Social Institution
Social Institution
Social Institution
15.1 Introduction
As we group up there are many different influences which effect our behaviour. When we are very young, it is the family, especially our mother and father who effect us the most. After a certain age, we begin to go to school. School has a major impact on our behaviour and in shaping ones personality. In addition, the community of which we are a part also effects us and guides our actions. All of us belong to a particular religious group, each religion also has guidelines about right behaviour. In todays world, T.V and mass media also exert a very strong influence on our thoughts and activities. In this chapter all these influences in the form of different social institutions are discussed.
15.2 Objectives
After reading this lesson you will be able to : define family and state its changing nature; state the role of family as a social unit and optimal functioning of human behaviour; recognise the characteristics of community; indicate the role of religious group and how they influence social behaviour; assess the role of school as a socializing agent; identify the socializing influence of peer group.
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step in the development of analytical and scientific mind. Do you know that Jawahar Lal Nehrus dream was to see the children of our country to have a scientific viewpoint, to follow scientific processes and techniques in every field of life. Aristotle, one of the greatest philosopher has written the family is a natural institution created to fulfill our daily needs. Actually the institution of family was created, when people recognized the interdependence of men and women, and other fellow beings. The institution of family grew stronger with the growth of civilization and culture. Its form and structure has been changing. Today the change is more rapid, but the essential role of the family remains the same. With the advent of T.V. and internet the world has become smaller or rather our own inner world has become bigger. But even so the importance of family and family ties can not be undermined. Children must remember that it parents teach them something or impose discipline it is for their, own good. If children do not realise this, it may give rise to a feeling of rebellion which can play havoc in their life later on.
15.4 Community
As the child grows he/she comes in contact with neighborhood children and people. This extended group forms the community or social environment. The childs thinking and behavioural patterns are influenced by them too. Our community does not consist of our neighbors alone. Our friends, people who follow the same religion and religious practices; people belonging to same caste, all are part of the community we belong. In fact all the people we come in close contact are part of our community. All these people play an important role in the childs development. When the child starts going to school he/she meets many children coming from different background. All this forms the part of the childs social environment. After family the childs teachers and peer group is the second largest influence in a childs life. By peer group it is meant the fellow students, neighbourhood children and people of the some age-group. As you have read in the lesson on adolescence that at this age peer group
becomes even more important them parents, simply because at this age children spend longer time with them than their parents.
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miniature Rajasthani paintings. We have a rich heritage of handicrafts, e.g. sculpting of our deities, pottery and ceramics, leather goods, handloom.
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Not only they give wrong information they try to create needs which are not our basic needs. These artificially created needs create the desire to have lots of money. Running after money is not good. There is much more to life then having lots of money and acquiring lots of goods. Along with family, teachers and peer group T.V. has emerged as having a strong socialization effect on children. Children learn a lot from T.V. They may try to copy wrong life-style and wrong things : without questioning, thinking they try to copy the western life-style. Many believe that all that is western is good. There is a lot a conflict arising in their minds regarding the right values. T.V. is influencing our social, moral and ethical values; our culture and traditions. Most of broadcasting channels are owned by multi-national company and they are not answerable to any government. One should develop a scientific mind and always question the obvious. The saying Seeing is believing is not true in the case of T.V. Most of it is fantasy or twisted version of reality. One should know how to pick and choose the right programme.
Write short note on following : (i) (ii) the family the community
4. 5.
What is meant by peer group? Why is it important? Given the choice, what kind of family would you like to live in joint family system or Nuclear family system and why?