Omha27070801 Om Harmony XL Pro Applicators Row
Omha27070801 Om Harmony XL Pro Applicators Row
Omha27070801 Om Harmony XL Pro Applicators Row
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Alma Lasers™.
System specifications and the information contained in this document are subject to change without notice.
Alma Lasers, its logo and Harmony™ are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Alma Lasers Inc. in
the USA and/or other countries.
1. Introduction
2. H. Power UV Module 270 – 380nm Psoriasis and Vitiligo.
3. Acne Module 420 – 950nm Moderate inflammatory acne
4. 'S'Acne Module 420 – 950nm Moderate inflammatory acne
5. VL Module 515 – 950nm Superficial vascular lesions.
6. SVL Cooled Module 515 – 950nm Superficial vascular lesions.
7. VL/PL Module 440 – 950nm Vascular and Pigmented lesions.
8. VL/PL Cooled Module 440 – 950nm Vascular and pigmented lesions.
9. Dye-VL Module 500 – 600nm Vascular and pigmented lesions.
10. Yellow LED 560 – 620nm Increased blood flow, muscle
relaxation & pain relief.
Treatment of rhytids, fine lines
and wrinkles1.
11. SR Module 570 – 950nm Skin rejuvenation.
12. SR Cooled Module 570 – 950nm Skin rejuvenation.
13. SSR Cooled Module 540 – 950nm Skin rejuvenation ("S" mode).
14. Dye-SR Module 550 – 650nm Vascular and pigmented lesions.
15. HR Module 650 – 950nm Hair removal.
16. SHR (3) Module 650 – 950nm Hair removal.
Long-term or permanent hair
reduction ("S" mode).
17. SHR (5) Module 650 – 950nm Long-term or permanent hair
reduction [5 cm2 spot size].
18. ST Module 780 – 950nm Scar revision and treatment of
19. SST Cooled Module 780 – 950nm Scar revision and treatment of
striae ("S mode).
20. Q-SW Pro (ClearLift) 1064nm & 532nm Tattoo removal and vascular
Module lesions.
21. H.P.Q-SW Pro 1064nm & 532nm Tattoo removal, skin rejuvenation
(ClearLift) Module and pigmented vascular lesions.
22. L.P. 1064nm Pro 1064nm Vascular lesions, leg veins, hair
Module removal, wrinkles and PFB.
1 In Canada
23. Cooled L.P. Pro 1064nm Vascular lesions, leg veins, hair
Module removal, facial wrinkles and PFB.
24. Fungus L.P. Pro 1064nm Onychomycosis (nail fungus),
Module vascular lesions, leg veins, hair
removal and PFB.
25. L.P. 1320 Module 1320nm Wrinkles and acne scars.
26. Cooled L.P. 1320 1320nm Wrinkles and acne scars.
27. iPixel Pro Module 2940nm Fractional ablative skin
28. NIR Face Module2 1300nm Muscle pain relief.
Joint pain and stiffness.
29. Er:Glass Module3 1540nm Acne, Acne Scars and Benign
Facial Lesions
30. NIR Body Module 1300nm Muscle and Joints Pain Relief
31. Cryotherapy (ZERO) N/A Acne, and Hyperhidrosis
32. SHR (6.4) Module 700-950 nm Removal of unwanted hair and to
effect stable long-term or
permanent hair reduction
Table of Contents
30.7 NIR Body Module Clinical Guide – Dorsal Hand Rejuvenation 30-13
30.7.1 Introduction ................................................................... 30-13
30.7.2 Intended Use and Indications ....................................... 30-13
30.7.3 Skin Test ........................................................................ 30-14
30.7.4 Treatment ...................................................................... 30-14
30.7.5 Suggested Setup Parameters ........................................ 30-16
30.7.6 Post-Treatment Care ..................................................... 30-17
30.7.7 Follow-Up....................................................................... 30-18
List of Figures
Figure Description Page
Figure 2-1. H. Power UV Module (Violet Color Code).................................. 2-2
Figure 2-2. H. Power UV Module Operating Screen .................................... 2-3
Figure 2-3. H. Power UV Module Regulatory Labels................................... 2-4
Figure 3-1. Acne Module (Blue Color Code) ................................................. 3-2
Figure 3-2. Acne Module Operating Screen ................................................. 3-3
Figure 3-3. Acne Module Regulatory Labels ................................................ 3-4
Figure 4-1. 'S'Acne Module (Blue Color Code) ............................................. 4-2
Figure 4-2. 'S'Acne Module Operating Screen.............................................. 4-3
Figure 4-3. 'S'Acne Module Regulatory Labels ............................................ 4-4
Figure 5-1. VL Module (Turquoise Color Code) ........................................... 5-2
Figure 5-2. VL Module Operating Screen .................................................... 5-3
Figure 5-3. VL Module Regulatory Labels ................................................... 5-4
Figure 6-1. SVL Cooled Module (Turquoise Color Code) ............................. 6-2
Figure 6-2. SVL Cooled Module Operating Screen ...................................... 6-3
Figure 6-3 presents the regulatory identification and caution labels
adhered to the SVL cooled module connector: ......................... 6-4
Figure 6-4. SVL Cooled Module Regulatory Labels ..................................... 6-4
Figure 7-1. VL/PL Module (Green Color Code) ............................................ 7-2
Figure 7-2. VL/PL Module Operating Screen............................................... 7-3
Figure 7-3. VL/PL Module Regulatory Labels ............................................. 7-4
Figure 8-1. VL/PL Cooled Module (Green Color Code) ................................ 8-2
Figure 8-2. VL/PL Cooled Module Operating Screen ................................... 8-3
Figure 8-3. VL/PL Cooled Module Regulatory Labels.................................. 8-4
Figure 9-1. Dye-VL Module Operating Screens ........................................... 9-3
Figure 9-2. Dye-VL Module Regulatory Labels............................................ 9-4
Figure 10-1. Yellow LED Module ............................................................... 10-2
Figure 10-2. Yellow LED Module Operating Screen .................................. 10-3
Figure 10-3. Yellow LED Module Regulatory Labels ................................ 10-4
Figure 11-1. SR Module (Yellow Color Code) ............................................. 11-2
Figure 11-2. SR Module Operating Screen ................................................ 11-3
Figure 11-3. SR Module Regulatory Labels ............................................... 11-4
Figure 12-1. SR Cooled Module (Yellow Color Code) ................................. 12-2
List of Tables
Table Description Page
Table 2-1. H. Power UV Module Accessories ............................................... 2-4
Table 2-2. Proposed Range of MED Test Spot Fluence (mJ/cm2) for the
H. Power UV Module ............................................................... 2-6
Table 2-3. Suggested UV Setup Parameters ................................................ 2-7
Table 2-4. Initial Treatment Parameters for Vitiligo and Re-
Pigmentation ............................................................................ 2-8
Table 3-1. Acne Module Accessories ............................................................. 3-4
Table 4-1. 'S'Acne Module Accessories ......................................................... 4-4
Table 5-1. VL Module Accessories ................................................................ 5-4
Table 5-2. VL Skin Test parameters ............................................................ 5-6
Table 5-3. Suggested VL Setup Parameters ................................................ 5-8
Table 6-1. SVL Cooled Module Accessories .................................................. 6-4
Table 6-2. SVL Cooled Skin Test Parameters .............................................. 6-6
Table 6-3. Suggested SVL Cooled Setup Parameters .................................. 6-8
Table 7-1. VL/PL Module Accessories .......................................................... 7-4
Table 7-2. Vascular Lesions Skin Test Parameters* ................................... 7-6
Table 7-3. Suggested VL/PL Setup Parameters for Vascular Lesions* ....... 7-8
Table 7-4. Pigmented Lesions Skin Test Parameters ................................ 7-11
Table 7-5. Suggested VL/PL Setup Parameters for Pigmented Lesions ... 7-12
Table 8-1. VL/PL Cooled Module Accessories .............................................. 8-4
Table 8-2. Vascular Lesions Skin Test Parameters ..................................... 8-6
Table 8-3. Suggested VL/PL Cooled Setup Parameters for Vascular
Lesions* .................................................................................... 8-8
Table 8-4. Pigmented Lesions Skin Test Parameters ................................ 8-11
Table 8-5. Suggested VL/PL Cooled Setup Parameters for Pigmented
Lesions* .................................................................................. 8-13
Table 9-1. Dye-VL Module (Light Green) ..................................................... 9-2
Table 9-2. Dye-VL Module Accessories......................................................... 9-4
Table 9-3. Vascular Lesions Skin Test Parameters ..................................... 9-6
Table 9-4. Suggested Dye-VL Setup Parameters for Vascular Lesions....... 9-8
Table 9-5. Pigmented Lesions Skin Test Parameters ................................ 9-11
Table 9-6. Suggested Dye-VL Setup Parameters for Pigmented Lesions .. 9-12
Table 9-7. Dye-SVL Skin Test Parameters (30 second interval) ............... 9-15
Table 20-4. Tattoo Removal Skin Test Parameters for for Blue, Black
& Green Tattoos with Pixel Tip ............................................. 20-9
Table 20-5. Suggested Setup Parameters for Blue, Black & Green
Tattoos .................................................................................. 20-11
Table 20-6. Suggested Setup Parameters for Red Tattoos (1064/532
KTP Tip) ............................................................................... 20-11
Table 20-7. Suggested Setup Parameters for Blue, Black & Green
Tattoos with Pixel Tip .......................................................... 20-11
Table 21-1. H.P.Q-SW Pro Module Accessories.......................................... 21-7
Table 21-2. Tattoo Removal Skin Test Parameters for Blue, Black &
Green Tattoos (standard tips) .............................................. 21-11
Table 21-3. Tattoo Removal Skin Test Parameters for Red Tattoos
(KTP tip) ............................................................................... 21-11
Table 21-4. Suggested Setup Parameters for Blue, Black & Green
Tattoos (iPixel Roller Tip 7X1) ............................................ 21-11
Table 21-5. Skin Rejuvenation Skin Test Parameters (Gauged 5x5
Pixel Tip) .............................................................................. 21-12
Table 21-6. Skin Rejuvenation Skin Test Parameters (iPixel roller 7X1)21-12
Table 21-7. Suggested Setup Parameters for Blue, Black & Green
Tattoos (Standard Tips) ....................................................... 21-15
Table 21-8. Suggested Setup Parameters for Blue, Black & Green
Tattoos (iPixel Roller Tip 1X7) ............................................ 21-15
Table 21-9. Suggested Setup Parameters for Red Tattoos ...................... 21-15
Table 21-10. Suggested Setup Parameters for deep gauged tips
(Stationary Pixel tip)............................................................ 21-15
Table 21-11. Suggested Setup Parameters for Superficial gauged tips
(Stationary Pixel tip)............................................................ 21-16
Table 21-12. Suggested Setup Parameters for Melasma Treatment
(Stationary Pixel tip)............................................................ 21-16
Table 21-13. Suggested Setup Parameters for Superficial gauged tips
(iPixel roller 7X1) ................................................................. 21-16
Table 21-14. Suggested Setup Parameters for Melasma Treatment
(iPixel Roller 75X1) .............................................................. 21-17
Table 22-1. L.P. 1064 Pro Module Accessories ........................................... 22-5
Table 22-2. Skin Test Parameters for Vascular Lesions ............................ 22-8
Table 22-3. Vascular Lesions Suggested Setup Parameters.................... 22-10
Table 22-4. Skin Test Parameters for Facial Wrinkles ............................ 22-10
Table 22-5. Facial Wrinkles Suggested Setup Parameters...................... 22-11
Table 22-6. Skin Test Parameters for Hair Removal & PFB Treatment 22-12
Table 22-7. Suggested Setup Parameters ................................................ 22-15
Table 23-1. Cooled L.P. Pro Module Accessories ........................................ 23-5
Table 23-2. Skin Test Parameters for Vascular Lesions............................ 23-7
Table 23-3. Vascular Lesions Suggested Setup Parameters ..................... 23-9
Table 23-4. Skin Test Parameters for Facial Wrinkles............................ 23-10
Table 23-5. Facial Wrinkles Suggested Setup Parameters ..................... 23-11
Table 23-6. Skin Test Parameters for Hair Removal & PFB Treatment 23-12
Table 23-7. Suggested Setup Parameters ................................................ 23-14
Table 24-1. Fungus L.P. Pro Module Accessories ...................................... 24-6
Table 24-2. Skin Test Parameters for Vascular Lesions............................ 24-9
Table 24-3. Vascular Lesions Suggested Setup Parameters ................... 24-11
Table 24-4. Skin Test Parameters for Facial Wrinkles............................ 24-11
Table 24-5. Facial Wrinkles Suggested Setup Parameters ..................... 24-12
Table 24-6. Q-Switched Patch Test Parameters for Onychomycosis
(Hallux Nail) ........................................................................ 24-18
Table 24-7. Q-Switched Patch Test Parameters for Onychomycosis
(Digit Nail) ........................................................................... 24-18
Table 24-8. Q-Switched Onychomycosis (Hallux Nail) Suggested Setup
Parameters ........................................................................... 24-19
Table 24-9. Q-Switched Onychomycosis (Digit Nail) Suggested Setup
Parameters ........................................................................... 24-19
Table 24-10. Patch Test Parameters for Onychomycosis (Hallux Nail) .. 24-20
Table 24-11. Patch Test Parameters for Onychomycosis (Digit Nail) ..... 24-20
Table 24-12. Laser 1064F Pro Cooled Suggested Setup Parameters for
Onychomycosis (Hallux Nail) .............................................. 24-21
Table 24-13. Laser 1064F Pro Cooled Suggested Setup Parameters for
Onychomycosis (Digit Nail) ................................................. 24-21
Table 25-1. L.P. 1320 Module Accessories.................................................. 25-4
Table 25-2. Skin Test Parameters .............................................................. 25-6
Table 25-3. Suggested Setup Parameters .................................................. 25-7
Table 26-1. Cooled L.P. 1320 Module Accessories...................................... 26-7
Table 26-2. Skin Test Parameters .............................................................. 26-9
Table 26-3. Suggested Setup Parameters ................................................ 26-11
Table 27-1. iPixel Pro Module Accessories ................................................. 27-5
Table 27-2. Skin Test Parameters for the Standard 1, 4mm Tip .............. 27-8
Table 27-3. Skin Test Parameters for the 7x7 Pixel Tip ............................ 27-8
Table 27-4. Skin Test Parameters for the 7x1 iPixelEr Tip ........................ 27-8
Table 27-5. Suggested Setup Parameters for the Standard Tips ............ 27-12
Table 27-6. Suggested Setup Parameters for the 7x7 Pixel Tip .............. 27-12
Table 27-7. Suggested Setup Parameters for the 7x1 iPixelEr Tip .......... 27-12
Table 28-1. NIR Face Module Accessories.................................................. 28-4
Table 28-2. Skin Test Parameters * ........................................................... 28-7
Table 28-3. Suggested Treatment Parameters * ...................................... 28-10
Table 29-1. Er Glass Module Accessories ................................................... 29-4
Table 29-2. Skin Test Parameters for the Standard 4mm, 10mm & 7x7
Pixel Tips - Acne vulgaris ...................................................... 29-6
Table 29-3. Suggested Setup Parameters for the Standard 4 mm, 10
mm & 7x7 Pixel Tips .............................................................. 29-7
Table 29-4. Skin Test Parameters for the Standard 4mm, 10 mm & 7x7
Pixel Tips - Acne Scars........................................................... 29-8
Table 29-5. Suggested Setup Parameters for the Standard 4 mm, 10
mm & 7x7 Pixel Tips .............................................................. 29-9
Table 29-6. Skin Test Parameters for the Standard 4 mm, 10 mm &
7x7 Pixel Tips - Benign Facial Lesions ................................ 29-10
Table 29-7. Suggested Setup Parameters for the Standard 4 mm, 10
mm & 7x7 Pixel Tips ............................................................ 29-11
Table 30-1. NIR Body Module Accessories ................................................. 30-5
Table 30-2. Skin Test Parameters * ........................................................... 30-8
Table 30-3. Suggested Treatment Parameters * ...................................... 30-11
Table 30-4. NIR Body Skin Test Parameters ........................................... 30-14
Table 30-5. Suggested Setup Parameters ................................................ 30-16
Table 31-1. ZERO Module & Accessories ................................................... 31-5
Table 31-2. Skin Test Parameters for treating Acne ................................. 31-7
Table 31-3. Suggested Setup Parameters for the treating of Acne.......... 31-10
Table 31-4. Skin Test Parameters for treating Hyperhidrosis ................ 31-10
Table 31-5. Suggested Setup Parameters for treating Hyperhidrosis ..... 31-13
Table 32-1. SHR (6.4) Module Accessories ................................................. 32-6
Table 32-2. Cooled HR Skin Test Parameters............................................ 32-7
Table 32-3. Suggested HR Setup Parameters ............................................ 32-9
Table 32-4. SHR (6.4) Skin Test Parameters**........................................ 32-12
Table 32-5. SHR (6.4) Suggested Setup Parameters................................ 32-15
Chapter Contents:
Section Title Page
1.1 Scope of This Manual ...................................................................... 1-2
1.2 Module Specifications...................................................................... 1-3
1.2.1 AFT, UV, NIR & LED, Non-Laser, Non-Cooled
Modules .............................................................................. 1-4
1.2.2 AFT and NIR, Non-Laser, Cooled Modules....................... 1-5
1.2.3 'S' Mode Cooled Modules ................................................... 1-6
1.2.4 Cryotherapy (Zero) Module ............................................... 1-6
1.2.5 Laser Modules.................................................................... 1-7
1.2.6 Laser Modules (continued) ................................................ 1-8
Use of controls or adjustments, or performance of procedures other
than those specified herein may put the operator and/or the patient at
risk. Therefore, before attempting to use or operate the system,
personnel operating the Harmony XL Pro system should read this
manual and the Modules Manual, and become thoroughly familiar
with all its safety requirements and operating procedures.
Any laser or pulsed light-emitting device can cause injury if used
improperly. High voltages are present inside the Harmony XL Pro
system. Personnel who work with lasers or pulsed light sources must
always be aware of the possible dangers and must take the proper
safeguards as described in the Safety chapter of the System manual.
H. Power UV Pigment restoration Pulsed UV 270 – 380 30, 40, 50 msec 6.4 1/2 2-4.5
Acne: 30, 40, 50
Acne: 1 / 2 Acne: 5 – 25S-
Acne and msec
Acne clearance AFT 420 – 950 6.4
'S' Acne Acne:
S-Acne: 2 sec S-Acne: 10 Hz
0.3 – 1.2
Superficial vascular
VL AFT 515 – 950 10, 12, 15 msec 6.4 2/3 5 – 25
Vascular and
VL/PL AFT 440 – 950 10, 12, 15 msec 6.4 2/3 5 – 25
pigmented lesions
SR Skin rejuvenation AFT 570 – 950 10, 12, 15 msec 6.4 2/3 5 – 25
HR Hair removal AFT 650 – 950 30, 40, 50 msec 6.4 1/2 5 – 25
Scar revision &
ST Pulsed NIR 780-950 10, 30 & 90 seconds 6.4 2 1–7
Treatment of Striae
Superficial vascular
SVL Cooled AFT 515 – 950 10, 12, 15 msec 3 2/3 5 – 30
VL/PL Vascular and
AFT 440 – 950 10, 12, 15 msec 3 2/3 5 – 30
Cooled pigmented lesions
SR Cooled Skin rejuvenation AFT 570 – 950 10, 12, 15 msec 3 2/3 5 – 30
Super skin
SSR Cooled In-Motion AFT 540 – 950 1, 3 & 30 seconds 3 2 1 – 15
HR: 30, 40, 50 msec HR: 1/2 HR: 5-25
SHR (3) Super hair removal In-Motion AFT 650-950 3
SHR: 1, 3 & 30 seconds SHR: 3 SHR: 3 – 7
HR: 30, 40, 50 msec HR: 1/2 HR: 5-20
SHR (5) Super hair removal In-Motion AFT 650-950 5
SHR: 1, 3 & 30 seconds SHR: 3 SHR: 3 – 7
Scar revision &
SST Cooled In-Motion AFT 780-950 1, 3 & 30 seconds 3 5 0.5 – 3.5
Treatment of Striae
Tattoo removal 1064 20 nsec 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 mm 1, 2, 4 500 – 1200 mJ/p
Deep pigmented Q-Switched
Q-SW 1064 1064 20 nsec 5 x 5 Pixel 1, 2, 4 500 – 1200 mJ/p
lesions Nd:YAG
FD Q-Switched
Tattoo removal 532 20 nsec 2, 3, 4 mm KTP 1, 2, 4 500 – 1200 mJ/p
Tattoo removal 1064 20 nsec 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 mm 1, 2, 4 500 – 2400 mJ/p
Deep pigmented Q-Switched
1064 20 nsec 5x5 Pixel 1, 2, 4 500 – 2400 mJ/p
lesions Nd:YAG
H.P.Q-SW Pro
Tattoo removal & FD Q-Switched
532 20 nsec 2, 3, 4 mm KTP 1, 2, 4 500 – 2400 mJ/p
nail fungus Nd:YAG
Skin rejuvenation Q-Switched 5x5 Roller
1064 20 nsec N/A 500 – 2400 mJ/p
Tattoo removal Nd:YAG 7x1 Roller
Vascular lesions Nd:YAG 1064 10 msec 2 mm 1 30 – 450 J/cm2
Leg veins Nd:YAG 1064 15, 45, 60 msec 6 mm 1 30 – 150 J/cm2
L.P. 1064 Pro Hair removal Nd:YAG 1064 15 msec 10 mm 1 20 – 50 J/cm2
Wrinkles and acne Nd:YAG 1064 10 msec 5x5 Pixel 1 3 – 25 J/cm2
Vascular lesions Nd:YAG 1064 10 msec 2 mm 1 30 – 450 J/cm2
Fungus L.P. Pro Leg veins Nd:YAG 1064 15, 45, 60 msec 6 mm 1 30 – 150 J/cm2
Nail fungus Nd:YAG 1064 0.1 – 3.0 msec 1 mm 10, 30 100 – 200 mJ/P
30 ms
40 ms
50 ms
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this module.
2.6.1 Pre-Treatment
Assessing the Condition
The treatment parameters for any given skin condition depend on the
lesion type, skin type, depth and density of the lesion to be treated.
In vitiligo and re-pigmentation reduce the energy by 15%-20%.
2.6.2 Treatment
Clean the skin to remove perfumes, cosmetics and sunscreens.
Begin initial treatment with predetermined fluence, beginning at
approximately 70-90% of the MED and increasing the settings in
10-20% increments at each subsequent treatment (in the absence
of side effects). Slight erythema is a desired endpoint 20-24 hours
after treatment.
A treatment mask may be used to protect the healthy skin from
unintended UV exposure.
Do not apply gel.
Place the module perpendicular to the skin and touch the skin. Do
not apply pressure.
Set the initial fluence parameter according to the skin test results.
Trigger a light pulse by pressing the footswitch.
Treatment should overlap the healthy skin at the periphery of the
treated sites by approximately one or two millimeters.
To start, treatments may be administered twice per week for the
first two weeks. Subsequent treatments may remain on the same
schedule or be given at the frequency of once every other week,
according to the operator’s discretion.
If prominent adverse reactions are noted from the prior treatment,
the next treatment may be skipped or the dose reduced until
symptoms resolve.
After re-pigmentation, additional maintenance treatments may be
continued at the same - or reduced - dose and frequency.
Skin Type Fluence
Module Width Comments
(Fitzpatrick I – VI) (mJ/cm2)
2.6.5 Follow-up
After treatment there is typically mild erythema. At higher
fluences blistering can occur, mimicking a severe sunburn
reaction. If any blistering or erosions occur, the area should be
covered with antibiotic ointment or hydrophilic petrolatum until
Avoid exposure of the skin to UV (sun exposure or the use of
tanning beds) or self-tan for at least 2 weeks
Avoid picking or scratching the treated area
Avoid rough handling of the area treated
Avoid very hot baths / showers / steam baths / sauna
Avoid exfoliating or peels for 1 week
Avoid rough sports for 24-48 hrs
Avoid wearing tight clothing
Keep the area clean and dry
Hydrate the body by drinking plenty of water
Use sun block of at least SPF 30+
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this module.
Acne Mode
Acne Module
Light Safety Glasses (OD 3+)
Dark Safety Glasses (OD 5+)
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this module.
3.6.1 Pre-Treatment
Module Operation
The module applied to the skin using Stationary operating. In the
Stationary technique, the practitioner places the module on the skin
for the entire exposure time and fluence conditions, and the module
should be positioned in complete contact with the skin and slightly
pressed towards the skin. A thin layer of pre-cooled ultrasonic gel
should be used during the skin test and the actual treatment on all
skin types.
Patient Evaluation
Before the treatment, the patient should be evaluated/documented for
his/her acne condition, location and type. In addition, acne history that
includes medications or other past acne related regimens should be
documented. The treatment parameters for any given skin condition
depend on the skin type and the lesion type, depth and density.
The Advanced Fluorescence Technology (AFT) 420–950nm Acne
module is indicated for:
The treatment of moderate inflammatory acne vulgaris.
Use on all skin types (Fitzpatrick I-VI).
Tanned skin (active tan) through sun exposure or tanning bed use
in the previous 30 days.
Hypopigmentation (Vitiligo).
Any inflammatory skin condition e.g. eczema, active herpes
simplex, etc. at the treatment site.
Skin cancer or any other cancer and/or any cancer drug therapy
(such as Ducabaxine, Fluorouracil, Methotrexate, etc.).
History of keloid scarring.
St. John’s Wort (herbal remedy) for depression in the past 3
months (because of increased photosensitivity).
Isotretinoin – Roaccutane or Tretinoin – Retin A for the treatment
of acne or other dermatological conditions in the previous 3-6
Pregnancy; until menstruation returns and end of breast feeding.
Diabetes (because of increased possible photosensitivity and poor
wound healing).
The treatment parameters for the acne reduction depend on the
patient’s skin type and the acne lesion type. Therefore, the first steps
are assessing the skin type and performing the skin test.
Skin Test
Always perform the skin test on the intended treatment area during
the first treatment session according to the following parameters and
assessment waiting period.
Acne 420-
I – III 950nm 30, 40 6–8 30 min.
Acne 420-
IV – VI 950nm 50 5 60 min.
3.6.2 Treatment
Treatment can begin after the AFT Acne module has been connected to
the Harmony XL Pro system and the treatment parameters selected
(fluence and pulse width) according to the table in Section 0.
Clean the skin to remove perfumes, cosmetics and sunscreens.
Apply a thin layer (usually 1-2mm thick and 3mm thick for darker
skin types) of refrigerated (43–50°F / 6–10°C) cooling gel to the
treatment site. The gel will provide a thermal sink for the
absorbed and reflected energy, provide some cooling to the skin
itself, and additional comfort to the patient during treatment.
Place the module perpendicular to the skin, pressed lightly to the
skin surface ensuring a good seal. It is best not to overlap spots by
more than 10%. If overlapping does occur, wait at least one minute
between pulses on the same spot.
Set the initial fluence parameter according to the skin test results.
Trigger a light pulse by pressing the footswitch.
Perform one pass on the right side of the face and one pass on the
left side. Repeat the passes on each side.
Treatments may be administered twice per week over a four-week
period (total of 8 treatments).
If adverse reactions are observed from the prior treatment, the
next treatment may be skipped, or the dose reduced until
symptoms resolve.
It is recommended to cool the area immediately after the
Acne 420-950nm
I – III 30, 40 8 – 10
Acne 420-950nm
IV – VI 40, 50 7–8
3.6.4 Follow-Up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Patients should be invited 48–72 hours after treatment for
examination of the treatment site and for additional treatment, if
Treatment is complete when satisfactory results are obtained.
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
S-Acne Mode
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this module.
4.6.1 Pre-Treatment
Module Operation
When the module is applied to the skin in the In-Motion technique, the
module is moved continuously on the skin for the entire exposure time
and fluence conditions, and moved along the skin in continuous linear
or circular movements within the treatment area. A thin layer of pre-
cooled ultrasonic gel should be used during the skin test and the actual
treatment on all skin types.
Patient Evaluation
Before the treatment, the patient should be evaluated/documented for
his/her acne condition, location and type. In addition, acne history that
includes medications or other past acne related regimens should be
The Advanced Fluorescence Technology (AFT) 420–950nm 'S'Acne
module is indicated for:
The treatment of moderate inflammatory acne vulgaris.
Use on all skin types (Fitzpatrick I-VI).
Tanned skin (active tan) through sun exposure or tanning bed use
in the previous 30 days.
Hypopigmentation (Vitiligo)
Any inflammatory skin condition e.g., eczema, active herpes
simplex, etc., at the treatment site
Skin cancer or any other cancer and/or any cancer drug therapy
(such as Ducabaxine, Fluorouracil, Methotrexate, etc.)
History of keloid scarring
St. John’s Wort (herbal remedy) for depression in the past three
months (because of increased photosensitivity)
Isotretinoin – Roaccutane or Tretinoin – Retin A for the treatment
of acne in the previous 3–6 months
Pregnancy (including IVF)
The treatment parameters for acne reduction depend on the patient’s
skin type and the acne lesion type. Therefore, the first steps are
assessing the skin type and performing the skin test.
Skin Test
Always perform the skin test on the intended treatment area during
the first treatment session according to the following parameters. The
In-Motion technique must be used*. Pre-cooled ultrasonic gel must be
applied on the skin. Initially treat the right side followed by the left
side of the face/body. Repeat.
Skin Type
Fluence (J/cm2) Total Energy (kJ) **
(Fitzpatrick I-VI)
I 1 9.6
II 1 9.6
III 1 9.6
IV 0.8 9.6
V 0.8 9.6
VI 0.8 9.6
(*) The 1- and 3-second interval is indicated for the Stationary
(**) The total energy is adjusted for 10x10 cm (100cm2) area.
4.6.2 Treatment
Treatment can begin after the 'S'Acne module has been connected to
the Harmony XL Pro system and the fluence selected according to the
table in Section
Clean the skin to remove perfumes, cosmetics and sunscreens.
Provide appropriate eye protection (OD>5) goggles for the patient
and the medical staff in the enclosed treatment room.
Apply a thin layer (usually 1-2mm thick for all skin types) of
refrigerated ultrasonic gel (43–50°F / 6–10°C) to the treatment
site. The gel will provide:
1) a thermal sink for the absorbed and reflected energy, thus
providing some cooling to the skin itself;
2) comfort to the patient during treatment and;
3) friction reduction/lubrication during the In-Motion technique.
Set the initial fluence parameter according to the skin test results.
Apply the In-Motion technique.
"In-Motion” Technique:
Move the module on the surface of the skin and, only when the
module is in full contact and “in-motion”, trigger the
Move the module in a paintbrush/circular pattern to cover the
entire grid area. This repeated pattern (multi-cycles) may last
4.6.4 Follow-Up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Patients should be scheduled 48–72 hours after treatment for
examination of the treatment site and for additional treatment, if
Treatment is complete when satisfactory results are obtained.
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
Treatments may be administered twice per week for a period of 4-5
weeks (total of 8–10 treatments).
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical - at Alma
Cooling: None
10 msec
12 msec
15 msec
Pulse Repetition Rate – fixed at 2/3 Hz
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this module.
5.6.2 Contraindications
Tanned skin (active tan) through sun exposure or tanning bed use
in the previous 30 days
Patients with Fitzpatrick skin type VI
Hypopigmentation (Vitiligo)
Any inflammatory skin condition e.g. eczema, active herpes
simplex, etc. at the treatment site
Skin cancer or any other cancer and/or any cancer drug therapy
(such as Ducabaxine, Fluorouracil, Methotrexate, etc.)
History of keloid scarring
St. John’s Wort (herbal remedy) for depression in the past 3
months (because of increased photosensitivity)
Isotretinoin – Roaccutane in the previous 3-6 months
Tretinoin – Retin A in the last 2 weeks
Pregnancy; until menstruation returns and end of breast feeding
Diabetes (because of increased possible photosensitivity and poor
wound healing)
5.6.3 Pre-Treatment
Assessing the Condition
The treatment parameters for any given skin condition depend on the
skin type and the lesion type, depth (shallow) and size (small).
In principle, treat the larger (superficial) vessels first and only after
they are closed proceed to treat the smaller (superficial) vessels. This
avoids refilling the small vessels by the larger, intact feeders.
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area before the
first treatment session according to the following parameters:
Table 5-2. VL Skin Test parameters
Skin Type Fluence Waiting
Module Width
(Fitzpatrick I-III) (J/cm2) Period
5.6.4 Treatment
The VL module will treat superficial redness associated with
rosacea or post-acne rosacea.
Treatment is applied perpendicular to the target and a second pass
is usually recommended once appropriate safe settings are found.
Do not stack pulses.
Treatment can begin after the suitable module has been connected
to the Harmony XL Pro system and the treatment parameters
(fluence and pulse width) are selected according to the Skin Test
table in Section
Clean the skin to remove perfumes, cosmetics and sunscreens.
Apply a thin layer (usually 1-2mm thick) of refrigerated cooling gel
(43-50°F/6-10°C) to the treatment site. The gel will provide a
thermal sink for the absorbed and reflected energy, provide some
cooling to the skin itself, and additional comfort to the patient
during treatment.
Do not treat a vascular lesion through a tattoo or a pigmented
lesion that has not been examined by a physician. Any hair
covering a vascular lesion must be removed before treatment.
Place the VL module perpendicular to the skin and touch the gel
with the lightguide. Do not apply pressure (the lightguide should
gently touch the skin).
It is best not to overlap treatment spots by more than 10%, but if
overlapping does occur wait at least one minute between pulses on
the same spot.
Set the initial fluence parameter according to the skin test results.
Trigger a light pulse by pressing the footswitch only when the light
guide is fully with contact to the skin.
Wipe off the gel and examine carefully. The desired effect is
darkening of the vessel due to blood coagulation and erythema
and/or edema along the vessel, indicating a stimulated immune
reaction, without changes in the surrounding epidermis.
If, along with a good response in the vessel, adverse skin effects
occur (such as excessive reddening or swelling in the shape of the
lightguide), reduce the fluence by 10-20%.
If the skin shows no adverse effects and changes observed in the
vessel are unsatisfactory you should increase the fluence by 10-
20% and test again.
Skin Type Target Vessel Fluence
Module Width
(Fitzpatrick I-III) Depth (J/cm2)
I – II Shallow; Small 16 – 18 10, 12, 15
III Shallow; Small 14 – 16 10, 12, 15
5.6.6 Follow-up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Within three weeks after the treatment patients should return for
examination of the treatment site and for additional treatment, if
If no additional treatment is necessary, patients should return for
an additional examination two months later.
In case of a partial clearance of the lesion, the treatment should be
continued using the same parameters and the patient should
return for examination and for additional treatment, if necessary
after three weeks.
If no change in the lesion is noted, fluence should be increased by
at least 10%.
Intervals between treatments can be increased in successive
Treatment is complete when satisfactory results are obtained.
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
Cooling TEC
10 msec
12 msec
15 msec
Pulse Repetition Rate – fixed at 2/3 Hz
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this module.
6.6.2 Contraindications
Tanned skin (active tan) through sun exposure or tanning bed use
in the previous 30 days
Patients with Fitzpatrick skin type V & VI
Hypopigmentation (Vitiligo)
Any inflammatory skin condition e.g. eczema, active herpes
simplex, etc. at the treatment site
Skin cancer or any other cancer and/or any cancer drug therapy
(such as Ducabaxine, Fluorouracil, Methotrexate, etc.)
History of keloid scarring
St. John’s Wort (herbal remedy) for depression in the past 3
months (because of increased photosensitivity)
Isotretinoin – Roaccutane in the previous 3-6 months
Tretinoin – Retin A in the last 2 weeks
Pregnancy; until menstruation returns and end of breast feeding
Diabetes (because of increased possible photosensitivity and poor
wound healing)
6.6.3 Pre-Treatment
Assessing the Condition
The treatment parameters for any given skin condition depend on the
skin type and the lesion type, depth (shallow) and size (small).
In principle, treat the larger (superficial) vessels first and only after
they are closed proceed to treat the smaller (superficial) vessels. This
avoids refilling the small vessels by the larger, intact feeders.
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area before the
first treatment session according to the following parameters with
cooling ON:
Table 6-2. SVL Cooled Skin Test Parameters
The selection of cooling level should be based on the level of fluence,
pulse duration and skin type:
Cooling off – No Cooling; Cooling 50% - Low; Cooling 75% - Medium;
Cooling 100% - High
6.6.4 Treatment
The SVL cooled module will treat superficial vascular redness
associated with rosacea or post-acne rosacea.
Treatment is applied perpendicular to the target and a second pass
is usually recommended once appropriate safe settings are found.
Do not stack pulses.
Treatment can begin after the suitable module has been connected
to the Harmony XL Pro system and the treatment parameters
(fluence and timer interval) are selected according to the Skin Test
table in Table 6-2.
Clean the skin to remove perfumes, cosmetics and sunscreens.
Apply a thin layer (usually 1-2mm thick) of refrigerated cooling gel
(43-50°F/ 6-10°C) to the treatment site. The gel will provide a
thermal sink for the absorbed and reflected energy, provide some
cooling to the skin itself, and additional comfort to the patient
during treatment.
Set the necessary cooling level from the control screen based on the
skin type, fluence and pulse duration.
Do not treat a vascular lesion through a tattoo or a pigmented
lesion that has not been examined by a physician. Any hair
covering a vascular lesion must be removed before treatment.
Place the SVL cooled module perpendicular to the skin and touch
the gel with the lightguide. Do not apply pressure (the lightguide
should gently touch the skin).
It is best not to overlap treatment spots by more than 10%, but if
overlapping does occur wait at least one minute between pulses on
the same spot.
Set the initial fluence parameter according to the skin test results.
Trigger a light pulse by pressing the footswitch only when the light
guide is fully with contact to the skin.
Wipe off the gel and examine carefully. The desired effect is
darkening of the vessel due to blood coagulation and erythema
and/or edema along the vessel, indicating a stimulated immune
reaction, without changes in the surrounding epidermis.
If, along with a good response in the vessel, adverse skin effects
occur (such as excessive reddening or swelling in the shape of the
lightguide), reduce the fluence by 10-20%.
Fitzpatrick Target Fluence
Module Width
Skin Type Vessel Depth (J/cm2)
6.6.6 Follow-up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Within three weeks after the treatment patients should return for
examination of the treatment site and for additional treatment, if
If no additional treatment is necessary, patients should return for
an additional examination two months later.
In case of a partial clearance of the lesion, the treatment should be
continued using the same parameters and the patient should
return for examination and for additional treatment, if necessary
after three weeks.
If no change in the lesion is noted, fluence should be increased by
at least 10%.
Intervals between treatments can be increased in successive
Treatment is complete when satisfactory results are obtained.
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
Cooling None
10 msec
12 msec
15 msec
Pulse Repetition Rate – fixed at 2/3 Hz
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this module.
7.6.2 Contraindications
Tanned skin (active tan) through sun exposure or tanning bed use
in the previous 30 days
Hypopigmentation (Vitiligo)
Any inflammatory skin condition e.g. eczema, active herpes
simplex, etc. at the treatment site
Skin cancer or any other cancer and/or any cancer drug therapy
(such as Ducabaxine, Fluorouracil, Methotrexate, etc.)
History of keloid scarring
St. John’s Wort (herbal remedy) for depression in the past 3
months (because of increased photosensitivity)
7.6.3 Pre-Treatment
Assessing the Condition
The treatment parameters for any given skin condition depend on the
skin type and the lesion type, depth and density.
In principle, treat the larger vessels first and only after they are closed
proceed to treat the smaller vessels. This avoids refilling the small
vessels by the larger, intact feeders.
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area before the
first treatment session according to the following parameters:
Table 7-2. Vascular Lesions Skin Test Parameters*
Skin Type Fluence Waiting
Module Width
(Fitzpatrick I-IV) (J/cm2) Period
VL/PL 440-
I – III 950nm 10, 12 16 – 20 30 min
(green color code)
VL/PL 440-
24 – 48
IV 950nm 15 10 – 14
(green color code)
(*) The pulses must not be emitted sequentially!
7.6.4 Treatment
The VL/PL 440nm module will treat vessels up to < 1mm.
Treatment is applied perpendicular to the target and a second pass
is usually recommended once appropriate safe settings are found.
Do not stack pulses. It is recommended to keep the contact cooling
on during treatment with the VL/PL module (see Figure 7-2).
Treatment can begin after the module has been connected to the
Harmony XL Pro system and the treatment parameters (fluence
and timer interval) are selected according to the Skin Test
parameters in Table 7-2.
Clean the skin to remove perfumes, cosmetics and sunscreens.
Apply a thin layer (usually 1mm thick and 2mm for darker skin
types) of refrigerated (43-50°F/6-10°C) cooling gel to the treatment
site. This aids skin cooling during the pulse sequence and improves
coupling of the light into the skin and additional comfort to the
patient during treatment.
Do not treat a vascular lesion through a tattoo or a pigmented
lesion that has not been examined by a physician. Any hair
covering a vascular lesion must be removed before treatment.
VL/PL 440-950nm
I – III 2 19 – 22 10, 12
(green color code)
VL/PL 440-950nm
IV 2 12 – 19 15
(green color code)
(*) The pulses must not be emitted sequentially!
7.6.6 Follow-up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Within three weeks after the treatment patients should return for
examination of the treatment site and for additional treatment, if
If no additional treatment is necessary, patients should return for
an additional examination two months later.
In case of a partial clearance of the lesion, the treatment should be
continued using the same parameters and the patient should
return for examination and for additional treatment, if necessary
after three weeks.
If no change in the lesion is noted, fluence should be increased by
at least 10%.
Intervals between treatments can be increased in successive
Treatment is complete when satisfactory results are obtained.
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this module.
7.7.2 Contraindications
Refer to Section 7.6.2.
7.7.3 Pre-Treatment
Assessing the Condition
The treatment parameters for any given skin condition depend on the
skin type and the lesion type, depth and density.
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area before the
first treatment session according to the following parameters:
Table 7-4. Pigmented Lesions Skin Test Parameters
Skin Type
Lesion Pulse Width Fluence Waiting
(Fitzpatrick Module
Color (msec) (J/cm2) Period
I- IV)
7.7.4 Treatment
Treatment may begin after the module has been connected to the
Harmony XL Pro system and the treatment parameters (fluence and
timer interval) are selected according to the Skin Test parameters in
Table 7-4.
Clean the skin to remove perfumes, cosmetics and sunscreens.
Apply a thin layer (usually 1mm thick and 2mm for darker skin
types) of refrigerated (43-50°F/6-10°C) cooling gel to the treatment
site. This aids skin cooling during the pulse sequence and improves
coupling of the light into the skin.
Place the module's lightguide perpendicular to the skin and touch
the gel with the lightguide. Do not apply pressure (the lightguide
should gently touch the skin).
It is best not to overlap treatment sites by more than 10%, but if
overlapping does occur wait at least one minute between pulses
over the same spot.
Set the initial fluence parameter according to the skin test results.
Trigger a light pulse by pressing the footswitch.
Wipe off the gel and diagnose carefully. Remember: darker skin
types take longer to respond than lighter skin types. The desired
“positive” effect is to observe a change in lesion color (graying or
darkening for brown pigment) or morphological changes
(superficial texture change to the lesion), without changes in the
surrounding epidermis.
If, along with a positive response in the lesions, adverse skin
effects occur (such as excessive reddening or swelling in the shape
of the lightguide), you should reduce the fluence by 10-20%.
VL/PL 440-950nm
Light 10, 12 18 – 22
(green color code)
VL/PL 440-950nm
Dark 12, 15 16 – 20
(green color code)
VL/PL 440-950nm
Light 15 10 – 16
(green color code)
VL/PL 440-950nm
Dark 15 8– 10
(green color code)
7.7.6 Follow-up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Within three weeks after the treatment patients should return for
examination of the treatment site and for additional treatment, if
If no additional treatment is necessary, patients should return for
an additional examination two months later.
In case of a partial clearance of the lesion, the treatment should be
continued using the same parameters and the patient should
return for examination and for additional treatment, if necessary
after three weeks.
If no change in the lesion is noted, fluence should be increased by
at least 10%.
Intervals between treatments can be increased in successive
Treatment is complete when satisfactory results are obtained.
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
Cooling TEC
10 msec
12 msec
15 msec
Pulse Repetition Rate – fixed at 2/3 Hz
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this module.
8.5.3 Contraindications
Tanned skin (active tan) through sun exposure or tanning bed use
in the previous 30 days
Hypopigmentation (Vitiligo)
Any inflammatory skin condition e.g. eczema, active herpes
simplex, etc. at the treatment site
Skin cancer or any other cancer and/or any cancer drug therapy
(such as Ducabaxine, Fluorouracil, Methotrexate, etc.)
History of keloid scarring
St. John’s Wort (herbal remedy) for depression in the past 3
months (because of increased photosensitivity)
8.5.4 Pre-Treatment
Assessing the Condition
The treatment parameters for any given skin condition depend on the
skin type and the lesion type, depth and density.
In principle, treat the larger vessels first and only after they are closed
proceed to treat the smaller vessels. This avoids refilling the small
vessels by the larger, intact feeders.
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area before the
first treatment session with the cooling mode On and according to the
following parameters:
Table 8-2. Vascular Lesions Skin Test Parameters
The selection of cooling level should be based on the level of fluence,
pulse duration and skin type:
Cooling off – No Cooling; Cooling 50% - Low; Cooling 75% - Medium;
Cooling 100% - High
8.5.5 Treatment
The VL/PL cooled 440nm module will treat vessels up to < 1mm.
Treatment is applied perpendicular to the target and a second pass
is usually recommended once appropriate safe settings are found.
Do not stack pulses. It is recommended to keep the contact cooling
on during treatment with the VL/PL cooled module (see
Figure 8-2).
Treatment can begin after the module has been connected to the
Harmony XL Pro system and the treatment parameters (fluence
and timer interval) are selected according to the Skin Test
parameters in Table 8-2.
Clean the skin to remove perfumes, cosmetics and sunscreens.
Operate the module with Cooling mode ON.
Apply a thin layer (usually 1mm thick and 2mm for darker skin
types) of refrigerated (43-50°F/6-10°C) cooling gel to the treatment
site. This aids skin cooling during the pulse sequence and improves
coupling of the light into the skin and additional comfort to the
patient during treatment.
Set the necessary cooling level from the control screen based on the
skin type, fluence and pulse duration.
Other cooling means, such as small ice packs or forced cold
air/Zimmer are also recommended (i.e., post-treatment).
Do not treat a vascular lesion through a tattoo or a pigmented
lesion that has not been examined by a physician. Any hair
covering a vascular lesion must be removed before treatment.
If, along with a good response in the vessel, adverse skin effects
occur (such as excessive reddening or swelling in the shape of the
lightguide), reduce the fluence by 10-20%.
If the skin shows no adverse effects and changes observed in the
vessel are unsatisfactory you should increase the fluence by 10-
20% and test again.
To maximize the cooling/coupling properties of the applied gel,
make sure to apply the gel immediately before treatment. After
treatment, remove the gel from the treated areas. Do not reuse gel.
After treatment, it is recommended to cool the area immediately
(see Appendix B in the System Manual – Post-Treatment Care).
8.5.7 Follow-up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Within three weeks after the treatment patients should return for
examination of the treatment site and for additional treatment, if
If no additional treatment is necessary, patients should return for
an additional examination two months later.
In case of a partial clearance of the lesion, the treatment should be
continued using the same parameters and the patient should
return for examination and for additional treatment, if necessary
after three weeks.
If no change in the lesion is noted, fluence should be increased by
at least 10%.
Intervals between treatments can be increased in successive
Treatment is complete when satisfactory results are obtained.
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this module.
8.6.2 Contraindications
Refer to Section 8.5.3.
8.6.3 Pre-Treatment
Assessing the Condition
The treatment parameters for any given skin condition depend on the
skin type and the lesion type, depth and density.
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area before the
first treatment session with the cooling mode ON and according to the
following parameters:
Table 8-4. Pigmented Lesions Skin Test Parameters
The selection of cooling level should be based on the level of fluence,
pulse duration and skin type:
Cooling off – No Cooling; Cooling 50% - Low; Cooling 75% - Medium;
Cooling 100% - High.
8.6.4 Treatment
Treatment may begin after the module has been connected to the
Harmony XL Pro system and the treatment parameters (fluence and
timer interval) are selected according to the Skin Test parameters in
Table 8-4.
Clean the skin to remove perfumes, cosmetics and sunscreens.
Operate the module with Cooling mode ON.
Apply a thin layer (usually 1mm thick and 2mm for darker skin
types) of refrigerated (43-50°F/6-10°C) cooling gel to the treatment
site. This aids skin cooling during the pulse sequence and improves
coupling of the light into the skin.
Set the necessary cooling level from the control screen based on the
skin type, fluence and pulse duration.
Other cooling means, such as small ice packs or forced cold
air/Zimmer are also recommended (i.e., post-treatment).
8.6.6 Follow-up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Within three weeks after the treatment patients should return for
examination of the treatment site and for additional treatment, if
If no additional treatment is necessary, patients should return for
an additional examination two months later.
In case of a partial clearance of the lesion, the treatment should be
continued using the same parameters and the patient should
return for examination and for additional treatment, if necessary
after three weeks.
If no change in the lesion is noted, fluence should be increased by
at least 10%.
Intervals between treatments can be increased in successive
Treatment is complete when satisfactory results are obtained.
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this module.
9.6.2 Contraindications
Tanned skin (active tan) through sun exposure or tanning bed use
in the previous 30 days
Hypopigmentation (Vitiligo)
Any inflammatory skin condition e.g. eczema, active herpes
simplex, etc. at the treatment site
Skin cancer or any other cancer and/or any cancer drug therapy
(such as Ducabaxine, Fluorouracil, Methotrexate, etc.)
History of keloid scarring
St. John’s Wort (herbal remedy) for depression in the past 3
months (because of increased photosensitivity)
Isotretinoin – Roaccutane in the previous 3-6 months
Tretinoin – Retin A in the last 2 weeks
Pregnancy; until menstruation returns and end of breast feeding
Diabetes (because of increased possible photosensitivity and poor
wound healing)
9.6.3 Pre-Treatment
Assessing the Condition
The treatment parameters for any given skin condition depend on the
skin type and the lesion type, depth and density.
In principle, treat the larger vessels first and only after they are closed
proceed to treat the smaller vessels. This avoids refilling the small
vessels by the larger, intact feeders.
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area before the
first treatment session with the cooling mode ON and according to the
following parameters:
Table 9-3. Vascular Lesions Skin Test Parameters
Dye-VL 500-600nm
I – III 10, 12 10 – 12 30 min
(light green color code)
Dye-VL 500-600nm
IV 12, 15 6–9 24 – 48 hours
(light green color code)
(*) It is imperative to wait 48 hours
The selection of cooling level should be based on the level of fluence,
pulse duration and skin type:
Cooling off – No Cooling; Cooling 50% - Low; Cooling 75% - Medium;
Cooling 100% - High.
9.6.4 Treatment
The Dye-VL module will treat vessels up to < 1mm.
Treatment is applied perpendicular to the target and a second pass
is usually recommended once appropriate safe settings are found.
Do not stack pulses.
Treatment can begin after the module has been connected to the
Harmony XL Pro system and the treatment parameters (fluence
and timer interval) are selected according to the Skin Test
parameters in Table 9-2.
Clean the skin to remove perfumes, cosmetics and sunscreens.
Apply a thin layer (usually 1mm thick and 2mm for darker skin
types) of refrigerated (43-50°F/6-10°C) cooling gel to the treatment
site. This aids skin cooling during the pulse sequence and improves
coupling of the light into the skin and additional comfort to the
patient during treatment.
Set the necessary cooling level from the control screen based on the
skin type, fluence and pulse duration.
Cooling means, such as small ice packs or forced cold air/Zimmer
are recommended (i.e., post-treatment).
Do not treat a vascular lesion through a tattoo or a pigmented
lesion that has not been examined by a physician. Any hair
covering a vascular lesion must be removed before treatment.
Fitzpatrick Fluence
Module Pulse Width (msec)
Skin Type (J/cm2)
Dye-VL 500-600nm
I – III 10, 12 10 – 13
(light green color code)
Dye-VL 500-600nm
IV 12, 15 6 – 10
(light green color code)
9.6.5 Follow-up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Within three weeks after the treatment patients should return for
examination of the treatment site and for additional treatment, if
If no additional treatment is necessary, patients should return for
an additional examination two months later.
In case of a partial clearance of the lesion, the treatment should be
continued using the same parameters and the patient should
return for examination and for additional treatment, if necessary
after three weeks.
If no change in the lesion is noted, fluence should be increased by
at least 10%.
Intervals between treatments can be increased in successive
Treatment is complete when satisfactory results are obtained.
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this module.
9.7.2 Contraindications
Refer to Section 9.6.2.
9.7.3 Pre-Treatment
Assessing the Condition
The treatment parameters for any given skin condition depend on the
skin type and the lesion type, depth and density.
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area before the
first treatment session and according to the following parameters:
Table 9-5. Pigmented Lesions Skin Test Parameters
Dye-VL 500-600nm
I – III 10, 12 10 – 12 30 min
(light green color code)
Dye-VL 500-600nm
IV 12, 15 6–9 24 – 48 hours
(light green color code)
(*) It is imperative to wait 48 hours
9.7.4 Treatment
Treatment may begin after the module has been connected to the
Harmony XL Pro system and the treatment parameters (fluence and
timer interval) are selected according to the Skin Test parameters in
Table 9-4.
Clean the skin to remove perfumes, cosmetics and sunscreens.
Apply a thin layer (usually 1mm thick and 2mm for darker skin
types) of refrigerated (43-50°F/6-10°C) cooling gel to the treatment
site. This aids skin cooling during the pulse sequence and improves
coupling of the light into the skin.
Set the necessary cooling level from the control screen based on the
skin type, fluence and pulse duration.
Other cooling means, such as small ice packs or forced cold
air/Zimmer are also recommended (i.e., post-treatment).
Place the module's lightguide perpendicular to the skin and touch
the gel with the lightguide. Do not apply pressure (the lightguide
should gently touch the skin).
It is best not to overlap treatment sites by more than 10%, but if
overlapping does occur wait at least one minute between pulses
over the same spot.
Set the initial fluence parameter according to the skin test results.
Trigger a light pulse by pressing the footswitch.
Wipe off the gel and diagnose carefully. Remember: darker skin
types take longer to respond than lighter skin types. The desired
“positive” effect is to observe a change in lesion color (graying or
darkening for brown pigment) or morphological changes
(superficial texture change to the lesion), without changes in the
surrounding epidermis.
Dye-VL 500-600nm
I – III 10, 12 10 – 13
(light green color code)
Dye-VL 500-600nm
IV 12, 15 6 – 10
(light green color code)
9.7.6 Follow-up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Within three weeks after the treatment patients should return for
examination of the treatment site and for additional treatment, if
If no additional treatment is necessary, patients should return for
an additional examination two months later.
In case of a partial clearance of the lesion, the treatment should be
continued using the same parameters and the patient should
return for examination and for additional treatment, if necessary
after three weeks.
If no change in the lesion is noted, fluence should be increased by
at least 10%.
Intervals between treatments can be increased in successive
Treatment is complete when satisfactory results are obtained.
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this moduleץ
9.8.2 Contraindications
Hypopigmentation (Vitiligo).
Any inflammatory skin condition e.g., eczema, active herpes
simplex, etc., at the treatment site.
Skin cancer or any other cancer and/or any cancer drug therapy
(such as Ducabaxine, Fluorouracil, Methotrexate, etc.).
History of keloid scarring.
St. John's Wort (herbal remedy) for depression in the past three
months (because of increased photosensitivity).
Isotretinoin – Roaccutane or Tretinoin – In the past 3-6 months.
Retin A - In the past 2 weeks.
Pregnancy (including IVF).
back of the hand or upper lip). The 30-second interval is used on large
areas where you want to treat signs of photodamage/ photoaging
irregularities (dyschromia, lentigines, freckles, etc.).
The Dye-VL module incorporates thermo-electric coupling (TEC)
technology; the module can be operated in two conditions: Cooling On
(Cooling 50%, Cooling 75%, or Cooling 100%) and Off.
The module spot size is 3cm2 and the pulse repetition rate is fixed at 3
Hz. The total energy delivered at any given time interval is expressed
in kilojoules (kJ).
Ultrasonic gel should be used in both Stationary and In-Motion
9.8.4 Pre-Treatment
Assessing the Condition
The treatment parameters for any given skin condition depend on the
skin type and the lesion type, depth and density.
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area before the
first treatment session, with the Cooling mode On and according to the
following parameters:
Table 9-7. Dye-SVL Skin Test Parameters (30 second interval)
The selection of cooling level should be based on the level of fluence,
pulse duration and skin type:
Cooling off – No Cooling; Cooling 50% - Low; Cooling 75% - Medium;
Cooling 100% - High.
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area during
the first treatment session.
9.8.9 Follow-up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Within three weeks after treatment patients should return for
examination of the treatment site and for additional treatment, if
If no additional treatment is necessary, patients should return for
an additional examination one month later.
Intervals between treatments can be increased in successive
Treatment is complete when satisfactory results are obtained.
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
Treatment intervals: treatment is reapplied (assuring there have
been no adverse reactions) every 3-4 weeks.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this module.
In Canada the module is indicated for the treatment of rhytids, fine
lines and wrinkles.
10.6.2 Contraindications
History of cancer
Active inflammatory skin disorder
Drug-related photosensitivity
10.6.3 Pre-Treatment
Patient Evaluation
Before Yellow LED treatment procedures, the patient should be
evaluated for the presence of pre-existing conditions of skin disease
that may cause skin sensitivity or photosensitivity.
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area during the
first treatment session according to the following parameters in the
table below.
Table 10-2. Yellow LED Skin Test Parameters
10.6.4 Treatment
Treatment can begin after the Yellow LED module is connected to the
system and the treatment parameters are selected according to the
table in Table 10-2.
Clean the skin to remove perfumes, cosmetics and sunscreens.
Identify the treatment area and position the patient accordingly.
Patient should be seated in a chair or lying down on a treatment
Provide appropriate eye protection (or eye shields) for the patient
and the medical staff inside the enclosed treatment room.
Select the operating mode according to the clinical indication –
CW (Continuous Wave), up to 70 minutes, or
Repeat, up to 70 seconds
Hold the module at a distance of 1-2 cm (0.4"-0.8") from the skin
surface (perpendicular to the skin) for the entire exposure time.
Continuous Wave mode (CW): treatment should be performed
twice per week for 4-5 consecutive weeks (8-10 treatments).
Repeat mode: treatment should be performed on 3 to 5 consecutive
days post-laser or IPL procedure (3-5 treatments).
10.6.6 Follow-Up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up for the acne clearance treatment.
They may serve as a basis for defining your treatment regimen.
Patients should apply daily sunscreen with SPF 30 between
treatments and at least one week after the last treatment.
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
Patient should return for examination 1 and 3 months after the
last treatment and for additional treatment, if necessary.
If no additional treatment is necessary, the patient should return
for an additional re-examination six months later.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
Cooling None
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this module.
11.6.2 Contraindications
Tanned skin (active tan) through sun exposure or tanning bed use
in the previous 30 days
Hypopigmentation (Vitiligo)
Any inflammatory skin condition e.g. eczema, active herpes
simplex, etc. at the treatment site
Skin cancer or any other cancer and/or any cancer drug therapy
(such as Ducabaxine, Fluorouracil, Methotrexate, etc.)
History of keloid scarring
St. John’s Wort (herbal remedy) for depression in the past 3
months (because of increased photosensitivity)
Isotretinoin – Roaccutane in the previous 3-6 months
Tretinoin – Retin A in the last 2 weeks
Pregnancy; until menstruation returns and end of breast feeding
Diabetes (because of increased possible photosensitivity and poor
wound healing)
11.6.3 Pre-Treatment
Assessing the Condition
The treatment parameters for any given skin condition depend on the
skin type and the lesion type, depth and density.
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area before the
first treatment session according to the following parameters:
Table 11-2. SR Skin Test Parameters
SR 570-950nm
I – III 10, 12 16 – 20 30 min.
(yellow color code)
SR 570-950nm
IV 15 8 – 12 30 min.
(yellow color code)
SR 570-950nm 24 – 48
V 15 6 – 10
(yellow color code) hours
11.6.4 Treatment
Treatment can begin after the suitable module has been connected to
the Harmony XL Pro system and the treatment parameters (fluence
and timer interval) are selected according to Table 10-2.
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area during
the first treatment session.
SR 570-950nm
I – III 2 10, 12 18 – 24
(yellow color code)
SR 570-950nm
IV 2 12, 15 10 – 14
(yellow color code)
SR 570-950nm
V 2 15 6 – 10
(yellow color code)
(*) The pulses must not be emitted sequentially!
11.6.6 Follow-up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Within three weeks after the treatment patients should return for
examination of the treatment site and for additional treatment, if
If no additional treatment is necessary, patients should return for
an additional examination one month later.
Intervals between treatments can be increased in successive
Treatment is complete when satisfactory results are obtained.
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
10 msec
12 msec
15 msec
Pulse Repetition Rate – fixed at 2/3 Hz
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this module.
12.6.2 Contraindications
Tanned skin (active tan) through sun exposure or tanning bed use
in the previous 30 days
Hypopigmentation (Vitiligo)
Any inflammatory skin condition e.g. eczema, active herpes
simplex, etc. at the treatment site
Skin cancer or any other cancer and/or any cancer drug therapy
(such as Ducabaxine, Fluorouracil, Methotrexate, etc.)
History of keloid scarring
St. John’s Wort (herbal remedy) for depression in the past 3
months (because of increased photosensitivity)
Isotretinoin – Roaccutane in the previous 3-6 months
Retin-A – In the past 2 weeks
Pregnancy; until menstruation returns and end of breast feeding
Diabetes (because of increased possible photosensitivity and poor
wound healing)
12.6.3 Pre-Treatment
Assessing the Condition
The treatment parameters for any given skin condition depend on the
skin type and the lesion type, depth and density.
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area before the
first treatment session according to the following parameters:
Table 12-2. SR Cooled Skin Test Parameters
Skin Type
Pulse Width Fluence Waiting
(Fitzpatrick I- Module
(msec) (J/cm2) Period
SR Cooled 570-
I – III 950nm 10, 12 20 – 24 30 min.
(yellow color code)
SR Cooled 570-
IV 950nm 15 16 – 20 30 min.
(yellow color code)
SR Cooled 570-
24 – 48
V – VI 950nm 15 6 – 10
(yellow color code)
(*) It is imperative to wait 48 hours
12.6.4 Treatment
Treatment can begin after the suitable module has been connected to
the Harmony XL Pro system and the treatment parameters (fluence
and timer interval) are selected according to Table 12-2.
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area during the first
treatment session.
SR Cooled 570-950nm
I – III 10, 12 20 – 25
(yellow color code)
SR Cooled 570-950nm
IV 15 16 – 20
(yellow color code)
SR Cooled 570-950nm
V – VI 15 6 – 10
(yellow color code)
12.6.6 Follow-up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Within three weeks after the treatment patients should return for
examination of the treatment site and for additional treatment, if
If no additional treatment is necessary, patients should return for
an additional examination one month later.
Intervals between treatments can be increased in successive
Treatment is complete when satisfactory results are obtained.
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
If the system stays in SSR Cooled mode during patient rotation, it
is important to reset the Total Energy by pressing the Reset key.
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this module.
13.7.2 Contraindications
Hypopigmentation (Vitiligo)
Any inflammatory skin condition e.g., eczema, active herpes
simplex, etc., at the treatment site
Skin cancer or any other cancer and/or any cancer drug therapy
(such as Ducabaxine, Fluorouracil, Methotrexate, etc.)
History of keloid scarring
St. John's Wort (herbal remedy) for depression in the past three
months (because of increased photosensitivity)
Isotretinoin – Roaccutane or Tretinoin – In the past 3-6 months
Retin A - In the past 2 weeks
Pregnancy (including IVF)
13.7.4 Pre-Treatment
Assessing the Condition
The treatment parameters for any given skin condition depend on the
skin type and the lesion type, depth and density.
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area before the
first treatment session, with the Cooling mode On and according to the
following parameters:
Table 13-2. SSR Cooled Skin Test Parameters
The selection of cooling level should be based on the level of fluence, pulse
duration and skin type:
Cooling off – No Cooling; Cooling 50% - Low; Cooling 75% - Medium;
Cooling 100% - High.
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area during
the first treatment session.
I – III 6–8 On
IV 4–6 On
V - VI 4–5 On
(*) Repeat twice
(**) Apply gel
I – III 8 – 10 On
IV 6–8 On
V - VI 4–6 On
(*) Repeat twice
(**) Apply gel
13.7.9 Follow-up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Within three weeks after treatment patients should return for
examination of the treatment site and for additional treatment, if
If no additional treatment is necessary, patients should return for
an additional examination one month later.
Intervals between treatments can be increased in successive
Treatment is complete when satisfactory results are obtained.
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
Treatment intervals: treatment is reapplied (assuring there have
been no adverse reactions) every 3-4 weeks.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the customer when using this module
14.6.2 Contraindications
Tanned skin (active tan) through sun exposure or tanning bed use
in the previous 30 days
Hypopigmentation (Vitiligo)
Any inflammatory skin condition e.g. eczema, active herpes
simplex, etc. at the treatment site
Skin cancer or any other cancer and/or any cancer drug therapy
(such as Ducabaxine, Fluorouracil, Methotrexate, etc.)
History of keloid scarring
St. John’s Wort (herbal remedy) for depression in the past 3
months (because of increased photosensitivity)
Isotretinoin – Roaccutane in the previous 3-6 months
Tretinoin – Retin A in the last 2 weeks
Pregnancy; until menstruation returns and end of breast feeding
Diabetes (because of increased possible photosensitivity and poor
wound healing)
14.6.3 Pre-Treatment
Assessing the Condition
The treatment parameters for any given skin condition depend on the
skin type and the lesion type, depth and density.
In principle, treat the larger vessels first and only after they are closed
proceed to treat the smaller vessels. This avoids refilling the small
vessels by the larger, intact feeders.
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area before the
first treatment session with the cooling mode On and according to the
following parameters:
Table 14-2. Vascular Lesions Skin Test Parameters
Fitzpatrick Cooling Fluence Waiting
Module Width
Skin Type % (J/cm2) Period
The selection of cooling level should be based on the level of fluence, pulse
duration and skin type:
Cooling off – No Cooling; Cooling 50% - Low; Cooling 75% - Medium;
Cooling 100% - High.
14.6.4 Treatment
The Dye-SR cooled module will treat vessels up to < 1mm.
Treatment is applied perpendicular to the target and a second pass
is usually recommended once appropriate safe settings are found.
Do not stack pulses.
Treatment can begin after the module has been connected to the
Harmony XL Pro system and the treatment parameters (fluence
and timer interval) are selected according to the Skin Test
parameters in Table 14-2.
Clean the skin to remove perfumes, cosmetics and sunscreens.
Apply a thin layer (usually 1mm thick and 2mm for darker skin
types) of refrigerated (43-50°F/6-10°C) cooling gel to the treatment
site. This aids skin cooling during the pulse sequence and improves
coupling of the light into the skin and additional comfort to the
customer during treatment.
Set the necessary cooling level from the control screen based on the
skin type, fluence and pulse duration.
Cooling means, such as small ice packs or forced cold air/Zimmer
are recommended (i.e., post-treatment).
Do not treat a vascular lesion through a tattoo or a pigmented lesion that has
not been examined by a physician. Any hair covering a vascular lesion must
be removed before treatment.
14.6.6 Follow-up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Within three weeks after the treatment customers should return
for examination of the treatment site and for additional treatment,
if necessary.
If no additional treatment is necessary, customers should return
for an additional examination two months later.
In case of a partial clearance of the lesion, the treatment should be
continued using the same parameters and the customer should
return for examination and for additional treatment, if necessary
after three weeks.
If no change in the lesion is noted, fluence should be increased by
at least 10%.
Intervals between treatments can be increased in successive
Treatment is complete when satisfactory results are obtained.
Customers should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the operator and
the customer when using this module.
14.7.2 Contraindications
Refer to Section 14.6.2.
14.7.3 Pre-Treatment
Assessing the Condition
The treatment parameters for any given skin condition depend on the
skin type and the lesion type, depth and density.
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area before the
first treatment session and according to the following parameters:
Table 14-4. Pigmented Lesions Skin Test Parameters
Dye-SR 550-650nm
I – III 10, 12 11 – 13 30 min
(orange color code)
Dye-SR 550-650nm 24 – 48
IV 12, 15 7 – 10
(orange color code) hours
Dye-SR 550-650nm 24 – 48
V 15 5–7
(orange color code) hours*
(*) It is imperative to wait 48 hours
14.7.4 Treatment
Treatment may begin after the module has been connected to the
Harmony XL Pro system and the treatment parameters (fluence and
timer interval) are selected according to the Skin Test parameters in
Table 14-4.
Clean the skin to remove perfumes, cosmetics and sunscreens.
Set the necessary cooling level from the control screen based on the
skin type, fluence and pulse duration.
Apply a thin layer (usually 1mm thick and 2mm for darker skin
types) of refrigerated (43-50°F/6-10°C) cooling gel to the treatment
site. This aids skin cooling during the pulse sequence and improves
coupling of the light into the skin.
Other cooling means, such as small ice packs or forced cold
air/Zimmer are also recommended (i.e., post-treatment).
Place the module's lightguide perpendicular to the skin and touch
the gel with the lightguide. Do not apply pressure (the lightguide
should gently touch the skin).
It is best not to overlap treatment sites by more than 10%, but if
overlapping does occur wait at least one minute between pulses
over the same spot.
Set the initial fluence parameter according to the skin test results.
Trigger a light pulse by pressing the footswitch.
Wipe off the gel and diagnose carefully. Remember: darker skin
types take longer to respond than lighter skin types. The desired
“positive” effect is to observe a change in lesion color (graying or
darkening for brown pigment) or morphological changes
Module Pulse Width (msec) Fluence (J/cm2)
Skin Type
Dye-SR 550-650nm
I – III 10, 12 11 – 14
(orange color code)
Dye-SR 550-650nm
IV 12, 15 8 – 11
(orange color code)
Dye-SR 550-650nm
V 15 5–7
(orange color code)
14.7.6 Follow-up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Within three weeks after the treatment customers should return
for examination of the treatment site and for additional treatment,
if necessary.
If no additional treatment is necessary, customers should return
for an additional examination two months later.
In case of a partial clearance of the lesion, the treatment should be
continued using the same parameters and the customer should
return for examination and for additional treatment, if necessary
after three weeks.
If no change in the lesion is noted, fluence should be increased by
at least 10%.
Intervals between treatments can be increased in successive
Treatment is complete when satisfactory results are obtained.
Customers should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the operator and
the customer when using this module.
14.8.2 Contraindications
Hypopigmentation (Vitiligo).
Any inflammatory skin condition e.g., eczema, active herpes
simplex, etc., at the treatment site.
Skin cancer or any other cancer and/or any cancer drug therapy
(such as Ducabaxine, Fluorouracil, Methotrexate, etc.).
History of keloid scarring.
St. John's Wort (herbal remedy) for depression in the past three
months (because of increased photosensitivity).
Isotretinoin – Roaccutane or Tretinoin – In the past 3-6 months.
Retin A - In the past 2 weeks.
Pregnancy (including IVF).
14.8.4 Pre-Treatment
Assessing the Condition
The treatment parameters for any given skin condition depend on the
skin type and the lesion type, depth and density.
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area before the
first treatment session, with the Cooling mode On and according to the
following parameters:
Table 14-6. Dye-SSR Skin Test Parameters (30 second interval)
Important: a thin coat of ultrasonic gel must be applied on the skin for
ALL skin types.
The selection of cooling level should be based on the level of fluence, pulse
duration and skin type:
Cooling off – No Cooling; Cooling 50% - Low; Cooling 75% - Medium;
Cooling 100% - High.
selected for small areas on the face, chest or back (using the
Stationary technique rather than the In-Motion technique).
Place the module perpendicular to the skin, pressed lightly to the
skin surface.
Perform the recommended cycles on the right and left side of the
face. Repeat the intervals on each side.
End-points: mild-to-moderate erythema for skin types I-IV; mild
erythema for skin type V.
If adverse reactions are observed from the prior treatment, the
next treatment may be skipped, or the dose reduced until the
symptoms resolve.
It is recommended to cool the area immediately after the
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area during
the first treatment session.
14.8.9 Follow-up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Within three weeks after treatment customers should return for
examination of the treatment site and for additional treatment, if
If no additional treatment is necessary, customers should return
for an additional examination one month later.
Intervals between treatments can be increased in successive
Treatment is complete when satisfactory results are obtained.
Customers should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
Treatment intervals: treatment is reapplied (assuring there have
been no adverse reactions) every 3-4 weeks.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
30 msec
40 msec
50 msec
Pulse Repetition Rate – fixed at 1/2 Hz
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the operator and
the patient when using this module.
15.6.2 Contraindications
History of local or recurrent skin infection
Pregnancy (including IVF procedure)
History of herpes simplex, especially perioral
History of genital herpes, important when treating the pubic or
bikini area
History of keloids/hypertrophic scaring
Isotretinoin – in the past 3-6 months
Retin-A – in the past 2 weeks
History of Koebnerizing skin disorders, such as vitiligo and
Previous treatment modalities – method, frequency and date of
last treatment, as well as response
Recent (in the past 2 weeks) suntan or exposure to a tanning bed
Past or ongoing medical condition (diabetes, epilepsy, high or low
blood pressure, or others)
Present medications:
Photosensitizing medications
Gold therapy
Avoid treatment on tattooed and permanent make-up area or nevi
Laser hair removal treatments can alter the appearance of tattoos and
permanent make-up. If you have a tattoo on the area you want to have treated,
you should avoid the tattoo area!
15.6.3 Pre-Treatment
Patient Evaluation
Before hair removal procedures, the patient should be evaluated for
the presence of conditions that may cause hypertrichosis:
Drug (i.e., corticosteroids, hormones, immunosuppressive self or
spousal use of minoxidil)
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area before the
first treatment session according to the following parameters in the
table below.
The treatment parameters for hair removal depend on the skin type,
hair color, density and depth. Once treatment parameters are selected,
shave the treatment site to eliminate any surface hair that could
interfere with the treatment.
Table 15-2. HR Skin Test Parameters
15.6.4 Treatment
Treatment can begin after the HR module is connected and the
treatment parameters are selected (fluence and timer interval)
according to Table 15-2.
Clean the skin to remove perfumes, cosmetics and sunscreens.
Apply a thin layer (usually ~1 mm and ~2 mm for darker types) of
refrigerated cooling gel (43-50°F/6-10°C) to the treatment site. The
gel will provide a thermal sink for the absorbed and reflected
energy, provide some cooling to the skin itself, and additional
comfort to the patient during treatment.
Place the module perpendicular to the skin and touch the skin to
ensure a good seal. Do not apply excessive pressure on the skin.
Set the initial fluence parameter according to the skin test results.
Trigger a light pulse by pressing the footswitch.
Examine the treatment site for any change of the skin color and
morphological changes around the follicles (erythema/edema). The
smell of burnt hair may sometimes be detected, although a lack of
smell does not necessarily indicate that the present parameters
are ineffective.
It is recommended to wait 30 minutes after a test shot has been
triggered for skin types I-IV, and 24-48 hours for skin types V and
VI before proceeding.
If there are no noticeable changes in the hair follicles, or adverse
effects, increase the settings by 10-20% (skin types I-IV). Do not
increase settings on skin type V or VI until the initial test has been
reviewed 24-48 hours after treatment.
If adverse skin effects occur (such as excessive reddening) before
good follicular response is achieved, reduce the settings by 10-20%.
Make the above adjustments and test again on an adjacent area
until adverse effects on the skin no longer appear.
After treatment it is recommended to cool the area immediately
(see Appendix B in the System Manual – Post-Treatment Care).
It is not recommended to treat hair that is lighter than the surrounding skin.
15.6.6 Follow-Up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Patients should return for examination of the treatment site
between six to eight weeks after treatment and for additional
treatment, if necessary.
If no additional treatment is necessary, the patient should return
for an additional re-examination three to four months later, or
when any new hair has grown in the treatment area.
If there has been partial hair clearance, treatment should be
continued, and the patient should return between six to eight
weeks for examination and for additional treatment, if necessary.
If no change is noted, treatment parameters should be changed.
With multiple treatments, increase the time intervals between
treatment sessions (after the second one), to allow any new hair to
grow in the treatment area. New growth will vary based on the
body area (growth cycle) and on the individual patient (gender,
hormonal problems, etc.).
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
Chapter Contents:
Section Title Page
16.1 SHR (3) Module Description ......................................................... 16-2
16.2 SHR (3) Module Specifications ...................................................... 16-3
16.2.1 HR Mode .......................................................................... 16-3
16.2.2 SHR Mode ........................................................................ 16-3
16.3 Lightguide Footprint Size Selection ............................................. 16-3
16.4 SHR (3) Module Operating Screens .............................................. 16-4
16.5 Total Energy in the SHR (3) Module ............................................ 16-5
16.6 SHR (3) Module Regulatory Labels .............................................. 16-6
16.7 Ordering Information .................................................................... 16-6
16.8 SHR (3) Module Clinical Guide – HR Mode ................................. 16-6
16.8.1 Indications for Use........................................................... 16-7
16.8.2 Contraindications ............................................................ 16-7
16.8.3 Pre-Treatment ................................................................. 16-8
16.8.4 Treatment ........................................................................ 16-8
16.8.5 Suggested HR Setup Parameters .................................. 16-10
16.8.6 Follow-Up ....................................................................... 16-11
16.9 SHR (3) Module Clinical Guide – SHR Mode ............................. 16-12
16.9.1 Indications for Use......................................................... 16-12
16.9.2 Contraindications .......................................................... 16-12
16.9.3 Module Operation in SHR Mode ................................... 16-12
16.9.4 Pre-Treatment ............................................................... 16-12
16.9.5 Treatment ...................................................................... 16-14
16.9.6 Suggested Setup Parameters ........................................ 16-16
16.9.7 Treatment of Small Areas ............................................. 16-17
In the latest series of Harmony XL Pro modules offered by Alma Lasers, the
lightguide size is already programmed in the module. In such a case, the pop-
up window will offer only the one correct footprint size; press that key to
Figure 16-2. SHR (3) Cooling Module Operating Screen (HR/SHR mode)
30 msec
40 msec
50 msec
Pulse Repetition Rate – fixed at 1/2 Hz
Operating parameters available in SHR mode:
If the system stays in SHR Pro mode during patient rotation, it is
important to reset the Total Energy by pressing the Reset key.
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the operator and
the patient when using this module.
16.8.2 Contraindications
History of local or recurrent skin infection
Pregnancy (including IVF procedure)
History of herpes simplex, especially perioral
History of genital herpes, important when treating the pubic or
bikini area
History of keloids/hypertrophic scaring
Isotretinoin – In the past 3-6 months
Retin-A – In the past 2 weeks
History of Koebnerizing skin disorders, such as vitiligo and
Previous treatment modalities – method, frequency and date of
last treatment, as well as response
Recent suntan or exposure to a tanning bed
Past or ongoing medical condition (diabetes, epilepsy, high or low
blood pressure, or others)
Present medications:
Photosensitizing medications
Gold therapy
Avoid treatment on tattooed and permanent make-up area, or nevi
Laser hair removal treatments can alter the appearance of tattoos
and permanent make-up. If you have a tattoo on the area you want
to have treated, you should avoid the tattoo area!
16.8.3 Pre-Treatment
Patient Evaluation
Before hair removal procedures, the patient should be evaluated for
the presence of conditions that may cause hypertrichosis:
Drug (i.e., corticosteroids, hormones, immunosuppressive self or
spousal use of minoxidil)
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area before the
first treatment session according to the following parameters in the
table below.
The treatment parameters for hair removal depend on the skin type,
hair color, density and depth. Once treatment parameters are selected,
shave the treatment site to eliminate any surface hair that could
interfere with the treatment.
Table 16-2. Cooled HR Skin Test Parameters
I HR 30 15 30 minutes
II HR 30 15 30 minutes
III HR 40 12 30 minutes
IV HR 50 9 24 – 48 hours
V HR 50 7 24 – 48 hours
VI HR 50 5 24 – 48 hours
16.8.4 Treatment
Treatment can begin after the SHR (3) module is connected, set to HR
mode and the treatment parameters are selected (fluence and timer
interval) according to Table 16-2.
Clean the skin to remove perfumes, cosmetics and sunscreens.
Apply a thin layer (usually ~1 mm and ~2 mm for darker types) of
refrigerated cooling gel (43-50°F/6-10°C) to the treatment site. The
gel will provide a thermal sink for the absorbed and reflected
energy, provide some cooling to the skin itself, and additional
comfort to the patient during treatment.
Set the necessary cooling level from the control screen based on the
skin type, fluence and pulse duration.
Place the module perpendicular to the skin and touch the skin to
ensure a good seal. Do not apply excessive pressure on the skin.
Set the initial fluence parameter according to the skin test results.
Trigger a light pulse by pressing the footswitch.
Examine the treatment site for any change of the skin color and
morphological changes around the follicles (erythema/edema). The
smell of burnt hair may sometimes be detected, although a lack of
smell does not necessarily indicate that the present parameters
are ineffective.
It is recommended to wait 30 minutes after a test shot has been
triggered for skin types I-IV, and 24-48 hours for skin types V and
VI before proceeding.
If there are no noticeable changes in the hair follicles, or adverse
effects, increase the settings by 10-20% (skin types I-IV). Do not
increase settings on skin type V or VI until the initial test has been
reviewed 24-48 hours after treatment.
If adverse skin effects occur (such as excessive reddening) before
good follicular response is achieved, reduce the settings by 10-20%.
Make the above adjustments and test again on an adjacent area
until adverse effects on the skin no longer appear.
After treatment it is recommended to cool the area immediately
(see Appendix B in the System Manual – Post-Treatment Care).
Light HR 20 – 25 30, 40
Dark HR 19 – 23 30, 40
Light HR 20 – 25 30, 40
Dark HR 19 – 23 30, 40
Light HR 18 – 24 30, 40
Dark HR 17 – 22 30, 40
Light HR 16 – 20 30, 40
Dark HR 14 – 18 30, 40
Light HR Up to 15 50
Dark HR Up to 13 50
Light N/A N/A N/A
Dark HR Up to 13 50
It is not recommended to treat hair that is lighter than the surrounding skin.
16.8.6 Follow-Up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Patients should return for examination of the treatment site between
six to eight weeks after treatment and for additional treatment, if
If no additional treatment is necessary, the patient should return for
an additional re-examination three to four months later, or when any
new hair has grown in the treatment area.
If there has been partial hair clearance, treatment should be
continued, and the patient should return between six to eight weeks
for examination and for additional treatment, if necessary.
If no change is noted, treatment parameters should be changed. With
multiple treatments, increase the time intervals between treatment
sessions (after the second one), to allow any new hair to grow in the
treatment area. New growth will vary based on the body area (growth
cycle) and on the individual patient (gender, hormonal problems, etc.).
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this module.
16.9.2 Contraindications
Refer to Section 16.8.2.
16.9.4 Pre-Treatment
Patient Evaluation
Refer to Section
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area before the
first treatment session according to the parameters in Table 16-4.
The treatment parameters for hair removal depend on the skin type,
hair color, hair type, and the density and depth of the hair. Initially,
shave the treatment site to eliminate any surface hair that could
interfere with the treatment. Mark a grid (using a red pen) on an area
of 10x10 cm (100cm2). Treat with the In-Motion technique within each
treatment grid, as per treatment description in Section 16.9.5.
Table 16-4. SHR (3) Skin Test Parameters
I 7 On 6.0
II 7 On 6.0
III 7 On 6.0
IV 6 On 6.0
V 5 On 6.0
VI 5 On 6.0
The 1-second and 3-second time intervals are indicated for the
Stationary technique.
(*) Ultrasonic gel must be applied to the skin in both Cooling On or
Off modes.
(**) In-Motion technique; the total energy is adjusted for 10x10 cm or
4x25cm (100cm2) area.
The selection of cooling level should be based on the level of fluence,
pulse duration and skin type:
Cooling off – No Cooling; Cooling 50% - Low; Cooling 75% - Medium;
Cooling 100% - High.
16.9.5 Treatment
Treatment can begin after the SHR (3) module is connected, set to
SHR mode and the treatment parameter (fluence), treatment interval,
and cooling (On/Off) is selected according to Table 16-5.
Shave the treatment site to eliminate any surface hair that could
interfere with the treatment; remove any hairs debris with
adhesive tape.
Clean the skin to remove perfumes, cosmetics and sunscreens.
Mark a grid (using a red pen) on an area of treatment of about
10x10 cm. Mark additional adjacent grids as needed based on the
area size.
Provide appropriate eye protection (OD>5) goggles for the patient
and the medical staff in the enclosed treatment room.
Apply a thin layer (usually 1-2mm thick) of refrigerated (43-50°F /
6-10°C) cooling gel to the treatment site when module cooling is
Off or On. The gel will provide: a) a thermal sink for the absorbed
and reflected energy, thus providing some cooling to the skin itself;
b) comfort to the patient during treatment and; c) friction
reduction/lubrication during the In-Motion technique.
Set the necessary cooling level from the control screen based on the
skin type, fluence and pulse duration.
Set the initial fluence and operation time interval (1, 3 or 30 sec)
parameter according to the skin test results and the size of the
treatment area.
In most cases, operation time intervals should be set for 30 seconds
for large areas; the 1- and 3-second interval should be selected for
very small areas on the face, like the upper lip and chin (using the
Stationary technique rather than the In-Motion technique).
Place the module perpendicular to the skin and touch the skin to
ensure a good seal. Do not apply excessive pressure on the skin.
Treat within the grid area in an In-Motion technique according to
the recommended parameters and passes.
In-Motion Technique:
Move the module on the surface of the skin and, only when the
module is in full contact and "in-motion", then trigger the
Move the module in continuous linear or circular motions, to
cover the entire grid area. This repeated pattern may last
several minutes, depending on the recommended total energy
I 7 On 6.0 – 7.8
II 7 On 6.0 – 7.8
III 7 On 6.0 – 7.8
IV 6 On 6.0 – 7.8
V 6 On 6.0 – 7.8
VI 5 On 6.0 – 7.8
(*) Ultrasonic gel must be applied to the skin in both Cooling On or
Off modes.
(**) The total energy is adjusted for 10x10 cm or 4x25cm (100cm2)
area at 30 sec intervals. The 1- and 3-second operation is
indicated for the Stationary technique. In the Stationary mode
multiple pulses/repetitions should be employed until clinical end-
points are visible.
Table 16-6. Suggested Total Energy (kJ) delivered per Anatomic Site
I – III 5 On Up to 0.9
IV 4 On Up to 0.9
V - VI 3 On Up to 0.9
(*) Repeat twice.
16.9.8 Follow-Up
Refer to Section16.8.6.
In the latest series of Harmony XL Pro modules offered by Alma
Lasers, the lightguide size is already programmed in the module. In
such a case, the pop-up window will offer only the one correct
footprint size; press that key to continue.
30 msec
40 msec
50 msec
Pulse Repetition Rate – fixed at 1/2 Hz
If the system stays in SHR mode during patient rotation, it is
important to reset the Total Energy by pressing the Reset key.
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this module.
17.8.2 Contraindications
History of local or recurrent skin infection
Pregnancy (including IVF procedure)
History of herpes simplex, especially perioral
History of genital herpes, important when treating the pubic or
bikini area
History of keloids/hypertrophic scaring
Isotretinoin – In the past 3-6 months
Retin-A – In the past 2 weeks
History of Koebnerizing skin disorders, such as vitiligo and
17.8.3 Pre-Treatment
Patient Evaluation
Before hair removal procedures, the patient should be evaluated for
the presence of conditions that may cause hypertrichosis:
Drug (i.e., corticosteroids, hormones, immunosuppressive self or
spousal use of minoxidil)
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area during the
first treatment session according to the following parameters in the
table below.
The treatment parameters for hair removal depend on the skin type,
hair color, density and depth. Once treatment parameters are selected,
shave the treatment site to eliminate any surface hair that could
interfere with the treatment.
I HR 30 15 30 minutes
II HR 30 15 30 minutes
III HR 40 12 30 minutes
IV HR 50 9 24 – 48 hours
V HR 50 7 24 – 48 hours
VI HR 50 5 24 – 48 hours
17.8.4 Treatment
Treatment can begin after the SHR (5) module is connected, set to HR
mode and the treatment parameters are selected (fluence and timer
interval) according to Table 17-2.
Clean the skin to remove perfumes, cosmetics and sunscreens.
Apply a thin layer (usually ~1 mm and ~2 mm for darker types) of
refrigerated cooling gel (43-50°F/6-10°C) to the treatment site. The
gel will provide a thermal sink for the absorbed and reflected
energy, provide some cooling to the skin itself, and additional
comfort to the patient during treatment.
Set the necessary cooling level from the control screen based on the
skin type, fluence and pulse duration.
Place the module perpendicular to the skin and touch the skin to
ensure a good seal. Do not apply excessive pressure on the skin.
Set the initial fluence parameter according to the skin test results.
Trigger a light pulse by pressing the footswitch.
Examine the treatment site for any change of the skin color and
morphological changes around the follicles (erythema/edema). The
smell of burnt hair may sometimes be detected, although a lack of
smell does not necessarily indicate that the present parameters
are ineffective.
It is recommended to wait 30 minutes after a test shot has been
triggered for skin types I-IV, and 24-48 hours for skin types V and
VI before proceeding.
If there are no noticeable changes in the hair follicles, or adverse
effects, increase the settings by 10-20% (skin types I-IV). Do not
increase settings on skin type V or VI until the initial test has been
reviewed 24-48 hours after treatment.
Light HR 15 – 20 30
Dark HR 13 – 18 30
Light HR 15 – 20 30
Dark HR 13 – 18 30
Light HR 15 – 20 40
Dark HR 12 – 17 40
Light HR 15 – 17 40
Dark HR 10 – 15 50
Light HR Up to 15 50
Dark HR Up to 13 50
Light N/A N/A N/A
Dark HR Up to 12 50
It is not recommended to treat hair that is lighter than the
surrounding skin.
17.8.6 Follow-Up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Patients should return for examination of the treatment site
between six to eight weeks after treatment and for additional
treatment, if necessary.
If no additional treatment is necessary, the patient should return
for an additional re-examination three to four months later, or
when any new hair has grown in the treatment area.
If there has been partial hair clearance, treatment should be
continued, and the patient should return between six to eight
weeks for examination and for additional treatment, if necessary.
If no change is noted, treatment parameters should be changed.
With multiple treatments, increase the time intervals between
treatment sessions (after the second one), to allow any new hair to
grow in the treatment area. New growth will vary based on the
body area (growth cycle) and on the individual patient (gender,
hormonal problems, etc.).
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this module.
17.9.2 Contraindications
Refer to Section 17.8.2.
17.9.4 Pre-Treatment
Patient Evaluation
Refer to Section
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area before the
first treatment session according to the parameters in Table 17-4.
The treatment parameters for hair removal depend on the skin type,
hair color, hair type, and the density and depth of the hair. Initially,
shave the treatment site to eliminate any surface hair that could
interfere with the treatment. Mark a grid (using a red pen) on an area
of 15x10 cm (150cm2). Treat with the In-Motion technique within each
treatment grid, as per treatment description in 17.9.5.
Table 17-4. SHR (5) Skin Test Parameters**
I 7 On 10.0
II 7 On 10.0
III 7 On 10.0
IV 6 On 10.0
V 5 On 10.0
VI 5 On 10.0
The 1-second and 3-second time intervals are indicated for the
Stationary technique.
(*) Ultrasonic gel must be applied to the skin in both Cooling On or
Off modes.
(**) In-Motion technique; the total energy is adjusted for 15x10 cm
(~150cm2) area.
The selection of cooling level should be based on the level of fluence,
pulse duration and skin type:
Cooling off – No Cooling; Cooling 50% - Low; Cooling 75% - Medium;
Cooling 100% - High.
17.9.5 Treatment
Treatment can begin after the SHR (5) NIR module is connected and
the treatment parameter (fluence), treatment interval, and cooling
(On/Off) is selected according to Table 17-5.
Shave the treatment site to eliminate any surface hair that could
interfere with the treatment; remove any hair debris with adhesive
Clean the skin to remove perfumes, cosmetics and sunscreens.
Mark a grid (using a red pen) on an area of treatment of about
150cm2. Mark additional adjacent grids as needed based on the
area size.
Provide appropriate eye protection (OD>5) goggles for the patient
and the medical staff in the enclosed treatment room.
Apply a thin layer (usually 1-2mm thick) of refrigerated (43-50°F /
6-10°C) cooling gel to the treatment site when module cooling is
Off or On. The gel will provide: a) a thermal sink for the absorbed
and reflected energy, thus providing some cooling to the skin itself;
b) comfort to the patient during treatment and; c) friction
reduction/lubrication during the In-Motion technique.
Set the necessary cooling level from the control screen based on the
skin type, fluence and pulse duration.
Set the initial fluence and operation time interval (1, 3 or 30 sec)
parameter according to the skin test results and the size of the
treatment area.
In most cases, operation time intervals should be set for 30 seconds
for large areas; the 1- and 3-second interval should be selected for
very small areas on the face, like the upper lip and chin (using the
Stationary technique rather than the In-Motion technique).
Place the module perpendicular to the skin and touch the skin to
ensure a good seal. Do not apply excessive pressure on the skin.
Treat within the grid area in an In-Motion technique according to
the recommended parameters and passes.
In-Motion Technique:
Move the module on the surface of the skin and, only when the
module is in full contact and "in-motion", then trigger the
Move the module in continuous linear or circular motions, to
cover the entire grid area. This repeated pattern may last
several minutes, depending on the recommended total energy
I 7 On 10.0 – 13.0
II 7 On 10.0 – 13.0
III 7 On 10.0 – 13.0
IV 6 On 10.0 – 13.0
V 5 On 10.0 – 13.0
VI 5 On 10.0 – 13.0
(*) Ultrasonic gel must be applied to the skin in both Cooling On or
Off modes.
(**) The total energy is adjusted for 15x10 cm (~150cm2) area, at 30
sec intervals. The 1- and 3-second operation is indicated for the
Stationary technique. In the Stationary mode multiple
pulses/repetitions should be employed until clinical end-points
are visible.
Table 17-6. Suggested Total Energy (kJ) delivered per Anatomic Site
Table 17-7. Suggested Total Energy (kJ) delivered –Small areas (up to 25cm2)
17.9.7 Follow-Up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Patients should return for examination of the treatment site
between six to eight weeks after treatment and for additional
treatment, if necessary.
If no additional treatment is necessary, the patient should return
for an additional re-examination three to four months later, or
when any new hair has grown in the treatment area.
If there has been partial hair clearance, treatment should be
continued, and the patient should return between six to eight
weeks for examination and for additional treatment, if necessary.
If no change is noted, treatment parameters and the number of
passes should be changed. With multiple treatments, increase the
time intervals between treatment sessions (after the second one),
to allow any new hair to grow in the treatment area. New growth
will vary based on the body area (growth cycle) and on the
individual patient (gender, hormonal problems, etc.).
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
Treatment intervals: treatment is reapplied (assuring there have
been no adverse reactions) at 4-8 week intervals.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
Alma Lasers GmbH
Nordostpark 100-102
90411 Nuernberg, Germany
Tel. + 49 911 / 89 11 29-0
Fax + 49 911 / 89 11 29-99
10 Seconds
30 Seconds
90 Seconds
ST Module
Light Safety Glasses (OD 3+)
Dark Safety Glasses (OD 5+)
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this module.
18.6.2 Contraindications
Tanned skin (active tan) through sun exposure or tanning bed use
in the previous 30 days
Whole body tattoos or very large areas
Eye-liner or lip-liner tattoos in treatment area
Hypopigmentation (Vitiligo)
Any inflammatory skin condition e.g., eczema, active herpes
simplex, etc. at the treatment site
Skin cancer or any other cancer and/or any cancer drug therapy
(such as Ducabaxine, Fluorouracil, Methotrexate, etc.)
History of keloid scarring
Gold therapy
Photosensitizing drugs; tetracycline, St. John’s Wort (herbal
remedy) in the past 3 months for depression (because of increased
Isotretinoin – Roaccutane in the previous 3-6 months
Tretinoin – Retin A in the last 2 weeks
Diabetes (owing to possible photosensitivity and poor wound
Impaired immune system
18.6.3 Pre-Treatment
Assessing the Condition
The treatment parameters for any given skin condition depend on the
lesion type, skin type, depth and density of the lesion to be treated.
technique, the module is moved continuously on the skin for the entire
exposure time and fluence conditions. In the stationary technique, the
module should be positioned in complete contact with the skin and
slightly pressed towards the skin. In the in-motion technique, the
module should be moved along the skin in continuous circular
movements within the treatment area.
Module Parameters
1 10 30 90
2 20 60 180
3 35 90 270
4 40 120 360
5 55 150 450
6 60 180 540
7 70 210 630
In-Motion 1 30 4 120
In-Motion 2 30 5 150
In-Motion 3 30 6 180
In-Motion 1 30 4 120
In-Motion 2 30 5 150
In-Motion 3 30 6 180
18.6.6 Treatment
After the ST module has been connected to the Harmony XL Pro
system and suitable settings (time exposure and fluence) have been
selected, the treatment can begin.
In-Motion Protocol
Clean the skin to remove perfumes, cosmetics and sunscreens.
In areas where hair exists, the hair must be shaved or trimmed.
Provide appropriate eye protection (OD>5) goggles for the patient
and the medical staff in the enclosed treatment room.
Apply room-temperature ultrasonic gel (thin layer ~1mm) to the
skin and place the module perpendicular to the skin. During the
treatment add ultrasonic gel to the treatment area as needed. Do
not apply pressure (the lightguide should gently touch the skin).
Skin tissue heating is specific to the individual patient and area,
and therefore should be monitored/gauged to the individual
patient's tolerance.
Clinical end-points: skin should appear red/pink (mild-moderate
erythema); patient should report that the skin feels warm.
If no visible end-points appear but the patient reports deep heat
sensation during the treatment, do not repeat treatment.
Stationary Protocol
In the stationary technique, up to 10% overlapping is an
acceptable tolerance.
Set the initial exposure time and fluence parameters according to
the skin test results.
Trigger a pulse by continuously pressing the footswitch for the
entire time interval; the module will stop emitting light
automatically unless interrupted by the operator (releasing the
footswitch). In order to continue, the footswitch must be pressed
Treatment parameters may be increased by 10% every other
treatment and subjected to the conditions in the area treated and
the patient's tolerance.
Clinical end-points: skin should appear red/pink (mild-moderate
erythema); patient should report that the skin feels warm.
Following treatment, gently cleanse the ultrasonic gel from the
treated area.
If adverse skin effects occur (such as excessive reddening or
swelling), you may either reduce the exposure time or reduce the
After treatment, it is recommended to cool the area immediately
(see Appendix B in the System Manual – Post-Treatment Care).
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area during the first
treatment session.
18.6.8 Follow-Up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Patients should be invited four weeks after treatment for
examination of the treatment site and for additional treatment, if
Treatment is complete when satisfactory results are obtained.
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
If the system stays in SST Cooled mode during patient rotation, it
is important to reset the Total Energy by pressing the Reset key.
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this module.
19.7.2 Contraindications
Whole body tattoos or very large areas
Eye-liner or lip-liner tattoos in treatment area
Hypopigmentation (Vitiligo)
Any inflammatory skin condition e.g., eczema, active herpes
simplex, etc. at the treatment site
Skin cancer or any other cancer and/or any cancer drug therapy
(such as Ducabaxine, Fluorouracil, Methotrexate, etc.)
History of keloid scarring
Photosensitizing drugs; gold therapy, tetracycline, St. John’s Wort
(herbal remedy) in the past 3 months for depression (because of
increased photosensitivity)
Isotretinoin (Roaccutane or Tretinoin) – In the previous 3-6
Retin – A – In the past 2 weeks
Diabetes (owing to possible photosensitivity and poor wound
Impaired immune system
19.7.4 Pre-Treatment
Assessing the Condition
The treatment parameters for any given skin condition depend on the
lesion type, skin type, depth and density of the lesion to be treated.
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area (forehead,
face, abdomen or neck areas) before the first treatment session. After
covering the area with a thin layer (~1mm) of room temperature
ultrasonic gel, place the module on the skin according to the following
exposure settings/techniques.
Table 19-2. SST Cooled Skin Test Parameters – Forehead, Cheeks and Neck
Table 19-3. SST Cooled Skin Test Parameters – Abdomen, Thigh and Upper Arm
Skin Type (Fitzpatrick I-VI) Fluence (J/cm2) Total Energy [kJ]* Cooling**
The selection of cooling level should be based on the level of fluence, pulse
duration and skin type:
Cooling off – No Cooling; Cooling 50% - Low; Cooling 75% - Medium;
Cooling 100% - High.
19.7.5 Treatment
Treatment can begin after the SST Cooled module has been connected
to the Harmony XL Pro system and the treatment parameters selected
(time exposure and fluence) according to the Suggested Setup
Parameters tables in Section 19.7.6.
In-Motion Protocol
Clean the skin to remove perfumes, cosmetics and sunscreens.
In areas where hair exists, the hair must be shaved or trimmed.
Provide appropriate eye protection (OD>5) goggles for the patient
and the medical staff in the enclosed treatment room.
Apply room-temperature ultrasonic gel (thin layer ~1mm) to the
skin and place the module perpendicular to the skin. During the
treatment add ultrasonic gel to the treatment area as needed. Do
not apply pressure (the lightguide should gently touch the skin).
Set the necessary cooling level from the control screen based on the
skin type, fluence and pulse duration.
Skin tissue heating is specific to the individual patient and area,
and therefore should be monitored/gauged to the individual
patient's tolerance.
Clinical end-points: skin should appear red/pink (mild-moderate
erythema); patient should report that the skin feels warm.
If no visible end-points appear but the patient reports deep heat
sensation during the treatment, do not repeat treatment.
Stationary Protocol
In the stationary technique, up to 10% overlapping is an
acceptable tolerance.
Set the initial exposure time and fluence parameters according to
the skin test results.
Set the necessary cooling level from the control screen based on the
skin type, fluence and pulse duration.
Trigger a pulse by continuously pressing the footswitch for the
entire time interval; the module will stop emitting light
automatically unless interrupted by the operator (releasing the
footswitch). In order to continue, the footswitch must be pressed
Treatment parameters may be increased by 10% every other
treatment and subjected to the conditions in the area treated and
the patient's tolerance.
Clinical end-points: skin should appear red/pink (mild-moderate
erythema); patient should report that the skin feels warm.
Following treatment, gently cleanse the ultrasonic gel from the
treated area.
If adverse skin effects occur (such as excessive reddening or
swelling), you may either reduce the exposure time or reduce the
After treatment, it is recommended to cool the area immediately
(see Appendix B in the System Manual – Post-Treatment Care).
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area during
the first treatment session.
Skin Type (Fitzpatrick I-VI) Fluence (J/cm2) Total Energy [kJ]* Cooling**
Table 19-5. SST Cooled Suggested Setup Parameters – Abdomen, Thigh and Upper Arm
Skin Type (Fitzpatrick I-VI) Fluence (J/cm2) Total Energy [kJ]* Cooling**
19.7.8 Follow-Up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Patients should be invited four weeks after treatment for
examination of the treatment site and for additional treatment, if
Treatment is complete when satisfactory results are obtained.
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
Treatment intervals: treatment is reapplied (assuring there have
been no adverse reactions) at 2–4 weeks intervals.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
Alma Lasers GmbH
Nordostpark 100-102
90411 Nuernberg, Germany
Tel. + 49 911 / 89 11 29-0
Fax + 49 911 / 89 11 29-99
Figure 20-2. Q-SW 1064 Module Operating Screen with Standard Tip
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this module.
When using the 532nm KTP tip appropriate eyewear protection
must be used by both the practitioner and the patient (and
anyone else in the room).
Different eyewear is indicated and therefore must be used for
the 1064nm vs. the 532nm wavelength.
Absolute Contraindications
Cellulitis (MRSA)
Lichen Planus
Lichen Nitidus
Renal Failure (Acute or Chronic)
Multiple Sclerosis
Certain Medications (i.e. Accutane)
Collagen Vascular Diseases
Relative Contraindications
Poorly Controlled Diabetes Mellitus
Peripheral Vascular Disease
Bleeding Disorders
Rheumatoid Arthritis/ Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
Subnormal Intelligence or Psychiatric Disorders
History of Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation
Chronic Disease (Crohn’s Disease, IBD, etc.)
20.6.2 Pre-Treatment
Assessing the Condition
The treatment parameters for any given skin condition depend on the
skin type and the lesion type, depth and density.
Before treatment the practitioner should conduct a full tattoo patient
history: When was the tattoo placed? What inks/dyes were used?
Where were the inks mixed together to make the color? Is there any
white ink in the tattoo to the patient's knowledge? Has the patient
attempted to remove or alter the tattoo previously? If so - how? Has
the patient used oral retinoids with in the past year? History of herpes
infection or cold sores? History of keloid formation or easy scarring,
current suntan, tanning bed or bronze use? Fitzpatrick skin type?
The treatment parameters for tattoos depend on the skin and on the
characteristics of the tattoo itself (i.e., professional, amateur or
traumatic). Color, depth, skin type, age of the tattoo and density of
colors are all important factors when deciding on parameters for tattoo
removal. The composition of an amateur tattoo is elemental carbon
and the professional - organic dyes mixed with metallic elements.
Response rate for tattoo removal is a function of pigment depth, total
pigment volume as well as surface area.
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area before the
first treatment session according to the following parameters. It is
important to ensure that the patient is not tanned.
Appropriate protective eyewear protection must be used by both the
practitioner and the patient (and anyone else in the room).
Table 20-2. Tattoo Removal Skin Test Parameters for Blue, Black & Green Tattoos (standard
Skin Type Spot Size Pulse Repetition Energy (mJ) Waiting Period
Rate (Hz)
Table 20-3. Tattoo Removal Skin Test Parameters for Red Tattoos (KTP tip)
Skin Type Spot Size Pulse Repetition Energy (mJ) Waiting Period
Rate (Hz)
Table 20-4. Tattoo Removal Skin Test Parameters for for Blue, Black & Green Tattoos with
Pixel Tip
Skin Type Spot Size Pulse Repetition Energy (mJ) Waiting Period
Rate (Hz)
It is recommended that the patient return for treatment 24 – 48
hours after the skin test.
20.6.3 Treatment
Clean and dry the skin to remove the EMLA cream from the tattoo
Appropriate protective eyewear protection must be used by both
the practitioner and the patient (and anyone else in the room).
Place the module perpendicular to the tattooed skin.
Overlapping should not exceed 10%.
Set the initial fluence and the pulse repetition rate parameter
according to the skin test results.
Trigger the Laser QSW laser by pressing the footswitch and the
module trigger simultaneously.
Diagnose carefully. Remember: darker skin types take longer to
respond than lighter skin types. The desired effect is a change in
tattoo color (whitening effect), without changes in the surrounding
If, along with a good response in the tattoo, adverse skin effects
occur (such as excessive reddening or swelling in the shape of the
lightguide), you should reduce the fluence by 10-20% and attempt
to treat in an adjoining area.
If the skin shows no adverse effects or extended side effects and
changes observed in the tattoo color are unsatisfactory, you may
increase the fluence.
After treatment it is recommended to cool the area immediately,
apply antibacterial ointment and cover the treated tattoo area with
sterile pad gauze.
Recommended treatment intervals: between eight and twelve
The Q-SW 1064 module can remove black, blue & green pigmented
tattoos with the 1064nm wavelength, and red & brown pigments
with the 532nm KTP wavelength.
It is imperative that the tips and their lenses remain clean and free
of debris. The tips and the lenses must be cleaned with a cotton
swab and warm water after each treatment. During long
treatments, the operator should visually inspect the tip attachment
and clean it as necessary. Refer to Chapter 7 in the System Manual
- Maintenance.
Pulse Repetition
Skin Type Spot Size Wavelength Energy (mJ/P)
Rate (Hz)
Table 20-6. Suggested Setup Parameters for Red Tattoos (1064/532 KTP Tip)
Skin Type Spot Size Pulse Repetition Rate (Hz) Energy (mJ/P)
Table 20-7. Suggested Setup Parameters for Blue, Black & Green Tattoos with Pixel Tip
Pulse Repetition
Skin Type Spot Size Wavelength Energy (mJ/P)
Rate (Hz)
Small spot size and high fluence often cause bleeding.
High repetition rate – use lower fluence setting.
20.6.6 Follow-Up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Patients should return no sooner than eight weeks after the last
treatment, for examination of the treatment site and for additional
treatment, if necessary.
If no additional treatment is necessary, the patient should return
for a follow-up examination after two months.
If there has been partial clearance of the tattoo, treatment should
be continued, and the patient should return after a minimum of
eight weeks for examination and for additional treatment, if
If no change is noted in the tattoo, fluence should be increased by
at least 10%, and the patient should return no sooner than four
weeks for an examination.
Intervals between treatments can be increased in successive
Treatment is complete when satisfactory results are obtained.
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
Figure 21-5. H.P.Q-SW Pro Module Operating Screens with Standard 5mm Tip (Top) and 5x5
Pixel Tip (Bottom)
Figure 21-6. H.P.Q-SW Pro Module Operating Screen with 7x1 Roller Tip
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this module.
When using the 532nm KTP tip appropriate eyewear protection
must be used by both the practitioner and the patient (and
anyone else in the room).
Different eyewear is indicated and therefore must be used for
the 1064nm vs. the 532nm wavelength.
Vascular lesions:
Hemangiomas (port wine stains/birthmarks, cavernous, cherry,
and spider hemangiomas).
Angiomas (cherry, spider)
Spider nevi
Benign pigmented lesions:
Café-au-lait (macules)
Lentigines (senile and solar)
Freckles (ephelides)
Nevus spillus
Nevus of Ota
Becker's nevi
Absolute Contraindications
Cellulitis (MRSA)
Lichen Planus
Lichen Nitidus
Renal Failure (Acute or Chronic)
Multiple Sclerosis
Certain medications (i.e. Accutane)
Collagen Vascular Diseases
Relative Contraindications
Poorly Controlled Diabetes Mellitus
Peripheral Vascular Disease
Bleeding Disorders
Rheumatoid Arthritis/ Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
Subnormal Intelligence or Psychiatric Disorders
History of Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation
Chronic Disease (Crohn’s Disease, IBD, etc.)
21.6.2 Pre-Treatment
Assessing the Condition
The treatment parameters for any given skin condition depend on the
skin type and the lesion type, depth and density. As general, when
using the pixel QS tips, for rough skin and deep lesions use deep
gauged tips (-1, -2). For lax skin and superficial lesions, use the
superficial gauged tips (+1, +2). It is possible to combine some gauged
tips one after the other in the same session if the lesion is mixed. Tattoo Treatment
Before treatment the practitioner should conduct a full tattoo patient
history: When was the tattoo placed? What inks/dyes were used?
Where were the inks mixed together to make the color? Is there any
white ink in the tattoo to the patient's knowledge? Has the patient
attempted to remove or alter the tattoo previously? If so - how? Has
the patient used oral retinoids with in the past year? History of herpes
infection or cold sores? History of keloid formation or easy scarring,
current suntan, tanning bed or bronze use? Fitzpatrick skin type?
The treatment parameters for tattoos depend on the skin and on the
characteristics of the tattoo itself (i.e., professional, amateur or
traumatic). Color, depth, skin type, age of the tattoo and density of
colors are all important factors when deciding on parameters for tattoo
removal. The composition of an amateur tattoo is elemental carbon
and the professional - organic dyes mixed with metallic elements.
Response rate for tattoo removal is a function of pigment depth, total
pigment volume as well as surface area.
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area before the
first treatment session according to the following parameters. It is
important to ensure that the patient is not tanned.
Appropriate protective eyewear protection must be used by both the
practitioner and the patient (and anyone else in the room).
Table 21-2. Tattoo Removal Skin Test Parameters for Blue, Black & Green Tattoos (standard
Skin Type Spot Size Pulse Repetition Energy (mJ) Waiting Period
Rate (Hz)
I – VI 3 mm 1, 2, 3 1800-2200 24 – 48 hours
I – VI 5 mm 1, 2, 3 1400--2000 24 – 48 hours
Table 21-3. Tattoo Removal Skin Test Parameters for Red Tattoos (KTP tip)
Skin Type Spot Size Pulse Repetition Energy (mJ) Waiting Period
Rate (Hz)
Table 21-4. Suggested Setup Parameters for Blue, Black & Green Tattoos (iPixel Roller Tip
Table 21-5. Skin Rejuvenation Skin Test Parameters (Gauged 5x5 Pixel Tip)
Table 21-6. Skin Rejuvenation Skin Test Parameters (iPixel roller 7X1)
It is recommended that the patient return for treatment 24 – 48
hours after the skin test.
The H.P.Q-SW Pro module can remove black, blue & green
pigmented tattoos with the 1064nm wavelength, and red & brown
pigments with the 532nm KTP wavelength.
It is imperative that the tips and their lenses remain clean and free of debris.
The tips and the lenses must be cleaned with a cotton swab and warm water
after each treatment. During long treatments, the operator should visually
inspect the tip attachment and clean it as necessary. Refer to Chapter 7 in the
System Manual – Maintenance.
Table 21-8. Suggested Setup Parameters for Blue, Black & Green Tattoos (iPixel Roller Tip 1X7)
Pulse Repetition
Skin Type Spot Size Wavelength (nm) Energy (mJ/P)
Rate (Hz)
Table 21-10. Suggested Setup Parameters for deep gauged tips (Stationary Pixel tip)
Tightening, 0, (-1) , 1800-
50 – 80 3 800-1000 20
Collagen (-2) 2400
rough skin
Table 21-11. Suggested Setup Parameters for Superficial gauged tips (Stationary Pixel tip)
Table 21-12. Suggested Setup Parameters for Melasma Treatment (Stationary Pixel tip)
Table 21-13. Suggested Setup Parameters for Superficial gauged tips (iPixel roller 7X1)
Table 21-14. Suggested Setup Parameters for Melasma Treatment (iPixel Roller 75X1)
21.6.8 Follow-Up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for
defining your treatment regimen.
Patients should return no sooner than eight weeks after the last
treatment, for examination of the treatment site and for additional
treatment, if necessary.
If no additional treatment is necessary, the patient should return
for a follow-up examination after two months.
If there has been partial clearance of the tattoo, treatment should
be continued, and the patient should return after a minimum of
eight weeks for examination and for additional treatment, if
If no change is noted in the tattoo, fluence should be increased by
at least 10%, and the patient should return no sooner than four
weeks for an examination.
Intervals between treatments can be increased in successive
Treatment is complete when satisfactory results are obtained.
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
Fluence: 3 – 25 J/cm2
Pulse Frequency: fixed at 1 Hz
Pulse Widths: 10 msec
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this module.
22.6.3 Contraindications
Vascular Lesions, Veins and Wrinkles
Tanned skin (active tan) through sun exposure or tanning bed use
in the previous 30 days
Hypopigmentation (Vitiligo)
Any inflammatory skin condition e.g. eczema, active herpes
simplex, etc. at the treatment site
Skin cancer or any other cancer and/or any cancer drug therapy
(such as Ducabaxine, Fluorouracil, Methotrexate, etc.)
History of keloid scarring
St. John’s Wort (herbal remedy) for depression in the past 3
months (because of increased photosensitivity)
Isotretinoin – Roaccutane in the previous 3-6 months
Tretinoin – Retin A in the last 2 weeks
Pregnancy; until menstruation returns and end of breast feeding
Diabetes (because of increased possible photosensitivity and poor
wound healing)
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area according
before the first treatment session to the following parameters:
Table 22-2. Skin Test Parameters for Vascular Lesions
The L.P. 1064 Pro module has three optical tips for vascular
lesions that are replaceable; to detach, grasp the tip at its base and
turn counter-clockwise. To attach the tip – grasp the tip and
thread it onto the aperture end of the module by turning it
clockwise until snug.
The 2mm tip is used to treat vessels 0.5 to 1.5mm in diameter
(available fluence up to 450 J/cm2). The 6mm tip is used to treat
vessels 1.5 to 4mm in diameter (available fluence up to 150 J/cm2).
Treatment is applied perpendicular to the target and a second pass is
usually recommended once appropriate safe settings are found. Do not
stack pulses. Appropriate cooling methods, such as cold air, are
recommended when using the L.P. 1064 Pro module.
Treatment can begin after the module and the appropriate tip have
been connected to the Harmony XL Pro system and the treatment
parameters (fluence and pulse width) are selected according to
Table 22-2.
Clean the skin to remove perfumes, cosmetics and sunscreens.
Do not treat a vascular lesion through a tattoo or a pigmented lesion that has
not been examined by a physician. Any hair covering a vascular lesion must
be removed before treatment.
It is imperative that the tips and their lenses remain clean and free of debris.
The tips and the lenses must be cleaned with a cotton swab and warm water
after each treatment. During long treatments, the operator should visually
inspect the tip attachment and clean it as necessary. Refer to Chapter 7 in the
System Manual – Maintenance.
Treatment can begin after the module has been connected to the
Harmony XL Pro system and the treatment parameters (fluence and
time interval) are selected according to Table 22-4.
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area during
the first treatment session.
It is imperative that the tips and their lenses remain clean and free of debris.
The tips and the lenses must be cleaned with a cotton swab and warm water
after each treatment. During long treatments, the operator should visually
inspect the tip attachment and clean it as necessary. Refer to Chapter 7 in the
System Manual – Maintenance.
Treatment can begin after the module and tip are connected and the
treatment parameters are selected according to Table 22-7.
External cooling means must be applied to the skin, e.g., cold pack, Zimmer,
Shave the treatment site to eliminate any surface hair that could
interfere with the treatment; remove any hair debris with adhesive
Clean the skin to remove perfumes, cosmetics and sunscreens.
Provide appropriate eye protection (OD>7) goggles for the patient
and the medical staff in the enclosed treatment room.
Set the initial fluence and pulse width parameters according to the
skin test results.
Apply ultrasonic gel to the treatment area.
Place the module perpendicular to the skin and touch the skin to
ensure a good seal. Do not apply excessive pressure on the skin.
Observe for erythema or perifollicular erythema/edema (i.e., end-
Examine the treatment area for change of skin color and
morphological changes around the follicles (erythema/edema). The
smell of burnt hair may sometimes be detected, although its
absence does not necessarily indicate that the present parameters
are ineffective.
If there are no noticeable changes on the skin (Skin Types IV-VI)
or near the hair follicles do not repeat.
If adverse skin effects occur (such as excessive reddening), before
good follicular response is achieved, adjust the treatment
parameters to reduce the aggressiveness of the treatment.
After treatment it is recommended to cool the area immediately
with cold cloth or gauze and apply Aloe Vera gel.
It is imperative that the tips and their lenses remain clean and free
of debris. The tips and the lenses must be cleaned with a cotton
swab and warm water after each treatment. During long
treatments, the operator should visually inspect the tip attachment
and clean it as necessary. Refer to Chapter 7 in the System Manual
- Maintenance.
22.6.7 Follow Up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Fluence: 3 – 25 J/cm2
Pulse Frequency: fixed at 1 Hz
Pulse Widths: 10 msec
Venus lake
Leg veins
Spider veins
Poikiloderma of Civatte
Facial and leg veins
Removal of unwanted hair, for stable long term, or permanent,
hair reduction through selective targeting of melanin in hair
Removal or lightening of unwanted hair (with and without
adjuvant preparation)
Treatment of pseudofolliculitis barbae (PFB)
23.6.3 Contraindications
Vascular Lesions, Veins and Wrinkles
Tanned skin (active tan) through sun exposure or tanning bed use
in the previous 30 days
Hypopigmentation (Vitiligo)
Any inflammatory skin condition e.g. eczema, active herpes
simplex, etc. at the treatment site
Skin cancer or any other cancer and/or any cancer drug therapy
(such as Ducabaxine, Fluorouracil, Methotrexate, etc.)
History of keloid scarring
St. John’s Wort (herbal remedy) for depression in the past 3
months (because of increased photosensitivity)
Isotretinoin – Roaccutane in the previous 3-6 months
Tretinoin – Retin A in the last 2 weeks
Pregnancy; until menstruation returns and end of breast feeding
Diabetes (because of increased possible photosensitivity and poor
wound healing)
History of Koebnerizing skin disorders, such as vitiligo and
Previous treatment modalities – method, frequency and date of
last treatment, as well as response
Tattoos or nevi present on the treated area
Past or ongoing medical condition (diabetes, epilepsy, high or low
blood pressure, or others)
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area before the
first treatment session according to the following parameters:
Table 23-2. Skin Test Parameters for Vascular Lesions
Skin Type Fluence Waiting
Module Width
(Fitzpatrick I-VI) (J/cm2) Period
The Cooled L.P. Pro module has three optical tips for vascular
lesions that are replaceable; to detach, grasp the tip at its base and
turn counter-clockwise. To attach the tip – grasp the tip and
thread it onto the aperture end of the module by turning it
clockwise until snug.
The 2mm tip is used to treat vessels 0.5 to 1.5mm in diameter
(available fluence up to 450 J/cm2). The 6mm tip is used to treat
vessels 1.5 to 4mm in diameter (available fluence up to 150 J/cm2).
Treatment is applied perpendicular to the target and a second pass is
usually recommended once appropriate safe settings are found. Do not
stack pulses.
Treatment can begin after the module and the appropriate tip have
been connected to the Harmony XL Pro system and the treatment
parameters (fluence and pulse width) are selected according to
Table 23-2.
Clean the skin to remove perfumes, cosmetics and sunscreens.
Cooling means such as ice pack or forced cold air/Zimmer are
Do not treat a vascular lesion through a tattoo or a pigmented lesion that has
not been examined by a physician. Any hair covering a vascular lesion must
be removed before treatment.
It is imperative that the tips and their lenses remain clean and free
of debris. The tips and the lenses must be cleaned with a cotton
swab and warm water after each treatment. During long
treatments, the operator should visually inspect the tip attachment
and clean it as necessary. Refer to Chapter 7 in the System Manual
– Maintenance.
Treatment can begin after the module has been connected to the
Harmony XL Pro system and the treatment parameters (fluence and
time interval) are selected according to Table 23-4.
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area during
the first treatment session.
It is imperative that the tips and their lenses remain clean and free
of debris. The tips and the lenses must be cleaned with a cotton
swab and warm water after each treatment. During long
treatments, the operator should visually inspect the tip attachment
and clean it as necessary. Refer to Chapter 7 in the System Manual
- Maintenance.
shave the treatment site to eliminate any surface hair that could
interfere with the treatment.
Table 23-6. Skin Test Parameters for Hair Removal & PFB Treatment
Treatment can begin after the module and tip are connected and the
treatment parameters are selected according to Table 23-7.
External cooling means must be applied to the skin, e.g., cold pack, Zimmer,
Shave the treatment site to eliminate any surface hair that could
interfere with the treatment; remove any hair debris with adhesive
Clean the skin to remove perfumes, cosmetics and sunscreens.
Provide appropriate eye protection (OD>7) goggles for the patient
and the medical staff in the enclosed treatment room.
Set the initial fluence and pulse width parameters according to the
skin test results.
Apply ultrasonic gel to the treatment area.
Set the necessary cooling level from the control screen based on the
skin type, fluence and pulse duration.
Place the module perpendicular to the skin and touch the skin to
ensure a good seal. Do not apply excessive pressure on the skin.
Observe for erythema or perifollicular erythema/edema (i.e., end-
It is imperative that the tips and their lenses remain clean and free
of debris. The tips and the lenses must be cleaned with a cotton
swab and warm water after each treatment. During long
treatments, the operator should visually inspect the tip attachment
and clean it as necessary. Refer to Chapter 7 in the System Manual
– Maintenance.
23.6.7 Follow Up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
24.7.3 Contraindications
Vascular Lesions, Veins and Wrinkles
Tanned skin (active tan) through sun exposure or tanning bed use
in the previous 30 days
Hypopigmentation (Vitiligo)
Any inflammatory skin condition e.g. eczema, active herpes
simplex, etc. at the treatment site
Skin cancer or any other cancer and/or any cancer drug therapy
(such as Ducabaxine, Fluorouracil, Methotrexate, etc.)
History of keloid scarring
St. John’s Wort (herbal remedy) for depression in the past 3
months (because of increased photosensitivity)
Isotretinoin – Roaccutane in the previous 3-6 months
Tretinoin – Retin A in the last 2 weeks
Pregnancy; until menstruation returns and end of breast feeding
Diabetes (because of increased possible photosensitivity and poor
wound healing)
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area according
before the first treatment session to the following parameters:
Table 24-2. Skin Test Parameters for Vascular Lesions
The Fungus L.P. Pro laser module has three optical tips for
vascular lesions that are replaceable; to detach, grasp the tip at its
base and turn counter-clockwise. To attach the tip – grasp the tip
and thread it onto the aperture end of the module by turning it
clockwise until snug.
The 2mm tip is used to treat vessels 0.5 to 1.5mm in diameter
(available fluence up to 450 J/cm2). The 6mm tip is used to treat
vessels 1.5 to 4mm in diameter (available fluence up to 150 J/cm2).
Treatment is applied perpendicular to the target and a second pass is
usually recommended once appropriate safe settings are found. Do not
stack pulses. Appropriate cooling methods, such as cold air, are
recommended when using the Laser 1064F Pro Cooled module.
Treatment can begin after the module and the appropriate tip have
been connected to the Harmony XL Pro system and the treatment
parameters (fluence and pulse width) are selected according to
Table 24-2.
Clean the skin to remove perfumes, cosmetics and sunscreens.
Set the necessary cooling level from the control screen based on the
skin type, fluence and pulse duration.
Do not treat a vascular lesion through a tattoo or a pigmented lesion that has
not been examined by a physician. Any hair covering a vascular lesion must
be removed before treatment.
It is imperative that the tips and their lenses remain clean and free of debris.
The tips and the lenses must be cleaned with a cotton swab and warm water
after each treatment. During long treatments, the operator should visually
inspect the tip attachment and clean it as necessary. Refer to Chapter 7 in the
System Manual – Maintenance.
Skin Type Fluence Waiting
Module Width
(Fitzpatrick I-VI) (J/cm2) Period
Treatment can begin after the module has been connected to the
Harmony XL Pro system and the treatment parameters (fluence and
time interval) are selected according to Table 24-4.
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area during
the first treatment session.
It is imperative that the tips and their lenses remain clean and free
of debris. The tips and the lenses must be cleaned with a cotton
swab and warm water after each treatment. During long
treatments, the operator should visually inspect the tip attachment
and clean it as necessary. Refer to Chapter 7 in the System Manual
– Maintenance.
24.7.6 Follow Up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this module.
24.8.3 Contraindications
Skin cancer or any other cancer and/or any cancer drug therapy
(such as Ducabaxine, Fluorouracil, Methotrexate, etc.).
Systemic antifungal therapy in the past 6 months.
Usage of antifungal therapy which changes nails pigmentation.
Usage of nail coloring dyes which changes nail pigmentation.
Existence of subungual hematoma or nevoid subungual formation.
Existence of bacterial nail infection that which are changing nail
Existence of concomitant of nail disorders such as psoriasis of nail
plate, lichen planus and/or atopic dermatitis.
Number of
Repetition Fluence Waiting
Module Passes
Rate [Hz] [mJ/P Period
(Toe Nail Size)
3 – 4 passes 48 – 72
Q-Switched; 3 mm tip 2 800 – 1000
over the nail Hours
Table 24-7. Q-Switched Patch Test Parameters for Onychomycosis (Digit Nail)
Number of
Repetition Fluence Waiting
Module Passes
Rate [Hz] [mJ/P Period
(Toe Nail Size)
3 – 4 passes 48 – 72
Q-Switched; 3 mm tip 2 700 – 900
over the nail Hours
Figure 24-6. Lasing Path of Each Pass over the Toenail Plate during Treatment
White flashes or sparks may occur during treatment.
Clinical End-Points
The expected clinical end-points of the Q-Switched treatment for
Onychomycosis are:
Fixed number of passes (5-10) in each nail.
Whitening and shading off the nail infected color.
Patient's local heat/stinging sensation.
The 1064 nm laser treatment should be done immediately after
treatment with the Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser module.
Table 24-13. Laser 1064F Pro Cooled Suggested Setup Parameters for Onychomycosis (Digit Nail)
Clinical End-Points
The expected clinical end-points of the Fungus L.P. Pro treatment for
Onychomycosis are:
Fixed amount of accumulative energy (J) in each nail.
Patient's local heat sensation.
24.8.9 Follow Up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Within two weeks after the first treatment patients should return
for examination of the treatment site.
In case of a partial clearance of the nail fungus, the patient should
return for examination after three months.
If the partial clearance of the nail fungus continues, the patient
should return for examination three months after the last
treatment, when further nail growth is expected (a full growth of
the nail could take 6-12 months).
Intervals between treatments should be 2-3 weeks.
Number of treatments should be 3-4.
Patients should be instructed to continue the application of local
substances/ materials (such as Salicylic acid, Benzoic acid, Talc or
similar) after each laser treatment and in between treatments,
until full growth of the nail plate is observed.
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this module.
25.6.2 Contraindications
Tanned skin (active tan) through sun exposure or tanning bed use
in the previous 30 days
Hypopigmentation (Vitiligo)
Any inflammatory skin condition e.g., eczema, active herpes
simplex, etc. at the treatment site
Skin cancer or any other cancer and/or any cancer drug therapy
(such as Ducabaxine, Fluorouracil, Methotrexate, etc.)
A history of keloid scarring
St. John’s Wort (herbal remedy) for depression in the past 3
months (because of increased photosensitivity)
Isotretinoin – Roaccutane or Tretinoin – Retin A for the treatment
of acne or other dermatological conditions in the previous 3-6
Pregnancy; until menstruation returns and end of breast feeding
Diabetes (owing to possible photosensitivity and poor wound
25.6.3 Pre-Treatment
Assessing the Condition
The treatment parameters for any given skin condition depend on the
skin type and the lesion type, depth and density.
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area during the
first treatment session according to the following parameters.
Table 25-2. Skin Test Parameters
Treated area must be cooled before, during and after the treatment
with ice-packs or the Zimmer air cooling device.
25.6.4 Treatment
After the L.P. 1320 module has been connected to the Harmony XL Pro
system and the treatment parameters (fluence and timer interval)
have been selected according to Figure 25-3, treatment can begin. The
number of passes depends on skin reaction and clinical end-points
(slight erythema). Treatments should be spaced 4 weeks apart and
every 6 months during the maintenance period.
Always perform a sensitivity test patch on the intended treatment
area during the first treatment session.
Place the module tip perpendicular to the skin and touch the skin
with the tip. The tip should slightly be compressed against the
target tissue.
Trigger a laser pulse by pressing both the footswitch and module
trigger simultaneously.
Apply 3-4 passes (non-sequential) on the target area. In a more
rapid fashion, apply one pass of the laser across the entire facial
area (from the maxillary prominence to the mandible).
Immediately after lasing stops, apply cooling means to the treated
area (or continue cooling from the Zimmer air cooling device). It is
appropriate to use an ice pack for 5 seconds and continue lasing
Visualize the treated area and check for adverse side effects.
If adverse skin effects occur (such as excessive reddening or
swelling in the shape of the lightguide), you may either increase
the timer interval or reduce the fluence by 20%. Recheck your
settings against the skin test results and settings.
After treatment, it is recommended to cool the area immediately
(see Appendix B in the System Manual – Post-Treatment Care).
It is imperative that the tips and their lenses remain clean and free
of debris. The tips and the lenses must be cleaned with a cotton
swab and warm water after each treatment. During long
treatments, the operator should visually inspect the tip attachment
and clean it as necessary. Refer to Chapter 7 in the System Manual
– Maintenance.
25.6.6 Follow-up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Patients should return no sooner than three weeks after
treatment. This planned examination of the treatment site should
provide a progress evaluation and additional treatment
opportunity, if required.
If there has been a partial effect, treatment should be continued,
and the patient should return after three weeks for examination
and additional treatment, if necessary.
If no additional treatment is necessary, the patient should return
for a follow-up examination after two months.
If no change is noted, fluence should be increased by at least 10%.
Intervals between treatments can be increased in successive
Treatment is complete when satisfactory results are obtained.
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
When changing from one style of tip to the other, proceed as follows:
Remove the standard-style tip from the module, and detach the
magnetized foot (see Figure 26-3).
Refer to Figure 26-4: remove the blue distance spacer from the
Pixel tip (A) and screw the tip into the module (B).
Insert the Larger size magnetized foot into the module (see
Figure 26-5).
Take care not to insert the smaller magnetized foot by mistake.
Fluence: 1 – 40 J/cm2
Pulse Frequency: fixed at 1 Hz
Pulse Widths: 30, 40, 50 msec
Skin Remodeling – using the 5x5 Pixel tip deliver:
Fluence: 1 – 11 J/cm2
Pulse Frequency: fixed at 1 Hz
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this module.
26.7.2 Contraindications
Tanned skin (active tan) through sun exposure or tanning bed use
in the previous 30 days
Hypopigmentation (Vitiligo)
Any inflammatory skin condition e.g., eczema, active herpes
simplex, etc. at the treatment site
Skin cancer or any other cancer and/or any cancer drug therapy
(such as Ducabaxine, Fluorouracil, Methotrexate, etc.)
A history of keloid scarring
St. John’s Wort (herbal remedy) for depression in the past 3
months (because of increased photosensitivity)
Isotretinoin – Roaccutane or Tretinoin – Retin A for the treatment
of acne or other dermatological conditions in the previous 3-6
Pregnancy; until menstruation returns and end of breast feeding
26.7.4 Pre-Treatment
Assessing the Condition
The treatment parameters for any given skin condition depend on the
skin type and the lesion type, depth and density.
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area during the
first treatment session according to the following parameters.
Table 26-2. Skin Test Parameters
24 – 48
I – III Cooled L.P. 1320; 6mm tip 30, 40 25 – 30
24 – 48
IV – VI Cooled L.P. 1320; 6mm tip 40, 50 20 – 25
15 – 30
I – III Cooled L.P. 1320; 5x5 Pixel tip 30, 40 6–8
15 – 30
IV – VI Cooled L.P. 1320; 5x5 Pixel tip 40, 50 6–8
Treated area must be cooled before, during and after the treatment
with ice-packs or the Zimmer air cooling device.
26.7.5 Treatment
After the Cooled L.P. 1320 module has been connected to the Harmony
XL Pro system and the treatment parameters (fluence and timer
interval) have been selected according to Table 26-3, treatment can
begin. The number of passes depends on skin reaction and clinical end-
points (slight erythema). Treatments should be spaced 4 weeks apart
and every 6 months during the maintenance period.
Always perform a sensitivity test patch on the intended treatment
area during the first treatment session.
It is imperative that the tips and their lenses remain clean and free
of debris. The tips and the lenses must be cleaned with a cotton
swab and warm water after each treatment. During long
treatments, the operator should visually inspect the tip attachment
and clean it as necessary.
26.7.7 Follow-up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Patients should return no sooner than three weeks after
treatment. This planned examination of the treatment site should
provide a progress evaluation and additional treatment
opportunity, if required.
If there has been a partial effect, treatment should be continued,
and the patient should return after three weeks for examination
and additional treatment, if necessary.
If no additional treatment is necessary, the patient should return
for a follow-up examination after two months.
If no change is noted, fluence should be increased by at least 10%.
Intervals between treatments can be increased in successive
Treatment is complete when satisfactory results are obtained.
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
Alma Lasers GmbH
Nordostpark 100-102
90411 Nuernberg, Germany
Tel. + 49 911 / 89 11 29-0
Fax + 49 911 / 89 11 29-99
Refer to the Harmony XL Pro System Operator's Manual for
particular instructions on disinfecting and sterilizing the wheeled
tip section of the iPixel Pro module.
Operating Parameters with 1, 4 mm Tip & 7x7 Pixel Tip in Short mode :
Energy Density (Fluence): 200 – 1200 mJ/P
Pulse Frequency: 4 Hz (Stack)
2 Hz (Non-Stack)
Operating Parameters with 1, 4 mm Tip & 7x7 Pixel Tip in Long mode :
Energy Density (Fluence): 800 – 2500 mJ/P
Pulse Frequency: 4 Hz (Stack)
2 Hz (Non-Stack)
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the operator and
the patient when using this module.
General Surgery
Surgical incision/excision, vaporization, ablation, and coagulation
of soft tissue where skin incision, tissue dissection, excision of
external tumors and lesions, complete or partial resection of
internal organs, tumors and lesions, tissue ablation, and/or vessel
coagulation may be indicated.
Treatment of:
Lesions of the external genitalia, urethra and anus, penis,
scrotum, and urethra (includes condyloma acuminate, giant
perineal condyloma, and verrucous carcinoma), vulvar lesions,
polyps, and familial polyps of the colon.
Treatment of:
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), herpes simplex,
endometrial adhesions, cysts, and condyloma.
Treatment of:
Benign oral tumors, oral and glossal lesions, and gingivectomy.
Treatment of:
Soft tissue surrounding the eye and orbit.
Treatment of:
Warts, plantar verrucae, large mosaic Verrucae.
27.6.3 Contraindications
Bacterial or viral infection
Impaired immune system
Patient has used Isotretinoin in the past 6-9 months
Extensive radiation therapy
Poor healing in the treatment area
Pregnancy and breast feeding
Skin type VI (7x7 pixel tip); Skin types V & VI (7x1 pixel tip)
Other possible contraindications may include irregular pigmentation
of the skin, Vitiligo or Psoriasis and recurrent infections (prior eye lift
surgery is a possible contraindication for resurfacing of the face).
27.6.4 Pre-Treatment
Assessing the Condition
The treatment parameters for any given skin condition depend on the
skin type and the lesion type, depth and density.
Skin Test
The purpose of the skin test is to rule out any unexpected adverse side
effects that may be induced by the skin's response. Always perform a
skin test on the intended treatment area before the first session
according to the following sequence:
Table 27-2. Skin Test Parameters for the Standard 1, 4mm Tip
Fluence Frequency
Skin Type Mode Spot Size Intensity
(mJ/Pulse) (Hz)
Table 27-3. Skin Test Parameters for the 7x7 Pixel Tip
Stack L
I – III 1800 2*, 4** 1–2
Non-Stack L
Stack L
IV 1600 2*, 4** 1–2
Non-Stack L
Stack L
V 1400 2*, 4** 1–2
Non-Stack L
(*) "No Stack" mode
(**) Stack" mode
Table 27-4. Skin Test Parameters for the 7x1 iPixelEr Tip
Intensity Skin Type Pulse Mode Number of Passes
Treatment Day††
Clean the skin to remove perfume, cosmetics and sunscreens.
Anesthesia is required for most applications of the standard
Er:YAG laser mode as well as for the Pixel Er:YAG laser modes.
Topical anesthesia (example: EMLA cream) is normally sufficient
for most patients. Remove all topical anesthetics just prior to
Provide appropriate eye protection (or eye shields) for the patient
and the medical staff inside the enclosed treatment room. Goggles
should be OD 6+ and labeled for 2940nm.
Set the initial fluence and pulse mode parameters according to the
condition being treated. The system allows for a choice of three
treatment modes.
Place the module perpendicular to the skin. Do not apply pressure
(the tip should gently touch the skin). Do not apply gel to the skin
prior to treatment.
Up to 20% overlapping is acceptable.
Trigger a laser pulse by pressing both the footswitch and module
trigger simultaneously.
Depth of treatment should be customized to the specific indication
(scars vs. wrinkles).
Following treatment gently cleanse the treated area of skin
fragments with a moist cloth using normal saline solution.
If adverse skin effects occur (such as excessive reddening or
swelling), you may either change the pulse frequency or reduce the
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area during
the first treatment session (see Section 27.6.4).
It is imperative that the Pixel tips and their lenses remain clean
and free of debris. The Pixel tips and the lenses must be cleaned
with a cotton swab and warm water after each treatment. During
long treatments, the operator should visually inspect the tip
attachment and clean it as necessary. Refer to Chapter 7 in the
System Manual - Maintenance.
Energy Frequency
Skin Type Mode Spot Size Intensity
(mJ/Pulse) (Hz)
Table 27-6. Suggested Setup Parameters for the 7x7 Pixel Tip
Number of
Skin Type Energy (mJ/P) Pulse Mode Frequency (Hz)
Table 27-7. Suggested Setup Parameters for the 7x1 iPixelEr Tip
Skin Energy Pulse Number of Overlapping Interval
Type (mJ/P) Mode Passes (%) Between
Figure 28-2):
Continuous – In this mode, the module emits pulses
Timer - In Timer mode, the module emits pulses for two
seconds and stops for 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 seconds.
Total Energy: The operating screen exhibits the total energy applied
per session, counted in kilo-Joules.
28.6.3 Contraindications
Cancer; in particularly skin cancer
Pregnancy (including IVF)
Use of photosensitive medication and herbs for which near-
infrared light exposure is contra-indicated
Prolonged exposure to sun or artificial tanning during the 3 to 4
weeks prior to treatment and post treatment
Active infection of herpes simplex in the treatment area
History of keloid scarring
Diabetes (insulin dependent)
Fragile and dry skin
Open wounds, skin injuries or recent inflammation or burns.
Hemorrhage or patient receiving anticoagulation treatment
Acute inflammation
Hormonal disorders (that are stimulated under intense light)
History of coagulopathies (thrombophlebitis)
Use of anticoagulants
28.6.4 Pre-Treatment
During the first visit the physician (or an authorized staff member)
Take a detailed patient medical history, including previous
treatment modalities, and examine suitability of the treatment by
the Harmony XL Pro system.
Exclude from treatment anyone who has had prolonged sun
exposure or artificial tanning during the last 48 hours.
Exclude from treatment anyone who is expecting to have prolonged
sun exposure during the upcoming month.
During the first visit, the physician (or an authorized member of the
staff) should:
Discuss the treatment with the patient:
There may be some discomfort or pain associated with the
Transient erythema/edema may appear immediately following
the treatment
Carefully diagnose the skin test
Module Operation
The Harmony XL Pro's NIR Face module will be applied to the skin
using the In-Motion technique. Apply a thin layer of ultrasonic gel on
the treatment area. In this technique the module is moved
continuously on the skin surface in rotational/ circular or linear
motions. Carefully, before applying the module to the skin, the
practitioner should feel on his/her own skin that the module tip
radiates heat. The module should be moved in intervals of 30 seconds
when skin temperature should be detected by thermometer.
Using the module on the skin in a stationary mode is strictly prohibited.
Module Parameters
The Harmony XL Pro delivers up to 100W. The pulse repetition rate is
set (fixed) at 10 PPS (10 Hz). The total cumulative energy – expressed
in Kilo-Joules (kJ) – is displayed on the control panel.
I 20 – 25 60 0.3 – 0.6
II 20 – 25 60 0.3 – 0.6
III 20 – 25 60 0.3 – 0.6
IV 20 – 22 80 0.3 – 0.6
V 18 – 20 90 0.3 – 0.6
VI 18 – 20 90 0.3 – 0.6
(*) In-Motion technique
28.6.5 Treatment
Treatment can begin after the treatment area has been cleaned.
Delivering excessive energy to the treatment site can result in
thermal damage to the skin, possibly leading to hypertrophy and/or
atrophy and/or abnormal pigmentation.
It is important to contact the skin prior to energy emission.
After every two cycles (i.e., after every 60 sec) within the
Therapeutic Phase, the practitioner will rub/massage the skin in a
direction towards the lymph nodes located in the nearest
treatment area, in order to drain the excess fluids and to alleviate
the heat sensation.
In cases when the treatment causes discomfort for any reason (i.e.,
heat), the practitioner should immediately release the footswitch
to cease energy emission, while keeping the cooled module tip in
contact with the skin. This will help to alleviate any discomfort
The light emitted by the Harmony XL Pro system is capable of
causing serious eye damage or blindness. For maximum safety,
metal goggles must be worn by the patient for all facial treatments.
I 20 – 25 8 – 10
II 20 – 25 8 – 10
III 20 – 25 8 – 10
IV 20 – 24 8 – 10
V 20 – 22 8 – 10
VI 18 – 20 8 – 10
(*) In-Motion technique
28.6.9 Follow-Up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Patients should return for evaluation of the treatment results two
weeks after treatment and for additional treatment, if necessary.
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this handpiece.
29.6.1 Pre-Treatment
Assessing the Condition
The treatment parameters for any given skin condition depend on the
skin type and the lesion type, depth and density.
Tanned skin (active tan) through sun exposure or tanning bed use
in the previous 30 days
Isotretinoin – Roaccutane or Tretinoin – Retin A for the treatment
of acne or other dermatological conditions in the previous 3-6
Hypopigmentation (Vitiligo)
Any inflammatory skin condition e.g., eczema, active herpes
simplex, etc. at the treatment site
Skin cancer or any other cancer and/or any cancer drug therapy
(such as Ducabaxine, Fluorouracil, Methotrexate, etc.)
A history of keloid scarring
Pregnancy; until menstruation returns and end of breast feeding
Appropriate eye protective eye wares must be used by the patient and the
29.6.2 Treatment
After the Er Glass handpiece has been connected to the Harmony XL
Pro system – with the appropriate tips connected – and the treatment
parameters (fluence and timer interval) have been selected according
to Table 29-3 or Table 29-4, treatment can begin. The number of
passes depends on skin reaction and clinical end-points (slight
erythema). Treatments should be spaced 2-3 weeks apart and every 6
months during the maintenance period.
Always perform a sensitivity test patch on the intended treatment
area during the first treatment session.
It is imperative that the tips and their lenses remain clean and free
of debris. The tips and the lenses must be cleaned with a cotton
swab and warm water after each treatment. During long
treatments, the operator should visually inspect the tip attachment
and clean it as necessary. Refer to Chapter 7 in the System Manual
– Maintenance.
Pulse Number of
Skin Type Fluence Number of
Tip* Repetition stacked
(Fitzpatrick I-VI) (mJ/P)* passes
Rate (Hz)* pulses*
Pulse Number of
Skin Type Fluence Number of
Tip** Repetition stacked
(Fitzpatrick I-VI) (mJ/P)** passes**
Rate (Hz)** pulses**
Appropriate eye protective eye wares must be used by the patient
and the practitioner.
29.6.4 Treatment
After the Er Glass handpiece has been connected to the Harmony XL
Pro system – with the appropriate tips connected – and the treatment
parameters (fluence and timer interval) have been selected according
to Table 29-3 or Table 29-5, treatment can begin. The number of
passes depends on skin reaction and clinical end-points (slight
erythema). Treatments should be spaced 2-3 weeks apart and every 6
months during the maintenance period.
Always perform a sensitivity test patch on the intended treatment
area during the first treatment session.
It is imperative that the tips and their lenses remain clean and free
of debris. The tips and the lenses must be cleaned with a cotton
swab and warm water after each treatment. During long
treatments, the operator should visually inspect the tip attachment
and clean it as necessary. Refer to Chapter 7 in the System Manual
– Maintenance.
Pulse Number of
Skin Type Fluence Number of
Tip** Repetition stacked
(Fitzpatrick I-VI) (mJ/P)** passes
Rate (Hz)** pulses**
Pulse Number of
Skin Type Fluence Number of
Tip** Repetition stacked
(Fitzpatrick I-VI) (mJ/P)** passes
Rate (Hz)** pulses**
Appropriate eye protective eye wares must be used by the patient
and the practitioner.
29.6.6 Treatment
After the Er Glass handpiece has been connected to the Harmony XL
Pro system – with the appropriate tips connected – and the treatment
parameters (fluence and timer interval) have been selected according
to Table 28-3 or Table 28-5, treatment can begin. The number of
passes depends on skin reaction and clinical end-points (slight
erythema). Treatments should be spaced 2-3 weeks apart and every 6
months during the maintenance period.
Always perform a sensitivity test patch on the intended treatment
area during the first treatment session.
Set the initial fluence parameter according to the skin test results.
Place the handpiece tip perpendicular to the skin and touch the
skin with the tip.
Upon contact with the skin surface, tip suction will commence
along with its contact cooling.
It is imperative that the tips and their lenses remain clean and free
of debris. The tips and the lenses must be cleaned with a cotton
swab and warm water after each treatment. During long
treatments, the operator should visually inspect the tip attachment
and clean it as necessary. Refer to Chapter 7 in the System Manual
- Maintenance.
Pulse Number of
Skin Type Fluence Number of
Tip** Repetition stacked
(Fitzpatrick I-VI) (mJ/P)** passes
Rate (Hz)** pulses**
29.6.8 Follow-up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Patients should return no sooner than three weeks after
treatment. This planned examination of the treatment site should
provide a progress evaluation and additional treatment
opportunity, if required.
If there has been a partial effect, treatment should be continued,
and the patient should return after three weeks for examination
and additional treatment, if necessary.
If no additional treatment is necessary, the patient should return
for a follow-up examination after two months.
If no change is noted, fluence should be increased by at least 10%.
Intervals between treatments can be increased in successive
Treatment is complete when satisfactory results are obtained.
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
Total Energy: The operating screen exhibits the total energy applied
per session, counted in Kilojoules.
30.6.3 Contraindications
Cancer; in particularly skin cancer
Pregnancy (including IVF)
Use of photosensitive medication and herbs for which near-
infrared light exposure is contra-indicated
Prolonged exposure to sun or artificial tanning during the 3 to 4
weeks prior to treatment and post treatment
Active infection of herpes simplex in the treatment area
History of keloid scarring
Diabetes (insulin dependent)
Fragile and dry skin
Open wounds, skin injuries or recent inflammation or burns.
Hemorrhage or patient receiving anticoagulation treatment
Acute inflammation
Hormonal disorders (that are stimulated under intense light)
History of coagulopathies (thrombophlebitis)
Use of anticoagulants
30.6.4 Pre-Treatment
During the first visit the physician (or an authorized staff member)
Take a detailed patient medical history, including previous
treatment modalities, and examine suitability of the treatment by
the HarmonyXL system.
Exclude from treatment anyone who has had prolonged sun
exposure or artificial tanning during the last 48 hours.
Exclude from treatment anyone who is expecting to have prolonged
sun exposure during the upcoming month.
During the first visit, the physician (or an authorized member of the
staff) should:
Discuss the treatment with the patient:
There may be some discomfort or pain associated with the
Transient erythema/edema may appear immediately following
the treatment
Carefully diagnose the skin test
Module Operation
The HarmonyXL's NIR Body module will be applied to the skin using
the In-Motion technique. Apply a thin layer of mineral oil on the
treatment area. In this technique the module is moved continuously on
the skin surface in rotational/circular or linear motions. The module
should be moved in straight or circular movements within the
treatment area. Before applying the module to the skin, the
practitioner should feel on his/her own skin that the sapphire contact
cooling (tip) of the module is cold. The module should be moved in
intervals of 30 seconds.
Using the module on the skin in a stationary mode is strictly prohibited.
Module Parameters
The HarmonyXL delivers up to 100W. The pulse repetition rate is set
(fixed) at 10 PPS (10 Hz). The total cumulative energy – expressed in
KiloJoules (kJ) – is displayed on the control panel.
I 50 – 60 60 3.0 – 3.6
II 50 – 60 60 3.0 – 3.6
III 50 – 60 60 3.0 – 3.6
IV 50 – 60 60 3.0 – 3.6
V 50 60 2.4 – 3.0
VI 50 60 2.4 – 3.0
(*) In-Motion technique
30.6.5 Treatment
Treatment can begin after the treatment area has been cleaned.
Delivering excessive energy to the treatment site can result in
thermal damage to the skin, possibly leading to hypertrophy and/or
atrophy and/or abnormal pigmentation.
It is important to contact the skin prior to energy emission.
After every two cycles (i.e., after every 60 sec) within the
Therapeutic Phase, the practitioner will rub/massage the skin in a
direction towards the lymph nodes located in the nearest
treatment area, in order to drain the excess fluids and to alleviate
the heat sensation.
In cases when the treatment causes discomfort for any reason (i.e.,
heat), the practitioner should immediately release the footswitch
to cease energy emission, while keeping the cooled module tip in
contact with the skin. This will help to alleviate any discomfort
Application of the "stationary" mode with the module positioned
in-place on the skin is strictly prohibited!
If adverse skin effects occur (such as excessive reddening) before a
good endpoint response is achieved, decrease the fluence by 5-10%
to reduce the aggressiveness of the treatment.
If the skin shows no adverse effects and no morphological changes
are observed, you may raise the fluence by 5-10% until the desired
effect is achieved.
The light emitted by the HarmonyXL system is capable of causing
serious eye damage or blindness. For maximum safety, metal
goggles must be worn by the patient for all facial treatments.
I 50 – 70 12 – 15 36 – 63
II 50 – 70 12 – 15 36 – 63
III 50 – 70 12 – 15 36 – 63
IV 50 – 70 12 – 15 36 – 63
V 50 – 70 10 – 12 30 – 50
VI 50 – 70 10 – 12 30 – 50
(*) In-Motion technique
30.6.9 Follow-Up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Patients should return for evaluation of the treatment results two
weeks after treatment and for additional treatment, if necessary.
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
I 60 – 70 16 – 18 60 – 100
II 60 – 70 16 – 18 60 – 100
III 60 – 70 16 – 18 60 – 100
IV 50 – 60 13 – 15 60 – 100
V 50 – 60 15 60 – 100
30.7.4 Treatment
The full area of the hand (dorsal aspect) will be considered as the
Treatment Area for the right and left hands.
Treatment can begin after the power parameter of the NIR Body
module has been selected.
Delivering excessive energy to the treatment site can result in
thermal damage to the skin, possibly leading to hypertrophy and/or
atrophy and/or abnormal pigmentation.
It is important to contact the skin prior to light emission.
The light emitted by the HarmonyXL system is capable of causing
serious eye damage or blindness. For maximum safety, metal
goggles must be worn by the patient for all facial treatments.
I 60 – 70 16 – 18 60 – 100
II 60 – 70 16 – 18 60 – 100
III 60 – 70 16 – 18 60 – 100
IV 50 – 60 13 – 15 60 – 100
V 50 – 60 13 – 15 60 – 100
30.7.7 Follow-Up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Patients should return for examination of the treatment site
between three to four weeks after treatment and for additional
treatment, if necessary.
Full treatment may require between 4-6 treatments with 3-4 week
intervals between treatments.
If no additional treatment is necessary, the patient should return
for an additional re-examination two months later.
If there has been partial pigmented lesion clearance, treatment
should be continued, and the patient should return between three
to four weeks for examination and for additional treatment, if
If no change is noted, treatment parameters should be changed.
With multiple treatments, increase the number of passes for each
treatment area and/or the fluence parameters.
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
Figure 31-1. A-Zero HP, B-Zero HP with Pad holder and Antifreeze membrane pad
Temperature: -10ºC to +25ºC
Time: end of session
Gloves should always be worn by the operator while using
antifreeze gel.
31.6.1 Pre-Treatment
Assessing the Condition
Acne – The treatment parameters for any given skin condition
depend on the inflammatory lesions (papules or pustules)
HH – Diagnosed axillary Hyperhidrosis disease severity scale
(HDSS) scale 3-4, see Figure 31-5.
Open laceration, abrasion, active cold sores or herpes sores on
treated area prior to enrolment
History of immunosuppression/immune deficiency disorders,
epidermal or dermal disorders
History or active cancer
Significant concurrent illness which might be aggravated as a
result of treatment
Pregnant, postpartum (<3 months) or nursing (<6 weeks)
History of keloid formation or poor wound healing in a previously
injured skin area
Active collagen or vascular disease
Use of Botox for HH
Seborrheic dermatitis, rosacea, or psoriasis
Hyper sensitivity to cold
Areas of impaired sensation/circulation
Open wounds
Raynaud disease
Cold-agglutinin disease
Gloves should always be worn by the operator while using
antifreeze gel.
31.6.2 Treatment
In general, the treatment is divided into three stages: Pre-
therapeutic phase (temperature above 0ºC), Therapeutic phase
(temperature at 0ºC or below) and Tissue recovery (thawing). The
handpiece temperature decreases gradually to enable the skin to
reach low temperature with less discomfort.
Prior to treatment, operator should attach antifreeze membrane
pad to the handpiece using the pad holder and apply antifreeze gel
on the pad using a brush, until the pad is soaked with antifreeze
Once the handpiece is ready to be used, the operator should select
whether to treat in auto mode or in manual mode.
When working in Auto mode the temperature changes
automatically according to a pre-set parameter (see Table 31-3),
ranging from +5°C to 0°C.
When working in Manual mode, the operator controls temperature
decrease. It is recommended to start treatment with +5°C and
decrease temperature gradually. Evaluate patient reaction during
treatment and decrease temperature accordingly.
After the ZERO handpiece has been connected with the
appropriate pad holder and an Antifreeze gel soaked pad, and the
protocol has been selected, treatment can commence.
The preferable technique in both modes is a “stationary” technique
and is depended on patient response and clinical end-points
Treatment intervals should be 1-2 weeks apart and every 2 months
during the maintenance period.
Always perform a sensitivity test on the intended treatment area
during the first treatment session.
It is imperative that the handpiece and pad holder remain clean
and free of debris. Both must be cleaned with a cotton swab soaked
with alcohol after each treatment. Refer to Chapter 7 in the System
Manual – Maintenance.
10 minutes
Pre-therapeutic phase
+ 5°C 15
+4°C 15
+2°C 15
Therapeutic phase
+ 35°C 30 sec
+ 40°C 30 sec
Gloves should be worn by the operator when using antifreeze.
31.6.4 Treatment
In general, the treatment is divided into three stages: Pre-
therapeutic phase (temperature above -2ºC), Therapeutic phase
(temperature at -2ºC or below) and Tissue recovery (thawing). The
handpiece temperature decreases gradually to enable the skin to
reach low temperature with less discomfort.
Prior to treatment, operator should attach a pad to the handpiece
using the pad holder and apply antifreeze on the pad using a
brush, until the pad is soaked with antifreeze.
Once the handpiece is ready to be used, the operator should select
whether to treat in auto mode or in manual mode.
When working in Auto mode the temperature changes
automatically according to a pre-set parameter (see Table 31-5),
ranging from +5°C to -5°C.
When working in Manual mode, the operator controls temperature
decrease. It is recommended to start treatment with +5°C and
decrease temperature gradually. Evaluate patient reaction during
treatment and decrease temperature accordingly.
After the ZERO handpiece has been connected with the
appropriate pad holder and an Antifreeze soaked pad, and the
protocol has been selected, treatment can commence.
The preferable technique in both modes is a “stationary” technique
and is depended on patient response and clinical end-points
Treatment intervals should be 1-2 weeks apart and every 2 months
during the maintenance period.
Always perform a sensitivity test patch on the intended treatment
area during the first treatment session.
It is imperative that the applicator and pad holder remain clean
and free of debris. The applicator and Pad Holder must be cleaned
with a cotton swab soaked with alcohol after each treatment. Refer
to Chapter 7 in the System Manual – Maintenance.
11 minutes
Pre-therapeutic phase
+ 5°C 30
+2°C 30
0°C 30
-2°C 30
Therapeutic phase
Auto protocol
-2°C 120 sec
-5°C 120sec
+ 25°C 30 sec
+ 30°C 30 sec
31.6.6 Follow-up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Patients should return no sooner than one week after treatment.
This planned examination of the treatment site should provide a
progress evaluation and additional treatment opportunity, if
If there has been a partial effect, treatment should be continued,
and the patient should return for examination and additional
treatment, if necessary.
If no additional treatment is necessary, the patient should return
for a follow-up examination after two months.
If no change is noted, treatment temperature should be decreased.
Treatment is complete when satisfactory results are obtained.
Figure 32-1. SHR Pro (6.4) Cooled Module Handpiece (Black Color Code)
In the latest series of Harmony XL Pro modules offered by Alma
Lasers, the lightguide size is already programmed in the module. In
such a case, the pop-up window will offer only the one correct
footprint size; press that key to continue.
If the system stays in SHR mode during patient rotation, it is
important to reset the Total Energy by pressing the Reset key.
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this module.
32.8.2 Contraindications
History of local or recurrent skin infection
Pregnancy (including IVF procedure)
History of herpes simplex, especially perioral
History of genital herpes, important when treating the pubic or
bikini area
History of keloids/hypertrophic scaring
Isotretinoin – In the past 3-6 months
Retin-A – In the past 2 weeks
History of Koebnerizing skin disorders, such as vitiligo and
Previous treatment modalities – method, frequency and date of
last treatment, as well as response
32.8.3 Pre-Treatment
Patient Evaluation
Before hair removal procedures, the patient should be evaluated for
the presence of conditions that may cause hypertrichosis:
Drug (i.e., corticosteroids, hormones, immunosuppressive self or
spousal use of minoxidil)
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area during the
first treatment session according to the following parameters in the
table below.
The treatment parameters for hair removal depend on the skin type,
hair color, density and depth. Once treatment parameters are selected,
shave the treatment site to eliminate any surface hair that could
interfere with the treatment.
Table 32-2. Cooled HR Skin Test Parameters
I HR 30 15 30 minutes
II HR 30 15 30 minutes
III HR 40 12 30 minutes
IV HR 50 9 24 – 48 hours
V HR 50 7 24 – 48 hours
VI HR 50 5 24 – 48 hours
32.8.4 Treatment
Treatment can begin after the SHR (6.4) module is connected, set to
HR mode and the treatment parameters are selected (fluence and timer
interval) according to Table 32-2.
Skin Type Fluence
Hair Color Mode Width
(Fitzpatrick I-VI) (J/cm2)
Light HR 15 – 20 30
Dark HR 13 – 18 30
Light HR 15 – 20 30
Dark HR 13 – 18 30
Light HR 15 – 20 40
Dark HR 12 – 17 40
Light HR 15 – 17 40
Dark HR 10 – 15 50
Light HR Up to 15 50
Dark HR Up to 13 50
Light N/A N/A N/A
Dark HR Up to 12 50
It is not recommended to treat hair that is lighter than the
surrounding skin.
32.8.6 Follow-Up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Patients should return for examination of the treatment site
between six to eight weeks after treatment and for additional
treatment, if necessary.
If no additional treatment is necessary, the patient should return
for an additional re-examination three to four months later, or
when any new hair has grown in the treatment area.
If there has been partial hair clearance, treatment should be
continued, and the patient should return between six to eight
weeks for examination and for additional treatment, if necessary.
If no change is noted, treatment parameters should be changed.
With multiple treatments, increase the time intervals between
treatment sessions (after the second one), to allow any new hair to
grow in the treatment area. New growth will vary based on the
body area (growth cycle) and on the individual patient (gender,
hormonal problems, etc.).
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers:
The appropriate protective eyewear should be worn by both the
operator and the patient when using this module.
32.9.2 Contraindications
Refer to Section 32.8.2.
32.9.4 Pre-Treatment
Patient Evaluation
Refer to Section
Skin Test
Always perform a skin test on the intended treatment area before the
first treatment session according to the parameters in Table 32-4.
The treatment parameters for hair removal depend on the skin type,
hair color, hair type, and the density and depth of the hair. Initially,
shave the treatment site to eliminate any surface hair that could
interfere with the treatment. Mark a grid (using a white pen) on an
area of 150x2 cm (300cm2). Treat with the In-Motion technique within
each treatment grid, as per treatment description in 32.9.5.
Table 32-4. SHR (6.4) Skin Test Parameters**
I 7 On 12
II 7 On 12
III 7 On 12
IV 6 On 12
V 5 On 12
VI 5 On 12
The 1-second and 3-second time intervals are indicated for the
Stationary technique.
(*) Ultrasonic gel must be applied to the skin in both Cooling On or Off
(**) In-Motion technique; the total energy is adjusted for 150x2 cm
(~300cm2) area.
32.9.5 Treatment
Treatment can begin after the SHR (6.4) NIR module is connected and
the treatment parameter (fluence), treatment interval, and cooling
(On/Off) is selected according to Table 32-5.
Shave the treatment site to eliminate any surface hair that could
interfere with the treatment; remove any hair debris with adhesive
Clean the skin to remove perfumes, cosmetics and sunscreens.
Mark a grid (using a white pen) on an area of treatment of about
300cm2. Mark additional adjacent grids as needed based on the
area size.
Provide appropriate eye protection (OD>5) goggles for the patient
and the medical staff in the enclosed treatment room.
Apply a thin layer (usually 1-2mm thick) of refrigerated (43-50°F /
6-10°C) cooling gel to the treatment site when module cooling is
Off or On. The gel will provide: a) a thermal sink for the absorbed
and reflected energy, thus providing some cooling to the skin itself;
b) comfort to the patient during treatment and; c) friction
reduction/lubrication during the In-Motion technique.
Set the initial fluence and operation time interval (1, 3 or 30 sec)
parameter according to the skin test results and the size of the
treatment area.
In most cases, operation time intervals should be set for 30 seconds
for large areas; the 1- and 3-second interval should be selected for
very small specific areas. (using the Stationary technique rather
than the In-Motion technique).
Place the module perpendicular to the skin and touch the skin to
ensure a good seal. Do not apply excessive pressure on the skin.
Treat within the grid area in an In-Motion technique according to
the recommended parameters and passes.
In-Motion Technique:
Move the module on the surface of the skin and, only when the
module is in full contact and "in-motion", then trigger the
Move the module in continuous linear or circular motions, to
cover the entire grid area. This repeated pattern may last
several minutes, depending on the recommended total energy
After completing a single interval, raise the module from the
skin, re-position at the point where you began treatment in
this grid and repeat another interval on the entire area.
I 7 On 12-15
II 7 On 12-15
III 7 On 12-15
IV 6 On 12-15
V 5 On 12-15
VI 5 On 12-15
(*) Ultrasonic gel must be applied to the skin in both Cooling On or Off
(**) The total energy is adjusted for 150x2 cm (~300cm2) area, at 30 sec
The 1 and 3-second operation is indicated for the Stationary technique.
In the Stationary mode multiple pulses/repetitions should be employed
until clinical end-points are visible.
(*) Unilateral
32.9.7 Follow-Up
Measures presented below are only the manufacturer's
recommendations for follow-up. They may serve as a basis for defining
your treatment regimen.
Patients should return for examination of the treatment site
between six to eight weeks after treatment and for additional
treatment, if necessary.
If no additional treatment is necessary, the patient should return
for an additional re-examination three to four months later, or
when any new hair has grown in the treatment area.
If there has been partial hair clearance, treatment should be
continued, and the patient should return between six to eight
weeks for examination and for additional treatment, if necessary.
If no change is noted, treatment parameters and the number of
passes should be changed. With multiple treatments, increase the
time intervals between treatment sessions (after the second one),
to allow any new hair to grow in the treatment area. New growth
will vary based on the body area (growth cycle) and on the
individual patient (gender, hormonal problems, etc.).
Patients should be instructed to avoid sun exposure after and in
between treatments.
Treatment intervals: treatment is reapplied (assuring there have
been no adverse reactions) at 4–8 weeks intervals.
All adverse side effects should be reported to the treating physician
with a follow-up report sent to the Director of Clinical Operations at
Alma Lasers: