Bioacumulação em Orcas
Bioacumulação em Orcas
Bioacumulação em Orcas
Science 7
Life Science: Ecosystems
• Analyse the roles of organisms as part of interconnected food webs, populations, communities, and
• Assess survival needs and interactions between organisms and the environment
• Assess the requirements of sustaining healthy local ecosystems
• Evaluate human impacts on local ecosystems
Math 7
Patterns and Relations (Variables and Equations)
• analyse relations graphically to discover how changes in one quantity may affect others
• graph relations, analyse results, and draw conclusions
Social Studies 7
Applications of Social Studies
• design, implement, and assess detailed courses of action to address global problems or issues
Personal Planning 7
Personal Development (Healthy Living)
• give examples of how personal health relates to the environment, the economy, and society
Overview of Activity:
Through these five related lessons, students learn about the natural history of British Columbia’s killer
whale populations and the threats they face. Emphasis is on the threat of the build up of toxins in food
chains (bioaccumulation), connectedness through marine ecosystems and the reduction of threats through
the Species at Risk Act (SARA). A further strong focus is on individual empowerment to create positive
change. The lessons are:
• Natural History of British Columbia’s Killer Whales
• Killer Whale Food Chains and Food Webs
• SARA and Threats to Killer Whales
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they unravel the complexities of killer whale culture and probe the causes of the orca's decline.
Lesson 4
• Dr. Peter Ross’ (Institute of Ocean’s Sciences) scientific paper on bioaccumulation in killer whales.
(The data source for this lesson).
• Persistent organic pollutants and their associated risks to killer whales. (See Table 1).
• “Secrets at Sea” interactive game that addresses killer whales, food webs and bioaccumulation.
Learning outcomes and a Teachers’ Guide are provided.
• Background on bioaccumulation in Killer Whales, summary of Canada’s PCB reality, killer whale
natural history and a summary of Dr. Ross’ research (by DFO Education Coordinator Jackie Hildering).
• Information about the brominated fire retardants, the new persistent organic pollutants (Click “Helping the Whales”, see links under point 1).
Lesson 5
• Great action ideas available through the Wild BC resource “Leap into Action” resource
• Ten top lifestyle changes to improve the state of the environment (David Suzuki Foundation)
• The EPA’s “Make a Difference Campaign for Middle Schools”. Lots of helpful information on smart
shopping, environmental science projects, reducing waste and the life-cycles of everyday objects.
• Listing of resources to help whales (Stubbs Island Whale Watching) (Click “Helping the Whales”, see links under point 3).
• Direct letters to the Ministers of Environment, Health and/or Industry. Links to these Ministers are In
Northwest Environment Watch’s background on PBDE’s. (BC and Canada section).
• Sign the Labour Environmental Alliance Society’s petition. (Click on “Download our petition…”)
• Adopt a killer whale (Pacific northeast transients and northern residents) (southern residents)
• “Chemical trespass – Toxic chemicals in our everyday lives. Knowing how they affect us and how we
can make changes”. Learning resource guide and workshops containing curriculum connections and
content on toxins in BC’s Killer Whales. Labour Environmental Alliance Society (LEAS); 604-669-1921;;
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Bioaccumulation: A Case Study
of British Columbia’s Killer Whales
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Lesson 1: Student Handout
Natural History of British Columbia’s Killer Whales
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Resident killer whales feed on fish. In fact, about 98% of their diet is salmon.
They do not eat marine mammals. They can afford to be very vocal since fish
cannot hear them. They are very social and often travel in big groups. They have
very structured family units called matrilines (mother, her offspring and her
daughters’ offspring). Neither males nor females leave the matriline. They do
not mate within the family (they do not interbreed) since they can recognize who
is and is not family because every matriline sounds different. If they sound
exactly the same, they stay together but do not mate with one another. They mate
with animals of the same population that sound different. Mated males and
females do not stay together as a family. They stay in their matrilines so that
family sounds remain distinct and the system of recognizing otherness remains
Not all killer whales in the world are resident, transient or offshore types.
They have lifestyles that suit the prey and geography of their area.
The work of Dr. Michael Bigg; Dr. John Ford; Graeme Ellis and Dr. Lance Barrett-Lennard
A6 male 1964-2000 A38 male 1970 A39 male 1975 A50 female 1984 A54 female 1989
"Strider" "Blackney" "Pointer" "Clio" "Blinkhorn"
1. What is the relationship between A30 and A75 in the matriline example?
2. Even though A6’s body has never been found, how is it known that he is dead?
4. Why can resident killer whales afford to travel in large groups and be very
5. Why can’t transient killer whales be highly vocal animals that travel in large
6. How are residents able to recognize if they are closely related to other
killer whales?
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Lesson 1: Answer Key
Natural History of British Columbia’s Killer Whales
A6 male 1964-2000 A38 male 1970 A39 male 1975 A50 female 1984 A54 female 1989
"Strider" "Blackney" "Pointer" "Clio" "Blinkhorn"
1. What is the relationship between A30 and A75 in the matriline example?
A30 (Tsitika) is the grandmother of A75 (Cedar). A75 is either the
granddaughter or grandson of A30 (Cedar’s gender is not specified)
2. Even though A6’s body has never been found, how is it known that he is dead?
Resident killer whales always travel with their families in matrilines; if
Strider is not in the area with his family, he is dead. There are some
extreme exceptions like the young whales A73 (Springer) and L98 (Luna) that
separated from their matrilines and lived alone in proximity to coastal
communities. Scientifically, these whales are said to be “missing” for a year
and then presumed dead.
4. Why can resident killer whales afford to travel in large groups and be very
The fish that residents feed on are predictable (they spawn) and cannot hear
the whales’ calls.
5. Why can’t transient killer whales be highly vocal animals that travel in large groups?
The marine mammal prey of transients can hear the whales’ calls and will try
to get away. Transients must be very stealthy in order to be successful
hunters of marine mammals.
6. How are residents able to recognize if they are closely related to other killer whales?
They can judge degree of relatedness by sound. If they sound exactly the same
they stay in matrilines together and do not mate. If they are of another
acoustic clan (but the same population) they may mate but must stay with their
matriline. There is no pair bonding – mothers and fathers do not stay
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Bioaccumulation: A Case Study
of British Columbia’s Killer Whales
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Lesson 2: Student Handout
Killer Whale Food Chains and Food Webs
Food Chains
A food chain is a model that shows how energy stored in food passes from organism
to organism. The arrows show the flow of energy; they point from what is eaten
to what eats it. Here is an example:
Food Webs
A food web is a model that shows the interactions between food chains. It is a
combination of many different food chains that shows the inter-relationships
between many producers and consumers in an ecosystem.
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1. Draw a food chain for resident killer whales:
3. Draw a food web for the following organisms in the space below: Herring;
salmon; zooplankton; phytoplankton; transient killer whale; humans; resident
killer whale; harbour seal.
Hints: Seals eat herring and salmon and so do we. Very few of us eat seals so
do not include this link. Transients do not eat humans!
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Lesson 2: Answer Key
Killer Whale Food Chains and Food Webs
3. Draw a food web for the following organisms in the space below: Herring;
salmon; zooplankton; phytoplankton; transient killer whale; humans; resident
killer whale; harbour seal.
Hints: Seals eat herring and salmon and so do we. Very few of us eat seals so
do not include this link. Transients do not eat humans!
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Bioaccumulation: A Case Study
of British Columbia’s Killer Whales
1. Review with students the Species at Risk Act and threats to killer whales.
• Species at Risk Act and its purpose
• How killer whales are classed according to SARA
• What threats (natural and human-caused) to killer whales exist
2. Provide “Student Handout: Lesson 3” to each student.
3. Have students do questions 1-3 in class, and discuss as a class.
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Lesson 3: Student Handout
SARA and Threats to Killer Whales
The transient population and both resident populations are listed in Schedule 1
of the Species at Risk Act (SARA), Canada’s law to protect wildlife species from
becoming extinct.
Southern resident killer whales travel in both Canadian and American waters. In
November 2005, America also listed this population as ‘endangered’ according to
their laws.
1. What are some possible threats to all British Columbia killer whale
3. Why might southern resident killer whales be in more trouble that other BC
killer whale populations?
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Lesson 3: Background Information
SARA and Threats to Killer Whales
The Species at Risk Act (SARA) was created to protect wildlife species from
becoming extinct in two ways:
• By providing for the recovery of species at risk due to human activity; and
• By ensuring through sound management that species of special concern don’t
become endangered or threatened.
The Act became law in June 2003. It includes prohibitions against killing,
harming, harassing, capturing or taking species at risk.
A Collaborative Effort
Species are designated “at risk” by the Committee on the Status of Endangered
Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC), an independent body of experts that assesses
wildlife according to a broad range of scientific data. The federal Cabinet then
decides whether those species should get legal protection under the Act. These
decisions are made after consultations with affected stakeholders and other
Species Can Be Listed As:
• Extinct: no longer found anywhere on the planet.
• Extirpated: no longer in the wild in Canada, but existing in the wild
• Endangered: a wildlife species facing imminent extirpation or extinction.
• Threatened: likely to become endangered if nothing is done to reverse the
factors leading to its extirpation or extinction.
• Special concern: a wildlife species that may become a threatened or
endangered species because of a combination of biological characteristics
and identified threats.
More information about Species at Risk can be found at
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Threats to Killer Whales:
The current threats to resident killer whales are broadly defined as being:
• Environmental contamination,
• Reductions in the availability or quality of prey,
• Disturbance - both physical and acoustic disturbance.
Historic threats that affected killer whale populations include culling and being
taken for captivity.
It is important that students gain an understanding that not just one threat is
having an impact on killer whale populations. Rather, multiple threats interact
to create stresses on the populations. Current research (Dr. John Ford and Graeme
Ellis) indicates that both southern and northern resident population declines
coincided with a decline in Chinook salmon stocks. The effect was more
pronounced in the southern resident population. With less food, toxins are more
likely to metabolize and stresses such as noise and boat traffic are likely to
have a greater impact as they reduce the chance of catching limited prey.
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Lesson 3: Answer Key
SARA and Threats to Killer Whales
1. What are some possible threats to all British Columbia killer whale
Noise (boats, seismic activity, low and mid frequency sonar, drilling,
dredging, etc.); human interaction; loss of habitat; contaminants (toxins, oil
spills); being shot at (they were hunted to reduce populations thought to eat
too much salmon); being put in captivity (for aquaria); disease; getting stuck
in nets (entanglement); boat collision (ship strike); reduced availability of
food (over-fishing).
Note that both resident populations declined when there was a crash in Chinook
stocks in the late 1990s. The effect was more pronounced in the southern
resident population. Again, it is important that students recognize that these
stresses interact to threaten killer whale populations.
3. Why might southern resident killer whales be in more trouble that other BC
killer whale populations?
Because southern resident killer whales are often in an area with more people,
there may be:
• less food
• more pollution
• more noise and stress from boats
More southern residents were taken into captivity, more may have been shot,
and they may be eating food that is more contaminated, possibly from sources
far away.
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Bioaccumulation: A Case Study
of British Columbia’s Killer Whales
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Lesson 4: Student Handout
Bioaccumulation and Killer Whales
What is bioaccumulation?
More POPs
Transient Killer Whales
Salmon Salmon
Herring Herring
Plankton Plankton
Less POPs
We (humans) may use toxins on land, but they can travel through the soil in
groundwater into waterways and into the ocean. All persistent toxins eventually
end up in ocean food chains. It is not only local sources of toxins that affect
killer whales. Persistent toxins accumulate in cold countries like Canada by
evaporating and condensing again and again (this is known as global
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distillation). It has been proven that it only takes 5 to 10 days for toxins to
come from as far away as Japan into British Columbia’s waters.
Source: Dr. Peter Ross’ research
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So we learned our lesson right?
No. We have definitely not learned our lesson.
• Many countries still use the chemicals that have been proven to
• These chemicals are stored all over the world and are often not properly
disposed of.
• Canada and America do not have laws that insist on the testing of new
chemicals that are not used in food. In fact, of some 85,000 chemicals
used in North America, only 10% have been tested for their environmental
effects (Source: Chemical Trespass).
• There is a new group of chemicals that is being produced in North America
that has already proven to bioaccumulate. These are the PBDEs, a group
of chemicals that are of use to humans because they don’t burn. They are
fire retardants. There are alternative fire retardants that do not
bioaccumulate. Europe has banned PBDEs. North America has not.
Dr. Peter Ross studied the amount of toxins in the blubber of British Columbia’s
resident and transient killer whales. The blubber samples were used for both DNA
and toxin research. The samples were collected by using a retractable dart
system that removed a sample the size of a pencil eraser. Dr. Ross’ studies are
summarized in the chart below; the units of measurement are parts per million
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Use the “PCBs in British Columbia’s Killer Whales” graph to fill in the
following table:
Northern Northern resident Southern Transient
resident female of resident mature male
mature male reproductive age male
Estimate of
amount of PCBs in e.g., 37
blubber (ppm)
Use the graph and the table to answer the following questions.
1. Researchers found that beluga whales in the St. Lawrence River had PCB loads
of about 79 ppm. These animals had malformed skeletons and cancers and their
population was severely endangered (Source: Muir et al). In ringed seals, a
level of 77 ppm causes reproductive problems (Source: Oceana). Which killer
whale populations are above these levels?
2. A level of 16.5 ppm causes immune system problems in harbour seals (Source:
Oceana). Which killer whale populations are above this level?
4. In Canada, the action level for PCBs is 2 ppm. This is the amount that is too
high for humans to eat food with this level of PCBs. Which killer whale
populations are above this level?
5. Approximately how many times greater is the level of PCBs in Northern resident
males than Northern resident females of reproductive age? Why do you think
the males might have so many more toxins like PCBs?
6. Knowing what you do now about toxins in killer whales, explain why males might
live much shorter lives.
7. Approximately how many times greater is the level of PCBs in Southern resident
males than Northern resident males? Why do you think the southern residents
might have so many more toxins like PCBs?
8. Summary: For each topic, check the selection that is most likely to have more
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Lesson 4: Answer Key
Bioaccumulation and Killer Whales
1. Researchers found that beluga whales in the St. Lawrence River had PCB loads
of about 79 ppm. These animals had malformed skeletons and cancers and their
population was severely endangered (Source: Muir et al). In ringed seals, a
level of 77 ppm causes reproductive problems (Source: Oceana). Which killer
whale populations are above these levels?
Southern resident male and transient male
2. A level of 16.5 ppm causes immune system problems in harbour seals (Source:
Oceana). Which killer whale populations are above this level?
Northern resident male, southern resident male and transient male
3. A level above 50 ppm, is considered toxic waste by Canadian guidelines (Source:
Oceana). Which killer whale populations are above this level?
Southern resident male and transient male
4. In Canada, the action level for PCBs is 2 ppm. This is the amount that is too
high for humans to eat food with this level of PCBs. Which killer whale
populations are above this level?
5. Approximately how many times greater is the level of PCBs in Northern resident
males than Northern resident females of reproductive age? Why do you think
the males might have so many more toxins like PCBs?
Approximately 12 times greater. Females of reproductive age download toxins
to their calves through the fatty mother’s milk and through the placenta.
6. Knowing what you do now about toxins in killer whales, explain why males might
live much shorter lives.
Males may live shorter lives because they have far more toxins
7. Approximately how many times greater is the level of PCBs in Southern resident
males than Northern resident males? Why do you think the southern residents
might have so many more toxins like PCBs?
Approximately 4 times greater. They are more often in areas with more people
meaning more pollution. Puget Sound specifically has high local toxin loads
but toxins do come from around the world too.
8. Summary: For each topic, check the selection that is most likely to have more
Type of Killer Whale: Resident Transient
Gender: Male Female
Birth Order: Firstborn calf Not firstborn calf
Range: Near big cities Further away from cities
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Bioaccumulation: A Case Study
of British Columbia’s Killer Whales
1 “What I have learned from killer whales”. Guide a class discussion on what the
bioaccumulation of toxins in killer whales is teaching us and what can be do
to improve the situation. (Click “SARA Lesson 4 Activity”)
2. “I can make a difference!” Ask students to reflect on their own lives and
think of ten ways that they can make changes to reduce chemicals in the food
chain. Output can be in the form of a poem, drawing, poster, essay or journal
3. Have students write a letter or sign a petition to voice their concern about
PBDE’s. Letters can be directed to the Ministers of Environment, Health
and/or Industry.
4. Have students plan to undertake further action to help the whales, using some
of the suggestions below. It is vitally important that students be able to
apply what they have learned in order to enforce that their actions can make a
• Students report back on their successes and difficulties in acting on
their ten points in activity 2;
• Undertake a class campaign to adopt a killer whale;
• Initiate an improved recycling programme for the school;
• Identify an environmental problem at the school and solve it e.g., reduce
the use of disposable items by having people bring their own plates to
events; design and produce a school cup, shopping bag, etc.; reduce the
amount of paper that is used; start using recycled paper;
• Set up a school environmental club.
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Lesson 5: Answer Key
Ready, Set, Action! Solutions for Killer Whales
Activity 2: “I can make a difference!”
The intent of this activity is to emphasize individual empowerment and
celebrate human intelligence. All living things do need to use the Earth’s
resources but every little positive change helps. Following are some ways to
reduce the chemical load in the environment.
Be chemical aware! Know if the chemicals you use are harmful to the environment and if
you have to use them, dispose of them properly. Use environmentally safe
alternatives; Avoid using pesticides.
Care! Live knowing that you are connected to the Earth’s other creatures. Insist on
finding out if things are dangerous before we start using them.
Make your voice count! Share what you know with others. Use your vote and stand up for
your right to be toxin free!
Action Ways to reduce POPs Ways to reduce other Explanation
Buy smart Buy less things you When you have a choice, IKEA and Toshiba, Apple,
don’t really need; Buy buy things you need from Dell and Hewlett Packard
from companies with close to home. do not use PBDE’s in
good environmental their products. Buying
practices from close to home means
less pollution from
fossil fuels.
Eat smart Eat less animal fat. Eat less food with By eating less animal
additives. fat, there is less
chance that you are
taking in POPs.
Make less Buy less. Don’t use Buy things with less The more we reduce,
garbage disposable items e.g., packaging. Compost reuse, repair and
non-rechargeable more. Create less food recycle, the fewer
batteries, Styrofoam waste. chemicals go into
cups, plastic bags. environment. In
Reuse things. Share electronics and foam
things you no longer products, these
need instead of chemicals can include
throwing them out PBDEs.
e.g., donate to second
hand stores. Fix
things rather than
throwing them out.
Recycle more.
Save energy Use less electronic Walk, bike, skate-board, Less electronics means
devices etc more as a form of less chance of having a
transportation. Carpool product with PBDEs.
and use public Using less gas and oil
transportation more. means less fossil fuel
Use alternatives to pollution. Most
fossil fuels. Use electrical generators
energy efficient operate on fossil fuels.
vehicles, appliances,
light bulbs, etc.
Unplug more and enjoy
nature! Unplug
appliances you are not
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using, use less TV, game
boys, computer, etc.).
Save water Use less water so that Saves energy that goes
it does not need to be into treating sewage and
treated as often purifying water
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