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Policies and Procedures

Gas Technician/Oil Burner Technician

(under Ontario Regulation 215/01,
Technical Standards & Safety Act, 2000)

Revised – December 2002

Quality & Standards, Technical Standards & Safety Authority

Policies and Procedures
Gas Technician/Oil Burner Technician Certification
Table of Contents

Introduction 3
Curriculum 4
Examination/Evaluation 5
Certificate Requirements 6
Challenge Examinations 8
Upgrades 10
Distance Learning 10
Training Credits 11
Proof of Experience/Declaration 11
Exemptions 11
Renewals 12
Out-of-Province Applicants 12
Scope of Certification 13
Record of Training (ROT) 13
Industrial Maintenance Certificate 14
Training Provider Accreditation 15
Gas Technician Training Modules 19
Oil Burner Technician Training Modules 20
Fee Schedule 21
Appendix A: 1996 Certificate Conversion Table 22

Quality and Standards, Technical Standards & Safety Authority (TSSA)

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Policies and Procedures
Gas Technician/Oil Burner Technician Programs

The Policies and Procedures were collectively developed by the Technical Standards &
Safety Authority (TSSA) and the Fuels Industry Training and Certification Advisory Board
(TCAB) operating under the authority of the Director under the Technical Standards &
Safety Act, 2000. The Policies and Procedures have been adopted by Quality and
Standards, TSSA.

The Policies and Procedures pertaining to Gas Technician and Oil Burner Technician
programs and the method of their application and administration are set out in the
following pages. The intent is to provide a set of reference points and guidelines for
Training Providers, examination bodies and/or administrators involved in the training and
certification process and for the Fuels Industry in general.

The Policies and Procedures must be followed by all Training Providers who wish to have
their programs recognized/accredited by the Technical Standards and Safety Authority
(O. Regulation 215/01, Sect 5).

The Policies and Procedures are subject to enhancement and revision as required.

Administrators shall not alter any of the Policies and Procedures set out in this document
without the knowledge and prior written approval of the Technical Standards and Safety
Authority (TSSA).

Quality and Standards, Technical Standards & Safety Authority (TSSA)

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1. The Gas Technician and Oil Burner Technician Training Curriculum as developed
by the joint TSSA and industry training and certification task forces (1996, updated
2002) have been adopted as the minimum standard for the training and
certification of the said occupations in the Province of Ontario.

2. The estimated times for each individual certificate program are contained in the
curriculum developed for both the Gas Technician program and the Oil Burner
Technician program. The hours shown serve as guidelines only and may vary
accordingly depending on the candidate(s) prior learning and other related trade
certificates. Requests for variations to the hours must be outlined & submitted to
Quality and Standards, TSSA for approval.

3. All accredited Training Providers and organizations will use only the curriculum
approved by the Technical Standards and Safety Authority as amended.

4. The approved curriculum forms the basis for the development of all lesson plans
and testing standards and criteria.

5. Providers of training for Gas Technician and Oil Burner Technician programs must
be accredited by and registered with the Technical Standards and Safety Authority.
All training programs must be accredited by the Technical Standards and Safety
Authority (TSSA).

6. Applications for a certificate of qualification received from Training Providers not

accredited by the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) will not be

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1. Examination of knowledge and evaluation of practical skills is applied throughout
the programs with each module of training. Program participants will be required to
complete a written/theoretical examination at the conclusion of each module or at
the conclusion of a grouping of modules.

2. The candidate will be evaluated on the practical skills demonstrated throughout

their training (if applicable). Practical evaluation may be applied through either
hands-on, written and/or combination of a written and oral examination as agreed
to by the Training Provider and the Technical Standards and Safety Authority.

3. The candidate will be required to achieve a passing grade on the TSSA

certification examination and demonstrate a level of practical skills acceptable to
the TSSA for each applicable module of training. Failure to complete any of the
modules in the manner prescribed will result in a failing grade. The candidate will
be required to rewrite the tests or be re-evaluated on those modules not meeting
the standard.

4. The passing grade for each module (or grouping) examination is 75%.

5. The passing grade on an examination and practical skills demonstration will be

75%. Appeals may be made if the mark attained falls within 2%. Automatic waivers
will not be allowed.

6. Candidates are not permitted to use translators during the course of an


7. Candidates are required to produce photo identification to exam invigilator on the

day of the certification examination in order to be permitted to write.

8. Exam invigilators must be someone other than the program instructor for
certification programs.

9. Training Providers who administer examinations are required to submit the

applications with the grades. Failing grades must also be included with the

Quality and Standards, Technical Standards & Safety Authority (TSSA)

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Certificate Requirements:
1. In order to obtain a certificate from the Technical Standards and Safety Authority
(TSSA) as outlined in O. Regulation 215/01, the candidate will be required to:

a) Successfully complete a training program delivered through a Training Provider

that is registered with, and accredited by the Technical Standards and Safety

b) Score an overall average of 75% or greater on the TSSA examination(s);

c) Receive an average score of 75% or higher on the practical evaluation in the

applicable modules within the training program;

d) Maintain an 80% attendance record throughout the program training. Note: this
is meant as a suggested guideline. Training Providers should use this
percentage with discretion.

2. Conditions prescribed in Item #1 a through c above must be achieved in order to

receive the required certificate(s). Failure to meet any of the requirements may
necessitate the candidate to re-write the appropriate examination(s) or have their
practical skills re-evaluated.

3. A candidate for a G.1 certificate must have, as prerequisites:

a) A valid G.2 certificate of qualification;

b) Written confirmation of work experience detailing two years (4000 hours) of

field experience as a G.2, of which at least 500 hours must be on systems with
a firing rate in excess of 400,000 Btuh under direct supervision by a supervising
certificate holder;

c) Successfully completion of the required modules of training and the


Challenging the examination(s) is an option, however, only if the applicant holds

the G.2 and has the required experience which may be acquired as training and
accumulated experience in another recognized trade related to gas, e.g.
Plumbers/Steam Fitters, Sheetmetal Workers, Refrigeration Mechanic, Electrician.

4. A candidate for a Class 1 Oil Burner Technician must have as prerequisites:

a) A valid Oil Burner Technician 2 certificate of qualification;

b) Written confirmation of work experience detailing two years or 4000 hours of

field experience on systems with a firing rate in excess of 7 US Gallons per

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hour, of which at least 500 hours must be on systems in excess of 7 U.S. g.p.h
under direct supervision by a supervising certificate holder;

c) Successfully completing the required modules of training and the


Challenging the examination(s) is an option, however, only if the applicant holds

the Oil Burner Technician 2 and has the required experience which may be
acquired as training and accumulated experience in another recognized trade
related to fuel oil, e.g. Plumbers/Steam Fitters, Sheetmetal Workers, Electrician.

5. A candidate for an Oil Burner Technician 2 must have a valid Oil Burner
Technician 3 certificate.

6. Candidates for a Domestic Appliance (DA) Technician, Gas Piping Fitter (GP), and
G.2 must have completed the G.3 program and be in possession of a valid G.3

7. Candidates for a Recreational Vehicle 1 (RV.1) certificate must have hold an RV.2
certificate and have documented proof of experience as outlined in Regulation

8. Candidates for certification as an Industrial Maintenance Technician (IMT, IMT-E

or IMT-M) must complete a TSSA registered customized training program as
outlined in the IMT Certification Policies & Procedures document.

9. Certificates will be issued by the Technical Standards and Safety Authority upon
receipt of:

a) the prescribed fee of $70.00;

b) a signed declaration/application completed by the training organization

stating that the candidate has met all of the certification requirements;

c) a data sheet which contains information pertaining to the candidate as

required by the Technical Standards and Safety Authority;

d) a signed confirmation of work experience detailing the required field

experience as applicable for the Gas Technician 1 and Oil Burner
Technician 1 certificates.

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Challenge Examinations:
A candidate for certification may opt to seek exemption from attending programmed
modules of training by challenging the examination(s) for each particular module or by
challenging the full level. Challenge examinations will be based upon theoretical and
practical knowledge. The questions for challenge examinations will be drawn from a
weighted database and shall also include a practical skills assessment conducted by a
TSSA Fuels Safety Inspector.

Challenge examinations are set by Quality and Standards, TSSA. All other requests for a
challenge examination will be directed to an accredited Training Provider or an accredited
examination centre. The Inspector will arrange a practical skills assessment utilizing the
assessment technique developed by Quality and Standards. The assessment is based on
the standards for practical skills identified in the approved curriculum. Candidates may
complete the theory or practical portion in any order of preference. Both components
must be successfully completed in order for a certificate of qualification to be issued.

An individual wishing to obtain certification via the challenge process may be first required
to obtain the pre-requisite certificates in order to proceed. In order to challenge the
examination(s) for any of the certificates of qualifications issued under Regulation 215/01
of the Technical Standards & Safety Act, 2000, the following is required:

1. If an individual has allowed their certificate to expire, but has remained

actively working as a Gas Technician or an Oil Burner Technician, the
individual must:

a) provide detailed documentation providing proof of continuous work experience,

including letters from the employer(s) since the certificate expired, the
equipment/appliances specifications, the nature of the work (i.e. installation,
service, maintenance, engineering...etc), copies of certificates from completed
training programs, a client reference list that includes names and addresses.
This information must be submitted directly to the Training Provider for review
and must be included with the application for certification submitted to TSSA for

b) challenge the theory portion of the Gas Technician 3 (G.3) or the Oil Burner
Technician 3 (OBT.3).

c) arrange for the district TSSA Fuels Safety Inspector to complete a practical
skills assessment.

Upon successfully passing the Gas Technician 3 or Oil Burner Technician 3

examination and practical skills assessment, the individual may immediately
challenge any of the permanent certificates of qualification requiring a Gas
Technician 3/Oil Burner Technician 3 as a prerequisite, i.e. Domestic Appliance
Technician, Gas Technician 2, or Oil Burner Technician 2.

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2. If an individual is not certified in any category or has never possessed a
certificate of qualification, the individual may:

a) challenge the Gas Technician 3 and/or the Oil Burner Technician 3 examination

b) arrange with the district Fuels Safety Inspector to have a practical skills
assessment conducted (Level 3 only).

An individual in this category may not proceed to the next level of challenge
examinations until 4000 hours of supervised, certified field time has been
accumulated and documented.

3. An individual holding a Gas Technician 3 or an Oil Burner Technician 3 may

challenge any of the higher level, permanent certificates of qualification
without the pre-requisite training programs only if:

a) 4000 hours of work experience has been accumulated as a Gas Technician 3

or Oil Burner Technician 3 from the date the certificate was issued. Prior,
uncertified field experience time will not be recognized or considered valid
towards certification requirements.

b) work experience referred to above is fully documented and verified by the

supervising certificate holder and the employer.

4. A person may attempt to challenge the Gas Technician 1 or the Oil Burner
Technician 1 examinations only if:

a) the individual holds a valid Gas Technician 2 or Oil Burner Technician 2


b) the individual can provide documentation detailing 4000 hours of accumulated

experience as a Gas Technician 2 or an Oil Burner Technician 2, of which a
minimum of 500 hours are on systems larger than 400,000 Btuh or 7 U.S.
gallons per hour respectively under direct supervision. The name, certificate
number and signature of the supervising certificate holder must be provided.

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Certificate holders will be able to upgrade their certificates from one category to another if
the following conditions have been met:

a) The additional required training modules for the certificate being applied for have
been successfully completed;

b) A passing grade of 75% was achieved on the theoretical training. The applicant
may wish to challenge the examination(s) for the applicable modules;

c) The evaluation of practical skills was achieved for each applicable module;

d) The required practical field experience has been accumulated as required for the
Gas Technician 1 and the Oil Burner Technician 1.

e) The applicant submits a completed application, transcripts, signed declarations, a

copy of their current certificate, and the appropriate fee to TSSA

Distance Learning:
1. Educators and trainers generally agree that there is no satisfactory substitute for
classroom instruction. There are, however, circumstances where it is impossible
for the student to attend the regular classes and a distance learning arrangement
becomes the only option. These circumstances should be limited as follows:

a) when temporary out-of-town employment does not allow attendance at the

classes - discretion should be used to determine what constitutes employment;

b) when the location of the domicile is such that a student(s) cannot reasonably
be expected to attend the classes;

c) when the number of students in an area away from the location of the training
facility is too small to warrant a classroom program.

2. Training programs developed for distance learning (i.e. Self-study correspondence,

CD-ROM) should be constructed by accredited training providers in such a manner
as to be equivalent in hours to classroom/workshop programs;

3. Training programs developed for distance learning should be structured to include

practical, hands-on training with an instructor in a workshop setting or through an
industry partner. The industry partner must be identified and the distance learning
materials submitted to Quality and Standards, TSSA prior to acceptance;

4. Distance Learning program students have the same certification requirements as

those attending classes, with the exception of the attendance factor of 80%.

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Training Credits:
1. To facilitate mobility across the province, promote continuity in training standards
and uphold the validity of a standardized curriculum, students will be able to
transport credits for successfully completed training modules from one accredited
training organization to another.

2. Credits for successfully completed modules within one certificate category may be
applied towards a higher certificate (i.e. an upgrade from a Gas Piping Fitter or
Domestic Appliance Technician to a Gas Technician 2) or towards an alternate fuel
(i.e. certain modules that apply towards one of either the Oil Burner Technician or
the Gas Technician).

Proof of Experience/Declaration:
A written confirmation of work experience, provided by the applicant, will be required in a
number of instances:

a) applicants applying for a Gas Technician 1 or Oil Burner Technician 1 certificate;

b) holders of certificates that have not renewed and have had their certification status
suspended or cancelled.

An individual holding a certificate of qualification as a Class 1, 2 or 3 Operating Engineer
would not be required to attend the training program(s) for the Gas Technician 3 nor be
required to challenge the Gas Technician 3 examination in order to be able to proceed to
the next level of permanent certification (i.e. G.2, OBT.2, DA, GP).

This exemption, however, does not mean that the Class 1, 2 or 3 Operating Engineer will
receive a Gas Technician 3 (G.3) certificate of qualification or that they may perform
functions within the scope of a G.3. The exemption is solely from the requirement to
undergo the training modules at the G.3 level so that the person may either
immediately enter the G.2 training program or proceed directly to the challenge
exam process.

O. Regulation 215/01, Sect 55(4): allows an exemption for Operating Engineers that
only applies to work that is within the scope of the person’s certificate as an OE on
equipment that is located at a registered plant at which the person is employed.

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Renewal periods are two years as prescribed in the Regulation. Policies pertaining to
renewals are as follows:

a) a certificate holder (any class) that fails to renew their certificate on time will have their
certificate placed in suspension for a period of twelve months or until the requirements
have been met. Suspended certificates will be cancelled after the twelve months have

b) Certificate holders who have not renewed their certificate or who have failed to meet
the information requirements for a period longer than twelve months, and are
requesting a re-instatement, will be considered as new applicants, and will be subject
to the same certification requirements of a new applicant, i.e. re-training, qualifying
examination(s), practical skills evaluation.

c) Renewal notices and suspension letters will be mailed to the address on file with
TSSA. Notification of change of address must be submitted to TSSA within 30 days
(O. Regulation 215/01 Sect 19(1)) to ensure renewal notices are received.

Out-of-Province applicants who have completed recognized training programs in their
home jurisdiction are to be referred to Quality and Standards, where:

a) the training programs in the home jurisdiction will be evaluated. The applicant will be
required to submit a request in writing, enclose official transcripts and proof of
successful completion and/or certificates from their home jurisdiction and include a
Confirmation of Qualification from the certifying body in their home jurisdiction;

b) experience requirements will be evaluated. The applicant will be required to submit

letters from past and/or present employers detailing the length and type of experience
and skills that have been accumulated.

Based on the results of the evaluation of the material and documents submitted, Out-of-
Province applicants may:

a) be required to complete and submit a confirmation of work experience/skills passport;


b) be required to successfully challenge an approved Provincial examination for the class

of certificate being applied for, or;

c) be deemed to hold the equivalent training and having met the experience
requirements for the applicable class of certificate, Quality and Standards will issue
the equivalent Ontario endorsement.

Quality and Standards, Technical Standards & Safety Authority (TSSA)

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Scope of Certification:
All technicians are required to work within the scope of the certificate/endorsement class
they hold. For the specific wording and details relating to the scope of the various
certificates of qualification and Records of Training please refer to the Fuels Industry
Certificates and Authorizations Regulation 215/01 under the Technical Standards and
Safety Act 2000.

Record of Training (ROT) Expiry Dates and Renewal

All Training Providers issuing ROTs must be accredited by and meet the standards for
accreditation as set out by TSSA. Accreditation can be obtained by either submitting a
program and training proposal directly to TSSA for review or by attending a TSSA
accredited train-the-trainer program and conducting programs on behalf of and under
agreement with the Parent Trainer. The accreditation procedures also apply to Employers
delivering ROT training programs on site for their own staff.

Industry issued Record of Training (ROT) certificates are valid for a three (3) year
timeframe from the date of issue. Expiry dates, Training Provider name and TSSA
accreditation number, must be printed on the ROT Card along with the cardholder name.

TSSA accredited Training Providers are responsible for ensuring that recipients of ROTs
(whether as an initial issue or as a renewal) have been assessed and found to be
competent to perform the functions covered by their respective category of certification.
When renewing an ROT at the three year expiry, procedures to ensure candidates have
retained the knowledge base they held at completion of the initial training should be
implemented. This assessment could be conducted as an interview, a theoretical
examination, a practical skills demonstration or any combination including refresher
training. It is imperative that Training Providers maintain a level of comfort in the skills of
the candidates they certify and ensure they are competent and can operate in a safe

Should a candidate not be able to ensure competency, successful completion of either a

full re-training or a refresher/overview training program is necessary at the discretion of
the Training Provider. Candidates who have not met the competency requirements and
have completed further training must then be re-assessed by a TSSA accredited Training
Provider on both their theoretical knowledge and their practical skills before performing
the procedure again.

ROT cards must state what the candidate has been trained and therefore
authorized to do and be fuel specific.

Quality and Standards, Technical Standards & Safety Authority (TSSA)

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Industrial Maintenance Technician (IMT):
An applicant for an IMT authorization who has successfully completed a training program
acceptable to the Director on the electrical and/or the control instrumentation systems as
they related to the gas and fuel oil systems only, may be issued a certificate of
qualification or authorization with the designation "E" - Electrical. This authorization or
endorsement entitles the holder to install, purge, service, maintain, repair, remove and
inspect electrical and/or control systems and equipment if the systems and equipment are
fuelled by natural gas, propane or fuel oil.

An applicant for an IMT authorization who has successfully completed a training program
acceptable to the Director on the mechanical and/or the mechanical control systems as
they related to the gas and fuel oil systems only, may be issued a certificate of
qualification or authorization with the designation "M" - Mechanical. This authorization or
endorsement entitles the holder to install, purge, service, maintain, repair, remove and
inspect piping systems, mechanical and/or mechanical control systems if the systems and
equipment are fuelled by natural gas, propane or fuel oil.

Further details on the IMT assessment process and certification requirements are
contained in the IMT Policies & Procedures document. All IMT Training Programs
and certificate requirements must be approved in advance by Quality and
Standards, TSSA.

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Accreditation of Training Providers/Organizations:
1. Training Providers/Organizations will be required to meet specific standards and
conditions in order to be accredited and registered with TSSA as authorized under
O. Regulation 215/01 of the Technical Standards & Safety Act, 2000 to deliver
Fuel certification training program(s).

2. Training Provider Status with TSSA will be cancelled if a training provider has not
delivered training within the previous 2 years. Accreditation status could be
reinstated through a new application process.

3. Applications or declarations for certification submitted on behalf of students by an

organization not accredited as a Training Provider will not be accepted.

4. The criteria/conditions for acceptance of a Training Provider are as follows:

a. Instructor Qualification

The Training Provider wishing to deliver fuel certification programs will employ
qualified instructors. Instructors delivering modules of training that have a technical
content (e.g. electrical, flame safeguard controls, controls ... etc.) shall be
certified/recognized in their occupation or trade and have a demonstrated
knowledge of the subject matter(s) by submitting letters detailing their experience.

b. Instructor Information

The Training Provider will provide the names of their instructors and/or sub-
contractors. The information will include: residential address and phone number,
photocopy of trade/ occupational certificates; training delivery experience, fuel
industry experience and any other information deemed pertinent to the delivery of
the program.

c. Teacher/Student Ratio

It is recommended that there be no more than 20 students per training session.

d. Classroom - Theory Training

Theory instruction is an integral part of each program and should be supported

through a proper environment. Note that the examinations are based in large part
upon the theoretical training.

Audio/visual equipment, flip charts, and other training materials and props such as
parts, fittings and tools that assist in the training must be available as required for
the specific training modules.

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e. Laboratory/Workshop Requirements for Practical Training

Due to the large proportion of practical skills development included in the majority
of the training modules and curriculum, it is essential that the training facility have
access to the required equipment. The equipment will vary with the degree of
technical expertise required to deliver the training and meet the terminal
performance objectives set out for the module(s). This will require access to
equipment that includes, but may not be limited to:

i. Cylinders, tanks and components used in various applications such as

regulators, valves, meters, fittings, etc.;

ii. A supply of the fuel(s) to activate the various appliances;

iii. Auto propane/compressed natural gas and filling facility (if applicable);

iv. Tools, meters, pressure gauges, flue gas analysers as required to connect
or disconnect supply systems, troubleshoot and adjust the various types of

v. Specific operational equipment such as furnaces, water heaters, boilers,

fireplaces, ranges, dryers ... etc. as required for instruction and to provide a
broad range of hands on experience;

vi. Various manual and electronic control systems as required.

The lab facility may be on-site or at a site convenient for use by the Training Provider
(e.g. on the site of an industry partner, the physical plant...etc). Each site must be pre-
approved for use by TSSA and will necessitate a field visit.

f. Curriculum

The Training Provider will be required to satisfactorily deliver the standardized

training curriculum approved by the Technical Standards and Safety Authority and
Fuels Training and Certification Advisory Board as appropriate. The established
curriculum will be provided to Training Providers by TSSA. There will be no
deviation from this criteria unless specifically agreed to by Quality and
Standards, TSSA.

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g. Examination standards

The Training Providers will be required to apply the examination & evaluation
standards based on the approved training curriculum and standardized
examination banks.

Documented security procedures and protocol will be applied to ensure the

confidentiality of the question data bank and the access to the data bank. A
Training Provider not observing the security and confidentiality provisions may be
subject to loss of accreditation.

Dictionaries of any type are not permitted in the examination room. This includes
translation dictionaries.

5. An inspection of the facility and interviews with the instructors may be required in
order to accredit a Training Provider. This inspection will be arranged through
TSSA and an inspection fee will be applied.

6. Training Providers will be audited by the Technical Standards and Safety Authority.

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Required Modules for Gas/Oil Technician Classifications
Suggested Total
Classification Module Requirements Program Cumulative
Hours Hours
Gas Technician 3 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 180 180
Gas Pipe Fitter Gas Technician 3 (G.3), 55 235
(GP) Plus modules 10, 15, 22
Domestic Gas Technician 3 (G.3), 240 420
Appliance (DA) Plus Modules 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16
Gas Technician 2 Gas Technician 3 (G.3), plus Modules 10, 11, 480 660
(G.2) 12,13,14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

Gas Technician I Gas Tech. 3 (G.3) and Gas Tech. 2 (G.2), 140 800
(G.1) Plus Modules 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31
Must have one of the following certificates:
Liquid Propane Gas Pipe Fitter (GP), Gas Tech 2 (G.2), Gas 32 32
Fitter (LP) Tech 1(G.1), plus Module 25
Oil Burner Training Materials from TSSA/University of
Technician 3 Guelph, Kemptville/COHA (Canadian Oil Heat 200 200
(OBT.3) Association). Train-the-Trainer completion
required for delivery.
Oil Burner Training Materials from TSSA/University of
Technician 2 Guelph, Kemptville/COHA (Canadian Oil Heat 240 440
(OBT.2) Association). Train-the-Trainer completion
required for delivery.
Oil Burner In development
Technician 1 80 520
Industrial Industrial Maintenance Technician Certification
Maintenance is site specific. Training requirements & TBD TBD
Technician (IMT, - guideline hours are set after an Equipment
E Electrical or -M assessment and prior learning assessment on
Mechanical) Technicians has been conducted by TSSA.
Internal Successfully completed accredited training
Combustion program, should also include components of Variable Variable
Alternate Fuel modules 1, 3, 4, 6

Quality and Standards, Technical Standards & Safety Authority (TSSA)

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Gas Technician Certification Training Modules:
Module# Module
01 Protect Self and Others
02 Fasteners, Hand Tools and Power Tools
03 Properties, Characteristics, Safe Handling of Propane and Natural Gas
04 Installation Codes, Acts and Regulations
05 Introduction to Electricity
06 Technical Manuals, Specifications, Schematics, Drawings and Graphs
07 Customer Relations
08 Introduction to Piping and Tubing Systems
09 Introduction to Gas Appliances
10 Advanced Piping and Tubing Systems
11 Basic Electricity
12 Controls (Mechanical and Electronic)
13 "Building as a System"
14 Domestic and Non-Vented Appliances
15 Gas Meters, Pressure Regulators and Relief Valves
16 Domestic Gas Fired Refrigerators
17 Conversion Burner
18 Water Heaters, Combo Systems, Potable Water Heating Systems
19 Forced Warm Air Heating Systems
20 Hydronic Heating Systems
21 Space Heating and Decorative Appliances
22 Venting Practices
23 Forced Air Add-On Devices
24 Air Handling Systems
25 Liquid Propane*
26 Flame Safeguard Controls
27 Commercial and Industrial Appliances
28 Gas Fired Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
29 Gas Technician I - Electricity
30 Gas Technician I - Controls
31 Valve Train
32 Vehicle Refuelling Appliances (VRA)

*Module 25 for Liquid Propane (LP) requires a separate program submission and
Training Provider accreditation process, it is not part of the G2 or G1 standard

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Required Modules for Oil Burner Technician Certification:

Oil Burner Technician 3 (OBT.3) Training Modules:

1. Protect Self/Others, Safe Handling of Hand & Power Tools

2. Installation Codes, Acts & Regulations
3. Basic Electricity
4. Technical Manuals, Specifications, Schematics, Drawings, Graphs
5. Theory of Combustion
6. Fundamentals of Controls
7. Customer Relations
8. Piping & Tubing Systems
9. Fuel Oil Storage and Delivery Systems
10. Introduction to Water Heaters, Forced Warm-Air Heating Systems
11. Burner Types and Oil Burner Nozzles
12. Chimneys, Drafts and Combustion Efficiency
13. Annual Servicing

Oil Burner Technician 2 (OBT.2) Training Modules:

14. Building as a System

15. Venting Systems
16. Electricity
17. Conversion Burners
18. Water Heaters, Combo Systems, Potable Water Heating Systems
19. Forced Warm-Air Heating Systems
20. Hydronic Heating Systems
21. Forced-Air Add-On Devices
22. Air Handling System
23. Flame Safeguard Controls

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Fuels Safety Certification Fee Schedule (Regulation 215/01):
The curriculum document provides a detailed breakdown of each module of
study and training required for the specific subject.

Training Profiles contain the full listing of all modules for the gas technician
certification sorted by module of study but described at a higher level than the
curriculum, i.e. Terminal performance objectives.
Gas Technician Curriculum (Level 1 Modules 26 to 32, 2 - Modules 10 to 24 or 3 -
Modules 1 to 9) $25 ea./$65 set
Practical Skills Assessment:
A service generally provided for the individual who is requesting to be re-
instated and wishes to challenge the qualifying examination and the practical
evaluation. The practical skills assessment is conducted with the Fuel Safety
Gas & Oil Burner Technician Practical Skills Assessment $120/hour + GST
(approximately 3 hours)
Fuel Safety Examinations are offered at 3300 Bloor Street West when
scheduled in advance. Approximate sitting time is 3.5 hours per GT or OBT

Examination appeals or reviews are provided on request. This process

provides the candidate with a breakdown of the examination by topic and
indicates the number of questions drawn for each topic and the number of
incorrect responses by topic.
Exam (Gas & Oil):
Challenge Exam: $170 (includes $70 certification fee)
Re-write $100.00
Exam (Gas & Oil): Sitting Fee, Challenge Exam or Re-write off-site. $120/hour + GST
Exam Reviews/Assessments: $50.00 + GST
Examination Scoring if provided by Examination Services: $25 per participant
Out of Province Application or Challenge Request Assessments $120.00 + GST

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Appendix A: Certificate Conversion Tables (Regulation 348/96 as amended July 1, 1997
by Regulation 158/97 under the former Ontario Energy Act, now TSS Act, 2000):

Certificates Issued Prior to: Convert to:

GAF-1 Gas Fitter 1 G.1 Gas Technician 1

GAF-1 (Therm-hours) Gas Fitter 1 Temp. G.1 Gas Technician 1 with POE
(otherwise reverts to Gas Tech. 2)

GAF-2 Gas Fitter 2 G.2 Gas Technician 2

GAF-2 (Therm-hours) Gas Fitter 2 Temp. G.2 Gas Technician 2 with POE
(otherwise reverts to Gas Tech. 3)

GAI-1 Installer 1 GP Gas Piping Fitter

GAI-2 Installer 2 G.3 Gas Technician 3

GFS Service Gas Fitter DA Domestic Appliance Technician

GFM Maintenance Fitter IMT Industrial Maintenance Technician

PFT-1 Propane Fitter 1 G.1 Gas Technician 1

LP Liquid Propane Fitter

PFT-2 Propane Fitter 2 G.2 Gas Technician 2

LP Liquid Propane Fitter

PCH-1 Construction Heating 1 CH-O1 Certificate or Record of Training (ROT)

PCH-2 Construction Heating 2 CH-O2 Certificate or Record of Training (ROT)

PMH-1 Mobile Housing G.3 with requirement to upgrade to:

Recreational Vehicle Technician

PIV-1 Industrial/Fork Lift ICE-IV Internal Combustion Alternate Fuel

Technician - Industrial Vehicle

PAV-2 Automotive - Installer ICE-P Internal Comb. Alternate Fuel Tech-Propane

PAV-1 Automotive - Inspection ICE-P Internal Comb. Alternate Fuel Tech-Propane

PAV-1/2 plus NGV-1 ICE Integrated Int. Comb. Alternate Fuel Tech.

PPO-1/2/3 Plant Operator 1, 2 & 3 PPO -1/2/3 Certificate or Record of Training (ROT)

PCI-1 Cylinder Inspector PCI Certificate or Record of Training (ROT)

PTO-1 Truck Operator PTO Certificate or Record of Training (ROT)

Oil Burner Mechanic - 2 Oil Burner Technician – 1

Oil Burner Mechanic - 3 Oil Burner Technician – 2

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