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A Detailed Lesson Plan

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1. Identify philosophies of education.

2. Show obedience and collaboration in group activity

3. Draw the implication of philosophies of education to teaching-learning.


A. Topic: Your Philosophical Heritage

B. Concept: Essentialism, Existentialism, Progressivism, Perennialism and Behaviorism are some of the

philosophical heritage

C. Processes: identifying, describing, abstracting, analyzing

D. Reference: The Teaching Profession, Purita P. Bilbao Ed.D et.al, pp. 3-11

E. Materials: metacards, activity cards, manila paper, pentel pen, strips of paper, puzzle, powerpoint

F. Values Integration: Obedience and collaboration



A. Preparatory Activities
Good morning Class. Good morning Sir.
Let’s have a review of our lesson yesterday
using this template.

1. Review( Using Cross Pollination Strategy)

Question: What do you know about? Student 1: I know that teaching is an occupation.
How about you Kevin, what do you know about
Teacher: I know that I know teaching?
something about……..(TEACHING) Student 2: I know that teaching is a profession.
How about you Leah, what do you know about
I know that ……..
How about you (Call a name), What
Student 3: I know that teaching is a work of a
do you know about…….? teacher. How about you Jane, what do you know
Student 1: I know that….. How about about teaching?
you (Call a name), What do you know
(Repeat the process)

2. Forming of Concepts

I have here strips of paper with words

written on it and a puzzle.
+ H R T E

What do you call to the words written on Philosophies

the strips of paper?
It is something that is handed down from Heritage
the past, as a tradition

What do you think will be our lesson for today? Our lesson for today is about Philosophical
3. Formulating Questions
What do you know about Philosophical heritage? 1. What is philosophical heritage
What do you wan to know about philosophical 2. What are examples of philosophies in
heritage? education?
3. What is the role of the teacher in every
4. How is the teacher in every philosophy is
5. Why is each philosophy being taught?
6. Among the philosophical heritage, what
is the best philosophy that can be used in
dealing with our learners?
What shall we do to answer all your questions -Read
about philosophical heritage?

B. Lesson Proper

1. Activity
a. Presentation and Preparation of materials Group 1: Essentialism
I will divide you into five groups. Each group will Group 2: Existentialism
be given a METACARD / ACTIVITY CARD. Choose Group 3: Perennialism
your leader to report the output of your activity. Group 4: Progressivism
You will be given only 10minutes to complete Group 5: Behaviorism
your task.

b. Orientation and Setting of Standards 1. Collaborate with your groupmates

What are the norms to follow during the group 2. Share your ideas
activity? 3. Obey to your group leader
4. Do the activity on time

Why do we need to follow the norms/ or rules in 1. We need to follow the norms to set
performing an activity? orders during our activity.
2. To finished the activity on time with best

c. Performing the Activity (Students will get the materials)

d. Reporting (Leader presents their findings)

2. Analysis
Alright class, let us go back again with your group
activity. ( through PowerPoint presentation)
Guided by the questions you have formulated
awhile ago:

What is Philosophical Heritage? -The study of ideas about knowledge, truth, the
nature and meaning of life, etc.
- Set of ideas about how to do something or how
to live.

What are examples of philosophies in


What is Existentialism? Contends that teachers teach for learners to

acquire basic knowledge, skills and values.

What is the role of the teacher in every The teacher is the sole authority in the subject
philosophy? matter. He/She Emphasizes the mastery of the
subject mater.

How is the teacher in every philosophy is Teachers teach not radically to reshape society,
teaching? but rather to transmit the traditional moral
values and intellectual knowledge that students
need to become model citizens

Why is each philosophy being taught? Essential skills, 4 R’s ( Reading, riting, rithmetic
right conducts) as there are essentials to the
acquisition of higher or more complex skills
needed in preparation in life.


What is Existentialism? -Existence precedes essence

-focuses on the student's freedom and agency to
choose their future.

What is the role of the teacher in every Teacher’s role is to help student define their own
philosophy? essence by exposing them to various paths they
take in life and by creating an environment in
which they freely choose their own preferred
How is the teacher in every philosophy is
teaching? -Individual creativity and imagination more than
copying and imitating established models.
- Learning is self-paced, self-directed.

Why is existentialism philosophy being

taught? -To help student understand and appreciate
themselves as unique individuals who accept
complete responsibility for their thoughts,
feelings and actions.
-Help students know themselves and their place
in society.


that individuality, progress, and change are

What is Progressivism? fundamental to one's education. Believing that
people learn best from what they consider most
relevant to their lives
- Accept the impermanence of life and the
inevitability of change. For the progressivists
everything else changes, Change is the only thing
that does not change.

Teachers is only the facilitator in the teaching-

What is the role of the teacher in every learning process.
-Employ experiential methods. Learning by doing-
How is the teacher in every philosophy is John Dewey
teaching? -Need-based and relevant curriculum. Is is a
curriculum that respond to students need and
that relates to students personal lives and

Teach to develop learners into becoming

Why is progressivism philosophy being enlightened and intelligent citizens of democratic
taught? society. Teachers teach learners so they may live
fully NOW not to prepare them for adult life


-The focus of education should be the ideas that

have lasted over centuries.
What is Perennialism? - School must develop the student’s rational and
moral powers.

-Perennialist teachers teach are lifted from the

What is the role of the teacher in every Great Books.
philosophy? - Centered around teachers- Teachers do not
allow the student’s interest or experiences to
substantially dictate what they teach.

Perennialist classrooms are also centered on

How is the teacher in every philosophy is teachers in order to accomplish these goals. The
teaching? teachers are not concerned about the students'
interests or experiences. They use tried and true
teaching methods and techniques that are
believed to be most beneficial to disciplining
students' minds.

-Curriculum: a universal one on the view that all

Why is perennialism philosophy being human beings possess the same essential nature.
taught? It is heavy on the humanities on general
education. It is not specialist curriculum but
rather general one. There are less emphasis on
vocational and technical education.
-Accdg. to Aristotle, if we neglect student’s
reasoning skills we deprive them the ability to
use their higher faculties to control their passions
and appetites.


if teachers provide positive reinforcement, or

rewards, whenever students perform a desired
What is Behaviorism? behavior, they will learn to perform the behavior
on their own. The same concept applies to
punishments. Behaviorists think people act in
response to internally or externally generated
physical stimuli.

The teacher's role is to manipulate the

environment to shape behavior.
What is the role of the teacher in every
philosophy? Teachers use behaviorism to show students how
they should react and respond to certain stimuli.
How is the teacher in every philosophy is This needs to be done in a repetitive way, to
teaching? regularly remind students what behavior a
teacher is looking for. Positive reinforcement is
key in the behavioral learning theory.

It helps teachers manage classroom behavior and

discipline by using positive reinforcement and
Why is behaviorism philosophy being negative reinforcement strategies. It motivates
taught? students to learn by rewarding them for their
achievements and efforts.

3. Abstraction -Both of them are based on developing

In what way is perennialism is similar to intellectual powers.
essentialism? -Aside from intellectual ability, they are both into
empowering students with moral qualities. -
Essentialism and perennialism have mandated
teachers not to allow students to dictate their

Essentialism is structured, focused on

How is progressivism differ from essentialism? accountability and meeting standards.
Progressivism is child-centered, encourages
active learning, and realizes that education is not
just a preparation for life.

Among the philosophical heritage, what is the There is no “one size fits all “philosophy that will
best philosophy that can be used in dealing with suit to all kind of situations or learners inside the
our learners? classroom. Your philosophy will vary according to
the needs or demands of the landscape of
teaching and the principle of individual
differences. As a teacher, you could be an
essentialist or a progressivist or may be a
behaviorist according to the natures and
capabilities of your students. It is also possible
that a teacher may combine two or more
philosophies that they may feel contour better to
their beliefs.

4. Generalization I know that I know something about Philosophical

(Using Metacognition strategy) Heritage.
First I know that philosophical heritage is The
study of ideas about knowledge, truth, the nature
Question: What do you know about and meaning of life, etc. or set of ideas about
5. how to do something or how to live.
Philosophical Heritage?
Second, I know that philosophical heritage
I know that I know something about encompasses philosophies in education.
____________________________. Then, I know that essentialism, existentialism,
First, I know that _______________ progressivism, perennialism and behaviorism are
Second, I know that _____________ examples of philosophical heritage.
Then, I know that _______________ Finally, I know more now about Philosophical
Finally, I know more now about

Why is it important to learn the philosophical

heritage in teaching?

It important to learn the philosophical heritage in

teaching as our philosophy as a teacher is
important because it leads to, among other
aspects, exactly how you present yourself, your
material and how you develop you students.
Figuring out what precisely your personal
In this modern age, imposing discipline among philosophy will help you to understand what kind
your students will compromise or risk your of teacher you want to be.
profession? What or How will you employ your
philosophy in education in this kind of situation?


Read each item carefully and identify the philosophy that best described statement.

1. The Philippine Elementary School Curriculum gives greater emphasis on the development of
basic skills like reading, writing, and arithmetic. What is the philosophical basis for this?

2. In his class, Teacher M always presents principles and values so as to encourage his students to
examine them and decide for themselves whether to accept them or not. What kind of
philosophy does he practice?

3. Teacher K views her pupils as unique, free choosing, and responsible individuals. She plans
activities where the pupil can develop his unique personality. What theory underlies this nature
of the pupil?

4. "Learning is the process of retrieving prior learning", this is a statement from _.

5. After listening to the homily of the Priest about fidelity, Catherine has a moment of reflection.
Her understanding of the value of fidelity has become deeper as she related this to her past
experience. This typifies what kind of philosophy?

Title: Gearing Toward Being A Professional Teacher

Guide. How do you envision yourself 5 years from now?

How will you go there?
What would equip you to be a professional teacher?
Mention also about your philosophy.

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