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Abstract: It is crucial to identify frailty in the elderly population We propose using media-pipe's blaze pose machine learning
early and accurately to prevent falls and muscle movement loss model for this application, which can run on a small number of
This makes early intervention possible as determined appropriate
processing-powered machines. Human posture estimation has
by the medical professionals and prolongs muscular activity.
Following the Covid-19 outbreak, an enormous. The ageing improved significantly as a result of the rapid development of
population has been restricted to their dwellings, which has deep convolutional neural networks, which helps to accurately
significantly impacted their physical health extent. The elderly is assess the exercise the user is doing. Human pose estimation
more vulnerable to these impacts mostly as a result of lengthy locates body vital points in order to accurately distinguish
lockdowns and travel restrictions also a decline in social support. people's postures in photos or videos. This is a necessary step
The research aims to develop a technique to aid older people in
before beginning the workout analysis. We offer a method for
determining their level of frailty Geriatric Agility Detection with
Early and Accurate 30 second chair-stand test. Medical care is aiding in the resolution of this challenge by sensing a user's
described as geriatric. Agility, a term used to describe the ability body position throughout a workout and comparing it to a
to move quickly and freely is directly related to the reduction of computed angle between limbs while keeping a good form for
falls among older people. the above said exercise. We represent the human body as a
collection of limbs and calculate angles between them to detect
Keywords: Geriatric, Agility, Frailty, Reduction of falls, 30
incorrect posture and give accuracy to the user, based on the
second chair stand test.
current breakthrough in deep learning for human body posture
1. Introduction estimation. Other elements of the blazpose model [5] include
repetition counting and real-time body movement
According to WHO, the number and proportion of people identification.
aged 60 years and older will increase to 1.4 billion by 2030 and The objective of our study was to apply the current strategy
2.1 billion by 2050 [1]. Therefore, proper diagnosis and to detect frailty and make it accessible to the larger population
rehabilitation programs need to be designed to prevent of old people. The approach is hassle free, self-accessible and
immobility and postural instability, decreasing the risk of falls allows a user make comparative study without the need of a
and downstream decline on a frequent and consistent basis. technician making them more independent. The software can be
With the ongoing pandemic, the likelihood of age-related used on a laptop or camera and can be viewed as a form of
cognitive and functional problems have increased significantly cumulative solution to achieve better physique and reduce
due to decrease in physical activity and lack of accessing potential risks of injury.
services [2]. Thus, we introduce an economical and easy to use
method to help the older and frail population self-assess and 2. Background of the Work
deal with such problems without the requirement of a healthcare
All traditional approaches involve the use of expensive
The method revolved around the results obtained after hardware to capture and evaluate the results of the 30 Chair
Stand Test. These hardware components do provide a deep
performing the 30 second chair stand test [3] to help determine
the level of agility of a user according to their age and gender. understanding of the results obtained when the geriatric test is
This test is part of the Senior Fitness Test Protocol [4], and is performed by various participants. But their major drawback is
that it makes these tests difficult to perform without technical
designed to test the functional fitness of seniors. The user sits
in the middle of the seat, with their feet shoulder width apart, assistance and in a clinical environment. Below is the flow-
flat on the floor. The arms are to be crossed at the wrists and diagram explaining the traditional Geriatric-agility 30 second
chair stand test (30 CST) detection using hardware components.
held close to the chest. From the sitting position, the subject
stands completely up, then completely back down, and this is
repeated for 30 seconds. We count the total number of complete
chair stands (up and down equals one stand).
Fig. 1. Flow diagram of traditional geriatric test using pressure plates and
3. Methodology
Pose estimation is a machine learning challenge that guesses
the geographical locations of various body components to
estimate a person's pose from an image or video (key points).
Pose estimation is a computer vision technique for tracking a
person's or an object's movements. This is normally
accomplished by locating critical spots for the things in
question. We may compare different actions and postures and
draw conclusions based on these essential points. Later in this
section, we will be discussing how media-pipe works in the
background and how we exploited its power to boost our Fig. 3. 33 pose landmarks
application design.
Deep learning has been shown to outperform traditional Working of BlazePose:
computer vision approaches in a variety of tasks, including Detector and Estimator are two machine learning models
image segmentation and object detection, thanks to the rapid used by Blaze pose. The detector is used to extract the human
growth of deep learning solutions in recent years. As a result, portion of an image. The images supplied by the detector are
deep learning techniques have resulted in considerable fed into an estimator, which produces output.
advancements and improvements in posture estimation jobs. Human body Modelling:
Openpose [8], movenet, deeppose, posnet, bodynet [9], and The placement of human body parts is utilized to generate a
more deep learning estimation techniques are available. In our human body representation (such as a body skeleton posture)
instance, we're utilizing a Blazepose since it's Google's most from visual input data in human pose estimation. As a result,
Kaur et al. International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Topics, VOL. 3, NO. 6, JUNE 2022 121
human body modelling is an important part in estimating human necessary for videos, where detection runs once followed by
position. It's used to represent extracted characteristics and key landmark tracking. The default value is False.
points from visual input data. To define and infer human body MODEL_COMPLEXITY: Default value is 1. It can be 0, 1,
postures and generate 2D or 3D poses, a model-based technique or 2. If higher complexity is chosen, the inference time
is typically utilized. We employ an N-joints stiff kinematic increases.
model in which a human body is represented as an entity with ENABLE_SEGMENTATION: If set to True, the solution
joints and limbs that contains body kinematic structure and generates a segmentation mask along with the pose landmarks.
shape information. The default value is False.
The skeleton-based model, also known as the kinematic MIN_DETECTION_CONFIDENCE: Ranges from [0.0 –
model, is used for both 2D and 3D pose estimation. To reflect 1.0]. As the name suggests, it is the least confidence value for
the human body structure, this adaptable and intuitive human the detection to be considered valid. The default value is 0.5.
body model comprises a variety of joint configurations and limb MIN_TRACKING_CONFIDENCE: Ranges from [0.0 –
orientations. To record the relationships between different body 1.0]. It is the minimum confidence value for a landmark to be
sections, skeleton pose estimation models are used. However, considered tracked. The default value is 0.5.
as demonstrated in figure, kinematic models have limitations Step 3: Calculation of Body Pose angles - We use the
when it comes to capturing texture or shape information. shoulder-elbow-wrist and shoulder-hip-knee body points
marked by MediaPipe to first calculate the offset distance and
4. System and Algorithm Design then inclination to check for the right form during the exercise.
We create a user guide application that uses the cv2 module Offset is calculated using the distance formula:
[11] to capture and detect body poses in order to run the
programme. The MediaPipe framework and Python
programming language are being used to create an application where x and y are x-coordinate and y-coordinate of the given
user guide. body landmark.
There have been numerous exciting research We use the vector approach to find the inner angle of three
accomplishments using OpenCV as a module for articulating points. The angle between two vectors P₁2 and P₁3 is given by:
human body tracking, position, and even recognition systems.
We capture a real-time image with the laptop's camera, which 0= arctan(P1P2/P1P3)
has a resolution of 640x240 pixels, to process using the
MediaPipe framework. Objects for video capture and video
writer are constructed. We get the video metadata that will be
utilized to make the video capture object. MediaPipe will read
the image from OpenCV, do body detection, and create body
landmarks, which will return 3D body key points and joints,
resembling a skeleton. 3D key points in the body that have been
marked in the image will be computed and initialized as a tool
for reading pose body and recognition based on body pose that
has been initialized before. Below flowchart shows how we
have developed an effective algorithm that suits our needs to its
Fig. 5. Vector approach to calculate angle
Pose detection algorithm:
Input- Picture frames captured from the default camera of the The angle formed by the shoulder, elbow, and wrist lines in
device relation to the y-axis is used. The important location in this case
Output- Sit Up count, performance feedback and exercise to is the elbow. The hip line, likewise, connects the knee and the
improve agility. shoulder, with the hip serving as a crucial point.
Step 1: The frames from the camera are converted to RGB Step 4 - Conditionals to check for correct body form - On the
format as Python captures the frame in BGR format. RGB basis of the posture, whether good or bad, sit up count is
format is required for pre-processing of the images. calculated and results are displayed. We compare the angle we
Step 2: Getting Key points - We choose the default values for calculated in Step 2 and compare it with threshold angles we
detecting pose landmarks and set the ENABLE calculated based on different researches.
SEGMENTATION flag to true in the Pose (adjustable)’s API We know knee height is approx. 49.6 cm in both the genders
as we want the utility to generate a segmentation landmark and and 30-CST is administered using a folding chair without
default values do a good job. armrest, with seat height of 17 inches (43.2 cm) [12]. We use
The following are some of the MediaPipe pose solution's these two heights to determine the best predictor angle using the
configurable APIs. formula,
STATIC_IMAGE_MODE: It’s a boolean. If set to True, O = arccos(AC.AB)/(|AC||AB|)
person detection runs for every input image. This is not O is the Approx Threshold Angle which is 110 degrees.
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Table 1 Table 2
Male test subjects Female test subjects
Age Below average Average Above average Age Below average Average Above average
60-64 < 14 14 to 19 > 19 60-64 < 12 12 to 17 > 17
65-69 < 12 12 to 18 > 18 65-69 < 11 11 to 16 > 16
70-74 < 12 12 to 17 > 17 70-74 < 10 10 to 15 > 15
75-79 < 11 11 to 17 > 17 75-79 < 10 10 to 15 > 15
80-84 < 10 10 to 15 > 15 80-84 <9 9 to 14 > 14
85-89 <8 8 to 14 > 14 85-89 <8 8 to 13 > 13
90-94 <7 7 to 12 > 12 90-94 <4 4 to 11 > 11
Table 3
Agility based training routine
Session 1 to 5 Exercises Walking based: change of directions, cuts, obstacle crossing, bench balancing.
Double leg line jumps, bench step ups
Table 4
Traditional agility routine
Session 1 to 5 Exercises Static balance exercises in double leg stance
Squats, calf raises, supported split squats
Fig. 7. Test subject during down phase Fig. 10. Input from the user
Kaur et al. International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Topics, VOL. 3, NO. 6, JUNE 2022 124
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Detecting and analyzing body language is gaining a lot of Apr. 2022.
attention lately. In applications like measuring physical