S1 Physics SB
S1 Physics SB
S1 Physics SB
Senior 1
Student’s Book
©2020 Rwanda Basic Education Board
All rights reserved
This book is property of the Government of Rwanda.
Credit must be given to REB when the content is quoted.
1. Laboratory safety rules and measurement of physical quantities.......1
1.1 What is Physics?......................................................................................... 2
1.2 Physics as a science and its characteristics.................................................... 3
1.3 Physics and other subjects........................................................................... 6
1.4 Career opportunities in Physics .................................................................. 7
1.5 Physics, society and technology.................................................................... 8
1.6 Science processes skills used in learning of Physics..................................... 11
1.7 Laboratory safety measures....................................................................... 18
1.8 First Aid .................................................................................................. 21
1.9 Hazard symbols and their meaning........................................................... 22
1.10 Laboratory hazards and safety precautions to be taken .............................. 22
1.11 Fundamental and derived quantities of measurements............................... 24
1.12 Measuring instruments ........................................................................... 27
1.13 Measurement of length ............................................................................ 28
1.14 Measurement of time .............................................................................. 40
1.15 Measurement of derived quantities ........................................................... 44
1.16 Measurement of volume .......................................................................... 46
1.17 Measurement of mass ............................................................................. 52
1.18 Density ................................................................................................... 54
Unit Test 1 ...................................................................................................... 58
3. Force (I).................................................................................. 95
3.1 Definition of force.................................................................................... 95
3.2 Types of forces.......................................................................................... 97
3.3 Effect of forces........................................................................................ 108
3.4 Representation of force using vector diagrams.......................................... 112
3.5 Weight and mass .................................................................................... 113
3.6 Balanced and unbalanced forces.............................................................. 116
3.7 Addition of parallel and non parallel forces.............................................. 118
Unit Test 3 ...................................................................................................... 126
5. Centre of gravity.....................................................................148
5.1 Centre of gravity and centre of mass of a body......................................... 149
5.2 Centre of gravity of regular lamina.......................................................... 150
5.3 Centre of gravity (C.O.G) of irregular lamina ........................................ 151
5.4 Effect of position of centre of gravity on states of equilibrium.................. 153
5.5 Factors affecting the stability of a body ................................................... 158
5.6 Some applications and factors affecting centre of gravity.......................... 159
Unit Test 5 ...................................................................................................... 162
6.5 Source of energy.................................................................................... .181
6.6 Renewable and non renewable sources of energy...................................... 188
6.7 Environmental effect of the use of energy sources..................................... 189
6.8 Energy transformation…........................................................................ .192
6.9 Law of conversation of energy…............................................................ . 196
6.10 The law of conversation of mechanical energy….................................... . 197
6.11 Ways of conservation of energy............................................................... 201
6.12 Energy efficiency ….............................................................................. . 202
Unit Test 6 ….................................................................................................. 207
9.5 Measurement of temperature ................................................................ 266
9.6 Types of thermometers…........................................................................ 268
9.7 Calibration of thermometers…................................................................ 273
9.8 Melting and boiling points of substances….............................................. 276
9.9 Effects of solutes on boiling points…....................................................... 283
Unit test 9....................................................................................................... 285
12 Current Electricity (I)..............................................................331
12.1 Simple electric circuit and its components............................................... 331
12.2 Simple cells and batteries........................................................................ 333
12.3 Electric current....................................................................................... 337
12.4 Potential difference (p.d) ....................................................................... 344
12.5 Ohm’s law.............................................................................................. 348
12.6 Electrical energy and power.................................................................... 352
12.7 Earth wire, switch and fuse...................................................................... 358
12.8 Effect of an electric current..................................................................... 362
12.9 Applications of chemical effects of an electric current .............................. 371
12.10 Project work .......................................................................................... 372
Unit test 12 .................................................................................................... 374
Laboratory safety rules and
UNIT 1 measurements of physical
Unit outline
• Physics as science subject.
• Definition of Physics.
• Relationship between Physics, other science subjects, society and technology.
• Science processes skills used in learning of Physics.
• Laboratory safety and safety rules.
• Fundamental and derived quantities.
• International System of Unit (SI).
• Measuring instruments.
• Prefixes for SI units.
• Density.
Welcome to the world of science and Physics. Science is a way
of learning about the natural world by gathering information.
Science includes all of the knowledge gained by exploring nature.
To think and work like a scientist, you need to use the same
skills that they do. Scientists use the skills of observing, inferring
and predicting to learn more about the natural world. Here
Scientists usually make observations in a careful and orderly
way by making both qualitative (descriptions) and quantitative
(measurements) observations.
Therefore, be prepared to acquire more interesting scientific
skills in this course and then, we explore different branches
of science and get to know what Physics means and related Fig. 1.1: Science in action
The word science is derived from the Latin word ‘scientia’ which means knowledge
attained through study and practice.
Thus, science refers to a systematic study that uses observation and experimentation to
describe and explain natural phenomena.The word also refers to the organised body of
knowledge people have gained using a system of observation and experimentation.
This system of study is called the scientific method or scientific investigation.
The purpose of science is to produce useful models of reality which are used to
advance the development of technology, leading to better quality of life for man
and the environment around him.
There are many branches of science and various ways of classifying them. One
of the most common ways is to classify the branches into social sciences, natural
sciences and formal sciences.
Social sciences deal with the study of human behaviour and society. Examples of
these are psychology and sociology. Natural sciences deal with the study of natural
phenomena, for example lightning, motion, earthquakes all which can be observed
and tested. Examples of these are physics, chemistry and biology. Formal sciences
deal with mathematical concepts and logics. An example of this is mathematics.
• Let each of your group members at their own time conduct a research
from the Internet or reference books on the definition of physics and a
justification why physics is a science.
• In addition, find out the branches of physics and why it is important to
study physics.
• In your research, identify some key early philosphers and great scientists,
the theories, principles, laws and the discoveries they came up with.
• Let each group member present his/her findings to the group. The group
leader will then present your group findings to the class.
At Primary level science, we learnt that matter is anything that has weight and
occupies space. Physics is a natural science that is concerned with the study of matter
and natural forces. In this study, it employs a scientific approach. The approach is
based on systematic experimentation through careful measurements and analysis.
Conclusions are drawn from the analysis. These conclusions are tested to find
out if they are valid. It is from the conclusions arrived at, that general laws and
principles are stated. As such physics qualifies as a science.
History of Physics
Physics was born by the first people who started asking the ‘why’ question. For
example, why is there day and night? Why do objects fall downwards instead of
going upwards when released in air? Why, why, why why? This question always
requires that you give an explanation.
The first people to attempt to answer this question were the Greeks who started
doing this before 400 BC (Before Christ). By about 320 BC one of the greatest
physicists of the day, Aristotle had developed a comprehensive explanation of
motion by 1543 AD (Anedomino means After Christ), Nicolus Copernicus had
explained that the earth goes round the sun and not the other way round.
By 1727 AD, Isaac Newton had explained why objects always fall towards the earth.
By 1940, Albert Einstein had explained how nuclear energy can be gotten from
the centre of the atom. Throughout history, Physics has continued to advance
Importance of Physics
1. Physics provides the basic foundation on which other sciences are built.
We have already mentioned that Physics enables us to understand the basic
components of matter and their mutual interactions. This helps in explaining
natural phenomena such as properties of matter. For instance, the knowledge
of capillarity in liquids which is learnt in Physics is used to explain the rise of
water in plants; pressure difference concept in liquids is also used to explain
blood circulation in animals etc.
2. Knowledge and skills learnt in Physics find application in many areas of
our daily lives. For example, proper use of household appliances such as
refrigerators, iron boxes, television sets, replacing blown-up electric bulbs
or fuses all require the knowledge learnt in Physics.
3. Knowledge in Physics helps in the acquisition of career of well paying jobs.
The most obvious careers are in the field of engineering which include: civil,
electrical, mechanical, agricultural, chemical, computer engineering etc.
Other careers are in the fields like meteorology, computer science, laboratory
technology, surveying, geology and astronomy. Besides, one may become a
Physics teacher in secondary school, college and university. Physics is also
useful to doctors, nurses and other science based careers.
4. Technical instruments and equipment provided by Physics find application
in almost every area of research. For example, meteorologists make use of
instruments such as thermometers, barometers, among others developed
by physicists. In medical laboratories, Physics principles and equipments
such as electric microwaves are used in carrying out research on HIV and
AIDS and other diseases.
Healthy Matters
It is important to remember that though much research has been
conducted, no cure for HIV and AIDS has been discovered yet.
Abstinence is the best way to prevent HIV infection.
Branches of Physics
Physics is a wide body of knowledge which is studied under several overlapping
branches. The following are the major branches of physics:
With the help of the knowledge of Physics and its branches so far covered, discuss
how Physics relate to other subject areas like Chemistry, Biology, Technology,
Medicine, Geography and Agriculture.
1. Chemistry mainly deals with the study of salts, acids and their reactions.
For a physicist to understand the working mechanism of chemical cells,
help is sought from a chemist. On the other hand, the reasons behind the
various colours observed in most of the chemical reactions are explained
by a physicist. Petroleum products are dealt with by the chemist, but the
transportation of such products make use of the principles of physics.
2. In Biology, the study of living cells and small insects by a biologist requires
magnification. The concept of magnification using simple or compound
microscope is a brain child of a physicist. A good physicist needs to have
good health.
A biologist will assist a physicist in the awareness of the following:
(a) A balanced and nutritive diet.
(b) Some simple physical exercises to keep fit.
(c) The various bacteria and viruses normally found in one’s blood system
e.g. malaria, HIV, etc.
(d) The possible preventive measures in dealing with people who have been
infected with diseases such as small pox, HIV and AIDS, etc.
(e) Effects and dangers of drinking excess alcohol, drug abuse, etc.
3. In Geography, weather forecast, a geographer uses a barometer, wind gauge,
etc. which are instruments developed by a physicist.
4. In Agriculture, the water sprinkler, insecticide sprayer, etc. make use of the
principles developed by physicists.
5. In History, the determination of age fossils by historians and archaeologists
use the principle developed by physicists.
6. The theatrical setup, the audio and visual arrangements are the creations of
7. In games and sports, accurate measurement of time, distance, weight,
etc. uses instruments developed by physicists.
From Activity 1.4, you should have learnt that Physics, being a practical subject has
many applications.These applications lead to diverse career opportunities depending
on one’s skill and aptitude. The most promising area of job opportunities is in
engineering and technology. Some of the careers one can fit in after studying Physics
include: laboratory technology, mapping and surveying, civil engineering, electrical
engineering, mechanical engineering, instrumentation technology, meteorology,
electronics and telecommunication engineering, architecture, environmental
engineering, aeronautical engineering, etc. Apart from engineering, pure sciences
such as physics, geology, astronomy, astro-physics, etc. also offer suitable and
promising careers. In the application of medical physics, there are career openings
in radiology, ultra-sound scanning, medical sports, optometry, etc. In education, one
can be a school teacher, university lecturer or a researcher. Therefore, a successful
physics student can always find a suitable career opportunity.
Fig. 1.2 shows an electrical engineer at work.
Physicists search for reliable information and then organise it into fundamental
laws and principles. On the basis of these laws and principles, the engineers and
technologists design and develop devices and appliances, that make our living
more comfortable. For example, windmills make drawing of water from deep
wells easier (Fig. 1.3).
These advancements have improved our lives greatly since we can nowadays know
what is happening around the world within seconds. Indeed the world has become
a global village.
In addition to the above, it is important to note that physics has played a very vital
role in:
• Transport where high speed electrical trains larger and more fuel efficient
marine vessels (e.g. ships), faster and safer automobiles have been developed.
• Manufacturing sector where labour efficient robots and other gadgetry have
been developed.
• Medicine where development of better equipment in surgery and use of safer
diagnostic techniques (such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) have
been developed.
• Recreation and sporting where better equipment for recreation and training
are continuously being developed.
Physics continues to play an invaluable role in all activities that relate to energy
and its interaction with matter. The principles and laws of physics continue to be
used in all areas of human activities such as engineering, medicine, transport, food
processing, communication and many other areas.
Here is a list of some of the milestones of advancements that have been achieved
by application of physics:
- Computers - Digital video - Jet engine
- The internet - Artificial satellites - Nuclear energy
- GPS - Solar power - Space craft
- Digital sound - TV - Electron microscope
Exercise 1.1
1. What is science?
2. Differentiate between natural and social sciences.
3. State some aspects of the natural sciences which you have learnt at the
primary school level.
4. Name any four branches of natural sciences.
5. Define the term Physics.
6. Name six different branches of physics.
7. Give instances where physics inter-depend with the following: chemistry,
history and agriculture.
8. Mention four career opportunities of a physicist.
9. Describe five contributions of physics to the development of Rwanda as a
• As a young scientist you have set out to investigate who is heavier between
you and your partner
• Together with your partner, list down all the steps you would follow to
conduct all this investigation.
Stages of a
Scientific Investigation
Decision making
Data collection/recording
4. (Experimentation)
Data analysis
(a) Observation
This is the initial step of scientific knowledge and investigation. Scientists make
observations everyday, for which they wish to get answers and explanations.
The following is an example of an observation:
“When a pen is rubbed onto the hair, it attracts small pieces of paper”.
Scientists then ask questions from the observations they make. The questions
may take several forms such as why, how, what and when. A good question that
(b) Prediction/hypothesis
A hypothesis or prediction is a guessed possible answer to the question. It can
come from experience or existing scientific knowledge. It must however be testable
in order to approve or disapprove it. Note that it is possible to have more than
one hypothesis to one question.
The following is an example of a hypothesis:
“Wood floats on paraffin because its density is lower than that of paraffin.
The scientists carries out data collection and recording procedures and trials
carefully in order to get the appropriate and accurate data. In carrying out
the procedures, good scientist observes health, safety and environmental
Safety Matters
Some chemicals and apparatus involved in some experiments can cause
serious health and environmental problems.
Examples are toxic chemicals and X-rays equipment. One should
follow the manufactures instructions carefully.
To get accurate results, a scientist collects and record the data to the right precision
as he/she carries out the procedures.
The methods of recording data include tables, charts, photographing and recording
of sound.
For example, Table 1.1 shows one way of recording the data obtained in the
investigation to determine how pressure affects the volume of a fixed mass of a
gas at constant temperature.
Constants: mass of gas = 0.5 g; temperature = 25˚C
Isaac Newton, a famous scientist, observed that all free objects in the air fall to
the ground. He then asked the question: why do free objects in the air fall
to the ground? He guessed that they are heavier than air and that they are
attracted to the ground. He went to the laboratory to investigate the accuracy of
his hypothesis. The results showed that free objects fall to the ground because
they are attracted by the earth.
Identify the stages in the Newton’s investigation from this information.
The ratio volume of a liquid is a constant for that liquid at a constant temperature.
They designed and conducted an experiment to investigate the hypothesis for
water and filled the following report:
Title: To find out whether the ratio mass of water is a constant at room
Materials: A beaker, a measuring cylinder, a weighing balance,
Procedure used
1. Determine the mass (me) of the empty measuring
cylinder using the mass balance (Fig. 1.6).
2. Add about 40 cm3 of water to the measuring
cylinder and determine the total mass (mt) of the
cylinder together with water.
3. Determine the mass of water (mw) put in the
measuring cylinder using mw = mt – me
4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 for seven readings of volume
by increasing the volume with about 40 cm3 each Fig. 1.6: Measuring the mass
5. Record the results in a tabular form as shown in Table 1.2.
6. Calculate the ratio of mass to volume i.e. volume for each set of values
and enter in the table.
7. Draw a graph of mass against volume.
8. Determine the slope (gradient) of the graph.
Table of results
Average room temperature was 24°C.
Mass (g)
Volume (cm3)
Fig. 1.7: Graph of mass against volume
The ratio for water at 24°C is 1.02 g/cm3.
This shows that, allowing for experimental error, the hypothesis has been proved
to be correct at 24°C.
Note: It is always better to draw a graph than to find the average of a few pairs of
values obtained in an experiment. This gives a more accurate value of the quantity
being determined.
The line of best fit is an average of all possible pairs of results within a range. It
is the preferred method of analysing graphical data.
Exercise 1.2
• Your teacher will take you to the laboratory or science room; where you will
be conducting physics experiments.
• Identify some apparatus you may have seen before.
• Identify some situations that may pose danger to learners while in the
• List at least five safety rules you may think of that should be observed while
in the laboratory.
• Compare and discuss your findings with other groups in your class.
(Work in groups)
Materials: first aid kit, chart showing hazard symbols
• In groups of three, discuss what first aid is and why it is important to have
adequate knowledge on first aid.
• Open the first aid kit provided to you and identify all the items in it and their
• Now, discuss each hazard symbols shown on the chart provided and suggest
why it is important to understand them.
The purpose of first aid is to make the victim secure and comfortable. This prevents
his/her condition from becoming worse until professional assistance is available.
All physics students need to have adequate knowledge of first aid. The physics
laboratory should have a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit containing the
following items:
• A pair of blunt-ended scissors. • Mild antiseptic solution.
• Safety pins. • Forceps.
• Gloves. • An assortment of bandages.
• Adhesive plaster. • Sterilised cotton wool and gauze.
(a) Oxidising liquids (b) Harmful/Irritant (c) Dangerous for (d) General danger
to the environment acquatic environment
(e) Risk of fire (f) Risk of explosion (g) Toxic (h) Corrosive
(i) Risk of ionisation (j) Risk of electric (k) Laser beam (i) Biohazard
gradiation shock
Fig. 1.8: Hazard symbols
(Work in groups)
• Discuss with your group members what laboratory safety precautions are.
• List at least five precaution which must be taken when one is in the laboratory.
• Now, identify and discuss with your partner possible hazards if the precaution
identified are not observed.
From Activity 1.11, you should have learnt that safety measures in the laboratory
are the set of safety guidelines that are supposed to be followed incase of any
laboratory hazards.Table 1.5 shows some of the hazards in the laboratory and safety
precautions to be taken.
Exercise 1.3
1. Explain why it is important to observe laboratory rules and regulations.
2. State five laboratory safety rules and regulations.
3. You are working in the laboratory and you see the hazard symbols shown in
Fig. 1.9 below:
(a) (b)
Fig. 1.9: Hazard symbols
(a) Describe the meaning of each symbol.
(b) Describe the steps you would take to guard against the hazard depicted
by each symbol.
4. In every school, there is a procedure to be followed by every member of the
school community in case of fire outbreak. Describe the procedure to be
followed in your school. You may need to consult your teacher and other
sources to answer this question.
5. Give three safety measures to be taken incase of fire outbreak.
From Activity 1.12, you should have discovered that any quantity of measurements
are either a fundamental or derived quantity.
Fundamental quantities
A quantity may be defined as any observable property or process in nature with
which a number may be associated. This number is obtained by the operation of
measurements. The number may be obtained directly by a single measurement
or indirectly, say for example, by multiplying together two numbers obtained in
separate operations of measurement. Fundamental quantities are those quantities
that are not defined in terms of other quantities. In physics there are 7 fundamental
quantities of measurements namely length, mass, time, temperature, electric
current, amount of substance and luminous intensity. In this book we will study
the following 5 fundamental quantities: length, mass, time, temperature and electric
Derived quantities
Quantities which are defined in terms of the fundamental quantities via a system
of quantity equations are called derived quantities. Examples of derived quantities
include area, volume, velocity, acceleration, density, weight and force.
The SI units of derived quantities are obtained from equations using mathematical
expressions as follows:
(a) Area (e.g for square objects)=length (m) × length (m).
The SI unit of area in symbols is m2.
(b) Volume(e.g for cubic objects)=length (m) × length (m) × length (m).
The SI unit of volume in symbols is m3
mass (kg) . The SI unit of density in symbols is kg/m3.
(c) Density =
volume (m3)
displacement (m)
(d) Velocity = . The SI unit of velocity in symbols is m/s.
time taken (s)
1. Write each of the following figures five times in your exercise book.
(a) 1 000 000 (b) 2 000 000 000 metres
(c) 0.000 001 kg (d) 0. 000 005 litre
2. Repeat step 1 by writing the values using prefixes like milli mega, micro
milli and so on.
3. which step was faster and less tedious? Suggest the name given to figures
when written as in step 2.
Physical quantities are of wide range of magnitude. For example the mass of earth
is about 6 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 kg while the diameter of a molecule
is 0.000 000 0001m. Writing such quantities is very tedious and clumsy. Some
words have been used with SI units as short-cut to writing such magnitude. These
words are associated with certain magnitude. For example a word like milli stands
for 1 , kilo for 1000. Since these words are used or fixed before the SI units,
they are called prefixes.
Activity 1.15
To identify the units of measuring length
1. Discuss with your partner what you think length is.
2. Suggest the SI unit of length and its symbol.
3. Name other units are used to measure length and their symbols.
Length is measured in metres. One metre is the distance between the two marks
on a standard platinum-iridium bar kept at Paris (France).
Although the metre is the standard unit of length, it is sometimes too big to measure
some distances and too small to measure others. We therefore need other larger
and smaller units related to the metre to carry out some measurements.
Table 1.9 shows the SI units of length and its relationship with other larger and
smaller units of length.
Meter stick
Metre rule
Straight distances which are less than one metre in length are generally measured
using metre rules. Metre rules are graduated in millimetres (mm). Each division on
the scale represents 1 mm unit (Fig. 1.10).
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 100
0 1 2 3 4 5
Fig. 1.11: Reading a metre rule
3. Repeat the steps this time measuring the width (w) and height (h) of the block.
4. Record your reading in tabular form as shown in table 1.10.
Note: It is not always necessary to start measuring at the zero mark of the
metre rule as shown in Fig. 1.11. You may use any two points on the scale,
make your readings and obtain the required length by subtraction.
Activity 1.19
To measure the length of a pencil
Vernier callipers
inside jaws
cm 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
D main scale
B vernier scale
outside jaws
Fig. 1.13(a) Vernier calliper Fig. 1.13(b): Parts of a vernier callipers.
1. Take a vernier callipers and observe its scale. How many divisions are there
between 0 and 1, 4 and 5?
2. Iind out what each division represents. What is the name given to the value?
The vernier scale has a length of 9 mm. It is divided into ten equal divisions.
Therefore, each division has a length of 0.9 mm. The difference between 1 division
on the main scale and 1 division in the vernier scale is (1– 0.9) mm =0.1 mm. The
smallest reading called the least count (LC) that can be read from vernier
callipers is 1 mm – 0.9 mm = 0.1 mm or 0.01 cm .
The second decimal value in a reading is obtained by identifying the mark on
the vernier scale which coincides with a mark on the main scale called the vernier
coincidence (VC) and multiplying it with the least count i.e 0.01 cm.
cm 0 1 3 5 6 7 8 9
read here
2. Record the readings on the main scale and the vernier scale. The main scale
reading is the mark on the main scale that is immediately before the zero
mark of the vernier scale.
3. Multiply the vernier scale reading by 0.01 cm.
4. Add the main scale reading (in cm) and the vernier scale reading (in cm)
to get the diameter of the rod.
For instance, for the vernier shown in Fig. 1.14, the main scale reading (MSR)
is 2.6 cm. However, to get the second decimal value, we make use of the vernier
scale. The vernier scale mark that coincides exactly with a main scale mark gives
the vernier coincidence (VC).
In this case, the 6th division coincides with the main scale division.
Therefore, the external diameter of the cylindrical object is
MSR + (VC × LC) = 2.6 cm + (6 × 0.01) cm
= 2.66 cm.
1. Insert the inside jaws of a vernier callipers into the test tube.
2. Move the sliding jaws until the jaws just touch the inside walls of the test
tube as shown in Fig. 1.15.
3. Take and record the readings on the main scale and the vernier scale. Use
these readings to determine the internal diameter of the test tube.
test tube
cm 0 1 3 5 6 2 3 4
Readings enlarged
We can determine the diameter of the test tube shown in Fig. 1.15 as follows:
The internal diameter of the test tube = MSR + (VC × LC)
= 2.6 cm + (2 × 0.01) cm
= 2.62 cm
Example 1.1
What are the readings shown by the vernier callipers in Fig. 1.16(a) and (b)?
2 3 4 0 1 2
(a) (b)
Fig. 1.16:Vernier calliper readings
(a) Main scale reading = 2.6 cm (b) Main scale reading = 0.00 cm
Vernier scale reading = 0.04 cm Vernier scale reading = 0.05 cm
Reading = 2.64 cm Reading = 0.05 cm
Exercise 1.4
1. Explain the advantages of using a vernier calliper over a metre rule in measuring
the diameter of a small ball bearing.
2. With the aid of a well labelled diagram describe the main features of a
vernier calliper.
3. What are the readings shown on the calipers in Fig. 1.17 (a) and (b)?
5 6 7 main 3 4 5
vernier scale
(a) (b)
Fig. 1.17:Vernier calliper readings
Activity 1.24
To observe the parts of micrometre screw gauge
A micrometer screw gauge is an instrument for measuring very short length such
as the diameters of wires, thin rods, thickness of a paper etc. It was first made by
an astronomer called William Gascoigne in the 17th century.
Fig. 1.18(a) shows the photograph of a micrometer screw gauge.
anvil spindle sleeve thimble
zero main scale ratchet
adjusting scale
Fig. 1.18(a): Micrometer screw gauge Fig. 1.18:(b) Parts of a micrometer screw gauge
How to use and determine the reading on the micrometre screw gauge
1 mm
LC = = 0.01 mm.
80 30
75 25
Thimble with 100 divisions Thimble with 50 divisions
(a) (b)
Fig. 1.20: Thimble divisions.
Example 1.2
A micrometer screw gauge has a thimble scale with 100 divisions and screw pitch of
1.00 mm. Find the length of one division (least count) on the thimble scale.
100 divisions have a length of 1.00 mm
∴1 division has a length of = 0.01 mm
ball bearing
6. Repeat the activity by taking two more measurements. Obtain the average
Example 1.3
What is the diameter of the ball bearing shown in Fig. 1.22?
ball bearing
Main scale reading = 5.0 mm 5.00 mm
Head scale coincidence = 19 divisions +
Head scale reading = 19 × 0.01 = 0.19 mm
Full reading = 5.0 + 0.19 = 5.19 mm
The diameter of the ball bearing is 5.19 mm
Exercise 1.5
1. State the value of the readings shown by the micrometer screw gauges in
Fig 1.23.
mm mm
0 5 10 65 0 5 15
60 10
From Activity 1.27, you should have established that time is a measure of duration
taken by an event. The SI unit of time is the second and its symbol is s.
All living things have an inbuilt biological clock which seems to control the rhythm
of their life cycle. For example, the cock will crow only at specific time intervals.
Regardless of where we are located or what we are doing, we are always aware
of the idea of passage of time. This passage of time is noticed in many ways, for
example by the heartbeat, the sun, seasons, etc. The measurement of time is based
on rhythm.
Time is measured using either analogue or digital watches and clocks (Fig. 1.24).
Analogue watches and clocks (Fig. 1.24(b) and (c)) are controlled by oscillations
of a balance wheel and hairspring or electrical oscillations of a quartz crystal.
55 5
50 10
45 15
40 20
35 25
(a) A digital stopwatch (b) a stopwatch (c) a stop clock
Fig. 1.24: Stop watches and a stop clock
Table 1.11 shows units of time and their relationships with the seconds.
1 hour h 3 600 s
1 minute min 60 s
1 second s 1s
1 millisecond ms 0.001 s
1 microsecond µs 0.000 001 s
Table 1.11: Units of time and their relationship with the second
Example 1.4
How many seconds are there in 1 week?
1 week = 7 days
1 day = 24 h 1 week = 7 × 24 ×60 × 60
1h = 60 min = 604 800 s
1 min = 60 s
Digital stopwatch can measure very small time intervals. It can display, hours,
minutes, seconds and milliseconds.
Activity 1.28 To measure and record the time taken to read words
Materials: stopwatch
1. Start the stopwatch and time how long it takes your partner to read a certain
sentence e.g.
• Stop environmental pollution!
• Our environment is our livelihood!
• HIV/AIDS is incurable!
• Avoid unprotected sex!
2. Stop the watch, reset and repeat the activity about four times. Find your
average time for reading the sentence.
You should have observed that the longer the sentence, the longer the time taken
to read it. The average time for reading a sentence is more accurate than each
individuals time recorded for the same event.
Activity 1.29
To time the heart beat
Materials: stopwatch
1. Place your palm on the side of your chest and feel your heartbeat.
2. Start the stopwatch.
3. By feeling and counting your heartbeats, determine the number (n) of
heartbeat in 60 s.
60 .
4. Determine the time interval between your two heartbeats as n
When breathing normally, you should obtain 72 heart beats in one minute (60s).
60 s
Hence the interval between your two heart beat should be = 0.833 s.
Example 1.5
The heart of an obese student was beating at 85 beats per minute. Find the time interval
for one beat. What can you advice the person (Hint: the normal heartbeat rate is 72
beats per minute).
85 beats takes 60 seconds
1 beat will take ?
1 × 60 s
= 0.706 s
The time for one heartbeat is 0.706 s. The person should visit a doctor for checkup.
Health Matters
Always have a medical check up, exercise your body and eat properly
to avoid most lifestyle diseases.
Exercise 1.6
50 10
3. The stopwatch in Question 2 was accidentally dropped and its pointer pin
became loose such that when the stopwatch is started, the pointer pin swifts
backwards by 1 division. What is the actual reading of the stopwatch shown
in Fig. 1.26?
55 5
50 10
45 15
40 20
35 25
In your discussion, you should have learnt that area is the measure of the extent
of a surface. The SI unit of area is square metre (m2). Area is a derived quantity.
Table 1.12 shows the unit of area, its symbol and its relationship with the SI unit
of area (m2).
97.5 × 1 100 1
100 cm2 = 10 000 = 100 = 0.01 m2
99.5 mm = 1000 000
Table 1.13 shows some of the formulae used in the measurement of area.
Triangle A = 12 (b × h)
Height (h)
Base (b)
Example 1.8
(b) Area = L W or A = 40 cm 30 cm
= 40 cm 30 cm = (40 10) mm (30 10) mm
= 1 200 cm2 = 400 300 mm2
= 1 200 100 mm2 = 120 000 mm2
= 120 000 mm2
Exercise 1.7
• Now, pour water into the beaker and read the level of water. What does the
reading represent? Explain.
• Suggest your members what volume is and its SI units. What are the other
smaller and larger units that are used to measure volume?
From Activity 1.31, you should have established that volume is the amount of
space occupied by a substance. The reading obtained when water is poured in the
beaker represents the volume of water. The SI unit of volume is cubic metres(m3).
Like area, volume is also a derived quantity. Table 1.14 shows the SI unit of volume
and its relationship with other units of volume and capacity.
Example 1.9
A car uses 1 litre of petrol to cover a distance of 13 km. How long, in metres,
would such a car cover with 30 cm3 of petrol?
1 litre = 1 000 cm3
1 km = 1 000 m
13 km = 13 000 m
1 000 cm3 covers 13 000 m
13 000 × 30
With 30 cm3, it would cover 1 000
= 390 m
Cuboid w V=l w h
Sphere V= 4 r3
Cylinder V= r2h
Volume of liquids
Activity 1.32 To calculate a volume of a liquid in a container
(a) (b)
Fig. 1.27: Measurement of volume of liquids
3. Measure the radius r and the height h then determine the volume of the
liquid using the appropriate formulas.
4. Compare the two volumes to see if they are the same.
From Activity 1.32, you should have established that the volume of water in a
rectangular container is equal to the cylindrical container i.e
v = l × b × h = πr2h
From Activity 1.33, you should have discovered that instruments for measuring
volume include measuring cylinders, burettes and pipettes. These instruments
are already calibrated (marked) in the units of volume (cubic centimetres, cm3)
or capacity (millilitres, ml).
(b) Burette 0
A burette consists of a long graduated glass tube fitted
with a tap which opens and closes easily. Burettes are 20
Pour a liquid into the burette with the help of a funnel. Make sure that the level goes
well beyond the zero. Open the tap and allow the level to come to the zero mark.
(This is to ensure that even the lower part 25 ml
of the tap is filled with the liquid). Run
off the required volume of the liquid by
opening the tap. 25 ml
(c) Pipette
Pipette like a burette, it is used to run off
known volume of a liquid. There are two
types of pipettes commonly used in school
(a) Graduated pipette (b) One mark pipette
laboratories. They are: graduated pipette Fig. 1.30: Types of pipettes
and one mark pipette (Fig. 1.30).
The graduated pipette can deliver various amounts of known volumes of a liquid.
The one mark pipette delivers only one known volume of a liquid, e.g. 25 ml for
a 25 ml pipette.
mouth of the spout. 10
From Activity 1.35, you must have noted that the volume of the solid is equal to
the volume of the water displaced.
Exercise 1.8
1. Define volume and state its SI unit.
2. A tank full of a liquid has a volume of 0.6 m3. Find the volume of the tank in:
(a) litres (b) cm3 (c) ml
3. A metal block measures 5 cm by 4 cm by 10 cm. Calculate:
(a) The volume of the block.
(b) The number of blocks each measuring 2 cm by 1 cm by 5 cm that have
the same volume as that of the metal block.
4. A beaker of radius 5 cm contains water to a height of 10 cm.
(a) What is the volume of the water in the beaker?
(b) When a stone is completely immersed in the beaker, water rises to a height
of 19 cm. What is the volume of the stone?
5. Give one advantage of using burette over a one mark pipette in measuring
the volume of a liquid.
7. What is: 40
(a) the minimum volume of a liquid that can be
measured by the measuring cylinder shown in
Fig. 1.33?
(b) the volume of the liquid in the measuring Fig. 1.33:
cylinder? Measuring cylinder
8. The tap of a burette is adjusted such that water ml
20 30
reading on the burette if 60 drops of water fall from
30 20
be 50 mm3. 50 0
From Activity 1.36, you must have noted that, one cannot be accurate when
determining how heavy an object is using non standard measures like hands. This
calls for the need to use a standard measure.
Mass is the amount of matter in a substance. Its SI unit is kilogram (kg). The
standard kilogram is the mass of a block of platinum iridium alloy kept at the office
of weights and measures in Paris. Other masses are measured by comparing them
directly or indirectly with this mass. Table 1.16 shows the relationship between
the SI unit of mass (kg) and other larger and smaller units of mass.
Unit Symbol Comparison with kg
1 tonne t 1 000 kg
1 kilogram kg 1 kg
1 gram g 0.001 kg
1 milligram mg 0.000 001 kg
Table 1.16: Units of measuring mass and their symbols
Example 1.10
Convert 39.6 mg into kilograms
1 1
1 mg = 1000 g = 1 000 000 kg
Therefore, 39.6 mg = ( 1 000 000 × 39.6) kg
= 0.000 039 6 kg
(a) beam balance (b) traditional pan balance (c) electronic balance
support T
beam B
pillar M
bow plumbline, L
pointer P
pan X pan Y
W scale S
adjustment levelling screw
Fig. 1.36: A beam balance
The beam balance has an beam B and two containers (X andY).The first container
holds the load while the other container holds the metal that has a fixed weight.
The beam is zeroed before using. This involves making sure that the pointer P is
at the middle of the scale S and the plumbline L is just touching pillar M. This
is done by adjusting the screws W and W’ respectively. When the beam balances,
the masses on the scale-pans are equal. The mass to be measured is placed on
one scale-pan which is then balanced by using known or standard masses on the
other scale pan. After weighing, the beam is gently lowered so that it rests on the
support T, which takes the load off the delicate wedges.
1.18 Density
Definition of density
g/cm3, or g/cm3. The relationship 1 000 kg/m3 = 1 g/cm3 is used for conversion
of units of density.
The symbol for density is the Greek letter ρ read as Rho, while mass and volume
are abbreviated (m) and (V) respectively. Using these symbols, the formula for
density is ρ = v
Different substances have different densities as indicated in Table 1.18 below.
Substance Density Density Substance Density Density in
in kg/m3 in g/cm3 in kg/m3 g/cm3
Aluminum 2 700 2.70 Sand (varies) 2 600 2.60
Brass (varies) 8 500 8.50 Steel (varies) 7 800 7.8
Copper 8 930 8.93 White spirit 850 0.85
Glass (varies) 2 600 2.60 Zinc 7 100 7.10
Gold 19 300 19.3 Iron 7 500 7.50
Ice (at 0ºc) 920 0.92 Invar 8 000 8.00
Lead 11 300 11.3 Cork 180 0.18
Mercury 13 600 13.6 Air 1.293 0.001 293
Methylated spirit 800 0.80 Hydrogen 0.899 0.000 089 9
Platinum 21 500 21.50 Pure water 1000 1.0
Table 1.18: Densities of different substances
Example: 1.11
An object of volume 0.004 23 m3 has mass 36 kg. Determine its density in kg/m3.
From table 1.18, identify the substance from which the object is made.
(a) ρ = V
36 kg
= 0.00432 m3 = 8 510.6 kg/m3.
Example 1.12
The density of mercury is 13.6 g/cm3. What volume will have a mass of 200 g.
ρ =13.6 g/cm3
m = 200 g
m m 200
We know that V= p therefore V = ρ = 13.6 = 14.7 cm3
Example 1.13
What mass of gold has a volume of 2.5 cm3? (Take the density of gold as
19.3 g/cm3).
Density of gold = 19.3 g/cm3, Volume (V) = 2.5 cm3
ρ= V ⇒m=ρV
= 19.3 × 2.5
= 48.25 g
Rotten egg
Fresh egg
(a) (b)
Exercise 1.9
Unit Test 1
1. Define the term Physics.
2. Explain why Physics is a science.
3. Discuss the relationship between physics and society.
4. State the career opportunities that physics opens for you.
5. Describe the scientific investigation processes.
6. Distinguish between a fundamental (base) quantity and a derived quantity.
Give one example of each.
7. Name three fundamental quantities and their SI units.
8. Give a reason why it was necessary to establish SI units.
9. How many micrometres are there in 4 cm?
10. Express the following in millimetres:
(a) 2.7 m (b) 26.9 cm (c) 356 µm.
11. Name the instruments you would use to measure each of the following:
(a) the length of a football field.
(b) the height of a 20 litre jerrican.
(c) the circumference of your waist.
12. A sea vessel carries 2 megatonnes of cargo. What is this mass in kg?
13. Explain how you would measure the exter nal diameter of a
measuring cylinder.
14. Describe briefly how you would measure:
(a) the volume of a single drop of water from a burette.
(b)the time taken by an ant to cover a distance of 2 m.
15. Drops of water coming from a crack in a water tap are collected at regular
intervals as shown in Fig. 1.39(a).
(a) What is the volume of the water
(b) Fig. 1.39 (b) shows the time 25 55
50 10
35 25
10 cm
0 mm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Glass rod
Fig. 1.41: Measuring length of a glass rod
22. Describe how you would determine the volume of an irregular object such as
a small stone.
23. How would you determine the circumference of a test tube using a cotton
thread and a metre rule? State any precautions that need to be taken.
24. What is the mass of air in a room measuring 5 m × 10 m × 10 m? (Take the
density of air to be 1.293 kg/m3).
Qualitative analysis of linear
UNIT 2 motion
Unit outline
• Define distance, displacement, speed, velocity and acceleration.
• Definition of motion and types of linear motion.
• Distinguish between instantaneous and average speed, velocity and
• Draw and analyse graphs of distance against time, displacement against time,
speed against time, velocity against time and acceleration against time.
• Formulae of linear motion.
• Measurement of g (acceleration due to gravity).
1. Observe and describe the following types of motions of bodies in terms
of direction(Fig. 2.1).
(a) Throwing a stone over a cliff (b) Whirling a stone (c) 100 m race
Fig 2.1: Different types of motion
In our daily lives, we come across various objects moving from one point to the
other. The objects are said to be in motion. People, animals and machines are
from time to time involved in motion in different directions. Motion in a straight
line is called linear motion(see Fig. 2.1 (c)).
In this unit, we are going to study linear motion. We shall pay attention to the
time taken, distance covered, speed, velocity and acceleration of the motion and
their relationships.
There are two types of linear motion namely: uniform motion and non-uniform
Uniform motion
In this motion, the speed of the moving remains the same or constant.
Non-uniform or uniform accelerated motion
In this motion the speed of an object changes at a constant rate, a good example
is the free fall.
Distance is the total length of the path followed by an object, regardless of the direction
of motion. It is a scalar quantity and measured in units of length. The SI unit of
distance is the metre (m). Long distances may be measured in kilometres (km)
while short distances may be measured in centimetres (cm) or millimetres (mm).
It should be noted that in determining the distance between two points, the
direction at any point along the path is not considered. The direction along the
path may keep on changing (Fig. 2.2) or remain constant (Fig. 2.3).
142 km W E
Road (path of travel)
Fig.2.2: Distance between points A and B is 142 km (direction keeps on changing)
P 8.5 cm Q
3 cm 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Displacement is the object’s overall change in position from the starting to the end point.
It is the shortest distance along a straight line between two points in the direction
of motion. The SI unit of displacement is the metre (m).
To fully describe displacement, you need to specify how far you have travelled from
where you started and in what direction you have travelled. For example, point A
is 100 kilometres Northwest of point B. In diagrams, an arrowhead indicates the
direction of motion (Fig. 2.4). Displacement is a vector quantity.
displacement = distance in a stated direction from a reference point
A nce
142 km dista ent
100 km acem
In Activity 2.3, you will find that the distance is 4 m while displacement is 0 m.
30 m
(Start point) 40 m
Fig. 2.5 Path followed by a boat
Distance = AB + BC = 40 m + 30 m = 70 m
Displacement = AC = AB2 + BC2 = 402 + 302 = 50 m.
Road Safety
1. Fig 2.6 shows a sketch of a road. Redraw it in your exercise book.
Side A M N Q
2. Three Senior one students: Peter, Jane and John were standing at point
P on side B of the road where a school bus was packed. They crossed the
road to points M, N and Q respectively on side A of the road. They took
the routes shown by the dotted lines. Whose route was shortest? Discuss
with your partner.
3. Suggest a reason why the shortest distance ( displacement) is very important
to the safety of a person crossing a road.
4. What are the safety precautions a person should observe before and when
crossing a road.
In your discussion, you should have observed that route PN is the shortest. It is
safer and move convenient to take this route than routes PM or PQ because it
takes a shorter time to cross the road thus reducing the chances of being involved
in an accident on a busy road.
The following are some of the safety measures one should take before crossing
a road:
1. Always cross the road where there is a zebra-crossing.
2. Before you cross at a zebra-crossing, look right, left, then right again and
if there are no oncoming vehicles then walk across. Do not run. Always
remember it is better to be late but arrive safely.
3. Do not make abrupt decision to cross a road. Always put all your
concentration on the road when crossing it.
2.2 Speed
In your discussion, you should have established that the distance moved by a body
per unit time is called speed. In this motion, direction is not considered. Thus,
distance moved
Speed =
time taken
The SI unit of speed is metres per second (m/s). Other units of speed such as
kilometres per hour (km/h) and centimetres per second (cm/s) are also in common
When a body covers equal distances in equal time intervals, it is said to move with
uniform speed.
Example 2.1
What is the speed of a racing car in metres per second if the car covers 360 km in 2
distance moved distance moved
Speed = OR Speed =
time taken time taken
360 km 360 × 1 000 m
= =
2h 2 × 3600
= 180 km/h = 50 m/s
Instantaneous speed
Activity 2.7 To observe variation of speed at different instances
1. Sit on the front seat of a vehicle and observe its speedometer when in
motion. How does the pointer behaves? Explain.
2. Note the speed indicated by the pointer at different points while in motion
until the vehicle stops.
3. Record the speeds in a tabular form at point A to E as shown in Table 2.1
Points A B C D E
As you travel in a car or bus, you notice that the speedometer of the car keeps on
showing different values of speed. The speed at any given instant in your journey
is called instantaneous speed.
Average speed
Activity 2.8 To establish the formula for average speed
(Work in pairs)
1. Discuss with your partner how you can calculate the whole journey’s speed
for a body if the speed keeps on changing from one point to the other.
2. What is the name given to the quantity obtained in step 1?
Quite often, the speed a body moving between two points keep on varying. Such
a body is said to be move with non-uniform speed. The equivalent constant speed
that the body would move at to cover the same distance in the same time is called
avarage speed.
Average speed of a body is the total distance covered by the body over the total
time taken i.e.
Total distance moved
Average speed =
Total time taken
Instantaneous speed of an object should not be confused with the
average speed. We can use an example of a car travelling between two
points A and B to differentiate the two. The average speed of a car is
the total distance AB the car travels over the total time it takes to cover
the distance whereas instantaneous speed is the varying speed shown
by speedometer of the car at different instants along the distance AB.
Example 2.2
A car moving along a straight road ABC as shown in Fig. 2.7 maintains an average
speed of 90 km/h between points A and B and 36 km/h between points B and C.
1.5 km 2.4 km
Calculate the:
(a) Total time taken in seconds by the car between points A and C.
(b) Average speed in metres per second of the car between points A and C.
Total distance
(a) Average speed =
Time taken
Total distance
total time between A and B =
Average speed
1.5 1.5
= 90 h = × 60 × 60 s = 60 s
Total time between B and C = × 60 × 60 s = 240 s
Total time between A and C = 60 s + 240 s = 300 s
Total distance
(b) Average speed =
Time taken
(1.5 + 2.4) × 1 000 m
300 s
= 13 m/s
2.3 Velocity
Activity 2.9
To determine the speed in a specified direction
The speed of a body in a specified direction is called velocity or velocity is the rate
of change of distance in a particular direction. Therefore,
distance moved in a particular direction
Velocity =
time taken
Velocity is also defined as the displacement covered per unit time or the rate of change
of displacement. In Activity 2.9, the result obtained in step 5 is a displacement and
when divided by time we find velocity. i.e.
Velocity =
time taken
The SI unit of velocity is metres per second (m/s).
In some cases, the velocity of a moving body keeps on changing. In such cases, it
the average velocity of the body is considered.
total displacement
Average velocity =
time taken
Displacement (m) 0 4 8 12
Time taken (s) 0 2 4 6
Table 2.2: Values of displacement and time taken by a moving car
The velocity after every two seconds is 2 m/s, hence velocity of the car is uniform.
Example 2.3
A car travelled from town A to town B 200 km N
east of A in 3 hours. It then changed direction
and travelled a distance of 150 km due north
from town B to town C in 2 hours. (Fig. 2.9). 150 km
Calculate the average
(a) speed for the whole journey.
(b) velocity for the whole journey.
A 200 km B
Fig. 2.9: Town A, B and C
total distance (200 + 150) km
(a) Average speed = =
time taken (3 + 2) h
h )
= 70 km/h
displacement, AC 2002 + 1502 km
(b) Average velocity = =
time taken 3+2h
= km
= 50 km/h, Direction is from A to C
50 000 m
In m/s =
3 600 s
= 13.89 m/s
Exercise 2.1
1. Distinguish between:
(a) Speed and velocity.
(b) Distance and displacement.
2. Rusangwanwa cycles to school 2.5 km away in 5 minutes.What is his average
speed in (a) metres per second (b) kilometres per hour.
3. Nesa and Nshimiye decided to walk to a picnic site 12 km away. They
walked the first 6 km at an average speed of 6 km/h and the rest at 5 km/h.
(a) How long did the journey take?
(b) What was their average speed for the journey?
2.4 Acceleration
2. Now, increase the angle of inclination using the wooden block until the
trolley is seen to be moving with increasing speed down the runway.
3. Release the trolley and start the ticker-timer. What do you notice about the
separation of adjacent dots on the tape?
4. Suggest how the dots on ticker-tape will look like when the speed of trolley
is reducing with time.
5. What quantity is used to refer to the change of velocity with time. Suggest its SI
It can be seen that the separation of the dots increases with time as shown in Fig.
2.11. Since the time between two successive dots is 0.02 s, the time between
each 5 spaces length is 0.10 s.
Velocity (m/s) 0 5 10 15
Time taken (s) 0 2 4 6
Table 2.3: Values of velocity (m/s) and time taken (s)
The velocity increases by 5 m/s for every 2 seconds. Thus, the body is said to be
accelerating uniformly at 2.5 m/s2.
Example 2.4
change in velocity (b) Acceleration
(a) Acceleration =
time taken
final velocity – initial velocity
final velocity – initial velocity time taken
time taken (0 – 20) m/s
(rest means velocity is zero) 8s
– 20 m/s
= (20 – 0 m/s = = -2.5 m/s2
5s 8s
= 4 m/s2 or deceleration of 2.5 m/s2
In your discussion, you should have obtained Fig. 2.12(a) and (b) for the body
at rest and one moving at a constant velocity respectively.
Distance (m)
Distance (m)
Distance (m)
Distance (m)
Time (s)
Time (s)
(a): Speed increasing with time (b): Speed decreases with time
Fig. 2.13: Distance - time graph
In Fig. 2.13(a) the gradient (representing speed) is increasing, implying that the
object is accelerating. Examples of real life settings where such motion is exhibited
• a body rolling down an inclined plane.
• a car accelerating uniformly from rest.
In Fig. 2.13(b), the speed of the object is decreasing, implying that the object
is decelerating. Examples of real life setting where such motion is exihibited
• a body thrown vertically upward.
• a body rolling uphill an inclined plane.
• a car decelerating uniformly.
Example 2.5
Fig. 2.14 shows a distance-time graph for a motorist. Study it and answer the questions
that follow.
Distance (m)
A E D time (s)
0 10 20 30
Fig. 2.14: Distance - time graph
(a) How far was the motorist from the starting point after 10 seconds?
(b) Calculate the average speed of the motorist for the first 10 seconds.
(c) Describe the motion of the motorist in regions (i) BC (ii) CD
(a) By reading directly from the graph, distance travelled in 10 s = 15 m.
(b) Slope of the graph = speed of the motorist.
change in distance = (15 – 0)m = 1.5 m/s
Slope = change in time (10 – 0)s
(c) (i) In the internal BC, distance is not changing but time changes,
hence the body is at rest (stationary).
(ii) In the internal CD, the motorist is moving at a constant speed
towards the starting point.
-ve 0 +ve
Reference point
Fig. 2.15: Moving object
Let us consider a body moving in such a way that its displacement changes
uniformly with time. Depending on the direction taken, two graphs can be drawn
as shown in Fig. 2.16(a) and (b).
+ +
displacement (s)
displacement (s)
0 0
time (s) time (s)
- -
(a) A body moving forward at constant (b) A body moving reverse at constant velocity
Let us now sketch displacement-time graphs for a body at rest and that whose
rate of change of displacement with time (velocity) is not constant (Fig. 2.17).
Time Time
speed m/s
speed = 0
time, s
Speed, (m/s)
time, (s)
Gradient = 0
Acceleration in this case is zero i.e
a = 0 m/s2
(iii) A body moving with non-uniform speed (body accelerating)
When a body moves with uniform acceleration, its speed changes by equal amounts
in equal interval time. The speed-time graph for a body whose speed changes
unformally is a straight line as shown in Fig. 2.20.
speed (m/s)
time (s)
Fig. 2.20 Speed-time graph
Consider a ball thrown vertically upwards with an initial speed u from the top of
a cliff which is s metres from the water level. See Fig. 2.21.
Water level
Taking the top of the cliff as the reference point and upwards as the positive
direction, the motion graph is as shown is Fig. 2.22
speed (m/s)
B time (s)
The stone was thrown upwards and so it started either with some speed which
then started decreasing to zero at the maximum height. Then the stone started
dropping downwards, as its speed started increasing from zero. Notice that the
stone is now moving to opposite in the negative direction (downwards in this
case), (See Fig. 2.22).
Example 2.6
Fig. 2.23 shows a graph of speed against time for the motion of a car travelling from
Ruhengeri to Gitarama.
(a) the acceleration of a car in the first 4 s.
(b) the distance travelled in the first 4 s.
Speed (m/s)
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Time (s)
Fig. 2.23: Speed - time graph
change in speed ∆s 20 m/s
(a) Accelaration = = ∆t = = 5 m/s2
time taken 4s
(b) Distance travelled = Area under the graph = speed (m/s) × time (s)
= × 20 m/s× 4
= 40 m
Exercise 2.2
1. Sketch the following graphs.
(i) The speed-time graph for a body moving with uniform speed.
(ii) The distance-time graph for a body moving with uniform speed.
(iii) The speed-time graph for a body moving with non-uniform (speed)
(iv) The speed-time graph for a body moving with non-uniform acceleration.
(v) The speed-time graph for a ball thrown upwards and then caught again.
2. Fig. 2.24 (a) shows the distance-time graph for body A while Fig. 2.24 (b)
shows the speed-time graph for body B.
Body A Body B
Speed (m/s)
Distance (m)
0 Time(s) 0 Time(s)
(a) (b)
Fig. 2.24: Distance-time graphs
In your discussion, you should have learnt that a velocity-time graph tells us
how the speed and direction of an object changes with time. Where there is no
change in direction, a velocity–time graph looks the same as a speed-time graph.
On a velocity – time graph, the gradient of the line is numerically equal to the
acceleration. The gradient tells us how much extra speed is gained every second.
From Activity 2.14, you should have obtained the following line graphs:
gradient = 0
O A time
velocity (m/s)
0 time (s)
Fig. 2.26:Velocity-time graph for uniform acceleration.
(iii) A body decelerating uniformly
Consider a car moving at a particular
velocity. If the brakes are applied such that
it decelerates uniformly to rest, its velocity
time-graph is as shown in Fig. 2.27 0 time (s)
velocity (m/s)
Example 2.7
Speed m/s
u 0
t1 Time, t (s)
0 –u
t1 2t1
Time t
(a) Speed-time graph of the stone (b) Velocity-time graph of the stone
Example 2.8
Table 2.4 shows the data collected to study the motion of cylist.
Velocity m/s 0 3 6 6 6 6
Time (s) 0 2 4 6 8 10
Table 2.3: Values of velocity and time
Velocity (m/s)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (s)
Exercise 2.3
4. Fig. 2.31 shows the velocity-time graph of a car. Use the graph to find
Velocity (m/s)
(b) deceleration of the
(c) total displacement of
the car.
0 10 20 30 Time (s)
Fig. 2.31: Velocity-time graph
5. The graph in Fig. 2.32 shows the motion of a body falling freely under gravity.
(a) Determine the values of Displacement (m)
displacement(s) at t = 1, 2, 3 75
and 4 s.
(b) Draw a graph of velocity(v) 50
against time (t).
(c) Use your graph in (b) to find the 25
value of gravitational acceleration.
0 1 2 3 4 Time (s)
Fig. 2.32: Displacement-time graph
The sketches in Fig. 2.33 represent the motions of bodies in a straight line.
Match each graphs with appropriately description from the ones given.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
v v v v
0 t 0 t 0 t 0 t
0 t 0 t 0 t
Fig. 2.33: Motion graphs
Velocity (m/s)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
time (s)
Fig. 2.34: Velocity-time graph
(a) Describe the motion of the car.
(c) Find the retardation in the interval 90 s-100 s.
8. Figure 2.35 shows velocity-time graph for a certain body.
Velocity (m/s)
0 10 20 30 40 50 Time (s)
Fig. 2.35: Velocity-time graph
Find the acceleration at t = 10 seconds
9. Draw a graph of velocity against time for a car which starts with an initial
velocity of 20 m/s and accelerates uniformly at 4 m/s2 for 8 seconds, then
slows down to rest in 20 seconds.
You may have noticed that when an object is thrown vertically upwards, it starts
with a certain speed which decreases as the object moves upwards. At some point
the speed of the object becomes zero and the object starts falling back to the earth.
If an object is dropped from the top of a building or a tree, it starts from rest (with
zero velocity) and its velocity increases as it falls.
It can be shown that the periodic time, T of a simple pendulum of length l is given
by the equation
T = 2π l
Squaring both sides of the equation gives T 2 = g l
Comparing this equation with the general straight line equation, y = mx + c shows
T 2 = y, m = 4π , l = x and c = 0
Therefore, a graph of T 2 against l (Fig. 2.37) is a straight line with gradient m = 4π .
T 2 (s2)
∆T 2
Gradient, m =
Fig. 2.37: Graph of time, T 2, against length, l.
Exercise 2.4
Unit Test 2
(Where necessary take g = 10 m/s2)
1. Define the following terms:
(a) Distance (d) Velocity
(b) Displacement (e) acceleration
(c) Speed
2. Iragena and Hakizimana were discussing about velocity in their Physics class
before presenting their findings to the whole class. Which of the following
t t t
(d) (e) (f)
a v s
t t t
Fig. 2.38: Motion-time graphs
10. The velocity-time graph in Fig. 2.39 shows the movement of a toy car on
a straight path. Use the information to find:
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Time (s)
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Time (s)
Fig. 2.40: Graph of velocity against time
(a) In which section of the graph was the cyclist accelerating most rapidly?
Explain how you would determine this acceleration.
(b) Calculate the retardation of the motorcyclist from the graph.
(c) Which part of the graph shows that the motorcyclist was stationary
and for how long?
(d) Use the graph to find the distance travelled by the motorcyclist before
13. Fig. 2.41 represents the velocity-time graph of a body during a period of
30 s.
Velocity, (m/s)
10 20 30 Time(s)
Fig. 2.41: Graph of velocity against time
(a) Use the equations of motion to find the displacement of the body in
30 s.
(b) Use the graph to determine the displacement of the body in 30 s.
(c) What is the retardation of the body?
14. Fig. 2.42 shows a displacement-time graph of the motion of a body over a
period of 14 s. Use the graph to determine:
Displacement (m)
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Time (s)
UNIT 3 Force (I)
By the end of this unit, I should be able to define, explain and describe forces
and their effects.
Unit outlines
• Definition of force.
• Types of forces and difference between contact and non-contact forces.
• Representation of forces using vector diagrams.
• Addition of parallel and non-parallel forces.
Activity 3.1
To demonstrate the effects of force on a body
• Charts • A stone
• Rope
1. Push a table in your classroom
slightly to displace it. Take care not
to damage the legs of the table due to
2. Tie a stone or brick using a rope and
pull it to other positions. (Take care
not to be hurt by the stone). Fig. 3.1 : Pushing a table
3. Now, study the pictures shown in Fig 3.2 and discuss with your class partner
what is happening in each of them.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 3.2 : Pushing or pulling objects
From your discussion in Activity 3.2, you should have found that in Fig. 3.2 (a) a
donkey is pulling a cart, 3.2(b) a car is being pushed to start, Fig. 3.2(c) a man is
pushing a wheel chair and in Fig. 3.2(d), a woman is pushing a supermarket trolley.
These activities and many more involve either pushing or pulling. In physics, a
pull or a push is called a force.
The SI unit of force is the newton (N), named after the famous physicist Sir Isaac
Newton (1642 –1727).
Force is a vector quantity. It has both magnitude and direction. The magnitude
is represented by a straight line while the direction is shown using an arrow as
shown in Fig 3.3.
Activity 3.2
To demonstrate friction in solids
• Wooden block • A light spring
1. Place the wooden block with the spring attached on the bench.
2. Pull a wooden block using a light spring slowly and then faster across the
bench. (Fig. 3.4). Observe what happens.
3. Discuss the observations made in step 2.
block of wood pull
4. Place a pencil on the horizontal bench and give it a slight push. Observe and
explain what happens.
In Activity 3.2, you should have noted that the spring extends without the wooden
block moving and then it starts to move. When the pencil is given a slight push,
it moves but finally comes to a stop.
In the first case, there is a force preventing the stationary block of wood from
moving. In the second case, there is a force compelling the moving pencil to stop.
These forces are called frictional forces. The force of friction exists whenever two
bodies which are in contact, move relative to one another. If the two bodies are
solids, the force is called solid frictional force. It does not matter which body is
in motion.
Exercise 3.1
Do a research from internet and reference books on how to demonstrate friction
in fluids i.e in liquids and gases.
• A string • A pail with water
1. Hold one end of a string and your friend the other end.
2. Let both of you pull the ends away from each other as shown in Figure 3.5.
What happens to the string?
In step 2, you should have felt that the string pulls inwards with a force. This force
that develops in the string, cable or rope when it is being pulled tightly by forces
acting from opposite end is called tension force.
The tension force can be shown on a force diagram by an arrow pointing inwards
along the string marked with the letter, T. (Fig. 3.7)
Pull of gravity
Fig. 3.8 : Tension force
Exercise 3.2
Do a research from internet and reference books on why it is important to have
an idea of tension force on materials while constructing bridges and houses.
• A rigid support • Two identical spring balances
1. Hook one end of a spring balance A to a rigid support e.g a wall. Pull the
other end until the spring shows a reading (see Fig 3.9(a)).
2. Discuss with your partner what happens to the rigid support.
3. Repeat the activity by using a similar spring B instead of a rigid support.
4. Pull the two springs until the reading on spring A is the same as before
(see fig 3.9(b)). What reading is shown by spring B?
Spring A
Rigid support
Fig. 3.9: To demonstrate action and reaction forces
From activity 3.4, you should have noted that the reading of spring A is the same
as of spring B. This implies that there are two equal forces which are acting in
opposite directions in the two springs.
Similarly, when spring A pulled the rigid support, the support also pulled it with
an equal and opposite force. These two equal forces that act in opposite directions
are called action and reaction force.
Another example that shows action and reaction force is when a book is placed on
a table. The weight of the book provides action force while the table supporting
the book provides reaction (Fig. 3.10)
Activity 3.5
To demonstrate existence of normal reaction force
• A bench • A wooden block
1. Press the bench downwards with your thumb (Fig. 3.11). What do you feel?
Suggest the kind of force acting on your thumb.
Wooden block
In step 1, you must have felt the bench pressing upwards against your thumb. The
force you feel acting on your thumb by the table is called reaction force and the
one acted by the thumb on the table is called action force.
This activity has shown that the reaction and action forces are always perpendicular
(normal) to the surface of the body exerting the reaction (Fig 3.13)
Normal reaction
Normal action
Fig. 3.13: Normal reaction and action perpendicular to the surface
Normal reaction and action also acts on the wooden block resting on the bar
(step 2).
The force due to the block is called the action force, while that due to the table
is called normal reaction force. Since the block is at rest the two forces must be
equal though acting in opposite directions. (Fig. 3.14).
Normal reaction
Wooden block
The forces that are acting on a wooden block when the bench top is lifted at an
angle Ɵ are shown in Fig 3.15.
Normal reaction
llel Centre dot (•)
p ara
r c e an
Fo the pl
Weight Action
Exercise 3.3
Give explanation to the following observations:
(a) A balloon will start moving when the air inside it is released.
(b) A garden sprinkler starts rotating immediately the water starts to jet out of
(c) When a gun is fired, the holder shakes as the gun tends to move
Activity 3.6
To demonstrate the existence of air resistance
• An umbrella • A stopwatch
1. Run with an open umbrella as shown in Fig. 3.16 (a). What do you observe?
2. Record the time you take to move a given distance.
3. Repeat the activity, but this time with the umbrella closed as shown in
Fig. 3.16 (b). Note the time taken to move the same distance.
4. Compare the time obtained in steps 2 and 3. What do you notice? Explain to
your colleague in class.
From activity 3.6, you should have noted that the time taken is more with
open umbrella than the closed one. This shows that air offers hindrance to the
movement. This hindrance is due to air resistance, also referred to friction due to
air). Frictional force in fluid (liquids and gases) is called viscous drag.
• resort stand • a spring balance
• metre rule • beaker with water
• a solid mass.
1. Suspend a solid in air using a spring balance (Fig 3.17(a). Note its weight.
2. Push the solid upwards gradually with your hand (Fig 3.17(b).What happens
to the reading of the balance? Explain.
3. Release the solid and submerge it in a fluid such as water as shown in
Fig 3.17(c). What is the weight of the solid? Note it down.
4. Compare the weight of the solid? Note it down. Suggest the reason for your
In Activity 3.7, you must have noted that the pointer of the spring balance moves
upwards in both cases. However, the pointer moves upwards in step 3 due to
upward force in water which acts from below the solid submerged in it. This
upward force due to a fluid is called upthrust.
Exercise 3.4
• A ball
1. Hold a ball above the ground and release it. What happens to the ball?
2. Repeat step 1 but this time throw the ball upwards in the air as far as you can
(do it in the field). Observe and describe the motion of the ball.
3. Discuss what made the ball to behave the way it did in steps 1 and 2.
In this activity, you should have noticed that when the ball is released, it moves
down, hits the ground and eventually comes to rest. When it was thrown upwards,
the ball moves up, stops momentarily and comes down.
Sir Isaac Newton made a similar observation as in step 1. He observed an apple
falling from a tree and wondered why this was so (see Fig 3.18).
After many experiments, Newton concluded that the apple he saw falling from
a tree was attracted downwards by a force in the earth. He called this force of
attraction gravitational force or force of gravity. The force of gravity pulls bodies
towards the centre of the earth, as observed in activity 3.18 above.
Fig 3.19 shows how bodies are attracted by gravitational force towards centre of
the earth.
force of
force of
Fig. 3.19: Force of gravity pulls bodies towards the centre of the earth
Exercise 3.5
Do a research from Internet and reference books on what causes tides in oceans.
1. Rub a plastic ruler against a dry piece of cloth. Suggest a reason why we do
2. Bring the plastic ruler close to small pieces of paper (Fig 3.20). What happens
to the pieces of paper? Explain.
3. Discuss with your colleagues in class your observation in step 2.
You must have noticed that the pieces of paper were attracted towards the ruler in
step 2 in Activity 3.9. The force of attraction or repulsion between static charges
is called electrostatic force.
Electrostatic force is created when the plastic ruler was rubbed against a dry piece
of cloth. We will learn more about electrostatic in Unit 11 of this book.
• 2 bar magnet • A thread
• Iron rod
1. Suspend a bar magnet from a support using a light thread. Allow the bar
magnet to swing freely until it comes to rest.
2. Bring a second bar magnet near it (Fig 3.21). What do you observe? Explain
your observations.
3. Repeat step 1 and 2 using a bar magnet and iron rod. What do you observe?
Explain your observations.
In Activity 3.10, you must have observed that when like poles of the suspended
magnet and the other magnet are near each other, the suspended magnet is repelled
(Fig 3.21(a). However, when or unlike pole or iron rod are brought close the
suspended magnet, they are attracted (Fig 3.21(b)). The repulsion and attraction
between magnets is called magnetic force. Magnetic forces also exists between
magnets and other materials such as iron rod. Such materials with magnetic force
are called magnetic materials.
a ball
1. Kick the ball from its resting position. What do you observe? Explain your
2. Identify the effects of forces shown in Fig. 3.22(a) and (b).
A force can make a body at rest to start moving (Fig 3.22(a)) or a moving body to
come to rest (Fig. 3.22(b)). It can also change the direction of motion of a body.
Therefore, force can change the state of motion of a body.
a ball
1. Sit on the ball and let your class partner observe what happens to the ball.
2. Let your class partner also sit on the ball. What do you observe. Discuss?
3. Identify the effects of forces shown in Fig. 3.23 (a) and (b).
A force can distort or change the shape of an object. For example, stretching a
rubber band or a spring when compressed by a force and squeezing a balloon.
Clay and plasticine are also other examples of substances whose shapes change
easily when a force acts on them.
A force due to an earthquake can also cause massive destruction such as death of
people and animals. It can also cause land deformation which leads to soil erosion
and consequently contribute to pollution.
Plant more trees and plough across the farm to minimise on soil erosion.
• A seesaw • A steering wheel
1. With your partner, try to balance on a seesaw (Fig. 3.24(a)). Now try to lift
your partner on the seesaw. What do you observe?
2. Observe the activity in Fig. 3.24 (b).
From activity 3.13, we notice that, forces when suitably applied can make a body
to turn about a point or cause a rotation. See Fig. 3.24(b).
Activity 3.14
To demonstrate tear and wear as caused by a force
• Different tyres
1. Take a close look at different tyres of vehicles within the school compound
or roadside. What can you comment about their treads? Suggest a reason.
2. Now, compare and discuss the state and condition of the tyres shown in
Fig. 3.25.
(a) (b)
Fig. 3.25: Conditions of tyres
From Fig. 3.25, tyre (a) has its treads still in good condition. The tyre in (b) has
its treads worn out. The tyres wear and sometimes tear because of friction between
the road and the tyre when in use. This shows that, forces can cause wear and tear.
• Marbles
1. Arrange the marbles on top of your desk in a straight line (Fig. 3.26).
2. Give one marble a slight push toward others and observe what happens.
3. What is your observations? suggest how forces are represented.
From Activity 3.15, you should have observed that the force on the marble made
others to start moving in a particular direction.
Force is a vector quantity, that is, it has both magnitude (size) and direction. A
vector is normally represented by a line with an arrow head ( ). The length
of the line represents the magnitude and the arrow head shows the direction. We
therefore need a way of representing both magnitude and direction on a diagram
in order to represent forces.
A diagram showing all the forces acting on a body in a certain situation is called
a free body diagram or simply a vector diagram. A free body diagram shows only
the force acting on the object under consideration, not those acting on other
objects. Fig. 3.27 shows forces acting on a body.
Fig. 3.29: Shows a wheelbarrow being pushed towards left
R is the reaction force of earth on the wheelbarrow. This force acts at right angle
(or normally) to the ground. It is also referred to as the normal reaction force.
P is the forward force exerted by the worker on wheelbarrow.
W is the pull of earth on wheelbarrow (its weight).
D is the drag force acting on the wheelbarrow.
• Spring balance
1. Study the spring balance provided. What does it measure?
2. Identify the units labelled on the spring balance. Which units do you think
are used to measure weight?
3. Tie a small stone with a string and suspend it on a spring balance. What is
the reading on the spring balance?
Weight is the measure of gravitational pull on an object. It always act from the
centre of a body downwards in the direction of gravitational acceleration. The SI
unit of weight is newton (N).
Weight is measured using a spring balance (See Fig. 3.30)
Weight and mass are related. Do you remember what we learnt on mass in unit
1 of this book? Remind your class partner.
Relationship between mass and weight
Activity 3.17
To differentiate between mass and weight
In your discussion, you should have come up with the following relationship
Weight = mass x gravitational field strength
w = mg
Weight (w)
= gravitational field strength (g) abbreviated as w = g
Mass (m) m
w = mg or m = w
Experimentally it has been shown that the earth pulls a mass of 1 kg with a force of
9.8 N/kg. However a convenient rounded up value of 10 N/kg is commonly used.
Gravitational field strength (g) = Force (N) = 10 N
Mass (kg) 1 kg
g = 10 N/kg
Mass Weight
Quantity of matter in a body. Pull of gravity on a body.
SI unit is kilogram (kg). SI unit is newton (N).
Constant everywhere. Changes from place to place.
Scalar quantity. Vector quantity.
Measured using a beam balance. Measured using a spring balance.
Table 3.1: Differences between mass and weight
Example 3.1
A van of mass 2500 kg is authorised to carry 14 passengers. If the average mass
per passenger is 50 kg, calculate the:
(a) weight of the van.
(b) weight of all passengers.
(c) total weight of the van and the passengers.
(a) w = mg (b) w = mg = (50 × 14) Kg × 10 N/Kg
w = 2 500 kg × 10 N/kg = 7 000 N
= 25 000 N
(c) w = (25 000 + 7 000) N
= 32 000 N
Exercise 3.6
• A rope • 5 very strong boys
• 5 very small boys
1. Let the 5 very strong boys pull a rope on one end and 5 small boys pull on
the other end.
2. Observe and explain what happens.
3. Suppose the boys on both sides are of equal strength. What would you
From Activity 3.18, you should have noticed that the rope moves to the side
with the stronger boys ones who applied a greater force than the weak ones. The
pulling forces are said to be unbalanced.
Incase the two teams had equal strength or force, the rope will stay in the same
place. The pulling force applied is said to be balanced or at equilibrium.
Similarly, consider the following:
1. A book is placed on a table top as shown in Fig. 3.31. The gravity pulls the
book vertically downward while the table support the book with a force
acting vertically upwards.
Fig. 3.31: Gravity pull downward on the book
Since the two forces are of equal magnitude and in opposite directions,
they balance each other. The book is said to be in equilibrium. There is no
unbalanced force acting on the book and therefore the book maintains the
state of rest. Also, there is no change in motion.
2. If you compete in arm wrestling competition with someone who is just
as strong as you are, and both of you are pushing as hard as you can,
your arms stay in the same place. This is an example of balanced forces.
The force exerted by both of you are equal, but are acting in opposite
directions. The resulting force is zero hence there is no change in motion.
See Fig. 3.32.
If one of the forces is greater than the other, motion occurs towards the weaker
forces. The forces are said to be unbalanced.
1. Place a block of wood on a rough surface.
2. Pull the block using a string attached to a spring balance until the block just
starts to move Fig. 3.33(a). Record the value of the force applied.
3. Repeat the activity but use two identical springs parallel to each other.
(Fig.3.33(b)). Record the force applied in each of the springs.
4. Compare the value of the forces applied in steps 2 and 3. Explain the
difference if any.
You should have observed that the two spring pulling together record the same
value. This value is half of that recorded by the single spring.
If the Activity 3.19 is repeated with two equal forces pulling the wooden block at
the same time but in opposite direction, one force cancels or counters the other
one. If the force in one direction is taken as positive, then the force in the other
direction is taken as negative.
Example 3.2
Two oxen are pulling a heavy block along a floor in the same direction. One exerts
a horizontal force of 800 N and the other a force of 1000 N. If the frictional force
between the crate and the floor is 430 N.
(a) Draw the force diagram.
(b) Find the total horizontal force in (a) above.
(c) Find the direction of the force in (a) above.
800 N
430 N 1000 N
(b) We shall chose the forward direction as positive since the frictional force
opposes motion i.e acts backwards in the negative direction.
Force exerted by the oxen = 800 N + 1000 N
Force exerted by friction = -430 N
The total force on the crate = 800 + 1000 – 430 N
= 1370 N
The resultant force on the crate = 1370 N
(c) Since the force is positive its direction is forward.
Exercise 3.7
Non-parallel forces
Activity 3.20
To demonstrate non-parallel forces
• A ring
• 3 ropes/strings
1. Tie three ropes at different points on the ring as shown in Fig 3.35.
2. Let three of you pull each rope in different directions. What do you observe?
When one one rope is pulled by a greater force than the rest, the other two, move
towards its direction. However, when the ropes are pulled with the same force,
neither of you moved to any particular direction since the forces are balanced.
These three forces in this activity acting on the ring in different directions. Such
forces are called non-parallel forces.
Activity 3.21
To illustrate addition of non-parallel forces
• 3 - identical spring balances • A ring
• Plane paper • 3 - heavy wooden blocks
Part A
1. Cover the top of a table with a plane paper.
2. Hook the springs balances to wooden blocks.
3. Hook the springs to the ring by means of loose loops of the string as shown
in Fig 3.36.
Wooden block
String A
O String B
String C
Wooden block
4. Move the wooden blocks outwards until each spring balance is showing
appreciable reading. Record the readings of the spring balances.
5. Tap the ring and the strings so as to be in their true position. Is the ring
balanced? Give a reason. Mark the centre of the ring as point O.
6. Draw a straight line along each string. Mark points A, B and C along the
lines representing the respective strings as shown in Fig. 3.36.
From Activity 3.21 part A, the ring is observed to be in equilibrium i.e. state of
balance. Therefore, the total force acting upon it must be zero. This can be shown
by adding together the forces exerted by spring balances A, B and C as shown
in part B below.
Part B
1. Remove the set ups.
2. Produce the lines through A, B and C inwards to meet at O.
3. Using a suitable scale, mark off distances OA, OB and OC accurately and
proportional to the readings you recorded for the respective springs.
4. Construct a parallelogram OBRA and draw the diagonal OR (see Fig 3.37).
5. Find the length OR and compare it with the length OC. What can you say about
forces OC and OR. What is the relationship between Forces OA, OC and OR.
The magnitude force OR and OC are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction
(Fig. 3.37).
Fig. 3.37: Construction of parallelogram
This force OR represent the resultant force exerted by OA and OB. This method
of obtaining the resultant of two forces is called the parallelogram law method
which says that;
If two forces are represented in magnitude and direction by two sides OA and
OB of the parallelogram OARB, then the resultant is represented in magnitude
and direction by the diagonal OR.
Example 3.3
A wooden crate is pulled horizontally by two forces of 250 N and 150 N at an
angle of 70º to each other. (Fig. 3.38). Determine the resultant force on the box.
150 N
250 N
Fig. 3.38: Wooden crate being pulled by two forces
Using a scale of 1.0 cm represent 50 N
Draw a line OA to represent 250 N
Draw a line OB to represent 150 N
Let O be the common point and the angle between the two lines be equal to 70º
O OA = 5.0 cm
70º OB = 3.0 cm
NB: When the angle between two forces is very close to 0º or close to
180º, the parallelogram of forces folds down into a flattened form lying
almost along a single straight line. The parallelogram rule of addition
of slanting forces then gives the same result as the simple addition rule
for parallel forces.
Fig. 3.40: Suspended balloon
Supposing the wind exerts a horizontal force on the balloon. The balloon moves
and stops with the string making an angle with the vertical line. The balloon is
in equilibrium under the force due to the wind, the force due to the ball’s own
weight, and the tension in the string.
The resultant of the wind force and the weight in the string is therefore equal
and opposite to the tension in the string. Hence, the net resultant force is equal
to zero at equilibrium.
Resultant of wind Weight
force and weight
Wind force
R Force due to wind B
Fig. 3.41: Determining resultant force of suspended balloon
The resultant force is known to act in the same straight line as the tension in the
Exercise 3.8
1. State the parallelogram law.
2. Explain the term equilibrium.
3. A box is moving constantly across a rough horizontal floor, pulled by two
horizontal ropes. One of the ropes has a tension of 150 N and makes an
angle 20º with the direction of motion of the box. The other rope with a
tension force of 90 N makes an angle 40º with the direction of motion of the
(a) Sketch the arrangement.
(b) By scale drawing find the resultant forward force acting on the box.
(c) Give the backward force on the box due to friction.
Unit Test 3
1. Define force and state its SI unit.
2. State three types of contact and non-contact forces.
3. Name the instrument which is used to measure weight.
4. A first aid kit box used at a fire accident scene has a weight of 2 500 N. What
is its mass?
5. The mass, weight and density of chalk is not changed by grinding it into
powder, but air friction is greater when the powder falls towards the ground.
6. Calculate the weight of the following. (Take g = 10N/kg.)
(a) 300 g mass of water
(b) 700 kg mass of sand
(c) 0.5 mg mass of wool
7. A metal bob of mass 20 g is suspended using a light thread. Calculate the
tension developed in the thread. (Take g = 10N/kg.)
Drive and observe all traffic rules carefully. Careless driving and
breaking of traffic rules can cause death!
UNIT 4 Newton's Laws of Motion (I)
Unit Outline
• Relationship between mass and inertia.
• Newton's First law (law of inertia).
• Newton's Second law (Impulse) F = ma.
• Newton's Third law (Principle of action and reaction).
• Newton's law of universal gravitation.
• Weight = mg.
• Application of Newton's law of motion on frictionless horizontal surface.
• Determination of acceleration due to gravity.
You may have observed the following: passengers make an abrupt forward
movement when emergency brakes of a car are applied, a group of people are
able to push a stalled car to a high speed faster than one person, etc. These
observations and similar ones are explained by Newton’s laws of motion. In this
unit, we shall discuss these laws of motion and their applications.
4.1 Newton's first law of motion
Activity 4.1
To demonstrate effect of inertia
Discuss in pairs and suggest what causes the following observations to take place:
1. A passenger lurches backwards when a bus initially at rest suddenly starts
moving forward.
2. When a bus is moving very fast and suddenly negotiates a corner in one
direction, the passengers lurches to the opposite side.
3. If the brakes of a fast moving bus are applied suddenly, the passengers lurch
From the observation in Activity 4.1, we see that the body of the passenger is
always tending to resist any action taken by the bus e.g when the bus wants to
move, the body wants to remain behind; when the bus wants to stop the body
wants to continue moving.
The reluctance of a body to resist change to its state of motion i.e either to remain
at rest or to continue moving is known as inertia (latin word meaning laziness).
To demonstrate Inertia
Activity 4.2
To demonstrate inertia using a coin
• A coin • A beaker • A smooth cardboard
1. Place a coin on a smooth cardboard and place it over a beaker. Pull the card
away slowly (Fig. 4.1 (a)). Observe what happens to the coin.
2. Repeat the activity but this time pull the card away suddenly
(Fig. 4.1 (b)). Observe what happens to the coin.
3. Suggest a reason why the coin behave differently in these steps.
Coin Card Pull quickly
Pull slowly
Coin left behind
Coin with the card
Beaker Beaker
In Activity 4.2, you should have observed that when the card is pulled slowly, the
coin moves together with the card Fig. 4.1(a). This is because the frictional force
between the card and the coin makes the two to move together. However, when the
card is pulled suddenly, the coin is left behind and drops vertically down into the
beaker (Fig. 4.1(b)). This is because the coin resists motion and does not move with
the card and hence drops vertically downwards into the beaker.
The coin resists to change its state of rest but due to lack of support from below,
falls into the beaker.
Activity 4.3
To demonstrate inertia using a wooden block
• Four wooden blocks • Smooth surface • String
1. Place a pile of wooden blocks on a table. Tie the block with a string. Pull
the lower block slowly and note what happens (Fig. 4.2 (a)). Discuss and
suggest a reason for this.
2. Repeat the activity but this time pull the lower block suddenly
(Fig. 4.2 (b)). Write down your observation.
3. Suggest a reason for this observation. Why does the pile behave differently in
step 1 and 2.
Blocks of wood
Pull Pull
(a) The lower block pulled slowly (b) The lower block pulled suddenly
Fig. 4.2: Pulling the blocks of wood
In Activity 4.3, you should have observed that the whole pile moves when the lower
block is pulled slowly (Fig.4.2(a)). When pulled suddenly, the lower block moves
leaving the other blocks behind. In the second case, the pile of blocks above the
lowest ones resist sudden movement hence drops down on the table (See Fig. 4.2(b)).
• Three 200 g masses • Pieces of strings
1. Hang a mass as shown in Fig. 4.3 (a).
2. Pull the lower string below the block slowly (Fig. 4.3 (b)). Note what happens
to the two strings. Suggest a reason for your observation.
3. Repeat the activity but now pull the lower string suddenly (Fig. 4.3 (c)).
Write down your observation.
4. Discuss your observations in steps 2 and 3 and suggest a reason why the
strings behaved differently.
In Activity 4.4, when the lower string is pulled slowly, the upper string breaks (Fig.
4.3(b)). This is because the force applied is gradually exerted on the two strings. The
upper string experience a greater force than the lower one due to the block's weight.
However, when pulled suddenly, the lower string breaks. In this case, the upper string
resist the sudden change hence only the lower string breaks (See Fig. 4.3(c)).
Activity 4.5
To illustrate the law of inertia using a trolley
• A wooden block • A trolley • A runway
1. Place a wooden block on a trolley. Allow the trolley to move down a friction
compensated runway as shown in Fig. 4.4 (a).
Block Runway
Runway Trolley stops Block continues in
Fig. 4.4: A body is reluctant to stop moving
2. Note what happens to the wooden block once the trolley is stopped suddenly
Fig. 4.4 (b).
3. Suggest a reason for the behaviour of the block.
The wooden block slides off the trolley and continues moving in the same direction
the trolley was moving (Fig. 4.4 (b)) i.e. wooden block is reluctant to stop moving.
Mass and inertia
In this section, we will discuss the relationship between mass of a body and its
inertia. The following activity will help us establish their relationships.
• String • hook
• heavy stone • light stone
1. Suspend the heavy stone using the strings as shown in Fig. 4.5.
2. Push the heavy stone towards one side. Release the stone to swing (Fig. 4.5.
(a)) and then try to stop the stone from moving.
3. Repeat the activity with the light stone. (Fig.4.5 (b)).
The lighter stone in Activity 4.6 is easier to start moving and to stop moving.
The heavier stone is more difficult to start or stop moving i.e, it requires a larger
force to do so.
This activity shows that the mass of a body is a measure of its inertia. A body with
a large mass has a greater inertia and vise versa.
Exercise 4.1
• Footballs
1. Kick a football in two ways: In case one, kick it with a small force on a
smooth path towards your partner. Fig 4.8.
3. Take two balls of different masses e.g 1 kg and 2 kg balls. Kick them each
at a time on the same path with the same force. Which ball gains a greater
4. Discuss the observations in steps 1, 2 and 3 and deduce a relationship
between force, mass and acceleration of the ball.
Sir Isaac Newton made similar observations to those in Activity 4.7 and summarized
them in what is now called Newton’s second law of motion. It states that;
Example 4.1
A truck of mass 2.5 tones accelerate at 7.5 m/s2. Calculate the force generated by
the truck’s engine to attain this acceleration.
F = ma = 2.5 × 1 000 kg × 7.5 m/s2
= 18 750 N
Example 4.2
An object of mass 4 kg accelerates to 5 m/s2. Calculate the resultant force.
F = ma
= 4 kg × 5 m/s2
= 20 N
Example 4.3
Calculate the acceleration produced by a force of 20 N on an object of mass 300 kg.
F 20 N
a= m=
300 kg
= 0.066 7 m/s2
Example 4.4
A car of mass 900 kg is towed by a breakdown truck along a level road. The truck
accelerates at 0.6 m/s2. (Fig, 4.10). Calculate the tension in the rope.
Tension = resultant force using acceleration
Resultant force, F = ma
= 900 kg × 0.6 m/s2
= 540 N
Tension = 540 N
Exercise 4.2
1. (a) State Newton’s second law of motion.
(b) Use Newton’s second law of motion to derive to the equation F = ma.
(c) Define the unit of force; ‘the newton’ using F = ma
2. A trolley is pulled by three elastic cords in parallel. The acceleration is found
to be 15 m/s2. The elastic cords are then arranged in series and pulled (Fig.
4.11). If the elastic cords are stretched by exactly the same amount of force,
find the acceleration of the trolley assuming there are no frictional forces.
Elastic cords Elastic cords
(a) (b)
Trolley Trolley
• Skating shoes • Rigid wall
1. Put on the skating shoes and touch the brick wall with your hand (Fig. 4.12).
2. Push the wall. What happens?
3. Discuss with your partner your observations. Suggest a reason for what
In your discussion, you must have noticed that when you push a rigid wall, you
move in the opposite direction i.e the wall pushes you back. The force applied
on the wall is called action force and the one applied back by the wall is called
reaction force. Action and reaction force act in the opposite direction as shown
in Activity 4.8.
• Two identical balance springs • A rigid support
1. Hook one end of a spring balance A to a rigid support.
2. Pull the other end until the spring shows a reading (Fig. 4.13 (a)). Explain
what the wall could be doing at the same?
3. Repeat the activity but use a second similar spring B instead of the wall
(Fig. 4.13 (b)).
spring A
pull rigid support pull spring A spring B
Fig. 4.13: Action and reaction
4. Pull the two springs until the reading on spring A is the same as before.
5. What reading is shown by spring B? Suggest a reason for this observation.
In Activity 4.9, you must have observed that the reading in spring B is the same
as in spring A. The two forces are equal in size but are in opposite direction. This
shows that when spring A is pulled to the wall, the wall also pulled the spring A
with an equal and opposite force.
In Unit 3, we defined a force as a push or a pull. In reality when one body pulls
or pushes a second body, the second body also pulls or pushes the first body
respectively with the same force. The first body exerts a force called action force
on the second body. The second body responds by exerting a force called reaction
force on to the first body.
table book
Action (A)
2. Charged bodies show two equal but opposite forces (Fig. 4.15).
+ – + +
(a) Forces do not cancel each other (b) Forces cancel each other
Fig. 4.17: Action and reaction forces
Describe at least three other cases in real life where action and reaction are
You should have identified some of the following:
1. When running or walking, a person exerts a backward force on the ground.
The ground exerts a forward push on the person. This makes walking
2. When a gun is fired, the bullet travels in one direction while the gun recoils
backwards (Fig. 4.18). Although the two forces are equal and opposite, the
bullet’s velocity is greater than that of the gun.
gun bullet
3. A balloon will always move in the opposite direction when the air inside it
is released. This is the principle that rockets and jet engines use. The force
(action) of the air coming out exerts an equal and opposite force (reaction)
on the balloon making it move.
4. The water sprinkler works on action and reaction principle (Fig. 4.19).
Exercise 4.3
1. For each of the following forces, describe the reaction, giving its direction
and stating where it acts.
(a) The push of a boot on a football.
(b) The push (backwards) of a swimmer on water.
(c) The pull of gravity on a mango resting on a table.
2. State Newton’s third law of motion. Explain how this law is applied in the
propulsion of rockets.
3. Give an explanation to the following:
(a) A gun recoils when it is fired.
(b) A fireman moves backwards when a water hose he is aiming at a fire is
suddenly turned on.
4. A mini bus accelerates uniformly from rest to 30 m/s in 10 s. Find
(a) Acceleration.
(b) Force the back of a passenger of mass 60 kg would exert on the seat.
5. Explain how garden a shown in sprinkler (Fig. 4.20) works.
A small stone
1. Throw the stone upwards and also observe what happens. Expain your
2. Do a research from the internet and books on.
(a) The Newtons's universal law of gravitation What does it state?
(b) How are planets able to orbit one another
3. Throw the piece of wood horizontally and observe what happens to the piece
of wood. Explain your observation.
4. Do research on why planets move around the sun from books and Internet.
Newton discovered that, the gravitational force of attraction was not limited to
objects falling to the earth but it exist between any two objects in the universe
and depends on the mass of the two objects and the separation distance between
them. He summarised his observation in a law that is now referred to as Newton's
Universal Law of Gravitation.
The law states that any two bodies in the universe attract each other
with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses
and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
Distance between two objects, r = F
Example 4.5
Determine the force of gravitational attraction between a student of mass 60
kg and the earth if the student is standing on the earth surface a distance of
6.4 × 106 m from the centre of the earth.(mass of the earth = 5.98 × 1024 kg,
G = 6.67 × 10–11 Nm2/kg2)
m1 = 60 kg, m2 = 5.98 × 1024 kg, r = 6.4 × 106 m, G = 6.67 × 10–11 Nm2/kg2
Gm1m2 6.67 × 10–11 Nm2kg–2 × (60 kg) × (5.98 × 1024 kg)
F= r2 = (6.4 × 106m) 2
Example 4.6
A communication satellite of mass 300 kg orbits (go round) the earth at a
height 35 000 m. Given that mass of earth = 5.97 × 1024 kg, radius of earth
= 6.4 × 106 m and G = 6.67 × 10–11 Nm2/kg2, find
(a) how far the satellite is from the centre of the earth?
(b) the earth's force of attraction onto the satellite.
35 000 m
6.4 × 10 m
Centre of earth
(a) Distance of satellite from the centre of the earth = Radius of earth + Distance
of the satellite from the surface of earth.
= 35 000 m + 6.4 × 106 m
= 35 000 m + 6 400 000 m
= 6 435 000 m or 6.435 × 106 m
Example 4.7
Kampire is 28 kg and is standing 1.2 metres away from Mugisha. What is the
mass of Mugisha if a gravitational force of attraction of 3.2 × 10-8 N is acting on
each of them? (Assume G = 6.67 × 10-11 Nm2/kg2)
m1 = 28 kg, m2 = ?, r = 1.2 m, F = 3.2 × 10–8N, G = 6.67 × 10–11 Nm2/kg2
Gm1m2 Fr2 3.2 × 10–8 × (1.2)2
F= ⇒ m2 = = kg
r2 Gm1 6.67 × 10–11 × 28
4.608 × 10–8
= kg
186.76 × 10–11
= 0.02467 × 103 kg
= 24.67 kg
Example 4.8
What is the separation distance between a stone block of mass 20 kg and another
one of mass 35 kg if a gravitational force of attraction of 3.6 × 10-9 N acts between
m1 = 20 kg, m2 = 35 kg, r = ?, F = 3.6 × 10–9 N, G = 6.67 × 10–11Nm2/kg2
4.669 × 10–8
= m
3.6 × 10–9
= 12.96
= 3.6 m
Exercise 4.4
In this exercise use: Mass of the earth = 5.98 × 1024 kg, Radius of the earth
= 6.4 × 10 6 m, Mass of the sun = 1.989 × 10 30 kg, Radius of the sun
= 6.9858 × 108 m, Distance from the sun to the earth = 1.496 × 1010 m,
Mass of the moon = 7.348 × 1022 kg, Radius of the moon = 1.7374 × 106 m,
G = 6.67 × 10–11 Nm2/kg2
1. What is the gravitational force of attraction between the earth and a car of
mass 1500 kg resting on the surface of the earth?
2. Determine the earth's force of gravitational attraction on a satellite of mass
500 kg orbiting the earth at a distance 40 000 km above the surface of the
3. If the gravitational force of attraction of the earth on the moon is
2.14 × 1020 N, what is the distance of the moon from the earth?
4. A gravitational force of attraction of 4.4 × 10–10 N exists between a cow of
mass 800 kg and a goat when both are 18 m apart. What is the mass of the
5. What is the separation distance between a man of mass 85 kg and a woman
of mass 95 kg if the gravitational force of attraction between them is
2.58 × 10–7 N.
Unit Test 4
In this unit test use: Mass of the earth = 5.98 × 1024 kg, Radius of the earth
= 6.4 × 10 6 m, Mass of the sun = 1.989 × 10 30 kg, Radius of the sun
= 6.9858 × 108 m, Distance from the sun to the earth = 1.496 × 1010 m,
Mass of the moon = 7.348 × 1022 kg, Radius of the moon = 1.7374 × 106 m,
G = 6.67 × 10–11 Nm2/kg2.
1. (a) Explain why Newton’s first law is also called the law of inertia.
(b) Describe an experiment to illustrate the Newton’s first law of motion.
2. Explain why a balloon with air moves immediately the air inside is released?
3. State Newton's universal law of gravitation.
4. Akaliza is 57 kg while Mazimpaka is 62 kg. The two are standing at a distance
from each other in their class. If the gravitational force of attraction between
them is 3.21 × 10-8 N, find their separation distance.
5. What is the gravitational force of attraction between the;
(a) Sun and the earth.
(b) Earth and the moon.
6. The gravitational force between two objects of equal mass when they are
15 m apart is 1.94 × 10-8N. What is the mass of each object.
7. Two wardrobes of masses 1.6 × 102 kg and 2.3 × 102 kg exert an attraction
force of 3.4 × 10-6 N between them. What is the distance separating them?
8. What is your mass? What is the earth's gravitational force of attraction on you
when you are standing on the ground?
UNIT 5 Centre of Gravity
Unit outline
• Definition of centre of gravity and centre of mass.
• Determination of centre of gravity of regular and irregular objects.
• Effects of the position of centre of gravity on stability of objects.
In our day to day experiences, we may have come across statements such as ‘‘that
object is not stable on the table” or “that overloaded bus is not stable on the road”.
Have you ever asked yourself what factors control the stability of an object? In
this unit, we will study one of those factors.
By going through the following discussions, you will be able to answer questions
1(a) to (c) in Activity 5.1.
(a) (b)
Fig. 5.2: Location of a point where the weight of the body acts
4. Now, try to balance the card with the point M placed at the tip of your fore
finger. What do you notice. Suggest reason for this observation.
From Activity 5.2 you should have observed that the cardboard balances
horizontally at point M only. This shows that although the mass of the cardboard
is distributed over the whole body, there is a particular point, M, where the
whole weight of the cardboard appears to be concentrated. When pivoted at
this point the cardboard balances horizontally. This point, M, is called centre
of gravity of the cardboard.
The centre of gravity of a body is the point from which the whole weight
of the body appears to act.
The centre of gravity of an object is constant i.e. at the one location when a
body in a place with uniform gravitational field strength.
However, the centre of gravity of a body moves to a different location when the
body is placed in a region with non uniform gravitational field strength.
Centre of mass of an object on the other hand is the point where all the mass
of the object is concentrated.
Since the mass of an object is constant and is not affected by pull of gravity,
the location of the centre of mass of an object is constant i.e. does not change.
In places like on earth where the gravitational field strength is uniform, the
centre of mass and the centre of gravity coincide i.e. are at the same point.
However, the two centres are at different locations for the same object if the
object is placed in a place with non-uniform gravitational field strength.
Activity 5.3
To locate the centre of gravity of a regular lamina
In your discussion, you should have learnt that a lamina is a body whose thickness
is very small compared with the other dimensions of the body. A thin cardboard
like the one used Activity 5.2 is a lamina. The cover of a book is a lamina. The set
square or protractor in your mathematical set are all examples of laminae.
Experiments have shown that bodies with uniform cross section area and density
have their centres of gravity located at their geometrical centres. For example, a
metre rule of uniform cross-sectional area and density has its centre of gravity
located at the 50 cm mark.
Fig. 5.3(a) - (d) shows the centre of gravity (c.o.g) of rectangular, square,
triangular, and circular laminae.
c.o.g c.o.g c.o.g c.o.g
(a) (b)
Fig. 5.4: Locating centre of mass of a lamina using a plumbline
The plumbline pass through M (Fig. 5.4 (b)). Check the results again by
balancing the lamina about point M. What do you observe?
(a) (b)
Fig. 5.5: Locating the centre of mass of a lamina using a straight edge
3. Label the point of intersection of lines AB and CD as point M.
4. Try balancing the lamina at point M on a sharp pointed support. What do
you observe? Explain.
From Activiy 5.5, you should have observed that the lines AB and CD intersect
at M; the centre of gravity of the lamina.
In your discussion, you should have noted that, the state of balance of a body is
referred to as the stability of the body. Some bodies are in a more stable (balanced)
state than others. The state of balance of a body is also called its state of equilibrium.
Activities 5.7, 5.8 and 5.9 will help us distinguish between the different states of
force F force F
(a) (b)
Fig 5.6: To show stable state
3. Explain the behaviour of the funnel in terms of the changes in the position
of centre of gravity.
When a body is resting with its centre of gravity at the lowest point, it is very stable.
When displaced slightly; its centre of gravity is raised and when it is released,
the object falls back to it original position to keep its centre of gravity as low as
possible. This type of equilibrium is known as stable equilibrium. Thus, the funnel
in Activity 5.7 Fig. 5.6 (a) was in stable equilibrium.
C C force F
force F
funnel topples
A down
(a) (b)
Fig 5.7: To show unstable state
3. Explain the behaviour of the funnel in terms of the change in position of
its centre of gravity in this activity.
Our finances!!
Note that we have used a plastic thistle funnel instead of a glass one. The latter
has high chances of breakings.
Any time we break a laboratory apparatus, we think of its effects on the school
finances as it has to be replaced. Sometimes we may be required to pay ourselves
hence affect the finances of our parents.
When an object is resting with its centre of gravity at a very high position from
the base support, it is unstable. When displaced slightly, it continues to fall up to
the lowest possible position in order to lower its centre of gravity. This state of
stability is known as unstable equilibrium. The funnel in Fig 5. 7(a) Activity 5.8
was in unstable equilibrium.
1. Place the funnel horizontally as shown in Fig 5.8 (a).
2. Displace the funnel gently by tapping it with a finger. What do you observe?
(a) (b)
Fig. 5.8: To show neutral state
When an object is resting such that the position of its centre of gravity remains at
the same vertical position even when the object is displaces, it is said to be in neutral
equilibrium. The funnel in Fig 5.8 (a) in Activity 5.9 was in neutral equilibrium.
Caution: Be careful you may fall down when carrying your partner and cause
injury to yourself or your partner.
From your discussion, you should have noted that when the lighter student
was carrying the heavier one, they were unstable, hence they tended to or fell
down at some point. However, when they interchanged and the heavier one
was carrying the lighter one, they walked confortable because they were stable.
Therefore, a body is more stable when its heavy part is as low as possible since
it lowers the position of the centre of gravity. If the heavy part of the body is at
high position or if the light part of the body in high position is made heavier
than the lower position, the body becomes unstable and thus likely to topple
over and can cause accident like in the case of a vehicle carrying heavy luggage
at its roof top.
Exercise 5.1
(a) Name the states in which the Bunsen burner is at in (i), (ii) and (iii).
(b) Describe each state named in (a) above.
3. With aid of a diagram, describe how you can determine the centre of gravity
of an irregular plane sheet of metal.
4. State and explain the states of equilibrium in Fig 5.11.
1. Repeat Activities 5.7 and 5.8.
2. Compare the observations in two activities and deduce one factor that
affects stability of the funnel.
3. Now, repeat Activity 5.9. What happens to the funnel when the vertical line
through the centre of gravity falls outside the base of the funnel? Deduce
one factor that affect stability of the funnel in step 1.
4. Compare the observations in Activities 5.8 and 5.9 and deduce another
factor that affects stability of the funnel.
Activities 5.7 and 5.8 show that the funnel is more stable when its c.o.g is at a
very low position and vice varsa. In addition, the activities show that the wider
the base the more stabke a body is.
Activity 5.7 further shows that the funnel becomes unstable when the vertical line
drawn through the centre of gravity falls outside the base that supports the body.
In your research and discussion, you should have learnt the following:
1. The balancing bird is a toy that has its centre of gravity located at the tip
of the beak. The bird balances with the its beak resting on one finger or any
other support placed underneath the beak, and the rest of the body in the
air. This is because it is designed with its centre of gravity at that point
(Fig 5.12).
while in the boat. This is because when they stand, they rasie the position of
the centre of gravity making the boat unsatble and more likely to tip over
(See Fig 5.13).
Fig. 5.15: Buses carry their cargo below passengers’ level.
5. A tight-rope walker carries a pole to maintain stability. By swaying from side
to side, he/she ensures that the vertical line drawn from his/her centre of
gravity falls within the feet on the rope in order to maintain stability. (Fig.
Unit Test 5
1. Define the term centre of gravity?
2. Differentiate between centre of mass and centre of gravity.
3. Redraw the figures shown in Fig 5.17 and indicate their centres of gravity.
Fig. 5.19: Marble in three state of equilibrium
6. What is stability?
7. One vehicle which was travelling from Kigali to Butare was seen carrying
heavy goods on its roof top and some of its passengers in the vehicle were
standing. Discuss why the vehicle is likely to topple if it negotiates a corner
at high speed.
8. Explain why a three-legged stool design is less stable than a four legged one.
9. Explain the following:
(a) The passenger of a double-decker bus are not allowed to stand on
the upper deck.
(b) A racing car is made of a heavy chasis in its lower parts.
(c) When one is alighting from a moving vehicle, it is advisable to spread
out his/her legs.
My safety
Unit outline
• Forms of energy.
• Transformation of kinetic energy to potential energy and vice verse.
• Sources of energy.
• Different ways to conserve energy.
• Law of conservation of mechanical energy.
Everyday, we do many types of work. We work in the offices, in the farms, in the
factories etc. To make our work easier, we use machines ranging from simple tools
to sophisticated machinery. Different machines or people do work at different
rates (known as power). The ability and the rate of doing certain amount of work
depends on how much energy is used. In this unit, we will seek to understand
these three terms i.e work, energy and power from the science point of view.
6.1 Work
Be responsible
Always keep where you live clean. It is good for your health.
4. Carry your chair to the front of you classroom and sit on it.
5. Push a rigid wall of your classroom.
6. Discuss with your colleagues whether scientifically speaking work, is done
in steps 1, 2, 3 and 4. What do think is the meaning of ‘work’ ?
7. Now, look at the activities being performed by the people in Fig. 6.1.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 6.1: People performing different tasks
Similary, in Fig 6.1, work is being done in (a) and (d) only. When the girl applies
a force to a wall in (b) and even becomes exhausted, she is not doing any work
because the wall is not displaced. When the woman carries the basket on the
head, she is not doing any work. This is because she exerts an upward force on
the basket which is balanced by the weight hence there is no motion of the basket
in the direction of the applied force.
Definition of work
Work is defined as the product of force and distance moved in the direction of
the force. i.e
Work = force × distance moved in the direction of the force
The SI unit of work is joule.
Where 1 joule =1 newton × 1 metre
A joule is the work done when a force of 1 newton moves a body through a
distance of 1 metre.
Bigger units used are kilojoules (1 kJ) = 1 000 J
Megajoule (1 MJ) = 1 000 000 J
Note: Whenever work is done, energy is transferred.
Example 6.1
Find the work done in lifting a mass of 2 kg vertically upwards through 10 m.
(g = 10 m/s2)
To lift the mass upwards against gravity, a force equal to its own weight is exerted.
Applied force = weight = mg = 2kg × 10N/kg = 20 N
Work done = F × d = 20 N × 10 m
= 200 Nm
= 200 J
While doing the activity, you should have observed that when the block of wood
was being pulled, the spring balance registered the force applied. Since the block
was on a smooth surface, we assume that friction force is negligible hence the
force applied is constant along the distance of motion, d.
Work done in moving the block is given by:
Work = force × distance
Example 6.2
A horizontal pulling force of 60 N is applied through a spring to a block on a frictionless
table, causing the block to move by a distance of 3 m in the direction of the force.
Find the work done by the force.
The work done = F × d = 60 N × 3 m
= 180 Nm
= 180 J
Example 6.3
A horizontal force of 75 N is applied on a body on a frictionless surface. The
body moves a horizontal distance of 9.6 m. Calculate the work done on the body.
Work = force × distance
= 75 N × 9.6 m
= 75 × 9.6 Nm
= 720 J
Exercise 6.1
1. Explain why in trying to push a rigid wall, a person is said to be doing no
2. Define the term work and state its SI unit.
3. How much work is required to lift a 2 kilogram mass to a height of 10
metres (Take g=10 m/s2).
4. A garden tractor drags a plow with a force 500 N a distance of 2 metres in
20 seconds. How much work is done?
6.2 Power
In your discussion, you must have noted that sometimes work is done very quickly
and sometimes very slowly. For instance, it takes a longer time to multiply the
problems without a calculator in step 1 than with a calculator in step 2. Similarly,
in step 3, a tractor will take few hours ploughing a piece of land while a man will
take more hours ploughing the same piece of land. The person and the tractor
are doing the same work but the tractor is doing it at a faster rate than the person
does. This is because they have different power ratings.
Different machines and engines have different power ratings. Engines with bigger
power ratings are said to be powerful and operate very fast.
Definition of power
Power is the rate of doing work. i.e.
Example 6.4
What power is expended by a boy who lifts a 300 N block through 10 m in 10 s ?
Given data;
Force = 300 N, Distance = 10 m, Time = 10 s
Work done by the boy = F ×d = 300 ×10
= 3000 J
work 3000 J
Power = =
time 10 s
= 300 W
2. Count their number, measure the vertical height of each stair and then find
the total height of the stairs in metres.
3. Let one member weigh himself/herself on a weighing machine and record
the weight down.
4. Let him/her walk then run up the stairs. Using a stopwatch, record the time
taken in seconds to walk and run up the stairs (Fig 6.2).
Fig. 6.2: Measuring one’s own power output
5. Calculate the work done in walking and running up the stairs. Let each
group member do the activity. Is the work done by different members in
walking and running up the stairs same? Discuss.
6. Calculate the power developed by each individual in walking and running
up the stairs. Which one required more power, walking or running up the flight
of stairs? Why?
(i) The disabled should be the ones to time others. Care must be taken
on the stairs.
(ii) Incase of lack of stairs, learners can perform other activities like
lifting measured weights.
From your discussion, you should have established that:
Height moved up (h) = Number of steps (n) × height of one step (x)
h = n × x
= n x
Example 6.5.
A girl whose mass is 60 kg can run up a flight of 35 steps each of 10 cm high in 4
seconds. Find the power of the girl. (Take g = 10 m/s2).
Force overcome (weight) = mg
= 60 × 10
= 600 N
Total distance = 10 × 35 = 350 cm = 3.5 m
Work done by the girl = F × d = 600 × 3.5
= 2100 J
work 2100 J
Power = =
time 4s
My health
Do you know that regular exercises are good for your health.
Exercise 6.2
1. A machine is able to do 30 joules of work in 6.0 seconds. What is the power
developed by the machine?
2. Mitaako is 42 kg. She takes 10 seconds to run up two flights of stairs to
a landing, a total of 5.0 metres vertically above her starting point. What
power does the girl develop during her run?
3. Student A lifts a 50 newton box from the floor to a height of 0.40 metres in
2.0 seconds. Student B lifts a 40 newton box from the floor to a height of
0.50 metres in 1.0 second. Which student has more power than the other?
4. Four machines do the amounts of work listed in Table 6.1 shown. The time
they take to do the work is also listed. Which machine develops the most
6.3 Energy
1. What enables your body to perform various functions besides keeping
2. From your knowledge of science in primary school, define the term energy.
3. Discuss the importance of energy in our daily lives.
You should have noted that you got exhausted because you did a lot of work
against gravity to carry your body and the heavy bag to the top of the building.
The work you did led to the loss of energy (chemical energy from the food) from
your body.
From Activity 6.7, you should have observed that the water becomes hot in case
1 and in case 2, the paper is burnt because of the heat from the sun. These are
some of the effects of solar energy. This energy from the sun is inform of radiant
heat and light. In some countries where the sun shines throughout, large concave
mirrors have been set to collect energy from the sun by focusing its rays on special
boilers which provide power for running electric generators.
Activity. 6.8
To investigate the production of sound energy
From your discussion, you should have heard sound in steps 1 and 2. In each
case, kinetic energy has been converted to sound and heat energy. Sound energy
is the energy associated with the vibration or disturbance of bodies or matter.
From activity 6.9, you will notice that the other end of the nail is felt to be hot
after sometime. The hotness is due to heat energy that has been transferred from
the hot part to the cold part of the nail. Therefore, heat energy only travels from
a hot object to a cooler one.
Heat energy is a form of energy that is transferred from one body to another due
to the difference in temperature.
Materials: bulb, electric wire, cells (battery), switch, bulb holder and cell holder
1. Fix the battery/cells in their holders and the bulb too.
2. Connect one wire from one end of the cell holder to the bulb holder. Then
connect the same wire from the bulb holder to the switch holder and then
connect another wire from the other part/side of cell holder to the switch.
Make sure the switch is open and the cells are fixed into their holder.
3. What do you observe after the connection? Explain.
4. Complete the circuit then close the switch and observe what happens.
You should have noted that the bulb lights when the circuit is complete. Electrical
energy is the energy produced by the flow of electric charges (electrons). Work is
done when electrons move from one point to another in an electric circuit with
electrical appliances such as bulbs.
Activity 6.11
To find out what nuclear energy is
In your discussion, you should have noted that nuclear energy is the energy that
results from nuclear reactions in the nucleus of an atom. It is released when the
nuclei are combined or split.
Materials: glass beaker, a small bowl, steel wool, white vinegar, thermometer
1. Place the steel wool in the bowl and soak it in white vinegar for a couple
of minutes.
2. Squeeze out excess vinegar and wrap the steel wool around the thermometer
in a way that you are still able to read the temperature.
3. Put the steel wool in the beaker, then place a cover with a paper or small
book on the top.
4. Record the temperature immediately, then again in a minute or so, and
again every minute for about five minutes. What did you observe?
From Activity 6.12, you should have noted that the thermometer records a
higher temperature reading. The chemical reaction of vinegar and steel wool
generates energy in form of heat. This causes temperature to rise as shown by
the thermometer.
Chemical energy is a type of energy stored in the bonds of the atoms and molecules
that make up a substance. Once chemical energy is released by a substance, it is
transferred into a new substance. Food and fuels like coal, oil, and gas are stores
of chemical energy. Fuels release their chemical energy when they are burnt in
the engine (e.g in a car engine).
Mechanical energy is the energy possessed by a body due to its motion or due to
its position. It can either be kinetic energy or potential energy of both. When an
object is falling down through the air, it posses both potential energy (PE) due
to its position above the ground, and kinetic energy (KE) due to its speed as it
falls. The sum of its PE and KE is its mechanical energy.
Mechanical energy = kinetic energy + potential energy.
From your discussion in activity 6.14, you should have observed that when the
stone was released it moved down to the ground. This implies that the stone had
stored energy due to its position that makes it to start moving down after it has
been released.
The energy possessed by a body (e.g. a stone) due to its position above the ground
is called gravitational potential energy.
Similarly, when the spring was released, it relaxed to a bigger size. This also implies
that the spring had stored energy due to compression.
The energy possessed by a body due to compression (e.g. a spring) or stretch (e.g
catapult) is called elastic potential energy.
Therefore, potential energy is in two forms; gravitational potential energy and
elastic potential energy.
From Activity 6.14, we show that bodies which are at a given height above the
ground posses gravitational potential energy. This energy depends on the position
of objects above the ground. The following activity will help us to understand how
to calculate potential energy of a body at a particular position above the ground.
In your discussion in activity 6.15, you should have noted that if a stone is lifted
upwards through a height h; and placed on a table (Fig 6.3), work is done against
The work done to overcome gravity is equal to the gravitational potential energy
gained by the stone.
But work done = F×h ; F = mg
∴ work done = mg × h
But, potential energy = work done.
Therefore: P.E = mgh
Example 6.6
(a) Work done = F × d = mg × d = 30 × 10 × 6 = 300 × 6 = 1 800 J
(b) P.E = mgh = 300 × 6 = 1 800 J
(c) The work done against gravity is stored as P.E in the body.
A stone dropped from the roof of a building will cause more pain if it
falls on someone’s foot than when the same stone falls from a table.
This is because the one on the roof has more gravitation potential
energy because it is at a greater height (position) above the ground.
We will learn more about elastic potential energy and how to determine it in
Senior 2.
From your discussion in activity 6.16, you should have observed that the trolley
starts to move once given a slight push. It possess energy as it moves. The energy
which is possessed by a moving object due to its speed is called kinetic energy (KE).
Examples of objects that posses KE include moving air, rotating windmills, falling
water, rotating turbines and a moving stone. In general, any moving body possesses
energy called kinetic energy.
The kinetic energy of a moving body is given by:
Kinetic energy = mv2 , where m and v are the mass and velocity of the
body respectively.
Excercise 6.3
1. Define the term energy.
2. State and explain briefly six forms of energy.
3. Differentiate between:
(a) Potential energy and kinetic energy.
(b) Gravitational potential energy and elastic potential energy.
4. A brick of mass 0.5 kg is lifted through a distance of 100 m to the top of
a building. Calculate the potentials energy attained by the brick.
From your discussion in activity 6.17, you should have learnt that the word
‘source’ means the beginning of something e.g. the stream begins from the
mountain or hills around your school.
Are you aware that cutting down trees will lead to the loss of our forest
in our country and consequently the loss of water sources? Let us
protect our water sources by planting more trees.
You should have also established that the energy source is a system which produces
energy in a certain way. For instance, a hydroelectric station uses the motion of
the water of the river to turn the turbines and thus producing electricity.
There are two kinds of energy sources;
1. Primary sources.
2. Secondary sources.
1. Conduct a research from the Internet and reference books on primary
sources of energy.
2. In your research find out:
(a) The types of primary sources of energy.
(b) The generation of energy from each source.
From your research and discussion in activity 6.18, you should have established
the following that Primary Sources are from sources which can be used directly
as they occur in the natural environment. They include.
1. Flowing water
2. Nuclear
3. Sun
4. Wind
5. Geothermal ( interior of the earth)
6. Fuels
7. Minerals
8. Biomass (living thing and their waste materials
• Water
(a) Flowing water - the flowing water from dams rotate turbines at the bottom
of the dam which turn the generator resulting in generation of electricity.
This water is kept behind a dam (reservoir) and released at a controlled
rate downwards where it meets the turbines and turns them. An example is
Ntaruka dam on river Burera in Butaro Rwanda.
(b) Waves - energy from water waves (generated by winds) is also used in
generating electricity using sea wave converters. An example is pelamis wave
energy converter, a technology that uses the motion of ocean surface waves
to create electricity.
• Nuclear energy
Nuclear energy is created through reactions that involve the splitting or merging
of the atoms of nuclei together. The process of splitting of large atoms such as
those of uranium into smaller atoms is called fission. Fusion on the other hand,
is the combining of two smaller atoms such as hydrogen or helium to produce a
heavier atom. All these reactions release heat which is turned into electricity in
nuclear power plants (Fig 6.5). An atomic bomb derives its energy from these
kinds of reactions.
• The sun
The sun is the biggest source of energy and has played an important role in shaping
our life on earth since the dawn of time.
The sun gives off radiant energy in form of electromagnetic waves. The light energy
(visible spectrum) part of the spectrum can be converted directly into electricity in
a single process using the photovoltaic (PV) cell otherwise known as the solar cell.
The solar thermal energy is used for heating swimming pools, heating water for
domestic use (solar heater) and heating of building. Solar thermal electricity
generation is where the sun’s rays are used to heat a fluid for the production of
high pressure and high temperature steam. The steam is in turn converted into
mechanical energy in a turbine to generate electricity.
• Wind
Wind is caused by the sun heating the earth unevenly. The air is heated differently
causing hotter air to expand rise, and the colder one to condense and sink. This
results to the movement of air and hence formation of wind.
Modern wind turbines placed on the top of steel tubular towers harness the
natural wind in our atmosphere and convert it into mechanical energy and then
to electricity.
Wind mills (Fig. 6.7) are also be used to pump water from the underground and
do some other work.
• Geothermal energy
• Biogas
Materials: bio-digester
Make a trip to a farm with biogas plant and take turn to ask about working of
Biomass is the total mass of organic matter in plant or animal. It is used to generate
energy e.g. through burning to give heat energy.
When bacteria acts on biomass, a gas called biogas is produced which is flammable
hence is used as fuel to produce heat. It is a mixture of 65% methane and 35%
A biogas plant or digester collects and directs the gas through pipes to the kitchen
for cooking in a house or to a generator where electricity is produced.
Fig. 6.9 shows a biogas plant. Biogas pipe
Biogas Digester
• Chemical energy
Chemical energy is stored in the chemical bonds of atoms and molecules. It can
only be seen when it is released in a chemical reaction. When chemical energy
is released, from a substance, the substance is entirely changed into an entirely
different substance.
Some substances that store and release chemical energy are;
(i) Electrolytes – the chemical reactions in an electrolyte in the batteries produce
(ii) Petroleum – petroleum is made of molecules containing carbon and
hydrogen. In vapor form, its natural gas and in liquid form, it is crude oil.
Energy from petroleum is used to drive vehicles and to produce electricity.
Examples include jet fuel, gasoline and electricity.
(iii) Wood – dry wood acts as a store of chemical energy. This chemical energy
is released when wood burns and it’s converted into heat and light energy.
(iv) Food – the chemical energy in food is released while the food is being
digested. As the bonds between the atoms of the food break, new substances
are created and chemical energy is given out.
Subjecting a battery to abuse or conditions for which it was never
designed can result in uncontrolled and dangerous failure of the battery.
This may include explosion, fire and the emission of toxic fumes. Keep
batteries well out of reach of children.
Button batteries are small and can be found in toys, calculators, remote
controls, watches.
• Light energy
The potential of light to perform work is called light energy. It is formed through
chemical radiation and mechanical means. It is a form of energy produced by
hot bodies and travels in a straight line. It’s the only form of energy that we can
see directly (visible light). It can be converted like sunlight energy is used during
photosynthesis by planets to create chemical energy. UV lights are often used by
forensic scientists to see details that are not seen by unaided eyes.
In your discussion in activity 6.20, you should have established that secondary
sources are energy sources that are generated from primary sources. For instance,
electricity is a secondary source because it is generated for example from solar
energy using solar panels or from flowing water using the turbines to generate
Other secondary sources of energy include; petroleum products, manufactured
solid fuels, gases, heat and bio fuel.
Hey!!! Be safe
Always be careful with fire. It can cause massive damage which can
results to loss of properties and lives.
From your discussion in Activity 6.21, you should have noted that the burnt
matchstick cannot be used again for the same purpose. Similarly, there are energy
sources that cannot be used again once used to generate energy. They are called
non renewable sources while those that can be used again without exhausting
them are called renewable resources.
Renewable energy sources
A renewable energy source is an energy source which can’t be depleted/exhausted.
They exist infinitely i.e. never run out. They are renewed by natural processes.
Examples include;
(i) Sun (iii) Geothermal
(ii) Wind (iv) Trees
However, some like trees they can also be depleted, like trees and animals if used
too much more than the natural process can renew them. So it’s advisable to take
precaution while using them, that is, they should be conserved.
Non-renewable energy sources
These are sources which can be depleted because they exists in fixed quantities. So
they will run out one day. Examples are coal, crude oil, natural gas, and uranium.
Fossil fuels like coal, crude oil, natural gas are mainly made up of carbon. They
are usually found in one location because they are made through the same process
and material. Millions of years ago dead sea organisms, plants, and animals
settled on the ocean floor and in porous rocks. With time, sand, sediments and
impermeable rock settle on the dead organic matter, as the matter continue to
decay forming coal, oil and natural gas. Earth movements and rock shifts creates
spaces that force these energy sources to collect at well-defined areas. With the
help of technology, engineers are able to drill down into the sea bed to mine these
sources and harness the energy stored in them.
1. Conduct a research from the Internet and reference books on environmental
effects of the use of energy sources.
2. In your research, identify the effects and suggest the measure to be taken
to ensure safe use of those resources.
3. Record down your findings from your discussion and report to the whole class
through your secretary.
In Activity 6.22, you should have learnt that, there is no such thing as a completely
“clean” energy source. All energy sources have atleast an effect to the environment.
Some energy sources have a greater impact than others. Energy is mostly lost into
the environment in form of heat and sound.
The following are some of the effects of use of the energy sources to the
• air and water pollution • deforestation
• climate change and global warming. • land degradation
The greenhouse gases e.g. excess carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide etc destroy the
ozone layer exposing living things to dangerous emissions from the sun e.g. UV
Release of these harmful gases into the atmosphere is a global problem and very
many environmental agencies are encouraging on the proper disposal of these
United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNICED) lead
Nations to sign a joint treaties to pursuire of economic development in ways that
would protect the earth’s environment and non renewable resources but it is still
a problem up to now.
(c) Deforestation
Using firewood and charcoal in most African countries lead to loss of biodiversity
and erosion due to loss of forest cover. These may lead to deforestation i.e. the
reduction of forest cover. Of great concern is that Africa is losing forest twice as fast
as the rest of the world.
Human beings are encouraged to use green energy that is renewable and have
less effect to the environment.
With your help we can support projects that help to train and educate forest
communities so that they can use forests in a sustinable manner and protect their
livelihoods for years.
Exercise 6.4
1. Differentiate between energy and power.
2. In groups of two, identify any three primary sources of energy and hold a
discussion on their:
(a) definition and origin.
(b)importance to us and our country.
Hey!!! Be safe
Don’t touch water while an electrical heater is on, you may get an
electrical shock.
From your discussion, you should have observed that the water in the basin boils.
Electrical energy has been converted to heat energy which boils the water. When
the radio was connect to the socket and turned on, electrical energy is converted
to sound energy.
In step 5, when the wires are connected, the bulb is seen to give off light when
you close the switch. This is because chemical energy in the battery has been
converted to electrical energy which is then changed to light energy in the bulb
and some part to heat energy.
Therefore, energy in many of its forms may be used in its natural process or to
provide some services to society such as heating, refrigeration, or performing
mechanical work to operate machines. This is possible because energy can be
changed from one form to another. This process of changing of energy from one
form to another is called energy transformation. A device that converts energy
from one form to another is known as a transducer.
Fig 6.10 is a chart that shows some examples of energy transformation in our
day to day activities.
Nuclear reactor
u ple
o at
rm he
he ic
Dry cell
dspea phon
Lou Micro
Ste ne
Electrical eng ion
bing rat
Rub ess Vib
Elec or
tric tric
Elec mot
ell Mechanical
r c
1. Hammering a nail
Fig. 6.11: Energy transportation
2. Lighting a bulb using a battery
Radiant heat
Chemical energy
Electrical energy
in the battery
Light energy
Fig. 6.12: Energy transformation
3. Hydroelectric power
Exercise 6.5
1. Table 6.2 shows how energy is converted from form A to form B and the
devices concerned. Complete the table.
Activity 6.24
To demonstrate the law of conservation of energy
Materials: a ball
1. Hold a football at a height of 1 m above the ground. What type of energy
does the ball posses at that position?
2. Release the ball to start falling freely to the ground. What type of energies
does the ball posses while falling?
3. What type of energy does the ball posses while just about to touch the
4. Ignoring air resistance, compare the amount of energy possesed by the ball
in step 1 and 3. What can you conclude?
When the ball was stationary at a point 1 m above the ground in Activity 6.24, it
possed P.E only. When released the P.E starts being converted to K.E hence the
ball dropped. When it was just about to touch the ground, all the P.E had been
converted to K.E hence by ignoring air resistance,
Initial P.E = final K.E
We say that energy has been conserved.
This is summarised in the law of conservation of energy.
The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed
but is simply converted from one form into another.
h D
From your research and discussion in activity 6.25, you should have learnt that
the law of conservation of mechanical energy states that
The total mechanical energy (sum of potential energy and kinetic energy) in a
closed system will remain constant/same.
A closed system is one where there are no external dissipative forces (like friction,
air resistance) which would bring about loss of energy.
The sum of potential energy and kinetic energy anywhere during the motion
must be equal to the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy anywhere else
in the motion.
Fig. 6.16: A swinging pendulum
From the above activity 6.26, you should have noticed that the bob will attain a
maximum potential energy due to its height above the ground at point A she have
minimum kinetic energy because it is at rest.
When it swings after letting it go, it will start loosing potential energy as it gain
kinetic energy at point B because of its motion. As it passes through the lowest
point point C, its potential energy is minimum kinetic energy will be maximum.
Because of its kinetic energy, it swings up to the other side and now its kinetic
energy starts decreases as, potential energy increases at point D until when it
reaches the maximum point E where it stops moving momentarily. At that point,
it has maximum potential energy but minimum kinetic energy.
At all positions, the total mechanical energy is constant (conserved). That is
kinetic energy + potential energy = constant. Therefore, mechanical energy has
been conserved.
In your discussion, you should have learnt that when a body (e.g. a ball) is thrown
up vertically, it has maximum speed, (maximum kinetic energy) at the starting
The ball moves up with a reducing speed because of the force of gravity acting on
it downwards until it reaches the maximum point/ height where it stops moving
momentarily and it falls back.
At maximum height, it has a maximum potential energy and minimum kinetic
energy because the body is not moving. So the kinetic energy at the bottom is all
turned into potential energy at the maximum point (Fig 6.17).
P.Emax K.E = 0
P.E = K.E
object P.E = 0
Exercise 6.6
1. A pendulum bob swings as shown in the diagram. Fig 6.18
Pendulum bob
From your research and discussion in activity 6.28, you should have established
that energy conservation is the act of saving energy by reducing the length of use.
In other words, to conserve energy, you need to cut back on your usage.
For example, driving your car fewer miles per week, turning your thermostat
down a degree or two in the winter time and unplugging your computer or home
appliance when they are not in use. All these ways reduce the amount of energy
you use by doing without or using less fuel or electricity. It can help reduce the
monthly heating and electricity bills and save money at the gas pump. You also
reduce the demand of fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas. Less burning of fuels
means lower emissions of carbon dioxide, the primary contributor of to global
warming and other pollutants.
Other examples include:
(i) Clean or replace air filters of cars as recommended. Energy is lost when air
conditioners and hot air furnaces have to work harder to draw air through
dirty filters. So save money by replacing old air filters with new (standard)
ones which will take less electricity.
(ii) Select the most energy efficient models when you replace the old appliances.
Look for the energy star label because the product saves energy and prevents
(iii) Turn your refrigerator down. Refrigerators accounts for about 20% of
the house hold electricity costs. You can use a thermometer to set it at a
temperature close to 37ºC and your freezer as close as 3.
(iv) Buy energy-efficient compact fluorescent bulbs for the lights you use most.
Although they cost more, they save money in the long run because they
only use a quarter the energy used by ordinary incandescent lamps and
lasting 8-12 times longer.
(v) Reduce the amount of waste you produce by buying minimally packaged
goods, choosing reusable products over disposable ones, and recycling. Use
30% to 50% less paper products, 33% less glass and 90% less aluminum.
(vi) People who live in colder areas should super insulate your walls and ceiling.
It can save your the electricity of heating or fire wood costs.
(vii) Plant shade trees and paint your house a light colour if you live in a hot
country or dark colour if it is a cold country.
If we do not conserve energy, it will be exhausted and we will have nothing to
use. Energy conservation is also important when in managing climate change.
Currently erratic climates and climatic changes are the greatest threats that we
are facing today. Hence it is important to conserve energy.
Energy efficiency is the act of saving energy but keeping the same level of service.
For example, if you turn off the lights when you are leaving a room, that’s energy
conservation, if you replace an efficient incandescent light bulb with a more
efficient compact fluorescent bulb, you are practicing energy efficiency.
Energy efficiency uses advances in sciences and technology to provide services
and products that require the use of less energy.
Exercise 6.7
Project work 1
Energy saving charcoal burner
In most developing countries, wood is the most important source of energy mainly
for cooking. The amount of wood consumed depends on the climate, culture and
availability. Most people use open, three stone fireplaces for cooking.The fireplaces
are often dirty, dangerous and inefficient. The smoke and soot settles on utensils,
walls, ceiling and people. The smoke produced in fireplaces irritates people posing
danger to health. The fireplaces have been found to be about 10-15% efficient.
In view of the above, energy saving stoves have been designed. Most of these stoves
use charcoal. Charcoal is preferred to wood in urban areas because of its portability,
convenience and cleanliness. In designing energy saving stoves, one should try
to minimise energy losses to the surrounding. One of the many advantages of a
charcoal stove, is that the rate of charcoal burning can be controlled.
Cut the metal sheet into a circular sheet (Fig. 6.19(a)). The radius AO will depend on
the size of the stove required. Mark arc AB which represents the circumference of the
mouth of the charcoal burner. Draw AO and OB. Draw arc CD. The radius OD will
depend on the area of the base on which the charcoal is to rest. Cut the section ACDB.
Fold the plate ACDB in a shape of a cone as shown in Fig. 6.19(b). Rivet the sides AC
and BD together.
Repeat the procedure to construct the lower compartment. But this time make AC and
DB shorter.
A B A, B
C, D
(a) Circular metal sheet (b) Upper compartment
Fig. 6.19: Making the upper compartment of an energy saving charcoal burner
Bring the two compartment together and join them by riveting Fig. 6.20(a). Cut off a
small section of the lower compartment and construct a gate. Mould clay in such a shape
that it fits into the upper compartment. Make the air holes while the clay is still wet.
Allow the clay to dry. Construct the stands for holding the cooking pot. A complete stove
Gate Gate
(a) Upper and lower compartment joined (b) Complete charcoal burner
Fig. 6.20(a): Upper and lower compartments joined to make a complete charcoal burner
Larger stove can be made by cutting the sheet as shown in Fig. 6.21.
or O
Fig. 6.21: Larger jikos
Project work 2
Solar heater
Solar energy can be trapped with the help of solar heater and utilized to heat water.
The most common type of solar water heater incorporates a flat-plate solar collector
and a storage tank. The tank is positioned above the collector. Water from the tank is
circulated through the collector and back to the tank by means of convectional currents
caused by the heated water.
A 20 litre jerry can container, plastic pipes, cellophane paper, half open 20 litre jerry
can, black paint or smoke soot and a wire mesh.
Heat collector
Paint the plastic pipes black. Use a wire mesh and curve the plastic pipes as shown
in Fig. 6.22. The size of the wire mesh should be able to fit into an open 20 litre jerry
can container.
1 2 Pipes
Frame work
Heat exchanger
Use another 20 litre jerry can (Fig. 6.23) and open at the top to allow the pipes to
enter and then seal it using the same material and a hot object. The hot object will
make the materials to fuse together. Make provisions for water to enter and leave the
heat exchanger when required.
Hot water
Water gains
Fig. 6.23: Heat exchanger
Join pipe 1 of the heater collector to pipe 1 of the heat exchanger. Do the same with
pipe 2. Make sure the collector is inclined at a certain angle to allow water from the
heat exchanger to flow freely. (Fig. 6.24).
Cover the heat collector with a cellophane paper.
Hot water
Heat exchanger
Hot water
Cold water
Transparent Pump
plastic paper
Cold water
Heat collector
Unit Test 6
1. Define the term power and give its SI unit.
2. A motor raised a block of mass 72 kg through a vertical height of 2.5 m in
28 s. Calculate the:
(a) work done on the block.
(b) useful power supplied by the motor.
3. A person of mass 40 kg runs up a flight of 50 stairs each of height 20 cm
in 5 s. Calculate:
(a) the work done.
(b) the average power of the person.
(c) explain why the energy the person uses to climb up is greater than
the calculated work done.
4. A runner of mass 65 kg runs up a steep slope rising through a vertical height
of 40 m in 65 s. Find the power that his muscles must develop in order to
do so.
5. A fork-lift truck raises a 400 kg box through a height of 2.3 m. The case is
then moved horizontally by the truck at 3.0 m/s onto the loading platform
of a lorry.
(a) What minimum upward force should the truck exert on the box?
(b) How much P.E. is gained by the box?
(c) Calculate the K.E of the box while being moved horizontally.
(d) What happens to the K.E once the truck stops?
6. A stone falls vertically through a distance of 20 m. If the mass of the stone
is 3.0 kg,
(a) Sketch a graph of work done by the gravity against distance.
(b) Find the power of the gravitational pull.
(a) What kind of energy does the monkey have at each position?
(b) What happens to the energy when the monkey is midway between A
and C?
(c) In which positions does the monkey have the least energy? What name
is given to this type of energy?
11. A device which converts one form of energy to another is called a
transducer. Name one transducer in each of the cases energy transformation
given below.
(a) Heat to kinetic energy (b) Electrical to light
(c) Sound to electrical (d) Potential energy to kinetic energy
(e) Chemical to electrical
Unit outline
• Definition of simple machine.
• Examples of simple machine (lever, pulley, wedge and axle, inclined plane,
• Working principal of simple machines.
• Machine work out and friction in the machine.
• Mechanical advantage and velocity ratio of a machine.
• Determination of output of simple machine (efficiency).
• Experiment to determine efficiency of simple machines.
In everyday life, people perform various tasks in order to improve their standard
of life, environment, quality of health, and understanding of natural phenomena in
order to exploit and be in terms with them. Some of the tasks people do include;
drawing of water from a well using a windless, construction of houses using timber,
nail and harmer, loading and unloading of good into the ships for export, joining
of timber and metal using screws, splitting of firewood using a wedge, digging a
garden in preparation for planting, lifting heavy objects into tracks. The devices
that help us to perform work easily are called machines.
Machines can either be simple or compound. In this unit we are going to learn,
understand and apply the principles behind simple machines.
1. Try to open a soda bottle with your hand. What do you notice?
2. Now try opening the same bottle using an opener. Which of the two tasks
is easier and why.
3. Based on your observation in steps 1 and 2, define a simple machine.
(a) Rolling up a drum into a truck (b) Lifting up a drum into a truck
Fig. 7.1: Machines make our work easier
A machine may be defined as any mechanical device that facilitates a force applied at
one point to overcome another force at a different point in the system. Examples of simple
machines include lever, pulley, wedge, wheel and axle, inclined plane, and screws.
A simple machine is a machine that is made up of only one type of machine.
Examples of simple machines are the screw, lever, inclined plane, pulley, wheel
and axel and gears.
A compound machine is made up of more than one simple machines working
together to perform a particular task with ease. An example of a compound machine
is the car engine.The car engine consist of pulley, belts, gears, wheel and axel, pistons
and other simple machines working together to bring about the movement of the car.
In mechanical machines, the force that is applied is called the effort (E) and the
force the machine must overcome is called the load (L). Notice that both the load
and effort are forces which act on the machine.
2. In your research, find out what mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and
efficiency of machine are and their equations.
3. Present your findings to the whole class on the chalkboard.
load (N)
∴ Mechanical advantage (M.A) =
effort (N)
Since mechanical advantage is a ratio, it has no units.
Velocity ratio (V.R) of a machine
Velocity ratio of a machine is the ratio of the velocity of the effort to the velocity of
the load.
velocity of the effort
Velocity ratio (V.R) =
velocity of the load
displacement of efforts
displacement of load
Since the effort and the load move for the same time,
displacement of effort effort distance
Velocity ratio (V.R) = or
displacement of load load distance
Velocity ratio has no units
Efficiency of machines
For a perfect machine, the work done on the machine by the effort is equal to
the work done by the machine on the load. However, there is no such a machine
because some energy is wasted in overcoming friction and in moving the moveable
parts of the machine. Hence, more energy is put into the machine than what is
output by it. Thus,
Work input = Useful work done + Wasted work done
To describe the actual performance of a machine we use the term efficiency.
Efficiency tells us what percentage of the work put into a machine is returned as
useful work.
The efficiency of a machine is defined as the ratio of its energy output to its energy input.
useful energy output
Efficiency = × 100%
energy input
useful work output load × distance moved by load
efficiency = × 100% = × 100%
work input effort × distance moved by effort
load distance load is moved
= × × 100%
effort distance moved by effort
= M.A × × 100%
Efficiency = × 100%
Example 7.1
A machine whose velocity ratio is 8 is used to lift a load of 300 N. The effort required
is 60 N.
(a) What is the mechanical advantage of the machine
(b) Calculate the efficiency of the machine
load 300 N
(a) Mechanical advantage = = =5
effort 60 N
M.A 5
(b) Efficiency = × 100%
V.R 8
= 62.5%
Example 7.2
An effort of 250 N raises a load of 900 N through 5 m in a machine. If the effort
moves through 25 m, find
(a) the useful work done in raising the load
(b) the work done by the effort
(c) the efficiency of the machine
(a) Useful work done in raising the load
= load × distance moved by load
= (900 × 5) = 4 500 J
(b) Work done by the effort
= effort × distance moved by effort
= 250 × 25 = 6 250 J
work output
(c) Efficiency = work input × 100%
4 500 J
= × 100 %
6 250 J
= 72%
Example 7.3
Calculate the efficiency of a machine if 8 000 J of work is done on the machine to lift
a mass of 120 kg through a vertical height of 5 m.
Work done in lifting the load = 1 200 × 5 = 6 000 J
Work input = 8 000 J
work output
Efficiency = × 100%
work input
6 000 J
= × 100%
8 000 J
= 75%
1. Brainstorm with your partner how simple machines are classified.
2. Now, access the internet and reference books and do a research on
classification of simple machines.
3. Discuss your findings with others in your class.
Simple machines may be classified into two groups i.e. force multiplier and distance
or speed multipliers. Force multipliers are those that allow a small effort to move
a large load e.g. levers. Distance or speed multipliers are those that allow a small
movement of the effort to produce a large movement of the load e.g. fishing rod,
bicycle gear etc. Let us consider some simple machines and show how they operate.
7.3.1 Levers
Materials: a nail, claw hammer, piece of cloth, a pair of scissors, groundnut, pliers.
Part 1
1. Drive a long iron nail into a piece of timber.
2. Try to remove the nail from the timber using your fingers. What do you
notice? Explain.
3. Repeat step 2 but use a claw hammer instead of your fingers.What happens?
Part 2
1. Take a piece of cloth and try to cut it into two pieces using your hand.What
happens? Explain.
2. Repeat step 1 but use a pair of scissors instead of hands. What happens?
Part 3
1. Take a groundnut and try to crash it between your finger. Explain what
2. Repeat the above but use a nut cracker. What do you observe? Explain.
In activity 7.4, you must have observed that it is difficult to perform the tasks
using your fingers. However, using the simple machine, the work becomes easier.
These types of machines are called levers.
Levers are simple machines that apply the principle of moments. A lever consists of a
rigid bar capable of rotating about a fixed point called the pivot. The effort arm is
the perpendicular distance from pivot to the line of action of effort (See Fig. 7.5).
There are classes of levers. The difference between these types depends on the
position of the pivot (fulcrum) with respect to the load and the effort.
Class 1. The pivot in between the load and the effort. Examples (Fig. 7.2).
Load Pivot
Effort Load
Load Pivot
Load Effort
Mechanical Advantage = effort arm =
load arm x
This also applies to the other types of levers
Since effort arm is usually greater than load arms, levers have mechanical
advantage greater than 1.
Velocity ratio for levers
Consider three types of levers in which the load and the effort have moved a distance
d L and d E respectively (Fig. 7.6).
y x
B x y
dL x
C D C x A D C y D A
A dE E dL dE
L y dE dL
In Fig. 7.6(a) and (b), y is greater than x. The velocity ratio is therefore greater
than 1. However in (c), y is less than x, and therefore the velocity ratio is less
than 1. Cases (a) and (b) are examples of force multipliers. All force multipliers
have M.A and V.R greater than 1. Case (c) is an example of distance multiplier
in which both the velocity ratio and mechanical advantage are less than 1.
Example 7.4
A lever has a velocity ratio of 4. When an effort of 150 N is applied, a force of 450 N
is lifted. Find (a) mechanical advantage (b) efficiency of the lever.
load 450 N
(a) Mechanical advantage = = = 3.0
effort 150 N
(b) Efficiency = M.A x 100% = × 100%
V.R 4
= 75%
Example 7.5
A worker uses a crow bar 2.0 m long to lift a rock weighing 750 N (Fig. 7.7).
750 N (2 – x) 250 N
Fig. 7.7: Crow bar
(a) Calculate the position of the pivot in order to apply an effort of 250 N.
(b) Find the (i) velocity ratio (ii) mechanical advantage and
(iii) efficiency of the lever.
(c) What assumptions have you made?
effort distance
(a) Applying the principle of moments (b) (i) velocity ratio =
load distance
750x = 250(2 – x)
750x = 500 – 250x =
1 000x = 500 =3
x = 0.5 m from the end with 750 N.
(ii) mechanical advantage = =3
M.A 3
(iii) efficiency = × 100% = × 100% = 100%
V.R 3
(c) We have assumed that there is no friction and that the crowbar is weightless
Exercise 7.1
1. A machine requires 6 000 J of energy to lift a mass of 55 kg through a
vertical distance of 8 m. Calculate its efficiency.
2. A machine of efficiency 75% lifts a mass of 90 kg through a vertical distance
of 3 m. Find the work required to operate the machine.
3. A machine used to lift a load to the top of a building under construction
has a velocity ratio of 6. Calculate its efficiency if an effort of 1 200 N is
required to raise a load of 6 000 N. Find the energy wasted when a load
of 700 N is lifted through a distance of 3 m.
4. Define the following terms as applied to levers:
(a) mechanical advantage (b) velocity ratio
5. Find the velocity ratio of the levers shown in Fig. 7.8.
85 cm
Fig. 7.8: Levers
An inclined plane is a ramp or sloping surface that enables a load to be raised more
easily using a smaller effort than when it is raised vertically upwards. It usually
consists of a long plank inclined at an angle θ to the horizontal (Fig. 7.10). It is
thus easier to take a heavy load from A to C by dragging along the plank than
lifting it upwards from B to C.
t (E
Ef for
d h
Fig. 7.10: Inclined plane
If the inclined plane is perfectly smooth (no friction), then the work done on load
is equal to the work done by effort
Work on load = Work done by effort
load × h
= effort × d
= d
effort h
Hence mechanical advantage =
The ratio for an inclined plane is always greater than 1, hence its mechanical
advantage is greater than 1. In practice, mechanical advantage is usually less than
the calculated values due to frictional force.
2. Record the values of the load, effort and the length l of the inclined plane.
3. Repeat the activity with inclined planes of different lengths. Make sure the
height, h, and the load are kept constant.
Friction compensated
slope of length l
h l
Effort = mg
Fig. 7.11: How the length of inclined plane affects the mechanical advantage.
4. Record your results in Table 7.1. What happens to the applied effort when
the length of the inclined plane is increased?
We observe from the activity that as the length, l is increased, the effort applied is
Work done on the load = load × distance moved by the load
= L × h
Work done on the effort = effort × distance moved by the effort
= E×l
But the work done on the load is equal to the work done by the effort i.e.
El = L h
Lh mgh
∴ E = = since L = mg
l l
But mgh is a constant: ∴ Eα .
Therefore a small effort travels a long distance to overcome a large load.
Activity 7.7
To investigate the work of screw and bolt
Activity 7.8
To demonstrate action of wheel and axle
Materials: cylindrical rod, y-shaped branches, a stone with string tied to it.
1. Construct a wheel and axle using locally available materials as shown in Fig.
Cylindrical rod Tree branch
2. Turn the cylindrical rod at A to raise the stone. What do you realise?
3. Repeat turning the cylindrical rod but this time by turning at C. What do
you realise? Explain.
4. Compare the energy needed to turn the cylindrical rod in the two cases.
5. Which feature of the setup represent the wheel and axle?
6. View the setup from B and draw the wheel, axle, load and effort.
7. Using various loads, find the force which in each case will just raise the
load. Record your results in tabular form as shown in Table 7.2.
R effort
(a) (b)
effort effort
load (c)
The wheel has a large diameter while the axle has a small diameter. The wheel
and axle are firmly joined together and turn together on same axis. The effort
is applied to the handle in the wheel. When the effort is applied, the axle turns,
winding the load rope on the axle and consequently raising the load.
distance moved by effort 2p × radius of wheel(R)
Velocity ratio = =
distance moved by load 2p × radius of axle (r)
M.A may be obtained by taking moment
Load × radius of axle = effort × radius of wheel
Load radius of wheel R
M.A = = =
Effort radius of axle r
Exercise 7.2
1. Give an example of a lever with a mechanical advantage less than 1. What
is the real advantage of using such a machine?
2. Describe an experiment to determine the velocity ratio of a lever whose
pivot is between the load and the effort.
3. An effort of 50 N is applied to drive a screw whose handle moves
through a circle of radius 14 cm. The pitch of the screw thread is
2 mm. Calculate the:
(a) velocity ratio of the screw.
(b) load raised if the efficiency is 30%.
7.3.5 Pulleys
Activity 7.9 To demonstrate the action of a pulley
A pulley is usually a grooved wheel or rim. Pulleys are used to change the direction
of a force and make work easy. Let us consider three types of pulleys i.e. single
fixed, single movable and block and tackle.
(a) Single fixed pulley
Fig. 7.16 shows a single fixed pulley being used to lift a load. This type of pulley
has a fixed support which does not move with either the load or the effort. The
tension in the rope is the same throughout. Therefore the load is equal to the effort
if there is no loss of energy. The mechanical advantage is therefore 1. The only
advantage we get using such a machine is convenience and ease of raising the load.
(water) Effort
Fig. 7.16: Single fixed pulley
Since some energy is wasted due to friction and in lifting the weight of the rope,
the mechanical advantage is slightly less than 1. The load moves the same distance
as the effort and therefore the velocity ratio of a single fixed pulley is 1. Examples
of real life applications of a single fixed pulley are as shown in Fig. 7.17.
My health
Ensure you have covered the well/borehole in our homes after use.
Its water may be polluted or even cause death due to accidents.
E Upper fixed
Block and pulley block
tackle side
by side
Lower moving
pulley block
(a) Pulley put side by side (b) Pulley drawn below each other
Fig. 7.19: Block and tackle systems.
From Activity 7.10, it should have observed that the distance moved by the effort
is distance moved by the load.
The graph of effort against the load is as shown in Fig 7.20
l (cm)
Fig. 7.20: Graph of the effort against the load.
The gradient ∆e which is the velocity ratio is found to be 4. When the value of
the gradient is compared with the number of sections of string supporting the
lower block, we note that they are the same i.e also 4.
Tip: The velocity ratio of a pulley system is equal to the number of strings sections
supporting the load.
Precaution: The weight of the block in the lower section of the system has to be
considered as this increases the load to be lifted.
Table 7.4: Values of load (L), effort (E) and
4. For each set of load and effort, calculate the mechanical advantage. Plot a
graph of mechanical advantage against the load (Fig. 7.21). Comment on
the shape of the graph.
Load N
Fig. 7.21: Graph of mechanical advantage against the load
As the load increases, the mechanical advantage also increases. When the load is less
than the weight of the lower pulley block, most of the effort is used to overcome the
frictional forces at the axle and the weight of the lower pulley block. That is, the effort
does useless work.
However, when the load is larger than the weight of the lower block, the effort is used
to lift the load. This shows that the machine is more efficient when lifting a load that is
greater than the weight of the lower block. Using the value of the velocity ratio obtained
in Activity 7.11, calculate the efficiency of the pulley system. Plot a graph of efficiency
against load (Fig. 7.22).
Load (N)
Fig. 7.22: The graph of efficiency against load
Example 7.6
For each of the pulley systems shown in Fig. 7.23, calculate:
(i) velocity ratio
(ii) mechanical advantage
(iii) efficiency
(a) (i) velocity ratio = 2 (number of
sections of string supporting the 60 N
lower pulley) 150 N
(ii) mechanical advantage
200 N
= 150 N
= 4 = 1.33
4 1
(iii) efficiency = × × 100% 200 N
3 2 (a)
210 N
= 66.6% Fig. 7.23: Pulley system
(b) (i) velocity ratio = 5
(ii) mechanical advantage (iii) efficiency = 3.5 × 100%
load 3.5
= effort = × 100%
210 N = 70%
= 60 N = 3.5
Example 7.7
Draw a diagram of a single string block and tackle system with a velocity ratio of 6.
Calculate its efficiency if an effort of 1 500 N is required to raise a load of 5 000 N.
M.A 10 1
efficiency = × 100% = 3 × 6 × 100%
5 000 N = 55.5%
Fig. 7.24: Block Tackle pulley system
Example 7.8
A block and tackle pulley system has a velocity ratio of 4. If its efficiency is 75%.
Find the
(a) mechanical advantage.
(b) load that can be lifted with an effort of 500 N.
(c) work done if the load is lifted through a vertical distance of 4.0 m.
(d) average rate of working if the work is done in 2 minutes.
M.A load
(a) efficiency =× 100% (b) MA =
V.R effort
M.A load
75 = × 100% 3=
4 500
mechanical advantage = 3
Load = 1 500 N
(c) work = force × distance in the (d) Rate of doing work = Power
direction of force
work done
= 1 500 × 4 Power =
= 6 000 J
6 000
= = 50 W
Exercise 7.3
1. (a) Draw a system of pulleys with two pulleys in the lower and upper block.
(b) Describe how you would find experimentally its mechanical advantage.
2. Fig. 7.25 shows a pulley system.
(a) the velocity ratio of the pulley system.
(b) the mechanical advantage, if the system
is 80% efficient.
(c) the effort.
(d) the work done by the effort in lifting the
load through a distance of 0.7 m. 180 N
(e) how much energy is wasted.
Fig. 7.25: Pulleys system
Machine VR
Inclined plane sin θ
Screw pitch, P,
Radius of wheel, R = R
Wheel and axle Radius of axle, r r
Unit Test 7
1. Define the following terms:
(a) Power of a machine (b) Efficiency
(c) Mechanical advantage (M.A) (d) Velocity ratio (V.R)
2. A farmer draws water from a well using the machine shown in Fig. 7.26.
The weight of the bucket and water is 150 N. The force, F exerted by the
farmer is 170 N. The bucket and its content is raised through a height of 15
(a) What is the name given to such a
(b) Why is the force, F, larger than the
weight of the bucket and water? Effort
(c) What distance does the farmer pull the
rope? 150N
(d) How much work is done on the bucket
and water?
(e) What kind of energy is gained by the Fig. 7.26: A simple pulley system
(f) How much work is done by the farmer?
(g) Where does the energy used by the farmer come from?
(h) Show with a flow diagram the energy conversion in lifting the water
from the well.
3. A factory worker lifts up a bag of cement of mass 50 kg, carries it horizontally
then up a ramp of length 6.0 m onto a pick-up and finally drops the bag
of cement on the pick-up (Fig. 7.27).
(a) Explain the energy changes in the various stages of the movement
of the worker.
(b) During which stages is the worker doing work on the bag of cement.
(c) If the worker has a mass of 60 kg and the ramp is 1.5 m high, find the
(i) velocity ratio.
(ii) efficiency of the inclined plane if the mechanical advantage is 3.
4. Fig. 7.28 shows the cross-section of a wheel and axle of radius 6.5 cm
and 1.5 cm respectively used to lift a load. Calculate the efficiency of the
50 N
150 N
Kinetic Theory and States
UNIT 8 of Matter
Unit outline
• Simple kinetic theory.
• Physical properties of solids.
• Physical properties of liquids.
• Physical properties of gases.
• Applications of physical properties.
• Recognision of physical properties of matter.
In our daily life we interact with solids, liquids and gases. We see them behaving in
certain ways under particular conditions. But what are they exactly made of and
what makes them behave in such ways? In this unit we will study the particulate
nature of solids, liquids and gases and their behaviour when heated. This is usually
referred to as the kinetic theory of matter.
Thermal Physics
As you learnt in your primary science, matter is anything that has mass and occupies
space. Anything around us is matter, e.g. cup, a plate, a wall, milk, air, banana and
so on. But what is matter made up of? Activity 8.2 will help us to understand this.
From Activity 8.2, we observe that matter is made of tiny particles. The smallest
particle of mater that can’t be broken down further is called an atom. An atom is
the smallest particle of matter that can take part in a chemical reaction.
Matter can be made of particles (atoms) of the same kind or a mixture of particles
of different kind. Matter made of same kind of particles is called an element, while
that made up of different kinds of particles can be a mixture or a compound.
An element is a substance which cannot be split into a simpler substance. In other
words, all the atoms in a substance have the same identity that substance is called
an element e.g. copper, graphite in pencil (carbon).
Thermal Physics
Materials: piece of dry wood, bunsen burner, match box, magnet and a rail,
piece of paper
1. Bring a magnet near a piece of wood then to the nail. What do you observe?
Take it away. Do the wood and nail change in any way?
2. Light a match stick or a bunsen burner and burn either the paper or a piece
of dry wood to ashes. After that, check if the ash still the same as wood (If
they have the same composition). What can be done to the ash to turn it
back into wood or piece of paper?
You observed that the composition of the piece of wood and nail does not change
after being brought near the magnet. Such a property that is observed on matter
and it does not change its composition is called a physical property.
A physical property is a characteristic that can be observed or measured without
changing the composition of the sample.
For example copper is a solid metal at room temperature, with a high melting
point of about 1083ºC. It is shiny, bendable, and orange-brownish in colour. It
can be stretched into a wire or flattened into a very thin sheet of metal. All these
are physical properties because they do not change into anything else when these
properties are observed. Similarly, passing electricity through copper will not
change it into another substance.
Thermal Physics
In Activity 8.4, we noticed that the spheres of different sizes have different masses.
i.e mass depend on the size (quantity) of the substance. Such a quantity like mass
is called an intensive property. We also noted that density of water is the same
irrespective of the magnitude of volume or mass. Such a quantity like density is
called an extensive quantity.
(i) Intensive property; it is a characteristic of matter that does not depend
on the amount of matter being measured. They are the same even if it is
for one gram or a 1000 kg of the substance. e.g. colour, odour, density,
conductivity, hardness etc.
(ii) Extensive property; is any characteristic of matter that depends on the
amount of matter being measured e.g. mass, weight, volume and length.
In activity 8.5, you should have observed that the magnet attracts iron filings to
itself thus separating them from the sand. This is possible because of the attraction
property between a magnet and magnetic material.
Thermal Physics
Eercise 8.1
1. What is matter?
2. Senior 1 students, Akaliza and Gasimba, were discussing the difference
between physical and chemical properties of matter after carrying out
activities on each of them. How does a physical property of matter differ
from a chemical one?
3. Define the following terms:
(i) an element (ii) a compound
4. Differentiate between intensive and extensive properties of matter and give
two examples of each.
In Activity 8.4 step 2, the purple colour is seen to spread throughout the water
and when heat is supplied, the colour spreads very first. In step 5, the scent of the
perfume is smelt because the particles of the perfume have moved from one point
to the other. This shows us that matter is made of particles that are constantly
moving. If matter were not moving, then we would only see a clump of colour
as there would be nothing that could move about and mix with the water. The
Thermal Physics
One important fact explained by the kinetic theory is that the average
molecular kinetic energy is proportional to the absolute temperature of
the material. A such, temperature is a measure of the average internal
kinetic energy of an object.
Thermal Physics
4. Cover the bowl with a lid and note the pattern (arrangement) of marbles
inside it.
5. Draw the arrangement of the particles.
6. Fill the bow fully with the marble and cover it tightly with a lid. Try to shake
the bowl while pressing the lid firmly. Explain the effect on their pattern
and the movement to your partner.
vibration of atoms
Fig 8.1 Arrangement of particles in solids
The particles in a solid are so tightly packed making them difficult to move. Solids
have strong intermolecular forces in between the particles making them particles
to be closely packed in fixed positions (rigidity).
Therefore, solids have a definite shape and volume. They are rigid and
incompressible. They have the highest density compared to liquids and gases.
A large force is needed to change the size and shape of a solid. Also, for a solid to
melt into a liquid, it requires a lot of heat energy since the cohesive forces between
the particles are strong.
Kinetic theory of solids
Thermal Physics
Thermal Physics
In Activity 8.6 the chalk dust particles are seen moving in random manner. Tiny
invisible water molecules, moving in different directions with different speeds,
collide with the chalk dust particles and force them to move. This activity suggests
that the invisible, tiny molecules of water are in a constant random motion.
As seen in activity, the liquid molecules move freely, unlike the molecules in a
solid. The distance between the molecules is slightly greater than the distance
between molecules of a solid. The molecules of a liquid are loosely packed unlike
those of the solid (Fig. 8.2).
Fig 8.2: Arrangement of particles in liquids
Though solids have a definite volume, they have no definite shape. The force of
attraction between the molecules is lower than the force of attraction between
the molecules of a solid.
Though liquids have definate size (volume), they have no particular shape. They
take the shape of the container.
When the temperature increases, liquid molecules acquire more kinetic energy and
hence move faster. This increase in kinetic energy of liquid molecules weakens the
intermolecular forces between the particles. A further increase in kinetic energy
Thermal Physics
makes the molecules to escape through the surface of the liquid. i.e., change into
steam or gaseous state. The process of a liquid changing into the gaseous state is
called evaporation/boiling.
(a) Viscosity
Materials: house hold liquids (water, honey, oil, milk, paraffin), a sphere such as a
steel ball, 100 ml graduated cylinders, ruler, stopwatch.
1. Measure equal amounts of water, honey, oil, milk and paraffin and pour
them into different the graduated cylinders.
2. Measure and record the depth of the liquids in the cylinders.
3. Place the sphere on the surface of water. Using a stopwatch, measure and
record how long it takes for it to travel to the bottom of the liquid.
4. Remove the sphere and repeat step 3, two times for the same liquid. What
do you observe?
5. Rinse and dry the sphere.
6. Repeat steps 3,4 and 5 for the rest of the liquids. What do you observe?
Explain your observation.
7. Tabulate your result in a table form as one shown in Table 8.1.
Substance Trial Depth of liquid (cm) Time (s) Speed (s)
From Activity 8.7, you should have noted that the sphere travelled at different
speeds in different liquids. The sphere moved fastest in water and lowest in honey.
This shows that, water has the lowest viscosity than other liquids since it offers
minimum resistance to the movement of the sphere through it. Honey has the
highest viscosity than the other liquids.
Thermal Physics
(a) Solubility
The solubility of a substance is the amount of that substance that will dissolve
in a given amount of solvent. Some substances are soluble while others are not.
Examples of soluble substances are sugar, salt while insoluble substances are
stones, metals, and sand.
(b) Evaporation
Thermal Physics
Materials: Beaker, water, source of heat, tripod stand, wire guaze, stirrer,
1. Put some water into the beaker. Dip the stirrer and thermometer into the
beaker. Record the temperature. Stirrer
2. Place the beaker and its content onto Beaker
the stand and place the source of heat
below it as shown in Fig. 8.3. Thermometer
3. Continue heating the water as you Water
observe the change in temperature.
4. The temperature reaches a point when
the water will start boiling violently.
Record the temperature. What is the Heat
name of this process? Fig 8.3: Boiling water
During this process is there a change in the temperature of the water? Try
explaining what is happening to the molecules of water during this process
Boiling point is the temperature at which a liquid changes into a gas when the
saturated vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to the external atmospheric pressure
under one atmosphere. At this point, the liquid changes to gases state at constant
Materials: sand, salt, water, source of heat, a beaker made of hard glass
1. Mix the sand and salt together.
2. Add water to the mixture and stir. Allow the sand to settle at the bottom of
the beaker.
3. Filter out the sand (sand is removed by by filtration because it doesn’t
dissolve in water).
Thermal Physics
3. Boil the solution in the beaker to allow the water evaporate away leaving
saturated solution.
4. Allow the saturated solution to cool. This will make crystals start to grow
which can be collected and allowed to dry.
In Activity 8.11, we have applied the solubility property of salt to separate it from
1. In general, to separate a liquid from an insoluble solids, filtration is done.
The solid remains in the filter paper and the liquid goes through the paper
into the beaker. There are two basic purposes of filtration: either to obtain
the solid material suspended in the liquid, or to purify the liquid in which the
solid is suspended. One of the common application is in sewage treatment. In
this process the solid waste is filtered out and liquid water is treated before
it is released to the rivers.
2. To separate and collect a liquid from a solution, the solution is heated in a
flask until it boils. The vapour produced is passed through a condenser where
it is cooled and condenses to a liquid. The pure liquid (distillate) is collected
in a beaker. Distilled water, purchased for drinking and other purposes, is
just one of the most common applications of the distillation process.
Activity 8.12
To investigate the physical properties of gases
Thermal Physics
In Activity 8.12, you observed that marbles moved very freely in all directions
about in the dish. This is similar to the behaviour of particles in a gas.
In gases, the intermolecular forces are so weak to be considered. Weak
intermolecular forces only exist upon collision. A gas has no definite shape and
volume, so they fill the container of any size and shape completely.
Materials: polythene bag ( plastic bag), a straw, cello tape, heavy book.
1. In groups of five, pick one plastic bag (polythene bag) and insert a straw
into it. Leave part of the straw to protrude from the bag and then seal it
with cello tape.
2. Place it on the table and then place a heavy book on it.
3. In turns, blow into the bag. What do you observe? Explain your observation.
4. Discuss the arrangement of gas particles and sketch the diagram to show
The material making up, plastic bags (polythene bags) determine, how
easily it can be recycled. Some plastics can take years to decompose.
But some companies and stores have begun using different types of
biodegradable bags to avoid environmental pollution. If poorly disposed
plastic pollutes the environment and can easily to ingested by livestock
and wild animals.
From Activity 8.13, you observed that the polythene paper bulged when you
blew air into it. This is because the number of gas molecules increased in the bag
as one blew into it. This demonstrate that gases occupy space. Fig 8.4 shows the
arrangement of gas particles.
Thermal Physics
The distance between the molecules is large (see Fig 8.4) and the force of attraction
between the molecules is very small (almost negligible). These molecules move
about freely in all directions colliding with each other and with the walls of the
container. The movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration to
a region of lower concentration is called diffusion.
Gases can diffuse into each other rapidly, this is because gases are light (less dense)
compared to solid and liquid and that gas particles are smaller.
Gases are compressible (they can be squeezed) into a small volume, like in a car
tyres and bicycle tyres when pumped. This is because they have spaces in between
them (Fig 8.4).
8.2 Exercises
1. Copy and complete the table below by writing Yes or No in the empty spaces.
Physical property Solids Liquids Gases
Can flow
Definite Volume
Can expand to fill available
Definite shape
Can be compressed easily
2. Name these changes of state:
a. From liquid to a solid
b. From gas to solid
c. From solid to liquid
d. From a liquid to a gas
3. For each of the following, state whether they are true or false when a liquid is
a) its molecule move at the same speed
b) evaporation takes place throughout the liquid
c) boiling occurs at all temperatures
4. Explain why it is easier to compress a gas than a liquid
5. Draw diagram showing the arrangement of particles in solids, in liquids and
in gases
Thermal Physics
Unit Test 8
1. Explain why the density of a gas is much less than that of a solid or a liquid.
2. Draw a diagram to show how one air molecule moves in a closed container.
3. Explain why it is easier to compress a gas than a liquid or a solid?
4. State one similarity between particles of a liquid and those of a gas.
5. Describe the difference between solids, liquids, and gases in terms of the
arrangement of the molecules throughout the bulk of the material.
6. Explain why tyres burst when left outside during hot weather?
7. According to the kinetic theory, what is temperature?
8. State and explain two applications of physical properties of solids, liquids and
gases and show how they have improved our lives.
9. Define the following terms:
a) Malleability
b) Viscosity
c) Mixture
d) Ductility
10. Explain how ductility of some solid materials is important to a wire making
Thermal Physics
Unit outline
• Heat as a form of energy.
• Different between heat and temperature.
• Temperature scales.
• Types of thermometers.
• Measurement of temperature of substances.
• Thermal equilibrium.
• Functioning of thermometers.
• Liquid for thermometers.
• Temperature conversion.
• Effect of solutes on boiling points of liquids.
Heat and temperature pervade our lives. Just think about it. We give attention to
hotness and coldness in deciding what to eat or drinking and what to wear during
the day or at night.
Our bodies are highly sensitive to hot and cold environments. We learn very early
in life through the school of pain that we shouldn't touch a hot pot on the stove
or a hot lamp. In the same school, we learnt that we should be careful about
mouthing or tasting hot foods. We also learnt how to use our hands to feel the
heat that emanates from such foods and how to blow gently on them to help cool
the food down.
In this unit, we are going to learn more about temperature and how to measure
it using different instruments.
Thermal Physics
1. Put some ice in a bowl.
2. Feel the bowl with the palm of your hand.
3. Pour hot water into the bowl containing ice.
4. Wait for sometime and again feel the container. What can you conclude?
5. Suggest what temperature and heat energy are and suggest an instrument
used to measure temperature .
6. Present your findings to the whole class.
Heat is a form of energy which passes from a body at high temperature to a body
at low temperature. The SI unit of heat is the joule (J). Temperature is the degree
of hotness or coldness of a body or a place. In Activity 9.1, the fact that the bowl
feels warmer, means that temperature has increased. This suggests that ice and
bowl have gained heat energy. Temperature is measured using a device called
thermometer while heat is measured using thermol imaging (infra-red) instrument.
Materials: Cooking oil, two identical test tubes, two identical thermometers, a
beaker, a stirrer
1. Take equivalent masses of water and cooking oil in two identical test tubes
fitted with two identical thermometers.
2. Place these test tubes in a large beaker containing water (See Fig. 9.1).
Thermal Physics
bunsen stirrer
Fig. 9.1: A set up to investigate the difference between heat and temperature
3. Note the initial temperature of both water and oil in the tubes. Heat the water
in the beaker and make sure that the heat is distributed uniformly by stirring
the water.
4. After sometime, note the temperature of water and oil in the tubes. Are the
two temperatures the same? Explain.
From Activity 9.2, you should have observed that the temperature of water is
lower than that of oil.
When the tubes are heated for the same time, i.e. the same heat energy passes
from the burner to the tubes, both oil and water gain equal amount of heat
energy but are at different temperatures.
Therefore, two substances can have equal heat energy supplied but be at different
1. Conduct a research from the Internet, books and any other relevant reading
materials on:
(a) The different types of temperature scales.
(b) How the scales are graduated.
Thermal Physics
(c) Maximum and minimum temperature values on the scale and how they
are called.
1000C Upper
00C Lower
Fig 9.2: Celsius scale
Thermal Physics
(c) Fahrenheit
This scale uses degree Fahrenheit (°F) as the unit of measuring temperature. Two
values in this scale are fixed such that the temperature at which water freezes
into ice is defined as 32°F and the boiling point of water is defined to be 212°F.
The two have a 180°F separation (under standard atmospheric process) Fig. 9.3
shows a Fahrenheit scale.
2120F Upper fixed point
Fundamental intervals
• The Fahrenheit and Celsius scales coincide at -40
• The relationship above will help us in conversion of temperature scales from
one another.
Thermal Physics
In your discussion in activity 9.4, you should have established the following:
Thermal Physics
In this case; x is any value of temperature in degrees celcius and y is any value of
temperature in Kelvin.
N.B: The lower fixed point (ice point) is the temperature of pure melting ice
at normal atmosphere measure. The upper fixed point (steam point) is the
temperature of pure boiling water at normal atmosphere pressure.
Example 9.1
What is the lower fixed point (L.F.P) in Kelvin?
Example 9.2
Express the room temperature of 27ºC in Kelvin.
To convert ºC to kelvin, add 273.
Therefore, room temperature is (27 + 273)K = 300 K.
Example 9.3
Convert 327 K to degrees celsius.
Thermal Physics
Example 9.4
Convert 42 Fahrenheit to Celsius scale.
5 5
T(ºC) = [T(ºF) – 32] ×
= (42-32) ×
9 9
= 5.56oC
To convert Celsius to Fahrenheit, we multiply by then add 32 i.e.
T(ºF) = T(ºC) × + 32
Example 9.5
Convert 37 degree Celsius to degree Fahrenheit.
9 9
T(ºF) = T(ºC) × + 32 = [37 × ] + 32
5 5
= 98.6 oF
Example 9.6
Convert 22 degree Fahrenheit to Kelvin.
T(K) = (T(ºF) + 459.67) ×
= (22 +459.67) ×
= 481.67 ×
= 267.59 K
Thermal Physics
Example 9.7
Convert 302 Kelvin to Fahrenheit scale.
T(ºF) = T(K) × - 459.67
= 302 × - 459.67
= 543.6 - 459.67
= 83.93 oF
Example 9.8
Convert 35-degree Fahrenheit to degree Reaumur
( ) 9(
F − 32)
= (35− 32)
= ×3
= 1.33 0 R
Thermal Physics
Example 9.9
Convert 503 degree Reaumur to degree Fahrenheit
() 4 ()
T 0F
= 0
Re + 32
=( × 503) + 32
= 1131.75+ 32
= 1163.750F
Example 9.10
Thermal Physics
Example 9.11
convert 1050 Re to Celsius
5 5
T 0C = T 0 Re × = 105× = 131.250 C
() ( ) 4 4
() ( )
T 0 Re = T()
5 K
− 273 ×
() ( )
T 0 Re = T()
5 K
− 273 ×
= (
35 − 273)
=−183.4 0 Re
Example 9.13
5 0 5
°F = 1°R = C= K
9 9
The Fahrenheit and Celsius scales coincide at -40.
Thermal Physics
Exercise 9.1
1. Differentiate between heat and temperature. State their SI units.
2. Describe an experiment to differentiate between heat and temperature.
3. Name two fundamental intervals in a temperature scale.
4. Convert each of the following into kelvin scale.
(a) 34 °C (b) -371 °C (c) 17 °C
5. Convert each of the following into degrees celsius.
(a) 314 K (b) -6 K (c) 273 K (d) 45 K
6. Convert each quantities in question 4 and 5 into:
(a) Degree Fahrenheit.
(b) Degree Reaumur.
Thermal equilibrium is the state achieved when two regions or substances that
are in thermal contact no longer transfer heat between them. Therefore, two
substances in thermal equilibrium are at the same temperature. For example,
when measuring the human body temperature, heat energy is transferred from the
human body to the liquid inside the thermometer until the two (i.e. human body
and thermometer) have the same temperature e.g. 370C in thermal equilibrium.
Thermal Physics
Thermometric substances
From Activity 9.6, you should have established that there are different
thermometric substances used in different thermometers.Their properties changes
uniformly with temperature.
Thermometric properties
Some important characteristics of thermometric substances are:
1. The property should remain constant, if temperature is constant.
2. The property should change uniformly with change in temperature.
3. The property should change uniformly for every 1ºC change in temperature.
4. The property should acquire thermal equilibrium as quickly as possible,
when temperature measurements are needed.
5. The property should cover a wide range of temperatures (should not freeze
or boil at normal temperatures).
6. The property should be able to register the rapid changing temperature.
7. The property should have a large change even if the change in temperature
is small.
Thermal Physics
8. The property should be such that the temperature can be taken easily without
waiting for a long time.
Some of the common thermometric substances used in thermometers include
mercury and alcohol..
Thermal Physics
2. Alcohol can be coloured brightly (by adding a dye, generally red dye). This
makes it clearly visible through glass.
3. Alcohol has a uniform expansion and contraction than mercury.
4. Alcohol is a good thermal conductor; it is also cheap and easily available.
1. Conduct a research from internet or reference books on types of
2. In your research, identify the main features of each thermometer, how it is
calibrated and how it is used to measure temperature of a body or a place.
Materials: Mercury and alcohol - in- glass thermometers, hot water in a beaker
Thermal Physics
1. Hold the thermometers provided to you and note down the following:
(a) The range of their scales.
(b) Minimum and maximum values on the scales.
(c) Some features of the thermometers and suggest some precautions to
be taken when constructing it.
(d) Note the kind of the liquids used.
2. Now, place it in hot water and measure the temperature of the water. Record
down your result.
3. Suggest how the thermometer is used.
Mercury-in-glass thermometer
This thermometer consists of a thin walled bulb, containing mercury and a thin
capillary tube (bore) of uniform cross-sectional area. There is a space above
mercury thread which is usually evacuated to avoid excess of pressure being
developed when mercury expands (Fig. 9.5).
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ˚C
mercury in a bulb
Fig. 9.5: Mercury-in-glass thermometer
Thermal Physics
(c) The thin capillary tube should be of uniform cross-section so that the
mercury level changes uniformly along its length.
The example of mercury in glass thermometer is a laboratory thermometer. When using
it, check its initial reading (room temperature) and ensure that its bulb is in contact with
the substance whose temperature is to be measured.
Alcohol-in-glass thermometer
The alcohol-in-glass thermometer uses coloured alcohol instead of mercury.
Volume of alcohol changes uniformly and easily when heated. The change in
volume of alcohol is about six times more than that of mercury for the same
change in temperature.
The range of temperatures that can be measured with this thermometer is limited,
as alcohol boils at 78ºC. However this thermometer is ideal for measuring low
temperatures since alcohol freezes at –114ºC .
Clinical thermometer
1. Hold the thermometer provided to you and note the following:
(a) the range of the scale.
(b) minimum and maximum values on the scale.
(c) features of the thermometer.
2. Now, note the reading of the thermometer and place it in your armpit for
a couple of minutes.
3. While still in the armpit, note the reading where the liquid becomes steady.
What is the value? Record it down.
Thermal Physics
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 ˚C
Fig. 9.6: Clinical thermometer
When the thermometer is in contact with a human body, mercury in the bulb
expands. It forces its way through the constriction to the narrow bore. When the
thermometer is removed from the body, the mercury in the bulb cools down and
contracts. The mercury thread is broken at the constriction (Fig. 9.7). Hence the
mercury in the tube stays back. The reading of the thermometer on the stem can
be taken without any hurry. After use, the mercury in the tube can be forced
through the constriction back to the bulb by flicking the thermometer vigorously.
The normal human body temperature is 36.9ºC.
Constriction Constriction
Fig. 9.7:Constriction
Constriction of
of a clinical thermometer
clinical thermometer
Thermal Physics
Six's maximum and minimum thermometer is used to measure the maximum and
minimum temperature of a place during a day. It was invented by a physicist called
John Six. The thermometer consists of a U-shaped tube connected to two bulbs.
The U-tube contains mercury. The two bulbs contain alcohol, which occupies the
full volume of one of the bulbs. The other bulb has a space above alcohol. There
are two indices fitted with light fine springs (Fig. 9.8).
When temperature rises, alcohol occupying the full volume of bulb A, expands
and forces mercury in the U-tube to rise on the right hand side. Mercury, in turn,
pushes the index I2 upwards. The maximum temperature can be noted from the
lower end of index I2.
air and alcohol vapour
bulb A
bulb B
alcohol 90
min max
index I2
index I1 30
Thermal Physics
When the temperature falls, alcohol in bulb A contracts. Due to the pressure
difference in the two arms of the U-tube, mercury level will rise on the left hand
side of the U-tube pushing the index I1 upwards. The index I2 on the right hand
side is left behind (held by the fine spring) to register the maximum temperature.
The lower end of index I1, touching the mercury meniscus gives the minimum
The two steel indices can be reset with the help of a magnet.
1. What are the advantages of alcohol thermometer over mercury thermometer?
2. Compare a clinical thermometer and a laboratory thermometer.
Thermal Physics
The point marked is the upper fixed point. Mark it as 100ºC. The temperature of
steam is exactly 100ºC at standard atmospheric pressure (760 mmHg).
Thermometers are calibrated by identifying the fixed points. The fixed points will
help in determining the highest and the lowest values a thermometer can measure.
Fixed point is a single temperature at which a particular physical event always takes
There are two types of fixed points namely: upper fixed point and lower fixed point.
The upper fixed point (steam point) is the temperature of steam above pure boiling
water at normal atmospheric pressure. It takes place at 100°C at sea level.
The lower fixed point (ice point) is the temperature of a pure melting ice at normal
atmospheric pressure. It takes place at 0°C. The different between the lower fixed
point and upper fixed point is called the fundamental interval.
The distance between the two fixed points is divided into 100 equal parts. The scale
obtained is called the centigrade scale, and the thermometer is known as the centigrade
thermometer. Each division on the scale is one degree centigrade (1ºC).
Thermometers may be used to measure unknown temperature as shown below.
The stem of thermometer is y cm long between the upper and lower fixed points. The
mercury thread is x cm above the lower fixed point at the unknown temperature θ.
Thermal Physics
Therefore, θ = x × 100°C
Where θ is the temperature in °C.
Example 9.10
Fig. 9.11, not drawn to scale, shows a mercury-in-glass thermometer where the mercury
level stands at 1 cm mark in the tube at 0˚C.
(a) Calculate the temperature when the mercury level stands at 7.5 cm mark.
(b) Find the mercury level in the thermometer when the temperature is
100˚C 16 cm
x=? 7.5 cm
0˚C 1 cm
0 cm
Thermal Physics
Exercise 9.2
1. Take 500g of pure crushed ice at about –10ºC.
2. Put the ice in a well insulated copper container as shown in Figure 9.12.
3. Record the initial temperature of the ice. Close the switch S and start the stopwatch
at the same time.
To power supply
Cardboard lid
Felt lagging
Copper container
Thermal Physics
Solid ice
10 A
Thermal Physics
Boiling point
To determine the heating curve for pure water
• Round bottom flask • Tripod stand • Thermometer
• An L - shaped delivery tube • Source of heat • Stop watch
• Pure water
1. Take some pure water at room temperature in a glass heating flask and
insert a thermometer as shown in the Fig. 9.14.
Steam escape tube
Round bottomed
Pure water
2. Note the initial temperature of the water. What happens to the temperature
of water in the initial stages?
3. Heat the water steadily and note the temperature at regular intervals of
time. What happens to the mass of water as boiling continues?
4. Continue heating for about 2 to 3 minutes even after the steam is seen to
escape from the steam escape tube.What is the temperature when the steam
is seen to escape from the escape tube? Suggest the meaning of boiling?
5. Record your result in a tabular form as shown in Table 6.9.
Time(s) 0 30 60 90 120 140 160 180
Temp. (0c)
Table 9.2: Relationship between temperature and time
Thermal Physics
6. Plot a graph of temperature against time. Write down your observation from the
graph. Determine the boiling point of water from the graph.
Vapourising water
Temperature / °C
Room 25
temperature A
Thermal Physics
Materials: column flask, thermometer, methyl spirit, water bath, anti- bumping
granules, glass rods, glass wool, Bunsen burner
Safety measures
• Methyl spirit is highly flammable, care must be taken when handling it.
Let your teacher guide you in all steps of this activity.
• Ensure that all glassware is securely clamped.
1. Set-up the micro-fractional column as shown in Fig. 9.16.
pipe t
te pipette
Small bits of
G lawool
ssw o
sm a rod
llb i
Anti-bumping Methylated
M ethylate
dsp ir i
A nti-bump
gran u l
In Activity 9.4, you should have learnt that the water bath is necessary for even
distribution of heat.You must have also discovered that the boiling point of methyl
spirit is about 64.60C.
Thermal Physics
With the Bunsen burner on and a beaker of boiling water on your
ring stand, there are changes to be hurt here.
2. Obtain a test tube with the thermometer frozen into the wax. Lower it into
a beaker of cold tap water.(Fig.9.17)
Test tube
candle wax
Hot water
Thermal Physics
If a graph of temperature (0C) against time t (s) is drawn, we have Fig. 9.18.
Temperature (°C)
time t (s)
Thermal Physics
a. Put some salt water into the beaker. Dip the stirrer and thermometer into
the beaker. Record the temperature using a 1100 C thermometer.
b. Place the beaker and its content onto the stand and place the source of heat
below it as shown in figure below:
d. The temperature reaches a point when the water will start boiling violently.
Record the temperature three times after 30 seconds of intervals.
e. Compare your three readings. What do you notice? What is the name of this
From Activity 9.16, you must have noted that the value at which salt water boils
is higher than that of pure water i.e. more than 100 oC.
We can therefore conclude that solute increases the boiling point of liquids.
Thermal Physics
Excercise 9.3
Thermal Physics
Unit Test 9
1. Define temperature and state its unit.
2. Name four temperature scales and state their fixed points.
3. Explain how one can make a liquid-in-glass thermometer which is sensitive
to a small change of temperature.
4. The normal human body temperature is 37ºC. What is the temperature in
5 Convert each of the following into Fahrenheit.
(a) 273 K (b) 373 K
(c) 100 K (d) 0 K
6. Which of the following statements is NOT true for a clinical thermometer?
It is desirable that a clinical thermometer should;
A. have a very small range
B. be very sensitive
C. take time to acquire its maximum reading
D. retain the reading until shaken
7. What is a thermometer? Name two types of thermometers.
8. Explain the meaning of the following terms: upper fixed point, ice point,
steam point.
9. State three characteristics of a good thermometric substance.
10. State the two special features of a clinical thermometer and explain their
11. State one advantage of an alcohol-in-glass thermometer as compared to
mercury-in-glass thermometer.
12. A faulty thermometer has its fixed points marked 5˚C and 95˚C. What is
the correct temperature in ˚C when this thermometer reads 59˚C?
Thermal Physics
Electricity and Magnetism
UNIT 10 Magnetism
Unit Outline
• Definition of a magnet.
• Magnetic and non-magnetic materials.
• The poles of bar magnet.
• Test for magnetism.
• Types of magnets.
The people of Magnesia in Asia Minor observed that certain kinds of naturally
occurring iron ores possessed an iron-attracting property. The ore was discovered
near the city of Magnesia and hence it was named as Magnetite. Huge lumps
of magnetite were often called lodestone meaning “ leading” stone or natural
magnet. Chemically lodestone consists of iron oxide.
Dr.William Gilbert (1540-1603) did a lot of work with the natural magnets. He
published a book called De magnete in 1600 in which he gave an account of his
research into the magnets and their properties. In one of his works he concluded
that the earth was itself magnetic and that is why compasses point to the north
of the earth.
Activity 10.1
To identify magnets
Electricity and Magnetism
1. Identify a magnet from the materials provided (see Fig. 10.1) and suggest a
reason why you think the material you have identified is a magnet.
(a) `(b) (c)
(d) (e)
Fig. 10.1: Magnetic and non-magnetic materials
From Activity 10.1, you observed that Fig. 10.1 (d) is a magnet. A magnet is a
piece of metal with either natural or induced properties of attracting another metal objects
e.g. steel. It can repel also another magnetic.The common type of a magnet used in
school laboratory is a bar magnet (Fig. 10.1 (d)). We shall learn about types of
magnets later.
Electricity and Magnetism
Activity 10.2
To identify magnetic and non-magnetic substances
Materials: Iron and steel nails, bar magnet, copper metal, cobalt, wood, zinc,
glass rods
1. Place some iron nails on the table. Bring a bar magnet close to the iron
nails and observe what happens. Explain your observations.
2. Repeat the activity with other material such as copper, cobalt, steel, sulphur,
brass, wood, cork, nickel, plastic, pens, wax, zinc, glass rods, carbon,
aluminium, paper, chalk etc.
3. Record your observations in tabular form as shown in Table 10.1.
The results from Table 10.1 shows that some materials are attracted by the bar
magnet while others are not.
The materials which are attracted by a magnet are called magnetic materials while
those which are not attracted are called non-magnetic materials. The magnetic
materials that are strongly attracted by a magnet are called ferromagnetic materials.
These include nickel, iron, cobalt and steel.
Materials that are not attracted by a magnet are called non-magnetic materials.
Examples of non-magnetic materials include copper, brass, aluminium, wood, cork,
plastic etc.
When metals are mixed together, they form alloys. Some alloys are ferromagnetic
materials. An example is Al-ni-co which composed of aluminium (Al), nickel
(Ni) and cobalt (Co) hence the name Al-ni-co. Another example of alloys which
are those composed of nickel, iron, copper, chromium or titanium; they are also
Electricity and Magnetism
1. Dip a bar magnet into the container with iron filings.
2. Remove the magnet from the container. What happens to it? Explain your
3. Suggest the name given to the ends of a magnet.
From Activity 10.3, you must have noted that the iron filings were attracted by a
bar magnet. Most iron filings remained clustered around the ends of the magnet
as shown in Fig. 10.2.
Bar magnet
Iron filings
Iron filings
The ends of a magnet where the attraction is strongest are known as the magnetic
poles. Magnetic poles are the places in a magnet where the total attractive force
seems to be concentrated. A straight line drawn passing through these ends is
called the magnetic axis of the magnet (see Fig. 10.3).
Magnetic pole
ne tic ax
Magnetic pole
Electricity and Magnetism
1. Suspend a bar magnet freely at its centre by a length of a cotton thread
from a support (Fig. 10.4 (a)). Make sure there are no steel or iron objects
near the magnet.
Magnetic meridian Magne
S S ax is
N-S li
Fig. 10.4: A freely suspended magnet.
In Activity 10.4, you observed that the bar magnet swings to and fro and finally
rests in a north-south (N-S) direction of the earth.
The magnet comes to rest with its axis in a vertical plane called the magnetic
meridian (Fig. 10.4 (b)) i.e. a bar magnet rests in a north-south direction.
The pole that points towards the north pole of the earth is called the north seeking
pole or simply the north pole (N). The other pole is called the south seeking pole or
south pole (S).
Electricity and Magnetism
Activity 10.5
To identify the poles of a magnet by colour
(Work in groups)
Materials: A bar magnet, 1 metre long thread
1. Repeat Activity 10.4.
2. Place a compass at a place far away from the suspended bar magnet.
Compare the direction shown by the compass and that of the suspended
bar magnet.
3. Note the pole of the suspended bar magnet that is pointing in the same
direction as north pole or south pole of the magnetic compass. Deduce the
poles of the magnet.
From Activity 10.5, you noted that the pole that points in the direction of the
north of the compass is the north pole and the other pole is the south pole.
In order to easily identify the poles of a magnet, the ends are usually painted in
different colours. For example, the N-pole is painted red while the S-pole is painted
blue or white Fig 10.5 (a). In other cases the whole bar is painted blue with a red
dot or spot on one end to identify the north pole. (See Fig. 10.5 (b)).
(a) (b)
Fig. 10.5: Colours used to identify poles of a bar magnet
Do you know that the blue colour in our national flag symbolises
happiness and peace? Let us always live happily with one another and
keep peace in our beautiful country.
Activity 10.6
To establish the basic law of magnetism
Electricity and Magnetism
1. Suspend a bar magnet using a light cotton thread with its north and south
pole clearly marked.
2. Bring a S-pole of a second bar magnet slowly towards the S-pole of the
suspended magnet. Observe what happens (Fig. 10.6(a)).
3. Repeat the activity using the S-pole of the suspended magnet and the N-pole
of the second magnet (Fig. 10.6 (b)).
(a) (b)
Fig. 10.6: Action of magnets on each other.
4. Repeat using the other poles and record your observation in a tabular form
as shown in table 10.2.
Poles of suspended magnet Pole of second magnet Observation
South South _______________
South North _______________
North South _______________
North North _______________
From Activity 10.6, you must have discovered that a north pole attracts a south
pole, a north pole repels a north pole and a south pole repels a south pole.
Therefore, unlike poles attract each other while like poles repel each other. This is called
the basic law of magnetism.
Electricity and Magnetism
Activity 10.7 To test for polarity of magnets using the basic law of
cotton thread
Electricity and Magnetism
Activity 10.8
To magnetise a piece of iron nail
Materials: A piece of soft iron nail (about 3 inches), about 1 m of thin coated
copper wire, a fresh size D dry cell, iron filing, cello tape.
1. Leave about 15 cm of wire loose at one end and wrap part of the remaining
section of the wire around the nail.
2. Cut the wire (if needed) but ensure that there is at least 15 cm of wire loose
on the other end too.
3. Remove about 2 cm of the plastic coating from each end of the wire. Attach
one end of the wire to terminal of the dry cell, and the other end of the
wire to the other terminal of the battery using a cello tape (Fig 10.8). Be
careful though, the wire might get very hot!
4. Bring one end of the nail near the iron filings.What do you observe? Explain.
5. Disconnect one end of the wire from the dry cell. What happens to the iron
filings? Explain.
6. Repeat the activity by replacing soft iron nail with a steel nail and increase
current by adding more new dry cells to the circuit. What do you observe?
From Activity 10.8, you must have noted that the soft iron nail attracts the iron
filings only when the circuit is complete i.e., when electric current is flowing
through the wire.This shows that the iron nail has become a magnet. This kind of
a magnet which is made by passing current through a coil is called an electromagnet.
Electricity and Magnetism
When the circuit is disconnected, no current will flow in the wire, hence the iron
nail does not attract the iron filings. The electromagnet is a temporary magnet.
When the steel nail was used instead of iron nail and current was increased, the
iron filing did not fall off after being attracted and the circuit disconnected. Hence,
the steel nail has become a permanent magnet.
Therefore,there are two basic types of magnets; permanent and temporary
Materials: Dry cell, iron feelings, cello tape, steel nail, 1 m thin coated copper wire
Repeat steps 1 to 5 of activity 10.8 using a steel nail and iron each at a time.
Explain your observation.
In Activity 10.9, you should have observed that the steel nail retained its magnetism
for a longer time. Permanent magnets are those magnets that retain magnetic
properties for a long time. They are made from hard magnetic materials e.g
steel. An example of naturally occurring permanent magnet is lodestone, which
is composed of a mineral called magnetite.
Other permanent magnets are made from mixing magnetic materials (such
a mixture is known as an alloy). Examples of alloys commonly used to make
permanent magnets are Al-ni-cos i.e iron alloys containing aluminium, nickel,
and cobalt. Steel which is mixture of carbon and iron and materials containing
rare-earth elements like samarium, neodymium or ferrites (an oxide of iron).
Permanent magnets can be made into any shape to fit the usage. They can be made
into round bars, rectangles, horse-shoes, donuts, rings, disks and other custom
shapes. Fig 10.9 shows some permanent magnets named according to their shapes.
Electricity and Magnetism
Fig 10.10 shows a ceramic or magnadur magnet. The poles of ceramic magnet are
at its faces (Fig. 10.10). These types of magnets are stronger than other magnets
of comparable size. They are greyish/black in colour. Magnadur magnets consist
of basically iron oxide and barium oxide.
Electricity and Magnetism
Materials: Dry cell, iron feelings, cellotape, iron nail, 1m thin coated copper wire
Repeat step 1 to 5 of Activity 10.8 using an iron and observe what happens.
Explain your observation.
From Activity 10.10, you should have established that temporary magnets are
those magnets which act as magnets only when there is a flow of electric current
or a presence of a permanent magnet. They loose magnetism when the permanent
magnet is removed or electric current is cut off. Some may retain weak magnetic
properties. They are made using soft magnetic materials like soft iron, iron-silicon
alloys and iron-nickel alloys. An example of temporary magnet is an electromagnet.
A simple electromagnet is made by winding a wire carrying current round a soft
magnetic material and then connecting the wire in a simple circuit.
Uses of temporary magnets
Electromagnets are used in motors, loud speakers, telephone, earphones and
among other devices.
Exercise 10.1
Electricity and Magnetism
1. Place a bar magnet on a table.
2. Pass the magnetic compass over the bar magnet and observe what happens.
Explain your observation.
3. Now, move the magnetic compass along the sides of the bar magnet. What
did you observe? Discuss your observation to your class partner.
In Activity 10.11, you should have observed that in steps 2 and 3 when the
magnetic compass was placed near the bar magnet, its direction changes. This
shows that there is a magnetic effect in the region around the magnet. In this
region, there exist magnetic force of attraction and repulsion. This space or region
is called magnetic field, and is represented by the lines of force called magnetic
field lines. These field lines forms a pattern called magnetic field pattern.
Drawing magnetic field pattern round a magnet
Electricity and Magnetism
In Activity 10.12, you observed that the iron filings are attracted by the magnet,
since there is a magnetic effect in the region around the magnet. The pattern
displayed by the iron filings represents the magnetic lines of force.
Fig.10.12 shows the photograph and magnetic field lines of the iron filings
arrangement around a bar magnet. Note that the lines do not cross each other.
(a) (b)
Fig. 10.12: Magnetic field lines around a bar magnet
When the two north poles or north and south pole are placed close to each other
and the steps 1 to 3 repeated, the pattern displayed is as shown in Fig 10.13(a)
and (b) respectively.
(a) (b)
Fig. 10.13: Magnetic field patterns
Note that magnetic field lines originate from the north pole of a magnet
to the south pole.
Electricity and Magnetism
Unit Test 10
1. State two properties of a magnet.
2. State the basic law of magnetism.
3. Name four types of magnets according to shapes.
4. Describe an experiment to explain the existence of magnetic poles.
5. Explain what would happens to a U-shaped magnet if it is freely suspended
as shown in Fig. 10.15.
6. What is the main difference between a ceramic magnet and a bar magnet?
7. You have been provided with the following;
(a) a rod labelled S, which is a magnetic material.
(b) a rod labelled N, which is a non-magnetic material.
Explain how you would identify them.
8. The magnets shown in Fig. 10.16, pole B attracts pole
P and pole Q attracts pole X. If pole Y is South pole:. Fig. 10.15: U-shaped magnet
Electricity and Magnetism
Unit outline
• Types of electrostatic charge and SI unit of charge.
• Method of charging bodies.
• Laws of electrostatic charge and Coulomb’s law.
• Insulators and conductors.
• Electric field and electric potential.
• Distribution of electric charges on metallic conductors.
• Application of electrostatic charges.
You may have observed the following phenomena:
1. Sometimes one can get a shock when getting out of a car or touching the
metal knob of the door.
2. Dust particles stick to a window pane when the pane is wiped with a dry
cloth on a dry day.
3. A metal chain is usually attached to the trucks carrying petrol or other
inflammable materials.
You might have also experienced crackles and sparks that accompany taking off
clothes made of materials like nylon, polyster.
These and many more experiences are as a result of electrostatic phenomena. The
physics behind these observations will be clear after going through this unit.
Electricity and Magnetism
In activity 11.1, you should have observed that nothing happens when the comb
was brought near the stream of water at first. When rubbed through hair, and
brought near the stream, the water bends towards the comb (Fig. 11.1).
Electricity and Magnetism
In activity 11.2, you must have observed that the balloon doesn’t stick to the wall
in the first step. However, after it was rubbed against the hair, it stuck to the wall.
In general, when a material of one kind is rubbed with some other material, both
materials get charged by friction. Where do the charges come from? A simple idea
of the structure of an atom will enable us to understand the mechanism of charging.
In Unit 8, we learnt that matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms. For a
long time, scientists thought that the atoms were the smallest building blocks of
matter and that they could not be subdivided further. However, in 1897, a new
particle smaller than an atom was discovered. It was called electron. Later, other
particles called protons and neutrons were discovered. Today we have a better picture
of the atom than in 19th century.
An atom is made up of two parts: a central core called the nucleus, and outer
orbits where electrons go round the nucleus. The nucleus contains protons and
neutrons closely and tightly packed (Fig. 11.2). The electrons are extremely light
compared to protons and neutrons. They carry a negative charge. Protons carry
a positive charge. Neutrons carry no charge. The number of protons and electrons
in an atom are equal and hence an atom is electrically neutral.
Electricity and Magnetism
orbit of an electron
Therefore, a charge can be defined as a characteristic of matter that express the extent
to which it has more or fewer electrons than protons and vice versa.
The SI unit of quantity of charge is the coulomb (C), named after a famous scientist
called Charles Augustin de Coulomb (1736-1806).
The knowledge we have learnt about protons and electrons in an atom is used to
explain how a body is charged.
We conclude that there are two types of static charges: positive charges and negative
Materials: A pen made of plastic material and some small pieces of paper or tissue
1. Take a pen near to small pieces of paper or tissue. What do you observe?
2. Now, rub the pen on your hair and take it near to the small pieces of paper
or tissue. What do you observe in this case? Explain your observation.
3. Place the pen near to your arm and observe how your hair on your arms
behave. Why do you think the hair behaved the way it does ?
4. Discuss your observations and thoughts in steps 1, 2 and 3 to your colleagues
in class.
In activity 11.3, you should have observed that, nothing happens when the pen
was brought near the small pieces of paper in the first step. However, in the second
step, the pen attracted pieces of paper when it was rubbed against the hair. This
is because it got charged i.e gained charges that are opposite to that on pieces of
When the charged pen was brought near the hair of your hand, the hair was seen
bending to the opposite side. This is because of the repulsion force between the
charged pen and hair. This indicates that the two (charged pen and hair) have
similar charges on them.
Electricity and Magnetism
In general, when two materials are rubbed against each other, the heat energy
developed due to friction, can move some of those loosely held electrons from one
material and transfer them to the other i.e. the electrons may be rubbed off from one
material to the other because in some materials, the electrons are not tightly bound
to the nucleus.
Materials like polythene gain electrons from flannel cloth (cotton wool) when
rubbed and become negatively charged. Flannel cloth loses electrons and becomes
positively charged (Fig. 11.3).
Materials like glass lose electrons when rubbed with silk cloth or far and become
positively charged. The silk material gains electrons and becomes negatively
charged (Fig. 11.4).
Electricity and Magnetism
• The quantity of charge produced in some cases may be small and in some
cases the charges may escape before they are detected.
A dry atmosphere and a clean dry state of the body Polythene
are essential for holding the electrical charges. Ebonite
Experiments shows that the nature of charge on a rubbed Silk
substance depends upon the nature of the rubbing material. Flannel or wool
From experience, physicists have classified the substances Glass
in a particular order. The list in Table 11.1 shows such a Fur
classification where the substance higher in the list acquires
a negative charge while the lower one acquires a positive Table 11.1: Classification
charge. The table only covers some commonly used of substances
Example 11.1
Polythene is rubbed with wool. What charge does:
(a) polythene acquire?
(b) wool acquire?
(a) Polythene acquires negative charge because polythene is higher in the list
than wool.
(b) Wool acquires a positive charge.
Example 11.2
Glass is rubbed with silk. What charges do the two materials acquire?
Glass is lower in the list than silk. Therefore, glass acquires positive charge while silk
acquires a negative charge.
• Insulated uncharged metal sphere • Glass rod
• Conducting wire • Polythene rod
Electricity and Magnetism
1. Rub a glass rod with silk cloth. What type of charges does it acquire?
2. Bring the charged glass rod close to but not touching the insulated
uncharged metal sphere (Fig. 11.5 (a)).
conductor conducting
free electron
glass rod
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 11.5: Charging a conductor by induction method
3. Touch the metal sphere with a conducting wire on the opposite side and
connect the wire to the ground (Fig. 11.5 (b)). What do we call this process?
4. While holding the glass rod near the space, withdraw the conducting wire
first then the glass rod (Fig. 11.5 (c)).
5. Bring charged polythene and glass rods in turns close but not touching the
sphere (Fig 11.5 (d). Observe and explain what happens.
6. Touch the conductor and repeat step 5 above.
7. Discuss your observations and report your findings to the whole class.
From your discussion, you should have established that the glass rod becomes
positively charged when rubbed against silk cloth. When the rod was brought
near the insulated conductor, the negative charges on the the conductor were
attracted while the positive ones were repelled (Fig. 11.5(a))The process is called
electrostatic induction.
When the sphere was earthed (connected to the ground with the wire) the negative
Electricity and Magnetism
charges moved from the earth into the sphere and neutralised the positive charges
on the sphere (Fig. 11.5 (b)).
When the rod was removed, the negative charges redistributed themselves
uniformly on the surface of the conductor (Fig. 11.5 (c)).
In step 5, you should have established that the conductor has been charged.
The charge on the conductor is opposite to that of the charged glass rod. This is
because it attracts the glass rod (positively charged) and it repels the polythene
rod (negatively charged). On touching the conductor after it had been charged
(step 6), it got discharged (negative charges on it moved to the ground) hence
could not attract nor repel the charged rods again.
This method of charging objects is called induction method. The charge acquired
by the conductor being charged is opposite to that of the charging rod.
1. Using the same materials used in Activity 11.4 (b), bring a charged glass
rod in contact with uncharged conductor and observe what happens
(Fig. 11.6(a)).
2. Remove the charged glass rod (Fig. 11.6 (b)).
3. Bring the charged glass rod and polythene rod in turns close to the
conductor and observe what happens. (Fig 11.6(c)).
4. Have a discussion on your observation in steps 1 and 3. Note down your
5. Have a class presentation on your findings.
charged rod
insulated stand
(a) (b)
Electricity and Magnetism
charged charged
polythene glass rod
Fig. 11.6: Charging by contact method
In Activity 11.5, you should have observed that the conductor is attracted by the
polythene rod and repelled by the glass rod.
When a positively charged glass rod is brought in contact to the conductor, it neutralizes
the negative charges on the conductor and repel the positive charge away from the
side of the glass rod (Fig. 11.6(a)).
When the positively charged glass rod is removed (contact broken), the positive
charges on the conductor repel each other and spread throughout its body, hence the
conductor becomes positively charged.
The positively charged conductor repel the glass rod and attracts polythene rod when
they are brought close to it one at a time.
Therefore, the conductor becomes charged by contact method. The charge on the ball
is the same as the charge on the charged glass rod (charging rod).
Activity 11.6
To charge a body by separation method
• Two metal spheres (A and B) • Polythene rod
1. Place two metal spheres on insulating stands in contact with each other
(Fig. 11.7 (a)).
2. Bring a charged polythene rod close but not touching sphere A
(Fig. 11.7(b)).
3. Move sphere B away while holding the charged polythene rod in position
so as to break the contact (Fig. 11.7(c)).
4. Remove the polythene rod (Fig. 11.7(d))
Electricity and Magnetism
5. Test the two spheres (A and B) using the negatively charged polythene rod
and observe what happens.
6. Hold a discussion on your observations in step 5.
sphere B
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 11.7: Charging by separation method
In Activity 11.6 before,the polythene rod was brought near spheres (Fig. 11.7(a)),
the positive and negative charges were balanced in each sphere hence the spheres
were uncharged (neutral).
When the polythene was brought closer to the two spheres, charge separation
occur i.e. negative charges from both spheres were repelled to sphere B and
positive charges from both spheres were attracted to sphere A.When the spheres
were separated, positive charges remained in sphere A and negative charges in
sphere B. When the charged polythene rod was removed, the charges distributed
themselves uniformly on the sphere. A negatively charged rod would be attracted
by sphere A and repelled by sphere B.
Electricity and Magnetism
charged ebonite rod
In activity 11.7, you must have observed that the charged polythene rod repels the
charged ebonite rod. This shows that there is a force of repulsion between the two
rods with the same charges.
Therefore, two materials repels each other if they have same charges.
Electricity and Magnetism
2. Bring the two suspended rods close to each other and observe what happens
(Fig. 11.9).
3. Discuss the observations you made in case 2 and 3 and deduce a general
law of electrostatic.
front view
In activity 11.8, you should have observed that the two positively charged glass
rods move away from each other. This shows that the glass rods repelled each other.
Therefore, like charges or similar charges repel each other.
1. Repeat Activity 11.7 by taking a charged glass rod near one end of the
suspended charged ebonite rod and observe what happens this time (Fig.
2. Discuss your observations in case 1 with your colleague.
charged glass
Electricity and Magnetism
In your discussion, you should have noted that the charged glass rod attracts the
charged ebonite rod.
This activity show that the charges on polythene and glass are unlike. Hence, we
conclude that unlike charges attract each other.
Materials: Glass rod, ebonite rod, silk, thread, pieces of papers, polythene rod
1. Rub both the glass and ebonite rods with a silk cloth.
2. Bring each rod at a time to near the pieces of paper. What do you observe?
3. Suspend one rod with a string and bring the other one close to it. What do
you observe?
4. Suspend the glass rod and ebonite rod with a stirrup (support) and thread.
5. Charge a polythene rod by rubbing it with silk, pass it over the pieces of
paper and bring it near the suspended ebonite rod and then to the glass
rod. What do you observe?
6. Discuss you observations in steps 2, 3 and 5 with your partner and then report to
the whole class.
In Acivity 11.10, you should have observed that both the ebonite and glass rods
attracted the pieces of paper because they were charged. They attracted each other
because they were oppositely charged by friction. i.e negatively and positively
Electricity and Magnetism
When the negatively charged polythene rod attracted pieces of papers and the
positively charged glass rod but, repelled the ebonite.
From this Activity it is clear that:
• Attraction occurs when a charged body is brought either near an uncharged
body or near an oppositely charged object.
• Repulsion only occurs between two like charged bodies.
• Uncharged bodies are not repelled by charged bodies.
This why repulsion, is the best test to confirm that a body is charged.
The summary from Activities 11.12 and 11.13 actually leads to coulomb’s law.
The law was first developed by a French physicist called Charles Augustin de
Coulomb and it states that:
Two electrically charged bodies experience an attractive or repulsive force F, which
is inversely proportional to the square of the distance(d) between them and directly
proportional to the product of their electric charges Q1 and Q2, that is:
F α Q1. Q2
Q1 .Q2
Removing the proportionality sign, we introduce in a constant k
Therefore, force becomes
Q1 .Q2
F=k d2
Where, the constant, k = 1 and is equal to 8.988 × 109 Nm2c–2. A covenient
Electricity and Magnetism
Materials: Two identical polythene rods A and B, one perspex rod C, two clamps
and stands.
1. Charge polythene rod A strongly by rubbing it with a piece of dry cloth and
suspend it on a stand Fig. 11.12 (a).
2. Charge polythene rod B lightly by rubbing it with a piece of dry cloth and
suspend it on a stand Fig. 11.12 (b).
3. Charge perspex rod C strongly by rubbing it with a piece of dry cloth. Bring
the charged perspex rod in turns near the suspended polythene rods A and
B. Compare the magnitudes of the force of attraction in both cases. What
do you observe?
Rod B
Rod A
Rod C Rod C
(a) (b)
Fig. 11.12: Effect of magnitude of a force
In Activity 11.12, you should have observed that there is a strong force of attraction
between rods A and C than between rods B and C.
Therefore, the electrostatic force between two charged objects depends on the
quantity of the charge on the two objects. The greater the quantities of charge on the
two objects, the greater the force between them.
Electricity and Magnetism
1. Use the set-up in Fig 11.12 (a) to carry out this activity.
2. Bring the charged perspex rod C very close to the suspended charged
polythene rod A. Observe the strength of the force of attraction between
the two rods (Fig 11.13(a)).
3. Bring the charged Perspex C near the suspended charged polythene rod
A, a distance far than in step 2 (See Fig 11.13(b)). Observe the strength
of the force of attraction between the two rods. What do you notice?
charged charged
polythene rod A polythene rod
perspex rod C perspex rod C
motion motion
(a) Charges close (b) Charges
far apart
Fig. 11.13: Effect of separation distances on the magnitude of force
4. Hold a discussion on your observations and summarise your discussion by
pointing out the effect of separation distance on the magnitude of a force
between two charged objects.
5. Give a report to the whole classs on your findings.
In Activity 11.13, you should have observed that there is a stronger force of attraction
between rods A and C when the separation distance between them is short and vice
Therefore, electrostatic force between two charged objects depends on the separation
distance between the two charged objects. The greater the distance, the smaller the
force and vice versa.
We can summarise from the Activities 11.12 and 11.13 above that the magnitude of
the force between two charged objects depends on:
• The quantity of charge – the greater the quantity of charge, the greater the
force between the two objects.
• The distance of separation – the greater the distance, the smaller the force.
Electricity and Magnetism
Exercise 11.1
1. State two types of charges.
2. State the basic law of electrostatics.
3. State the SI unit of charge.
4. Mary rubbed a pen (biro) with a handkerchief and held it near a stream
of water running slowly from a tap. She observed that the stream of water
curved and followed the movement of the charged pen. When she touched
the water with the pen, the curving stopped. Explain these observations.
Example 11.3
Suppose two point charges each with a charge of +1.0 C are separated by a distance
of 1m. Determine the magnitude of the electrostatic force between them. Is the
force attractive or repulsive? (k = 9 × 109 Nm2c–2).
Data given
Q1 = +1.0 C, Q2 = +1.0 C, d = 1 m
Q1 .Q2 9 ×109 × 1.0 × 1.0
Since, F = k = then,
d2 12
F = 9 × 109 N. The force is repulsive since it is from two similar charges.
Materials: a metal sphere, insulating stand, glass rod, cotton cloth, stand and
clamp copper wire, stick, fingers, paper strip, nail, plastic strip.
1. Suspend the glass rod with a string on the clamp. Charge the rod positively by
rubbing it with the cloth.
2. Place the metal sphere on the insulating stand and charge it positively by rubbing
it with the cloth.
3. Bring the metal sphere near the suspended charged glass rod and observe what
happens to the rod (Fig 11.14 (a).
Electricity and Magnetism
5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 several times, each time holding a different material (copper
wire, stick, papers tick and so on), and using it to touch the surface of the charged
metal sphere. Note down the observation in each case.
6. Group the materials that lead to the same observation. How many categories
of materials do you get based on the observations. Suggest the names of the
In Activity 11.14, you should have observed that the positively charged metal
sphere repelled the suspended positively charged glass rod before being touched
with any of the materials. When the charged sphere was touched with the hand
negative charges moved from the ground through your body and finger to the
sphere neutralizing it. Therefore, the sphere could not repel the suspended rod.
This shows that the human body is a good conductor of charge.
Similarly, when the charged sphere was touched with the copper wire, and nail,
it also got discharged and could not repel the suspended rod. This shows that the
copper wire, and nail are good conductors of charge.
However, when the charged sphere was touched with the stick, paper strip and
plastic strip, it still repelled the suspended rod meaning that it was not discharged.
This shows that negative charges were not able to flow through these materials
to the metal sphere. Thus, the stick, paper strip and plastic strip are insulators.
Let us now discuss conductors and insulators in details.
These are materials which allow the flow of charges (electrons) through them.
They are made of atoms whose outer electrons in the atoms loosely bound and
free to move through the material. Some examples include; copper, aluminium,
gold, silver, water, aqueous solutions of salts and graphite. Human body, and living trees
are also conductors.
If a charged conductor is touched with another object, the conductor can transfer
its charge to that object.The transfer of charge between objects occurs more readily
if the second object is made of the same material as the conductor.
They are materials which do not allow free flow of electric charges (electrons)
from within them. Examples include most non-metals glass, porcelain, plastic, dry
air, paper, rubber, styrofoam, mica and so on.
If charges are transferred to an insulator at a given location, the excess charges
will remain at the initial location of charging.
Insulators play a critical role in real life. For example, conductors e.g electric
cables are usually covered with insulators to protect us from electric shock.
Electricity and Magnetism
In Activity 11.15, you should have observed that the pen did not attract the pieces
of paper when it was very far from them, but it attracted them when it was at
the region near them. The region around a charge where the electrostatic force
attraction or repulsion is experienced is called an electric field.
The electric field around a charged object is represented by lines showing the
direction in which the electrostatic forces act. These lines of force are called electric
field lines as shown in Fig. 11.11
Electricity and Magnetism
The electric fields move away from a positive point charge and into the negative point
Electric field strength (E) is defined as the force per unit charge. It’s given as;
E= Q
Where Q is the charge, and F is the force acting on the charge. Its SI units are
or NC-1.
1. Conduct a research from internet and reference books on how charges
are distributed on a conductor.
2. In your research, also find out:
(a) What a proof plane is and its uses.
(b) The meaning of the charge density.
3. Compare and discuss your findings in step 1 and 2 with other groups in
your class.
Electricity and Magnetism
Part II
1. Charge the spherical, oval and sharp pointed conductors by any one of the
methods of charging described earlier.
2. Press the proof plane into contact with various places on the surface of the
conductors each at a time at, and then transfer the charge to the gold leaf
electroscope. What do you observe on the divergence of the gold leaf?
Proof plane
handle ++ + +
++ +
+ +
Metal + +
+ +
Charged disc +
sphere + +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
++ +
+ + +
(a) (b)
Fig 11.22: Distribution of charges on a sphere
Electricity and Magnetism
Proof plane
Pear-shaped conductor
+ + + + + + + +
+ + ++
+ +
+ + + + + +
+ + + + +
Insulated stand
(c) (d)
In activity 11.17, the cloth acquired a charge and of equal magnitude but opposite
to that acquired by the rod. This shows that if an object (or part of the object)
gains a charge, another object must have lost the charge. The net charge of an
isolated system remains constant.
The law of conservation of charge simply states that electric charge can neither be
destroyed nor created.
Electricity and Magnetism
Charge can only be transferred from object to object, but it cannot be created
or destroyed.
Other examples involving conservation of charge
1. If you rub a comb through your hair, it will become negatively charged.
The only way for this to happen is for your hair to also become positively
charged. So if the comb’s charge becomes -1μC the charge in your hair
must become +1μC .
2. Rubbing a rubber rod with animal fur. The system is made up of rubber
rod and fur. At first the total charge of the system is zero (that is each
object has equal numbers of electrons and protons in their atoms) before
rubbing. When rubbed, the rubber rod acquires negative charges by gaining
electrons from the fur, leaving the fur becomes positively charged. So the
total charge of the system is zero.
Note; the only way to change the net charge of a system is to bring in a charge
from elsewhere or remove the charge from the system.
For instance, two identical metal spheres are charged, sphere A has a net charge
of +7 C sphere B has -3 C. The spheres are brought together, allowed to touch
and then separated. What is the net charge on each sphere now?
When the spheres are touched the net charge (+4 C) will spread out evenly over
the two spheres, each sphere will have a net charge of +2C on separation.
Exercise 11.2
1. What is meant by ‘charging by induction’?
2. Three metallic spheres A, B and C are mounted on insulated stands. Sphere
A is positively charged. Using illustrations, describe how you can use the
positively charged sphere A, to charge both spheres B and C negatively at
once by induction.
3. Explain how a charged body attracts a neutral material.
4. (a) State four differences between charging by induction and charging by
(b) State and explain two ways of discharging a charged plate.
(c) Describe how to charge two conductors positively by induction.
5. Determine the electrical force of attraction between two balloons with
separate charges of +3.5 × 10-8 C and -2.9 × 10-8 C when separated a distance
of 0.65 m.
6. Two balloons with charges of +3.37μC and -8.2μC attract each other with
a force of 0.0626 N. Determine the distance between the two balloons.
Electricity and Magnetism
7. A balloon with a charge of 4μC is held a distance of 0.7 m from the second
balloon with the same charge. Calculate the magnitude of the repulsive force.
8. Fig. 11.24 shows a model of a lady’s head having nylon hair. When the hair
is charged by combing with a dry plastic comb,
it spreads out as shown.
(a) Explain the appearance of the hair.
(b) State the factors that affect the
magnitude of the force between two
9. Draw and show how charges are distributed on
the surfaces of the metallic conductors with the
Fig. 11.16
following shapes.
(a) Spherical (b) Triangular
(c) circular (d) Oval shaped
In Activity 11.18, you should have observed that when the mirror was rubbed
within a dry cloth, it got charged by friction hence attracted the chalk dust
particles. This is why most window glasses are usually dusty. The following are
some other effects of electrostatics:
Electricity and Magnetism
1. One gets a shock on touching the metal knob of the door of a car while
getting out of the car. Electric charges build up on the surface of a car due to
friction with the road as well as with the air molecules. When the metal knob
is touched, charges flow from the knob to the earth through the person. The
discharging of the charges on the surface of the car through the person gives
a shock. If a metal chain is attached to the car on the outside, the charges
can pass easily to the earth and the charges cannot build up.
It is for this reason that metal chains are attached to a petrol tanker. If large
charges are allowed to pile up on the tanker, even a small spark produced
can cause a fire and the tanker can explode.
2. When a mirror is cleaned with a dry cloth, both the mirror and the cloth get
charged due to friction. The charged mirror acquires the attractive property.
Dust, thin hair or fluffs can therefore stick to the mirror.
3. Cars are painted using a spray gun. The car is usually earthed and the paint
droplets coming out of the spray gun are given a positive charge. The car
attracts these charged droplets of paint uniformly.
4. Dust and smoke particles are extracted from the inside of the chimney
by electrostatic attraction. This reduces the air pollution which is a health
5. Electrostatic induction is used in the photocopying machines.
6. Though rubber is an insulator, special materials called conductive rubber
is used to make aeroplane tyres. The conductive rubber tyres reduce the
risk of an explosion during refuelling the aircraft. When the metal sprout of
the fuel pipe touches the petrol tank sparks can be produced leading to an
Electricity and Magnetism
Electricity and Magnetism
Unit Test 11
1. When do we say that a body is negatively charged?
2. (a) What is meant by ‘charging by contact’?
(b) What is earthing?
(c) What happens during earthing if an object is:
(i) negatively charged?
(ii) positively charged?
(d) Why is it not possible to charge a metal rod held in the hand by rubbing
with a cloth?
3. A plastic rod is rubbed with a dry cloth and becomes positively charged.
Explain why the rod become positively charged?
4. A glass rod is rubbed with silk. Explain how both the silk and the rod
acquire charges.
5. What does the study of electrostatics deal with?
6. What is an electroscope?
7. State the law of electrostatic. Explain the law with a suitable example.
8. Two balloons inflated with air are tied with strings and held 1 metre apart.
Both the balloons are rubbed with fur. Why do the balloons move apart when
brought close together?
9. When a charged rod is held close to a metal sphere placed on an insulated
stand, the charge distribution on the sphere is as shown in Fig. 11.27
metal sphere
charged rod
Fig. 11.17:Charge distribution on a sphere
Electricity and Magnetism
(c) Explain why the far side of the metal sphere has a positive charge.
(d) What happens to the charges on the metal sphere, if the charged rod
is moved away from the sphere?
10. A container with dry chalk powder
is covered with a clean glass plate. glass plate
Electricity and Magnetism
13. Copy the following diagrams and show the charge on each metal sphere
placed on insulated stands (Fig. 11.31).
insulated stand
(a) Two spheres touching each other (b) Sphere B is moved away from A
UNIT 12 Current Electricity (I)
Unit Outline
• Simple electric circuit and its components.
• Electric current.
• Electric potential difference.
• Measurement of current and voltage.
• Ohm's law.
• Electrical energy and power.
• Effect of electric current.
• Safety precautions to observe when handling electrical applications.
One of the most convinient types of energy is electrical energy. It has played a vital
part in making our lives easier. We use electrical energy in lighting, heating and
operating devices like television sets, radios, telephones, computers and electrical
train. In this unit, we shall take a closer look at current electricity and find out
its effects and safety precautions to be taken while using it.
• Switch • Dry cell • Bulb in a bulb holder
• Cell holder • Two connecting wires
Electricity and Magnetism
4. Use the second wire to connect the other end of the dry cell to the bulb
through a switch (Fig. 12.1).
1.5 V cell
5. Close and open the switch in turn. What happens to the bulb? Explain your
From Activity 12.1, you must have observed that when the switch is closed, the
bulb lights.
The cell provides electrical energy needed to light the bulb. The bulb converts
electrical energy into light and heat energy. A cell is a kind of a ‘pump’ which
provides electrical energy needed to drive charges along a complete path formed
by the wire through the bulb switch and back again to the cell. This complete
path along which the charges flow is called electric circuit.
When the switch is open, the bulb does not light. This is called an open circuit.
When the bulb lights the circuit is called closed circuit.
Electricity and Magnetism
+ – Small source of electric energy.
+ –
Battery Large source of electric energy.
The simple electric circuit in Fig. 12.1 can be drawn using symbols as shown in
Fig. 12.2.
+ –
• Lemon • Zinc plate or rod
• Copper plate or rod • Connecting wires with clips
• Milliameter or galvanometer • Knife
Electricity and Magnetism
1. Cut two small slits on the skin of the lemon.
2. Push the copper and zinc plates into the slits. Make sure the plates do not
touch each other.
3. Connect each plate to the milliameter using connecting wires as shown in
Fig. 12.3.
Observe what happens to the pointer of the milliameter. Suggest a reason for
your observation.
The set up of the lemon, the metal plates and connecting wires make up a simple
electric cell that generates some electric current. The electric current produced
makes the pointer of the milliameter to deflect.
• Zinc plate • Copper plate
• Dilute sulphuric acid • A bulb
• Connecting wires
Electricity and Magnetism
1. Dip the zinc and copper plates into a beaker containing dilute sulphuric acid
as shown in Fig. 12.4.
Electrolyte e
2. Connect the two plates to a bulb and observe what happens to the bulb
immediately it is connected.
3. Suggest how a simple cell works.
In Activity 12.3, you must have observed that when the bulb is connected, it lights
brightly before diming down slowly after sometime.
A simple electric cell consists of two different metal plates called electrodes and
a conducting liquid called electrolyte. In activity 12.3, the zinc and copper plates
are the electrodes while sulphuric acid is the electrolyte. When the two plates
are dipped in the electrolyte and then connected through a wire, the electrolyte
creates a negative charge in the zinc plate. The electrons move from the zinc plate
through the wire and bulb to the copper plate.The electric current produced by
the flow of electrons makes the bulb to light.
An example of an enhanced simple cell is the dry Leclanche cell that we use in
our torches, radios and cameras. Fig 12.5 shows an example of a dry cell.
Electricity and Magnetism
A battery
Activity 12.4
To demonstrate how a battery works
• Two lemons • Two zinc plates or rod
• Two copper plates or rod • Connecting wires with clips
• Milliameter or galvanometer • Knife
1. Repeat Activity 12.2 and observe the extent of the milliameter pointer.
2. Now connect another one lemon in series with the first one as shown in Fig.
12.6. Observe the extent of the milliameter pointer.
3. Compare the deflection of the pointer when two lemon simple cells are used
in step 2 and when one was used in step 1. What do you notice? Draw a
conclusion for this observation.
When two or more simple electric cells are connected in series (positive terminal
to negative terminal), they constitute a battery. The electric current produced by
the battery is more than that produced by one cell.
An example of a practical battery is a car battery shown in Fig. 12.7.
Electricity and Magnetism
Fig. 12.8 shows the symbol for a battery in a circuit as used in a circuit diagram.
+ –
Exercise 12.1
• Straw • Beaker with water
1. Make a rectangular shape using a straw as shown in Fig. 12.10
Electricity and Magnetism
2. Pour some water to one opening of the straw and rise it slightly. What do you
observe? Explain.
3. Using the analogue of water in step 2, discuss in your group how electric
charges flow in an electric circuit.
Be responsible
From step 2 in Activity 12.5, you should have observed that water come out from
the other opening of the straw because the water is flowing through it. Similarly
electric charges flow through an electric circuit.
In an electric circuit, bulbs light because charges (electrons) flow through them.
The rate of flow of charges from one point to the other in an electric circuit is
called an electric current. i.e
The unit of quantity of charge is the coulomb, C. The unit of time is the second (s).
Then the unit of current, I, is the coulomb per second (C/s). 1 coulomb per second
is also called 1 ampere (A). The SI unit of electric current is the ampere (A).
Electricity and Magnetism
+ –
direction Flow of electrons
of current
Example 12.1
Calculate the amount of charge that passes through a point in a circuit in 3
seconds, if the current in the circuit is 0.5 A.
Charges Q = It
= 0.5 A × 3 s = 1.5 C
Example 12.2
How long would it take for a charge of 1.2 C to flow when a current of 0.01 A is
flowing in a circuit?
From Q = It, we make, t, the subject of the formular
Q 1.2 C
t= = 0.01A = 120 seconds or 2 minutes
Example 12.3
Find the amount of current passing through a lamp, if 600 Coulomb of charge
flows through it in 4 minutes.
Q = It. We make, I, the subject of the formula.
Q 600 C
I= = (4 × 60)s = 2.5 A
Electricity and Magnetism
• Digital ammeter • Analogue ammeter
1. Study the instruments given to you. What is the name of the instrument?
2. Note the range of their scales.
3. Suggest what the apparatus is used for.
In your discussion, you should have identified the instruments as ammeters. They
are used to measure electric current in a complete electric circuit. Fig. 12.12(a)
shows an analogue multiammeter. It has two positive terminals and one negative
terminal. Fig. 12.12 (b) shows a digital ammeter.
0 – 5A
(Upper scale)
0 – 1A
(Lower scale)
0 – 200 mA
An analogue ammeter may have more than one scale (Fig. 12.12(a)). The
magnitude of the current determines the scale to be used.
Smaller currents are measured in milliamperes (mA) and microamperes ( A).
1 mA = 1 000 A = 1 10-3 A, 1 A = 1 10-6 A.
Fig. 12.13 shows the symbol of an ammeter.
Electricity and Magnetism
• An ammeter • A bulb • Connecting wire
• A switch • A dry cell
1. Discuss in your group, how an ammeter is connected in an electric circuit.
2. Connect the circuit as shown in Fig. 12.14.
+ –
ammeter A
3. Close the switch and observe what happens to both the bulb and the pointer of
the analogue ammeter. In case of the digital ammeter, observe what happens to
the display on the screen?). Suggest a reason for this.
4. Repeat the activity but connect the ammeter to the right of the bulb as shown
in Fig. 12.15. Observe what happens to the bulb and the ammeter reading.
Explain your observations to others.
+ –
Fig. 12.15: An ammeter connected to the right of the bulb
You should have established that an ammeter is connected in series with the circuit
components through which current is to be measured. In step 1, the bulb lights
and the ammeter records some reading. The same is observed when the bulb and
ammeter are interchanged in the circuit, i.e same brightness and same ammeter
reading. This shows that an ammeter consumes negliglible electric current.
Electricity and Magnetism
1. Repeat Activity 12.7 by connecting the ammeter scale in Fig. 12.12(a) to the
negative terminal of the power source leading to the negative terminal of the
ammeter (referred to as the common terminal (usually black) and positive
terminal leading to the 1 A or 5 A terminal positive terminal (usually red or
brown in colour) depending on the amount of current to be measured. What
do you observe?
2. Sketch in your exercise book the range of the scales used. What does one
division represent?
3. Discuss with your members how to read the magnitude of current from an
analogue ammeter.
Fig 12.16 shows the scale on an analogue ammeter that measures current in the
range 0 – 1 A, or 0 – 5 A.
0.3 2
1 0.9
0 5 1.0
com 1A 5A
wires connected
Fig. 12.16: An ammeter with a scale range of 0 – 1 A, 0 – 5 A
When connected to the 1 A terminal, the upper scale running from 0 - 1 A should
be used.
We determine the current represented by each smallest division on the upper scale
as follows:
5 divisions correspond to ........... 0.1 A
1 division corresponds to .................................. = 0.02 A
In Fig. 12.16, the pointer is on the second mark after the 0.7 mark, hence the
ammeter reading is:
0.7 A + (2 divisions × 0.02 A) = 0.7A + 0.04 A = 0.74 A
Electricity and Magnetism
Example 12.4
What is the reading shown by the pointer in Fig. 12.17, if the full scale range is:
(a) 0–100 mA?
(b) 0–250 mA?
– 1 2 + 3 +
– 250 mA 100 mA
40 60
100 150
(a) Full scale deflection = 100 mA. (Use the upper scale)
The pointer is at 69th division.
The reading is 69 mA.
(b) Full scale deflection = 250 mA. (Use the lower scale)
The pointer is between 170th and 180th divisions. There are 4 divisions of the
upper scale corresponding to 10 mA in the lower scale.
∴ 1 division represents 2.5 mA.
Reading = 170 mA + 2.5 mA = 172.5 mA.
The reading is 172.5 mA.
Exercise 12.2
Electricity and Magnetism
0 – 300 A
• Reference books
• Internet
We can use a water model to explain potential difference (p.d). This model
consists of a water pump, water and pipes as shown in Fig. 12.19 (a).
Fig. 12.19 (b) shows an electric circuit which can be compared with the water
Electricity and Magnetism
When the pump is on, water is lifted to point A. At this point water has the
maximum potential energy. This potential energy drives the water down the
inclined pipe. On reaching point B, the water has lost all the potential energy it
had. The pump then provides the water with the necessary energy to climb up to A
again. The water therefore flows round the water circuit as long as the pump is on.
Difference difference or
in height h voltage I
Pump +
(a) (b)
Electricity and Magnetism
4 joules per coulomb 2 joules per coulomb
Fig. 12.20: Energy carried by a coulomb of charge
Measurement of voltage
Activity 12.10 To measure voltage using a voltmeter
• Digital and analogue voltmeters
1. Study the instruments given to you. What is the name of the instruments?
Write down its symbols in your exercise book.
2. Note down the range of its scales .
3. Discuss the use of the apparatus and how they are connected in an electric
In Activity 12.10, you should have identified the instruments as a voltmeters. Fig.
12.21(a) and (b) shows an analogue and digital voltmeter respectively. Fig 12.12
(c) shows the symbol for a voltmeter. A voltmeter is used to measure voltage across
a device in an electric circuit.
(a) (b)
Digital voltmeter
Analogue Voltmeter
(c) V
A symbol for a voltmeter
Electricity and Magnetism
The positive terminal of voltmeter is connected to the wire from the positive
terminal of the cells and the negative terminal to the wire leading to negative
terminal. A voltmeter is always parallel to the device whose voltage is to be
measured. (See Fig. 12.23).
+ –
+ – + V2 –
Voltmeter Connecting a voltmeter in an electric circuit
Fig. 12.23: Connecting a voltmeter in a circuit
Voltmeters have uniform scales calibrated in volts or millivolts. The most used
scales have a range of 0 – 5 V and 0 – 1.5 V. Fig. 12.22 shows a scale of a voltmeter.
1 2 0.5 1
mA mV
Exercise 12.3
1. Define the term potential difference and state its SI units.
2. Name the instrument used to measure voltage.
3. Define a volt.
4. In a circuit, 5 joules are used to drive 2 coulombs of charge across a bulb in
a simple circuit. Find the potential difference across the bulb?
5. Name the instrument used to measure potential difference.
Electricity and Magnetism
6. Two cells, A and B connected in parallel are in series with a bulb as shown
in Fig. 12.24.
100 150 80
Fig. 12.25: Dual scale of a voltmeter
(a) What is the reading shown by the pointer in Fig. 12.25, if the range is:
(i) 0 – 100 mV (ii) 0 – 250 mV
(iii) 0 – 2.5 V (iv) 0 – 0.1 V
(v) 0 – 10 V (vi) 0 – 25 V
(b) Why are different ranges used in ammeters and voltmeters?
• Nichrome wire, ammeter, variable resistor, switch, cells, voltimeter
1. Using the nichrome wire, make a coil of many turns as possible.
2. Connect the set-up as shown in Fig. 12.26.
Electricity and Magnetism
Fig. 12.26: Circuit to verify Ohm’s law
3. Varry the potential difference (V) across the wire by adjusting the variable
resistor. Observe what happens and answer the following questions.
(a) What happens to the current reading when the potential difference is
(b) What happens to the current reading when the potential difference is
(c) Using your observation in (a) and (b) summarise the relationship
between (I) and (V).
You should have observed that as the potential difference (V) across the wire is
increased the current also increases and vice versa. This observation is summarised
by Ohm's law.
Ohm's law states that the current (I) flowing in a conductor is directly proportional
to the potential difference (V) across it, if the temperature and other physical
quantities of the conductor remains constant i.e. V α I ⇒ V = I .
• dry cells, cell holder • 100 cm of nichrome wire
• Variable resistor • connecting wires
• ammeter • voltmeter and a switch
Electricity and Magnetism
1. Using the nichrome wire, make a coil of
many turns as possible.
2. Connect the set-up as shown in Fig. 12.27.
3. Close the switch and adjust the variables
resistor so that the p.d across the conductor
reads 0.5 V. Record the corresponding V
value of current as indicated by the Fig. 12.27: Circuit to verify Ohm’s law
4. Increase the voltage across the conductor in steps of 0.5 V, each time noting
and recording the corresponding values of the current through the conductor.
Record your results in a tabular form as shown in Table 12.2.
p.d across the conductor (V)
Current through the conductor (A)
Table 12.2: Relationship between p.d and current
The results show that as the potential difference across the conductor increases,
the current through the wire also increases.
The graph of V against I is a straight line passing through the origin (Fig. 12.28).
p.d V
Gradient = V = constant
Current I (A) Current l (A)
Fig. Fig.
12.28: Graph
5.13: Graphofofp.d. (V)) against
p.d (V currentI (I)
against current
The graph in Fig. 12.28 shows that the current is directly proportional to the
applied potential difference, i.e., I ∝ V or say V ∝ I. The gradient of the graph is
also constant.
Electricity and Magnetism
Gradient = ∆V = Constant
∴ = Constant
Thus, Ohm's law is verified.
This constant is the resistance (R) of the conductor, i.e
V = R
V = IR
Resistance (R) is the ratio of potential difference (V), across the ends of a conductor
to the current (I), passing through it. The SI unit of resistance is the ohm (Ω).
Resistance = Current
R = V = 0.02 A = 100
Example 12.6
A resistor rated 10 allows a current of 2 A to flow through it in a simple circuit.
The resistor is replaced with another one of 30 . Calculate the amount of current
passing the 30 resistor if the source of voltage is the same.
In the first case
V = I1 × R1 = 2 A × 10 = 20 V
The voltage is the same in the second case,
20 V
V = I2R2 ⇒ I2 = 30 = 0.6667 A
Electricity and Magnetism
Example 12.7
A current flows through a coil of wire of resistance 80 Ω when it is connected to
the terminals of a battery. If the potential difference is 60 V, find the value of the
R = 80 Ω, V = 60 V
From Ohm’s law,
V 60 V
I = R = 80 Ω = 0.75 A
Exercise 12.4
1. State Ohm’s law.
2. A p.d of 12 V is required to drive a current of 1.5 A to flow through a filament.
Find the resistance of the filament.
3. A resistor of value 20 Ω allows a current of 0.3 A to pass through. Calculate
the voltage across the resistor.
4. Fig. 12.29 is an ohmmeter connected in a circuit.
0.6 A
nichrome wire
R = 10 Ω
Fig. 12.29 A diagram of a circuit
If the switch is closed, find the voltage across the nichrome wire.
1. Suggest energy transformation in an electrical circuit with:
Electricity and Magnetism
Activity 12.14
To establish the formula for calculating electrical energy
Fig. 12.30: Current (I) passes through resistance,
Using this information, how to derive the following electrical energy equations
E = VIt, E = I2Rt and E = ?
Electricity and Magnetism
In your discussion, you should have noted that potential difference is the work
done per unit charge to drive it through the current, i.e
Work done (W)
Potential difference, V =
charge (Q)
V= or W = VQ ........... (i)
Where; W is the electrical work that is converted into heat energy E.
But current is the rate of flow of charges i.e.
charge (Q) Q
Current, I, = , in symbols, I =
time t t
Q = It ................................ (ii)
From equations (i) and (ii), we obtain.
E = VQ = V(It)
The SI unit for electrical energy is the joule (J).
Alternative equations for finding electrical energy, E are obtained by replacing V
or I in the equation, E = VIt as shown below:
From ohm’s law V = IR
Substituting for V in equation E = VIt, we get,
E = (IR)It
∴ Electrical energy, E = I2Rt
Also, from ohm’s law I =
Substituting for I in equation E = VIt, we get
E = V(V/R)t
∴ Electrical energy, E =
Example 12.8
A current of 2.0 A is passed through a resistor of 20 Ω for 1.0 hour. Calculate the
electrical energy converted into heat energy in the resistor.
Electrical energy E = I2Rt = (2.0)2 × 20 × (1 × 60 × 60)
= 288 000 J
= 2.88 × 105 J
Electricity and Magnetism
Example 12.9
An electric iron consumes 2.592 MJ of energy in 1 hour when connected to the
mains power supply of 240 V. Calculate the current through the filament in the
electric iron.
Energy consumed VIt = 2.592 MJ = 2.592 × 106 J
= 2 592 000 J
∴ 240 × I × (1 × 60 × 60) = 2 592 000
∴ current, I = 3 A
The current through the filament is 3 A.
Electric power
When the heater was immersed in Activity 12.15, the electrical energy was
converted to heat energy that makes water to boil. The rate at which electrical
energy is converted to heat energy is called electrical power.
Therefore, for an electrical device,
Power, P = electrical energy transformed = t = VI
The SI unit of power is Watts (W).
The other common unit used is kilowatts 1KW = 1000W
Alternative, equations for finding power P are obtained as follows:
Electrical energy E
Power = i.e P = t
Electricity and Magnetism
but E = I2Rt ⇒ P = ∴ P = I2R
V2t V2t V2
Also E = ⇒P= ∴P=
R R×t R
Example 12.10
A torch bulb is labelled 2.5 V, 0.3 A. Calculate the power of the bulb.
Electrical power, P = VI = 2.5V × 0.3 A = 0.75 W
The power of the bulb is 0.75 W.
Example 12.11
An electric bulb is labelled ‘40 W, 240 V’. Calculate:
(a) the resistance of the filament used in the bulb.
(b) the current through the filament when the bulb works normally.
(a) Labelling of the bulb is ‘40 W, 240 V’ (b) P = I2R
P = VI ⇒ I2 = P = 40
V R 1440
= V
V 2
240 2 I= 40
R= = = 1 440 Ω 1440
P 40
The resistance of the filament = 1 440 Ω = 0.167 A
Example 12.12
In 5 seconds, an electric iron takes 10 000 joules of energy from the main supply.
What is its power:
(a) in Watts? (b) in Kilowatts?
energy 10 000
(a) Power = = = 2 000 W
time 5
(b) 1 000 W = 1 kW (Kilowatt)
2 000 W = 2 kW
Electricity and Magnetism
Example 12.13
What is the power dissipated in a 6 Ω resistor when the current through it is?
(a) 2A (b) 4A
(a) P = I2R = 22 × 6 = 24 W (b) P = I2R = 42 × 6 = 96 W
Example 12.14
A 3 kW immersion heater is used to heat water. Calculate the electrical energy
converted into heat energy in 40 minutes.
Electrical energy (E) = Electrical power (P) × time (t)
= (3 × 1 000) × (40 × 60) J
= 7 200 000 J
= 7.2 × 106 J
= 7.2 MJ
Exercise 12.5
1. How much electric energy in joules does a 150 watts lamp convert to heat
and light energy in:
(a) 15 seconds
(b) 5 seconds
(c) 1 min
2. Define electrical power as used in electrical circuit.
3. Calculate the (a) current through (b) resistance of the filament of
(a) a bulb rated at 240 V, 60 W.
(b) an electric kettle rated at 2 kW, 240 V.
4. (a) A washing machine is marked 240 V, 3 kW. What does this mean?
(b) Calculate the electrical energy consumed by this machine in 1 hour.
Electricity and Magnetism
• A 3-pin plug • Screwdriver
1. Take a closer look at a 3-pin plug. Try to identify the parts can you see.
2. Using a screwdriver, open the 3-pin plug. Note down colours of each wire
from the cable.
3. Give a reason why different colours are used.
4. Which colour represents the Earth wire? Explain.
5. Discuss how the earth wire is connected and its importance.
6. Give examples of electrical appliances with 3-pin plug.
7. Present your findings to the whole class through your group secretary.
In Activity 12.16, you should have observed that one pin is longer than the other
two. The longer pin is called the earth pin while the other two are live pin and
neutral pin. The earth pin is longer than live and neutral so that it is connected
to an electrical circuit first then live and neutral pins later.
Most modern electrical appliances like the electrical iron, kettle, toaster, electric
geyser, immersion heater, refrigerator and hot plates are supplied with a 3-pin
plug, while some systems like television set, record players, hair-blow dryer, key
Electricity and Magnetism
boards have only 2-pin plugs. A 3-pin plug has its three pins, usually marked with
letters L, N and E standing for live, neutral and earth respectively (Fig.12.32 (a)
and (b)).
Earth wire
(green/yellow) Earth pin
Neutral wire Neutral pin
The three wires of a cable in the 3-pin plug are distinctively coloured to denote the
live, neutral and earth wires. The basic idea of using different colours is to easily
identify the wires so that correct connections are made with care. The present
international convention is brown for live, blue for neutral and green with yellow
stripes for earth.
Earth connection
The earth wire connects the metal case of an appliance (e.g. an electric iron) to
the ground and prevents it from becoming live, if a fault develops. If, for example,
the cable insulation wears out due to the heating effect of the current, there are
chances that a few fine strands of the bare live wire could touch the metal case.
When such a fault occurs, a current flows through the live wire and the earth wire
in series. The fuse in the live wire will blow and cut off the power supply. If on
the other hand, there was no earth wire connection, a person touching the metal
case would get an electric shock.
In appliances like television set, record player etc; the outer case is not metallic
and hence 2-pin plugs are sufficient. It is dangerous to use the 2-pin plug with
any appliance which has out metal case.
In a socket for 3-pin plug, the holes for the live and the
neutral pins are usually closed by an insulating material
called a ‘blind’ (Fig. 12.33). This is a safety measure,
especially to children who like to play with nearly everything
and might cause short circuiting by putting in wires in the
socket.The ‘blinds’ are opened by the longer earth pin of the
3-pin plug. The moment the earth pin touches and opens
the socket, any leakage current through the metal case will Fig. 12.33: A socket
straightaway be earthed hence making the appliance safe.
Electricity and Magnetism
Short circuits
Activity 12.17 To find out what happens if bare over head live
eletrical cables touch each other
Discuss what happens when bare overhead electrical cables with electrical current
touch each other.
If a few strands of the fine bare live wire those of neutral wire touch by chance, a
large current can flow between the live and the neutral wires of the supply cables.
This is due to the fact that current tends to take the path of least resistance. This
is called the short-circuiting of the appliance.
On such occasions, the fuse usually blows off. Otherwise if no fuse is in use, the
‘sparking’ produced by the large current might burn the cable and there are risks
of fire being produced.
In Activity 12.18 you should have identified the component as a switch. A switch
is an electrical component that can break an electrical circuit, interupting the
current or diverting it from one conductor to another. A switch should be fitted
in the live wire in an electric circuit, so that when the switch is off, the high
voltage is disconnected from the appliance. This prevents electrical shocks and
fire outbreaks incase of electrical faults.
Electricity and Magnetism
A special automatic switch known as a circuit breaker is also fitted in the live wire
of a house wiring circuit. It automatically goes off when the current in the circuit
exceeds a given value when the circuit is overloaded hence disconnects the circuit.
! Save energy
Switch off lights when not using them. There are cost implications
incurred if left on.
• Fuses of different values
1. Identify the power rating different types of fuses provided.
2. In your own words, tell your group members what a fuse is.
3. Discuss the importance of a fuse in an electrical appliances and suggest what
is likely to happen to appliances without the fuse.
4. Suggest to your members the value of power and voltage in an electrical
appliance e.g 3000 W, 240 V and let them choose a fuse to be used.
A fuse is a short thin piece of wire of low melting point. The wire melts as soon
as the current through it exceeds its rated value. Fuses are usually fitted in all
electrical circuits to prevent dangerous flow of a large current due to overloading
of an electrical circuit or any other electrical faulty.
A melted or ‘blown’ off fuse stops the current and protects the electrical appliance
and therefore the house against the risk of fire caused by the heat. Just like the
switch, the fuse should be fitted in the live wire.
The fuse used should be of a value just higher than the normal current required by
the appliance. The common standard values of available fuses are 2 A, 5 A and 13
A, although 1 A, 3 A, 7 A and 10 A fuses are also made. If the value of power and
voltage of an electrical appliance is given as ‘2 000 W, 250 V’, the required current
through it is 8 A. The correct fuse to protect the appliance is 10 A. Similarly, if
the required current for an appliance is 4 A, the correct fuse to be used is 5 A.
! Stay safe!!
Always put off the main switch first incase of a fire outbreak caused
by electrical faulty.
Electricity and Magnetism
• 2 immersion heaters of different sizes • Stopwatch
• Thermometer • A small bucket
• Cold water • Battery
• Switch and connecting wires • Variable resistor
1. Dip an immersion heater into water in a bucket and switch on the power
supply (Fig. 12.34).
Immersion heater
Cold water
2. After a couple of minutes, switch off the power supply and slightly touch the
water in the bucket. What do you feel? Discuss.
3. Measure the temperature of the water using thermometer and record it down.
In Activity 12.20, you should have observed that water becomes warm after
sometimes. The electrical energy has been converted into heat energy.
Scientists have done numerous activities to help in the advancement of the
relationships between electric current and heat. For instance, James Joule observed
that electric current flowing through a conductor causes the temperature of the
conductor and the surrounding to rise as observed in Activities 12.20.
Electricity and Magnetism
We can therefore conclude that an electric current has a heating effect on a substance.
But what are the factors that affect the heating effect of an electric current?
Factors affecting heating effect of an electric current
Activity 12.21 To find out the factors affecting the heating effect of an
electric current
You should have established that the heating effect of an electric current is affected
by the following:
1. Amount of current.
2. Resistance of a conductor/substance.
3. Time for which the current flows.
Electricity and Magnetism
1.Calculate the heat energy produced in resistance of 5 Ω when 3 A current
flows through it for 2 minutes.
The amount of heat produced by the conductor is given by the formula:
Q = I2 R t
Substituting the values in the above equation we get
Q = 32× 5 × 2 × 60 = 5400 J
2. A heater of resistance 300 Ω is connected to the main supply for 30 mins. If
10 A current flows through the filament of the heater then what is the heat
produced in the heater?
The amount of heat produced by the heater is calculated as follows:
substituting the values in the equation, we get
Q = 102 × 300 × 30 × 60 = 54000000 J or 54 MJ.
Electricity and Magnetism
• Iron box, cloth (hankie) socket, water
1. Plug the iron box into the socket. After 2 minutes, sprinkle little water on to
the bottom (metalic part). What do you observe? Explain.
2. Pass the iron box on top of cloth once folded. What do you observe?
Common household electrical appliances like electric kettle, laundry iron, heater,
hotplate, toaster, roaster etc. which convert electrical energy into heat are all
constructed essentially in the same way. In all the cases, the heating elements are
made from a metal like nichrome. This is an alloy of nickel and chromium which
is not easily oxidised when it turns red hot. The nichrome wire is made into a
coil and wound round substances like porcelain ceramic which are heat resistant
and non conductors.
The heating element in a radiant electric heater is red hot at about 900ºC and
the radiation emitted by the heater is directed into the room by polished metal
reflectors (Fig. 12.35 (a) and (b)).
To power metal reflector
Heating element
(a) (b)
Fig. 12.35: A radiation room heater
In an electric iron, when a current flows through the heating element, the heat
energy developed is conducted to the heavy metal base and the temperature of the
metal base increases. This heat energy is used to press clothes. An electric iron also
incorporates a thermostat (a device containing a bimetallic strip) which is used
for regulating the temperatures of the hot plate. Fig. 12.36 (a) shows the labelled
parts of an electric iron while Fig. 12.36 (b) shows a commercial electric iron.
Electricity and Magnetism
Heating Brass
To power
Metal base supply
(a) (b)
Fig. 12.36: An electric iron
In an electric kettle (Fig. 12.37(a) and (b)), the heat energy developed in the
heating element is used to heat water. The temperature of water rises in a
comparatively shorter time as compared to water being heated using burning
charcoal or firewood.
To power
(a) (b)
Fig. 12.37: An electric kettle
The latter releases carbon dioxide gas to the atmosphere which has a bad effect
on the environment.
Exercise 12.6
1. A bulb rated 200 W is used for 12 hours. Calculate the energy it consumed
in kWh.
2. Name any four devices that have electric heating elements.
3. If energy costs 182 FRW per unit and the energy saving bulbs are used on average,
for 5 hours per day, what will the annual saving be if the bulb is rated 5 kWh?
4. State the international colour conventions for the live (line), neutral and
earth leads of a 3-core flex.
5. Define a fuse and state its function in an electrical circuit.
6. Sketch and name a 3-pin plug.
7. Explain why the earth connection is important.
Electricity and Magnetism
Insulated copper wire, soft iron core, source of
current, switch, 3 nails
Fig. 12.38: Insulated copper wire
1. Wind several turns of insulated copper wire
around a core made of soft iron (Fig. 12.38). This turns make up a solenoid.
2. Remove the insulation from the ends of the solenoid wound around the soft
iron core, and connect the solenoid to the circuit using the bare end as shown
in Fig. 12.38.
3. Switch on the current through the switch bring the other nails near or
touching the solenoid. What do you observe?
In Activity 12.23, you should have observed that the solenoid attracts the nail
when the current is on. In 1819, Oersted observed that the direction of a compass
needle near a current-carrying conductor changed immediately the current was
switched off. He also observed that the direction on the compass needle depended
on the relative position of the compass from the current-carrying wire, and the
direction of the current.
From Oesterd experiment it was discovered that there exists a relationship between
an electric current and magnetism. The interaction between the two fields is
known as electromagnetism.
Electricity and Magnetism
Exercise 12.7
1. Explain why a magnetic compass deflect when brought near a conductor
carrying current.
2. Give any three applications of electromagnetic effect
• A 250 ml beaker • Two carbon rods
• A battery • Water
1. Put some pure water in a beaker. Dip two carbon rods into the water. What
is the name of the two rods dipped in water?
2. Connect one of the carbon rod to the negative terminal of a battery. Connect
the other carbon rod to the positive terminal of the same battery as in Fig.
Electricity and Magnetism
carbon plate
carbon rod
water e
3. Connect a light bulb and a switch. Close the switch and note what happens to
the bulb.
4. Add a few drops of diluted sulphuric acid to the pure water and repeat the activity.
5. Repeat the activity with other liquid/solution e.g. copper sulphate solution,
common salt solution and record your observations.
In Activity 12.24, you should have observed that with pure water, the bulb did
not light. However, with a few drops of sulphuric acid, the bulb lights.
Sulphuric acid helps to break water molecules into ions. Water with a few drops
of sulphuric acid is known as acidulated water. These ions produce the electrons
that flow in the circuit hence the bulb light. The rod or plates that are dipped in
solution to direct the current are called electrodes. The electrode connected to
the positive terminal of the battery is known as the anode and that connected to
the negative terminal is called cathode.
A close observation at the surface of the electrodes in contact with the electrolytes
shows that chemical actions occur. The chemical changes in a liquid due to flow
of an electric current is called electrolysis. Not all liquids allow electric current
to pass through them. It is only those liquids which are at least partly dissociate
into oppositely charged ions that allow current to pass through them. Such liquids
are called electrolytes. Solution of many inorganic chemical compounds (e.g.
sulphuric acid, copper sulphate, common salt) etc are examples of electrolytes.
Electricity and Magnetism
• Copper sulphate solution • Copper electrodes
• A 250 ml beaker • A variable resistor
• An ammeter • measuring balance
1. Measure the mass of copper electrodes provided. Note it down.
2. Set the apparatus as shown in Fig. 12.47.
+ –
power supply
Copper Sulphate
3. Adjust the variable resistor such that a current of 0.5 A passes through the
copper sulphate solution.
4. Allow the electric current to flow for about 30 minutes. Remove copper
cathode and anode from the solution, and observe what happens to their
surfaces. Reweigh them.
5. Compare the mass in steps 1 and 4. What do you notice?
6. Discuss the applications of chemical effect of an electric current.
7. Carry out a research from the Internet and reference books to compare your
findings from the discussion in case 6.
Electricity and Magnetism
In Activity 12.29, you should have observed that the copper cathode electrode
that was dipped in the copper sulphate solution was covered with a bright fresh
deposit of copper. The cathode showed an increase in mass and the anode showed
a decrease in its mass. The increase and decrease in mass at the cathode and
anode respectively is equal. The colour of the copper sulphate solution remain
unchanged. The net effect is that copper is dissolved off the anode and deposited
on the cathode, with the electrolyte remaining unchanged.
• Internet • Reference books
1. Conduct a research from internet and reference books on common electrical
hazards in places such as homes, schools, industries and offices.
2. In your research, identify some of the safety measures to be taken to prevent
or during the occurrence of electrical hazards.
Electricity and Magnetism
In your discussion, you should have established that hazards are situations that
pose a threat to life, health, property or environment.
The following are some common electrical hazards in our homes, offices and
• Poor wiring and defective electric wires can lead to electric shock and fires.
• Water outlets being close to electric outlets can cause electric shock when it
gets in contact with live wires.
• Pouring water on electrical fire. This can lead to electric shock.
• Overloading the outlets may lead to overheating and electrical fire.
• Use of long extension cords which can cause tripping or accident.
• Touching electrical appliances with wet hands leading to shocks.
• Broken sockets and electrical appliances leading to electrical shock and
sometimes fire.
Safety measures
Every electricity user should observe safety measures when using electricity and
electrical appliances. The following are some of the electrical safety measures.
• Do not touch naked electric cables with bare hands to avoid electric shock.
• Always pay attention to the warning signals given out by your appliances. For
instance, if a circuit breaker repeatedly trips, you should confirm the problem.
• Use the right size circuit breakers and fuses to avoid overloading.
• Ensure that potentially dangerous electrical devices or naked wires are out of
reach of children.
• You should avoid cube taps and other outlet-stretching devices.
• Always replace broken plugs and naked wires.
• Use the correct appliances in a socket to avoid overload.
Electricity and Magnetism
• Assemble the apparatus as shown in Fig. 12.48.
citrus fruit
Electricity and Magnetism
Unit Test 12
1. Define the following terms:
(a) Electrical circuit.
(b) Electric current.
(c) Potential difference.
2. A charge of 200 coulombs flows through a lamp in 10 minutes. Determine
the current flowing the lamp.
Electricity and Magnetism
3. Find the amount of charge that will pass through a certain point in a circuit,
if 5 mA flows through the point for 6 hours.
4. Fig. 12.49 shows two circuit diagrams.
Bulb Bulb
(a) Open circuit (b) Closed circuit
Fig. 12.49: An electric circuit
– + + – + +
1.5 A 3.0 A – 100 mA 250 mA
0.5 40 60
1 150
2 100
A mA
Electricity and Magnetism
Electricity and Magnetism
22. Which of the bulb in the circuits shown in Fig. 12.51 will light if the switch
is closed? Explain your answer.
+ –
Unit Outline
• Different sources of light.
• Rays and beams.
• Classifications of materials as transparent, translucent and opaque.
• Experiments on light propagation.
• Rectilinear propagation of light.
• Types of reflection.
• Formation of shadows and eclipses.
• Lunar and solar eclipses.
• Law of reflection.
• Characteristics of images formed in mirrors.
• Ray diagrams and numbers of images formed in inclined mirrors.
• Pinhole camera, image formation and magnification.
Most of us are familiar with the biblical story of creation. It tells us that the first
thing God created was light by uttering “let there be light” and the story says that
immediately there was light. We experience 12 hours of day light and darkness
everyday. The former is very pleasant to all of us but the latter is not very pleasant.
So what is this light that is so precious to us all? Throughout history different
theories have been developed on the nature of light. Some great scientists have
argued that light is a stream of tiny particles while others have argued that it is a
wave. In this unit, we will learn about the nature of light and how it travels.
Activity 13.1 To find out the meaning of light and its sources
Light is a form of energy. It enables us to see the surrounding objects. Light itself
is not visible but its effect is felt by the eye. For example, the track of light entering
a room cannot be seen; but the track becomes visible, if some dust particles are
present in the room. In a cinema theatre, light from the projector to the screen is
visible due to the dust or smoke moving through the path of light.
Light is actually a form of energy in a wave form. It travels at a speed of
approximately 300 000 000 m/s or 3 × 108 m/s.
13.2 Sources of light
In your research in Activity 13.1, you should have discovered that there are two
sources of light: luminous and non-luminous sources.
(a) Luminous sources of light
These are sources (objects) that emit( give out) their own light.
Examples of non-living luminous objects are sun, stars, fire, candle flame and
electric bulb.
Examples of living things that are luminous objects are fireflies and glow worm.
(b) Non-luminous sources of light
These are objects that do not emit (give out) their own light. We get to see these
objects when they reflect the light falling on them from luminous source onto
our eyes.
The moon is a good example of a non-living thing that is non-luminous source
of light. Others are a wall and a car. Examples of a living things that are non-
luminous sources are trees and animals.
Fig 13.1 shows how the moon reflects light from the sun to the earth.
• A torch • A small tin open on one side • Nail
• Hammer • Dark room
1. Make several small holes at the closed end of the tin using the nail and
2. Go into a dark room with the container. Switch on the torch and foas its
light inside the tin. What do you observe?
3. With the help of this activity, suggest what rays and beams are? Suggest types
of beams of light.
In activity 13.2, you should have observed that when the stream of light from the
torch was focused into the container, the beam of light was split into rays to pass
through different holes of the container. But what is a ray? A ray of light is the path
along which light travels in a medium. In diagram, a ray of light is represented with
a straight line and an arrow pointing from the source to the destination of light
as shown in Fig 13.2
A beam of light is a collection or group of light rays. There are three types of
beam of light rays:
(a) Parallel beam: consists of rays that are parallel to one another (Fig. 13.3).
(b) Convergent beam: consists of rays of light that meet at a point i.e converge
(Fig. 13.4).
(c) Divergent beam: consists of rays of light originating from a point source and
diverge(spread) to different directions (Fig 13.5)
• Reference books • Internet • Oil
• Piece of paper • Glass window plane • A cardboard
1. Look through the glass window pane of your classroom or any of your school
building. Do you see through it?
2. Smear some cooking oil or fat on a piece of paper. Look through the oiled
piece of paper and the cardboard in turn. Do you see through each of them?
What are such materials called.
3. Conduct research from books and the internet on what transparent,
translucent and opaque materials are.
4. In your research, identify four examples of each.
From activity 13.2 should have identified three types of materials with regard to
their ability to allow light to pass through them
Transparent materials – These are materials that allow all the light falling on
them to pass through them freely. Therefore, we are able to see clearly through
these materials.
Examples of transparent materials are air, water and clear glass.
Translucent materials – These are materials that allow some light falling on them
to pass through. The light get scattered as it passes through. Therefore, objects
on the other side of such materials appear blurred and cannot be seen clearly.
Examples of translucent materials are frosted glass, oiled paper, wax paper, ice,
tinted windows and some plastics.
Opaque materials – These are materials that do not allow light to pass through.
When light strikes an opaque object, none of it passes through.Therefore, we cannot
see through such materials.When light falls on these materials, much of it is reflected
away by the objects some while of it absorbed and converted to heat energy.
Examples of opaque materials are rocks, wood, soil, metals and exercise book.
• A huge tree
1. Stand at a distance infront of a huge tree.
2. Hold your finger close to and infront of one of your eyes.
3. Close the other eye and try to look at the tree. Can you see the tree? Suggest
a reason for your observation.
The tree in Activity 13.4 cannot be seen. This property of light will become clear
to you after doing Activity 13.5.
• Soft board • Plasticine
• A plane mirror • White sheet of paper
1. Take three cardboards P, Q and R of equal sizes mounted on wooden stands
(Fig. 13.3).
2. Make small holes on the cardboards at the same height and also at equal
distances from the edges on each cardboards.
3. Place the cardboards on a flat surface (bench) and pass a thread through the
holes to ensure they lie on a straight line.
4. Remove the string without disturbing the setup of the three cardboards.
5. Place a lit candle infront of the hole in cardboard P and view from the the
hole in R as shown in Fig. 13.6. What do you see? Explain.
burning hole eye
Fig. 13.6: Investigating how light travels
In Activity 13.5, you should have observed that when the holes are aligned, light
from the candle is seen through the three holes in a straight line. When the holes
are not aligned, the light is not seen.
The observations in Activity 13.4 and 13.5 suggests that light travels in a straight
Scientists use the word "rectilinear" instead of the phrase "in straight lines" and
"propagated" in place of "travel". Instead of stating that light travels in a straight
line, we can say that light has the property of rectilinear propagation.
• A white screen
• A candle
• 2 cardboard with a large and narrow opening
• A tennis ball
1. You must have seen a shadow of yourself or any other object when standing
in the sun. Based on that experience suggest to your partner the possible
answers to the following questions:
(a) What is a shadow?
(b) How is a shadow formed?
(c) Share your thoughts with the rest of your class in a class discussion.
2. Now, place a burning candle infront a narrow opening cardboard and
the white screen behind the cardboard. Place the tennis ball between the
cardboard and screen and observe the shadow cast on the screen. Sketch it.
3. Repeat step 2 using a cardboard that has a wide hole.
4. Identify the total and partial darkness from your drawing. Suggest appropriate
names for them.
5. Draw and label the diagrams on how the shadows were formed on the
In activity 13.6, you should have established that a shadow is a partial or total
darkness cast by an object blocking the direct rays of light.
Q umbra
burning P
candle R
white screen
The area between the lines PR and QS receives no light at all. A shadow of PQ is
cast on the screen. The area between R and S is in complete darkness. The region
of complete darkness is called umbra (latin term meaning shadow).
T white screen
Activity 13.7 To find out how different types of eclipses are formed
• Reference books • Internet • Earth globe
• Rubber ball • Source of light (torch)
1. At least once in your lifetime you may have experienced an eclipse (partial
darkness) during day time. Tell your partner your experience and what you
think or understand causes that to happen after some years.
2. Now, conduct a research from books and the internet on eclipses.
3. In your research, find out the types of eclipses and suggest a reason why the
sun looks like a very bright ring during the occurrence of one of the eclipses.
4. Draw on the chalkboard the formation each type of eclipse and label it.
5. Using your diagrams, demonstrate the formation each type using a source of
light (torch), earth globe and rubber.
sun earth
Fig. 13.9: The solar eclipse
penumbra umbra
Fig. 13.10: The lunar eclipse
source earth
rubber ball
(a) Solar eclipse
light rubber
source ball
earth globe
Exercise 13.1
1. What is light?
2. (a) What do scientists mean by the phrase rectilinear propagation of light?
(b) Suggest a simple experiment to illustrate this property of light.
3. Explain the meaning of the following terms:
(a) A non-luminous object. (b) An opaque object.
(c) A ray and a beam of light. (d) A shadow.
4. With a simple well labelled diagram, distinguish between the terms umbra
and penumbra.
5. Describe with well labelled diagrams the formation of (a) the total solar
eclipse and (b) annular eclipse.
6. Fig 13.12 shows the formation of the eclipse of the sun.
sun earth
Fig. 13.12: An eclipse of the sun
• Reference books • Internet
• Pinhole camera
1. Conduct a research from the internet and books on the working of a pinhole
2. In your research, find out
(a) the characteristics of images formed by a pinhole camera.
(b) the magnification of a pinhole camera.
3. Now, go outside your classroom. Let one of you stand at a reasonable distance
from the rest of the group members.
4. Let another member of your group observe the image of the member standing
at a distance with a pinhole camera. Let the two members interchange their
5. Explain what will happen to the images formed by the pinhole camera if its
pinhole is enlarged.
6. Repeat the activity in pairs until every group member gets the opportunity
to view the image of at least one group member with the pinhole camera.
Note: The group member with visual challenges (if any) should stand at a
distance and the ones without such challenges view his/her image. Not the
other way round.
7. Discuss the characteristics of the image formed by the pinhole camera,
guided by the following questions:
(a) Is the image inverted or erect?
(b) Is the image virtual or real?
(c) How does the image size compare with that of the object?
A pinhole camera consists of a box with a pinhole on one side and a translucent
screen on the opposite side. Light rays from an object, pass through the pinhole
and form an image on the screen (Fig. 13.13).
translucent screen
image light-proof
Are you aware that any kind of water pollution for instance, releasing
untreated sewage into water bodies, oil spillage from ships e.t.c will
result to death of aquatic animals e.g frogs and plants? Always let us
avoid polluting our water bodies for the survival of beautiful plants
and different species of animals in our country.
If the pinhole is made larger, the image becomes blurred (out of focus), bigger
and brighter due to overlapping of many rays (Fig. 13.15). A large pinhole of
a pinhole camera is like having several pinholes put together. The overlapping
images form a bigger but blurred image. A large hole allows more light hence a
brighter image.
large hole
m =
Sometimes it becomes difficult to measure the height of the image or the height
of the object accurately. In such cases, magnification can be calculated in terms
of object and image distances. For example, consider a pinhole camera far from
a tree and another one near a tree (Fig. 13.16).
u B
(a) Pinhole camera far from a tree
u B
(b) Pinhole camera near a tree
The height of the image in Fig. 13.16(a) is smaller compared to the height of the
image in Fig. 13.16(b). This is because the distance of the tree from the camera
in (a) is more than the distance from the camera in (b). When the object distance
is decreased, magnification increases.
Using the symbols, u, for the object distance (distance between the object and
the pinhole) and, v, for the image distance (distance between the image and the
pinhole), magnification is defined as the ratio of the distance of the image from the
pinhole to the distance of the object from the pinhole i.e
Example 13.1
A pinhole camera of length 20 cm is used to view the image of a tree of height
12 m which is 40 m away from the pinhole. Calculate the height of the image of
the tree obtained on the screen.
height of the image image distance
Magnification, m = height of the object =
object distance
IM 0.20 m
∴ m = OB =
40 m
0.20 m
∴ IM =
12 m 40 m
0.20 m
IM = 12 m × = 0.06 m = 6 cm
40 m
∴The height of the image of the tree is 6 cm.
Example 13.2
If the pinhole camera, in Example 13.1 is moved by 10 m towards the tree, what
will be the height of the tree on the screen?
Now the object distance has decreased by 10 m. Therefore the new object distance,
u = 30 m
Magnification m = IM =
OB u
IM 0.20m
∴ =
12 m 30m
0.20 m
IM = 12 m ×
30 m
IM = 0.08 m = 8 cm
∴ The height of the image is 8 cm.
Exercise 13.2
1. What is a pinhole camera?
2. Explain with a well labelled diagram how a simple pinhole camera works.
Describe the nature of the image formed.
3. The distance of the object from the pinhole is increased. Discuss how this
change affects the brightness, sharpness and the size of the image formed.
4. State and explain the effect on the image formed in a pinhole camera if:
(a) the hole is made larger.
(b) the length of the box is increased.
5. A pinhole camera is used to take the photograph of a person who is 4 m away
from the pinhole. If the length of the box used is 18 cm and the height of the
image of the person is 9 cm, calculate the:
(a) magnification produced by the pinhole camera.
(b) height of the person.
6. A tree 18 m high is observed with a pinhole camera that is placed 40 m away.
If the camera is 20 cm long, find the height of the image formed.
7. The length of a pinhole camera is 10 cm. It forms an image of linear
magnification of 0.2. Find the position of the object.
8. State three characteristics of the image formed by a pinhole camera.
Your eyes must have at one time been overwhelmed by the bright sunlight
reflected by a mirror or very new iron sheets on a roof.
Reflection is the bouncing off of light as it strikes a surface. The ray coming from
the source is called incident ray. The ray moving away from the reflecting
surface is called reflected ray. (Fig. 13.17)
Types of reflections
• Mirror and a paper
1. Look through the mirror , what do you observe? Do you see your image?
2. Look through the paper, what do you observe? Do you see your image?
In Step 1 in Activity 13.10, you saw your image because the mirror is smooth
hence regular reflection takes place.You did not see your image in a paper because
rays of light are scattered by the paper because it is rough
There are two types of reflection; regular and diffuse (irregular) reflections.
When light is reflected by a plane or a smooth surface, the reflection is regular i.e
parallel incident rays are reflected parallel to each other. When reflection occurs at
a rough surface, it is called diffuse reflection i.e incident parallel rays are reflected
in random directions. Fig 13.18 shows the two types of reflections.
parallel beam scattered
parallel beam parallel of light reflected rays
of light reflected beam
Activity 13.11
To observe and describe rays on a plane mirror
• Plane mirror • Cardboard • Ray box
1. Take a plane mirror provided to you, and observe its parts.
2. Now, place the plane mirror vertically on a cardboard and illuminate the
shinny surface with a ray box.What do you observe? Explain your observation?
3. Sketch the diagram and identify; angle of incident, the normal, reflected ray
and angle of reflection.
4. Discuss your findings with others in class.
A thin glass plate coated with silver on one side and a protective layer on the other
side is called a plane mirror (Fig. 13.19).
silvered surface
thin glass
silver coating plate
protective layer
Fig. 13.20 shows a ray of light AB striking the plane mirror at B and bouncing
off to C. The ray AB is called incident ray and the ray BC is called reflected
ray. A line drawn perpendicular to the surface of the mirror at the point where
the incident ray and the reflected ray meet is called the normal (BN). The angle
between the incident ray and the normal (∠ABN) is called the angle of incidence
(∠i). The angle between the reflected ray and the normal (∠CBN) is called the
angle of reflection (∠r).
plane mirror
board B
i r
incident ray
reflected ray
Activity 13.12
To verify the laws of reflection using optical pins
• A soft board • White sheet of paper
• A plane mirror • Drawing pin
• Plasticine • 4 optical pins
• Protractor • A ray box
1. Draw a line PM on a white sheet of paper. Fix the white sheet on a soft-
board with drawing pins.
2. Using some plasticine, set up a plane mirror vertically with its plane
perpendicular to the plane of the paper and the silvered surface on the line
PM (Fig. 13.21(a)).
3. Stick two optical pins O1 and O2, called the object pins, vertically into the
softboard, about 6 or 7 cm apart.
4. Keeping the eye along the plane of the paper and in a convenient position,
look into the mirror. The images of the two pins are seen. These images
appear to be at the rear of the mirror (Fig. 13.21(a)).
5. Move your head to and fro slowly until in one particular position, the images
of the two pins lie in a straight line.
6. Fix a third pin, I1, called the image pin, such that this pin and the images of
the first two pins lie along the same straight line.
7. Repeat the procedure with the fourth pin I2, so that the image pins I1 and I2
and the images of O1 and O2 lie along the same straight line.
8. Using a sharp pencil, mark the positions of the four pins with a small circle
and remove the pins and the mirror.
9. Join the points O2 and O1 to meet the line PM. Similarly join the points I2
and I1 to meet the line PM. These lines meet at a point B on the line PM.
10. At B, draw a line BN perpendicular to PM. Measure the angle of incidence
(∠i) and the angle of reflection (∠r) (Fig. 13.21(b)).
images of O1 and O2
plane mirror i
O1 O1 r I1
line PM
O2 white sheet I2
of paper O2
eye N
(a) (b)
Fig. 13.21: Laws of reflection of light using optical pins
11. Repeat the experiment for three different angles of incidence and record
the four readings in a table as shown in Table 13.1. What is the relationship
between these two angles?
2. Mark two points, O1 and O2, one near the plane mirror and the other very
close to the opening in the light box. Observe the path of the reflected ray
and mark the points I1 and I2, as shown.
3. Remove the ray box and join the points O2 and O1 to the line PM. Similarly
join points I2 and I1, to meet line PM. These lines meet at point B on line
PM. At B draw a line BN perpendicular to line PM.
4. Measure the angle of incidence (∠ i) and the angle of reflection(∠ r).
5. Repeat the experiment for three different angles of incidence and record
your readings in a table similar to Table 8.1. What is the relationship between
these two angles?
In Activities 13.12 and 13.13, you must have observe that the light is reflected as
a thin beam as shown in Fig. 13.22.
O1 I1
i r
ray box
The angle i is equal to angle r, Q2 Q1 joined to the mirror meets lines I1I2 at B.
Line NB represents the normal ray to the mirror at B.
The observations also show that the incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal,
all lie in the plane of the paper.
The observations are in Activity 13.12 and 13.13 summed up into laws of reflection
as follows.
Laws of reflection
The laws of reflection of light state that:
1. The incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal, at the point of incidence
all lie in the same plane.
2. The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.
• Plane mirror (Big size)
1. Stand infront of a plane mirror from its reflecting surface. What do you
observe? Discuss.
2. List the characteristics of your image formed by the mirror, guided by the
following questions:
(a) How does your distance from the mirror compare to that of your image
from the mirror?
(b) How does your size compare to that of your image?
(c) Swing your right hand. Which hand does your image appear to swing?
Repeat with your left hand.
(d) Can you put a screen behind the mirror for your image to be formed
(e) Is your image upright or upside down?
3. Now place different objects infront of the plane mirror and analyse their
images guided by the questions in step 2.
4. Sketch a diagram to show image formation by a plane mirror.
5. Deduce the general characteristics of images formed by a plane mirror.
virtual image
plane mirror
point object
Fig. 13.23: Image of a point object
Measure the perpendicular distance (OM) from the point object O to the mirror
and the perpendicular distance (IM) from the position of the virtual image I to
the mirror. The image distance from the mirror is equal to the object distance from the
mirror, OM = IM
Image formation for an extended object
Place an extended object in front of a vertical plane mirror and observe the image
formed (Fig. 13.24). Is the image upright or inverted? What is the size of the image?
The image is erect and the size of the image is the same as the size of the object.
Fig. 13.25 shows a ray diagram showing the image of an extended object.
Fig. 13.25: Image formed on a plane mirror
Lateral inversion
Fig. 13.26 shows the image of a sign board in a mirror as seen by a person keeping
the eye at E. The eye sees the letter P in the signboard on the left hand side, but
the image of the letter P in the mirror is on the right hand side.
The left hand side of the object becomes the right hand side of the image. We say
the image is laterally inverted.
object • image
Look at yourself in a plane mirror. If your shirt or blouse pocket is on the left
side, your image appears to have a pocket on the right hand side. However, the
image is upright and of the same size.
Example 13.3
What is the angle of reflection in each of the following figures (Fig. 13.27(a) and
(a) (b)
Fig. 13.27: Incident rays
In Fig. 13.27(a), the angle of reflection = 30˚
In Fig. 13.27(b), the incident ray is along the normal. Therefore the angle of
incidence = 0˚. Hence the angle of reflection = 0˚. The ray is bounced back along
the normal.
Example 13.4
Explain with the aid of a ray diagram, how the image of a point object O is seen
by the eye (Fig. 13.28(a)).
I virtual image
plane mirror Y
(a) (b)
Fig 13.28: Observing how object is reflected by a plane mirror
In order to see the image, the reflected rays must reach the eye. The image
distance behind the mirror is equal to the object distance from the mirror
(IM = OM). Hence fix the position of the image first and then draw the two
reflected rays from I to reach the eye of the observer. Finally draw the two incident
rays OX and OY (Fig. 13.28(b)). Produce the reflected rays back to meet at I.
Example 13.5
Gasore stood infront of a plane (Fig. 13.29). Use suitable rays to show how he
may see his full image in the mirror.
First fix the images of the head and the toe, say M and I, at equal distances
from the mirror. The reflected rays from M and I must reach the eyes of Gasore.
Therefore, first draw the reflected rays from M and I to reach the eyes. Draw the
incident rays HX and TY. Hence, he can see his full image, IM, in the portion of
the mirror XY.
Fig. 13.30: To show how image of a person is reflected a plane mirror
Measure XY and the length of the person TH in Fig. 13.30.
The height of the mirror needed XY is always half the height of a person.
Example 13.6
The ray OA is incident on mirror M1 as shown in Fig. 13.31. Draw a second
plane mirror M2 positioned such that the ray OA reflected by mirror M1 is again
reflected by the second mirror M2 so as to reach the eye of the observer.
45˚ A
eye E
∠i = 45˚, hence ∠r = 45˚. AB is the reflected ray (Fig. 13.32(a)) and it has to be
reflected by the second mirror in order to reach the eye. From the eye draw a line
to meet the reflected ray AB at C (Fig. 13.32(b)). At C draw a line CN such that
it divides ∠ACE into 2 equal parts (Fig. 13.32(c)). Draw a line CM2 at C such
that it is perpendicular to the line CN (Fig. 13.32(d). This line M2C represents
the position of the second mirror M2 so that the reflected ray can reach the eye.
M1 M1
45˚ 45˚ O
(a) (b)
45˚ O
N 45˚
E E M2
M2 B B
(c) (d)
Fig. 13.32: A path taken by light rays when reflected
Exercise 13.3
1. (a) Define the terms: angle of incidence, angle of reflection, and the normal ray.
(b) What is the relationship between the angle of incidence and the angle of
2. Fig. 13.33 shows a plane mirror on which the angle of incidence is 30˚.
plane mirror
5. Draw a diagram to show how the eye of a person sees the image of a point
object, formed by a plane mirror.
6. A ray of light AB is incident on a mirror M1 at an angle of 30˚ as shown in
Fig. 13.35. Copy and complete the diagram to show the path of ray AB after
reflection from mirror M2 and hence calculate the angle of reflection from
the mirror M2.
M1 30˚
Fig. 13.35:A path taken by light rays when striking a mirror
60˚ A
• 2 plane mirrors • Small object (e.g a small bulb)
1. Place two plane mirrors standing parallel to each other on a bench with the
reflecting surfaces facing each other.
2. Place a small object on the bench between the two mirrors.
3. In turns, let each one of you in the group try to count the number of images
formed for that object. What number do you get?
4. Try sketching how the images are formed by the two parallel mirrors.
5. Suggest where the concept being investigated in the activity is applied in real
From Activity 13.15, you should have noted that when a bright point object O (e.g.
a small bulb of a torch light) is placed between two parallel mirrors M1 and M2
(Fig. 13.37), I1 is the image formed by the mirror M1 and I2 is the image formed
by the mirror M2. I1 (a virtual image) acts as an object in front of the mirror M2
and an image I1.2 is formed behind M2. I1.2 acts as an object in front of the mirror
M1 and an image I1.2.1 is formed behind M1.
M1 M2
I1.2.1 I1 O I2 I1.2
Fig. 13.37: Parallel mirrors
The image I1.2.1 acts as an object in front of the mirror M2 and forms another
image and so on. In this way, the number of images formed is infinite (countless).
But the images become dimmer as the distance travelled keep increasing with
each reflection. It should be noted that the images of I2 are not considered in the
construction above.
This principle of multiple reflections is used in beauty parlours, tailor and barber
shops, etc.
Plane mirrors inclined at an angle of 90º
Activity 13.16 To find out the number of images formed by two plane
mirror placed 900 to each other
• 2 plane mirror • An objects (e.g a stone)
1. Draw two lines which are perpendicular to each other i.e at 90º.
2. Place two mirrors along the two lines to touch each other at point of
intersection of the lines.
3. Place an object between the two mirrors as shown in Fig 13.38.
4. Look through the two mirrors and count the number of images formed.
What number do you see?
Fig. 13.38: Two perpendicular mirrors
O is a bright point object placed between two plane mirrors M1 and M2 as shown
in Fig. 13.39. I1 is the first image formed by M1. I2 is the second image formed
by M2.
I2 O
I3 I1
The virtual image of I1 in front of the image mirror M2 forms an image I3 behind
the image of mirror M2. Similarly the virtual image I2 in front of the image of
mirror M1 forms an image behind the image mirror M1, which coincides with the
image I3. Hence three images are formed.
Two plane mirrors inclined at an angle of 60˚
• 2 plane mirrors • An object (e.g a stone)
1. Draw two lines which are at angle of 60º to each other.
2. Place two mirrors along the two lines to touch one another at point of
intersection of the line (Fig. 13.40).
3. Place an object between the two mirrors and count the numbers of images
formed. What number do you get?
4. Now, discuss with your partner Activities 13.17 and 13.18 and deduce a
general formula for calculating the number of images formed when two
plane mirrors are inclined at an angle.
O is a bright point object placed between the two plane mirrors M1 and M2 inclined
at an angle of 60º as shown in fig. 13.41. Image I1 is formed by M1. Image I2 is
the second image formed by M2.
The virtual image I1 (in front of M2) forms an image I3 behind M2. Similarly I2 (in
front of M1) forms an image I4 behind M1. I3 forms an image I5 due to reflection
at M1 and I4 forms an image due to reflection at M2, which coincides with I5.
Hence 5 images are formed.
I5 I2
I4 O
Fig. 13.41: Mirrors inclined at an angle of 60˚
1. Conduct a research from internet and reference books on the applications of
reflection at plane surface.
2. In your research, identify the devices in which reflection is applied and how
they work.
3. Note down the key points from your research.
From Activity 13.18, you may have established that reflection of light is applied
in the working of a periscope among other devices:
A periscope is a device which enables us to see over the top of an obstruction (e.g.
a wall). As shown in Fig. 13.42, a periscope uses two plane mirrors kept parallel to
each other and the polished surfaces facing each other. Each plane mirror makes
an angle of 45˚ with the horizontal. Light from the object OB is turned through
90˚ at each mirror and reaches the eye.
The final image produced IM is virtual, erect and the same size as the object.
The lateral inversion produced by the two plane mirrors cancel out each other.
horizontal 1 B
45˚ object
2 O
1 wall
2 45˚
Fig. 13.42: A periscope
Exercise 13.4
3. (a) Two plane mirrors are kept inclined to each other. Calculate the number
of images formed for the following angles of inclination
(i) 120° (ii) 90°
(iii) 60° (iv) 30°
(b) Which of the above set up is used in the construction of a kaleidoscope?
4. A bright point object O is placed between two parallel plane mirrors M1 and
M2 as shown in Fig. 13.43. (not drawn to scale).
mirror M2
mirror M1
I1 1 cm I2
4 cm
Fig. 13.43: Reflection of an object by parallel plane mirrors
For the object O, mirror M1 forms a virtual image I1 behind the mirror M1. I2 is
the image of O in the mirror M2. Show that the image of I2 due to the mirror M1
is 6 cm behind the image I1.
Suggested materials
An old cardboard shoe-box or a carton of size 40 cm × 15 cm × 12 cm, a sewing
needle or a paper pin, grease proof paper, tracing paper or frosted glass, black
paint and brush or black paper (optional), a black cloth big enough to cover the
box and the head of the viewer (optional).
• If black paint is available, paint the inside of the box black or stick black
paper inside. Pierce a small hole with the tip of a needle or pin on one side.
Cut a small opening on the opposite side and paste a grease proof paper or a
tracing paper (any translucent material will be sufficient).
Construction of a periscope
Working model
Materials needed
Retort stands, boss and clamp, small pieces of wood or old erasers to hold the mirrors
firmly without breaking, candle.
• Set up the two mirrors at an angle of 45˚, with the horizontal and the silvered
surfaces facing each other as shown and look for the image (Fig. 13.45).
hole A
hole B
• A plane mirror bounces light back into the same medium. The angle of
incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.
• A plane mirror forms an image of the same size as the object. The image is
erect and laterally inverted. The distance of the image from the mirror is the
same as the distance of the object from the mirror.
• Periscopes use the properties of light reflected in plane mirrors.
Unit Test 13
1. Uwamahoro stood before a plane mirror in their house. Her image was
upright. Which row shows the correct characteristics of the image formed
by the plane mirror?
5. Calculate the number of images formed when two plane mirrors are inclined
(a) 30º (b) 150º
(c) 75º (d) 45º
6. A ray of light strikes a plane mirror as shown in Fig. 13.48. Copy the diagram
and draw the path of the reflected ray. Mark clearly any two angles which are
7. Draw the reflected ray of light for the incident ray shown in Fig. 13.49. Now
draw a second mirror like the first mirror arranged so that the reflected ray is
again reflected. The reflected ray should be parallel to the original path but
in the opposite direction.
9. Fig. 13.51 shows the path of light PQRS in a simple optical fibre which
undergoes reflection. Calculate the angle between the rays PQ and RS.
80˚ 80˚
13. State and explain the effect on the image formed in a pinhole camera if:
(a) The object distance is decreased.
(b) The length of the box used is decreased.
14. A pinhole camera forms an image of size 10 cm. The object is 5 m tall and
10 m away from the pinhole. Calculate the length of the pinhole camera.
15. Describe how a kaleidoscope works.
• Charge density is the quantity of charge per unit area of a surface of a
• Earthing- is the process of connecting a charged body to the ground in order
to channel the negative charges to/from the ground.
• Conductors- materials that allow charges (electrons) to pass through them.
• Insulators- materials that do not allow the charges (electrons) to pass through
them easily.
• Electrodes-aconductor through which electricity enters or leaves an object,
substance, or region.
• Electrolytes - are solutions that are good conductors of electric current charge.
• Electric current. The rate of flow of charges from one point to the other in an
electric circuit.
• Electrolysis - is the process through which chemical changes takes place in a
liquid due to the flow of electric current is through them
• A beam of light - a collection or group of light rays.
• Translucent materials– These are materials that partially allow the light falling
on them to pass through them.
• Magnification - is how big or how small the image is compared to the object.
• Umbra- is the region of complete darkness.
• Penumbra- is the region of partial darkness.