Living organisms...
Animals cannot synthesis their food Ex: All green plants, trees.
directly but depend on the plants
either directly or indirectly.
The green pigment called
chlorophyll, present in the leaves of
plants, converts CO2 and H2O in the
presence of sunlight into
6CO2 + 6H2O- > C6H12O6 + 6O2
This process is called
The term structure refers to the
various components of an ecosystem.
An ecosystem has two major
2. Chemical Components:
They are the sources of
essential nutrients.
Organic substances: Protein, lipids,
Omnivore: Organisms that feed both carbohydrates, etc.,
on plants and animals. Ex: Human,
rat, birds. Inorganic substances: All micro
(Al, Co, Zu, Cu) and macro elements
Detritivore: They feed on dead (C, H, O, P, N, P, K) and few other
organisms, wastes of living elements.
beings, and partially
decomposed matter. Ex:
Termites, earthworm, ants etc.
1. Primary function: The
primary function of all
ecosystem is
manufacture of starch
2. Secondary function: The
secondary function of all
TYPES OF ecosystem is distribution
ECOSYSTEM energy in the form of food
Natural ecosystem: These operate to all consumers.
themselves under natural conditions. 3. Tertiary Function: All
Based on habitat types, it can be living systems diet at a
further classified into three types. particular stage. These
dead systems are
Terrestrial ecosystem: This decomposed to initiate
ecosystem is related to land. Ex: third function of
Grassland ecosystem, forest ecosystems namely
ecosystem, desert ecosystem, etc., “cycling”.
Aquatic ecosystem: This The functioning of an ecosystems
ecosystem is related to water. It is may be understood by studying the
further sub-classified into two types following terms.
based on salt content.
Energy and material flow.
Fresh water ecosystem Food chains
a) Running water Food webs
ecosystems. Ex: Food pyramids
Rivers, Streams...
b) Standing water ENERGY FLOW
ecosystems Ex: Pond, IN THE
Marine ecosystem Energy is the most
(a) Ex: Seas and sea essential requirement for
shores... all living organisms.
Man-made (or) Artificial Solar energy is the only
ecosystems: Artificial ecosystem is source to our planet
operated (or) maintained by man earth.
himself. Ex: Croplands, gardens... Solar energy is
transformed to chemical
FUNCTION OF AN energy in photosynthesis
ECOSYSTEM by the plants (Primary
The function of an ecosystem is to producers).
allow flow of energy and cycling of Some amount of chemical
nutrients. energy is used by the
plants for their growth and
Functions of an ecosystem are of the remaining is transferred
three types: to consumers by the
process of eating.
Thus, the energy enters the
ecosystems through
photosynthesis and passes
through the different tropic
levels or feeding levels.
representation of
structure and function
Significance of food chains and of tropic levels of an
food webs: ecosystem, starting with
Food chains and food webs producers at the bottom
play a very and successive tropic
important role in the levels forming the apex
ecosystem. Energy flow and is known as an
nutrient cycling takes place ecological pyramid.”
through them. In food chain starting from
They maintain and the producers to the
regulate the population consumers, there is a
size of different tropic regular decrease in the
levels, and thus help in biomass and number of the
maintaining ecological organisms.
balance. Since energy is lost as heat
in each tropic levels, it
They have the property of bio- becomes progressively
magnification. The non-biodegradable smaller near the top.
materials keep on passing from one
tropic level to another. At each Types of Ecological pyramids
successive tropic level, the
Pyramid of numbers.
concentration keep on increasing.
Pyramid of energy.
This process is known as bio-
magnification. Pyramid of biomass.
1. Pyramid of numbers
I. Abiotic components
Secondary consumers
The abiotic components include (primary carnivores):
basic inorganic & organic They directly depend on
compounds present in the soil & the herbivores for their
atmosphere. In addition, minerals, food. Ex: Lizards,
the occurrence of litter is snakes, birds, fox.
characteristic features of majority of Tertiary consumers:
forests. They depend on the
II. Biotic components primary carnivores for
their food. Ex:
1. Producers: In a forest, the Animals like tiger, lion,
producers are etc.,
mainly trees produce food 3. Decomposers: They
by photosynthesis. Apart decompose the dead plant
from trees, climbers, and animal matter. Ex:
epiphytes, shrubs and Bacteria and fungi.
ground vegetation. It provides numerous
Dominant species of trees in environmental services like;
forest are Dalbergia,
Tectona grandis, Lichens, Nutrient cycling,
Fern, Pine, Cedar. Maintaining biodiversity
2. Consumers Providing wildlife habitat
Primary consumers Affecting rainfall patterns
(herbivores): They Regulating stream flow
directly depend on the Storing water
plants for their food. Ex: Reducing flooding
Ants, flies, insects, mice, Preventing soil erosion
deer, squirrels. Larger Reclaiming degraded land &
animals such as many more....
Apart from environmental Features of different types of
values, forest ecosystems grassland
have some traditional values
as well. Tropical grasslands
Fire Wood & Timber. They are found near the borders of
Fruits. tropical rain forests. Characterized by
Gums. high temperature and moderate
Herbs & drugs. rainfall (40 to 100 cm). It is also
known as Savanna type. Tall grasses
with scattered shrubs and stunted
trees and animals like zebras,
giraffes, antelopes, etc., are observed
Temperate grasslands
They are usually found in the centres
of continents,
highly sloped hills. They are
characterized by very
cold winters and hot summers:
Intense grazing
and summer fires, do not support
shrubs or trees to grow.
Polar grasslands
They are found in arctic polar regions.
Grassland occupies about 20% of They are characterized by severe
earth’s surface. In cold and strong winds along with ice
and snow. In summers several small
addition to grass some trees and
annual plants grow. There are
shrubs are/also present in grasslands.
animals like arctic wolf, weasel, arctic
Limited grazing helps to improve the
net primary production of the fox, etc.,
grasslands. But, overgrazing leads
degradation of these grasslands Characteristics of Grassland
resulting in desertification. Ecosystems
Grassland ecosystem is a plain
Types of grassland ecosystem
land occupied by grasses.
Depending upon the climate Soil is very rich in nutrients and
conditions grassland are classified organic matter.
into three types Since it has tall grass, it is ideal
place for grazing animals.
Tropical grasslands
Temperate grassland It is characterized by low or
Polar grassland uneven rainfall.
Grasslands are of vital
importance for raising livestock
for human consumption and for
milk and other dairy products
Grasslands provided home to
many different animals that were
hunted and domesticated
Structure and function of the They are used as grazing area for
grassland Ecosystems cattle
Abiotic components: Nutrients, H, 0, They Maintain Biodiversity
N, P, S, etc., Protects restored habitat for
These abiotic components are many plants and animals
supplied by C02, H2O, C, Nitrate, including pheasant, ducks,
phosphates and sulphates. songbirds and endangered
Biotic Components species
Producers: They produce food.
Ex: Grasses, Herbs and shrubs. DESERT ECOSYSTEMS
Consumers: Introduction
Primary consumers (herbivores): Desert occupies about 14% of our
They depend on grasses for their food world’s land area. It is characterized
Ex: Insects, cows, buffaloes, deer, by less than 25 cm rainfall. The
sheep, etc., atmosphere is dry and hence it is a
Secondary consumers (carnivores): poor insulator.
They feed on herbivores.
Examples: Lizards, birds, Snakes, Types of desert ecosystems
jackals, fox, etc., Based on the climatic conditions,
Tertiary consumers: They feed on deserts are classified into three
secondary consumers types.
Ex: Hawks, eagle, etc., • Tropical deserts.
Decomposers: They decompose the • Temperate deserts.
dead organic matter • Cold deserts.
Ex: Fungi and bacteria.
Features of different types of deserts
Tropical desert is an environment of
extremes, it is the driest and hottest
place on earth. Rainfall is sporadic
and, in some years, no measurable
precipitation falls at all.
Africa: Sahara Desert.
Rajasthan: Thar desert.
Temperate desert is a barren area of
land where little precipitation occurs
(less than 10%), characterized by
very hot summer and very Winter on the outside to protect them from
time. Ex: Atacama, Mojave. being eaten.
Cold deserts have hot summers but Ex: Succulents, Shrubs, bushes,
extremely cold winters. These are some grasses and few trees.
found in high, flat
areas, called plateaus. Ex: Gobi Consumers: These animals dig holes
Desert, Ladakh. in the ground to live in. They come
out at night to find food. Most of the
Characteristics of Desert ecosystem animals can extract water from the
The desert air is dry and the climate is seeds they eat.
hot. Annual rainfall is less than 25 cm. Ex: Locust, scorpions, snakes, camel,
The soil is very poor in nutrients and elk etc.
organic matter, Vegetation is poor.
Decomposers: Desert has poor
Structure and functions of the desert vegetation with a very low amount of
ecosystems dead organic matter. They are
I. Abiotic Components decomposed by few fungi and
Intense solar radiation, lashing winds, bacteria.
and little moisture Ex: Fungi and bacteria
i.e. less than 10 inches (25 cm) of
rainfall. The nutrient cycling is also
very low. The characteristic feature of
the abiotic component is lack of
organic matter in the soil and scarcity
of water.
The aquatic ecosystem deals with
water bodies. The major types of
organisms found in aquatic
environments are determined by the
Types of aquatic life zone
Desert Ecosystem
Aquatic life zones are divided into two
II. Biotic Components
Producers: In deserts mostly
1. Fresh water life zones
Succulent (e.g., cacti) plants are
Eg. Ponds, streams, lakes, rivers.
found available. They have water
2. Salt water life zones
inside them to stay alive, waxy
Eg. Oceans, estuaries.
coating to prevent intense heat, thorn
FRESH WATER ECOSYSTEM Ex: Floating plants and
POND ECOSYSTEMS submerged plants like hydrilla,
Jussiaea, wolfia, demna.
A pond is a fresh water aquatic
ecosystems, where water Consumers
is stagnant. It receives enough water
during rainy season. Primary consumers
(Zooplanktons): These are
It contains several types of algae,
microscopic animals which
aquatic plants, insects,
freely float on the surface of
fishes and birds.
Abiotic components
Biotic Components