorities. (CIR v. Metro Star Superama, Inc.
application shall not be considered unless and G.R. o. 185371, Dec. 8, 2010).
until he waives in writing his privilege under
Republic Act No. 1405 (Bank Secrecy Law) or The warrant of distraint and/or levy cannot be
under other general or special laws, and such issued to enforce an invalid assessment. An
waiver shall constitute the authority of the assessment is a preliminary step for the
Commissioner to inquire into the bank deposits of collection of taxes. If the preliminary step in the
the taxpayer (Section 6, NIRC). collection process is invalid, the entire collection
process is also invalid which includes the warrant
───※ ·❆· ※─── issued.
a) Distinguish a PAN from a FAN. Thereafter, and without action from the
b) Are the deficiency tax assessment and Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR), T
warrant of distraint and/or levy issued against Corp. filed a petition for review before the
KLM Corp. valid? Explain (2019) Court of Tax Appeals, alleging that the
assessment has prescribed. For its part, the
SUGGESTED ANSWER: CIR moved to dismiss the case, pointing out
that the assessment had already become final
because the protest was filed beyond the assessment has prescribed. For its part, the
allowable period. CIR moved to dismiss the case, pointing out
that the assessment had already become final
a) Is T Corp.'s contention regarding the because the protest was filed beyond the
prescription of the assessment meritorious? allowable period.
b) Should the CIR's motion to dismiss be A) Is T Corp.’s contention regarding the
granted? Explain. prescription of the assessment meritorious?
a) No. The three-year prescriptive period for the SUGGESTED ANSWER:
assessment of tax shall start to run from the last No. T Corp.’s contention is without merit. Sec.
day prescribed by law for the filing of the return, 203, NIRC states, “except as provided in Section
or the day the return was filed, whichever comes 222, internal revenue taxes shall be assessed
later (Sec. 203, NIRC, as amended). In the within three (3) years after the last day
present case, since T. Corp. filed its annual prescribed by law for the filing of the return. A
income tax return on April 15, 2013, which is also return filed before the last days prescribed by
the last day to file the said return, the last day to law for the filing thereof shall be considered as
assess shall fall on April 15, 2016. By issuing the filed on such last day.” Applying in the above
FAN on April 11, 2016, the right to assess case, the BIR has until April 15, 2016, 3 years
deficiency income tax for 2012 has not yet been after the filing of the ITR on April 15, 2013 within
prescribed. which to assess internal revenue taxes. Thus, the
period to assess internal revenue taxes has not
b) Yes. Since the taxpayer failed to file a protest yet prescribed when the BIR sent the Final
against the FAN within 30 days from date of Assessment Notice (FAN) on April 11, 2016 and
receipt, the assessment had become final, received by T. Corp on the same date.
executory and demandable. (Sec. 228, NIRC, RR
No. 18-2013). B) Should the CIR’s motion to dismiss be
───※ ·❆· ※───
Yes. CIR’s motion to dismiss should be granted.
Section 3.1.4, Revenue Regulations No. 18-2013
provides that “the taxpayer or its authorized
After a Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) audit, representative or tax agent may protest
T. Corp., a domestic corporation engaged in administratively against the aforesaid Formal
buying and selling of scrap metals, was found Letter of Demand (FLD)/Final Assessment Notice
to have deficiency income tax of Php (FAN) within thirty (30) days from date of receipt
25,000,000.00, including interests and thereof. If the taxpayer fails to file a valid
penalties, for the year 2012. For 2012, T protest against the FLD/FAN within thirty (30)
Corp. filed its income return (ITR) on April 15, days from date of receipt thereof, the assessment
2013 because it used the calendar year for its shall become final, executory and demandable.
accounting. The BIR sent the Preliminary No request for reconsideration or reinvestigation
Assessment Notice (PAN) on December 23, shall be granted on tax assessments that have
2015, and eventually, the Final Assessment already become final, executory and
Notice (FAN) on April 11, 2016, which were demandable.” In the case at bar, T Corp. received
received by T Corp. on the same dates that the FAN on April 11, 2016 but filed its protest
they were sent. Upon receipt of the FAN, T letter only on June 25, 2006, beyond the 30-day
Corp. filed it protest letter on June 25, 2016. period prescribed by law to file a protest to the
FLD/FAN. Hence, the assessment already
Thereafter, and without action from the becomes final, executory and demandable and
Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR), T. bars the taxpayer from making any request for
Corp. filed a petition for review before the reconsideration and request for reinvestigation.
Court of Tax Appeals, alleging that the
───※ ·❆· ※─── executory and demandable. The BIR reasoned
that its failure to decide the case within 180
days from filing of the letter protest should
have prompted BWI to seek recourse before
the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) by filing a
The BIR Commissioner, in his relentless petition for review within thirty (30) days
enforcement of the Run After Tax Evaders after the expiration of the 180-day period as
(RATE) program, filed with the Department of mandated by the provisions of the last
Justice (DOJ) charges against a movie and paragraph of Section 228 of the National
television celebrity. The Commissioner alleged Internal Revenue Code (NIRC). Accordingly,
that the celebrity earned around PhP 50 BWI’s failure to file a petition for review
million in fees from product endorsements in before the CTA rendered the assessment final,
2016 which she failed to report in her income executory and demandable. Is the contention
tax and VAT returns for said year. of the BIR correct? Explain
on the gross sales and receipts on persons
“who sell goods and services in the course of
trade or business.” KM Corporation paid the
taxes due under Section 21 under protest,
Pheleco is a power generation and distribution claiming that (a) local government units could
company operating mainly from the City of not impose a tax on businesses already taxed
Taguig. It owns electric poles which it also under the NIRC and (b) this would amount to
rents out to other companies that use poles double taxation, since its business was already
such as telephone and cable companies. Taguig taxed under Sections 15 and 17 of the Code.
passed an ordinance imposing a fee equivalent
to 1% of the annual rental for these poles. May local government units impose a tax on
Pheleco questioned 'the legality of the businesses already subjected to tax under the
ordinance on the ground that it imposes an NIRC?(2018 Bar Examinations)
income tax which local government units
(LGUs) are prohibited from imposing. SUGGESTED ANSWER:
Yes, the LGU may validly impose tax on businesses
Rule on the validity of the ordinance. (2013 already subject to tax by the NIRC.
Bar Examinations)
(A) The ordinance is void; the fee is based on ───※ ·❆· ※───
rental income and is therefore a tax on
(B) The ordinance is valid as a legitimate COMMON LIMITATIONS ON TAXING POWER
exercise of police power to regulate electric OF THE LGUs
(C) The ordinance is void; 1% of annual rental In accordance with the Local Government Code
is excessive and oppressive. (LGC), the Sangguniang Panglungsod (SP) of
(D) The ordinance is valid; an LGU may impose Baguio City enacted Tax Ordinance No. 19,
a tax on income. Series of 2014, imposing a P50.00 tax on all
the tourists and travellers going to Baguio
SUGGESTED ANSWER: City. In imposing the local tax, the SP reasoned
(B) The ordinance is valid as a legitimate exercise that the tax collected will be used to maintain
of police power to regulate electric poles. (Basis: the cleanliness of Baguio City and for the
Sec. 129, RA 7160) beautification of its tourist attractions. (D) is
punishable by administrative penalty only.
───※ ·❆· ※───
Claiming the tax to be unjust, Baguio
Travellers Association (BTA), an association of
travel agencies in Baguio City, filed a petition
for declaratory relief before the Regional Trial
Court (RTC) because BTA was apprehensive
KM Corporation, doing business in the City of that tourists might cancel their bookings with
Kalookan, has been a distributor and retailer BTA’s member agencies. BTA also prayed for
of clothing and household materials. It has the issuance of a Temporary Restraining Order
been paying the City of Kalookan local taxes (TRO) to enjoin Baguio City from enforcing the
based on Sections 15 (Tax on Wholesalers, local tax on their customers and on all tourists
Distributors or Dealers) and 17 (Tax on going to Baguio City.
Retailers) of the Revenue Code of Kalookan
City (Code). Subsequently, the The RTC issued a TRO enjoining Baguio City
SangguniangPanglungsod enacted an ordinance from imposing the local tax. Aggrieved, Baguio
amending the Code by inserting Section 21 City filed a petition for certiorari before the
which imposes a tax on “Businesses Subject to Supreme Court (SC) seeking to set aside the
Excise, Value-Added and Percentage Taxes TRO issued by the RTC on the ground that
under the National Internal Revenue Code collection of taxes cannot be enjoined. Will
(NIRC),” at the rate of 50% of 1% per annum the petition prosper? (2014 Bar Examinations)
No, the petition for certiorari filed by Baguio D) It may prohibit or regulate trade.
City will not prosper. As stated in Valley Trading In a long line of cases, the Supreme Court ruled
Co., Inc. v. CFI of Isabela (G.R. No. L-49529, that in order for an ordinance to be valid in
March 31, 1989) and Angeles City v. Angeles City substance, it (1) must not contravene the
Electric Corporation (G.R. No. 166134, June 29, Constitution or any statute; (2) must not be
2010), the prohibition on the issuance of an order unfair or oppressive; (3) must not be partial or
or writ enjoining the collection of taxes applies discriminatory; (4) must not prohibit, but may
only to national internal revenue taxes, and not regulate trade; (5) must be general and
to local taxes. Unlike the NIRC, there is no consistent with public policy; and (6) must not be
express provision in the Local Government Code unreasonable.
which prohibits courts from enjoining the
collection of such taxes. Therefore, the RTC was ───※ ·❆· ※───
properly vested with authority to issue the
assailed TRO enjoining Baguio City from imposing
the local tax.
5) Where the real property tax assessment is In 2015, Kerwin bought a three-story house
erroneous, the remedy of the property owner and lot in Kidapawan, North Cotabato. The
is: property has a floor area of 600 sq.m. and is
located inside a gated subdivision. Kerwin
a) To file a claim for refund in the Court of Tax initially declared the property as residential
Appeals if he has paid the tax, within thirty for real property tax purposes.
(30) days from date of payment;
b) To file an appeal with the Provincial Board In 2016, Kerwin started using the property in
of Assessment Appeals within thirty (30) days his business of manufacturing garments for
from receipt of the assessment; export. The entire ground floor is now
c) To file an appeal with the Provincial Board occupied by state-of-the-art sewing machines
of Assessment Appeals within sixty (60) days and other equipment, while the second floor is
from receipt of the assessment; used as offices. The third floor is retained by
Kerwin as his family’s residence. Kerwin’s Assuming that ABC, Inc. decides to appeal the
neighbors became suspicious of the activities dismissal, where should the appeal be filed?
going on inside the house, and they decided
to report it to the Kidapawan City Hall. Upon SUGGESTED ANSWER:
inspection, the local government discovered According to Sec 226 of the Local Government
that the property was being utilized for Code, an appeal may be made to the Local Board
commercial use. Immediately, the Kidapawan of Assessment within 60 days from the receipt of
Assessor reclassified the property as the written notice of assessment.
commercial with an assessment level of 50%
effective January 2017, and assessed Kerwin ───※ ·❆· ※───
back taxes and interest. Kerwin claims that
only 2/3 of the building was used for
commercial purposes since the third floor
remained as family residence. He argues that
the property should have been classified as The City of Liwliwa assessed local business
partly commercial and partly residential. taxes against Talin Company. Claiming that
Is the Kidapawan assessor correct in assessing there is double taxation, Talin Company filed a
back taxes and interest? Complaint for Refund or Recovery of Illegally
and/or Erroneously-collected Local Business
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Tax; Prohibition with Prayer to Issue
No, the assessor is not correct in assessing back Temporary Restraining Order and Writ of
taxes and interest. According to Sec 221 of the Preliminary Injunction with the Regional Trial
Local Government Code, the reassessment of a Court (RTC). The RTC denied the application
real property due to a major change in its actual for a Writ of Preliminary Injunction. Since its
use shall take effect at the beginning of the next motion for reconsideration was denied, Talin
quarter following the reassessment. Company filed a special civil action for
certiorari with the Court of Appeals (CA). The
───※ ·❆· ※─── government lawyer representing the City of
Liwliwa prayed for the dismissal of the
ABC, Inc. owns a 950-square meter commercial petition on the ground that the same should
lot in Quezon City. It received a notice of have been filed with the Court of Tax Appeals
assessment from the City Assessor, subjecting (CTA). Talin Company, through its lawyer, Atty.
the property to real property taxes (RPT). Frank, countered that the CTA cannot
Believing that the assessment was erroneous, entertain a petition for certiorari since it is
ABC, Inc. filed a protest with the City not one of its powers and authorities under
Treasurer. However, for failure to pay the RPT, existing laws and rules. Decide.
the City Treasurer dismissed the protest.
Was the City Treasurer correct in dismissing Atty. Frank is not correct.
ABC, Inc.’s protest. Explain. It is more in consonance with logic and legal
soundness to conclude that the grant of appellate
SUGGESTED ANSWER: jurisdiction to the CTA over tax cases filed and
Yes, the City Treasurer is correct in dismissing decided by the RTC carries with it the power to
ABC’s protest. According to Sec 252 of the Local issue a writ of certiorari when necessary in aid of
Government Code, no protest shall be such appellate jurisdiction. (City of Manila v.
entertained unless the taxpayer first pay the tax. Grecia-Cuerdo, 715 SCRA 182). It is now settled
He shall then be issued a receipt duly annotated that the CTA by constitutional mandate is vested
with “paid under protest”. After which a protest with jurisdiction to issue writs of certiorari in
in writing must be filed with the City Treasurer cases falling within its exclusive appellate
within 30 days from payment of the tax. jurisdiction.
State at least five (5) cases under the
exclusive appellate jurisdiction of the Court of
Tax Appeals (CTA) (2016 Bar Examinations)
a. Decisions of the CIR involving: (DRO) i.
Disputed assessments; ii. Refunds of
internal revenue taxes, fees or other
charges, penalties in relation thereto; or
iii. Other matters arising under the NIRC,
or other laws administered by the BIR
b. Inaction by the CIR involving (DROW) i.
Disputed assessments; ii. Refunds of
internal revenue taxes, fees or other
charges and penalties imposed thereto;
iii. Other matters arising under NIRC or
other laws administered by the BIR,
Where the NIRC provides a specific period
for action.
c. Decisions, Resolutions or Orders of the
RTC in Local Tax Cases decided or
resolved by them in the exercise of their
Original Jurisdiction (RRCTA, Rule 4, Sec.
d. Decisions of the Commissioner of Customs
involving (DuSe-FO) : i. Liability for
customs Duties, fees or other money
charges; ii. Seizures, detention or release
of other property affected; iii. Fines,
forfeitures, or other penalties in relation
thereto; or iv. Other matters arising
under the customs law or other laws
administered by the BOC (RRCTA, Rule 4,
Sec. 3(a)(4)).
e. Decisions of the Secretary of Finance On
Customs cases elevated for automatic
review from decisions of the
Commissioner of Customs which are
adverse to the Government under the
CMTA; (RRCTA, Rule 4, Sec. 3(a)(5)).
fraudulent return implies intentional or
deceitful entry with intent to evade the
taxes due.
No. The celebrity’s contention is not tenable. In CIR vs Procter and Gamble, the Supreme Court
Assessment is not necessary before the filing of a ruled that a withholding agent is not only an agent
criminal complaint for tax evasion. In cases where of the government but also an agent of the
fraudulent return is filed with the intent to evade a taxpayer in reporting an income. It is properly
tax, a proceeding in court for the collection of the regarded to as the taxpayer under Section 22 (N) of
said tax may be filed without assessment pursuant the NIRC.
to Section 222 of the NIRC as amended.
In this case, ABCD Corporation, a domestic
───※ ·❆· ※─── corporation, withholds the income tax due for
dividends in behalf of its non-resident stockholders,
as a withholding agent, it has the capacity to ask
for any tax refund in behalf of the stockholders who
earned income.
QUESTION. ABCD Corporation (ABCD) is a
domestic corporation with individual and Thus, ABCD Corporation’s contention is correct.
corporate shareholders who are residents of the
United States. For the 2nd quarter of 1983, b) Yes, the contention of ABCD Corporation is
these U.S.-based individual and corporate correct.
stockholders received cash dividends from the
corporation. The corresponding withholding tax The principle of international comity dictates that
on dividend income --- 30% for individual and a tax treaty must prevail over the local taxing
35% for corporate non-resident stockholders --- statute.
was deducted at source and remitted to the BIR.
Thus, the RP-US Tax Treaty must be applied thereby
On May 15, 1984, ABCD filed with the resulting in a claim for refund representing the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue a formal claim difference between the amount actually withheld
for refund, alleging that under the RP-US Tax and paid to the BIR and the amount due and
Treaty, the deduction withheld at source as tax payable under the said treaty.
on dividends earned was fixed at 25% of said
income. Thus, ABCD asserted that it overpaid ───※ ·❆· ※───
the withholding tax due on the cash dividends
given to its non-resident stockholders in the U.S.
The Commissioner denied the claim.
On January 17, 1985, ABCD filed a petition with QUESTION. ABC, a domestic corporation, entered
the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) reiterating its into a software license agreement with XYZ, a
demand for refund. non-resident foreign corporation based in the
a. Does ABCD Corporation have the legal U.S. Under the agreement which the parties
personality to file the refund on behalf forged in the U.S., XYZ granted ABC the right to
of its non-resident stockholders? Why or use a computer system program and to avail of
why not? (3%) technical know-how relative to such program. In
b. Is the contention of ABCD Corporation consideration for such rights, ABC agreed to pay
correct? Why or why not? 5% of the revenues it receives from customers
who will use and apply the program in the
a. YES. The ABCD Corporation has the personality to Discuss the tax implication of the transaction.
file for refund on behalf of its non-resident
stockholders. SUGGESTED ANSWER:
The revenue generated by ABC from the use of the
software license agreement is subject to income
tax. Thereafter, the amount that ABC will give to QUESTION. The Sangguniang Bayan of the
XYZ a non-resident foreign corporation is also Municipality of Sampaloc, Quezon, passed an
subject to income tax as the same has situs as it is ordinance imposing a storage fee of ten centavos
income within the Philippines. (P0.10) for every 100 kilos of copra deposited in
any bodega within the Municipality's
SUGGESTED ANSWER #2: jurisdiction. The Metropolitan Manufacturing
The amount payable under the agreement is in the Corporation (MMC), with principal office in
nature of royalties. The royalties paid to the Makati, is engaged in the manufacture of soap,
non-resident U.S. Corporation, equivalent to 5% of edible oil, margarine, and other coconut
the revenues derived by ABC, a domestic oil-based products. It has a warehouse in
corporation, for the use of the program in the Sampaloc, Quezon, used as storage space for the
Philippines, is subject to a 30% final withholding copra purchased in Sampaloc and nearby towns
tax, unless a lower tax rate is prescribed under an before the same is shipped to Makati. MMC goes
existing tax treaty. to court to challenge the validity of the
ordinance, demanding the refund of the storage
───※ ·❆· ※─── fees it paid under protest.
QUESTION. Patrick is a successful businessman in Is the ordinance valid? Explain your answer.
the United States and he is a sole proprietor of a
supermarket which has a gross sales of $10 SUGGESTED ANSWER:
million and an annual income of $3 million. He YES. The ordinance is valid.
went to the Philippines on a visit and, in a party,
he saw Atty. Agaton who boasts of being a tax Section 147 of the LGC provides that municipalities
expert. Patrick asks Atty. Agaton: if he (Patrick) may impose a reasonable storage fee as a
decides to reacquire his Philippine citizenship regulatory measure. Furthermore, under the
under RA 9225, establish residence in this “general welfare clause”, the LGU can enact
country, and open a supermarket in Makati City, ordinances for the betterment of the general
will the BIR tax him on the income he earns from welfare, in the exercise of its police power.
his U.S. business? If you were Atty. Agaton, what
advice will you give Patrick? In this case, the Municipality of Quezon passed an
ordinance which imposes a 10 centavos storage fee,
SUGGESTED ANSWER: such is valid as it is allowed under Section 147 of
I will advise Patrick that his status for purposes of the LGC and the general welfare clause. Thus, the
income tax would be a resident citizen once he ordinance is valid.
reacquires his Philippine citizenship. A resident
citizen is taxable on his income derived from ───※ ·❆· ※───
sources within and without the Philippines.
Therefore, Patrick’s income that may be derived QUESTION. The City of Manila enacted
from his business abroad will be subject to Ordinance No. 55-66 which imposes a municipal
Philippine Income tax (section 23, NIRC) occupation tax on persons practicing various
professions in the city. Among those subjected to
───※ ·❆· ※─── the occupation tax were lawyers. Atty. Mariano
Batas, who has a law office in Manila, pays the
ordinance-imposed occupation tax under
protest. He goes to court to assail the validity of
the ordinance for being discriminatory. Decide
with reasons.
The ordinance is valid. Jurisprudence provides that
an occupational tax for professionals is valid and QUESTION. The Philippine-British Association,
not discriminatory provided it applies to all Inc. (Association) is a non-stock, non-profit
professionals exercising within the territory of the organization which owns the St. Michael's
LGU who made such ordinance. Hospital (Hospital). Sec. 216 in relation to Sec.
In this case, the City of Manila enacted Ordinance 215 of the LGC classifies all lands, buildings and
No. 55-66, an occupational tax that applies to those other improvements thereon actually, directly,
exercising a profession within the said City. The and exclusively used for hospitals as "special." A
same is not discriminatory as it applies to all special classification prescribes a lower
professionals. Thus, Ordinance No. 55-66 is valid assessment than a commercial classification.
and is not discriminatory. (Punsalanet. al. v. City of Within the premises of the Hospital, the
Manila) Association constructed the St. Michael's Medical
Arts Center (Center) which will house medical
───※ ·❆· ※─── practitioners who will lease the spaces therein
for their clinics at prescribed rental rates. The
QUESTION. Ferremaro, Inc., a manufacturer of doctors who treat the patients confined in the
handcrafted shoes, maintains its principal office Hospital are accredited by the Association.
in Cubao, Quezon City. It has branches/sales
offices in Cebu and Davao. Its factory is located The City Assessor classified the Center as
in Marikina City where most of its workers live. "commercial" instead of "special" on the ground
Its principal office in Quezon City is also a sales that the Hospital owner gets income from the
office. lease of its spaces to doctors who also entertain
Sales of finished products for calendar year out-patients. Is the City Assessor correct in
2009 in the amount of P10 million were made at classifying the Center as "commercial?" Explain.
the following locations:
i) Cebu branch 25% SUGGESTED ANSWER:
ii) Davao branch 15% No. The City Assessor is not correct in classifying
Quezon City the Medical Arts Center as commercial. The Medical
iii) 60%
branch Arts Center is an integral part of the hospital and
100 should be classified for assessment purposes as
% special. As a tertiary hospital, St Michael’s is
Where should the applicable local taxes on the required by law to have a pool of physicians who
shoes be paid? Explain comprise the required medical department in
various medical fields. (City Assessor or Cebu City
SUGGESTED ANSWER: vs Association of Benevola de Cebu)
25% of the total sales or 2.5 Million should be taxed
in Cebu. 15% of the total sales should be taxed in ───※ ·❆· ※───
Davao. As regards to the remaining 60% it shall be
allocated as follows:
(a) 30% of the total sales or 1.8 million is
taxable in Quezon City where its principal
office is located
(b) 70% of the total sales of 4.2 million is
taxable in Marikina where the factory is
located (Section 150 LGC) QUESTION. In 2010, pursuant to a Letter of
Authority (LA) issued by the Regional Director,
───※ ·❆· ※─── Mr. Abcede was assessed deficiency income taxes
by the BIR for the year 2009. He paid the
deficiency. In 2011, Mr. Abcede received another
REAL PROPERTY TAXATION LA for the same year 2009, this time from the
National Investigation Division, on the ground a. TRUE (CIR vs BF Goodrich Phils 303 SCRA
that Mr. Abcede's 2009 return was fraudulent. 546)
Mr. Abcede contested the LA on the ground that b. FALSE (Lim vs CA 190 SCRA 616)
he can only be investigated once in a taxable c. FALSE (Sec 11, Rule 9, 2005 Revised Rules
year. Decide. of the Court of Tax Appeals)
d. TRUE (CIR vs Manila Mining Corp, 468 SCRA
The contention of Mr. Abcede is untenable. The e. FALSE (Sec. 3(b) (2), Rule 4, 2005 Revised
rule that a taxpayer may be subjected to Rules of Court of Tax Appeals)
examination and inspection by an internal revenue
officer only once in a taxable year admits of ───※ ·❆· ※───
exception, particularly, if there is fraud,
irregularity or mistake as determined by the QUESTION. Globesmart Services, Inc. received a
Commission. In the instant case, the investigation is final assessment notice with formal letter of
legally justified in light of the finding that Mr. demand from the BIR for deficiency income tax,
Abcede’s 2009 return was fraudulent. value-added tax and withholding tax for the
taxable year 2016 amounting to P48 million.
───※ ·❆· ※─── Globesmart Services, Inc. filed a protest against
the assessment, but the Commissioner of
Internal Revenue denied the protest. Hence,
Globesmart Services, Inc. filed a petition for
review in the CTA with an urgent motion to
QUESTION. True or False. suspend the collection of tax.
a. In civil cases involving the collection of
internal revenue taxes, prescription is After hearing, the CTA Division issued a
construed strictly against the resolution granting the motion to suspend but
government and liberally in favor of the required Globesmart Services, Inc. to post a
taxpayer. (1%) surety bond equivalent to the deficiency
b. In criminal cases involving tax offenses assessment within 15 days from notice of the
punishable under the National Internal resolution. Globesmart Services, Inc. moved for
Revenue Code (NIRC), prescription is the partial reconsideration of the resolution and
construed strictly against the for the reduction of the bond to an amount it
government. (1%) could obtain. The CTA Division issued another
c. In criminal cases where the Court of Tax resolution reducing the amount of the surety
Appeals (CTA) has exclusive original bond to Jl24 million.
jurisdiction, the right to file a separate
civil action for the recovery of taxes may The latter amount was still more than the net
be reserved. (1%) worth of Globesmart Services, Inc. as reported in
d. Proceedings before the CTA in the its audited financial statements.
exercise of its exclusive original a. May the collection of taxes be
jurisdiction are in the nature of trial de suspended? Explain your answer.
novo. (1%) b. Is the CTA Division justified in requiring
e. Judgments, resolutions or orders of the Globesmart Services, Inc. to post a
Regional Trial Court in the exercise of surety bond as a condition for the
its original jurisdiction involving criminal suspension of the deficiency tax
offenses arising from violations of the collection? Explain your answer.
NIRC are appealable to the CTA, which
shall hear the cases en banc. SUGGESTED ANSWER:
a) Yes, the collection of taxes may be suspended.
RA 1125 as amended by RA 9282 provided that
when in the opinion of the Court of Tax Appeals,
the collection of taxes may jeopardize the interest
of the government and/or the taxpayer, the CTA at
any stage of the proceedings may suspend the
collection and require the taxpayer either to
deposit the amount claimed of or to file a surety
bond for not more than double the amount with the