Statement: of Account
Statement: of Account
Statement: of Account
Statementof Account
For the Period From:01/10/2023 to 26/10/2023
Date Trans ID Transaction Units Price Date Price (NAV) Gross Amount Load *(%age) Load Amount Charges CGT WHT Net Amount Balance Units
10/10/2023 174143 Refund of CGT 568.4059 08/10/2023 10.2937 5,851.00 - .09 .00 .00 .00 5,850.91 1,008,906.1043
16/10/2023 228461 Online Redemption 2,903.2914 15/10/2023 10.3331 30,000.00 - .00 .00 32.00 .00 29,968.00 1,006,002.8129
16/10/2023 228462 Online Redemption 2,903.2914 15/10/2023 10.3331 30,000.00 - .00 .00 33.00 .00 29,967.00 1,003,099.5215
25/10/2023 176281 Investment 77,017.8681 24/10/2023 10.3872 800,000.00 - .00 .00 .00 .00 800,000.00 1,080,117.3896
Total Units Elect. Free Elect. Pledge Cert. Free Cert. Pledge Cds Units
This is computer generated statement and does not require any signature
If you find any discrepancy in your Account Statement, please contact us within 3 working days on our UAN: +92 42 111-225-262 or email us on