Stress Strain Behavior of Clayey Sand
Stress Strain Behavior of Clayey Sand
Stress Strain Behavior of Clayey Sand
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Logeshwari J
PG Student, Dept. of Civil Engineering, CEG, Anna University.
Premalatha K
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, CEG, Anna University.
Fine-grained soils comprising silt and clay are the most complicated engineering material. It is
of great importance in geotechnical engineering to make realistic predictions of the behaviour
of soil under various conditions. Understanding the behaviour of clay is not easy, as slight
variations in the existing conditions will result in enormous changes in the stress-strain-
strength response. The difficulty to retrieve undisturbed samples has been experienced by
many researchers, and in-situ testing is challenging because of its dilative tendencies during
shearing. Low plastic clay samples are more disturbed than high plastic clays, and reduction in
water content during sample disturbance would result in gain in strength. Also increase in
disturbance would result in decrease in strength. Literature also supports the importance of
sample preparation in the stress-strain behaviour of soil. Unconsolidated undrained tri axial
tests were conducted for various confining pressures. The test results were compared with
other types of soils and their differences are quantified.
KEYWORDS: Stress strain behavior, consolidation, unconsolidated undrained tests.
Fine-grained soils comprising silt and clay are the most complicated engineering material. It is
of great importance in geotechnical engineering to make realistic predictions of the behaviour of
soil under various conditions. Most geotechnical engineers consider the behaviour of silts as being
somewhere between the behaviour of clays at one extreme, and the behaviour of sands at the other.
Clays and sands have modes of behaviour that are distinctly different in a number of respects, and
the widely used concept of interpolating between them does not provide a realistic approach to deal
with the behaviour of silts. Silts have characteristics in common with both sands and clays. They
are subjected to more compression by static pressures than sands, and are subjected to more
densification by vibrations than clays. Similarly understanding the behaviour of clay is not easy, as
slight variations in the existing conditions will result in enormous changes in the stress-strain-
strength response.
Reduction in water content during sample disturbance would result in gain in strength. Also
increase in disturbance would result in decrease in strength. The quantity of plastic and non plastic
fines in sand influences the stress strain behaviour.
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The literature review reveals the importance of sample preparation on the stress-strain-
strength behaviour of silt. Testing of homogeneous samples under uniform states of stress and
strain is required for fundamental studies of soil property characterization. It is also necessary to
be able to precisely replicate several homogeneous specimens for such study purpose.
A reconstituted sample preparation method must fulfil the following criteria:
1. The method must be able to procedure loose to dense samples in the density range expected
within an in situ soil deposit.
2. The sample must have uniform void ratio throughout. The samples must be fully saturated,
particularly for undrained testing.
3. The samples should be well mixed without particle size segregation, regardless of particle
size gradation or fines content.
4. Sample preparation method should simulate the mode of soil deposition commonly found
in the soil deposit being modelled.
Slurry Consolidation Method: The specimens were prepared by Slurry consolidation
method as shown in Figure 1. In slurry consolidation method, the specimen is made from
consolidating the slurry. The thoroughly mixed sample is allowed to consolidate to the required
density by adding loads. Four specimens thus prepared have less variation in its initial properties,
which is given in Table 1.
Vol. 19 [2014], Bund. B 777
PARAMETERS 1 2 3 4 5 6
200 kPa
300 kPa
50 500 kPa
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Figure 2: stress vs deviatoric stress
The results thus obtained were compared with the charts those were published earlier. Figure
3 shows the relation between the ratio of Cu/P0’ and the plasticity index. It is observed that values
are found to be in agreement with the Bjerrum (1972).
Figure 3: The Relation between the Ratio of Cu/P0’ and the Plasticity Index (after
Bjerrum (1972))
Vol. 19 [2014], Bund. B 779
Figure 4 shows the relation between liquidity index and shear strength of remoulded clays
(after Skempton and Northey). It is observed that all the specimens fit into the Horten clay curve.
Figure 4: The Relation between liquidity Index and shear strength of remolded clays
(after Skempton and Northey).
Fig 5 shows the relation between liquidity index and Cu/P0' for Norwegian clays (after
Bjerrum and Simons, 1960) and the SC type soil. It is observed that there is an increase in Cu/P0'
value for SC type soil by 55.5%, than Norwegian clays for the same liquidity index
Norveygian Clay
SC type soil
0 2 4
Liquidity index,LI
Figure 5: The Relation between Liquidity Index And Cu/P0' For Norwegian Clays (after
Bjerrum and Simons, 1960).
The Cu versus γd of clayey silty sand and clayey were sand were compared and they were
almost the same for both samples. The Cu versus Sr of CH type soil and SC type soil were
compared and the SC type soil gave 77.3% increase in Cu for the same Sr. The Cu versus γd of CI
Vol. 19 [2014], Bund. B 780
type soil and SC type soil were compared and it showed that the Cu value of SC type soil was
greater than CI by 54.5%.
The soil was tested and the results obtained were compared with other established results and
the differences were quantified. It is also observed that the while working with remolded clays, its
specimen preparation influences its strength and deformation behavior.
1. Bjerrum L and Simons N.E (1960), ‘Comparison of Shear Strength Characteristics of
Normally Consolidated Clays”, Proceedings of the ASCE Research Conference on the Shear
Strength of Cohesive Soils, Boulder, pp. 711- 726.
3. Holtz R.D and Kovacs W.D (1981), An Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering, Prentice
Hall, Inc., New Jersy.
4. Imam Aschuri and Tranggono M (2010), ‘Characteristics of some Tropical Residual Soils on
West Java’, accessed on 13th August, 2012,
5. Kuerbis R. and Vaid Y.D. (1988), ‘Sand sample preparation-the slurry deposition method’,
soils and foundation, Japanese Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering,
Vol.28, No.4, pp. 107-118.
6. Skempton A.W and Norrthey R.D (1952), ‘The Sensitivity of Clays’, Geotechnique, Vol. III,
No. 1, pp. 30-53
7. Subash Chand (2002), ‘Behaviour of Bombay high marine clay under tri axial loading’, Dept.
of Civil Engg., IIT Delhi.
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