Wider World 3 Language Testu 2 Group A

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UNIT 2: Language Test


Name: ________Kirill Kotov________________ GRAMMAR

Class: ________________7B________ 3 Make sentences using the correct form of the
VOCABULARY Present Simple.

1 Choose the correct option to complete the 0 I / go / into town / with / friends yesterday.
sentences. I went into town with friends yesterday.
0 It’s cold . It’s only 2°C outside! 1 I / help / my dad / last weekend.
1 It’s sunny . We can go to the beach! _I_helped_my dad last weekend
2 Let’s build a shelter that we can sit in. ___________________________

3 The sunset is lovely – really orange in the sky. 2 What / Ben and Neil / do / yesterday?

4 Look outside! There’s a lot of snow, so ________What Ben and Neil did yesterday?
everywhere is white! ____________________________

5 We want to look at all the stars in the sky. 3 I / not call / Tom last night.

6 Let’s walk along this path and see where it leads ____I didn't call Tom last night
to. ________________________________

7 It’s a foggy day, so Dad can’t see clearly to drive. 4 Jess / take / some great photos / on holiday.

8 I’m trying to make a fire, but it’s really difficult. _________Jess take some great photos on
holiday ___________________________
5 Where / you / go / yesterday?
2 Complete the sentences with words from the _______Where you went yesterday?
box. There are two extra words that you don’t _____________________________
6 I not / buy / anything / last Saturday.
cold mild warm chilly flood ____I didn't buy anything last Saturday
freezing avalanche drought boiling ________________________________
bear 7 Tom / leave / ten minutes ago.
0 It’s always cold in winter in my country. ____Tom left ten minutes ago.
1 It’s a _____warm______ day. I can take off my
sweater! 8 Who / Rob / invite / to his party?
2 I’m sure I saw a ______bear_____ walking _____Who Rob invited to his party?
through the forest! _______________________________
3 A ____flood_______ happens when there’s a lot /8
of rain for a long time.
4 Make sentences using the Past Simple and
4 A huge amount of snow is falling down the side of Past Continuous.
the mountain! It’s a big ______avalanche_____!
0 Tom saw (see) his friend while he was
5 It’s _____freezing______! The temperature is walking (walk) home.
below zero!
1 Martin ____was _cooking______ (cook) when he
6 When there’s a _______drought____ it means _____dropped______ (drop) a plate.
there isn’t any rain for a long time.
2 Jack ______was cycling _____ (cycle) fast when
7 If people say the winter is ___mild________ it he ____fell_______ (fall) off his bike.
means it’s warmer than usual.
3 What _______were you doing____ (you / do)
when the rain _____started______ (start)?
4 Karen ____felt_______ (feel) cold while she
______was swimming_____ (swim) in the sea.
5 Someone suddenly ____knocked_______ (knock)
on the door while Dan ___was talking________
(talk) on the phone.

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UNIT 2: Language Test


6 Peter _______wasn't take____ (not take) any Tim: That’s good!

photos while he ______was sitting_____ (sit) on
the beach. /10

7 Sara _______cought____ (catch) a cold while she

________was walking___ (walk) in the

5 Complete the sentences with an indefinite
6 Choose the correct options to complete the pronoun such as everybody, nowhere or
dialogue. There are two options you don’t anything.
need to use.
0 I didn’t see anybody I knew at the party.
Tim: Hi, Sandra! Oh, A But it was for a 1 I want to buy __anything______ for my lunch.
what’s up? whole week! I
didn’t realise 2 Does ____everybody_____ know the answer to
Sandra: H that. this question?
Tim: Sure. Oh, wait B I don’t think 3 There was ____everybody______ to sit on the
a minute – I that’s a good bus. It was full!
thought you idea.
were going on 4 ____everybody______ is happy when the sun
C I don’t know.
holiday with And now I’ve shines!
Paula and her made Paula 5 I want to go _____something_____ exciting on
family last sad. I didn’t
mean to do that.
D Oh, I will – don’t 6 There’s _______nobody___ at home tonight. The
Sandra: __F_ worry! family are all in town!
Tim: What did you E Yes, it’s just 7 Is there ______somewhere____ special you’d like
do that for? right, isn’t it? for your birthday?
You’d have a
F That’s right, but 8 I really need _____someone _____ to help me
lovely time. then I told my with this homework. Could you do it?
Sandra: 2
___G mum I didn’t
want to go. 9 I dropped a bag of sugar, and now it’s spilt
Tim: So why was _______everywhere ___ on the floor!
G Because I really
that a problem? wanted to see 10 I’ve got _____nothing_____ to do this weekend –
Sandra: 3
_C__ my cousin – he
so let’s go out!
Tim: Well, that’s yesterday from /10
great, but – Spain.
what were you H Hi, Tim. Have /50
thinking of? you got a minute
4 to chat?
Sandra: ___E
Tim: No, I know.
Well, just be
more careful
what you
promise next
Sandra: ___D

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