EPAR Fludarabine

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of the Medicines Evaluation Board
in the Netherlands

Fludarabine - PCH 25 mg/ml, concentrate for solution for

intravenous infusion or injection
Pharmachemie BV, the Netherlands

fludarabine phosphate
This assessment report is published by the MEB pursuant Article 21 (3) and (4) of Directive 2001/83/EC. The report
comments on the registration dossier that was submitted to the MEB and its fellow–organisations in all concerned EU
member states.
It reflects the scientific conclusion reached by the MEB and all concerned member states at the end of the evaluation
process and provides a summary of the grounds for approval of a marketing authorisation.
This report is intended for all those involved with the safe and proper use of the medicinal product, i.e. healthcare
professionals, patients and their family and carers. Some knowledge of medicines and diseases is expected of the
latter category as the language in this report may be difficult for laymen to understand.

This assessment report shall be updated by a following addendum whenever new information becomes available.

General information on the Public Assessment Reports can be found on the website of the MEB.

To the best of the MEB’s knowledge, this report does not contain any information that should not have been made
available to the public. The MAH has checked this report for the absence of any confidential information.

EU-procedure number: NL/H/0715/001/DC

Registration number in the Netherlands: RVG 33255

Date of first publication: 19 November 2007

Last revision: 7 April 2011

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Antimetabolites, Purine analogues

ATC code: L01BB05
Route of administration: intravenous
Therapeutic indication: treatment of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia in patients with
sufficient bone marrow reserves and as first line treatment in
patients with advanced disease, Rai stages III/IV (binet stage C),
or Rai stages I/II (binet stage A/B) where the patient has disease
related symptoms or evidence of progressive disease
Prescription status: prescription only
Date of authorisation in NL: 28 June 2007
Concerned Member States: AT, BE, CZ, DE, DK, EE, EL, ES, FI, FR, HU, IE, IT, LT, LU, LV,
Application type/legal basis: Directive 2001/83/EC, Article 10(3)

For product information for healthcare professionals and users, including information on pack sizes and
presentations see Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC), package leaflet and labelling.
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Based on the review of the quality, safety and efficacy data, the member states have granted a marketing
authorisation for Fludarabine - PCH 25 mg/ml, concentrate for solution for intravenous infusion or
injection, from Pharmachemie BV.

The product is indicated for the treatment of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) in patients with
sufficient bone marrow reserves and as first line treatment in patients with advanced disease, Rai stages
III/IV (Binet stage C), or Rai stages I/II (Binet stage A/B) where the patient has disease related symptoms
or evidence of progressive disease.

A comprehensive description of the indications and posology is given in the Summary of Product
characteristics (SPC).

Fludarabine phosphate (9-ß-D-arabinofuranosyl-2-fluoro-9H-purin-6-amine-5’-mono-phosphate) is a

synthetic purine nucleoside in which the ribose sugar is replaced by arabinose and a fluoride is added to
the purine base part. Thus, this nucleoside acts as a purine antagonist antimetabolite. Fludarabine - PCH
25 mg/ml is therefore an antineoplastic agent, relatively resistant to deamination by adenosine
Fludarabine phosphate is rapidly dephosphorylated to 2F-ara-A, which is taken up by cells and then
phosphorylated intracellularly to the active triphosphate form, 2F-ara-ATP. The ascribed action of
intracellular phosphorylated fludarabine is the inhibition of DNA synthesis by competing with deoxy-ATP
for incorporation into newly formed DNA. Incorporation of fludarabine results in DNA synthesis termination
and also DNA replication enzyme inhibition, eventually resulting in apoptosis. 2F-ara-A elimination is
largely by renal excretion. 40 to 60% of the administered iv. dose was excreted in the urine.
Since the early nineties the use of fludarabine phosphate has proven to be a useful drug in the treatment
of patients with symptomatic, high stage or refractory chronic lymphatic leukemia (CLL) despite the
frequently observed adverse effects (gastro-intestinal complaints, myelosuppression &
immunosuppression, infection, fever).
In line with the originator product, the proposed indication of Fludarabine - PCH 25 mg/ml is the treatment
of patients with B-cell CLL with sufficient bone marrow reserve. Also, in line with the originator product
indication, first-line treatment of CLL with Fludarabine - PCH 25 mg/ml is proposed to be restricted to
patients with high grade CLL with disease related symptoms or progressive disease.

This application concerns a hybrid application claiming essential similarity with the innovator product
Fludara 50 mg, powder for solution for injection or infusion, which has been registered in the Netherlands
by Bayer BV since September 1994. In addition, reference is made to Fludara authorisations in the
individual member states (reference product). The difference between Fludarabine - PCH 25 mg/ml and
the reference product is the change in the pharmaceutical form. Fludara 50 mg is a lyophilised powder,
whereas the current product is a solution for injection or infusion.

The marketing authorisation is granted based on article 10(3) of Directive 2001/83/EC (hybrid application).

This type of application refers to information that is contained in the pharmacological-toxicological and
clinical part of the dossier of the authorisation of the reference product. A reference product is a medicinal
product authorised and marketed on the basis of a full dossier, i.e. including chemical, biological,
pharmaceutical, pharmacological-toxicological and clinical data. This information is not fully available in
the public domain. The authorisation based on article 10(3) is therefore linked to the ‘original’ authorised
medicinal product, which is legally allowed once the data protection time of the dossier of the reference
product has expired. As Fludarabine - PCH 25 mg/ml is a product for parental use, it is exempted for
biostudy (NfG CPMP/EWP/QWP 1401/98). The current product can be used instead of its reference

No new pre-clinical and clinical studies were conducted, which is acceptable for this abridged application.

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II.1 Quality aspects

Compliance with Good Manufacturing Practice

The MEB has been assured that acceptable standards of GMP (see Directive 2003/94/EC) are in place for
these product types at all sites responsible for the manufacturing of the active substance as well as for the
manufacturing and assembly of this product prior to granting its national authorisation.

Active substance and excipients

The active substance is fludarabine phosphate, an established active substance described in the
European Pharmacopoeia (Ph.Eur.). The active substance specification is considered adequate to control
the quality and meets the requirements of the monograph in the Ph.Eur., with additional requirements for
residual solvents, bacterial endotoxins and microbiological quality. Batch analytical data demonstrating
compliance with this specification have been provided for 3 industrial scale batches.

The Active Substance Master File (ASMF) procedure is used for the active substance. The main objective
of the ASMF procedure, commonly known as the European Drug Master File (EDMF) procedure, is to
allow valuable confidential intellectual property or ‘know-how’ of the manufacturer of the active substance
(ASM) to be protected, while at the same time allowing the applicant or marketing authorisation holder
(MAH) to take full responsibility for the medicinal product, the quality and quality control of the active
substance. Competent Authorities/EMEA thus have access to the complete information that is necessary
to evaluate the suitability of the use of the active substance in the medicinal product.

Stability data on the active substance have been provided for 6 batches in accordance with applicable
European guidelines demonstrating the stability of the active substance for 4 years, when stored in the
refrigerator (2°C - 8°C) in the original package, i.e. borosilicate amber glass container, inside a polyester-
aluminium-polyester-polypropylene bag. The solid drug substance is not sensitive to light.

The excipients used are common in the manufacture of parenteral formulations and are, according to the
SPC of the innovator, also present in the reference product. The excipients comply with the relevant
Ph.Eur. monographs. For the control of the excipients the Ph.Eur. methods are used. For sodium
hydroxide the applicant has included additional specifications for the microbiological quality and bacterial
endotoxins. Ph.Eur. is an official handbook (pharmacopoeia) in which methods of analysis with
specifications for substances are laid down by the authorities of the EU.

Medicinal Product

Fludarabine - PCH 25 mg/ml is supplied in vials containing 50 mg of fludarabine phosphate as a sterile,
preservative-free, solution with a pH of 6.0 – 7.1. The concentration of fludarabine phosphate is 25 mg/ml
in each vial. The excipients are mannitol (E421), sodium hydroxide (for pH adjustments), and water for
injections (solvent). The colourless 2-ml type I glass vials have a bromobutyl rubber stopper, an aluminium
seal and a polypropylene snap-cap.

Pharmaceutical development
The product is an established pharmaceutical form and its development is adequately described in
accordance with the relevant European guidelines. Fludarabine PCH has a similar composition as Fludara
after reconstitution. The innovator is a powder, whereas the test product is a solution. The packaging
materials are usual and suitable for the product.

Manufacturing process
The manufacturing process has been validated according to relevant European/ICH guidelines. Process
validation data on the product have been presented for 3 batches in accordance with the relevant
European guidelines.

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Quality control of the medicinal product

The finished product specifications are adequate to control the relevant parameters for the dosage form.
The specifications are based on the monograph for parenteral preparations in the Ph.Eur. and in-house
specifications. They include tests for appearance, identity, colour, clarity, pH, assay, degradation,
particulate matter, particulate contamination, extractable volume, closure integrity, sterility, and bacterial
endotoxins. Limits in the specifications have been justified and are considered appropriate for adequate
quality control of the product. Satisfactory validation data for the analytical methods have been provided.
Batch analytical data from the proposed production site(s) have been provided, demonstrating compliance
with the specification.

Stability tests on the finished product

Stability data on the product has been provided for 3 batches in accordance with applicable European
guidelines demonstrating the stability of the product for 18 months when stored in the refrigerator. The
specific storage condition, do not freeze, is included in the SPC and on the label.

Specific measures concerning the prevention of the transmission of animal spongiform encephalopathies
There are no substances of ruminant animal origin present in the product nor have any been used in the
manufacturing of this product, so a theoretical risk of transmitting TSE can be excluded.

II.2 Non-clinical aspects

This product is essentially similar to Fludara, which is available on the European market, after
reconstitution. No new pre-clinical data have been submitted, and therefore the application has not
undergone pre-clinical assessment. This is acceptable for this type of application.

Environmental risk assessment

The product is intended as a substitute for identical products on the market. The approval of this product
will not result in an increase in the total quantity of fludarabine phosphate released into the environment. It
does not contain any component which results in an additional hazard to the environment during storage,
distribution, use and disposal.

II.3 Clinical aspects

Fludarabine phosphate is a well-known active substance with established efficacy and tolerability.

The composition of Fludarabine - PCH 25 mg/ml, concentrate for solution, is considered to be similar to
the innovator’s product Fludara, 50 mg powder for solution, when ready to be used.

As Fludarabine - PCH 25 mg/ml is a product for parental use, no bioequivalence study is required (NfG
CPMP/EWP/QWP 1401/98). Fludarabine - PCH 25 mg/ml is considered essentially similar (after
reconstitution) as the reference product Fludara, 50 mg powder, which is already marketed in various
European countries. Thus, all data regarding to safety and efficacy available of the reference medicinal
product also apply for this application.

The content of the SPC approved during the decentralised procedure is in accordance with that accepted
for the reference product Fludara 50 mg marketed by Bayer BV.

Risk Management Plan

Fludarabine phosphate was first approved in 1994 in the Netherlands, and there is now more than 10
years post-authorisation experience with the active substance. The safety profile of fludarabine phosphate
can be considered to be well-established and no product-specific pharmacovigilance issues were
identified pre- or post-authorisation which are not adequately covered by the current SPC. Additional risk
minimisation activities have not been identified for the reference medicinal product. The applicant has a
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pharmacovigilance system at their disposal, which is based on the current European legislation. Routine
pharmacovigilance activities are sufficient to identify actual or potential risks and a detailed Risk
Management Plan is not necessary for this product.

Readability test
The package leaflet has been evaluated via an user consultation study in accordance with the
requirements of Articles 59(3) and 61(1) of Directive 2001/83/EC. The readability test of the package
leaflet has been adequately performed.

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Fludarabine - PCH 25 mg/ml concentrate for solution for intravenous infusion or injection is essentially
similar to Fludara, 50 mg powder for solution for injection or infusion. Fludara 50 mg, is a well-known
medicinal product with an established favourable efficacy and safety profile.

Since both the reference and current product are intended for parental use, no bioequivalence study is
deemed necessary. The SPC is consistent with that of the reference product.

The MAH has provided written confirmation that systems and services are in place to ensure compliance
with their pharmacovigilance obligations.

The SPC, package leaflet and labelling are in the agreed templates.

The Board followed the advice of the assessors. The Member States, on the basis of the data submitted,
have granted a marketing authorisation for Fludarabine - PCH 25 mg/ml.
There was no discussion in the CMD(h). Agreement between Member States was reached during a
written procedure. The decentralised recognition procedure was finished on 15 March 2007. Fludarabine -
PCH 25 mg/ml was authorised in the Netherlands on 28 June 2007.

A European harmonised birth date has been allocated (11 August 1994) and subsequently the first data
lock point for fludarabine phosphate is August 2006. The first PSUR is therefore expected in October
2009, after which a PSUR should be submitted every 3 years.

In order to facilitate synchronisation of the PSUR submission schedule as well as harmonisation of

renewal dates, the date for the first renewal is agreed to be April 2010.

The following post-approval commitments were made during the procedure:

Quality- drug product

- The MAH committed to provide validation data of full-scale batch size.
- The MAH committed to perform process validations if greater batch sizes will be employed being part
of a future variation procedure.
- The MAH committed to provide in-use stability data at the end of shelf-life.
- The MAH committed to submit results of the continued stability studies, at least up to the proposed
storage period.

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List of abbreviations
ASMF Active Substance Master File
ATC Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification
AUC Area Under the Curve
BP British Pharmacopoeia
CEP Certificate of Suitability to the monographs of the European Pharmacopoeia
CHMP Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use
CI Confidence Interval
Cmax Maximum plasma concentration
CMD(h) Coordination group for Mutual recognition and Decentralised procedure for human
medicinal products
CV Coefficient of Variation
EDMF European Drug Master File
EDQM European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines
EU European Union
GCP Good Clinical Practice
GLP Good Laboratory Practice
GMP Good Manufacturing Practice
ICH International Conference of Harmonisation
MAH Marketing Authorisation Holder
MEB Medicines Evaluation Board in the Netherlands
OTC Over The Counter (to be supplied without prescription)
PAR Public Assessment Report
Ph.Eur. European Pharmacopoeia
PL Package Leaflet
PSUR Periodic Safety Update Report
RH Relative Humidity
SD Standard Deviation
SPC Summary of Product Characteristics
t½ Half-life
tmax Time for maximum concentration
TSE Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy
USP Pharmacopoeia in the United States

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Scope Procedure Type of Date of start of Date of end Approval/ Assessment
number modification the procedure of non report
procedure approval attached
The shelf life of the finished product NL/H/0715/ IB 12-7-2007 26-9-2007 Approved N
as packaged for sale, changed from 001/IB/001
18 months to 30 months.
Submission of a new or updated Ph. NL/H/0715/ IA 19-10-2007 2-11-2007 Approved N
Eur. Certificate of Suitability for an 001/IA/002
active substance or starting material
/reagent/intermediate of the active
substance; from a manufacturer
currently approved.
Change in the re-test period of the NL/H/0715/ IB 19-10-2007 19-11-2007 Approved N
active substance. 001/IB/003
Change in the shape or dimensions NL/H/0715/ IB 17-10-2007 19-11-2007 Approved N
of the container or closure. Sterile 001/IB/004
pharmaceutical forms and biological
medicinal products.
Change in the name and/or address NL/H/0715/ IA 10-10-2007 24-10-2007 Approved N
of the marketing authorisation. 001/IA/005
Change in the name and/or address NL/H/0715/ IA 7-7-2008 21-7-2008 Approved N
of the marketing authorisation for 001/IA/006
Italy and Sweden.
Change in the name of the medicinal NL/H/0715/ IB 7-7-2008 6-8-2008 Approved N
product for Italy and Poland. 001/IB/007
Change in batch size finished NL/H/0715/ II 11-12-2008 5-4-2009 Approved N
product. 001/II/008
Change in the shelf life of the NL/H/0715/ IB 22-12-2008 21-1-2009 Approved N
finished product: as packaged for 001/IB/009
Change in the shelf life of the NL/H/0715/ IB 22-12-2008 21-1-2009 Approved N
finished product: after dilution or 001/IB/010
Implementation of agreed wording NL/H/0715/ IB 11-10-2010 10-12-2010 Approved N
change(s) for which no new 001/IB/011
additional data are submitted.

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