Phong 1975
Phong 1975
Phong 1975
1. MAGI, Mathematical Applications Group Inc. 3-D simulated
graphics. Datamation 14 (Feb. 1968), 69.
2. Comba, P.G. A procedure of detecting intersections of three-
dimensional objects. Rep. 39,020, IBM New York Scientific
Center, Jan. 1967.
3. Weiss, R.A. BE VISION, a package of IBM 7090 FORTRAN
programs to draw orthographic views of combinations of plane
and quadric surfaces. J. A C M 13, 2 (Apr. 1966), 194-204.
4. Mahl, R. Visible surface algorithm for quadric patches.
IEEE Trans. C-21, (Jan. 1972), 1-4.
5. Catmull, E.E. A subdivision algorithm for computer display
of curved surfaces. Ph.D th., Dep. of Comput. Sci., U. of Utah.
Conclusion 6. Sutherland, I.E., Sproull, R.F., and Schumacker, R.A. A
characterization of ten-hidden surface algorithms. Computing
Surveys 6 (Mar. 1974), 1-56.
The linear interpolation scheme used here to ap-
7. Bui Tuong Phong and Crow, F.C. Improved rendition of
proximate the orientation of the normal does not polygonal models of curved surfaces. To be presented at the
guarantee a continuous first derivative of the shading joint USA-Japan Computer Conference.
function across an edge of a polygonal model. In ex- 8. Warnock, J.E. A hidden-line algorithm for halftone picture
representation. Dep. of Comput. Sci., U. of Utah, TR 4-15,
treme cases where there is an abrupt change in the 1969.
orientation of two adjacent polygons along a common 9. Watkins, G.S. A real-time visible surface algorithm. Dep. of
edge, the subjective brightness due to the Mach Band Comput. Sci., U. of Utah, UTEC-CSc-70-101, June 1970.
10. Newell, M.E., Newell, R.G., and Sancha, T.L. A new
effect will be visible along this edge. However, this approach to the shaded picture problem. Proc. ACM 1973
effect is much less visible in the described model than in Nat. Conf.
the Gouraud smooth shading model. Also, an interest- 11. Gouraud, H. Computer display of curved surfaces. Dep. of
Comput. Sci., U. of Utah, UTEC-CSc-71-113, June 1971. Also
ing fact discussed previously on Mach Band effect shows in IEEE Trans. C-20 (June 1971), 623-629.