DSM Audition Process Document 2024
DSM Audition Process Document 2024
DSM Audition Process Document 2024
video application. For your self-tape you need to perform a monologue from a play or
script of your choice. Monologue suggestions can be found here.
- You can edit the text of your monologue but make sure it makes sense as a
stand-alone speech. For example, if you are combining two short pieces to form a
longer monologue, make sure that it flows well as a whole.
- We like to see auditions that you have prepared without anyone else’s help or
direction. We want to see your character choices and interpretation of the text.
- The entire performance needs to be a single take.
- The duration for the video should be 2 minutes. Please make sure it does not exceed
time limit- we will not watch the video past the 2 minute mark.
● SUBMISSION 2: Please prepare a video essay in which you talk directly into the
camera. Please ensure that the video essay does not include any other visuals but
you speaking. You may use the following questions to form your essay. But make
sure that it is not simply a list of answers and works as a spoken essay. Duration of
the video is 2 minutes. Please ensure the video essay does not exceed the time limit.
Please send the unlisted youtube video link of both the videos by 18th Oct 2023 to
recruitmentcoordinator1@thedramaschoolmumbai.in. Follow this link to understand how to
record and send the self tape and video essay.
What happens next?
- From all the submissions received, those selected will be invited for Round 2 ( Which
will be Digital ).
- Those who are not selected this time, we will delete your self-tape. Unfortunately, we
are not able to provide feedback on self-tapes.
- If you are called for Round 2, we will send you the date of Round 2 of auditions, and
all the details about what to expect, about two to three weeks in advance.
- You will be informed of whether you have made it to Round 2 or not by 28th Oct 2023.
Round 2
Day 1:
B. Versatility and Creativity - Perform a piece of your own choice, respond to prompts.
● You must prepare 2 monologues (one english and one hindi) - selected from the
audition bank provided to you by DSM. However, if you wish to present any text in
your vernacular language (e.g. Punjabi, Marathi, Kannada etc.) then you can present
one monologue in that language and one from the bank.
● You can edit the text of your monologue but make sure it makes sense as a
stand-alone speech. We want to see your character choices and interpretation of the
● The vernacular language text used must not be something that is written by you.
● You need to share a copy (pdf/weblink/screenshot) of the exact section you will be
using from the play/novel via email at least 5 days before the audition (with all
details such as author, name of the play/book, publication date etc).
● You may be asked to perform one or both monologues. The panel may ask you to try
different things with your monologue on the spot. We are looking for an imaginative
response to the text and character, physical and vocal adaptability and the ability to
take direction.
Please Note: It’s not necessary to present the monologue in the context of the play. Applicants
are free to adapt and present their own interpretation of the text.
● Think of what the piece is about, what it means to you and what you are trying to
communicate to your audience (choose your elements accordingly from the list
● The piece must combine one element from each of the following
Please Note: Use of costumes and props is optional for both A & B.
● In addition to us getting to know you better, this round is about you understanding
the commitment that will be required of you to train, and for us to see your thoughts
on personal preparation for the one-year journey.
After the recall audition, it will take around a week to get your result.
We’ll let you know if: