Iptc 22155 Ms
Iptc 22155 Ms
Iptc 22155 Ms
This paper was prepared for presentation at the International Petroleum Technology Conference held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 21-23 February 2022.
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One of the primary tasks of a production engineer at an oil field is to maximize oil production from a field
comprising multiple wells, while respecting a multitude of constraints related to operational limitations
of components, component reliability, interaction between wells, environmental concerns, and operational
costs. This is a multi-objective multi-constraint problem involving multiple physics models that interact
with each other. Further, the total number of optimization parameters and constraints grows linearly with
the size of the field. This makes the problem computationally intensive for oil fields with hundreds of
wells and thus the direct use of a standard optimization algorithm will be inefficient. This paper describes
a computationally tractable and scalable approach to solve this problem.
Oil production optimization from an individual artificially lifted well typically involves maximizing
production from the well. When using an electrical submersible pump (ESP), this could involve a
combination of running the pump at a higher frequency when possible or reducing the well head pressure
to increase production. Optimizing the production involves estimating the set points of a well model while
complying with any system- or operator-imposed constraints. When expanding the problem to a network of
wells, set points of each well model need to be determined which satisfy local as well as global constraints.
Production optimization for a network of ESP wells could target different objectives like maximizing
the oil production, minimizing the power consumption, and/or minimizing the water production. Recent
approaches for optimizing ESP wells consider different scenarios and follow different techniques. The
approach in [Kristoffersen 2017] creates a piece-wise linear approximation for oil production rate as a
function of frequency of the ESP and solves a network of two wells that finds the well-head pressure
for each well to match the inlet pressure of the flowline. In [Hoffman 2017], the optimization problem is
formulated as a mixed-integer linear problem by approximating the network model using piecewise linear
functions and applied on a network with 15 wells. With the help of reduced order model, the study in [Epelle
2019] implements a Real-Time Production Optimization (RTPO) approach for maximizing production from
naturally flowing, gas-lifted and Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP) wells.
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The complexity of the multi-well optimization problem considered here grows with the number of wells.
As the size of the field grows to hundreds or thousands of wells, the limiting factor becomes the speed with
which individual well models can be evaluated. The approach proposed in this paper uses a surrogate model
which is derived from the physics model of the ESP and the other sub-systems of the well. The surrogate
models are then used for optimizing the wells at a large-scale involving thousands of parameters and
constraints. The proposed approach also discusses some exploitable structures of the optimization problem
which can be used to easily solve the problem with hundreds or thousands of variables and constraints
on a small desktop computer in seconds or minutes. This is demonstrated in Section 6 where production
Problem Statement
A typical oil-field comprises of several wells that produce oil, gas and water with or without any
artificial lift. One of the primary tasks of a production engineer at an oil field is to maximize oil
production from a given field while respecting a multitude of constraints imposed by manufacturer
specifications, component reliability, interaction between wells, environmental concerns, cost of production,
etc. Traditional approaches to solve this problem have focused on using computational tools to determine
optimal operating points that maximize production of each well, while relying on the experience of the
production engineer to appropriately combine the answers from the individual wells to ensure that all
constraints are respected. It is clear though that multi-well optimization (MWO) is a multi-objective multi-
constraint problem involving multiple physics models that interact with each other. The number of variables
and constraints in the optimization problem increases linearly with the number of wells and there are
additional constraints related to limitations on storage and processing of produced oil, water and gas. The
additional constraints can be applied to clusters of wells connected to each other or to the entire field. This
makes the problem computationally intensive for fields with many wells organized into multiple clusters
and use of brute force approaches for this problem will be inefficient. This paper discusses an approach that
can scale with the number of wells and demonstrates that it can be used to compute optimal production for a
large field of 500 wells equipped with electrical submersible pumps (ESPs) as their artificial lift mechanism
within 2 minutes.
This paper focuses on oilfields with wells that have ESPs as their artificial lift mechanism. The wells in
the field can be grouped together into clusters. The definition of a cluster is flexible and needs to be decided
based upon the constraints imposed by the physical infrastructure connecting the wells and customer needs.
As a starting point, this paper considers a scenario wherein the wells belonging to a single cluster share
common topside-flow infrastructure and draw power from a common power source (as shown in the figure
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Thus, if there are wells in a cluster and the oil and water produced and the power consumed by the i-th
well are and respectively then the net oil and water produced, and the power consumed
by the cluster ( and respectively) is, simply, given by:
In a similar fashion, the oil and water produced, and the power consumed by a field ( and
respectively), comprising of m such clusters is given by:
The objective of MWO is to maximize , while minimizing Pfield and adhering to all imposed
constraints. Typical constraints in this case arise from the water handling/disposal capacity and power
consumption limits of a well, cluster or the entire field. In addition to these there are additional well-level
constraints arising from manufacturing specifications and well integrity (as detailed in the next section).
Finally, for any well, a given production rate can be achieved at multiple well head pressure and pump
frequency settings. We want to ensure that we achieve the maximum possible production from the field at
the least power consumption settings. Thus, the MWO problem can be loosely framed as:
4 IPTC-22155-MS
a. Field constraints
b. Cluster constraints
c. Well constraints
The exact nature of the constraints would be specific to a field. Since, each ESP well typically has two
To simulate the entire well model, models that provide acceptable accuracy without being
computationally expensive are selected. The list of models used (not exhaustive) includes [Guo 2007]:
• Pump: Pump curves describing pump performance (head, efficiency, and BHP, as a function of
flow rate and frequency), with corrections for viscosity and gas handling.
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The ESP model must also evaluate compliance with the pump constraints at a given operating point.
These constraints could include Dunbar/Turpin correlations for gas interference (Dunbar 1989 and Lea
1986), and flow rate between the rated limits. An additional requirement is placed on the fluid speed past
the motor to ensure adequate cooling of the motor.
Fluid production from an ESP well is typically controlled by two parameters, the well head pressure
(WHP) and the operating frequency of the variable speed drive. Increasing (decreasing) the WHP, increases
(decreases) the back pressure in the tubing and this effect propagates back to all the points in the well
thereby resulting in a decrease (increase) in drawdown. Increasing the frequency of the variable speed drive
• Minimum pump inflow rate < Pump intake flow rate < maximum pump inflow rate (manufacturer
• Dunbar and/or Turpin constraints (related to the maximum gas allowed at the intake of the ESP)
• Power consumed by the motor < maximum motor power limit (manufacturer specs.)
• Fluid velocity past motor > minimum fluid velocity past motor
A naïve approach to production optimization is to use the physics models listed earlier to estimate the
WHP and operating frequency of each well in a field, subject to all operational constraints. However, in
the current implementation of these models, the typical computational time required for solving all the
component models (for a moderately deep well) is approximately 100ms. Thus, for a field with hundreds
of wells, if the optimizer takes (say) 1000 iterations to converge, then the computational time required for
MWEO is on the order of hours. This can be reduced by parallelizing some steps in the optimization process,
or by compiling the models to highly optimized machine code.
In addition to this, the total number of constraints that the optimizer must deal with grows linearly with the
size of the field. As an example, for a field with 100 wells, the number of constraints can exceed 1000. This
adds to the complexity of the problem. In summary, large-scale MWEO is an optimization problem with
(typically) thousands of parameters and constraints, and in which the objective function and the constraints
are computationally expensive to calculate. To make the problem more tractable, surrogate models are
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constructed for the ESP well. Based on the above discussion, there are two desirable characteristics of such
surrogate models:
• running the surrogate models should be much faster than solving the physics models, and
• the surrogate models should be able to inform the optimizer if the chosen operating condition (at
any iteration) satisfies all the intrinsic well-level constraints.
Surrogate Models
Thereafter surrogate models are built for different output parameters, such as liquid flow rate, gas
production and power consumed at different operation points that will be used by the optimizer to compute
the objective function and user-specified constraints. This is done by running the well model for a random
sample of points inside the feasible operating region and then building a surrogate model for the output
parameters. The MWEO problem, thus, now becomes more tractable using the feasible region boundary
and the surrogate models built in it. In every iteration of the optimizer, we can now use a simple point-in-
polygon algorithm to evaluate if the choice of operating condition is feasible or not and assign a penalty
(based on its distance from the boundary) if it is not. We also use the surrogate models for faster computation
of objective function and the user-specified constraints.
Figure 3 shows a heat map generated using surrogate models built for different output parameters. The
value of these parameters (eg. liquid flow rate at the surface, pump power consumed, etc.) are shown in the
dialog boxes as the user hovers over each point. On the boundaries the violated constraints are also shown.
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The blue dot shows the current operating point, the green dot shows the maximum flow-rate operating point
that can be obtained by just increasing the frequency (and keeping the well head pressure constant), the
yellow dot shows the maximum flow-rate operating point by only reducing well head pressure and the black
dot shows the global maximum flow-rate operating point. The heat map shows the entire mathematically
feasible operating space of the well. Some parts of the feasible operating region might not be operationally
desirable (eg. high well head pressure regions). The user can limit the optimizer search space further by
putting in additional constraints.
where qi and wci are the surface liquid flow and the water-cut for different wells and n is the total number of
wells. If the total number of constraints is nc, then the dimension of the Jacobian matrix for the constraints
will be (nc × n). The elements of the Jacobian corresponding to the oil constraints and water constraints can
be obtained directly using the water cut. For the Jacobian corresponding to the power constraints, computing
first-order partial derivatives of the different elements of the matrix is not easy as the relationship between
power, pump operating frequency and well-head pressure is non-linear and complex. Hence, we use the first-
order differences by choosing a small value of delta for flow and compute the elements of Jacobian. This is
Sample Results
The first set of results, shown in Fig. 4(a), (b) and (c) corresponds to a field comprising of 9 wells divided
into three clusters (three wells in each cluster). Each row represents a cluster of wells. The x-axis in each
plot represents the surface liquid flow rate (total liquid production) and the y-axis represents the power
consumed by each well.
Figure 4—Optimization results for different field level constraints for a 9-well 3-cluster field.
Each plot is a heat map in surface liquid flow rate and the red star represents the optimal operating point for
different field-level constraints on water produced and power consumed by the field. Fig 4(a) corresponds
to the case when there is no upper limit on the water produced and the power consumed by the field. Thus,
in this case each well is producing at its maximum limit (that does not violate any of the constraints in each
ESP well). In Fig. 4(b) the water produced by the field is constrained to almost half of the allowable value.
In this case, the wells with high water-cut are penalized the most and their production almost reduces to
zero. Production in wells with low water-cut is not impacted as much. Finally, Fig. 4(c) corresponds to the
case in which the power consumption by the field is also constrained. This reduces production in other wells
too. However, wells that require less power are not constrained as much.
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The next set of results corresponds to a large field comprising of 500 wells. The wells are organized
into 50 clusters of 20 wells each. This is thus a 1000 parameter optimization problem with 5000 well-level
constraints and potential 153 cluster-level and field-level constraints. Fig. 5 shows the current operating
condition of the field, such as oil, water and gas produced, and power consumed. It also shows the same
parameters for each cluster and well. As can be seen, the production potential of the field is currently higher
than the current production and thus there is scope for an increase in production.
Fig. 6 is the result of optimization when there are additional constraints at the field level on the water
produced and power consumed at the field level. In this case the constraint on the power consumed is more
limiting and thus the optimizer hits this constraint first. In Fig, 7, the constraint on the water consumption
is more restrictive and that constraint is hit first. In either case, the optimizer takes less than a minute to
converge to the optimal solution. Thus, with this approach large scale field-level optimization problems can
be solved under a minute.
10 IPTC-22155-MS
The paper discusses a novel approach to optimize production in large oil-fields with ESP wells. This is
large-scale multi-objective multi-constraint problem involving multiple physics models that interact with
each other. As an example, for a field comprising 500 wells the number of independent variables is 1000
and the number of constraints to be accounted for is more than 5000. The approach used in this paper relies
on building multiple surrogate models for each well along with determining the feasible operating region
for each well. This reduces the optimizer search space, the number of constraints that the optimizer needs
to satisfy, and the time required to run the physics models during each iteration of the optimizer. The paper
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demonstrates that using this approach production optimization for large fields can be performed under a
minute using standard optimization libraries.
The authors would like to thank Bhaskerrao Keely for his contribution towards building physics based ESP