Air Insultaed MV-ABB

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Air-insulated medium voltage switchgear, 24 kV

Instruction manual BA 398/03 E

ABB Power Distribution

Your safety first – always!

That's why our instruction manual begins with these recommendations:

• Only install switchgear and/or switchboards in enclosed rooms suitable for

electrical equipment.
• Ensure that installation, operation and maintenance are carried out by
specialist electricians only.
• Comply in full with the legally recognized standards (DIN VDE / IEC), the
connection conditions of the local electrical utility and the applicable safety
at work regulations.
• Observe the relevant information in the instruction manual for all actions
involving switchgear and switchboards.

• Danger!

Pay special attention to the hazard notes in the instruction manual marked with
this warning symbol.
• Make sure that under operation condition of the switchgear or switchboard
the specified data are not exceeded.
• Keep the instruction manual accessible to all persons concerned with
installation, operation and maintenance.
• The user’s personnel are to act responsibly in all matters affecting safety at
work and the correct handling of the switchgear.

Anerkannte Regeln der Technik und Betriebsanleitungen
beachten !

Gefährliche Spannung
kann elektrischen Schock und Verbrennungen verursachen.
Vor Aufnahme von Arbeiten jeder Art dieses Gerät unbedingt freischalten,
erden und kurzschließen.

Always observe the instruction manual and follow the rules
of good engineering practice !

Hazardous voltage
can cause electrical shock and burns.
Disconnect power, then earth and short-circuit before proceeding
with any work on this equipment.

If you have any further questions on this instruction manual, the members of our
field organization will be pleased to provide the required information.
Contents Page Contents Page

1 Summary 5 6 Operation of the switchgear 55

1.1 General 5 6.1 Commissioning 55
1.2 Standards and specifications 5 6.1.1 Preparatory of work 55
1.3 Operating conditions 5 6.1.2 Start-up 56
1.3.1 Normal operating conditions 5 6.2 Switching operations 56
1.3.2 Special operating conditions 5 6.2.1 Withdrawable circuit-breaker part 57
2 Technical data 6 6.2.2 Circuit-breaker, type VD4 58
2.1 Electrical data 6 6.2.3 Circuit-breaker, type VM1 59
2.2 Resistance to internal arc faults 6 6.2.4 Withdrawable metering parts 59
2.3 Dimensions and weights 7 6.2.5 Earthing switch, type EK6 59
3 Panel design and equipment 8 6.2.6 Busbar earthing switch 60
3.1 Basic structure and variants 9 6.2.7 Switch disconnector 60
3.2 Enclosure and partitioning 9 6.2.8 Insulationg guard plate 61
3.2.1 Ventilation of the panels 9 6.2.9 Electrical/medical display/monitoring 61
3.3 Compartments in the panels 9 6.2.10 Earthing and short-circuiting with
3.3.1 Busbar compartment 9 earthing cable sets 61
3.3.2 Circuit-breaker compartment 9 6.3 Test procedures 62
3.3.3 Withdrawable parts 9 6.3.1 Testing the off-circuit condition 62
3.3.4 Cable connection compartment 10 6.3.2 Testing for in-phase condition 62
3.3.5 Control cabinet 10 6.3.3 Current and voltage testings 62
3.4 Interlocks/protection against maloperation 11 7 Maintenance 71
3.4.1 Panel internal interlocking 11 7.1 General 71
3.4.2 Interlocks between panels 11 7.2 Inspection 71
3.4.3 Locking devices 11 7.3 Servicing 72
3.5 VD4 circuit-breaker run on-block 11 7.4 Repair 72
3.6 Coding of the control wiring 7.4.1 Switchgear in general 72
plug connection 11 7.4.2 Replacement of complex functional groups 73
4 Despatch and storage 23 7.5 Testing withdrawable parts with a VD4
4.1 Condition on delivery 23 type circuit-breaker 74
4.2 Packaging 23 7.5.1 Motor-driven withdrawable parts 74
4.3 Transport 23 7.5.2 Checking the correctness of dimensional
settings 74
4.4 Delivery 23
7.5.3 Checking auxiliary switch settings on
4.5 Intermediate storage 23
withdrawable parts 74
5 Assembly of the switchgear at site 25
7.5.4 Checking the direction of the rotation of
5.1 General site requirements 25 the travel motors on motor-driven
5.2 Foundations 25 withdrawable parts 75
5.2.1 Floor frame on a concrete floor 25 7.5.5 Testing of interlock conditions 75
5.2.2 Raised false floor 26 7.6 Tests on the panel 76
5.3 Assembly of the switchgear panels 27 7.6.1 Auxiliary switch settings on the
5.4 Installation of the busbars and bushings 28 earthing switch 76
5.5 Installation of the top mouted boxes 29 7.7 Spare parts, auxiliary materials, lubricants 76
5.5.1 Voltage transformer for busbart metering 29 7.7.1 Spare parts 76
3.3.2 Earthing switch for busbar earthing 29 7.7.2 Auxiliary materials, lubricants 76
5.6 Pressure rerlief ducts 29
5.7 Connection of the cables 30
5.7.1 Power cables 30 We reserve all rights to this publication. Misuse, particularly
including duplication and making available of this manual-
5.7.2 Control cables 30
or extracts- to third parties is prohibited. The data and
5.8 Earthing of the switchgear 30 illustrations are without engagement. Subject to change
5.9 Laying the ring circuits 30 without notice.
5.10 Final erection work 30 © ABB Calor Emag Mittelspannung GmbH, 2000

4 ABB Power Distribution

1 Summary equipment. Condensation can be prevented by
appropriate configuration of the station building or
switchgear room.
1.1 General
The maximum site altitude is 1000 m above sea
The metal-clad, three-pole air-insulated switchgear level.
panels without disconnectors from the ZS1 series
are factory-assembled, type-tested indoor 1.3.2 Special operating conditions
switchgear panels for a rated voltage of 24 kV.
They are designed as withdrawable module type According to VDE 0670 part 1000, the
panels, and fitted with a single busbat system. The manufacturer and user may agree on special
withdrawable parts are preferably fitted with operating conditions which deviate from the
vacuum circuit-breakers. mormal operating conditions. The manufacturer
must be consulted in advance about each special
Detail of the technical design and configuration of operating condition. Examples are as follows:
individual switchgears, such as the technical data,
detailed equipment lists for the individual panels • At site altitudes above 1000 m, the effects of the
and comprehensive circuit documentation, etc., reduction in dielectric strength of the air on the
can be found in the relevant order documents. insulation level are to be taken into account
(please refer to diagramme figure 1/1).

1.2 Standards and specifications • Increased ambient temperatures must be

compensated for in the design of the busbars
ZS1 switchgear panels comply with the standards and tee-off conductors as well as for the
and specifications for factory-assembled, withdrawable parts, or the current carrying
metalclad and type tested high voltage switchgears capacity will be limited. Heat dissipation in the
to VDE 0670 and the relevant IEC publications switchgear panel can be assisted by fitting addi-
60298 and 60694. In addition, in accordance with tional ventilation facilities.
DIN VDE 0470 and the equivalent IEC 60529, the
switchtgear panels have degrees of protection. Note on any special climatic operating conditions:

IP 4X (IP 5X on request) for the enclosure and IP 2X When switchgears are operated in areas with high
for the partitions. humidity and/or major rapid temperature
fluctuations, there is a risk of dew deposits which
All other relevant VDE specifications, especially DIN must remain an exception in normal operating
VDE 0101, VDE 0105 and DIN VDE 0141, the conditions for indoor switchgear. Preventive action
corresponding IEC publications, the national or (e.g. fitting electric heaters) must be taken in
local safety at work regulations and the safety consultation with the manufacturer to avoid such
regulations for production materials are to be condensation phenomena and the possibly
followed during erection and operation of these resulting corrosion and other adverse effects. The
systems. Above and beyond this, the order-related control of the heaters depends on the relevant
data from ABB are to be taken into account. project and details are to be taken from the order
1.3 Operating conditions

1.3.1 Normal operating conditions

The switchgears are fundamentally designed for
the normal operating conditions for indoor
switchgears to DIN VDE 0670 part 1000 / IEC 1,0
Publication 60694. The following limit values,
among others, apply: k
Ambient temperature:
Maximum +40°C
Maximum 24 h average +35°C
Minimum (according to
“minus 5 indoor class“) -5°C 1000 2000 3000 4000 m 5000
VDE 0670 part 6 amends the content of VDE 0670 H
part 1000 with respect to humidity as follows: With
indoor installation, it is assumed that the humidity
within the enclosure can reach high values, but that Figure 1/1: Curve for determination of the altitude factor k
there is mormally no condensation on the installed in relation to the altitude H.

ABB Power Distribution 5

2 Technical data
2.1 Electrical ata

Rated voltage kV 24
Rated power frequency withstand voltage kV 50
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage kV 125
Insulation to: DIN VDE/IEC list 2
Rated frequency Hz 50/60
Rated current of busbars A …2500
Rated current of tee-offs A …25003)
• circuit breaker A …1000
• switch disconnector A …1000
Rated peak withstand current kA …63
Rated short-circuit breaking current of circuit-breaker kA …25
Rated short-time current 3 s1) kA …25
Auxiliary voltage V DC2) 60, 110, 120; AC 110, 220

Take the short-circuit withstand capability of the instrument transformers into account separately.
Special DC voltages on request.
3) a)
2000 A; by additional cooling due to ventilation grids in the horizontal partition plate and due to pressure relief flap made from
expanded metal instead of sheet steel plates on the circuit-breaker compartment
2500 A; by design as stated under item a and additional expanded metal on the cable connection department and the busbar
compartment instead of pressure relief flaps made from sheet steel plates and additional ventilation grids in the horizontal
partition plate.

For data of the individual switching devices, see the

instruction manual for the the switching device
concerned, as listed under 7.1.

2.2 Resistance to internal arc faults

The fault withestand capability is 25 kA 1 s. Criteria
1 to 6 of PEHLA guideline no. 4 (in conjunction with
VDE 0670 part 6 and IEC 60298) are fulfilled. In
individual cases, depending on the configuration of
the switchgear panels and/or the switchroom
conditions (e.g. low ceiling height), additional
measures may be necessary to ensure compliance
with criterion 5.

6 ABB Power Distribution

2.3 Dimensions and weights

Rated voltage kV 24

Height Dimension a mm 23251)

Width Dimension b
• Feeder panels up to 1250 A mm 8002)
• Feeder panels over 1250 A mm 1000
Depth Dimension c mm 15003)

Optionally 2200 mm
Available as special version with 1000 mm
1520 mm for feeders from 1600 to 2500 A

b c


Feeder panel 850 to 1200 kg, depending on equipment installed.
Detailed individual data can be found in the tables in sections 5.2.1 and 5.2.2.

ABB Power Distribution 7

3 Panel design and equipment cushion which remains between these walls as a
result of the design when the panels are joined
3.1 Basic structure and variants
The enclosure is completed by top-mounted
(Figures 3/1 to 3/3)
pressure-relief flaps which are, according to the
The basis for the ZS1 panel is the incoming/ rated tee-off conductor current, made of sheet
outgoing feeder panel with vacuum circuit-breaker steel or expanded metal and below by means of
using insertion technology. It is divided into busbar the floor-covering 17 made of sheet steel which
compartment A, circuit-breaker compartment B, cannot be magnetized. The pressure-relief flaps
cable compartment C and the control cabinet D for are secured with steel screws on one longitudinal
the secondary equipment. Apart from this, there side and on the other longitudinal side with plastic
are variants for all operating needs. The pictures screws. In the case of internal overpressure, the
3/1 to 3/3 show possible configurations of a panel plastic screws are the point of rupture.
including electrical equipment.
An Ith limitation can be achieved under arc fault
For a busbar sectionalizing, two panels are conditions by undelayed breaker release effected
necessary, the coupling panel with the by auxiliary switches 11.5 (figure 5/27) which
withdrawable circuit-breaker part and a bus riser control the pressure relief devices (standard
panel (optional with busbar metering and earthing). equipment for higher short-circuit capacity).
When setting up the switchgear in two rows, the
The necessary safety measures to counteract the
busbar sectionalizing can be combined with a bar
effects of an internal arc fault must be ensured in
connection between the two sets of switchgear. In
connection with the ceiling height. This may in
equipment without busbar sectionalizing, a direct
individual cases possibly necessitate additional
bar connection between the busbars will be
operator protection measures on the switchgear
panels. Such measures include:
With ZS1 panels it is possible to set up a double
1. Mounting of a pressure relief duct 50 on the top of
busbar installation in accordance with the two
the switchgear, with further channels leading out
breaker method. This duplex arrangement is
of the switchroom in an appropriate form for the
possible both with back to back or front to front
building design. The shock wave and arc
discharge are channelled off in ducts (figure 5/11)
Apart from this, panels with fixed-mounted 2. Mounting of a pressure relief duct with blow-out
switch-disconnectors of type C3 (e.g. for feed to apertures located above the duct at the ends of
a station service transformer) are provided. the switchgear and pointing towards the centre
Depending on rated short-time current and the of the switchgear. The shock wave and arc
ceiling height of the circuit-breaker compartment, a discharge then emerge in an extremely
pressure relief duct on the panel would perhaps be attenuated form and at a location which is not
required. critical for the operating personnel.
Further details about the installation and equipping Part of the internal partitioning are the busbars-rear
of the switchgear can be obtained from the order wall of the busbar compartment 84, the
documents. intermediate wall 9, the mounting plate 12 with the
shutters 12.1/12.2 and the horizontal partition 20.
3.2 Enclosure and partitioning The internal partitioning makes it possible to have
safe access to the circuit-breaker and cable
(Figure 3/3, 5/11, 5/27)
compartments even when the busbars are live.
Enclosure and internal partitioning of the panels are
of high quality aluminium-zinc coated steel sheets, The low voltage compartment for the secondary
2 mm thick. The three high voltage compartments equipment is completely protected from the high
(busbar compartment circuit-breaker compartment voltage area due to its steel-sheet casing.
and cabel connection compartment) are equipped On the end sides, cover plates ensure a good
with top-mounted, secured pressure relief flaps. appearance and are mechanically and thermically
These open in the case of overpressure due to an arc fault proof in case of such an event in the end
internal arc fault. panel.
The front of the panel is closed off by pressure Doors and rear walls as well as the cover plates are
resistant doors which open to an angle of almost thoroughly cleaned and treated against corrosion
180°. Cable and circuit-breaker compartments have before receiving a high-quality double coating of
their own doors. The circuit-breaker compartments paint. The finishing coat is in the standard colour
are equipped with sight glasses made of security RAL 7035 (special colours by agreement). The
glass. Neighbouring panels are partitioned from one stoving procedure completes the work and imparts
another by the side walls of each panel and the air a notable insensitivity to impacts and corrosion.

8 ABB Power Distribution

3.2.1 Ventilation of the panels opened by means of the actuating bars 13.16 of
(Figures 3/1 to 3/3, 5/27, 6/21, 6/22) the withdrawable breaker part using lever 38 when
inserting into the service position and are closed
For the purpose of ventilation in cases of certain when it is removed. In the test/disconnected
rated currents in the busbar and tee-off bars, position of the withdrawable part, a partitioning by
openings in the outer enclosure are necessary. separation is established in the main circuit current.
For incoming air to the circuit-breaker com- The connection of the control wiring which must be
partment, the horizontal partition is provided with established for test purposes need not be
air-vents 20.2. The degree of protection IP4X and interrupted when in the test/disconnected position.
safety in case of releases of hot gas caused by an In the test/disconnected position, the withdrawable
arc fault are provided by the flap 20.3 in the raised part is still completely inside the panel with the door
false floor. In the case of outgoing air, the presssure closed. The ON/OFF push button located on the
relief flaps are provided made of expanded metal breaker, and the mechanical indicators for ON/OFF
instead of clad metal sheets. The form and size of and CHARGED/DISCHARGED can be observed
the vents in the expanded metal provide the degree through a sight glass.
of protection IP4X.
The switching operations are carried out with the
In case of an increased ambient temperature (>40 °C) doors closed. Installation of an additional
and/or increased frequency (60 Hz) may it by mechanical switching device for manual operation
necessary to install a fan into the horizontal partition of the circuit-breaker in the service position is also
at an increased current (2500 A). This is no possible.
standard. Please refer to figure 6/21 and 6/22.
The socket 10.1 for the control wiring is fixed-
The controlling of this fan depends on the condition mounted in the circuit-breaker compartment.
of the contract and is available in the contract
documents. 3.3.3 Withdrawable parts
(Figures 3/3, 3/6 to 3/8, 3/10 to 3/13, 3/15 to 3/21)
3.3 Compartments in the panels
1. Withdrawable circuit-breaker parts
3.3.1 Busbar compartment The withdrawable circuit-breaker forms a com-
(Figures 3/3, 5/9, 5/15 to 5/21) plete module consisting of the circuit-breaker
type VD4, type VM1 or SF6 circuit-breaker type HA,
The busbars 3 have a D-shaped cross-section the withdrawable assembly 13.15, the isolated
made of copper or aluminium and are laid in contact arm 4.2 with the contact system 4.3 and
sections from panel to panel. According to the the control wiring plug 10.2.
current rating, single or double configuration is
used. They are held by the flat tee-off conductor 2 The withdrawable assembly 13.15 and the circuit-
and if installed the busbar bushings 29. No special breaker are coupled via a multipole control-wiring
connecting clamps are needed. plug connection 10.3.
Busbars and tee-off conductors are insulated by The withdrawable assembly establishes the
means of shrink-on sleeves. The bolt connections mechanical connection between the panel and the
in the busbar system are covered by insulating circuit-breaker. The fixed part is connected to the
covers 58, so that the entire configuration is panel by forking, form-coded on both sides. The
completely free of arc fault points of origin. movable part with the circuit-breaker is moved
manually or by a motor by way of a spindle,
In conjunction with bushing plates 28 (or 28.2) and between the service or test/disconnected positions
29, panel by panel partitioning is possible. with the front doors closed. Service and test/
disconnected positions are exactly registered by
3.3.2 Circuit-breaker compartment means of auxiliary switches, which register the final
(Figures 3/3, 3/6 to 3/10, 3/14, 3/17, 6/7, 6/9, 6/10, position reached and the angular position of the
6/23) spindle.
The circuit-breaker compartment contains all the The earthing connection between the with-
necessary equipment for the mutual functioning of drawable part and the panel is established by its
the withdrawable part and the panel. It is, as the rollers and the travel rails 42 which are bolted into
busbar compartment, metally partitioned on all the panel. The surfaces of all the parts of the
sides. earthing circuit are zink-galvanized.
The isolating tulips 5 together with the fixed isolated Withdrawable parts of the same design are
contacts are in the mounting plate 12. Also mutually interchangeable. In the case of the with-
included are the metal shutters 12.1/12.2 which drawable parts having the same dimensions, but
cover the insertion openings. The shutters are different equipping of the circuit-breaker, the

ABB Power Distribution 9

codification of the control wiring plug prevents non- In place of three cable cores, three surge arrestors
permitted connections between the withdrawable can be fixed-mounted. An alternative would be,
part and the panel.The coding is indicated in the under certain conditions, to have these in a
order documents. withdrawable form.
2. Other withdrawable parts In the Duplex version, the cable compartment
is modified as follows:
In place of the circuit-breaker type VD4, the
withdrawable part can also be fitted to act as a • In the back to back version, the connection
“disconnecting device“ with a fixed current- between the two panels consists of flat copper
bridge in VD4 pole-casing or with a SF6 circuit- bars.
breaker (fabricated by ABB Sace).
• In the front to front version it consists of made-
The withdrawable part is used in the metering up plastic insulated cables or insulated busbar
panel with voltage transformers 95.1 with or capacitance grading device, depending on the
without HRC fuses as required. The HRC fuses current.
are located in the insulated contact arms which
are fixed to the P.T.s. 3.3.5 Control cabinet

3.3.4 Cable connection compartment (Figures 3/3, 3/5, 5/26 and 5/27)
(Figures 3/3, 5/12 to 5/14, 5/28 to 5/30) The control cabinet is for all matters of control and
protection suitable for both conventional or modern
The cable compartment contains current trans- control technology.
former 7, voltage transformer 8 and earthing switch
6 in each case according to the individual operating Apart from the usual case, a control cabinet of 580
requirements. mm or 705 mm in height, there is also a 1100 mm
high version for especially comprehensive
The cable compartment is constructed for the secondary technology, which has a panel height of
installation of three current transformers. Should all 2720 mm.
three current transformers not be required, dum-
mies will be installed instead with the same If the secondary devices are not intended for door
installation and connection procedures. installation, they are mounted on perforated metal
sheet 37.3. This is stored folded-up to enable any
The fixed-mounted voltage transformers are subsequent changes to the wiring. In place of the
connected on the primary side with flexible, perforated metal steet are installed profile rails for
completely insulated wirings which are inserted into fixing control equipment. In the lower part of the
the transformers. control cabinet, three rows of terminal strips are on
In certain circumstances it is possible to use the swivelling terminal strips holder 37.4 and below
removable voltage transformers. They can be these, auxiliary switch 10.4 for the control wiring
equipped with HRC fuses similar to the design in plug is easily accessible.
the metering panel. For doors in which devices with higher voltage than
The earthing switch type EK6 can be used either that of low-voltage protection are installed, a
with manual or motor-operated mechanism. Its secure and complete protection conductor
switching position will be indicated by means of the connection must be established. The corrosion
auxiliary switch both mechanically and electrically. protected hinge of the control cabinet corresponds
to these requirements (DIN VDE 0660 part 500).
In the 800 mm wide panel, it is possible (according Protection against contact to clamps and devices
to choice) to prepare for up to three parallel three- corresponds to VGB 4.
core cables if required. In the standard version, the
intended equipping is a plastic cable with single Secondary wiring internal to the panel is in a duct
cable core protection. on the right side of the panel. The left side of the
panel is for the external wiring. The ducts are
In the 1000 mm wide panel up to six parallel plastic covered with steel sheet metal 43. At the side of the
cables can be connected also with single cable control cabinet are holes for sliding in the ring
core protection and push-on sealing ends. conductors.
An alternative could be the 800 mm wide panel Detailed information about the secondary
socket-contacts with inner cones for connection to technology and to the relevant material used in
the cable plugs. Customer wishes regarding the each case can be obtained from the secondary
connections to bars or special cable or sealing-end check-list pertaining to the order.
types must be clarified during the order-planning

10 ABB Power Distribution

3.4 Interlocks/protection against maloperation • When the busbar earthing switch is closed, the
withdrawable parts in the earthed busbar
3.4.1 Panel internal interlocking section cannot be moved from the test/
(Figures 3/3, 3/6, 3/7, 6/5, 6/7, 6/23) disconnected position to the service position
(electromechanical2) interlock).
To prevent dangerous situations and maloperation,
a series of interlocks exist to protect both 3.4.3 Locking devices
personnel and equipment.:
(Figures 6/14, 6/23)
• The withdrawable part can only be moved from
• The shutters 12.1/12.2 can be secured
the test/disconnected position (and back) when
independently of each other with padlocks when
the circuit-breaker and earthing switch are off
the withdrawable circuit-breaker part has been
(i.e., the switch must be off beforehand.) In the
in-between position, the switch is mechanically
interlocked, in the case of circuit-breakers with • Access to the operating-shaft 14.1 of the
electrical release, the interlock is also electrical. earthing switch can be restricted with a padlock.
• The circuit-breaker can only be switched on • Access to the circuit-breaker compartment and
when the withdrawable part is in the test or the cable compartment as well as to the
service position. In the in-between position, the withdrawable part controls can be restricted
switch is mechanically interlocked, in circuit- with a padlock (no standard).
breakers with electrical release there is an
electrical interlock too.
3.5 VD4 circuit-breaker run on-block
• In panels with digital control technology, pre-
In case of any irregularity in the area of the inner
vention of maloperation of the switch basically
control mechanism and of the charging function of
takes place by means of the panel’s software.
the stored-energy spring mechanism, the run-on
• In the service or test positions, the circuit- block disables the immediately subsequent
breaker can only be switched off manually when switching operation.
no control voltage is applied and cannot be
This is a protective measure to prevent damage to
closed (electromechanical interlock).
the circuit-breaker.
• Connecting and disconnecting of the control
Release of the run-on block is described in
wiring plug 10.2 is only possible in the test/
instruction manual BA 383/E.
disconnected position of the withdrawable part.
• Switch-disconnector and the earthing switch 3.6 Coding of the control wiring plug connection
integrated therein are normally mechanically
interlocked from each other and in each case (Figure 3/21)
only one of the two can be switched on. Coding of the control wiring plug connector allows
• The earthing switch 6 can only be switched on if withdravable parts for switching devices to be
the withdrawable part is in the test/disconnected assigned to particular panels. This ensures, for
position or outside of the panel (mechanical example, that withdrawable parts with different
interlock1)). rated currents or different control wiring circuits can
only be used in the panels for which they are
• If the earthing switch is on, the withdrawable part intended.
cannot be moved from the test/disconnected
position to the service position (mechanical Coding pins are fitted in the control wiring sockets
interlock). 10.1 or control wiring plugs 10.2 and engage in the
corresponding bores of the relevant plug 10.2 or
• Details of other possible interlocks e.g. in socket 10.1 when the two parts are connected.
connection with a blocking magnet on the
withdrawable part and/or earthing switch drive, Coding of the plug connector is order-related, and
can be obtained from the relevant order is noted in the relevant wiring documentation.
documents . ________________________
1) The mechanical interlock is replaced by a blocking magnet in
3.4.2 Interlocks between panels the case of a duplex configuration.
(Figure 3/1-4, 3/1-5, 3/1-8, 3/3) In the case of a motor drive, the mechanical interlock or the
blocking magnet is replaced by electrical interlock of the
• The busbar earthing switch can only be closed earthing switch. The emergency manual switch is not locked!
when all withdrawable parts in the relevant bus- 2) The blocking magnet is not installed in the case of a motor
bar section, are in the test/disconnected drive; busbar earthing switches or the withdrawable parts are
electrically locked. The emergency manual switch is not
position (electromechanical2) interlock). locked!

ABB Power Distribution 11



180 180 685

Figure 3/1-1: Outgoing feeder, 24 kV, …1250 A, 25 kA with fixed

installed voltage transformers alternatively with low
voltage compartment 1100 mm height

Figure 3/1-2: Outgoing feeder, 24 kV, …1250 A, 25 kA voltage

transformers withdrawable

12 ABB Power Distribution



Figure 3/1-3: Outgoing feeder, 24 kV, …1250 A, 25 kA with voltage

180 180 685
transformers in top mounted box for busbar metering




180 180 685

Figure 3/1-4: Outgoing feeder, 24 kV, …1250 A, 25 kA with

earthing switch in top mounted box for busbar
earhing (panel shown without withdrawable part)

ABB Power Distribution 13


Figure 3/1-5: Busbar sectionalizing, 24 kV, 1250 A, 25 kA with

earthing switch Type EK6
) earthing switch optional

Figure 3/1-6: Busbar rizer, 24 kV, 1250 A, 25 kA with

withdrawable metering unit

14 ABB Power Distribution



180 180 820

Figure 3/1-7: Outgoing feeder, 24 kV, 2000 A, 25 kA with

natural cooling


Figure 3/1-8: Busbar metering 24 kV voltage transformers

withdrawable, with busbat earthing switch

ABB Power Distribution 15



180 180 685

Figure 3/1-9: Outgoing feeder 24 kV 630 A with switch-disconnector

with fuses and integrated earthing switch
2325 (2200)


Figure 3/2: ZS1 Duplex - switchgear 24 kV, 1000 A, 25 kA, double

busbar switchgear according to the two-breaker
method, panel installation back to back.

16 ABB Power Distribution

) 1.7
1.1 9
1 15
A 2 A 12.1
18 12
18.1 12.2
6 13

7 20.2
14 20
17 21

Figure 3/3: Outgoing feeder, 24 kV, …1250 A, 25 kA ) Pressure relief flaps from expanded metal if circuit-
breaker 2500 A installed
A Busbar compartment
B Circuit-breaker compartment
C Cable compartment
D Low-voltage compartment
1 Enclosure
1.1 Pressure relief flap
1.2 Control wiring duct
1.7 Pressure relief plate from expanded metal
(for circuit-breaker 2000 A)
2 Tee-off conductor
3 Busbar
5 Isolating tulip
6 Earthing switch
7 Current transformer
8 Voltage transformer
9 Partition, removable
10 Control wiring plug connection
12 Mounting plate
12.1 Top shutter
12.2 Lower shutter
13 Withdrawable part (shown with circuit-breaker,
type VD4)
14 Earthing switch operating mechanism
14.1 Operating shaft for earthing switch
14.2 Slide
15 Perforated plate for wiring
15.1 Terminal rack
16 Cable sealing end, max. 6 parallel cables
17 Floor cover, split
18 Spindle mechanism
18.1 Spigot on spindle
18.2 Scene head on spindle
19 Main earthing bar
20 Horizontal partition, removable
20.2 Ventilation grid
21 Cable clamp
30 Measuring sockets (LRM - System)
84 Partition

ABB Power Distribution 17

Figure 3/4: Panels of type ZS1 Figure 3/5: Low-voltage compartment, internal view. Terminal strip
group can be swung up. Laying and connection of the
control wiring can be carried out without problems.





Figure 3/6: Circuit-breaker compartment, opened. Withdrawable Figure 3/7: Circuit-breaker compartment, opened. Withdrawable
part in service position. part in disconnected position, control wiring plug
connector open.
10.2 Control wiring plug
13 Withdrawable part (here equipped
with VD4 circuit-breaker)
14 Earthing switch operating mechanism
18.1 Square spigot

18 ABB Power Distribution






Figure 3/8: Withdrawable part during insertion into the service Figure 3/9: View into the circuit-breaker compartment,
position, shutters not yet fully opened withdrawable part removed, shutters opened
4.2 Contact arm, with insulating sleeve 4.1 Isolating contact
4.3 Contact system 5 Isolating tulip
5 Isolating tulip 12.2 Lower shutter
12.1 Top shutter
12.2 Lower shutter


Figure 3/10: Service truck with withdrawable part in front of the open Figure 3/11: Withdrawable part with circuit-breaker, type VD4,
circuit-breaker compartment in a switchgear operating mechanism side
13.15 Withdrawable assembly

ABB Power Distribution 19



Figure 3/12: Withdrawable part with circuit-breaker, type VD4, pole Figure 3/13: Push button for mechanical ON/OFF breaker operation
side with the door closed (non-standard). If the withdrawable
part is in the service position, operation is effected with
13.10 Pole tube lid the knob which swings a push rod extension out.
45.1 Mechanical push button
45.2 Turning knop





31.5 31.6
Figure 3/14: View of the push rod extension swung out by the knob Figure 3/15: Withdrawable part with circuit-breaker, type VM1,
at the front with the withdrawable part in the service operating mechanism side
position and the door open
13.16 Front cover plate (VM1)
45.3 Swivelling push rod 31.2 Ready display (VM1)
31.3 ON push-button (VM1)
31.4 OFF push-button (VM1)
31.5 Mecanical operating cycle counter (VM1)
31.6 Mechanical switch position indicator (VM1)
31.9 Catch for emergency manual operation lever

20 ABB Power Distribution

Figure 3/16: Withdrawable part with circuit-breaker, type VM1, pole Figure 3/17: Withdrawable part with circuit-breaker, type HA, shown
side in test/disconnected position




Figure 3/18: Withdrawable part with metering unit Figure 3/19: Withdrawable part with high current circuit-breaker,
type VD4, pole side
95.1 Voltage transformer
95.2 Cast resin tube (with fuse cartridge) 13.9 Transport caps (to be removed on commissioning)
13.13 Lifting lug (to be removed on commissioning)

ABB Power Distribution 21

18.2 18.1 S9 S8 10.3

Figure 3/20: Withdrawable assembly for circuit-breaker, with auxiliary

S8 Test position indicator
S9 Service position indicator
10.3 Control wiring plug connector for
withdrawable assembly
18.1 Square spigot
18.2 Scene head on spindle

10.5 10.4 10.1 Sample for coding

Control Code B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6
(B5) Coding: wiring Pin x x
B2 B1 (...) In brackets is stated
(B1) (B2)
the corresponding coding
47 48 designation for the Socket Hole
45 49 46 control wiring plug (10.2)
43 44
10 50 21 Control Hole x x
42 32 The coding pins can
11 51 22 be fitted in the
1 33 control wiring socket (10.1) wiring Pin
12 52 23 and/or in the
2 34 control wiring plug. (10.2)
13 53 24 Socket Code B1 B2 B3 B4 B5* B6
3 35
14 25 Basic design:
4 54 36
15 26 Number of sockets optional, * B5 is used in special cases only
5 55 37 but always with the basic assignment:
16 27 1, 8, 10, 20, 21, 31, 33, 40.
6 56 38
17 28
7 57 39
18 29
8 58 40
19 30 Sockets and pins can be
9 41 mixed in the control wiring
20 31 socket (10.1) and control
wiring plug (10.2) as required
B3 B4
B6 (B3)
(B4) (B6)


Figure 3/21: Coding of the control wiring plug connector, shown for a
58 pole connection
10.1 Control wiring socket
10.4 Centres for coding pins and bores
10.5 Bore for the actuating pin on the control wiring plug
for controling the auxiliary switch 36, figure 7/4.

22 ABB Power Distribution

4 Despatch and storage • crane,
• fork-lift truck and/or
4.1 Condition on delivery • manual trolley jack.
At the time of despatch, the ZSI panels are factory- Loading by crane:
assembled, the withdrawable parts inserted into
the service position and the doors closed. • Fit lifting ropes of appropriate load capacity with
shackles (opening width above 30 mm,
The factory-assembled panels are checked at the fastening bore diameter 30 mm)
works for completeness in terms of the order and
simultaneously subjected to routine testing • Maintain an angle of at least 60° from the hori-
(normally without AC voltage testing of the busbars) zontal for the ropes leading to the crane hook.
to VDE 0670 part 6 or IEC publication 60298, and
thus tested for correct structure and function. 4.4 Delivery
The busbars are not assembled. The busbar The responsibilities of the consignee when the
material, fasteners and accessories are packed switchgear arrives at site include, but are not
separately. limited to, the following:
• Checking the consignment for completeness
4.2 Packaging and freedom from damage (e.g. also for
According to the kind of transport and country of moisture and its detrimental effects). In cases of
destination, the panels remain unpackaged or are doubt, the packaging must be opened and then
welded in foil and packed in seaworthy crates. To properly resealed, fitting new drying agent
protect against moisture, a drying agent is bages, when intermediate storage is necessary.
provided: • If any short quantities, defects or transport
• Panels with basic packaging or without damages are noted:
packaging. – To be documented on the respective
• Panels with seaworthy packaging or similar shipping document.
(including packaging for containerized – Notify the relevant carrier or forwarding agent
shipments): immediately in accordance with the relevant
– Sealed in polythene sheeting, liability regulations.

– Transport drying agent bags included, Note:

– Moisture indicator included, Always take photographs to document any major

– When aluminium composite sheeting is used,
a sight window is fitted for checking.
4.5 Intermediate storage
• Observe the directions for use of the drying
agent bags to DIN55 473. the following applies: Optimum intermediate storage as far as this is
necessary at all- without detrimental conse-
– Coloured indicator blue: contents dry, quences depends on compliance with a number of
– Coloured indicator pink: contents moist (rela- minimum conditions for the panels and assembly
tive humidity above 40%). materials
1. Panels with basic packaging or without
4.3 Transport packaging:
(Figure 4/1) • A dry well-ventilated store room with a climate
in accordance with VDE 0670 part 1000/IEC
The transport units normally comprise individual
panels, and in exceptional cases small groups of
panels or panel assembled back to back. The • The room temperature must not fall below
panels are each fitted with four lifting lugs. –5°C.
Transport panels upright. Take account of the high • There must not be any other unfavourable en-
centre of gravity. Only ever carry out loading vironmental influences.
operations when it has been ensured that all
• Store the panels upright.
precautionary measures to protect personnel and
materials have been taken and using a • Do not stack panels.

ABB Power Distribution 23

• Panels with basic packaging:
- Open the packaging, at least partially.
• Panels without packaging:
– Loosely cover with protective sheeting.
– Ensure that there is sufficient air circulation.
• Check regularly for any condensation until the
start of installation.
2. Panels with seaworthy or similar packaging with
internal protective sheeting:
• Store the transport units:
– protected from the weather,
– in a dry place,
– safe from damage.
• Check the packaging for damage.
• Check the drying agent ( see also section 4.2):
– on arrival of the consignment,
– later at regular intervals.
• When the maximum storage period, starting
from the date of packaging, has been
– the protective function of the packaging
can no longer be guaranteed,
– take suitable action if intermediate storage
is to continue.
Do not walk on the roof of the panels (rupture
points in pressure relief devices)!

ø 35 60°


Figure 4/1: Handling by crane

1.5 Lifting lug
1.19 Marking on the centre of gravity

24 ABB Power Distribution

5 Assembly of the switchgear at site supplied with the switchgear by ABB Calor Emag; it
is usually laid by site personnel and should if
In the interests of an optimum installation sequence possible be aligned and inspected under the
and the insurance of a high quality standard, site supervision of a ABB specialist.
installation of the switchgear should only be carried Installation of the floor frame:
out by specially trained skilled personnel, or at least
supervised and monitored by responsible persons. • If the floor frame consists of several parts 60.1/
60.2, bolt these together at the prepared joint
locations using links 60.3 in the specified
5.1 General site requirements sequence and so as to achieve a level surface.
On commencement of installation at site, the • Place the floor frame precisely in the specified
switchroom must be completely finished, provided position on the concrete floor in accordance with
with lighting and the electricity supply, lockable, dry the installation drawing.
and with facilities for ventilation. All the necessary
preparations such as wall openings, ducts, etc., for • Enter jacking screws 60.8 and place steel strips
laying of the power and control cables up to the 60.4 below them.
switchgear must already be complete. Where • Carefully align the floor frame horizontally along
switchgear panels have topmounted structures for the entire surface and to the correct height by
earthing switches or instrument transformers, it screwing the jacking screws down by a
must be ensured that the ceiling height is sufficient appropriate amount and using a levelling
for the opening travel of the pressure relief plates. instrument. The top edge of the floor frame
The ceiling height is also to be checked when there should be 2 mm above the finished floor surface.
is a top-mounted pressure relief duct. This facilitates erection and alignement of the
switchgear panels. In some cases , this means
Compliance with the conditions for indoor that the material thickness of an additional floor
switchgear to VDE 0670 part 1000, including the covering to be fitted later must betaken into
conditions for the “minus 5 indoor” temperature account seperately. Tolerances for laying of the
class must be ensured. frame to DIN 43 661, version A,
e.g. evenness tolerance:
5.2 Foundations ± 1 mm within a measuring length of 1m,
(Figures 5/1 to 5/8) e.g. straightness tolerance:
The switchgear is preferably to be erected on a maximum 1 mm per m, but not more than 2 mm
floor frame set into the switchroom floor or on a over the entire length of the frame.
raised false floor. • Slide brackets 60.5 against the frame at two
The guideline structural data listed below facilitate a points – for each 3m of frame length -, secure
rough calculation of the space required and them to the concrete floor with plugs 60.7, and
preliminary planning of the room design for a weld them to the frame. The set position of the
switchgear project. When the final construction frame on the concrete floor must not be altered
documents are compiled, the binding data during this operation!
supplied by ABB must always be taken into • Weld the floor frame parts together. Grind
account! projecting parts and weld seams on the top of
The stipulations of DIN 43 661 are also to be the frame flat.
complied with when the foundation is laid. This • Make the necessary preparations for the perfect
particulary applies to evenness and straightness earthing of the floor frame with 30 x 4 mm
tolerances as a protection for perfect installation of galvanized steel strip. Two connections are
the switchgear. necessary for long switchgears.
Note: • When the floor topping is applied, carefully
backfill the floor frame, leaving no gaps.
The construction data for the ceiling openings for
incoming conductors do not apply to trunking bars • The floor frame must not be subjected to any
without earthed coatings. Wider ceiling openings injurious impacts or pressures, particulary during
are required in such cases. the installation phase.
If the conditions are not fulfilled, problems during
5.2.1 Floor frame on a concrete floor
assembly of the switchgear and possibly with
The Floor frame, consisting of one or more parts movement of the withdrawable parts and opening
depending on the size of the switchgear, can be an closing of the doors cannot be ruled out.

ABB Power Distribution 25

Structural data
Table for figures 5/1 to 5/4

Rated voltage 24 kV

Panel type ZS1 ZS1 ZS1 ZS1

System With- With- Fixed Fixed

drawable drawable

Panel width T mm 800 1000 800 1000

Aisle width G1) mm 1200 1400 1200 1400

Assembly openings
In ceilings:
Width: mm 1000 1200 1000 1200
Heidth: mm 1800 1800 1800 1800
in doors:
Width: TB mm 1000 1200 1000 1200
Heidth: TH mm 2750 2750 2750 2750

Panel weight kg 1000 1200 850 1000

Ceiling load kg/m 900 850 750 700

Dimension: a mm 600 800 600 800

Determinated by VDE 0101 and the data for maximum panel width.
Applies to low voltage compartements of standard height. Add 500 mm for top mounted low voltage compartements and costomized low
voltage compartements.

5.2.2 Raised false floor

(Figures 5/5 to 5/8)
Procure the raised false floor locally from a
suiteable supplier (ABB can arrange if necessary).
It must meet all the specific requirements of the
switchgear. The additional intermediate frame
required for variant 1 can be supplied and installed
by ABB.

26 ABB Power Distribution

Table for figures 5/6 to 5/8

Rated voltage 24 kV

Panel type ZS1 ZS1 ZS1 ZS1

System With- With- Fixed Fixed

drawable drawable

Panel width T mm 800 1000 800 1000

Aisle width G1) mm 1000 1200 1000 1200

Assembly openings
in ceilings:
Width: mm 1000 1200 1000 1200
Height: mm 1800 1800 1800 1800
in doors:
Width: TB mm 1000 1200 1000 1200
Height: TH2) mm 2750 2750 2750 2750

Panel weight kg 1000 1200 850 1000

Ceiling load kg/m 900 850 750 700

1) Determinated by VDE 0101 and the data for maximum panel width.
2) Applies to low voltage compartements of standard height. Add 500mm for top mounted low voltage compartements and customized low
voltage compartements.

5.3 Assembly of the switchgear panels Any tightening torques which deviate from those in
(Figures 3/3, 5/9 to 5/31) the general table (e.g. for contact systems or
device terminals) are to be taken into account as
Use DIN screws of tensile class 8.8. The tightening stated in the detailed technical documentation.
torques for the busbar screw connections with
dished washer are as follows: It is recommended that the threads and head
contact surfaces of bolts should be lightly oiled or
greased, so as to achieve a precise rated tightening
Tightening torque1)2) The individual installation stages are as follows:
Nm • Remove withdrawable parts 13 from the
switchgear panels and store them with suiteable
Lubricant3) protection.
Thread Without Oil or
• Dismantle lifting lugs 1.5.
• Transport the switchgear panels to the prepared
M 6 10,5 4,5
installation point in the sequence shown on the
M 8 26 10 switchgear plan.
M 10 50 20 • Remove vertical partitions 9 in front of the bus-
bar compartements by releasing the fastening
M 12 86 40
M 16 200 80
• Release the fastening screws and draw out hori-
1) The rated tightening torques for fasteners without lubrication zontal partition 20 below the withdrawable part
are based on a coefficient of friction for the thread of 0.14 (the travel rails.
actual values are subject to an unavoidable, partly not
inconsiderable, spread). • Release and remove floor cover 17.
2) Rated tightening torques for fasteners with lubrication in
accordance with DIN 43 673. • Remove covers 43.2 and 43.3 from the vertical
3) Thread and head contact surface lubricated. control wiring ducts at the front right and left of
the panel.

ABB Power Distribution 27

• If any top mounted enclosures with busbar floor using plugs, or weld or adequately bolt
earthing switches or instrument transformers them to the foundation frame.
have been removed for transport, bolt these in
place in the specified position where the rear and 5.4 Installation of the busbars and bushings
middle pressure relief plates would otherwise be
(Figures 5/16 to 5/23)
located on the switchgear panels, and
reestablish the internal connections. • Install bushings 29 (for switchgears with busbar
(figures 5/11, 5/22, 5/23, 5/31). barriers only).
• Fit and screw the seperate mechanism Note:
enclosures for any top mounted earthing
• (Upper) busbar system:
switches in the specified position on the low
voltage compartement with the front edge flush. Insert bushing 29 for the lower busbar into bus-
Note the correct positions of the parts fitted on the hing plate 28 from the right in contrast to the
hexagon drive shaft supplied loose, and then procedure for other two bushings.
remove the parts from the shaft, discarding the • (Lower) tie bus system:
rubber ring at the front.
Insert bushing 29 for the rear, lower tie bus into
Insert the drive shaft step by step at the front of the bushing plate 28.2 from the right in contrast to
mechanism enclosure until it is completely fitted, the procedure for the other two bushings.
threading on the individual parts in the correct
positions for the open position of the earthing • Always check that there is proper contact
switch. between the metal tube in the bushing and the
busbar via the contact spring 29.3. Ensure that
Secure the setting rings. Adjust the mounting the contact spring is in the correct position!
positions and operating instants of the auxiliary
switches: • Clean the insulation on the busbar sections with
a dry, soft cloth, and check for insulation
1. Adjust the positions of the limit position auxiliary damage. Remove greasy or adhesive dirt as
switches in their slots in such a way that there is discribed in section 7.2.
a run-on of 0.5 mm in the fully operated position
before the plunger reaches the stop (for safety • Busbar connections:
reasons). – The silver plated surfaces of the connections
2. Limit position auxiliary switch 78.4 for earthing are to be cleaned with a metal free non-
switch ON must be operated immediately after woven cleaning cloth and thinly and evenly
the dead centre position of the toggle spring coated with Isoflex Topas NB 52 grease.
mechanism is reached in the closing process and – The non-silver plated surfaces of the
the automatic quick-closing process has started. connections are either brushed under grease
3. Limit position auxiliary switch 78.5 for earthing with a wire brush, preserving the grease film,
switch OFF must be operated during the or cleaned with a metall-free non-woven
opening motion of the slide 1 mm before the cleaning cloth and evenly greased with a thin
tongue of the slide makes contact the armature coat of Isoflex Topas NB 52.
of the unexited blocking magnet.
• Prepare insulating covers 58 and lids 58.5 to suit
Fit and screw down the lids. the relevant busbar connections and thread
• Align the switchgear panels on the floor frame one them onto the busbar.
after another for correct position and vertical • Install the busbars panel by panel. Screw on the
alignment (deviations of the panel edges from the individual busbar elements one obove the other
vertical must not exceed 2 mm, particulary at the (depending on the system layout) and in line with
front) and bold the panels together. It is advisable the flat tee-off conductor. Use the hexagon
to start from the centre when assembling socket head screws 163 as provided. For
switchgears with more than ten panels. tightening torque see the table above. Use two
dished washers for each screw.
• When bolting together switchgear panels
without busbar barriers, insert a shim 27 • Bolt one holder 58.1 to each end of the busbars
between the panels above the busbar apertures. to support the insulating cover 58.
• On switchgears with busbar barriers, also install The screws for holder 58.1 are to be tightened
and screw bushing plates 28/28.2 externally to with lower torque.
the right or left hand panel wall.
• Position insulating covers 58 and lids 58.5 over
• When the switchgear has been properly the relevant bolted joint, and slide the lid onto the
assembled, fasten the panels to the concrete cover until it clicks into place.

28 ABB Power Distribution

5.5 Installation of the top mounted boxes • Hexagonal shaft from the operating mechanism
box is to be pushed through into the bevel gear
Due to reasons of transports, attachments to the
of the earthing switch.
panels are not completed at our works. As far as
possible however, they are pre-mounted. Sequence and angles of the part are to be restored!
• Connecting bars 2.2 with the tee-off conductors
5.5.1 Voltage transformer for busbar metering
2 at the junction point are to be screwed
(Figures 3/1-3, 3/1-6, 5/31) together according to figure 5/22. However, if
• Top mounted box 79 with screwing material in necessary, the additional spacer plate 3.3 and
the group of bags ”Top mounted box for threaded plate 3.4 as well as the screwing
metering” is to be mounted on the busbar material from the group of bags ”top mounted
compartement. box for earthing” are to be used.
Notes: • Insulating cover 58 is to be brought into position
as discribed in section 5.4.
– In panels without the busbar bushing plate
28, the partitioning between the busbar Note:
compartement and the top mounted box is
The auxiliary switches for the earthing switch are
necessary. They are installed at the works in
adjusted at the works. Problem-free functioning is
the top mounted box.
only guaranteed if the functioning elements on the
– As far as equipment with busbar parttioning is hexagonal shaft are correctly mounted.
concerned (i.e. with bushing plate 28), the
space between the busbar compartement Due to the final installation of the earthing switch
and the top mounted box must remain open and operating mechanism at the site, it may be
for purposes of pressure relief. necessary to undertake an exact adjustment of the
auxiliary switches. In this case the following is
• Connecting bars 2.3 with the tee-off conductors important:
2 at the junction point are to be screwed
together according to figure 5/31. However, if • The auxiliary switch OFF 78.5 must be operated
necessary, the additional spacer plate 3.2 and – before the slide 78.2 has uncovered half of
threaded plate 3.4 as well as the screwing the opening in front of the hexagonal shaft
material from the group of bags ”top mounted and
box for metering” are to be used.
– before the lower edge of the slide has
• Insulating cover 58 is to be brought into position touched the anker of the blocking magnet
as is discribed in section 5.4. 78.6.
• Intermediate box 79.1 with the screwing material • The auxiliary switch ON 78.4 must be operated
from the group of bags ”top mounted box for
– before the toggle spring of the earthing switch
metering” is to be mounted on the control
has reached its dead point.
cabinet. The conduction tube 79.2 is to be
positioned and inserted into the reducer rings • The pushrod of the auxiliary switch must still
79.3. have about 0,5 mm to go to the end position in
the operated position.
• Secondary circuits from the voltage
transformers are to be led to the terminal strips
and connected according to the cable core 5.6 Pressure relief ducts
markings and circuit diagramm. (Figures 5/11)
5.5.2 Earthing switch for busbar earthing • The pressure relief duct is supplied dismantled
(Figures 3/1-4, 3/1-5, 3/1-8, 5/22, 5/23) in single parts. The rear wall and the front wall
correspond, as far as length is concerned, to the
• Top mounted box 77 with screwing material appropriate panel width. They are joined
from the group of bags ”top mounted box for together by means of the attachement strips.
earthing” is to be mounted on the busbar
compartement. • The screwing material is contained in the group
of bags ”pressure relief duct”. Rivet nuts are
• Operating mechanism box 78 with screwing already present in the metal sheets.
material from the group of bags ”top mounted
box for earthing is to be mounted on the control Note:
cabinet. The rear pressure relief flap must be mounted
• Pre-mounted single parts of the hexagonal shaft according to figure 5/11.
78.1 are to be removed. Detail regarding connection to the wall and a
Please pay attention to the sequence and angle discharge grating for pressure relief outside of the
of the parts! switchroom will be agreed with the customers

ABB Power Distribution 29

concerned. In the case of pressure relief within the For the purposes of inserting the control cables,
switchroom, absorber grating, which is also the floor of the panel on the left-hand side has
supplied together with the rest of the equipment, is been omitted. The wiring is protected by a
to be installed. sheet-metal duct which extends into the control
cabinet. The duct is covered laterally by 43.1
5.7 Connection of the cables and 43.2 and therefore closed off. In the control
cabinet floor, drill holes for reducer rings are
5.7.1 Power cables intended.
(Figures 3/3, 5/12 to 5/14, 5/28 to 5/30 • The control cable is to be stripped and secured
1. Standard equipment: at the top end of the duct and the cores inserted
into low voltage compartement D after swinging
a) Panel width 800 mm: the terminal-strip frame upwards.
• Connection points for up to 9 single cores
• The control cable is to be connected to the
with M12 socket head bolts
terminal strip as shown in the wiring diagram.
• 3 to 9 cable clamps for diameters
• The control wiring connections are to be made
36 – 52 mm
to the adjacent panel using bushing 24.
• 3-section floor covering with reducing rings
• M10 connection points for the earth 5.8 Earthing of the switchgear
connections of the cable screens. (Figures 3/3, 5/1, 5/2, 5/5, 5/6, 5/12, 5/13, 5/17 to
b) Panel width 1000 mm: 5/20)
• Up to 1250 A corresponding to the 800 • Connect main earthing bar 19 with links 19.1
mm width panel supplied in every panel.
• Connection points for up to 18 single cores • Protection wiring connection of the floor frame or
with M16 and M20 socket head bolts the erected raised false floor respectively, should
be made.
• Up to 18 cable clamps for diameters
50-75 mm • Connect the earthing conductor comming from
the earth electrode, preferably via a removable
• 3-section floor covering with reducing rings
bolted link for testing purposes, to the main
• M10 connection points for the earth earthing bar 19 of the switchgear.
connections of the cable screens.
2. Method: 5.9 Laying the ring circuits
• Power cable is to be inserted, cut to length The ring circuits are supplied rolled up as a bundle
and stripped. in the control cabinet. They are marked and fitted
• Reducer rings 17.2 are to be adapted to the with ferrules at both ends. Openings are provided
cable diameter and fitted. in the side walls of the control cabinet for these
lines to looped through from panel to panel.
• Cable sealing ends 16 are to be prepared and
secured according to the manufacturer‘s
5.10 Final erection work
• Check painted areas of the switchgear for
• Cable cores are to be connected to the
possible damage, touching up where required
prepared cable connection bar 23 with strain
(see also section 7.4.1).
Cable core crossing are to be avoided. • Check bolt connections and tighten where
required, in particular all those carried out in
Other agreed equipment is prepared at the factory, onsite erection of the busbars and earthing
e.g. for the connection of insulated busbar system.
capacitance grading devices. Should any particular
work in the panels be necessary during erection at • The auxiliary switch for the Ith limitation 11.5
site, construction drawings and parts lists according (according to the relevant order) must if
to which this work can be performed are supplied necessary, be effected via the pressure relief
with the delivery. flaps after removing the lifting lug:
– Auxiliary switch push-rod is to be inserted into
5.7.2 Control cables the horizontal into the drillhole in the pressure
(Figures 3/3, 3/5, 5/3, 5/9, 5/14, 5/26) relief flap.
• Control cables are to be inserted into the – Auxiliary switch holder is to be adjusted into
lefthand side ducts for control cables 1.2. the horizontal position (Figure 5/27)

30 ABB Power Distribution

• Clean the switchgear thoroughly.
• Remove all foreign bodies from the panels.
• Replace properly all coverings, etc., removed
during erection and connection.
• In the enclosure, the openings which may
remain are to be closed if they are no longer
• Check the isolating contacts and interlock
mechanisms for smooth motion, and regrease
with Isoflex Topas NB 52 where required (see
section 7.4.1).
• Withdrawable circuit-breaker parts are to be
inserted and the control wirings connected.
• Panels doors are to be properly closed.

ABB Power Distribution 31













1500 mm- 1250A

180 180


200 170
725 925

75 75 75

80 FT = 800 FT = 1000 FT = 800
180 600 200 800 200 600 5

2 1

Figure 5/1a: Panels Type ZS1, 24 kV for outgoing
current up to 1250 A panel width 800/
1000 mm












1520 mm, from 1600A- 2500A




4 725 925

75 75 75

80 FT = 800 FT = 1000 FT = 800
180 600 200 800 200 600 5

2 1

Figure 5/1b: Panels Type ZS1, 24 kV for

outgoing current 1250 A and for
1600 A to 2500 Panel width 800/
1000 mm

Figure 5/1: Guideline connection data for foundation frame on a 6 Control cabinet, optional
concrete floor 7 Absorber
8 Opening for ventilation
See figure 5/2 for sections 9 Height of cable basement as required
FT = panel width 10 Screed, see also figure 5/3
1) Minimum dimensions 11 To main earthing bar
12 Opening for power cable
1 Operator aisle 13 Opening for control cable
2 Basement entrance 14 Door
3 Main earthing bar 15 Busbar metering or busbar earthing
4 Instead of individual openings, continuous openings 16 Wall opening for pressure relief
or drilled holes are possible 17 Pressure relief duct
5 Platform 18 Diverter

32 ABB Power Distribution

Section A - A Section B - B

70 1) 1500 FT + 700 1) 70 1) 1500 FT + 700 1)

8 8



7 15

6 14 6 14

H = 2325
H = 2720

H = 2325
H = 2720
H + 200

H + 200
ZS1: 25kA ZS1: 25kA

1325 (80) 1325 (80)

180 180 685 180 180 685

10 10
11 11

12 12
165 1) 13 FT + 200 165 1) 13 FT + 200


390 700 170 200 (110) 390 700 170 200 (110)

Figure 5/2a: Switchgear with pressure relief via absorber into the Figure 5/2b: Switchgear without pressure relief duct,
switchroom. Panel width: 800/1000 mm.
Panel width: 800/1000 mm. Rated feeder current up to 1250 A
Rated feeder current up to 1250 A With busbar metering or busbar earthing

Section C -C Section D - D
16 18
70 1) 1500 FT + 700 1) FT + 700 1)
8 8

6 14 14
1120 ZS1: 25kA
H = 2325
H = 2720



H = 2325
H = 2720

H + 200

H + 200
ZS1: 25kA


70 1)

1325 (80)
1325 (80)

180 180 685

180 180 685
11 10

165 1) 13 FT + 200
12 1)
165 13 FT + 200

390 700 170 200 (110)

390 700 170 200 (110)

Figure 5/2c: Switchgear with pressure relief outside. Figure 5/2d: Switchgear with pressure relief via absorber and
Panel width: 800/1000 mm. deverter into the switchroom.
Rated feeder current up to 1250 A Panel width: 800/1000 mm.
Rated feeder current up to 1250 A.

Section E - E

50 1) 1520 FT + 700 1)

6 14

H = 2325
H = 2720

H + 200

ZS1: 25kA

1325 (80)

180 180 820


165 1) 13 FT + 200

255 700 305 200 (110)

Figure 5/2e: Switchgear with pressure relief to the outside. Figure 5/2 Section for figure 5/1
Panel width: 800/1000 mm.
Rated feeder current 1250 A and from 1600 A See figure 5/1 for legend
to 2500 A. FT = panel width
1) Minimum dimensions

ABB Power Distribution 33

structural data
70 *




1) 1)
180 a 200 a 200 nxa 200 a 180


75 75 75 75
1) 1)
80 FT FT n x FT FT 80


Top view


Section B-B
1) 1)
80 FT FT n x FT FT 80

75 75 200 nxa 200 a 180

Openings slanted if necessary to avoid supportihng beams

Section A-A
G1) 1500 70*1)
80 1325 165

60 1)

700 320

200 1190

Figure 5/3: Guideline structual data for foundation frame on a

concrete stations
) Min. dimensions
*) 200 mm for pre-fabricated concrete stations
G Wide of operating aisle
FT Panel width
TB Door width = FT plus 200 mm
TH Door height = panel height plus 200 mm

34 ABB Power Distribution


60.1 60.3 60.2


A-A 60.5 B-B

60.7 h




Figure 5/4: Assembly of the floor frame, for figure 5/1

60.1 Floor frame part
60.2 Floor frame part
60.3 Link
60.4 Steel strip
60.5 Bracket
60.6 Plug
60.7 Bolt
60.8 Jacking screw

ABB Power Distribution 35












1500 mm- 1250A

180 180

15 x) 15 x) 15 x) 15 x)

80 FT = 800 FT = 1000 FT = 800

2 1


Figure 5/5a: Panels Type ZS1, 24 kV for outgoing current up to

1250 A panel width 800/1000 mm










1520 mm, ab 1600A bis 2500A

180 180

15 x) 15 x) 15 x) 15 x)

80 FT = 800 FT = 1000 FT = 800

2 1

Figure 5/5b: Panels Type ZS1, 24 kV for outgoing current 1250 A
and for 1600 A to 2500 A

Figure 5/5: Guideline connection data for a raised false floor 7 Absorber
8 Opening ventilation
See figure 5/6 for sections 9 Height of cable basement as required
FT = panel width 10 Covering, site supply
) Minimum dimensions 11 Raised false floor, site supply, top of false floor
) Maximum dimensions 0 to 3 mm above of finished floor
1 Operator aisle 12 Power cable
2 Basement entrance 13 To main earthing bar
3 Main earthing bar 14 Door
4 Raised false floor structure, only shown in the 15 Busbar metering or busbar earthing
vicinity of the switchgear 16 Wall opening for pressure relief
5 Platform 17 Pressure relief duct
6 Control panel, optional 18 Diverter

36 ABB Power Distribution

Section A - A Section B - B

70 1) 1500 FT + 700 1) 70 1) 1500 FT + 700 1)

8 8



7 15

6 14 6 14


H = 2325
H = 2720
H = 2325
H = 2720


H + 200
H + 200
ZS1: 25kA ZS1: 25kA


(80) (80)
FT + 200 FT + 200
180 180 685 180 180 685
10 10
11 11

12 12
13 13

115 1) 1425 115 1) 1425

Figure 5/6a: Switchgear with pressure relief via absorber into the Figure 5/6b: Switchgear without pressure relief duct,
switchroom. Panel width: 800/1000 mm.
Panel width: 800/1000 mm. Rated feeder current up to 1250 A
Rated feeder current up to 1250 A With busbar metering or busbar earthing

Section C - C Section D - D
70 1) 1500 FT + 700 1) FT + 700 1)
8 8

6 14 14
1120 ZS1: 25kA
H = 2325
H = 2720

H = 2325
H = 2720
H + 200

H + 200
ZS1: 25kA 70 1) 1500



(80) (80)
FT + 200 FT + 200
180 180 685 180 180 685
10 10
11 11

12 12
13 13

115 1)

115 1) 1425

Figure 5/6c: Switchgear with pressure relief outside. Figure 5/6d: Switchgear with pressure relief via absorber and
Panel width: 800/1000 mm. deverter into the switchroom
Rated feeder current up to 1250 A Panel width: 800/1000 mm.
Rated feeder current up to 1250 A

Section E - E

50 1) 1520 FT + 700 1)

6 14

H = 2325
H = 2720

H + 200

ZS1: 25kA

FT + 200
180 180 820


115 1) 1425

Figure 5/6e: Switchgear with pressure relief to the outside. Figure 5/6: Section for figure 5/5
Panel width: 800/1000 mm. See figure 5/5 for legend
Rated feeder current 1250 A and from
1600 A to 2500 A FT = panel width
Minimum dimensions

ABB Power Distribution 37




100 200
1) 1)
80 FT FT n x FT FT 80




G 1500 70* 1)
max. 30mm


1425 115

100 100


Figure 5/7: Guideline for the erection of the floor frame on a raised false floor for panels
up to 1250 A, 1500 mm depth
Variation 1: With second frame, required if the bottom plates are laying
on the length beam of the raised false floor
) Min. dimensions
*) 200 mm for pre-fabricated concrete stations
G Wide of operating aisle
FT Panel width
TB Door width = FT plus 200 mm
TH Door height = panel height plus 200 mm

38 ABB Power Distribution

70*1) A

15 x) 15 x) 15 x) 15 x)



80* FT FT n x FT FT 80*




G 1500 70* 1)



15 x) 15 x) 15 x)

Figure 5/8: Guideline for the erection of the floor frame on a raised false floor for
panels up to 1250 A, 1500 mm depth
Variation 2: Without second frame

) Min. dimensions
) Max. dimensions
*) 200 mm for pre-fabricated concrete stations
G Wide of operating aisle
FT Panel width
TB Door width = FT plus 200 mm
TH Door height = panel height plus 200 mm

ABB Power Distribution 39





Figure 5/9: For bolting of the switchgear panels together, through
holes are provided on the left-hand side and threaded
1.4 bushes on the right-hand side near the front and rear
edges of the side walls, and through holes on both sides
in the central part of the walls.
1.3 Aperture, for main earthing bar
1.4 Bore
1.5 Lifting lug
1.9 Threaded bush, for switchgear assembly
1.11 Bore, for control wiring bushing 24
27 Shim, to be inserted above the opening when
bolting together panels without busbar barriers
1.3 28 Bushing plate




Figure 5/11: Schematic diagram of the pressure relief duct. The

components are assembled panel by panel and bolted
together with overlaps at the panel joints.
50 Pressure relief duct
1) Note
If the switchgear is equipped with a pressure relief
duct the pressure relief flap for the cable connection
Figure 5/10: End of panel of a switchboard with bolted-on cover
departement is fixed to the rear side of the panel and
will open to the front (into the duct) in case of an arc
26 Cover plate fault.

40 ABB Power Distribution






1.2 19.1 17 17.2 19 21 19.2 39
Figure 5/12: View into cable connection compartement, max. six Figure 5/13: Partial view of the cable connections compartement,
parallel cables possible (see also figures 5/28 to 5/30) prepared here for connection of triple cables
6.1 Earthing switch position indicator 1.2 Duct for external control cables
14 Earthing switch operating mechanism 17 Floor cover, split
17 Floor cover split 17.2 Reducer ring
17.2 Reducer ring 19 Main earthing bar
23 Cable connection bar 19.1 Connecting link
43.4 Duct cover for internal wiring 19.2 Earthing connection pin
44 Heater plate (non-standard) 21 Cable mounting, connected to earth potential
39 Mounting rail, connected to earth potential

1.8 49.2




Figure 5/14: View into the high-voltage area at the front, with the Figure 5/15: View into the busbar compartement, shown without
removable horizontal partition released and drawn partition and insulting covers
2 Tee-off conductor
1.8 Screw coupling 3 Busbar
20 Horizontal partition, removable 5 Isolating tulip
43.1 Duct cover for external control cables 9 Partition, removable
43.2 Duct cover for external control cables 49.2 Pressure relief flap, made from sheet steel

ABB Power Distribution 41

L1 3

29.2 29.1
L2 29



a) Bushings with busbar mountings for busbar systems with double b) Version with busbar mountings for busbar systems with single
conductor conductor. Conductor arrangement at bottom required

Figure 5/16 Arrangement of the bushing plate and busbar bushings

on the right-hand panel side wall with busbar barriers.
View of the inside
2 Tee-off conductor
3 Busbar section
28 Bushing plate
29 Busbar bushing
29.1 Busbar mounting for single conductor
29.2 Busbar mounting for double conductor
84 Partition

29 29

L1 28.2 L1 28.2

L3 L2 L3 L2 29.1

a) Bushings with busbar mountings for busbar systems with double b) Version with busbar mountings for busbar systems with single
conductor conductor. Observe the conductor arrangement
Figure 5/17: Arrangement of the bushing plate and busbar bushings
on the right-hand panel side wall in bus tie panels. View
of the inside
28.2 Bushing plate
29 Busbar bushing
29.1 Busbar mounting for single conductor
29.2 Busbar mounting for double conductor

42 ABB Power Distribution

58.5 58 164 165 58.5 3 29

2 163 165


3 58 163, 164, 165


2 165 3
a) Arrangement for 1250 A tee-off current and 1600 or 2500 A b) Arrangement for 2500 A tee-off and
busbar current. busbar current
Figure 5/18: Arrangement and bolting of single and double
conductor busbars with single and double tee-off bars.
Ensure that screws and accessoreis of the specified
quality are used! Use 2 disched washers per screw.
2 Tee-off conductor
3 Busbar
28 Busbar bushing
58 Insulating cover
58.5 Lid for insulating cover
163 M10 hexagon socket head screw
164 M10 nut
165 10 mm disched washer

ABB Power Distribution 43

28 29
Shrink-on sleeve cut out over the bores in
the area of the bushing

a) Installation position of the phase barriers, viewed from top

28 Bushing plate
29 Busbar bushing

29 29.1



29.2 29.2

b) Detail of a busbar bushing, sectional view Note:

4 Busbar
The contact springs 29.3 must be inserted during
30 Busbar bushing
29.1 Busbar mounting for single conductor the installation of busbars. These contact springs
29.2 Busbar mounting for double conductor make the connection between the busbar 3 and the
29.3 Contact spring metal tube 29.4 and prevent damages of the bus-
29.4 Metal tube
hing by glow charges inside the bushing on life
Always check that there is proper contact between
Figure 5/19: Busbar barriers the metal tube 29.4 in the bushing and the busbar
via the contact spring.

44 ABB Power Distribution

58.5 58.1 163 164 165 58 2 58.5 3 During assembly, cut out the insulating cover
and lid to fit the cross-section of the feeder bar or
(10 )

(58.6) 58.7 165

a) Arrangement for 1250 A tee-off current

and 1600 or 2500 A busbar current.

58.5 58.1 58.7 163, 164 (58.6) 58 165 2 58.5 3

(10 )

b) Arrangement for 2500 A tee-off and

busbar current

3.5 165 2 165 3

Figure 5/20: Arrangement of the busbar and tee-off conductors at

the busbar ends
2 Tee-off conductor
3 Busbar
3.5 Spacer plate
58 Insulating cover
58.1 Lid holder
58.5 Lid for insulating cover
(58.6) Washer 2 mm
58.7 Washer 3 mm
163 M10 hexagon socket head screw
164 M10 nut
165 10 mm washer

ABB Power Distribution 45





ø 94,5


Cutting location for

tee-off conductor
system 2 x 100 x 10




ø 95

Cutting location
for flat busbar
system 60 x 10

Cutting location
for D-section busbar
system D 80

Figure 5/21: Insulating covers for busbars

58 Insulating cover
58.1 Lid holder
58.5 Lid for insulating cover

46 ABB Power Distribution

77 78.1 78

Cutout 45 x 50 to be
made in insulating
cover at assembly

2.2 2.2

3 3.4
3.4 3.3
3 3
2 2
Busbar arrangement A Busbar arrangement B

Figure 5/22: Bolted busbar joint for top mounted earthings switch,
shown for the left-hand busbar end (right-hand busbar
end configured accordingly). Side view without
(universal) insulating cover and its mountings.
2 Tee-off conductor
2.2 Tee-off conductor to earthing switch
3 Busbar
3.3 Spacer plate, (5 mm thick)
3.4 Threaded plate
77 Top mounted box for earthing switch
78 Operating mechanism box
78.1 Hexagonal shaft

ABB Power Distribution 47

58.5 3.5 (58.6) 3.4 58 162 2.2 58.5 3


Busbar arrangement A
58.1 58.7 163 2 165 3
3.3 3.4 162 2.2
(10 )

Busbar arrangement B
58.1 163 (58.6) 58.7 2 165 3

3.3 3.4 3.5

35 35 15 30





Figure 5/23: Bolted busbar joint for top mounted earthing switch,
shown for the left-hand busbar end. Make the bolted
connection of the tee-off conductors for a top mounted
earthing switch in the course of the busbar similary, but
without mounting 58.1 and without spacer plates 3.5.
2 Tee-off conductor 58.1 Lid holder
2.2 Tee-off conductor to earthing switch 58.5 Lid for insulating cover
3 Busbar section (58.6) Washer, 2 mm
3.3 Spacer plate, 5 mm thick 58.7 Washer, 3 mm
3.4 Threaded plate 162 Cylinder screw
3.5 Spacer plate 163 M10 hexagon socket head screw
58 Insulating cover 165 10 mm spring washer

48 ABB Power Distribution

Figure 5/24: The earthing switch drive shaft is supplied loose when
the top mounted enclosures are removed for transport
purposes. View for the open position of the earthing
switch with individual mechanism parts fitted in the
positions for correct function.



Figure 5/25: Operating mechanism area of a top mounted earthing

switch in detail. Precisely follow the sequence and
arrangement of the parts on the drive shaft when
assembling. The figure shows the arrangement for the
open position of the earthing switch.
78.4 Limit position auxiliary switch for earthing switch ON
78.5 Limit position auxiliary switch for earthing switch OFF

ABB Power Distribution 49




Figure 5/26: Terminal strip frame swung up for connection work Figure 5/27: Auxiliary switch for Ith limitation. It may be necessary to
move the auxiliary switches into their service position
when lifting lugs have been removed.
11.5 Ith limiter
49.2 Pressure relief flap, made from sheet steel
49.4 Rupture bolt (plastic)

50 ABB Power Distribution


F 180 180

C 320 700

A 1500

Section X-X see figure 5/30

Selection table:

UN IN Ith IS Panel width Cable connection Line number Circuit-breaker

Rated Rated Short time Peal short- Diagram
voltage current current circuit current

KV A kA kA mm
24 630...1250 16...25 40...63 800 D 1 VD4, HA, CP
630...1250 16...25 40...63 1000 D 2 VD4, CP
1600...2500 16...25 40...63 1000 E 3 VD4, HA

CP: cable to SS

3 1000 800 340 460 275 6

2 1000 800 455 495 275 3
1 800 600 455 495 210 3
line no. A C F H P max. cable

a) Floor panel section

Figure 5/28: Cable connection compartment of a circuit-breaker


ABB Power Distribution 51


475 180 180



C 320 700

A 1500

Diagram B:
Diagram A: Detail Z, without fuse,
Panel with fuse, up for 3 cables per phase
up to 3 cables per phase
Section X-X see figure 5/30


Diagram C:
To back of the Detail Z, with fuse,
panel: 905 for 1 cable per phase

Selection table:

UN IN Panel width Cable connection Line number Circuit-breaker

Rated Rated Diagram
voltage current
KV A mm
24 ...630 800 B and D 5 CK, CK...E
...400 800 E or A and D 4 or 6 CR...U, CR...L
...630 1000 B and D 7 CK, CK...E
...400 1000 B and D or C 8 or 9 CR...U, CR...L

9 1000 800 450 275 * 1

8 1000 800 390 275 * 3
7 1000 800 485 275 * 3
6 800 600 390 210 * 3
5 800 600 485 210 * 3
4 800 600 450 210 * 1
a) b) c)
Line no. A C H P max. cable

a) Floor panel section

b) With fuse
c) Without fuse

Figure 5/29: Cable connection compartment of a switch disconnector panel

52 ABB Power Distribution

M 12** **) There is a bore hole for M12
and M16 at every connection
M 16


Diagram D: Section X-X, up to 3 cables per phase


M 16


M 20


Section Y-Y (corresponds to floor plate 17)

27 - 62 mm dia. cable

130 130 130

Diagram E: Section X-X, up to 6 cables per phase

Figure 5/30: Section X-X for figures 5/28 and 5/29

ABB Power Distribution 53




Figure 5/31: Top mounted box with high voltage transformers for
busbar metering. The figure (non-standard equipment)
shows the arrangement in panels with the busbar
bushing plate 28 and bushings 29.
2.3 Flat tee-off conductors (for voltage transformers)
28 Bushing plate
79 Top mounted box for busbar voltage transformers
79.1 Intermediate box
79.2 Conductor tube
79.3 Reducer ring
79.4 Pressure relief flap

54 ABB Power Distribution

6 Operation of the switchgear • Carry out test operations of switching devices
manually or by electrical control, and
Note on safety at work simultaneously observe the relevant position
The relevant work and operating procedures are to indicators.
be carried out carefully by trained specialists • Check mechanical and electrical interlocks for
familiar with the installation, taking into a account all effectiveness, without using force.
the relevant safety regulations to DIN VDE/IEC and
the other relevant professional bodies, and other • Set the protective devices in the switchgear to
local and work regulations and instructions. Special the required values and check their function with
attention is also to be paid to VDE 0105 (Operation test equipment.
of electrical installations). • In switchgear panels with an additional venti-
Note: lation system for high-current circuit-breakers
(required for increased ambient temperature -
Do not walk on the top surfaces of the switchgear >40 °C and/or higher frequency - 60Hz -
panels (rupture points for pressure relief). according to section 1.3 and figure 6/21 and
6/22) the flap 20.3 hanging in partition 20 must
6.1 Commissioning loosely rest against leaf spring 20.4 (with the
centrifugal fan at a standstill - if fitted -).
6.1.1 Preparatory work
This is no standard.
(Figures 3/12, 3/19)
To check:
In preparation for commissioning, the following
work should be carried out prior to connection with – Insert a suitable screwdriver through opening
the high-voltage power supply: 20.5 in horizontal partition 20 and into bracket
20.6 on flap 20.3.
• Check the general condition of the switchgear
for detrimental circumstances of all kinds. – Swing flap 20.3 upwards and allow it to rest
loosely again on leaf spring 20.4.
• Perform a visual examination of the switching
devices, withdrawable parts, isolating contacts, – If the flap is in blocked position, use the
insulating parts, etc. screwdriver to press leaf spring 20.4
• Check the connection of the main earthing bar to downwards by approx. 5mm to release the
the station earthing conductor (observing the block before swinging the flap.
requirements of DIN VDE 0141). – If any centrifugal fans controlled in relation to
• Check the paintwork for damage and touch up primary current are fitted, also check that they
as described in section 7.4 where necessary. function correctly.

• Remove all materials residues, foreign bodies • On motorized withdrawable parts, check the
and tools from the switchgear. direction of rotation of the travel motor in
accordance with section 7.5.4.
• Clean the switchgear, rubbing down insulating
parts with a clean, soft, non-fraying and dry • For any other questions on the function of the
cloth. Remove greasy or adhesive dirt as withdrawable circuit-breaker part and testing
described in section 7.3. facilities for the withdrawable part, see section
• Properly refit all covers etc. removed during
• Instruct the local operators in the fundamental
assembly and testing processes.
details of regular handling of the switchgear.
• Transport cabs 13.9 on vacuum circuit-breakers
• Check the readiness for operation and switching
– if still fitted – must be removed.
status of electrical systems upstream and
• Pole tube lids 13.10 may be fitted in certain downstream from the switchgear.
systems and on certain circuit-breakers. Check
Depending on the allocation of responsibilities, it
their correct fit.
may also be necessary to check the following
• Lifting lugs 13.13 on high current circuit- equipment in areas adjacent to the switchgear:
breakers must be removed if still fitted.
• power cables
• Perform AC voltage testing of the main circuits
• auxiliary cables
according to VDE 0670 part 6 (IEC 60298) as far
as necessary. Pay special attention during this • auxiliary power source
procedure to voltage transformers and cables, • remote control system
etc. A testing and earthing module 142 can be
used to make the connections (see sections • complete earthing system, to DIN VDE 0141
6.3.3). • switchroom equipment
• Switch the auxiliary and control voltage on. • switchroom condition

ABB Power Distribution 55

6.1.2 Start-up Manual withdrawal from the service position into
the test/disconnected position:
• Comply with all relevant safety regulations.
• Ensure that the circuit-breakers and switch • Ensure that the circuit-breaker is in the OFF
disconnectors in the system are in the OFF position.
position. • Reserve the procedure discribed above for
• Remove any existing earthing and short insertion into the service position.
circuiting connections in the critical switching Note:
Do not use force to move withdrawable parts with
• Energize the feeder cables.
blocking magnet Y0 in the event of a voltage drop.
• Connect the switchgear step by step, observing If this occurs they are blocked along the whole
the signals and indicators. travel range between the service position and test
position. To remove the interlock, consult section
• Check that relevant conductors are in phase, as
far as necessary when several incoming feeder
cables and switchgear sections are concerned Motorized movement of the withdrawable part:
(see also section 6.3.2).
• Briefly operate the electrical control for insertion
• Carry out all measurements and check all or withdrawal (the withdrawable part then
functions dependant on the high voltage power automatically moves into the opposite position).
supply being connected.
• Observe the position indicator.
• Watch out for irregularities of any kind.
6.2 Switching operations When the drive motor is faulty, the withdrawable
part can be moved in the emergency manual
Carry out switching operations with the front doors
operation. If the drive motor fails during movement
of the withdrawable part, the withdrawable part
6.2.1 Withdrawable circuit-breaker part must be moved into a limit position in emergency
(Figures 6/1, 6/3, 6/5 to 6/11) manual operation.

Manual insertion from the test/disconnected Emergency manual operation is carried out with
position to the service position: hand crank 121 on spindle mechanism 18, in a
similar manner to operation of a withdrawable
• Connect control wiring plug 10.2 breaker part with manual systems. To disengage
• Close the front door. the motorized withdrawable part, consult section
• Ensure that the circuit breaker is in the OFF
position. • Switch off the auxiliary power (m.c.b.), since the
• Fit hand crank 121 on square spigot 18.1 of the motor would otherwise be braked electrically.
spindle mechanism 18. • Turn hand crank 121 in the required direction.
• Turn the crank clockwise through approx. 30 When the withdrawable part moves, the motor
turns until the stop is reached and the turns. The motor functions in such a case like a
withdrawable part is in the service position. generator, i.e. it can lead to reserve voltages in the
• Observe the position indicator. terminals.
• Remove hand crank 121. The motor fuse must not be changed from the
specified type and rated value, otherwise the
It has to be considered that the spring loaded piece behavior of the permanent magnet motor could be
of scenery 18.2 will lie completely on the rear side irreversibly impaired!
of the panel door when the hand crank will be
moved from the square spigot 18.1 of the spindle Caution.
mechanism 18. This ensures that the rear part of In emergency manual operation of a motorized
the scenery has been shift on the hexagon cap of withdrawable circuit-breaker part, the interlock
the spindle and prevents the unintentional with the earthing switch is not effective!
wrenching of the spindle during the service of the
Withdrawal from the test/disconnection position
panel. The wrenching may lead to a blocking of the
onto the service truck:
Note: • Open the door of the circuit-breaker
The withdrawable part must not be stopped at any
position in the travel range between the service • Release control wiring plug 10.2 and engage it in
position and test/disconnected position! the storage position on the withdrawable part.

56 ABB Power Distribution

• Position service truck 124 with the guide pins • Carry out the procedure as discibed above for
124.2 of the adjustable bench top at teh correct withdrawal, changing the order accordingly.
height facing the panel front, and allow catch
124.3 to engage. 6.2.2 Circuit-breaker, type VD4
• Move sliding handles 13.11 inwards against the (Figures 3/6 to 3/8, 3/11, 3/12, 3/15 to 3/17)
springs to release withdrawable part 13, draw Charging the stored energy spring system:
the withdrawable part out onto the service truck
and secure it in the catches on the truck. • On the circuit-breaker with charging motors,
charging is carried out automatically. If the
• Press the release lever 124.4 (at the front charging motor should fail, the charging
underneath the bench top) and release the procedure can be carried out or completed by
service truck from the switchgear panel. hand.
• Secure the position of the shutters with a pad • On breakers with manual charging systems,
lock 130. open the door with the withdrawable part in the
Insertion from the service truck into the test/ disconnected position, insert charging lever 128
disconnected position: into the recess and pump for approx. 25 strokes

Operating sequence
Example 1: Circuit-breaker, type VD4, with motorized charging mechanism, withdrawable part in service position

Operating sequence Result of operation Possible subsequent

Breaker Charging switching operation
Position Condition

Switch on charging motor

Automatic charging 0 On-Off

Close breaker... and I Off

automatically (re)charge I Off-On-Off or

autoreclosing sequence

Open breaker 0 On-Off

Close breaker... and I Off

automatically (re)charge I Off-On-Off or

autoclosing sequence
Autoreclosing Off 0

(Excitation via On I (automatically charging
protection system) starts)
Off 0

Automatically charging
Completed 0 On-Off

Close breaker... and I Off

Automatically (re)charge I Off-On-Off or

autoreclosing sequence

Test switching of the circuit-breaker, type VD4, without primary voltage can be carried out with the
withdrawable part in the test position (with the control wiring plug fitted).

ABB Power Distribution 57

Example 2: Circuit-breaker, type VD4, with manual charging mechanism

Operating sequence Result of operation

(with cubicle doors Beraker Charging Possible subsequent
closed, exept during Position Condition switching operation

Withdrawable part in test/ 0 -

Disconnected position,
control wiring plug
inserted in socket

Charging 0 On-Off
Move withdrawable part
into service position
Close breaker I Off

Open breaker 0 -
Move withdrawable part in
test/disconnected position

Test switching of the circuit-breaker, type VD4, without primary voltage can be carried out with the
withdrawable part in the test position (with the control wiring plug fitted).

until the charged condition is indicated. When 6.2.3 Circuit-breaker, type VM1
the charged condition is reached, the charging (Figures 3/15, 3/16, 6/24, 7/8, 7/9, 7/15)
mechanism is automatically disengaged, and
any further strokes of the lever have no effect. The maintenance free VM1 circuit-breaker is
applying a combination of moulded-in vacuum
Meaning of the charging condition symbols: interruptors, magnetic actuator and electronic
controller without auxiliary switches and with
For details refer to Manual BA 433/E.
Discharged Carged
Before connecting the primary voltage:
Opening and closing the circuit-breaker type VD4:
• Connect the auxiliary voltage. OFF command
• Opening and closing operations with the (closed – circuit release) and closing lock-out
withdrawable part in the service position should must be energized before the circuit-breaker
only be performed with the door closed. can be closed.
• Operate the local or remote electrical control.
The auxiliary voltage has been established when
• Observe the switch position indicator. the (Ready) LED 31.2 lights up.
The switching operation counter 13.5 for the • Perform test closing and opening of the circuit-
circuit-breaker compartment enables mechanical breaker by pressing push-buttons 31.3 and
operation of the circuit-breaker with the door 31.4.
closed and with the withdrawable part in either
• Closing:
position (figures 3/13, 3/14 and 6/8):
– by remote control via closing contacts or
• Press the relevant mechanical push button,
locally by pressing ON push-button 31.3.
previously turning knob 45.2 anti-clockwise to
the stop if the withdrawable part is in the service • Opening:
– by remote control via closing contacts or
• Observe the switch position indicator. locally by pressing OFF push-button 31.4.

58 ABB Power Distribution

• Opening on failure of the auxiliary power supply: switchgear panel. Only switch earthing switches on
when the doors are closed.
– Electrical opening is still possible within the
first 200 s. Manual opening and closing:
– After a period of 200 s, emergency manual • Press slide 14.2 on the operating lever recess
opening is necessary: socket down. (When the switch is closed, it is
already in this position!)
– Insert emergency manual operation lever
31.28 onto the spigot of the emergency shaft • Fit operating lever 122 to hexagonal shaft
31.9 in the front plate and turn it anticlockwise 14.1,which is now released for operation.
to open the circuit-breaker.
Just before the final stop will be reached a
Put the operating lever 122 in such a way pointed
small resistance on the emergency shaft has
upwards or downwards on the hexagonal shaft
to be overcome.
that sufficient room for movement of the operating
• Closing on failure of the auxiliary power supply: lever remains even if space is constricted at the
– Closing is not appropriate and not possible.
• Turn the lever clockwise through approx. 180°
• After each operating cycle (ON-OFF), the operating
until the stop is reached to close the earthing
cycle counter 31.5 is incremented by one full digit.
switch, or anti-clockwise until the stop is
On termination of a switching operation, the reached to open the earthing switch.
position indicator 31.6 in the window of front
• Observe the mechanical/electrical switch
plate displays the relevant switch position.
position indicator.
• Anti-pumping system
• Remove operating lever 122. Slide 14.2 remains
(see VDE 0101, section
open if the earthing switch is in the closed
– The circuit-breaker controller ensures that position.
closing of the circuit-breaker is blocked when
Make sure that the operating lever is turned right up
an opening command is active.
to the stop in the opening process, to ensure that
– When closing on a subsequent opening the earthing switch is in its defined limit position.
command, further closing with the still active The manual operating mechanism can also be
closing command is blocked. The closing fitted with a blocking magnet.
command must be issued again for the next
Opening and closing with motorized operating
closing operation.
6.2.4 Withdrawable metering parts The earthing switch can also be fitted with a
(Figures 3/1-6, 3/1-8, 3/18) motorized operating mechanism.

The handling of the withdrawable metering part in • Briefly operate the electrical control for opening
the metering panel is as described in section 6.2.1, or closing. The earthing switch is then switched
without however the switching operations and automatically into the opposite position.
interlocking functions. Emergency manual operation:
Withdrawable metering parts in incoming and If a fault should develop in the motorized operating
outgoing feeder panels are inserted into the cable mechanism, the earthing switch can be switched in
compartment using a ramp. They reach their emergency manual operation with lever 122, in a
service position immediately and engage there in similar way to manually operated earthing switches.
the panel ground by means of the two locking pins
at the sides. The voltage transformers used Caution!
correspond to the type used in the metering panel, During emergency manual operation of a
and therefore HRC fuses can also be used along motorized earthing switch, the interlock is not
with the voltage transformers. functional!
6.2.5 Earthing switch, type EK6 On emergency manual operation, the coupling with
the motorized operating mechanism is auto-
(Figures 3/1, 6/12, 6/13, 6/25)
matically released. To disengage the coupling to
The earthing switch, type EK6, has a snap-action the motorized operating mechanism, first turn the
closing mechanism which is independant of the lever 122 further in the preselected direction up to
rotation of the drive shaft. An earthing switch 6 the relevant stop (small angle of turn). On the next
allocated to a circuit-breaker is only enabled for operation with the motorized mechanism after its
switching when the withdrawable part 13 is in the function has been restored, the coupling auto-
test/disconnected position or removed from the matically engages again.

ABB Power Distribution 59

Note: – Observe the switch position indicator (see
also section 6.2.9).
The lever may only be fitted temporarily for
performance of an emergency manual switching 3. Opening and closing of a switch disconnector
operation. The power to the motorized operating with snap action On Mechanism an stored
mechanism must be switched off to the duration of energy spring OFF mechanism (Type CS 3):
any breakdown. – Close the switch disconnector by turning the
operating lever 122 clockwise through
6.2.6 Busbar earthing switch.
approx. 180° up to the stop, or open the
(Figures 3/1-4, 3/1-8, 3/22 to 3/25) switch disconnector by turning the operating
To earth the busbars, earthing switches, also of lever anti-clockwise through approx. 180° up
type EK6, are used. Their operating mechanism is to the stop. When the disconnector is then
identical with that of the tee-off earthing switches ready to open, it will also respond to fuse
(see section 6.2.5). tripping, shunt and undervoltage releases.

The conditions for panel to panel interlocking of the Special case:

busbar earthing switches are described in section Charge and engage the closing springs by turning
3.4.2. the lever anti-clockwise through approx. 180° up to
the stop (pretensioning).
6.2.7 Switch disconnector
This action is only required:
Figure (3/1-9, 5/29, 6/13, 6/15)
– on initial installation (stored energy springs
Only operate switch disconnectors and earthing then normally discharged).
switches when the panel doors are closed.
– for indirect operation (tripping by HRC fuse,
Notes: shunt and undervoltage release).
• Fit operating lever 122 to the hexagon shaft 4. Opening and closing an intergrated earthing
pointing either upwards or downwards for each switch:
switching operation in such a way that it is not
– Switching of a normally interlocked earthing
obstructed at the sides, even in limited space.
switch is only enabled when the switch
• Ensure that the lever is moved fully into the limit disconnector is in the open position.
position in all switching operations.
– Turn the operating lever clockwise through
1. Opening an closing of a switch disconnector approx. 180° to the stop to close the earthing
with snap action ON mechanism and snap switch or anti-clockwise through approx.
action OFF mechanism (Type CK 3): 180° to the stop to open the earthing switch
– Close the switch disconnector by turning the – Observe the switch position indicator (see
operating lever 122 clockwise through also section 6.2.9).
approx. 180° up to the stop, or open the 5. Opening and closing with a motorized
switch disconnector by turning the operating mechanism:
lever anti-clockwise through approx. 189° up
to the stop. Switch disconnectors and earthing switches can
also be fitted with motorized operating
2. Opening and closing of a switch disconnector mechanisms.
with snap action ON mechanism and
rechargeable stored energy spring OFF – Operate the electrical control to open/close the
mechanism (Type CK3): switch (briefly), and the switch disconnector or
earthing switch will then be switched auto-
– Close the switch disconnector by turning the matically into the opposite position, or the
operating lever 122 clockwise through stored-energy springs for the switch
approx. 180° up to the stop. disconnector charged.
– Recharge the stored energy springs Emergency manual operation:
immediately after the closing operation by
If a fault develops in the motorized mechanism, the
turning the lever through 180° in an anti-
switch disconnector and earthing switch can be
clockwise direction up to the stop.
operate manually in emergencies with operating
The disconnector is then ready to open, also lever 122, in a similar manner to a switch with
in response to fuse tripping, shunt and manual mechanism. To disengage the coupling to
undervoltage releases. the motorized operating mechanism, first turn the
– Open the switch disconnector by turning the lever up to the relevant stop (small angle of turn).
lever clockwise through approx. 15°. Then On the next operation with the motorized
turn the lever back anti-clockwise until the mechanism after its function gas been restored, the
stop is reached. coupling automatically reengages.

60 ABB Power Distribution

Note: 6.2.10 Earthing and short-circuiting with earthing cable
The lever may only be fitted temporarily for
performance of an emergency manual switching (Figures 6/12, 6/16 to 6/20)
operation. The relevant shutter 12.1 (12.2) is moved to the
The power to the motorized operating mechanism open position with a withdrawable testing and
must be switched off for the duration of any earthing module 142.
breakdown. This special withdrawable part is to be inserted in a
similar manner to a withdrawable circuit-breaker
6.2.8 Insulating guard plate part, using the same hand crank 121 after insertion
(Figure 6/15) into the test/disconnected positions. The individual
With the isolating distance of the switch steps of the earthing and short-circuiting process
disconnector open, an insulating guard plate can are as follows:
be inserted into the relevant panel on rails. • Bolt the two actuating bars 142.1 to the required
Notes: position on the withdrawable testing and
earthing module:
• Always clean an inspect insulating guard plates
before use. – At the bottom for opening of the top shutter.
– At the top for opening of the bottom shutter.
• When moisture and dirt cause layers of foreign
matter to build up on a guard plate, there is • Fit the isolating contacts to the testing and
danger due to possible leakage currents. earthing module 142 at the required position:
• Insulating guard plates are only suitable as – At the bottom to earth the cable area.
protection against accidental contact and not as
– At the top to earth the busbar area.
protection against reclosing.
• Isolate the area to be earthed and secure against
• The service duration of inserted guard plates is
fundamentally limited by the influence of
moisture, temperature, contamination and the • Carefully observe all relevant safety regulations.
adjacency of live parts.
• Remove the withdrawable circuit-breaker part
• Observe the details listed in section 7.2 and 7.3 from the relevant switchgear panel.
with regard to the insulating guard plates.
• Insert testing and earthing module 142 into the
test/disconnected position and move it fully into
6.2.9 Electrical/mechanical display/monitoring
the service position with hand crank 121.
When the switchgear is in operation, observe all the
• Check the area to be earthed for the off-circuit
operating data and condition indications in the
condition, e.g. with voltage tester 125 in
secondary area.
measuring sockets 30 respectively, or with a
Switch position indicator for switch disconnectors: high-voltage tester on the relevant contacts
142.7 in bushing 142.6 on module 142, or on
Use the opportunity to view the switch position
the cable connection.
through the sight glass.
• First firmly bolt the common earthing cable
• Type CK3: The switch position is identical to
133.1 to earth terminal 19.3, and then use
the mechanism position.
insulated rod 133.3 to connect the conductor
• Type CR3: Switch position indication is only earthing cables 133.2 in a short-circuit-proof
possible with a separate display manner to contact pins 142.7.
• Type CS3: The switch position is identical to • Display earthing warning plate 135 on the
the mechanism position when switchgear panel.
operation is direct.
• Secure neighbouring live areas ( e.g. feeder
For indirect operation (by fuse or cables) to prevent inadvertent contact.
electrical release), the opening
operation results in different
positions for the switch and

ABB Power Distribution 61

6.3 Test procedures Test procedure:
• Only use phase comparators which comply with
6.3.1 Testing the off-circuit conditon
the IEC and VDE standards and are of suitable
(Figures 6/4, 6/16) design for the indication system in the relevant
The panels are fitted with a capacitive voltage switchgear.
indication system including the corresponding • Check the function of the unit immediately prior
(hand-held) plug-in indicator for testing of the off- to use.
circuit condition.
• Ensure that the maximum permissible length of
A distinction must be made between the low the measuring cables for each phase is not
resistance (LRM) system and the high resistance exceeded.
(HR) system. For further details, see draft standard
VDE 0682 Part 415 or IEC 61243-5. • Connect the measuring cables to precisely the
corresponding main conductor sections.
The two systems differ in several respects,
including different voltage levels which constitute • Follow the directions for the phase comparator
the display thresholds. The capacitive voltage in detail!
dividers installed in the panels are correspondingly
of different ratings, and the measuring sockets and 6.3.3 Current and voltage testings
indicators units are of different types. (Figures 6/4 , 6/16, 6/20)
Note: Testing and earthing module 142 is available for
The only permissible indicators are those which the performance of current and voltage tests. It is
satisfy the requirements of the IEC and VDE equally suitable for primary current injection to any
standards and correspond to the technical design current transformers which may be fitted during
of the indication system in the relevant switchgear ! measurements in the protection circuit and, for
example, for the application of a test voltage during
The measuring sockets must on no account be insulating testing.
short-circuited, except for voltage tests on the
switchgear (e.g. at power frequency withstand • Isolate and secure the working area in
voltage and/or impulse voltage). accordance with the safety regulations of DIN
Testing for the off-circuit condition is effected using
a plug-in indicator at the corresponding socket • For primary current feed, fasten the connecting
pairs located among the controls on the panels. cable of the test transformer to the contact pins
Use of the indicator unit:
• For AC voltage tests, ball 142.4 on the contact
• Carry out a functional test on the unit pin is required. The bore in the ball serves for
immediately before use, e.g. with interface tester connection of the voltage supply.
KSP. The display must be clearly perceptible.
• For current tests, for example of small
• The presence of operating voltage is displayed connected generators, the short-circuit bridge
by a signal. 142.8 is to be fastened onto the contact pins.
• Always follow the details given in the instructions Note:
for the particular indicator unit for your
switchgear system. With voltage tests at power frequency withstand
voltage and/or impulse voltage, observe the
Interface testing: following:
• Perform an interface test as a functional test on • Short-circuit the measuring sockets 30 in the re-
all coupling components, e.g. with interface levant panels for the duration of the test
tester KSP. procedure (only)!
• The interface test is a repeat test as specified in • Disconnect any voltage transformers and cover
IEC 61243-5 and VDE 0682 Part 415. with an insulating plate.

6.3.2 Testing for in-phase condition

Testing for the in-phase condition, e.g. when there
is more than one incoming feeder, can be carried
out with a suitable phase comparator coupled to
the measuring sockets of the capacitive voltage
indication system (if fitted).

62 ABB Power Distribution



Figure 6/1: Operation of a door catch Figure 6/2: Operation of a door catch, with the handle of
the universal key in the turning position
1.18 Central catch of the high voltage compartment door
145 Double bit key 1.17 Door catch, 90° turn of the key to open
or close a low-voltage compartment






Figure 6/3: Operation of a screw-type door catch, with the handle Figure 6/4: Operation and annunciation via digital control system
of the universal key in the crank position
30 Measuring socket (LRM- System)
1.8 Screw-typ door catch, on the doors of the 30.1 Protection cover for measuring socket
high-voltage compartments 46 Bay control and protection unit REF542
147 Hand crank (for use on the central catch or
screw type door catch)

ABB Power Distribution 63






18.1 18 13 121
Figure 6/5: Manual operation and mechanical indicators of a Figure 6/6: Movement of the withdrawable part between the test/
withdrawable part, shown here in the test/disconnected disconnected position and the service position, with
position approx. 30 turns of the crank, clockwise up to the stop
for the service position and anti-clockwise for the test/
10 Control wiring plug connection, closed disconnected position
13.2 Mechanical ON push button
13.3 Mechanical OFF push button 13 Withdrawable part
13.4 Mechanical switch position indicator 18 Spindle mechanism
13.5 Mechanical operating cycle counter 121 Hand crank
13.8 Charging condition indicator
13.11 Sliding handle, connected with the catch
on the withdrawable part baseframe
13.17 Front cover plate on circuit-breaker, Type VD4
(18) Spindle mechanism
18.1 Square spigot
128 Charging lever




Figure 6/7: Control wiring plug connector blocked to prevent Figure 6/8: Handling of the mechanical circuit-breaker operation in
disconnection with the withdrawable part in the service the switchgear panel door (non-standard equipment)
position with the withdrawable part in the service position
10.1 Control wiring socket 45.1 Mechanical push button
10.2 Control wiring plug 45.2 Turning knob
32 Interlock

64 ABB Power Distribution

124 13 13.11 124 13 124.1 13.12 13.11 124.4
Figure 6/9: Service truck engaged with the switchgear panal. Figure 6/10: Withdrawable part standing on service truck and
Withdrawable part released for withdrawal with the secured in the catches
handles slid inwards.
13 Withdrawable part (with circuit-breaker type VD4)
13 Withdrawable part 13.11 Sliding handle
13.11 Sliding handle 13.12 Catch (connected to sliding handle)
124 Service truck 124 Service truck
124.1 Height adjuster (for the bench top)
124.4 Release lever for catch pin (124.3)







124.1 14.1

Figure 6/11: Positioning the servic truck with the guide pins on the Figure 6/12: View into the circuit-breaker compartment
adjustable height bench top at the correct height for
approach to the swithchgear panel, and engaging the 10.1 Control wiring socket
catch 12.1 Top shutter
12.2 Lower shutter
124.1 Height adjuster 14 Earthing switch operating mechansim
124.2 Guide pin 14.1 Drive shaft
124.3 Catch pin 42 Right-hand travel rail
43.3 Duct cover, top right

ABB Power Distribution 65





Figure 6/13: Preparation for operation of a switch disconnector and/ Figure 6/14: Preparation for operation of the tie-off earthing switch
or integrated earthing switch in a circuit-breaker panel
1.10 Slot cover, for insulating guard plate 14 Earthing switch operathing mechansim
(hinged and sping loaded) 14.1 Operating shaft for earhing switch
35.1 Switch disconnector operating mechanism 14.2 Slide
35.2 Earthing switch operating mechansim 122 Operating lever
122 Operating lever






30.1 30 125
Figure 6/15: Switchgear panel with switch disconnector and fuse Figure 6/16: Fitting a (high-impedance) voltage indicator, type DSA2,
assembly manufacturer Pfisterer
1.10 Slot cover for insulating guard plate 30 Voltage measuring sockets
34 Switch disconnector 30.1 Protective cover for measuring sockets
35.1 Switch disconnector operating mechansim 125 Voltage indicator
43.4 Duct cover for internal wiring
160 HRC fuses

66 ABB Power Distribution







Figure 6/17: Shutter operating module, side view-actuating bars to be Figure 6/18: Earthing at the bottom contact pins a 800 mm wide panel
bolted on in the top position (for operation of the bottom
shutters) or the buttom position (for operation of the top 12.2 Lower shutter
shutters) as required (example version). 129 Shutter operating module
132 Fixed point for earthing, M12
129 Shutter operating module 133.2 Earthing rope (spider)
129.1 Actuating bars (one pair), removable 133.3 Insulated operating rod
135 Warning label







Figure 6/19: Fitting of an earthing cable set after insertion of a testing

and earthing module (example)
132 Fixed point for earthing, M12
133.2 Earthing rope (spider)
133.3 Insulated operating rod
135 Warning label
142 Testing and earthing module
142.1 Actuating bars (one pair)

ABB Power Distribution 67

142.6 142.7 142.8 142.4


142.3 142



Figure 6/20: Testing and earthing module with:

– Actuating bars, removable • top position for bottom shutter
• bottom position for top shutter
– Contact arms, removeable • bottom position for cable area
• top position for busbar area
– Insulating plate, with alternative mounting positions for cable or busbar
earthing (turn through 180° for busbar earthing)
– Contact systems, replaceable for different contact pin diameters on the
– Ball handels, removable, for voltage tests
– Short-circuiting link, replaceable by ball handles

142 Testing and earthing module

142.1 Actuating bars (1 Pair)
142.2 Contact arms (3 pcs.)
142.3 Contact systems
142.4 Ballhandels (3 pcs.)
142.5 Insulating plate with 3 removeable bushings
142.6 Bushing
142.7 Contact pin
142.8 Short-circuiting link, complete

68 ABB Power Distribution


Figure 6/21: Fitting of the horizontal partition 20 with additional

ventilation for high current circuit-breakers required due
to increased ambient temperature ( > 40 °C ) and/or
increased frequency ( 60 Hz ) according to section 1.3.
The internal flap is shown in the service position (open !).
Side view, but without the wind vane with microswitch
required with a fan. No Standard.
20 Horizontal partition, here fitted with additional
ventilation facilities for the circuit-breaker
20.3 Flap
20.4 Leaf spring Figure 6/22: Horizontal partition with additional ventilation facilities
20.5 Inspection opening checking of unimpeded motion of the internal flap (20.3)
20.6 Bracket
20.7 Centrifugal fan 20.5 Inspection opening


38 130

Figure 6/23: Lower shutter secured with padlock to prevent Figure 6/24: Manual emergency – OFF operation of the VM1 vacuum
unauthorized operation circuit-breaker with magnetic actuator
38 Lever for shutter operation 31.28 Emergency manual opening lever (for switching off
130 Padlock (customer component) circuit-breaker, type VM1)
On the operation with the emergency operation lever
31.28 there has to overcome a mechanical resistance
after the tension of the auxiliary spring 31.29 and at the
end of the turning motion.

ABB Power Distribution 69

128 145 147 121 122 31.28 31.29

Figure 6/25: Operating accessories

31.28 Emergency manual opening lever (for switching off
circuit-breaker, type VM1)
31.29 Auxiliary spring to secure the opening capacity
(for circuit-breaker, type VM1)
121 Hand crank (for moving the withdrawable part
inside the panel)
122 Operating lever (for earthing switch)
128 Charging lever (for circuit-breaker, type VD4)
145 Double bit key (for using the central catch and
screw type door catch)
147 Hand crank (for using the central catch or screw
type door catch)

70 ABB Power Distribution

7 Maintenance Rod-type switch disconnector
Type C3 BA 275E

7.1 General If necessary, further details can be taken from the

technical documentation for the switchgear
Maintenance serves to preserve trouble-free installation (including, for example, any agreed
operation and achieve the longest possible working special operating conditions).
life of the switchgear. In accordance with DIN 31
051, it comprises the following closely related
activities: 7.2 Inspection

Inspection: Determination of the actual condition • Before inspection, where required, the working
area must be isolated and secured against
Servicing: Measures to preserve the specified reconnection in accordance with the “Safety
condition Regulations” specified by DIN VDE/IEC.
Repair: Measures to restore the specified • Proper condition of the switchgear should be
condition monitored by regular inspections.
Note: • Under normal operating conditions, inspection
When carrying out all maintenance work, the should be conducted once every four years by
regulations in the country of installation must be specially trained professional electricians.
strictly complied with. In Germany these comprise • Under unusual operating conditions (including
the following safety regulations and standards: adverse climatic conditions) and/or peculiar en-
– Health and safety at work standard VBG 1 vironmental stresses (among other strong
pollution and aggressive atmosphere),
– Health and safety at work standard VBG 4 inspection may be necessary at shorter
– VDE 0105 "Operation of electrical installations” intervals.

Maintenance work may only be performed in a • Inspection is primarily to constitute a visual

careful manner by trained personnel familiar with check for grime, corrosion and moisture:
the characteristics the individual switchgear, in – Effects of high temperature on the main
accordance with all relevant safety regulations to circuits,
VDE/IEC and of other technical authorities, and
with other overriding instructions. It is recommended – Traces of partial discharge on the insulating
that ABB service personnel be called in to perform material parts,
servicing and repair work detailed below. – Traces of leakage current on the insulating
material parts,
The inspection and servicing intervals for some of
the equipment/components (e.g. parts subjects to – Surfaces of the contact systems.
wear) are determined by fixed criteria such as
• However, inspection is also to include the proper
switching frequency, length of service and number
mechanical/electrical function of the following
of short-circuit breaking operations. For other
facilities: switching devices, actuating,
parts, on the other hand, the length of the intervals
interlocking, protection and signalling facilities.
may depend, for example, on the different modes
of operation in individual cases, the degree of Special conditions:
loading, and also environmental influences
• On panels with additional ventilation devices due
(including pollution and aggressive air).
to increased ambient temperature (see also
The following operating instructions must also be section 1.3):
observed together with this instruction manual in 1. Check flap 20.3 for correct function. (See also
the individual cases concerned: section 6.1.1 and figures 6/21 and 6/22.)
Vacuum circuit-breaker
2. The centrifugal fan (if fitted) doesn’t require
Type VD4 BA 352E
any special maintenance. Its working life,
Vacuum circuit-breaker depending on the service conditions - one
Type VD4E BA 377E significant parameter being the room
Vacuum circuit-breaker temperature - is approx. 20,000 to 30,000
Type VD4- high-current BA 359E operating hours.
Vacuum circuit-breaker with Checking of the readiness for operation can
magnetic actuator mechanism be carried out as follows:
Typ VM1 BA 433E a) Load-dependent functional test with
Earthing switch controllable primary current injection of the re-
Type EK6 BA 304E levant instrument transformer. At current rise:

ABB Power Distribution 71

1. to approx. 70% of the rated instrument • Cleaning the surfaces in general:
transformer current, the fan must start,
– Weakly adhering dry dust deposits with a soft
and dry cloth. 80 % of the rated instrument – More strongly adhering grime with mildly
transformer current, the fan must have alkaline household cleanser or with Rivolta
reached the required minimum air flow. BWR 210.
Corresponding monitoring/signalling by
• Cleaning insulating surfaces and conductive
the wind vane with microswitch.
b) Basic checking with temporary operation of
– Minor pollution with Rivolta BWR 210.
the centrifugal fan with an external power
supply of 220 V AC. – Strongly adhering pollution with Cold cleanser
c) In both cases, check for unimpeded normal
running of the fan and listen for any unusual • Observe the manufacturers’ directions and in
bearing noise. Remove any dirt on the fan particular ABB Instruction manual BA 1002/E
rotor. and BA 1006/E on safety at work.
d) Check the unimpeded function of the wind • Wipe down after cleaning, using clean water,
vane and microswitch by starting the fan and dry properly.
several times. • Should external discharges occur as a result of
e) The wiring to the removable horizontal condensation, application of a thin silicone film
partition 20 can be disconnected behind on the surface concerned is often effective as a
the right-hand side duct cover 43.4 (figure temporary remedy. It is advisable to request
5/12). Observe the circuit diagram and advice from the ABB after-sales service
carefully reconnect the wiring on department on permanent solutions to such
completion. unusual problems.
Caution: instrument transformer circuit.
7.4 Repair
• With regard to the switching devices, their sepa-
rate Instruction manual should be observed. 7.4.1 Switchgear in general
• Check all switchgear accessories and auxiliary Repair of surface damage:
facilities (e.g. storage batteries). • Carry out repair work immediately after a defect
• No external discharge may occur on the has been discovered.
surfaces of equipment at operating voltage. This • Completely remove all rust from damaged paint-
can, for example, be detected by characteristic work areas on steel sheet and other steel parts
noises, a clearly perceptible smell of ozone, or by mechanical means, e.g. with a wire brush.
visible glowing in the dark.
• Lightly grind the surrounding paint coat and
• Visual checking of the contact system. We carefully degrease the entire area. Then
recommend to turn alternately the contact immediately apply an anti-rust primer and, after
system in order to clean the inner contact points an appropriate hardening time, apply the top
of the contact system. coat. Only use suitable and compatible paint
The contact points should be cleaned if signs of products.
unperminable overheating (discoloured surface) Apply the top coat in standard colour RAL 7035,
are visible (see section 7.4). or the relevant special colour.
• If irregular conditions are detected, then cor- • Carefully remove any white rust on aluminium/
responding repair measures should be initiated. zinc surfaces with a wire brush or cleaning pad,
e.g. Scotch-Brite, and clean loosely adhering
7.3 Servicing particles with a dry, non-fraying cloth. Next treat
the cleaned parts with zinc spray or zinc dust
If, on the occasion of an inspection in accordance paint and, finally, treat with aluminium spray for
with section 7.2, the necessity of cleaning colour matching.
measures has been established, proceed as
follows: • Carefully remove any white rust from passivated
functioning parts and rust formation on
• Before cleaning, where required, the working phosphatised parts with a wire brush or metal-
area must be switched off and secured against free cleaning pad, e.g. Scotch-Brite, and clean
reconnection in accordance with the “Safety with a dry cloth. Then grease evenly (with Isoflex
Regulations” specified by DIN VDE/IEC. Topas NB 52).

72 ABB Power Distribution

Switchgear in general: 7.4.2 Replacement of complex functional groups
• Observe the maintenance instructions in the (Figures 3/3, 3/20, 7/4 to 7/14)
manuals for the individual equipment The precise matching of functions for control,
components. interlocking and signalling only permits the
• Check that the bolt connections at the contact replacement of individual components to a limited
points in the busbar system and the earth extent.
connections are tight, and that the contact The following assemblies are prefabricated and
system functions correctly. tested at the works, maintaining high quality
• Where required, regrease or thoroughly clean standards. In the case of faults, they are therefore
slide plates and bearings in the panel and to be completely replaced.
regrease them with Isoflex NB 52 lubricant. 1. Withdrawable assembly with circuit-breaker
• Top up grease on contact areas in the contact type VD4:
system when corroded or otherwise as • Disconnect plug connector 10.3,
necessary, or, when lubrication is inadequate or
missing, thoroughly clean the areas concerned • Remove interlock rod 13.91 with pin 13.27
and regrease with Isoflex Topas NB 52 lubricant. from the withdrawable assembly.
• For motor-operated withdrawable assemblies,
• Remove the contact system for thoroughly
remove the two socket head bolts (M4) which
cleaning as described below (Figures 7/1 to 7/3):
are accessible from below the assembly.
– Slide the two inner annular tension springs 4.4
• Remove the circuit-breaker from the with-
facing the breaker pole to a position beside
drawable assembly (4 x M12 bolts).
the other two outer annual tension springs,
thus releasing contact system 4.3, and • Mount the circuit-breaker on a new with-
remove the contact system from contact arm drawable assembly in the reverse order, using
4.2. new circlip and special pliers for pin 13.27.
– The contact pin of the contact system and the • Check the setting of interlocking rod 13.91:
slot on the contact arm are to be cleaned and
– Turn spindle 18 anti-clockwise to the stop
greased.. Fit contact system back to front on
for the disconnected position:
the thin end of arbor 127 or 127.2, and slide it
forwards onto the thicker part of the shank. The distance between lever 13.26 and cam
13.25 must be 2+1 mm.
– Fit arbor 127 or 127.2 onto the relevant
contact arm 4.2, slide the contact system 4.3 The distance between roller 13.24 and
over onto the contact arm, and withdraw the angle lever 13.92 must be 0.5 mm.
arbor. – Turn spindle 18 clockwise to the stop for
– Check all contact fingers and annular tension the service position:
springs for perfect fit. The distance between lever 13.26 and cam
Note: 13.25 must be 2+1 mm.
The set installation position of contact arms 4.2 The distance between roller 13.24 and
must not be changed by the improper use of force. angle lever 13.92 must be 0.5 mm.
Replacement of the contact pins when the – Loosen bolts 13.91.2 or 13.92.1 for any
surface is damaged: necessary adjustment.
(Figure 3/9) 2. Motor-operated mechanism for the earthing
After any required replacement of contact pins 4.1,
the latter should be retightened using the socket • Disconnect the terminals.
head bolts.
• Loosen the grub-screw in the set collars.
• Withdraw operating shaft 14.1.
Thread Rated tightening Observe the position of blocking disc 14.6
torque ungreased relative to cam 14.7!
M 10 46 Nm • Replace the motor-operated mechanism.
M 20 250 Nm • Slide the operating shaft through from the

ABB Power Distribution 73

Observe the position of blocking disc 14.6 re- • Switch off the auxiliary power (m.c.b.), since the
lative to cam 14.7! motor could otherwise be braked electrically.
• Tighten the grub-screw in the set collars. • Turn hand crank 121 in the required direction.
• Connect the control wiring. • Ensure that the spindle nut is correctly
• Set the operating mechanism manually in an
intermediate position and only then perform a Note:
test run to determine the direction of rotation.
When the withdrawable part moves, the motor
Ensure that the motor shuts down correctly in turns. The motor functions in such a case like a
the final positions! generator, i.e. it can lead to reverse voltages in the
The auxiliary switches of the interchangeable 7.5.2 Checking the correctness of dimensional settings
groups are adjusted at works. (Figures 7/5, 7/13, 7/14)
When the final installation of the earthing switch 1. The distance between lever 13.26 operated by
and drive takes place on site, it may be necessary link rod 13.91 and plastic cam 13.25 should be
to undertake a further exact adjustment of the 2+1 mm.
auxiliary switch. In this case, the following should
be taken into account: If adjustment is required, loose the two bolts
13.91.1 and 13.91.2. Deviations from the
• There must be a run-on of 0.5 mm in the fully specified value can have the following effects:
operated position before the plunger reaches
the stop (for safety reasons). • Dimensions too large, blocking system for the
drive spindle deactivated.
• Limit auxiliary switch 11.4 for earthing switch ON
must be operated immediately after the dead • Dimensions too small, proper action of the
centre position of the toggle spring mechanism electrical interlock no longer guaranteed.
is reached in the closing process and the 2. The distance between roller 13.24 and angle
automatic quick-closing process has started. lever 13.92 should be 0.5 mm when the circuit-
• Limit auxiliary switch 11.3 for earthing switch breaker is closed.
OFF must If adjustment is required, loose the two bolts
a) be operated on earthing switches with 13.91.2 and 13.92.1.
manual mechanisms during the opening
motion of the slide 14.2 before half of 7.5.3 Checking auxiliary switch settings on withdrawable
the hexagon shaft has become visible, or parts
1 mm before the tongue of the slide makes (Figures 3/20, 7/5, 7/7)
contact with the armature of the unexcited Compliance with the interlock conditions in the
blocking magnet. test/disconnected and service position areas is
b) be operated on earthing switches with motor- ensured by position signalling switches S8 and S9
operated mechanisms (no slide 14.2 then located in the withdrawable assembly and factory-
fitted) immediately after the toggle spring set.
mechanism has passed the dead centre In test operations, the withdrawable part must be
position during rotation to the OFF position. moved by hand with the crank fitted with the motor
power switched off.
7.5 Testing withdrawable parts with a VD4 type
1. Settings in the area of the test/disconnected
(Figures 7/4 to 7/7)
• Move the withdrawable part out of the test/
When functional tests are carried out on disconnected position towards the service
withdrawable parts, compliance with the position with a few turns of the crank.
conditions listed below should also be checked.
• Slowly move the withdrawable part back to
7.5.1 Motor-driven withdrawable parts the stop.
(not standard) Auxiliary switch S8 must then switch over just
before the stop is reached.
Carry out testing of motor-driven withdrawable
parts in the same way as for manually operated • Slowly insert the withdrawable part from the
withdrawable part: test/disconnected position towards the

74 ABB Power Distribution

service position until auxiliary switch S8 just the withdrawable part towards the service
operates. position must be blocked after only two
clockwise turns of the crank, and the travel
In this position, it must still just be possible to
motor on motor-operated parts must not be
move closing push rod 13.2.1. For this test,
capable of being switched on.
the function of the blocking magnet Y0 must
be deactivated manually. Use no force!
This condition ensures that the electrical 2. The withdrawable part must only be movable
interlock takes effect before the mechanical from the service position into the test/
interlock in the motion sequence involved. disconnected position with the circuit-breaker
2. Settings in the area of the service position:
Check this condition as follows:
• Move the withdrawable part out of the limit
position towards the test/disconnected • With the circuit-breaker closed, withdrawal
position with a few turns of the crank. movement of the withdrawable part must be
blocked after only half a turn of the crank in
• Slowly move the withdrawable part forwards anti-clockwise direction, and the travel motor
again to the stop. on motor-operated withdrawable parts must
Auxiliary switch S9 must then switch over just not be capable of being switched on.
before the stop is reached. 3. Closing of the circuit-breaker must only be
possible when the withdrawable part is in the
7.5.4 Checking the direction of rotation of the travel
defined test/disconnected position or service
motors on motor-driven withdrawable parts
• Move the withdrawable part by hand into a
The control wiring plug 10.2 must previously
central position between the test/disconnected
have been inserted.
position and the service position.
Check this condition as follows:
• Remove the hand crank.
• It must not be possible to close the circuit-
• Switch the auxiliary voltage for the travel motor
breaker with the withdrawable part in any
position between the test/disconnected
• Use the local electrical controls to check that the position and the service position.
withdrawable part moves in the correct
Enabling of switching when the withdrawable
part moves into the service position is
Caution: effected electrically by operation of auxiliary
switch S9 in the withdrawable assembly, and
Do not allow the withdrawable part to run up
mechanically slightly earlier; the latter
against a block when the travel direction is
corresponds to a position approximately half
incorrect! Switch the motor power off immediately
a turn of the crank before stop.
(the travel process functions electrically by a seal-in
system with limit position switch-off). • For motion into the test/disconnected
position, the same enabling conditions apply
There may be a danger of injury when the door is
analogously, in this case by means of auxiliary
switch S8 in the withdrawably assembly.
7.5.5 Testing of interlock conditions 4. It must only be possible to open the circuit-
(Figures 3/7, 3/20, 6/5 to 6/7, 7/7, 7/10) breaker (manually) when the withdrawable part
is in the service position or test/disconnected
1. The withdrawable part must only be movable position and the control voltage has failed.
from the test/disconnected position into the
service position when the circuit-breaker is open Check this condition.
and the earthing switch is open. 5. Withdrawable parts with order-related blocking
Check the following conditions individually: magnet Y0 may not be moved in case of control
power failure, or when there is no control power.
• With the circuit-breaker closed, insertion of Do not forcibly move blocked withdrawable
the withdrawable part towards the service parts! The blocking magnet Y0 is only present on
position must be blocked after only half a turn manually operated withdrawable parts.
of the crank in the clockwise direction, and
the travel motor on motor-operated Releasing the blocking magnet Y0:
withdrawable parts must not be capable of • Remove front plate 13.17,
being switched on.
• Disengage blocking magnet Y0 by pulling the
• With the earthing switch closed, insertion of magnet armature,

ABB Power Distribution 75

• While doing so, turn crank 121 about one half a) be operated on earthing switches with
turn (either direction of rotation is permissible). manual mechanisms during the opening
motion of the slide 14.2 before half of the
The blocking magnet is only active in the test
hexagon shaft has become visible, or 1 mm
position and service position. In intermediate
before the tongue of the slide makes contact
positions it has no effect.
with the armature of the unexcited blocking
6. Disconnection of the control wiring plug 10.2 as magnet.
well as later insertion must be blocked in the
b) be operated on earthing switches with motor-
withdrawable part‘s service position.
operated mechanisms (no slide 14.2 then
Check this condition: fitted) immediately after the toggle spring
mechanism has passed the dead centre
7. Operation of the earthing switch must only be
position during rotation to the OFF position.
possible when withdrawable part 13 is in the
test/disconnected position or the removed Note:
position (subject to any additional electro-
Check the direction of rotation of the motor after
magnetic interlocks in individual cases!).
repair work.
Check this condition:
Do not allow the motor to run up against a block if
• With the withdrawable part in the test/ the direction of rotation is incorrect (see also
disconnected position, it must be possible to section 7.5.4).
press slide 14.2 in front of the earthing switch
operating shaft 14.1 downwards to the
7.7 Spare parts, auxiliary materials, lubricants
opening position. The earthing switch can
then be operated.
7.7.1 Spare parts
• With the slide pressed down, it must also be
A spare parts list is available on request for
impossible to start the travel motor on motor-
procurement of spare parts. It fundamentally
driven withdrawable parts.
comprises moving parts and parts subject to wear.
• If the slide is pressed down slightly when the When parts are required, the serial number of the
travel motor is running, the motor must then relevant switchgear or switching device should
automatically switch off immediately. always be quoted.
The selected travel direction is continued by
7.7.2 Auxiliary materials, lubricants
pressing the button.
It is only possible to press slide 14.2 down Part no.
fully with a running travel motor when the (order ref.)
latter is in the start-up phase. Lubricant:
• When the withdrawable part is moved • Isoflex Topas NB 52 GCE0007249P0100
inwards towards the service position,
Halogen-free cleansers:
pressing down of the slide 14.2 must be
blocked after only one and a half clockwise • Rivolta BWR 210
turns on the crank. (for general cleaning) GCE0007707P0100
Corresponding ABB
7.6 Tests on the panel operating instructions
BA 1002/E GCEA901002P0102
7.6.1 Auxiliary switch settings on the earthing switch
• Cold cleanser 716
(Figures 7/10, 7/11) (for use with conductive
1. There must be a run-on of 0.5 mm in the fully components, components
operated position before the plunger reaches of insulating materials and
the stop (for safety reasons). in case of serious grime!) GCE0007706P0100
2. Limit auxiliary switch 11.4 (Q8S2) for earthing Corresponding ABB
switch ON must be operated immediately after operating instructions
the dead centre position of the toggle spring BA 1006/E GCEA901006P0102
mechanism is reached in the closing process Touch-up paint:
and the automatic quick-closing process has
started. Standard colour RAL 7035
• 1kg-box GCE9014060R0103
3. Limit auxiliary switch 11.3 (Q8S1) for earthing • Spray tin GCE0007895P0100
switch OFF must

76 ABB Power Distribution

127.1 127 4.3 127.2 4.3

Figure 7/1: Fit the contact system back-to-front on the thin end of Figure 7/2: Preparation for assembly of the VD4E contact system.
the arbor an slide it onto the thicker shank area Handling as described in figure 7/1
4.3 Contact system 4.3 Contact system
127 Arbor 127.2 Arbor for VD4E
127.1 Journal

4.6 4.2 (4.5) 4.3 4.4 127 37.3 36 37.4

Figure 7/3: Slide the contact system over from the arbor onto the Figure 7/4: Control cabinet, terminal-strip holder swung upwards
isolating contact arm and allow it to engage there
36 2 or 5 pole auxiliary switch (S2), optional (operated
4.2 Contact arm by the control wiring plug 10.2)
4.3 Contact system 37.3 Perforated metal sheet
4.4 Internal tension springs 37.4 Terminal strip holder
4.5 Hexagon socket head screw
4.6 Insulating sleeve
127 Arbor

ABB Power Distribution 77






Figure 7/5: Motorized withdrawable part with circuit-breaker Figure 7/6: Detailed view of the opening and closing mechanism
type VD4 in an intermediate position close to the (circuit-breaker type VD4)
test/disconnected position, with fitted crank for
manual operation and breaker front panel removed 13.2.1 ON push rod
13.25 Plastic cam
10.3 Control wiring plug connector for withdrawable 13.26 Lever
assembly Y1 Blocking magnet
13.2.1 ON push rod
13.24 Roller
13.26 Lever
13.92 Angle lever


Figure 7/7: Manually moveable withdrawable part, front panel

Y0 Blocking magnet

78 ABB Power Distribution

31.6 31.15 31.16 31.26



Figure 7/8: View of the magnetic actuator mechanism with auxiliary Figure 7/9: Circuit-breaker, type VM1, switch position indicator
systems, front plate removed (circuit-breaker, type VM1)
31.6 Mechanical switch position indicator
31.5 Mechanical operating cycle counter 31.15 Sensor for VM1 circuit-breaker OFF signal
31.6 Mechanical switch position indicator 31.16 Sensor for VM1 circuit-breaker ON signal
31.9 Catch for emergency manual operation lever 31.26 Storage capacitor
31.10 Actuator
31.26 Storage capacitor
31.27 Circuit-breaker control unit




14.2 14.1



11.4 11.3

Figure 7/10: Manual earthing switch mechanism with auxiliary Figure 7/11: Motorized earthing switch mechanism with auxiliary
switches, side cover removed switches as installed, covers removed
11.3 Auxiliary switch Q8S1 earthing switch OFF 11.3 Auxiliary switch Q8S1, earthing switch OFF
11.4 Auxiliary switch Q8S2 earthing switch ON 11.4 Auxiliary switch Q8S2, earthing switch ON
14.1 Drive shaft (earthing switch) 14.1 Operating shaft for earthing switch
14.2 Slide 14.6 Blocking disk
14.3 Cam plate, adjustable 14.7 Cam

ABB Power Distribution 79

13.25 13.25

13.26 13.26



13.91.1 13.91.2

13.91.2 13.92.1
13.24 13.24

max. 0,5
max. 0,5

13.92 13.92

Figure 7/12: Detail in the area of a withdrawable part with circuit- Figure 7/13: Mechanical interlock, withdrawable assembly/circuit-
breaker type VD4, with travel motor, viewed from the breaker, type VD4, with manually operated withdrawable
left-hand side part

13.24 Roller 13.24 Roller

13.25 Plastic cam 13.25 Plastic cam
13.26 Lever 13.26 Lever
13.27 Pin 13.27 Pin
13.90 Travel motor 13.91 Link rod
13.91 Link rod 13.91.1 Bolt
13.91.1 Bolt 13.91.2 Bolt
13.91.2 Bolt 13.92 Angle lever
13.92 Angle lever 41.1 13.92.1 Bolt
13.92.1 Bolt




Figure 7/14: Mechanical interlock between the withdrawable For further information please refer to
assembly and the circuit-breaker type VM1, setting of instruction manual BA 433/E
the slide blocker.
• Circuit-breaker in closed position
35.5 Pawl in the withdrawable assembly
41.1 Link to the actuator
41.2 Slide blocker
41.3 Screw

80 ABB Power Distribution

We reserve the right to make changes in the course of technical development.
Instruction manual no. GCEA 68 0398 P0102 Printed in Germany (06.00-500-PPI)

ABB Calor Emag Mittelspannung GmbH ABB Sace T.M.S. S.p.A

Oberhausener Strasse 33 Petzower Strasse 8 Via Friuli, 4
D-40472 Ratingen D-14542 Glindow I-24044 Dalmine
Phone: +49(0)21 02/12-12 30, Fax: +49(0)21 02/12-19 16 Phone: +39 035/395111, Fax: +39 035/395874
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