Cardiorespiratory and Sports Phyisotherapy - Viresh
Cardiorespiratory and Sports Phyisotherapy - Viresh
Cardiorespiratory and Sports Phyisotherapy - Viresh
2 Pulmonary Rehabilitation 8 – 18
4 Introduction to ICU 25 – 39
6 Cardiac Rehabilitation 49 – 61
9 Abdominal surgeries 77 – 79
Physiotherapy intervention in the management
10 80 – 82
of medical, surgical and radiation
11 Physiotherapy in obstetrics and Gynaecology 83 – 123
Applied Yoga in cardio – respiratory
12 124 – 126
Home program and education of family
13 127
members in patient’s care
Respiratory failure – oxygen therapy and
14 128 – 131
mechanical ventilation
15 Burns management 132 – 148
Clinical presentation
• First sign of pressure ulceration is blanchable erythema with increased skin
• Progression to superficial
abrasion, blister
• Full thickness skin loss -bleeding is minimal
• Main areas – sacrum, coccyx, greater trochanter, ischial
tuberosity, calcaneus and lateral malleolus.
Subjective examination
• It is to gather information about the current symptoms
• He should be questioned about behavior and characteristics of symptoms (pain associated with wound
or to any extremity, are there any certain positions which keep symptoms better or worse)
Objective examination
• Here observation is the important component of data gathering
• Typically includes-type of lesion (ischemic arterial ulcer, venous insufficiency ulcer, neuropathic,
rheumatoid ulcer etc.)
• Stage of wound (stage 1 to 4)
• Type of drainage- will check the amount, color, consistency, and odor, serous (clear, watery);
serosanguinous (clear red or reddish brown); purulent (thick, yellow, cloudy)
• Presence of edema.
(Cases: Ischemic arterial ulcer, Venous insufficiency ulcer, Neuropathic ulcer, Rheumatoid ulcer).
Aims of treatment
• Teach the patient self-care of wound management and identification of signs of infections
• Provide a moist wound healing environment
• Reduces the necrotic tissue at wound site
• Decrease pain associated with wound
• Decrease the risk of infection
• Improve physical functions (if decreased secondary to wound)
• Physical therapy intervention for wound management includes verity of modalities and appropriate
wound dressing to promote healing
• The intervention plan should have a holistic view. Eg: Patient with signs and symptoms with venous
disease may also present with poor ankle ROMs.
• Wound must be cleansed and dressed but the limb should get compression for optimum healing.
Primary uses
• Treatment of venous ulceration
• Prevention of ulcer recurrence if hosiery is not tolerated
• Symptomatic relief of superficial thrombophlebitis
Other uses
• Traumatic wounds with local edema, for example pretibial lacerations
• Venous/lymphatic disorders
• Ulceration of mixed aetiology with an edematous component
• Patients with heart failure should not receive high compression therapy. In this instance high
compression will redistribute blood towards the centre of the body, thereby increasing the pre-load of
the heart and possibly causing further overload and death
• Patients with severe obliterative arteriosclerosis should not receive compression therapy.
Wound dressing
• A dressing is an adjunct used by a person for application to a wound to promote healing or to prevent
further harm. A dressing is designed to be in direct contact with the wound, which makes it different
from a bandage.
• Choosing appropriate dressing should be on the basis of wound and peri – wound tissue. A product that
preserves wound hydration limit fluid loss is ideal
• In moist wound dressing the following wound characteristics must be considered.
• Infection-present /absent
• Necrosis-remove/not
• Drainage-dry, adequate or excessive
• Granulation-present/not
• Epithelialization - present/not
• Peri-wound area-intact/at risk
6 |Cardiorespiratory and General Physiotherapy – Viresh
• Odor-minimal/need reduction
Primary dressing- that applied directly to the wound
Secondary dressing-that applied over primary one
➢ Cardiac dysfunction
o Increase in right ventricular afterload
o Hypoxic vasoconstriction
o Increase in pulmonary vascular resistance
Increase right ventricular afterload → Right hypertrophy → Right ventricular failure → Decrease left
ventricular fillings→ Decrease ability of heart to meet exercise demands.
➢ During exercise it has been shown that patients with COPD use a larger proportion of their maximal
inspiratory pressure than healthy subjects → More oxidative type 1 sarcomere develop, capillary
density increases → “Steal” effect of blood from peripheral muscles to diaphragm
1. The Patient:
The patient with pulmonary disease participating in the pulmonary rehabilitation program, the patient’s
spouse or family and the primary care provider play a central role on the team.
2. Medical Director:
The pulmonologist, who direct the rehabilitation programme is matter of overall policy, procedures
and medical care.
5. Exercise Specialist:
This person can be a physical or occupational or respiratory therapist, nurse or exercise physiologist
who will be leading exercises progression for respiratory patient.
6. Nutritionist or Dietitian:
The key role of nutritionist to evaluate or monitor the over and under nourished condition of the
participant to maximize rehabilitation potential.
7. Behavioural Specialist:
May be a social worker or psychologist. This person should have skills in monitoring patient and
family member to adopt behaviour that support the life style changes. Recommended the rehabilitation
learning and to learn stress management.
➢ Assessment - necessary for developing an appropriate, individualized plan of care.
➢ The Clinical history
▪ Cough (Duration, characteristic, timing, types, frequency)
▪ Sputum (color, consistency, quantity, odour, time)
▪ Hemoptysis (onset, appearance, amt, color, odour, associated symptoms)
▪ Dyspnea (sensation, onset, preceding event, Aggravating factor, reliving factor, associated
▪ Chest pain (type, onset, location, radiation, duration, aggravating factor, reliving factor)
➢ Examination
▪ Vital signs
➢ Inspection
▪ Head
▪ Neck
▪ Thorax
▪ Extremities
➢ Palpation
➢ Percussion
➢ Auscultation
▪ Breath sounds
▪ Heart sounds
➢ Review of investigations
▪ WBC - 4500-11500/cu mm of blood
➢ Neutrophils - 40-75% of total WBC
➢ Eosinophil - 0-6% of total WBC
➢ Basophil - 0-1% of total WBC
➢ Lymphocytes - 20-45% of total WBC
➢ Monocytes - 2-10% of total WBC (largest)
▪ RBC- 4.8-5.5 million/cu mm
▪ Platelet- 140,000-440,000/mm3
▪ Pulmonary function testing (FVC, FEV)
➢ Baseline exercise capacity
» Submaximal exercise testing
▪ Modified Bruce Treadmill protocol
▪ Self - paced walking test
▪ 12 and 6 min walk test
▪ Modified shuttle walk test
▪ Bag and carry test
Other assessments:
➢ Measurements of respiratory muscle strength
▪ Max voluntary resp pressure
▪ Respiratory muscle endurance
• Respiratory Disability
➢ Refers to inability to perform an activity in the manner within the normally expected range because of
lung disease
• Respiratory Handicap
➢ Represents the disadvantage resulting from an impairment or disability within the context of patient’s
ability to perform in society or fill the expected roles
Program setting:
1. Inpatient
2. Out patient
3. Home Based rehabilitation
➢ Improve pulmonary hygiene
▪ Postural drainage
▪ FET, ACBT, Autogenic drainage
▪ Assisted coughing
➢ Breathing strategies
➢ Decrease incisional pain
➢ Incentive spirometry
➢ Maintain ROM and strength
➢ Progressive ambulation
➢ Initial self-care and ADLs
Inpatient Care:
➢ Acute care:
Mechanical ventilator - if respiratory failure
Ventilatory settings: Mode: CMV
Lower tidal volume 6-8ml/kg
Moderate RR
» loads ranging from 50 to 85% of the one-repetition maximum greater increase in peripheral muscle
» 3 days/ week twice daily for 6-12weeks
» Machine weights or free weights
» Combination of strength and endurance training is supposed to have more beneficial effects
➢ With education patient become more skilled at collaborative self - management and have improved
➢ Anatomy and Pathophysiology of disease, medical management easily detected and treatment of acute
illness use and misuse of oxygen and practical solutions to incorporate diet reform and activity into
daily life.
➢ It is a shared responsibility among the patient, family, primary care physician, specialist, and other
health care providers
➢ To encourage behavioral changes that lead to improved health and a commitment to long-term
adherence with self - assessment and management
➢ Brief idea about the condition, disease process
➢ Benefits of the rehabilitation program
➢ Decrease fear of activity and avoidance of activity
Self - management education
➢ Breathing strategies
➢ High energy, protein rich diet
➢ Administration of 1.5 g protein/ kg per day
➢ Frequent smaller meals
Respiratory treatment techniques to remove secretions and relieving dyspnea includes Bronchial drainage.
Breathing techniques, cough facilitation, postures to improve breathing, relaxation techniques,
bronchodilators, respiratory assistance devices to rest the breathing muscles at night or during the exercise.
➢ Measurement of outcomes should be incorporated into every comprehensive pulmonary rehabilitation
➢ Minimal requirements include the assessment of the following measures of the patient’s recovery
before and after rehabilitation
➢ Dyspnea
➢ Direct Measures of Dyspnea
▪ Modified Borg Scale for Breathlessness
▪ Visual Analog Scale
➢ Indirect Measures of Dyspnea Targeted to Activities
▪ Baseline and Transitional Dyspnea Index (BDI&TDI)
▪ Chronic Respiratory Disease Questionnaire (CRQ)
➢ Other Relevant Questionnaires
▪ Pulmonary Functional Status and Dyspnea Questionnaire: PFSDQ
➢ Exercise ability
➢ Submaximal exercise tests
➢ Walking tests
➢ Health status
➢ Submaximal exercise tests
➢ Walking tests
➢ Activity levels
Performance log
➢ Anticholinergic agents:
▪ Ipratropium bromide-
▪ Tiotropium
➢ Β2 adrenergic agonists:
▪ Salbutamol, fenoterol, terbutaline
▪ Salmeterol or formoterol)
➢ Combination therapy: inhaled ipratropium bromide and β2 adrenergic agonists is potentially more
effective and safer
➢ Corticosteroids:
▪ Prednisolone
➢ Antibiotics
➢ Mucolytic agents:
▪ N-Acetylcysteine,
1. Modified Bronchial drainage positions to facilitate the ease of assuming appropriate position. Independently
and compatibly firm, foam wedge, cushions, Trendelenburg’s position: foot end elevated: 15 – 30°.
2. Percussion or vibration to clear airway palm cups or mechanical precursors or vibrators can be employed.
Performance of exercise of deep breathing exercises, forced expiration and coughing and huff or Use of mask
that provides positive expiratory pressure. Breathing and coughing exercises may be done after bronchodilator
3. Secretions remove in the morning that are accumulated over night or before and after each exercise sessions.
5. To relieve the dyspnoea teach the patient controlling the breathing pattern, alternate position and relaxation
techniques pursed lip breathing may be help in patients with obstructive lung diseases.
Avoid breath holding, Valsalva manoeuvre and unnecessary talking during the task.
A) Lateral incisions:
1. Posterolateral incisions:
This follows the vertebral border of the scapula and the line of a rib (Numbers 5, 6, 7 or 8) to the
anterior angle of costal margin. The muscles cut are Trapezius, latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, serratus anterior,
intercostals and erector spinae.
2. Anterolateral incisions:
This starts close to midline in front follows along the line of a rib below the breast to the posterior
axillary line. The muscles cut are pectoralis major and minor, serratus anterior, internal and external
intercostals. This incision is used for mitral valvotomy and pleurectomy.
B) Anterior Incisions:
1. Transverse (Sub – mammary)
This passes across from one side of the 4th intercostal space to the other. The muscles divided are
Pectoralis major, internal and external intercostals. The sternum is divided transversely. It is not very often
3. Thoraco-laparotomy incision
This is along the line of the 7th or 8th rib and there may be an abdominal incision as well. It is used for
access to the oesophagus.
1. Pneumonectomy: It is the removal of the entire lung
2. Lobectomy: It is the removal of an entire lobe sometimes with a section of the thoracic wall
3. Segmental or wedge resection: It is the removal of a bronchopulmonary segment. Wedge resection is the
removal of a small part of the lung tissue.
Fluid is removed after any surgery that has opened the thorax to prevent a consolidated pleural effusion except
after a pneumonectomy when the fluid fills in the space of the missing lung. Equipment used comprises a
tube, a bottle with sterile water and possibly a suction pump. The tube passes from th inside the pleural cavity
down through a tight – fitting cap at the neck of the bottle to below the level of the water. This constitutes an
underwater seal. Air may be allowed to escape freely from a second tube positioned high above the water in
the neck of the bottle or a suction machine may be attached t this tube. Points to be noted are:
1. Amount and type of drainage
2. Air leak
3. Swing of water
4. Suction
5. The tubes
6. Clamps
This involves the removal of an entire lung. A radical pneumonectomy includes excision of the
mediastinal glands with dissection from the chest wall or pericardium. There may be unavoidable damage to
the phrenic nerve resulting in paralysis of half od the diaphragm or to the recurrent laryngeal nerve. Both these
complications impair respiration and coughing.
Indications: Carcinoma, Bronchiectasis and tuberculosis
Incision: Postero-lateral thoracotomy
Incentive Spirometry
This technique used to encourage a patient to take a deep breath in when there is hypoventilation after thoracic
or high abdominal surgery due to pain or secretion retention.
Example: At low lung volume a plastic ball rises to the top of a column, at mid – lung volume a second ball
rises and at high volume a third ball rises.
1. Bronchiectasis
2. Tuberculosis
3. Lung abscess
4. Carcinoma
Incisions: Posterolateral or anterolateral thoracotomy at the level of the 5th or 7th rib.
During the afternoon the patient will sit out of bed and it is important to ensure that the drains are not in danger
of being kinked or blocked.
Day 2
1. As first day
2. And self – supported huffing.
3. Arm exercises should be full range – auto – assisted. Elevation should be practised hourly.
4. Add trunk exercises in sitting:
a. Hands on shoulders bend side to side
b. Hands on shoulders turn side to side
c. Abdominal contractions
Discourage the patient from sitting cross-legged because this occludes the popliteal artery and vein and may
result in a deep vein thrombosis.
Day 3 and 4
Treatments may be cut down to one or two per day
Trunk and arm exercises should be continued and walking extended. The patient should be encouraged to
dress in normal clothing and to go up and down stairs.
• Bilateral breathing exercises are encouraged. Stitches are taken out between 7 and 10 days.
• Discharge is between 10 and 12 days after operation.
This operation is performed to produce permanent collapse of a lung. It may be used in pulmonary
tuberculosis or chronic empyema and is very rare.
The operation consists of resection of a varying number of ribs, leaving the periosteum in position.
Four to ten ribs may be removed.
The two main complications of this operation are;
1. Deformity: Ex. Scoliosis
2. Paradoxical breathing: The flaccid area of the chest wall is sucked in on inspiration and blown out on
expiration. This can be prevented by strapping over a cotton – wool pad to support the chest wall until it has
become firmer.
Day 1
Posture correction must be started with the physiotherapist instructing the patient to push the head
sideways against manual resistance, towards the affected side and push the shoulder down and back.
Active assisted arm movements are practised on both the sides.
Day 2
Continue breathing exercises and coughing. Posture correction is progressed so that patient has to align
the head and shoulder and thoracic spine with scapular retraction without the guidance of the physiotherapist.
Day 3
The patient will be up and about. Manually resisted exercises for the shoulder girdle and arm on the
affected side should be included.
Day 4
Trunk exercises in sitting are added.
Day 5 - 7
Trunk exercises in standing should be included. Posture correction in walking should be practised.
2. Abrasion pleurodesis:
It is the insertion of a powder into the pleural cavity. This acts as an irritant to the pleural surfaces,
causing them to adhere to each other. It is performed for spontaneous pneumothorax or malignant pleural
ICU Monitoring:
• From the patient’s point of view, monitors bring both anxiety and reassurance.
• From the staff point of view, they are useful to record subtle changes in patient’s status.
• Monitoring implies regular observation and a systemic response if there is deviation from a specified
Ventilator interactions:
• Ventilator graphics demonstrate flows, pressures and volumes that represent the patient’s response to
1. Pressure-time curve:
a) Peak airway pressure
b) Mean airway pressure
c) End-inspiratory plateau pressure
2. Flow-time curve:
a) Verifies presence of intrinsic PEEP
3. Pressure-volume loop:
a) Represents lung compliance.
b) Work of breathing can be calculated
4. Flow-volume loop:
a) It indicates patency of airways Figure 1: Flow - Volume Loop
b) Peak expiratory flow
c) Forced mid-expiratory flow
d) Forced vital capacity
e) Peak inspiratory flow.
Gas Exchange:
1. Arterial oxygen blood gases analysis
2. Arterial oxygen saturation:
a) >92% - normal
b) <90% - low (increase in CO to maintain Oxygen delivery)
c) Physiotherapy can upset gas exchange and if desaturation occurs, treatment should be stopped.
3. Capnography:
a) Displays expired CO2 concentration as waveform (capnogram).
a) It provides a non-invasive assessment of adequacy of ventilation.
b) Values at end-exhalation indicate end-tidal CO2, which approximates alveolar PCO2.
4. Transcutaneous monitoring:
a) Oxygen and CO2 diffuse across skin and can be measured by a sensor on the skin.
b) In haemodynamically stable patients, values relate to respiratory status.
Tidal volume:
• If it is not continuously monitored and displayed, it can be measured by attaching a Wright spirometer
to the tracheal tube and taking average of 5 breaths.
Tissue oxygenation:
1. Mixed venous oxygenation:
a) Mixed venous blood in the pulmonary artery contains oxygen that is left after its journey and
reflects tissue perfusion and extraction level.
b) SvO2 is 65-75% and should be more than 10% below SaO2
c) A low value reflects:
i. Decreased oxygen delivery (suction anemia, low CO, hypoxemia, hemorrhage)
ii. Increased oxygen demand (suction exercise, fever, anxiety, labored breathing or pain.
2. Gastric tonometry:
a) It entails passing a saline filled balloon into the stomach and measuring the PCO2 that passes
across the membrane
b) Gastric mucosal pH can also be measured
c) Acidosis indicates hypoperfusion, which if not corrected may contribute to multisystem failure.
Cardiac Output:
1. Invasive measurement is by thermodilution a known quantity of cold saline solution is rapidly injected
into a channel of the pulmonary artery catheter. The temperature of blood when it reaches the
pulmonary artery indicates the speed with which solution has been warmed.
2. Non-invasively it can be assessed by transoesophageal doppler USG.
3. Reduced urine output is the simplest indicator of reduced CO.
Electrocardiography (ECG):
1. Disturbances such as hypoxia, physiotherapy, electrolyte imbalance, MI can cause disorders of HR.
Ventricular fibrillation:
1. Monitor: Shows HR, BP, SpO2, ECG
2. Silicon pulse oximeter probes
3. ICU bed: Can be adjusted by levels for positioning
of patients.
4. Defibrillator: Usually kept in the crash cart.
5. Central venous pressure manometer.
6. Suction unit
7. Rigid suction catheter
8. Suction catheters: There are different sizes.
9. Inline suction catheter: It is closed suction catheter. It is extremely good in case of infectious patients
or patients with septicaemia.
10. Urinary catheter: Fowley’s catheter
11. Catheter bag
12. Venflon: very commonly used. Also known as channel or venous catheter.
13. Infusion set
14. Infusion pump: Delivers medicines like dopamine, analgesia, insulin etc. It gives controlled doses of
medicine over a particular period of time.
15. Central venous catheter: A central line. It has 3 sites: Subclavian, internal jugular and femoral veins.
16. Central line: after insertion of the catheter.
17. Tongue depressors: David – Boyne tongue depressors.
1. Subjective assessment:
2. Charts
a) GCS score
b) Pain score
c) Sedation score
d) Temperature, BP, HR, RR, SpO2
e) CVS stable Y/N
f) ABGs
g) Fluid balance
h) Relevant medication
3. Ventilation
a) Self ventilating Y/N
b) Breathing pattern
c) NIV Y/N mode:
e) Tidal volume
f) Mode SIMV/ other
h) Patient triggering Y/N
Clinical assessment:
1. Appearance
2. Auscultation breath sounds added sounds
3. Abdominal distention
4. Percussion note
5. Other
I. Indications to treat
II. Precautions/reasons not to treat
1. Pressure area care:
– Pressure sores distress people, kill people and are avoidable
– Risk factors are malnutrition, obesity, steroids, diabetes, restricted movement.
– It can be prevented by frequent turning and judicious positioning, pressure reducing cushions,
keeping pressure area dry, turning without friction, using water or air beds.
– It can be treated by cryotherapy.
2. Positioning:
– It is the main PT treatment for intensive care patients.
– Postioning helps in increasing ventilation, increases FRC, enhances gas exchange.
– It improves secretion removal by postural drainage.
– Factors that modify positioning are head injury, abnormal muscle tone, pain, SCI, fractures,
pressure sores, unstable BP.
3. Breathing exercises:
– If patients are breathing spontaneously, teaching them deep breathing exercises, segmental
breathing exercises, coughing, huffing.
– Suggest spirometry for post-surgical ICU patients.
– In cases of cardiac or thoracic surgery, teach patient supported breathing exercises.
4. Manual hyperinflation:
– Is helpful in clearing excess secretions and also for improving ventilation.
5. Postural drainage:
– Positioning of patients in various ways to enhance secretion clearance by using gravity.
– The precautions and contra indications should be kept in mind.
6. Manual techniques:
– Percussion and vibration are very commonly indicated in the ICU.
– Monitors should be closely observed while giving manual techniques.
– They help in moving the secretions from terminal bronchioles to main airways.
– These are always followed by suctioning.
7. Suction:
– It is performed if patient is unable to clear secretions by other means, secretions are
accessible to the catheter (crackles in the upper airway), secretions are detrimental to patient.
– Patients who are on ventilator, semiconscious, weak or neurologically impaired may require
– It is contraindicated if there is stridor, unstable CVS, undrained pneumothorax, hemoptysis,
acute head or neck injury.
29 |Cardiorespiratory and General Physiotherapy – Viresh
– It aggravates bronchospasm n reduces SpO2 but they come back to normal in 2 mins.
– There may be difficulty in passing the catheter due to kinking of the tracheal tube, obstruction
by thick secretions or patient biting the tube.
– If secretions are mixed with blood, STOP.
– Saline instillation into lungs is sometimes done for mobilizing thick secretions. It helps
dislodge encrusted secretions.
– Saline is delivered distally by injecting it through suction catheter.
– After this perform a few MH breaths before suctioning.
8. Exercises:
– Activity required to maintain sensory input, comfort, joint mobility and healing ability
– Patients need active or passive exercises, including stretches.
– Precautions should be taken for patients who are paralysed, burns, fracture etc.
9. Mobilization:
– To prevent deconditioning, an attempt should be made to stand and walk all patients who are
not contraindicated.
– Sitting with legs dangling over edge of bed, using tilt-table, visit outside on wheel chair.
• Tetanus bacillus produces one of the most lethal poisons known.
• It is a common resident of superficial soil and enters the body through a wound. It infects any dead
tissue and spreads to the CNS.
• This leads to muscle rigidity, autonomic instability, and sometimes convulsions.
Clinical presentation
1.Patient experiences pain
3.Inability to open their mouth (lock jaw)
General assessment as mentioned earlier.
Muscle strength
Chest mobility
Regular assessment for pressure sores, tone and deformity should be done.
• Medical:
1. Intubation in case of spasm of larynx
2. IPPV for spasm of diaphragm
3. Sedation is sometimes needed
4. Muscle relaxants
• Physiotherapy:
1. Positioning
2. Passive and active stretching
3. Breathing exercises
4. Ankle-toe pumps
• Recovery occurs over 6 weeks but residual stiffness is common.
➢ It includes- COPD and Asthma
➢ Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease:
• It is the common disease entity of chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
• It is a slowly progressive disease and most airways obstruction is fixed.
• It is caused by smoking, occupation related, childhood respiratory illness and in utero exposure to
smoking or malnutrition.
➢ Pathophysiology:
• Chronic bronchitis is a disease of airways, characterized by excess mucus secretion and productive
• There is inflammation of the airways leading to fibrotic changes and wheezing.
32 |Cardiorespiratory and General Physiotherapy – Viresh
• Emphysema shares the same aetiology but is the disease of alveoli and smallest airways. It is caused
by damage to alveoli.
• There is loss of elastic tissue of the alveoli and the floppy walls collapse.
➢ Clinical features:
• Manifested as pink puffer or blue bloater
• Pink puffer is breathless, work of breathing is more, weight loss, labored breathing, soft tissue
• Blue bloater is less breathless, suffers from nocturnal hypoxemia, edematous.
• Barrel chest
• Forced expiration with purse lip breathing
• Cyanotic appearance
Medical Management:
• Oxygen therapy
• Bronchodilators like thiophylline
• Steroids for exacerbation
• Inhalers and nebulizers
• Hypnotic drug like zolpidem in case of disturbed sleep
• Surgery to remove giant bullae or lung volume reduction.
• For exacerbation PT is required to clear to secretions and reduce WOB
• Daily standing and walking are required unless contraindicated
• Bed exercises should be demonstrated
• Restoration and maintenance of exercise tolerance and basic self management.
• Pulmonary rehabilitation
➢ End stage:
➢ Invasive treatment is given
➢ Recognition of patient’s needs is done by physiotherapist for better palliation.
• More common, more serious, more manageable than thought.
• It is a chronic inflammatory condition of the airways, characterized by undue responsiveness to
stimuli that are normally innocuous i.e. hyper reactivity.
• Predisposing factors include poverty, smoking, in utero allergen sensitization.
➢ Patho physiology:
• It takes place in 2 phases:
• Sensitization phase in which there is exposure to allergens in fetal or early life.
• Hyperreactive phase in which there is continued exposure to allergens causing inflammation which
damages surface epithelial layer.
➢ Clinical features:
• Intermittent dry cough
• Wheezing
• Increased WOB
Severe risk indicators:
• Pallor or sweating
• Decreased response to bronchodilator.
• Decreased respiratory effort
• Loss of wheeze and silent chest on auscultation
• Cyanosis or altered consciousness
➢ Medical management:
• Mechanical ventilation
• Heliox for bronchospasm
• It occurs acutely in response to hypotension, hypoxia or multisystem falilure.
• It is suspected if UOP drops or urea creatinine levels rise.
• Treatment can be by continuous hemo filtration, intermittent hemo dialysis(access by AV fistula),
peritoneal dialysis.
• PT should be at end of emptying cycle to ensure diaphragmatic movement.
• Respect the renal vascular catheter as disconnection leads to major blood loss.
• Guillian-Barré syndrome
• Acute quadriplegia
• Acute head injury
• Myasthenia gravis
• Botulism
• Tetanus
• Critical illness neuropathy
Physiotherapy management:
• GBS:
– Mainly prophylactic to prevent contractures
– Spinal movements
– Tilt table
– Hydrotherapy
• Ac. Quadriplegia:
– 3rd to 5th day- position change, percussion and assissted coughing.
– Positioning of limbs and ROM
– Mobilization and weight bearing
• Myasthenia gravis:
– ICU is needed after thymectomy, during crisis, in case of bulbar weakness.
• It is the primary cause of fire-related deaths.
• Heat from inhaled smoke is filtered by the upper airways causing bronchospasm, mucosal swelling,
pulmonary edema, paralysis of cilia. The surfactant is destroyed and lung tissue is burnt.
• Upper airway obstruction is most treatable respiratory complication but if intubation is delayed,
asphyxia may occur from face n neck edema.
• 2nd ry damage is from the inflammatory response to injured tissue, CO inhalation and infection of
denuded airways.
• Pain management
• Fluid administration
• Humidified oxygen at 100%
• Respiratory PT to maintain lung volume and clear thick secretion.
• Treatment should be little and often
• Percussion and vibration should be avoided. Vibrator may be used if very necessary.
• If suction is needed, it should be very gentle minimal and aseptic.
• In case of edema around head or neck, postural drainage is contraindicated.
• If hoarseness, voice change or stridor develops, nasopharyngeal suction is contraindicated.
• Two – hourly exercises are required for burned limbs esp. hands using some analgesia.
• Complications of poisoning include arrhythmias due to toxin or metabolic upset, fluid depletion due
to vomiting.
• Respiratory compromise due to ventilatory depletion, upper airways obstruction or pulmonary
• If gastric lavage is attempted, it can cause aspiration, distress and laryngeal spasm.
• These patients are at the extremes of depression or desperation.
• The professional approach is to withhold personal judgement and care for the patients in such a way
that s/he believes life to be worth living.
• The care they receive in the first few hours can have a profound impact on their grief.
• Aspiration is common in NMD because of dysphagia and poor gag reflex.
• It is suspected in patients with lower lobe pneumonia, spiking temperature, feeding that is associated
with coughing or crackles.
• It can cause bronchospasm, bronchitis, pneumonia and abscess.
• Prevention is by:
– Head and chest elevation
– Upright sitting while eating
– Avoid feeding when patient is tired
– Avoidance of straws for drinking
– Avoidance of distraction while eating
• It is defined as submersion followed by survival for 24hrs, then deterioration.
• Death can occur from pulmonary complications, esp. in case of wet drowning, which leads to
pulmonary edema, inactivation of surfactant, bronchospasm, cerebral edema.
• If water is swallowed, there is vomiting leading to further aspiration.
• Frequent PT to clear the airways may be needed for at least 48 hrs to prevent atelectasis.
• Dry drowning is caused by laryngospasm in a panicking victim, leading to apnea and hypoxia.
• Hypothermia (core temperature <35ºC) occurs
• Resuscitation attempts should be prolonged and nobody should be considered dead until warm and
• Patients are given warmed humidified oxygen, warmed IV fluids, warm blankets.
Cardiac Arrest:
• It is the sudden cessation of heart function. It is the commonest mechanism of old-fashioned process
but death. It is followed within seconds by loss of consciousness and then by loss of respiration.
• Anticipation:
– Before starting work in any new ward or unit, first task is to locate the crash trolley.
– The medical history will provide evidence of risky conditions such as IHD, severe respiratory
disease, drug overdose, arrhythmias or shock.
• Recognition:
– Warning signs are change in breathing, color, facial expression or mental function.
– Hypoventilation with altered consciousness is an ominous combination.
– Patient’s color may be pale ashen or blue.
– No carotid pulse can be felt
– Respiration is gasping then stops
– ECG shows ventricular fibrillation, tachycardia etc.
• Action:
– Time between collapse and initiation of resuscitation is critical and false alarm is better than a
dead patient.
– If suspicions are due to change in consciousness and color, feel the pulse.
– Call out to patient and if found unresponsive follow the following:
– Summon help by pressing crash button and by bellowing Cardiac arrest. If no one is available
and a telephone is nearby call crash team.
– Position patient supine, remove all pillows.
Respiratory Arrest:
• Anticipation:
• Anticipation:
– History of epilepsy
– Head injury, alcohol intoxication, fever in children.
• Recognition:
– It varies from transient loss of consciousness to major muscle activity, followed by
• Action:
– Patients subject to frequent seizures should have bed kept low, side rails up and padded and
oxygen and suction available.
– If advance warning is there, insert airway. Don’t attempt it once seizure is underway.
– Protect patient’s head and body from injury. Loosen tight clothing, esp. around neck. Don’t
use restrains or hold patient down. Keep in side lying if possible.
– Afterwards ensure patient is in recovery position. Reassure him/her as consciousness returns
• Anticipation:
– Uncontrolled bleeding can follow surgery, arterial line disconnection or trauma.
• Recognition:
– External bleeding is not easily missed.
– Internal bleeding is suspected if there is severe hypovolemia.
– Bleeding in closed space causes extreme pain.
• Action:
– Position patient supine.
– Apply pressure to bleeding point if accessible.
– Elevate affected part if possible.
– Request assistance.
– Explain patient what is being done.
• Anticipation:
– Predisposing factors are lung cancer, bronchiectasis, abscess or TB.
• Action:
– Patient should be positioned head down and laid on the affected side to prevent aspiration
into healthy lung.
Arterial Assessment:
Purpose: To determine adequate tissue perfusion
Guide lines
1. Compare upper & lower
2. Compare bilaterally
3. Compare distal & proximal
4. Supine (vs) dependent changes.
Major areas of assessment
1. Circulation – pulse means perfusion
2. Motion – muscles need oxygen
3. Sensation – pain, burning, proprioception, numbness
Check pulse points: Carotid, Radial, Femoral, Dorsalis pedis, Posterior tibial & Capillary refill.
Femoral Bruits
Ankle Brachial Index (ABI)
= Systolic BP in ankle
Systolic BP in brachial artery
Buerger’s Test
Elevate the leg to 45° - and look for pallor
Place the leg in a dependent position 90°& look for a red flushed foot before returning to normal
Pallor at <20° = severe PAD.
Differential diagnosis of Leg Pain:
1. Vascular
a) DVT (as for risk factors)
b) PVD (claudication)
2. Neurospinal
a) Disc Disease
b) Spinal Stenosis (Pseudoclaudication)
3. Neuropathic
a) Diabetes
b) Chronic EtOH abuse
4. Musculoskeletal
a) OA (variation with weather + time of day)
b) Chronic compartment syndrome
Medical Management:
Thrombolytic therapy: Used to dissolve clots: Retavase, streptokinase
Surgical Management
1. Grafting – Bypass surgery
2. Endarterectomy – Removal of atherosclerotic plaque
3. Aorto/femoral/tibial bypass
Treatment of PVD:
Severe lower extremity PVD is treated initially with cardiovascular disease risk factor modification:
➢ Exercise training
Research has shown that regular exercise is the most consistently effective treatment
for PVD.
Patients who have taken part in a regular exercise program for at least 3 months have
seen substantial increases in the distances they are able to walk without experiencing
painful symptoms.
Exercise Prescription:
Training Intensity
➢ Initial
Set by result of peak treadmill.
1. Improve peripheral arterial circulation with exercise.
Regular exercise such as walking increases circulation.
2. Prevent vascular compression.
Avoid restrictive clothing, crossing legs, sitting for prolonged periods.
3. Relieve pain.
Consider analgesics so patient can participate in activities
4. Maintain tissue integrity
• Avoid trauma, wear correct shoe gear (no bare feet!)
• Test water temp with hand not foot!
• Regular podiatry care
Vasospastic disorders:
1. Blood vessels (fingers & toes) go into spasm
2. Extreme sensitivity to temp changes (especially cold)
3. More common female > male
4. Color changes are red/white/blue.
1. Raynaud’s disease = when symptoms are the only presenting factor
2. Raynaud’s phenomenon = when symptoms are secondary to another condition
Ex: RA, scleroderma, lupus, carpal tunnel syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome
1. Protect from cold exposure
2. Avoid excessive emotional stress
3. Do not use vibrating tools.
It is a localized abnormal dilation of a blood vessel.
Monitor patient postop
Assess circulation
Elevate legs and perform active ROM
Teach: avoidance of venous stasis, compression stockings, exercise, leg elevation.
Lymphatic System – works with circulatory system
a) Thoracic duct
b) Right lymphatic duct.
Drainage: Thoracic drains abdomen (r) drains head, neck & thorax
Pain at site of injury
Redness of skin
Fever and chills
Red streak on skin extending toward the lymph nodes
Lymph nodes enlarged
WBC, Blood & Wound cultures
Lymphangiography - IV dye, X – Rays.
Moist heat
Elevation and immobilization of the extremity
Elastic stockings
Na restriction
Antibiotics/antifungals for infection
• AHA:
Cardiac rehabilitation is a comprehensive
exercise, education and behavioral modification
program designed to improve the physical and
emotional condition of patients with heart disease.
It is a process by which persons with
cardiovascular disease and their family system are
restored to and maintained at their optimal
physiological, psychological, social, vocational
and emotional status.
• WHO:
The sum of activities required to influence
favourably the underlying cause of the disease, as
well as the best possible physical, mental and
social conditions so that they may, by their own
efforts preserve or resume when lost, as normal a
place as possible in the community. (WHO 1993)
Effects of Exercise:
• On aerobic capacity
• On cardiac output
• On heart rate
• On stroke volume
• On myocardial oxygen consumption
Aerobic capacity O2
• Used to measure the work capacity of an individual.
• Represented by the maximum of O2 consumption (VO2max), expressed in
mm of O2 consumed/kg body wt/min
Cardiac Output
• Cardiac output increases with work
• In early exercise, CO increases due to augmented SV via the Frank Starling
mechanism. CO
• In late exercise, CO is increased primarily through an increase in ventricular
VO2 max
Heart Rate: Age determined max
Stroke Volume SV
• SV represents the quantity of blood pumped with each heartbeat.
• A major determinant of SV is the diastolic filling volume, which is inversely
related to the heart rate.
VO2 max
• The Anginal Threshold is defined as the point where the myocardial O2 MVO2
demand exceeds the ability of the coronary circulation to meet that demand.
• It has been shown that the HR and SBP correlate well with the actual MVO2
and can be used as clinical guide. VO2 max
• The usual measure is the rate pressure product (RPP), which is calculated:
• Refers to an exercise program that involves dynamic exercise with large muscle group and of a
sufficient intensity, duration and frequency to alter the cardiopulmonary response to exercise.
Principles of Aerobic Training:
• Intensity
• Duration
• Frequency
• Specificity
Prescribed as % of functional capacity revealed on ETT, within a range of 40% to 85% depending
upon the initial level of fitness.
Heart Rate:
• HRmax = 220-age
• The Karvonen method:
Maximal HRR= HRmax – HRrest
• Metabolic Equivalent:
• The amount of O2 the body consumes is directly proportional to the energy expend during
physical activity.
• At rest, body uses approximately 3.5ml of O2/kg of body wt/min. this resting metaboolic rate
is referred to as 1.0 MET.
• Duration of each cycle in the typical aerobic training program is 20 to 30 minutes.
• A warm-up and cool-down period should be included.
• Exercise 3 days/ week.
• Programs involving exercise at lower intensities should be performed at least 5days/ week.
• Cardiac Output:
– CO ay maximal exercise increases, the resting and
submaximal CO remains same. Post training
CO Pre training
• Stroke Volume:
– Is higher at rest, submaximal work and maximal work after aerobic training.
– This increase is due to a combination of increased blood volume and prolonged diastolic
filling time
Post training
SV Pre training
a) Complete bed rest
b) Independent morning care; wash hands, face, brush teeth with arms supported
c) Feed self, with arms supported
d) Complete bed bath
e) Bedside commode
a) Complete bed bath
b) Teaching materials given to patient
c) Bedside commode
d) Up in chair, at bedside with feet elevated, 20 to 30 minute twice a day
e) Flat, sitting, and standing BP and apical pulse before moving to the chair on first day
f) Monitored self care evaluation
a) In bed, patient bathes
b) Walk to bathroom with help. Flat, sitting, and standing BP and pulse before ambulation on
first day
c) Walk to chair and sit for 30 to 60 minutes three times a day
• The patient has stabilized and requires ECG monitoring only if signs and symptoms necessitate.
• Duration: 6 weeks to 12 weeks
• Begins with symptom limited ETT.
• Result of this test are used to determine a target HR for exercise training
• Improve and maintain physical fitness
• Provide professional supervision for exercise
• Continue with educational and behavioral program
Exercise Testing:
• An important tool in cardiac rehabilitation for the development of the exercise prescription, risk
stratification and determination of the level of monitoring required during the exercise program.
Types of training:
• Steady State Training:
– Is a sustained activity, where workload and HR are maintained at a constant sub-maximal
– Jogging, walking, stepping and cycling.
• Interval Training:
– The exercise is followed by a rest interval.
– Is perceived to be less demanding than continuous
– High-intensity work can be achieved as there is appropriate spacing of work-relief intervals.
• Circuit Training:
– Employs a series of exercise activities. At the end of the last activity, the individual starts
from the beginning and again moves through the series.
– Improves strength and endurance by stressing both the aerobic and anaerobic systems.
• Circuit Interval Training:
– Involves a number of vigorous exercises that are often strength training in nature.
– Involves short duration bursts of activity interspersed with either rest periods, or activity of a
less intensive workload.
56 |Cardiorespiratory and General Physiotherapy – Viresh
– Individualization can be achieved:
• Changing the duration at each station;
• Changing the length of rest periods between each station;
• Altering the amount of resistance employed;
• Altering the speed and range of movements.
– When CR classes use circuit training, patients work between cardiovascular (CV) stations
and active recovery (AR) stations.
Exercise Program:
• Frequency: 3-4 times/week
• Intensity: 60-70% maximal HR; 12-13 RPE; 40-60% of VO2 max
• Time: 20-60 minutes; inclusive of warm up and cool down
• Type: aerobic/endurance training
• Warm-up period:
– To increase in muscle temperature
– Increase need for oxygen
– Dilation of previously constricted capillaries with increase in circulation.
– Decreases susceptibility of the musculoskeletal system to injury by increasing flexibility.
• Cool-down period:
– Prevent pooling of the blood in the extremities by continuing to use muscles to maintain
venous return.
– Enhance recovery period with the oxidation of metabolic waste and replacement of the
energy stores
• Continued improvement and maintenance of fitness.
• Minimal or unsupervised exercise program
• Self-exercise
• Long term behavioral modifications
Exercise program:
• Frequency: one session/day; 3-4 days/week
• Intensity: 60-80% of VO2; 70-85% of HRR; RPE 12-15
• Time: desired 30-60 minutes continuous workout
• Type: dancing, hill walking, resistance exercise.
General Exercises:
- Treadmill
- Stepper
- Wall push up’s
- Weight cuffs
- Squatting (with gym ball to the wall)
- Tera band exercises.
Encourage spirometry
Active exercises
Maintenance is by exercises.
Cardiac Surgery:
Operations usually requiring the bypass machine are:
1. Valve repairs or replacements.
2. Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)
3. Grafting or repair of coarctation of the aorta.
4. Closure of atrial or ventricular septal defects.
5. Heart transplant.
These are median sternotomy (or sternal split), lateral thoracotomy and sub-mammary.
Median Sternotomy
This is commonly used incision for heart operations and includes division of the sternum. No muscle fibres
are cut but the sternal attachment of the pectoralis major cab be impaired. The commonest postural fault with
this incision is shoulder girdle protraction.
Lateral thoracotomy
This incision goes through am intercostal space on one side of the thorax – for heart operations the level is
usually left fourth of fifth intercostal space. The muscles cut and postural fault is associated with it. A left
thoracotomy is usual, a right thoracotomy may be used for some heart operations.
Sub – mammary incision
This is an incision through the fourth intercostal space with the sternum divided transversely. The muscles cut
are the intercostal and pectoralis major. It is not very commonly used.
1. Respiratory:
a) Infection of lung tissue.
b) Consolidation or collapse of whole or part of a lung.
c) Pneumothorax
d) Hemothorax
2. Cardiovascular
a) Deep vein thrombosis, with resultant danger of pulmonary embolus
b) Cardiac arrest
c) Tamponade – collection of blood in the pericardial cavity which compresses the heart, reducing its
capacity to fill with blood during diastole and leading to cardiac arrest.
d) Cardiac arrhythmias
e) Emboli from diseases valve may break off lodge in a cerebral vessel and cause a stroke.
3. Wound
a) Infected
b) Unhealed
c) Adherent
- Adaptation to which body adapts to altitude is “Acclamatation”. (Due to the variation in height).
- Up to 2300 metre extend above sea level, physiological changes happens and it takes at least 2 to 3
weeks for the body to get acclimatized.
- Above 2300 m, for every 610 metre 1 more week time is required for acclimatization.
1. Circuit training
All activities can be performed in a cyclic manner. Squats, push-ups, pull-ups at a time one after the other.
2. Plyometrics
- It is a sudden stretching of muscle and followed by an immediate contraction without a pause.
Ex: Squat and jump up on a step; Skipping with high intensity, Hanging with high intensity
- Any sport activity which induced more power, we use plyometrics.
- Restricted for elderly men, pregnant and elderly women.
3. Calisthenics
- Rhythmic exercises done for large group of muscles without much use of equipments.
- Flexibility, endurance and strength cab be improved. Body weight acts as resistance. Jumping, kicking,
twisting body, swimming. It should be performed rhythmically.
- It is for young adults, not for elderly men or women.
Precautions Taken for Training Exercises
- No overdose; Not involved if any recent injury, no heavy weights.
- Vital signs should be monitored regularly (in the initial stage), Medicines they are taking.
- Food they take (exercises before food); No much gap between exercise and the time of food taken.
- Time of meal should be appropriate, time of exercises also matters; Time the person did exercises
(duration) should be noted down.
- Do proper warm up; should be well hydrated. Proper foot wear (well-fitting shoe), proper clothing.
- Don’t induce injection of insulin in the muscle you usually use; gel filled or silicone insoles can be used
to avoid force of friction.
- Maintenance exercises should be done (minimum exercises) – “Maintenance Principle”
Cause: Stress increased, obesity, heart disease.
Normal BP = 120/80 mmHg
Hypertension > 140/90 mmHg
After activity, checking up – always high.
Do work or not in some people → always high
Advice: Regularly BP monitoring is advised; Constant same elevated then Hypertension then medication.
Risk factors: Salt, oily food, pickles, pappad, dry fish (Avoid all these).
Type A personality: People with always stress, excited, anxiety, tensed. (More chances of hypertension).
Type B personality: Cool person; Diet and avoid stress.
*If diastolic pressure is more, it is due to left ventricular hypertrophy, left atrium hypertrophy, cardiac
failure (Hypertension can lead to).
*Systolic pressure: can be due to people who have got stiffness of the artery of the walls.
- It can be due to vascular problems.
- Diabetic patients have high systolic pressure
- It can lead to stroke, heart disease and also chronic renal disease.
- Increase alcohol, increase cigarette smoking are the factors that lead to hypertension.
*Anti-hypertensive drugs
- Relaxation techniques: Jacob’s relaxation technique, Mitchell relaxation techniques.
- Yoga and medication
- Listening to melodious music or music therapy.
EXERCISES: Can be done on regular basis
Help in reducing BP;
Statistics done says that immediately after exercise BP increases.
But during rest, it gradually drops down to 10 to 20 mmHg
Don’t check BP immediately after the activity
1. Early morning walk and music → Mood changes: Hormonal activity increases
2. Aerobic Exercises: If BP goes up → monitoring
a. Warm up → Mild stretching, walking
Group therapy is much helpful; Stress becomes reduced.
Pre – cautions:
- Symptoms like sweating, too much of breathlessness.
- Medications for BP regularly
- Check vital signs
- Isometric exercises: Systolic and diastolic pressure increases so it should be avoided or people with
Cardiac patients and Hypertension.
- Too much strenuous activity must be avoided.
- If checked, BP – Systolic pressure should not go more than 200 mmHg; Diastolic pressure not more than
105 mmHg.
- Patients who are b-blockers and diuretics, they will have thermoregulatory problems.
- They become more hypoglycemic
- Note for other symptoms like sweating, chest pain, pain in the jaw, giddiness.
- Proper foot wear and clothing is must.
- They should be proper and good, no uneven surface, inclined surface also should be avoided.
Cause: impairment of b-cells of Langerhans of liver, Life style: food items, Stress, lack of physical activity,
Obesity, infections, hereditary from parents. *(Insulin – maintain glucose levels and transport it to cells).
i) IDDM (Type 1)
Insulin non – secreted (insufficiency), insulin taken before food
ii) NIDDM (Type 2)
Insulin present but body gets resisted (very common).
Symptoms: Frequent urination, fatigue, hungry, abnormal odor in urine, late wound healing.
A) Type 1:
- It can result to Hypoglycemic or Hyperglycemic.
- Check person time of meal, check the blood glucose level and medications.
- If blood glucose level is high, inject insulin better exercise session.
- If blood glucose level is less, give food and inject insulin and then perform exercise.
• If a person is on fast, the amino acids and fats are utilized.
• It gets converted into fatty acids and triglycerides.
• Even ketones accumulation increases because of this person goes to giddiness;
• If not checked properly, he may go to coma or even death.
B) Type 2:
- Insulin is secreted by resisted, blood glucose increases
- Walking (exercise) increases sensitivity of insulin.
- Insulin is supplied in much in amount
- During exercises the glucose is utilized from the blood
- Minimum of 30 minutes: 5 days a week
a) Warm up: 5 – 10 minutes: Mild jumps/stretching
b) Aerobics (Best): 30 minutes minimum and maximum depends on capacity of individual.
It is 70 – 90% THR; RPE Scale: minimum of 7 – 8 RPE or 9 – 10 RPE maximum depending on glucose
Strengthening exercises: Depends on person’s interest and involvement
- 2 – 3 days/week depending on RM
- 50% of 1 RM (starting) and increase slowly
- 8 – 10 repetitions with 3 sets of exercises.
Stretching Exercises: not much helpful
Recreational Activities
Cool Down
*Hypoglycemic: Risk factors: It happens in NIDDM
Pre – Cautions (in general):
- Proper meals should be taken.
- Note few things:
a) The previous time of meal
b) Check the level of blood glucose/sugar (Whether normal/high/low).
- If Hypoglycemic, no exercises: Give something to eat (Like sweets, snacks).
- Avoid injuries and open wounds
- Proper foot wear is a must
- Surface should be done is an even or proper surface
- Clothing should be comfortable.
- History of what medications and its side effects.
Stretching exercises
Recreational activities
Cool down.
Common Operations:
• Gastrectomy
• Cholecystectomy
• Appendectomy
• Colectomy
• Colostomy
• Ileostomy
• Herniotomy/ Herniorrhaphy/ plasty
• Nephrectomy
• Prostatectomy
• Cystectomy
• Mastectomy
• Hysterectomy
Pre – operative assessment
- Read the notes
- Assess the respiratory function
- Check for circulatory problems
- Detailed history of the patient
Respiratory Assessment
- Symmetry
- Rate
- Depth
Palliative physiotherapy is found in: -
• Specific palliative care wards
• Nursing homes
• General wards
• Oncology wards
• Community rehabilitation (homes)
Objectives of treatment:
• To be as free as possible from unnecessary suffering (physical, emotional or spiritual);
• To maintain patient’s dignity and independence throughout the experience;
• To be cared for in the environment of choice;
• To have patient’s grief needs recognised and responded to;
• To be assured that family’s needs are also being met.
• Physiotherapy in palliative care is orientated to achieve the optimum quality of life as perceived by
the patient.
• Holistic & problem-solving approach to therapy
• Achieve maximum physical, psychological, social, vocational function
• Adapt traditional therapy to the patient’s changing function
• More beneficial if begins with diagnosis of cancer and continues as required through the various
stages - Preventative, Restorative, Supportive, Palliative
• Aims at restricting or inhibiting the development of disability in the course of the disease or
treatment before disability occurs
80 |Cardiorespiratory and General Physiotherapy – Viresh
• Education for patient and families commencing immediately after diagnosis
• Mobility and exercise programs.
• Availability of therapist as a resource for patients and families
• Rehabilitation is the objective when no or little residual disability is anticipated for some time and
patients are expected to return to normal living styles
• Encouragement, education and treatment in achieving physical, work and lifestyle goals
• Specific treatments as required
• Enhance independent functioning when residual cancer is present and progressive disability is
• Encouragement, education and treatment in achieving physical, work and lifestyle goals
• Availability of therapist as a resource
• Primarily directed at promoting maximum comfort
• Maintaining the highest level of function possible in the face of disease progression and impending
In Brief
• Prevent muscle shortening
• Prevent joint contractures
• Influence pain control
• Optimise independence and function
• Education and participation of the carer
Goals of Physiotherapy
• Determine the patient’s functional loss
• Estimate functional potential
• Implement a plan to progress from measured loss to full potential
• To improve quality of life
• To listen ‘actively and positively’ with an awareness of priorities as determined by the patient
• Achieve the best possible quality of life for patients and their families
• Availability as a resource for patient and families
Aims of Physiotherapy
1. Assess and optimise the patient’s level of physical function.
Take into consideration the interplay between the physical, psychological, social and vocational aspects of
Understand the patients underlying emotional, pathological and psychological condition.
Focus is the physical and functional consequences of the disease and/or its treatment, on the patient.
Antenatal Care:
• It is a planned examination and observation for the woman from conception till the birth.
• Antenatal care refers to the care that is given to an expected mother from time of conception is
confirmed until the beginning of labor
• Welcome the woman, and ensure a quiet place where she can express concerns and anxiety without
being overheard by other people.
• Personal and social history:
This include: woman’s name, age, occupation, address, and phone number. marital status, duration of
marriage, Religion, Nationality and language, Housing and finance
Menstrual history:
A compete menstrual history is important to establish the estimated date of delivery. It includes:
- Last menstrual period (LMP).
- Age of menarche.
- Regularity and frequency of menstrual cycle.
- Contraception method.
- Any previous treatment of menstrual
- Expected date of delivery (EDD) is calculated as followed:
1st day of LMP −3 months +7 days, and change the year.
Example: Calculate EDD if LMP was august 30, 2007 = June 6, 2008.
Observe the neck for enlarged thyroid gland and scars of previous operations.
* Observe complexion for presence of blotches.
* Ensure that the general manner of the woman indicates vigor and vitality.
* An anemic, depressed, tired or ill woman is lethargic, not interested in her appearance, and unenthusiastic
about the interview.
* Lack of energy is a temporary state in early pregnancy, a woman often feels exhausted and debilitated.
* Discuss the woman's sleeping patterns and minor disorders and give advice as necessary.
* Report any signs of ill health.
▪ The size of the abdomen is inspected for:
- the height of the fundus, which determines the period of the gestation.
- multiple pregnancy.
12 weeks: The uterus fills the pelvis so that the fundus of the uterus is palpable at the symphysis pubis.
16 weeks: The uterus is midway between the symphysis pubis and the umbilicus.
20 weeks: It reaches the umbilicus
• Fourth maneuver: To determine fetal attitude or the greatest prominence of the fetal head over the
pelvic brim
• If the cephalic prominence is felt on the same side as the small parts, it is usually the sinciput (fetus'
forehead), and the fetus will be in vertex or flexed position. If the cephalic prominence is felt on the
same side as the back, it is the occiput (or crown), and the fetus will be vertex or slightly extended
• If the cephalic prominence is felt equally on both sides, the fetus' head may be in a military position
(common in posterior position). Then move the hands toward the pelvic brim. If the hands converge
(come together) around the presenting part, it is floating. If the hands diverge (stay/move apart), the
presenting part is either dipping or engaged in the pelvis.
Test Purpose
Blood group To determine blood type.
Hgb & Hct To detect anemia.
(RPR) rapid plasma reagin To screen for syphilis
Rubella To determine immunity
Urine analysis To detect infection or renal disease. protein, glucose, and ketones
Papanicolaou (pap) test To screen for cervical cancer
Chlamydia To detect sexual transmitted disease.
Glucose To screen for gestational diabetes.
Stool analysis for ova and parasites
* Venereal disease tests To screen for syphilis
should be performed (VDRL)
Hepitits Bserface antigine To detect carrier status or active disease
health education:
• Follow up:
• Advice the mother to follow up according to the schedule of antenatal care that mentioned before,
advise the mother to follow up immediately if any danger sings appears, describe the important of
follow up to the mother.
• Causes:
- progesterone hormone relaxes the cardiac sphincter of the stomach and allows reflex or bubbling back of
gastric contents into the esophagus.
- the pressure of the growing uterus on the stomach from about 30-40 weeks.
• Management:
- avoid lying flat.
- sleeping with more pillows and lying on the right side.
- small frequent meals.
- take antacids.
- taking baking soda in a glass of water is contraindicated because of the possibility of retention of sodium
and subsequent edema
Avoid fried, spicy, and fatty food
Avoid citrus juices
• Cause:
Backache may be due to muscular fatigue and strain that accompany poor body balance.
• It may be due to increased lordosis during pregnancy in an effort to balance the body.
• •The pregnancy hormones sometimes soften the ligaments to such a degree that some support is
• Management:
- exercise.
- sit with knee slightly higher than the hips.
-The pregnant woman is reassured that once birth has occurred, the ligaments will return to their pre-
pregnant strength.
• Causes:
- progesterone relaxes the smooth muscles of the veins and result in sluggish circulation. The valves of the
dilated veins become inefficient & varicose veins result.
- weight of the uterus partially compressed the veins returning blood from the legs.
• Management:
- lying flat on the bed with the feet elevated.
- moving the legs about is better than standing still.
• Causes:
- intestinal motility decreased during pregnancy as a result of progesterone.
- iron supplementation.
• Management:
- the food should have amount of fruit & green vegetables which contain fibers.
- drinking a lot of water.
- exercise & walking.
- laxatives could prescribed by physician.
Mechanical changes.
a. COG shifts upwards & forwards.
b. posture – shoulder girdle becomes rounded, scapular protraction, upper limb internal rotation,
increase in cervical lordosis, knee hyperextension, increase in lumber lordosis.
c. balance – pt. walks with wider BOS.
Exercises in Pregnancy
1. Prenatal exercises
2. Preparation for labour
3. Postnatal exercises
Strengthening Exercise:
1. Corrective ex. for diastesis recti
• Head lift
• Head lift with pelvic tilt.
2. Trunk curls
3. Leg sliding
Maintain pelvic tilt as the feet slide along the floor away from the body
• These exercises are progression for developing dynamic control of the pelvis &LL.
• These may be performed throughout the pregnancy & postpartum period.
• caution – the women to maintain a relaxed breathing pattern & exhale during the exertion phase of
each ex.
• Alternate hip & knee extension with one leg stationary on a mat.
• Progression is alternate hip & knee extension &flexion with both LL moving.
1. It is helpful in prolong 1st stage of labour or when
the fetus is in the occipito post. Position.
2. Back pain experienced in lumbosacral region.
3. Stationary kneading is applied slowly & deeply to
the painful area.
4. Effleurage from sacrococcygeal area up & over the
iliac creast
5. Longitudinal stocking from occiput to coccyx.
6. Kneading with clenched fist directly over the SI
joint for severe pain.
1. Initial postnatal exercises.
Breathing Ex. Deep breathing for circulatory & relaxing effect
Leg exercise Foot ankle leg exercise
Abdominal exercise In crook line position combined with expiration
Pelvic tilting exercise Crook lying position, Tilt- Relax-Tilt – Relax Exercise
b. Language:
Words and images are chosen which are easily understand ask the patient to:
- Stopping/passing urine
- Stopping/passing/breaking wind
- Blowing off/parking
- Stopping diarrhea/shit/poo
- Trying to stop from leaking/wetting your pants
- Gripping to stop with a tampon falling out
- Gripping your partners penis
a. Perineometer: - Kegel device is a pneumatic device which helps to measure the pressure inside the vagina
and to motivate the women to practice pelvic floor exercises - A compressible air-filled rubber cuff was
inserted into the vagina which is connected to a manometer by a rubber tubing - Ask the women to contract
her pelvic floor several times and note the highest reading in the dial. Also, note the length of time for which
she could hold her contractions. - It is useful as biofeedback and for motivation - Take care that intraabdominal
pressure is not measured rather than pelvic floor
b. Foley’s catheter/Tampon: - An air-filled catheter is inserted into the vagina and the patient is asked to
contract and hold the catheter against the traction given by the therapist
c. Vaginal cones:
- It consists of 5-9 small cones or cylinders ranging from 10 gm to 100 gm
- They are made up of lead coated with plastic and a nylon string is attached at one of the tapered ends
- It is a size of a tampon
- The lightest cone is inserted first and ask the patient to hold and walk for 15 min
- Once the cone is retained for 15 min without slipping progression is made to the next cone
- This helps to activate the motor units to support the cones and to increase woman’s awareness of her ability
to contract the pelvic floor muscles voluntarily.
e. Low frequency muscle stimulation - Faradism (surged) is used in re-education of pelvic floor muscles -
Levator ani muscles can be contracted using vaginal or anal electrode - Pulse width: 0.1 – 7 m/s - Frequency:
0.5 – 40 Hz.
f. Pelvic tilting exercises:
- Pelvic rolling
- Pelvic rocking with circular motion
- Postural correction by pelvic tilting in standing
Definition: It is defined as the herniation or descent of the uterus through the vaginal wall through the
introitus. It may be associated with prolapse of other pelvic organs like:
- Prolapse of the bladder through the upper part of anterior vaginal wall called as cystocele
- Prolapse of the urethra through the lower part of anterior vaginal wall called urethrocele.
- Prolapse of Pouch of Douglas (POD) through the upper part of posterior vaginal wall is enterocele
- Herniation of the rectum through the posterior vaginal wall is called as rectocele
Physiotherapy Management:
A. For 1st and 2nd degree prolapse:
1. Pelvic floor exercises:
- It can be done in any position and at any time
- Pubococcygeal lift is easier to activate and more effective
- Contraction and relaxation of pelvic floor muscles
- Hold and relax techniques
- During these exercises do not hold the abdominal, gluteus or hip adductor muscles.
- Perineometer can be used as a means of visual feedback
- Vaginal cones for strengthening of pelvic floor muscles
5. Other methods: - Bladder retraining - Urethral plug device - Ring pessary - Enuresis alarms
Means of treatment:
i. To relieve pain, edema and promote healing: - Heat therapy relieves pain and accelerates the healing
process - IFT for pain relief - IRR reduces pain, inflammation and edema
ii. To prevent circulatory complication:
- Ankle/toe movements
- Bandaging and stocking
- Elevation of lower limb over pillow or by slings
- Early ambulation
iii. To prevent respiratory complications:
- Coughing and huffing techniques
- The patient is taught to support the vaginal area using sanitary pad with a firm upward pressure while
- Breathing exercises
- Postural drainage
- Removal of airway secretions
iv. Strengthen and retrain weakened muscles:
- Pelvic floor exercise
- Kegel/perinometer
- Vaginal cones
- Foley‘s catheter exercises
- Faradic stimulation
- Pelvic floor contractions
- Gradual progression to strengthening of back and abdominal muscles
- Pelvic rhythmic rocking/titling exercises
v. Postural correction: - Ask the patient to ―stand tall‖ - Using mirror as a means of biofeedback vi. General
- Adequate rest
- Back care
- To teach correct lifting techniques
- Ergonomics
- Avoid lifting heavy wt for 0-8 weeks post-operatively
Definition: Involuntary loss of urine which is objectively demonstrable and is a social or hygienic problem.
Urgency: It is a strong desire to void, accompanied by fear of leakage or fear of pain.
Frequency: It is a term which denotes that the person empties the bladder very frequently
Dysuria: It is pain on passing urine
Enuresis: It is any involuntary loss of urine
2. Urge incontinence: - It is an involuntary loss of urine associated with a strong desire to void - The amount
lost is related to the intensity of the urgency and amount of urine in the bladder Causes:
- Sensory urgency due to hypersensitivity of bladder, urinary calculi, tumor
- Motor urgency due to overactivity of the detrusors
3. Overflow incontinence: Involuntary loss of urine associated with over distention of the bladder Causes:
- Impairment of nerve supply to detrusor
- Inability of detrusor to contract
- Any obstruction
4. Reflex incontinence: Loss of urine due to over activity of detrusor (detrusor hyper-reflexia) or due to
involuntary urethral relaxation
5. Nocturnal Enuresis: Incontinence during sleep or bed wetting
6. Giggle incontinence: Girls go through a giggling phase during puberty
Stress incontinence: It is defined as involuntary loss of urine due to stress/strain such as increased intra-
abdominal pressure on coughing, sneezing, lifting.
- Genuine stress incontinence is defined as the condition in which there is involuntary loss and in the absence
of detrusor activity, the intravesical pressure is greater than the maximum uretheral pressure
- Trauma or injury to the pubic symphysis due to fracture or following symphysiotomy
- Post-operative muscle weakness
- Pregnancy due to overstretch or damage of pelvic floor muscles and fascia
- Post-menopausal women due to atrophy of the supporting structure
- Urethral deformity
- Obesity
- Hormonal changes resulting in loss of elasticity of pelvic floor musculature.
Tests for incontinence:
1. Frequency/volume chart: - The women is asked to note the time and volume of urine voided each time
she goes to toilet - It is then recorded on a special chart - This helps to determine: - The actual frequency of
micturation - Degree of nocturia - Determine altered circadian cycle, i.e. whether she is voiding more during
night or day - How much fluid is drunk - Determines the bladder capacity - Incidents of urinary accidents
2. Visual Analog Scale: - It is mainly to determine the severity of symptoms during incontinence and pain
measurement 1 10 No pain - always wet No incontinence - total incontinence No problem - massive problem
3. Pad Test: It is an objective test used in urodynamic studies
- The test is started after the patient has voided
- A pre-weighed sanitary pad is worn and then the patient is asked not to void until the end of the test
- After drinking 1000 ml of fluid the patient rests for 45 mins
- The patient is then ask to do exercise for 30 min which includes walking, climbing, stairs, running, wasting
under running water, coughing vigorously
- The pad is then removed and re-weighed
- The difference in weight denotes the amount of fluid loss which is recorded
- Usually an increase in 1 gm weight is allowed on account of sweating, vaginal discharge etc
4. Biofeedback: - A vaginal probe is introduced into the vagina which is connected to a visual display. - The
women is then asked to contract the pelvic floor muscles - Electrical signals from the pelvic muscles are shown
denoting the intensity and duration of contraction
5. Manual grading of pelvic floor muscle contraction: - The therapist inserts his index finger into the vagina
and asks the patient to contract the pelvic floor muscles - Thus, the therapist determines the texture, intensity
of contraction or whether the finger is easily withdrawn
Physiotherapy Management:
- To restore the function of urethrovesicle muscles
- Strengthening the support of the uterus
- Advise obese patient to control diet
Means of treatment:
a. Pelvic floor contractions: Sitting position or leaning forward to support the forearm on knees e.g.
- Stopping passing urine - stopping passing breaking wind - Stopping yourself blowing off/farting - Fasting
and slow contractions - Bracing exercises
Duration: As long as the muscles becomes weak and fatigued.
b. Perinometer/Kegel’s exercise: - Kegel device is a pneumatic device which helps to measure the pressure
inside the vagina and to motivate the women to practice pelvic floor exercises - A compressible air filled
II. Breast
- There is increase in the size of the breast due to hypertrophy and proliferation of the ducts alveoli.
- The vascularity increase which result in the appearance of bluish veins running under the skin.
- The nipples becomes larger, erectile and are deeply pigmented
- The sebaceous glands which remains invisible in the non-pregnant state becomes hypertrophied over the
areola during pregnancy and are called as Montgomery‘s tubercles
- Secondary areola is seen in the 2nd trimester
- Secretions may also been seen at about 12 weeks of pregnancy
- Breast weight is increased approximately to 500-800 gm
a. Effects of progesterone: - Reduction in tone of smooth muscles resulting in nausea, reduced peristalsis,
constipation, bladder toned is decreased, dilation of veins and decreased diastolic pressure - Increase in body
temperature - Increased storage of fats - Development of breast, alveolar and glandular milk producing cells
b. Effects of estrogen: - Increased growth of uterus and breast ducts - Increased levels of prolactin for lactation
- Maternal calcium metabolism - Higher levels may result in increased vaginal glycogen resulting in ‗thrush‘.
c. Effects of relaxin: - Replacement of collage in pelvic joints, capsules, cervix, resulting in greater
extensibility and pliability - Inhibition of myometrial activity
- Helps in distension of uterus and provides additional supporting connective tissues - Has a role in cervix
V. Weight gain: - A pregnant lady puts on about 10-12 kg of weight - In early pregnancy the lady may loose
weight due to nausea and vomiting but later the weight gain is progressively increased to about 2 kg every
X. Psychological and emotional changes: - Mood swings - Depression - Anxiety Complication in Pregnancy
I. Ectopic pregnancy - Here the fertilized ovum gets implanted out side the uterus - It is most commonly seen
in the fallopian tube a the ampulla or at the isthmus - As the pregnancy develops it results in pain, rupture of
the tube, bleeding, shock or maternal collapse
II. Eclampsia and pre eclampsia toxemia (P.E.T)
- It is defined by a threshold diastolic pressure of 90mm of Hg and proteinuria
- It is most common in prim gravid women and twin pregnancies
- The lady may shows:
- Increased cardinal signs
- Increase BP more than 140/90 mm of Hg
- Edema
- Proteinuria
- Eclampsia is life threatening characterized by:
- Epileptic fever - Cardiac arrest - Kidney damage - Maternal or fetus death
III. Ante-partum hemorrhage:
- It is defined as bleeding from the genital tract or placental site after 28 weeks of pregnancy but before the
baby is born
V. Intra-uterine growth retardation - It may results due to: - Impaired placental function - Toxemia -
Hypertension - Placental separation - Infractions - Premature reduction of placenta
VII. Pulmonary embolism: Amniotic fluid embolism may cause the contents of amniotic fluid to enter the
uterine veins and reach the heart resulting in pulmonary embolism
- Thus the lady may show:
- ARDS, dyspnea
- Cyanosis
- Cardio-vascular shock
- Coma, sudden death
- Within 24 hrs following birth of baby
- Beyond 24 hrs and within 6 weeks following birth of the baby.
X. Multiple pregnancies: - There is increased strain on the mother following each pregnancy. - Due to
increasing growth of uterus after each delivery there is high risk of pre-mature labor
Definition: It is a well-planned surgical incision involving the perineal muscle and posterior vagina wall to
widen the vaginal opening during labor. It is also called as perineotomy.
- All prima gravida
- Before any instructional delivery
- To cut short the second stage of labor in case of cardiac disease or pregnancy induced hypertension
- Brach delivery
- Pubis delivery
- Fetal distress syndrome
- Large baby
- Preterm labor.
- To speed up the delivery
- To prevent overstretching of premium ad surrounding tissue
- To prevent damage to the fetal head
- To prevent complication
1. Mediolateral episiotomy: Here, the incision is made downwards and outwards from the midpoint of four
chetle either to the right or left directed diagonally in a straight line about 0-5 cm away from anus.
2. Lateral episiotomy:
- The incision starts 1 cm away from the centre of four chetle and extends laterally
3. Median episiotomy:
- The incision starts from the centre of four chetle and extends posteriorly along the midline for about 2.5 cm.
Physiotherapy Management:
- To relieve pain
- To promote healing
- To improve circulation
- To improve strength of pelvic floor muscles
- To prevent infection
Means of Treatment:
a. Pelvic floor exercises: - Contractions and relaxations . Passage of urine . Stop ad pass wind . To stop
diarrhea - Quick contraction
- Elevator exercises
- Pelvic tilting/rocking/rolling
- Perineometer/Kegel‘s exercises
- Vaginal cones
- Foley‘s catheter/tampon
- To relieve pain
- Remove traumatic exudates
- Promote healing
- The ultrasound head is washed with detergent and dipped in glutoraldehyde and dried after use
- It is defined as a split or separation of rectus abdominal muscles or a gap between two rectus abdominal
muscle in the line of linea alba is called as diastasis rectii.
- The width may range from 12 cm-20 cm longitudinally and 4.5 cm transversely.
- It is seen during pregnancy before the expulsion of the baby especially in the 2nd stage of labor
- It is absent in lady‘s with good abdominal tone prior to pregnancy
- It is see at the level, below or above the level of umbilicus
Risk factors:
- Multiple child birth
- Multipara
- Women with narrow pelvis
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- In case of large fetus
- Weak abdominal muscles
1. Lady‘s with diastasis rectii have musculoskeletal problems like back pain due to insufficiency of abdominal
muscles to maintain posture and normal lumbar curvature
2. Anterior abdominal wall consists of skin, fascia, subcutaneous tissue, and peritoneum. Thus, has less
protection to fetus
3. The patient is unable to exert sufficient pressure in case of forceful expiratory events
4. In severe cases it may result in herniation by separation of the abdominal wall
1. Patient’s profile
2. History:
- Onset
- Duration
- Cause
- Mechanism
- Any previous associated problem
- Any medical/surgical treatment
3. Obstetrics and gynecology notes
4. Chief complaints:
- Inability to get up from lying to sitting
- Back pain
- Postural defect
- Herniation may be seen
5. On observation:
- Any bulge along the linea alba
- Position of limbs
- Posture of patient (in lying)
- Level: Below umbilicus . At the level of umbilicus . Above
- Edema or swelling
- Thinning of abdominal wall
6. On examination:
- Size and depth of separation
- Gap of separation
Diastasis rectii test: The patient lies in supine crook lying position - Place the fingers horizontally along the
longitudinal axis of linea alba - Ask the patient to raise the arm and shoulders till the spine of scapula is off
the floor - If the fingers sink in the depression between the two rectus abdominal, then it shows presence of
Diastasis rectii - The depth of which the fingers sink states the severity of diastasis rectii - The diastasis is
measured by the number of fingers that can be placed between the rectus muscles - In some women, gross
diastasis may be visible when they try to sit up or lie down. In such cases a wide range of bulging tissue
resembling a ―bowler’s hat‖ can be seen. This is seen mainly when the rectus muscle works against gravity
Corrective Exercises for Diastasis Rectii:
a. Head lift: - It is in supine crook lying position - Ask her to cross the hands over the midline of the diastasis
- Then ask her to exhale and lift the head off the floor and simultaneously to gently pull the rectus abdominal
muscles towards the midline - Then ask her to lower the head and relax - This exercises can be done 4-5 times
a day
b. Head lift with pelvic tilt: - The patient in hook lying position with hands crossed at the midline of the
diastasis - Ask her to exhale and raise the head slowly along with this ask her to simultaneously do a posterior
pelvic tilt.
- This helps to use only the rectus muscles and not the oblique muscles as well as minimizes intrabdominal
It is the exercise program that the woman undergoes from the period of conception up to the birth of child.
Goals: - To promote and maintain physical and emotional health of the lady throughout pregnancy - To
identify and treat the medical and obstetric complications of pregnancy - To detect fetal abnormalities as early
as possible - To inform and prepare family of parents about pregnancy, labor, delivery and care of the baby -
Thus, the main aim should be healthy mother and healing infant
Physiotherapy Aims: - Antenatal education about physical and psychological changes during pregnancy -
Prepare the woman for delivery and prevent post-operative complications - Psychological support - Proper
fluid and nutrition intake - To teach leg, abdominal and pelvic floor exercises - Advise on back care and lifting
- Regular checkups and examination - To teach methods for controlling neuromuscular tension and prevent
circulatory complication - Adequate relaxation - To teach positions required for labor
Exercise Program:
A. Early bird classes: - To gain interest and motivation - Antenatal education - Mental preparation -
Prioritization towards pregnancy
B. Back are and posture:
i. Postural awareness in lying, starting, sitting. For e.g. standing erect, sitting erect with pillows
ii. Postural awareness during lifting, bending, and household activities - For e.g. while lifting objects floor
it is advisable to never stoop, feet should be apart to increased base of support and any object lifted must be
held close to the body. - Later during pregnancy patient is not advisable to climb on high stools or ladder due
to lack of balance.
iii. Postural muscles to be stretched - Neck extensors - Shoulder internal rotators - Scapular protractors -
Lumbar spine muscles - Hamstring - Calf muscles
vi. Postural muscles to be strengthened: Neck muscle - Scapular retractors - Spine extensors - Hip and knee
extensors - Dorsiflexors of ankle
C. Pelvic floor contractions and tilting exercises:
- Explanation: About the important of pelvic floor exercise for the preparation of pregnancy
- Instructions: Try stopping passing urine, Stopping/passing wind, hold and relax, vaginal cones exercises
- Contractions: 200 contractions/day
- Number of sessions: 3-4 sessions/day
- Pelvic tilting: By sitting at the edge of chair. In lying or prone kneeling. It helps in abdominal muscle
strengthening, maintains good posture and prevents backache Cat and camel exercise pelvic tilt in prone
d. Exercise to improve circulation and prevent cramps:
- Explanation about the effect of circulation on pregnancy
- Women with sedentary jobs are advised to do more exercises
- Ankle dorsiflexion/plantar flexion (30 times)
- Foot circling (30-40 times/session)
- Avoid cross leg sitting
- To teach self-stretching in bed, with foot in dorsiflexion and not in plantar flexion to prevent calf cramps
- Warm water bath, pre-bed time walk, avoid sitting for long time, foot exercises in bed
before going to sleep also helps to relieve cramps during pregnancy
l. General guidelines:
- Avoid jerky, buoyancy or ballistic movements
Definition: It is the exercise program which the women undergo after pregnancy to maintain physical fitness
and prevent complications.
Physiotherapy Aims:
- Re-educate and strengthen pelvic floor muscles
- Care of perineum
- Relief pain in perineum
- To strengthen abdominal muscles
- To give advise on posture and back core
- Give instructions regarding the care of baby
- To prevent postoperative complications
- Crook lying with pelvic tilting
- Crook lying with back flattening
- Crook lying with back flat and sliding the legs forwards and backwards
- Crook lying with tightening the abdominal muscles and lifting the head
- Half crook lying with hip hitching
- Sitting with trunk bending from side to side
- Sitting with trunk rotation side to side
- Crook lying with knees rolling from side to side
- Contraction of hip extensors and maintaining forward/backward pelvic tilt
- Prone lying with alternate leg raising and lowering
- Prone lying and tightening of buttocks
6. Care of perineum:
- Proper hygiene must be maintained to prevent infection
- Frequent bathing
- Changing of sanitary pods
- The area should be kept dry
- During bowel movements it should be supported by a clean folded sanitary towel
Means of Treatment: a. Pelvic floor exercises: - Contractions and relaxations . Passage of urine . Stop ad
pass wind . To stop diarrhea
- Quick contraction
- Elevator exercises
- Pelvic tilting/rocking/rolling
- Perineometer/Kegel‘s exercises
- Vaginal cones
- Foley‘s catheter/tampon
- Improves strength
- Reduces pain
- To relieve pain
- Remove traumatic exudates
- Promote healing
- The ultrasound head is washed with detergent and dipped in glutoraldehyde and dried after use
Definition: It is a surgical procedure in which the delivery is conducted by making an abdominal incision
Incision: Pfannenstiel incision or bikini line incision
- Contracted pelvis
- Diabetes mellitus
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- Eclampsia
- Serious illness injury
- Previous cesarean section commonly called elective cesarean section
- Placenta previa
- Multiple child birth
- Breach delivery
- Fetal /maternal stress
- Delayed labor
- Prolapse uterus
- Intrauterine death
1. Classical section:
- A longitudinal incision in the upper uterine segment - A paramedian incision is used
2. Lower segment section:
- A Pfannenstiel or bikini line incision and transverse incision into the lower uterine segment is used
- It has good cosmetic result
Physiotherapy Management:
I. 1st Day:
- Breathing exercises
- Huffing with pillow support
- Foot and leg exercises
- Bed mobility exercises
- Rolling side to side
- Feeding the baby in bed
II. 2nd Day:
- Pelvic floor exercises
- Abdominal exercises
- Pelvic tilting
- Deep breathing exercises
- Standing erect, postural awareness
- Buttocks tightening
- Wound healing, relieve pain
III. Late postnatal exercises:
- Stitches are removed on the 7the day
- Ergonomic training
- Posture and back care
- Care of the baby: lifting, Feeding, Bathing, Nappy changing
- Home exercise program
- Sports and yoga
IV. Immediate post-operative complications:
- Chest operative complications:
- Wound infections
- Incontinence (late complications)
- Voiding dysfunction
(Explain PT management of all)
Tadasana - Mountain
Mountain Benefits
• Improves posture, balance and self-awareness.
• Breathe. Hold the posture, but try not to tense up. Breathe
• As you inhale, imagine the breath coming up through the floor, rising
through your legs and torso and up into your head
• Reverse the process on the exhale and watch your breath as it passes
down from your head, through your chest and stomach, legs and feet
• Hold for 5 to 10 breaths, relax and repeat
Virabhadrasana II - Warrior II
Warrior II Benefits
• Strengthens legs and arms
• Improves balance and concentration
• Builds confidence
• Begin in mountain pose with feet together and hands at side
• Raise your arms over head. Then slowly lower them until your left arm is pointing straight ahead and
your right arm is pointing back
• Concentrate on a spot in front of you and breathe
• Take 4 or 5 deep breaths, lower your arms, bring your legs together. Reverse the position
Give exercise that are suitable for the appropriate condition of the patient.
- Include incentive spirometer
- Breathing techniques: Diaphragmatic and Deep breathing exercises
- Slight percussion and vibration
- Positioning of the patient in different positions.
- Relaxation positions
- Management of Breathlessness by appropriate positions.
1. Acute respiratory failure due to
- Mechanical failure – includes neuromuscular diseases or Myasthenia gravis, Guillain Barre syndrome and
poliomyelitis (failure of normal respiratory, neuromuscular system).
- Musculoskeletal abnormalities such as chest wall trauma (flail chest).
- Infective disease of the lungs such as pneumonia, tuberculosis
2. Abnormalities of pulmonary gas exchange as in
- Obstructive lung disease in the form of asthma, chronic bronchitis or emphysema
- Conditions such as pulmonary edema, atelectasis, Pulmonary fibrosis.
- Patient who has received general anesthesia as well as post cardiac arrest. Patients often requires
ventilatory support until they have recovered from the effects of the anesthesia or the insult of an arrest.
3. Trauma – Road traffic accidents (cervical, spinal cord, head injuries), Motor neuron disease, poisoning,
drowning, kyphosis, scoliosis and Kyphoscoliosis.
4. Chest deformities
5. Muscular dystrophy
Immediate management
• Airway:
o The airway above the glottis is very susceptible to obstruction because of exposure to heat.
The clinical presentation of inhalation injury may be subtle and often does not appear in the
first 24 hours.
o Clinical indications of inhalation injury include:
▪ Face and/or neck burns.
▪ Singeing of the eyebrows and around the nose.
▪ Carbon deposits and acute inflammatory changes in the oropharynx.
▪ Carbon particles seen in sputum.
▪ Hoarseness.
▪ History of impaired awareness, eg alcohol or head injury, and/or confinement in a
burning environment.
▪ Explosion, with burns to head and torso.
▪ Carboxyhaemoglobin level greater than 10% if the patient is involved in a fire.
o Management of acute inhalation injury:
▪ Early management may require endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation.
▪ Transfer to a burn centre.
▪ Stridor is an indication for immediate endotracheal intubation.
▪ Circumferential burns of the neck may lead to swelling of the tissues around the
airway and so require early intubation.
• Stop the burning process:
o Remove all clothing - adherent synthetic clothing and tar should be actively cooled with
water, and left for formal debridement.
o Dry chemical powders should be carefully brushed from the wound.
Chemical burns
• Can result from exposure to acidic, alkaline or petroleum products.
• Alkali burns tend to be deeper and more serious than acid burns.
• Immediately flush away the chemical with large amounts of water for at least 20 to 30 minutes
(longer for alkali burns). Alkali burns to the eye require continuous irrigation during the first eight
hours after the burn.
• If dry powder is still present on the skin, brush it away before irrigation with water.
Electrical burns
• Are often more serious than they appear on the surface.
There are many important aspects of prevention of burns, including:
• Safety in the workplace.
• Safety in the home, including regularly checking smoke alarms.
• Good parenting to protect children.
• Care of the frail elderly and the socially isolated.
• Prevention of sunburn: appropriate duration and timing of sunbathing, sun protection creams, and
regulation of tanning booths.
Introduction to Burns:
- Partial thickness burn = involves epidermis.
- Deep partial thickness = involves dermis.
- Full thickness = involves all of skin.
Partial thickness burns:
◼ Sunburn is a very superficial burn.
◼ Expect blistering and peeling in a few days.
◼ Maintain hydration orally.
◼ Heals in 3-6 days- generally no scaring
◼ Topical creams provide relief.
◼ No need for antibiotics
It occurs due to inhalation of
- Fascial burns
- Dry heat
- Smoke
- Fumes (toxic fumes of combustion)
- Hot gases
- CO poisoning
Clinical features:
- Damage to upper respiratory tract and air passages
- Laryngeal edema
- Pulmonary edema
- Tracheal edema
- Nasal congestion
- Pulmonary damage
- Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
- Soot in nostril and mouth
- Sore throat
- Burning sensation
- Hypoxia
Management: Proper assessment and diagnostic procedures must be carried out including bronchoscopy.
i. O2 therapy and analgesics:
- O2 is given in fascial masks (mild cases) and ventilators or tracheostomy in severe cases
- Analgesics is administered for pain relief
ii. Humidification
- Moistening of the gases or air is essential as the function of upper respiratory tract is damaged
- Thus, humidification helps in maintaining adequate air entry
- During inhalation
iii. Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing (IPPB):
- It helps to maintain a positive pressure in the airways throughout inspiration and then returning back to
normal atmospheric pressure during expiration.
- Usually bird or Bennett device is used
iv. Suctioning
- It is very essential to maintain the lung field free of any secretions
- One therapist squeezes and releases AMBU bag and the other therapist performs shaking and vibration to
the chest
- Suctioning is done after 6-8 inflations
v. Nebulization
- Bronchodilators are administered by a nebulizer to maintain the airway
- It has to be given 2-3 times a day in early stages
vi. Breathing exercise
- It is of utmost importance in these patients and must be started within few hours of admission
vii. In severe cases tracheostomy is preferred over Endotracheal Tube Intubation (ETI)
viii. Movements of jaw
- Jaw movements must be initiated with the range of pain to prevent stiffness and loss of function
- Jaw opening, losing, protrusion, retraction is taught to the patient
ix. Proper positioning
- Positioning of head and neck must be done to prevent stiffness and contracture
- Rolled towel under the neck-pillow under the shoulder to maintain extension is incorporated.
x. Re-education
- Coughing techniques is taught to remove respiratory secretion
- Spirometry training
- Breathing exercises
- Postural drainage
- Airways clearance techniques
Do not place pillow under the knee as it may cause flexion contracture.
2. Splinting
It may be static or dynamic
- Static splints is used to hold the position of limb till the movement can start
- Usually, night splints are used until the scar is healed
- Dynamic splints helps in controlling the movements of joint.
For e.g:- A foam roll placed in the hand allows extension and flexion of the fingers thus allowing the
damaged extensor tendons in a limited range and preventing them to be overstretched. Collars may be used
to maintain the neck position and preventing drooping of neck Splint Anterior neck:
- Soft cervical collar
- Moulded cervical collar
- Halo neck splint
- Watusi collar
- Philadelphia collar
- Airplane splint
- Abduction splint
- Clavicle strap
- Back/spinal support brace
- Posterior foot drop splint
- Posterior/anteroankle conformer
- High top gym shoe
- Moulder leather shoe
◼ Circulation to distal limb is in danger due to swelling.
◆ Progressive loss of sensation / motion in hand / foot.
◆ Progressive loss of pulses in the distal extremity by palpation or doppler.
◼ In circumferential chest burn, patient might not be able to expand his chest enough to ventilate and
might need escharotomy of the skin of the chest.
◼ Bleeding: might require ligation of superficial veins
◼ Injury to other structures: arteries, nerves, tendons
NOT every circumferential burn requires escharotomy.
◼ In fact, most DO NOT need escharotomy.
◼ Repeatedly assess neuro-vascular status of the limb.
◼ Those that lose circulation and sensation need escharotomy.
◼ Fascia = thick white covering of muscles.
◼ Fasciotomy = fascia is incised (and often overlying skin)
◼ Skin and fascia split open due to underlying swelling.
◼ Blood flow to distal limb is improved.
◼ Muscle can be inspected for viability.
- Full thickness burns
- Diabetic foot
- Cellulitis
- Fascial burns/injury
- Varicose ulcer
- Surgical excision of neoplasm
- Cosmetic requirements
- Discomfort
- Weakness of muscles
- Stiffness
- Infection
a. Depending on the donor site
1. Autograft:
- It is taken from the patient’s own body.
- Less chances of rejection by immune reaction
2. Homograft/allograft
- It is taken from other person ‘s body or from a cadaver.
- It usually gets rejected within 4 weeks
3. Heterograft:
- It is taken from the body of other species e.g. pig
- It is also knows as xenograft
- It usually gets rejected in 3 weeks
4. Meshed skin
- Due to shortage of autograft in case of large burns, a large area can be covered by making a mesh of a split
thickness graft in a special machine.
- Here, the epithelium grows from the strands of a mesh to cover the intermittent base are.
- More suitable for large and contaminated wounds
- Is excepted readily
- Less prone to infection
- Large grafts may be taken from the donor site
- Has a high tendency to contract during healing
- Has more durability
- Better protection
- Less chances of contraction
- Provide better coloration and texture
- More suitable for small defects especially on the face
- Donor site does not heal spontaneously
- The donor site cannot be grafted again
Scar tissue mobilization is a form of manual physical therapy where your licensed PT uses hands-on
techniques on your muscles, ligaments and fascia in order to break adhesions and optimize your muscle
Adhesions are your body’s attempt to heal a soft tissue injury with a lengthy inflammation process, resulting
in long strands of collagenous scar tissue. These new tissues pull against one another, forming trigger points
of pain
For pH determination:
If pH → 7.5 (Alkaline)
pH → 7.4 (Normal)
pH → 7.3 (Acidic)
Alkalemia → Alkaline
Acidemia → Acidosis
4 diseases: Respiratory acidosis, Respiratory alkalosis, Metabolic acidosis and Metabolic alkalosis.
Cholesterol Values:
Normal: Less than 200 mg/dl
Borderline High: 200 – 239 mg/dl
High: 240 mg/dl or higher
HDL Cholesterol:
Optimal: 60+ mg/dl for both males and females
At risk for heart disease: Women: Less than 50 mg/dl
Men: Less than 40 mg/dl
LDL Cholesterol:
Optimal: Less than 100 mg/dl
Near or above Optimal: 100 – 129 mg/dl
Borderline High: 130 – 159 mg/dl
High: 160 – 189 mg/dl
Very High: 190 + mg/dl
Normal: Less than 150 mg/dl
Borderline high: 150 – 199 mg/dl
Hemoglobin g/L 13.5 – 18 11.5 – 16
WBC x109/L 4.00 – 11.00 4.00 – 11.00
Platelets x109/L 1.50 – 4.00 1.50 – 4.00
MCV fL 78 – 100 78 – 100
PCV 0.40 – 0.52 0.37 – 0.47
RBC x1012/L 4.5 – 6.5 3.8 – 5.8
MCH pg 27.0 – 32.0 27.0 – 32.0
MCHC g/dl 31.0 -37.0 31.0 – 37.0
Neutrophils 2.0 – 7.5 2.0 – 7.5
Lymphocytes 1.0 – 4.5 1.0 – 4.5
Monocytes 0.2 – 0.8 0.2 – 0.8
Eosinophils 0.04 – 0.40 0.04 – 0.40
Basophils < 0.1 <0.1
1. Countdown timer (or stopwatch)
2. Mechanical lap counter
3. Two small cones to mark the turnaround points
4. A chair that can be easily moved along the walking course
5. Worksheets on a clipboard
6. A source of oxygen
7. Sphygmomanometer
8. Telephone
9. Automated electronic defibrillator
1. Comfortable clothing should be worn.
2. Appropriate shoes for walking should be worn.
3. Patients should use their usual walking aids during the test (cane, walker, etc.).
4. The patient’s usual medical regimen should be continued.
5. A light meal is acceptable before early morning or early afternoon tests.
6. Patients should not have exercised vigorously within 2 hours of beginning the test.
1. Repeat testing should be performed about the same time of day to minimize intraday variability.
2. A “warm-up” period before the test should not be performed.
3. The patient should sit at rest in a chair, located near the starting position, for at least 10 minutes before the
test starts. During this time, check for contraindications, measure pulse and blood pressure, and make sure
that clothing and shoes are appropriate.
4. Pulse oximetry is optional. If it is performed, measure and record baseline heart rate and oxygen
saturation (SpO2) and follow manufacturer’s instructions to maximize the signal and to minimize motion
artifact. Make sure the readings are stable before recording. Note pulse regularity and whether the oximeter
signal quality is acceptable.
8. Position the patient at the starting line. You should also stand near the starting line during the test. Do not
walk with the patient. As soon as the patient starts to walk, start the timer.
9. Do not talk to anyone during the walk. Use an even tone of voice when using the standard phrases of
encouragement. Watch the patient. Do not get distracted and lose count of the laps. Each time the participant
returns to the starting line, click the lap counter once (or mark the lap on the worksheet). Let the participant
see you do it. Exaggerate the click using body language, like using a stopwatch at a race.
After the first minute, tell the patient the following (in even tones): “You are doing well. You have 5
minutes to go.” When the timer shows 4 minutes remaining, tell the patient the following: “Keep up the
good work. You have 4 minutes to go.” When the timer shows 3 minutes remaining, tell the patient the
following: “You are doing well. You are halfway done.” When the timer shows 2 minutes remaining, tell the
patient the following: “Keep up the good work. You have only 2 minutes left.” When the timer shows only
1-minute remaining, tell the patient: “You are doing well. You have only 1 minute to go.” Do not use other
words of encouragement (or body language to speed up).
If the patient stops walking during the test and needs a rest, say this: “You can lean against the wall
if you would like; then continue walking whenever you feel able.” Do not stop the timer. If the patient stops
before the 6 minutes are up and refuses to continue (or you decide that they should not continue), wheel the
chair over for the patient to sit on, discontinue the walk, and note on the worksheet the distance, the time
stopped, and the reason for stopping prematurely. When the timer is 15 seconds from completion, say this:
Purpose: To check for cardiac efficiency during exercise.
1. Angina (Chest pain) – pain during exercise or activity
2. Myocardial ischemia
3. Undiagnosed chest pain
4. Hypertension
- Supervised by trained physician – 1 in 2500 tests death can happen without a proper supervising physician
(if not observed).
- ECG, Heart rate and BP should be monitored carefully and recorded during each stage of exercise and during
- ST segment abnormalities and chest pain.
- Treadmill or bicycle ergometer can be used