NCRP 2020 2012 16

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Report of

National Cancer Registry Programme


Bengaluru, India
Indian Council of Medical Research

Members of Scientiic Advisory Committee of NCDIR

Dr. G.K. Rath, New Delhi, Chairperson Dr. Prashant Mathur, Bengaluru, Member Secretary
Dr. P.C. Gupta, Navi Mumbai Dr. A.C. Kataki, Guwahati
Dr. A.K. Das, Puducherry Dr. Vasantha Muthuswamy, Coimbatore
Dr. Rajani R. Ved, New Delhi Prof. N. Sreekumaran Nair, Puducherry
Prof. N K Arora, New Delhi Prof. Prem Pias, Bengaluru
Dr. P. Satish Chandra, Bengaluru Head Division of NCD, ICMR New Delhi (Ex-oficio)
Director IIPS, Mumbai (Ex-oficio) Registrar General of India, New Delhi (Ex-oficio)

Research Area Panel on Cancer, NCDIR

Dr. G.K. Rath, New Delhi, Chairperson

Dr. P.C. Gupta, Navi Mumbai Mr. P. Gangadharan, Kochi

Dr. A.C. Kataki, Guwahati Prof. R.C. Mahajan, Chandigarh
Dr. J. Mahanta, Dibrugarh Dr. B. Rajan, Bengaluru
Dr. Kumaraswamy, Bengaluru Dr. Elizabeth Vallikad, Bengaluru
Dr. P.P. Bapsy, Bengaluru Dr. R.N. Visweswara, Bengaluru
(Late) Dr M.N. Bandyopadhyay, Kolkata

Staff at NCDIR-NCRP, Bengaluru
Dr Prashant Mathur
Scientist G & Director, ICMR - NCDIR


Mrs. F.S. Roselind, Scientist E Dr. Meesha Chaturvedi, Scientist D

Mrs. Priyanka Das, Scientist D Mr. Sudarshan K L, Scientist D
Dr. Shakuntala T S, Scientist C Mr. Sathish Kumar K, Scientist C


Mr. N Sureshkumar, Technical Assistant Mr. Monesh B Vishwakarma, Technical Assistant

Mr. Stephen S, Technical Assistant

Project Staff

Mr. Anish John, Project Scientist C Mr. Vijay Kumar D D, Project Scientist B
Mr. N Vinodh, Project Scientist B Dr. Suvi Kanchan, Project Scientist B
Mr. Muneeswaran M, Computer Programmer Mr. Seelam Rajesh, Computer Programmer
Ms. N Sathya, Project Technical Oficer Mr. Ramesha V, Project Technical Oficer
Mr. Sintomon Mathew, Project Technical Oficer Mr. Sandeep Narsimhan, Project Assistant


Mr. Sudarshan K.L ,I/C Accounts Oficer Mr. N M Ramesha, Administrative Oficer

The following staff members assistance in the preparation of this report is duly acknowledged

Designing & Infographics: Mr. Hemanth Kumar G, Computer Programmer

Mr. Solomon T, Project Assistant

Administration Support: Mr. Manu Kumar H.M., Project Section Oficer

Mr. Bhyregowda K, Project Section Oficer

Message v
Foreword vii
Preface ix
Executive Summary xii-xviii
Network Map of Cancer Registries xix-xx
Introduction xxii-xxviii
Section I
Chapters 1-6
1. 1.1 Population and Cancer Incidence 1-10
1.2 Number and Relative Proportion for all sites of Cancer in Hospital
Based Cancer Registries
2. Leading Anatomical Sites of Cancer 11-30
3. Sites of Cancer Associated with the Use of Tobacco 31-34
4. Cancers in Childhood 35-50
5. Comparison of cancer incidence and patterns of all Population Based 51-74
Cancer Registries
6. Cancer Mortality 75-77
Section II
Chapters 7-11
7. Cancer Breast 80-86
8. Cancer Cervix Uteri 88-92
9. Head and Neck Cancers 94-126
9.1 Cancer Tongue
9.2 Cancer Mouth
9.3 Cancer Tonsil, Other Oropharynx and Pharynx Unspeciied
9.4 Cancer Nasopharynx
9.5 Cancer Hypopharynx
9.6 Cancer Larynx
10. Cancer Lung 128-136
11. Cancer Stomach 138-146
Section III
Chapter 12-15
12. Data Quality and Indices of Reliability 147-150
13. Trends in Cancer Incidence 151-160
14. Projection of Cancer Cases in India 161-164
15. Summary 165-166
Annexures 169-170
Snapshot of Registries 173-214
Principal Investigator, Co-Principal Investigator and Staff Details 217-247
Ways for Cancer Prevention and Control 248
References 249-250
Other Publications of NCDIR - NCRP 251-252

* Thiruvananthapuram is referred as Thi’puram in the tables and igures

ExEcutivE Summary

The report contains 5 years (2012-2016) data from the network of cancer registries
working under the National Cancer Registry Programme (NCRP). Number of data points
and network of registries under the programme have expanded greatly since the start of
the programme in 1982. The present report has included data from 28 Population Based
Cancer Registries (PBCRs) and 58 Hospital Based Cancer registries (HBCRs) in India based
on its completion and veriication.

The aim of cancer registry is to create evidence on the burden, pattern and distribution
of cancer. Incidence rates are one of the best indicators available to measure the burden
of cancer. PBCRs measure the incidence rates for a deined population. Along with
contributing to PBCRs, HBCRs provide data on the clinical presentation, diagnosis and care
of cancer.

Compared to past NCRP reports, for the irst time has the data of both PBCRs and HBCRs
been provided in a single report. The data of all the HBCRs is pooled and analysed rather
than providing hospital wise information.

The data of PBCR and HBCR is presented under North, South, East, West, Central and
North East regions so as to characterize regional variations.

Snapshot of cancer registries provides the details of cancer registries region-wise. The
location of each registry, establishment year, coverage area, leading site of cancer and
sources of registration for each PBCR is illustrated. The names of HBCRs, their established
year and top 5 leading sites of cancer in the HBCR is listed.

Section I
Chapter 1 enumerates the population proile of all 28 PBCRs, number of new cases of
cancer, incidence rates (per 100,000 population) for all sites of cancer and cumulative risk
of cancer. It lists all the HBCRs by name and enumerates the relative proportion (%) for all
sites of cancer.

Delhi PBCR covered the largest population person years of 17.3 million and the lowest
was 0.13 million population person years covered by Pasighat PBCR in Arunachal Pradesh.
The highest Age Adjusted Rates (AAR) recorded per one lakh population for all sites of
cancer combined were in Aizawl district (269.4) among males and in Papumpare district
(219.8) among females. The data from PBCR Hyderabad (2014-2016) has been included for
the irst time in this report.

1 out of every 4 persons in Papumpare district of Arunachal Pradesh had a possibility of

developing cancer in a lifetime in the age group 0-74 years.

Total cases registered by 58 HBCRs was 667666. HBCR at Tata Memorial hospital registered
the highest (81260) number of cases.

Cumulative Risk of developing any cancer 0-74 years

Cumulative Risk of developing Cancer of Any Site in 0-74 years of Age

Chapter 2 The leading anatomical sites of cancer for each PBCR is summarised below.
Males Females
1 2 3 1 2 3
Delhi Lung Mouth Prostate Breast Cervix Uteri Gall Bladder
Patiala District Oesophagus Lung Prostate Breast Cervix Uteri Oesophagus
Hyderabad District Mouth Lung Tongue Breast Cervix Uteri Ovary
Kollam District Lung Prostate Mouth Breast Thyroid Cervix Uteri
Thi’puram District Lung Prostate Mouth Breast Thyroid Ovary
Bangalore Lung Stomach Prostate Breast Cervix Uteri Ovary
Chennai Lung Stomach Mouth Breast Cervix Uteri Ovary
Kolkata Lung Prostate Mouth Breast Cervix Uteri Ovary
Ahmedabad Urban Mouth Tongue Lung Breast Cervix Uteri Ovary
Aurangabad Mouth Lung Tongue Breast Cervix Uteri Ovary
Osmanabad & Beed Mouth Tongue Oesophagus Cervix Uteri Breast Ovary
Barshi Rural Mouth Oesophagus Liver Cervix Uteri Breast Ovary
Mumbai Lung Mouth Prostate Breast Cervix Uteri Ovary
Pune Mouth Prostate Lung Breast Cervix Uteri Ovary
Wardha District Mouth Lung Oesophagus Breast Cervix Uteri Ovary
Bhopal Mouth Lung Tongue Breast Cervix Uteri Ovary
Nagpur Mouth Tongue Lung Breast Cervix Uteri Ovary
Manipur State Lung Stomach Nasopharynx Breast Lung Cervix Uteri
Mizoram State Stomach Oesophagus Lung Cervix Uteri Lung Breast
Sikkim State Stomach Oesophagus Lung Breast Cervix Uteri Stomach
Tripura State Lung Oesophagus Larynx Cervix Uteri Breast Gall Bladder
West Arunachal Stomach Liver Oesophagus Stomach Breast Cervix Uteri
Meghalaya Oesophagus Hypopharynx Stomach Oesophagus Cervix Uteri Mouth
Nagaland Nasopharynx Stomach Oesophagus Cervix Uteri Breast Stomach
Pasighat Stomach Lung Liver Cervix Uteri Breast Stomach
Cachar District Oesophagus Hypopharynx Lung Cervix Uteri Breast Gall Bladder
Dibrugarh District Oesophagus Hypopharynx Stomach Breast Gall Bladder Ovary
Kamrup Urban Oesophagus Hypopharynx Lung Breast Oesophagus Gall Bladder

Cancer of lung, mouth, stomach and oesophagus were the most common cancers
among males. Cancer of breast and cervix uteri were the most common cancers among

Chapter 3 deals with anatomical sites of cancer which are mainly related to use of tobacco
(Smoking and smokeless forms) as per IARC Criteria on evaluation of the carcinogenic risks
to humans (IARC Lyon, 1987). The incidence rates of tobacco related cancers in north
was high in Delhi (males: 62.1; females: 18.5). Kollam district (males: 52.9) and Bangalore
(females: 20.1) had high incidence rates in the south. In the east, Kolkata had an AAR of
42.3 in males and 13.7 in females. In the west, Ahmedabad urban had high AAR of 54.3 in
males and Mumbai had high AAR of 18.2 in females. Bhopal had high AAR in both males
(55.3) and females (19.6) in the central region. East Khasi Hills district from the north east had
the highest AAR of tobacco related cancers (males:161.3; females: 58.1) in India.

The Proportion (%) of Cancers Associated with the Use of Tobacco Relative to All Sites of
Cancer in 28 PBCRs under NCRP

CR and AAR given in parentheses

Chapter 4 deals with the cancers of childhood. The incidence rates (expressed per million
AARpm for children) have been analyzed for 0-14 age group (for comparison with
previous NCRP publications) group and 0-19 age group (for comparison with international
publications). Comparison of AARpm of childhood cancers across the registries within NCRP,
with registries in Asian countries and those in Non-Asian countries is presented. Delhi PBCR
recorded the highest proportion of childhood cancers in both 0-14 age group (3.7%) and
0-19 age group (4.9%). From the HBCR data, Leukaemia was the most common diagnosis of
cancer both in 0-14 years (boys, 46.4%; girls, 44.3%) and in the 0-19 age group (boys, 43.2%;
girls, 39.2%). Delhi PBCR had the highest incidence rate (AAR pm) of childhood cancers
among boys in both 0-14 age group (203.1) and 0-19 age group (196.3). Among girls, Delhi
had high incidence rate (125.4) in the 0-14 age group and Thiruvananthapuram district
(123.5) had high incidence in the 0-19 age group.

Chapter 5 compares cancer incidence and patterns of all PBCRs for different sites of
cancer. Aizawl district had the highest incidence (AAR, 269.4) in males and Papumpare
district (AAR, 219.8) had the highest in females for all sites of cancer. North east registries
had higher incidence rates than the other registries in cancers of oropharynx, oesophagus,
nasopharynx, hypopharynx, stomach, colorectal, liver, gall bladder, larynx, lung, cervix uteri
and ovary. Cancer breast incidence was high in Hyderabad district, Chennai, Bangalore
and Delhi.on of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AARs) of All

ALL SITES (ICD-10: C00-C97) - Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AARs) of 28
PBCRs under NCRP



Chapter 6 presents the mortality rates and Mortality-Incidence percent (M/I%) for different
cancers. Barshi rural PBCR recorded the highest M/I% (67.2%). Aizawl district recorded the
highest Age Adjusted Mortality Rate (AAMR) in males (152.7) and females (89.5).

Section II provides a summary of statistical and scientiic details on selected anatomical

sites of cancers viz., cancer breast, cervix uteri, head & neck, lung and stomach. This section
deals with incidence rates and their comparison with Asian and Non-Asian countries, cancer
trends, staging and treatment of each of these sites of cancer.

Chapter 7: Cancer Breast – A signiicant increase in the incidence rates of breast cancer was
observed in 15 PBCRs in females. Majority of patients underwent multi-modality treatment
and 97.7% were epithelial tumours. Israel (84.6) had the highest incidence of breast cancer
in Asia. In India, Hyderabad district (48.0) had the highest incidence rate.

Chapter 8: Cancer Cervix Uteri – A signiicant decrease in the incidence rates of cancer
cervix uteri was observed in 10 PBCRs. Majority of patients underwent radiotherapy and
chemotherapy and majority (99.5%) were epithelial tumours. Papumpare district, India had
the highest incidence rate of cervical cancer (27.7) in Asia.

Annual Percent Change (APC) in Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR)

over the time period

Chapter 9: Head & Neck Cancers – Cancer mouth was the most common of all head
and neck cancers in both males and females. Multi-modality treatment was the most
common treatment for all head & neck cancers except for cancer larynx in females,
where radiotherapy was the most common treatment. In males, APC ranged from (-1.5) in
Mumbai to 4.4 in Aurangabad. In females, APC ranged from (-3.1) in Sikkim state to 3.7 in
Nagpur. East Khasi Hills district (12.8) followed by Ahmedabad urban (10.5) had the highest
incidence rate in the world among males for tongue cancer. Among females, Bhopal (4.0)
followed by Cachar district (3.8) had the highest incidence rate in the world.

Relative Proportion (%) of cases registered according to Types of Treatment for
Head and Neck Cancers



Chapter 10: Cancer Lung – A signiicant increase in the incidence rates of cancer lung was
observed in 5 PBCRs and 11 PBCRs in males and females respectively. Aizawl district had the
highest incidence of cancer lung in Asia among females. Systemic therapy was the most
common mode of treatment both in males and females. In Asia, Aizawl district, India (37.9)
had the highest AAR per one lakh among females.

Chapter 11: Cancer Stomach – A signiicant decrease in the incidence rates of cancer
stomach was observed in 7 PBCRs and 4 PBCRs in males and females respectively. On a
comparison of incidence rates of cancer stomach with the Non-Asian countries, two districts
from the north east were found to have the highest incidence rates in both males (Aizawl
district, 44.2) in females (Papumpare district, 27.1). Systemic therapy was the most common
mode of treatment given.

Section III
Chapter 12 discusses the quality of the data of the registries. Microscopic Veriication (MV)
of diagnosis was the highest in Hyderabad district (96.7%) leading to lowest registration of
other and unspeciied sites of cancer (1.8%). Age unknown was less than 0.6 % across all
PBCRs and the highest M/I percent was observed in Barshi rural (67.2%). Out of 58 HBCRs,
the MV% ranged between 90 – 100% in majority of the hospitals but the least MV% was
observed to be 75.5% in one hospital.
Chapter 13 & 14 provides the cancer incidence rates over time and projected number of
incidences of cancer cases for the years 2016 to 2025. A rise in the incidence of all sites
of cancer was observed in majority of the PBCRs. In India, the total number of incidence
cases in males is estimated to be 679421 in 2020 and 763575 in 2025. Among females, the
total number of incidence cases is estimated to be 712758 in 2020 and 806218 in 2025.
Cancer breast (238908) is expected to be the most common site of cancer in 2025 followed
by cancer lung (111328) and mouth (90060). Tobacco related cancers are estimated to
constitute 27% of all cancers in India.

Annual Percent Change (APC) in Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) over the
time period - All Sites of Cancer.
Males Females

The projected cancer cases in India is 2020 and 2025 is as below.

2020 2025
Anatomical Sites of Cancer
No. of Cases % No. of Cases %
All Sites 1392179 100.0 1569793 100.0
Tobacco Related Cancers 377830 27.1 427273 27.2
Gastro Intestinal Tract 273982 19.7 310142 19.8
Cervix Uteri 75209 5.4 85241 5.4
Breast 205424 14.8 232832 14.8
Corpus Uteri and Ovary 70400 5.1 79765 5.1
Lymphoid & Haematopoietic Malignancies 124931 9.0 138592 8.8
Prostate 41532 3.0 47068 3.0
Central Nervous System 32729 2.4 36258 2.3

Network of 36 Population Based Cancer Registries

Network of Hospital Based Cancer Registries

Cancer is a disease in which there is unregulated cell growth in any organ systems
occurring in humans of all age groups, irrespective of age, sex, nationality, ethnicity,
economic status, educational strata, geological and geographic distributions. In its
presentation, it could be acute (sudden onset), sub-acute (slow onset), or chronic (long
period of time). In its symptoms, it is known to present itself in the most insidious non-speciic
presenting symptoms like fever, diarrhoea or weight loss to the symptoms like bleeding,
obstructive symptoms, growths. As a disease it has the potential to restrain a person from
achieving full physical, physiological, psychological and economic potential. It’s a major
concern for the patient, his/her family, the clinician, the healthcare provider and the tax-

The aetiology of cancer is multi-factorial: genetic predisposition, exposure to tobacco,

certain chemicals, infections, radiation, inappropriate lifestyle factors (alcohol, Inappropriate
diet, physical inactivity, high body mass index, diabetics and metabolic syndrome) have all
been implicated in the causation of cancer. Yet, the cause remains undetermined in a
large proportion of patients. This is important since much of the preventive strategies are
based on some of the known factors. Associations have also been made on the degree
of exposure, dose of exposure, duration of exposure, age (vulnerability) of the exposed
and the like. All these factors have come from deductive reasoning of epidemiological
data and an insight into the possible causative mechanisms. There have been remarkable
successes in the evolving treatment modalities which have strengthened the ight against

The National Cancer Registry Programme - An Overview

Cancer registry is an organization of systematic collection, storage, analysis, interpretation
and reporting of data on patients with cancer (IARC). A proper analysis and interpretation
of data provides insights with inputs for its prevention, control and management.

Time-trend studies are also possible when data have been accumulated over long
periods of time. In addition to incidence igures, population-based cancer registries
who conduct follow-up of their patients are able to estimate the prevalence of
cancer. Prevalence igures give an indication of the existing burden of the disease in the

A cancer registry provides an economical and eficient method of ascertaining cancer

occurrence rather than intervention trials and cohort studies.

In India, the National Cancer Registry Programme (NCRP) under the Indian Council of
Medical Research (ICMR) with its network of cancer registries was started in December 1981
with the co-ordinating centre at Bengaluru. Presently it is operated by the ICMR-NCDIR,
Bengaluru. This provides the data on cancer incidence, mortality, pattern, trend and
geo-pathological distribution of cancers. It also helps to formulate and implement policies
and programmes, monitor and evaluate the cancer control activities.

There are two types of cancer registries under the programme. Population Based Cancer
Registries (PBCRs) record all the new cancer cases occurring in a deined population within
a geographic area. The Hospital Based Cancer Registries (HBCRs) record information on
cancer patients attending a particular hospital, with focus on clinical care, treatment and
outcome. Cancer Atlas approaches have also been used for speciic short-term purposes.

The main objectives of the programme are:

1. To generate reliable data on the magnitude and patterns of cancer.

2. Propose further epidemiological studies based on results of registry data.

3. Help in designing, planning, monitoring and evaluation of cancer control activities

under the National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes,
Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS).

4. Develop training programmes in cancer registration and epidemiology.

NCRP started with a network of three PBCRs in Bangalore, Chennai and Mumbai and
three HBCRs in Chandigarh, Dibrugarh and Thiruvananthapuram. The number of registries
working under the programme have expanded greatly from the time of inception and
presently there are 36 PBCRs and 236 HBCRs registered under NCRP.

Since cancer is not a notiiable disease, cancer registration in India is active and staff of
all registries visit hospitals, pathology laboratories and all other sources of registration of
cancer cases on a routine basis. Death certiicates are also scrutinized from the local
government units like municipal corporation and panchayat raj institutes and information
is collected on all cases where cancer is mentioned as a cause of death on the death

The information that is collected on a core form is entered into a software provided by
ICMR - NCDIR. The data is further transmitted to ICMR - NCDIR. Over the years, the registries and
the ofice of the NCRP have used modern advances in electronic information technology to
enter the data, checking of the data, veriication of duplicates and matching of mortality
and incidence records. The software applications developed by NCDIR have further
evolved and so has the data submission methodology and overall support. Data quality
is assessed at the coordinating unit under different dimensions like comparability, validity,
timeliness and completeness. Frequent training and re-training programs are conducted
for cancer registry investigators and staff to maintain quality of work. Interaction with local
health and other stakeholders is undertaken by the registries to keep them informed and to
irm up partnerships.

To improve the mortality data, all-cause mortality data is being collected in electronic
form under NCRP. The same is being formatted, coded, checked and imported at NCRP to
run the matches with the incidence.

The data from the NCRP has contributed signiicantly for improving public health and
clinical patient care. Data from the NCRP registries is used as a basis for several research
studies. Data is also regularly published in successive volumes of Cancer Incidence in Five
Continents (CI 5) published by the International Agency for Research on Cancer - the
cancer research arm of the World Health Organization (IARC-WHO). The incidence data
from 15 PBCRs of India have been published in CI 5 - Vol XI published by IARC-WHO.

India as a country has demographically been known to have large proportions of

younger population. If a comparison is drawn with some of the developed countries, the
Indian age pyramid has a broader base (among lower age groups). The NCRP has witnessed
a steady rise in incidence of cancer over the years and with larger number of populations in
higher age groups, one of the reasons of rising incidence is the increasing life expectancy.

The proportion of population of India which has developed cancer would have great
interest in knowing the stage-based survival of the type of cancer and also how much the
advances in medical sciences could have controlled it.

The policy makers of the healthcare delivery system would like to know about the beneit
of the availability of primary, secondary and tertiary health care and its impact in improving
the survival and quality of life of cancer patients.

The clinicians treating it would be interested in knowing as to what the general trend of
cancer has been, how effective is a particular modality of treatment, what are the average
survival rates, any changes in the occurrence as per site and the like.

While all these three issues are directly or indirectly addressed by cancer registries, the
possibilities of using the data in conjunction with other ongoing health plans are endless. The
integration of survival data, hospitalisation data, morbidity data with preventive strategies,
health education, provisioning of basic anti-cancer medications, provisioning of tertiary
healthcare facilities to cover untouched areas are all potential areas where data driven
knowledge can be of immense help.

Cancer registration in India face several challenges. Cancer is not a notiiable disease,
and these poses data collection challenges. A few states have issued administrative
notiications for the same. The mortality registration system has several gaps in the way
mortality data is recorded affecting the coverage and completion of cause of death
information. Cancer registries need to be linked to several other databases at national
and local levels for seamless improvement of cancer statistics (Ayushman Bharat, other
insurance scheme, mortality databases, Health Management Information System).

Cancer registries form the backbone of cancer prevention and control activities in
India. Strengthening it will yield much improved information to track and monitor population
and hospital level measures to track cancer.

Deinitions, Statistical Terms and Methods

Cancer Registration may be deined as the process of continuing, systematic collection
of data on the occurrence and characteristics of reportable neoplasms with the purpose of
helping to assess and control the impact of malignancies on the community.

Cancer Case refers to all neoplasms with a behaviour code of ‘3’ as deined by the
International Classiication of Diseases - Oncology, Third edition (ICD-O-3) are considered
reportable and are registered in NCRP.

Cancer Registry is the ofice or institution which attempts to collect, store, analyse and
interpret data on persons with cancer.

Population Based Cancer Registries (PBCRs) systematically collect information on an

reportable neoplasms from multiple sources in a geographically deined population residing
in the area for a period of one year.

Hospital Based Cancer Registries (HBCRs) are concerned with recording of information
on the treatment, management and outcome of cancer patients registered in a particular

Sources of Registration will usually be hospitals or cancer centres but, depending on the
local circumstances, a population-based registry will also involve private clinics, general
practitioners, laboratories, health insurance systems, HBCRs, screening programmes and
Vital statistics Department.

Data Processing Data Processing involves importing or downloading of data from the
registries into the local database at ICMR-NCDIR. Quality of the data is checked for errors
that may have been committed at data collection, abstraction or entry. Identiication and
elimination of duplicates is done through deterministic approach and by identifying names
that are phonetically the same. Multiple combination of variables are used to generate the
probable list. Duplicate deletion is done without any loss of information. Mortality data is
linked/matched with incidence and the unmatched mortality cases are identiied as either
Death Certiicate Notiication (DCN)/ Death Certiication Only (DCO). Clariication at each
step is sought from each registry and the data is inalized for further analysis

Age-Group used for estimating populations as well as grouping cancer cases as per the
WHO guidelines which is 0-4, 5-9, 10-14….75+.
According to the same deinition the age group 0-14, 0-19 constitutes childhood cancer.
Cancer Incidence denotes new cases diagnosed in a deined population in a speciied
time period.
Cancer Mortality denotes number of cancer deaths occurring in a speciied population
during a speciied time period.
Rates for cancer are always expressed per 100,000 population. For childhood cancer
this may be expressed as per one million.

Crude Incidence Rate (CR) refers to the rate obtained by division of the total number
of cancer cases by the corresponding estimated population (mid-year) and multiplying by
New Cases of cancer of a particular year
CR =
Estimated population of the same year × 100,000

Age Speciic Rate (ASpR) refers to the rate obtained by division of the total number of
cancer cases by the corresponding estimated population in that age group and gender/
site/geographic area/time period and multiplying by 100,000.

New Cases of cancer of a particular year in the given age group

ASpR = × 100,000
Estimated population of the same year for the give age group

Age Adjusted or Age Standardised Rate (AAR) Cancer incidence increases as age

Therefore, higher the proportion of older population, higher is the number of cancers.
Most developed and western countries have a higher proportion of older population.
So in order to make rates of cancer comparable between countries, a world standard
population (given below) that takes this into account is used to arrive at age adjusted
or age standardised rates. This is calculated according to the direct method (Boyle and
Parkin, 1991) by obtaining the age speciic rates and applying these rates to the standard
population in that age group. The world standard population approximates the proportional
age distribution of the world and is given below:
Age Distribution of World Standard Population (

World Standard
Age Group
00-04 12,000
05-09 10,000
10-14 9,000
15-19 9,000
20-24 8,000
25-29 8,000
30-34 6,000
35-39 6,000
40-44 6,000
45-49 6,000
50-54 5,000
55-59 4,000
60-64 4,000
65-69 3,000
70-74 2,000
75+ 2,000
All Ages 100,000


∑ (a w )
i =1 i i
∑ w i =1 i

Where, ai is the age speciic rate (AspR) in age class i;

wi is the standard population in age class i;
A represents the number of age intervals.

Or expressed in simpler terms thus:

S(ASpR)×(No. of persons in Std. world population in that 5 yr. age group


Cumulative Risk refers to the probability that the person will develop a particular cancer
during a certain age period in the absence of any other cause of death. The Cumulative
Rate (CuR) is an approximation of the cumulative risk. It is obtained by adding the annual
age-speciic incidence rates for each ive-year age interval (up to either 64 or 74 years of
age or for whatever age group is to be used to calculate the cumulative risk) multiplied by
5 (representing the ive-year age interval) times 100/100,000.

5 × ∑ ( ASpR) × 100
CuR =
100, 000

And cumulative risk is expressed as

Cumulative Risk = 100 × [1 - exp(-cumulative rate/100)]

Possibility one in number = (1/ Cumulative Risk) × 100

Truncated Age Adjusted Incidence Rate (TR) - This is similar to the age adjusted rate
except that it is calculated for the truncated age group 35-64 years of age.

Sex Ratio is used to describe the number of females per 1000 males.

M/I Ratio Percent is obtained by dividing the mortality count by the incidence count in
a given year (%).

Trends in Crude Rate or Age Adjusted Incidence Rates - The signiicance of trend in CR
or AAR was assessed based on Joinpoint regression.

About Joinpoint Regression Program - Joinpoint Regression Program, Version 4.7.0, is

a statistical software for the analysis of trends using Joinpoint models, i.e, where several
different regression lines are connected together at the “Joinpoints”. The software takes
trend data (e.g. cancer rates) and its the simplest Joinpoint model that the data allow. The
program starts with the minimum number of Joinpoints (e.g. 0 Joinpoint, which is a straight
line) and tests whether more Joinpoints are statistically signiicant and must be added to the
model (upto that maximum number). In this report we have seen Annual Percent Change
(APC) of straight line for a speciied period of time.

For example, if the APC is 1%, and the rate is 50.0 per 100,000 in 2000, the rate is 50 × 1.01
= 50.50 in 2001 and 50.5 × 1.01 = 51.005 in 2002.

Rates that change at a constant percentage every year, change linearly on a log
scale. For this reason, to estimate the APC for a series of data, the following regression
model is used.
log(Ry) = b0 + b1y

where log(Ry) is the natural log of the rate in year y.

The APC from year y to year y+1 =

(R y +1 − Ry ) × 100

eβ0 + β1(y +1) − eβ0 + β1(y ) 

= β0 + β1( y )
 × 100 = (eβ1 − 1) × 100

Population Estimation The census populations of 2001 and 2011 were used in this report
to calculate the estimates of population for the years 2012 and 2016 (Difference Distribution
method for estimation of populations by ive yearly age groups)

Section I

Chapter 1
1.1 Population and Cancer Incidence
The major contribution of Population Based Cancer Registries (PBCRs) is to provide
cancer incidence rates, compare cancer incidence and patterns across other registries
and in different subgroups of population in the respective areas.

PBCRs systematically collect information on all reportable neoplasms occurring in

a geographically deined population from multiple sources of cancer registration. The
systematic ascertainment of cancer incidence from multiple sources can provide an
unbiased proile of the cancer burden in the population and how it is changing over time.
The comparison and interpretation of population based cancer incidence data support
population-based actions aimed at reducing the cancer burden.

Cancers reported for all anatomical sites of cancer as per International Classiication of
Diseases (ICD-10:C00-C97) are included in this chapter.

Geographical area and population at risk

The growth rate of the population between the census years 2001 and 2011 has been
used (through the Difference Distribution Method of Takiar and Shobana, 2009) to estimate
the mid-year populations (ive-year age group and total) for the years of the report, viz.,
2012 to 2016. The same has been followed for 27 PBCRs. The 2001 census has not been
accepted by the Govt. of Nagaland. The population for Nagaland PBCR has therefore
been estimated using 1991 and 2011 census to get the mid-year population of 2012-2016.
Factors such as net migration, birth rate and death rate have not been considered.

The data from PBCR Hyderabad has been included for the irst time in this report. PBCR
Hyderabad covers the entire district of Hyderabad.

Table 1.1 shows the number of male and female population covered by 28 PBCRs and
provides information from 32 geographical areas. The average population covered per
year ranged from 1.39 lakhs in Pasighat PBCR from Arunachal Pradesh to 173.0 lakhs in Delhi
registry. The sex ratio showed that Mumbai PBCR has the lowest ratio with 865 females to
that of 1000 males. The percentage of rural population reporting in North eastern PBCRs was
higher when compared to other PBCRs. There are 12 purely urban PBCRs, 1 purely rural and
15 PBCRs covering both urban and rural populations in differing proportions.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Population and Cancer Incidence

Table 1.1 Population proile of 28 PBCRs under NCRP with Average Annual Person Years
and Area of Residence: 2012-2016
Sl Area Urban Rural Sex Ratio
Registry, State Males Females Total
No ( (%) (%) (per 1000)
1 Delhi, Delhi NCT 1157 9207329 8100344 17307673 100.0 0.0 880
2 Patiala district, Punjab 3325 1061516 951495 2013011 40.3 59.7 896
3 Hyderabad district, Telangana 217 2035004 1958731 3993735 100.0 0.0 963
4 Kollam district, Kerala 2491 1246085 1406494 2652579 45.0 55.0 1129
5 Thi’puram district#, Kerala 2192 1585619 1738609 3324228 53.7 46.3 1096
6 Bangalore, Karnataka 741 4552663 4216563 8769226 100.0 0.0 926
7 Chennai, Tamil Nadu 170 2376013 2376899 4752912 100.0 0.0 1000
8 Kolkata, West Bengal 185 2317736 2159343 4477079 100.0 0.0 932
9 Ahmedabad urban, Gujarat 364 3270940 2951374 6222314 100.0 0.0 902
10 Aurangabad, Maharashtra 148 679169 636426 1315595 100.0 0.0 937
11 Osmanabad & Beed, Maharashtra 18262 2312853 2115972 4428825 18.7 81.3 915
12 Barshi rural, Maharashtra 3713 269505 242016 511521 0.0 100.0 898
13 Mumbai, Maharashtra 603 6743382 5835378 12578760 100.0 0.0 865
14 Pune, Maharashtra 613 2868568 2598211 5466779 100.0 0.0 906
15 Wardha district, Maharashtra 6309 678494 644397 1322891 32.5 67.5 950
16 Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 350 1070229 992484 2062713 100.0 0.0 927
17 Nagpur, Maharashtra 237 1337922 1298800 2636722 100.0 0.0 971
18 Manipur state 22327 1576453 1557045 3133498 29.2 70.8 988
Imphal West district 519 267271 278024 545295 62.3 37.7 1040
19 Mizoram state 21087 591920 585845 1177765 52.1 47.9 990
Aizawl district 3576 211475 217604 429079 78.6 21.4 1029
20 Sikkim state 7096 335541 300327 635868 25.2 74.8 895
21 Tripura state 10492 1959179 1888916 3848095 26.2 73.8 964
22 West Arunachal*, Arunachal Pradesh 42095 431626 415804 847430 25.8 74.2 963
Papumpare district 3462 99623 100462 200085 54.9 45.1 1008
23 Meghalaya*, Meghalaya 14262 1012757 1016291 2029048 24.9 75.1 1003
East Khasi Hills district 2748 440455 449646 890101 44.4 55.6 1021
24 Nagaland*, Nagaland 2390 376585 352257 728842 49.3 50.7 935
25 Pasighat*, Arunachal Pradesh 10193 70769 68765 139534 25.4 74.6 972
26 Cachar district, Assam 3786 940216 906827 1847043 18.2 81.8 964
27 Dibrugarh district, Assam 3381 698860 678461 1377321 18.4 81.6 971
28 Kamrup urban, Assam 336 653267 635246 1288513 100.0 0.0 972
* Meghalaya covers East Khasi Hills, West Khasi Hills, Jaintia Hills and Ri Bhoi districts
* Nagaland covers Kohima and Dimapur districts
* Pasighat covers East Siang and Upper Siang
* West Arunachal covers Tawang, West Kameng, East Kameng, Upper Subansiri, Lower Subansiri, Kurung Kumey, Papumpare
and West Siang
Thi’puram district represents Thiruvananthapuram district in all the tables and igures.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Population and Cancer Incidence

Table 1.2 Total Number of Cancer Cases Registered in 28 PBCRs under NCRP

Males Females Total

Sl No Registry
n % n % (N)
1 Delhi (2012-2014) 31032 51.6 29065 48.4 60097
2 Patiala district (2012-2016) 5394 47.0 6077 53.0 11471
3 Hyderabad district (2014-2016) 5143 44.4 6453 55.6 11596
4 Kollam district (2012-2016) 9930 50.4 9780 49.6 19710
5 Thi’puram district (2012-2016) 13506 48.5 14327 51.5 27833
6 Bangalore (2012-2014) 13221 45.5 15828 54.5 29049
7 Chennai (2012-2016) 14468 46.3 16803 53.7 31271
8 Kolkata (2012-2015) 10186 52.7 9151 47.3 19337
9 Ahmedabad urban (2012-2016) 14579 56.9 11025 43.1 25604
10 Aurangabad (2012-2016) 1923 49.0 2001 51.0 3924
11 Osmanabad & Beed (2012-2015) 3635 44.9 4467 55.1 8102
12 Barshi rural (2012-2016) 726 47.2 813 52.8 1539
13 Mumbai (2012-2015) 26256 48.9 27458 51.1 53714
14 Pune (2012-2016) 9687 47.2 10818 52.8 20505
15 Wardha district (2012-2016) 2389 48.5 2537 51.5 4926
16 Bhopal (2012-2015) 3567 49.8 3589 50.2 7156
17 Nagpur (2012-2016) 5952 49.6 6047 50.4 11999
18 Manipur state (2012-2016) 3702 45.1 4500 54.9 8202
Imphal West district (2012-2016) 1137 43.1 1500 56.9 2637
19 Mizoram state (2012-2016) 4323 53.6 3736 46.4 8059
Aizawl district (2012-2016) 2180 53.4 1900 46.6 4080
20 Sikkim state (2012-2016) 1172 50.9 1131 49.1 2303
21 Tripura state (2012-2016) 6559 57.2 4914 42.8 11473
22 West Arunachal (2012-2016) 1222 51.1 1171 48.9 2393
Papumpare district (2012-2016) 472 47.2 528 52.8 1000
23 Meghalaya (2012-2016) 4688 62.3 2832 37.7 7520
East Khasi Hills district (2012-2016) 2884 62.5 1729 37.5 4613
24 Nagaland (2012-2016) 1403 58.6 992 41.4 2395
25 Pasighat (2012-2016) 321 51.4 303 48.6 624
26 Cachar district (2012-2016) 4663 54.2 3943 45.8 8606
27 Dibrugarh district (2012-2016) 2535 53.1 2238 46.9 4773
28 Kamrup urban (2012-2016) 6223 56.5 4790 43.5 11013
Reporting year data given in parentheses

In Table 1.2, the top ive PBCRs to register maximum number of cases were Delhi (60097),
Mumbai (53714), Chennai (31271), Bangalore (29049) and Thiruvananthapuram district
(27833) PBCRs. Most of the registries in north eastern part of the country registered higher
proportion of cancers in males, except at Manipur, Imphal West district, and Papumpare

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Population and Cancer Incidence

district in Arunachal Pradesh. Registered females cancers were higher in other regions
except in Delhi, Kollam district, Kolkata and Ahmedabad urban.

Table 1.3 Incidence Rates: Crude Rate (CR), Age Adjusted Rate (AAR) and Truncated
Rate (TR (35-64yrs)) per 100,000 population for All Sites of Cancer in 28 PBCRs under NCRP

Males Females
Sl No Registry
1 Delhi (2012-2014) 112.3 147.0 232.2 119.6 141.0 279.0
2 Patiala district (2012-2016) 101.6 108.2 196.4 127.7 124.6 271.4
3 Hyderabad district (2014-2016) 84.2 101.6 172.2 109.8 136.0 278.3
4 Kollam district (2012-2016) 159.4 127.7 198.0 139.1 107.1 205.7
5 Thi’puram district (2012-2016) 170.4 137.8 211.5 164.8 127.3 242.8
6 Bangalore (2012-2014) 96.8 122.1 181.7 125.1 146.8 283.6
7 Chennai (2012-2016) 121.8 119.9 185.2 141.4 132.8 260.5
8 Kolkata (2012-2015) 109.9 91.2 145.2 105.9 89.2 175.9
9 Ahmedabad urban (2012-2016) 89.1 98.3 183.2 74.7 76.7 158.0
10 Aurangabad (2012-2016) 56.6 70.9 121.6 62.9 75.1 158.5
11 Osmanabad & Beed (2012-2015) 39.3 39.5 71.5 52.8 49.4 108.2
12 Barshi rural (2012-2016) 53.9 50.6 80.5 67.2 61.0 126.5
13 Mumbai (2012-2015) 97.3 108.4 155.1 117.6 116.2 207.6
14 Pune (2012-2016) 67.5 83.0 120.0 83.3 94.0 177.7
15 Wardha district (2012-2016) 70.4 64.5 109.7 78.7 69.9 148.9
16 Bhopal (2012-2015) 83.3 101.0 180.0 90.4 106.9 223.3
17 Nagpur (2012-2016) 89.0 91.1 158.6 93.1 89.8 188.2
18 Manipur state (2012-2016) 47.0 62.8 91.0 57.8 71.1 129.6
Imphal West district (2012-2016) 85.1 95.3 125.5 107.9 110.9 198.2
19 Mizoram state (2012-2016) 146.1 207.0 357.7 127.5 172.3 313.2
Aizawl district (2012-2016) 206.2 269.4 485.5 174.6 214.1 377.5
20 Sikkim state (2012-2016) 69.9 88.7 131.5 75.3 97.0 175.2
21 Tripura state (2012-2016) 67.0 80.9 145.9 52.0 58.3 127.3
22 West Arunachal (2012-2016) 56.6 101.1 199.9 56.3 96.3 215.7
Papumpare district (2012-2016) 94.8 201.2 372.7 105.1 219.8 499.0
23 Meghalaya (2012-2016) 92.6 176.8 386.0 55.7 96.5 201.1
East Khasi Hills district (2012-2016) 131.0 227.9 494.5 76.9 118.6 242.5
24 Nagaland (2012-2016) 74.5 124.5 223.8 56.3 88.2 193.6
25 Pasighat (2012-2016) 90.7 120.4 207.6 88.1 116.2 260.3
26 Cachar district (2012-2016) 99.2 129.0 233.4 87.0 104.8 234.2
27 Dibrugarh district (2012-2016) 72.5 91.9 155.9 66.0 76.8 170.7
28 Kamrup urban (2012-2016) 190.5 213.0 339.7 150.8 169.6 320.8
Reporting year data given in parentheses

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Population and Cancer Incidence

Crude Rate (CR)

In Table 1.3, the irst ive highest CR per 100,000 population among males was observed
in Aizawl district (206.2), followed by Kamrup urban (190.5), Thiruvananthapuram district
(170.4), Kollam district (159.4) and Mizoram state (146.1).

Similarly, among females, the irst ive highest CR was observed in Aizawl district (174.6)
followed by Thiruvananthapuram district (164.8), Kamrup urban (150.8), Chennai (141.4)
and Kollam district (139.1).

The registries covering geographic areas of North eastern parts of the country and
South Western coastal areas have showed higher crude incidence rates in both males and
females. The inding of higher CRs in north eastern states conforms to higher incidence rates
found in earlier NCDIR-NCRP reports. Determined by the population pyramid, registries in
South Western coastal areas showed higher proportions of older age groups which gives a
pointer towards higher rates of CRs as compared to AARs found in the area.

Age Adjusted Rates (AAR)

The AAR per 100,000 population in males ranged from 39.5 in Osmanabad & Beed district
in Maharashtra to 269.4 in Aizawl district of Mizoram state followed by East Khasi Hills district
(227.9) in Meghalaya. In females, it ranged from 49.4 in Osmanabad & Beed district to 219.8
in Papumpare district under West Arunachal PBCR followed by Aizawl district (214.1).

Truncated Rates (TR)

In males, the TR per 100,000 population ranged from 71.5 in Osmanabad & Beed district
to 494.5 in East Khasi Hills district followed by Aizawl district (485.5). Similarly, in females, it
ranged from 108.2 in Osmanabad & Beed district to 499.0 in Papumpare district of Arunachal

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Population and Cancer Incidence

Figure 1.1 Cumulative Risk of developing Cancer of Any Site in 0-74 years of Age
in 28 PBCRs under NCRP

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Population and Cancer Incidence

1 out of every 4 males in the Papumpare district, Aizawl district, Kamrup urban and East
Khasi Hills district were likely to develop cancer in the age group 0-74 years. In Papumpare
district, 1 in 4 females had chances of developing cancer in the age group 0-74 years.
Most registries in North Eastern region showed more male preponderance in risk, whereas
registries other than North Eastern showed more female preponderance in risk.

In Osmanabad and Beed district, 1 in 23 and 1 in 19 males and females, respectively

could develop cancer in the age group 0-74 years. It was observed that the risk of developing
cancer among males and females was similar within most of the registries.

1.2 Number and Relative Proportion for all sites of

Cancer in Hospital Based Cancer Registries
Hospital Based Cancer Registries (HBCRs) compile information on the cases diagnosed
and/or treated in a particular institution. They provide readily accessible information on the
subjects with cancer, the treatment they received and its result, thus contributing to patient
care. HBCRs register malignant cases irrespective of the residential status of the patient.

Of the 236 HBCR centres registered in NCRP 58 centres were selected which had
completed data transmission and quality checks for one or more years during the
period-2012-2016 for inclusion in the report. The data of many of these (42 out of 58) hospitals
is included for the irst time under the NCDIR-NCRP network.

Table 1.4 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) of New Cases reported for All Sites of
Cancer in 58 HBCRs under NCRP

Males Females Total

Sl No Registry (Year)
n % n % N

1 Postgraduate Institute of Medical
Education and Research, Chandigarh 16786 55.5 13432 44.5 30218
2 Sher-I-Kashmir Institute of Medical
9433 57.9 6864 42.1 16297
Sciences, Srinagar (2012-2016)
3 Medanta Cancer Centre, Gurgaon
4197 54.3 3527 45.7 7724
4 Max Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi
4773 49.7 4827 50.3 9600
5 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Institute Rotary Cancer
14649 55.4 11771 44.6 26420
Hospital, New Delhi (2012, 2014-2015)
6 Regional Cancer Centre Kamala Nehru
7011 50.8 6793 49.2 13804
Memorial Hospital, Allahabad (2014-2016)
7 Fortis Memorial Research Institute,
5105 54.8 4214 45.2 9319
Gurgaon (2014-2016)
8 Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical
4391 51.1 4209 48.9 8600
Sciences, Patna (2014-2016)
9 Regional Cancer Centre Indira Gandhi
3045 53.6 2633 46.4 5678
Medical College, Shimla (2014-2016)
10 Government Medical College, Jammu
2846 55.0 2329 45.0 5175

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Population and Cancer Incidence

Males Females Total

Sl No Registry (Year)
n % n % N
11 Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of
2889 56.9 2186 43.1 5075
Medical Sciences, Lucknow (2014-2016)
12 Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute, New Delhi
7764 56.3 6020 43.7 13784
13 Max Super Speciality Hospital, PPG, Delhi
1212 49.3 1244 50.7 2456
14 Mahavir Cancer Sansthan and Research
4040 46.2 4707 53.8 8747
Centre, Patna (2015)
15 Asian Institute of Medical Sciences,
568 51.8 528 48.2 1096
Faridabad (2016)
16 BPS Government Medical College for
184 71.9 72 28.1 256
Women, Sonepat (2016)
17 Apollo Hospital, Bhubaneswar (2012-2016) 653 61.2 414 38.8 1067
18 Tata Medical Center, Kolkata (2015-2016) 4856 52.6 4384 47.4 9240
19 Acharya Harihar Regional Cancer Centre,
3549 45.9 4177 54.1 7726
Cuttack (2015-2016)
20 Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute,
2948 51.6 2768 48.4 5716
Kolkata (2016)
21 Pravara Rural Hospital & Rural Medical
360 43.2 473 56.8 833
College, Loni (2016)
22 Tata Memorial Hospital- Mumbai
46621 57.4 34639 42.6 81260
23 The Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute,
35292 61.3 22266 38.7 57558
Ahmedabad (2014-2016)
24 Regional Cancer Centre,
30066 49.3 30918 50.7 60984
Thiruvananthapuram (2012-2016)
25 Cancer Institute(WIA),Chennai (2012-2016) 20902 47.2 23358 52.8 44260
26 Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences &
10231 55.7 8127 44.3 18358
Research Centre, Kochi (2012-2016)
27 Malabar Cancer Centre, Kannur
8190 53.8 7038 46.2 15228
28 Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences,
4212 52.7 3773 47.3 7985
Bengaluru (2012-2016)
29 International Cancer Centre, Neyyoor
1177 46.2 1373 53.8 2550
30 Rural Development Trust, Bathalapalle
484 25.2 1437 74.8 1921
31 Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology,
15291 44.9 18789 55.1 34080
Bengaluru (2012-2015)
32 St. Johns Medical Hospital, Bangalore
1911 51.0 1838 49.0 3749
33 JIPMER, Regional Cancer Centre,
5755 42.2 7878 57.8 13633
Puducherry (2014-2016)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Population and Cancer Incidence

Males Females Total

Sl No Registry (Year)
n % n % N
34 Govt Arignar Anna Memorial
Cancer Hospital & Research Institute, 1754 36.0 3123 64.0 4877
Kanchipuram (2014-2016)
35 Shakunatala Memorial Hospital &
190 53.5 165 46.5 355
Research Centre, Hubli (2014-2016)
36 HCG Bangalore Institute of Oncology,
2633 46.1 3073 53.9 5706
Bangalore (2012-2013)
37 HCG NMR Cancer Centre, Hubli
705 48.5 749 51.5 1454
38 Mandya Institute of Medical Sciences,
216 50.2 214 49.8 430
Mandya (2015-2016)
39 A.J. Hospital & Research Centre,
207 57.2 155 42.8 362
Mangalore (2014-2015)
40 SDM College of Dental Sciences and
198 78.3 55 21.7 253
Hospital, Dharwad (2014-2015)
41 Indo-American Cancer Institute &
3137 40.3 4652 59.7 7789
Research Centre, Hyderabad (2012)
42 Government Medical College, Thrissur
1724 53.8 1478 46.2 3202
43 Narayana Hrudayalaya Health City,
843 56.5 649 43.5 1492
Bangalore (2016)
44 Erode Cancer Centre, Thindal, Erode
493 43.2 648 56.8 1141
45 Father Muller Medical College Hospital,
426 45.6 508 54.4 934
Mangalore (2016)
46 General Hospital, Ernakulum (2012) 344 51.0 330 49.0 674
47 MES Medical College & Hospital,
281 53.2 247 46.8 528
Perinthalmanna (2016)
48 Regional Cancer Centre, Raipur
4797 43.1 6324 56.9 11121
49 Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal
2776 50.8 2690 49.2 5466
50 Cancer Hospital & Research Institute,
5192 59.5 3534 40.5 8726
Gwalior (2014-2016)
51 RST Regional Cancer Hospital, Cancer
6632 50.8 6416 49.2 13048
Relief Society, Nagpur (2012-2016)
52 Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute, Guwahati
23638 57.8 17269 42.2 40907
53 Cachar Cancer Hospital, Silchar
4806 58.0 3483 42.0 8289
54 Assam Medical College - Dibrugarh
2803 49.1 2910 50.9 5713
55 Regional Cancer Centre, Agartala
3111 57.5 2296 42.5 5407

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Population and Cancer Incidence

Males Females Total

Sl No Registry (Year)
n % n % N
56 North East Cancer Hospital & Research
2321 62.6 1384 37.4 3705
Institute, Guwahati (2014-2016)
57 Regional Institute of Medical Sciences,
1272 44.6 1583 55.4 2855
Imphal (2014-2016)
58 Mizoram State Cancer Institute
1503 53.0 1332 47.0 2835
(Civil Hospital), Aizawl (2014-2016)
TOTAL 353393 52.9 314273 47.1 667666

Reporting year data given in parentheses

Among the total 667666 cases registered; 52.9% were males and 47.1% were females.
The highest number of new cases for all sites of cancer were reported in Tata Memorial
Hospital, Mumbai for both males and females. The second highest numbers were reported
from The Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute, Ahmedabad for males and Regional Cancer
Centre, Thiruvananthapuram for females.

Chapter 2
Leading Anatomical Sites of Cancer
This chapter depicts the leading sites of cancer in the different PBCRs through Figures 2.1 to
2.28. The leading anatomical sites of cancer for each gender were decided on the basis of
proportion of speciic cancers relative to all sites of cancer for the said PBCR. In the graphs
given for each registry, the relative proportions (%) of leading sites are given against the bar
and the respective Crude Rate (CR) and Age Adjusted Rate (AAR) per 100,000 population
are shown in parentheses.

Fig. 2.1 Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2014)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Leading Anatomical Sites of Cancer

Patiala district
Fig. 2.2 Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2016)

Hyderabad district
Fig. 2.3 Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2014-2016)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Leading Anatomical Sites of Cancer

Kollam district
Fig. 2.4 Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2016)

Thiruvananthapuram district
Fig. 2.5 Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2016)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Leading Anatomical Sites of Cancer

Fig. 2.6 Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2014)

Fig. 2.7 Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2016)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Leading Anatomical Sites of Cancer

Fig. 2.8 Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2015)

Ahmedabad urban
Fig. 2.9 Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2015)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Leading Anatomical Sites of Cancer

Fig. 2.10 Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2016)

Osmanabad & Beed district

Fig. 2.11 Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2015)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Leading Anatomical Sites of Cancer

Barshi rural
Fig. 2.12 Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2016)

Fig. 2.13 Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2015)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Leading Anatomical Sites of Cancer

Fig. 2.14 Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2016)

Wardha district
Fig. 2.15 Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2016)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Leading Anatomical Sites of Cancer

Fig. 2.16 Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2016)

Fig. 2.17 Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2015)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Leading Anatomical Sites of Cancer

Manipur state
Fig. 2.18(a) Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2016)

Imphal West district

Fig. 2.18(b) Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2016)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Leading Anatomical Sites of Cancer

Mizoram state
Fig. 2.19(a) Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2016)

Aizawl district
Fig. 2.19(b) Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2016)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Leading Anatomical Sites of Cancer

Sikkim state
Fig. 2.20 Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2016)

Tripura state
Fig. 2.21 Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2016)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Leading Anatomical Sites of Cancer

West Arunachal
Fig. 2.22(a) Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2016)

Papumpare district
Fig. 2.22(b) Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2016)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Leading Anatomical Sites of Cancer

Fig. 2.23(a) Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2016)

East Khasi Hills district

Fig. 2.23(b) Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2016)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Leading Anatomical Sites of Cancer

Fig. 2.24 Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2016)

Fig. 2.25 Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2016)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Leading Anatomical Sites of Cancer

Cachar district
Fig. 2.26 Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2016)

Dibrugarh district
Fig. 2.27 Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2016)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Leading Anatomical Sites of Cancer

Kamrup urban
Fig. 2.28 Ten Leading Sites of Cancer (2012-2016)

Changes in ten leading sites of cancer in six selected PBCRs

The changes in leading sites of cancer in six old PBCRs, Barshi rural (1988-2016),
Bangalore (1982-2014), Bhopal (1988-2015), Chennai (1982-2016), Delhi (1988-2014) and
Mumbai (1982-2015) were observed for the irst ten and last ten years data.
Barshi rural (1988-2016)
Males Females

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Leading Anatomical Sites of Cancer

Bangalore (1982-2014)
Males Females

Bhopal (1988-2015)
Males Females

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Leading Anatomical Sites of Cancer

Chennai (1982-2016)
Males Females

Delhi (1988-2014)
Males Females

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Leading Anatomical Sites of Cancer

Mumbai (1982-2015)
Males Females

Barshi rural - Mouth cancer was the leading site in recent period (2007-2016) which was
fourth leading site in 1988-1997.

Bangalore - Stomach cancer was the top leading site of cancer followed by lung in the
period 1982-1991, whereas the order interchanged in the period 2005-2014.

Bhopal - Mouth cancer was the leading site in the period 2006-2015 and it was the third
leading site of cancer in the period 1988-1997.

Chennai - Stomach was the leading site of cancer in the period 1988-1991 and lung cancer
was the second leading site. However, both stomach and lung cancer continued to be at
the top but exchanged the top two positions in 2007-2016.

Delhi - Lung cancer remained in the same position as the leading site in both the periods.
Prostate was the second leading site in the period 2005-2014 which was in the eighth positon

Mumbai – Lung cancer continued to be the top leading site across the years. Oesophagus,
which was the second leading site of cancer in 1982-1991 became the ninth leading site in
2006-2015, whereas mouth cancer occupied the second position in 2006-2015.

Cancer of breast followed by cervix uteri was the leading site of cancer in Delhi and Mumbai
over the years. In Barshi rural, cervix uteri followed by breast cancer was the leading site all
along. Bangalore, Chennai and Bhopal had cervix uteri followed by breast as the leading
site in the earlier years which interchanged in the recent period.

Chapter 3
Sites of cancer associated with the use of Tobacco
There are cancers of several anatomical sites known to be associated with the use
of tobacco. The NCRP has been using the classiication provided by the International
Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), World Health Organization monographs on overall
evaluations of carcinogenicity (IARC, 1987). The recent Monographs of IARC have added
more anatomical sites addressing their relationship between tobacco usage and cancer.
However, In this report the earlier listing has been retained for comparison purposes. The list
of anatomical sites of cancer (along with corresponding ICD-10 codes) considered known
to be associated with the use of tobacco is given in Table 3.1.

Regional demarcation (North, South, East, West, Central and North East) of data from
the 58 HBCRs indicate the pooled data of all HBCRs present in the region irrespective of the
residential status of the patient.

Table 3.1 Sites of Cancer Associated with Use of Tobacco with ICD-codes

Anatomical Sites of Cancer ICD-10 Codes

Lip C00
Tongue C01-C02
Mouth C03-C06
Pharynx C10 and C12-C14
Oesophagus C15
Larynx C32
Lung C33-C34
Urinary Bladder C67

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Sites of cancer associated with the use of Tobacco

Figure 3.1 Relative Proportion (%) of Cancer sites Associated with the Use of Tobacco
Relative to All Sites of Cancer in 28 PBCRs under NCRP

CR and AAR given in parentheses

East Khasi Hills district of Meghalaya had the highest relative proportion of cancers
associated with the use of tobacco with 70.4% and 46.5% of males and females, respectively.
Among males, the lowest proportion of sites of cancers associated with use of tobacco
was in West Arunachal (24.5%) whereas in females the lowest proportion was observed in
Thiruvananthapuram district (10.1%). Higher proportion of females had cancers associated
with use of tobacco in the north eastern states, followed by registries in the central and
western regions in India.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Sites of cancer associated with the use of Tobacco

Table 3.2 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) of Speciic Sites of Cancers
Associated with the Use of Tobacco by Region (Patients treated only at
58 Reporting HBCRs under NCRP)

Males Females
Anatomical Sites of Cancer
n % n %
Lip (C00) 207 1.1 60 1.1
Tongue (C01-C02) 2735 14.3 588 10.7
Mouth (C03-C06) 3072 16.0 614 11.2
Oth. Oropharynx (C10) 706 3.7 114 2.1
Hypopharynx (C12-C13) 857 4.5 160 2.9
Pharynx Unspeciied (C14) 67 0.3 17 0.3
Oesophagus (C15) 2551 13.3 1766 32.3
Larynx (C32) 2224 11.6 240 4.4
Lung (C33-C34) 5945 31.0 1769 32.3
Urinary Bladder (C67) 817 4.3 145 2.6
Total 19181 100.0 5473 100.0
Males Females
Anatomical Sites of Cancer
n % n %
Lip (C00) 25 1.1 17 2.3
Tongue (C01-C02) 303 13.3 97 13.1
Mouth (C03-C06) 584 25.6 273 37.0
Oth. Oropharynx (C10) 46 2.0 9 1.2
Hypopharynx (C12-C13) 93 4.1 22 3.0
Pharynx Unspeciied (C14) 7 0.3 2 0.3
Oesophagus (C15) 165 7.2 62 8.4
Larynx (C32) 156 6.8 14 1.9
Lung (C33-C34) 772 33.8 218 29.5
Urinary Bladder (C67) 131 5.7 24 3.3
Total 2282 100.0 738 100.0
Males Females
Anatomical Sites of Cancer
n % n %
Lip (C00) 229 1.4 67 1.6
Tongue (C01-C02) 3076 19.1 791 18.5
Mouth (C03-C06) 5578 34.6 1258 29.5
Oth. Oropharynx (C10) 305 1.9 33 0.8
Hypopharynx (C12-C13) 982 6.1 251 5.9
Pharynx Unspeciied (C14) 179 1.1 31 0.7
Oesophagus (C15) 1301 8.1 748 17.5
Larynx (C32) 1051 6.5 98 2.3
Lung (C33-C34) 2975 18.5 910 21.3
Urinary Bladder (C67) 436 2.7 83 1.9
Total 16112 100.0 4270 100.0

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Sites of cancer associated with the use of Tobacco

Males Females
Anatomical Sites of Cancer
n % n %
Lip (C00) 149 0.6 131 1.4
Tongue (C01-C02) 3897 16.0 1417 15.5
Mouth (C03-C06) 4747 19.5 3106 33.9
Oth. Oropharynx (C10) 1088 4.5 103 1.1
Hypopharynx (C12-C13) 1906 7.8 667 7.3
Pharynx Unspeciied (C14) 94 0.4 35 0.4
Oesophagus (C15) 2453 10.1 1538 16.8
Larynx (C32) 2914 12.0 248 2.7
Lung (C33-C34) 6352 26.1 1763 19.2
Urinary Bladder (C67) 717 2.9 155 1.7
Total 24317 100.0 9163 100.0
Males Females
Anatomical Sites of Cancer
n % n %
Lip (C00) 90 1.6 41 2.5
Tongue (C01-C02) 1243 21.6 309 18.8
Mouth (C03-C06) 2593 45.0 735 44.8
Oth. Oropharynx (C10) 75 1.3 6 0.4
Hypopharynx (C12-C13) 231 4.0 61 3.7
Pharynx Unspeciied (C14) 42 0.7 15 0.9
Oesophagus (C15) 388 6.7 197 12.0
Larynx (C32) 471 8.2 57 3.5
Lung (C33-C34) 527 9.2 193 11.8
Urinary Bladder (C67) 97 1.7 27 1.6
Total 5757 100.0 1641 100.0
Males Females
Anatomical Sites of Cancer
n % n %
Lip (C00) 105 1.0 43 1.2
Tongue (C01-C02) 1290 12.1 334 9.7
Mouth (C03-C06) 1360 12.7 717 20.7
Oth. Oropharynx (C10) 351 3.3 58 1.7
Hypopharynx (C12-C13) 2835 26.5 401 11.6
Pharynx Unspeciied (C14) 133 1.2 26 0.8
Oesophagus (C15) 2397 22.4 1179 34.1
Larynx (C32) 864 8.1 160 4.6
Lung (C33-C34) 1262 11.8 525 15.2
Urinary Bladder (C67) 103 1.0 18 0.5
Total 10700 100.0 3461 100.0

Males: Lung was the most common site of cancer associated with use of tobacco in
the east (33.8%), north (31.0%), and south (26.1%) regions. Cancer mouth had the highest
proportion among the cancers associated with use of tobacco in central (45.0%) and
western (34.6%) regions whereas cancer hypopharynx was common in the north eastern
region (26.5%).

Females: Mouth was the most common site of cancer associated with use of tobacco in
the central (44.8%), eastern (37.0%), southern (33.9%) and western (29.5%) regions. Cancer
oesophagus and cancer lung had the highest proportion among the cancers associated
with use of tobacco in north (32.3%) whereas cancer oesophagus was common in the north
eastern region (34.1%).

Chapter 4
Cancers in Childhood
Cancer incidence rates for childhood cancers are generally expressed per million (pm)
children and not as per hundred thousand that is followed for cancers in all ages or in adults
(IARC - 1996).

The relative proportion of all types of childhood cancers, comparison of Age Adjusted
Rates per million (AARpm) across all the Population Based Cancer Registries (PBCRs) under
NCRP and across international registries have been provided.
The results have been presented in two age groups: 0-14 years and 0-19 years for
national and international comparison.

For international comparison of all types of childhood cancers, AARpm of Indian

registries (2012-2016) have been compared with registries of Asian and Non-Asian countries.
The reference manual is Volume XI (2008-2012) of Cancer Incidence in Five Continents (Bray
F et al, 2017) which has published the data of cancer registries from all over the world. For
Asian comparison, the highest AARpm observed from ive Asian countries was compared
with the top ive AARpm from India. For Non-Asian comparison, the highest AARpm from
two different countries within each non-Asian continent have been compared with top two
AARpm in India.

AARpm drawn for races (White, Black, Hispanic etc) in CI5 VOL XI and small numbers
(< 5 cases) in both Indian and CI5 datasets have been excluded from comparison in all the

The childhood cancers for the 0-14 years age group have been reported for the period
2012-2016. The proportion of childhood cancers relative to cancers in all age groups varied
between 0.7%-3.7%. The relative proportion was highest in Delhi PBCR (boys-4.7% and
girls-2.6%) in north, Hyderabad district (boys-3.2% and girls-1.8%) in south, Aurangabad
(4.2%) for boys and Barshi rural (2.3%) for girls in west. The registries in north east showed
lower proportions compared to other regions. These proportions were lowest in East Khasi
Hills district (boys - 0.8% and girls - 0.5%).

Childhood cancers for the 0-19 age group have also been reported for the period
2012-2016. The proportion of childhood cancers relative to all cancers in all age groups
varied between 1.0%-4.9%. The relative proportion was highest in Delhi PBCR (boys-6.2%
and girls-3.5%) in North, Hyderabad district (boys-4.4% and girls-2.7%) in south, Aurangabad
(boys-5.7% and girls- 3.1%) and Barshi rural (3.1%) for girls in west. The proportion was lowest
in East Khasi Hills district (boys-1.1% and girls-0.9%) in the north east states compared to
other regions.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancers in Childhood

Table 4.1 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) of Cancers in Childhood Relative to All
Cancers (N) in 28 PBCRs (0-14 Age Group) under NCRP

Boys Girls Both Sexes

Sl No Registry
N n % N n % N n %
1 Delhi 31032 1445 4.7 29065 766 2.6 60097 2211 3.7
2 Patiala district 5394 158 2.9 6077 78 1.3 11471 236 2.1
3 Hyderabad district 5143 166 3.2 6453 117 1.8 11596 283 2.4
4 Kollam district 9930 159 1.6 9780 129 1.3 19710 288 1.5
5 Thi’puram district 13506 206 1.5 14327 177 1.2 27833 383 1.4
6 Bangalore 13221 343 2.6 15828 234 1.5 29049 577 2.0
7 Chennai 14468 365 2.5 16803 234 1.4 31271 599 1.9
8 Kolkata 10186 105 1.0 9151 80 0.9 19337 185 1.0
9 Ahmedabad urban 14579 303 2.1 11025 165 1.5 25604 468 1.8
10 Aurangabad 1923 80 4.2 2001 43 2.1 3924 123 3.1
11 Osmanabad & Beed 3635 78 2.1 4467 64 1.4 8102 142 1.8
12 Barshi rural 726 18 2.5 813 19 2.3 1539 37 2.4
13 Mumbai 26256 592 2.3 27458 371 1.4 53714 963 1.8
14 Pune 9687 204 2.1 10818 128 1.2 20505 332 1.6
15 Wardha district 2389 71 3.0 2537 40 1.6 4926 111 2.3
16 Bhopal 3567 96 2.7 3589 59 1.6 7156 155 2.2
17 Nagpur 5952 155 2.6 6047 99 1.6 11999 254 2.1
18 Manipur state 3702 103 2.8 4500 90 2.0 8202 193 2.4
Imphal West district 1137 25 2.2 1500 30 2.0 2637s 55 2.1
19 Mizoram state 4323 72 1.7 3736 58 1.6 8059 130 1.6
Aizawl district 2180 39 1.8 1900 27 1.4 4080 66 1.6
20 Sikkim state 1172 15 1.3 1131 21 1.9 2303 36 1.6
21 Tripura state 6559 113 1.7 4914 77 1.6 11473 190 1.7
22 West Arunachal 1222 30 2.5 1171 23 2.0 2393 53 2.2
Papumpare district 472 13 2.8 528 5 0.9 1000 18 1.8
23 Meghalaya 4688 54 1.2 2832 25 0.9 7520 79 1.1
East Khasi Hills district 2884 22 0.8 1729 9 0.5 4613 31 0.7
24 Nagaland 1403 19 1.4 992 12 1.2 2395 31 1.3
25 Pasighat 321 6 1.9 303 2 0.7 624 8 1.3
26 Cachar district 4663 92 2.0 3943 42 1.1 8606 134 1.6
27 Dibrugarh district 2535 39 1.5 2238 17 0.8 4773 56 1.2
28 Kamrup urban 6223 58 0.9 4790 42 0.9 11013 100 0.9
Reporting year of data for all registries is mentioned in Table 1.2

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancers in Childhood

Fig. 4.1 All Types - Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR Per Million) of Broad Types of
Cancers in Childhood (0-14 Age Group)


Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancers in Childhood

Delhi had the highest AARpm for all types of childhood cancers among both boys and
girls in the age group 0-14 years (203.1 and 125.4, respectively).

Among boys, Chennai had the highest AARpm (146.7) from south and Aizawl district
(133.9) from the north east. Among girls, Thiruvananthapuram district (107.3), Chennai (99.3)
and Kollam district (95.4) had higher AARpm from the south.

Fig. 4.2 Leukaemias - Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR Per Million) of Broad Types of
Cancers in Childhood (0-14 Age Group)



Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancers in Childhood

Among boys aged 0-14 years, Delhi (84.2) had the highest AARpm for leukaemia (Fig
4.2) followed by registries from the south, Thiruvananthapuram district (56.2), Chennai (52.7),
Hyderabad district (51.8) and Kollam district (49.1). Among girls, Imphal West district (47.7)
had highest AARpm followed by Delhi (47.2) and Kollam district (38.5).

Fig. 4.3 Lymphomas - Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR per Million) of Broad Types of
Cancers in Childhood (0-14 Age Group)



Among boys aged 0-14 years, Delhi (30.7) had the highest AARpm for lymphoma
(Fig 4.3) followed by registries from Chennai (24.5), Patiala district (16.1) and Mumbai (15.8).

Among girls, Patiala district (11.3) had highest AARpm followed by Chennai (11.0) and
Delhi (10.0).

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancers in Childhood

Fig. 4.4 Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rate of Childhood Cancers between
Asian Countries (AAR per Million) and PBCRs under NCRP (0-14 Age Group)



Among boys, Delhi (203.1) PBCR had the highest AARpm in Asia trailed by Jiangmen in
China (202.0).

Among girls, Daejeon in Republic of Korea (167.0) had the highest AARpm in Asia.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancers in Childhood

Fig. 4.5 Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rate of Childhood Cancers between
Non-Asian Countries (AAR per Million) and PBCRs under NCRP (0-14 Age Group)



Among the boys, Placenza in Italy (274.0), New Caledonia (240.0) showed highest AARpm
of cancer in childhood. For girls, Umbria in Italy (252.0), Fribourg in Switzerland (221.0), New
Hampshire in USA (215.0) and New Brunswick in Canada (206.0) showed highest AARpm of
cancers in childhood among the Non-Asian countries. Delhi (125.4) among Indian PBCRs
showed had higher AARpm of cancers in childhood.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancers in Childhood

Table 4.2 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) of Cancers in Childhood Relative to All
Cancers (N) in 28 PBCRs (0-19 Age Group) under NCRP

Boys Girls Both Sexes

Sl No Registry
N n % N n % N n %
1 Delhi 31032 1932 6.2 29065 1018 3.5 60097 2950 4.9
2 Patiala district 5394 224 4.2 6077 107 1.8 11471 331 2.9
3 Hyderabad district 5143 228 4.4 6453 173 2.7 11596 401 3.5
4 Kollam district 9930 226 2.3 9780 214 2.2 19710 440 2.2
5 Thi’puram district 13506 319 2.4 14327 287 2.0 27833 606 2.2
6 Bangalore 13221 488 3.7 15828 328 2.1 29049 816 2.8
7 Chennai 14468 490 3.4 16803 333 2.0 31271 823 2.6
8 Kolkata 10186 154 1.5 9151 126 1.4 19337 280 1.4
9 Ahmedabad urban 14579 478 3.3 11025 243 2.2 25604 721 2.8
10 Aurangabad 1923 109 5.7 2001 63 3.1 3924 172 4.4
11 Osmanabad & Beed 3635 131 3.6 4467 99 2.2 8102 230 2.8
12 Barshi rural 726 32 4.4 813 25 3.1 1539 57 3.7
13 Mumbai 26256 862 3.3 27458 540 2.0 53714 1402 2.6
14 Pune 9687 297 3.1 10818 187 1.7 20505 484 2.4
15 Wardha district 2389 108 4.5 2537 68 2.7 4926 176 3.6
16 Bhopal 3567 133 3.7 3589 86 2.4 7156 219 3.1
17 Nagpur 5952 231 3.9 6047 170 2.8 11999 401 3.3
18 Manipur state 3702 147 4.0 4500 136 3.0 8202 283 3.5
Imphal West district 1137 38 3.3 1500 46 3.1 2637 84 3.2
19 Mizoram state 4323 92 2.1 3736 80 2.1 8059 172 2.1
Aizawl district 2180 50 2.3 1900 34 1.8 4080 84 2.1
20 Sikkim state 1172 24 2.0 1131 30 2.7 2303 54 2.3
21 Tripura state 6559 166 2.5 4914 118 2.4 11473 284 2.5
22 West Arunachal 1222 45 3.7 1171 36 3.1 2393 81 3.4
Papumpare district 472 18 3.8 528 9 1.7 1000 27 2.7
23 Meghalaya 4688 81 1.7 2832 40 1.4 7520 121 1.6
East Khasi Hills district 2884 31 1.1 1729 16 0.9 4613 47 1.0
24 Nagaland 1403 38 2.7 992 21 2.1 2395 59 2.5
25 Pasighat 321 10 3.1 303 4 1.3 624 14 2.2
26 Cachar district 4663 121 2.6 3943 60 1.5 8606 181 2.1
27 Dibrugarh district 2535 54 2.1 2238 26 1.2 4773 80 1.7
28 Kamrup urban 6223 92 1.5 4790 84 1.8 11013 176 1.6
Reporting year of data for all registries is mentioned in Table 1.2

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancers in Childhood

Fig. 4.6 All Types - Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR Per Million) of Broad Types of
Cancers in Childhood (0-19 Age Group)



Registries contributing greater than or equal to 5 cases under each type were
considered for representation in the graph. Fig. 4.6 depicts that a registry from the northern
region i.e. Delhi (196.3) had the highest AARpm for all types of childhood cancers among
boys aged 0-19 years followed by registries from the southern region i.e. Chennai (145.6)
and Thiruvananthapuram district (136.4). Among girls, Thiruvananthapuram district (123.5)
had highest AARpm followed by Delhi (121.9) and Kollam district (116.4).

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancers in Childhood

Fig. 4.7 Leukaemias - Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR Per Million) of Broad Types of
Cancers in Childhood (0-19 Age Group)



Among boys aged 0-19 years, registry from the northern region i.e. Delhi (77.3)
had the highest AARpm for leukaemias in cancers of childhood (Fig 4.7) followed by
south (Thiruvananthapuram district (55.2), Hyderabad district (50.5), Chennai (50.1)
and Kollam district (45.7)). Among girls, registry from the north east region i.e. Imphal
West district (45.4) had highest AARpm followed by Delhi (42.0) and (Chennai (33.2),
Kollam district (31.8), Hyderabad district (31.3) and Thiruvananthapuram district (30.7)).

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancers in Childhood

Fig. 4.8 Lymphomas - Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR per Million) of Broad Types of
Cancers in Childhood (0-19 Age Group)



Among boys aged 0-19 years, registry from the northern region i.e. Delhi (30.9) had the
highest AARpm for lymphomas in cancers of childhood (Fig 4.8) followed by registries from
south - Chennai (26.5) and Kollam district (20.6). Among girls, registry from south i.e. Chennai
(12.5) had highest AARpm followed by Delhi (10.5) and Kollam district (10.5).

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancers in Childhood

Fig. 4.9 Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rate of Childhood Cancers between
Asian Countries (AAR per Million) and PBCRs under NCRP (0-19 Age Group)



Among boys aged 0-19 years, Jiangmen in China (202.0) PBCR had the highest AARpm
followed by Delhi in India (196.3), Penang in Malaysia (187.0) and Gwangju, Republic of
Korea (183.0).

For girls, Jejudo, Republic of Korea (182.0), Xianju in China (173.0), Erzurum in Turkey
(171.0), Brunei Darussalam (154.0) and Israel (154.0) showed highest AARpm of cancers
of childhood. Among Indian PBCRs, Thiruvananthapuram district (123.5), Delhi (121.9),
Kollam district (116.4) and Imphal West district (104.8) showed highest AARpm of cancers in

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancers in Childhood

Fig. 4.10 Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rate of Childhood Cancers between
Non-Asian Countries (AAR per Million) and PBCRs under NCRP (0-19 Age Group)



Among the boys aged 0-19 years, Placenza in Italy (348.0), New Caledonia (256.0),
Nebraska in USA (228.0), Valais in Switzerland (225.0), Australia (211.0), Ecuador (208.0), Chile
(207.0) and Delhi in India (196.3) showed highest AARpm of cancers in childhood.

For girls, Barletta in Italy (258.0), Tyrol in Austria (221.0), New Brunswick in Canada (207.0)
and New Hampshire in USA (205.0) were the top four registries that showed highest AARpm
of cancers in childhood. Among the Indian PBCRs, Thiruvananthapuram district (123.5) and
Delhi (121.9) had higher AARpm of cancers in childhood.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancers in Childhood

Table 4.3 (a) Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) of Speciic Types of Cancer in
Childhood (0-14 years) (Treated only at 58 Reporting HBCRs under NCRP)
Boys Girls
Speciic Types of Cancers in Childhood
n % n %
LEUKAEMIAS 3877 46.4 2070 44.3
Lymphoid Leukaemias 3038 36.3 1576 33.7
Acute Non-Lymphocytic Leukaemias 540 6.5 334 7.2
Chronic Myeloid Leukaemias 97 1.2 60 1.3
Other Speciied Leukaemias 11 0.1 2 0.0
Unsp. Leukaemias 191 2.3 98 2.1
Hodgkins Disease 676 8.1 163 3.5
Non-Hodgkins Disease 445 5.3 126 2.7
Burkitts Lymphoma 181 2.2 29 0.6
Misc. LymphoreticularNeop. 31 0.4 24 0.5
Unsp. Lymphomas 34 0.4 11 0.2
Ependymoma 72 0.9 44 0.9
Astrocytoma 104 1.2 72 1.5
Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumours 216 2.6 103 2.2
Other Gliomas 102 1.2 71 1.5
Other Speciied Intracranial and Intraspinal Neop. 12 0.1 11 0.2
Unsp. Intracranial and Intraspinal Neop. 26 0.3 29 0.6
Neuroblastoma and Ganglioneuroblastoma 262 3.1 190 4.1
Other S.N.S. Tumours 11 0.1 - -
RETINOBLASTOMA 257 3.1 190 4.1
RENAL TUMOURS 302 3.6 226 4.8
Wilms Tumour, Rhabdoid and Clear Cell Sarcoma 298 3.6 216 4.6
Renal Carcinoma 4 0.0 10 0.2
HEPATIC TUMOURS 104 1.2 77 1.6
Hepatoblastoma 89 1.1 68 1.5
Hepatic Carcinoma 13 0.2 4 0.1
Unsp. Malignant Hepatic Tumours 2 0.0 5 0.1
Osteosarcoma 283 3.4 209 4.5
Chondrosarcoma 10 0.1 5 0.1
Ewings Sarcoma 223 2.7 182 3.9
Other Speciied Malignant Bone Tumours 4 0.0 3 0.1
Unsp. Malignant Bone Tumours 17 0.2 15 0.3
SOFT-TISSUE(S-T) SARCOMAS(S) 467 5.6 312 6.7
Rhabdomyosarcoma and Embryonal Sarcoma 223 2.7 144 3.1
Fibros. Neuroibros. and Other Fibromatous Neop. 19 0.2 24 0.5
Kaposis Sarcoma - - 1 0.0
Other Speciied Soft Tissue Sarcoma 177 2.1 112 2.4
Unsp. Soft Tissue Sarcoma 48 0.6 31 0.7
Intracranial and Intraspinal GC Tumours 11 0.1 9 0.2
Other and Unsp. Non-Gonadal GC Tumours 33 0.4 41 0.9
Gonadal Germ Cell Tumours 61 0.7 - -
Gonadal Carcinomas 2 0.0 4 0.1
Other and Unsp. Gonadal Tumours 2 0.0 4 0.1

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancers in Childhood

Boys Girls
Speciic Types of Cancers in Childhood
n % n %
Adrenocortical Carcinoma 8 0.1 4 0.1
Thyroid Carcinoma 5 0.1 8 0.2
Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 67 0.8 15 0.3
Malignant Melanoma 4 0.0 2 0.0
Skin Carcinoma 11 0.1 5 0.1
Other and Unsp. Carcinoma 81 1.0 63 1.3
Other Speciied Malignant Tumours 9 0.1 3 0.1
Other Unsp. Malignant Tumours 109 1.3 63 1.3
OTHERS (Not Classiied) 239 2.9 288 6.2
All Types 8358 100.0 4671 100.0

Leukaemia was the most common diagnosis among both boys and girls aged 0-14
years with a percentage of 46.4% and 44.3%, respectively. In boys, lymphoma was the
second most common type of cancer (16.4%). The prominent types of cancer in girls were
malignant bone tumors (8.9%), lymphomas and reticuloendothelial neoplasm (7.6%) and
intracranial and intraspinal neoplasms (7.1%).

Table 4.3 (b) Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) of Speciic Types of Cancer in
Childhood (0-19 years) (Treated only at 58 reporting HBCRs under NCRP)

Boys Girls
Speciic Types of Cancers in Childhood
n % n %
LEUKAEMIAS 5069 43.2 2508 39.2
Lymphoid Leukaemias 3781 32.2 1795 28.0
Acute Non-Lymphocytic Leukaemias 782 6.7 473 7.4
Chronic Myeloid Leukaemias 230 2.0 112 1.7
Other Speciied Leukaemias 17 0.1 5 0.1
Unsp. Leukaemias 259 2.2 123 1.9
Hodgkins Disease 978 8.3 289 4.5
Non-Hodgkins Disease 681 5.8 216 3.4
Burkitts Lymphoma 197 1.7 33 0.5
Misc. Lymphoreticular Neop. 39 0.3 27 0.4
Unsp. Lymphomas 49 0.4 19 0.3
Ependymoma 83 0.7 58 0.9
Astrocytoma 157 1.3 105 1.6
Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumours 263 2.2 119 1.9
Other Gliomas 138 1.2 77 1.2
Other Speciied Intracranial and Intraspinal Neop. 17 0.1 13 0.2
Unsp. Intracranial and Intraspinal Neop. 33 0.3 32 0.5
Neuroblastoma and Ganglioneuroblastoma 268 2.3 192 3.0
Other S.N.S. Tumours 13 0.1 3 0.0
RETINOBLASTOMA 257 2.2 190 3.0
RENAL TUMOURS 313 2.7 236 3.7
Wilms Tumour, Rhabdoid and Clear Cell Sarcoma 303 2.6 219 3.4
Renal Carcinoma 10 0.1 17 0.3

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancers in Childhood

Boys Girls
Speciic Types of Cancers in Childhood
n % n %
HEPATIC TUMOURS 119 1.0 84 1.3
Hepatoblastoma 89 0.8 68 1.1
Hepatic Carcinoma 27 0.2 9 0.1
Unsp. Malignant Hepatic Tumours 3 0.0 7 0.1
MALIGNANT BONE TUMOURS 1193 10.2 701 10.9
Osteosarcoma 746 6.4 385 6.0
Chondrosarcoma 22 0.2 10 0.2
Ewings Sarcoma 374 3.2 266 4.2
Other Speciied Malignant Bone Tumours 22 0.2 14 0.2
Unsp. Malignant Bone Tumours 29 0.2 26 0.4
SOFT-TISSUE(S-T) SARCOMAS(S) 694 5.9 451 7.0
Rhabdomyosarcoma and Embryonal Sarcoma 261 2.2 172 2.7
Fibros. Neuroibros. and Other Fibromatous Neop. 38 0.3 38 0.6
Kaposis Sarcoma - - 1 0.0
Other Speciied Soft Tissue Sarcoma 305 2.6 188 2.9
Unsp. Soft Tissue Sarcoma 90 0.8 52 0.8
Intracranial and Intraspinal GC Tumours 19 0.2 12 0.2
Other and Unsp. Non-Gonadal GC Tumours 61 0.5 52 0.8
Gonadal Germ Cell Tumours 118 1.0 - -
Gonadal Carcinomas 4 0.0 17 0.3
Other and Unsp. Gonadal Tumours 4 0.0 9 0.1
Adrenocortical Carcinoma 9 0.1 5 0.1
Thyroid Carcinoma 13 0.1 23 0.4
Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 157 1.3 44 0.7
Malignant Melanoma 6 0.1 3 0.0
Skin Carcinoma 28 0.2 17 0.3
Other and Unsp. Carcinoma 240 2.0 194 3.0
Other Speciied Malignant Tumours 10 0.1 11 0.2
Other Unsp. Malignant Tumours 155 1.3 80 1.2
OTHERS (Not Classiied) 360 3.1 582 9.1
All Types 11745 100.0 6402 100.0

Leukaemia was the most common diagnosis among both boys and girls aged 0-19
years with a higher percentage among boys (43.2%) compared to girls (39.2%). In boys,
lymphoma was the second most type of cancer (16.6%). The prominent types in girls were
malignant bone tumours (10.9%) and lymphomas and reticuloendothelial neoplasm (9.1%).
Summary comparisons between 0-14 years and 0-19 years
Similar ranking of cancers for childhood was observed in 0-14 years and 0-19 years. For
all types of childhood cancers among girls, the highest AARpm was in Delhi (125.4) for age
group 0-14 years while it was highest in Thiruvananthapuram district (123.5) for age group
0-19 years. On comparison of AARpm for lymphoma in childhood cancers among girls it
was observed that Patiala district (11.3) had highest AARpm for age group 0-14 while it was
Chennai (12.5) for age group 0-19 years.

On comparing the malignancies between the two age groups, a similar pattern of
histology was observed in pooled data of HBCRs.

Chapter 5
Comparison of cancer incidence and patterns of
all Population Based Cancer Registries
This chapter compares the cancer incidence and its pattern among all the PBCRs.
Figure 5.1 depicts the AARs for all sites of cancer (ICD-10: C00-C97) across 28 PBCRs. Figures
5.2 to 5.25 gives the comparison of AARs of selected leading sites of cancer.

Registries with small numbers (Less than ten cases) for individual sites of cancer have
been excluded from this analysis.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Comparison of AARs of all PBCRs

Fig. 5.1 ALL SITES (ICD-10: C00-C97) - Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates
(AARs) of 28 PBCRs under NCRP
Fema les


Males: Six north east registry areas occupied top six positions. Delhi PBCR had the highest
AAR (147.0) among the other PBCRs. Thus, Aizawl district (269.4) had the highest AAR and
was approximately twice the AAR of Delhi PBCR. East Khasi Hills district of Meghalaya (227.9)
had the second highest AAR followed by Kamrup urban (213.0) and Mizoram PBCR (207.0).

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Comparison of AARs of all PBCRs

Females: Four registry areas from the north east remained at the top (Papumpare
district: 219.8, Aizawl district: 214.1, Mizoram state: 172.3 and Kamrup urban (169.6) followed
by Bangalore PBCR (146.8).

Fig. 5.2 TONGUE (ICD-10: C01-C02) - Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates
(AARs) of 28 PBCRs under NCRP




Males: East Khasi Hills district from Meghalaya had the highest AAR (12.8) followed by
Ahmedabad urban PBCR (10.5).
Females: Bhopal PBCR had the highest AAR (4.1) followed by Cachar district PBCR (3.8).
The registries of Kamrup urban and Ahmedabad urban shared the third place with an AAR
of 3.3.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Comparison of AARs of all PBCRs

Fig. 5.3 MOUTH (ICD-10: C03-C06) - Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AARs)
of 28 PBCRs under NCRP




Males: Ahmedabad urban PBCR showed the highest AAR (19.5) followed by Bhopal
PBCR (15.9).

Females: East Khasi Hills district of Meghalaya had the highest AAR (9.5).

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Comparison of AARs of all PBCRs

Fig. 5.4 OROPHARYNX (ICD-10: C09-C10) - Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates
(AARs) of 28 PBCRs under NCRP



Males: Six north east registries had higher AARs, East Khasi Hills district PBCR being the
highest (11.4) followed Delhi registry with an AAR of 4.2.

Females: Kamrup urban PBCR showed the highest AAR (3.5).

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Comparison of AARs of all PBCRs

Fig. 5.5 NASOPHARYNX (ICD-10: C11) - Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates
(AARs) of 28 PBCRs under NCRP



Males: Eleven north east registries had higher AARs, Nagaland PBCR being the highest

Females: Ten north east registries had higher AARs and Nagaland PBCR led the list (6.5).

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Comparison of AARs of all PBCRs

Fig. 5.6 HYPOPHARYNX (ICD-10: C12-C13) - Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence

Rates (AARs) of 28 PBCRs under NCRP



Males: East Khasi Hills district of Meghalaya (21.8) had the highest AAR followed by
Kamrup urban (20.0) and Aizawl district (17.0).

Females: Kamrup urban showed the highest AAR (3.7).

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Comparison of AARs of all PBCRs

Fig. 5.7 OESOPHAGUS (ICD-10: C15) - Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AARs)
of 28 PBCRs under NCRP


Males: East Khasi Hills district showed the highest AAR (75.4) followed by Meghalaya
PBCR (54.6) and Aizawl district (46.7).

Females: East Khasi Hills district showed the highest AAR (33.6) followed by Meghalaya
PBCR (23.0).

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Comparison of AARs of all PBCRs

Fig. 5.8 STOMACH (ICD-10: C16) - Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AARs)
of 28 PBCRs under NCRP



Males: Ten north eastern registry areas occupied the top positions. Aizawl district (44.2),
Papumpare district (40.3), Mizoram state (39.1) and West Arunachal (24.9) were in the lead
among all the PBCRs.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Comparison of AARs of all PBCRs

Females: Ten north eastern registry areas occupied the top positions. Papumpare district
(27.1), Aizawl district (21.7), Mizoram state (18.8) and West Arunachal (15.8) were in the lead
among all the PBCRs.

Fig. 5.9 COLON (ICD-10: C18) - Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AARs)
of 28 PBCRs under NCRP



Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Comparison of AARs of all PBCRs

Males: Aizawl district had the highest AAR (7.2), followed by Mizoram state (5.5) and
Kamrup urban (5.4).

Females: Aizawl district had the highest AAR (5.7), followed by Kamrup urban (4.1) and
Mizoram state (4.0).

Fig. 5.10 COLORECTAL (ICD-10: C18-C20) - Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates
(AARs) of 28 PBCRs under NCRP



Males and Females: Aizawl district led the list of PBCRs with an AAR of (Males: 15.9 and
Females: 11.4). Mizoram state had the second highest AAR (Males: 12.2 and Females: 8.6).

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Comparison of AARs of all PBCRs

Fig. 5.11 LIVER (ICD-10: C22) - Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AARs) of 28
PBCRs under NCRP



Males and Females: All the areas covered by West Arunachal PBCR recorded higher
AARs than any other PBCR. Papumpare district had the highest AAR both among males
(35.2) and females (14.4) within West Arunachal PBCR.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Comparison of AARs of all PBCRs

Fig. 5.12 GALL BLADDER (ICD-10: C23-C24) - Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence
Rates (AARs) of 28 PBCRs under NCRP




Males: Kamrup urban showed the highest AAR (7.9) followed by and Cachar district (5.6)
and Delhi (5.4).

Females: Kamrup urban showed the highest AAR (16.2) followed by Cachar district (11.9),
Delhi (11.6) and Papumpare district (10.7).

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Comparison of AARs of all PBCRs

Fig. 5.13 LARYNX (ICD-10: C32) - Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AARs) of
28 PBCRs under NCRP



Males: East Khasi Hills district (13.5) had the highest AAR followed by Meghalaya (10.1).

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Comparison of AARs of all PBCRs

Fig. 5.14 LUNG (ICD-10: C33-C34) - Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AARs)
of 28 PBCRs under NCRP



Males: Aizawl district (38.8), Mizoram state (32.1) and Kollam district (23.1) had higher
AARs than any other PBCR.
Females: The three areas of Aizawl district (37.9), Mizoram state (27.6) and Imphal West
district (16.6) were at the top followed by Papumpare district (12.8).

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Comparison of AARs of all PBCRs

Fig. 5.15 BREAST (ICD-10: C50) - Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AARs) of
28 PBCRs under NCRP


Hyderabad district (48.0), Chennai (42.2), Bangalore (40.5) and Delhi (38.6) occupied the
top four places for cancer breast among all the PBCRs.

Fig. 5.16 CERVIX UTERI (ICD-10: C53) - Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates
(AARs) of 28 PBCRs under NCRP

Papumpare district (27.7), Aizawl district (27.4), Mizoram state (23.2) and Pasighat PBCR
(20.3) occupied the top four places for cancer cervix among all the PBCRs.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Comparison of AARs of all PBCRs

Fig. 5.17 CORPUS UTERI (ICD-10: C54) - Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates
(AARs) of 28 PBCRs under NCRP

Hyderabad district (8.0), Chennai (6.3), Bangalore (5.9) and Thiruvananthapuram district
(5.8) and Delhi (5.8) occupied the top ive places for cancer corpus uteri among all the PBCRs.

Fig. 5.18 OVARY (ICD-10: C56) - Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AARs) of
28 PBCRs under NCRP

Papumpare district (13.7) had the highest AAR, followed by Kamrup urban (9.8) and
Delhi PBCR (9.5) for cancer ovary.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Comparison of AARs of all PBCRs

Fig. 5.19 PROSTATE (ICD-10: C61) - Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AARs)
of 28 PBCRs under NCRP

Delhi (11.8) recorded the highest AAR, followed by Kamrup urban (10.9) and Mumbai
(9.7) for cancer prostate.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Comparison of AARs of all PBCRs

Fig. 5.20 KIDNEY (ICD-10: C64) Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AARs) of
28 PBCRs under NCRP



Males: Thiruvananthapuram district (3.0) recorded the highest AAR, followed by Delhi
PBCR (2.8) and Kamrup urban PBCR (2.7).

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Comparison of AARs of all PBCRs

Fig. 5.21 URINARY BLADDER (ICD-10: C67) - Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates
(AARs) of 28 PBCRs under NCRP



Males: Delhi had the highest AAR (6.8), followed by Thiruvananthapuram district (4.9).

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Comparison of AARs of all PBCRs

Fig. 5.22 BRAIN, NS (ICD-10: C70-C72) - Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates
(AARs) of 28 PBCRs under NCRP



Males: Bangalore led the list of PBCRs with an AAR of 4.3 followed by Delhi (4.2).

Females: Sikkim state (3.2) had the highest AAR followed by Kamrup urban (3.0).

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Comparison of AARs of all PBCRs

Fig. 5.23 THYROID (ICD-10: C73) - Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AARs) of
28 PBCRs under NCRP



Females: Papumpare district (16.5) topped the list of PBCRs. The two registries in Kerala
namely, Thiruvananthapuram district (14.7) and Kollam district (12.8) followed next.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Comparison of AARs of all PBCRs

Fig. 5.24 NHL (ICD-10: C82-C85) - Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AARs)
of 28 PBCRs under NCRP



Males: Delhi PBCR showed the highest AAR (5.9) followed by Thiruvananthapuram
district (5.0) and Kamrup urban (4.9).

Females: Imphal West district PBCR showed the highest AAR (4.2).

Chapter 6
Cancer Mortality
Part of the data collection of the PBCRs involve visits to the municipal corporation units
to collect information on reported cancer deaths, besides hospital records.

All death certiicates with cancer mentioned as cause of death were matched with the
incident/morbidity data. This matching was done with all cases registered as incident during
that calendar year as well as during previous years. Only 19% of deaths in the country are
medically certiied as per The Report on Medical Certiication of Cause of Death 2016 by
ORGI, India (Ofice of The Registrar General of India). Hence the number of cancer deaths
collected by registries from hospitals are far from complete. The mode of dying may be
written as the cause of death in death certiicate but the underlying cause of death such
as cancer may not be recorded.

Some registries have provided the all cause death data in electronic form to improve
mortality registration. All-cause mortality registration, records all deaths whether cancerous
or non-cancerous and further improves the mortality incidence matching in a cancer
registry as more number of deaths mentioning cancer as a cause are matched. Registries
tried to trace back the cases with the date of diagnosis for cancer deaths. In the absence
of such date of diagnosis, these cases were included as Death Certiicates Only (DCO) in
the calculation of incidence rates. Unmatched non-cancerous deaths were not included
in registry database.

There are certain limitations in the collection of cancer mortality data. This mainly
refers to incompleteness of the number of cancer deaths due to incomplete or incorrect
certiication of cause of death. In the urban areas all deaths are generally registered, but
many times the required information of speciic cause of death is not completely available.
This pertains to cause of death and when cancer is mentioned as a cause, the anatomical
site of cancer is not mentioned and when that is mentioned the morphologic type is not
stated. Because of this, it is dificult to have a complete site-speciic cause of death picture
as opposed to cancer morbidity. Accordingly, no reliable projection of cancer mortality
can be made based on this incomplete data. Mumbai has developed a relatively better
system of cause of death reporting because of the earlier Coroner’s Act.

This chapter gives the number of incident and mortality cases contributed by each
registry, their Mortality with Incidence percent (M/I%) by gender during the calendar years

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancer Mortality

Table 6.1 Number of Incident and Mortality Cases and Mortality-Incidence Percent
(M/I%) in 28 PBCRs under NCRP
Males Females
Sl No Registry Sexes
Incidence Mortality M/I % Incidence Mortality M/I % M/I %
1 Delhi* (2012-2014) 31032 4691 15.1 29065 3613 12.4 13.8
2 Patiala district* (2012-2016) 5394 1635 30.3 6077 1451 23.9 26.9
3 Hyderabad district* (2014-2016) 5143 758 14.7 6453 582 9.0 11.6
4 Kollam district* (2012-2016) 9930 5253 52.9 9780 3629 37.1 45.1
5 Thi’puram district (2012-2016) 13506 5724 42.4 14327 4567 31.9 37.0
6 Bangalore* (2012-2014) 13221 4529 34.3 15828 4335 27.4 30.5
7 Chennai (2012-2016) 14468 4312 29.8 16803 3626 21.6 25.4
8 Kolkata (2012-2015) 10186 4270 41.9 9151 3309 36.2 39.2
9 Ahmedabad urban (2012-2016) 14579 3997 27.4 11025 2421 22.0 25.1
10 Aurangabad (2012-2016) 1923 331 17.2 2001 226 11.3 14.2
11 Osmanabad & Beed district (2012-2015) 3635 967 26.6 4467 969 21.7 23.9
12 Barshi rural (2012-2016) 726 522 71.9 813 512 63.0 67.2
13 Mumbai* (2012-2015) 26256 15696 59.8 27458 14388 52.4 56.0
14 Pune (2012-2016) 9687 4039 41.7 10818 4006 37.0 39.2
15 Wardha district* (2012-2016) 2389 1574 65.9 2537 1344 53.0 59.2
16 Bhopal (2012-2015) 3567 1318 36.9 3589 1014 28.3 32.6
17 Nagpur (2012-2016) 5952 1390 23.4 6047 1176 19.4 21.4
18 Manipur state (2012-2016) 3702 1155 31.2 4500 1008 22.4 26.4
Imphal West district (2012-2016) 1137 349 30.7 1500 322 21.5 25.4
19 Mizoram state (2012-2016) 4323 2492 57.6 3736 1566 41.9 50.4
Aizawl district (2012-2016) 2180 1216 55.8 1900 757 39.8 48.4
20 Sikkim state* (2012-2016) 1172 603 51.5 1131 513 45.4 48.5
21 Tripura state (2012-2016) 6559 3682 56.1 4914 2395 48.7 53.0
22 West Arunachal (2012-2016) 1222 321 26.3 1171 202 17.3 21.9
Papumpare district (2012-2016) 472 118 25.0 528 79 15.0 19.7
23 Meghalaya (2012-2016) 4688 1848 39.4 2832 1098 38.8 39.2
East Khasi Hills district (2012-2016) 2884 1169 40.5 1729 744 43.0 41.5
24 Nagaland (2012-2016) 1403 298 21.2 992 119 12.0 17.4
25 Pasighat (2012-2016) 321 74 23.1 303 52 17.2 20.2
26 Cachar district* (2012-2016) 4663 895 19.2 3943 617 15.6 17.6
27 Dibrugarh district (2012-2016) 2535 669 26.4 2238 396 17.7 22.3
28 Kamrup urban* (2012-2016) 6223 1913 30.7 4790 1002 20.9 26.5
Reporting year data given in parentheses
* Represents the Registry which provided All-Cause Mortality Data

Table 6.1 illustrates the number of incidence and mortality cases and the Mortality-
Incidence percent (M/I%). The M/I% ranged from 14.7% to 71.9% in males and 9.0% to
63.0% in females. The highest M/I% was in western region i.e. Barshi rural (males: 71.9%
and females: 63.0%) followed by central - Wardha district (males: 65.9% and females:
53.0%) and western - Mumbai (males: 59.8% and females: 52.4%). Among PBCRs from the
South, Hyderabad district had the lowest M/I% in both males (14.7%) and females (9.0%).

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancer Mortality

Table 6.2 Crude (CMR), Age Adjusted (AAMR) and Truncated Mortality Rate (TMR) per
100,000 in 28 PBCRs under NCRP

Males Females
Sl No Registry
1 Delhi (2012-2014) 17.0 22.2 34.1 14.9 17.8 32.0
2 Patiala district (2012-2016) 30.8 32.7 56.0 30.5 30.1 55.5
3 Hyderabad district (2014-2016) 12.4 15.5 25.9 9.9 12.5 23.6
4 Kollam district (2012-2016) 84.3 66.5 98.9 51.6 38.3 67.1
5 Thi’puram district (2012-2016) 72.2 57.7 86.5 52.5 39.5 67.4
6 Bangalore (2012-2014) 33.2 42.6 59.9 34.3 41.5 69.0
7 Chennai (2012-2016) 36.3 35.7 52.6 30.5 28.8 47.7
8 Kolkata (2012-2015) 46.1 37.9 51.9 38.3 32.1 54.3
9 Ahmedabad urban (2012-2016) 24.4 27.0 50.4 16.4 16.9 33.7
10 Aurangabad (2012-2016) 9.7 13.5 15.3 7.1 8.5 11.1
11 Osmanabad & Beed (2012-2015) 10.5 10.3 17.0 11.4 10.4 20.8
12 Barshi rural (2012-2016) 38.7 35.0 49.1 42.3 36.1 60.8
13 Mumbai (2012-2015) 58.2 66.0 84.8 61.6 61.4 93.7
14 Pune (2012-2016) 28.2 35.3 46.2 30.8 35.3 58.5
15 Wardha district (2012-2016) 46.4 42.3 71.3 41.7 37.1 75.2
16 Bhopal (2012-2015) 30.8 38.3 70.1 25.5 30.9 62.5
17 Nagpur (2012-2016) 20.8 21.3 36.6 18.1 17.7 33.6
18 Manipur state (2012-2016) 14.7 20.5 24.9 12.9 17.3 24.1
Imphal West district (2012-2016) 26.1 29.6 30.1 23.2 24.3 33.1
19 Mizoram state (2012-2016) 84.2 121.4 190.4 53.5 76.4 114.2
Aizawl district (2012-2016) 115.0 152.7 253.8 69.6 89.5 126.9
20 Sikkim state (2012-2016) 35.9 46.4 64.8 34.2 46.2 74.3
21 Tripura state (2012-2016) 37.6 46.0 78.4 25.4 28.9 60.7
22 West Arunachal (2012-2016) 14.9 27.3 53.2 9.7 18.9 37.1
Papumpare district (2012-2016) 23.7 56.5 98.0 15.7 37.9 80.1
23 Meghalaya (2012-2016) 36.5 71.7 152.5 21.6 38.1 78.3
East Khasi Hills district (2012-2016) 53.1 95.0 202.9 33.1 51.5 103.2
24 Nagaland (2012-2016) 15.8 27.8 47.2 6.8 11.1 22.2
25 Pasighat (2012-2016) 20.9 30.9 40.2 15.1 22.0 34.5
26 Cachar district (2012-2016) 19.0 25.2 42.3 13.6 17.5 35.7
27 Dibrugarh district (2012-2016) 19.1 24.0 41.1 11.7 14.1 30.7
28 Kamrup urban (2012-2016) 58.6 66.7 101.3 31.5 37.3 65.7
Reporting year data given in parenthesis

Table 6.2 showed a variation in the crude mortality rate of all sites of cancer across the
registry areas. In males it varied from 9.7 per 100,000 in Aurangabad to 115.0 per 100,000 in
Aizawl district of Mizoram state. Among females it varied from 6.8 per 100,000 in Nagaland
PBCR to 69.6 per 100,000 in Aizawl district.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancer Mortality

Section II


This section provides a summary of details on selected anatomical sites of cancer
(breast, cervix uteri, head & neck, lung and stomach). The sites are classiied as per the
International Classiication of Diseases (ICD-10), because of easy comparability of data with
registries across the world. The above mentioned anatomical sites selected have featured
as leading sites in most of the cancer registries under the NCRP.

The details provided, pertains to the actual number (No.) of cancers registered in the
28 PBCRs in the period (2012-2016) and their proportion or percent (%) relative to all sites of
cancer for that gender. It includes the order or rank of the site of cancer and is based on the
Age Adjusted Rates (AARs). The Crude rate per 100,000 population and Truncated Rates
(TRs) are also provided. The pooled analysis of 58 HBCRs is also presented for cases treated
only at the reporting HBCR institution.

The age distribution table is based on age speciic incidence rates according to ive-
year age groups and regions in India. The Annual Percentage Change (APC) in AARs
over the time period for registries that have contributed to more than 10 years data since
inception of the registry have been depicted.

The number and relative proportion of patients according to clinical extent of disease
at the time of diagnosis, types of treatment and educational status as seen in pooled data
of 58 HBCRs is indicated for selected sites. The analysis of cases treated only at Reporting
Institute (RI) have been carried out and not for those which have received prior treatment
outside RI. The predominant histologic type (WHO classiication of tumours) of cancer and
its relative proportion (relative to all microscopically diagnosed cases) encountered in the
58 HBCRs have been reported in this section. ‘Others’ as the clinical extent of disease and
‘others or unknown’ as the treatment given were excluded from analyses.

For international comparison of selected sites of cancer, AARs of NCRP registries

(2012-2016) have been compared with registries in Asian and Non-Asian countries. The
reference manual is Volume XI (2008-2012) of Cancer Incidence in Five Continents
(Bray F et al, 2017) which has published the data of cancer registries from all over the
world. For Asian comparison, the highest AAR observed from ive Asian countries is compared
with the top ive AARs from India. For Non-Asian comparison, the highest AAR from two
different countries within each non-Asian continent have been compared with top two
AARs in India.

AARs drawn for races in CI5 VOL XI and small numbers (< 10 cases) in both Indian and
CI5 datasets have been excluded from comparison in all the graphs.


Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancer Breast

Cancer Breast (ICD-10: C50) - Females

Table 7.1 Number of cases (n) registered for Cancer Breast and its Relative Proportion to
All Sites of Cancer (%), Crude (CR), Age Adjusted (AAR) and Truncated (TR) Incidence
Rates per 100,000 population and its Rank in 28 PBCRs under NCRP

Sl No Registry n % CR AAR TR Rank

1 Delhi 8085 27.8 33.3 38.6 86.3 4
2 Patiala district 1825 30.0 38.4 36.9 90.3 5
3 Hyderabad district 2291 35.5 39.0 48.0 108.5 1
4 Kollam district 2833 29.0 40.3 30.3 74.6 10
5 Thi’puram district 4089 28.5 47.0 35.6 85.9 6
6 Bangalore 4423 27.9 35.0 40.5 89.0 3
7 Chennai 5464 32.5 46.0 42.2 95.3 2
8 Kolkata 2271 24.8 26.3 21.6 49.1 17
9 Ahmedabad urban 3437 31.2 23.3 23.6 53.3 16
10 Aurangabad 673 33.6 21.1 25.3 60.6 15
11 Osmanabad & Beed 1049 23.5 12.4 11.8 28.4 25
12 Barshi rural 159 19.6 13.1 12.3 29.9 24
13 Mumbai 8226 30.0 35.2 34.4 70.6 7
14 Pune 3513 32.5 27.0 30.0 63.0 11
15 Wardha district 724 28.5 22.5 20.0 51.2 19
16 Bhopal 1111 31.0 28.0 32.6 76.4 8
17 Nagpur 1832 30.3 28.2 26.4 63.3 14
18 Manipur state 695 15.4 8.9 10.0 24.4 28
Imphal West district 235 15.7 16.9 16.4 38.7 21
19 Mizoram state 506 13.5 17.3 21.6 53.0 18
Aizawl district 293 15.4 26.9 30.7 72.3 9
20 Sikkim state 138 12.2 9.2 10.6 25.3 26
21 Tripura state 707 14.4 7.5 7.9 20.5 31
22 West Arunachal 142 12.1 6.8 10.2 24.8 27
Papumpare district 89 16.9 17.7 29.6 73.8 12
23 Meghalaya 227 8.0 4.5 7.0 17.6 32
East Khasi Hills district 142 8.2 6.3 9.0 21.8 30
24 Nagaland 121 12.2 6.9 9.2 24.7 29
25 Pasighat 51 16.8 14.8 17.8 41.6 20
26 Cachar district 556 14.1 12.3 14.0 33.8 23
27 Dibrugarh district 454 20.3 13.4 14.7 34.8 22
28 Kamrup urban 840 17.5 26.4 27.1 59.8 13
Total number of cases (N) registered and reporting year of data for all sites is mentioned in Table 1.2

Cancer breast is the leading site of cancer in females. Hyderabad district ranked irst in
breast cancer (48.0 per 100,000) among all PBCRs.

Fig. 7.1 Age Speciic Incidence Rates per 100,000 in 28 PBCRs under NCRP - Cancer Breast (Females)
Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016

Cancer Breast

The age speciic cancer incidence rate in females started increasing with increase in age and peaked in the age group 50-69.
Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancer Breast

Fig. 7.2 Annual Percent Change (APC) in Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) over the
time period - Cancer Breast (Females)

There was a signiicant increase in incidence rates of breast cancer across all PBCRs
over the years, except in Nagpur PBCR.

Fig. 7.3 Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) of Asian countries with
PBCRs under NCRP - Cancer Breast (Females)

Israel (84.6 per 100,000) had the highest incidence of breast cancer in Asia. In India,
Hyderabad district (48.0 per 100,000) had the highest incidence rate.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancer Breast

Fig. 7.4 Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) of Non-Asian countries with
PBCRs under NCRP - Cancer Breast (Females)

Lille in France (115.4 per 100,000) had the highest breast cancer incidence rate in the

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancer Breast

Table 7.2 Number of cases (n) registered for Cancer Breast and its Relative Proportion to
All Sites of Cancer (%), Crude (CR), Age Adjusted (AAR) and Truncated (TR) Incidence
Rates per 100,000 population and its Rank in 28 PBCRs under NCRP


Sl No Registry n % CR AAR TR Rank

1 Delhi 315 1.0 1.1 1.5 2.6 2
2 Patiala district 78 1.4 1.5 1.6 3.2 1
3 Hyderabad district 42 0.8 0.7 0.8 1.8 8
4 Kollam district 31 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.9 16
5 Thi’puram district 105 0.8 1.3 1.1 2.1 4
6 Bangalore 107 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.7 7
7 Chennai 77 0.5 0.6 0.6 1.1 13
8 Kolkata 91 0.9 1.0 0.8 1.4 9
9 Ahmedabad urban 108 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.4 11
10 Aurangabad 20 1.0 0.6 0.7 1.2 12
11 Osmanabad & Beed 49 1.3 0.5 0.6 1.3 14
12 Barshi rural 2 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 29
13 Mumbai 205 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.4 10
14 Pune 135 1.4 0.9 1.1 2.3 5
15 Wardha district 15 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.9 17
16 Bhopal 38 1.1 0.9 1.1 2.1 6
17 Nagpur 94 1.6 1.4 1.4 2.9 3
18 Manipur state 10 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3 24
Imphal West district 4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.6 18
19 Mizoram state 5 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.4 25
Aizawl district 1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 30
20 Sikkim state 4 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.6 20
21 Tripura state 24 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.4 21
22 West Arunachal 3 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.7 26
Papumpare district 1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.8 27
23 Meghalaya 9 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.7 22
East Khasi Hills district 5 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.8 19
24 Nagaland 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 31
25 Pasighat 1 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.0 23
26 Cachar district 7 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.6 28
27 Dibrugarh district 3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 32
28 Kamrup urban 20 0.3 0.6 0.6 1.5 15
Total number of cases (N) registered and calendar year of data for all sites is mentioned in Table 1.2

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancer Breast

Table 7.3 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) according to

Clinical Extent of Disease - Cancer Breast

Females Males
Clinical Extent of Disease
n % n %
Localised only 10629 29.0 221 32.6
Locoregional 20898 57.0 333 49.2
Distant Metastasis 3790 10.3 75 11.1
Unknown 1345 3.7 48 7.1
Total 36662 100.0 677 100.0

Among the data reported by the HBCRs, the majority of cases diagnosed with cancer
breast in females, showed locoregional 57.0% spread, followed by 29.0% and 10.3% of
cases with localized disease and distant metastasis, respectively.

Table 7.4 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) of Types of Treatment according to
Clinical Extent of Disease - Cancer Breast (Females)

Clinical Extent of Disease

Treatment Localised only Locoregional Distant Metastasis Unknown
n % n % n % n %
Surgery 1368 12.9 1283 6.1 52 1.4 221 16.5
Radiotherapy 264 2.5 404 1.9 170 4.5 145 10.8
Systemic Therapy 1077 10.2 2576 12.3 1747 46.3 307 22.9
Multi-modality* 7880 74.3 16519 79.1 1788 47.4 664 49.6
Palliative Care 21 0.2 94 0.5 19 0.5 3 0.2
Total 10610 100.0 20876 100.0 3776 100.0 1340 100.0
*Multi-modality includes the combination of Surgery and/or Radiotherapy and/or Systemic Therapy

Depending on the clinical extent of cancer breast, most typically multi-modality was the
choice of treatment (locoregional: 79.1%, localized: 74.3% and distant metastasis: 47.4%).
For the patients with localized disease (12.9%), surgery was the second choice of treatment.
46.3% of the patients with distant metastasis underwent systemic therapy.

Table 7.5 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) by

Educational Status - Cancer Breast (Females)
Overall, 26.2% and 12.3% of women with cancer breast had secondary and primary
level of education, respectively. Only 9.9% of the patients were literate whereas 16.7% of
them were illiterate.

Educational Status n %
Illiterate 6141 16.7
Literate 3646 9.9
Primary 4521 12.3
Secondary 9666 26.2
Higher Education 4300 11.7
Unknown 8591 23.3
Total 36865 100.0

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancer Breast

Table 7.6 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) by

Broad Histological Classiication - Cancer Breast (Females)

Broad Histological Classiication n %

Epithelial Tumours 35961 97.7
Epithelial-myoepithelial tumours 14
Papillary lesions 198
Mesenchymal tumours 57
Fibroepithelial tumours 218
Tumours of the Nipple 39
Malignant Lymphoma 40
Clinical Patterns 4
Others 261
All Microscopic 36792 100.0

97.7% of cases of breast cancers were diagnosed as epithelial tumours, with very few
other histological types.


Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancer Cervix Uteri

Cancer Cervix Uteri (ICD-10: C53)

Table 8.1 Number of cases (n) registered for Cancer Cervix Uteri and its Relative
Proportion to All Sites of Cancer (%), Crude (CR), Age Adjusted (AAR) and Truncated (TR)
Incidence Rates per 100,000 population and its Rank in 28 PBCRs under NCRP

Sl No Registry n % CR AAR TR Rank

1 Delhi 2913 10.0 12.0 14.0 32.8 11
2 Patiala district 670 11.0 14.1 13.7 33.4 12
3 Hyderabad district 563 8.7 9.6 11.7 27.2 16
4 Kollam district 630 6.4 9.0 6.6 13.8 31
5 Thi’puram district 793 5.5 9.1 6.8 14.2 29
6 Bangalore 1903 12.0 15.0 17.7 39.5 5
7 Chennai 1865 11.1 15.7 14.8 32.4 8
8 Kolkata 902 9.9 10.4 8.7 20.6 25
9 Ahmedabad urban 1023 9.3 6.9 6.9 16.7 28
10 Aurangabad 375 18.7 11.8 14.2 31.3 9
11 Osmanabad & Beed 1167 26.1 13.8 13.1 31.1 14
12 Barshi rural 206 25.3 17.0 15.3 34.7 6
13 Mumbai 1985 7.2 8.5 8.3 18.3 26
14 Pune 1146 10.6 8.8 10.0 22.3 18
15 Wardha district 299 11.8 9.3 8.2 18.8 27
16 Bhopal 424 11.8 10.7 12.8 29.1 15
17 Nagpur 765 12.7 11.8 11.3 27.0 17
18 Manipur state 427 9.5 5.5 6.7 15.0 30
Imphal West district 127 8.5 9.1 9.4 20.7 22
19 Mizoram state 577 15.4 19.7 23.2 62.8 3
Aizawl district 281 14.8 25.8 27.4 78.5 2
20 Sikkim state 116 10.3 7.7 9.9 25.3 20
21 Tripura state 809 16.5 8.6 9.5 23.7 21
22 West Arunachal 136 11.6 6.5 10.0 26.2 19
Papumpare district 67 12.7 13.3 27.7 66.0 1
23 Meghalaya 283 10.0 5.6 8.8 21.8 24
East Khasi Hills district 150 8.7 6.7 9.4 22.4 23
24 Nagaland 163 16.4 9.3 13.3 35.2 13
25 Pasighat 56 18.5 16.3 20.3 56.2 4
26 Cachar district 607 15.4 13.4 15.3 41.0 7
27 Dibrugarh district 139 6.2 4.1 4.8 12.1 32
28 Kamrup urban 412 8.6 13.0 14.2 32.2 10
Total number of cases (N) registered and reporting year of data for all sites is mentioned in Table 1.2

Cancer cervix uteri is one of the leading sites of cancer. Papumpare district (27.7 per
100,000) in West Arunachal had the highest incidence of cervical cancer.

Fig. 8.1 Age Speciic Incidence Rates per 100,000 in 28 PBCRs under NCRP - Cancer Cervix Uteri
Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016

The incidence rate of cervical cancer increased with age and the rate was high in the 50-75+ age group
Cancer Cervix Uteri
Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancer Cervix Uteri

Fig. 8.2 Annual Percent Change (APC) in Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) over the
Time Period - Cancer Cervix Uteri

There was a signiicant decrease in the incidence rate of cervical cancer in 10 PBCRs
except in Dibrugarh district and Pune where there was a decline but not signiicant.

Fig. 8.3 Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) of Asian countries
with PBCRs under NCRP - Cancer Cervix Uteri

Papumpare district, India has the highest incidence rate of cervical cancer (27.7 per
100,000) in Asia.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancer Cervix Uteri

Fig. 8.4 Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) of Non-Asian countries
with PBCRs under NCRP - Cancer Cervix Uteri

Kyadondo in Uganda had the highest incidence rate of cervical cancer (49.1 per
100,000) in the world.

Table 8.2 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) according to

Clinical Extent of Disease - Cancer Cervix Uteri

Clinical Extent of Disease n %

Localised only 7738 32.8
Locoregional 14162 60.0
Distant Metastasis 1196 5.1
Unknown 523 2.2
Total 23619 100.0

In 60.0% of the cancer cervix uteri patients, the clinical extent of disease was locoregional.
It was localized in 32.8% of the cases. The distant metastasis of cancer cervix uteri was
observed only in 5.1% of the patients.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancer Cervix Uteri

Table 8.3 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) of Types of Treatment according to
Clinical Extent of Disease - Cancer Cervix Uteri

Clinical Extent of Disease

Treatment Localised only Locoregional Distant Metastasis Unknown
n % n % n % n %
Surgery 592 7.7 318 2.3 10 0.8 41 7.9
Radiotherapy 1935 25.1 4356 30.8 442 37.1 172 33.1
Radiotherapy + Chemotherapy 3842 49.8 8005 56.6 556 46.7 199 38.3
Systemic Therapy 340 4.4 689 4.9 133 11.2 57 11.0
Multi-modality* 995 12.9 682 4.8 42 3.5 46 8.9
Palliative Care 18 0.2 83 0.6 7 0.6 4 0.8
Total 7722 100.0 14133 100.0 1190 100.0 519 100.0
*Multi-modality includes the combination of Surgery and/or Radiotherapy and/or Systemic Therapy

Higher proportion of patients with cancer cervix uteri underwent Radiotherapy plus
Chemotherapy. Radiotherapy was the second most preferred treatment for cervical cancer
(localized: 25.1%, locoregional: 30.8%, distant metastasis: 37.1% and unknown: 33.1%).
Around 7.7% patients with clinically localized cancer cervix uteri were treated with surgery.

Table 8.4 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) by

Educational Status - Cancer Cervix Uteri

Educational Status n %
Illiterate 9207 38.8
Literate 2337 9.8
Primary 3012 12.7
Secondary 3549 15.0
Higher Education 479 2.0
Unknown 5153 21.7
Total 23737 100.0

Educational status of Cancer cervix uteri patients indicated that 38.8% of the women
were illiterate and only 9.8% were literate. 12.7% and 15.0% had primary and secondary
school level of education, respectively.

Table 8.5 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) by

Broad Histological Classiication - Cancer Cervix Uteri

Broad Histological Classiication n %

Epithelial Tumours 23373 99.5
Melanocytic tumours 16
Mesenchymal tumours and tumour-like lesions 8
Mixed epithelial and mesenchymal tumours 22 0.5
Malignant Lymphoma 3
Others 71
All Microscopic 23493 100.0

99.5% of cancer cervix uteri were histologically diagnosed as epithelial tumours.

& Neck
Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Head & Neck Cancers

Head & Neck Cancers

Chapter 9 analyses the sites that are classiied under Head and Neck Cancers as per
the International Classiication of Diseases (ICD-10).

The data of the PBCR has been analysed for cancers of the tongue (C01-C02), mouth
(C03-C06), tonsil (C09), other oropharynx (C10), nasopharynx (C11), hypopharynx (C12-C13),
pharynx unspeciied (C14) and larynx (C32) and all of these sites of cancer together as
head & neck cancers.

In case of HBCRs, the ICD10s have been regrouped to accommodate complete data
on head and neck cancers into six sub-groups (tongue (C02), mouth (C03-C04, C06),
oropharynx (C01, C05, C09, C10, C14), nasopharynx (C11), hypopharynx (C12-C13) and
larynx (C32)). For the following reasons;

1. Oropharynx has been regrouped for analysis of HBCR data as this data focusses more
on the treatment patterns followed in hospitals.
2. Also, the regrouping follows embryological development pattern where cancers of
anterior two thirds of tongue (2/3) are grouped as tongue(C02). Cancers of posterior
one third (1/3) of tongue (C01) while anatomically being part of tongue, histologically
resemble cancers of oropharynx and hence are grouped along with them.
Each chapter has igures on the Annual Percent Change (APC) in Age Adjusted
Rates (AAR), Comparison of AAR among PBCRs under NCRP with Asian countries,
comparison of AAR among PBCRs under NCRP with Non-Asian countries, tables on
distribution of cases according to clinical extent of disease and cross tables of the clinical
extent of disease and the type of treatment received.

In case, the number of cases or rates are very small for an anatomical site of cancer,
analysis of such sites have not been included in igures and tables in this chapter.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Head & Neck Cancers

Table 9.1 Number of cases (n) registered for Head & Neck Cancers and its Relative
Proportion to All Sites of Cancer (%), Crude (CR), Age Adjusted (AAR) and Truncated (TR)
Incidence Rates per 100,000 population and its Rank in 28 PBCRs under NCRP

Sl No Registry n % CR AAR TR RANK
1 Delhi 7416 23.9 26.8 34.4 67.3 10
2 Patiala district 897 16.6 16.9 18.1 40.7 24
3 Hyderabad district 1389 27.0 22.8 25.3 55.8 15
4 Kollam district 1801 18.1 28.9 22.6 41.8 20
5 Thi’puram district 2397 17.8 30.2 23.9 43.4 17
6 Bangalore 2248 17.0 16.5 20.6 37.6 21
7 Chennai 3701 25.6 31.2 29.1 58.9 12
8 Kolkata 2060 20.2 22.2 18.1 34.9 25
9 Ahmedabad urban 6129 42.0 37.5 39.2 89.1 7
10 Aurangabad 702 36.5 20.7 25.0 51.3 16
11 Osmanabad & Beed 1050 28.9 11.3 11.6 24.3 30
12 Barshi rural 149 20.5 11.1 10.6 20.2 32
13 Mumbai 5952 22.7 21.9 23.5 45.9 19
14 Pune 2312 23.9 16.1 19.0 37.1 22
15 Wardha district 633 26.5 18.7 16.8 34.9 27
16 Bhopal 1380 38.7 32.2 37.4 79.9 8
17 Nagpur 1959 32.9 29.3 28.4 59.1 14
18 Manipur state 650 17.6 8.2 11.1 19.7 31
Imphal West district 179 15.7 13.4 15.2 24.6 29
19 Mizoram state 686 15.9 23.2 31.4 75.2 11
Aizawl district 384 17.6 36.3 45.6 107.2 5
20 Sikkim state 247 21.1 14.7 18.2 32.0 23
21 Tripura state 1920 29.3 19.6 23.8 45.9 18
22 West Arunachal 183 15.0 8.5 15.4 33.1 28
Papumpare district 89 18.9 17.9 36.0 92.1 9
23 Meghalaya 1574 33.6 31.1 58.4 134.8 3
East Khasi Hills district 1011 35.1 45.9 78.5 178.7 1
24 Nagaland 553 39.4 29.3 46.3 103.0 4
25 Pasighat 50 15.6 14.1 17.9 35.7 26
26 Cachar district 1595 34.2 33.9 44.8 87.2 6
27 Dibrugarh district 785 31.0 22.5 29.1 50.2 13
28 Kamrup urban 1857 29.8 56.9 62.4 112.0 2
Total number of cases (N) registered and reporting year of data for all sites is mentioned in Table 1.2

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Head & Neck Cancers

Sl No Registry n % CR AAR TR RANK
1 Delhi 1724 5.9 7.1 8.7 16.4 15
2 Patiala district 229 3.8 4.8 4.7 9.9 29
3 Hyderabad district 455 7.1 7.7 9.6 20.4 11
4 Kollam district 656 6.7 9.3 6.7 10.6 21
5 Thi’puram district 723 5.1 8.5 6.2 9.4 25
6 Bangalore 1032 6.5 8.2 9.9 17.9 9
7 Chennai 1226 7.3 10.3 9.7 19.1 10
8 Kolkata 621 6.8 7.2 6.0 11.4 26
9 Ahmedabad urban 1279 11.6 8.7 8.8 19.5 14
10 Aurangabad 168 8.4 5.3 6.3 13.0 24
11 Osmanabad & Beed 309 6.9 3.7 3.4 7.4 31
12 Barshi rural 45 5.5 3.7 3.3 7.4 32
13 Mumbai 1921 7.0 8.1 8.1 15.3 18
14 Pune 790 7.3 6.1 6.9 13.0 20
15 Wardha district 249 9.8 7.7 6.7 13.4 22
16 Bhopal 369 10.3 9.3 11.2 23.6 6
17 Nagpur 627 10.4 9.7 9.4 19.7 12
18 Manipur state 282 6.3 3.6 4.5 8.8 30
Imphal West district 80 5.3 5.8 5.9 12.7 27
19 Mizoram state 192 5.1 6.5 9.0 17.2 13
Aizawl district 98 5.2 9.0 11.1 22.7 8
20 Sikkim state 96 8.5 6.4 8.2 13.7 17
21 Tripura state 575 11.7 6.1 7.1 15.9 19
22 West Arunachal 71 6.1 3.4 6.4 15.2 23
Papumpare district 47 8.9 9.4 21.7 50.7 1
23 Meghalaya 462 16.3 9.1 16.6 31.7 4
East Khasi Hills district 263 15.2 11.7 18.7 35.4 3
24 Nagaland 146 14.7 8.2 11.3 28.9 7
25 Pasighat 13 4.3 3.8 4.8 14.1 28
26 Cachar district 515 13.1 11.3 14.8 33.1 5
27 Dibrugarh district 235 10.5 6.9 8.6 19.7 16
28 Kamrup urban 505 10.5 15.9 19.2 32.0 2
Total number of cases (N) registered and reporting year of data for all sites is mentioned in Table 1.2

East Khasi Hills district (78.5 per 100,000) in males had the highest incidence rate of head
and neck cancers followed by Kamrup urban (62.4 per 100,000).

Papumpare district (21.7 per 100,000) in females had the highest incidence rate of head
and neck cancers followed by Kamrup urban (19.2 per 100,000).

Fig. 9.1 Age Speciic Incidence Rates per 100,000 in 28 PBCRs under NCRP
Head & Neck Cancers

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016

Head & Neck Cancers

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016

In males, the cancer incidence rates for head and neck cancer increased from the age of 30 to 75+ whereas in females it started
Head & Neck Cancers

to increase from the age of 35.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Head & Neck Cancers

Fig. 9.2 Annual Percent Change (APC) in Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) over the
Time Period - Head & Neck Cancers

Among males signiicant increase in incidence rates for head & neck cancers was
observed in Aurangabad, Delhi, Chennai and Bhopal PBCRs, and among females it was
observed in Nagpur PBCR.

Among males, there was a signiicant decrease in incidence rates in Barshi rural and
Mumbai. Among females, the signiicant decrease was observed in Bangalore, Mumbai
and Kollam district PBCRs.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Head & Neck Cancers

Table 9.2 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) of Cases Registered by
Five Year Age Group - Head & Neck Cancers
Tongue Mouth Nasopharynx Hypopharynx Larynx
Age (C01, C05, C09, Total
(C02) (C03-C04,C06) (C11) (C12-C13) (C32)
Group C10, C14)
n % n % n % n % n % n % n
00-04 2 <0.1 4 <0.1 2 <0.1 3 0.2 1 <0.1 1 <0.1 13
05-09 4 <0.1 4 <0.1 1 <0.1 19 1.4 1 <0.1 3 <0.1 32
10-14 1 <0.1 2 <0.1 2 <0.1 75 5.6 - - 2 <0.1 82
15-19 11 0.1 15 0.1 10 0.1 108 8.0 2 <0.1 2 <0.1 148
20-24 70 0.8 90 0.5 26 0.2 79 5.9 10 0.1 11 0.1 286
25-29 320 3.7 406 2.5 48 0.4 53 3.9 27 0.4 18 0.2 872
30-34 686 7.9 1071 6.5 138 1.3 58 4.3 60 0.9 49 0.6 2062
35-39 1042 11.9 1714 10.4 362 3.3 71 5.3 180 2.6 122 1.6 3491
40-44 1087 12.5 2078 12.7 667 6.1 131 9.7 340 4.9 332 4.3 4635
45-49 1163 13.3 2235 13.6 1145 10.5 133 9.9 613 8.9 624 8.1 5913
50-54 1107 12.7 2244 13.7 1644 15.1 167 12.4 959 13.9 1058 13.8 7179
55-59 989 11.3 1997 12.2 1839 16.9 135 10.0 1171 17.0 1361 17.7 7492
60-64 909 10.4 1870 11.4 1961 18.0 124 9.2 1223 17.7 1511 19.7 7598
65-69 646 7.4 1269 7.7 1424 13.1 82 6.1 990 14.3 1152 15.0 5563
70-74 364 4.2 754 4.6 918 8.4 65 4.8 724 10.5 789 10.3 3614
75+ 325 3.7 665 4.0 676 6.2 43 3.2 602 8.7 645 8.4 2956
Unknown - - 2 <0.1 3 <0.1 - - 1 <0.1 - - 6
Total 8726 100.0 16420 100.0 10866 100.0 1346 100.0 6904 100.0 7680 100.0 51942

Tongue Mouth Nasopharynx Hypopharynx Larynx
Age Total
(C02) (C03-C04, C06) (C01, C05, C09, (C11) (C12-C13) (C32)
Group C10, C14)
n % n % n % n % n % n % n
00-04 - - 2 <0.1 - - 3 0.5 - - - - 5
05-09 2 0.1 2 <0.1 - - 3 0.5 - - 1 0.1 8
10-14 - - 1 <0.1 1 0.1 16 2.8 - - 1 0.1 19
15-19 8 0.3 12 0.2 5 0.3 34 6.0 4 0.3 1 0.1 64
20-24 20 0.7 28 0.4 11 0.6 49 8.7 13 0.8 12 1.5 133
25-29 63 2.1 70 1.1 23 1.3 28 5.0 35 2.2 12 1.5 231
30-34 113 3.7 170 2.7 43 2.4 32 5.7 67 4.3 20 2.4 445
35-39 215 7.1 373 5.9 92 5.2 45 8.0 113 7.2 36 4.4 874
40-44 273 9.1 516 8.2 136 7.6 54 9.6 173 11.1 53 6.5 1205
45-49 428 14.2 799 12.7 213 12.0 68 12.1 231 14.8 76 9.3 1815
50-54 443 14.7 803 12.7 223 12.5 77 13.7 243 15.6 105 12.9 1894
55-59 390 12.9 816 13.0 248 13.9 50 8.9 207 13.3 127 15.5 1838
60-64 404 13.4 942 15.0 311 17.5 45 8.0 192 12.3 148 18.1 2042
65-69 314 10.4 734 11.6 204 11.4 28 5.0 137 8.8 106 13.0 1523
70-74 166 5.5 498 7.9 150 8.4 11 2.0 74 4.7 61 7.5 960
75+ 176 5.8 533 8.5 122 6.8 20 3.6 73 4.7 58 7.1 982
Unknown - - 2 <0.1 - - - - - - - - 2
Total 3015 100.0 6301 100.0 1782 100.0 563 100.0 1562 100.0 817 100.0 14040

Among the cancers of head and neck reported, the highest numbers were that of
mouth cancer followed by oropharynx in males. Mouth contributed 1/3rd of the total head
and neck cancers.
Among females, cancer of the mouth was the highest contributor followed by tongue.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Head & Neck Cancers

Table 9.3 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) of Cases registered According to Types
of Treatment for Head and Neck Cancers

Tongue Mouth Nasopharynx Hypopharynx Larynx
(C01, C05, C09, (C11) (C12-C13)
Treatment (C02) (C03-C04,C06) (C32)
C10, C14)
n % n % n % n % n % n %
Surgery 1999 22.9 3119 19.0 273 2.5 15 1.1 193 2.8 574 7.5
Radiotherapy 929 10.7 2194 13.4 4138 38.1 177 13.2 2547 37.0 3232 42.1
Systemic Therapy 1116 12.8 2301 14.0 988 9.1 162 12.1 423 6.1 464 6.0
Multi-modality* 4613 52.9 8641 52.7 5385 49.6 980 72.9 3712 53.9 3370 43.9
Palliative Care 59 0.7 138 0.8 63 0.6 10 0.7 18 0.3 35 0.5
Total 8716 100.0 16393 100.0 10847 100.0 1344 100.0 6893 100.0 7675 100.0

Tongue Mouth Nasopharynx Hypopharynx Larynx
(C01, C05, C09, (C11) (C12-C13)
Treatment (C02) (C03-C04, C06) (C32)
C10, C14)
n % n % n % n % n % n %
Surgery 831 27.6 1185 18.8 121 6.8 5 0.9 48 3.1 56 6.9
Radiotherapy 332 11.0 1115 17.7 654 36.8 79 14.1 571 36.6 372 45.6
Systemic Therapy 403 13.4 1008 16.0 167 9.4 82 14.6 100 6.4 67 8.2
Multi-modality* 1432 47.5 2918 46.4 829 46.6 394 70.1 836 53.6 317 38.9
Palliative Care 14 0.5 66 1.0 8 0.4 2 0.4 6 0.4 3 0.4
Total 3012 100.0 6292 100.0 1779 100.0 562 100.0 1561 100.0 815 100.0
*Multi-modality includes the combination of Surgery and/or Radiotherapy and/or Systemic Therapy

Multi-modality was the commonest type of treatment for all the cancers in both genders
except for cancer larynx in females.

Table 9.4 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) by

Educational Status - Head & Neck Cancers

Males Females
Educational Status
n % n %
Illiterate 9739 18.7 5367 38.2
Literate 4538 8.7 1366 9.7
Primary 8245 15.9 1948 13.9
Secondary 14752 28.4 2087 14.9
Higher Education 3538 6.8 527 3.8
Unknown 11122 21.4 2743 19.5
Not Applicable (for children below 5 Years) 8 <0.1 2 <0.1
Total 51942 100.0 14040 100.0

Educational status indicated that higher proportion of females (38.2%) were illiterate
compared to males (18.7%). 28.4% and 14.9% of males and females got secondary level of
education, respectively.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Head & Neck Cancers

Fig. 9.3 Relative Proportion (%) of Clinical Extent of Disease - Head & Neck Cancers



Among the cancers of head and neck reported, “locoregional” was the commonest
presentation of clinical extent of disease for all the cancer sites. The highest proportion was
for hypopharynx cancer (males 76.9% and females 72.2%).

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Head & Neck Cancers

Fig. 9.1.2 Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) of Asian Countries with
PBCRs under NCRP- Cancer Tongue



Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Head & Neck Cancers

Fig. 9.1.3 Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) of Non-Asian Countries
with PBCRs under NCRP- Cancer Tongue



East Khasi Hills district (12.8 per 100,000) followed by Ahmedabad urban (10.5 per
100,000) had the highest incidence rate in the world among males for tongue cancer.
Among females, Bhopal (4.0 per 100,000) followed by Cachar district (3.8 per 100,000) had
the highest incidence rate in the world.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Head & Neck Cancers

Table 9.1.1 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) according to

Clinical Extent of Disease - Cancer Tongue

Males Females Both Sexes

Clinical Extent of Disease
n % n % n %
Localised only 2910 33.5 1024 34.1 3934 33.7
Locoregional 5088 58.6 1750 58.3 6838 58.5
Distant Metastasis 325 3.7 120 4.0 445 3.8
Unknown 366 4.2 106 3.5 472 4.0
Total 8689 100.0 3000 100.0 11689 100.0

Locoregional was the commonest presentation for cancer tongue (males 58.6% and
females 58.3%). Males and females showed similar clinical extent of disease for cancer

Table 9.1.2 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) of Types of Treatment according to
Clinical Extent of Disease - Cancer Tongue

Clinical Extent of Disease
Treatment Localised only Locoregional Distant Metastasis Unknown
n % n % n % n %
Surgery 1165 40.1 718 14.1 13 4.0 95 26.0
Radiotherapy 201 6.9 614 12.1 59 18.2 51 13.9
Systemic Therapy 245 8.4 721 14.2 84 25.8 60 16.4
Multi-modality* 1287 44.3 2985 58.8 166 51.1 157 42.9
Palliative Care 10 0.3 42 0.8 3 0.9 3 0.8
Total 2908 100.0 5080 100.0 325 100.0 366 100.0

Clinical Extent of Disease
Treatment Localised only Locoregional Distant Metastasis Unknown
n % n % n % n %
Surgery 497 48.6 286 16.4 8 6.7 39 36.8
Radiotherapy 62 6.1 233 13.3 22 18.3 12 11.3
Systemic Therapy 70 6.8 280 16.0 33 27.5 18 17.0
Multi-modality* 388 37.9 942 53.9 57 47.5 37 34.9
Palliative Care 6 0.6 7 0.4 - - - -
Total 1023 100.0 1748 100.0 120 100.0 106 100.0
*Multi-modality includes the combination of Surgery and/or Radiotherapy and/or Systemic Therapy

On the basis of extent of disease, multi-modality was the treatment of choice for
cancer tongue among both males and females for locoregional and distant metastatic
spread. Surgery was the preferred among females where the clinical extent of cancer was

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Head & Neck Cancers

9.2 Cancer Mouth (ICD-10: C03-C06)

Fig. 9.2.1 Annual Percent Change (APC) in Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) over the
Time Period - Cancer Mouth

There was a signiicant increase in the incidence rates for mouth cancer in 9 PBCRs in
males and in 2 PBCRs in females. There was a signiicant decrease in rates in Bangalore,
Chennai and Kollam district among females.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Head & Neck Cancers

Fig. 9.2.2 Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) of Asian countries with
PBCRs under NCRP- Cancer Mouth



Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Head & Neck Cancers

Fig. 9.2.3 Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) of Non-Asian countries
with PBCRs under NCRP - Cancer Mouth



Ahmedabad urban (19.5 per 100,000) followed by Bhopal (15.9 per 100,000) had the
highest incidence rate in the world among males for mouth cancer. Among females, East
Khasi Hills district (9.5 per 100,000) had the highest incidence rate of mouth cancer in the

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Head & Neck Cancers

Table 9.2.1 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) according to

Clinical Extent of Disease - Cancer Mouth

Males Females Both Sexes

Clinical Extent of Disease
n % n % n %
Localised only 4169 25.5 1366 21.8 5535 24.5
Locoregional 10750 65.8 4396 70.2 15146 67.0
Distant Metastasis 734 4.5 309 4.9 1043 4.6
Unknown 695 4.3 193 3.1 888 3.9
Total 16348 100.0 6264 100.0 22612 100.0

Locoregional was the commonest presentation for cancer mouth (males 65.8% and
females 70.2%). Males and females showed similar clinical extent of disease for cancer

Table 9.2.2 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) of Types of Treatment according to
Clinical Extent of Disease - Cancer Mouth


Clinical Extent of Disease

Treatment Localised only Locoregional Distant Metastasis Unknown
n % n % n % n %
Surgery 1340 32.2 1485 13.8 68 9.3 218 31.6
Radiotherapy 424 10.2 1552 14.5 127 17.3 79 11.4
Systemic Therapy 411 9.9 1594 14.9 175 23.9 108 15.7
Multi-modality* 1965 47.2 5997 55.9 360 49.1 281 40.7
Palliative Care 26 0.6 104 1.0 3 0.4 4 0.6
Total 4166 100.0 10732 100.0 733 100.0 690 100.0


Clinical Extent of Disease

Treatment Localised only Locoregional Distant Metastasis Unknown
n % n % n % n %
Surgery 399 29.3 666 15.2 19 6.2 93 48.4
Radiotherapy 199 14.6 818 18.6 74 24.0 23 12.0
Systemic Therapy 142 10.4 759 17.3 75 24.4 21 10.9
Multi-modality* 611 44.9 2104 47.9 137 44.5 49 25.5
Palliative Care 10 0.7 47 1.1 3 1.0 6 3.1
Total 1361 100.0 4394 100.0 308 100.0 192 100.0
*Multi-modality includes the combination of Surgery and/or Radiotherapy and/or Systemic Therapy

On the basis of extent of disease, multi-modality was the treatment of choice for cancer
mouth among both males (locoregional: 55.9%, distant metastasis: 49.1% and localized:
47.2%) and females (locoregional: 47.9%, localized: 44.9% and distant metastasis: 44.5%).
Surgery and radiotherapy were the second choice of treatment depending upon the
clinical extent of disease.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Head & Neck Cancers

9.3 Cancer Tonsil, Other Oropharynx and Phar-

ynx Unspeciied (ICD: C09, C10, C14)
Fig. 9.3.1 Annual Percent Change (APC) in Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) over the
Time Period - Cancer Tonsil

There was a signiicant decrease in the incidence rates for cancer tonsil in Kamrup
urban, Nagpur and Mumbai in males.

Fig. 9.3.2 Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) of Asian countries with
PBCRs under NCRP- Cancer Tonsil



Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Head & Neck Cancers

Fig. 9.3.3 Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) of Non-Asian countries
with PBCRs under NCRP - Cancer Tonsil


East Khasi Hills district (8.7 per 100,000) and Meghalaya (6.4 per 100,000) had the highest
incidence rate of cancer tonsil among males in the world and Kamrup urban (1.7 per
100,000) had the highest incidence rate among females in Asia.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Head & Neck Cancers

Fig. 9.3.4 Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) of Asian countries with
PBCRs under NCRP- Cancer Other Oropharynx


Fig. 9.3.5 Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) of Non-Asian countries
with PBCRs under NCRP - Cancer Other Oropharynx


Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Head & Neck Cancers


Kamrup urban had the highest incidence rate of cancer other oropharynx in Asia
among males (4.4 per 100,000) as well as females (1.7 per 100,000).

Fig. 9.3.6 Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) of Asian countries with
PBCRs under NCRP - Cancer Pharynx Unspeciied


Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Head & Neck Cancers

Fig. 9.3.7 Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) of Non-Asian countries
with PBCRs under NCRP - Cancer Pharynx Unspeciied



East Khasi Hills district (4.4 per 100,000) had the highest incidence rate of cancer pharynx
unspeciied in the world among males and Sikkim state (1.2 per 100,000) had the highest
incidence rate in the world among females.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Head & Neck Cancers

Table 9.3.1 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) according to

Clinical Extent of Disease - Cancer Oropharynx

Males Females Both Sexes

Clinical Extent of Disease
n % n % n %
Localised only 2161 20.0 399 22.6 2560 20.3
Locoregional 7757 71.7 1212 68.6 8969 71.2
Distant metastasis 633 5.8 95 5.4 728 5.8
Unknown 273 2.5 60 3.4 333 2.6
Total 10824 100.0 1766 100.0 12590 100.0

Locoregional was the commonest presentation for cancer of oropharynx (males

71.7% and females 68.6%). The relative proportion of clinical extent of disease for cancer
oropharynx was similar among males and females.

Table 9.3.2 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) of Types of Treatment according to
Clinical Extent of Disease for Cancer Oropharynx

Clinical Extent of Disease
Treatment Localised only Locoregional Distant metastasis Unknown
n % n % n % n %
Surgery 141 6.5 112 1.4 3 0.5 12 4.5
Radiotherapy 731 33.9 3140 40.5 206 32.5 51 19.0
Systemic Therapy 242 11.2 561 7.2 114 18.0 62 23.0
Multi-modality 1037 48.1 3879 50.1 309 48.8 144 53.5
Palliative Care 7 0.3 55 0.7 1 0.2 - -
Total 2158 100.0 7747 100.0 633 100.0 269 100.0

Clinical Extent of Disease
Treatment Localised only Locoregional Distant metastasis Unknown
n % n % n % n %
Surgery 61 15.3 45 3.7 5 5.3 9 15.3
Radiotherapy 122 30.7 494 40.8 23 24.2 11 18.6
Systemic Therapy 26 6.5 114 9.4 14 14.7 10 16.9
Multi-modality 188 47.2 551 45.5 53 55.8 29 49.2
Palliative Care 1 0.3 7 0.6 - - - -
Total 398 100.0 1211 100.0 95 100.0 59 100.0

*Multi-modality includes the combination of Surgery and/or Radiotherapy and/or Systemic Therapy

On the basis of extent disease, multi-modality was the treatment of choice for cancer
oropharynx among both males (locoregional: 50.1%, localized: 48.1% and distant metastasis:
48.8%) and females (distant metastasis: 55.8%, localized: 47.2%, and locoregional: 45.5%).
Radiotherapy was the second choice of treatment in both genders.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Head & Neck Cancers

9.4 Cancer Nasopharynx (ICD-10: C11)

Fig. 9.4.1 Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) of Asian countries with
PBCRs under NCRP - Cancer Nasopharynx


In Asia, Zhongshan City (25.0 per 100,000) in China had the highest incidence of cancer
nasopharynx among males and Zhuhai in China (9.0 per 100,000) had the highest AAR in

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Head & Neck Cancers

Fig. 9.4.2 Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) of Non-Asian countries
with PBCRs under NCRP - Cancer Nasopharynx



Nagaland had the highest AAR of cancer nasopharynx when compared with Non-
Asian countries both in males (14.4 per 100,000) and females (6.5 per 100,000).

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Head & Neck Cancers

Table 9.4.1 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) according to

Clinical Extent of Disease - Cancer Nasopharynx

Males Females Both sexes

Clinical Extent of Disease
n % n % n %
Localised only 248 18.6 97 17.4 345 18.2
Locoregional 911 68.3 388 69.7 1299 68.7
Distant Metastasis 140 10.5 55 9.9 195 10.3
Unknown 35 2.6 17 3.1 52 2.7
Total 1334 100.0 557 100.0 1891 100.0

Locoregional was the commonest presentation for Cancer nasopharynx (males

68.3% and females 69.7%). The relative proportions of clinical extent of disease for cancer
nasopharynx were similar among males and females.

Table 9.4.2 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) of Types of Treatment according to
Clinical Extent of Disease - Cancer Nasopharynx

Clinical Extent of Disease
Treatment Localised only Locoregional Distant Metastasis Unknown
n % n % n % n %
Surgery 4 1.6 9 1.0 1 0.7 1 2.9
Radiotherapy 33 13.4 108 11.9 30 21.4 5 14.3
Systemic Therapy 48 19.4 77 8.5 27 19.3 7 20.0
Multi-modality* 161 65.2 707 77.7 82 58.6 22 62.9
Palliative Care 1 0.4 9 1.0 - - - -
Total 247 100.0 910 100.0 140 100.0 35 100.0

Clinical Extent of Disease
Treatment Localised only Locoregional Distant Metastasis Unknown
n % n % n % n %
Surgery 2 2.1 1 0.3 1 1.8 1 5.9
Radiotherapy 5 5.2 59 15.2 9 16.4 4 23.5
Systemic Therapy 17 17.5 52 13.4 9 16.4 2 11.8
Multi-modality* 73 75.3 273 70.5 36 65.5 10 58.8
Palliative Care - - 2 0.5 - - - -
Total 97 100.0 387 100.0 55 100.0 17 100.0
*Multi-modality includes the combination of Surgery and/or Radiotherapy and/or Systemic Therapy

On the basis of clinical extent of disease, multi-modality was the treatment of choice
for cancer nasopharynx among both males (localized: 65.2%, locoregional: 77.7%, and
distant metastasis: 58.6%) and females (localized: 75.3%, locoregional: 70.5% and distant
metastasis: 65.5%). Systemic therapy was the second choice of treatment among both
genders for localised extent of cancer.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Head & Neck Cancers

9.5 Cancer Hypopharynx (ICD-10: C12-C13)

Fig. 9.5.1 Annual Percent Change (APC) in Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) over the
Time Period - Cancer Hypopharynx

There was a signiicant decrease in the incidence rate of cancer hypopharynx in Delhi,
Chennai, Bangalore, Bhopal, Mumbai and Nagpur in males.

Fig. 9.5.2 Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) of Asian countries with
PBCRs under NCRP - Cancer Hypopharynx



Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Head & Neck Cancers

Fig. 9.5.3 Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) of Non-Asian countries
with PBCRs under NCRP - Cancer Hypopharynx



East Khasi Hills district (21.8 per 100,000) and Kamrup urban (3.7 per 100,000) had
the highest incidence of cancer hypopharynx in the world among males and females,

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Head & Neck Cancers

Table 9.5.1 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) according to

Clinical Extent of Disease - Cancer Hypopharynx

Males Females Both sexes

Clinical Extent of Disease
n % n % n %
Localised only 1081 15.7 320 20.6 1401 16.6
Locoregional 5295 76.9 1120 72.2 6415 76.0
Distant Metastasis 325 4.7 68 4.4 393 4.7
Unknown 184 2.7 43 2.8 227 2.7
Total 6885 100.0 1551 100.0 8436 100.0
Locoregional was the commonest presentation for cancer hypopharynx (males 76.9%
and females 72.2%). The relative proportion of localised cancers of hypopharynx was 15.7%
in males and 20.6 % for females.

Table 9.5.2 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) of Types of Treatment according to
Clinical Extent of Disease - Cancer Hypopharynx
Clinical Extent of Disease
Treatment Localised only Locoregional Distant Metastasis Unknown
n % n % n % n %
Surgery 48 4.4 110 2.1 9 2.8 24 13.3
Radiotherapy 351 32.5 2042 38.6 109 33.7 41 22.7
Systemic Therapy 69 6.4 269 5.1 52 16.1 31 17.1
Multi-modality* 610 56.5 2855 54.0 153 47.4 83 45.9
Palliative Care 2 0.2 14 0.3 - - 2 1.1
Total 1080 100.0 5290 100.0 323 100.0 181 100.0

Clinical Extent of Disease
Treatment Localised only Locoregional Distant Metastasis Unknown
n % n % n % n %
Surgery 12 3.8 23 2.1 4 5.9 9 20.9
Radiotherapy 105 32.8 434 38.8 22 32.4 8 18.6
Systemic Therapy 25 7.8 57 5.1 10 14.7 5 11.6
Multi-modality* 178 55.6 599 53.5 32 47.1 21 48.8
Palliative Care - - 6 0.5 - - - -
Total 320 100.0 1119 100.0 68 100.0 43 100.0
*Multi-modality includes the combination of Surgery and/or Radiotherapy and/or Systemic Therapy

On the basis of extent disease, multi-modality was the treatment of choice for cancer
hypopharynx among both males (localized: 56.5%, locoregional: 54.0% and distant
metastasis: 47.4%) and females (localized: 55.6%, locoregional: 53.5% and distant metastasis:
47.1%). Radiotherapy was the second choice of treatment in both genders.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Head & Neck Cancers

9.6 Cancer Larynx (ICD-10: C32)

Fig. 9.6.1 Annual Percent Change (APC) in Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) over the
Time Period - Cancer Larynx

There was a signiicant decrease in the incidence of cancer larynx in Mumbai, Pune,
Nagpur and Dibrugarh district in males.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Head & Neck Cancers

Fig. 9.6.2 Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) of Asian countries with
PBCRs under NCRP - Cancer Larynx



East Khasi Hills district had the highest incidence rate of cancer larynx in Asia in both
males (13.5 per 100,000) and females (2.0 per 100,000).

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Head & Neck Cancers

Fig. 9.6.3 Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) of Non-Asian countries
with PBCRs under NCRP – Cancer Larynx



Azores in Portugal (17.3 per 100,000) and Kentucky in USA (2.0 per 100,000) had the
highest incidence rate of cancer larynx among Non-Asian countries in males and females,

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Head & Neck Cancers

Table 9.6.1 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) according to

Clinical Extent of Disease - Cancer Larynx

Males Females Both Sexes

Clinical Extent of Disease
n % n % n %
Localised only 2517 32.9 252 31.0 2769 32.7
Locoregional 4612 60.2 497 61.2 5109 60.3
Distant Metastasis 313 4.1 33 4.1 346 4.1
Unknown 217 2.8 30 3.7 247 2.9
Total 7659 100.0 812 100.0 8471 100.0

Locoregional was the commonest presentation for cancer larynx (males 60.2% and
females 61.2%). The relative proportions of clinical extent of disease for cancer larynx were
similar in males and females.

Table 9.6.2 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) of Types of Treatment according to
Clinical Extent of Disease - Cancer Larynx


Clinical Extent of Disease

Treatment Localised only Locoregional Distant Metastasis Unknown
n % n % n % n %
Surgery 242 9.6 259 5.6 13 4.2 57 26.3
Radiotherapy 1287 51.1 1783 38.7 99 31.8 59 27.2
Systemic Therapy 128 5.1 277 6.0 39 12.5 20 9.2
Multi-modality* 846 33.6 2271 49.3 159 51.1 81 37.3
Palliative Care 14 0.6 20 0.4 1 0.3 - -
Total 2517 100.0 4610 100.0 311 100.0 217 100.0


Clinical Extent of Disease

Treatment Localised only Locoregional Distant Metastasis Unknown
n % n % n % n %
Surgery 23 9.2 26 5.2 1 3.0 6 20.0
Radiotherapy 118 47.0 240 48.4 4 12.1 8 26.7
Systemic Therapy 23 9.2 34 6.9 7 21.2 3 10.0
Multi-modality* 85 33.9 196 39.5 20 60.6 13 43.3
Palliative Care 2 0.8 - - 1 3.0 - -
Total 251 100.0 496 100.0 33 100.0 30 100.0
*Multi-modality includes the combination of Surgery and/or Radiotherapy and/or Systemic Therapy

On the basis of extent of disease, radiotherapy was the treatment of choice for cancer
larynx among both males (51.1%) and females (47.0%) in localised cancer. Multi-modality
was the preferred treatment among both genders in distant metastasis cases (males: 51.1%
and females: 60.6%).


Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancer Lung

Cancer Lung (ICD-10: C33-C34)

Table 10.1 Number of cases (n) registered for Cancer Lung and its Relative Proportion to
All Sites of Cancer (%), Crude (CR), Age Adjusted (AAR) and Truncated (TR) Incidence
Rates per 100,000 population and its Rank in 28 PBCRs under NCRP

Sl No Registry n % CR AAR TR RANK
1 Delhi 3249 10.5 11.8 16.7 27.9 9
2 Patiala district 374 6.9 7.0 7.7 15.8 24
3 Hyderabad district 561 10.9 9.2 12.4 18.0 14
4 Kollam district 1833 18.5 29.4 23.1 34.7 3
5 Thi’puram district 1685 12.5 21.3 16.8 27.3 8
6 Bangalore 1335 10.1 9.8 13.0 19.1 12
7 Chennai 1397 9.7 11.8 11.9 18.1 17
8 Kolkata 2040 20.0 22.0 18.3 28.1 5
9 Ahmedabad urban 1188 8.1 7.3 8.8 13.9 21
10 Aurangabad 216 11.2 6.4 8.8 14.3 22
11 Osmanabad & Beed 177 4.9 1.9 1.9 3.5 31
12 Barshi rural 25 3.4 1.9 1.8 3.6 32
13 Mumbai 2554 9.7 9.5 11.0 14.5 19
14 Pune 735 7.6 5.1 6.7 9.3 26
15 Wardha district 170 7.1 5.0 4.6 8.5 30
16 Bhopal 390 10.9 9.1 12.0 20.2 16
17 Nagpur 368 6.2 5.5 6.1 9.8 28
18 Manipur state 698 18.9 8.9 12.9 12.5 13
Imphal West district 207 18.2 15.5 17.8 17.2 7
19 Mizoram state 618 14.3 20.9 32.1 41.1 2
Aizawl district 287 13.2 27.1 38.8 50.3 1
20 Sikkim state 83 7.1 4.9 6.5 8.1 27
21 Tripura state 1103 16.8 11.3 14.5 23.1 10
22 West Arunachal 79 6.5 3.7 7.0 14.3 25
Papumpare district 38 8.1 7.6 20.1 38.0 4
23 Meghalaya 286 6.1 5.6 12.4 21.7 15
East Khasi Hills district 153 5.3 6.9 14.1 22.4 11
24 Nagaland 84 6.0 4.5 8.4 12.2 23
25 Pasighat 25 7.8 7.1 9.7 19.8 20
26 Cachar district 400 8.6 8.5 11.9 18.4 18
27 Dibrugarh district 135 5.3 3.9 5.1 7.6 29
28 Kamrup urban 494 7.9 15.1 18.1 23.9 6
Total number of cases (N) registered and reporting year of data for all sites is mentioned in Table 1.2

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancer Lung

Sl No Registry n % CR AAR TR RANK
1 Delhi 962 3.3 4.0 5.1 9.2 13
2 Patiala district 134 2.2 2.8 2.8 5.4 26
3 Hyderabad district 262 4.1 4.5 6.0 11.6 8
4 Kollam district 359 3.7 5.1 3.8 6.8 22
5 Thi’puram district 545 3.8 6.3 4.7 8.1 15
6 Bangalore 596 3.8 4.7 5.8 10.5 11
7 Chennai 555 3.3 4.7 4.4 7.7 16
8 Kolkata 602 6.6 7.0 5.9 10.6 9
9 Ahmedabad urban 311 2.8 2.1 2.4 3.9 28
10 Aurangabad 79 3.9 2.5 3.2 5.7 25
11 Osmanabad & Beed 93 2.1 1.1 1.0 2.1 32
12 Barshi rural 26 3.2 2.1 1.9 3.8 31
13 Mumbai 1390 5.1 6.0 5.9 8.0 10
14 Pune 449 4.2 3.5 4.0 7.0 20
15 Wardha district 85 3.4 2.6 2.3 4.6 29
16 Bhopal 114 3.2 2.9 3.6 7.4 23
17 Nagpur 177 2.9 2.7 2.7 5.1 27
18 Manipur state 649 14.4 8.3 11.8 14.1 5
Imphal West district 215 14.3 15.5 16.6 21.5 3
19 Mizoram state 528 14.1 18.0 27.6 30.7 2
Aizawl district 304 16.0 27.9 37.9 34.1 1
20 Sikkim state 73 6.5 4.9 7.1 9.1 6
21 Tripura state 263 5.4 2.8 3.3 5.6 24
22 West Arunachal 46 3.9 2.2 5.0 9.7 14
Papumpare district 21 4.0 4.2 12.8 21.8 4
23 Meghalaya 116 4.1 2.3 4.3 7.9 17
East Khasi Hills district 70 4.0 3.1 5.3 8.7 12
24 Nagaland 37 3.7 2.1 4.3 8.2 18
25 Pasighat 9 3.0 2.6 4.2 7.2 19
26 Cachar district 125 3.2 2.8 3.9 6.9 21
27 Dibrugarh district 52 2.3 1.5 2.0 3.6 30
28 Kamrup urban 181 3.8 5.7 6.7 13.1 7
Total number of cases (N) registered and calendar year of data for all sites is mentioned in Table 1.2

Aizawl district had the highest rank in incidence rates in both males (38.8 per 100,000)
and females (37.9 per 100,000).

Fig. 10.1 Age Speciic Incidence Rates per 100,000 in 28 PBCRs under NCRP - Cancer Lung

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016
Cancer Lung
Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016

Cancer Lung

Among males, the age speciic incidence rate increased between 45-75+ age group and among females, it was between 50-75+.
Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancer Lung

Fig. 10.2 Annual Percent Change (APC) in Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) over the
Time Period - Cancer Lung

There was a signiicant increase in the incidence rates of cancer lung in Kamrup
urban, Chennai, Delhi and Bangalore PBCRs in both males and females. 5 PBCRs showed
a signiicant increase in incidence rates among males whereas it was seen in 11 PBCRs
among females.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancer Lung

Fig. 10.3 Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) of Asian countries with
PBCRs under NCRP - Cancer Lung


In Asia, among males, Yueyanglou (95.5 per 100,000) in China had the highest incidence
rate of lung cancer whereas Aizawl district (37.9 per 100,000), India had the highest AAR in

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancer Lung

Fig. 10.4 Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) of Non-Asian countries
with PBCRs under NCRP - Cancer Lung


Among non-Asian countries, Nunavut in Canada (93.4 per 100,000) had the highest
incidence rate of cancer lung in males and females alike.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancer Lung

Table 10.4 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) by Educational Status - Cancer Lung

Males Females
Educational Status
n % n %
Illiterate 3198 17.9 1403 26.1
Literate 1484 8.3 509 9.5
Primary 3001 16.8 644 12.0
Secondary 4293 24.1 1066 19.8
Higher Education 1347 7.6 329 6.1
Unknown 4505 25.3 1427 26.5
Not Applicable (for children below 5 Years) 5 <0.1 - -
Total 17833 100.0 5378 100.0

Among the patients of cancer lung, illiteracy was more in female patients (26.1%) as
compared to male patients (17.9%). The proportion of patients’ levels of education were
8.3% and 9.5% literate, 16.8% and 12.0% primary, 24.1% and 19.8% secondary and 7.6%
and 6.1% higher education in males and females, respectively.

Table 10.5 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) of

Broad Histological Classiication - Cancer Lung

Males Females
Broad Histological Classiication
n % n %
Epithelial Tumours
Adenocarcinomas 5979 34.4 2773 52.8
Squamous cell carcinomas 4083 23.5 604 11.5
Small cell carcinoma 1755 10.1 317 6.0
Non-small cell carcinoma 2727 15.7 619 11.8
Others 970 5.6 329 6.3
Lymph histiocytic Tumours 28 17
Mesenchymal Tumours 46 22
10.8 11.6
Tumour of ectopic origin 2 -
Others 1801 573
All Microscopic 17391 100.0 5254 100.0

34.4% and 52.8% of cancer lung patients were histologically classiied as adeno-
carcinomas of epithelial tumours among males and females, respectively. 23.5% males and
11.5% females had squamous cell carcinomas of cancer lung.



Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancer Stomach

Cancer Stomach (ICD-10: C16)

Table 11.1 Number of cases (n) registered for Cancer Stomach and its Relative Proportion
to All Sites of Cancer (%), Crude (CR), Age Adjusted (AAR) and Truncated (TR) Incidence
Rates per 100,000 population and its Rank in 28 PBCRs under NCRP
Sl No Registry n % CR AAR TR RANK
1 Delhi 806 2.6 2.9 3.8 6.9 22
2 Patiala district 143 2.7 2.7 2.9 5.9 25
3 Hyderabad district 291 5.7 4.8 6.0 10.5 14
4 Kollam district 470 4.7 7.5 5.9 8.9 15
5 Thi’puram district 482 3.6 6.1 4.8 7.1 18
6 Bangalore 914 6.9 6.7 8.6 13.7 12
7 Chennai 1265 8.7 10.6 10.5 17.7 11
8 Kolkata 469 4.6 5.1 4.2 7.7 21
9 Ahmedabad urban 266 1.8 1.6 1.9 3.4 30
10 Aurangabad 64 3.3 1.9 2.6 4.4 27
11 Osmanabad & Beed 162 4.5 1.8 1.8 3.3 31
12 Barshi rural 32 4.4 2.4 2.3 4.6 28
13 Mumbai 1138 4.3 4.2 4.8 6.9 19
14 Pune 384 4.0 2.7 3.3 4.9 24
15 Wardha district 58 2.4 1.7 1.6 2.7 32
16 Bhopal 75 2.1 1.8 2.2 4.5 29
17 Nagpur 183 3.1 2.7 2.8 5.9 26
18 Manipur state 257 6.9 3.3 4.5 7.5 20
Imphal West district 41 3.6 3.1 3.6 4.4 23
19 Mizoram state 776 18.0 26.2 39.1 58.9 3
Aizawl district 342 15.7 32.3 44.2 70.0 1
20 Sikkim state 198 16.9 11.8 15.7 22.9 7
21 Tripura state 404 6.2 4.1 5.0 9.6 17
22 West Arunachal 284 23.2 13.2 24.9 50.9 4
Papumpare district 93 19.7 18.7 40.3 83.8 2
23 Meghalaya 296 6.3 5.8 12.2 20.7 10
East Khasi Hills district 152 5.3 6.9 13.6 22.5 8
24 Nagaland 177 12.6 9.4 17.9 23.5 6
25 Pasighat 58 18.1 16.4 23.9 36.9 5
26 Cachar district 195 4.2 4.1 5.6 9.7 16
27 Dibrugarh district 185 7.3 5.3 7.0 11.3 13
28 Kamrup urban 389 6.3 11.9 13.4 21.2 9
Total number of cases (N) registered and reporting year of data for all sites is mentioned in Table 1.2

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancer Stomach

Sl No Registry n % CR AAR TR RANK
1 Delhi 482 1.7 2.0 2.4 4.5 19
2 Patiala district 100 1.7 2.1 2.1 3.9 21
3 Hyderabad district 160 2.5 2.7 3.2 7.0 16
4 Kollam district 186 1.9 2.6 2.0 3.6 23
5 Thi’puram district 191 1.3 2.2 1.7 3.0 24
6 Bangalore 519 3.3 4.1 4.9 8.3 12
7 Chennai 654 3.9 5.5 5.1 9.0 11
8 Kolkata 246 2.7 2.8 2.4 3.9 20
9 Ahmedabad urban 169 1.5 1.1 1.2 2.3 29
10 Aurangabad 32 1.6 1.0 1.2 3.1 30
11 Osmanabad & Beed 100 2.2 1.2 1.1 2.2 31
12 Barshi rural 21 2.6 1.7 1.5 3.5 25
13 Mumbai 673 2.5 2.9 2.9 4.6 17
14 Pune 179 1.7 1.4 1.6 2.6 26
15 Wardha district 51 2.0 1.6 1.4 3.1 28
16 Bhopal 31 0.9 0.8 1.0 1.5 32
17 Nagpur 98 1.6 1.5 1.6 3.1 27
18 Manipur state 158 3.5 2.0 2.7 4.6 18
Imphal West district 45 3.0 3.2 3.7 6.3 14
19 Mizoram state 374 10.0 12.8 18.8 30.9 3
Aizawl district 175 9.2 16.1 21.7 33.4 2
20 Sikkim state 83 7.3 5.5 7.9 10.6 8
21 Tripura state 183 3.7 1.9 2.1 4.6 22
22 West Arunachal 171 14.6 8.2 15.8 38.5 4
Papumpare district 58 11.0 11.5 27.1 73.1 1
23 Meghalaya 205 7.2 4.0 6.9 13.0 10
East Khasi Hills district 122 7.1 5.4 8.0 14.2 7
24 Nagaland 112 11.3 6.4 11.8 18.7 6
25 Pasighat 29 9.6 8.4 12.5 27.4 5
26 Cachar district 120 3.0 2.6 3.4 7.3 15
27 Dibrugarh district 118 5.3 3.5 4.1 8.3 13
28 Kamrup urban 223 4.7 7.0 7.9 14.3 9
Total number of cases (N) registered and reporting year of data for all sites is mentioned in Table 1.2

Among males, Aizawl district (44.2 per 100,000) had the highest rank in incidence rates
of stomach cancer across all PBCRs and Papumpare district (27.1 per 100,000) had the
highest rate among females.

Fig. 11.1 Age Speciic Incidence Rates per 100,000 in 28 PBCRs under NCRP - Cancer Stomach

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016
Cancer Stomach
Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016

As age increased, the incidence rate increased in cancer stomach. North eastern registries like Mizoram, West Arunachal, Pasighat
and Nagaland had higher incidence rate in the older age group compared to other PBCRs

Cancer Stomach
Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancer Stomach

Fig. 11.2 Annual Percent Change (APC) in Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) over the
Time Period - Cancer Stomach

There was a signiicant increase in the incidence rates of stomach cancer in Kamrup
urban in both genders. In the state of Sikkim stomach cancer increased signiicantly among
males. Mizoram, Mumbai and Chennai PBCR had a signiicant decrease in the incidence
rates of stomach cancer both in males and females.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancer Stomach

Fig. 11.3 Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) of Asian countries with
PBCRs under NCRP - Cancer Stomach



Shexian County (151.9 per 100,000) and Yanting County (69.7 per 100,000) in China had
the highest incidence rate of stomach cancer among males and females , respectively in
Asia and the world.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancer Stomach

Fig. 11.4 Comparison of Age Adjusted Incidence Rates (AAR) of Non-Asian countries with
PBCRs under NCRP - Cancer Stomach



Aizawl district (44.2 per 100,000) and Papumpare district (27.1 per 100,000) in India had
the highest incidence rate of stomach cancer among males and females, respectively
when compared to Non-Asian countries.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancer Stomach

Table 11.2 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) according to

Clinical Extent of Disease - Cancer Stomach

Males Females Both Sexes

Clinical Extent of Disease
n % n % n %
Localised only 1266 18.4 605 19.3 1871 18.7
Locoregional 3502 51.0 1581 50.3 5083 50.8
Distant Metastasis 1690 24.6 778 24.8 2468 24.7
Unknown 406 5.9 178 5.7 584 5.8
Total 6864 100.0 3142 100.0 10006 100.0

Locoregional spread was most common among patients with cancer of the stomach
(males 51.0% and females 50.3%). Around 24% of stomach cancers cases had distant
metastasis in both males and females.

Table 11.3 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) of Types of Treatment according to
Clinical Extent of Disease - Cancer Stomach

Clinical Extent of Disease
Treatment Localised only Locoregional Distant Metastasis Unknown
n % n % n % n %
Surgery 265 21.0 526 15.1 99 5.9 76 18.8
Radiotherapy 29 2.3 168 4.8 162 9.7 15 3.7
Systemic Therapy 491 38.9 1296 37.3 1058 63.3 167 41.3
Multi-modality* 444 35.2 1413 40.7 290 17.3 112 27.7
Palliative Care 34 2.7 71 2.0 63 3.8 34 8.4
Total 1263 100.0 3474 100.0 1672 100.0 404 100.0

Clinical Extent of Disease
Treatment Localised only Locoregional Distant Metastasis Unknown
n % n % n % n %
Surgery 114 19.0 293 18.7 63 8.2 40 22.5
Radiotherapy 15 2.5 63 4.0 53 6.9 11 6.2
Systemic Therapy 281 46.8 604 38.6 493 64.4 64 36.0
Multi-modality* 176 29.3 575 36.8 129 16.8 55 30.9
Palliative Care 15 2.5 28 1.8 28 3.7 8 4.5
Total 601 100.0 1563 100.0 766 100.0 178 100.0

*Multi-modality includes the combination of Surgery and/or Radiotherapy and/or Systemic Therapy

On the basis of clinical extent of disease, systemic therapy was the treatment of choice
in distant metastasis (males 63.3%, females 64.4%) and localised disease (males 38.9%,
females 46.8%) for stomach cancer patients.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Cancer Stomach

Table 11.4 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) by

Educational Status - Cancer Stomach

Males Females
Educational Status
n % n %
Illiterate 1233 17.9 833 26.4
Literate 745 10.8 409 13.0
Primary 933 13.5 377 11.9
Secondary 1697 24.6 592 18.7
Higher Education 562 8.1 151 4.8
Unknown 1727 25.0 795 25.2
Not Applicable (for children below 5 Years) 1 <0.1 1 <0.1
Total 6898 100.0 3158 100.0

Among the cancer stomach patients, illiteracy was more in females (26.4%) than in
males (17.9%). The proportion of levels of education were 10.8% and 13.0% literate, 13.5%
and 11.9% primary, 24.6% and 18.7% secondary and 8.1% and 4.8% higher education in
males and females, respectively.

Table 11.5 Number (n) and Relative Proportion (%) by

Broad Histological Classiication - Cancer Stomach

Males Females
Broad Histological Classiication
n % n %
Epithelial Tumours 6700 95.6 3038 94.3
Mesenchymal Tumours 105 73
Malignant Lymphoma 186 4.5 98 5.7
Others 20 13
All Microscopic 7011 100.0 3222 100.0

Among the different histologic types of stomach cancer, the most common type
reported were epithelial tumours (males 95.6% and females 94.3%).

Section III

Chapter 12
Data Quality and Indices of Reliability
This chapter describes procedures for assessment of the quality of the data and the
completeness of coverage of cases in a given registry area.

Checks on Quality of Data

The registry data undergoes several quality checks, both, at the time of data entry and
subsequently. These include: Range, Consistency, Unlikely and Family checks as per the
International Association of Cancer Registries (IARC) norms. All the checks are built into the
PBCRDM 2.1 and the online PBCR data entry application. The list of cases with possible errors
is sent back to the respective registries for veriication with the original medical records and
the corrections received are updated in the registry database. Cancer Incidence in Five
Continents (CI5 Vol-XI) published by IARC, has accepted and incorporated the data of 15
Indian registries out of the 22 registries that submitted the data (2008-2012).

Internal consistency
Innovation of different software application at NCDIR-NCRP supports cancer registration
in a big way. PBCR softwares (desktop and web based) run the quality checks (consistency,
range, unlikely, family), matching and duplicate check to make the data clean and valid.
Additionally, a Phonetics software is used to weed duplicate names that sound similar but
are spelt differently. Fluctuation in the number of cancer cases over the years from each
source of registration is identiied using the software for appropriate action.
Some of the speciic checks that appear important in this context are:
• % Age Unknown <10%
• % Death Certiicates Only <10%
• % Other & Unspeciied Sites <10%
• % Microscopic veriication (MV) >80% (99-100% is unacceptable).
• Mortality to Incidence Ratio (M:I)%
• Stability of incidence rates (the number of new cases) over time thereby disallowing
any abrupt trend.

Age Unknown
Most of the PBCRs do not have any cases with age unknown. The highest proportion of
cancer cases with age being unknown was from Delhi PBCR (0.6%).

In HBCRs, out of 58 hospitals, 36 hospitals collected the actual age of the patient.
However, only in 154 cases, age was unknown from 22 hospitals.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Data Quality and Indices of Reliability

Microscopic Veriication (MV)

Higher the proportion of microscopically veriied cases, more accurate is the conirmation
as microscopic veriication is the most valid basis of diagnosis of cancer. Still, a very high
proportion (above 90-95%) of microscopic diagnosis suggests the likelihood that some
cancers with a diagnosis based on imaging techniques and solely clinical diagnoses may
be missed by the registry. The highest proportion of microscopically veriied cases were from
Hyderabad district (96.7%) and the lowest was reported from Patiala district (77.1%).

The MV percentage ranged between 90 – 100% in majority of the hospitals. Among

microscopically conirmed cases, about 82% were found to be that of histology of primary
followed by cytology of primary (6.9%) and bone marrow (5.2%). There were about 5.6% of
cases diagnosed from metastatic site of cancer.

Death Certiicate ‘Only’ (DCO) cases

There is a need to follow-back Death Certiicate Notiications (DCN), a case notiied by
death from a death certiicate. These DCNs are followed to the last hospital attended to
obtain the details of diagnosis to register an incidence. To successfully achieve this, scrutiny
of cancer deaths as per death registers/certiicates which have not matched with any
incidence record is undertaken. This way the exact primary site of tumour and the date of
diagnosis is obtained. If no information is obtained it is registered as DCO.

The relative proportion of DCOs should ideally be less than 10% which was found in 26
of the 28 PBCRs. DCO <1% was observed in 9 PBCRs.

Other and Unspeciied Site (O&U)

The sites of cancer that were categorised as “Other and Unspeciied Sites (O&U)” were
as per ICD-10: C26, C39, C48, C75, C76, C77, C78, C79, C80, C97 (WHO 1994). The relative
proportion of cancers that fell into this group was more than 10% in the PBCRs at Patiala
district, Thiruvananthapuram district, Nagpur and Cachar district. It was less than 5% in 13

Among 58 hospitals, O&U percentage ranged between 0.1 – 6.8%. In three hospitals,
the relative proportion of O&U was more than 10%.

Mortality-Incidence Ratio (MI Ratio)

The mortality-incidence or MI ratio is an indicator of the completeness and accuracy
of cancer mortality data. The system of registration of death and certiication of cause of
death are of major concern. In order to overcome this deicit in cancer mortality data,
some PBCRs have used the all-cause mortality data collected from municipal/corporation
units of their registry area to match with the incident cases and arrive at the igure of cancer
mortality. Barshi rural, Wardha district and Mumbai have M/I% ratios of 67.2%, 59.2% and
56.0, respectively.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Data Quality and Indices of Reliability

Clinical Extent of the Disease before Treatment (CEDBT)

The clinical extent of the disease provides an idea of the degree of the spread of cancer
when the patient presents himself/herself to the reporting hospital without receiving any
cancer directed treatment earlier. 13 hospitals had the details of CEDBT, 33 hospitals could
not ascertain the extent of the disease which was less than 10% of the cases. However, the
relative proportion of unknown CEDBT varied from 12.0% to 64.1% in remaining 12 hospitals.

Unspeciied sub-site
Anatomical sites of cancer are generally considered as one complete entity for overall
expression of number of cases. Registry wise analyses were done for the sites of cancer
provided in the section II of this report such as cancer breast, cervix, head & neck, lung and
stomach. The percentage variation of unspeciied sub-site for each site is given below.

Anatomical Sites of Cancer Percentage of unspeciied sub-site

Cancer Breast 32.4% - 100%
Cancer Cervix 51.0% - 100%
Head & Neck Cancers 10.0% - 77.8%
Cancer Lung 25.0% - 100%
Cancer Stomach 23.2% - 100%

Unspeciied Histology
While cancers of different anatomical sites have certain distinctions due to their location,
the histological type of cancer in the same site has its own identity in terms of aetiology,
prognosis and treatment thereof. Hence, it is important to get information in at least cases
where a microscopic diagnosis of cancer is available. The relative proportion of the cases
that had unspeciied histology is provided below.

Anatomical Sites of Cancer Percentage of unspeciied Histology

Cancer Breast 0.1% - 57.5%
Cancer Cervix 0.1% - 56.1%
Head & Neck Cancers 0.1% - 94.9%
Cancer Lung 0.2% - 36.6%
Cancer Stomach 0.9% - 87.5%

Method of Diagnosis
The proportion of microscopic veriication in males varied from 74.3% in Patiala PBCR to
96.2% in Nagaland PBCR.

Among males, clinical diagnosis was the highest in Nagpur at 8.0% and X-ray and
Imaging as a form of diagnosis was the highest in Kollam district (14.4%).

Among females, the microscopic proportion varied from 79.5% in Patiala district to
97.3% in Hyderabad district. Among females, clinical diagnosis was highest in Nagpur at
8.2% and X-ray and Imaging as a form of diagnosis was the highest in Cachar district with
a relative proportion of 9.2%.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Data Quality and Indices of Reliability

Detailed Microscopic Diagnosis

The proportion of primary histology in males varied from 44.3% in West Arunachal to
84.1% in Aurangabad PBCR.

Among males, cytology was the highest in West Arunachal at 45.8% and bone marrow
was the highest in Delhi PBCR (7.2%).

Among females, the primary histology varied from 50.2% in Cachar district to 90.6%
in Aurangabad PBCR. Among females, cytology was highest in Papumpare district at
47.3% and bone marrow was the highest in Ahmedabad urban with a relative proportion
of 4.7%.

Chapter 13
Trends in Cancer Incidence
Trend analysis aims to identify a pattern of change in a series of observations over a
deined period of time. Trends in cancer incidence rate is important for measuring how
things are progressing (increasing or decreasing) by speciic types of cancer, gender and
place over the years.
The cancer burden assessment for future is useful for a country to prioritize health care
services, plan resource intensive efforts like formulation of government policies or/and
budget allocation.

The objective of this chapter is to provide trends in cancer incidence rates over time
(Annual Percent Change: 1982-2016) by different registries and project number of incidence
of cancer cases in India by anatomical sites and gender for the years 2016 to 2020 and
2025. The crude incidence rates for selected cancers are also listed. This includes 16 PBCRs
where number of years of regular data availability was at least 10 years. However, any
abrupt or luctuating trend in cancer incidence rate by registry or site of cancer was not
considered for trend analysis. Also, sites with fewer than 10 cases for any given year have
been excluded.

Annual Percent Change

Joinpoint regression analysis of cancer incidence rate was used to estimate the annual
percent change (APC). The APC is the average rate of change in a cancer rate per year in
a given time frame (how quickly or slowly a cancer rate has increased or decreased each
year over a period of years). The APC was calculated using crude incidence by different
sites of cancer using joinpoint regression software. A negative APC describes a decreasing
trend, and a positive APC describes an increasing trend.

The actual crude rate for all sites of cancer and for few selected ones have been
provided against each graph to illustrate the change in crude rate between the irst year
of registry and the last year.

In few sites of cancer, there may be contradiction in the direction of trend (APC) value
in graph and the Crude Rate (CR) (start and end of the year) table. This is because the APC
was calculated based on regression based estimated CR, whereas the table values of CR
are actual, rather than estimated.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Trends in Cancer Incidence

Fig 13.1 Annual Percent Change for selected Sites of Cancer – Chennai

M - Males; F - Females

The incidence rate of prostate cancer, corpus uteri and lung in females increased
signiicantly by 6% annually between 1982 to 2016. Among females, there was signiicant
decrease in cancers of the mouth and cervix uteri.

Fig 13.2 Annual Percent Change for selected Sites of Cancer – Mumbai

M - Males; F - Females

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Trends in Cancer Incidence

In Mumbai PBCR, the APC for cancer of corpus uteri was 4.7%. The APC for cancer
of the liver in males was 4.0% between 1982 and 2015. Liver cancer showed signiicant
increase in annual incidence rate in both genders by 4% between 1982 to 2015. There was a
signiicant decrease in cancer incidence rate for oesophagus (-1.8%), larynx (-0.5%) among
males and cervical cancer (-1.0%).

Fig 13.3 Annual Percent Change for selected Sites of Cancer – Bangalore

M - Males; F - Females

In Bangalore PBCR the APC for cancer corpus uteri in females was 7.0% between 1982
and 2014. The crude rate for the same in 2014 was 6.4 in females compared to 0.9 in 1982.
The signiicant decrease in APC for cancers of oesophagus, mouth and cervix uteri were
seen in females (by <1% annually). APC for prostate cancer was 4.3% and the crude rate
increased from 1.7 in 1982 to 6.5 in 2014.

Fig 13.4 Annual Percent Change for selected Sites of Cancer – Barshi rural

M - Males; F – Females

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Trends in Cancer Incidence

The incidence rate of breast cancer increased signiicantly by 3% annually while

there was a signiicant decrease in cervical cancer by -1.2% annually over the time period

Fig 13.5 Annual Percent Change for selected Sites of Cancer – Bhopal

Percent Change for selected Sites of Cancer – Bhopal

M - Males; F – Females

In Bhopal PBCR the APC for cancer mouth in males was 5.8% between 1988 and 2015.
The crude rate for cancer mouth in males was 17.6 in 2015 compared to 4.3 in 1988. The APC
decreased for cancer oesophagus and cancer hypopharynx in males and cancer cervix
in females. For females the APC for cancer breast was 3.7% and the crude rate increased
from 10.9 in 1988 to 28.4 in 2015.

Fig 13.6 Annual Percent Change for selected Sites of Cancer – Delhi

M - Males; F – Females
Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Trends in Cancer Incidence

Among males, signiicant increase in cancer incidence rate was seen for mouth (5.8%),
prostate (4.7%) and gall bladder (4.2%) annually, while there was signiicant decrease in
rates of cervical cancer. All sites of cancer showed signiicant increase in males (1.9%) and
females (1.2%).

Fig 13.7 Annual Percent Change for selected Sites of Cancer – Dibrugarh district

Fig 13.7 Annual Percent Change for selected Sites of Cancer – Dibrugarh district

M - Males; F – Females

Among males, signiicant increase in cancer incidence rate was seen for gall bladder
(10.8%) and colon (6.8%). Among males, the APC for cancer of all sites, cancer hypopharynx,
cancer stomach, cancer oesophagus and cancer mouth decreased and among females,
the decrease in APC was observed for cancer hypopharynx and cancer cervix uteri.

Fig 13.8 Annual Percent Change for selected Sites of Cancer – Sikkim state

Percent Change for selected Sites of Cancer – Sikkim state

M - Males; F - Females

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Trends in Cancer Incidence

The incidence rate of breast cancer increased signiicantly by 8.4% annually from
2005 to 2016. Stomach cancer incidence rate in males showed signiicant increase of 4.0%

Fig 13.9 Annual Percent Change for selected Sites of Cancer – Imphal West district

M - Males; F – Females

There was no signiicant change in the annual incidence rate of thyroid cancer in males,
but the rate in females increased by 4.9%. There was signiicant increase in the incidence
rate of breast cancer (3.7%) among females.

Fig 13.10 Annual Percent Change for selected Sites of Cancer – Kamrup urban

M - Males; F – Females

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Trends in Cancer Incidence

All sites of cancer showed signiicant increase in annual incidence rates in males as well
as females by 5.9% for the period between 2003 and 2016. Lung cancer showed signiicant
increase in males and females by 7.2% and 9.0%, respectively.

Fig 13.11 Annual Percent Change for selected Sites of Cancer – Mizoram state

M - Males; F – Females

In Mizoram state PBCR, the APC for cancer oesophagus in males and females was 4.6%
and 9.5%, respectively between 2004 and 2016. The APC for cancer stomach decreased
for both males and females.

Fig 13.12 Annual Percent Change for selected Sites of Cancer - Aurangabad

M - Males; F – Females

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Trends in Cancer Incidence

The incidence rate of mouth cancer in males increased signiicantly by 16% annually
between 2005 to 2016. The crude rate for cancer mouth in males was 13.9 in 2016 compared
to 2.5 in 2005. The APC decreased for cancer larynx in males and cancer oesophagus in
females. For females the APC for cancer breast was 8.2% and the crude rate increased
from 10.3 in 2005 to 24.1 in 2016. All sites of cancer showed signiicant increase in cancer
incidence rate over the period of time in both genders.

Fig 13.13 Annual Percent Change for selected

Sites of Cancer – Thiruvananthapuram taluk

Fig 13.13 Annual Percent Change for selected Sites of Cancer – Thiruvananthapuram taluk

M - Males; F - Females

All sites of cancer showed signiicant increase in males and females by 5% annually in
the period between 2005 and 2016. Prostate cancer showed a signiicant increase of 11.2%.
Among females, signiicant increase in incidence rates were observed in cancers of the
colon (10.4%), corpus uteri (9.7%) and thyroid (9.6%) during the period.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Trends in Cancer Incidence

Fig 13.14 Annual Percent Change for selected Sites of Cancer – Nagpur

M - Males; F - Females

Mouth cancer showed signiicant increase of 9.4% and 6.5% annually in males and
females, respectively. Tongue cancer also showed signiicant increase at 6% annually for
the period 2005 to 2016.

Fig 13.15 Annual Percent Change for selected Sites of Cancer – Kollam district

M - Males; F - Females 159

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Trends in Cancer Incidence

The incidence rate of thyroid cancer has increased by 9.6% annually for females from
2006 to 2016. All sites of cancer showed signiicant increase in males and females by 2 to
3% annually in the period between 2006 and 2016. There was decrease in cancer incidence
rate for cancer oesophagus in males, cancer cervix uteri and cancer mouth in females.

Fig 13.16 Annual Percent Change for selected Sites of Cancer – Pune

M - Males; F - Females

All sites of cancer showed signiicant increase in males and females by 2.7% and 3.0%
annually for the period between 2006 and 2016. Breast cancer among females showed a
signiicant increase in incidence rate (4.7%) over the years.

Chapter 14
Projection of Cancer Cases in India
Incidence data derived from the recent report of NCDIR-NCRP (2012-2016) has
been taken as reference. PBCRs in India cover some pure urban, semi-urban and rural
populations of the country. PBCR describes the extent and nature of the cancer burden in
the community and assist in the establishment of public health priorities. Cancer registration
is a complex process and in India cancer registration is active wherein staff has to go to
different sources for collection of data followed by quality control checks, duplicate checks,
matching with mortality cases, follow up of death certiicate notiications and creation of
death certiicate only. The projections thus given would be till 2025 keeping the data of
2012- 2016 as baseline.

1) Estimated number of cancer incidence for the year 2018, 2020 and 2025 by gender
and for 16 age groups were estimated using Age Speciic Incidence rate (ASpR) of
28 PBCRs of the year 2012-2016.

2) Region wise collation/representation of PBCRs data for projecting number of

incidences of cancer cases in India (Annexure II).

3) India - state/UT wise population was estimated till 2025 using (2001-2011) census
growth rate by different distribution method for estimating ive-year age group.

4) Constant incidence rate (region wise) of PBCR (2012-2016) was used to project
number of cancer cases in India till 2025. ASpR by anatomical sites and gender was
applied to the corresponding state/UTs estimated population to derive the projected
number of cancer cases for each state/UT.

5) The total number of cancer cases in India were derived by summing the estimated
number of each anatomical site of cancer.

The strengths of the approach used here are,

i) Region wise representation of cancer registries

ii) Use of other available data (Eg: Dindigal PBCR for rural data)

iii) Use of age speciic incidence rate rather than crude incidence rate.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Projection of Cancer Cases in India

The limitation of the methodology is that it assumes constant incidence rate (remain
unchanged) for future as a conservative approach. PBCRs cover close to 10% of the
population in India and many parts of the countries are not covered. The inluencing factors
such as risk factors/behaviour, case inding procedure, screening programme, improved
technique for detecting cancer patients are likely to inluence the projection of cancer

Table 14.1 Projected Number of Incidence Cases by Anatomical Sites of Cancer in India

Males Females Both Sexes

Site Name
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2025 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2025 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2025
All Sites 616757 632042 647605 663343 679421 763575 643670 660492 677627 695072 712758 806218 1260427 1292534 1325232 1358415 1392179 1569793
Tongue 36218 37120 38029 38961 39902 44861 12475 12817 13164 13520 13870 15747 48693 49937 51193 52481 53772 60608
Mouth 52054 53358 54673 56015 57380 64519 20217 20763 21325 21898 22483 25541 72271 74121 75998 77913 79863 90060
Hypopharynx 14230 14609 14989 15378 15765 17840 4195 4311 4422 4521 4649 5284 18425 18920 19411 19899 20414 23124
Oesophagus 29458 30220 31006 31799 32622 36850 18148 18643 19157 19685 20206 22996 47606 48863 50163 51484 52828 59846
Stomach 29570 30337 31123 31902 32713 36938 15680 16109 16545 16985 17430 19795 45250 46446 47668 48887 50143 56733
Colon 18603 19078 19576 20064 20572 23214 14112 14488 14886 15282 15685 17830 32715 33566 34462 35346 36257 41044
Rectum 19839 20340 20849 21380 21915 24690 13506 13877 14241 14610 14985 16982 33345 34217 35090 35990 36900 41672
Liver 24119 24750 25379 26023 26678 30115 9674 9938 10198 10460 10732 12188 33793 34688 35577 36483 37410 42303
Gall Bladder 11189 11481 11776 12073 12385 13980 17503 17986 18485 18989 19510 22233 28692 29467 30261 31062 31895 36213
Pancreas 10765 11040 11329 11615 11908 13454 7303 7494 7699 7906 8110 9235 18068 18534 19028 19521 20018 22689
Larynx 24485 25141 25806 26478 27146 30725 2978 3058 3144 3227 3316 3781 27463 28199 28950 29705 30462 34506
Lung 64778 66498 68236 69994 71788 81219 23800 24457 25124 25808 26490 30109 88578 90955 93360 95802 98278 111328
Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016

Breast 4868 4989 5117 5243 5377 6076 185116 190061 195105 200218 205424 232832 189984 195050 200222 205461 210801 238908
Cervix Uteri - - - - - - 67756 69567 71415 73289 75209 85241 67756 69567 71415 73289 75209 85241
Corpus Uteri - - - - - - 23816 24470 25124 25813 26514 30121 23816 24470 25124 25813 26514 30121
Ovary - - - - - - 39628 40665 41720 42788 43886 49644 39628 40665 41720 42788 43886 49644
Prostate 37416 38424 39442 40481 41532 47068 - - - - - - 37416 38424 39442 40481 41532 47068
Kidney 11188 11451 11732 12005 12283 13773 5095 5217 5337 5462 5601 6276 16283 16668 17069 17467 17884 20049
Urinary Bladder 18472 18968 19455 19969 20470 23148 4853 4989 5121 5263 5403 6160 23325 23957 24576 25232 25873 29308
Brain, NS 18395 18785 19175 19570 19979 22115 11715 11974 12232 12480 12750 14143 30110 30759 31407 32050 32729 36258
Thyroid 7859 8025 8203 8389 8570 9537 23937 24471 25002 25558 26095 29037 31796 32496 33205 33947 34665 38574
NHL 23136 23679 24220 24783 25344 28319 14733 15121 15491 15877 16263 18354 37869 38800 39711 40660 41607 46673
Lymphoid Leukemia 13398 13576 13762 13945 14159 15183 7009 7093 7211 7308 7419 7977 20407 20669 20973 21253 21578 23160
Myeloid Leukemia 13732 14020 14310 14611 14913 16510 10319 10555 10789 11030 11275 12565 24051 24575 25099 25641 26188 29075

Projection of Cancer Cases in India
Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Projection of Cancer Cases in India

Table 14.2 Cancer Burden by Broad Anatomical Sites of Cancer - 2020 and 2025

2020 2025
Broad Anatomical Sites of Cancer
No. of Cases (%) No. of Cases (%)
All Sites 1392179 100.0 1569793 100.0
Tobacco Related Cancers 377830 27.1 427273 27.2
Gastro Intestinal Tract 273982 19.7 310142 19.8
Cervix Uteri 75209 5.4 85241 5.4
Breast 205424 14.8 232832 14.8
Corpus Uteri and Ovary 70400 5.1 79765 5.1
Lymphoid & Haematopoietic Malignancies 124931 9.0 138592 8.8
Prostate 41532 3.0 47068 3.0
Central Nervous System 32729 2.4 36258 2.3

Chapter 15
• The highest incidence of cancer in India was observed in the north eastern region.

• Cancer of lung, mouth, stomach and oesophagus were the most common cancers
in men.

• Cancer of breast and cervix uteri were the most common cancers in women.

• The highest burden of cancer breast was observed in metro cities.

• The highest burden of cancer in the north east were seen in the cancers of the
oropharynx, nasopharynx, hypopharynx, oesophagus, stomach, liver, gall bladder,
larynx, lung and cervix uteri.

• Cancer thyroid incidence rate is on the rise and it was most common in the districts
of Thiruvananthapuram and Kollam in Kerala.

• The highest incidence rate of childhood cancer was seen in Delhi.

• Leukaemias and Lymphomas were the most common types of childhood cancers.

• Mouth cancer incidence rate was high in the PBCRs in western and central India.

• There is a rise in the trend of incidence of cancer breast, while cancer cervix uteri is
on the decline.

• Majority of cancer breast and cervix uteri were diagnosed at locoregional stage.

• Chemo radiation was the most common type of treatment for cancer cervix uteri.

• Multimodality was the most common treatment given for cancer breast and head &
neck cancers.

• Less than 1/5th of lung and stomach cancers were diagnosed as localised only.

• Systemic therapy was the most common type of treatment given for cancer lung
and stomach.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Summary

• Aizawl district in males and Papumpare district in females had the highest incidence
rate of cancer stomach when compared with Non-Asian countries.

• In Asia, Aizawl district had the highest incidence rate of cancer lung in females.

• Cancer burden is estimated to increase to 1.57 million by 2025 in India from 1.39 in

• Tobacco related cancers are estimated to constitute 27% of all cancers in India.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Annexures

Annexure I – Data used for Trend Analysis

This section is based on the data of the following PBCRs:

1. Six older PBCRs, viz., Bangalore, Barshi rural, Bhopal, Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai.

2. Ten new PBCRs, viz., Dibrugarh district, Kamrup urban, Imphal West district, Mizoram
state, Sikkim state, Thiruvananthapuram taluk, Kollam district, Aurangabad, Nagpur and

Calendar years of incidence data for each PBCRs used in Trend Analysis

Registry Calendar Year

Chennai 1982-2016
Mumbai 1982-2015
Bangalore 1982-2014
Barshi rural 1988-2016
Bhopal 1988-2015
Delhi 1988-2014
Kamrup urban 2003-2016
Mizoram state 2004-2016
Dibrugarh district 2005-2016
Sikkim state 2005-2016
Imphal West district 2005-2016
Aurangabad 2005-2016
Thiruvananthapuram taluk* 2005-2016
Nagpur 2005-2016
Kollam district 2006-2016
Pune 2006-2016
* Thiruvananthapuram taluk’s data is available from 2005 -2016. Only 2012 onwards the district data is available.
Hence trend analysis has been done for taluk coverage.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Annexures

Annexure II: Region wise collation of PBCRs data for projecting

Number of Incidence of Cancer Cases in India
Regions State/UT PBCR Representation
Chandigarh Pooled rest of India
Delhi Delhi
Haryana Pooled rest of India
North Himachal Pradesh Pooled rest of India
Jammu & Kashmir Pooled rest of India
Punjab Patiala
Uttarakand Pooled rest of India
Arunachal Pradesh Pooled (West Arunachal, Pasighat)
Pooled (Cachar district, Kamrup urban, Dibrugarh
Manipur Manipur state
North East Meghalaya Meghalaya
Mizoram Mizoram state
Nagaland Kohima, Dimapur
Sikkim Sikkim state
Tripura Tripura state
Bihar Pooled rest of India
Jharkand Pooled rest of India
Odisha Pooled rest of India
West Bengal Pooled rest of India
Chattisgarh Pooled rest of India
Madhya Pradesh Pooled rest of India
Rajasthan Pooled rest of India
Uttar Pradesh Pooled rest of India
Dadra & Nagar Haveli Pooled rest of India
Daman & Diu Pooled rest of India
West Goa Pooled Maharashtra
Gujarat Pooled rest of India
Maharashatra Pooled Maharashtra
Andhra Pradesh Pooled south
Telangana Pooled south
Andaman & Nicobar Islands Pooled south
Karnataka Pooled south
Kerala Pooled Thiruvanathapuram district, Kollam district
Lakshadweep Pooled south
Puducherry Chennai-U, Dindigal-R
Tamil Nadu Chennai-U, Dindigal-R
Pooled south = PBCRs of Chennai, Bangalore, Thiruvanathapuram district, Kollam district, Hyderabad district,
Dindigal, Pooled Maharashtra = All PBCRs from Maharashtra (Mumbai, Aurangabad, Nagpur, Pune, Wardha
district, Barshi rural, Osmanabad & Beed); Pooled rest of India = All PBCRs from other than north east region;
U-urban; R-rural

snApshot of
Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - North

NCT of Delhi
Delhi - PBCR
Host Institution Dr B.R. Ambedkar Institute Rotary Cancer Hospital, All India Institute of
Medical Sciences, New Delhi

PBCR No. of Leading site of cancer*

State Establishment Sources of
Area Males Females
Year data
Lung Breast
Delhi 1988 Delhi urban 104
CR: 11.8 CR: 33.3
* Per 100,000 Population

Number and Proportion of new Cancer Cases Contributed to PBCR by the Main Sources of Registration: Delhi

Name of the Institute Number % Name of the Institute Number %

All India Institute of Medical Science
Sri Ganga Ram Hospital, Delhi 1775 3.0
and Institute-Rotary Cancer Hospital, 11017 18.3
Delhi Max Balaji Hospital, Patparganj, Delhi 1561 2.6
Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Hospital, Delhi 7267 12.1
Govind Ballabh Pant Hospital, Delhi 1223 2.0
Safdarjung Hospital, Delhi 6364 10.6
Employee’s State Insurance
Delhi State Cancer Institute, Delhi 4918 8.2 1094 1.8
Hospital, Delhi
Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan Shanthi Mukund Hospital, Delhi 863 1.4
3630 6.0
Hospital, Delhi
Max Devki Devi Hospital, Saket, Medanta Cancer Centre, Gurgaon 843 1.4
3349 5.6
Municipal Corporation of Delhi, Delhi 796 1.3
Balaji Hospital, Delhi 2314 3.9
Lady Hardinge Medical College
Dharamshila Hospital, Delhi 2121 3.5 and Kalawati Saran Children’s 752 1.3
Hospital, Delhi
Apollo Hospital, Delhi 2037 3.4
Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, Delhi 1911 3.2 Others 4363 7.3

Batra Hospital, Delhi 1899 3.2 Total 60097 100.0

1. Institutions listed have registered at least one percent of all cases in the registry for selected year(s).
2. Institutions could have registered / reported more cases, since duplicate registrations and non-resident / registry cases are
not included.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - North

Hospital Based Cancer Registries in Delhi

HBCR Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer
Sl No Name of the Institute Establishment
Year Males Females

Lung (C33-C34) Breast (C50)

Max Super Speciality Prostate (C61) Ovary(C56)
1. Hospital, New Delhi 2013 Mouth (C03-C06) Corpus Uteri (C54)
(2013-2016) Tongue (C01-C02) Cervix Uteri (C53)
Brain, NS (C70-C72)
Gall Bladder (C23-C24)
Lung (C33-C34) Breast (C50)
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Institute Mouth (C03-C06) Cervix Uteri (C53)
2. Rotary Cancer Hospital, 2012 Tongue (C01-C02) Ovary (C56)
New Delhi (2012, 2014-2015) NHL (C82-C85) Gall Bladder (C23-C24)
Lymphoid Leuk. (C91)
Lung (C33-C34)
Breast (C50)
Mouth (C03-C06) Cervix Uteri (C53)
Max Super Speciality Lung (C33-C34) Ovary (C56)
3. Hospital, Patparganj, 2015 Tongue (C01-C02)
Gall Bladder (C23-C24)
Delhi (2015-2016) Prostate (C61)
Oesophagus (C15) Corpus Uteri (C54)
Lung (C33-C34)
Lung (C33-C34) Breast (C50)
Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Mouth (C03-C06) Gall Bladder (C23-C24)
4. Institute, New Delhi 2012 Tongue (C01-C02) Cervix Uteri (C53)
(2012-2013) Prostate (C61) Ovary (C56)
Urinary Bladder (C67)
Lung (C33-C34)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - North

Punjab state
Patiala district - PBCR
Host Institution Government Medical College, Rajindra Hospital, Patiala
PBCR No. of Leading site of cancer*
State Establishment Sources of
Area Males Females
Year data
Oesophagus Breast
Punjab 2011 Patiala district 54
CR: 10.7 CR: 38.4
* Per 100,000 Population
Number and Proportion of new Cancer Cases Contributed to PBCR by the Main Sources of
Registration: Patiala district (2012-2016)
Name of the Institute Number %
Rajindra Hospital, Patiala 4068 35.5
Cancer Atlas under NCRP 889 7.7
Civil Surgeon Ofice, Patiala 746 6.5
Municipal Corporation, Patiala 213 1.9
Amar Hospital, Patiala 156 1.4
Ashok Clinical Laboratory, Patiala 130 1.1
Advance Cancer Diagnostic Treatment & Research Center Bathinda, Patiala 129 1.1
Sources of Registration outside the registry area
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh 1645 14.3
DHS Ofice Cancer Control Cell, Chandigarh 418 3.6
Guru Gobind Singh Medical College, Faridkot 182 1.6
Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute, Delhi 113 1.0
Acharya Tulsi Regional Cancer Institute and research Center, Rajasthan 216 1.9
Others 2566 22.4
Total 11471 100.0
1. Institutions listed have registered at least one percent of all cases in the registry for selected year(s).
2. Institutions could have registered / reported more cases, since duplicate registrations and non-resident / registry cases are
not included.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - South

Telangana state
Hyderabad district - PBCR
Host Institution Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad
PBCR No. of Leading site of cancer*
State Establisment Sources of
Area Males Females
Year data
Hyderabad Mouth Breast
Telangana 2014
CR: 11.2 CR: 39.0
* Per 100,000 Population

Number and Proportion of new Cancer Cases Contributed to PBCR by the Main Sources of
Registration: Hyderabad district (2014-2016)
Name of the Institute Number %
Indo American Chamber of Commerce, Punjagutta, Hyderabad 3244 28.0
Mehdi Nawaj Jung Institute of Oncology, Hyderabad 2870 24.7
Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad 1330 11.5
Omega Hospital, Hyderabad 1139 9.8
Apollo Cancer Hospital, Hyderabad 761 6.6
Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad 662 5.7
Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences BiBi Cancer Hospital, Hyderabad 437 3.8
Citizens Speciality Hospital, Hyderabad 343 3.0
Sowmya Multispeciality Hospital, Hyderabad 218 1.9
Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad 150 1.3
Others 442 3.8
Total 11596 100.0
1. Institutions listed have registered at least one percent of all cases in the registry for selected year(s).
2. Institutions could have registered / reported more cases, since duplicate registrations and non-resident / registry cases are
not included.

Hospital Based Cancer Registries in Hyderabad

HBCR Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer
Sl No Name of the Institute
Establishment Year Males Females
Lung (C33-C34) Breast (C50)
Indo-American Cancer Stomach (C16) Cervix Uteri (C53)
1 Institute & Research Centre, 2011 Mouth (C03-C06) Ovary (C56)
Hyderabad (2012) Tongue (C01-C02) Thyroid (C73)
Rectum (C19-C20) Stomach (C16)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - South

Kerala state
Kollam district - PBCR
Host Institution Regional Cancer Centre, Thiruvananthapuram
PBCR No. of Leading site of cancer*
State Establishment Sources
Area Males Females
Year of data
Lung Breast
Kerala 2006 Kollam district 160
CR: 29.4 CR: 40.3
* Per 100,000 Population
Number and Proportion of new Cancer Cases Contributed to PBCR by the Main Sources of
Registration: Kollam district (2012-2016)
Name of the Institute Number %
Employee’s State Insurance Hospital, Asramam 694 3.5
Vital Statistics Division Of 71 Panchayats in Kollam District 686 3.5
Holy Cross Hospital, Kottiyam 672 3.4
District Hospital, Kollam 536 2.7
Travancore Medical College, Kollam 446 2.3
Benziger Hospital, Kollam 425 2.2
Natural Background Radiation Cancer Clinics, Kollam 242 1.2
Assissy Dental Hospital, Nedumpana 258 1.3
Sankers Hospital, Kollam 197 1.0
Sources of Registration outside the registry area
Regional Cancer Centre, Thiruvananthapuram 5567 28.2
Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram 5242 26.6
Amrita Institute of Medical Science, Ernakulam 997 5.1
Medical College, Alappuzha 464 2.4
Sanatorium for Chest Disease, Pulayanarkotta, Thiruvananthapuram 222 1.1
Others 3062 15.5
Total 19710 100.0
1. Institutions listed have registered at least one percent of all cases in the registry for selected year(s).
2. Institutions could have registered / reported more cases, since duplicate registrations and non-resident / registry cases are
not included.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - South

Kerala state
Thiruvananthapuram district - PBCR
Host Institution Regional Cancer Centre, Thiruvananthapuram
PBCR No. of Leading site of cancer*
State Establishment Coverage Area Sources of
Year data Males Females
Thiruvananthapuram Lung Breast
Kerala 2005 taluk up to 2011; district 57
CR: 21.3 CR: 47.0
Coverage from 2012
* Per 100,000 Population
Number and Proportion of new Cancer Cases Contributed to PBCR by the Main Sources of
Registration: Thiruvananthapuram district (2012-2016)
Name of the Institute Number %
Medical College Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram 9221 33.1
Regional Cancer Centre, Thiruvananthapuram 6313 22.7
Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram 1040 3.7
Sree Uthradom Thirunal Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram 736 2.6
Cosmopolitan Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram 719 2.6
P. Ratnasami Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram 603 2.2
Death Certiicate Only 592 2.1
Thiruvananthapuram Corporation, Thiruvananthapuram 554 2.0
General Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram 484 1.7
Ananthapuri Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram 329 1.2
Others 7242 26.0
Total 27833 100.0
1. Institutions listed have registered at least one percent of all cases in the registry for selected year(s).
2. Institutions could have registered / reported more cases, since duplicate registrations and non-resident / registry cases are
not included.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - South

Hospital Based Cancer Registries in Thiruvananthapuram

HBCR Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer
Sl No Name of the Institute Establishment
Year Males Females
Lung (C33-C34) Breast (C50)
Regional Cancer Centre, Mouth (C03-C06) Thyroid (C73)
1 Thiruvananthapuram 1984 Tongue (C01-C02) Cervix Uteri (C53)
(2012-2016) Stomach (C16) Ovary (C56)
NHL (C82-C85) Corpus Uteri (C54)

Hospital Based Cancer registries in Kerala state

HBCR Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer
Sl No Name of the Institute Establishment
Year Males Females

Liver (C22)
Breast (C50)
Lung (C33-C34)
Amrita Institute of Medical Thyroid (C73)
Prostate (C61)
1 Sciences & Research Centre, 2011 Ovary (C56)
Thyroid (C73)
Kochi (2012-2016) Lung (C33-C34)
Stomach (C16)
Corpus Uteri (C54)
NHL (C82-C85)

Lung (C33-C34) Breast (C50)

Mouth (C03-C06) Cervix Uteri (C53)
Malabar Cancer Centre,
2 2011 Stomach (C16) Ovary (C56)
Kannur (2012-2016)
Tongue (C01-C02) Mouth (C03-C06)
Larynx (C32) Lung (C33-C34)

Lung (C33-C34) Breast (C50)

Stomach (C16) Cervix Uteri (C53)
General Hospital, Ernakulum
3 2011 Mouth (C03-C06) Ovary (C56)
Larynx (C32) Corpus Uteri (C54)
Tongue (C01-C02) Mouth (C03-C06)

Breast (C50)
Lung (C33-C34) Cervix Uteri (C53)
Stomach (C16) Ovary (C56)
Government Medical
4 2015 Oesophagus(C15) Mouth (C03-C06)
College, Thrissur (2014)
Larynx (C32) Corpus Uteri (C54)
Tongue (C01-C02) Stomach (C16)
Lung (C33-C34)

Lung (C33-C34) Breast (C50)

Stomach (C16) Ovary (C56)
MES Medical College &
Rectum (C19-C20) Uterus Unsp. (C55)
5 Hospital, Perinthalmanna 2013
Prostate (C61) Multiple Myeloma (C90)
Urinary Bladder (C67) Corpus Uteri (C54)
NHL (C82-C85) Cervix Uteri (C53)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - South

Karnataka state
Bangalore - PBCR
Host Institution Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology (KMIO), Bengaluru
PBCR No. of Leading site of cancer*
State Establishment Sources of
Area Males Females
Year data
Bangalore Urban Lung Breast
Karnataka 1981 194
Agglomeration CR: 9.8 CR: 35.0
* Per 100,000 Population
Number and Proportion of new Cancer Cases Contributed to PBCR by the Main Sources of
Registration: Bengaluru (2012-2014)
Name of the Institute Number %
Bangalore Institute of Oncology, Bengaluru 8766 30.2
Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bengaluru 5631 19.4
Karunashraya Bangalore Hospice Trust, Bengaluru 1506 5.2
Manipal Hospital, Bengaluru 1423 4.9
M S Ramaiah Medical College, Bengaluru 1279 4.4
Curie Institute of Oncology, Bengaluru 1178 4.1
Apollo Hospital, Bengaluru 934 3.2
St. John Medical College & Hospital, Bengaluru 811 2.8
Vydehi Institute of medical science and research center, Bengaluru 692 2.4
Narayana Hrudalaya Health City, Bengaluru 544 1.9
Employee’s State Insurance Hospital, Rajaji Nagar, Bengaluru 409 1.4
Popular Polyclinic, Bengaluru 380 1.3
Others 5496 18.9
Total 29049 100.0
1. Institutions listed have registered at least one percent of all cases in the registry for selected year(s).
2. Institutions could have registered / reported more cases, since duplicate registrations and non-resident / registry cases are
not included.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - South

Hospital Based Cancer Registries in Bengaluru

HBCR Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer
Sl No Name of the Institute Establishment
Year Males Females

Lung (C33-C34) Cervix Uteri (C53)

Vydehi Institute of Medical Stomach (C16) Breast (C50)
1 Sciences, Bengaluru 2012 Mouth (C03-06) Mouth (C03-C06)
(2012-2016) Oesophagus (C15) Ovary (C56)
Tongue (C01-C02) Oesophagus (C15)

Lung (C33-C34) Cervix Uteri (C53)

Kidwai Memorial Institute of Hypopharynx (C12-13) Breast (C50)
2 Oncology, Bengaluru 1984 Oesophagus (C15) Mouth (C03-C06)
(2012-2015) Mouth (C03-06) Ovary (C56)
Tongue (C01-C02) Thyroid (C73)

Lung (C33-C34) Breast (C50)

Lymphoid Leuk. (C91) Cervix Uteri (C53)
St. Johns Medical Hospital,
3 2012 Stomach (C16) Lymphoid Leuk. (C91)
Bengaluru (2013-2016)
Prostate (C61) Ovary (C56)
NHL (C82-C85) Lung (C33-C34)

Lung (C33-C34) Breast (C50)

HCG Bangalore Institute of Prostate (C61) Cervix Uteri (C53)
4 Oncology, Bengaluru 2011 Stomach (C16) Thyroid (C73)
(2012-13) Thyroid (C73) Ovary (C56)
Brain, NS (C70-C72) Lung (C33-C34)

Mouth (C03-C06) Breast (C50)

Narayana Hrudayalaya Lung (C33-C34) Cervix Uteri (C53)
5 Health City, Bengaluru 2011 Tongue (C01-C02) Mouth (C03-C06)
(2016) Brain, NS (C70-C72) Brain, NS (C70-C72)
NHL (C82-C85) Ovary (C56)

Hospital Based Cancer Registries in Karnataka state

HBCR Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer
Sl No Name of the Institute Establishment
Year Males Females
Breast (C50)
Mouth (C03-C06)
Shakunatala Memorial Oesophagus (C15) Ovary (C56)
1 Hospital & Research Centre, 2015 Tongue (C01-C02) Oesophagus (C15)
Hubli (2014-2016) Larynx (C32) Thyroid (C73)
Rectum (C19-C20) Tongue (C01-C02)
Mouth (C03-C06)
Mouth (C03-C06) Breast (C50)
Oesophagus (C15) Cervix Uteri (C53)
HCG NMR Cancer
2 2014 Lung (C33-C34) Oesophagus (C15)
Centre, Hubli (2015-2016)
Tongue (C01-C02) Ovary (C56)
Larynx (C32) Corpus Uteri (C54)
Breast (C50)
Cervix Uteri (C53)
Hypopharynx(C12-C13) Oesophagus (C15)
Mandya Institute of Larynx (C32) Ovary (C56)
3 Medical Sciences, Mandya 2015 Oth. Oropharynx (C10) Pancreas (C25)
(2015-2016) Oesophagus (C 15) Stomach (C16)
Tongue (C01-C02) Mouth (C03-C06)
Oth. Oropharynx (C10)
Larynx (C32)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - South

HBCR Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer

Sl No Name of the Institute Establishment
Year Males Females
Mouth (C03-06) Breast (C50)
A.J. Hospital & Lung (C33-C34) Cervix Uteri (C53)
4 Research Centre, Mangaluru 2013 Oth. Oropharynx (C10) Mouth (C03-C06)
(2014-2015) Larynx (C32) Hypopharynx (C12-C13)
Oesophagus (C15) Rectum (C19-C20)
Mouth (C03-C06)
Mouth (C03-06) Tongue (C01-C02)
SDM College of Dental
Tongue (C01-C02) Nose, Sinuses(C30-C31)
5 Sciences and Hospital, 2014
Lip (C00) Multiple Myeloma (C90)
Dharwad (2014-2015)
NHL (C82-C85) Bone (C40-C41)
Lip (C00)
Mouth (C03-C06)
Cervix Uteri (C53)
Lung (C33-C34)
Father Muller Medical Breast (C50)
Stomach (C16)
6 College Hospital, 2013 Ovary (C56)
Tongue (C01-C02)
Mangaluru (2016) Mouth (C03-C06)
Larynx (C32)
Stomach (C16)
Oesophagus (C15)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - South

Tamil Nadu state

Chennai - PBCR
Host Institution Cancer Institute (WIA), Adyar, Chennai
PBCR No. of Leading site of cancer*
State Establishment Sources of
Area Males Females
Year data
Chennai Lung Breast
Tamil Nadu 1982 Municipal 191
CR: 11.8 CR: 46.0
* Per 100,000 Population
Number and Proportion of new Cancer Cases Contributed to PBCR by the Main Sources of
Registration: Chennai (2012-2016)

Name of the Institute Number % Name of the Institute Number %

Cancer Institute (WIA), Chennai 5284 16.9 Tamil Nadu Government
Multi Super Speciality Hospital, 676 2.2
Government General Chennai
3614 11.6
Hospital, Chennai
Government Women’s and
Apollo Hospital, Chennai 2023 6.5 526 1.7
Children’s Hospital, Chennai
Government Royapettah Hospital, St. Issabels Hospital, Chennai 469 1.5
2003 6.4
Vijaya Hospital, Chennai 368 1.2
Government Stanley Hospital,
1924 6.2
Chennai Chennai Breast Cancer Care
344 1.1
Centre, Chennai
Corporation of Chennai, Chennai 1770 5.7
Southern Railway Hospital,
VS Hospitals, Chennai 1229 3.9 316 1.0
Dr Rai Memorial Cancer Centre, Government Employees State
1129 3.6
Chennai Insurance Hospital, K.K. Nagar, 305 1.0
Billroth Hospital, Chennai 856 2.7 Chennai

Sri Ramachandara Medical and Cauvery Hcg Hospital, Chennai 303 1.0
751 2.4
Research Centre, Chennai
Others 6635 21.2
Kumaran Nursing Home, Chennai 746 2.4 Total 31271 100.0

1. Institutions listed have registered at least one percent of all cases in the registry for selected year(s).
2. Institutions could have registered / reported more cases, since duplicate registrations and non-resident / registry cases are
not included.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - South

Hospital Based Cancer Registries in Chennai

HBCR Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer
Sl No Name of the Institute Establishment
Year Males Females
Mouth (C03-C06) Breast (C50)
Stomach (C16) Cervix Uteri (C53)
Cancer Institute (WIA),
1 1984 Lung (C33-C34) Ovary (C56)
Chennai (2012-2016)
Tongue (C01-C02) Mouth (C03-C06)
Oesophagus (C15) Stomach (C16)

Hospital Based Cancer Registries in Tamil Nadu state

HBCR Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer
Sl No Name of the Institute Establishment
Year Males Females
Tongue (C01-C02) Breast (C50)
Mouth (C03-C06) Cervix Uteri (C53)
International Cancer Centre,
1 2012 Lung (C33-C34) Ovary (C56)
Neyyoor (2012-2016)
Stomach (C16) Corpus Uteri (C54)
Larynx (C32) Tongue (C01-C02)
Stomach (C16) Cervix Uteri (C53)
Govt Arignar Anna Memorial
Mouth (C03-C06) Breast (C50)
Cancer Hospital & Research
2 2012 Tongue (C01-C02) Mouth (C03-C06)
Institute, Kanchipuram
Lung (C33-C34) Ovary (C56)
Oth. Oropharynx(C10) Stomach (C16)
Cervix Uteri (C53)
Oesophagus (C15) Breast (C50)
Tongue (C01-C02) Ovary (C56)
Erode Cancer Centre, Lung (C33-C34) Oesophagus (C15)
3 2013
Thindal, Erode (2012)
Hypopharynx(C12-C13) Hypopharynx(C12-C13)
Larynx (C32) Lung (C33-C34)
Corpus Uteri (C54)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - East

West Bengal state

Kolkata - PBCR
Host Institution Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute (CNCI) and Saroj Gupta
Cancer Centre & Research Institute (SGCCRI)

PBCR Establishment No. of Sources Leading site of cancer*

State Coverage Area
Year of data Males Females
Kolkata Lung Breast
2005 Municipal 59
Bengal CR: 22.0 CR: 26.3
* Per 100,000 Population
Number and Proportion of new Cancer Cases Contributed to PBCR by the Main Sources of
Registration: Kolkata (2012-2015)

Name of the Institute Number % Name of the Institute Number %

Calcutta Corporation, Kolkata 4455 23.0 Woodlands Multispeciality Hospital,
416 2.2
Chittaranjan National Cancer
2637 13.6 Badri Prasad Poddar Hospital &
Institute, Kolkata 264 1.4
Medical Research, Kolkata
Cancer Centre and Welfare Home
2215 11.5
& Research Institute, Kolkata Employee’s State Insurance
247 1.3
Hospital, Kolkata
Nil Ratan Sircar Medical College
1573 8.1
and Hospital, Kolkata N G Medicare & Calcutta Hope
244 1.3
Calcutta Medical College & Infertility Clinic, Kolkata
1150 5.9
Hospital, Kolkata EKO -X -RAY Imaging Institute,
223 1.2
Seth Sukhlal Karnani Memorial Kolkata
1073 5.5
Hospital, Kolkata Ramakrishna Mission Seva
217 1.1
Radha Gobinda Kar Medical Pratishthan, Kolkata
833 4.3
College and Hospital, Kolkata Calcutta Medical Research
216 1.1
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Institute, Kolkata
805 4.2
Cancer Research Center, Kolkata Subodh Mita Cancer Hospital &
196 1.0
Quadra Medical Centre, Kolkata 560 2.9 Research Centre, Kolkata
Apollo Hospital, Kolkata 523 2.7 Others 1038 5.4
Ruby General Hospital, Kolkata 452 2.3 Total 19337 100.0

1. Institutions listed have registered at least one percent of all cases in the registry for selected year(s).
2. Institutions could have registered / reported more cases, since duplicate registrations and non-resident / registry cases are
not included.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - East

Hospital Based Cancer Registries in Kolkata

HBCR Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer
Sl No Name of the Institute Establishment
Year Males Females
Lung (C33-C34) Breast (C50)
Prostate (C61) Ovary (C56)
Tata Medical Center,
1 2014 NHL (C82-C85) Cervix Uteri (C53)
Kolkata (2015-2016)
Mouth (C03-C06) Gall Bladder (C23-C24)
Urinary Bladder (C67) Corpus Uteri (C54)
Lung (C33-C34) Breast (C50)
Chittaranjan National Mouth (C03-C06) Cervix Uteri (C53)
2 Cancer Institute, Kolkata 2015 Gall Bladder(C23-C24) Gall Bladder (C23-C24)
(2016) Tongue (C01-C02) Mouth (C03-C06)
Stomach (C16) Ovary (C56)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - West

Gujarat state
Ahmedabad urban - PBCR
Host Institution The Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute, Ahmedabad
No. of Leading site of cancer*
PBCR Establishment
State Coverage Area Sources
Year Males Females
of data
Ahmedabad urban Mouth Breast
Gujarat 2007 75
Agglomeration CR: 19.2 CR: 23.3
* Per 100,000 Population
Number and Proportion of new Cancer Cases Contributed to PBCR by the Main Sources of
Registration: Ahmedabad urban (2012-2016)
Name of the Institute Number %
The Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute, Ahmedabad 16314 63.7
Vedant Hospital, Ahmedabad 1590 6.2
Apollo Hospital, Ahmedabad 770 3.0
Dr. Dilip Shrinivasan (Saviour Hospital), Ahmedabad 747 2.9
Dr.S.V.Shah, S.P.Surgical Nursing Home (Neurology Center) , Ahmedabad 576 2.2
Gujarat Cancer Society, Ahmedabad 536 2.1
Care Institute of Medical Sciences, Ahmedabad 528 2.1
Dr.Jayeshbhai Patel & Dr.Natubhai Patel,Onco Surgical Hospital & Endoscopy,
503 2.0
Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Medical College & Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad 469 1.8
Dr. Chirag Shah (Shyam Hem Oncology Clinic) , Ahmedabad 351 1.4
Sanket Diagnostic Pvt. Ltd, Ahmedabad 297 1.2
Sterling Hospital, Ahmedabad 281 1.1
Others 2642 10.3
Total 25604 100.0
1. Institutions listed have registered at least one percent of all cases in the registry for selected year(s).
2. Institutions could have registered / reported more cases, since duplicate registrations and non-resident / registry cases are
not included.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - West

Hospital Based Cancer Registries in Ahmedabad

HBCR Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer
Sl No Name of the Institute Establishment
Year Males Females
Mouth (C03-C06) Breast (C50)
The Gujarat Cancer Tongue (C01-C02) Cervix Uteri (C53)
1 & Research Institute, 2013 Lung (C33-C34) Mouth (C03-C06)
Ahmedabad (2014-2016) Oesophagus (C15) Ovary (C56)
Hypopharynx (C12-C13) Tongue (C01-C02)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - West

Maharashtra state
Aurangabad - PBCR
Host Institution Indian Cancer Society, Mumbai
PBCR No. of Leading site of cancer*
State Establishment Coverage Area Sources
Year of data Males Females
Aurangabad city Mouth Breast
Maharashtra 2005 7
Agglomeration CR: 9.0 CR: 21.1
* Per 100,000 Population
Number and Proportion of new Cancer Cases Contributed to PBCR by the Main Sources of
Registration: Aurangabad (2012-2016)
Name of the Institute Number %
Government Hospital, Aurangabad 2245 57.2
Kamalnayan Bajaj Hospital, Aurangabad 805 20.5
Seth Nandal Dhoot Radiotherapy Hospital, Aurangabad 416 10.6
Other Small Hospitals, Aurangabad 158 4.0
Sources of Registration outside the registry area
Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai 187 4.8
Others 113 2.9
Total 3924 100.0

1. Institutions listed have registered at least one percent of all cases in the registry for selected year(s).
2. Institutions could have registered / reported more cases, since duplicate registrations and non-resident / registry cases are
not included.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - West

Maharashtra state
Osmanabad & Beed - PBCR
Host Institution Nargis Dutt Memorial Cancer Hospital, Barshi
PBCR No. of Leading site of cancer*
State Establishment Coverage Area Sources
Year of data Males Females
2 districts - Mouth Cervix Uteri
Maharashtra 2007 72
Osmanabad & Beed CR: 4.7 CR: 13.8
* Per 100,000 Population
Number and Proportion of new Cancer Cases Contributed to PBCR by the Main Sources of
Registration: Osmanabad & Beed (2012-2015)
Name of the Institute Number %
Barshi Cancer Hospital, Solapur 2339 28.9
Swami Ramanand Tirth Rural Medical College, Ambejogai 1410 17.4
Shri. Pathology Laboratory (Dr. Jadhav)/Civil Hospital, Beed 456 5.6
Dekhane Pathology Laboratory, Solapur 244 3.0
Sidheshwar Cancer Hospital, Solapur 164 2.0
Dr. Kelkar Pathology Laboratory, Solapur 112 1.4
Dr. A.S. Kothari Hospital, Barshi 89 1.1
Hiremath Hospital, Barshi 82 1.0
Kahate Pathology Laboratory, Solapur 78 1.0
Sources of Registration outside the registry area
Civil Hospital (Ghati Hospital), Aurangabad 484 6.0
Krishna Pathology Laboratory, Latur 241 3.0
Pravara Hospital Loni, Ahemadnagar 139 1.7
Poona Registry Non / Resi-Bombay Indian Cancer Society 129 1.6
Kamal Nayan Bajaj Hospital, Aurangabad 122 1.5
Tata Memorial Centre-Bombay 89 1.1
Dr. Shinde Pathology Laboratory, Ahemadnagar 79 1.0
Others 1845 22.8
Total 8102 100.0
1. Institutions listed have registered at least one percent of all cases in the registry for selected year(s).
2. Institutions could have registered / reported more cases, since duplicate registrations and non-resident / registry cases are
not included.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - West

Maharashtra state
Barshi rural - PBCR
Host Institution Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai and Nargis Dutt Memorial Cancer
Hospital, Barshi
PBCR No. of Leading site of cancer*
State Establishment Coverage Area Sources
Year of data Males Females
Rural area of 3 taluks namely
Barshi from Solapur district Mouth Cervix Uteri
Maharashtra 1988 48
and Bhum & Paranda from CR: 4.6 CR: 17.0
Osmanabad district
* Per 100,000 Population
Number and Proportion of new Cancer Cases Contributed to PBCR by the Main Sources of
Registration: Barshi Rural (2012-2016)

Name of the Institute Number % Name of the Institute Number %

Barshi Cancer Hospital, Solapur 637 41.4 Ruby Hall & Other Hospital, Pune 36 2.3
Dr. A.S. Kothari Pathology Potdar Laboratory, Solapur 35 2.3
196 12.7
Ashwini Sahakari Rugnalya &
Dekhane Pathology Laboratory, 29 1.9
103 6.7 Research Center, Solapur
Pushpan Ultrasonography Clinic, Barshi 28 1.8
Camp Detection 69 4.5
Hiremath Hospital, Barshi 21 1.4
Home Visits Live Cases 64 4.2
Other Hospital Bombay 18 1.2
Other Hospital, Pune 62 4.0
Dr. Kelkar Pathology Laboratory, Barshi 16 1.0
Jadgale Mama Hospital, Solapur 57 3.7
Others 131 8.5
Dr. Patil Pathology Laboratory,
37 2.4 Total 1539 100.0

1. Institutions listed have registered at least one percent of all cases in the registry for selected year(s).
2. Institutions could have registered / reported more cases, since duplicate registrations and non-resident/registry cases are
not included.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - West

Maharashtra state
Mumbai - PBCR
Host Institution Indian Cancer Society, Mumbai
PBCR No. of Leading site of cancer*
State Establishment Coverage Area Sources
Year of data Males Females
Mumbai City & Mumbai Lung Breast
Maharashtra 1982 81
Suburban district CR: 9.5 CR: 35.2
* Per 100,000 Population
Number and Proportion of new Cancer Cases Contributed to PBCR by the Main Sources of
Registration: Mumbai (2012-2015)

Name of the Institute Number % Name of the Institute Number %

Tata Memorial hospital, Jaslok Hospital & Research Centre,
14053 26.2 1416 2.6
Mumbai Mumbai
Other Small Hospital, Mumbai 7070 13.2 S.L. Raheja Hospital, Mumbai 1287 2.4
Brihanmumbai Municipal Bombay Hospital & Medical
2959 5.5 1179 2.2
Corporation, Mumbai Research Center, Mumbai
PD Hinduja National Hospital, Private Doctors, Mumbai 1142 2.1
2862 5.3
Breach Candy Hospital, Mumbai 1084 2.0
Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani
Hospital & Medical Research 2501 4.7 Hol Spirit Hospital, Mumbai 1007 1.9
Institute, Mumbai Lilavati Hospital & Research
934 1.7
BYL Nair Hospital, Mumbai 1742 3.2 Center, Mumbai

Prince Aly Khan Hospital, Saifee Hospital, Mumbai 871 1.6

1681 3.1
Mumbai Shanti Avedna Sadan Cancer
761 1.4
Nanavati Super Speciality Hospice, Mumbai
1543 2.9
Hospital, Mumbai Seven Hills Hospital, Mumbai 751 1.4
King Edward Memorial Cama And Albless Hospital, Mumbai 582 1.1
1516 2.8
Hospital, Mumbai
Others 5339 9.9
Lokmanya Tilak Municipal
1434 2.7
General Hospital, Sion Total 53714 100.0

1. Institutions listed have registered at least one percent of all cases in the registry for selected year(s).
2. Institutions could have registered / reported more cases, since duplicate registrations and non-resident / registry cases are
not included.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - West

Hospital Based Cancer Registries in Mumbai

HBCR Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer
Sl No Name of the Institute Establishment
Year Males Females
Mouth (C03-C06) Breast (C50)
Lung (C33-C34) Cervix Uteri (C53)
Tata Memorial Hospital,
1 1984 Tongue (C01-C02) Gall Bladder(C23-C24)
Mumbai (2012-2014)
NHL (C82-C85) Ovary (C56)
Myeloid Leuk.(C92-C94) Mouth (C03-06)

Hospital Based Cancer Registries in Maharashtra state

HBCR Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer
Sl No Name of the Institute Establishment
Year Males Females
Mouth (C03-C06)
Tongue (C01-C02) Breast (C50)
Pravara Rural Hospital & Brain, NS (C70-C72) Cervix Uteri (C53)
1 Rural Medical College, Loni 2014 Hypopharynx(C12-C13) Ovary (C56)
(2016) Larynx (C32) Mouth (C03-C06)
Lung (C33-C34) Tongue (C01-C02)
Oesophagus (C15)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - West

Maharashtra state
Pune - PBCR
Host Institution Indian Cancer Society, Mumbai
PBCR No. of Leading site of cancer*
State Establishment Coverage Area Sources
Year of data Males Females
Pune City Mouth Breast
Maharashtra 2006 32
Corporation CR: 7.3 CR: 27.0
* Per 100,000 Population
Number and Proportion of new Cancer Cases Contributed to PBCR by the Main Sources of
Registration: Pune (2012-2016)
Name of the Institute Number %
Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital and Research Centre, Pune 2735 13.3
Ruby Hall Clinic-Radiation, Pune 2468 12.0
Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune 2145 10.5
Sassoon General Hospital, Pune 2083 10.2
Poona Small Hospitals, Pune 1721 8.4
CIPLA cancer hospital, Pune 1540 7.5
Inlaks & Budhrani Hospital-Radiation, Pune 1365 6.7
Jehangir Hospital, Pune 1014 4.9
Inlaks & Budhrani Hospital, Pune 878 4.3
Pune Municipal Corporation, Pune 771 3.8
King Edward Memorial Hospital, Pune 704 3.4
Yashwantrao Chavan Memorial Hospital, Pune 674 3.3
Joshi Hospital, Pune 475 2.3
Poona Hospital & Research Centre, Pune 458 2.2
Galaxy Care Hospital, Pune 404 2.0
Sources of Registration outside the registry area
Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai 389 1.9
Ratna Memorial Hospital, Mumbai 264 1.3
Others 417 2.0
Total 20505 100.0
1. Institutions listed have registered at least one percent of all cases in the registry for selected year(s).
2. Institutions could have registered / reported more cases, since duplicate registrations and non-resident / registry cases are
not included.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - Central

Maharashtra state
Nagpur - PBCR
Host Institution Indian Cancer Society, Mumbai
PBCR No. of Leading site of cancer*
State Establishment Sources
Area Males Females
Year of data
Nagpur City Mouth Breast
Maharashtra 2005 26
Agglomeration CR: 13.8 CR: 28.2
* Per 100,000 Population
Number and Proportion of new Cancer Cases Contributed to PBCR by the Main Sources of
Registration: Nagpur (2012-2016)
Name of the Institute Number %
Multicare Hospital, Nagpur 4466 37.2
Rashtra Sant Tukdoji Regional Cancer Hospital & Research Centre, Nagpur 3968 33.1
Nagpur Small Hospitals, Nagpur 904 7.5
Mayo Indira Gandhi Govt medical and hospital, Nagpur 786 6.6
Death Certiicate Only 451 3.8
Lata Mangeshkar Hospital, Nagpur 427 3.6
Tata Memorial Hospital, Nagpur 355 3.0
Orange City Hospital, Nagpur 166 1.4
Central India Institute of Medical Science, Nagpur 127 1.1
Cancer Care Clinic, Nagpur 123 1.0
Mure memorial Hospital, Nagpur 116 1.0
Others 110 0.9
Total 11999 100.0

1. Institutions listed have registered at least one percent of all cases in the registry for selected year(s).
2. Institutions could have registered / reported more cases, since duplicate registrations and non-resident / registry cases are
not included.

Hospital Based Cancer Registries in Nagpur

HBCR Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer
Sl No Name of the Institute Establishment
Year Males Females
Mouth (C03-C06) Breast (C50)
RST Regional Cancer Tongue (C01-C02) Cervix Uteri (C53)
1 Hospital, Cancer Relief 2012 Lung (C33-C34) Mouth (C03-C06)
Society, Nagpur (2012-2016) Oesophagus (C15) Oesophagus (C15)
Larynx (C32) Ovary (C56)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - Central

Maharashtra state
Wardha district - PBCR
Host Institution Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sevagram
PBCR No. of Leading site of cancer*
State Establishment Sources of
Area Males Females
Year data
Mouth Breast
Maharashtra 2010 Wardha district 28
CR: 10.8 CR: 22.5
* Per 100,000 Population
Number and Proportion of new Cancer Cases Contributed to PBCR by the Main Sources of
Registration: Wardha district (2012-2016)
Name of the Institute Number %
Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sevagram 2342 47.5
Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Sawangi 745 15.1
Dental College, Sawangi 205 4.2
Jajoo Hospital, Wardha 148 3.0
Amay Pathology Laboratory, Wardha 96 1.9
Panchayat Samitee, Wardha 64 1.3
Panchayat Samitee, Ashti 50 1.0
Aastha S & Cancer Hospital 49 1.0
Sources of Registration outside the registry area
Rashtra Sant Tukdoji Cancer Hospital, Nagpur 233 4.7
Government Medical College, Nagpur 180 3.7
Others 814 16.5
Total 4926 100.0

1. Institutions listed have registered at least one percent of all cases in the registry for selected year(s).
2. Institutions could have registered / reported more cases, since duplicate registrations and non-resident / registry cases are
not included.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - Central

Madhya Pradesh state

Bhopal - PBCR
Host Institution Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal
PBCR Leading site of cancer*
Coverage No. of Sources
State Establishment
Area of data Males Females
Bhopal Mouth Breast
Madhya Pradesh 1986 20
urban district CR: 14.3 CR: 28.0
* Per 100,000 Population
Number and Proportion of new Cancer Cases Contributed to PBCR by the Main Sources of
Registration: Bhopal (2012-2015)
Name of the Institute Number %
Jawaharlal Nehru Cancer Hospital, Bhopal 3745 52.3
Hamidia Hospital, Bhopal 1398 19.5
Navoday Cancer Hospital, Bhopal 895 12.5
Kasturba Hospital, Bhopal 309 4.3
Sultania Zanana Hospital, Bhopal 237 3.3
Lake City Hospital, Bhopal 207 2.9
Chirayu Hospital, Bhopal 152 2.1
Others 213 3.0
Total 7156 100.0
1. Institutions listed have registered at least one percent of all cases in the registry for selected year(s).
2. Institutions could have registered / reported more cases, since duplicate registrations and non-resident / registry cases are
not included.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - Central

Hospital Based Cancer Registries in Bhopal

HBCR Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer
Sl No Name of the Institute Establishment
Year Males Females
Mouth (C03-C06) Cervix Uteri (C53)
Tongue (C01-C02) Breast (C50)
Gandhi Medical College,
1 2012 Larynx (C32) Mouth (C03-C06)
Bhopal (2012-2015)
Lung (C33-C34) Ovary (C56)
Oesophagus (C15) Gall Bladder(C23-C24)

Hospital Based Cancer Registries in Madhya Pradesh state

HBCR Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer
Sl No Name of the Institute Establishment
Year Males Females
Mouth (C03-C06)
Cervix Uteri (C53)
Tongue (C01-C02)
Breast (C50)
Cancer Hospital & Research Lung (C33-C34)
1 2014 Gall Bladder(C23-C24)
Institute, Gwalior (2014-2016) Larynx (C32)
Mouth (C03-C06)
Gall Bladder(C23-C24)
Ovary (C56)
Tonsil (C09)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - North East

Manipur state - PBCR

Host Institution Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal
PBCR No. of Leading site of cancer*
State Establishment Sources of
Area Males Females
Year data
Lung Breast
Manipur 2003 Manipur state 17
CR: 8.9 CR: 8.9
* Per 100,000 Population
Number and Proportion of new Cancer Cases Contributed to PBCR by the Main Sources of
Registration: Manipur state (2012-2016)
Name of the Institute Number %
Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal 5242 63.9
Babina Diagnostic Centre, Imphal 2011 24.5
Shija Hospitals and Research Institute, Imphal 193 2.4
Cancer Atlas under NCRP 167 2.0
Imphal Hospital and Research Centre, Imphal 114 1.4
Sources of Registration outside the registry area
Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute, Guwahati 243 3.0
Others 233 2.8
Total 8202 100.0
1. Institutions listed have registered at least one percent of all cases in the registry for selected year(s).
2. Institutions could have registered / reported more cases, since duplicate registrations and non-resident / registry cases are
not included.

Hospital Based Cancer Registries in Manipur

HBCR Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer
Sl No Name of the Institute Establishment
Year Males Females

Lung (C33-C34) Breast (C50)

Nasopharynx (C11) Lung (C33-C34)
Regional Institute of Medical
1 2014 Oesophagus (C15) Cervix Uteri (C53)
Sciences, Imphal (2014-2016)
NHL (C82-C85) Ovary (C56)
Larynx (C32) Gall Bladder (C23-C24)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - North East

Mizoram state - PBCR

Host Institution Civil Hospital, Aizawl
PBCR No. of Leading site of cancer*
State Establishment Coverage Area Sources of
Year data Males Females
Stomach Cervix Uteri
Mizoram 2003 Mizoram state 37
CR: 26.2 CR: 19.7
* Per 100,000 Population
Number and Proportion of new Cancer Cases Contributed to PBCR by the Main Sources of
Registration: Mizoram state (2012-2016)
Name of the Institute Number % Name of the Institute Number %
Civil Hospital, Aizawl 2319 28.8 Presbyterian Hospital, Aizawl 308 3.8

Genesis Laboratory, Aizawl 1384 17.2 Grace Nursing Home, Aizawl 142 1.8

Mizoram State Cancer Institute, HBCRs under NCRP 106 1.3

1356 16.8
Zemabawk, Aizawl Nazareth Hospital, Aizawl 92 1.1
Life Line Laboratory, Aizawl 878 10.9 Registry of Births & Deaths, Aizawl 79 1.0
Death Certiicate Only 512 6.4 Others 560 6.9
Trinity Diagnostic Centre, Aizawl 323 4.0 Total 8059 100.0

1. Institutions listed have registered at least one percent of all cases in the registry for selected year(s).
2. Institutions could have registered / reported more cases, since duplicate registrations and non-resident / registry cases are
not included.

Hospital Based Cancer Registries in Mizoram

HBCR Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer
Sl No Name of the Institute Establishment
Year Males Females
Oesophagus (C15) Cervix Uteri (C53)
Mizoram State Cancer Lung (C33-C34) Breast (C50)
1 Institute (Civil Hospital), 2012 Stomach (C16) Lung (C33-C34)
Aizawl (2014-2016) Hypopharynx(C12-C13) Stomach (C16)
Liver (C22) Ovary (C56)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - North East

Sikkim state - PBCR

Host Institution New STNM Multispecialty Hospital, Gangtok
No. of Leading site of cancer*
PBCR Coverage
State Sources
Establishment Year Area Males Females
of data
Stomach Breast
Sikkim 2003 Sikkim state 36
CR: 11.8 CR: 9.2
* Per 100,000 Population
Number and Proportion of new Cancer Cases Contributed to PBCR by the Main Sources of
Registration: Sikkim State (2012-2016)
Name of the Institute Number %
Sir Thutob Namgyal Memorial (STNM) Hospital, Gangtok 1470 63.8
Central Referral Hospital, Tadong 338 14.7
District Hospital, Namchi 70 3.0
Private Clinics (Ruchi Diagnostic center and Sukhim Diagnostic center), Sikkim 62 2.7
District Hospital, Gyalshing 46 2.0
Births and Deaths, Kazi Road, Gangtok 37 1.6
Soreng Primary Health centre, Soreng 23 1.0
Others 257 11.2
Total 2303 100.0

1. Institutions listed have registered at least one percent of all cases in the registry for selected year(s).
2. Institutions could have registered / reported more cases, since duplicate registrations and non-resident / registry cases are
not included.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - North East

Tripura state - PBCR

Host Institution Regional Cancer Centre, Agartala
PBCR Leading site of cancer*
Coverage No. of Sources
State Establishment
Area of data Males Females
Lung Cervix Uteri
Tripura 2010 Tripura state 30
CR: 11.3 CR: 8.6
* Per 100,000 Population
Number and Proportion of new Cancer Cases Contributed to PBCR by the Main Sources of
Registration: Tripura State (2012-2016)
Name of the Institute Number %
Regional Cancer Centre, Agartala 10462 91.2
Agartala Government Medical College & G B Pant Hospital, Agartala 194 1.7
Sources of Registration outside the registry area
Cachar Cancer Hospital, Silchar 349 3.0
Others 468 4.1
Total 11473 100.0

1. Institutions listed have registered at least one percent of all cases in the registry for selected year(s).
2. Institutions could have registered / reported more cases, since duplicate registrations and non-resident / registry cases are
not included.

Hospital Based Cancer Registries in Tripura state

HBCR Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer
Sl No Name of the Institute Establishment
Year Males Females
Lung (C33-C34) Breast (C50)
Oesophagus (C15) Cervix Uteri (C53)
Regional Cancer Centre,
1 2012 Larynx (C32) Gall Bladder (C23-C24)
Agartala (2014-2016)
Mouth (C03-C06) Mouth (C03-C06)
Tongue (C01-C02) Ovary (C56)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - North East

Arunachal Pradesh state

West Arunachal - PBCR
Host Institution Tomo Riba Institute of Health & Medical Sciences, Naharlagun
PBCR No. of Leading site of cancer*
State Establishment Coverage Area Sources
Year of data Males Females
Tawang, West Kameng, East
Arunachal Kameng, Upper Subansiri, Stomach Stomach
2011 23
Pradesh Lower Subansiri, Kurng Kumey, CR: 13.2 CR: 8.2
Papumpare & West Siang
* Per 100,000 Population
Number and Proportion of new Cancer Cases Contributed to PBCR by the Main Sources of
Registration: West Arunachal (2012-2016)
Name of the Institute Number %
General Hospital, Naharlagun 942 39.4
Ambee diagnostic Laboratary, Itanagar 848 35.4
Ramakrishna Mission Hospital, Itanagar 101 4.2
Cancer Atlas under NCRP 29 1.2
Sources of Registration outside the registry area
Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute, Guwahati 309 12.9
Others 164 6.9
Total 2393 100.0
1. Institutions listed have registered at least one percent of all cases in the registry for selected year(s).
2. Institutions could have registered / reported more cases, since duplicate registrations and non-resident / registry cases are
not included.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - North East

Meghalaya state
Meghalaya - PBCR
Host Institution Civil Hospital, Shillong
PBCR No. of Leading site of cancer*
State Establishment Coverage Area Sources
Year of data Males Females
East Khasi Hills, West Oesophagus
Meghalaya 2010 Khasi Hills, Ri Bhoi & 22
CR: 28.7 CR: 12.4
Janitia Hills
* Per 100,000 Population
Number and Proportion of new Cancer Cases Contributed to PBCR by the Main Sources of
Registration: Meghalaya (2012-2016)
Name of the Institute Number %
Woodland Hospital, Shillong 1959 26.1
North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health & Medical Sciences, Shillong 1392 18.5
North Eastern Diagnostic Centre, Shillong 648 8.6
Nazareth Hospital, Shillong 617 8.2
Bethany Hospital, Shillong 549 7.3
Civil Hospital, Shillong 547 7.3
Khasi Jaintia Presbyterian Hospital, Shillong 340 4.5
Melari Diagnostic Laboratory, Shillong 126 1.7
Sources of Registration outside the registry area
Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute, Guwahati 88 1.2
Others 1254 16.7
Total 7520 100.0

1. Institutions listed have registered at least one percent of all cases in the registry for selected year(s).
2. Institutions could have registered / reported more cases, since duplicate registrations and non-resident / registry cases are
not included.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - North East

Nagaland state
Nagaland - PBCR
Host Institution Naga Hospital Authority, Kohima
No. of Leading site of cancer*
PBCR Coverage
State Sources of
Establishment Year Area Males Females
Kohima & Nasopharynx Cervix Uteri
Nagaland 2010 30
Dimapur CR: 10.6 CR: 9.3
* Per 100,000 Population
Number and Proportion of new Cancer Cases Contributed to PBCR by the Main Sources of
Registration: Nagaland (2012-2016)
Name of the Institute Number %
Naga Hospital Authority, Kohima 619 25.8
District Hospital, Kohima 617 25.8
Zion Hospital & Research Centre, Kohima 369 15.4
Referral Hospital, Nagaland 163 6.8
Nikos hospital and Research Centre, Dimapur, Nagaland 112 4.7
Cancer Atlas under NCRP 111 4.6
Eden Medical Centre, Dimapur 103 4.3
Oking Hospital and Research Clinic Private Limited, Kohima 86 3.6
Bethel medical centre, Kohima 68 2.8
Sources of Registration outside the registry area
GNRC (Guwahati neurological research centre), GUWAHATI 43 1.8
Others 104 4.3
Total 2395 100.0

1. Institutions listed have registered at least one percent of all cases in the registry for selected year(s).
2. Institutions could have registered / reported more cases, since duplicate registrations and non-resident / registry cases are
not included.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - North East

Arunachal Pradesh state

Pasighat - PBCR
Host Institution General Hospital, Pasighat
PBCR No. of Leading site of cancer*
State Establishment Sources
Area Males Females
Year of data
East Siang
Stomach Cervix Uteri
Arunachal Pradesh 2011 and 31
CR: 16.4 CR: 16.3
Upper Siang
* Per 100,000 Population
Number and Proportion of new Cancer Cases Contributed to PBCR by the Main Sources of
Registration: Pasighat (2012-2016)
Name of the Institute Number %
General Hospitals, Pasighat 212 34.0
ASSA Nursing home, Pasighat 97 15.5
Other Clinic in Pasighat 28 4.5
Doctors Diagnostic centre, Pasighat 27 4.3
District Hospital, yingkiong 24 3.8
Cancer Atlas under NCRP 13 2.1
Sille Primary health centre, Sille 7 1.1
Ruskin primary health centre, Ruskin 6 1.0
Sources of Registration outside the registry area
Other referring centres From Assam 178 28.5
Others 32 5.1
Total 624 100.0

1. Institutions listed have registered at least one percent of all cases in the registry for selected year(s).
2. Institutions could have registered / reported more cases, since duplicate registrations and non-resident / registry cases are
not included.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - North East

Assam state
Cachar district - PBCR
Host Institution Silchar Medical College, Silchar
No. of Leading site of cancer*
State Coverage Area Sources
Establishment Year Males Females
of data
Silchar Town
Up to 2006 & Oesophagus Cervix Uteri
Assam 2003 33
Cachar district CR: 11.5 CR: 13.4
from 2007
* Per 100,000 Population
Number and Proportion of new Cancer Cases Contributed to PBCR by the Main Sources of
Registration: Cachar district (2012-2016)
Name of the Institute Number %
Cachar Cancer Hospital, Silchar 3463 40.2
Silchar Medical College & Hospital, Silchar 1125 13.1
Micro-Diagnostic Laboratory, Silchar 946 11.0
Astha Laboratory, Silchar 428 5.0
Aar Gees Medicare, Silchar 397 4.6
Impulse Diagnostic Center, Silchar 283 3.3
Ultrapath Laboratory, Silchar 274 3.2
Super Religare Ranbaxy Laboratory, Silchar 271 3.1
Ofice of The Joint Director of Health Services, Silchar 256 3.0
Central Laboratory, Silchar 238 2.8
The Department of Pathology, Silchar medical college 227 2.6
Shiv Sundari Nari Shikshasram And Anti-Natal Clinic, Silchar 140 1.6
Cancer Atlas under NCRP 135 1.6
Silchar Polyclinic Laboratory, Silchar 107 1.2
Sources of Registration outside the registry area
Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute, Guwahati 130 1.5
Others 186 2.2
Total 8606 100.0
1. Institutions listed have registered at least one percent of all cases in the registry for selected year(s).
2. Institutions could have registered / reported more cases, since duplicate registrations and non-resident / registry cases are
not included.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - North East

Hospital Based Cancer Registries in Cachar district

HBCR Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer
Sl No Name of the Institute Establishment
Year Males Females
Lung (C33-C34) Gall Bladder(C23-C24)
Oesophagus (C15) Breast (C50)
Cachar Cancer Hospital,
1 2011 Hypopharynx (C12-C13) Cervix Uteri (C53)
Silchar (2012-2016)
Mouth (C03-C06) Oesophagus (C15)
Gall Bladder (C23-C24) Mouth (C03-C06)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - North East

Assam state
Dibrugarh district - PBCR
Host Institution Assam Medical College & Hospital, Dibrugarh
No. of Leading site of cancer*
PBCR Establishment
State Coverage Area Sources of
Year Males Females
Oesophagus Breast
Assam 2003 Dibrugarh district 42
CR: 11.4 CR: 13.4
* Per 100,000 Population
Number and Proportion of new Cancer Cases Contributed to PBCR by the Main Sources of
Registration: Dibrugarh district (2012-2016)

Name of the Institute Number % Name of the Institute Number %

Assam Medical College Hospital, Tata Referral Hospital & Research
2634 55.2 66 1.4
Dibrugarh Centre, Chabua
Naharani Community Health
Madona Laboratory 247 5.2 61 1.3
Centers, Dibrugarh
Aditya Diagnostic Laboratory, Tengakhat Primary Health
239 5.0 60 1.3
Dibrugarh Centers, Tengakhat
Municipality Board, Dibrugarh 164 3.4 Cancer Atlas under NCRP 54 1.1
Marwari Arogya Bhawan Hospital, V.G. Hospital (Mercy Home),
111 2.3 50 1.0
Jyoti Nagar Dibrugarh
Brahmaputra Diagnostic & Sources of Registration outside the registry area
110 2.3
Hospital, Dibrugarh Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute,
458 9.6
Sankardev Hospital & Research Guwahati
97 2.0
Centre, Dibrugarh Others 327 6.9
Oil Hospital, Duliajan 95 2.0 Total 4773 100.0

1. Institutions listed have registered at least one percent of all cases in the registry for selected year(s).
2. Institutions could have registered/ reported more cases, since duplicate registrations and non-resident/registry cases are
not included.

Hospital Based Cancer Registries in Dibrugarh

HBCR Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer
Sl No Name of the Institute Establishment
Year Males Females
Hypopharynx (C12-C13) Breast (C50)
Oesophagus (C15) Gall Bladder (C23-C24)
Assam Medical College,
1 1984 Mouth (C03-C06) Cervix Uteri (C53)
Dibrugarh (2012-2016)
Stomach (C16) Oesophagus (C15)
Tongue (C01-C02) Ovary (C56)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - North East

Assam state
Kamrup urban - PBCR
Host Institution Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute, Guwahati
PBCR Leading site of cancer*
No. of Sources
State Establishment Coverage Area
of data Males Females
Urban Areas of Kamrup Oesophagus Breast
Assam 2003 district & Kamrup 81
Metropolitan district CR: 27.2 CR: 26.4
* Per 100,000 Population
Number and Proportion of new Cancer Cases Contributed to PBCR by the Main Sources of
Registration: Kamrup urban (2012-2016)
Name of the Institute Number %
Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute, Gopinath Nagar, Guwahati 4782 43.4
Ayur Sundra Diagnostic Centre, Guwahati 684 6.2
North East Cancer Hospital, Guwahati 632 5.7
Guwahati Medical College Hospital, Bhangagarh 406 3.7
Saharias Path Laboratory, Guwahati 354 3.2
Nemcare Hospital, G S Road, Guwahati 332 3.0
Ekopath Metropolis, G S Road, Guwahati 321 2.9
Joint Director Ofice Birth and death record centre, Guwahati 228 2.1
Pain and Palliative Clinic, Guwahati 210 1.9
International Hospital, G S Road, Guwahati 199 1.8
Central Hospital, Nf Railway Maligaon 178 1.6
Saint Jones Hospital, Guwahati 156 1.4
Dispur Hospital, Dispur, Guwahati 154 1.4
Downtown Hospital G S Road, Guwahati 123 1.1
Matrix Diagnostic, Guwahati 116 1.1
Nightingle Hospital, Guwahati 114 1.0
Sources of Registration outside the registry area
Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai 418 3.8
Others 1606 14.6
Total 11013 100.0
1. Institutions listed have registered at least one percent of all cases in the registry for selected year(s).
2. Institutions could have registered / reported more cases, since duplicate registrations and non-resident / registry cases are
not included.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries - North East

Hospital Based Cancer Registries in Kamrup urban

HBCR Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer
Sl No Name of the Institute Establishment
Year Males Females
Oesophagus (C15) Breast (C50)
Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Hypopharynx(C12-C13) Gall Bladder (C23-C24)
1 Institute, Guwahati 2010 Lung (C33-C34) Cervix Uteri (C53)
(2012-2016) Mouth (C03-C06) Oesophagus(C15)
Tongue (C01-C02) Ovary (C56)
Oesophagus (C15) Breast (C50)
North East Cancer
Hypopharynx(C12-C13) Oesophagus (C15)
Hospital & Research
2 2015 Lung (C33-C34) Gall Bladder (C23-C24)
Institute, Guwahati
Mouth (C03-C06) Cervix Uteri (C53)
Stomach (C16) Lung (C33-C34)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries

Other HBCRs Located in India under NCRP

Chandigarh UT
HBCR Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer
Sl No Name of the Institute Establishment
Year Males Females

Lung (C33-C34) Breast (C50)

Postgraduate Institute of
Brain, NS (C70-C72) Cervix Uteri (C53)
Medical Education and
1 2011 Oesophagus (C15) Ovary (C56)
Research, Chandigarh
Tongue (C01-C02) Oesophagus (C15)
Larynx (C32) Gall Bladder(C23-C24)

Jammu & Kashmir UT

HBCR Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer
Sl No Name of the Institute Establishment
Year Males Females

Stomach (C16) Breast (C50)

Sher-I-Kashmir Institute of Lung (C33-C34) Oesophagus (C15)
1 Medical Sciences, Srinagar 2012 Oesophagus (C15) Ovary (C56)
(2012-2016) NHL (C82-C85) Stomach (C16)
Colon (C18) Lung (C33-C34)

Lung (C33-C34) Breast (C50)

Government Medical Larynx (C32) Cervix Uteri (C53)
2 College, Jammu 2014 Stomach (C16) Ovary (C56)
(2014-2016) Oesophagus (C15) Gall Bladder (C23-C24)
Urinary Bladder (C67) Lung (C33-C34)

Haryana state
HBCR Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer
Sl No Name of the Institute Establishment
Year Males Females

Brain, NS (C70-C72) Breast (C50)

Medanta Cancer Centre, Mouth (C03-C06) Brain, NS (C70-C72)
1 Gurgaon 2013 Lung (C33-C34) Thyroid (C73)
(2012-2016) Prostate (C61) Cervix Uteri (C53)
Tongue (C01-C02) Lung (C33-C34)

Prostate (C61) Breast (C50)

Fortis Memorial Research Brain, NS (C70-C72) Ovary (C56)
2 Institute, Gurgaon 2015 Lung (C33-C34) Corpus Uteri (C54)
(2014-2016) NHL (C82-C85) Brain, NS (C70-C72)
Urinary Bladder (C67) Cervix Uteri (C53)

Lung (C33-C34) Breast (C50)

Tongue (C01-C02) Cervix Uteri (C53)
Asian Institute of Medical
3 2015 Mouth (C03-C06) Ovary (C56)
Sciences, Faridabad (2016)
Prostate (C61) Gall Bladder(C23-C24)
Oesophagus (C15) Lung (C33-C34)

Tongue (C01-C02) Breast (C50)

BPS Government Medical Oth. Oropharynx (C10) Cervix Uteri (C53)
4 College for Women, 2015 Lung (C33-C34) Oth. Oropharynx (C10)
Sonepat (2016) Tonsil (C09) Thyroid (C73)
Mouth (C03-C06) Ovary (C56)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries

Bihar state
HBCR Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer
Sl No Name of the Institute Establishment
Year Males Females

Gall Bladder(C23-C24) Gall Bladder(C23-C24)

Indira Gandhi Institute of Mouth (C03-C06) Breast (C50)
1 Medical Sciences, Patna 2013 Lung (C33-C34) Cervix Uteri (C53)
(2014-2016) NHL (C82-C85) Lung (C33-C34)
Liver (C22) Ovary (C56)

Mouth (C03-C06) Cervix Uteri (C53)

Mahavir Cancer Sansthan Gall Bladder(C23-C24) Breast (C50)
2 and Research Centre, Patna 2015 Lung(C33-C34) Gall Bladder(C23-C24)
(2015) Liver (C22) Ovary (C56)
Tongue (C01-C02) Lung (C33-C34)

Himachal Pradesh state

HBCR Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer
Sl No Name of the Institute Establishment
Year Males Females

Lung (C33-C34) Cervix Uteri (C53)

Regional Cancer Centre
Larynx (C32) Breast (C50)
Indira Gandhi Medical
1 2014 Stomach (C16) Lung (C33-C34)
College, Shimla
Oesophagus (C15) Ovary (C56)
NHL (C82-C85) Gall Bladder(C23-C24)

Uttar Pradesh state

HBCR Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer
Sl No Name of the Institute Establishment
Year Males Females

Brain, NS (C70-C72) Breast (C50)

Sanjay Gandhi Post
Mouth (C03-C06) Gall Bladder(C23-C24)
Graduate Institute of
1 2014 Lung (C33-C34) Cervix Uteri (C53)
Medical Sciences, Lucknow
Tongue (C01-C02) Brain, NS (C70-C72)
Gall Bladder(C23-C24) Ovary (C56)

Mouth (C03-C06) Cervix Uteri (C53)

Regional Cancer Centre
Tongue (C01-C02) Gall Bladder(C23-C24)
Kamala Nehru Memorial
2 2014 Gall Bladder(C23-C24) Breast (C50)
Hospital, Allahabad
Lung (C33-C34) Mouth (C03-C06)
Larynx (C32) Ovary (C56)

Odisha state
HBCR Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer
Sl No Name of the Institute Establishment
Year Males Females

Stomach (C16)
Breast (C50)
Lung (C33-C34)
Brain, NS(C70-C72)
Apollo Hospital, Mouth (C03-C06)
1 2012 Stomach (C16)
Bhubaneswar (2012-2016) Brain, NS (C70-C72)
Gall Bladder(C23-C24)
Prostate (C61)
Colon (C18)
Colon (C18)

Stomach (C16) Breast (C50)

Acharya Harihar Regional Mouth (C03-C06) Cervix Uteri (C53)
2 Cancer Centre, Cuttack 2014 Tongue (C01-C02) Ovary (C56)
(2015-2016) NHL (C82-C85) Stomach (C16)
Lung (C33-C34) Gall Bladder(C23-C24)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Snapshot of Registries

Puducherry UT

Establishment Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer

Sl No Hospital
Year of HBCR Males Females

Mouth (C03-C06) Cervix Uteri (C53)

JIPMER, Regional Cancer Stomach (C16) Breast (C50)
1 Centre, Puducherry 2013 Lung (C33-C34) Mouth (C03-C06)
(2014-2016) Tongue (C01-C02) Ovary (C56)
Oesophagus (C15) Stomach (C16)

Andhra Pradesh state

Establishment Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer

Sl No Hospital
Year of HBCR Males Females

Cervix Uteri (C53)

Stomach (C16)
Breast (C50)
Penis (C60)
Rural Development Trust, Thyroid (C73)
1 2013 NHL (C82-C85)
Bathalapalle (2012-2016) Stomach (C16)
Myeloid Leuk.(C92-C94)
Rectum (C19-C20)
Oesophagus (C15)
Corpus Uteri (C54)

Chhattisgarh state

Establishment Top 5 Leading Sites of Cancer

Sl No Hospital
Year of HBCR Males Females

Mouth (C03-C06) Cervix Uteri (C53)

Tongue (C01-C02) Breast (C50)
Regional Cancer Centre,
1 2013 Stomach (C16) Mouth (C03-C06)
Raipur (2012-2016)
Lung (C33-C34) Ovary (C56)
Oesophagus (C15) Stomach (C16)

principAl investigAtors,
co-principAl investigAtors

And stAff
1. PBCR Name: Delhi, NCT of Delhi
Centre Name: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Institute Rotary Cancer Hospital, All India Institute of
Medical Sciences, New Delhi, NCT of Delhi

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Dr. Rajeev Kumar Malhotra

1. Dr. S.V. Suryanarayana Deo, Prof & Head, 2. Mr. Ashok Kumar Singh
Dept. of Surgical Oncology, Delhi Cancer 3. Mr. Shambhu Prasad Bhadola
Registry 4. Ms. Gayatri Sharma (till September 2014)
2. Dr. N.K. Shukla, Prof & Head, Dept. of 5. Ms. Indu Gaur
Surgical Oncology, (till November 2017)
6. Mr. S.K. Rai
Co-Principal Investigator 7. Ms. Sudha Saxena
1. Mr. N. Manoharan , Scientist-IV, Delhi 8. Mr. Anand Kumar Sharma
Cancer Registry, 9. Ms. Rose Mary Gangte
10. Mr. Manoj Kumar Shrivastava
11. Mr. Aditya Kumar
12. Mr. Sanjiv Pandey
13. Ms. Garima Bhandari
14. Dr. Sunil K. Varma (till August 2014)
15. Mr. Chandr Pal Singh Yadav (till July 2018)

2. PBCR Name: Patiala district, Punjab state

Centre Name: Government Medical College and Rajindra Hospital, Patiala, Punjab

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Ms. Monika
1. Dr. Vijay Kumar Bodal, Associate Professor, 2. Ms. Parvinder Kaur
Dept. of Pathology (from March 2015) 3. Mr. Dalvir Singh
2. Dr. Manji Singh Bal, Prof & Head, Dept. of 4. Ms. Gulshan
Pathology (till March 2015) 5. Mr. Vicky Harinderpal
Co-Principal Investigators
1. Dr. Mohanvir Kaur, Assistant Professor,
2. Dr. Manjit Singh Bal, Professor of Pathology
(from March 2015),
3. Dr. Vijay Kumar Dangwal, Associate
Professor, Dept. of Pathology (till March

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 PI, Co-PI & Staff Details

3. PBCR Name: Hyderabad district, Telangana state
Centre Name: Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, Telangana state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Dr. U Srihari
1. Dr. G. Sadashivudu, Additional Professor & 2. Mr. T. Dhanunjaya
Head Dept. of Medical Oncology, (from 3. Mr. K. Balakrishna
December 2013)
4. Mr. L. Ramesh
2. Dr. D. Raghunadharao, Professor of
5. Mr. K. Venkat Rao
Medical Oncology, (till December 2013)
6. Mr. N. Koteshwara Rao
7. Mr. T. Vijay Kumar
8. Mr. Ch. Ramulu
9. Ms. Ch. T S S Pavani

4. PBCR Name: Kollam district, Kerala state

Centre Name: Regional Cancer Centre, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Ms. Geetha M L
1. Dr. Rekha G Nair, Director 2. Ms. Kanchana R
2. Dr. Paul Sebastian, Director 3. Mr. Sivan Pillai N
(till August 2018) 4. Mr. P Sreekandan
Co-Principal Investigator 5. Ms. Salila M
1. Dr. P. Jayalekshmi, Associate Professor 6. Mr. Harikrishnan k
(from 2006 to 2016)
7. Ms. Sandhya R
8. Ms. Beena K

5. PBCR Name: Thiruvananthapuram district, Kerala state

Centre Name: Regional Cancer Centre, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Dr. Kalavathy M.C
1. Dr. Aleyamma Mathew, Prof & Head, 2. Dr. Jagathnath Krishna KM
Division of Cancer Epidemiology & (from June 2015)
Co-Principal Investigators
1. Dr. Paul Sebastian, Director
(till August 2018)
2. Dr. Preethi Sara George, Associate
Professor in Biostatistics

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 PI, Co-PI & Staff Details

6. PBCR Name: Bangalore, Karnataka state

Centre Name: Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bengaluru, Karnataka state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Mr. Vijay C R
1. Dr. Ramachandra, Director 2. Dr. Gopalakrishnappa B R
2. Dr. K. B. Linge Gowda, Director (till July 3. Mr. C.S Dayananda
2018) 4. Mr. P. Manjunath
3. Dr. M. Vijayakumar, Director (till December 5. Ms. H.N Shobha
6. Mr. N.M Sreerama reddy
Co-Principal Investigator
7. Mr. T.C Venugopal
1. Dr. C. Ramesh, Professor & Head, Dept. of
Epidemiology & Biostatistics

7. PBCR Name: Chennai, Tamil Nadu state

Centre Name: Cancer Institute (WIA), Chennai, Tamil Nadu state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Mr. Sampath P
1. Dr. R. Swaminathan, Assistant Director, Prof 2. Mr. Selvakumaran R
& Head, Dept. of Epidemiology, Biostatistics 3. Mr. Murugaiyan J
and Cancer Registry (from April 2013)
4. Mr. Sambandam T.S
2. Dr. V. Shanta, Chairman (till March 2013)
5. Mr. Jayachander S
Co-Principal Investigators 6. Mr. Dharmadurai V
1. Dr. R. Rama Ranganathan, Assistant 7. Ms. Parimala A
Professor & Senior Bio-Statistician, (from
8. Mr. Ramesh N
April 2013)
9. Mr. Sridhar N
2. Dr. R. Swaminathan, Prof & Head, Dept.
10. Mr. Murugesh R
of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Cancer
Registry (till March 2013) 11. Mr. Gandeeban D
12. Mr. Veeramani K
13. Ms. Chandrakala T
14. Ms. Mahalakshmi N
15. Ms. Valarmathi K
16. Ms. Bagyalakshmi P
17. Ms. Ananthi T
18. Mr. Balasubramanian S (till January 2018)
19. Mr. Sivakumar M (till May 2017)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 PI, Co-PI & Staff Details

8. PBCR Name: Kolkata, West Bengal state

Centre Name: Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute (CNCI) and Saroj Gupta Cancer
Centre & Research Institute (SGCCRI), Kolkata, West Bengal state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Dr. Arpita Chandra (from September 2019)
1. Dr. Syamsundar Mandal, Head, Epidemiology 2. Ms. Indrani Nandi (from January 2012)
& Biostatistics (from September 2018) 3. Ms. Soumya Roy (from January 2012)
2. Dr. Ranjit Kumar Mandal, Head, Epidemiology 4. Mr. Biswajit Bhattacharya (from January
& Biostatistics (from February 2018 to 2012)
September 2018)
5. Ms. Pranati Sarkar (from January 2012)
3. Dr. Tapas Maji, Director-in-charge, (from
6. Mr. Biswanath Ghosh (from January 2012)
January 2017 to February 2018)
7. Ms. Soma Das (from January 2012)
4. Prof.(Dr.) Jaydip Biswas, Director (from
8. Dr. Partha Sarathi Basu (from January 2012
January 2012 to January 2017)
to March 2015)
Co-Principal Investigators
9. Dr. Syamsundar Mandal (from January
1. Dr. Durgaprasad Nanda, SMO, Surgical 2012 to February 2018)
Oncology (From September 2018)
2. Dr. Syamsundar Mandal, Statistical Oficer
(from February 2018 to September 2018)
3. Dr. Samir Bhattacharya, Head, Division of
Research; Saroj Gupta Cancer Centre &
Research Institute (SGCC&RI), Thakurpukur
(from February 2018)
4. Dr. Ranajit Kumar Mandal, Head, Dept. of
Epidemiology & Biostatistics (from October
2017 to February 2018)
5. Dr. Karabi Datta, Head, Dept. of
Epidemiology & Biostatistics (from January
2012 to September 2016)
6. Dr. Manas Nath Bandyopadhyay, Head,
Division of Research; Saroj Gupta Cancer
Centre & Research Institute (SGCC&RI),
Thakurpukur (from January 2012 to
September 2017)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 PI, Co-PI & Staff Details

9. PBCR Name: Ahmedabad urban, Gujarat state
Centre Name: Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute, Ahmedabad, Gujarat state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Mr. Himanshu Patel
1. Dr. Shashank Pandya, Director, GCRI 2. Mr. Jayesh Solanki
(from May 2018) 3. Ms. Vishruti Pandya
2. Dr. Rakesh Vyas Director, GCRI 4. Ms. Neha Jadav
(till February 2018)
5. Mr. Himanshu Patel
3. Dr. Shilin Shukla Director, GCRI
6. Mr. Rohit Cholavia
(till September 2013)
7. Mr. Ashish Batham
Co-Principal Investigators
8. Mr. Ketan Dobariya
1. Dr. Janmesh Shah, Assistant Professor
9. Mr. Amit Rohit
(from August 2016 to November 2019)
10. Mr. Pratik Mahida
2. Dr. Anand Shah, Assistant Professor
(from October 2017) 11. Mr. Kirit Vasaiya
3. Dr. Geeta Joshi, Dy. Director, GCRI 12. Mr. Sebastian Farmer
(till July 2017)
4. Dr. Parimal Jivarajani, Associate Professor
(till August 2014)

10. PBCR Name: Aurangabad, Maharashtra state

Centre Name: Indian Cancer Society, Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Mr. Ashok Waghmare
1. Dr. Vinay Deshmane, Jt. Hon. Secretary
and Medical Director
Co-Principal Investigator
1. Ms. S.S. Koyande, Deputy Director of
Cancer Registry

11. PBCR Name: Osmanabad & Beed, Maharashtra state

Centre Name: Nargis Dutt Memorial Cancer Hospital, Barshi, Maharashtra state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Mr. B. S. Shukla
1. (Late) Dr. Bhagwan M. Nane, Chairman, 2. Mr. Subhash Chopade
Ashwini Rural Cancer Research & Relief
Society, Medical Director Nargis Dutt
Memorial Cancer Hospital Barshi.
Co-Principal Investigator
1. Mr. N.S. Panse , Registry Manager

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 PI, Co-PI & Staff Details

12. PBCR Name: Barshi rural, Maharashtra state

Centre Name: Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai and Nargis Dutt Memorial Cancer
Hospital, Barshi, Maharashtra state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Mr. N.S. Panse
1. Dr. R A Badwe, Director, Tata Memorial 2. Mr. S.R. Mathapati
Centre 3. Mr. N.P. Gaikwad
Co-Principal Investigators 4. Mr. T.S. Dudhankar
1. (Late) Dr. Bhagwan M. Nane, Chairman, 5. Mr. N.D. Padwal
Ashwini Rural Cancer Research & Relief 6. Mr. S.R. Korale
Society, Medical Director Nargis Dutt
7. Ms. V.J. Dulange
Memorial Cancer Hospital.
8. Dr. F.Y. Khan
2. Dr. Rajesh Dikshit, Director CCE

13. PBCR Name: Mumbai, Maharashtra state

Centre Name: Indian Cancer Society, Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Ms. Rashmi Vagal
1. Dr. Vinay Deshmane , Hon. Secretary and 2. Ms. Swanandi Kambli
Medical Director 3. Ms. Mayuri Nevrekar
Co-Principal Investigator 4. Ms. Pooja Manchekar
1. Ms. S.S. Koyande, Deputy Director of 5. Mr. Prathmesh Gurav
Cancer Registry 6. Ms. Shweta Bansode
7. Ms. Mandakini Pagare
8. Ms. Prachi Bandekar
9. Mr. Nagendra Shastri
10. Ms. Preeti Gamare
11. Mr. Kalpesh Malhari
12. Ms. Jaymala Malusare
13. Mr. Milind Kirtane
14. Ms. Pooja Pathak
15. Ms. Asavari Gurav
16. Mr. Vicky Naik

14. PBCR Name: Pune, Maharashtra state

Centre Name: Indian Cancer Society, Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Ms. Nasrin Shaikh
1. Dr. Vinay Deshmane, Hon. Secretary and 2. Ms. Surekha Kochure
Medical Director 3. Ms. Bharti Thaokar
Co-Principal Investigator
1. Ms. S.S. Koyande, Deputy Director of
Cancer Registry

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 PI, Co-PI & Staff Details

15. PBCR Name: Wardha district, Maharashtra state

Centre Name: Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sevagram, Wardha

Maharashtra state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Dr. Swapna Maliye (from July 2015)
1. Dr. Nitin Gangane, Dean, Director Professor 2. Ms. Rupali Raut
of Dept. of Pathology 3. Ms. Usha Jamlekar
Co-Principal Investigator 4. Ms. Mamta Dhawane
1. Dr. S. Chhabra, Director Professor of Dept. 5. Mr. Naredra Deotale
of Gynaecology
6. Ms. Kalyani Waghmare
(from February 2010 to October 2014)
7. Ms. Seema Khelkar (from November 2014)
8. Mr. Maroti Zade
9. Dr. Priti Shende
(from January 2012 to January 2014)
10. Dr. Vibha B. Khajone
(from February 2014 to April 2014)
11. Dr. Mrunal G. Meshram
(from May 2014 to June 2015)

16. PBCR Name: Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh state

Centre Name: Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Dr. Sunil Surange
1. Dr. Reeni Malik, Professor and Head, Dept. 2. Ms. Alka Goley
of Pathology 3. Ms. Sushma Shrivastava
2. Dr. Neelkamal Kapoor, Professor and Head, 4. Ms. Shubhra Trivedi
Dept. of Pathology (Till July 2013)
5. Ms. Ragini Nair
Co-Principal Investigator 6. Mr. Rohit Tripathi
1. Mr. Atul Shrivastava, Research Oficer,
Dept. of Pathology

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 PI, Co-PI & Staff Details

17. PBCR Name: Nagpur, Maharashtra state

Centre Name: Indian Cancer Society, Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Ms. Rekha Patil
1. Dr. Vinay Deshmane, Hon. Secretary and 2. Ms. Kalyani Ghumade
Medical Director
Co-Principal Investigator
1. Ms. S.S. Koyande, Deputy Director of
Cancer Registry

North East
18. PBCR Name: Manipur state
Centre Name: Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal, Manipur state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Dr. H. Satyajyoti Singh
1. Prof. Ph. Madhubala Devi, Prof & Head, 2. Mr. R. K Budhibanta
Dept. of Pathology, (from April 2017) 3. Dr. O. Bijaya Devi
2. Dr Kaushik Debnath, Prof & Head, Dept. of 4. Mr. Kh. Nabachandra Singh
Pathology (from March 2012 to April 2017)
5. Mr. L. Bhopendro Mangang
3. Dr.Y. Mohen Singh, Prof & Head, Dept. of
6. Mr. M. Surjit Meitei
Pathology (till March 2012)
7. Mr. Reemo Yurembam
Co-Principal Investigators
1. Dr. Punyabati Devi, Prof. of Pathology
2. Dr. Rajesh Singh Laishram, Associate Prof.
of Pathology
3. Dr. Sushma Khuraijam, Assoc. Prof. Pathology

19. PBCR Name: Mizoram state

Centre Name: Civil Hospital, Aizwal, Mizoram state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Dr. Evelyn VL Hmangaihzuali (from 2018)
1. Dr. Eric Zomawia, Pathologist 2. Ms. Annie Hmingthanmawii
Co-Principal Investigators 3. Mr. Ngursangzuala Sailo
1. Dr. John Zohmingthanga, Pathologist 4. Mr. Lalngaihawma Khiangte (from 2012)
2. Dr. Lalchhanhimi, Pathologist 5. Ms. Zothanpuii (from 2011)
3. Dr. Lily Chhakchhuak, Pathologist 6. Ms. C. Zothantluangi (from 2014 )
4. Dr. Saia Chenkual, Surgical Oncologist 7. Ms. K. Lalruatfeli (from 2015)
5. Dr. Jerry Lalrinsanga, Medical Oncologist 8. Dr. Freddie Lalhmangaiha Sailo
6. Dr. B. Zothankima, Radiation Oncologist (from 2012 to 2018)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 PI, Co-PI & Staff Details

20. PBCR Name: Sikkim state

Centre Name: New STNM Multispecialty Hospital, Sochakgang, Gangtok, Sikkim state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Mr. Saroj Deep Sapkota
1. Dr. T.W Bhutia (from January 2018) 2. Dr. Tsewang Donka Bhutia
2. Dr. Prakash Kumar Pradhan, Chief 3. Mr. Prakash Sundas
Consultant & Head, Dept. of Pathology 4. Mr. Pranay Giri
(from April 2015 to December 2017
5. Mr. B.N Bhattarai
3. Dr. Yogesh Verma (till March 2015)
6. Mr. Deepak Sapkota
Co-Principal Investigators
7. Dr. Supriya Pradhan (till March 2012)
1. Dr. Priya Darshini Pradhan, Pathologist
8. Dr. Anubhav Verma (till May 2014)
(from April 2018)
9. Dr. Supriya Pradhan (till December 2017)
2. Dr. Sangita Bhandari (from April 2015)
3. Dr. P.K Pradhan (from July 2003 to March

21. PBCR Name: Tripura state

Centre Name: Cancer Hospital, Regional Cancer Centre, Agartala, Tripura state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Dr. Santi Ranjan
1. Dr. Gautam Majumdar, Medical 2. Dr. Mihir Dasgupta (till February 2012)
Superintendent 3. Mr. Parantap Nag
Co-Principal Investigators 4. Mr. Priyatosh Dhar (till November 2017)
1. Dr. Arup Bhowmik, Asst. Professor, AGMC 5. Mr. Tamal Pal
2. Dr. Rituparna Das, Asst. Professor, AGMC 6. Mr. Sunil Ch. Das
3. Dr. Shiromani Debbarma, Deputy. Medial 7. Mr. Abhishek Sinha
Superintendent 8. Mr. Dipankar Sen
4. Dr. Aroop Roy Burman, Medical Oficer 9. Mr. Abhijit Deb
(till 2016) 10. Mr. Rupan Nama
11. Mr. Bikash Debnamth
12. Mr. Hrishikesh Kar
13. Mr. Biswajit Debnath
14. Mr. Bikash Gon Choudhury
15. Mr. Anath Bhusan Debnath
16. Ms. Sumita Saha
17. Mr. Jiban Das
18. Mr. Bapi Das
19. Mr. Subhankar Saha
20. Mr. Sanjib Kumar Pal

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 PI, Co-PI & Staff Details

22. PBCR Name: West Arunachal*, Arunachal Pradesh state

Centre Name: Tomo Riba Institute of Health & Medical Sciences, Naharlagun,
Arunachal Pradesh state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Ms. Ngilyang Otung
1. Dr. Sopai Tawsik, Selection Grade Specialist 2. Mr. Bablin Awailang
(Pathology) 3. Ms. Hage Ampa
Co-Principal Investigators 4. Ms. Habung Pampi
1. Dr. Shyam Tsering, Radio-oncologist 5. Mr. Munin Borgohain
2. Dr. Adishi Kri, Radio-oncologist
3. Dr. Gamba Padu, Sr. Pathologist
* West Arunachal covers Tawang, West Kameng, Upper Subansiri , Lower Subansiri, Kurung Kumey, Papumpare
and West Siang districts

23. PBCR Name: Meghalaya*, Meghalaya state

Centre Name: Civil Hospital, Shillong, Meghalaya state
Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details
Principal Investigators 1. Dr. R.S. Dympep
1. Dr. W.B. Langstieh, Pathologist 2. Mr. Bantehsong L.Langstieh
(from July 2014) 3. Ms. Meghdalina A. Shabong
2. Dr. R.S. Dympep, Sr. Pathologist, Pasteur
4. Mr. Mardonald J. Marbaniang
Institute, Shillong (till February 2014)
5. Ms. Metalyne Nongrum
Co-Principal Investigators
6. Ms. Lucina Wanniang
1. Dr. H Dkhar, Pathologist, Nazareth Hospital,
Shillong 7. Mr. Dienroimiar Mylliempdah
2. Dr. Badarisha R. Sohliya, Pathologist,
Ganesh Das Hospital Shillong
3. Dr. Laishram Purnima Devi, Radiation
Oncologist NEIGRIHMS, Shillong
* Meghalaya covers East Khasi Hills, West Khasi Hills, Jaintia Hills and Ri Bhoi districts

24. PBCR Name: Nagaland*, Nagaland state

Centre Name: Naga Hospital Authority, Kohima, Nagaland state
Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details
Principal Investigator 1. Dr. Loso Chalai
1. Dr. V Khamo, Head, Dept. of Pathology 2. Mr. Nothutso Khamo
Co-Principal Investigator 3. Ms. Melevolu Hiese
1. Dr. Kedozeto Punyu, Head, Dept. of ENT 4. Ms. Bendangnaro Waling
5. Ms. Katonili Zhimomi
6. Mr. Neithovilie Keyho
7. Mr. Rukuvo Sakhamo
8. Mr. Khrowepe Sarah
9. Ms. Kewenyilou Kapfo
* Nagaland covers Kohima and Dimapur districts

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 PI, Co-PI & Staff Details

25. PBCR Name: Pasighat*, Arunachal Pradesh state

Centre Name: General Hospital, Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Dr. Kapang Yirang
1. Dr. Kaling Jerang, Senior Pathologist 2. Ms. Moti Megu
(from January 2015) 3. Ms. T. Miti Boko
2. Dr. Tapi Ering, Sr. Pathologist 4. Ms. Bayanlu Tausit
(till January 2015)
5. Ms Chanyam Lowang (till January 2018)
Co-Principal Investigator
6. Mr. Tayi Mize
1. Dr. G. Jongkey, Jr.Pathologist (till date)
7. Mr. Kabom Perme
8. Mr. Ogom Lego (till October 2016)
* Pasighat covers East Siang and Upper Siang districts

26. PBCR Name: Cachar district, Assam state

Centre Name: Silchar Medical College, Silchar, Assam state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Dr. Raja Prasanta Banik
1. Dr. Shah Alam Sheikh, Associate Professor, 2. Ms. Madhuchhanda Goswami
Dept. of Pathology (from July 2019) 3. Mr. Biswajyoti Choudhury
2. Dr. Sekhar Chakravarty, Vice Principal 4. Ms. Srabani Mitra
(till July 2019)
5. Ms. Rini Bhattacharjya
Co-Principal Investigators
6. Mr. Smit Paul
1. Dr. Shah Alam Sheikh, Associate Professor,
7. Mr. Bidhan Kr. Sarkar
Dept. of Pathology, (till July 2019)
2. Dr. Debashis Datta , Professor, Dept. of
Pathology (till June 2016)

27. PBCR Name: Dibrugarh district, Assam state

Centre Name: Assam Medical College and Hospital, Dibrugarh, Assam state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Mr. Chakrapani Hazarika
1. Dr. Projnan Saikia, Professor, Dept. of 2. Mr. Chinmoy Chetia
Pathology (fom June 2016) 3. Mr. Saronga Boruah
2. Dr. M.S. Ali, Sr. Statistician & Principal 4. Ms. Rashmi Mahanta
Investigator (till May 2016)
5. Mr. Saurav Kumar Bhuyan
Co-Principal Investigator
6. Ms. Rima Devi Singh
1. Dr. Zarika Ahmed, Asst. Professor, Dept. of
Pathology (from January 2017)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 PI, Co-PI & Staff Details

28. PBCR Name: Kamrup urban, Assam state

Centre Name: Dr. Bhubaneswar Borooah Cancer Institute, Guwahati, Assam state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Dr. Debanjana Barman
1. Dr. Jagannath Dev Sharma, Prof & Head, 2. Ms. Arpita Sharma
Dept. of pathology 3. Mr. Manoj Kalita
Co-Principal Investigators 4. Mr. Ranjan Lahon
1. Dr. Anupam Sarma, Professor, Dept. of 5. Ms. Barsha Roy Deka
6. Mr. Chinmoy Misra
2. Dr. Debabrata Barmon, Prof & Head, Dept.
7. Mr. Kamal Kr. Deka
of Gynac-oncology
3. Dr. Shiraj Ahmed, Associate Professor,
Dept. of Pathology

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 PI, Co-PI & Staff Details


1. HBCR Name: Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research,
Chandigarh UT

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Ms. Tanvi Jindia
1. Dr. Sushmita Ghosal, Prof & Head, Dept. of 2. Mr. Vikas Kapoor
Radiotherapy 3. Ms. Neeru Moudgil
2. Dr. S.C. Sharma (from January 2011 to August 4. Ms. Anita Rani
5. Ms. Pooja Rawat
Co-Principal Investigators 6. Mr. Amit Kumar
1. Dr. R. Kapoor, Professor 7. Mr. Anup Verma
2. Dr. Narender Kumar, Professor

2. HBCR Name: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Institute Rotary Cancer Hospital, New Delhi

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Dr. Sunil K. Varma (From December 2014 to
1. Dr. S.V. Suryanarayana Deo, Prof & Head, September 2016)
Dept. of Surgical Oncology 2. Dr. Yogesh (From July 2017 to May 2018)
Co-Principal Investigators 3. Ms. Ananya Bora
1. Mr. N. Manoharan, Scientist – IV 4. Mr. Ankit
2. Dr. G.K. Rath, Professor of Radiation Oncology 5. Mr. Raman Jee (From July 2018)
& Chief, Dr.BRAIRCH & Head, NCI, Jhajjar 6. Ms. Anshika Pandey (from August 2018)
3. Dr. Sunil Kumar, Associate Professor, Dept. of 7. Ms. Sarita (from March 2015 to March 2017)
Surgical Oncology
8. Mr. Pradeep
4. Dr. Ajay Gogia, Assistant Professor, Dept. of
9. Ms. Kanika Behl
Medical Oncology
10. Ms. Shikha

3. HBCR Name: Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna, Bihar state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Dr. Laloo Kumar
1. Dr. Rajesh Kumar Singh, Additional Prof & 2. Mr. Aman Prakash
Head, Dept. of Cancer & Palliative Care 3. Mr. Yaswant Kumar Singh
Co-Principal Investigator 4. Mr. Swapnil Vidyarthi
1. Dr. Sangeeta Pankaj, Assistant Prof. Gynae 5. Mr. Ajay Kumar Akela
6. Mr. Shahab Hussain
7. Mr. Arvind Kumar
8. Mr. Suman Kumar
9. Ms. Shabnam Kumari

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 PI, Co-PI & Staff Details

4. HBCR Name: Sher-I-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Dr. Shandana Farooq
1. Dr. Lone Mohammad Maqbool, Prof & 2. Ms. Foziya Zargar
Head, Dept. of Radiation Oncology 3. Ms. Shaista Sidiq Pandit
Co-Principal Investigator 4. Ms. Muneera Akhter
1. Dr. Nazir Ahmad Khan, Professor, Dept. of 5. Ms. Bisma Showkat
Radiation Oncology 6. Ms. Nahida Rashid
7. Ms. Aliya Amir
8. Mr. Mohd Asif Sheikh
9. Mr. Naveed Ahmad Bhat

5. HBCR Name: Regional Cancer Centre, Indira Gandhi Medial College, Shimla, Himachal
Pradesh state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Dr. Vikas Fotedar
1. Dr. Manish Gupta, Prof &Head, Dept. of 2. Ms. Neha Sharma
Radiotherapy and Oncology (from July 2018) 3. Ms. Anamika Chandel
2. Dr. Rajeev Kumar Seam, Prof & Head, Dept. of 4. Mr. Pawan Kumar
Radiotherapy and Oncology (till June 2018) 5. Ms. Neha Gautam
Co-Principal Investigators 6. Mr. Suman Verma
1. Dr. Sudarshan Sharma, Prof & Head, Dept. of 7. Ms. Surekha Kumar (till March 2018)
Pathology 8. Ms. Kumari Lucky (till July 2015)
2. Dr. Manish Gupta, Associate Professor, Dept. 9. Mr. Sandeep Sharma (till October 2017)
of Radiotherapy(till June 2018) 10. Mr. Raman Kumar (till November 2015)

6. HBCR Name: Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow,
Uttar Pradesh state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Dr. Rajan Yadav (from July 2017 to April 2018)
1. Prof. Punitalal, Professor, Dept. of 2. Dr. Ramesh Kumar
Radiotherapy (from August 2014) 3. Mr. Rahul Srivastava
2. Dr. Neeraj Rastogi, Professor (till April 2013) 4. Ms. Shamama Abidi (from December 2016
Co-Principal Investigators to March 2017)
1. Dr. Rajesh Harsvardhan, Head of the Dept. 5. Ms. Jagriti Singh (from December 2016 to
(from August 2014) June 2017)
2. Dr. Rakesh Pandey, Professor 6. Mr. Ashish Kumar (from January 2017 to
(from November 2012) September 2018)
3. Dr. C.M. Pandey, Head of the Dept. 7. Mr. Amit Kumr Verma
(till April 2013) 8. Ms. Jyoti Verma
9. Mr. Pankaj Tiwari
10. Mr. Kuldeep Gupta

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 PI, Co-PI & Staff Details

7. HBCR Name: Max Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Ms. Kamlesh Kumari
1. Dr. Anil Kumar Anand, Director, Radiation 2. Mr. Ankit Kumar
Co-Principal Investigator
1. Dr. Ramandeep Arora, Senior Consultant,
Medical Oncology

8. HBCR Name: Medanta Cancer Centre, Gurgaon, Haryana state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Ms. Kamlesh Kumari
1. Dr. Tejinder Kataria, Radiation Oncologist 2. Mr. Ankit Kumar
Co-Principal Investigator
1. Dr. Ashok Kumar Vaid, Medical and Haemato

9. HBCR Name: Fortis memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon, Haryana state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Mr. Sujeet Kumar Singh
1. Dr. Vinod Raina, Executive Director & Head, 2. Ms. Manisha
Medical Oncology & Head Cancer Registry
Co-Principal Investigator
1. Dr. B. B. Tyagi, Manager- Cancer Registry

10. HBCR Name: Mahavir Cancer Sansthan and Research Centre, Patna, Bihar state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Ms. Sweta Kumari
1. Dr. Rita Rani, Senior Consultant, Radiation 2. Mr. Tahir Zafar Ali Khan
oncologist 3. Ms. Navnita Medha
2. Dr. Anita Kumari, Consultant Radiation
4. Mr. Arun Kumar
Oncologist (from July 2013 to June 2015)
5. Mr. Sazid Iqwal
3. Dr. Preeti Jain, Consultant Onco-surgeon,
(from January 2012 to June 2013)
Co-Principal Investigators
1. Dr. Richa Chauhan, Consultant Radiation
2. Dr. Usha Singh, Consultant Radiation Oncology
3. Dr. Ravi Shankar Rajendra, Consultant
Radiation Oncologist
4. Dr. P.K. Verma ,Consultant Pathologist
(from May 2013 to June 2016)
5. Dr. S.K. Sinha, Consultant Pathologist
(from January 2012 to April 2013)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 PI, Co-PI & Staff Details

11. HBCR Name: Max Super Speciality Hospital, Patparganj, New Delhi

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Ms. Preeti Wadhwa
1. Dr. Geeta Kadayaprath, Director, Breast 2. Ms. Neethi Joseph
Services (Surgical Oncology) 3. Mr. Suryadev
(from January 2018)
2. Dr Harit Chaturvedi, Chairman
(till January 2018)
Co-Principal Investigators
1. Dr.Meenu Walia, Director Medical Oncology
& Hemaetology
2. Dr. Geeta Kadayaprath, Associate Director
& Head, Breast Services (Surgical Oncology)
(till January 2018)

12. HBCR Name: Asian Institute of Medical Sciences, Faridabad, Haryana state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Mr. Daya Chand Kaushik

1. Dr. Neetu Singhal , Sr. Consultant & Head of
the Dept. of Radiation Oncology

13. HBCR Name: BPS Government Medical College for Women, Khanpur Kalan, Sonipat,
Haryana state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Mr. Sukhbir Malik

1. Dr. Uma Garg, Prof & Head, Dept. of ENT & HNS
Co-Principal Investigator
1. Dr. Swarn Kaur, Prof & Head, Dept. of

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 PI, Co-PI & Staff Details

14. HBCR Name: Government Medical College, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir UT

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Dr. Rahul Sharma
1. Dr. Dinesh Kumar, Prof & Head, Dept. of 2. Dr. Sandeep Kour
Community Medicine 3. Dr. Shabab Lalit Angurana
Co-Principal Investigator 4. Dr. Swarn Singh Katoch
5. Dr. Kiran Bala
1. Dr. Ashutosh Gupta, Prof & Head, Dept. of
Radiotherapy 6. Dr. Deepika Dewan
7. Dr. Deepak Abrol
8. Ms. Isha Narang
9. Ms. Roopanjali Devi
10. Ms. Pooja Devi
11. Mr. Shiv Dutt Sharma
12. Ms. Mamta Devi
13. Mr. Raman Kumar
14. Mr. Gagan Singh
15. Ms. Kavita Sharma
16. Ms. Shivani Bhagat
17. Mr. Purshotam Kumar

15. HBCR Name: Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre, New Delhi

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Ms. Khushboo Sharma
1. Dr. Sudhir Rawal, Medical Director, Dept. of 2. Ms. Julie Pratibha Singh
Surgery 3. Mr. Hasan Malik
2. Dr. A.K Dewan, Director, Surgical Oncology 4. Mr. Deepak Negi
(till September 2016)
5. Mr. Janit Giri
Co-Principal Investigator
1. Ms. Swarima Jaitley, Principal Research Oficer

16. HBCR Name: Regional Cancer Centre Kamala Nehru Memorial Hospital, Allahabad,
Uttar Pradesh state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Dr Sadhana Dwivedi

1. Dr. B.Paul Thaliath, Addl. Director Medical & 2. Mr. Alok Kumar Mishra
Head, Dept. of Radiation Oncology 3. Ms. Seema Chaurasia
Co-Principal Investigator 4. Mr. Vinod Kumar
1. Dr. Radha Ghosh, Sr. Consultant, Radiation 5. Ms. Helen Dass
Oncology 6. Ms. Ruchi Rai
7. Ms. Nabia Kausar
8. Ms. Bushra Firdous
9. Mr. Janardan Shukla

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 PI, Co-PI & Staff Details

17. HBCR Name: Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Kochi, Kerala state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Mr. P. Gangadharan

1. Dr. Prem Nair, Medical Director 2. Ms. Thanuja Gopakumar
Co-Principal Investigators 3. Ms. Suma M S
1. Dr. K. Pavithran, Head, Dept. of Medical 4. Ms. Mini A P
oncology 5. Mr. Ajil Shaji
2. Dr. K.Vijayakumar, Head, Breast & Gynaec 6. Ms. Sreeshma M S
3. Dr. Debanarayan Dutta , Head, Radiation

18. HBCR Name: Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Mr. N.M. Sreerama Reddy

1. Dr. M.S. Ganesh, Prof & Head, Dept. of 2. Ms. Jahnavi Hatti
Medical Oncology 3. Ms. Shilpa
Co-Principal Investigator 4. Ms. Vani
1. Dr. Aruna E Prasad, Consultant & Incharge, 5. Ms. Prema
Preventive Oncology
6. Ms. Shiva Shree
7. Ms. Amuda
8. Mr. Muniraju

19. HBCR Name: Regional Cancer Centre, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Ms. Padmakumari Amma G

1. Dr. Paul Sebastian, Director (till August 2018) 2. Dr. Kalavathy M.C
2. Dr. Aleyamma Mathew, Prof & Head, Division
of Cancer Epidemiology and Biostatistics
(from October 2018)

Co-Principal Investigators
1. Dr. Aleyamma Mathew, Prof & Head, Division
of Cancer Epidemiology and Biostatistics
2. Dr. Preethi Sara George, Associate Professor
in Biostatistics, Division of Cancer
Epidemiology & Biostatistics

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 PI, Co-PI & Staff Details

20. HBCR Name: Cancer Institute (WIA), Chennai, Tamil Nadu state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Ms. Shanthi P
1. Dr. R. Swaminathan (from April 2013) 2. Ms. Kalyani M.S
Asst. Director & Head, Dept. of Biostatistics and 3. Ms. Joan of Arc A
Cancer Registry 4. Ms. Vidhya J
2. Dr. V. Shanta (till March 2013) 5. Mr. Sivakumar P
Co-Principal Investigator 6. Ms. Bhuvaneswari S
1. Dr. Rama, Asst. Professor & senior Bio-Statistician, 7. Ms. Sahaya Delma C
Dept. of Biostatistics and Cancer Registry 8. Ms. Anu R
(from April 2013)
9. Ms. Devi N
10. Ms. Divya S
11. Ms. Jayabharathi J
12. Ms. Vijayalakshmi P
13. Mr. Thiyagarajan K
14. Ms. Deepa E
15. Ms. Manonmani
16. Ms. Deepa C

21. HBCR Name: Malabar Cancer Centre, Kannur, Kerala state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Mr. Prachith KS

1. Dr. Saina Sunilkumar, Lecturer & Head of the 2. Mr. Nijin P
Dept. (I/C) (from March 2017) 3. Ms. Subina K
2. Dr. Satheesan B, Professor & Director (from 2010
to March 2017)

Co-Principal Investigators
1. Dr. Saina Sunilkumar, Lecturer & Head of the
Dept. i/c (till February 2017)
2. Ms. Bindhu.T, Lecturer in Biostatistics
3. Ms. Ratheesan.K , Lecturer in Biostatistics

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 PI, Co-PI & Staff Details

22. HBCR Name: International Cancer Centre, Neyyoor, Tamil Nadu state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Mr. T. Robert Nickelson
1. Dr. V.G. Sudhakaran MD, Head, Dept. of 2. Mr. C. Jaya Raj
Co-Principal Investigator
1. Dr. Prarthana Roselil , Consultant Radiation

23. HBCR Name: Kidwai Memorial Institue of Oncology, Bengaluru, Karnataka state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Dr. D.J Jayaram
1. Dr. Ramachandra 2. Mr. T Venkatesh
2. Dr. K.B. Linge Gowda, Director (till July 2018) 3. Mr. V Bhadraiah
3. Dr. M. Vijayakumar, Director (till December 2014) 4. Mr. M.K.M Gowda

Co-Principal Investigator 5. Ms. B.J Kumudhini

1. Dr. C. Ramesh, Prof & Head, Dept. of 6. Mr. M.R Balakrishnojirao

Epidemiology Biostatistics 7. Mr. K. Venkatesh
8. Mr. C. Kumar

24. HBCR Name: Govt Arignar Anna Memorial Cancer Hospital & Research Institute,
Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Ms. R Nalini
1. Dr. P. Anandhi, MD (RT), Associate Professor 2. Mr. U. Mohan
of Radiotherapy 3. Mr. L. Rajasekar
Co-Principal Investigator 4. Mr. C. Shantha Kumar
1. Dr. C.T. Muthukumaran , Assistant Surgeon 5. Ms. C. Jemina
6. Ms. M. Carolin
7. Ms. G. Jayashri
8. Ms. K.S. Surya
9. Mr. L. Dinesh Kumar
10. Ms. S. Pavithra
11. Ms. S. Aishwarya

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 PI, Co-PI & Staff Details

25. HBCR Name: JIPMER, Regional Cancer Centre, Puducherry UT

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Ms. S. Ramapriya
1. Dr. Gunaseelan K, Additional Professor, 2. Ms. A Anchala Mary
Dept. of Radiation Oncology 3. Mr. R Boominathan
Co-Principal Investigators 4. Dr. Stalin A
1. Dr. Biswajit Dubashi, Addl Professor, Dept. of 5. Mr. G Saranraj
Medical Oncology
6. Ms. T Akila
2. Dr. D Kadambari, Professor, Dept of General
7. Mr. K Nagaraj
8. Ms. A Anbarasi
3. Dr. Latha Chaturvedua, Professor, Dept. of
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
4. Dr. Sunil Kumar Saxena, Professor, Dept. of ENT
5. Dr. G S Sreenath, Associate Professor, Dept.
of General Surgery
6. Dr. Pampa Ch. Toi, Associate Professor, Dept.
of Pathology
7. Dr. Prasanth Penumade, Asst. Professor,
Dept. of Surgical Oncology
8. Dr. Pooja Sethi, Asst. Professor, Dept. of
Radiation Oncology
9. Dr. Srinivas B H, Asst. Professor, Dept. of
10. Dr. Debasis Gochhait, Asst. Professor, Dept.
of Pathology
11. Mr. Harichandrakumar K T, Asst. Professor,
Dept. of Medical Biometrics & Informatics
12. Dr. S. Vivekanandam, Professor, Dept. of
Radiation Oncology (till November 2018)
13. Dr. Sunu Lazor Cyriac, Asst. Professor, Dept.
of Medical Oncology(till August 2016)

26. HBCR Name: Shakuntala Memorial Hospital &Research Centre, Hubli, Karnataka state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Mr. Iranna P
1. Dr. Vinay Gadigi, Onco Surgeon 2. Mr. Mallanagouda P
Co-Principal Investigator 3. Ms. Vanita M
1. Dr. Vijay Gadagi, Physician

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 PI, Co-PI & Staff Details

27. HBCR Name: Rural Development Trust, Bathalapalle, Andhra Pradesh state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Ms. Imam Bee (from 2012 to 2016)
1. Dr. N. Hariharanadha Sarma, Senior
Consultant Pathologist and Medical
Co-Principal Investigators
1. Dr. Sudheeer Kumar, Medical Director &
Consultant Surgeon (from 2012 to 2016)
2. Dr. K.M. Kannan, Medical Director &
Consultant Anaesthetist (from 2012 to 2014)

28. HBCR Name: SDM College of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Dharwad, Karnataka state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator

Principal Investigator
1. Dr. Kaveri Hallikeri , Prof. of Oral Pathology
Co-Principal Investigator
1. Dr. Swetha Acharya , Associate Professor

29. HBCR Name: Government Medical College, Thrissur, Kerala state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Ms. Shijeena Mathew
1. Dr. K.L. Jayakumar, Prof & Head, Dept. of 2. Mr. Lijo Lazar V
2. Dr. Mahadevan R, Prof & Head, Dept. of
Radiotherapy (till July 2018)

Co-Principal Investigators
1. Dr. Ajith Kumar. V.R, Professor, Dept. of
2. Dr. Jayaraman M.B, Asst. Professor
3. Dr. Shehna A Khader , Asst. Professor

30. HBCR Name: Father Muller Medical College Hospital, Mangaluru, Karnataka state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Ms. Poornima
1. Dr. Dinesh Shet, Associate Professor of
Medical Oncology

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 PI, Co-PI & Staff Details

31. HBCR Name: MES Medical College & Hospital, Perinthalmanna, Kerala state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Dr. Vanaja
1. Dr. Mujeeb Rahman, Medical Superintendent 2. Ms. Sobhana

Co-Principal Investigator 3. Ms. Rajani

1. Dr. K.V. Gangadharan, Oncologist

32. HBCR Name: St. Johns Medical Hospital, Bengaluru, Karnataka state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Dr. Geeta Acharya
1. Dr. Rakesh S Ramesh, Associate Professor 2. Ms. Kalpana V
and I/C Dept. of Surgical Oncology 3. Ms. Mallikadevi R
(from April 2018)
2. Dr. Elizabeth Vallikad, Prof & Head, Dept. of
Gynaecologic Oncology. (till March 2018)

Co-Principal Investigator
1. Ms. Kalpana V, Cancer Registrar
(from April 2018)

33. HBCR Name: Mandya Institute of Medical Sciences, Mandya, Karnataka state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Ms. Sadhana H S
1. Dr. S. Shiva Kumar, Prof & Head, Dept. of

Co-Principal Investigator
1. Dr. Venkatesh N , Surgical Oncologist

34. HBCR Name: HCG NMR Cancer Centre, Hubli, Karnataka state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Ms. Shaheen Dambal
1. Dr. Prasad Gunari, Medical Oncologist
(till March 2019)
Co-Principal Investigators
1. Dr. Chanabasappa Kori, Surgical oncologist
(till 2017)
2. Dr. Sanjay Mishra, Radiation Oncologist

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 PI, Co-PI & Staff Details

35. HBCR Name: Narayana Hrudayalaya Health City, Bengaluru, Karnataka state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Ms. Lavanya R
1. Dr. Alben Sigamani, Head, Clinical Research 2. Ms. Bharathi
(from November 2015) 3. Ms. Mamatha H (till January 2018)

2. Dr. Bhavana Sirohi, Head, Medical Oncology

(till November 2015)
3. Dr. Sandeep Jain Head, Radiation Oncology
(till August 2014)

Co-Principal Investigators
1. Dr. Sandeep Jain, Head, Radiation Oncology
(from November 2015)
2. Dr. Moni Kuriakose , Head, Head & Neck
Oncology, (till August 2014)

36. HBCR Name: Erode Cancer Centre, Thindal, Erode, Tamil Nadu state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Ms. Shanthi
1. Dr. K. Velavan, Director, Consultant

37. HBCR Name: General Hospital, Ernakulam, Kerala state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Ms. Veena K J
1. Dr. Balamuralikrishna K S, Consultant in 2. Ms. Veena Vinod
Oncology 3. Mr. Krishna P S
Co-Principal Investigators
1. Dr. Seios J
2. Dr. Sunithra Nair

38. HBCR Name: Indo-American Cancer Institute & Research Centre, Hyderabad, Telan-
gana state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Dr. Md.Zakir Hussain
1. Dr. K. Kalpana Raghunath, Associate 2. Ms. K. Nirmala
Director & Medical Superintendent 3. Mr. Y. Krishnaiah
Co-Principal Investigators
1. Dr. G. Dilip Kumar, Consultant Radiation
2. Dr. A. Santa, Consultant Medical Oncology
3. Dr. Sujith Chayu Patanaik, Consultant
Surgical Oncology

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 PI, Co-PI & Staff Details

39. HBCR Name: HCG Bangalore Institute of Oncology, Bengaluru, Karnataka state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Dr. Raghavendra Rao M
1. Dr. B S Ajaikumar, Chairman & CEO 2. Dr. Mahesh Bendemegal
Co-Principal Investigator 3. Dr. Jagannath Dixit
1. Dr. B S Ramesh, Medical Director 4. Dr. Nalini Rao
5. Dr. Vishal Rao
6. Dr. Sridhar PS
7. Dr. Gopinath KS
8. Dr. Shekar Patil S
9. Dr. Radheshyam N
10. Dr. Shashidhara HP
11. Dr. Sateesh CT
12. Dr. Ravi B Diwakar
13. Dr. Somorat Bhattacharjee
14. Dr. Krithika Murugan
15. Dr. Amritanshuram

40. HBCR Name: A.J. Hospital & Research Centre, Mangaluru, Karnataka state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator

Principal Investigator
1. Dr. Prashanth Marla K, Medical Director
Co-Principal Investigator
1. Dr. Kamalaksh Shenoy, Prof & Head,
Radiation Oncology, Oncologist

41. HBCR Name: Acharya Harihar Regional Cancer Centre, Cuttack, Odisha state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Dr. Narayan Sahoo
1. Dr. Dillip Kumar Agarwalla, Asst. Professor 2. Ms. Sarmista Sahoo
Co-Principal Investigators 3. Ms. Surekha Nayak
1. Dr. P C Pathy, Professor of ENT 4. Ms. Gayatri Choudhury
2. Dr. Janmejay Mohapatra, Asst. Professor, 5. Ms. Swagatika Mishra
Gynaecological Oncology 6. Ms. Liparani Patra
3. Dr. S K Samantara, Asst. Professor, Surgical

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 PI, Co-PI & Staff Details

42. HBCR Name: Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute, Kolkata, West Bengal state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Mr. Ganesh Garai
1. Dr. Syamsundar Mandal, Head of the Dept. 2. Dr. Sushmita Roy
Epidemiology & Biostatistics 3. Dr. Biplab Misra (from August 2017 to July 2018)
4. Ms. Soumi Sinha
Co-Principal Investigator
5. Ms. Sudeshna Ghosh
1. Dr. Partha Nath, SMO, Medical Oncology
6. Ms. Kaberi Biswas
7. Ms. Julekha Mondal (from March 2017 to
August 2017)
8. Ms. Julekha Mondal
9. Ms. Rinki Chitrakar
10. Ms. Susmita Patra
11. Ms. Priya Kumari Singh
12. Mr. Dipanjan Mazumdar

43. HBCR Name: Tata Medical Centre, Kolkata, West Bengal state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Ms. Antara Dey
1. Dr. Indranil Mallick, Senior Consultant, 2. Ms. Sarita Kumari
Radiation Oncology 3. Ms. Sreyashi Samanta
4. Mr. Mayukh Biswas

44. HBCR Name: Apollo Hospital, Bhubaneswar, Odisha state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Mr. Premkumar Lazar
1. Dr. Sarala Das, Senior Consultant - Pathologist 2. Mr. Praswanta Kumar Moharana
and Neuropathologist (till September 2018) 3. Mr. Suresh Kumar Samal (till October 2018)
Co-Principal Investigator
1. Dr. Manas Ranjan Baisakh, Senior Consultant
- Pathology

45. HBCR Name: Pravara Rural Hospital & Rural Medical College, Loni, Maharastra state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Ms. Sangita Pandit

1. Dr. Vandana Jain, Prof & Head, Dept. of 2. Mr. Vijay G. Pawar
Radiotherapy & Oncology (from July 2015) 3. Mr. Bhaskar L. Datir
2. Dr. K.K. Singh, Prof & Head (till April 2015) 4. Mr. Sachin R. Jadhav (till July 2016)
Co-Principal Investigators 5. Mr. Sunil Kakade (till December 2017)
1. Dr.Chaitali Wagmere , Associate Professor
2. Dr. Nayana Jagtap, Record Maintenance
(till July 2017)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 PI, Co-PI & Staff Details

46. HBCR Name: Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, Maharastra state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Dr. Rajashree Gaidhani
1. Dr. R A Badwe, Director 2. Dr. Deepa Paul
Co-Principal Investigator 3. Ms. Sapna H. Kothare
1. Dr. B. Ganesh, Head,Dept. of Medical 4. Ms. Sushama L. Saoba
Records, Bio-statistics and Epidemiology 5. Ms. Sandhya A. Cheulkar
6. Ms. Ashwini A. Patil
7. Ms. Amruta A. Mhatre
8. Ms. Deepali Lokhande
9. Ms. Monika Sarade
10. Ms. Suvarna Kolekar
11. Ms. Esha Dashmukhe
12. Ms. Prachi Joshi
13. Mr. Narpat Padvi
14. Mr. Mahadeo Bhise
15. Ms. Keerti Paradhi
16. Ms. Mitali Sakpal

47. HBCR Name: The Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute, Ahmedabad, Gujarat state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Dr. Rohini Patel
1. Dr. Shashank Pandya, Director 2. Mr. Himanshu Patel
(from May 2018) 3. Mr. Jayesh Solanki
2. Dr. Rakesh Vyas, Director (till February 2018) 4. Ms. Vishruti Pandya
3. Dr. Shilin Shukla, Director (till September 2013) 5. Ms. Neha Jadav
Co-Principal Investigators 6. Mr. Himanshu Patel
1. Dr. Janmesh Shah, Asst. Professor 7. Mr. Rohit Cholavia
(from August 2016 to November 2019) 8. Dr. Pooja Dholakia
2. Dr. Anand Shah, Asst. Professor 9. Ms. Vaishali Ravani
(from August 2016)
10. Mr. Vishal N Patel
3. Dr. Geeta Joshi, Deputy Director
11. Mr. Viral Parmar
(till July 2017)
12. Mr. Vahidhusain Mathakiya
4. Dr. Parimal Jivarajani, Associate Professor
13. Mr. Ravikant Parmar
(till August 2014)
14. Ms. Vaishakhi Soni
15. Ms. Geeta Parmar
16. Ms. Hiral Chauhan

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 PI, Co-PI & Staff Details

48. HBCR Name: Gandhi Medical College. Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Ms. Sabeena Khan
1. Mr. Atul Shrivastava, Research Oficer, Dept.
of Pathology
Co-Principal Investigator
1. Dr. Sushma Shrivastava, Social Investigator

49. HBCR Name: Regional Cancer Centre, Raipur, Chattisgarh state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Ms. Madhuri Shukla
1. Dr. Vivek Choudhary, Director 2. Mr. Chandrabhan Marawi
Co-Principal Investigator 3. Ms. Megha Tamrakar
1. Dr. Pradeep Chandrakar, Associate 4. Ms. Sudha Shrivastava
Professor, Radiation Oncology 5. Mr. Yogesh Sahu
6. Mr. Dharmaraju

50. HBCR Name: RST Regional Cancer Hospital, Cancer Relief Society, Nagpur, Maharastra

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Dr. Saraswati Vrudhulla
1. Dr. B.K. Sharma, Joint Director 2. Ms. Dipti Yadav
Co-Principal Investigator 3. Ms. Nanda Kolhe
1. Dr. Anjali Kolhe, Sr. Consultant, Dept. of 4. Ms. Nirjala Kadwe
Anaesthesiology & Pain 5. Ms. Snehal Chouhan
6. Mr. Visnudas Sarnagat
7. Ms. Mamta Rewatkar
8. Ms. Raushan Aara Ansari
9. Ms. Sarika Dhote

51. HBCR Name: Cancer Hospital & Research Institute, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Ms. Archana Shrivastav
1. Dr. B.R. Shrivastava, Director 2. Ms. Pinkey Sharma
3. Ms. Manjulata Gupta
4. Ms. Manjesh Rathore
5. Mr. Gaurav Saxena
6. Mr. Sachin Nibalkar
7. Mr. N.B.Bhargava
8. Mr. Sushil Bhatnagar
9. Mr. Arpita Shrivastava

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 PI, Co-PI & Staff Details

North East
52. HBCR Name: Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh, Assam state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Dr. R. Akhtar
1. Dr. H.K. Goswami, Prinicpal-cum-Chief 2. Ms. P. Dutta
Superintendent (from September 2017)
3. Ms. S. Ahmed
2. Dr. Kotokey (from February 2016 to June 4. Ms. S. Neog
5. Mr. K. Saikia
3. Dr. A.K. Adhikari, Principal and Project Chief
6. Ms. I. Baruah
(from December 2012 to January 2016)
7. Mr. S.R. Nath
4. Dr. Pranab Baruah, Principal and Project
8. Ms. Regina Begum
Chief (from January 2012 to November 2012)
9. Ms. J. Sonowal
10. Mr. B. Mech

53. HBCR Name: Dr. B Borooah Cancer Institute, Guwahati, Assam state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Dr. Nizara Baishya
1. Dr. Jagannath D. Sharma, Prof. & Head, 2. Dr. Manigreeva Krishnatreya
Dept. of pathology (from October 2010 to January 2015)
Co-Principal Investigators 3. Mr. Kaberi Lahkar (from March 2011 to
1. Dr. Ashok Kumar Das, Assoc. Professor, Dept. December 2013)
of Head & Neck Oncology 4. Ms. Pintu Nandy (from May 2014 to February
2. Dr. B J. Saikia, Professor, Dept. of Medical 2016)
Oncology 5. Ms. Nijara Rajbongshi (from May 2016 to
3. Dr. M Bhattacharyya Professor, Dept. of December 2016)
Radiation Oncology 6. Dr. Chandi Ram Kalita
4. Dr. A Talukdar, Professor, Dept. of Surgical 7. Mr. Md. Nazmul Hoque
Oncology 8. Ms. Gayatri Gogoi
9. Ms. Binita Das
10. Ms. Tapti Kumari
11. Mr. Manjit Sarma (from October 2010 to July
12. Mr. Bhrigu Kumar Mishra (from November
2016 to August 2018)

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 PI, Co-PI & Staff Details

54. HBCR Name: Cachar Cancer Hospital, Silchar, Assam state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Ms. Gayatree Roy
1. Dr. Ravi Kannan, Director 2. Mr. Sagardeep Chakraborty
Co-Principal Investigator 3. Mr. Premjit Kurmi
1. Dr. Ritesh Tapkire, Head, Dept. of Surgical 4. Mr. Sanjib Sutradhar
Oncology 5. Mr. Kirangtuing Nkuame
6. Mr. Saribul Hassan
7. Mr. Biplob Nath
8. Mr. Debojit Nath
9. Mr. Bikash Chakraborty

55. HBCR Name: Mizoram State Cancer Institute (Civil Hospital), Aizwal, Mizoram state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Dr. Lalremruati Chhakchhuak
1. Dr. B. Zothankima, Head, Radiation Oncology 2. Mr. Robert Rokhamliana
Co-Principal Investigators 3. Ms. Rebecca L Renthlel
1. Dr. Jeremy L. Pautu, Head, Medical Oncology 4. Ms. Lalmalsawmi Hnamte
2. Dr. Lalhlupuii, Radiation Oncologist 5. Mr. PC Lalbiakkimi
3. Dr. K. Lalfakzuala, Radiation Oncologist 6. Ms. Gospel Laldinpull
4. Dr. Cindy Lalthanpuii, Radiation Oncologist 7. Mr. K. Lalhruaitluanga
5. Dr. Doris Lallawmzuali, Pathologist 8. Mr. Lalrindika Hmar
9. Ms. C.Lalhmingsangi

56. HBCR Name: Regional Cancer Centre, Agartala, Tripura state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Dr. Jayanta Kr. Das(till January 2015)
1. Dr. Gautam Majumdar, Medical 2. Dr. Ramkrishna Banika
Superintendent 3. Mr. Litan Banik
Co-Principal Investigators 4. Mr. Sandipan Paul (till January 2017)
1. Dr. Partha Sarathi Sutradhar, Medical Oficer 5. Mr. Gopal Sarkar
2. Dr. Biswajit Debbamma, Medical Oficer 6. Ms. Lakhi Roy Dhar
3. Dr. Dhritiman Datta, Medical Oficer 7. Ms. Rupa Deb
8. Ms. Moutushi Roy Biswas (till November 2017)
9. Mr. Tanmoy Chakraborty
10. Mr. Mithan Datta
11. Mr. Dhima Debbarma
12. Ms. Sudeshma Bhattacharjee
13. Mr. Nirmal Dey

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 PI, Co-PI & Staff Details

57. HBCR Name: Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal, Manipur state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigators 1. Ms. Leingakpa Ningthoujam
1. Prof. Ph. Madhubala Devi, Prof & Head, Dept. 2. Ms. Stefi Nongmeikapam
of Pathology (from April 2017) 3. Mr. Reberio Meinam (from November 2018)
2. Dr. Kaushik Debnath Prof & Head, Dept. of 4. Dr. H. Bankim Singh
Pathology (till April 2017)
5. Mr. Y. Rabindrakumar Singh
Co-Principal Investigators 6. Mr. Tesong Olive Monsang
1. Dr. P. Punyabati, Professor of Pathology 7. Ms. Kh. Monika Devi
2. Dr. Y. Indibor Singh, Professor of Radiotherapy 8. Mr. L. Thoujal Heiba
3. Dr. L. Rajesh Singh, Assoc Prof of Pathology 9. Ms. N. Jerry

58. HBCR Name: North East Cancer Hospital & Research Institute, Guwahati, Assam state

Principal Investigator & Co-Principal Investigator Staff Details

Principal Investigator 1. Ms. Nisha Choudhery
1. Dr. T.K Chakravarty, Consultant Pathologist 2. Mr. Dipankar Saikia
Co-Principal Investigators 3. Mr. Kishore Burman (till 2017)
1. Dr. D K Nath, Consultant ENT
2. Dr. Gazi Naseem Ahmed, Consultant
3. Dr. Imliwati Longkumer, Biochemist

Ways for Cancer Prevention and Control
Boyle P., and Parkin D.M. Statistical Methods for Registries- Ch. In Cancer Registration – Principles
and Methods, Eds. Jensen O.M., Parkin D.M., Maclennan R., Muir C.S. and Skeet R.G., IARC Scientiic
Publications, No. 95, Lyon, 1991.
Bray F., Znaor A., Cueva P., Korir A., Swaminathan R., Ullrich A., Wang S.A. and Parkin D.M. Planning
and Developing Population-based Cancer Registration in Low - and Middle-income Settings. IARC
Technical Publication No. 43, 2014.
Census of India - Registrar General of India, Socio Cultural Tables, C14, Population by Five
Year Age Group, by Residence and Sex, New Delhi 1991, 2001 & 2011 [].
Day, N.E. (1987) Cumulative rates and cumulative risks. In: Muir, C., Waterhouse, J., Mack, T., Powell,
J. & Whelan, S., eds, Cancer Incidence in Five Continents, Vol. V (IARC Scientiic Publication No. 88),
Lyon, International Agency for Research on Cancer, pp. 787-789.
Bray F, Colombet M, Mery L, Piñeros M, Znaor A, Zanetti R and Ferlay J, editors (2017)
Cancer Incidence in Five Continents, Vol. XI. IARC Scientiic Publications, 2017, No. 166, Lyon, IARC.
IARC Monographs - Supplement 7, Overall evaluations of carcinogenicity; An updating of IARC
monographs Volume 1-42: IARC monographs on the evaluation of the carcinogenic risks to humans.
IARC Lyon, 1987, 357-61.
IARC Technical Report No. 29; International Classiication of Childhood Cancer 1996 Edited by E.
Kramarova, C.A. Stiller, J. Ferlay, D.M. Parkin, G.J. Draper, J. Michaelis, J. Neglia and S. Qureshi, Lyon, 1996.
IARC Technical Report No. 29; International Classiication of Childhood Cancer 1996 Edited by E.
Kramarova, C.A. Stiller, J. Ferlay, D.M. Parkin, G.J. Draper, J. Michaela, J. Neglia and S. Qureshi, Lyon, 1996.
Isabel dos Santos Silva et al., Cancer Epidemiology: Principles and Methods. IARC, Lyon, 1999.
Kim H.J., Fay M.P., Feuer E.J., Midthune D.N. Permutation Tests for Joinpoint Regression with Application
to Cancer Rates. Stat Med 2000; 19:335 -51.
Maclennan R, Muir CS, Steinitz R and Winkler A. -Cancer Registration and its Techniques, IARC Scientiic
Pub. No 21, Lyon, 1978.
Nandakumar A, Gupta P.C., Gangadharan P, Visweswara R. N. and Parkin D.M.: Geographic
Pathology Revisited –Development of Atlas of Cancer in India. Int J Cancer 2005, 116, 5:740 – 754
NCRP - Consolidated Report of Hospital Based Cancer Registries 2004-2006, National Cancer Registry
Programme (Indian Council of Medical Research), Bangalore, 2009.
NCRP - Consolidated report of Population Based Cancer Registries 2009-2011, National Cancer
Registry Programme (Indian Council of Medical Research), Bangalore, 2013.
NCRP - Ten Year Consolidated Report of Hospital Based Cancer Registries 1984- 1993, National Cancer
Registry Programme (Indian Council of Medical Research), Bangalore, 2001.
NCRP - Three- Year Report of Population Based Cancer Registries 2009 -2011, National Cancer Registry
Programme (Indian Council of Medical Research), Bangalore, 2013.
NCRP - Time Trends in Cancer Incidence Rates, 1982- 2005, National Cancer Registry Programme
(Indian Council of Medical Research), Bangalore, 2009.
NCRP - Time Trends in Cancer Incidence Rates, 1982- 2010, National Cancer Registry Programme
(Indian Council of Medical Research), Bangalore, 2013.
NCRP Coding Manual for Population Based Cancer Registry, Indian Council of Medical Research,
Bangalore, November 2006.
NCRP - Development of an Atlas of Cancer in India, 2001- 2002, Volume II, National Cancer Registry
Programme (Indian Council of Medical Research), Bangalore [www.], 2004b.
Parkin, D.M., Chen, V.W., Ferlay, J., Galceran, J., Storm, H.H. and Whelan, S.L. Comparability and
Quality Control in Cancer Registration. IARC Technical Report No. 19, Lyon, 1994.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 References

Parkin D.M., Stiller C.A., Draper G.J., Bieber C.A., Terracini B., Young J.L. eds. International Incidence of
Childhood Cancer, IARC Scientiic Publication No 87, International Agency for Research on Cancer,
Lyon, France 1988.
Recommendations of the minutes of Cancer Estimation of Cancer Incidence, mortality and
prevalence in India – Methodology held at NCDIR, Bangalore, July 2018.
Recommendations of the minutes of Research Area Panel of NCDIR-NCRP held at, NCDIR Bangalore,
August 2018.
Recommendations of the minutes of Report Writing Workshop for Cancer 2012-2016 held at, NCDIR
Bangalore, March 2019.
Recommendations of the minutes of Research Area Panel of NCDIR-NCRP held at NCDIR Bangalore,
September 2019
Takiar R. and Shobana B. Cancer Incidence Rates and Problem of Denominators - A New Approach
in Indian Cancer Registries: Asian Paciic J Cancer Prev; Vol. 10, 2009.
ORGI -Report on Medical Certiication of Cause of Death (MCCD) 2016, Ofice of the Registrar
General (Ministry of Home Affairs, Vital Statistics), India.
WHO International Classiication of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O) Third Edition, eds. Fritz, A., Percy, C.,
Jack, A., Shanmugaratnam, K., Sobin, L., Parkin, D.M. and Whelan,S. 2000, World Health Organization,
WHO International Statistical Classiication of Diseases and Related Health Problems - 10th revision,
2008, World Health Organization, Geneva.
NCRP -Three- Year Report of Population Based Cancer registries: (2012-2014), National Cancer
Registry Programme (Indian Council of Medical Research), National Centre for Disease Informatics
and Research, Bangalore, 2017.
NCRP -Consolidated Report of Hospital Based Cancer registries: (2012-2014), National Cancer
Registry Programme (Indian Council of Medical Research), National Centre for Disease Informatics
and Research, Bangalore, 2017.
NCRP - A Report on Cancer Burden in North Eastern States of India: (2012-2014), National Cancer
Registry Programme (Indian Council of Medical Research), National Centre for Disease Informatics
and Research, Bangalore, 2017.
WHO Classiication of Tumours of the Breast: Fourth Edition, eds. Sunil R. Lakhani ,Ian O. Ellis, Stuart
J. Schnitt ,Puay Hoon Tan and Marc J. van de Vijver. 2012, International Agency for Research on
WHO Classiication of Tumours of the Digestive System: 4th Edition, eds. Fred T. Bosman, Fatima
Carneiro, Ralph H. Hruban and Neil D. 2010, Theise, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon.
WHO Classiication of Tumours of Female Reproductive Organs: 4th Edition, eds. Robert J. Kurman,
Maria Luisa Carcangiu, C. Simon Herrington and Robert H. Young. 2014, International Agency for
Research on Cancer Lyon.
WHO Classiication of Head and Neck Tumours: 4th Edition, eds. Adel K. EI-Naggar John K.C. Chan,
Jennifer R. Grandis, Takashi Takata, Pieter J. Slootweg. 2017, lnternational Agency for Research on
Cancer, Lyon.
WHO Classiication of Tumours of the Lung, Pluera, Thymus and Heart: 4th Edition, eds.Willam D Travis,
Elisabeth Brambilla, Allen P.Burke, Alexander Marx and Andrew G.Nicholson. 2015, lnternational
Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon.
WHO International Classiication of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O) Third Edition, eds. Fritz, A., Percy, C.,
Jack, A.,Shanmugaratnam, K., Sobin, L., Parkin, D.M. and Whelan, S. 2000, World Health Organization,
WHO International Statistical Classiication of Diseases and Related Health Problems - 10th revision,
2008, World Health Organization, Geneva.
Young, J.L.: The Hospital Based Cancer Registry, Ch. in Cancer Registration: Principles and Methods
- Editors: Jenson OM, Parkin DM, Maclennan R, Muir CS and Skeet RG. IARC Scientiic Pub. No. 195,
Lyon, 1991.

Other Publications of NCRP
1. Annual Report 1982: National Cancer Registry, Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi,
2. Annual Report 1983: National Cancer Registry, Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi,
3. Annual Report 1984: National Cancer Registry, Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi,
4. Annual Report 1985: National Cancer Registry, Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi,
5. Annual Report 1986: National Cancer Registry, Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi,
6. Annual Report 1987: National Cancer Registry Programme, Indian Council of Medical Research,
New Delhi, 1989.
7. Biennial Report 1988-1989: National Cancer Registry Programme, Indian Council of Medical
Research, New Delhi, 1992.
8. Consolidated Report of the Population Based Cancer Registries 1990-1996: National Cancer
Registry Programme (ICMR), Bangalore, 2001.
9. Consolidated Report of the Population Based Cancer Registries 1990-1996 Supplement: Year-
wise Tabulation of Incident Cancers and Rates by Site and Gender: National Cancer Registry
Programme (ICMR), Bangalore, 2001.
10. Ten Year Consolidated Report of the Hospital Based Cancer Registries 1984-93: National Cancer
Registry Programme (ICMR), Bangalore, 2001.
11. NCRP - An Overview 1981-2001: National Cancer Registry Programme (ICMR),Bangalore, 2001.
12. Two-Year Report of the Population Based Cancer Registries 1997-1998: National Cancer Registry
Programme (ICMR), Bangalore, 2002.
13. Five Year Consolidated Report on Hospital Based Cancer Registries 1994-1998: National Cancer
Registry Programme (ICMR), Bangalore, 2002.
14. Development of an Atlas of Cancer in India. First All India Report 2001-2002 vol. I and II. [www.]: National Cancer Registry Programme (ICMR), Bangalore, 2004.
15. An Overview - Development of an Atlas of Cancer in India. First All India Report
2001-2002 vol. I and II. [www. canceratlasindia. org]: National Cancer Registry Programme
(ICMR), Bangalore, 2004.
16. Two-Year Report of the Population Based Cancer Registries 1999-2000: National Cancer Registry
Programme (ICMR), Bangalore, 2005.
17. Two-Year Report of the Hospital Based Cancer Registries 1999-2000: National Cancer Registry
Programme (ICMR), Bangalore, 2005.
18. First Report of the Population Based Cancer Registries under North Eastern Regional Cancer
Registry 2003-2004: National Cancer Registry (ICMR), Bangalore, 2006.
19. An Overview - First Report of the North-East Population Based Cancer Registries
2003-2004: National Cancer Registry Programme (ICMR), Bangalore, 2006.
20. Consolidated Report of Population Based Cancer Registries 2001-2004: National Cancer
Registry Programme (ICMR), Bangalore, 2006.
21. Consolidated Report of Hospital Based Cancer Registries 2001-2003: National Cancer Registry
Programme (ICMR), Bangalore, 2007.
22. Second Report of the North East Population Based Cancer Registries 2005-2006: National
Cancer Registry Programme (ICMR), Bangalore, 2008.
23. Two-Year Report of the Population Based Cancer Registries 2004-2005: National Cancer Registry
Programme (ICMR), Bangalore, 2008.
24. Time Trends in Cancer Incidence Rates 1982-2005: National Cancer Registry Programme (ICMR),
Bangalore, 2009.
25. Consolidated Report of Hospital Based Cancer Registries 2004-2006: National Cancer Registry
Programme (ICMR), Bangalore, 2009.

Report of National Cancer Registry Programme 2012-2016 Other Publications of NCRP

26. Report of Cancer in Bhopal: Comparison of Cancer Patterns in MIC Affected and Unaffected
Areas (1988-2007): National Cancer Registry Programme (ICMR), Bangalore, 2010.
27. Three-Year Report of Population Based Cancer Registries 2006-2008: National Cancer Registry
Programme (ICMR), Bangalore, 2010.
28. Three-Year Report of Population Based Cancer Registries 2009-2011: National Cancer Registry
Programme (ICMR), Bangalore, 2013.
29. Time Trends in Cancer Incidence Rates 1982-2010: National Cancer Registry Programme (ICMR),
Bangalore, 2013.
30. Three-year Report of Hospital Based Cancer Registries 2007-2011: National Cancer Registry
Programme (ICMR), Bangalore, 2013.
31. Consolidated Report of Hospital Based Cancer Registries 2012-2014: National Cancer Registry
Programme (ICMR), Bangalore, 2016.
32. Three-Year Report of Population Based Cancer Registries 2012-2014: National Cancer Registry
Programme (ICMR), Bangalore, 2016.
33. A report on Cancer Burden in North Eastern states of India 2012- 2014: National Cancer Registry
Programme (ICMR), Bangalore, 2017.


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