Ajpt v11 Id1172
Ajpt v11 Id1172
Ajpt v11 Id1172
Review Article
Chia (Salvia Hispanica): An Overview of Its Botany, Uses,
Reproductive, Biology, Pharmacological Properties and
Industrial Potentials
El Kahkahi Rahal1*; Moustaine Meryama2; et Zouhair Abstract
The consumption of chia seed (Salvia hispanica L.) has increased
Laboratory of Plant Biotechnology and Molecular in recent years due to its high content of omega-3 and omega-6
Biology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, fatty acids and dietary fibre. This seed also has a high concentra-
University Moulay Ismail, Morocco tion of proteins and essential amino acids, becoming a promising
Laboratory of Botany and Plant Protection, Faculty of source of bioactive compounds such as chlorogenic acid, caffeic
Sciences, University Ibn Tofail, BP 133, University acid, myricetin, quercetin and kaempferol with the major phenolic
Campus, Morocco acid being rosmarinic acide. Owing to the rich nutritional profile,
chia seeds provide numerous health benefits such as cardiac and
*Corresponding author: Rahal El Kahkahi hepatic protective effects, anti-aging and anti-carcinogenic proper-
Laboratory of Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, ties. The high amounts of dietary fibres present in the seeds also
Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University confer benefits by preserving good glycemic control thus helping
in controlling diabetes mellitus. In addition to the food industry
Moulay Ismail, PO. Box 11201, Zitoune, Meknes,
for the development of various baked products, production of bio-
degradable edible films, use as emulsifiers and stabilizers among
Email: elkahkahirahal1998@gmail.com other uses. In this article we have focused on drafting a technical
description of the chia.
Received: August 02, 2023
Accepted: September 20, 2023 Keywords : Salvia hispanica; Nutritional; Fatty acids; Fibre and
Published: September 27, 2023 health benefits
Chia (Salvia hispanica L.), is an annual herbaceous plant be- After a long oblivion in recent years this crop has been rediscov-
longing to the Lamiaceae family. This botanical species, native ered, nowadays it is cultivated as a seed crop and commercial-
to southern Mexico and Northern Guatemala, was an impor- ized as a functional food and feed. Chia seeds are perhaps one
tant crop in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica in conjunction with of the most advantageous nourishment on earth, stuffed with
corn, beans and amaranth. Chia seeds were valuated not only supplements and medical advantages for the human body and
for food, but also for medicines and paints [2]. Its cultivation mind. Health benefits include nourishing the digestive system,
was banned by Spanish conquerors and replaced by exotic promoting healthier skin, strong muscles and bones, lower the
crops (Wheat and Barley) [8]. Nowadays, chia seeds are being risks of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and ageing signs [1-
re-introduced to Western diets to improve human health. 45]. Mature chia seeds contain mucilage in their epidermal cells
Chia seed is traditionally consumed in Mexico to South thus, when the seed is placed in water, the primary cell layer
Western U.S. and South America, but it is not widely known in obtrudes from the epidermal cells developing a coating around
Europe. However, in 2009, the European Union approved chia the seed which surges in size and forms a gel-like appearance
seeds as a not widely food, allowing them to comprise up to on chia [36]. This gel characteristic being a natural phenomenon
5% of a bread product’s total matter [3]. Today, chia is most- of chia seed has great potential in the development of func-
ly grown in Mexico, Bolivia, Argentina, Ecuador, Australia and tional food products such as stabilizers, emulsifiers and thicken-
Guatemala and it has been demonstrated that the species has ers [15]. Moreover, over the years special attention has been
great potential as a future crop plant [13]. drawn to the use of chia as feed, for instance dairy industries
have explored improving the nutraceutical profile of milk by
The value of chia arises from its nutritional properties and increasing the content of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA)
medicinal use. The contents of chia seeds include polyunsatu- omega-3 fatty acid [18]. The lipid profile in milk can be sharply
rated fatty acids, dietary fibre, vitamins, calcium, protein includ- modified by feeding animals with forages rich in omega-3 [18]
ing all essential amino acids and other vital minerals [35-45]. as well as by supplementing oils seeds or fish oils [12]. Chia,
Austin Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics- Citation: Rahal EK, Meryama M, Rachid EZ. Chia (Salvia Hispanica): An Overview of Its
Volume 11, Issue 2 (2023) Botany, Uses, Reproductive, Biology, Pharmacological Properties and Industrial Potentials.
www.austinpublishinggroup.com Austin J Pharmacol Ther. 2023; 11(2): 1172.
Rahal EK © All rights are reserved
Rahal EK Austin Publishing Group
therefore offers massive nutritional and therapeutic potential other grains such as rice, corn of barley [29-31].
with a diverses futures perspectives for food, feed, pharmaceu-
tical and nutraceutical sectors. Owing to its Superior nutritional, Fibre
functional and health benefits. Found in high concentration in salvia hispanica according
Botanical Description of The Plant to [25] are: lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose and especially mu-
cilage. The plant can provide about twice the amount of fiber
Salvia hispanica L. is an annual herbaceous plant. Its height as bran, and as least 4 times mor than almonds, soy and quinoa
can reach from 1 to 1.5 meters, with branched stems of quad- [31].
rangular and hollow section, with opposite leaves with sawn
edges 80 to 100 mm in length and 40 to 60 mm in width. The Vitamins and Minerals
flowers are hermaphroditic, purple, blue or white, usually with Vitamins and minerals are essentail for the body, chia is
indehiscent fruits in groups of four oval single-seeded nails 1.5- a rich source of both. It is a source of vitamins A (54µg), B1
2 mm length and 1-1.2 mm in diameter [25-35]. (0.62mg), B2 (0.17mg), B3 (8.83 mg), B9 (49mg), C (1.6mg) and
The seeds are soft and shiny, graybrown with dark brown E (0.5mg) per 100g of seeds. There are also traces of vitamins K
spots, which can sometimes be white, they are small and light and D. And as well as high concentrations of calcium (455mg),
so the weight of the 1000 seeds can vary from 0.94 to 1.29g. It phosphorus (585mg), magnesium (340mg), potassium (585mg),
is a self-pollinating plant and insect are responsible for cross- iron (8.54mg) and zinc (3.70mg) per 100g of seeds [25-31]. They
pollination, but reproduction is most commonly encountered contain mor calcium (6times), phosphorus (11 times), potassi-
and accomplished through seed [36]. It is a photoperiod-sen- um (4 times) than milk and more iront han liver [25-31].
sitive shir-day plant, exhibiting a fovorable short-day flowering Antioxidants
response [9-42]. Chia requires favorable conditions to grow op-
timally, it requires a hot climate and heavy rainfall with a tem- The antioxidants detected in the extracts of the seeds of
perature that must be 15 to 30°C [31]. salvia hispanica are polyphenols (0.51-0.97mg), zchloregenic
(0.0459-0.235mg) per 1g of the seeds. It is only recently that
Mexico is known to be the source and major producer of agronomic studies have started all over the world to research
chia, but it has also recently grown in Australia, Bolivia Colom- the different interests of the chia plant. These studies shwo that
bia, Peru and Argentina [25-31]. Most plantin operations of chia in addition to the classic consumption of seeds, several innova-
seeds are carried out in mountainous regions from temperate tive uses of seeds as well as chia leaves hav been proposed [7].
to subtropical [25].
Nutritional Interests
Chemical Composition
Chia is an oil seed crop with a high production of fatty ac-
The nutrional properties of Silvia hispanica are high, specifi- ids, particularly omega-3 and omega-6, and fiber and it is used
cally from its seeds which contain fats, carbohydrates, fibers primarily for culinary purposes such as phytiremediation. The
and proteins, in addition to various vitamins, minerals and seeds, in turn can be eaten whole after oil extraction, or ground
antioxidants. They can provide an energy value of 459 to 495 as an additive to other food ingredients [4]. Chia seed have a
kcal/100g of seeds [29-31]. These values may be influenced by high protein content [7] and are used for their nutritional and
the ecosystems of the culture medium of Salvia hispanica, due medicinal properties, especially to improve the endurance of
to genetic factors [31], the extraction method [29], the effect of athletes during their physical activities, as an appetite sup-
climatic conditions, the nutrients in the soil [25]. pressant, as an agent slimming, as a glycemic control and as
Lipids an intestinal regulator [33]. Also, during imbibition, the hy-
drated seeds secret mucilage, the production of this mucilage
The seeds are rich in fatty acids of polyunsaturated form such suggests many applications [7] as in the drinks called « agua fr-
as omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid (19.5%) and omega-6 alpha- esca » or « chia fresca » in Mexico. Itis also commonly used in
linolenic acid (5.2%), which the human body cannot synthesize the preparation of fresh water and as an enrichment of baked
due to the absence of specific [25-31]. goods [30]. According to [5], an adult with an intake of 2700
calories would need 22.5 to 26.5g/ day of seeds or 6.7 to 7.9g/
Proteins day of oil to reach the recommendations dialy requirements
Content in chia seed is about 16-26%, in which most of them of omega-3 fatty acids. Chia can be incorporated into the hu-
being prolamins about 538g/kg of crude protein, followed by man diet for its protein content and composition. The oil ex-
glutelin about 230g/kg of crude protein, globulins about 70g/kg trzcted from chia can be used as as seasoning [35], or can be
of crude protein and albumins about 39g/kg of crude protein. added to obtain functional foods in association with the seeds
In addition to 18 amino acids, among them, the 7 exogenous [40-46]. Chia seeds do not contain gluten which makes them
amino acids and some endogenous amino acids (glutamic with intersting for gluten-free diets which are increasingly adopted.
the greatest concentration). The can provide mor protein than Indeed, the addition of chia to gluten-free flours improves their
nutritional qualities and does not negatively affect their organo-
Table 1: Basic composition of chia seeds [28] according to [39].
leptic characteristics [43]. In the United States, Latina America
Element Concentration
and Australia, chia seeds are widely used in the food industry
Proteins 15-25% for the production of breads, bars cookies and breakfast prod-
Fatty acids 30-33% ucts. In addition to its culinary consumption, chia can be used
Carbohydrates 26-41% as a thickening and stabilizing agent in food products such as
Dietary fiber 18-30% preserves, yogurts, mayonnaises and sauces [17], or to replace
Ash 4-4% eggs or oil in baked goods [7]. United States dietary guidelines
Minerals 90-93% recommend consuming chia as your primary food source, chia
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sprouts are used in salads, chia seeds are uses in beverages and seeds have the ability to increase the level of IgE in the blood,
grain-based foods, and can be eaten in raw form [1-45]. which indicates to the improvement of body immunity [23-45].
The use of chia seeds as an antimicrobial is still under study, but
Medicinal Interests nothing proven so far [23]. While the extract of their aerial parts
Chia seeds have cardio-protective effects, thanks to the high has an inhibitory effect on certains fungi and bacteria [22].
concentration of omega-3 fatty acids that control hypertenstion Commercial Interests
and improve heart function and heart rate [25-45]. They also
have the ability to lower total cholesterol levels, thanks to pro- Chia is commonly used in the preparation of soft water, in
teins that can block cholesterol synthesis and help reduce blood the preparation of paint (oil) and as an enrichment in baked
clotting. On the other hand, they can decrease the concentra- goods [6-30], or as a seasoning in culinary preparations or as
tion of triglycerides [25-45]. They reduce the risk of developing an additive in cosmetic products [32-35]. Chia seeds are also
diabetesn by reducing th concentration of glucose in the blood, widely used for the extraction of bioactive compounds for the
and insulin resistance [25-31]. Thanks to the dietary fiber and development of functional foods [3]. In the United states, Latin
low carbohydrate concentrations in chia, they can help reduce America and Australia, chia seeds are hitting the food industry
appetite and weight loss [25-31]. They also have an antioxidant market. Chia is marketed in several forms: i) Whole seeds, ii)
capacity [46], they have the ability to protect the body from Chia seed flour, iii) Chia gel of mucilage, iv) Chia seed oil, v) Chia
the harmful effects of oxygenrated molecules, which can limit capsules, vi) Fruit juice with chia seeds [1].
inflammation and the development of cancer, it is also effec-
tive against neurological and immunodeficiency diseases and Conclusion
various brain diseases [25]. Chia seeds have healing ability and Chia has very important nutritional and medicinal qualities.
wound healign benefits, increased collagen levels in the skin Some were reasonably studied but others should be studied
[45], and have a rôle in improving vision, and in cell differentia- more thoroughly. There is an importance to expand the stud-
tion and growth [20], thanks to the vitamin A they contain, they ies of the medicinal studies of the potential of chia products as
assist in the absorption of iron and the biosynthesis of connec- nutritional sources, escpecially in terms of antiobesity agents.
tive tissue thanks to vitamin C, and they can protect the body Standazdization of chia seeds and extracts leaves extracts can
from cellular damage due to free radicals, as well the appear- be carried out fir direct use against various above mentioned
ance of cancerous cells thanks to vitamin E. they contain vita- problems and further research can be undertaken for isolation,
min B which can ensure the optimal functioning of the nervouq purification and pharmacological validation of active constitu-
system and T cells, and can participate in the synthesis of fatty ents responisble for particular pharmacological activity.
acids and genomic repair during cell divisions, also contribute
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