2016 Saurabh AIP SSPS PT Thin Film
2016 Saurabh AIP SSPS PT Thin Film
2016 Saurabh AIP SSPS PT Thin Film
wavelength region
Saurabh Sharma, R. K. Gupta, Mangalika Sinha, P. Yadav, Amol Singh, and Mohammed H. Modi
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Kramers-Kronig Analysis of Soft X-ray Reflectivity Data
of Platinum Thin Film in 40-200 Å Wavelength Region
Saurabh Sharma1, 2, R.K. Gupta1, Mangalika Sinha3, P. Yadav1,3, Amol Singh3,
Mohammed H. Modi1,3*
Indus Synchrotrons Utilization Division, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore 452 013,
Department of Applied Physics & Opto-Electronics, Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and
Science, Indore 452 003, India
Homi Bhabha National Institute, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore 452 013, India
*E-mail: modimh@rrcat.gov.in
Abstract. Reflectivity beamline at Indus-1 synchrotron source is used to determine optical constants of a platinum
thin film in the soft x-ray wavelength region of 40-200Å by applying Kramers-Kronig (KK) technique on R vs
wavelength data. Upto 150Å wavelength region the results of KK analysis are found in good agreement with the
Henke’s optical constants and also with those obtained by the angle dependent reflectivity technique. A significant
mismatch is observed above 150Å wavelength region which could be due to the presence of higher harmonics in the
toroidal grating spectra of the reflectivity beamline.
Key words: Soft x-ray, Optical constants, X-ray reflectivity, Multilayers, Beam line.
PACS:78.20.Ci; 41.60.Ap; 41.50.+h
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The phase information can be obtained by applying layer are found to be 17.3Ǻ, 501Ǻ, and 17.3Ǻ
Kramers-Kronig integral relation: respectively. The roughnesses of these three layers are
found to be 1.5Ǻ, 6.5Ǻ, 4.9Ǻ respectively. The
Z f ln R Z ' roughness of the silicon substrate is found to be 5.4Ǻ.
S ³0 Z ' 2 Z 2
\ Z pv dZ '
Substrat region
rho u 10 (Ë )
In this formalism, the phase \ is determined by
Surface region
Oxide layer
the KK analysis of the measured reflectivity data. The
value of R is known from the experimental data. The -1
phase spectrum \ Z obtained by the KK analysis of
the complex reflection coefficient r Z contains an 10
-2 0 200 400 600
inherent error of ±S 5. In the present study this error is
considered in the phase calculations. 10
-4 Experimental data
Fitted data
The soft x-ray reflectometer installed at the
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
reflectivity beamline6 at Indus-1 synchrotron radiation Incident angle (deg.)
source was used for the angle dependent reflectivity
and the wavelength dependent reflectivity FIGURE 1. Measured and fitted GIXRR spectra of Pt thin
measurements. These measurements were carried out film obtained using O =1.54Ǻ are shown. In the inset, the
in the 40 to 200 Å wavelength region. SLD profile obtained from the fit parameters is shown.
For the study of soft x-ray optical constants of Pt
thin film by applying the KK analysis technique, a thin The measured and fitted soft x-ray reflectivity
film of ~ 450 Å thickness was deposited on a silicon (SXR) data in the 60 to 200Ǻ (in 20Å step)
substrate. The grazing incident x-ray reflectivity wavelength range are shown in the Fig. 2. The SXR
(GIXRR) measurements were performed using Bruker data points are fitted with the same three layer model
D-8 system which consists of a goniometer and a as used in the GIXRR analysis. The thickness and
copper Kα x-ray source (1.54 Å). For the reflectivity roughness values obtained from the GIXRR analysis
analysis, the Parratt formalism 7 was used and the are kept fixed for optical constants determination using
effect of the surface roughness was taken into account the SXR technique. This approach reduces the number
using the Névot-Croce model8. of fitting parameters and leaves the optical constants
as the only variables during the fit process. The results
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS of the optical constants obtained are given in the
Tables 1 and 2, along with the Henke’s values.
The soft x-ray measurements on the Pt thin film are
carried out for determining the optical constants. Prior In the angle dependent reflectivity method, the
to that the grazing incidence x-ray reflectivity optical constants are obtained in a discrete interval of
(GIXRR) technique was used to determine the film’s 20Å in the wavelength region of 40-200Å. In order to
structural parameters i.e. film thickness, interface obtain a continuous values of the optical constants, the
roughness, and film density. The measured and fitted Kramers-Kronig method is used. For the KK analysis,
GIXRR curves for the Pt thin film are shown in the the wavelength dependent reflectivity data are
Fig. 1. The best fit curve is obtained using a 3 layer measured for 3 degree incidence angle. To perform
model. The model comprised of an oxide layer on a Si KK integration, it is required to have the reflectivity
substrate, a principal Pt layer, and a top contamination data over a large wavelength range. Therefore, in the
layer which generally forms due to the interaction of present case, the reflectivity values obtained from the
the surface with the ambient. The scattering length theoretical calculations are used to increase the data
density (SLD) profile obtained from the GIXRR fit is range beyond the experimental measurement region.
shown in the inset of the figure. The SLD profile
suggests that the film is uniform across the depth
except at the air/film interface and at the film/substrate
interface. The density obtained from the GIXRR
analysis is found to be 20.8 g/cm3, which is 97% of the
Pt bulk density (21.4g/cm3). The thicknesses of the
oxide layer, the principal layer, and the contamination
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measured data
from the KK analysis and those obtained from the
fitted data angle dependent reflectivity measurements are plotted
200 in the Fig. 3 along with the Henke’s values. It is
evident that the optical constants values obtained by
Intensity (arb units)
the KK analysis and by the R vs T technique are in a
good agreement upto 150Å wavelength region. Above
the 150Å wavelength region the large difference is
observed, which could be due to the presence of higher
100 harmonics contamination in the incident beam
80 obtained from the toroidal grating monochromator in
the reflectivity beamline.
KK analyses
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
angle dependent
Incident angle(degree) 0.10 reflectivity method
Henke data
FIGURE 2. SXR spectra of Pt thin film recorded in the 60- 0.05
200Ǻ wavelength region in 20Å step are shown. For the sake
of clarity, the curves are vertically shifted.
0.3 Henke data
angle dependent
TABLE 1. Comparison of the measured delta values 0.2
KK analyses
obtained from the angle dependent reflectivity technique E
and the Kramers-Kronig method with the Henke’s data 0.1
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