Cpar 4th 1
Cpar 4th 1
Cpar 4th 1
The choice of local or indigenous art materials are 2. Coconut shells or bao – wood carving,
as wide and varied as well. Potential art materials improvised cooking utensils and myriads of other
coming from different regions of the country will be uses
discussed. These Local art materials that can be -Laminated coconut shells almost same as the
used to create art forms wherever they are suited. quality and appearance of turquoise shells or ivory
- Scientifically Known as cocos nucifera, shells
An artist must be sensitive in selecting the right are by products of coconut fruit processing
kind of art material and should have a
discriminating eye in choosing what should be 3. Bamboo or kawayan – not a tree, is actually a
and should not be used. This ability to see or make kind of grass. Classified scientifically as a plant of
fine distinctions as to what is the right and proper the subfamily of Bambusoideae, of the grass
art material to use. family Poaceae. It is found almost throughout the
Appropriateness of art materials has a telling -prominent use of its stem is in creating art.
effect in the process of creating art. When the
chosen art materials are suited for the artwork, it 4. Capiz or kapis – come from window the Pane
will adequately serve its purpose of creating art. oyster, a bivalve marine mollusk in the family of
-right and appropriate art materials can Placunidae, found mostly in
bring out the best of the artist’s creativity. Coastal waters
-used for various artistic applications like
window, lanterns, walling
Non-traditional art materials - not usually used in Application: Paper Mache’. Using molds, paper
creating art like coffee, plastic bottles, and pieces or pulp are put together with a glue or other
recyclable materials, similar to Junk Art adhesives
3, Large-Scale Art.
This is an art that accounts for the creation
of something huge to express diverse perspectives
in artwork. This art is created for public view.
Shortform – short scenes constructed from the
predetermined game
Longform – scenes related by story or character
= it is an improvisational, non-exhibition, process
centered form of drama in which participants are
guided by a leader to imagine, enact, and reflect
upon human experiences
=This process allows students to actively explore a
subject or question through imaginative play that is
facilitated by a leader and may involve a variety of
improvisational activities
=These activities are not scripted or memorized
MIXED MEDIA - a term used to describe artworks
and they allow students to synthesize various
composed from a combination of different media
educational concepts into a personally meaningful
or materials. A work on canvas that combines
paint, ink and collage could properly be called
“mixed media” work
Non-traditional art materials = not usually Used
in creating art like coffee, plastic bottles, and
New media art is a 21st century catchall term used
recyclable materials, similar to Junk Art
to define all that is related to the internet and the
interplay between technology, images and sound
Artwork in which more than one medium or
material has been employed
Emmanuel Garibay
Hangarin ( Aspiration/Goal- oil on Canvass)
Traditonally, color was used as means to bring
reality to paintings and art pieces. Modern artists
experimented with colors and used it Another characteristics of contemporary art is that it
unconventionally to make new textures The colors is avant-garde and surrealistic.
used are strong and the content is symbolic
SURREALISM - was focused on tapping into the
Color is often one of the most exciting unconscious mind to release creativity. Surrealistic
components of a painting. In both figurative and art is characterized by dream-like visuals, the use
abstract painting, color can be used for its of symbolism, and collage images.
decorative beauty to create mood and to express
or arouse emotion.
Cool colors, which is based on blue
undertones bring calming effect to the mind. These
colors range from cold icy blues to warm and
nurturing Mediterranean torquises. Blue represents
- The way the artists use and manipulate materials
to achieve the desired formal effect and
communicate the desired concept or meaning,
according to his/her personal style (modern,
neoclassic, etc) The distinctive character or
nature of the medium determines the technique.