Act3.1 Itpe2 Dmem
Act3.1 Itpe2 Dmem
Act3.1 Itpe2 Dmem
Activity 3.1!
Answer the following.
a. Explain what is debugging and testing. (150 words)
b. Give a brief summary of debug menu. (200 words)
Testing, on the other hand, is the process of evaluating the software's functionality, performance, and
usability. It involves executing the software with various inputs and test cases to verify if it behaves as
expected. Testing helps identify bugs, validate the software against specifications, and ensure that it meets
user expectations. It includes techniques such as unit testing, integration testing, and system testing. The goal
of testing is to uncover any issues or weaknesses in the software and ensure its quality and reliability before
it is released to users.
- Once accessed, the debug menu offers a range of options and features designed to aid in the identification
and resolution of software issues. These may include logging capabilities, the ability to enable or disable
specific features or modules, modifying variables, simulating different scenarios, and accessing detailed
system information.
- The debug menu is primarily used during the software development process to closely monitor and control
the application's behavior. It allows developers to track down and fix bugs, test different functionalities and
configurations, and gather valuable data for analysis and optimization.
- It is important to exercise caution when using the debug menu, as making incorrect changes or
modifications can have unintended consequences, such as system instability or unintended behavior. In
summary, the debug menu is a powerful tool that provides specialized features and options for debugging
and testing software. It assists developers in identifying and resolving software issues, optimizing
performance, and ensuring a high-quality, reliable end product.