BJT Tugas 3 Bhs Inggris
BJT Tugas 3 Bhs Inggris
BJT Tugas 3 Bhs Inggris
1. Jawaban No.1
Kamel BSA
Jl. Sedap Malam
Ternate, 27 Mei 2023
Ibu Nani
Alkhairaat Elementary School
I would like to express my gratitude for considering my application. I am eager to further discuss my
qualifications and how I can contribute to the success of Alkhairaat Elementary School. I have
attached my resume for your convenience, which provides additional details regarding my
educational background and experience.
Thank you once again for your time and consideration. I look forward to the opportunity of meeting
with you to discuss how I can contribute to the educational excellence at Alkhairaat Elementary
School. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further information.
2. Jwaban No.2
3. Jawaban No.3
Joe : What is your production situation now? Do you have the capacity to provide us with a
substantial number of units?
John : Provided that you give us sufficient notice, we have the production capacity to meet
needs. What sort of quantities are you looking for?
Joe : We are considering an initial quantity in excess of 200,000 units, with additional similar
quantities ordered on a quarterly basis. What unit price could we expect?
John : As long as we are clear on your specifications and have 30 days before beginning
production, we could offer a unit price of 1,500 USD.
Joe : if we doubled the number of units in our order, what discount on the unit price could we
John : We could offer a 5% discount on the larger order. Is it acceptable to you?
Joe : (1) I’m afraid we can’t agree on that. If you could offer a 10% discount, then we would
agree to place the larger order.
John: Supposing we offered a compromise discount of 7.5% on the larger order, would that
Joe: (2) I think that sounds reasonable. We also consider the fact that you supply good
technical support.
John: Great. Thank you.
Pertanyaan / Questions
Identifikasi ungkapan apa yang tersirat dalam kalimat yang bergaris bawah nomor 1 dan 2.
Identify what expression is implied in each underlined sentence 1 and 2.
(1) The implied expression in sentence 1 is a refusal or disagreement with the offered 5%
discount and a request for a higher discount of 10% to agree to place the larger order.
(1) Ungkapan yang tersirat dalam kalimat 1 adalah tawaran balik, dengan mengusulkan
bahwa jika ada diskon 10%, pesanan yang lebih besar akan disetujui.
(2) The implied expression in sentence 2 is an acceptance or agreement with the compromise
discount of 7.5% on the larger order, considering the fact that the supplier provides good
technical support.
(2) Ungkapan yang tersirat dalam kalimat 2 adalah penerimaan atau persetujuan terhadap
diskon kompromi sebesar 7,5% pada pesanan yang lebih besar, dengan mempertimbangkan
dukungan teknis yang baik dari pemasok.
4. Jawaban No.4