History Taking Handbook

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History Taking Record

Name Age Gender Occupation Marital Status Residency Religion

Date of Admission Date of taking history Mode of referral Mode of
Chief Complaint and duration: Why you’ve come to hospital? Own words.
History of Present illness:
When were you last well? What was the first thing you noticed when you became ill?
Obtain full descriptions of any other symptoms that the patient has.
Regarding Pain ask about (Site, Onset, Character, Radiation, Duration, Periodicity,
Severity, Aggravating factors, Relieving factors, Associated symptoms).
Review of Systems:
1. General: Appetite, Weight (loss or gain), Fever, Sweating, Rigors, Night sleep
(difficulty or disturbance), Mood, Daily activity.
2. Cardiovascular system: Chest pain on exertion, Dyspnea, Orthopnea
(shortness of breath when lying down or need to sit up to breathe), Paroxysmal
Nocturnal Dyspnea (waking up at night with shortness of breath), Palpitation
(irregular heartbeats or sensation that your heart is racing or skipping beats),
Oedema (swollen ankles), Pain in the calves on walking.
3. Respiratory system: Cough, SOB (Exercise tolerance), Chest pain due to
inspiration or coughing, Wheezes, Sputum (Color/ amount/ consistency/ odor),
Breasts: Lumps, Change in shape, Nipple discharge.
4. Gastrointestinal: Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), Dyspepsia (Indigestion/
heartburn), Excessive belching (eructation), Nausea (feeling like you are going to
throw up), Vomiting/ vomitus details, Abdominal pain, Change in bowel habit,
(diarrhea, constipation or alternating), Blood loss (hematemesis, melena or rectal
bleeding), Incontinence.

5. Genitourinary: Dysuria (burning when you urinate), Frequency (urinating

often), Hematuria, Urine volume& colour, Urgency (need to urinate suddenly),
Nocturia, Hesitancy (slow to start urinating), Drippling, Incontinence (loss of
control of urinating), Genital rashes, Lumps, Vaginal pain/discharge, Hot flushes
(females), Urethral discharge (males).

6. Nervous system: Headache, Fits, Coma, Faints, Dizziness, Limb weakness

(paralysis), Numbness (parasthesia) or Anesthesia, Unsteadiness, Tremors (shaking
that you can’t stop), Concentration, Memory, Vision (blurred, double), Hearing
(decreased, tinnitus), Difficulty with speech.
7. Musculoskeletal: Joint pain (arthralgia), Stiffness, Joint Swelling, Difficulty
moving or walking, Dry mouth, Sore eyes, Back or neck pain, Myalgia, Frequent
8. Menstrual and Obstetric history: Menstrual cycle (menarche, regularity,
amount), Menopause (age, postmenopausal bleeding), Pregnancy (number, type of
labor and outcome), Abortions and stillbirths, Method of contraception if any.

9. Endocrine: Heat or cold intolerance (feeling unusually hot or cold), Fatigue,

Neck swelling, Polydipsia, polyuria, Fine tremor, loss of sexual drive (libido).
10. Hematological: Bruise easily, Bleed excessively, Bleeding spots, Lumps in
(axilla, neck, groins), Frequent or unusual infections.

11. Mucocutaneous symptoms: Hair loss, Skin rash, Itching, Skin ulcers,
Pigmentation changes, Hair or nail changes, Lumps, Mouth ulcers, Epistaxis.

Past Medical history:

Past history of similar present condition, Chronic conditions and significant illnesses
according to the case, e.g. (diabetes, hypertension, angina and myocardial infarction,
jaundice, tuberculosis, rheumatic fever, epilepsy, asthma, stroke), and
Past Surgical history:
Previous operations (under general or local anesthesia), other procedures (e.g.
angioplasty, endoscopy), Post operative complications, Blood transfusion.
Family history: History of similar illness in the family, History of HT, DM, IHD, TB.
Ask about first degree relatives (their age, their state of physical& mental health or
cause of death).
Personal& Social history: Smoking – pack years, Alcohol (amount& type), Home
situation, Mobility& Help at home, Diet& Water supply, Recent overseas travel,
Hobbies, Animals in the house, Sexual history.

Occupational History: What did they do? How long did they do it for? Anything
medically relevant in what they did (Mining, Painting, Farmer, Cheese worker, Pigeon
Drug History: Get a list of prescribed medications, Over the counter medications,
Alternative therapies like herbs.
Allergies: List drug allergies and type of reaction, List other possibly relevant allergies
(e.g. latex, food), Problems with anaesthetics.

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