Chapter Ii Sample
Chapter Ii Sample
Chapter Ii Sample
This chapter presents the legal bases, review of related literature, related
Legal Basis
issues enclosed Policy Guidelines for the Provision of Learning Resources in the
Implementation of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE – LCP). The
policy establishes the guidelines that will enable DepEd to provide learning
guidelines on the release, utilization, and liquidation of support funds for the
The public health emergency brought about COVID – 19 calls for the
safe manner, through different learning delivery. In line with this, the Department,
through its Regional and Schools Division Officers undertake the urgent and
Order No. 292 or the Administrative Code of 1987, Republic Act No. (RA) 9155
the Policy on the K to 12 Basic Education Program. It sets forth Flexible Learning
Options (FLOs), which inlcudes alternative delivery modes and its corresponding
learning resources that are responsive to the need, context, circumstances, and
diversity of learners.
These policy guidelines aim to set the standards and specifications in the
instructions, and other details are provided to aid the learning process, with the
guidance of teachers.
Related Literature
and most used teaching aids in the classroom. He quoted “It was first
revolutionary teaching tool came into the class in the 1800 and deeply affected
the nature of the teaching for the next two centuries”. Language class has
Anmed & Conlan (2011) stated that it is convenient for rural educational
institutions have small budget than urban areas. “In the institutions where
Meanwhile, Sejpal (2013) discussed that modular materials are one of the
including other Western countries and Asian region. Modular approach is used
almost in all subjects like natural science, especially in biology and medical
considers the individual differences among the learners which necessitate the
help the individual grow and develop at her/his own pace. When analyzing the
well to learners.
computer is a tool, which may have multiple uses in the mathematics classroom.
It may be a device for making the learning of concepts, skills, and problem
vehicle for conveying data. Media access to information is one of the potential
The use of ICT can also minimize some of the challenges in accessing
instructional materials. According to UNESCO (2004), the use and rapid spread
of electronic communications has the capacity to affect the quality and efficiency
of basic education throughout the world. The ease with which teachers and
students can gather information over the Internet on virtually any topic has the
and writer of “Learning Teaching” has listed some key technology in education in
his book which has become essential and innovative way to grab learners‟
presentation software, shared learning and social media etc. are few of them.
The use of technology is changing to take charge in major class activity from
assisting teachers.
Online media becomes a tool for information and can be used as a learning
completed, which is not only coming from lecturers or teachers, but information
can also be obtained from the online media. The use of online media as learning
student to explore knowledge in his or her own way. 2.) Lesson Structure.
Instructional materials help to strengthen the planning of lessons and the delivery
of instruction especially for those who are in the lower grades. 3.) Differentiate of
to the different learning styles and capacity within your classroom.” It allows the
Acquiring Teaching Materials. There are lot of resources found in the Internet
that the teacher may utilize. Some of them make their own. It will asset the
teacher when he or she will teach the same unit next time. “An investment of time
learning experience richer and providing the teacher with interest in a wide
online classroom. They also added that instructional materials must be planned
and organized very well. In making these materials, it should be aligned with the
are a powerful strategy to bring out the effective teaching as well as learning. The
of the students. Its purpose is also to monitor the students’ learning and
advantages that make them unique in teaching. For one thing, they provide the
teacher with interesting and compelling platforms for conveying information since
they motivate learners to want to learn more and more. Also, by providing
opportunities for private study and reference, the learner’s interest and curiosity
physical difficulties that could have hindered his effective presentation of a given
topic. They generally make teaching and learning easier and less stressful. They
blackboard where the teacher is the facilitator, medium of the information using
chalk and blackboard to spread information. On the other hand, teachers use the
e-tools to spread the information towards students by the educational technology
meaningful way where media is used to convert class lesson into digital form for
the presentation in class. It helps students to learn, capture the class lesson
easily as the presentation motivates learners than the traditional teaching aid.
Academic Performance
Several young people in the United States drop out of high school each
year because they lack both reading and writing skills (Waguey, 2014), In the
for 2012 many Filipino students have low writing skills. The researcher found, in
are grammatically competent yet. These students have been studying English for
11 years and only a few are confidently and fluently expressing their feelings or
ideas in class while others are not speaking while they have ideas in mind.
Palpably written tests underpin this vulnerability. Students can hardly send the
or erroneous.
Skills Performance
vocational institutions have not been very successful in producing highly qualified
Thailand Research Fund (TRF), results from logical thinking and analytical skills
testing of 1,029 vocational students showed that only 2.09% passed the exam,
however, studies and scholars have noted that TVET has not been able to
proof of the success of the program in TVET. It involves that students in TVET
they should be ready to work and in addition the advantage in economics they
need in plant training for enhancing their related skills to challenge with other
Bundy-clock, and as Home Innovator. As a Module-ator, they are the ones to get
and submit the printed Self-Learning Modules (SLMs) from and to schools or
barangay halls at the beginning and end of the week, depending on the
agreement between the parents and the school. As a Bundy-clock, they must
child's performance.
The use of modules encourages independent study. One of the benefits of using
the tasks provided in the module. With little or no assistance from others, the
learners progress on their own. They are learning how to learn; they are
empowered (Nardo, M.T.B, 2017). Other advantages of modular instruction
include more choice and self-pacing for students; more variety and flexibility for
Mercado (2007) revealed that when objectives in the module are made
instructional quality. The results also confirmed the statement of Ali (2010) that
clearly stated objectives have an integral role in the instructional quality of the
module. Moreover, the module needs to motivate and stimulate students’ interest
to study Biology. This finding is similar to the conclusion of Jamwal (2012) that
was done in the study of Sari, Hassan, Güven, & Sen (2017), in order to convert
the plan of study into action and motivate the students, materials were developed
have contents which are relevant to the lesson and self-pacing to allow every
learner to progress at his own rate. As what De La Cruz (2015) explained, the
Salma & Rodrigues 2012 elaborated that students often receive at least 8
modules in all subjects and each module has 3-5 activities. The subject that they
that most of the Math problems are difficult to solve and no detailed explanation
is provided. Problem Solving does not only include and require computation but
Moreover, Tok 2016 added in History, some learners said that this subject
has lengthy readings and many of the students cannot understand some of the
terms used. The questions are hard as well and there are not enough examples
provided. Students have difficulty in understanding the lessons and history books
are lengthy. And some students have difficulty in Entrepreneurship and Practical
independently; that is why they badly need the assistance of others. The family
members, relatives and friends of the learners play a vital role in education today.
Siblings are at the top of the list helping the learners in answering the modules
followed by friends and classmates. There is a need for teachers to expound and
improving Internet get to, recognizing training as a critical territory that would
2010). Among the objectives were that 100 percent of auxiliary schools and 80
percent of primary schools in the nation ought to have Internet access by 2016.
The presence of methodologies and entrances are insufficient. Next comes the
The Internet, with its ability to hold a vast number of assets, can give
utilized for a learning session for a whole study hall. Instead of books and
papers, understudies can get to modules, submit assignments, and counsel with
their instructors and schoolmates on the web. Educators can likewise profit by
materials. For instance, the DepEd has propelled the Learning Resources
This program will enable our students to have more access to relevant,
to our teachers where they can determine their exercises. These materials will
help them in their exercise designs and may likewise give a variety of
involvement of other stakeholders are the driving force for its success. For the
continuity of education and for every school to still attain its mission and vision
to a learning delivery modality, where learning takes place between the teacher
and the learners who are geographically remote from each other during
instruction. This modality has three types: Modular Distance Learning (MDL),
2020) Modular learning is the most popular type of Distance Learning. In the
Philippines, this learning modality is currently used by all public schools because
learning through printed and digital modules emerged as the most preferred
distance learning method of parents with children who are enrolled this academic
year. This is also in consideration of the learners in rural areas where internet is
not accessible for online learning. The teacher takes the responsibility of
monitoring the progress of the learners. The learners may ask assistance from
others. Where possible, the teacher shall do home visits to learners needing
materials to the homes of the learners. Radio and television-based instructions will
also be utilized for those who do not have access to a computer or the Internet. To
technology (ICT), the Education chief cited the use of television and radio
networks, which she said are mandated to allow at least 15 percent of its airtime to
the children.
Academic Performance
and seemingly they are not interested because the subject is not related to their
curriculum guide may not be suitable to the nature and learning style
factors makes it difficult for the teachers and students attain the
output completions for the school years 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 (Research
However, the degree to which learning can still take place outside the classroom,
elderly family members and other household duties to help the family
Skills Performance
learners with the necessary skills and competence to prepare them to take on the
relevant to the learners.” TVL is a track which offers the students of giving them
enough skills and talents that they will be needing in their workspaces.
students with job-ready skills in the future. It also invests primarily in skills that
TVL Track: Agri-Fishery was designed for hands-on learning and application of
skills that are related to agriculture and aquaculture. You will be taking various
subjects that are connected to other jobs such as food processing, rubber
offers various specialized actions that can lead to livelihood projects at home.
You can take barbering, bartending, bread and pastry, cookery, and
housekeeping. Industrial Arts will provide you the skills and knowledge of
illustrating, and designing websites. Other subjects in the strand are medical
telecommunications industry.
Distance learning approaches are now seen as a weak substitute for practical
exercises when they require the use of equipment or materials not usually found
inside the home. In general, however, TVL specializations that struggle most with
specific skills that do not require manual activities. For example, Crop production
specific equipment and network facilities generally not available inside the home
TVL track which may lead to the learners’ opportunity to qualify for a
employability and other human development outcomes for SHS TVL learners.
labor market outcomes, can ensure lifelong access to learning opportunities and
future workforce adaptability. However, taking the NCII assessment has not been
certification is left to the TVL learners and families. This poses a serious question
Related Studies
emphasizing the teacher’s verbal efforts that inadequate use or lack of use of
The result on the studies done by Boomer and Latham (2011) in using
significantly performed better. The findings support the idea that students learn
even the identified difficult concepts more thoroughly by using multiple sensory
balanced and interesting hands-on manipulative materials which will aid students’
and skills of each student. Students can learn by themselves and through
guidance. Students can find new things by demanding to actively learn through
Google Class. While the role of supervisor is very vital for students to absorb the
knowledge taught, the students can easily obtain the competence of the
supervisor. However, the use of Google Class in learning must be supported by
that the Google Class can run well. The lecturers must prepare the material and
upload them in Google Class so that students can access the material without
any space and time constraint. The material uploaded can be in the form of
articles or text, images, audio, videos, and several other teaching materials.
Google Class provides facilities for the instructors to upload material. In addition,
Lecturers and students can interact with each other through the chat
carried out in groups or privately so that the lecturer is able to monitor the
interact with an individual when he/ she experiences problems or asks something
from outside. In addition, this facility is used if it is not possible to have a face to
virtual classes in Indonesia. In their research, they indicated that virtual classes
subject matter taught. Students can easily obtain the competence of the
supervisor and access the learning materials easily, and the mentor will be able
of the students. ii. To facilitate the teaching-learning process. iii. For the
teachers to correct wrong impression and illustration things that, learners cannot
forget easily. v. Assist in giving sense of reality to the body of knowledge under
creativity. vii. Permit the students and teachers to experience in concrete terms
According to Akpan et. al. (2017), in their study “Effect of the Use of
State”, discussed that instructional materials can be divided into three major
categories based on their sensory appeal, namely; audio, visual and audio-
visual. Audio instructional materials are those that appeal to the auditory sense
such as radio, audio tapes. Visual instructional materials appeal to the sense of
sight and they come in the form of pictures, prints, real objects (models), CDs to
mention but a few. Audio-visuals appeal to both the auditory and visual senses of
the learner and stimulate interest to learn. Such materials take the form of films,
electronic devices. ICT has delivered several packages that can aid teaching and
These packages are found in mobile devices like smart phones, personal
computers, internet facilities and the likes. ICTs provide a lot of learning
are valuable assets. Projected visuals can convey information and specific
experiences that are needed for the development of workable concepts. Films
can modify motivations, interest, attitude and opinions. Relia (real objects) or
teaching and traditional teaching aids among the Bangladeshi tertiary level
important for language learning in class. The form and using method of the
teaching aids is completely different from each other. Based on the study,
modern day teaching aids „multimedia‟ is considered as fun, colorful, engaging,
On the other hand, traditional teaching aid blackboard is taken as less fun
to look at, doesn’t encourages participating in the class activity, and makes
appreciated the need of blackboard as it has been the first and foremost support
for teaching any classroom, but they do not prefer the traditional teaching aid for
learning language now a day. Among the two teaching aids, multimedia is
Learners find modern teaching aid better fitted as it contains modern tools that
make students interested, engage with the lesson, and encourage participating in
class. It can take the learning experience to a new level that can make learning
Osun State” found out that student’s academic performance taught with
learning experience richer and providing the teacher with interest into a wide
important for the teachers to select relevant materials, availability and the ability
those taught without any material. It was also noted in the study that there is no
Social Studies.
Yakur, LG A.”, instructional materials have impact to the teaching and learning of
the students. It also makes the teaching aid permanent and real. The usage of
the students. It was found also that instructional materials play a vital role on
(2013), they revealed that students taught with instructional materials are
performing better than those students taught without it. They also revealed that
Academic Performance
teachers should realize that it becomes more effective if the students are tasked
to perform rather than just asked to remember some information. His study also
revealed that a typical learning environment with a presentation from the course
build the required level of reasoning among students. Students build a better
understanding of the main concepts more effectively when they are engaged to
(greeno problem solving method) is higher than that of the control group
(demonstration method). Male students performed better than their female
counterparts when taught with both the GPSM and DM. generally, greeno
Skills Performance
Education and Training Needs of Dairy and Cooking Oil Producing Companies in
two fields; 1- for education and preparation of the work force who has not yet
entered the work world, 2- in order to increase the knowledge and skills of the
work force employed in the dairy and edible oil industries that are assumed as
vocational educational courses can be highly effective for preparing the bed for
comment is provided to practice exercise, which stimulate the students and build
way of teaching so the teachers should be provided adequate training about how
and Acceptability of Module for the Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Skills of
assessment. However, the married teachers find the developed module for
problem solving and critical thinking more acceptable as compared to the single
problem solving and critical thinking skills in terms of sex, monthly family income
ethnicity and reason for dropping out but the married, older, who are working and
Dalan (2019), stated in his study “Student Perception on the Extent of Use
with the used of ODL platform as a medium of delivering the instructions is very
Improvised instructional material should be attuned with the course objective and
pupils are not based on how the teacher utilized the instructional media, opens
empowered in their learning through the usage of technology, they are more
likely to accept ownership of it. If a teacher delivers the material to the students
through lecture, they may feel no attachment to it. This research gives a sturdy
Students”, the four themes. Theme one: Availability of learning resources and
technology. We can’t deny the fact that learning resources such as textbooks,
workbook, manuals, computer and other learning resources may be limited due
to the lack of fund, students are given limited time to access these learning
learning process. - it was found that in the learning process, student will be able
It was found out the there are other technologies or learning materials that
the teachers can utilize in the classroom to enhance the learning environment for
natural philosophy.
Current Literature”, Blended learning used in the new normal due to this COVID
19 can help save the country's education system. With proper planning and
policy on implementing the suggested approach, teachers will find it easy, and
the students will enjoy learning during the pandemic. However, to implement the
BL, the government needs to provide all the required facilities. But if the
government cannot afford to buy tools and equipment for millions of students.
With the development of technology, it is time that our education system shifted
to a more sophisticated approach. Thus, with all the aids of BL, students can
the education system used B all subjects in elementary, junior high school, and
senior high schools in the Philippines. But the availability of technology and
education; however, big schools in the cities with complete facilities and
equipment are already adopting the approach but unaware that it will be the trend
in new standards during the pandemic. Parents who wanted to provide quality
education find ways to buy a cellphone, tablets, and even desktops. However,
local government units (LGUs) worldwide and other private individuals and
also announced that both teachers and students would be provided facilities for
Academic Performance
According to study of Delos Santos (2010), there are factors which affects
the academic performance of TVL students, profile of the student, age, gender,
contribute to the performance of the student parental the student. Other variables
are attitude of the student’s parental support to the student and their
Skills Performance
discussed, TVL is a track which offers the students of giving them enough skills
and talents that they will be needing in their workspaces. For those students who
wanted to work already after graduation they might choose TVL in their SHS
career. Because TVL immediately prepares the students for their future job. TVL
has the greatest number of strands to offer, it has Agri-Fishery Arts, Home
Arts. Being one of the three Technical High School in Cavite, General Mariano
Alvarez Technical High School offered TVL track. They offered Automotive
Servicing (NC II), Bread and Pastry Production (NC II), Cookery (NC II), Food
and Beverage Services (NC II), Broadband Installation- Fixed Wireless System
(NC II), Mechatronics Servicing (NC II), Carpentry (NC II), Electrical Power
Distribution Line Construction (NC II), Fashion Design (NC III), Hairdressing (NC
II), Beauty/ Nail Care (NC II) and Shielded Metal Arc Welding (NC II)
(Department of Education, 2017). The advantage of taking TVL strand is that,
upon finishing Grade 11 and Grade 12 students will be able to receive a National
already get a work experience even though they were still studying. Lastly after
their graduation company where they do their immersion may already hire them
Some of the subjects to be taken by TVL students are also the same in
another strand, the only different was the specialize subject. Specialize subject of
TVL strands depends on their specialization, for example if your strand was
hairdressing then you specialize subject must be all about hairdressing. TVL
students must also take Applied and Core subjects that all senior high school
students must take. Some Applied subjects are Practical Research and
Empowerment and Technology. Some Core subjects are 21st Century Literature,
Profile of the
Respondents in terms
length of service
teaching position
field of
other hand, the intervening variable is the profile of the teachers in terms of age,
according to profile.
the study.
Instructional Materials. It refers to materials and facilities that can be
learning various subjects, and other modern learning resources used in this
learning various subjects, and other mixed learning resources used in this school
year 2020-2021
the respondents such as age, sex, length of service, teaching position, and field
of specialization.
to 22-30 years old, 31-40 years old, 41-50 years old, and 51 years and above.
profession from 0-3 years, 4-9 years, and 20 years and above.
profession from Teacher I, Teacher II, Teacher III, Master Teacher I, Master