Data Crosschecking - Double Page
Data Crosschecking - Double Page
Data Crosschecking - Double Page
of which
valued between Tk. 8,000-10,000,
corresponding to the income-
generating activity (IGA) they chose
Initiatives against to pursue. Most females are
involved in poultry rearing and
Child Marriage dressmaking, while males are
engaged in farming, small business-
es, fishing, etc.
With the support of ERIKS, CODEC’s Shopnojatra project
aims to promote positive changes in the targeted coastal
communities in Bagerhat, especially among children and
youth, empowering them to contribute to sustainable socio- INITIATIVES LED BY
economic improvements through a rights-based approach in CHILDREN TO
the areas of child protection, education, health, and environ-
mental preservation. Following the project objectives, cur-
rently, 10 Child Centers and 4 Education Support Centers AND NUTRITION
have been established, providing support to promote hy-
giene practices, nutrition, and primary health care (PHC).
The project also works to combat child marriage and child
labor, strengthen ties with community clinics and local health
complexes, and organize skill development training for
Learners are
Sessions conducted STEM Workshops Science Club CONSTRUCTED ON
related to Climate conducted Sessions LAND CONTRIBUTED
Action Education BY COMMUNITY
The project strives to empower school dropout students and communities in the coastal areas of
Bagerhat and Patuakhali. The project aims to enhance the participation and quality of education ENABLED BY
for vulnerable girls and boys through collective actions. By fostering a collaborative approach, it
seeks to create a better future for these communities, addressing challenges related to education
and providing opportunities for the holistic development of children, adolescents, and youth.
The initiative aims to create a conducive learning environment, focusing on STEM, soft skills, ENERGY
behavior, climate action, and extracurricular activities for targeted dropout students in disaster-
prone regions. Concentrating on vulnerable girls and boys, it targets increased participation,
quality education, enhanced self-esteem, and improved health through awareness-building
Through the "Bridge School," the project focuses on providing support and education to margin-
alized individuals that extends beyond education, incorporating advocacy and awareness efforts
to empower marginalized communities and advocates for children's rights, climate change, and
disaster risk reduction. This fosters community engagement and sustainable development,
including hygiene practices among vulnerable girls through "Songlap" groups, where they can
raise awareness about their rights and act as change agents in their communities.
tion access, enhancing quality, and
building local capacity, especially dur-
ing disasters. It prioritizes teacher
training for Bengali language instruc-
tors to improve the skills of teachers in Schools linked with the
teaching Bengali language to elemen-
tary students. The project integrates
closely with the national education sys-
tem, involving national, district, and
upazila-level government agencies.
If I get chance to study in school, I'll
able to get a job in future, I'll be able
to support my family and have a say
in the decision making of my family.
parents’ meetings at
An initial diagnostic baseline assessment
categorized enrolled learners into Red,
Yellow, Green, Blue, and Pink groups
her school. based on recognized benchmarks. The
Multi-Grade Multi-Level (MGML) and
Ability-Based Accelerated Learning
(ABAL) methods from UNICEF were
pupils - The mother of Shohana, a ten-year old applied to accommodate diverse learning
levels, ensuring a tailored approach for
child enrolled in catch-up LC
each learner within the specified groups.
The project is funded by the Foreign, Average attendance is 84%,
Commonwealth, and Development with girls at 83% and boys at
Office (FCDO) and supported by 85%, monitored through the
UNICEF Bangladesh, successfully Real-Time Monitoring platform
and recorded in attendance
establishing 400 LCs. The purpose of Attendance in LC s registers at Learning Centers.
the LCs is to assist children who are
out of school or at risk of dropping out
and not attending school because of Children identify as
the COVID-19 situation. In partnership
with local communities, LGI represent- living with disability
atives, Upazila Education Officers, and
the directors of the corresponding Gov-
ernment Primary Schools, CODEC
oversees the management of these
4,000 400
Learning Centers. The project aims to
provide the most underprivileged of the Community
children with more educational oppor- members took
tunities alongside social, health, and
actions by them-
personal learning advantages through
selves in favor of Educational Education continuity
400 established learning centers that
are either built by community people or education for out-of- Awareness related plans including DRR
are low-cost rentals, operating daily in activities conducted generated
two shifts, morning and afternoon. school children
9,972 69,328
Adolescent girls People receiving health
receiving counseling on hygiene practices and
nutritional and menstrual safety measure
hygiene and IFAS
People Strengthened Resilience and Additionally, organizational and financial capacity improvements are targeted for CODEC for sustainable and
effective implementation of the project that is beneficial for both the ecosystem and local communities. The
Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change project facilitates robust collaboration with the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) and relevant agencies, in-
cluding the Bangladesh Forest Department (BFD), conservation-focused grassroots organizations (CMOs),
and local government institutions (Union and Upazila Parishad).
through various development and microfinance projects
11,946 5,430
People implementing People receiving diversified
risk-reducing actions livelihood Option for
Natural Resource Manage-
7,232 ment and conservation
415 143
People using alternative
Households reduced forest
fuel to reduce forest dependency through the installation of
dependency Improved Cooking Stove (ICS) and
People involved in Institutes reduced Retained Heat Cooker (RHC) in
forest protection forest dependency households
Bamboo product
entrepreneurs Market linkage Workshop
supported Local Service Providers
conduct sustainable business
Bamboo longevity
trainings conducted to
sensitize betel leaf culti-
Climate Change vators on bamboo treat-
and DRR, ment technology and
Million indigenous Wildlife environmental hazards
Management, reaching
seedlings produced by
and GIS Train-
6 supported nursery ings conducted Individuals
owners in the past year
6,674 2,534
Vermicompost Shrimp Shell Sunflower Oil Bamboo and Farmers received IGA Farmers link with the market-
Production cane products
based capacity building ing supply chain
established over
consumer oriented farming climate change adaptability
Business of the past year
12,704 5,561
Children and adolescents Adolescents and youth
having access to receiving vocational skills
community-based and training
88,804 211,003 and Bhasan Char) including 2560 from the host
community of Ukhiya and Teknaf. calmer and her
Rohingya community Rohingya community This project ensures the delivery of quality education interactions have
and protection services with close collaboration with
people receiving food the UNHCR, CPSS, Local Government, and RRRC.
people aware of Education This project also provides child protection services to
and Child Protection assistance a total of 42,246 individuals (Cox’s Bazar - 26,464
and Bhasan Char – 15,782). The project focuses on
strengthening child protection through the - A mother’s observation of her child after
“Community in Centre Approach”. child’s participation in MPCAC
The “Providing access to quality ECD, LCFA and MC-
based education for Rohingya refugee children” (UNICEF
Education Project) is funded by UNICEF to allow FDMN
children to access quality early learning and basic educa-
tion opportunities through the attainment of basic learn-
Children, adolescents ing tools to access lifesaving massage, further education,
and livelihood skill in future. This Project covers Camps Awareness Sessions
and youth reached 11, 12, 14, 18, 24, 25, 26, & 27 of Ukhiya and Teknaf conducted to support
through EdTech Upazila. The total number of targeted children is girls’ education
Intervention 38,930. This project provides ECD services for 3,150
Rohingya children (<6 years old) through 210 ECD
centers; provides basic education services to 32,000
Rohingya children (6-14 years old) through 324 LCs;
and provides Myanmar Curriculum education to 3,780
Rohingya children (Grades 6 to 9).Furthermore,
CODEC’s UNICEF Education Project adopts community
sensitization on girls’ education through ensuring child
safeguarding, gender equality, and PSEA as well as
activating Rohingya community networks. This project Learners benefitting
also uses EdTech solutions for supporting teaching and from use of
distance learning. technology solutions
4,243 1,245
Girls ensured Menstrual
hygiene, health and
Teachers and
Facilitators trained in
Teachers practicing
nutrition Inclusive Education,
inclusive teaching and
PSEA, MC based
Learning Centers in Bhasan Char. Another one is to improve
health and nutritional status and increase the school attend-
ance rate of 22000 host community Children of 70 schools in
Teknaf through the School Feeding Program (SFP). The SFP Sessions on
project also arranges awareness sessions for students and
teachers on basic health & hygiene, nutrition, and disaster risk health, hygiene
reduction. and nutrition
525 Assistance
Life-Skills based
knowledge and functioning for community for 211,003 Individuals
competencies engagement and dialogue
with Youth-groups on youth wellbeing
Adolescents received
Solar Training
ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2023 67 68 ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2023
CODEC is implementing the General Food Assistance (GFA) program to improve the food security and
nutritional health of 44,753 Rohingya Refugee households in camps (camps 1E, 2E, 3, 4, 4Ext., 5, 7, 8E,
and 8W) in Ukhiya Upazila, Cox's Bazar. The GFA program's main function is to give food assistance using
electronic vouchers (E-vouchers) to 209,630 beneficiaries in order to promote food security and reduce
malnutrition and therefore end hunger. Furthermore, as part of the Rapid Response, the project delivers
services to improve food access for selected beneficiaries during emergencies (in-kind and hot meal support).
The Project’s budget for January 2023 to December 2023 is BDT 65,189,824, which is funded by the UN
World Food Programme (WFP). CODEC started to implement this project in Rohingya camps in January 2022.
Each target beneficiary is entitled to $13 worth of purchased food commodities from E-voucher outlets. Highly
vulnerable people from selected camps are getting an extra $3 worth to buy fresh vegetables from the fresh
food corner through a food assistance card.
Packets of Hot Meal
Individuals receive
3.855 MT
Fortified Biscuits
complementary fresh food
Distributed in
assistance every month
Rapid Response
ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2023 69