Standard 6 - Physical Education - Cycle 1

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Belize national competency-based unit of work/instructional unit plan

Unit 1

Topic: Body Skills and Fitness

Subtopic: Inverted Balances
Class: Standard 6
Duration: Two weeks

5 Jump Rope Tricks That Will Impress Your Friends! - YouTube

Competency Skill(s) Disposition

Competency Area #4: Collaboration Clarity of manage misunderstanding and conflict in a

communication respectful manner
Students will develop the capacity to work interdependently
and synergistically in teams with strong interpersonal and Demonstrate a
team‐related skills including effective management of team skill
dynamics, making substantive decisions together, and
learning from and contributing to the learning of others.
PE 1.34 Perform, Knowledge/Content Skill(s) Disposition
individually or with a
partner, original jump . Skipping helps to improve heart
rope routines that rate and blood pressure. It can Walking stretching
include basic jumps and
also help you “boost your immune Catching a ball Demonstrate team spirit
system, balance your metabolism, Throwing a ball Value the importance of physical activity
and improve your overall health in
a short period of time,” according Skipping with a long
to the British Rope Skipping rope
Skipping with a short

1. Follow directions
2. Follow safety/precautionary guidelines
3. Hand movements for turning a rope
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

Weeks 1 What are the 6 skills that Students will: Discussion and Language ‌Jump Rope Tricks & Skills
&2 jump roping helps? Demonstration Arts Teacher Oral Guide. (n.d.).
Perform skipping (verbs) and observation to
skills using a Engage students in student students’
variety of medium stretches and head Science video response to
and shoulder (balancing( 5 Jump procedures and /resources/jump-rope-
Describe the movements Rope instructions tricks-and-tips/
importance of Tricks
maintaining Explain the benefits That Will
6 Reasons Runners ‌
physical fitness of exercise such as: Impress
Should Take Up Your
Relieving stress
Jump Rope Friends! -
Work Live a healthy
 It improves collaboratively with lifestyle YouTube
coordination. ... others Health benefits
 It increases
breathing Explain and
techniques and demonstrate
cardio. ...
 It prevents leg
injuries. ...
 It creates
rhythm. ...
 It sharpens your
mental skills. ... Side Swing
 It strengthens
muscles critical 1. Twirl rope
for running. to one side
2. Repeat on
the opposite
3. Twirl rope
from side to

Hint: Keep hands

Culminating Assessment: Teachers observes how students respond to instruction. Note sample assessment below. See assessment for
this unit.
Unit 2

Topic: Body Skills and Fitness

Subtopic: Inverted Balances
Class: Standard 6
Duration: Two weeks

How to kick a soccer ball: 3 Ways To Kick The Ball - YouTube

Competency Skill(s) Disposition

Competency Area #4: Collaboration Clarity of manage misunderstanding and conflict in a

communication respectful manner
Students will develop the capacity to work interdependently
and synergistically in teams with strong interpersonal and Demonstrate a
team‐related skills including effective management of team skill
dynamics, making substantive decisions together, and
learning from and contributing to the learning of others.

PE 1.35 Perform a Knowledge/Content Skill(s) Disposition

variety of high and low
kicks and turns while Kicking the ball is one of the
maintaining balance. fundamental elements that round Walking, stretching
out the model of a complete Bending Demonstrate team spirit
football player. Shooting/kicking Balancing Value the importance of physical activity
is not restricted to any one
position, and it is a skill that every
accomplished player should strive
to master

1. Follow directions
2. Follow safety/precautionary guidelines
3. Hand movements for turning a rope

Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

Weeks 1 Below are the basic skills Students will: Discussion and Language ‌How to kick a soccer ball: 3
&2 and technical aspects that Demonstration Arts Teacher Oral Ways To Kick The Ball - YouTube
a football player should Use high and low (verbs) and observation to
take under consideration kicks with precision Engage students in student students’
when trying to master the stretches and head Science video response to
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

art of the shot. Describe the and shoulder (balancing) How to procedures and
importance of movements for a kick a instructions
Create space for maintaining warm up soccer
yourself; you may have physical fitness ball: 3
the best shot in the Explain the Ways To
world, but if you can’t Work importance of Kick The
get yourself into a collaboratively with proper kicking Ball -
position where an open others technique, YouTube
strike presents itself,
your skill will go wholly Including the
untested. That’s why following
before you consider guidelines:
taking a shot, you need to
create the space on the Head down; eye on
field where the the ball.
opportunity to take a shot
will materialize. You have look up
to pick out your
Balance your body target and then look
before you even think back to the football
about shooting the ball; as you actually
make sure that your shoot. This is
center of gravity is as because it is
balanced as possible. virtually impossible
This is done by squaring to strike the ball
your shoulders and correctly if you’re
ensuring that your weight not looking at it.
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

is not dramatically
favored on either leg. Place non-striking
The placement of your foot alongside the
non-shooting foot is also ball.
essential to your ability If you plant your
to strike the ball. foot behind the ball
your kicking foot is
Lean over the ball; coming up as you
when taking a shot, it is strike. This will
important to lean over result in a chip shot.
the ball. There are two You need to
primary reasons for this: practice running
Leaning over the ball step how to plant
will narrow your point of your non-shooting
gravity allowing you to leg to put on the
deliver more force on the right place for right
ball. Leaning over the shots. Repeat the
ball will keep your shot step slowly and
from lofting high in the quickly.
air above the goal.
Strike the middle of
Fully extend your the ball.
leg; when taking a shot, You point the target
it is important to fully of the ball. Like
extend your leg to touching the middle
maximize the amount of area of the ball, you
power you deliver. It will have to focus to
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

also give you better impact the spot

accuracy by maintaining point out of the
proper form. middle of the ball.

Strike the ball with Keep the knee of

your laces; when taking the kicking leg over
a shot, it is important that the ball.
you strike the ball with
the proper part of your This technique
foot. With the exception determines the
of other advanced correct body
shooting techniques position. Like
(chips, ball spin etc.), running or riding
you almost always want the bike, you keep
to strike the ball with the the balance of body
laces of the cleat. By and flexible rhythm
doing this you will for power.
maximize your accuracy
and power, as you will Describe and
get the full force of your demonstrate how to
foot behind the ball. kick and pass a low
ball to someone
Lock your ankle; when
shooting, you also want Step 1(View video
to ensure that you lock link for precise
your ankle when you steps)
strike the ball. If you fail
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

to do this you will find

that your accuracy will
suffer tremendously, and
you will also fail to
maintain the power and
force of an optimal https://
Be aware of opposing 9/9e/Kick-a-Soccer-
defenders; you can’t Ball-Step-1-
shoot unless you have the Version-4.jpg/
ball, and if you aren’t 550px-
aware of opposing nowatermark-Kick-
defenders you surely a-Soccer-Ball-Step-
won’t have it for long. 1-Version-
For this reason you need 4.jpg.webp
to be aware of where the
defenders are, and take Locking your ankle
your shot only when the ensures that your
defense opens up. If this foot isn't flimsy and
is not the case, it is doesn't move at all
probably best to make a when it contacts the
pass to a teammate, keep ball. The foot needs
your head in the game to control how the
and wait for an ball moves. For an
opportunity to present inside of the foot
itself. pass, the toes
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

should point up to
lock the ankle. For
a shot, on the other
hand, the toes
should point down
to lock the ankle.

Pass the ball with

the inside of the
Never pass on your
toe. Soccer players
pass using the
inside of the foot
because it uses a
wider surface area
and makes for the
most accurate kick.
The downside to
this kick is that you
don't get as much
power out of it.
Still, it is definitely
the most accurate
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

way to pass.

Position your
planter foot.

Turn your planter

foot (the foot you
are not using to
kick) so that the
inside of your shoe
is facing the ball.
Remember, your
planter foot will
point to where the
ball ends up. If you
want to kick the
ball straight ahead,
plant that foot
facing straight

Encourage students
to practice this step
for 10 minutes and
to rest for 2 minutes

Describe kicking a
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

pass on the ground


Kick a pass on the

ground. Follow
through with your
foot close to the
ground. For short
passes and passes
on the ground, you
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

only need to follow

through a few feet.
Don't lift your foot
far off the ground.

Notice the spin on

the ball. An inside
of the foot pass
should have end
over end spin. If the
ball is spinning
outside in, you need
to lock your ankle,
or you might have
moved your passing
leg in the right

Students practice
for 10 minutes and
rest for 2.

Describe and
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

kicking a ball in the


Kick a pass in the

air. Lean your body
back and follow
through with your
foot in the air. This
time, extend your
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

foot fully, and

follow through so
that your foot ends
up several feet in
the air. Make sure
that if you're
passing in the air,
you keep your foot
closer to the ground
than you would for
a ground pass so
that the ball will go
into the air.

Again, notice the

spin on the ball.
Just like a pass on
the ground, a pass
in the air should
have end over end
spin. If the ball is
spinning outside in,
make sure you're
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

locking your ankle

and watching your
passing leg.

Lock your
ankle. This keeps
your foot stable so
that it doesn't move
when it contacts the
ball. The foot needs
to control how the
ball moves, rather
than the ball
moving the foot. If
you're trying to
achieve a no-spin
shot, the only way
you'll be able to is
by locking your
ankle. If the foot is
flimsy, the ball will
make equally
flimsy movements
and motions

Students practice
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

with a peer.

Engage students in
a cool down

For week 2.

Remember to
perform warm up

Review and
jumping activities
from week `.

Explain the
importance of
physical fitness.

Review how to
movements to kick
a low ball, pass a
ball and to kick a
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

high ball.

In peers students
practice for 20

Join peers and have

groups of 4 pass the
ball to each other
and to demonstrate
the competencies
for kicking a low an
high ball.

Culminating Assessment:
Teachers observes how students
respond to instruction. Note
sample assessment below. See
assessment for this unit.
Unit 3

Topic: Body Skills and Fitness

Subtopic: Inverted Balances
Class: Standard 6
Duration: Two weeks

Competency Skill(s) Disposition

Competency Area #4: Collaboration Clarity of manage misunderstanding and conflict in a

communication respectful manner
Students will develop the capacity to work interdependently
and synergistically in teams with strong interpersonal and Demonstrate a
team‐related skills including effective management of team skill
dynamics, making substantive decisions together, and
learning from and contributing to the learning of others.

Learning Outcomes Knowledge/Content Skill(s) Disposition

PE 1.36 Perform Balance is the ability to maintain a
balancing on stilts for controlled body position during Walking stretching
several minutes. task performance, whether it is Balancing Demonstrate team spirit
sitting at a table, walking the Running
balance beam or stepping up onto a Kicking
kerb. To function effectively across
environments and tasks, we need
the ability to maintain controlled
positions during both static (still)
and dynamic (moving) activities.

Stilts are walking devices that

make the person wearing them
much taller than usual. When you
use stilts, you stand on foot rests
and walk along far above the

1. Follow directions
2. Follow safety/precautionary guidelines
3. Perform basic balance activities
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

Weeks 1 Balance training Students will: Discussion and Science Teacher Oral
&2 involves doing exercises Demonstration (balancing) and observation to 2022. Fitness and Balance
that strengthen the Demonstrate their student students’ and Coordination. [online]
muscles that help keep abilities at Engage students in Balancin response to Available at:
you upright, including balancing their stretches and head g lesson procedures and <
your legs and core. These bodies and shoulder plan for instructions m/fitness/balance.htm>
kinds of exercises can movements elementar [Accessed 22 August 2022].
improve stability and Explain some y
help prevent falls. scientific terms Inform your physical
related to balance students they will education
be learning about -
There are two types of Recap some the concept of YouTube
exercises to balance and how it
balance: static and determine balance relates to physical
dynamic. Static balance abilities education.
is maintaining Ask them if anyone
equilibrium when is familiar with
stationary, while balance and its
relation to physical
dynamic balance is fitness.
maintaining equilibrium Describe the terms
balance and
when moving. We use
our eyes, ears and 'body
sense' to help retain our Activity One
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

Inform your
Coordination is a students they will
be performing one-
complex skill that legged balance
requires not only good drills.
Tell them:
balance, but good levels When you hear my
of other fitness whistle, lift your
components such right leg off the
ground and stand
strength and agility. only on your left
Balance and coordination leg
Wait 60 seconds
can be improved through
and see who is still
practice and training standing on one leg.
within specific sports. Now switch and do
the same thing with
Stilts are walking the students
devices that make the standing on their
person wearing them right legs.
much taller than usual. Allow them to rest.
When you use stilts, you Ask them:
stand on foot rests and Which leg was it
walk along far above the easier to stand on?
ground. Why?

Activity Two
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

Explain to your
students they will
be pretending to
walk a highwire
stretched across a
creek in Belize.
Draw a line on the
blacktop or
sidewalk with chalk
(or use a balance
Now have your
students walk along
the chalk line
slowly, one at a
time, so that with
each step, the heel
of the leading foot
touches against the
toe of the back foot
from the previous
step. Tell them:
Try not to look
down, as it's a long
way down to the
bottom of the
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

You can hold your
arms out for
balance if you wish.
If you step off the
line or fall
sideways, there is
no safety net.
Now see if you can
do it backwards!

Pause for 5 minutes

for students to share
their experiences

Activity Three

Tell your students

they will be playing
a game called
'Rocks and
Lay down the
precut 'rocks' along
the floor.
Tell your students:
You must hop from
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

one rock to the next

without missing,
because the water is
full of hungry
You are not
allowed to jump to
a rock occupied by
another student.
Now see if you can
hop backwards!
Engage students in
a cool down
activity with
stretches and
bending and

Week 2
Review the
importance of
balancing. Students
provide examples
of when they need
to balance.
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

Activity One

Describe and show

pictures of someone
walking on stilts.

Explain the

(See larger image at

the end of this unit)

First gather your

Stilts (I got mine at
Two pieces of foam
Old sheets cut into
Velcro straps
Tennis shoes
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

A friend

Step 2
(See larger image at
the end)

Tie the foam right

underneath your
knees with a sheet

Step 3
(See larger image at
the end)

Begin to tie the

stilts to your legs
using veclro straps
and wide sheets
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

make sure that they

are super tight. The
stilt should feel as
though it is an
extension of your

Tie your feet to the

stilts using sheet
strips and velcro
straps. Every stilt
walker does this
part differently. I
prefer to use a long
sheet strap to wrap
under the foot plate
back to my heel and
then cross over to
the front of my
foot. It may take a
few tries to find
what is most
comfortable for

Peers work together

to tie slits on and to
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

practice walking.

Remember to
engage students in
stretches to cool

Culminating Assessment: Teachers observes how students respond to instruction. Note sample assessment below. See assessment for
this unit.
Step 2
Step 3
Unit 4

Topic: Body Skills and Fitness

Subtopic: Inverted Balances
Class: Standard Six
Duration: two weeks

Physical Therapist Shows How to Walk Correctly - YouTube

Competency Skill(s) Disposition

Competency Area #4: Collaboration Clarity of manage misunderstanding and conflict in a

communication respectful manner
Students will develop the capacity to work interdependently
and synergistically in teams with strong interpersonal and Demonstrate a
team‐related skills including effective management of team skill
dynamics, making substantive decisions together, and
learning from and contributing to the learning of others.
Learning Outcomes Knowledge/Content Skill(s) Disposition
PE 1.37 Explain the
importance of Motor Skills Definition. Walking, Follow directions
and perform running, stretching, bending, Value the importance of respecting
simple warm up catching, and throwing are all Taking turns others
or cool down motor skills. They are the building
routines that blocks of all games and activities Hopping
includes a variety in physical education class, sports, Running,
of light aerobic and daily life. Jumping
exercises and Walking
Aerobic exercise is any type of
cardiovascular conditioning, or
“cardio.” It can include activities
like brisk walking, swimming,
running, or cycling. By definition,
aerobic exercise means “with
oxygen.” Your breathing and heart
rate will increase during aerobic

1. Follow directions
2. Follow safety/precautionary guidelines
3. Perform stretches and skipping with a rope
7. Content 8. Unit 9. Suggested 10. Cross 11. 12.Compete 13. References: (Text and page
Topics Objectives: (Pedagogical Curricular Technolog ncy-Based number)
Count Approach/Teaching (Linkages) y Assessment
and Learning application/ (State type
quantify Strategies) Integration of
Weeks 1 Gross motor skills use Students will: Language Arts ‌Developing fundamental
&2 the large muscles in the Discussion/ (verbs) Teacher Oral movement skills manual
body to allow for Use gross motor Demonstration and student observation - sport new zealand.
balance, coordination, skills in physical Science video to students’ (n.d.). Retrieved August
reaction time, and activity Warm up: (balance( response to 17, 2022, from
physical strength so that Use this warm up Fundament procedures
we can do bigger Apply gross video al and dia/2047/fundamental-
movements, such as motor skills in Movement instructions movement-hopping.pdf
walking and jumping. play activities Skill: Hop -
Kids Daily Exercise -
Hopping respectfully in
Day 1 - YouTube.
group activities.
involves taking off on Describe hopping.
one foot and landing on
the same foot, usually in Teacher
a continuous and demonstrates how
rhythmic movement. to hop.

Brisk walking is a Students follow

instruction and hop
three steps forward.
exercise and has more
(Be sure that
benefits for fitness and students are
reducing health risks appropriately
than walking at an easy spaced out)
7. Content 8. Unit 9. Suggested 10. Cross 11. 12.Compete 13. References: (Text and page
Topics Objectives: (Pedagogical Curricular Technolog ncy-Based number)
Count Approach/Teaching (Linkages) y Assessment
and Learning application/ (State type
quantify Strategies) Integration of
How fast you must
walk for it to be Play a game of sack
considered a brisk pace race. Encourage
depends on your fitness students to hop
level. Learn what you across a finish line.
can do to improve your
walking technique so Engage in cool
you can boost your down exercises
average walking speed. such as stretching
and bending.
Week 2.
Engage in warm up
activities (twisting,
jumping jacks and
arm circles)

Explain and
demonstrate brisk
walking and these
walking guidelines

Walking Posture

For best walking

posture, follow
these guidelines.
7. Content 8. Unit 9. Suggested 10. Cross 11. 12.Compete 13. References: (Text and page
Topics Objectives: (Pedagogical Curricular Technolog ncy-Based number)
Count Approach/Teaching (Linkages) y Assessment
and Learning application/ (State type
quantify Strategies) Integration of

Do not lean forward

or back.

Draw your navel in

toward your spine.
Keep your
abdominal muscles
firm, but not overly

Keep breathing;
don't hold your

Keep your eyes

forward and don't
look down. Focus
20 feet ahead of

Relax your jaw to

avoid tension in
your neck.

Shrug once and let

your shoulders fall
7. Content 8. Unit 9. Suggested 10. Cross 11. 12.Compete 13. References: (Text and page
Topics Objectives: (Pedagogical Curricular Technolog ncy-Based number)
Count Approach/Teaching (Linkages) y Assessment
and Learning application/ (State type
quantify Strategies) Integration of

and relax, with your

shoulders slightly

Stand up straight,
without arching
your back.

Your head should

be up so your chin
is parallel to the
ground, reducing
strain on your neck
and back.

Your head should

remain level as you
walk; all motion
should take place
from the shoulders

Walking Arm

Using proper arm

7. Content 8. Unit 9. Suggested 10. Cross 11. 12.Compete 13. References: (Text and page
Topics Objectives: (Pedagogical Curricular Technolog ncy-Based number)
Count Approach/Teaching (Linkages) y Assessment
and Learning application/ (State type
quantify Strategies) Integration of

position and
movement while
walking can help
you walk faster and
increase intensity.

Bend your arms 90

degrees at the

Don't carry
anything in your
hands while

Keep your arms and

elbows close to
your body rather
than pointing

Move your arms in

opposition to your
feet. When your
right foot goes
forward, your right
7. Content 8. Unit 9. Suggested 10. Cross 11. 12.Compete 13. References: (Text and page
Topics Objectives: (Pedagogical Curricular Technolog ncy-Based number)
Count Approach/Teaching (Linkages) y Assessment
and Learning application/ (State type
quantify Strategies) Integration of

arm goes back and

your left arm goes

On the backswing,
think of reaching
for a wallet in your
back pocket. While
you want a good
backswing, don't
exaggerate it and
end up leaning.

Your arm motion

should be mostly
not diagonal. It
should also be
mostly level,
without reaching up
past your
breastbone when
your arm comes

Walking Foot
7. Content 8. Unit 9. Suggested 10. Cross 11. 12.Compete 13. References: (Text and page
Topics Objectives: (Pedagogical Curricular Technolog ncy-Based number)
Count Approach/Teaching (Linkages) y Assessment
and Learning application/ (State type
quantify Strategies) Integration of

Improve your pace

from the ground up
by paying attention
to your foot motion
while walking.

Strike with your

heel and roll
through each step
from heel to toe.

Give a powerful
push-off with the
ball of your foot
and your toes at the
end of your stride.

If you find that

your foot slaps
down without
rolling through the
step, you likely are
wearing stiff-soled
shoes. Switch to
running shoes that
7. Content 8. Unit 9. Suggested 10. Cross 11. 12.Compete 13. References: (Text and page
Topics Objectives: (Pedagogical Curricular Technolog ncy-Based number)
Count Approach/Teaching (Linkages) y Assessment
and Learning application/ (State type
quantify Strategies) Integration of

are flexible in the


Walking Stride

Your walking stride

is important too.
Aim to take more
steps of your
natural stride length
rather than trying to
lengthen your

When you do add

length, it should be
behind you. Keep
your back foot on
the ground longer
and then powerfully
push off with your

Resist the urge

to overstride when
you are trying to
7. Content 8. Unit 9. Suggested 10. Cross 11. 12.Compete 13. References: (Text and page
Topics Objectives: (Pedagogical Curricular Technolog ncy-Based number)
Count Approach/Teaching (Linkages) y Assessment
and Learning application/ (State type
quantify Strategies) Integration of
walk faster. Your
forward foot should
strike closer to your
body. Notice
whether you are
overextending your
foot in front of your
In triads, students
brisk walk. The
groups are timed to
determined which
group was able to
walk around briskly
as a team around a
Engage students in
stretches and
jumping jacks to
cool down.
Day 2
Warm up by
engaging students
in stretching
activities such as:
Neck and
shoulders, swirling
7. Content 8. Unit 9. Suggested 10. Cross 11. 12.Compete 13. References: (Text and page
Topics Objectives: (Pedagogical Curricular Technolog ncy-Based number)
Count Approach/Teaching (Linkages) y Assessment
and Learning application/ (State type
quantify Strategies) Integration of
of arms, bending
Review brisk
walking, students
play group games
in groups of twos to
reinforce use of
brisk walking.
Cool down by
doing small hops
and stretching
Culminating Assessment: Teachers observes how students respond to instruction. Note sample assessment below. See assessment for
this unit.
Unit 5

Topic: Body Skills and Fitness

Subtopic: Inverted Balances
Class: Standard 6
Duration: Two weeks

The 8 Science-Backed Benefits of Strength Training (

Competency Skill(s) Disposition

Competency Area #4: Collaboration Clarity of manage misunderstanding and conflict in a

communication respectful manner
Students will develop the capacity to work interdependently
and synergistically in teams with strong interpersonal and Demonstrate a
team‐related skills including effective management of team skill
dynamics, making substantive decisions together, and
learning from and contributing to the learning of others.
Learning Outcomes Knowledge/Content Skill(s) Disposition

PE 1.38 Walking stretching

Developing muscular
Demonstrate Balancing Demonstrate team spirit
strengths helps to build strong,
appropriate posture Running
healthier muscles and bones. This
while performing Throwing
helps to develop good posture and
different exercises relieve back pain. You'll have more
with different stability, balance, and flexibility,
variations. making injuries and falls less

1. Follow directions
2. Follow safety/precautionary guidelines
3. Accurately maintain body posture during physical play
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

Weeks 1 A strength exercise is Students will: Discussion and Science read, D. S. J. M.-M.-2. · 6
&2 any activity that makes Demonstration (balancing) Teacher Oral mins. (n.d.). What are the
your muscles work Demonstrate their and observation to benefits of strength
harder than usual, which abilities at Engage students in students students’ exercise?
increases their strength, performing stretches and head response to
size, power and stretches with their and shoulder The 8 procedures and features/what-are-the-
endurance. This involves bodies movements Science- instructions benefits-of-strength-exercises
using your body weight Backed ‌
or working against some Explain some Explain that Benefits
sort of resistance, to scientific terms stretching can focus of
work specific muscle related to stretching on specific body Strength
groups. parts. Training
Lifting weights, climbing Recap some (insidetra
stairs, hill walking, exercises to Explain and
cycling, sit-ups, squats, determine demonstrate a side )
push-ups and using stretching abilities lunge
strength machines in the
gym are all examples of
strength exercise.
activities help maintain
the ability to perform
everyday tasks and slow Keep your upper
down the rate of bone body straight and
and muscle loss legs apart. Then
associated with ageing. shift your weight in
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

Health professionals also a slow "lunge" to

believe that improving the side over a bent
your flexibility can knee (not forward,
improve your posture, as in a typical
reduce aches and pains, lunge). You should
and lower your risk of feel a stretch along
injury, too. the inner thigh of
the opposite leg,
which should be
straight as you push
your weight to the
bent-knee side. Try
to hold it for 20 to
30 seconds on each

Rest for 5 minutes

Describe and
demonstrate a
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

Squats: Stand with

legs apart and
slowly lower the
body to a squat
position, as seen in
the photo. Be sure
knees do not bend
past the toes. This
is an example of a
whole body
dynamic stretch.
Students practice
squats for ten
minutes and rest for

Explain and
describe calf stretch
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

Stand facing a wall

a bit more than
arm's length away.
Put one foot
forward with a bent
knee, and the other
one back with a
straight knee. Feet
should point
directly forward.
Using your arms to
brace yourself
against the wall,
keep your belly
firm and lean until
you feel the stretch
in the calf muscle
of your back leg.
Try to keep both
feet flat. Hold it for
20 to 30 seconds on
each side.
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

Review that three

additional stretches
from the previous
lesson which will
be done one after
the other,

Explain and
demonstrate the

Twists: Stand with

hands on hips and
turn at waist from
left to right and
back. The muscles
of the torso and
spine will benefit
from this dynamic

High knees: Raise

alternating knees to
the chest. Start
slowly and increase
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

speed. This
dynamic stretch is a
great way to try
before running, as it
mimics the motion
of running in a
slower, controlled

Walking lunges
with torso twist:
Perform alternating
leg forward lunges
while twisting at
the waist from left
to right. Start
slowly and with
small motions, and
increase speed and
intensity during
later repetitions.
The torso, buttocks,
and legs all benefit
from this dynamic

Reinforce this
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

competitive play
where they throw a
ball to each other.

Reinforce that to
throw the ball
Basic Steps in
Throwing a
Baseball Harder
(Click on the URLs
below to see a
video clip of how
the skills should be

First: How to Hold

& Grip a Baseball
Step 1: “Funnel”
The Ball to Your

Step 2: Right Ankle

Points to Target

Step 3: Throwing
Arm & Glove Arm
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

Step 4: Rear Foot

Strides Toward

Step 5: Hips Rotate

FIRST, Powering
the Shoulder

Step 6: Chest
Moves Forward as
Arm Accelerates

Step 7: Arm
Follows Through
Down to Opposite

Remember to cool
down with
stretching exercises.

Week 2

Warm up with
stretching exercise
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

from day one.

Demonstrate how to
throw and catch a
ball. Reviewing
throwing skills
from day one and
explain catching as

1. Align yourself
with the ball. You'll
need to move your
body so that you are
in catching distance
of the ball, but you
should also try to
line up your eyes

2.Meet the ball with

your hands. As the
ball moves through
the air toward you,
you're going to
need to reach out
with your hands to
grab it mid-flight.
Topics Content Unit Objectives: Suggested Cross Technolo Competency- References: (Text and page
Count (Pedagogical Curricular gy Based number)
and Approach/Teaching (Linkages) applicatio Assessment (St
quantify Learning n/Integrat ate type of
Strategies) ion assessment

3.Grasp the ball.

Depending on the
speed at which the
ball was thrown and
the amount of spin
on the body
Reinforce safety
Students throw and
catch ball in pairs.

Cool down with

stretching activities.
Culminating Assessment: Teachers observes how students respond to instruction. Note sample assessment below. See assessment for
this unit.

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