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Your 5 favoUrite


Asteroid !


2013 NGCK

Issue 112 December 2013
R28,00 (VAT incl.)

9 771811 723006
Send us your letters, pictures and
comments. Let us know when it is your
birthday. We want to hear from you!
• Write to us at: The Editor, NG KIDS,
PO Box 1802, Cape Town 8000.
• Send an e-mail to or
SMS* a letter to “NGK Letters” at 33970.
* SMSs cost R1,50. Free SMSs do not December brings festivities, prize-givings and end-of-term
parties. It’s a time to celebrate the achievements of the year and
apply. See for terms
and conditions.
look forward to the next. We’ve had a great year at NG KIDS.
We can always be sure we’ll learn a lot of cool stuff, but we’ve
also enjoyed our movie screenings and events. We love receiving
Dear Fiona your letters, e-mails and art. We had our own, completely
y month unofficial little prize-giving in the NG KIDS office and here are the
I love NG KIDS magazine! Ever
when we go to the shop, I run
to the winners from 2013:
magazines right away.

My birthday is on 4 January.
ExclusivE scrEEning
of thE nEw Nyasasaurus probably lived up to 15 million

thE crooDs
years before any other dinosaur we’ve found,
MOVIE TICKETS making it the oldest dino yet. That tells us
dinosaurs were around for millions of years
before they became the rulers of the planet. vertebrae,
It also tells us they weren’t that big at first which

and had to compete with other kinds of

year I had an exciting time on

reptiles for food and shelter. think might
Scientists thought dinosaurs suddenly The team that found the critter aren’t have helped
appeared and ruled the world. But maybe calling it a proper dino yet, because they it to reach
they didn’t. In December 2012 experts reconstructed it from only one upper arm tasty plants
announced they have reconstructed a beast bone and six vertebrae. that the other
they named Nyasasaurus parringtoni. The herbivores
bones they used to build it were discovered couldn’t get

GeoGraphic Society
in the 1930s in Tanzania and had been in to. It will tell
storage, just waiting to be pieced together. scientists a
This little tough guy was the size of a lot about how dinosaur
Labrador, with a long neck and tail. It liked species developed and changed.
standing on its hind legs, making it up to


KidS yellow Border deSiGNS are trademarKS of NatioNal

3 metres tall, and weighed 20
Say hello to an ancient Portuguese

birthday. I celebrated with my

to 60 kilograms.
veggie muncher, the Miragaia longicollum,

It’s amazIng to thInk that more than

named after the village where it was
found and its long neck. It also had bony

700 dInosaurs have been dIscovered so far

plates on its back and a spiked tail.
What makes the find exciting? The

and more are dug up every year. here are

Miragaia is related to the sturdy
Stegosaurus with its short neck. Next time you have to come up with a cool

new specIes
But it had a long name for a dog, try “Dawn Runner”. That’s
the English name of Eodromaeus murphi, a tiny
a few of the . be warned: neck with 17
dino discovered in the foothills of the Andes

some are not very frIendly.

mountains in Argentina. It weighed just over
6 kilograms and was 1,2 metres from snout

to tail tip, but could run at 32 kilometres per
by PIETER VAN DER LUGT hour. You could call it the earliest version of
a dog, though it would have made a terrible

NatioNal GeoGraphic KidS aNd yellow Border aNd

and friends. My two friends
pet. It had teeth like steak knives, fingers and
nasty claws. Eodromaeus is 230 million years
old and from the very earliest days of the
dinosaur era, a time about which scientists
know very little. That makes the little

monster so important.

Society (crowN JellyfiSh)

The World of
I went with 30

© 2013 NatioNal GeoGraphic Society • NatioNal GeoGraphic,

and Owls

• all riGhtS reServed • photo: NatioNal GeoGraphic

and Clariss a Kruger Coo

longicolluM Nyasasaurus

Things EodroMaEus
Murphi peogomastax
About africaNus


jet-skiing with my dad, Francois
Crown jellyfish

NatioNal GeoGraphic KiDS 27
NatioNal GeoGraphic KiDS 31
Issue 103 March 2013 R27,00 (VAT incl.) 9 771811 723006
30 May 2013

’s jet Loveliest poster

and my uncle, Andreas. My dad Best cover! Favourite story
a and Coming soon to a
ski ran out of oil and Angelic Tweet Twoo! Dynamite dinos!
a, who were riding with him, wall near you!
had to climb over to my uncle
I … while we were far out at
sea! As Now we have 2014 to look forward to
they tried to climb off, the jet
and there will be some exciting changes.
after a struggle
Media24 has been our home for many
tipped twice , but
y. It
we luckily got to the beach safel
definitely was the best birthd
ay ever! years, but from next year we will have a
Thank you very much for a very
new publisher. Watch out for new contact
nice magazine. I enjoy it and details and more information in future
a lot. I also
like using it magazines. In the meantime, enjoy
for school this issue and don’t forget to
projects. The write and let me know what
picture is of
me and my you did during the holidays.
elder sister
Danielle (left) at
Anje Dercksen, 11,

Dare to Explore!
December’s subscribers of the month are Mercia Leigh Matthysen from Pretoria,
Leon Visagie from Makwassie, Simone Clark from Randfontein and James Kewley
from Simbithi. Each will get a Toby Tower Little Scientist hamper. worth R209,85.
Inspire your budding exploration and discovery. perseverance and creativity.
scientist with the new Toby It teaches them about the These products are sure to
Tower Little Scientist range. world around them and provide hours of fun and
Kids love science because advances critical thinking, learning for kids.
it engages their passion for problem-solving, patience,
* Terms and conditions on page 46
iNSIDE Find the octopus! We hid ten
octopuses in the magazine.
Awesome Animals Here’s one of them, but
can you spot all ten?

16 22 34
20 Cute
30 Cool Things
About Bugs
8 Competition
Meet the NG KIDS Young Chefs.

48 Fun Factory
Win movie hampers.

Pet Friends Forever
6 12
Amazing Animals

24 Dare to Explore 25
Poster: Octopus

42 Fun Stuff 43
Funny Fill-in

48 Fun Factory 49
Art Zone

Cover Photograph: tambacko the jaguar / flickr / Getty Images/ Gallo Images
COVER INSETS: © 2013 Triggerfish Animation CC. All Rights Reserved (KHUMBA™); © PETE OXFORD / MINDEN PICTURES (PANDA)
PAGE 4: © ron kimball / kimball stock (snow leopard); © 2011 viacom international. inc. all rights reserved (panda art);
fiona thomson (ladybirds); ISTOCKPHOTO (DOG); carsten peter / national geographic creatives (dare to explore);
getty images (octopus); james yamasaki (fun stuff); DAN SIPPLE (FUNNY FILL-IN)
We know how much you love your pets.
Now you can send us photos, drawings
and letters especially for this page!
You can also send questions about your
pet to our NG KIDS vet.

3Staffordshire bull terrier
Facts about the

1 Most people call this breed a “staffie”

or ‘Staff’.

2 In the film Jock of the Bushveld, Jock was a


Staffie but in the original story he was a mix

of Staff and Boerboel.

Staffies are known to be intelligent, loyal
and brave, as well as very affectionate
towards humans.
Q: Why does a cat A: In the wild, the dominant members of
cover its poo? a pride of lions for example, don’t cover
If you have their poo to signal that they are claiming
questions about a particular area. A smaller weaker lion
your pets (furry,
feathered or will then cover their droppings to show
scaled), ask our that they are not challenging the ‘leader’.
local NG KIDS vet, The theory goes that pet cats think
Professor Paws. that the humans are more dominant and
therefore bury their poo.

How to include your

pet in the festive fun
Put a Give your dog Make a Splash out
Treat your
photograph of a bath and donation on a gift,
pet to a delicious
you and your pet a special to a pet like a new
on your greeting grooming charity. toy.
cards. meal. session.

Dear Fiona Poppey Dear Fiona

I live on a farm in Rheenendal, I got Poppey at the beginning
Western Cape, South Africa. I of December as a Christmas
have lots of animals and love present.
them all! I have about 240 He’s my best friend. We do
cows, 20 or so chickens, 2 almost everything together.
horses, 3 dogs and 1 cat. Today he started to do
I’m writing about my cat. Her something new. Every time
name is Curious. Her date of he wants a cookie, he sits and
birth is 10/01/2010 so she looks at me with those big
will be four next birthday. puppy eyes. He also sits and
We don’t know what breed looks at me with those puppy
she is,although her dad eyes if he wants me to rub his
was a stray and her mum stomach. He loves it when I
was also amixed breed. rub his stomach.
She’s grey and white with Please can I ask you to put
beautiful greeneyes! She’s the picture of Poppey in your
very playful and much like a Magazine, he is sooooooo
kitten butshe’s not one any adorable and he is my best
more. Her favourite tree friend.
to climb is a yellowwood in Wiaan Willemse (9),
my garden. There are claw Gauteng
marks all over it from her
climbing it all the time!
Jess Devine (11),
Rheenendal Curious

Send us your pet-related letters, questions, pictures, drawings and jokes!

• E-mail to • Ask a parent to post your pet on our Facebook page at
• Send a letter to The Editor, PO Box 1802, Cape Town 8000

We would love to meet your pets!

Meet the win
2013 Young C
You will need
For the main bake:
cut into squares of
w GI is best, or brown bread)
6 slices of wh ite bread (lo
nna sausages sliced into pieces of
r che ese | 12 smoked Vie
3 cm | 1 cup of grated Che dda on onion salt or seasoning
d) | 625 ml milk | 1 teaspo
2 cm | 4 large eggs (whiske
For the cheese sauce:
poons strong cheese, grated
ter | 2 tables poo ns flour | 250 ml milk | 2 tables a ready-made one.)
25 g but a cheese sauce, you can buy
(If you don’t want to make

Cheese sauce in
. Remove from heat and stir
1. Melt the butter in a pan t the milk for
h paste. Hea
the flour to make a smoot
ute s in the mic row ave . Gradually add the milk to
3 min e (you can use a wooden
the paste, stirring all the tim k added, return to
spoon or a whisk). With the to stir while the sauce
a medium heat and contin
es to the boi l and thicke ns. Boil gently for
com heat and stir in cheese. You
2 minutes. Rem ove fro m the
per for seasoning.
can add some salt and pep
Allow to cool slightl y.
2. Oil a large ovenproof dis ted cheese and sliced
cks of bre ad, gra
3. Mix the blo l. Place these in the
Vienna s in a larg e mix ing bow
ovenproof dis h.
salt, milk and cheese sauce
4. Combine the eggs, onion
in the same mixing bowl.
ients in the ovenproof dish
5. Pour this over the ingred
and leave to rest for an hou in an oven at
for 50 to 60 min ute s
6. Bak e
180 degrees Cel siu s.
Experiment: Try other

ain and Body Fuel

Br pe Town
ush, 10, Ca
Winner: Dominic G us Dinner:
Title: Dom’s Deliciooufflé S
Sausage and Bread
Each o f
our w in RIZE
co oking h ne r s w ill

It has k amper wor th receive a

nners of th
its R5
gingerb for a cake, co 000.
They w r e ad and okies,
in p
Concep a membershipancake.
ts, t
jacket as well as an o Kidchen

and hat apron,

. They A che f


Chefs c
a mini o hef Induction O get a
ven an Stove,
cooking d a hamper o
supplie f

ird-But-True Sandwich
We aboomspruit
nter, 10, N
Winner: Hester Ve hts
Title: Erupting Delig PRIZE SPONSOR





Meth od t the beef) in a small bow

of the ingredients (excep
1. Mix all ad. gingerbread kit
2. Toast one side of the bre with cheese mix and
unt oasted side
3. Cover the
add bits of the beef.
4. Grill until the cheese is
bubbling and just beginn
to brown.
Put o
and ge n your chef ja
are des cooking! Th cket and hat
mind. T igned with e cooking k
You ake need butter HOT PLATE
he li
resists y ’re made ofttle hands in
d rye bread | Farm-fresh
Thinly sliced, home-b
touch h e at and s il icone t
grass-fed rump steak | tools a. Each kit con is cool to thehat
Sweetmilk cheese | Grilled padews | Crumbled feta nd rec
ip t ains es
| Pep
Mayonnaise | Lemon pepper pped onion baking es that will gsential
Mustard | Cho www.k
in no t
ime! et you
Party Snacks , Knysna
Brymer, 12
Winner: Morgan ay Cakes
Title: Funky Frid
You w ill need: e | 200 g caster sugar | ½ teaspoon salt
| 1 teaspoon vanilla essenc
| 250 g self-raising flour
4 large eggs | 250 g butter | strawberry jam | fresh

hodto 180 degrees Celsius.

Metthe wly add the flour while sti
1. Heatover illa essence until creamy. Slo
ar but ter and van
2. Beat the eggs, sug mixture is smooth.
fully blended in and the rters of the way
beating until the flour is cooking oil spray and fill each cup about three qua
tin wit h
3. Spray a cupcake
es for 18 to 20 minutes. dle. Cut them in half.
with the mix. Cook the cak oven and wait until they are cool enough to han the top half
of the hal f. On
4. Take the cakes out cream on the bottom
tely cool, put a dollop of am.
5. When they are comple place on top without squeezing out too much cre the cake.
jam and sh strawberry on top of
spread strawberry ed cream and a slice of fre piping bag by taking
6. Please a dollop of whipp r boiling water in a stainless steel bowl. Make a colate and pipe a
ate ove d cho
7. Melt white chocol corner. Fill with melte
a small hole in a bottom
a ziplock bag and cutting berries.
zigzag shape over the str

Perfect Padkos , Jansenville

urie, 10
Winner: Petroné Fo ei er ve rras si ng en broodnessie”
Title: “Gekraak
You will need
You will need bread for the nest
1 pinch of salt | 1 teaspoon
of instant
for the “chicks” 2 cups white bread flour | lukewarm water | 15 ml shredded
atoes for the yeast | about half a cup of ted Cheddar cheese
A little mayonnaise | Cherry tom nose
6 hard-boiled eggs | | A piece of carrot for the biltong | 30 g gra
chick’s stomach and wings for the eyes
| Cucumber

Methfloour,dsalt and yeast.

Methutothedtop(nthies t)
rd off the egg
1. Mix the your mixture and knead.
1. Cut abo 2. Add a little lukewarm to to knead until the
k. ue
and carefully remove the yol on of Add fine biltong and con tin
spo gh for an hour.
2. Mix the yolk with a tea dough is firm. Rest the dou ad is baked in a tin
, as the bre
mayonnaise. 3. Start your fire
cut and diced
3. Fill the egg hollow with on the coals.
dy, shape it into a
cherry tomatoes. 4. When the dough is rea the middle and place
k and place it in
4. Make a ball using the yol tomatoes. round ball, make a hole
of the dough in a can that you
back in the egg on top
umber, the cheese inside. Place the ter ( you could use a
5. Cut the eyes from the cuc gs from the but
have already lined with
nose from the carrot and win
baked beans can). ls. When the top rises
cherry tomatoes. earlier. 5. Place the can in the coa the bread is baked.
6. Put back the third cut off have out of the can, you ’ll kno
as you take out of the can.
7. Make as ma ny chi cks 6. Let the bread cool and
hard-boiled eggs. Cut into rings.
and egg chicks in your
7. Place the bread nest
lunch box and enj oy!
we’re b
best fo s:


dog eddy (left)
wears a
mask to
his face.

Cardiff, Wales
Eddy the Labrador retriever loves splashing in a creek near his
home. But often the blind dog is unable to find his way back to
the bank. That’s when Milo the mixed terrier steps in, barking
so Eddy can follow his voice. Then the “guide dog” grabs the
Lab’s protective face shield and leads him to land.
Eddy and Milo have been best buds for years. When Eddy lost
his sight, Milo acted as the pooch’s very own guide. Indoors,
Eddy follows Milo’s scent so he won’t bump into furniture. If the Jeremy and
blind pooch wanders off outside, Milo runs to find him and lead Newsom
him home. The terrier even sits protectively on Eddy’s back
while the Lab sleeps.
Eddy and Milo
“Eddy and Milo have a strong bond,” dog behaviourist Mary
Burch says. “Milo cares for Eddy, who pays more attention to
sounds and smells so he can follow his friend.”
Even when they’re playing the pair uses teamwork. “They
love running around together holding the ends of a giant Olinguito
branch in their mouths,” owner Angie Baker-Stedham says.
“Eddy would be lost without Milo.” – Kitson Jazynka

MATTHEW HORWOOD / CATERS NEWS (eddy and milo); Hugh Ryono / Aquarium of the Pacific

12 December 2013 (penguin image); Mark gurney for smithsonian / getty images (olinguito)

penguins play with ipad

game is

jeremy plays Long Beach, California, in America

on his ipad. Forget about catching fish. Jeremy and Newsom the Magellanic
penguins are more interested in catching mice – on an iPad.
Jeremy and Newsom’s caretakers introduced them to a digital
game to keep the birds entertained at the Aquarium of the Pacific.
Designed for cats, the game features mice zipping across the screen.
Players get points for tapping on them before they disappear.
“It challenges them,” penguin keeper Sara Mandel says. Newsom and
Jeremy take turns perched in front of their iPad, pecking at the virtual
rodents with their beaks. Newsom once scored 1 600 points!
Are penguins natural gamers? Maybe. According to Sara these birds
are curious and visual. “In their natural habitat they’d go after shiny
schools of fish. It’s not surprising that they’d enjoy tracking other small
moving creatures.” Sometimes the birds are so eager to play, they’re
not exactly polite. “When it’s his turn, Newsom pushes himself in front of
Jeremy to get to the iPad,” Sara says. “He’s in it to win it.”
– Kitson Jazynka

cute critter discovered! OKAY, Y


Otonga Nature Reserve, Ecuador

This ball of fuzz has caused quite a buzz. Until recently no one knew the
mammal now called the olinguito (oh-lin-GHEE-toh) existed – though
some had been living in plain sight.
“Locals in parts of South America had seen them in forests and
one even lived in a zoo,” says John Gibbons of the Smithsonian
Institution in America, which announced the animal’s discovery in
August. “We thought they belonged to another species that looks
similar.” Biologist Kristofer Helgen found hints of the
olinguito’s existence about ten years ago while studying bones
in a museum. “He realised it didn’t look like any known creature,”
John says. DNA tests showed the animal was a new species. Olinguitos
“This is the first new carnivore discovered in the Americas Close-up
in 35 years,” biologist Roland Kays says. To spot living olinguitos, Favourite Dish: Figs
Kristofer and other scientists trekked to the foggy mountain for- and possibly insects
ests in Ecuador where the museum bones had been found. They came Bedtime: Sunrise – the
across several olinguitos lounging in trees and chomping on figs. creatures are nocturnal.
Scientists want to study olinguitos closely, since not much is known Known Range: Ecuador
and Colombia
about them. “We do know they’re amazing,” John says. “And they prove Family Connections:
there’s more to uncover in our world.” – Andrea Silen The olinguito is related
to the raccoon.

national Geographic KIDS 13

By Johnna Rizzo

about costa rica

Hotel! Aeroplane
Costa Rican
calico butterflies
are called
“crackers” because
of the crunching
sound they
Hotel Costa Verde 727 Fuselage Suite Traditional
Costa Rican
ice cream comes
WHERE Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica in flavours such as
HOW MUCH R2 500 to R7 000 per night peanut and sour
WHY IT’S COOL Ever fallen asleep on a plane? Not like this, though! The 727 Fuselage
Suite is a real Boeing 727 jet that overlooks the Pacific Ocean. Separate from the main Costa
70-room hotel, the Fuselage Suite includes a cockpit sitting area and real aeroplane Ricans call
windows in the bedroom. From the deck on the plane’s right wing you might see howler themselves
monkeys swinging from trees, toucans, sloths and iguanas. Off the left wing you can “Ticos.”
watch the ocean and walk down a spiral staircase to the beach. This hotel really has
earned its wings. Until recently,
most addresses
in Costa Rica used
landmarks (“60 metres
from the school”)
instead of numbers
or street names.

sleep in here


Peer into Ride a zip line Take a boat to see Hop over to Monteverde
THINGS the mouth of between the crocodiles, boa Frog Pond to see more
TO DO in
the smoking treetops in constrictors and than 25 species of frogs
crater of Monteverde caymans among and toads. They’re
Costa Rica Poás Volcano. Cloud Forest the mangroves of especially jumpy
Reserve. Damas Island. and noisy at night.
vincent costello (all)


Eastern Chipmunk White

This North American rodent stays alert while it fills its cheek Rhinoceros
pouches with everything from seeds and nuts to worms and A rhino’s feelings wouldn’t be
bird eggs. If danger comes along, it calls loudly to warn other hurt if you called it a name.
chipmunks. (Not that you would.) They
have thick skin. It’s about
two centimetres thick and
protects the animal against
thorns and biting flies. You
don’t mess with an animal this
size, either. One of the world’s
biggest babies, rhinos can
weigh 60 kilograms at birth,
gaining two kilograms every
day until they reach about
2 000 kilograms. They’re
hugely adorable!

16 December 2013
Native to parts of Africa, meerkats are constantly on the
alert for predators such as jackals and falcons. They are
clever animals that share the group’s work, including guard
duty and babysitting. Everything is taken care of by working
as a team. Hakuna matata! No worries!

(chipmunk); © joe & mary ann mcdonald / kimball stock (rhinoceros);

© wildlife gmbh / alamy (red panda); © elena elisseeva / dreamstime

tambacko the jaguar / flickr / getty images (meerkat)

Red Panda
Bamboo, delish! These
“fire foxes,” as they’re
sometimes called, dine on
bamboo like their black-
and-white namesake does.
But unlike giant pandas,
Asia’s red pandas have
cute white whiskers. The
sensitive hairs help the
pandas navigate narrow
spaces, especially at night.

national Geographic KIDS 17

Harvest Mice
With its tiny puffball
body and its button nose,
the harvest mouse is the
smallest (and cutest) rodent
in Britain. Its prehensile
tail is often longer than
its body and helps the
mouse hold and hang on to
or climb the tallest grass
and twigs. Sometimes
young mice link their tails
together like true BFFs.

Sea Lion
Cool ’do! Sea lion pups
are born with long hair
called lanugo, which helps
them keep warm until
they develop blubber, or
fat. When this pup is a few
months old, it can swim. By
the time it’s two years old,
it will be ready to claim its
reputation as one of the
fastest mammals in the
ocean, zipping through the
water at bursts of up to
40 kilometres per hour.

North American
Baby porcupines may look
cuddly, but they’ll soon
have the ultimate defence
– quills! The soft, bendable
quills that make the
newborn look huggable,
harden in just a few days.
As many as 30 000 sharp,
barbed quills protect this
living pincushion from any
hungry predators.

18 December 2013
Snow Leopards
Nice fur coat! Snow
leopards live in some of
the coldest parts of Asia,
where they need the
fluffiest, fuzziest fur to
keep warm. These rare cats
have large, fur-covered
paws that work like
snowshoes so they don’t
sink into deep snow. Snow
leopards also beat the chill
by sleeping with their tails
wrapped around them like
a blanket.

Black bear
Bear-y cute! These
cautious creatures
weigh as little as a
hockey ball when
they’re born and purr
as they nurse from
their mother. Once
they’ve stopped
drinking milk, North
America’s black bears
munch on almost
anything – they enjoy
insects, nuts, berries
and grass.

Japanese Macaques
These pink-faced snow monkeys are found only in Japan.
During the freezing winter some groups treat themselves
to a dip in natural hot springs. Others wash their food in
salt water to give it a little extra flavour.

© klein-hurbert / kimball stock (mice, macaques); © brandon cole / kimball stock

(sea lion); © robert winslow / kimball stock (porcupine); © ron kimball / kimball
stock (snow leopards); alaska stock llc / national geographic stock (bear)
Cottontail Rabbit
These fluffy bunnies from North and South
America get their name from their
adorable cotton ball tails. But it doesn’t
get much cuter than their perky ears,
which constantly move in all directions to
listen for predators. Wild rabbits can take
off like a rocket, hopping at 29 kilometres
per hour in a zigzag pattern. But all you’ll
see, is that cute tail!

Mountain Goats
Cute? No kidding! Mountain goat babies, or kids, live with their mums, called nannies,
in herds of 10 to 20 in parts of North America. Mountain goats grow white beards and
can climb better than most animals. In order to survive, the cuddly kids must climb
the scraggly cliffs they call home a few days after birth.

These recently hatched baby birds look ready
to explore their home in the Antarctic area,
but they’ll stay with their mum at the nest for
up to a month. Gentoo penguins build nests
from pebbles and moss. Some gentoos even
bring their partners pebbles as gifts.

tom walker / visuals unlimited, inc. / getty images (goats); jeffry weymier / flikr / getty images (rabbit); richard sidey / my
shot / national geographic stock (penguins); © gary randall / kimball stock (chimpanzee); © accentalaska / alamy (loons);

© arco images gmbh / kimball stock (opossum); roy toft / national geographic stock (sloth); brian j. skerry / national
December 2013 geographic stock (manatees); © joe & mary ann mcdonald / kimball stock (langur); © ch’ien lee / minden pictures (loris)
So Ugl
SSoo U
U gglyly
T hey’r
T h ey ’ re
y ’ re C U T E
virginia OPOSSUM

re C U TE
Hang on, buddy! Opossums have

Th ey ’
some cool secret powers, like
expert climbing skills. They’re also
immune to rattlesnake venom.
Opossums have 50 teeth – more
than any other North American
land mammal.

Three-toed Sloth
Think you get dirty? That’s
nothing compared to these tree
dwellers of Central and South
America. Some sloths even turn
green because of algae growing
on their fur! Sloths are laid-back,
Chimpanzee and sleep up to ten hours a day.
This adorable young chimp looks a little like a human baby (with
much more hair). That’s not surprising, because we share more
than 98 percent of the same DNA, bits of genetic material that
determines our characteristics. Africa’s chimpanzees do many of Florida Manatees
the same things humans do – they live in families where they kiss, These 545-kilogram grey
hug, tickle one another and even laugh when they play! swimmers generally move
slowly and love eating grass –
sea grass, that is! Early
explorers may have mistaken
these North American
creatures for mermaids, but
manatees are actually related
to elephants.

Hanuman langur
This baby monkey looks like
a weird elf now, but soon the
little one will grow long grey
or golden hair. In one city in
India, 2 100 of these revered
wild monkeys are regularly fed
and have buffet privileges at
local gardens and picnics.

Slow Loris
The name “loris” is thought to come
from an old Dutch word for “clown.”
Common Loons But you should take this beady-eyed
Bird on board! When feathery loon chicks hatch, they’re
primate seriously. The slow loris of
almost immediately on the go. Mum carries her little ones
Asia can have a deadly bite. The loris
on her back to protect them from predators. By the time
licks a spot on its shoulder that stores
the young loons of North America grow up, they can dive
venom, which mixes with its spit. One
nearly 75 metres and hold their breath for up to
bite will make you think twice about
eight minutes as they fish.
calling this creature ugly!

national Geographic KIDS 21

The Truth Behind Your F
By Johnna Rizzo

iant pandas can’t
really do martial
arts moves and
spiders don’t
actually fight crime. But
TV and movie characters
such as Po the panda and
Spider-Man have plenty in
common with the animals
they’re based on. Take a
look at this chart to see
how the characters
measure up to their
real-life counterparts.

Character Po (Kung Fu Panda: Perry the Platypus

vs Animal Legends of Awesomeness) (Phineas and Ferb)
Giant Panda Platypus

Po can pack a lot of food into his mouth. Once he One of Perry’s owners magically swaps
Truth in chomped on 40 sweet buns at once! Real giant bodies with him and starts sweating milk.
Fiction pandas also eat a lot – often between 9 and 18
kilograms of bamboo per day.
In real life, platypus mums ooze milk from
their abdomens to feed their babies.

Scrappy and brave, Po knows how to handle Perry sometimes puts on scuba gear before
danger. His signature move involves bumping taking a swim. A real platypus does spend
enemies with his belly to send them flying. A time in water, but the animal doesn’t need
False real giant panda wouldn’t slam predators, but any fancy diving equipment. Special folds
Moves it might bite. When the panda feels threatened, of skin close tightly over its eyes and ears
it will lower its head and stare at its opponent when it slips underwater. A platypus
as if to say “Stand back”. normally stays under for about a minute.

When his character took a vow of silence, the Perry is based on doodles
Impress Your normally chatty voice actor playing Po had to that co-creator Dan
Friends hold his hand over his mouth so he wouldn’t
talk in the recording studio.
Povenmire drew on a
paper tablecloth.

Pandas have extra long Adult male platypuses

Amaze Your wrist bones that they use have a venomous spike
Parents like thumbs to help them
grab bamboo.
on the back of each hind
foot to fight enemies.

Po after oversleeping: “I Perry to … just about everyone: “NDG,

Crazy was dreaming all night NDG, NDG!” Perry makes this sound –
Quote long that I was awake and
it was exhausting.”
a cross between a purr and a chirp –
instead of talking.
Nickelodeon. © 2011 Viacom, International, Inc. All Rights Reserved
(po); © WILDLIFE GmbH / Alamy (giant panda); Disney XD (perry); © Dave
Watts / Nature Picture Library (platypus); Courtesy of Relativity

22 DECEMBER 2013 Media, © 2013 Turkey’s Films, LLC, All Rights Reserved. (jake)
Favourite STARS
Jake (Free Birds) Turbo (Turbo) Spider-Man (The Ultimate
Turkey Snail Spider-Man) Spider

When Jake meets a tough turkey named Turbo’s shell glows blue as he speeds up. Spidey makes a parachute from webbing to
Ranger, they hold a dance-off. Real male The body of a real clusterwink snail can save himself during a free fall. Real spiders
turkeys dance, too. To attract a mate, some flash blue light. Called bioluminescence, also use webbing as chutes. Their silk is
move in a circle and stamp their feet. this action is likely used to scare foes. caught by wind that carry them away.

Jake and his pal Reggie visit a network of To reach the top of a tall sign outside Spider-Man stops villains by shooting webs
underground tunnels where turkeys hide a mall, Turbo and other snails zip line at them. Occasionally he runs out of the
from humans. To keep away from humans, across power cables stretching towards silky stuff. Real arachnids are rarely short
foxes and other threats in real life, wild the sign. A real snail could just crawl on webbing and sometimes they recycle.
turkeys go as far above ground as possible straight up the post to the top. The If threads become damaged, the spider
and roost in trees. If no trees are around, gastropod’s glue-like slime lets it climb might eat them and use the digested
they’ll perch on rooftops or car bonnets. vertical surfaces without falling. webbing to produce new silk.

After completing a scene The scenes at the Indianapolis 500 The actor voicing
the animators would car race included nearly 500 000 Spidey often adds
celebrate by gobbling animated spectators. extra jokes to
like turkeys. the dialogue.

A female turkey’s A garden Parts of some

droppings are spiral- snail can arachnids’ brains
shaped. A male’s look lay 500 are located in
like the letter j. eggs per year. their legs.

Jake to Reggie when they meet for the Turbo’s response after the speedy Spidey to his team of
first time: “I’m Jake, from the TFF – that’s gastropod’s brother Chet calls him a crime fighters after rescuing them:
Turkey Freedom Front. You’ve just been freak of nature: “I know, I know! Isn’t “I’m not called the Ultimate Spider-Man
recruited for a top secret mission.” it great?” for nothing.”
© Rolf Nussbaumer / Nature Picture Library (turkey); © 2013
DreamWorks Animation LLC, All Rights Reserved. (Turbo); © juniors
bildarchiv gmbh / alamy (snail); ABC (spider-man); Auscape / UIG / Getty
Images (spider)
National Geographic KIDS 23

EXPLORE Geologist and geochemist Kenneth Sims

descends into sizzling volcanoes to investigate
eruptions. He talks to NG KIDS about the
science behind lava-spewing peaks and the
importance of staying cool in heated situations.

nce I was leaning over a ridge on Mount Etna, an
active volcano in Italy, to capture a lava sample. The
lava was about 980 degrees Celsius and it made the
surrounding air scorching hot. When the wind shifted in my
direction, gusts of heat shot out at me. Suddenly I noticed
smoke coming from my protective suit. It was so hot, the The NG KIDS series
suit began smouldering! I quickly left the volcano ridge so it “Dare to Explore” helps
could cool. celebrate the 125th
“My job is to investigate something called radioactive anniversary of the
isotopes. These are unstable atoms found in volcanic rock National Geographic
and lava. Researching them can give us clues about how Society, which was
volcanoes work and help us predict future eruptions. founded in 1888. Grab
Collecting samples to study can be dangerous, but exciting. a parent and go to
I’ve climbed down ropes into volcano mouths, dived to nationalgeographic
WANT TO BE a volcanic vents on the ocean floor and travelled to a frozen
.com/125 for more
geologist? peak in Antarctica with lava bubbling inside it. Staring into
an active volcano is like standing at the top of a football
STUDY: Geology, maths stadium filled with lava. Some of my experiences have been
and physics scary. But I try to stay unafraid. You do the best you can to
WATCH: The Volcano Watchers, keep safe. It’s important to live life to the fullest.”
a documentary on volcanologists
Maurice and Katia Krafft “Don’t ever let fear of failure get in the way of your
READ: Endurance: Shackleton’s
Incredible Voyage by Alfred goals. There are no defeats, only setbacks.”
Lansing, about explorer
Ernest Shackleton’s 1914
Peter / National Geographic creative (sims at crater, lava lake)

expedition to a sweltering
© John Catto / apenglow pictures (sims climbing); Carsten

Antarctica crater’s rim lava lake

© 2013 National Geographic Society • NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, National Geographic Kids and Yellow
Border and Kids Yellow Border Designs are trademarks of National Geographic Society
• All rights reserved • PHoto: GETTY IMAGES (OCTOPUS)

01 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 O7
World AIDS Day End of Term

O8 O9 10 11 12 13 14
Mountain Day

15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Day of

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Christmas Day Day of Goodwill

29 30
New Year’s Eve
28 february 2011
By Stephanie Warren

Diamond Planet
he ground under your space boots is extremely hard and
it sparkles. The surface of the planet you’re on looks like The pulsar
crystal. That’s because it is. This planet is one giant diamond,
five times the size of Earth.
You travelled 4 000 light years (the distance light travels in a
year) to get to planet PSR J1719-1438 b from Earth. But this strange
sight is worth the trip.
You look up into the sky. Instead of a sun or moon you see a
swirling cloud the size of a small city. The cloud is purple and glowing.
At the centre is a pulsar, a type of star that has collapsed. The pulsar
is spinning fast – about 170 times per second. As it spins, it shoots
out deadly cosmic rays and radiation. Luckily you have a special
space suit to protect you. Without it, these rays would instantly
blast your body to bits. Your suit also has to withstand
the intense heat of 2 329 degrees Celsius. It’s so hot here that
the ground glows.
A long time ago the planet you’re standing on was a star.
It was much bigger than it is now. Then it got very close to this
powerful pulsar. Its rays have been blasting the star for millions of
years. Slowly the star’s surface wore away, until 99,9 percent of it
disappeared. Today only the centre of the star is left. That's the
giant diamond you’re standing on. It’s one of the most beautiful –
and strangest – planets ever discovered.

PSR J1719-1438 b

The constellation Serpens
4 000 light years from Earth
Travel time If you wanted
108 million years
to make this
Weather diamond into a ring,
2 329 degrees Celsius, with you’d need a chunk
cosmic rays and radiation of gold larger than
Earth for the band.
in the sky
A year on PSR
J1719-1438 b
lasts just over
two hours.

Eye 6 December: Look 13 December: Look for the Geminids meteor shower. Earth moves
on the for Venus next to the through the centre of a dust trail left by an asteroid. After
mondolithic (both)
Sky crescent moon. midnight you could see 120 shooting stars per hour!

National Geographic KIDS 29


Earth’s atm
are rocks in id hits
When an ast osphere,
meteor. If
it’s called a Earth’s
it reach es
5 ways to stop space rocks
headING towardS Eart
surface, it’s
me te or ite.

By Stephanie Warren
An asteroid 16 metres wide screams toward
Earth at 65 000 kilometres per hour. Just
after sunrise on 15 February 2013 a white
streak appears in the sky above Russia as
the rock bursts into the atmosphere. The
meteor explodes with the force of 30
atomic bombs and the shock wave shatters most meteorites are
windows and damages walls in the city of small, like the ones
above that fell to
Chelyabinsk. More than 1 200 people earth on 15 February.
are injured. “Sometimes space
comes to us,” says
Our planet is pummelled by space rocks all scientist Peter Jenni-
skens. By studying
the time. About 45 000 tons of material hit asteroids, we can
learn how the solar
us every day. That’s the equivalent of 3 500 system was created
buses. Most of these space rocks are too and how life on our
planet was formed.
small to do any damage,
but a really big rock could be a huge
problem. Sixty-five million years ago an
asteroid ten kilometres wide wiped out
most life on our planet, including dinosaurs.
It might be millions of years before another
asteroid that size hits us. But chances are it
will happen eventually. To prevent a disaster,
scientists are using powerful telescopes
to search the sky for dangerous space
rocks. They have made plans if one heads for a
collision with Earth. Here are five of them:
a meteor streaks through the sky
over Chelyabinsk. its shock wave
damaged many buildings.

Tow it

Shove it
The easiest way to stop an
asteroid may be to ram it
with a spacecraft. If you do
it early enough, a galactic
bumper bender would be
enough to change the
asteroid’s orbit and speed.
“Change its speed by just A spacecraft
that of a crawling baby and approaches
an asteroid.
in 20 years it will pass Earth
instead of hitting us,” says
David Morrison, who studies
asteroid impacts at the Then again, you don’t even have to touch an asteroid
SETI Institute, a scientific to change its path. If you fly right next to it in a
organisation looking for spacecraft, its gravity will pull on the asteroid just
other life in the universe. enough to change its speed. “If you can avoid touching

th it, that’s best,” says SETI space rock expert Peter

Jenniskens. “Some of these things are surprisingly
fragile.” Even a light bump could blow one apart and
create smaller but equally dangerous asteroids.

It might sound silly
to decorate a deadly object,
but some scientists think
it’s the best idea. White
reflects sunlight – that’s
why a white T-shirt keeps
you cooler than a black
one on a hot day. Painting
david aguilar (big picture); nasa (meteorites); xinhua / ria / xinhua / photoshot / newscom

part of an asteroid white

(meteor contrail); reuters / yevgeni yemeldinov (building); courtesy of nasa (tow it)

would cause the sun’s rays

to bounce off the surface,
giving the asteroid a slight
push. You’d have to start
centuries in advance, but
this could be enough to save
the planet from a collision.

national Geographic KIDS 31

movie m agic deadly
stopping a
makes lear
Hollywood ok easy: plant nuc om!
ro id lo kab o
aste e and
m b s on its surfac d! Real-life
bo th is save
Planet Ear know the explosion
scienti sts turn one
ou ld p robably just y smaller
w n
id into ma
big astero eading our way. So
ones, all h on more
p working
they’ll kee plans while they
sensible yes on the sky.
keep their

The “Laser Bees” project
calls for small spacecraft to
by hovering
robots chew up
an asteroid.

Hungry robots are the key to this plan. After landing on the side of the asteroid, they’d
swarm around the asteroid.
start chewing on the rocky surface. Then they’d blow the rubble into space. The force
Each spacecraft would focus
of all the blowing would propel the asteroid forward and off its collision course.
a laser beam on a carefully
chosen spot on the asteroid’s
surface. The lasers would
vaporise the rock into
hot gas plumes that act
like rockets, changing the
asteroid’s speed and path.

dino MORE?
Scientists think the Chicxulub
asteroid killed dinosaurs
(along with 75 percent of
all other animals and
WANT MORE? plants) when it hit near
present-day Mexico
65 million years ago.


WANT MORE? Check out the National
Geographic Kids book
An artist’s rendition shows
the crater caused by the
Space Encyclopedia.
asteroid thought to have
wiped out dinosaurs. WANT MORE? MORE?
courtesy of nasa (eat it); detlev van ravenswaay /

32 april 2013
science source (background, chicxulub crater)

1 2 3 4
Fruit flies have
travelled with An
astronauts A hungry
assassin bug
into space. glowworm
A ladybird can eat glows piles its
more than 5 000 brighter victims on
than a to its body to
insects in its full one. scare
lifetime. predators.

5 6 7
Red pigment
5 Grasshoppers have special
Alcon blue
produced by organs in their hind
are raised by
cochineal knees that store energy
scale for jumping.
ants until insects
they form is used to
cocoons. colour some


Periodical cicadas are
listed as ingredients in
some pizza recipes.
The red 9
postman The oldest known
butterfly 13
leaf insect fossil is
develops 47 million years old.
its own To hide
poison by from enemies,
eating 12 the spittlebug
toxic Male giraffe covers itself
plants. weevils use in a frothy,
spit-like liquid.
their long necks
to fight each
11 other. 14
To breathe
underwater, the
Mosquitoes are attracted
to smelly feet.
Some male
water scorpion
stone flies
uses a tube like fighting do PRESS-ups
a snorkel on gear! to attract
its abdomen.
a mate.
© Yellowj / Shutterstock (ladybug, big); © Dionisvera / Shutter-

stock (ladybug, small); © Solvin Zanki / Nature Picture Library (2);
DECEMBER 2013 © luckyraccoon / Shutterstock (3); © Ian Dagnall / Alamy (6, 23);
Ed Reschke / Oxford Scientific / Getty Images (7);
16 17 18
The male eastern Lundy cabbage
dobsonfly’s jaws beetles
are about 3 times are only found on
the length of its
head. an island 2,4-kilome-
tres long
off the English coast.
Indian moon moths
can smell
potential mates up to
19 ok, 20 ten kilometres away.
ready? o
three, tw The mayfly 21 23
one... Some wasps hang from
dies within plants by their mouths
a day of to rest at night. A swarm of locusts
developing covering about
5 000 square kilo-
into an adult. 22
metres reportedly
Large groups of fireflies Certain termites bang
sometimes blink in unison. their heads against nest walls moved over the Red

to warn others of danger. Sea in 1889.

NGS 27

out By Darlyne Murawski and Nancy Honovich

24 25
Cartographers used
A single to ride hot-air bal- Giant
honeybee colony
can produce around 26 The world's lon-
loons to view and darner
gest insect, Chan’s
map land.
prey on
A sea skater’s can grow to
leg hair traps air, of honey 60 centimetres and small frogs.
buoying the bug so it each looks like a
can float on water. year. bamboo shoot.

28 29
One type of midge can beat its
One dung beetle can drag times 1 141 wings 1 046 times per second.
its weight – that’s like a human WANT MORE?
six 30
Check out the new National Geographic
ants Kids book Ultimate Bugopedia. WANT MORE?
decker can Play It! Try out the Dung Beetle
buses. leap Derby game online at kids.national
from the ground
on to the backs You can also WANT MORE?
watch a video of a dung beetle in action at
of flying bees.

Nature's Inc. / Photo Researchers / Getty Images (red postman); © Pablo H Caridad / Shutterstock (8); © Phillip Dalton / Nature Picture Library (cicadas), © Fanfo / Shutterstock (pizza), image digitally
composed; © Jan Hamrsky / Nature Picture Library (11); © Thomas Marent / Minden Pictures (12); John Macgregor / Peter Arnold / Getty Images (13); © domin_domin / iStockPhoto (feet); © jps /
Shutterstock (mosquitoes); © Michael Durham (15); © Piotr Naskrecki / Minden Pictures (16); Danita Delimont / Gallo Images / Getty Images (18); kelly bowden / Flickr / Getty Images (19); © vician /
Shutterstock (20); © Anthony Smith (24); © Ljupco Smokovski / Shutterstock (25); © Buddy Mays / Alamy (27); © Digital Genetics / Shutterstock (28); Robert Sisson / National Geographic Stock (30)
ol T h
Co About ings

1 17 33MORE
THAN 100 17 33

18 2 34 50
3 18 34
By Sarah Wassner Flynn 3
art by cton 4 19 35
With its 775 rooms, Buckingham 4 19 35
Palace makes regular mansions 5
1 17 5 33 49
look tiny. Now home to Queen 6 20 36
Elizabeth II, it’s been the 6 20 36
British Monarchy’s London 7 18
21 34
37 50
digs since 1837. NG KIDS slipped 3 7
through the gates to find the 8 21 37
palace’s coolest features. 4 19 8 35
9 22 38
1 17 33 49 5 9 22 38
Fancy Feast 10 20 36
2 For special dinners a team of 21 6 23 10 39
chefs whips18up dishes such34
as fillet 50 23 39
3 of sole stuffed with lobster that are 11
served on solid gold platters. Even 21 11 37
24 40
4 Her Majesty’s
19pet corgis receive
35 THE PALACE 8 24 40
gourmet meals of lamb and cabbage DOESN’T HAVE A
5 in sterling silver bowls. Good thing BOWLING ALLEY. 22 38
the kitchen is well stocked – the WE JUST THOUGHT9 25 41
20 about 5036
6 Queen welcomes 000
25 41
dining guests each year. BOWLING SHOES!10
1 17 33 49 23
26 39
7 26 42
2 21 37 11
8 Classy Coach 24 40
18 34 50 27 43
3 The Queen’s glitziest ride may be 1 17 33 27 49 43
22 38
9 the Gold State Coach, parked in the
4 palace’s Royal 1 122 2549 12 41
19 Mews building. 35 It has 17 33 28 44
10 been used in every coronation, or
5 crowning, of23a king or queen39 since 18 34 28 50 44
1 1821. 17 with heavy gold,
Covered 33 it’s 491 17 33 2 49Prince William and3Kate Middleton, now
11 20 horses. 36 called18the Duke and 34 Duchess of26 Cambridge,
50 13 42
6 pulled by eight 2 3 held a huge bash in4Buckingham29 Palace after 45
2 24 40 19 35 29 45
18 34 their 2011 wedding. The celebration included
7 18 34 50 4 14 5
3 21 37 3 fireworks, 19 a live concert 35 and dancing27 under 43
glittering disco balls for their 300 guests. 30 14 46
18 Movie Night25
17 41
33 494 5 6 20 36 30 46
4 The royal family
19 hosts private 35 19 35 12
20 15 28 15 44
7 36
screenings of movies in their
22 own
5 cinema, sometimes seeing38
9 new flicks 5 6 31 47
before they20
are released. 36 50 What’s Up, 20Doc? 36 Blinged-out 13 Top Secret Tunnels 37 31
21 47
10 6 Forget a medicine cabinet. 7 Bedrooms 168 Rumour has
23 39 The palace 21 37 29it that
secret underground
45residence to
Buckingham Palace has a has tunnels connect 16
the royal
11 27
19 43
35 7 doctor’s office run by the 8 52 bedrooms. 22
9 other buildings in London.38 The 32paths were 48
Royal Ghost21 37 21
Queen’s physician. Surgeons37 Chambers like 14 reportedly built during World War II when
5 30 regularly pounded46
8 Legend has24
12 40
it that a shackled 8 have done operations in 9 the ones in22 the
1038 enemy bombs the city.
spirit paces20the terrace 44
moaning in other parts of the palace. Belgian Suite have Weaving deep 23 under London’s 39 bustling
6 misery. He’s22
9 said to be the38ghost of 9 In 1902, for22
instance, 38 10 mirrors, fireplaces 15
chandeliers, gilded streets, the tunnels would have provided
11 the royals31
13 25
a monk imprisoned 41
in a monastery doctors operated on King 23 39 safe passage during47 an attack.
7 that once stood on the grounds. Edward VII’s appendix in a and canopy beds. But even now 24 officials won’t
40reveal much
10 29
21 45
37 10 room facing the garden. 11 about these secret routes.
23 39 23 39 16
8 26 42 24 40 32 48
11 36 D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 3
14 11 Rex Features via AP Images (gold state coach); AP Photo / Hugo Burnand, Clarence House

22 46
38 25 41
(william and kate); Jorg Greuel / Photographer’s Choice / Getty Images (palace front);
9 24 24 40
36 D ECEMBER 2 040
27 43 25 41
10 31 47 26 42

1 17 33 49 1 17 33
1 17 33 49
2 2
18 34 50 2 18 34
1 17 3 33 49 18 34 50 3
2 4 19 35 4 19 35
4 19 35
18 5 34 50 5
20 36 5
6 6 20 36
4 19 35 20 36
5 7 7
21 37 7 21 37
6 20 8 36 21 37 8
7 9 22 38 9 22 38
21 37 9 22 38
8 10 10
23 39 10 23 39
9 22 11 38 23 39 11
24 40 11 1 17
24 40
10 24 40
23 39 2
11 25 41 18
3 25 41
24 40 25 41
4 19
26 42 26 42
1 2617 4233 49 5
25 41
1 17 33 49
27 43 2 6 27 20 43
262 42 2718 4334 50
12 3 7
18 34 50 12
3 28 44 124 28 21 44
27 43 2819 4435 8
4 13 19 35 13
5 22
12 29 45 13 9 29 45
5 1 17 33 6 49 2920 4536
28 44
6 1 14 20 36 14 10
1730 2 3346 49 23
13 147 30 46
297 45 3
18 34 50 3021 4637 11
1 17 2 15
33 21 49 8
4 34
47 50 15 RULES
15 FOR
31 24 47
2 14 8 3 19 35 9 3122 4738 DINING WITH
30 46
18 34 22 50
9 4 16 1932
36 16
32 25 48
3110 5 47 6 3223 4839
4 19 35 23 It takes more than just
39 11 26
6 20 7 36 good manners to impress
5 16
3211 48 21 37 24 40 the Queen of England. Here
6 20 7 36 24 40
8 are the rules to follow
21 37 when you have a meal with 27
7 8 9 22 38 25 41 the Monarch.
21 37 25 41 Stand as soon as the12Queen
9 22 10 38 28
8 26 42
enters the room.
Tick tock Royal 23
Special Delivery 39 Boys should offer a small bow to the
9 The palace staff 38 26 42
11 Her Highness gets about a 13
10 Bathrooms Queen; girls curtsey.
includes two The Queen 23hires 39
thousand letters each week.
Luckily the24palace has its 40 27talk to the Queen
Do not 43 until she speaks to you.
10full-time clock 11 housekeepers own When she does, address her as “Your Majesty” at first,
experts, called 39fill the
to 27tubs 43 post office. Postal employees then as “ma’am”. 14
horologists. in many of 24
the 40
open the mail and often reply 12 30
11Their job is to Hold28
12 78 bathrooms 25 behalf. People
on the Queen’s 41 44 left hand and your knife in
your fork in your
wind more than 40 to check
28 so the 44 also send the Queen hundreds your right before digging into your meal. 15
350 clocks and the water 25 of boxes of chocolates a year.
41 13 Stop eating when the Queen stops eating. 31
watches and keep temperature 26must be sweet!
Being a royal 42 29 45
them ticking. 13 feels just right.
25 41 29 45 16
26 42 32
27 43
AP Photo / Adrian Dennis (queen elizabeth II); © Rozaliya /
Dreamstime, © Boykung / Dreamstime (various gems) 30 46
26 14 42 30
12 43 15
National Geographic KIDS 37
28 44 31 47
Usir: God of the Afterlife
BY DONNA JO NAPOLI Illustrations by christina balit

tHE tale BEGINS…

The god Usir was killed by his envious brother, who trapped him in a small wooden box and left him drifting
in the Nile River. Many moons later, Usir’s devastated wife, Aset, found his lifeless body and unleashed a
magical wail that made him come alive again. Their time together was short. Usir wasn’t meant to be on
Earth. Instead, he journeyed to the underworld to rule over the dead. Here is his story.

reen as a papyrus, Usir woke year and when the waters retreated, they his coffin still, yet he knew Aset was close.
at dawn. He kissed his sleeping would leave behind silt that enriched the She carried him home. She would right this
wife goodbye and walked into soil. The land would revive just as he did. most grievous wrong.
the waters of the Nile River, still Good would come of his death: an abundant Usir hadn’t realised that his brother
uncomprehending, aware only that this was harvest each year. Set despised him until the moment before
supposed to happen. He had to leave his Usir swam with the Nile fish and it felt the lid fell, when he saw Set’s face twisted
land, his wife and his life. natural, as though water was home. The with envy, jealousy, greed.
The god could do nothing to salve past sheath that covered him was skin, not Now Usir’s fresh green skin sloughed
wounds but he would honour the enduring scales, but it was green and hope-studded. away in the waters – a poignant kiss
grief. He would make the river flood every The world rolled with the current. goodbye. He grew black skin, dark as what
In a blink, dark memories emerged: he lay beneath the earth. He swam to the
was alive in that beautifully carved box, in underworld Duat, where his nephew Inpu
black that held only the clean smell of oversaw the dead. But Inpu yielded his
cedar. As he pushed and shouted supremacy there to Usir, a gesture of loyalty
and struggled against the lid, and love that touched Usir’s heart. Usir
the mild odour was overpow- vowed to rule with mercy, for no one knew
aset and usir ered by the acrid smell better than Usir how awful would be a world
of his sour breath, the without mercy.
stench of mortal
fear. T there was
little air in this
tomb. His mouth
and skin and
then insides
dried. He was
cold. Life-
less. Then
changed. He
was dead
still, sealed in

The god set plots

against usir.




Check out the NG KIDS book
Treasury of Egyptian Mythology:
Classic Stories of Gods,
Goddesses, Monsters & Mortals WA
reprinted with permission from the National geographic kids book treasury of
by Donna Jo Napoli. MO
egyptian mythology: classic stories of gods, goddesses, monsters & mortals by
donna jo napoli, illustrated by christina balit. text copyright © 2013 donna jo
napoli. illustrations copyright © 2013 christina balit. compilation copyright ©
2013 national geographic society. all rights reserved. 39
A truck driver saves
three helpless orphans.
By scott elder
he mother mink cautiously be hit by by another car or become
emerges from the family an easy meal for predators. “I like
burrow, followed closely by her animals,” he says. “I didn’t want to
three young offspring. Called kits, leave them, so I took them with me.”
they’re old enough to accompany
her on a hunting trip for small prey such as HEADING TO SAFETY
mice and frogs. The darkly furred and Rick slides on heavy gloves and puts the
slender minks are related to ferrets. helpless kits in his backpack, where they
They swiftly scamper and weave their instantly quiet down. As soon as he arrives
way through the woods in Massachusetts, home he visits his neighbour,
America, that they know so well. When they Gina Purtell, for help. She’s head of a
come to a busy road, the mother crosses local wildlife sanctuary. Gina
first. Tragically, a passing car hits the mink, creates a mink habitat by filling
killing her instantly. Lost and scared, the a dog carrier with shredded Minks are
orphaned kits instinctively huddle around newspaper and turns a great swimmers –
their mother’s body in the road. They cardboard box into a makeshift their torpedo-shaped
screech loudly. burrow. “The mink kits were bodies and partially
Fortunately for the helpless minks, one terrified,” she says. “And though webbed feet help
of the next vehicles coming down the road they’re very cute, they really them swim fast.
is a large truck driven by big-hearted reek – like a cross between a cat
Rick Crane. “I saw something brown in the and a skunk.” The next morning she Lynn Millman must
road, so I stopped,” he says. “The babies drives the seven-week-old orphans to confirm that they have
were screaming. They sounded almost hu- a wildlife centre nearby, where they get a sharp survival instincts. The kits
man.” Rick is sure the little minks will soon thorough checkup. stalk animals that come near them
“They were covered with ticks and and bite the dead mice on the head
fleas and had stomach worms,” says first – their natural technique. “Those
Deborah Millman, director of the centre. were very good signs that they knew
“But otherwise they were pretty healthy.” how to use their tools,” Lynn says.
After treating the parasites, the staff After three months, the
moves the 200-gram minks to a large, age when wild minks leave their
empty aquarium with soft bedding, mothers, the orphans are old
branches to climb and boxes to hide in. and big enough to be released
“The trick is to handle them as little into the wild. The trio is taken
as possible, so they maintain their wild in a pet carrier to a canal where
nature,” Deborah says. “We didn’t want them there is a thriving colony of minks.
to get too accustomed to people.” Close to the rocky shore the
rehabilitators open the carrier. “It took
KEEPING MINKS WILD a few minutes, but eventually the first
To make sure the minks – one male, two one came out. As soon as his little feet
females – recognise food they’ll find in the hit the grass, he ran towards the rocks
wild, the staff adds dead mice to pellets and the other two followed,” Lynn says.
meant for pet ferrets. That doesn’t mean “They were looking at us, but then they
they’ll catch live mice in the wild. Once settled in and concealed themselves so
they’ve been moved outside to a large, we couldn’t see them anymore. It was a real
fenced enclosure, wildlife rehabilitator success story.”
tiny baby
40 cindy hopf (baby mink); © stephen dalton /
minden pictures / corbis (big picture)
escue Like smelly
skunks, minks have
scent glands that
release a powerful
odour for self-defence
and marking their

Minks rarely finally free

dig their own
burrows. They
use abandoned
ones dug by
other animals.

national Geographic KIDS 41

Maths Party
1. Count how many of eac
h are in
this fes tive pic ture:
People, pets, chairs at the
table and green sweaters.
this sum:
2. Use the numbers to do

(People + pets) x cha irs

green sweaters
answer on page 50

42 December 2013
Dangerous D
Ask a friend to give
you words to fill in the
blanks in this story
without showing it to
him or her. Then read
out loud for a laugh.

I visited my grandmother in for my break. We decided to take a day

exotic location holiday

trip to a(n) swamp. Our skimmed across the water. Mosquitoes

adjective type of transportation

as big as zoomed by. Suddenly, a(n) alligator popped out of the

noun, plural adjective

water! I thought he was going to me. Instead he sobbed and pointed to his mouth

with his . Fortunately I’ve seen every episode of Whisperer, so I knew

body part animal

his tooth hurt. But when I got close with my -flavoured dental floss, he
ice-cream flavour past-tense verb

his mouth. Just then, my grandmother slipped on some , shrieked like a(n)
something gross, plural

and fell into the . The alligator laughed so hard, his mouth opened
mythical creature liquid

wider than a(n) . That was my chance! I lassoed the tooth. It popped out and the

alligator through the water. That’s how I discovered my grandmother swims

past-tense verb

faster than a(n)

sea creature


Jason tharp

Check out the

NG KIDS book
WANT MORE? Funny Fill-in:
My Animal Adventure.

national Geographic KIDS 43
Global gobbling
These photographs show close-up
views of internationally inspired
foods. Unscramble the letters to
identify what’s in each picture.
Bonus: Use the highlighted letters
to solve the puzzle below.
answers on page 50

algnieb ialnait cei t U P e r gu e s e

fwslaef slorl

bottom row (left to right): © Jale Evsen Duran / dreamstime; © Svetlana Foote / dreamstime; Andrea Skjold / Shutterstock.
Middle row (left to right): ISTOCKPHOTO / Shutterstock; Discovod / Shutterstock; © Mirceax / Dreamstime.
Top row (left to right): Marie C. Fields / Shutterstock; © liv friis-larsen /; ISTOCKPHOTO.
OTAST aizlrb ustn erkge aadls

srulsbse shenlgi adp aith

t r s o up s ifmfnu

hint: A tightrope walker always eats this.

ANSWER: l — a a

National Geographic KIDS 45


Discover the wonders

of the ocean from
morning to night. The Two
Oceans Aquarium has extended
its hours over the festive season
so visitors can relax in its cool
tranquility after a long day at
the beach or mall.

The Two
Oceans houses over
3 000 animals, including sharks,
penguins and turtles. From
16 December 2013 to 12 January 2014
it will be open daily from 9 a.m. to
8 p.m.(closing at 6 p.m. on Christmas).
An all-weather venue, the Two Oceans
Aquarium is ideal for families
wanting to escape the heat
and bustle!

tickets are
available online. Go to to
learn more about the
aquarium or to plan
your visit.

via e-mail or SMS, you agree to receive future correspondence from NG KIDS magazine and the prize

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name used in advertising or listed publicly. • Competitions and giveaways are open to anyone 14 years or

Keethan Balkisson (Centurion), Jason McIntosh (KZN), Lenieke Louw (Florida)


younger, except employees of Media24, sponsors and their agents or any company associated with the Proudly SA FUN FACTORY: KIDZ BOP 24 CD – page 48
South Africa,
30 Cool Things About Posters

competition and their immediate families. • Where the competition prize is a holiday stipulating that it
Win A Gas Braai, Awesome

Miekaeel Kajee (Greenwood Park), Jad Ezzeddine (Sandown), Marijke van Bekkum (Pretoria)

Issue 109 September 2013 R28,00 (VAT incl.) 9 771811 723006

is for a certain number of adults and children, “children” will be taken to be under the age of 12, unless FUN FACTORY: GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ 2014 – page 48
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drawn. • All competition entry SMSs are charged at R1,50 each. Free minutes and SMS bundles do not Strijdom (Cape Town), Liam Conolly (Grabouw), Muaaz Amod (Braamfontein), Cadac Patio Entertainer
apply. You can enter as many times as you like, unless stated otherwise. • By entering competitions online, Supreme: Stuart van Wyk (Cape Town)

46 DECEMBER 2012
Disney Infinity

Xbox360, PS3, Wii, Wii-U, 3DS, PC,

online and smart devices
Ever thought of being on the set
OK of Monsters University, Cars, Pirates

Ow in one of the Caribbean, The Incredibles
“NGn Steg of FO or The Lone Ranger? Disney’s
K os UR
and STEG” aurus Make new video game venture, Disney
add , you boo You
res r na ks. S r Infinity, lets you customise your
s to me MS
Make Your Own 339 , age
70*. experience to create adventures in
the game worlds of its most popular
From the same creators
characters. Using the Disney Infinity
of Make Your Own T-Rex
Base, players can cross to various
comes a new book called Make
movie sets where they take on the
DIY! <

Your Own Stegosaurus. You can make your

role of Sulley, Captain Jack Sparrow,
own dinosaur without glue and without
Mr Incredible or even Lightning
making a mess. Become an expert
McQueen. They collect characters,
palaeontologist by slotting the 100 solid
vehicles, upgrades, gadgets and
“bones” together to make the stegosaurus’s skeleton – it’ll be
more for their virtual “Toy Box” as
60 centimetres long and 35 centimetres tall! The book is also
the game progresses. You can use
a fact file about dinosaur behaviour and the world they lived
the items in the “Toy Box” to create
in. It has an easy, step-by-step picture guide to help you build
unique Disney adventures with
the dino. Each section of the book explores different parts of
your favourite characters. Create
the stegosaurus – its feet, legs, head, hips, mighty tail, strong
your own storybook with multiple
spine and armour plates.
Disney characters in one game or 40
Stegosaurus); NUMETRO (Walking with Dinosaurs: The Movie 3-D). *Terms and conditions on page 46

collectible interactive characters

with play set pieces and power discs.
Let your imagination come to life!
Credits: © Disney (Disney Infinity); LUXOTTICA (RAY-BAN); Penguin Books (Make Your Own

Walking with Dinosaurs: The Movie 3-D

What was it like when dinosaurs ruled the world?

Walking with Dinosaurs: The Movie 3-D reveals new and

unique dinosaurs with breakthrough technology in a
thrilling prehistoric adventure. Patchi, an underdog
and the smallest dinosaur, triumphs against all odds
to become a hero. He must survive competitive
brothers and sisters, a wild and unpredictable world
and fierce predators. After losing his father in a fight
with a Gorgosaurus, he teams up with his brother


Scowler and friend Juniper in the Great Migration
for a series of hair-raising but funny adventures
to reunite with their families. Patchi and Scowler
become separated and also the biggest rivals. Alone
and an outcast, because he’s still so small even as an
adult, Patchi must prove his courage to his herd. In
an exciting finale, he rescues his reckless rival from RAY-BAN JUNIOR KIDS
a Gorgosaurus and wins the respect and admiration Ray-Ban Junior have a super cool range of
of his herd as the most sunglasses specially designed for kids aged
deserving leader. 5 to 12. The range includes classic styles like

A He was never Aviator and Wayfarer in a range of colours.

the largest If you are a natural trendsetter, these are
or strongest for you. Stand out and NEVER HIDE behind

dinosaur but he your Ray-Bans!
g wit
E Walkinrs. SMS has courage and
of THREe hampe age and all the skills
ne vi e,
Win osaurs mo our nam 70*. to survive.
D ino O”, y 339
DIN ss to Opens in cinemas
“NGK addre
countrywide on
26 December 2013.

48 DECEMBER 2013
Danielle van Aswegen, 9, Randburg



on any kind of BOAT!
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PO Box 1802, Cape Town 8000. You can also send your
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of your illustration. Submissions become the property of the National
Geographic Society and all rights thereto are transferred to the National
Geographic Society. Submissions cannot be acknowledged or returned.
Selection will be at the discretion of NG KIDS.

Check out our readers’ pictures

of awesome summer holidays!

The Adventurous Disney World

Harshil Patel, 12, Fairland

Splash time! “Vakansie op ons

Stella Byleveld, 10, Beaufort West plaas”
Cara Tomlinson, 12,

National Geographic KIDS 49

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