Fish, Fishing and Community in North Korea and Neighbours: Robert Winstanley-Chesters
Fish, Fishing and Community in North Korea and Neighbours: Robert Winstanley-Chesters
Fish, Fishing and Community in North Korea and Neighbours: Robert Winstanley-Chesters
Fish, Fishing
and Community
in North Korea
and Neighbours
Vibrant Matter(s)
Fish, Fishing and Community in North Korea
and Neighbours
Robert Winstanley-Chesters
This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
The registered company address is: 152 Beach Road, #21-01/04 Gateway East, Singapore 189721,
Fish, Fishing and Community in North Korea and Neighbours: Vibrant Matter(s) is
as is the case with most academic monographs, a work of many years and great
effort. This book arises out of thoughts and questions which first occurred to me
when I was producing my doctoral dissertation at the University of Leeds, which
became the monograph Environment, Politics and Ideology in North Korea:
Landscape as a Political Project (Lexington Press) in 2014. That dissertation and
subsequent monograph spent at least a third of its pages focused on the coasts and
coastal reclamation projects of North Korea; the waters and sea beyond were always
in view and in question. This spurred the author of this book to attempt a histo-
riography of these matters for an edited volume Change and Continuity in North
Korea Politics produced in 2016 by colleagues at the online journal Sino-NK. As
always, I thank Dr. Adam Cathcart, Christopher Green and Steven Denney for their
work between 2012 and 2015 wrangling and editing my thoughts and text.
I continue to thank Adam Cathcart as always for support, inspiration and his
insatiable appetite for sources and documents, which push even a Geographer to
head for the archives rather than the field. I thank Prof. Heonik Kwon, Fellow of
Trinity College, University of Cambridge, who as my first postdoctoral employer
gave me the scope and time to begin thinking through the material for this book,
even though that might not have been obvious at the time. Professor Martin Wilcox
of the University of Hull supported the concerted first research efforts for this book,
in Hull’s Centre for Maritime History at Blaydes House in 2015/2016, and I
grateful for his allowing me access to their extraordinary collection. Thanks are due
to Prof. David Bell of the University of Leeds School of Geography, who gener-
ously hosted me as a Visiting Research Fellow there in 2014–2016. Much of the
archival research and fieldwork for this book was undertaken while I was an
employee of Australian National University, in Canberra. Life was more compli-
cated there than expected but I do want to thank Professor Emeritus Tessa
Morris-Suzuki, Dr. Tom Cliff, Dr. Yon Jae Paik, Prof. Ruth Barraclough and
Prof. Hyaeweol Choi of both the Coombs Building and Korea Institute for the
opportunity and many conversations and much support during that time. I particularly
vi Acknowledgements
want to thank Prof. Gavan McCormack whose office was opposite mine and who was
a powerfully productive and energetic presence there. I am extremely grateful to the
staff of the Australian National Library’s Petherick Reading Room (particularly
Andrew Seargent) and the East Asian Collection and Anne Marie Slattery of the
CSIRO’s Black Mountain Library who really did smooth my access to some of the
documentary material which has been vital to this book. As difficult as I found living
in Australia, I would like to thank its first nations and people, particularly the
Ngunnawal and its landscape (along with the fascinating trees and flowers,
Cockatoos, Fruit Bats, Superb Fairy Wrens, Kangaroos, Rosellas and Wombats, of
course), and its current nation and people. Living there really gave my thinking and
perception an outlook on the Pacific I have never had before, living in the United
Kingdom. I want to thank my editors at Springer Nature, Ilaria Walker who com-
missioned this book and Nick Melchior who has been patient and helped me bring
the work home. I also want to thank all the people behind the scenes at Springer
Nature, who make things happen and make processes work. I want to thank deeply
the staff of Dalian Ocean University, my fixers, drivers and translator and my friend
Janpeng Jiang, who a long way from Geography East in Leeds was vital to the
fieldwork undertaken on the Liaodong Peninsula (special mention must also go to
Stan, the Canadian co-owner of Suzan’s Pizza in Jinshitan who gratefully hosted our
academic party in his unbelievably fantastic little restaurant). I want to thank Olga
Fedorenko of Seoul National University for helping me find the extraordinary
Professor Emeritus Han Sangbok, the author of Korean Fishermen who opened the
world of Gageodo and its fishing community to me and was an extremely generous
host during our visit in 2017. I should thank the head of the village there and his wife,
whose amazing, if at times unfathomable cooking of fish dishes I had never heard of,
I will never forget. Thanks go to Nataliya Chesnokova and Varvara Pakhomova for
support in Moscow, particularly Varvara for your patience, energy and efficiency in
navigating the bureaucracies of the Russian State Archive of the Economy. I would
like to think Nick Bonner and Simon Cockerell at Koryo Tours for all their work in
and around North Korea. I want to deeply thank Carmel Finley and Ryan Tucker
Jones for their support and guidance through the histories of fishing in the Pacific as
well as Micah Muscolino. I would also like to thank Prof. Phillip Brown of Ohio
State University and the rest of the East Asian Environmental History group
including the venerable Professor Donald Worster who very much put me in my
place at Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou. I want to thank Benjamin Habib of
LaTrobe University, Andrew Jackson of Monash University, Valérie Gelézeau of
EHESS, Natalia Kim of the Russian State University for the Humanities (Higher
School of Economics), the East Asian Environmental History Association, Asian
Borderland Network (particularly Tina Harris of the University of Amsterdam for her
support and inspirational work on the lumpy geographies of risk across the globe),
Asian Studies Conference Japan, the Rachel Carson Center for Environmental
History and the Kyujanggak International Series at ICKS, Seoul National University
for giving me chances to work these ideas in public. Slightly disconnected from the
research behind this book I would like to thank the ever-helpful Prof. Balazs
Szalontai of Korea University and Mark Caprio of Rikkyo University who have
Acknowledgements vii
always been supportive and interested in my work. Thanks to anyone I have forgotten
here. Finally, thank you with all my heart to my partner Hannah, who just as was the
case with my first book and Ph.D. has put up with the blood, sweat and tears involved
in all of this, and joined in the pains and struggles of our Antipodean adventure.
Farewell to Ollie (2011–2019), perhaps the most gentle soul I have had the privilege
to know. I should mention at the end our dear old cat, Mitsy whose wet, cold nose has
uncomfortably pressed on my left hand as I typed in most of these words, and who
has always been a huge fan of all the vibrant matters of the sea.
The research behind this book has been made possible through the generous
support of the Academy of Korean Studies through the Beyond the Korean War
project (University of Cambridge) (AKS-2010-DZZ-3104) and the Australian
Research Council Laureate Fellowship program (FL120100155). This production
and Open Access publication of this book has been further supported by the
Academy of Korean Studies, Book Publication Support Program (AKS-2018-P-10).
Prefatory Notes
x Prefatory Notes
1 Watery Introductions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Literature and Methodologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2 Geographies and Histories of Fish and Fishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.2 Early Moments of Fishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.3 Fishing and Colonisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
2.4 Fishing Infrastructures of Chosen: Korean Colonial Fishing
Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
2.5 Fishing in Asia and the Pacific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
2.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3 Fish and Fishing Knowledge(s) as Vibrant Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.2 Numbers as a Lively Matter: Vibrant Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.3 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Photo Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
4 Fishing in North Korea, A History and A Geography . . . . . . . . . . . 99
4.1 A New Basis for Fishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
4.2 Fish Culture in North Korea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
4.3 Blue Crabs, Gizzard Shad and Anchovy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
4.4 Politics and Pollack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
4.5 2014: The January 8 Fisheries Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
4.6 External Sources (Soviet and WCPFC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
4.7 Fishing Matters and Multiple Scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
xii Contents
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Chapter 1
Watery Introductions
Abstract The book’s introductory chapter outlines its ambitions, aims and
objectives. Fish, fishing and fishing communities are perhaps among the most
opaque and little-studied developmental ecosystems. Equally, North Korea is one of
the most difficult to study and confusing research sites on the globe. In introducing
this book, its shape and objectives, this chapter aims to give a coherent and com-
prehensive sense of how this opacity and difficulty might be overcome and man-
aged. In particular, the chapter engages with the literature of vibrant, lively and
non-human matters, as this is the lens through which the author seeks to explore the
realm of fish, fisherpeople and fishing. Following the work of scholars such as Jane
Bennett and Sarah Whatmore, the interactions and exchanges that mark out such a
complex ‘web of life’ will be explored in a wide variety of scales, sites and
situations. Vibrancy and liveliness of such fishing matter(s) will be considered in
the context of both abundance and scarcity, vitality and degradation within this
book and an introduction sensitive to thoughts and theories, which might bind these
varied situations together is important to that consideration. Vital to this watery
introduction to will be a sense of the nature of the web of life within which these
vibrant matters function, especially in the political and politico-social sense of that
web, focusing as it does on North Korea, a national polity possessed of its own
peculiar, distinct and local form of politics. While Jason Moore, who coined the
notion of the ‘web of life’ used within this book, sought to unpack the place and
role of nature within a web of capitalist life, of course, North Korea is anything but
a conventional space of capitalism. This book roots its analysis of Pyongyang’s
ideology within that produced by Heonik Kwon and Byung-ho Chung, which holds
it to be characterised by a theatric or charismatic politics recognisable to both Max
Weber and Clifford Geertz. Finally, this introduction engages with the method-
ologies and literature of fishing histories and geographies across the globe. The
watery terrains of this book, therefore, from North Korea and its neighbours are
complex assemblages of the symbolic, constructed and co-produced as well as the
concrete and the vibrant.
Keywords North Korea Geographic literature Fishing Heonik kwon and
Byung-ho chung Vibrant matters
‘By emulating the working spirit of the People’s Army which made a new history of ‘sea of
gold,’ the fishing sector should drastically bolster up the fishing industry and land a huge
haul, thus supplying a large amount of fish to enrich the people’s diet.’1
Kim Jong Un’s New Year Address of 2015 was not the first time a North Korean
leader had focused on maritime resources and products of the sea within a key
statement of national intent, but it is certainly a moment in which fish are front and
centre of North Korea’s political narrative. The wider world, however, seemed not
to notice. Most readers of this book will know North Korean political narratives for
different material reasons. In fact, North Korea would have most readers know its
political narratives for different material reasons. For many years, North Korean
materials which the world has known and which the world has been globally
concerned about, have been its military, fissile and nuclear. Global news media (and
the South Korean government) have been woken early in the morning by sights of
North Korea’s latest ICBM heading skywards as dawn breaks, Kim Jong Un
watching with glee, cigarette in hand.2 At other moments North Korea has shown
off the material of conventional and nuclear war as it passes through Kim Il Sung
Square in endless procession.3 The world has also been transfixed as the concrete of
the Yongbyon Nuclear Reactor has crunched back to earth in a burst of noise and
dust as it was sacrificed for diplomatic necessity.4 At still other times, the world has
been transfixed in the misery, pain and degradation of the North Korean public as
they scrabbled grass from the ground and bark from the trees to offset starvation and
famine5 or read of the moments and material of incarceration, torture and capture in
weaponised works of literature and advocacy designed to delegitimise Pyongyang
as an authentic governmental power.6
The materials which this book is concerned with have been seldom considered,
seldom seen in writing and analysis of North Korea. This book considers fish,
fishing infrastructure and communities focused on their extraction in North Korea.
As much as fish and fishing in North Korea have generally been ignored by history
and academic writing, they have long been important to Pyongyang’s political and
developmental agenda. They have also long been important to Pyongyang’s
geopolitical and diplomatic ambitions; fish, fishing resources and capabilities were
elements in interactions between North Korea and the Soviet Union, for instance, as
far back as the 1960s. North Korean fishing endeavours were conversely important
to discourage in the minds of various Pacific fisheries commissions and organisa-
tions. Fish and fishing have also long been important to families, local political
units and communities in North Korea. In recent times, this importance has only
New Years Address (2015).
North Korea Confirms Successful New Ballistic Missile Test (2019).
Haas (2018).
Sang-han (2008).
Starving North Koreans Forced to Survive on Diet of Grass and Tree Bark (2019).
Harden (2013).
1 Watery Introductions 3
increased during times of economic decline and food shortages, fish have become
useful as stores of value which little or no input from the state or bureaucratic
institutions. Extraordinarily this has led to the phenomena of ‘ghost ships’ in which
developmental communities not expert in fishing matters have been pressured to go
to sea with disastrous results as fishing boats and their crews have washed up on the
beaches of Hokkaido and elsewhere, dead.7
North Korea may be part of a peninsula, but it is not an island. Its politics has
never been disconnected from wider challenges facing the world and this book
examines fish, fishing and fishing infrastructures in that nation in the context of both
global climate change and environmental crisis. That the world’s oceans are eco-
logically dying is a cliched truism which unfortunately is oft-repeated in global and
political and media narratives, but which is for the most part entirely true.
Acidification of the waters of the world caused by increasing levels of Carbon
Dioxide in the atmosphere is but the latest challenge to befall the creatures of those
waters.8 While acidification so far appears to have a disproportionate long-term
impact on species requiring calcified shells and exoskeletons, such as corals, rising
water temperatures and rapidly shifting gyres and currents bringing temporary hot
spikes could wipe out such animals in the short term.9 Rising sea temperatures are
evidenced as having begun to shift fish populations and their migration routes
across the globe so that fish species appear in parts of the ocean they have never
been seen in before.10 Spider crabs and other predatory crustaceans have also, due
to these changing temperatures, begun to colonise new territories across the world,
depleting and devastating maritime species who have not through evolution
developed a defence or response to them.11 Global TV audiences have similarly
been horrified and transfixed by programmes such as Blue Planet II, which not only
recounted some of this but also considered the sheer catastrophe of plastic and other
non-biodegradable pollutants in our oceans.12 Awareness of seascapes subject to
extreme degradation such as the space known as Great Pacific Garbage Patch,
where tens of thousands of tonnes of plastic and other material in suspension in the
water column have accumulated in the middle of the Pacific Ocean through the
actions of the North Pacific Gyre, has been growing and impacting on both fish
populations and fishery communities.13 North Korean fishers would be subject to
the denudation of the seas as a result of all of this; the commons which provides
such a free opportunity for the institutionally and infrastructurally challenged nation
is much reduced and diminished having a huge impact on any potential catch.
McCurry (2015).
Orr et al. (2005).
Walther et al. (2002).
Hoegh-Guldberg et al. (2007).
Thatje et al. (2005).
Calderwood (2018).
Evan et al. (2012).
4 1 Watery Introductions
As huge as these external environmental factors have been and will be on the
seas of the globe their current impacts pale into significance when it comes to the
past impacts of fishing and fishing technology itself. As fishing strategies and
technologies have developed over the past couple of centuries, fisherpeople and
fishing communities have moved from subsistence-level coastal exploitation to the
industrial harvesting of the deep oceans. Once limited by the size of boats, by the
utility of maps and charts, by the vagaries of weather and tide, contemporary fishing
enterprise traverses the globe guided by satellite and digital technologies literally
scraping what remains of the flora and fauna under the surface from the oceans.
Fishing has even begun to fish down the genus and species divides and seek new
markets for oceanic life forms that humans would never have considered con-
suming in the past, but now simply are forced to, given the unavailability of past
favourites. North Korean fishing will also find itself subjected to the paucity of
catch now available in its seas and in any others available to it. Pyongyang’s
difficult history when it comes to technological and capacity development will see it
challenged when it is only those nations and enterprises with the most advanced and
functional technology that will have any sort of advantage in the future.
This book, is therefore focused primarily on a problematic sovereign space,
which has long sought to deploy dangerous and disruptive materials in both its own
defence and for hypothetical offence. It is also focused on another material of great
interest to North Korea This is a material which has not only always been prob-
lematic for North Korean institutions to best harness or extract, but which is now
subject to depletion and diffusion across the globe in a way which could not have
been imagined in 1948 when the nation was founded. This author has in past
writing sought to explore the history of other materials and products in North
Korea’s developmental history, which similar to fish have been important to its
political and ideological narratives and perceived as vital to its governmental offer
and institutional functionality.14 Forests and timber, as well as minerals including
coal, uranium and molybdenum, have been seen in this way by North Korea’s
governments over the decades among other examples.15 Much writing on North
Korea and its politics has it that history, ideology and ethnic identity are the greatest
materials so far as Pyongyang is concerned, and it is these materials which almost
above everything else shape and impact life in that nation.16 In a sense, this would
have it that North Korea is a state of politics to the exclusion of everything else.
While on the face of it this can appear true—as politics and ideology do have a
tendency to seep very deeply into the everyday lives and social frameworks of
North Koreans—this book suggests that other physical materials play a real role in
the web of functionality and authority that Pyongyang uses in order to assert its
legitimacy as a government.
Winstanley-Chesters (2014).
Winstanley-Chesters (2018b).
Myers (2010).
1 Watery Introductions 5
But how do materials themselves play a role in the politics and authority of a
nation, especially non-sentient materials and particularly in a nation which places
such importance in the physical legacies of its rulers? This book, and this will be
explained in a later chapter in greater detail, essentially holds that materials and
material objects themselves are capable of and bestowed with power and agency in
the political and functional frameworks and ecosystems that make up a nation. Two
particular bodies of thought are useful in understanding this idea. First, that of Jason
Moore on the role and place of ecological elements and ecologies in what he terms
‘the web of life.’17 Moore’s work resolves primarily around the place of ecology
and ecological materials within the functioning and intersections of Capitalist
models and modes of government, economics and society. That Coltan you have in
the mobile phone which you rent from a multinational corporation and from which
other multinational corporations extract your personal data and information, selling
them to other corporations in order that they might advertise other products (such as
other mobile phones), to you, by virtue of the value generated by both tangible and
intangible assets (which are themselves both traditional and very new), becomes
lively and active as a material in global politics.18 In Coltan’s case, it is the material
both lively enough to enslave indigenous populations for its extraction and to
generate wars and armed conflicts such as the Second Congo War that have cost
many human lives and disrupted political and economic development as well as
societies for decades.19 Minerals and ecological materials can be extremely lively
and energetic in these webs of life and it is this author’s assertion that Moore’s
model does not necessarily have to work exclusively in political and economic
systems that might classified as a capitalist or even post-capitalist. It is quite pos-
sible that non-capitalist or anti-capitalist webs of life could have similar energies at
work and North Korea might just be such a case.
Aside from the work of Moore and ecological elements and materials in these
webs of life, this book secondarily utilises the work of philosopher Jane Bennett
and those Human Geographers such as Sarah Whatmore who have extended her
ideas into the home discipline of this author. Bennett suggests that non-human and
non-sentient creatures, physical materials, tectonic and forces such as gravity be
considered vibrant matter.20 At the most basic and reductive level, this vibrancy can
be related to the vibrancy of particles in the atomic nuclei of all elements which
make up the universe. Unless reduced to Absolute Zero (0 on the Kelvin scale of
temperature or −273.15 °C), these particles continue to move around each other, in
a sense vibrating. However, these creaturely and material energies are much more
than that, they are energetic and vibrant in multiple ways. As the study of human
biology develops scientists become more and more certain that the separation
between human and nature, between in here and out there is not only diffuse, but
Moore (2015).
Bleischwitz et al. (2012).
Ayres (2012).
Bennett (2010).
6 1 Watery Introductions
impossible. Human beings are not one creature but an assemblage, network and
symbiotic community of human DNA, viruses, bacteria and other forms of life.21
Sometimes esoteric players in this community such as the feared Free Radicals
(unpaired ions) which appear to spark diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
as well as perhaps play a key role in the ageing process itself, cause death and
destruction for the human body, but mostly humans simply could not live without
these silent, lively partners.22 The vibrancy and liveliness of such materials make
human life as we understand it possible. So it is with other life forms, objects,
forces and materials, the processes they support or contain, the value they hold, the
impact they have, the capabilities granted by them make them either vital to include
with the processes of political, economic, technological or social life, or funda-
mentally necessary to avoid. This vibrancy, therefore, has power, what Bennett
terms ‘Thing Power,’ through which and by which these materials and objects
support or disrupt the functioning of human life and human politics or develop-
ment.23 Bennett also suggests understanding this power as a distributed sense of
agency among non-human things, agency no longer as Descartes and much
post-enlightenment philosophy would have it rooted in the human individual, but
distributed across and into the planet, no longer dependent on the individual for its
Surely such a concept cannot work within the framework of North Korean
politics, a nation so wholeheartedly rooted in human stories and the power and
agency of a person and their relatives? How can the story of Kim Il Sung as father
of the North Korean nation and ‘man as the master of all things’ and capable
seemingly according to national narrative of almost single-handed defeating the
Japanese colonial forces and the combined forces of the United States, United
Nations and Republic of Korea during the Korean War, fit within this idea? Heonik
Kwon and Byung-ho Chung have in the past categorised North Korea’s ideological
framework as being one of Charismatic Politics, closely connected to a Theatric
politics as recognised by Clifford Geertz in sixteenth-century Bali.25 Through the
performance and reperformance of past moments of political or ideological
importance, North Korea’s political leaders and regime reconnect to the authority of
vital moments of authority and revolutionary energy. This energy can be then
re-materialised in the present to support North Korea’s government and political
system at a time when it is much less successful and functional.26 Readers might
think that such materializations might only involve the person of Kim Il Sung
during the period of colonial struggle against the Japanese in the 1930s, or family
Eloe-Fadrosh and Rasko (2013).
Richardson (1993).
Bennett (2010).
Bennett (2010).
Kwon and Chung (2012).
Winstanley-Chesters (2015).
1 Watery Introductions 7
members of his such as Kim Chong Suk, his wife at the time.27 However,
non-human objects and materials have played a key role in some of this charisma
and theatre throughout the history of North Korea, and have captured some of the
energy of that political charisma. Boulders, rocks and trees in the mountains and
wilderness of the north of the nation proved almost cosmologically helpful during
battles against Japanese forces in the North Korean narratives. Indeed, they were so
helpful that the stories which recount the travails of Kim Il Sung and his guerrillas
suggest that in some way these material objects were supportive of the future North
Korean leader’s struggle. Kim Il Sung and his first wife, Kim Chong Suk’s rela-
tionship was first acknowledged in North Korea’s historical narratives by the side of
a lake, underneath a copse of birch trees.28 While no humans are alive who were
present at this moment which is of extreme importance to North Korean politics
(because Kim Jong Il and the entire national dynasty springs from this meeting and
this relationship), and therefore capable of serving as witnesses to the moment, the
trees themselves are. Thus, the birch trees which once shaded the picnic held by the
guerrillas in between skirmishes with the Japanese and have a place in the back-
ground of this important photo in the lives of Kim Il Sung and Kim Chong Suk are
the only witnesses to the moment are used by North Korea in the complex network
of commemorative moments in the nation; they stand in for humans and themselves
project some of the charisma of that moment.29 In more recent years at the death of
Kim Jong Il, a variety of flora and fauna in North Korea was said to have partic-
ipated in the mourning, bears were seen following what had once been the Dear
Leader’s path, red-necked cranes adopted mourning postures and there were even
instances of migrating birds simply falling dead from the air at the exact moment of
his death.30 Just as the birth of Kim Jong Il in 1942 was marked in North Korean
historiography by a star in the sky, his death even involved more geologic and basic
forces as the ice covering Heaven Lake/Ch’ŏnji (천지) on top of Paektusan/
Baekdusan (백두산)was said to have cracked as he died and the rocks around his
signature inscribed on the side of the moment glowed red.31 One does not need to
be a human citizen of North Korea to channel some of the charisma of its politics
and history.
This book will explore these non-human possibilities in North Korean politics
and their role within the networks of its charismas. There will not be many trees of,
but plenty of fish, fishing infrastructure and fishing technologies. The book will
explore the histories and geographies of fishing on a global scale, before consid-
ering fishing in East Asia and the Pacific, with a deeper level of focus on North
Korea, finally recounting fieldwork there and in neighbouring nations. While
Korea, as readers will discover has not historically been a nation at home in the
Winstanley-Chesters et al. (2016).
Kim Jong Il Death (2011).
8 1 Watery Introductions
deep sea, efforts made by the Western countries and the peninsula’s former colonial
master, Japan in the late nineteenth century in tandem with developing technologies
such as steam power, iron and steel manufacturing and onboard refrigeration
extended the distance from the coast that fishing could be successfully achieved.32
Nations such as the United States, the Soviet Union, Canada and Japan, from 1919
in possession of Germany’s former South Pacific territories, with these
nineteenth-century technologies and further developments in the twentieth century
within both the pre-1939–1945 war and Cold War periods would develop what
Carmel Finley has termed an ‘Empire of Fishing’ in the Pacific.33 These were of
course, in fact, several opposing empires, but these nations would see to it that no
space or territory in the Pacific Ocean was without the extractive touch of industrial
fishing and places once thought of as highly peripheral to global politics such as the
Bonito Islands and Samoa became integral to both industrial and military com-
plexes.34 During the Japanese colonial period, Korea’s Government General fol-
lowed similar patterns of fisheries infrastructure development as that of mainland
Japan. There were a series of fisheries stations and fisheries research institutions
built on the peninsula as part of the network of institutions already existing in Japan
(and other colonies such as Formosa (Taiwan).35 While much of this infrastructure
was lost in 1945, and many of the larger fishing boats sailed for mainland Japan in
the weeks following the end of Japanese colonial rule, Korean sensibilities
regarding the sea had changed somewhat.36 Following the stasis of the 1950s under
the Syngman Rhee administration, South Korean fishing boomed in the 1960s and
1970s and the southern half of the peninsula became one of the global fishing
giants.37 North Korea could not look on and disregard this since capabilities and
capacities in the deep sea had not only become a mark of a developed, modern,
powerful nation, but one which its rival in the Cold War had become a master of. If
North Korea was to be a legitimate nation, with political and governmental
authority of the type necessary in this era of competition it would need to become a
fishing nation, need to build a fishing empire of its own.
North Korea’s efforts to do just this, to extend the reach of its fishing institutions
out into the Pacific, to develop fisheries research and infrastructure which would
help it do this and to find both home and foreign markets for the fruits of its efforts
at sea are some of the key elements of this book. The importance of fishing and
fisheries science including ship and infrastructure building to Kim Il Sung and to
later North Korean leaders is considered in this book, building on past writing by its
author.38 This is also the case with the effort that North Korean institutions have
Sarhage and Lundbeck (1992).
Finley (2011).
Nishi (1968).
Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (1946).
United States Army Forces Pacific (1946).
Sala et al. (2018).
Winstanley-Chesters (2016).
1 Watery Introductions 9
made to incorporate fishing and fishing capabilities into its political and ideological
makeup and frameworks. North Korea’s charismatic politics necessarily has to
provide a space for each developmental sector and all the materials and products
which each sector generates. Fishing is in a sense something of a diffuse and opaque
exercise. Fishing people go out into the endless sea and cast their nets, lines, hooks
and other technologies into the depths hoping to extract a living product, which acts
in mysterious and confusing ways. When one factors in the vagaries of the weather,
the tides and all the mishaps and dangers that can happen at sea the exercise can
appear even more opaque. Even with the technologies now available to the modern
well-resourced fisherperson, there may be days and nights when the nets come up
empty, the radar is misunderstood and the opportunities are lost, the fish simply
cannot be found. How could this randomness and occasional disappointing lack of
success be included within a political and developmental frame which essentially is
predicated on a modernist assumption and desire for ever-increasing capability and
capacity? How could a politics and ideology of supposedly rationalist certainty
connect with the realities of danger, confusion, disappointment and mistakes at
sea.? This book explores these and other interesting challenges for North Korean
politics and development, challenges which, it perhaps might not surprise the reader
have not been met entirely successfully. However, fishing capabilities and capac-
ities are in 2019 still an important part of North Korea’s governmental offer. Kim
Jong Un, the current leader of North Korea, third in the dynasty, is still pictured
visiting fisheries stations, still is pictured holding up a fish, standing on a fishing
boat, briefly visiting the inside of a refrigeration unit full of frozen slabs of
Pollack.39 He does this because to make these visits, to make these connections
with this industry of the sea is important symbolically and practically to assert his
role as leader of the nation, head of the dynasty and his hope for the developmental
future and food supplies of his people.
All this is not to say that this book is entirely about North Korea. Although
Pyongyang’s efforts at sea and the place of vibrant, energetic fishing matters within
its politics and ideology are the key elements of this authors writing, it is not the
only nation involved. While North Korea to this day insists on its politically vital
sense of self-reliance as a nation as one of the key governmental planks of its being,
it has of course never been entirely self-reliant on anything. North Korea has never
been so much as an island, in common with John Donne’s hypothetical individual
from his seventeenth-century English poem ‘Devotions upon Emergent Occasions.’
North Korea was part of a complex network of geopolitical and economic con-
nections during the Cold War, a difficult member of the family of international
Communism and an at times complicated member of the Non-Aligned
Movement.40 North Korea was often a difficult partner for other nations, but it
Kim (2015).
Krishnan (1981).
10 1 Watery Introductions
saw itself as a member of a global group of nations which were brought together by
a commitment and energy to overthrow the shackles of colonialism and a sensibility
best described as Liberationism.41 While this could on occasion involve non-state
actors such as the Black Panther Party in the United States, for the most part, North
Korea engaged nation states.42 To this day, North Korea remembers its links of
socialist and anti-colonial solidarity with nations such as Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia,
Syria and Palestine.43 North Korea was also deeply connected to the Soviet Union
and the People’s Republic of China. Pyongyang gained a great deal in aid in kind,
technical and developmental support from both of those nations during the Cold
War, often playing one-off against the other at times in which the two had a
geopolitical disagreement.44 Soviet and Chinese technical specialists and bureau-
crats helped support North Korean agriculture, forestry and hydrology as well as
many other developmental fields.45 It would not be surprising, therefore, if nations
such as the Soviet Union and other neighbouring nations were connected to North
Korea’s maritime history and if North Korea had not engaged them in order to
develop its fishing industry. Given North Korea’s general history of geopolitical
connection, these connections were not easy, and this book recounts, in particular,
some difficult moments between Pyongyang and the Soviet Union over fishing
rights and collaborations.46 In this process of considering North Korean fishing in a
manner which does not separate it from other contexts and the wider frames of
fishing history and geopolitical development in the Pacific and East Asia, this book
also attempts to think beyond the strictures of the nation state and its institutions. To
do so, it considers life in fishing communities in North Korea, and in particular, one
fishing community, long included in the political and ideological narratives of that
nation, but bestowed with a very complicated geographical position. However, the
book also looks beyond North Korea and encounters fishing communities and their
infrastructures in neighbouring nations, especially those unfortunately gifted by
circumstance-complicated or challenging environments. In particular, the book
explores fishing communities on the Liaodong Peninsula of the People’s Republic
of China, Gageodo island in South Korea and Primorsky Krai in the Russian
Federation, both not far at all from North Korea and both in a complicated envi-
ronmental and political framework.
Young (2015).
Bradbury (1961).
Koh (1978).
Winstanley-Chesters (2018).
1.1 Literature and Methodologies 11
Readers will hopefully have got the sense that this book is ambitious, whether it is
ambitious as North Korea’s historical efforts to develop its fishing capabilities and
capacities to be a nation of the deep sea is debatable of course, as debatable as most
things about North Korea. Such an ambitious book requires a framework of aca-
demic literature and methodologies behind its core desires and themes. This section
as might be expected, will start with North Korea itself and writing and thinking on
that nation. I do not aim to give a comprehensive outline of writing on North Korea,
because this book does not aim to be a comprehensive or holistic guide to the nation
itself. A key feature of writing or thinking on North Korea is that more than most
nations of the globe, such work focuses primarily on its leadership, military and
security history. North Korea’s place in the Japanese colonial breakdown, the
Korean War, the Cold War, potential future hot wars against the United States and
its potential desire for a unilaterally forced unification with its estranged southern
sibling. Very few pages and very little academic effort have/has been expended in
considering other aspects of North Korea’s history, economy and social
makeup. Only recently have writers begun to attempt to consider ‘everyday lives’ in
North Korea, primarily because those lives are for external writers and analysts so
hard to reach and connect with. This book is not the first to consider the nation’s
developmental history in the English language, but it is certainly the first to con-
sider North Korean fishing histories and fishing communities.
Writing on North Korean political and ideological history was first rooted in the
academia of the Cold War. Works such as those by Chong-Sik Lee, Robert
Scalapino and Dae-sook Suh although politically and ideologically tinged them-
selves serve as valiant first efforts at unpicking the histories of North Korea’s
political elite and leadership dynasty. Suh’s history of Korean Communism, in
particular, is an extraordinary piece of scholarship tracing the intellectual devel-
opment of those who would later form the political leadership of the nation.
Pyongyang and Kim Il Sung’s leadership would be sorely tested and nearly
destroyed by the Korean War. As soldiers from the Republic of Korea actually
managed during the war to dip their feet in the Amnok/Yalu (압록강/鸭绿江)
River, North Korea was very nearly destroyed during the conflict and conflagration.
The entry of the People’s Republic of China into the war in the guise of what was
known as People’s Volunteers saved the future North Korea, but it also simply
added yet another multinational aspect to it. The Korean War is often in the United
Kingdom termed ‘the forgotten war,’ but in academia it has seldom been forgotten.
Writing such as that by Bruce Cumings with his two-volume Origins of the Korean
War rooted the conflict in the geopolitical and ideological frameworks of the Cold
War. It was a hot war in a period which was scarcely ever entirely cold, a geog-
raphy of war in which proxies and alternative forms of the main players in the
primary exercise could test each other’s limits and boundaries. Not even the date of
the outbreak of the war, nor who actually started it is entirely clear, but instead
dependant on the ideological position of either writer or reader. Early writing on the
12 1 Watery Introductions
Korean War has it almost exclusively focused as conflict involving the United
States, China, North Korea and South Korea, with perhaps bit parts for the United
Kingdom and Australia and ghostly appearances by the Soviet Union. More con-
temporary histories of the Korean War and this early period of North Korea’s
existence such as those by Wada Haruki, Li Narangoa and Tessa Morris-Suzuki and
later writing by Cumings has put other nations, actors and landscapes into the fray.
Japanese merchant shipping crews, Mongolian Horses and the ecosystem of the
peninsula itself have taken a place in the narratives of the conflict and its resolution.
The Korean War was, after all, a catastrophically destructive conflict for nature and
the environment. The United States carpet bombed North Korean cities and
deployed napalm and a myriad of other defoliants and toxic chemicals for the first
time on its landscapes, chemicals which would later become a great deal more
famous in Vietnam. The United States aerial bombardment of North Korea was in
the league of the bombing of Dresden, Vietnam and the later moments of shock and
awe in the Gulf War, wantonly destructive. Supreme Court Justice William Douglas
recounted that essentially the United States Air Force ran out of targets to bomb.47
The terrible desolation of the Korean War, although mitigated in narrative terms
for North Korea’s historiography by the fact that essentially while as a nation it may
not have won, it certainly did not lose the war, and a war that had been against the
most powerful nation on earth, put development there back by many years. Much of
North Korea’s industry and infrastructure was completely annihilated, as was much
of its natural environment. As destructive and disruptive as this was, the despoli-
ation allowed for a narrative of ideological leadership to be developed which
extends into the future to this day. Contemporary scholars of North Korea such as
Andrei Lankov recount that the Korean War also extinguished the lives of a great
number of Kim Il Sung’s enemies and those of his political system. In 1953, Kim Il
Sung was one of the few North Korean political leaders left standing and his power
as unified by the final eradication of any other local intellectual groupings by the
purge of the Yanan faction of Communists in 1956 (prior to this and the Korean
War, North Korea’s political intellectuals had been a mixed bag of influences and
traditions which reflected the complicated histories of left-wing political develop-
ment in Korea).48 Kim Il Sung and the infrastructure both practical and ideological
of the Korean Workers Party added elements of overcoming and triumphant sur-
vival against all the odds to previous narratives of guerrilla revolutionary struggle to
their nationalist historiographies. North Korean politics has in a sense been living
off these energies for many decades since, and they are in part the answer to the
question posed sometimes by Americans, ‘why do the North Koreans hate us so
much?’ Writing by Lankov, Szalontai and others details the political and ideo-
logical history of these times when North Korea rebuilt itself in the middle of
competition within the Communist or Socialist bloc between the Soviet Union and
Maoist China. This history includes a great deal of developmental playing off of
William Douglas quoted in Hasan (2019).
Lankov (2002).
1.1 Literature and Methodologies 13
one against the other, and North Korea’s usage of external finance, technical,
material and bureaucratic support from both sides. All the while the ideological
framework around North Korea’s politics and ideology has developed along par-
ticularly local and distinctive lines.
Much media and popular writing would always suggest that North Korea, its
regime and leadership follows an ideology of Communism or Socialism. While
Kim Il Sung and the leadership clique which surrounded him in the 1930s and
1940s and which became the governing class of North Korea certainly did claim at
the time to be inspired by Marxist–Leninism and early writing by Kim Il Sung
certainly references Marx and Communist ideology.49 After 1945, North Korea also
incorporated mentions of Marxist–Leninism into its constitution and attempted to
follow classical models of central planning and land reform in its first decades.50
North Korea, however, soon claimed that Kim Il Sung had developed an entirely
new ideology. While Juche may not be entirely unfamiliar to analysts of East Asian
ideology, similar ideas appearing for example in the writings of Japanese
philosophers during the colonial and precolonial periods and even under Park
Chung-hee in South Korea, North Korea has adopted the notion of self-reliance
very enthusiastically in its political and historical narratives.51 As one might expect
there are contrasting and competing views as to the coherence and content of Juche.
Han S. Park of the University of Georgia offers an attempt at a systematic analysis
of the core elements of the philosophy, essentially describing a set of four or five
overarching principles through which political, social and economic development
could be undertaken. These include a belief in the power of humanity over nature
and the universe (expressed as ‘man is the master of all things’), radical collec-
tivism, political transcendence (a loyal citizen can live forever with the leader),
self-reliance and the primacy of the Kim family in the nation and system.52 Others
such as the contrarian literary critic Brian Reynolds Myers assert that Kim Il Sung’s
grand idea is not original at all, but instead a product and continuation of Imperial
Japanese ethno-fascism.53 Still others like Gi-Wook Shin suggest that Juche is a
continuation of the more radical Korean blood nationalism of Sin Ch’aeho (신채호)
and Ch’oe Namsŏn (최남선). The contemporary consensus is agglomerating
around the position of Andrei Lankov that North Korean ideology is a sort of
national Stalinism with a strong ethnic commitment. This author would suggest that
North Korean ideology whatever it represents is strongly aspirational in form and so
quite flexible and reflexive when it comes to developmental matters.
North Korea has never really been ideologically pure, sound or committed when
it comes to developmental matters and analysis by this author has shown that in
nearly all economic fields Pyongyang has always been prepared to adopt new
Lankov (2014).
Winstanley-Chesters (2014).
Kim (2004).
Park (2002).
Myers (2012).
14 1 Watery Introductions
Kuark (1963).
Krishnan (1981).
Schaefer (2009).
Mongolian Delegation Visits Tower of the Juche Idea (2019).
Kuark (1963), Prybyla (1964), Koh. (1974). Chuch’esong in Korean Politics (1974). North
Korea: Old Goals and New Realities (1977, 1978). Koh (1988). North Korea in 1987: Launching a
New Seven Year Plan (2015).
Winstanley-Chesters (2019).
Oh (1999).
Noland et al. (2001).
1.1 Literature and Methodologies 15
Noland (1997).
Habib (2015).
Lankov et al. (2008).
Makinen (2019).
Evans (2018).
Bermudez and Marie (2019).
Choe and Sanger (2019).
16 1 Watery Introductions
I first started researching and thinking about fish and fishing people and places.
While there is indeed a body of writing on fishing in Europe and North America,
particularly on the herring fisheries of the eighteenth and nineteenth century, the
Grand Banks and Whaling histories there is very little about Asia or the Pacific.
I will recount what there is in greater detail in Chap. 2 of this book, but in outline
fishing development as seen by this author is rooted in the work writing on fishing
histories and development of Japan, the United States, Canada and the Soviet
Union/Russian Empire/Russian Federation. These include fascinating works by
Carmel Finley, Ryan Tucker Jones, William Tsutsui and David Howell on the
construction of maritime and extractive empires in the Pacific, as well as the
extraordinary work by Smith on the development of fisheries statistics and fisheries
technology.69 Both of these in tandem have essentially stripped the sea and the
seabed of its life for economic gain in a manner which on the face of it is hard to
imagine. Writing on other East Asian fishing communities and the vibrant matter in
their lives such as that by Edward Norbeck on the communities of Japan’s Inland
Sea is equally important in conjunction with writing by Brandt on Korean fishing
communities and the extraordinary work of Han Sangbok on the South Korean
island of Gageodo (가거도), which became one of the field sites for this book.70
As a Human Geographer, field sites, be they land focused or sea based are
encountered in a thick web of disciplinary history and theoretical framing. In
particular, this author and this book have been deeply influenced by the work of
Denis Cosgrove on symbolic landscapes (particularly important in the case of North
Korea), Noel Castree on social and political landscapes, Neil Smith on notions of
uneven or complicated development and Erik Swyngedouw on liquid politics and
the place of hydrology within developmental dreams and strategies.71 This book is
also influenced by the work of Jamie Lorimer on non-human charisma and by
developing work on geographies of ruin and ruination.72 Given our environmental
crisis and immanent ecological collapse, our planet in a sense is in ruins, and when
it comes to the sea and the sea bed, this is doubly true. However, I do not wish to be
entirely and overwhelmingly doom-laden about this fact, as things in a state of ruins
can also revert to not being ruins, finding new means of being, new purposes, new
accommodations with the wider web of life. I suggest that while one ecosystem
may well be dying or on the verge of extinction, this does not mean that another
will not take its place. This is what it is for things to be vibrant and lively (as
Bennett, Whatmore and others suggest), to have power and agency in that web of
life (as anticipated by Moore).
Finley (2011, 2017), Ryan Tucker Jones. 2014. (1741–1867), Tsutsui (2013), Howell (1995).
Norbeck (1972), Sangbok (1977).
Cosgrove (1984), Noel (2001), Swyngedouw (2015).
Lorimer (2015).
1.1 Literature and Methodologies 17
An equally important element for a Geographer’s work is to get out into the field
and to encounter that web of life in the flesh so to speak. This book represents a
number of encounters in the field, not just in North Korea, but in the countries and
communities which have similar places in the landscape of politics and of fishing
which neighbour it and share commonalities of both culture and difficulty. China’s
Liaodong peninsula is close to North Korea and close to the historical narratives
which have impacted on the Korean peninsula as well. Liaodong was colonised by
the Japanese Empire, but before that Dalian and Lüshün were colonised by the
British and then for a longer period by the Russian Empire. Dalian’s old Russian
quarter still exists amidst the energy and power of the new China. Dalian is even
building new aircraft carriers for the PLA Navy with which China will expand its
power across more of the world’s oceans. Dalian in history was a fishing town, and
fishing and fish have been rather offset by its new economic realities. The old
fishing harbour and rail lines which once connected Dalian with colonial Korea
now sit derelict behind a new Langham Place development. While the People’s
Republic of China certainly has a complicated and difficult political structure for
many, it is complicated in a different way entirely from North Korea. Fishing
communities in and around Dalian fish virtually the same stretch of sea and estuary
as North Korean fishers encountered by this book, in this sense they must be
impacted by similar environmental and climatic issues as their colleagues across the
border. The author of the book made fieldwork visits to Jinshitan (金石滩) and
fishing communities near Lüshün (旅顺). These fishers were focused primarily on
small fish and shellfish close to shore and along the main road from Dalian proper
to Lüshün, there were a number of communities focused on seaweed and seaweed
preparation. These were subjected to the obvious encroachment of speculative
urban development, and in Jinshitan’s case, tourist development. Such development
radically alters the value of land, and those interested in such development often in
contemporary China have the ear of local government and institutional authorities
which means that they have much greater priority than smaller communities whose
assets have little value and do not fit into the development models which are the
goal of much contemporary Chinese governmentality. Further afield from Dalian in
the neighbouring county, Wafangdian City (瓦房店市), the author made a visit to
Tong Shui Gou (通水沟) village, a community highly peripheral to the county
organisation so less pressured by urban development. However, Tong Shui Gou’s
fishers (who feature in the cover image for this book), appeared locked in a double
bind. On the one hand, this community which focused primarily on shrimps and
other crustaceans appeared to struggle under the control of middlemen, very
familiar from Korean history, who set the prices, managed distribution and pre-
sumably supplied credit facilities. These men, dressed in black leather would dictate
prices virtually by the minute in the bitter wind as the catch was loaded. On the
other what the community managed to extract from the sea was very obviously
heavily polluted. When pulled from the sea, the fishermen’s catch was full of plastic
and other waste and detritus and the shrimps and other small fish damaged and
18 1 Watery Introductions
Environmental challenges were faced also in an entirely different field site for the
research which forms part of this book. It was important to this author to consider
an alternative Korean fishing community, one at diametric opposites to the fishing
places and industry of North Korea. So, in tandem with legendary anthropologist
and scholar of Korean fishing villages, Han Sangbok the author visited Gageodo,
the most southwestern island of South Korea. Gageodo is five hours sailing from
the port of Mokpo at the far southwest of the Korean Peninsula. While this seems a
long way from a Korean perspective (very little these days is that many hours
distant from somewhere else on the peninsula), the island used to be almost
impossibly remote. During the Japanese colonial period, the authorities built a
lighthouse as the only contribution of this period and did not leave policemen or a
military garrison on the island. In 1968 when Professor Han Sangbok first visited it
took five days by a series of different steamships to get to the island.73 Gageodo
used to be extremely peripheral and was in common with Tong Shui Gou in the
present beset by middlemen, known as Kaekchu (객주) in Korea. These credit
holders reduced the developmental capability of the island substantially, main-
taining it in an undeveloped state well into the latter half of the twentieth century.74
It is apparently only with the coming of mobile phone technology that Gageodo’s
fishing people were able to invest as they chose. Government investment was slight
until the 1970s and the fishermen still had to haul their boats up a pebble beach to
rest at the side of the main village street. However, Gageodo today was found very
different, vital strategically due to its proximity to the main Chinese shipping lanes
huge amounts of public money have rebuilt the harbour infrastructure and
reclaimed much of the land. The fishing community there appears vibrant, however
it also is challenged by environmental changes. Stronger storms, more violent
winds and extraordinarily in evidence during the visit of the author of this book,
drought on an island in the middle of the sea that entailed Mokpo district authorities
shipping bottled water to the fishermen as their tanks and wells had run dry. While
Gageodo has become much more important and less peripheral to South Korea’s
institutions and received a great deal in the way of infrastructural development and
support which has transformed the communities capabilities and the geography of
its harbour and coastline, the island is subject to some of the same complications as
Tong Shui Gou.
North Korean fishing communities themselves are harder to reach and harder to
do fieldwork in. This author has spent a number of occasions undertaking field trips
to North Korea and some have been more successful than others. I often suggest to
academics interested in visiting that nation that it is, in fact, easy to visit North
Korea, if you have the right amount of money, but it is difficult for that visit to be
anything more than simply a series of staged interactions with images and statues of
Kim Il Sung and other key figures in the nation’s political hagiography. Readers
Han (1977).
Duus (1998).
1.1 Literature and Methodologies 19
Campbell (2015).
20 1 Watery Introductions
fishing people and fish. As in a sense, this introduction has already hinted at, fish,
fishing and fishing communities are under-researched in both historical and geo-
graphic sense. Even in the field of anthropology, an academic discipline with a
concern for the edges and outliers in human development, fishing communities,
their societies, traditions and histories have not received much in the way of
exposure or interest. This chapter, therefore, outlines what can only be a partial and
incomplete focus on the wider global histories and geographies of fish and fishing.
The chapter also considers the methodologies, collection methods and theoretical
frameworks behind those studies and research which exists. For the most part,
histories and geographies of fish and fishing have been extremely focused on the
northern hemisphere. Histories of European fishing development and stocks
abound, especially those focused on the traditions of the Cod and Herring fisheries
prior to the twentieth century, and to the area around Newfoundland’s Grand
Banks. European fishing and its colonialist, modernist and capitalist technologies as
they were deployed in the pursuit more globally of whales and seals are also quite
abundant. Histories and geographies of fishing in the Pacific, Africa and South East
Asia are few and far between, however those that are encountered within this
chapter are considered for their methodologically approach to the study of fishing
communities and territories outside of the traditions of European or Western fishing
practice. Given the author of this book’s primary focus on the landscapes and
spaces of the Korean Peninsula and in particular North Korean fish, fishing and
fishing community histories and geographies of Chinese and Japanese fishing are of
particular interest and transfers of technology, spiritual mythology and cultural
tradition with those of Korea are vital to this chapter. Finally, this chapter explores
the history of Korean fishing traditions and practices, considering what material
exists from the records of the pre-1907 Chosŏn state, as well as the material
gathered by Japanese academics and colonists during the period from 1907 to 1945.
These are combined with the few but vital studies of Korean fishing communities in
more recent times, including those of Gageodo.
Having outlined the theoretical background behind the notion of matter and
matters as vibrant or lively already in this introduction, the Chap. 3 utilises the
framework provided by Jane Bennett, Sarah Whatmore and others to more deeply
explore what its deployment within the context of this book would mean.
Contrasting recent work on the intersection between human form and matter and the
bacterial and viral realm, an intersection which is inescapable for humans and has
begun to suggest a meshing and merging of humanity’s apparently independent
nature with other, unexpected forms of nature, the chapter considers the
co-production of fishing communities and terrain by fish as much as by fishermen.
The changing form and shape of fishing resource, as well as the individual and
collective behaviours and strategies of fish, both in their normal efforts and energies
to survive and in the particular efforts to escape the fishermen will be considered
within the scope of this co-production. Fish and other creatures of the sea and of the
seabed themselves, therefore, are held to be active, agential and energetic partici-
pant in the web of life which includes not only themselves, but the human com-
munities who prey on and exploit them. Bennett and others have also extended their
1.1 Literature and Methodologies 21
Kim (2017).
United Nations (2017).
22 1 Watery Introductions
had been forgotten in the collapse of North Korean capability and bureaucracy and
in the 2000’s the fishing industry has been co-opted by the Korean Peoples’ Army
and a network of fishery stations dedicated to industrial fishing and resource pro-
duction built. This meant that Sindo became even more peripheral to the political
and institutional mind. This chapter considers the strategies the fisherpeople of
Sindo use or do not use to maintain their livelihoods and connections to the vibrant
and lively fishing matters that once sustained and gave impetus to them. Are these
strategies informal life politics, or other forms of engagement with the wider web of
maritime life? Furthermore, in light of North Korea’s accumulation of conserva-
tional paradigms of management during the 1990s and early 2000s, even in the
maritime or aquacultural world, this chapter explores the relation between
Pyongyang’s politics and the reality of fishing and maritime ecosystems. In Sindo
and in other places within North Korea are fishing matters as vibrant and energetic
as local political sensibility and aspiration are lively.
Having encountered the vibrant matters of fishing communities close to North
Korea, as well as the reality of fishing and fishing life in North Korea at Sindo,
framed by the histories and geographies of fishing landscapes throughout East Asia
and beyond this Chap. 7 final draws this book to a lively conclusion. Fish and
Fishing for North Korea have become vitally important again in current years,
important in both abundance and absence. North Korea has this in common with
much of the world’s fishing terrain, precarious resources familiar in global histories
of fishing such as those of the collapse of Newfoundland and the Grand Banks cod
fishery, the disappearance of the herring from Southwest England and the depletion
of much of Africa’s fishing stock in recent years. As climate change, ocean tem-
perature and acidification and a number of other elements of global environmental
crisis develop, fish and fishing will become still precarious. Fish themselves may be
energetic and vibrant materials but that will not stop them becoming another ele-
ment of the impending and ongoing global extinction event of the Anthropocene/
Capitalocene. That does not, however, mean that fish and fishing terrains will lose
their agency or the impact upon human life and developmental practice. On the
contrary fish and maritime resources in their absence could become even more
vibrant, their diminution in the web of life of the sea and land making them more
powerful and valuable as they become more scarce. Scarcity and absence, of course,
are common in the life and practice of North Korea, and this chapter and book
conclude with a discussion of the role of these themes at their connection with the
realm of fish and fishing. The chapter also includes discussion of a particular
outcome of North Korean developmental policy and the pressures of extraction as
they apply to local communities, an outcome of the most macabre and unexpected
kind. The informal life politics expressed in the actions and interactions of fishing
communities in North Korea are very much concerned it seems with the navigation
of landscapes and terrains of lack, scarcity and difficulty. Their webs of life,
however, do not diminish in liveliness with these restrictions, but through the
blended and distributed agency perhaps familiar to Bennett, Whatmore and fishing
communities nearby such as at Dalian maintain their energy and vibrancy.
24 1 Watery Introductions
Ayres, Christopher. 2012. The international Trade in Conflict Minerals: Coltan. Critical
Perspectives on International Business 8 (2): 178–193.
Bennett, Jane. 2010. Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things. Durham, NC: Duke University
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International trade and Implications for any Certification. Resources Policy 37 (1): 19–29.
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Campbell, Emma. 2015. “Fieldwork” North Korea: Observations of Daily Life on the Ground
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Carmel Finley. 2017. All the Boats in the Ocean: How Government Subsides led to Global
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Choe Sang-han. 2008. North Korea Destroys Tower at Nuclear Site. The New York Times, June
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Chuch’esong in Korean Politics. Studies in Comparative Communism, 7 (1–2): 83–97; Koh,
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David Howell. 1995. Capitalism From Within: Economy, Society, and the State in a Japanese
fishery. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press and Tim Smith. 1994.
Denis Cosgrove. 1984. Social Formation and Symbolic Landscape. Madison, WI: The University
of Wisconsin Press.
Duus, Peter. 1998. The Abacus and the Sword: the Japanese Penetration of Korea, 1895–1910.
Vol. 4. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Eloe-Fadrosh, Emiley and Rasko David. 2013. The Human Microbiome: From Symbiosis to
Pathogenesis. Annual Review of Medicine 64: 145–163.
Empires of Extinction: Russians and the North Pacific’s Strange Beasts of the Sea, 1741–1867.
Oxford: Oxford University Press; Tsutsui, William. “The pelagic empire: reconsidering
Japanese expansion.” Japan at Nature’s Edge: The Environmental Context of a Global Power
(2013): 21–38.
Erik Swyngedouw. 2015. Liquid Power: Contested Hydro-Modernities in Twentieth-Century
Spain. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Evans, Gareth. 2018. How Leisure Time is Changing for North Korea’s Privileged. BBC News,
22nd April, 2018, Accessed 27 Apr 2019.
Finley, Carmel. 2011. All the Fish in the Sea: Maximum Sustainable Yield and the Failure of
Fisheries Management. Chicago, IL: Chicago University Press.
Haas, Benjamin. 2018. North Korea Stages Huge Military Parade to Make 70th Anniversary. The
Guardian, 9th September, 2018,
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Habib, Benjamin. 2015. Balance of Incentives: Why North Korea Interacts with the UN
Framework Convention on Climate Change. Pacific Affairs 88 (1): 75–97.
Haggard, M. T. 1965. North Korea’s International Position. Asian Survey 5 (8): 375–388.
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26 1 Watery Introductions
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Chapter 2
Geographies and Histories of Fish
and Fishing
Abstract While many developmental sectors and their communities have sparse
historical or geographic records, recent works on environmental history and his-
torical geography have sought to fill in some of the gaps. Work on histories of
forests, pollution and some land mammal and reptile species has contributed a great
deal in the effort to move the realm of history beyond that of human experience.
Fish and fishing, however, are certainly under-researched in both a historical and
geographic sense. Even in the field of anthropology, an academic discipline with a
concern for the edges and outliers in human development, fishing communities—
their societies, traditions and histories—have not received much in the way of
exposure or interest. This chapter, therefore, outlines what can only be a partial and
incomplete focus on the wider global histories and geographies of fish and fishing.
For the most part histories and geographies of fish and fishing have been extremely
focused on the northern hemisphere. Histories of European fishing development
and stocks abound, especially those focused on the traditions of the Cod and
Herring fisheries prior to the twentieth century, and to the area around
Newfoundland’s Grand Banks. Histories of colonialist, modernist and capitalist
technologies as they were deployed in the pursuit globally of whales and seals are
also quite abundant. Histories and geographies of fishing in the Pacific, Africa and
Southeast Asia are few and far between: however, those that are encountered within
this chapter are considered for their methodological approach to the study of fishing
communities and territories outside of the traditions of European or Western fishing
practice. Fish and fishing community histories and geographies of Chinese and
Japanese fishing are of particular interest and transfers of technology, spiritual
mythologies and cultural traditions which intersect with those of Korea are vital to
this chapter. Finally, this chapter explores the history of Korean fishing traditions
and practices, considering what material exists from the records of the pre-1907
Chosŏn state, as well as the material gathered by Japanese academics and colonists
during the period from 1907 to 1945. These are combined with the few seminal
studies of Korean fishing communities in more recent times, especially that of
Gageodo, South Korea’s most southwestern community which itself has been a
fieldwork site for the author of this book during its formation.
2.1 Introduction
Hjört (1914).
Garstang (1900).
Hunstman (1918).
2.1 Introduction 31
management and science has been the historical scale of failure and degradation
incurred by the resource with which it was concerned. Populations of fish the world
over have been decimated and destroyed by scientific fishing including global
Whale populations, Cod fisheries on the Grand Banks and the Canadian Pacific
Salmon fishery. These destructions have been rooted in the assumptions and pre-
sumptions developed by fisheries science in recent history that the volume of fish in
an ocean was something that could be potentially understood, the holding and
reproduction capacity of a fish population known to great detail and fish detached
from their wider ecosystems. Contemporary fishermen must now fish ‘down the
food chain’, down the trophic level, compete for much smaller fish (to the extent
that historical accounts of the size of fish seem somehow fantastical), be subjected
to extreme restrictions on fishing days and by-catch as well as adopting semi-legal
and colonial methodologies of extraction to obtain the resources of nation’s unable
or unwilling to maintain or manage their own fish stocks (European Union
exploitation of West African fisheries for example).
Fishing began close to the shore, in shallow water, often not even in the sea but in
ponds, lakes and streams and the more benign watery spaces across the globe. It is
certain that fishing started early, for humans quickly moved to the edges of the
continents as well as residing in the great grasslands and plains of their first epoch.
Technologies involved in fishing did not even involve getting into the water or
travelling across it for many centuries, early fisheries being content to spear or net
their quarry from close at hand. Prior to the evolution of Homo Sapiens, Homo
Neanderthalis are said to have been skilled at fishing for river fish such as salmon
and trout by hand, even constructing rudimentary blockades of stone across rivers4
and they may have caught seagoing salmon when fishing close to the sea in
estuarine rivers.5 When Homo Sapiens did appear some fifty thousand years ago
they began to develop weaponry and tools such as lances and spears to catch both
fish and wild animals. The Arignac of contemporary Southern France added barbs
to their equipment which signified perhaps a predilection or preference towards
fish.6 In the mid-period of the Neolithic, it seems that harpoons with a detachable
point had been invented, but there is no evidence of hooks—these would not appear
until the Maglemose culture in the Jutland Peninsula between 10,000 and
6000 years ago.7 Sahrhage and Lundbeck suggest that along with the huge mounds
of mollusc shells from this culture (reaching a height of three meters and a width of
Sarhage and Lundbeck (1992, p. 5).
Ibid, p. 6.
Ibid, p. 8.
32 2 Geographies and Histories of Fish and Fishing
some fifty meters), and contemporaneous cultures in Scotland were bones from
species such as Herring, Flounder, Cod and Haddock which suggests that fishing
people from these places had already taken to the sea in some form of boat and
pushed off from the shore.8 When this technology and invention was first made
cannot be known exactly, though pine dugout canoes which would have been
seaworthy have been found in the Netherlands and in Scotland and dated to around
8300 years old.9
Middens and mounds of the discarded shells of sea creatures play a huge role in
dating and considering the material left behind by early cultures living by the sea. In
Australia, shell middens left behind by the Eora tribe who lived in what is now the
Sydney area were even integral to the first material development of the
settler-colonial project later to become the modern nation present there today.
Settlers following the arrival of the First Fleet in 1788 found when wanting to build
more substantial buildings or infrastructure, that there were no easily accessible
repositories of conventional limestone to use as mortar in construction projects.
Middens built up over millennia were used instead, ensuring the material generated
by countless generations of aboriginal shellfish catchers and fishers was repurposed
by an invading culture that would virtually displace them with the material culture
of European Australia.10 Moving backwards to earlier colonisations, human set-
tlement across what is now the Bering Strait into the Americas resulted in Native
American and Inuit cultures across the northern reaches of the continent which
quite quickly gave birth to the Kayak (or Qajak in East Greenlandic).11 Kayak
usage in Greenland, Western Canada, Ellesmere Island and elsewhere was hugely
important for the development of strategies and techniques to catch larger prey at
sea such as whales and seals.12 To this day, Kayak is symbolic in Greenland of a
particular cultural–spiritual interaction with the sea, in which the capturing of
whales is in some senses for Inuit communities the returning of ancestors to the
land. Colonisation by Denmark and Scandinavian culture has had a devastating
social impact on Greenland, as well as the developing challenges of climate change,
the almost abandonment of the kayak and hunting lifestyles being a sign of this.13
However, with the rise of Greenlandic nationalism and revived and coherent Inuit
notions of sovereignty in the 1980s, the kayak was rediscovered by younger
Greenlanders and a number of Qajak clubs were founded to enable a new gener-
ation in learning the skills of their construction and navigation; these clubs were
called (in East Greenlandic), ‘Qajak Atoqqilerparput’ or ‘Kajak, we are beginning
to use it again.’14 Inuit and other communities of the north developed a fishing
Ibid, p. 9.
Ibid, p. 10.
Myers (2000).
Sarhage and Lundbeck (1992, p. 18).
Petersen (1995).
Heath (1985).
2.2 Early Moments of Fishing 33
Sarhage and Johannes (1992, p. 9).
Ibid, p. 15.
Ibid, p. 9.
Ibid, p. 29.
Ibid, p. 30.
Ibid, p. 32.
Ibid, p. 32.
34 2 Geographies and Histories of Fish and Fishing
fishing, as Sahrhage and Lundbeck recount.22 Early Ainu settlers of the islands
shared similar preferences for shellfish and molluscs, such as Abalone as did
Aboriginal Australians, leaving large mounds and middens of shell fragments.
These early Ainu also had a technological tradition of using bamboo grass sewn
together to make boats and rafts, which could be used near to coasts and caught
salmon, herring and sardines. チェプ (cep or ciep), the Ainu word for fish, according
to Sahrhage and Lundbeck, could also be used synonymously with the word for
food.23 Fishing in open water only widely developed in ancient Japan around the
inland sea area, familiar later to Norbeck and other scholars of fishing in Japan.24
Staying with Japan, fishing history, geography and development is often por-
tioned into the sea and other fishing practices and whaling, practices of both being
quite different from each other and impacting in quite different ways spiritually and
culturally. This makes some sense with the benefit of hindsight given the fact we
know that in fact whales and fish are two different classes of living creature.
Moving to the Medieval period following the establishment of the Kamakura
shogunate (鎌倉幕府) in 1185, technology and institutional infrastructure focused
on fishing developed quite rapidly. First in the inland sea, then in the open waters
surrounding the Japanese islands fishers sought new species and used new forms of
nets and fishing practice such as seine and drag nets. This meant that fish such as
Cod and Mackerel were now accessible. Fishing in freshwater areas also seems to
have developed, with evidence of extensive traps on Lake Biwa, and Sahrhage and
Lundbeck report the development in the thirteenth century of a network of guilds
and other mercantile organisations focused on the trading of fish and fish
Japanese coastal and sea fishing development, as with much else in the country
was deeply impacted by the Tokugawa period (1603–1867) government decisions
under the third Shogun, Iemetsu between 1633 and 1639 to instigate the Sakoku 鎖
国 (closed country), policies.26 The Tokugawa Shongunate (徳川幕府) feared
invasion and co-option by outside forces having heard of Spanish and Portuguese
expansionism across the Pacific in North and South America and because of
pressure put on social cohesion by the past work of Francis Xavier and the Jesuit
missionaries (inspiring the Shimabara rebellion of 1637/1638).27 Sakoku policies
are framed by the historical literature as placing Japan and the Japanese people into
a period of seclusion from the rest of the world and restricting any influence or
connection with foreign nations. Japanese people were not allowed to leave the
nation, and the punishment for transgression of this was death.28 To make travel to
Ibid, p. 175.
Norbeck (1954).
Ibid, p. 176.
Laver (2011).
Sebes (1979).
Laver (2011).
2.2 Early Moments of Fishing 35
foreign lands even more impractical, the shogunate banned boats any larger than 50
tonnes, which meant that not only that large ferries or trading ships became
problematic, but also that fishing boats could not be developed, equipped and
capable to navigate deep or distant seas.29 The reality is more complicated as
trading links with the rest of the world were maintained, but in a highly restrictive
fashion through specific clans and locations (the Chinese at Nagasaki were allowed
to trade with China and through the Dutch East India company with the rest of the
world, the Matsumae clan in Hokkaido with the Ainu, the Sō clan of Tsushima with
Korea and the Shimazu clan of Satsuma with the islands of the semi-independent
Ryukyu Kingdom), and the same is true when it came to fishing.30 The restrictions
on large boat size meant that fishers developed new practices and technologies for
coastal and sea fishing based on small boats and traps. Rather than going out to sea,
fishers in Japan began to specialise in fish populations which migrated past Japan,
of which there were many, rather than seeking out more distant groups of fish. In
particular, nets which could be deployed in small boats directly from the shore
focused on sardines.31 Traps were also developed to captures species of tuna and in
Hokkaido herring and migrating Salmon. Influenced by practices perhaps from
Polynesia, Kagoshima fishermen even began to target Skipjack Tuna by a pole and
line method.32 Much of this fish was exported through the restricted routes pre-
scribed under the Sakoku system to China (via principally Nagasaki). A desire to
dominate and colonise the Ainu and the weakness of Imperial Russia in the east
prior to the treaties of Aigun and Nerchinsk and the Kamchatka expeditions meant
that even during the Sakoku period Japan’s fleet of small coastal fishing boats
exploited the seas around Sakhalin, the Kuriles and the Sea of Okhotsk.33
Whales and whaling in Japanese history, as suggested earlier, are in a different
class of developmental engagement, just as whales are a different class of creature.
It is important to consider the geographic position of Japan, ocean currents which
pass by it and the useful (from a whale’s perspective), presence of close and
well-located ocean trenches. Jakobina Arch’s extraordinary work on the place of
whales in Japanese cultural and developmental geography recounts the journeys of
species such as North Pacific Right Whale, Gray Whale and Humpback Whale
along the continental shelf past the Japanese islands, using the Kuroshio, Tsushima
and Oyashio currents. Arch describes from these whale’s perspective how the
Japanese archipelago serves as both useful landmarks en route between summer and
winter feeding grounds, and originally, a safe place to feed on material upwelling
from the deep oceans at the continental shelf and the zooplankton generated by
warm water at the confluence of different currents.34 Omura Hideo, as recounted by
Sarhage and Lundbeck (1992, p. 176).
Kazui and Videen (1982).
Sarhage and Lundbeck (1992, p. 176).
Arch (2018, p. 25, 26).
36 2 Geographies and Histories of Fish and Fishing
Arch, suggests that more than way markers along their route, such whales used the
Seto Inland Sea during the fifteenth–eighteenth century as a calving ground for
whales mid-migration, though even at this period before the development of
whaling technology this would be unlikely.35 Toothed whales such as Sperm
Whales and the different Beaked Whales would also have passed, at a slightly
further distance to the islands but were not targeted by Japanese boats until the
nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It is hard to say when exactly the Japanese
began to target whales from their shores. Arch suggests that some form of dolphin
hunting had existed back to the Jōmon period (縄文時代), some five millennia
previously, but in the sixteenth century what she terms coastal whaling began.36
Given the topography and geography of the Japanese archipelago such whaling
developed directly from the shore with a network of observation posts on cliffs and
hills in whaling areas to spot and track pods and groups of whales. Once quarry was
spotted a boat powered by oars would set off in pursuit with around 13 crew,
including 8 oarsmen. Arch recounts that for the first two centuries of Japanese
coastal whaling these boats would surround a whale and throw harpoons at it until
the animal became exhausted.37 At this point, a man known as the Hazashi (羽刺)
would leap from the lead boat with a long knife onto the whale’s head and dispatch
it with a final blow. Unsurprisingly, assuming the role of Hazashi was both a great
honour among the crew and their community, and extremely dangerous for the
individual involved. The dead whale was then lashed to a number of the boats and
returned to the beach for processing.38
This early coastal whaling in Japan had mainly targeted Right Whales moving
along its shores, but the impact of such enterprise, or changes in the current meant
that over the course, of two centuries the numbers of animals passing by declined.
Accordingly, Japanese whaling communities were forced to adapt and in 1675
introduced a new method and technology. From this point two types of boats set to
sea: the harpoon boats were now joined by boats which were the same length, but
much wider to make space for large sets of nets.39 These net boats would set a net a
couple of miles out to sea, which would be held up by a number of boats. This large
net essentially served as curved wall through which whales would not be able to
pass and along which they could be funnelled to a group of harpoon boats which
would finish them off. This did allow for the capture of different, faster species of
whales, but was not useful in deeper water.40 Arch records that communities on the
Bōsō Peninsula, for instance, did not use the new technique because the water was
deep off the coast there and the whales they encountered would simply dive under
Ibid, p. 31.
Ibid, p. 49.
Ibid, p. 50.
Ibid, p. 52.
Ibid, p. 53.
2.2 Early Moments of Fishing 37
Ibid, p. 52.
Ibid, p. 53.
Sarhage and Lundbeck (1992).
Arch (2018, p. 92).
Ibid, p. 158.
38 2 Geographies and Histories of Fish and Fishing
gravestone marker and connection to the worship practices of the Bodhisattva Jizō
(who was particularly important to those suffering and the unborn).46
Chinese early fishing practices are, as already been said, perhaps less clear at sea
than those of Japan and focused more heavily on inland waters and fishing. While
China has always been blessed with extensive river systems, in ancient times these
river systems and their hydrologies were even more extensive and problematic due
to their dramatic floods and flow switches.47 The Yangtze and Huang Rivers, in
particular, were problematic, changing their course a number of times in early
Chinese history. Primarily constructed during the Sui dynasty (隋朝) (581–618),
the Grand Canal and its various diversions and cuttings sought to both provide a
functional transport route for trade through the empire as well as to take pressure off
the overall system of hydrology.48 Prior to the construction and even on occasion
after it, the agriculturalists of plains China were forced to become freshwater
fishermen for at least part of the year as the rivers would flood and their fields and
cover their houses. These families had to live on boats during the inundations and
live off whatever they could catch from the water. The waters that flowed around
them were highly productive, later producing some 500,000 tonnes of fish at the
peak of fishing in the 1950s.49 There was also unsurprisingly extensive develop-
ment of aquaculture, quite early in Chinese history. Sahrhage and Lundbeck, for
instance, record that ‘written records of fish culture date back as far as the era of the
Shang (商) and early Zhou (周) dynasties (twelfth–eleventh centuries BC).50 Such
developmental practices required an extensive institutional, bureaucratic and legal
framework and accordingly there were a variety of restrictions and licencing sys-
tems. There were also closed and open seasons on fishing. Aside from the pure
bureaucratic elements there was a rich body of culture relating to fish culture and
practice. The Rites of Zhou (周禮), from the second century BCE, for instance, has
long descriptions of the use of fish as ‘royal food’, sacrificial practices and offerings
and how one might give fish and fish products to guests in an auspicious way.51
Even Mencius, one of the most important early Chinese philosophers, spends a little
time in his writings warning ‘against overfishing by casting too many nets in small
Carp fishing, in particular, was the key focus of early Chinese freshwater
aquaculture, that was until the rise of the Tang dynasty (唐) in 618. The first ruler of
the Tang, Emperor Gaozu (唐高祖), unfortunately for carp fishermen, was born Li
Yuan. Since the vernacular name for Cyprinus Carpio, the Common Carp was 鯉
and sounded similar to ‘li’ the entire industry around the most common and popular
Ibid, p. 164.
Lee and Kong Jian (2007).
Needham (1986)
Sarhage and Lundbeck (1992, p. 219).
Ibid, p. 220.
2.2 Early Moments of Fishing 39
species of river fish in the country was banned. Sarhage and Lundbeck record the
sudden interest in the rest of the carp family such as the Grass Carp, Black Carp and
Silver Carp among a number of species and a number of varieties of bream.53
However these various alternative fish species do not appreciate stagnant water,
preferring running river water. Accordingly, new technologies developed into an
entirely new industry focused on the management of fish fry. It is suggested this
trade began as early as the Song dynasty (宋) (960–1276) and spread across China
and Southeast Asia, from as Sarhage and Lundbeck suggest ‘from the river Amur in
the north to Thailand and Malaya in the south’.54 Pregnant fish were caught in
rivers and then their eggs were harvested and kept until the larvae emerged. New
varieties of boats were developed with wells built into them in which fish larvae
could be transported across wide distances (wells which mirror later technologies
for the transportation of live fish). Similar practices were maintained in this industry
until the twentieth century when new artificial spawning technologies were
developed.55 Aside from fish, at the coasts and in estuary waters other industries
such as mariculture focused on shellfish and other small sea creatures such as
shrimps developed. During the Ming dynasty (大明), oyster farming was invented
followed by the farming of mussels and development of seaweed production, the
like of which is still seen very frequently in contemporary China and was certainly
encountered by the author of this book during fieldwork in 2016.
This activity in China’s inshore waters must have been ongoing in some way in
earlier centuries, as the seas surrounding the nation are historically very rich.
China’s coasts span from the cold waters of the far north next to the Korean
peninsula to the subtropical seas south of Hainan and what is familiar to the
Chinese of the present as waters of the ‘nine dash line’. Currents feeding on the
Pacific drive in migratory fish, and the enormous volume of organic material dis-
persed into the sea from China’s rivers, historically provided rich feeding grounds
for a variety of species, both warm water and cold water specialists. China’s rivers
have been famous for a variety of intriguing freshwater dolphins, but marine dol-
phins and other large fish such as tuna of various kinds were plentiful. Cod, Herring
and Flounder, familiar from the north could be caught, as well as Croaker and
Hairtails. Unlike Japan, Chinese coastal and inshore fishers were blessed by an
extensive area of continental shelf in what are called in English, the Bohai Sea (渤
海 or Pohai Sea), the Yellow Sea (known as the West Sea to Koreans) and the East
China Sea. These close and coastal fisheries were exploited by communities which
utilised the early invented Junk and Sampan, along with a large variety of other
technologies. These included harpoons, weirs and diversions, a multiplicity of nets
and lines, mostly organised and directed from the shore in conjunction with off-
shore boats. Moving further offshore multiple boats would manage larger seine nets
in order to catch croaker and other more substantial species. Lundhage and
Ibid, p. 221.
Ibid, p. 216.
40 2 Geographies and Histories of Fish and Fishing
Sundbeck also recount other developing practices and strategies such as ‘light to
attract fish and noise to scare fish into the nets’.56
Before the advent of industrialised and mechanised fishing in the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries, therefore, the Chinese coast had extensive areas of fishing in the
Guandong, Fujian and Zhejiang provinces as well as Shandong and Liaodong
peninsulas. There was a huge ecosystem of communities engaged in all sorts of
production, such as the preparation and extraction of fish products, drying, salting and
all other elements of maritime industry.57 This was organised into guild and coop-
erative style enterprise at times. Similar to what will be encountered in Korea, Chinese
fishermen and fishing communities required the support of commission traders,
money lenders and other financial and material networks in order to raise capital and
buy materials to invest, manage the ebb and flow of finance in the fishing year and
either get a reasonable price for their product, or get it to market. Accordingly, there
were networks of bureaucracy and licencing, often connected to local government or
regional power brokers. Sometimes this was fair and the system functioned well. At
other times, especially when new dynasties or new political structures were being
formed, the processes and structures which upheld the enterprise could collapse in
ways which disadvantaged those involved. Micah Muscolino, has produced extensive
analysis of the Zhoushan archipelago in Hangzhou Bay off the coast of contemporary
Ningbo and the complications of fishing there.58 This area was particularly good for
fishing, Muscolino describing how ‘the front formed by the mixing of these various
water systems (various ocean currents and Yangzi river) creates an environment
capable of supporting a diverse array of marine life. These waters fertilize plankton
that provide abundant nutrition for fish and other forms of marine life, which feed
organisms further up the food chain…’59 Because of this, it was hugely important, but
this abundance itself created problems and the area became a magnet for pirates, both
local and foreign between 1530 and 1560 which eventually caused the area to be seen
as politically vulnerable and dangerous to the nation and settlement on the islands was
forbidden. Complicated restrictions were placed on the size of boats built in the area
and the distances they could travel from the shore. In 1644, the Qing dynasty (大清)
also forbade settlement on the islands in the peninsula, but fishing communities did
not fully accept such restrictions. Fishing people would occupy land as close as
possible to the fishing grounds, and local institutions would often let them fish in the
areas restricted, for a fee. After all local institutions and bureaucracies were reluctant
to lose the extensive potential profit from such a valuable fishing ground. Muscolino
later describes the intersection in this area between colonial interjections, techno-
logical development and conflicts over dwindling resources in what are termed
‘fishing wars’ around the Zhoushan.60
Ibid, p. 222.
Muscolino (2009).
Ibid, p. 16,
Ibid, p. 96.
Lee (2018).
2.2 Early Moments of Fishing 41
One might even describe contemporary interactions around the South China Sea
and particularly the interactions between Hainan fishermen and Vietnamese fish-
ermen as potential fishing wars. Both sides claim the fishing grounds in between the
two nations as very long-standing spaces of mutual exploitation, going back many
hundreds of years. While geopolitics may see the concrete developments on reefs
and other islets in the area as representing a much more threatening form of
expansionism, fishers apparently see interjections over sovereignty and control in
the area as part of a much longer competition for fishing rights and technological
domination. While this does not and has never promised to become a ‘fishing war’
of the most dangerous or florid kind, it is symbolic of the pressures present in
Chinese fishing histories. In a future chapter, a sense of these pressures can be
glimpsed from the top of Gageodo island (가거도), as South Korea security and
marines watch and listen for Chinese infiltration into contemporary Korean waters.
Historical fishing in both Japan and China while undertaken in a very particular and
definite framework of statehood and society was radically transformed by the
processes unleashed and wrought on both nations by the colonial projects of
European nations. The nineteenth century essentially began in Chinese and
Japanese fishing communities as it always had done with the Junk and the Sampan,
but it would quickly be reconfigured by extractive technologies and frameworks of
a very different kind.
The early fishing history of the Korean Peninsula is unlike the complex history
of fishing in China and the richly detailed example of Japanese coastal develop-
ment. Fishing development on the peninsula is, even by the standards of other
aspects of Korean history, fairly unclear. This is not because there was no fishing in
Korea before the modern period, or that either the bureaucracies of Chosŏn (조선)
or Koryŏ (고려) were not interested in fishing or concerned to tax it, rather that the
materials and documents of the period have not yet been researched or have become
inaccessible. This is, of course, the case when it comes to forestry matters in Korean
history, which contrary to colonial Japanese perspectives and much writing in the
past are becoming much clearer since collections in the Kyujanggak (규장각) or
royal library/archives have begun the process of being analysed and Chosŏn’s
kingdom of pines revealed.61 However, Korean historical work and cultural
memory certainly suggest that for reasons at times similar to those found in Japan,
Korea was late to exploit its coasts and waters.
Fishing and coastal development in Korea is intricately linked to the complex
religious and cultural history of Korea. Buddhist practices integrated into Korean
society during the Koryŏ and Koguryŏ (고구려) eras meant that, as was the case in
Japan (as Jacobina Arch found was the case with wild boar through their trans-
formation into ‘mountain whales’62), eating animal flesh and animal products
became highly problematic. Buddhism on the Korean peninsula derived originally
Arch (2018, p. 92).
Williams (2008).
42 2 Geographies and Histories of Fish and Fishing
from the Mayahana approach, which objected strongly and categorically to the
eating of any living thing. This approach went further than the more familiar
instructions to reject ten particular meats, namely, humans, elephants, horses, dogs,
snakes, lions, tigers, leopards, bears and hyenas.63 These animals were considered
unacceptable because, according to scripture, they would react to the smell of their
own kind’s flesh, and therefore have their senses stimulated in a way which was not
in tune with Buddhist theology or morality.64 Mayahama Buddhism took this one
stage further to suggest that the issue was fear, a dangerous and simply not divine
sense, which could be encouraged or developed by the eating of animal products.
Buddhism as practiced in Korea was soon deeply integrated into the practices and
functions of the state, becoming a state religion, and sought to unpick those aspects
of Buddha’s teaching or extrapolations from them that would be unhelpful to social
order or the functioning of state institutions.65 This form of Buddhism became
known as Seon Buddhism (선) and the conventional modern form of the religion
practiced in Korea today is a development or offshoot of that order, known as the
Jogye Order (조계종). Because of the stipulations of Seon theology, fishing and the
killing of fish and other marine life became entirely forbidden and restricted, an act
of blasphemy against the Buddha and social order.
When Koryŏ was replaced by Chosŏn and the Yi dynasty in 1392, Buddhism
had long since begun to decline, both in institutional and public influence. Buddhist
monks and their houses it appears had come to be regarded as corrupt and a new
rational was required for the moral underpinning of both the state more generally
and its institutions more specifically.66 While the teachings of Confucius had been
in existence for many centuries it was at this point that Korea adopted a very
distinct approach to Confucianism. This was undertaken through the reordering of
state and royal bureaucracies and the processes through which aristocratic and
institutional classes (later to be known as Yangban), could demonstrate their rights
and credibility.67 Civil Service Examinations had been absorbed from Chinese
institutional practice as early as 958 under the rule of King Kwangjong (광종), but
while they were initially used to reduce the power of families and clan houses and to
underpin the ascendancy and power of the crown, following 1392, the Kwagŏ (과
거) as they were known essentially became only accessible to aristocratic classes
and Korea developed what is known as a scholarly elite bureaucracy.68 This was
organised on Confucian principles, but these principles had become neo-Confucian
following the teachings of Zhu Xi, and later Korean scholars such as Cho Kwangjo
(조광조), Yi Hwang (이황) and Yi I (이이).69 Neo-Confucianism was very tightly
Grayson (2013).
Deuchler (1992).
Ibid, p. 15.
Ibid, p. 24.
Ibid, p. 89.
2.2 Early Moments of Fishing 43
focused on social ordering and complex organisation of state ritual which included
a restrictive class based system.70 Below the Yangban were the Chung-in (중인)
(middle people) and the Sangmin (상민) (common people). All theoretically could
take part in the examinations and serve the institutions of government or accrue
property, but in reality the benefits of social class only served the Yangban, aris-
tocratic class.71 Below Sangmin, there were the Ch’ŏnmin (천민) (vulgar common
people), Paekchŏng (백정) (untouchables or unclean) and Nopi (노비) (slaves or
serfs). These classes had a long history which stretched back into the Buddhist
period of Korean history, but became even more distinct during the Yi dynasty.72
Fishing, as a tradition that involved the killing and preparation of fish was never
likely to rank highly in this ordering following the stipulations of Buddhist tradi-
tion, but became more or less problematic at various moments in the period.73 At
times those who were counted as fishermen or gathers of products of the sea were
counted in the Sangmin, and sometimes within the Ch’ŏnmin class. Those that
actually killed and prepared fish products or took shellfish and prepared them,
however, found themselves in the Paekchŏng class. Thus, contact or relationships
with fishing people for people in other, higher classes or the development of trade
or enterprise with them was further complicated by social strictures.74 This meant
that fishing communities were often at some distance or remove from other villages
and towns in historical Korea and they were extremely low down the list of
institutional priorities for the institutions of Chosŏn.
In spite of the restrictions of Korea’s Buddhist traditions and the complex
ordering of both Confucian and neo-Confucian traditions, all of which complicated
historical relations between fishing people, fish and the social and cultural structures
of the nation prior to modernisation, there is one further element of spiritual practice
which impacted on its fishing communities. While both Buddhism and
Confucianism established rigorous frameworks for religious and cultural practice
on the peninsula, they did not entirely replace earlier animist and geomantic tra-
ditions.75 One of the clichés when it comes to describing the landscape of Korea is
that it is very mountainous (like ‘rolling seas’ according to one early adventurer).76
This is, of course, true and has been true for many epochs in geologic time and this
topography has certainly impacted on Korea’s agricultural development. The var-
ious mountain ranges and uplands of the peninsula also heavily impacted on
Korea’s early spiritual development. A real sense of geomancy developed, perhaps
influenced by similar development in what would become China, which is even today
Palais (1981).
Chang et al. (2015).
Grayson (2013).
Cressey (1963).
44 2 Geographies and Histories of Fish and Fishing
Yi (2018).
Mason (1999).
Mason (2011).
Buswell (2009).
Underwood (1934).
2.2 Early Moments of Fishing 45
be visited or only visited at certain times. It also means that Korean traditional fishing
boats were organised in particular formats and decorated with shamanic signs and
charms and that their sails were as much for coordinating spiritual messages as they
were for catching the wind.84 While such traditions survived for many centuries so
that communities could navigate dangerous or inauspicious physical and spiritual
landscapes, they, of course, were also very much a drag factor on any practical
development of the industry and further isolated Korean fishing people from wider
society and any connection with external influence.
Beyond the complexity of the nexus of purely spiritual or cultural matters and
development, observers/scholars must also contend with the extreme reluctance of
the Chosŏn government to develop what might be called conventional mercantilism
in Korea. This difficulty with economic development and the connection between
people engaged in practical development or extraction, (such as fishermen) is also
demonstrated by the restrictive and exploitative system developed of commission
tradesmen and bondholders, who financially complicated the daily and yearly life of
fishing communities, the Kaekchu.85 For a great deal of Chosŏn’s history, trade or
mercantile exchanges meant interactions which were either counter to the social
order, or were with foreigners, who were problematic in an entirely different way.
Chosŏn had dynamic and extremely problematic and complicated relations with
its neighbours. While historically Korea was capable of interacting with China in
what is considered a superior, suzerain relationship, known as Zongfan guanxi 宗藩
关系 (in Chinese, ‘serving the great’, later transformed in the pejorative Sadaejuui/
Sataechuŭi/사대주의 by Korean nationalists), Relations with Japan had long been
problematic.86 The Hideyoshi invasions of the Korean peninsula between 1592 and
1598 damaged catastrophically the relationship between Korea and Japan, already
challenged in the Muromachi (室町時代) and Sengoku (戦国時代) periods by
Japan’s inability to reign in pirates from the Japanese mainland and the Ryukyu
islands which harassed the peninsula’s coasts and islands.87 In spite of these dif-
ficulties, Korea and Japan sought to negotiate their way through and past the issue
and in 1426 Japanese fishermen were allowed to settle in specific Korean ports such
as Dongwae, Ulsan and Changwon. In 1442, the two countries came to a more
comprehensive and formal agreement about fishing grounds and other fishing
matters.88 However, things became problematic yet again after the relaxation of
restrictions encouraged a large number of Japanese fishermen to move to Korea,
and a trade in local cotton to Tsushima Island developed—both elements of this
were lucrative and the Chosŏn government bestowed a number of tax breaks on the
Japanese traders.89 By the turn of the sixteenth century, the reduction in income for
Ki-Jun (1976).
Lewis (2014a).
Robinson (2013).
Seyock (2005).
46 2 Geographies and Histories of Fish and Fishing
the farmers led to the petitioning of institutions. When King Jungjong came to
power in 1506, he rescinded the tax breaks which created real pressure on
authorities in Japan and sparked eventually what has become known as the
Disturbance of the Three Ports in 1510.90 This military altercation between several
thousand Japanese troops sent by the governor of Tsushima as they attacked the
ports generated a military response from the King, and resulted in the death of the
Japanese governor.91 This, of course, led to the complete cessation of any further
engagement in fishing matters between the two countries and the abandonment of
the previous agreements. Japanese fishermen continued to harass and exploit
Korea’s waters to quite an extent, so much so that fishers served as pilots and guides
during the Hideyoshi invasions of 1592–1598.92 Following Japan’s disastrous
military adventures, relations between the two countries did not recover for many
centuries. Japanese fishermen were banned from Korea’s coasts and waters, and
much more resource dedicated to protection of the peninsula’s boundaries by the
Chosŏn government.93 By 1639, Japan had instigated its Sakoku policy of national
isolation which restricted the distance fishermen could travel from the nation’s
shore, The policy further meant that conventional journeys and trade with foreign
nations was forbidden and, in the case of Korea, any further interaction and
exchange managed through the Sō clan of Tsushima.94 No further Japanese fish-
ermen were really seen in Korea’s waters until after the mid-nineteenth century
opening of Japan by the American Commodore Perry and his ‘black ships.’
While left alone by the Japanese, for a couple of further centuries, Korean fishing
communities did not really take advantage or were able to capitalise on the
reduction in pressure from abroad. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
Korean fishing remained much as it had one in earlier centuries, focused mainly on
the shore, on shellfish, peripheral to the nation’s interests and conception of itself
and any governmental priorities and beset by the complexities and restrictions
placed on communities by the commission tradesmen.95 Perhaps in the historical
mind of Korea, and now in the contemporary national sense of self, there is only
one exception worth mentioning, that of the female divers of Jeju Island (제주도).
Haenyŏ/Haenyeo (해녀) or sea women are something of an aberration in Korean
cultural history, which has been primarily, thanks to the influence of Confucianism
and neo-Confucianism, patriarchal.96 The fact that these sea women and their
ancestors are geographically based on the island of Jeju could well have something
to do with the unusual cultural production of the Haenyŏ, Jeju being peripheral
Lewis (2014b).
Lewis (2014a).
Laver (2011).
Sangbok (1977).
Gwon (2005).
2.2 Early Moments of Fishing 47
historically to the institutions of Chosŏn Korea and still fairly remote from the
mainland. Nevertheless, originally the divers of the island were male, but only
became female between the seventeenth and eighteenth century. This appears to
have been partly to do with the development of Confucian social and organisational
principles, which restricted men from engaging in such activity and the impact of
burdensome tax policies which demanded payment in abalone from citizens near
the coasts of the nation. It seems as if it did not make sense to use men to obtain this
tribute, or that women were more available and capable in the process than men.97
As it is the Haenyŏ were regarded in Chosŏn social norms as extremely low,
suggested by some almost to be slaves, owned by the local government authorities
in Jeju: ‘their husbands were even prohibited from participating in the educational
circle (hyangkyo), which was a symbol of high status’).98 In 1814, reforms to the
tax system meant that the abalone requirement was reduced, but Haenyŏ continued
their diving through the nineteenth century and into the colonial period. Japanese
development in Jeju, which is much closer to the Japanese mainland than much of
mainland Korea, and the imposition of capitalist logics in that development mean
that sea products became much more valuable, including those that the Haenyŏ
dived for. Haenyŏ were freed from any tribute or connection to the precolonial
authorities and became wage labourers.99 Japanese businesses even spot hired them
to work as divers on the Japanese mainland, and elsewhere in colonial Korea, even
at islands near Incheon.100 After the end of colonialism and the era of divided
Koreas, Haenyŏ became semi-legendary characters in Korean contemporary cul-
ture. The unusual sea women of Jeju, quite aberrant in comparison to much of
Korea’s other cultural forms, became representative of both the pluckiness of
Koreans, but also the nation’s claim to ancient and continued existence.101 In 2014,
the South Korean government even had the Haenyŏ placed on the UNESCO
Intangible Cultural Heritages list.102 While the numbers of Haenyŏ has been
reported for many years as being in decline and potentially soon to be extinguished
as a tradition, they are still very much tangible. Whatever the future for the Haenyŏ,
they are rare survivors of Korean coastal and fishing cultures of the past.
Jeju island would be one of the first locations, at which the long period of
relative quiet between Korean and Japanese fishing and coastal communities came
to an end. Robert Neff reports that developing technology such as underwater
breathing apparatus meant that Japanese divers coveted the Abalone, Sea Cucumber
and Oyster resources of Jeju and in the 1870s began to poach in Korean waters from
the Haenyŏ. In an attempt to placate both sides, Korea and Japan even signed an
agreement in 1883 which allowed reciprocal access to coastal fishing grounds for
Ibid, p. 6.
Sang-Hun (2014).
48 2 Geographies and Histories of Fish and Fishing
both nations.103 In fact this agreement it seems placated no one, and the Haenyŏ
actually refused to go to water with so many Japanese present, and the Japanese
fishermen simply coveted more resources and further land, by 1887 even occupying
a small island off Jeju named Gapado (가파도) and using it as a base for raiding
coastal communities nearby.104 By the early 1890s, whole scale violence had
broken out on Jeju with much resistance from locals to the Japanese interlopers and
similar levels of aggression from the Japanese.105 The desire of the Japanese (and
even Chinese fishermen), to co-opt and appropriate the potential of Korean fish-
eries, displacing the local population and fishing communities in this last decade of
the nineteenth century, certainly did not bode well for events soon to come on the
The fishing communities and cultures described so far, and even those only
described in outline were of course soon to be impacted by the new forces of
capitalism and colonialism. Japan and Korea are something of a special case in
Asian fishing, given that Japan colonised Korea rather than both having been
colonised by a European or American power. The extensive maritime cultures of
China were heavily impacted by the impositions of extraterritoriality of the treaty
port era, Western powers setting up new institutions and enterprises all along its
coast. While the Dutch had long been engaged in connections with Southasian
territories and developmental communities, for the most part these had involved
spices and materials from the land.106 Fish and products of the sea had been long
complicated to ship and trade across great distances, but by the nineteenth century,
steamships and refrigeration promised real changes to potential maritime econo-
mies. Such changes came first to Japan whose economy and political structures had
been forced open by the powers of colonialism and upended in the turmoil of the
Meiji restoration (明治維新). The Sakoku restrictions were quickly lifted and in
1867 the stipulations on the size of ships and whether they could go beyond the
coast into the deep sea were abandoned.
It would take another two decades before extensive change occurred as Japan’s
population was still too small due to Tokugawa policies and cultural traditions
surrounding abortion and infanticide which allowed poor families to deliberately
keep their families small, To support an extensive fishing industry and the local
class system in which fishing people had low status (though not as low as in Korea),
meant that when it was finally abolished in 1870 many fishing people partially
Neff (2018).
Nawawi (1971).
2.3 Fishing and Colonisation 49
Sarhage and Lundbeck (1992, p. 172).
Ibid, p. 175.
Ibid, p. 176.
Ibid. p. 179.
Lu (2016).
Sarhage and Lundbeck (1992, p. 183).
50 2 Geographies and Histories of Fish and Fishing
produced between 60 and 90% of all tinned salmon, which was mostly exported
and sold on the world market from this region’.116
Salmon were not the only quarry for the Japanese and in 1905 Japanese business
and fishing boats began to focus on King Crabs, following the development of
canning technology and safe curing of crab meat.117 However by this point the
Trans-Siberian Railway and reconfiguration of Russian priorities meant that more
Russians and more Russian boats were fishing and crabbing in the area and disputes
began to break out between fishing people of the two nations.118 This encouraged
the Japanese to engage in further infrastructural and technological development and
by 1920 factory ships for fish processing had been developed which meant that
Japan no longer needed as many shore stations.119 In 1930 some 19 factory ships,
each accompanied by 2 or 3 ships for laying nets and another 12 smaller boats to
haul them back in worked the waters off Kamchatka, canning some 600,000 cases
of King Crab, which represented some 30 million crabs.120 This hugely impacted
on crab stocks. In 1927, the mother ship and factory ship method was deployed on
the stocks of salmon and within 4 years some 13 factory ships and 100 smaller
ships were deployed off Kamchatka.121 Such activity again began to create tension
between the now organised and capable government of the Soviet Union which had
established a fisheries interest in Vladivostok and was concerned to not only
compete with the Japanese but to reclaim its own seas from them.122
Japanese fishing interests had also begun to develop trawl and drag net fishing,
following the first imported steam trawler in 1908 (imported from a ship builder in
Swansea, Wales).123 More than 130 further trawling boats were in place over the
next 4 years and their impact was sudden and dramatic, causing the inshore waters
of Japan to be restricted to them.124 The trawlers then worked in the East China Sea
and Yellow Sea, both bodies of water that were fairly shallow with flat beds, perfect
for trawling with a focus on fish like Croaker and Sea Bream. In 1920, Japanese
companies introduced bull trawling, new technology with long trawl wings and
greater capabilities in the extraction of species preferred by the home market.125
Tokyo’s developing Imperial project meant that bases and processing plants could
be constructed for the processing of fish caught by these trawlers in Liaodong and in
Formosa (Taiwan), as well as on the Korean peninsula. However, Korea’s inshore
waters were actually restricted so far as the trawling companies were concerned, as
Ibid, p. 184.
Ibid, p. 186.
2.3 Fishing and Colonisation 51
local stocks were too fragile.126 Soon the seas of China began to be depleted
themselves and the Japanese trawlers focused north to Kamchatka and the Bering
Sea in the early 1930s before going completely global and travelling to the waters
around Australia, the Gulf of Thailand, the Arabian Sea and even off the coast of
South America after 1937.127
Finally, Japanese development came to Tuna fishing. Bonito in particular are
historically significant to Japanese cooking providing for many centuries one of the
primary elements of the fundamentally important broth underlying many of the
nation’s most popular dishes.128 There is an absolutely extraordinary process
involved in the traditional preparation of Bonito flesh which has many steps and
takes an extremely long period of time. For much of Japanese history, Tuna fishing
was a coastal enterprise, using pole and line techniques from open boats taking
advantage of those populations of Tuna that past the home islands using the cur-
rents. However in 1913, new technologies and boat construction practices came to
the Tuna industry and they were given motors and their range increased.129 Japan’s
gain following the 1914–1918 war of German’s South Pacific territories around
Palau and the Marshall Islands meant that these new boats could be used in an area
of prime Tuna fishing, and new technologies and practices were deployed in these
South Pacific fisheries. By the 1920s, boats were capable carrying 200 tonnes and,
now equipped with refrigeration, they could sail great distances across the Pacific
and the world and fish across the seasons.130 New developments in long lining in
which lines could be miles long and allowed practical fishing of the Albacore Tuna,
a fish of the deep sea and the mid oceans. Yellowfin Tuna exploitation was begun in
the early 1930s with mother ships and supporting boat fleets which did not need to
be anywhere near land and were truly part of an industry of the deep oceans.131
Readers will perhaps wonder where China was in this narrative of technological
and capacity development following the interventions of modernity and colonial-
ism. The reality of China’s experience, in both late Qing and pre-1949 Republic of
China iterations was that its fishermen were hemmed in both by the power of the
Japanese Empire, Western colonial and capitalist powers and the weakness of
Chinese government institutions of the time.132 While shipping and logistics
companies and institutions certainly developed around coastal ports in China,
almost exclusively at places like Macau, Hong Kong, Lüshün, Tianjin, Dalian and
many others, they did not serve Chinese interests.133 Instead they were concerned
with the trade in materials of real interest to European businesses and institutions,
Ibid, p. 187.
Ninomiya (2015).
Sarhage and Lundbeck (1992, p. 189).
Sarhage and Lundbeck (1992, p. 189).
Ibid, p. 191.
Strauss (1998).
Taylor (2002).
52 2 Geographies and Histories of Fish and Fishing
which did not include during the period its fish and sea products. Trawling was
introduced to China by Japanese trawlermen in 1912 after they had been restricted
from accessing the home waters of Japan and set up business in Shanghai,
attempting to exploit what remained of the stock in Chinese home waters.134
Inspired perhaps by these pioneers and the pressure placed on fishing resources by
Japanese interests from Japan, traditional fishing boat technologies such as the Junk
and Sampan had motors installed in the 1920s and then by 1933, fishers in
Shanghai had managed to import nine steam trawlers.135 This meant that Shanghai,
such as it was would become the main site of fishing infrastructure and development
prior to 1949.136 Both Japanese imperialism and the struggles of the Chinese civil
war meant that much of even this small level of development was lost or destroyed
so that by the end of the war Sahrhage and Lundbeck record that ‘only 600 small
wooden trawlers were available, left by the Japanese’.137
Japan’s fishing development was really a product of its imperial and colonial
periods, when capitalist logics and rapidly developing technology powered its
fishing and other interests ahead across the globe. Much developmental reorgani-
sation was undertaken when Japanese authorities began to implant themselves on
the Korean Peninsula following the 1907 Protectorate Treaty, seeking to recon-
figure Korean institutions and practices not only to accept the power and authority
of Tokyo’s institutions, but also those logics of capitalism and state enterprise.
When it came to fishing and fishing infrastructure, the second report of His Imperial
Japanese Majesty’s Resident General from 1909 found matters extremely wanting:
‘The three sides of the Korean Peninsula are washed by the sea, and its coast line
extends to about 6000 nautical miles, so that the marine products of the country
should be abundant. While the maritime products annually obtained in Japan, which
has about 8000 nautical miles of coast, amount to 100 million yen, the annual
products in Korea reach only 6 or 7 million yen. The inadequacy of these products
in Korea is undoubtedly due to the backwardness of fishing industries and lack of
effective administration’.138 The Resident General, and, after 1910, the Government
General, were extremely concerned about the lack of regulation of Korea’s waters,
in particular the presence of poachers of all nationalities and potential overex-
ploitation of whales and other valuable creatures of the sea. In 1908/1909, before
Sarhage and Lundbeck (1992, p. 217).
His Imperial Japanese Majesty Resident General (1909).
2.4 Fishing Infrastructures of Chosen: Korean Colonial Fishing Development 53
Korea was annexed and became Chosen, the Resident General saw to it that the
legislative framework around fishing rights was completely rewritten and the
government departments reorganised with Japanese bureaucrats imposed and
Korean staff placed within a better structured hierarchy.139
In 1909/1910, the Resident General established a new nationwide fisheries
association which integrated all the local fisheries associations that existed at the
time. The national association was also able to give local associations subsidies of
some 5000 yen each to purchase new Japanese nets and fishing equipment in order
to make some initial progress on improving both the catch and the quality of life
and income of fishermen. The Japanese, in particular, appeared appalled by the tiny
incomes generated by Korean fishermen, given the potential resources at their
disposal. These subsidies to local and national associations were placed on an
annual basis after the annexation of Korea, in 1910. In this year, Japanese fisheries
authorities were now able beyond simply improving the capabilities and practices
of Koreans themselves, but to import Japanese fisher families to the peninsula. The
report for the 1910/1911 season from the new Government-General of Korea
(Chosen), reported that to make this possible, Japanese provinces and other
authorities had been buying land on the Korean coasts for resettlement. This had
meant that by the end of 1910 some 45 villages for Japanese fishermen had been
established, containing 1600 families with a population of some 6200.140
By 1921, there were over 12,000 Japanese citizens living in Korea whose job
was solely focused on fishing or the preparation or production of fish products.141
The Government-General had also sought to import Japanese methods of salmon
farming on the Korean peninsula, introducing fry to rivers and training Koreans to
look after young salmon.142 The Government-General had also sought to diversify
the products generated by its colonies fishing industry, investing in infrastructure
and technology to produce glue derived from fish bones and to export washed
seaweed and other products of the sea to Japan. By the early 1920s, research and
academic organisations from the colonial mainland had also begun to implant
fisheries experts into the various fisheries associations established since annexation.
In 1920, the Government-General had established the first experimental fisheries
research station connected to the wider network on the home islands of Japan. This
station served as the base for a steam-powered research ship to undertake a geologic
survey of the Korean coastline and coastal shelf.143 This development of the Korean
fisheries sector and the research surrounding it was focused not only on implanting
colonial imperatives into this developmental field, but also really improving the
viability of Korean fishing, so that it would pull its financial weight in the empire.
After the sense of disbelief at the moment of annexation that a nation with such an
Government General of Chosen (1911, p. 2018).
Government General of Chosen (1921).
54 2 Geographies and Histories of Fish and Fishing
extensive coastline could only derive 8 million yen value from the sea, the
Government General reports are delighted to report that by 1921 this had been
increased to over 45 million yen.
By the late 1930s, Supreme Commander of Allied Powers (SCAP) reports dating
from after the collapse of the Japanese empire in 1945 and 1946 show that Korea
had some seven core fisheries research stations on the peninsula, which were part of
a network of such stations extending beyond the core of the Japanese home islands
to Korea, Formosa (Taiwan), the Liaodong peninsula and the South Pacific
Mandate.144 Government General documents from 1934 and 1937 show that the
fishing catch from Korean waters, expanded enormously from 1910, had reached a
peak in 1931 and then become slightly erratic, before fishing effort was increased to
maintain the upwards curve.145 It was also necessary in 1936 for the Government
General of Chosen to obtain a quasi-military cutter to protect the waters of Chosen
from infiltration from fishing poachers from China and to control fishing boats from
the Japanese mainland. 1934s Government General report suggests that by that
point there were some 116,000 people engaged in fishing, primarily Koreans
themselves (though undoubtedly the Japanese immigrants would have taken the
bulk of the share from the sea and profits—Koreans wages tended to be around 40%
of those for a Japanese worker), which was a huge expansion in the peninsula’s
once-moribund industry. Whether those fishermen really made a living from the sea
in a way which had not been the case before is not clear, and whether the traditional
cultural practices which accrued to fishing on the peninsula had been done away
with or dissipated is not clear, and these issues are certainly not mentioned in the
reports and other documentation. Readers will see perhaps the answer in a later
section, that relating to research with a very long temporal scale on the island of
Gageodo, which in the late 1960s still encountered some of the practices of watery
geomancy familiar from a Korea of the 1860s. Japanese colonial authorities cer-
tainly made great efforts to reconfigure the fishing industry of the peninsula. Their
own conclusions, however, have less to do with practical matters rather than an
assimilationist tendency familiar from elsewhere in the colonial project: “These and
other efforts towards improvement of the fishing industry have already been pro-
ductive of good results. Nothing however has contributed more to the recent pro-
gress of Korean fisheries than the increased immigration of skilled Japanese
Fishing from the Korean peninsula was sacrificed like so many other elements of
colonial developmental policy in the late 1930s and early 1940s to the military
priorities of the Japanese Empire. A reading of the colony’s history between 1933
and 1945 sees much of the effort in the colony being directed at producing military
materiel and imperial subjects for Tokyo. Boats were commandeered for the war
effort and towards the end of the war in 1943, 1944 and the first half of 1945 it
Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (1946a, p. 37).
Government General of Chosen (1934).
Ibid, p. 116.
2.4 Fishing Infrastructures of Chosen: Korean Colonial Fishing Development 55
became virtually impossible to set sea for fishing because of the risk of bombing.
Accordingly, both Japanese and Korean fishing catch and the value of any products
produced by the industry collapsed.147 While Korea was not bombed like the
Japanese mainland, much of the research infrastructure dissipated in this period, and
following the capitulation of the Empire to the Americans in August 1945 and the
liberation of the Korean peninsula, Japanese fishing companies and crews saw to it
that a huge percentage of the Korean fishing fleet was quickly extracted to the
Japanese mainland.148 It would take the combined powers of the Supreme
Commander of Allied Powers and later the US Army Military Government in
Korea several years to return some of the fleets and enable Korea to begin fishing
again at anything like the extent to which it had before the war.149 This interestingly
is in stark contrast with the fishing industry of the Japanese mainland, which SCAP
was very concerned to return to strength and within 18 months had reclaimed much
of its former waters in the South Pacific and former whaling grounds in the
Antarctic.150 Readers will see from this account, that we have a great deal of
information and detail from the colonial and institutional perspective from this time,
but little if anything from the fishermen’s perspective.
15 August 1945, would bring the Japanese Imperial period to an end, and its empire
of fishing would be, for a short period at least brought to an end. The Korean
peninsula gained a sort of momentary independence before being occupied by both
the United States and the Soviet Union. In 1948, the two Koreas we know today
came into being, both of them were for some years singularly unsuccessful when it
came to deep-sea fishing. Japan, the United States, Canada (and eventually the
Soviet Union) would in the 1960s and 1970s come to dominate not just the seas
they had once controlled, but would develop a global stranglehold over fishing
resources. These countries would do so through new technologies and statistical
theories related to fishing that this book will cover in the following chapter. These
theories have only in the last decade or so been considered in a historical framework
for the Pacific ocean, part of as Carmel Finley has suggested ‘a new empire of
fishing’.151 Fish and fish products in this new empire become even more abstracted,
but no less vibrant, important lively matters. While individual fish and other ani-
mals are rather lost in the planetary scale metrics of such development, they are no
less energetic.
Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (1946b).
United States Army Forces Pacific (1946, p. 30).
Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (1946b, p. 68).
Finley (2011).
56 2 Geographies and Histories of Fish and Fishing
Historically fish were no less vibrant a matter on the Korean peninsula following
1945 than they had been previously during the period of Japanese colonisation, but
it does appear that fishing activity retracted somewhat to the level prior to 1910.
When it comes to either available historical records or academic focus on the
peninsula or even Japan, following the end of the war there is considerably less to
contextualise this study. In Chap. 4, this book attempts to construct, in something
of a first, a fishing history of North Korea, which follows on from the larger scale
historical perspectives offered by this chapter. There is a missing link of sorts
between 1945 and North Korea of our present or at least recent decades and that is
writing and research focused on fishing communities in Asia and in Korea
specifically in the recent past.
Fishing communities of the Asian or Korean near present have been subjected to
much of the geopolitical reconfiguration and technological change seen in this
chapter so far. The vibrant matters of fishing are a product of a number of the
processes of modernity, colonisation and commodification seen so far. Japanese
fishing communities as they are now, for instance, developed during the late
nineteentth century and early twentieth century when Japan itself was under great
pressure to modernise its bureaucracy, politics and industry having been opened to
colonial forces in the 1860s. Japan then projected its own colonial influence on the
South Pacific having been granted some of the former German territories in the
Pacific by the League of Nations in 1919, known as the South Pacific Mandate.
Japanese industrial tuna and other fishing boats would rigorously exploit the waters
of Palau, the Marshall Islands and others, developing new technologies, science and
statistical sensibilities in the period before the outbreak of the Pacific War in 1941.
For the most part this practices and projections sound like the development of
industries at a national scale, far from the coastal communities of the past that Arch
wrote about and whose lives are so intriguingly intertwined with the journeys and
bodies of the sea creatures they seek.152 When it comes to research done on the
ground into specific fishing communities in Asia or Korea after 1945 examples are
Such research is rare but hugely important. This research behind this book very
much sought to explore the reality of those engaging with the lively, energetic and
problematic materials of fishing as it is lived now on the Korean peninsula, and
primarily, of course, North Korea. When it comes to Korea, material which
addresses communities in those nations neighbouring it and whose histories prior to
1945 this chapter has just explored, will be very important. Even more important
would be material which focuses on Japan Korea’s former colonial master. Edward
Norbeck’s 1954 study of Takashima, a small fishing community in Okayama
Prefecture on the Inland Sea was, therefore, profoundly important for the author of
this book in conceptualising East Asian geographies of fishing community.153 The
Seto Inland Sea as previously shown was perhaps the place where earlier
Arch (2018).
Norbeck (1954).
2.5 Fishing in Asia and the Pacific 57
inhabitants of those islands now known as Japan first took up fishing.154 Protected
from the dangerous currents and storms of the seas off the coast, the Inland Sea
served as a nursery for Japanese fishing history. Interestingly in spite of the huge
amount of change and development undertaken on the oceans during Japans’
Imperial period and in its colonies such as Korea, little seems to have changed in
Takashima. Takashima’s fishermen in the 1950s appear to continue past their
historical subsistence level fishing on the Inland Sea (there is no deep water fishing
undertaken by this community), but had abandoned a huge repertoire of past
spiritual and ritual practices perhaps familiar or expected of Japanese extractive
communities, and recorded by Arch in whaling communities in the north of the
country.155 Perhaps impacted by the new practices of Imperial subjectivity during
the militarist and war periods, and the tumult of occupation and the dramatic
changes generated by new technologies brought by modernity, Norbeck’s com-
munity appear resilient in their pursuit of the lively matters of fishing, but without
much of the spiritual landscape which similar communities were once surrounded.
The Fishermen of Takashima were in Norbeck’s time able to continue making a
living on the inland sea just as the web of life offshore was radically changed by
technology and politics.156
It could, therefore, be imagined that fishing communities of the Korean
Peninsula following their own colonisation and modernisation might too have been
dramatically influenced by these processes. This is undoubtedly true in many
developmental fields in postcolonial South Korea. Practices and processes in other
developmental fields have been dramatically reconfigured by technologies brought
in or imposed by the Japanese in fields such as agriculture and mining.157 Japanese
studies on traditional Korean developmental practices during the colonial period,
and those produced by the Government General of Chosen (some of which have
been explored in this chapter), often assert the peripheral nature of Korean fishing
practices, as well as the fact that traditionally Korean fishing was done primarily
around its coasts, its fishermen rarely venturing further afield into the deep sea, nor
having the technology or craft to do so.158 Statistics from the Government General
suggested an explosion of fishing capacity and catch during the colonial period
undertaken through the importation of Japanese practices and technologies onto the
Peninsula.159 However there are no, as far as this author is aware, extant histories or
studies of fishing communities during Korea’s colonial period currently available in
the English language. There is in fact only scarce material on nonurban geographies
of the postcolonial young Korea. A sense of the changes wrought by Japanese and
Government General policies on peripheral Korean fishing communities, however,
Arch (2018, p. 31).
Norbeck (1954).
Haggard et al. (1997).
His Imperial Japanese Majesty Resident General (1909).
Government General of Chosen (1934).
58 2 Geographies and Histories of Fish and Fishing
Sangbok (1977).
United States Army Forces Pacific (1946).
Hess (2006).
2.5 Fishing in Asia and the Pacific 59
the region. Much of the fishing effort in the early years of Japanese modern mar-
itime enterprise was also focused on the seas of Liaodong, which quickly, as the
record shows reduced the catch and reduced the volume of fish and other animals in
the waters off the peninsula.163 Dalian and its neighbouring communities of Lűshűn
(Port Arthur) and Wafangdian have long harboured fishing communities and
maritime communities. Dalian and its port following its return to the People’s
Republic of China in 1955, became famous for ship building as well, but fishing
and aquaculture continued to be of great importance to the area until the 1980s.164
Dalian in more recent times is renowned for the practices of debt-fuelled specu-
lative urbanism and the energies of its former mayor Bo Xilai who sought to
transform the city into a metropolis befitting a China of new economic possibili-
ties.165 Fishing communities such as those as Jinshitan to the west of the city and
Haxian in the Changhai Islands to the southwest were subjected to new environ-
mental challenges and the pressures of radical and rapid urban development.166
Might such communities have their own strategies for engaging with these new
geographic and economic realities, these new topographies and terrains, even in
spite of the difficult political landscapes presented by this new China? Might les-
sons even have been learned by North Korea’s fishing communities subjected to an
even more difficult bureaucratic and ideological inheritance? Fieldwork undertaken
for this book in the Dalian area including Jinshitan, Lűshűn and Tong Shui Gou, a
small village in the Wafangdian area revealed extraordinary landscapes of subsis-
tence fishing and aquaculture, in particular focusing on seaweed and shrimp fishing.
Communities in these areas had been subjected to immense levels of environmental
pollution and degradation as well as urban development pressures, yet all had
continued to survive and to draw a living from the sea in spite of these factors and
institutional disinterest.
2.6 Conclusion
Readers will certainly encounter this fieldwork and the communities and geogra-
phies of both Korean and Chinese fishing communities in Chaps. 5 and 6. To this
point, readers will also have encountered the rich, if not entirely extensive history of
fishing across the globe. While this chapter has really sought not to extend too far
back in time or obsess in immense detail about the development of intricate ele-
ments of fishing technology many tens of thousands of years ago, it has touched on
some of the deep history of human interactions with watery and oceanic spaces. The
chapter has gone back to Greenland of the early Inuit, Australian first nations,
Bianchi et al. (2000).
Collins and Grubb (2008).
Bo and Chen (2009).
Wang et al. (2013).
60 2 Geographies and Histories of Fish and Fishing
Polynesian travellers and the Ainu. These early moments in fishing really mark
several millennia’s worth of development, fishing technology and human impacts
on the sea really progressed slowly until the eighteenth century. Human impact on
the sea was hemmed in by things like the complications of navigation, the diffi-
culties and challenges of the weather, the lack of refrigeration and the unknowa-
bility of fish stocks for many centuries. While humans certainly circumnavigated
the globe and travelled across the deep sea at moments like the Polynesian
migration across and throughout the Pacific and the Norse adventures beyond
Greenland, for the most part fishing was done close to or on the coast. Even
complex fishing societies such as Japan which developed elaborate netting and trap
technologies and were able to harvest and hunt passing cetaceans, did not venture
far until the last couple of hundred years. The explosion of human interest and effort
focused on the creatures of the sea across the globe is extraordinarily recent and
readers will have encountered the processes which spurred on and energised this
cataclysm which has impacted so heavily beneath the waves. So far this book has
reviewed processes which revolve around technology, capitalism, commodification
and geopolitics. These empires of the sea appear for the most part conventional
empires, with military, extractive and technological capabilities and capacities.
Fishing communities across the world and in Asia and the lively matters they seek
have been impacted by these, but they have also been impacted deeply and in fact
primarily by a different sort of energy, a different sort of empire, focused on the sea.
It would not be holistic of this book if it did not delve into this other world, this
other category of empire, one much less concrete, even though it may generate
extremely concrete impacts. The next chapter, therefore, moves from one form of
community and one set of imperial projects to another, from developmental com-
munities to academic and statistical communities. It is these whose domination of
both the global ocean more widely and the maritime landscapes focused on by this
book, who have constructed the new realities for lively matters such as fish and for
fishing communities.
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Chapter 3
Fish and Fishing Knowledge(s)
as Vibrant Matter
Abstract Having outlined the theoretical background behind the notion of matter
and matters as vibrant or lively in the introduction, this next chapter uses the
theoretical framework provided by Jane Bennett, Sarah Whatmore and others to
more deeply explore what its deployment within the realm of fishing would mean.
Contrasting recent work on the intersection between human form and matter and the
bacterial and viral realm, an intersection which is inescapable for humans and has
begun to suggest a meshing and merging of humanity’s apparently independent
nature with other, unexpected forms of nature, the chapter considers the importance
of knowledge and statistics about fish and their geographies in wider histories of
fishing. The changing form and shape of available and known fishing resource, as
well as the individual and collective behaviours focused on the extraction of fish
and their importance to geopolitics is considered Fish and other creatures of the sea
and of the seabed themselves, therefore, are held to be vibrant matters in the web of
political and developmental life. Knowledge, therefore, as ephemeral matters with
real impact on both fish and human communities and political groupings focused on
fishing. Given the previous chapter on histories and geographies of fishing, those
histories and terrains will be further considered in this chapter, the embedded
vibrant and lively statistical and living materials active at different levels of tem-
porality and materiality, providing a sense in which fishing interactions from the
past and future impact on the geographies and communities of the present, espe-
cially those in forthcoming chapters of the book.
Keywords Fishing Fishing statistics Vibrant matter Empires of fishing
Fisheries development
3.1 Introduction
know how big they are, how much they weigh and what they look like—it is
impossible for the sea to have been like that. The fishy vibrant matters that we know
are of a size and a scale we are used to and familiar with, they fit in nets, can be
caught, can be handled and picked up without a great deal of effort (except for
Tuna, Sharks and a few other species). More recent and open-minded research with
a forensic or archaeological sensibility, however, has begun to tell a different story
about the fish in the sea. This story has a truly depressing denouement that in fact
perhaps the fish we know from historical stories we once dismissed as fanciful, may
well have been that size. They are not the same fish that we know today, because
frankly we have eliminated them, debased them and denuded them. The science
related to fish themselves tells us that the fish of our time are the fish we deserve in
our age of environmental crisis, stunted and for the most part doomed.1
Finally, this chapter will explore another aspect of fishing which is primarily
untouched by anthropological or historical considerations of either local or regional
industries. Fishing technology, that is a technology which is not about theoretically
knowing the statistical possibilities of fish or fishing, has developed enormously
over the past two centuries. One might count these days global positioning satellites
as part of the network of technology behind fishing, as such satellites make the sea
knowable like never before. We marvel at stories of but a few centuries past when
seamen and fishers would set sail armed only with a sextant and a paper map,
navigating by the moon and stars across the sea. For the most part fishers of this
time did not set out across the globe or enter the deep sea but stayed reasonably
close to land or hugged the coast. It was dangerous to go far; the weather could get
bad quickly and a boat could easily get lost. Not even fish were worth that, and they
were unknowable anyway out in the deep. In the nineteenth century the technology
of boat and shipbuilding developed to first include metal so that ships were more
robust, and then to include steam and then petrol engines so that they could go
further and be relied upon huge distances away from port. It was possible to go out
further into the sea and as ships got larger to catch larger fish and larger amounts of
fish. Finally, it was possible to have refrigeration on board so that fishers did not
have to head back to port to return they catch as frequently and equipment such as
nets, harpoons and other technologies could itself be powered and much more
functional. Fishing expanded across the globe, and expanded across all species,
including to the largest, whales. By this point fish had really become abstracted to
vibrant matters seemingly disconnected from their bodies, to become lamp oil and
baleen material. Such technologies have completely transformed fishing and the
capabilities and capacities of fishers and work in tandem with technologies of vision
and observation alongside statistical analysis and inference to build the industry we
know today. All of these elements are themselves vibrant, energetic matters, all
deeply embedded in the wider story of this book and key to this chapter.
Stokstad (2007).
68 3 Fish and Fishing Knowledge(s) as Vibrant Matter
The reader will have encountered the notion of things and materials being vibrant
and lively in the introduction, and in the previous chapter we have explored an
outline of both the general history of fishing across the globe and more locally to
this book in parts of the Pacific and East Asia, settling finally on Japanese and
Korean fishing histories. While these narratives and the stories, people and fish they
contain are all in themselves lively and interesting, the book has not delved down
into the depths of implication to really consider the material and non-material
objects which are themselves important to the interaction between the human and
watery realms. Humans after all, while they can be brief visitors to the sea are not of
this domain and so require physical and conceptual protection in order to properly
engage with its depths. This protection is both structural, in that humans require
technologies and materials around them and to support them on or in the sea, and
more perceptual, human sense and knowledge gathering potential is extremely
limited below the surface. Technologies, knowledge production practices and the
outcome of such practices are therefore absolutely vital to develop a real engage-
ment with the seas. That essentially is why this section has both the words lively
and vibrant in the sub-heading. Technological aspects and knowledge production
revolve, primarily when it comes to fishing and the business and enterprise of the
oceans, around numbers. How much will I get for this fish, how big is it, how much
does it weigh, how many can catch, how many should I leave so that I can catch
more tomorrow, which latitude and longitude can I catch them best at, and in recent
years what are the GPS coordinates I have to navigate to in order to most efficiently
extract my quarry from the water.
Fishing is, of course, not all about numbers, it is also about beauty, strength,
energy and endurance. Historically fishing and engagement with the sea was a life
or death battle for the underprepared human against the enormity of the water.
Navigating by the stars or the moon, early fishers would make precarious journeys
across the ocean in frankly very fragile boats using the energy of their own bodies.
This is not to say that humans did not travel a long way in these early times, St.
Patrick, St. Cuthbert and early Celtic missionaries made enormous journeys in
small coracles across the North Sea and the North Atlantic. Polynesians somehow
crossed huge spans of the Pacific in canoes and outriggers and the Norsemen island
hopped from Europe to North America in their oar-powered Longships. For the
most part however, early human engagements with the sea were focused on in shore
waters and shallow seas and enclosed seas such as the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea,
the Mediterranean and Japan’s Inland Sea. It would be developments in technology
accompanied by mathematics and navigation science that would enable humanity to
span the world’s oceans and to connect to the deep sea. While North Korea, of
course, is not conventionally understood as part of the global academic scientific
conversation, Pyongyang has absorbed many of the tropes of international fishing
science over the years. While North Korean fishing policy may have a necessary
3.2 Numbers as a Lively Matter: Vibrant Statistics 69
socialist or Juche spin on it, as the reader will see, much of its statistical and
scientific presumptions are shared across the planet.
While the physical–technological aspect of this story surely begins earlier, when
it comes to the statistical elements of fisheries development, this book, following
the great work of Tim Smith begins in summer 1883 in London.2 Between the May
and October 1883, in South Kensington London in the grounds of the Royal
Horticultural Society was held the International Fisheries Exhibition (IFE). The IFE
is perhaps one of the lesser known of the Victorian scientific spectaculars designed
to showcase Britain’s Imperial efforts across the globe. While it is less well known
that the Great Exhibition of 1862, it was no less spectacular. The exhibition hosted
the largest aquarium seen in the world up to this point, containing some 65000
gallons of freshwater, three saltwater tanks and nine freshwater, four hundred
fishermen in attendance an aviary of fish-eating birds, a pond for otters and seals
and a resident community of Canadian beavers.3 2.6 million people visited the
exhibition which was also opened by the Prince of Wales and had Queen Victoria
as its patron.4 As fishing capabilities and technologies had developed across the
globe, aided, abetted and very much driven by the nexus of various colonial pro-
jects and the rise and development of investment capital and the marketisation and
commodification of natural products and resources, records began to be better kept
of the materials and living things pulled from the sea. At the same time as this
record keeping developed, the growth in fleets and capabilities had begun to put the
first waves of pressure on fish populations and ecosystems. Now that the market and
empires were global, as well as communication technology such as the telegraph,
institutions and governments for the first time had something of a global sense of
both fishing resources and the vagaries of catch and capacity. While historically
fishing capacity and numbers had been thought stable and infinite, because there
always appeared (as the saying goes), to be ‘plenty more fish in the sea’, unex-
pected fluctuations began to be seen across the globe in a variety of species and in a
variety of fishing contexts.
But how to explain them? There was much scientific interest in fishing and in the
intersections between technology and organisational efficiency. 1883’s International
Fisheries Exhibition is itself one of a series of exhibitions on fisheries science, and
therefore naturally included a series of scientific lectures from various luminaries in
the field and more widely from other developing scientific disciplines. Smith
records an extraordinary appearance by Thomas Henry Huxley, known as
‘Darwin’s Bulldog’ for his enthusiasm for the theories of natural selection. Huxley
believed that global fisheries were essentially without limits: ‘the Cod fishery, the
Herring fishery, the Pilchard fishery, the Mackerel fishery, and probably all the
Smith (1994, p. 53).
“The International Fisheries Exhibition. Second Paper.” Science 1, no. 20 (1883): 564-65. http://
70 3 Fish and Fishing Knowledge(s) as Vibrant Matter
Smith (1994, p. 53).
Ibid, p. 54.
Ibid, p. 53.
Ibid, p. 54.
Ibid, p. 55.
3.2 Numbers as a Lively Matter: Vibrant Statistics 71
These measures would involve a network of fisheries research and science sta-
tions that had begun to emerge in tandem with both the development of fishing
capabilities and technologies and the development of nation state institutions
dedicated to scientific inquiry. For the most part, these would revolve around
American and European efforts including Russia. While Japan would become one
of the three great Pacific fishing nations, its fishery science institutions would not
emerge until later in the nineteenth century and after the defeat of the Russian
Empire in 1905. Efforts in the United States had been hamstrung for many years by
the failure of the constitution and founders of the nation to articulate a vision for
science or research in their new nation which did not concern security or military
capacity. The death of the eclectic British scientist James Smithson had in com-
plicated circumstances left a legacy focused on the promotion of scientific
knowledge which became the Smithsonian Institution. After much toing and froing
about its budget, the Smithsonian found its first Curator as Spencer Baird in 1850.11
Baird was tasked with the protection and development of the institution’s collection
in the face of much disinterest, and the complications of the American Civil War.
Baird like Smithson himself was an eclectic scientist of multiple interests from
herpetology, to ornithology, however he was also a committed ichthyologist. His
love for the sea led Baird to holiday at Woods Hole, Massachusetts and he
developed a real focus on maritime research, becoming more and more concerned
about the impact of increasing levels of fishing on fish populations. In 1871, Baird
was appointed the Director of the United States Fish Commission, tasked with
maintaining stocks both in river systems and the seas surrounding America.12
Along with Woods Hole, the Fisheries Board for Scotland, the Scottish
Association of Marine Science, a variety of French research institutes, the
Norwegian fisheries researchers and the Prussian fisheries ministry began to build
the institutional and scientific base from which much of the earliest systematic
science was undertaken. These institutions were not only places of intellectual
enquiry and theory but were very much practical organisations tasked with the
development of methodologies through which fieldwork could be managed and
expeditions organised. It was immediately obvious to all involved that very little
was really known about the sea, that even less was known about the numbers of fish
and virtually nothing known about the lifestyle of fish and the journeys taken by
them and the geographic spread of particular populations. It was not even clear
initially that there were even particular populations of fish and many, like Huxley
sawfish as a gigantic, unquantifiable mass.13 These new research institutions and
organisations needed to be able to begin the process of determining how many fish
there were not just in all seas but in particular parts of seas. They would need to
develop ways of knowing what the size range of those fish were, their ages and any
differences on a yearly or seasonal basis. But to do so, they would need to develop
Rivinius and Youssef (1992).
Smith (1994, p. 47).
Ibid, p. 38.
72 3 Fish and Fishing Knowledge(s) as Vibrant Matter
processes for catching a useful proportion of those fish so as to meet the needs of
the developing field of statistics. When it came to assessing the journeys or spread
of fish even more practical concerns would have to be met. How, for example, does
one mark a fish in such a way that it can be caught in one place, returned and then
caught again in a different place, and that the fish is not hurt or disadvantaged in
such a way that its behaviour or life cycle becomes artificially impacted and
therefore the science is made void?
These methodologies became necessary across the globe as the nineteenth
century progressed due to the developing fluctuations in fish species in a variety of
different places. These included Cod around the Lofoten islands in Norway, whose
numbers collapsed by some 50% towards the end of the century, Sardines off the
coast of Brittany whose populations became highly erratic in the 1860s before
disappearing entirely at the turn of the twentieth century, Herrings in the North Sea,
the silver darlings completely vanishing from the fisheries of Cornwall and Sockeye
Salmon in British Columbia.14 Previous assumptions appeared challenged by such
economically impactful variations, and scientists and research institutions seeking
to catch up with the new realities of their present.
While ingenious technologies had developed to better extract fish and other living
creatures from the sea, including by the turn of the twentieth century explosive har-
poons to capture whales, similarly interesting technologies would develop to ascertain
the realities behind these numbers.15 These included extensive experimentation on the
tagging of fish, and the place on the fish’s body these tags would be placed, in order as
previously suggested to track their movements.16 It would be quite possible to spend
an entire book talking about these technologies, which is not what this author intends
of course. In tandem with these developing material, technologies was a set of
numerical and statistical practices to make better sense of what was actually been
recovered by these technologies. The research institutions and scientists I have already
mentioned in this chapter become key proponents and developers of this particular
aspect of research. Just as it was the development of technology which initially
impacted on fish populations and distributions, so it would be statistical methodolo-
gies which both sought to correct or mitigate for these impacts, and in fact later drive
these impacts to their contemporary terrible conclusions and realities—the sort of
realities which now face North Korea, and which, along with all other nations
involved in fishing across the globe, it is partly responsible for.
John Cleghorn’s assertion from 1854 of ‘overfishing’ which had served as the
precursor to Lankester’s later worries and one of the first moments of concern from
scientific or intellectual communities, focused on the reduction of quality and
quantity of catches of Herring.17 But given now the available technology and
institutional capacity to ask questions of available fish in the sea, what numeric or
Southward et al. (1988) and Smith (1994).
Smith (1994, p. 77).
Ibid, p. 71.
3.2 Numbers as a Lively Matter: Vibrant Statistics 73
statistical data might be sought? One of the key early concerns of fishermen had
been numbers related to the size of fish they were catching. Smith terms this the
‘small plaice problem.’18 The fishermen of the east of England appeared concerned
about the fact that they were, as technology developed catching quite a lot of small
fish, and that being small such fish they must have been immature fish. Therefore,
the fishermen were catching either fish that were too young to be of useful or
saleable value, or the replacement for the generations of larger fish they had already
been catching. But it was unclear how big fish should be, or how big they would
have to be in order to not be classed as immature. To figure this out scientists would
have to get a sense of the range of sizes of fish, a sense of the total population and
some sense of the natural ages of fish and when they might stop being considered
immature. Eventually through both analysis of both scales and gonads, scientists
arrived at ways of assessing the age of fish and then by the 1890s Sidney Holt
managed to collect extensive statistics from catches at Grimsby and Cleethorpes
which allowed him theorise both ‘trade limits’ and ‘biological limits’ for a number
of fish species in the North Sea.19
With a sense of size, maritime scientists began to move on to consider the
numbers at large in areas of sea, and the movements of fish populations in those
seas, in tandem with knowledge of the age of the fish. Danish work from Petersen in
the 1880s and 1890s and Norwegian work from Hjört in the last decade of the
nineteenth century on Icelandic Cod populations show great variations in popula-
tion across years, and extensive movement across the North Sea and Scandinavia’s
Kattegat.20 This developing numerical sense and data availability dovetailed with
the developments in statistical theory that was moving on from simple averages into
Gaussian distribution to calculations based on least squares. Frederick Heinke, later
Director of the Royal Prussian Biological Station at Helgoland would use least
square analysis to, intriguingly given his own ethnicity, develop a ‘racial theory’ of
fishes.21 This added further complexity to the statistical analysis and the geographic
distribution with its idea that these races of fish, even though mixed in the sea,
would separate at spawning time to reside with their own kin, in a geographic
location important and very much locally specific to them. Walter Garstang at the
turn of the twentieth century working in Scotland’s Firth of Forth would complicate
things statistically still further by developing theories following extensive experi-
mental collections at sea by the Garland and other boats, of efficiency of catch
based on an extrapolation of the size of a fish population and the capability of the
boats in an area to catch those fish.22 In particular, this caused extreme problems
politically for one of the most rapidly developing technologies in the fishing
industry, trawling. It appeared, given all of the developing knowledge around fish
Ibid, p. 72.
Ibid, p. 75.
Ibid, p. 76.
Ibid, p. 82.
Ibid, p. 98.
74 3 Fish and Fishing Knowledge(s) as Vibrant Matter
population size, their ages and sizes, their movements over time and spawning
habits, trawling was fatally efficient to communities of fish. It was absolutely
possible for fishing communities focused on trawling to produce an instability not
only of catch but of populations of fish themselves.23
Trawling in the North Sea and Northeast Atlantic was not new, but boat tech-
nology and capabilities had rapidly developed and increased still further with the
invention of better and better engines. The historical research focused on this area
gives a real sense of the vulnerability in both real and statistical terms of the
populations of fish in these areas to these new technologies and practices. However,
efficiency became very much a keyword for industrial fishing across the globe and
any concerns from its earliest experimenters were forgotten in the rush to develop a
planet-wide industry.24 Extraordinarily just at the moment when populations and
communities of fish became knowable through sampling and testing techniques
rather an unknowable indistinct mass, statistical development would render the
residents of the sea abstract and diffuse once more. Statistical research designed to
solve the issues of efficiency of boats inexplicably conceptualised fish populations
in such a way that what was caught became termed the surplus population, simply
by virtue of having been caught. This statistical analysis held that any population
that was not caught, even though it was categorised as the core population, would
become itself surplus once caught.25 In a bizarre and counterintuitive echo of the
‘small plaice problem,’ statistical scientists held that in fact by removing big fish,
who were known to be old, from the sea and therefore from the population, fishers
could only ever help the smaller fish. After all the removal of larger fish necessarily
meant more resources and space for smaller fish.26 A strange notion of sustain-
ability began to be articulated in the literature which crystallised around a statistical
methodology known as Maximum Sustainable Yield.27 This was the point at which
it was safe, given the knowledge of potential for overfishing, for fishers to remove
fish from the sea. The calculation of these statistics, however, was highly prob-
lematic, and at the end disastrous to the global populations of the oceans…yet it is
first and foremost what modern, scientific and rational fishing is based on.28
Maximum Sustainable Yield and more complex statistical analysis were
developed throughout the first half of the twentieth century. Questions which such
work sought to answer included the perennial concerns over potential overfishing,
where, when and how appropriate levels of fish might be caught, if indeed there
were such things as appropriate levels or inappropriate levels, what sought of fish to
catch, which sorts of fish to avoid and since it was apparent that it was possible to
tell the ages of fish, what age was it acceptable, for the remaining population to take
Ibid, p. 100.
Ibid, p. 109.
Finley (2011).
Smith (1994, p. 329).
3.2 Numbers as a Lively Matter: Vibrant Statistics 75
fish at. All of these questions had been spurred by what appeared in the nineteenth
century to be anomalies such as the ‘small place problem’ and unexplainable and
unexplained fluctuations in catches and the occasional disappearance of once
resilient and necessary populations. Given the development of technology and the
agglomerations of capital and enterprise around that technology, the longer these
issues remained unexplained the more expensive it was for those seeking an answer
to them. Naturally, the technical solutions outlined a little in the previous section
were complicated, though they were being overcome, the debates around them were
long and passionate, though they to were being overcome. A sense of the impact of
fishing and fishing development in various maritime geographies across the North
Atlantic, the North Sea and the Baltic Sea was developing, as well as a greater
handle on the nature of the fish populations of those waters. However, what was
lacking was a way of viewing all of the impact and all of the data about the impact
as a cohesive whole. As is common with much technological and scientific trans-
formation, the opportunity unexpectedly was presented by the outcome of the most
destructive and appalling war yet seen by Europe.
When what became known to Western Europeans as the First World War broke
out on the 28 July 1914 the seas around Europe which had been an international
hubbub of nations and their fishing enterprises quickly became the preserve of the
various state’s militaries. While a great deal of agricultural land was lost to the war
and much more food required by states committed to the fight than normal, German
policies towards the United Kingdom and the rapid development of submarine and
other naval technologies meant that it was virtually impossible for European fishing
fleets to put to sea from 1914.29 Thus, one of the most heavily exploited fishing areas
on the planet was virtually left alone for some 5 years, the fish and sea life bothered
only by the occasional submarine, depth charge and sinking cruiser or destroyer. In
hindsight, it is a truly extraordinary moment in recent fishing history, Smith and
others even describing it as ‘the Great Fishing Experiment.’30 While no scientist
could possibly have planned the exercise in this way (at least hopefully not), the
virtually complete cessation of fishing in northern European waters competes with
the outcome of the Pacific War and its resulting status quo for impact.31
Scientists and fishers were aghast in 1919 when fishing fleets again left port
following the conflagration to find that fish populations which had been under
severe pressure before 1914 had seemingly regenerated. It was not just the number
of fish caught by the first boats at sea that astonished, but the size of the fish caught
and the geographic spread of species. The fish were much larger than prior to the
war, and populations which had retreated or found small niches to survive trawling,
had spread out again across the seas.32 There was a size and population boom,
which meant these fish, born between 1914 and 1919 were larger afterwards and
Ibid, p. 158.
76 3 Fish and Fishing Knowledge(s) as Vibrant Matter
population diagrams included a bulge around them for many years to come.33
Unlike any planned analysis, the unlikely experiment of the war drove home to
many scientists and statisticians the power of fishing impact upon populations, and
the propensity of fish themselves to recover given the chance. It would have of
course been the time to set up a continent-sized network of fishing and sea reserves,
but governments and fishing industries in 1919 were not in a listening mood and
after many years of deprivation and poverty were keen to get out to sea and to haul
in as much as possible.34 Therefore, no matter how many scientists called for such
measures and for further investigation into the impact of the European ocean’s
fallow period, they were not going to be given the chance. Statisticians though were
intrigued by the potential for analysis of the data provided from the year or two after
the war and bridging the gaps between the pre-war years.35 How might it be
possible to explain the seemingly rapid shifts in population and species spread in
this great fishing experiment, what might they tell in statistical terms about those
populations and their numerical relations with fishermen and their boats?
By this time, statisticians and fishing scientists had also moved on from simply the
near or in shore waters of the North Sea, but instead were studying the populations of
Icelandic Cod in the Northeast Atlantic and more particularly the impact of industrial
fishing on whale populations.36 When it came to whales, this research was first in the
areas controlled by Norway. Later however as whaling expanded to become a vir-
tually global industry with boats exploiting populations as far apart as the Barents Sea
and the waters south of the Falkland Islands and South Georgia, these studies adopted
a global outlook.37 Whales it seemed had relatively small populations, complicated
social patterns, very long lives and a tendency for their populations to be extremely
heavily influenced by new fishing endeavours. They were almost model species in
terms of responsiveness for scientific study. Johan Hjört, the Norwegian who had long
been integral to the developing science of fisheries research, and who had published a
landmark paper in 1914, just before the outbreak of hostilities, on the statistics behind
the fluctuation in fish populations had found himself back at university (Cambridge),
following his resignation from the role of Norwegian Director of Fisheries following a
dispute over fishing cooperation with Germany during the war.38 His previous work
on population fluctuations in mind, Hjört became exposed to new work from Julian
Huxley, Charles Elton and Raymond Pearl (an American statistician based at Johns
Hopkins University in Washington DC), in the field of population dynamics.39 Hjört
considered this new work, with data focused on the population of bears and other
Ibid, p. 162.
Ibid, p. 30.
Ibid, p. 31.
Ibid, p. 37.
Smith (1994, p. 215).
Ibid, p. 216.
3.2 Numbers as a Lively Matter: Vibrant Statistics 77
animals hunted by the Hudson Bay Company and analysed by Bjørn Helland.40
Ultimately whales were extremely vulnerable to new endeavours. Examining past
data from Norway and Iceland, it was clear that once a population had started being
hunted catches would only ever decline to the point at which either the local whale
group was extinct or was spread so sporadically it was uneconomic for a conventional
whaling enterprise to continue.41 Research in the Pacific into the lifespan and popu-
lation dynamics of Halibut, Herring in the North Sea and Cod in the Atlantic had
gained a more detailed sense of the stratification of age groups and sizes within
populations offish.42 This research had also suggested that quite often for fishermen to
get a better catch it would be better to let all the fish in the area simply live for another
year; this way the increased size of this group of fish persisted for many years to come
and was more profitable for fishermen.43 Whales it seems grew very slowly and
reproduced according to completely different metrics than fish. With the conven-
tionally increased pressure of a whaling enterprise, local populations simply could not
reproduce themselves and mitigate for the loss of population year to year and so would
inevitably collapse.44 Hjört thought however, building on Helland and other’s work,
that it might be possible to know the rates of population replenishment, size against
age and the dispersal of populations locally and arrive at what he termed an ‘optimum
catch’.45 This was a statistically knowable number of whales that might be caught by
whalers and which would not result in the depletion of the population but work in
tandem with whale’s natural death rates to come to an equilibrium of sorts. Hjört also
did suggest that it would be difficult for empirical evidence to gained through testing
for whaling and fishing grounds to prove his theory, but predictive work could be done
that would help fishing grounds and local enterprises aim for a viable number.46
Michael Graham, Director of the United Kingdoms’ Ministry for Agriculture,
Fisheries and Food Fisheries Laboratory at Lowestoft between 1945 and 1958, was
deeply involved in the work which Hjört had built on collecting the data on fishing
and fishing capacity in the North Sea following the cessation in activity during the
1914–1918 war. He was deeply disappointed in the response of governments to the
science which suggested the need for a reduction in catch and intensity in the
European waters. He would later conclude that essentially the fish populations of
the North Sea had been destroyed by efforts since 1918 and that as a body of water
it was completely overfished.47 He articulated this most famously in what has
become known as his ‘great law of fishing’, published in its most succinct form as
‘The Fish Gate’ in 1943. ‘The inherent weakness of all mechanized fishing is that
Ibid, p. 217.
Ibid, p. 219.
Ibid, p. 221.
Ibid, p. 220.
Ibid, p. 230.
78 3 Fish and Fishing Knowledge(s) as Vibrant Matter
one day’s trawling…continually becomes less profitable. The trouble starts right at
the beginning of the fishery: the stock becomes reduced at once by what the
fisherman takes; and the catch per net…starts to fall’ (Graham, quoted in Smith
1994, p. 230).48 Applying an adaptation of Hjört’s work on optimum catch which
was expressed using statistics mainly focused on the amount of fish taken out of the
sea against a particular local population, Graham considered other key aspects.49 In
particular, these focused on the number and size of boats, the amount of fishing
technology deployed and the size of nets, as well as the length of time and the
number of days boats were out at sea. These were constructed statistically into
measures of fishing intensity. It appeared that when one applied catch, impact and
intensity onto the statistics, the very fact of beginning fishing creating a drop in
catch.50 This drop in catch was then responded to by greater levels of intensity and
effort by fishermen, which itself facilitated ultimately greater drops in fish popu-
lations.51 While fishermen and fishing enterprises could mitigate for drops in catch
and their profitability by increasing effort, intensity and time out at sea, they could
not do so indefinitely. It appeared also that fishermen mitigated against declining
catches by moving to a different area of the sea, then deploying exactly the same
intensity of effort.52 Thus, it might appear that overall catch and profitability was
maintained, without increased or impossible levels of effort, but in reality fishing
enterprises would run out of sea and run out of fish. This was particularly true of
whales and whaling, as it had been with seals and the Stellers’ Sea Cow in the
northern Pacific. Ultimately, fishing without limits and recognition of a restricted
optimum would result in the complete collapse of a fishery and ultimately unem-
ployment and bankruptcy for the humans involved.
Hjört and Graham’s statistically grounded warnings have always sounded
extremely salient and powerful to this author. However, they were ignored as the
late 1920s and 1930s wore on, and it was only with the obvious collapse of fish
resources in the North Sea that their analysis was considered seriously by gov-
ernments, and then only moments before the outbreak of the second European
war.53 Graham was tasked with leading the main scientific research organisation
focused on the sea, the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES),
through the 1939–1945 war, with hope presumably that his ground-breaking work
would be picked up after the conflagration. The notion of ‘optimum catch’ however
was, following the war put to use in ways that Graham could perhaps not have
envisaged.54 So far I have told a very European side of this story, focused mainly
on the North Sea and the Northeast Atlantic. Given that this book is primarily
Ibid, p. 235.
Finley (2011).
3.2 Numbers as a Lively Matter: Vibrant Statistics 79
concerned with the vibrant fishing matters of a nation in East Asia, addressing
elements of the narrative on the Pacific would surely make sense. The pressure of
scientific and statistical developments and their uncomfortable nexus with politics,
business and free enterprise would come to bear on Graham and his colleagues after
1945, and these would have their root in the Pacific and connect to Asia.
Aside from whaling fishing in the Pacific, or at least deep-sea fishing, had been
focused with the primary nations involved at the advent of industrial fishing,
namely, Canada, the United States and Japan, on salmonids and species of tuna.
These large fish were radically different in lifestyle, tuna being primarily a fish of
the deep and warm seas, salmon what is known as anadromous in nature, migrating
from their birthplaces up continental rivers to the deep sea and then back again as
adults to the same spawning grounds from which they were born. Both tuna and
salmon have complicated lives, long journeys to make and relatively low levels of
population growth. In the early twentieth century, it was found in an extraordinary
moment in British Columbia how impactful human development could be on
seemingly unconnected salmon populations. Just as the United States had sought to
do in settling its western reaches, Canada aimed to build railway lines that would
span its continent. Crossing the rocky mountains in British Columbia to reach
Canada’s foremost Pacific port, Vancouver was essential and both the Canadian
National Railway and Canadian Pacific Railway sought to use the valley created by
the Fraser River to cut through the deep mountains and by 1911 both railways had
reached the narrowest part of the river’s canyon, building a double track all the way
through.55 Blasting the rock out to allow a functional embankment and then bal-
lasting the tracks meant that there was a huge amount of stone and spoil in a tight
space and much of that went directly into the river. Neither the railway nor the
engineers tasked with building the railway considered that the waterway below their
enterprise was perhaps the most important routes to spawn for Pacific Sockeye
Salmon, and between 1911 and 1914 the river became almost entirely blocked, a
rock slide in particular in 1914 completely altering the form and flow of the water.56
Local residents and even company workers noticed quickly that the salmon found it
virtually impossible to make their way through the raging waters and tight spaces.
A huge collapse in the spawning and breeding numbers of Sockeye Salmon that
year and in the years around it, meant that across the Pacific Sockeye numbers were
dramatically down for some 17 years after that.57 The normal pattern of large and
small years for spawning amongst the salmon was disrupted and in many ways the
population never recovered; this is despite an effort by the railway companies in
1915 to clear the blockage and the invention of ‘fishways’ and ‘fishgates’ to allow
safe passage for migrating salmon in future years.58
Ibid, p. 30.
Ibid, p. 31.
Ibid, p. 32.
Ibid, p. 31.
80 3 Fish and Fishing Knowledge(s) as Vibrant Matter
After the Hells Gate disaster (as it was known), it became very clear that the fish
sought by fishermen in the Pacific and in the waters and rivers of the continental
United States and Canada could be heavily impacted by human actions. This cre-
ated a sense of possessive paternalism amongst the nations whose fishermen sought
these fish, even while in the case of tuna they would develop new technologies
which would allow them to harvest them much more thoroughly from the sea. The
United States, Canada, Japan and Russia came to see the salmon in the Pacific as
their fish, a feeling much amplified around Bristol Bay in Alaska, a bay which was a
favourite ground of Sockeye Salmon and once under the control of Russia.59 Since
it had become clear from incidents like Hells Gate, that particular groups of
migratory fish in the Pacific relied on physical terrains in specific countries to
maintain their populations, those nations sought to essentially claim those popu-
lations of fish.60 Just as in the North Sea is was difficult to solve the ‘small plaice
problem’ and get a sense of the geographic spreads of fish populations and any
human impacts upon them, it was a real problem essentially for Japan, Canada and
the United States to get a sense of whose fish were both whose and where they
were.61 It was easy in a sense to know a Canadian salmon when it was fighting its
way back up the Fraser River, much harder when perhaps fish who would one day
aim for that same river, might be found out towards the Aleutian Islands or even
further across the ocean. Might it possible to know where these different popula-
tions were when not heading home, did they mix with other national populations,
would it even be possible to restrict other nations from accidentally or purposefully
catching one’s fish, even when they were a long way from ‘home’. The United
States and Canada in fact sought to set out to do just that with the foundation in
1937 of the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission, later the Pacific
Salmon Commission and after the war they would be joined by Japan and Russia in
these efforts as part of the North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission.62 These
nations set out on a huge research exercise to map the spread and travel of salmon
from either side of the Pacific, and eventually through not just statistics, but
developments in the knowledge of fish biology and their parasites it became pos-
sible to determine that particular groups of salmon were indeed Canadian, Japanese,
Russian or American (particular rivers had specific types of parasites and mineral
markers in the fishes digestive systems).63 This embedded a certain form of national
politics into perhaps ephemeral or diffuse matters, namely, the journeys of fish,
matters which became a great deal less diffuse following Japan’s entry into conflict
with the United States in 1941.
Finley (2011, p. 27).
Ibid, p. 39.
North Pacific Anadromous Fisheries Commission (2018).
Sindermann (1983).
3.2 Numbers as a Lively Matter: Vibrant Statistics 81
These Pacific facing nations now had, following the extensive research, a real
geographical sense about where the ocean’s communities of large and migrating
fish were. As I suggested earlier, this did not exempt those fish from many of the
same imperatives of extraction that beset fish from European waters. Even though it
was now quite possible to know where fish originated, resided and moved as well as
a good sense of the numbers of their populations, politics and geopolitics impacted
the fish and other marine life of the Pacific again hugely. Political trends which had
emerged early in the twentieth century in which nations surrounding the ocean
exerted their sovereignty over the less tangible and concrete spaces of the water,
influenced by colonial imperatives and concepts of statehood post-Westphalian
settlement, would carve out dominions in the more unlikely and previously inac-
cessible places. It could be possible to read these trends back to 1838–1842 and the
United States Exploration Expedition encouraged by President Jackson or the
pressuring, harassment and eventual overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii in 1898
by the United States.64 Americans were, of course, not the only nation involved in
the Pacific, the United Kingdom had long enabled the colonisation and settlement
of Australia and New Zealand, France and Germany were also deeply engaged in
the Pacific islands. Imperial Germany, of course, fell foul of world politics fol-
lowing the 1914–1918 war and its extensive territories known as German New
Guinea were divided among the victors by the new League of Nations.65 While
some of these divisions are familiar, such as Australia’s trusteeship over Papua New
Guinea, Japan’s place in these divisions is perhaps less well known or remembered.
Japan, of course, had become a nation with imperial ambitions following its conflict
with Imperial Russia in 1904–1905 and its annexation of Korea between 1907 and
1910.66 Prior to this, Japan had extended its interests beyond the home islands of
the archipelago co-opting the Ryukyu Kingdom and Okinawa and then aiming its
acquisitive gaze to the south incorporating the Bonin and Volcano Islands, part of
the same chain which includes the Marianas Islands. Fishing, of course, had always
been important to Japan, and the reader will have a sense of that maritime history
from elsewhere in this book, and the fantastic work of Jakobina Arch, however it
had primarily been around the home islands and focused on fish and whales passing
by Japan.67 The Bonin islands had presented Japan with an opportunity to engage in
deep-sea fishing and trawling for the first time, and its acquisition of what are now
the Marshall Islands, Palau and Micronesia presented Tokyo with enormous further
opportunities. Aside from the efforts of the South Seas Development Company
(Nan’yō Kōhatsu K.K. (南洋興発株式会社), often referred to as the Mantetsu of
the south (referencing the South Manchurian Railway (南滿洲鐵道) responsible for
colonisation efforts far to the north), to extract phosphate from the islands, plant and
manage sugar cane plantations, Japanese fishing enterprises built an extensive
Devine (1977).
Burkman (2008).
Shin and Robinson (2001).
Arch (2018).
82 3 Fish and Fishing Knowledge(s) as Vibrant Matter
Brookfield (1971).
Iriye (1984).
Firth (1989).
McCormack and Norimatsu (2018).
Seth (2016, p. 93).
3.2 Numbers as a Lively Matter: Vibrant Statistics 83
requiring a functional and useful ally in the area to serve as a bulwark and a base for
American force projection against both communist China and the Soviet Union in
the future.73 Truman it seems was profoundly concerned with extending the mar-
itime sovereignty of the United States across the Pacific, not simply to support its
military and diplomatic capacities, but also to create opportunities for American
business and enterprise.74 Quite contrary to this, Truman and the Supreme
Commander of Allied Powers (SCAP) (which occupied and governed Japan until
1952), were also concerned that Japan should not be too expensive and costly to
occupy and that it should be capable of servicing its own food supply and other
material needs.75 Thus, while American restrictions on Japanese fishing boats were
quite severe in the initial months following surrender, by the end of 1945 SCAP
gave Japanese boats opportunities to fish further offshore.76 Within 18 months,
SCAP was infuriating former war allies in Australia and New Zealand by allowing
the Japanese whaling fleet to travel to access its former whaling grounds in
Antarctic.77 Carmel Finley describes the extraordinary policy shifts relating to tuna
fishing and control in the Pacific, which had long been hugely important to the
Californian fishing industry.78 Former Japanese colonies such as those next to
American Samoa and Guam became vitally important to the supply chain for
maritime products in the Pacific, but rather than exclusively as sites of enterprise for
American companies were declared duty free areas and this included Japanese
companies.79 Thus, Japanese-owned tuna fishers were allowed to land catches in
American Samoa and ship their product to the American mainland free of tax or
import charges. This put mainland American tuna canneries and other businesses at
a distinct disadvantage and this aspect of the United States fishing industry followed
its predecessor the sardine canning industry into decline and eventual extinction.80
However, the policy served greater American aims by reducing the cost of fish
products in the American food industry, securing notions of maritime sovereignty
and control over the Pacific for the United States, underpinning the economic
functionality and future of American colonial territories such as Samoa, and finally,
integrating Japanese business and enterprise wider Japanese diplomatic interests
into the post 1945 status quo.
These extraordinary themes of new colonial ambitions, America maritime
dominance beyond America’s western shores, and the integration of new modes
and practices of capitalism and free enterprise following 1945 produced a malleable
and flexible developmental landscape which as well as being underpinned and
Cha (2000).
Cowhey (1993).
Johnson (2000).
Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (1946, p. 88).
Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (1946, p. 68).
Finley (2017).
Ibid, p. 69.
Ibid, p. 74.
84 3 Fish and Fishing Knowledge(s) as Vibrant Matter
funded by this new geopolitical reality found itself energised and enabled by
developing scientific and statistical models derived in part from the work of Hjört
and Graham on the other side of the world.81 Graham’s ‘optimum catch’ had
developed following what Hjört and others referred to as the ‘second great fishing
experiment,’ namely the European war of 1939–1945. While Hjört would not live
long after the end of the war, Graham, now a vital figure in the infrastructure of
fishing and maritime research, and other scientists such as H.R. Hulme continued
working on a statistically minded and empirical approach which might counter the
practices of overfishing, damaging to both fishers and fish populations alike.82
Graham’s young protégé’s Raymond Beverton and Sidney Holt ensconced at the
United Kingdom Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Lowestoft Fisheries
Laboratory, developed the theories of population dynamics as they pertained to
fish.83 These theories, first published in the journal Nature as ‘Population Studies in
Fisheries Biology’ in 1947 (later reworked into 1957’s book length On the
Dynamics of Exploited Fish Populations), took into account both fluctuations in
population, fishing effort projected onto or at them, and the carrying capacity of the
environment itself to articulate what has been described as the ‘steady-state yield’.
This calculation was a twin of the analysis which produced notions of ‘optimal
President Truman’s declarations of 28 September 1945 extending United States
claims over the sea bed and rights to fisheries in waters contiguous to it, made a
dramatic impact on the geopolitics of the Pacific, however they also provided the
opportunity for this geopolitics to become further enmeshed in science and to begin
reconfiguring statistical methodologies for political goals. Just as Hjört and Graham
drove forward development of the scientific basis behind fisheries research and
were heavily involved in the creation and foundation of new institutions and places
of empiricism, the United States was home to an academic who would become
central to the research and management framework befitting the new needs of the
expansionist nation.85 Wilbert M. Chapman a scientist from Washington State who
had extensive experience of working within the state and federal fishing agencies,
was tasked after 1945 with building the practical institutions on the ground in the
United States new Pacific mandates and new semi-colonies. Briefly Director of
Fisheries at his alma-mater (and that of William Thompson who had done much of
the research on Sockeye Salmon populations in the Pacific, directing the Pacific
Salmon Commission and essentially a foil to the European scientists), the
University of Washington in 1948, he was appointed to the State Department in
Washington DC as an undersecretary for fisheries policy.86 Within the State
Finley (2011).
Smith (1994, p. 296).
Ibid, p. 310.
Ibid, p. 312.
Finley (2011, p. 55).
Ibid, p. 87.
3.2 Numbers as a Lively Matter: Vibrant Statistics 85
Ibid, p. 88.
Ibid, p. 94.
Ibid, p. 96.
Ibid, p. 95.
86 3 Fish and Fishing Knowledge(s) as Vibrant Matter
resources for the young fish.95 This is strictly counter to an earlier analysis done of
Sockeye populations, which suggested that removing the large and old fish from a
population or impacting on their ability to create more generations of young fish,
means that there will in future simply be less fish of any size around.96 One of the
fundamental problems of modern fishing has been that fish are simply not allowed
or left to get old or large, so notions of what is a large fish or what is an old fish
begin to change and fishermen themselves begin to misread and misremember
species potential for growth and length.97
Maximum Sustainable Yield held that it was the impact of fishing and human
effort according to Chapman’s model that would stabilise populations; not going to
sea or vigorously harvesting them would even result in less efficient, smaller, less
useful stocks.98 While the United States demarcated its own maritime territories, the
policy of the State Department with Chapman at the helm was to internationalise
everything else, to the extent that local governments could only exert control over
coastal waters—international waters were free game for the practices and policies of
Maximum Sustainable Yield, no matter where they were in the world.99 The United
States even pushed the idea in the face of considerable pressures from Latin
American countries reacting against increased American tuna fishing and whaling
in the oceanic commons. By 1955, the United Nations having been so concerned
about these ructions across the globe called the International Technical Conference
on the Conservation of the Living Resources of the Sea.100 At this conference
Chapman and his scientific colleague Schaefer, who had attempted to better theorise
Maximum Sustainable Yield essentially defeated the arguments of the Europeans
such as Graham and Holt, by appealing to the industrial and economic interests of
their own countries.101 Disregarding aspects of the theory which might make
overfishing worse or reduce catches, the Americans succeeded (supported unex-
pectedly throughout the conference by the Soviet Union, which was looking out for
its own deep-sea interests across the globe), in maintaining the deep sea as a
commons, though allowing for offshore economic zones, and in placing the concept
of Maximum Sustainable Yield at the heart of the conference’s conclusions, which
were to form the basses for international law of the sea.102 Two of the conclusions
of the conference are in this regard especially worth remembering:
‘2. The immediate aim of conservation of living marine resources is to conduct
fishing activities so as to increase, or at least maintain, the average sustainable yield
of products in desirable form… 3. The principle objective of conservation of the
Ibid, p. 96.
Stokstad (2007).
Finley (2011, p. 95).
Ibid, p. 96.
Ibid, p. 134.
Ibid, p. 146
Ibid, p. 148
3.2 Numbers as a Lively Matter: Vibrant Statistics 87
living resources of the sea is to obtain the optimum sustainable yield so as to secure
a maximum supply of food and other marine products…’103 (International
Technical Conference on the Conservation of the Living Resources of the Sea,
Conclusions, quoted in Finley 2011, p. 148.)
The conference outcomes have with the benefit of hindsight been utterly dis-
astrous for the world’s oceans, and for fishing communities themselves. In
geopolitical terms, the Rome Conference’s framework would after a decade or so,
collapse into the current status quo of EEZ’s. Iceland’s engagements with the
United Kingdom between 1958 and 1976, known forever colloquially by the
author’s home country as ‘the cod wars’ (Þorskastríðin in Icelandic), were but
among the first fractures in Chapman and the United States vision of a global
fishing system open to American, British and Soviet exploitation and power with no
limits on catch or effort.104 Iceland was willing sacrifice its relations with the United
Kingdom and even its membership of NATO in order to reclaim control of the 200
miles of sea from its coast.105 The future of Iceland‘s fishing community is perhaps
not an ideal example as the neoliberal experiment of the Kvoti has meant that
control of rights and fishing territories has accumulated to only a few powerful
enterprises there, and traditional fishing communities have been decimated, but in a
sense this has been no worse than what befell the fishing communities of the United
Kingdom such as Hull and Grimsby.106 At the moment of final editing of this book
in 2019, what remains of fishing communities in Great Britain are profoundly
dedicated to the process of Brexit and whatever neoliberal energies and animal
spirits can be unleashed by the free market and sovereignty over the nation‘s waters
after the watery tyranny of the European Union. There is as much energy now to
banish the foreigners boats and to reclaim the territorial waters of the United
Kingdom as there must have been in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s as country after
country made the effort to reject the domination of their local seas by the industrial
motherships of global fishing. However, there is just as much misguided thinking
about how this will protect local fish populations now as there was then. European
Union quotas have been complicated, sometimes irrational and when it comes to
bycatch and disgards as wasteful as many of the other institutional functions of
neoliberal governmentality.107 However unlike Chapman, Rome and the consensus
surrounding Maximum Sustainable Yield, the Common Fisheries Policy of the EU
cannot really be said to have demonstrably contributed institutionally to the col-
lapse of world fishing resources. While it is true that the CFP certainly did not stop
the decline or mitigate the impacts of industrial fishing, it has always held that fish
Ingimundarson (2003).
Eythórsson (1996).
Daw and Gray (2005).
88 3 Fish and Fishing Knowledge(s) as Vibrant Matter
stocks are finite, vulnerable and that catches and quotas must be carefully planned,
including by subsidising fishing industries not to go fishing, but instead to not go
fishing, be laid up and reduce both their fleet and days at sea.108
3.3 Conclusion
In 2019, the most misguided of fishers look to a golden age essentially of limitless
pillage. Maximum Sustainble Yield policies from the Rome conference asserted, as
is common with much free-market or laissez faire thinking, that through the process
of its own functioning, global fishing would produce an equilibrium in stocks, an
equilibrium which was also to produce the maximum possible profit for global
fishing enterprise. When fishing communities and corporations invested in their
fleets and committed greated effort to the exercise of fishing, this would necessarily
result in larger catches and increased profit. However, this increased effort would
eventually impact on fish populations, which would mean less catch and less profit.
Fishing effort would thus be reduced through a self-regulating principle and the fish
population would naturally recover, at which point extra effort could be exerted
again by fishers. This sounds fantastic and very simple on paper, as these things
tend to do, however as Holt, Beverton and Graham made clear in the 1940s and
1950s, the scenario is hugely complicated by the fact that fishing people and the
institutions of both fishing governance and private enterprise, are not entirely
rational in scope. Fishing enterprises when encountering a reduced catch do not
immediately reduce effort and allow stocks to recover, they have a tendency to push
the envelope of both numbers and profitability in the hope that a bad season or a
bad couple of seasons can be made up by better times in the future. Technology is
also not taken wholly into account by the methodology. As fishing technologies and
boats become more and more advanced, the effort used becomes more and more
effective. The effort spent at sea by a group of fishers in their small beam trawler in
the 1930s is nothing compared to the computer and GPS-controlled behemoths that
cross the seas in our present.109 Whatever effort modern fishing boats commit to the
catch they will harvest a much greater percentage of the marine life present below
it, than was possible in decades past. Geopolitical interests are also not taken into
account, which is an interesting and bemusing fact given how geopolitically
important fishing was to the United States and theoreticians such as Chapman who
moulded the global fishing consensus of the 1950s. Given these interests, the line
between profitability and unprofitability which is necessary for the proper function
of the theory, because highly blurred. Governments and other interests are very
concerned for more reasons than simple profit, for fishermen to keep working, for
Jensen (2002).
Robins et al. (1998).
3.3 Conclusion 89
the boats to still ply the seas, and thus extensive subsidies were deployed to make
up the difference between profit and loss. This was, of course, a disaster to over-
fished stocks, which rather than having a relief from fishing effort at moments of
collapse or struggle were further subjected to heavy fishing by fishing boats for
whom making a direct profit was no longer strictly necessary. Finally, as anyone
familiar with free-market economics will attest to, setting a limit to price in market
virtually guarantees all players in the market reach the limit. So it was in the world
of Maximum Sustainable Yield. Rather than enterprises and fishing bodies
attempting to fish down to limits, there was a real tendency to fish up to the limit, so
that the absolute maximum stress point of fishing populations was almost neces-
sarily reached…because otherwise what was left was a bigger surplus than strictly
necessary and profit left unrealised.
Fishing up to the Maximum Sustainable Yield, the notion of fish and fish
populations as surplus if not caught and the absurd ideas that catching the larger and
older fish in the ocean helps the smaller fish has led to the decimation of the global
oceans. The seas and fish we have today are profoundly different from those of the
past, by the hands of mankind and through the scientific, statistical and rational lens
of the ideas encountered by this chapter, the vibrant and lively spaces of both the
sea and knowledge about the sea are to some degree much less lively than they have
been. In 2019, the most lively and energetic aspect of fishing, is not fishing up to the
Maximum Sustainable Yield, but fishing down the Trophic Level.110 Where once
humans caught whales and tuna, now fishing enterprises are seeking to capture the
profit in populations of Jellyfish, Urchin and even Krill.111 Controversial efforts to
extract krill from the Southern Ocean near South Georgia have already it seems led
to issues of food supply and availability for seal and whale populations in this area,
for example.112 Maximum Sustainable Yield and the other theoretical frames dis-
cussed in this chapter are essentially vibrant matters by themselves, these bodies of
knowledge and scientific development are certainly energetic, and as we have seen
energetic for many of the wrong reasons. However, for the most part, these bodies
of knowledge and both the practical infrastructures they inspire, and the global
infrastructures of governance they enable have been rooted in capitalist principle.
How might they be applied to different political structures and principles, North
Korean principles for instance?
Pauly et al. (1998).
Nicol et al. (2012).
Forcada et al. (2012).
90 3 Fish and Fishing Knowledge(s) as Vibrant Matter
Arch, Jakobina. 2018. Bringing Whales Ashore: Oceans and the Environment of Early Modern
Japan. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press.
Brookfield, Harold. 1971. Colonialism Development and Independence: The case of the
Melanesian islands in the South Pacific. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Burkman, Thomas. 2008. Japan and the League of Nations: Empire and World Order, 1914-1938.
Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press.
Cha, Victor. 2000. Abandonment, Entrapment, and Neoclassical Realism in Asia: The United
States, Japan, and Korea. International Studies Quarterly 44 (2): 261–291.
Cowhey, Peter. 1993. Domestic Institutions and the Credibility of International Commitment:
Japan and the United States. International Organization 47 (2): 299–326.
Daw, Tim, and Tim Gray. 2005. Fisheries Science and Sustainability in International Policy: A
Study of Failure in the European Union’s Common Fisheries Policy. Marine Policy 29 (3):
Devine, Michael J. 1977. John W. Foster and the Struggle for the Annexation of Hawaii. Pacific
Historical Review 46 (1): 29–50.
Eythórsson, Einar. 1996. Theory and Practice of ITQs in Iceland. Privatization of Common
Fishing Rights. Marine Policy 20 (3): 269–281.
Finley, Carmel. 2011. All the Fish in the Sea: Maximum Sustainable Yield and the Failure of
Fisheries Management. Chicago, IL: Chicago University Press.
Finley, Carmel. 2017. All the Boats in the Ocean: How Government Subsides led to Global
Overfishing. Chicago, IL: Chicago University Press.
Firth, Stewart. 1989. Sovereignty and Independence in the Contemporary Pacific. The
Contemporary Pacific 75–96.
Forcada, Jaume, et al. 2012. Responses of Antarctic Pack-Ice Seals to Environmental Change and
Increasing Krill Fishing. Biological Conservation 149 (1): 40–50.
Ingimundarson, Valur. 2003. Fighting the Cod Wars in the Cold War: Iceland’s Challenge to the
Western Alliance in the 1970s. The RUSI journal 148 (3): 88–94.
Iriye, Akira. 1984. Contemporary History as History: American Expansion into the Pacific Since
1941. Pacific Historical Review 53 (2): 191–212.
Jensen, Carsten. 2002. Reduction of the Fishing Capacity in “Common Pool” Fisheries. Marine
Policy 26 (3): 155–158.
Johnson, Chalmers. 2000. Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire. London:
McCormack, Gavan, and Satoko Oka Norimatsu. 2018. Resistant Islands: Okinawa Confronts
Japan and the United States. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Nicol, Stephen, Jacqueline Foster, and Kawaguchi So. 2012. The Fishery for Antarctic
Krill-Recent Developments. Fish and Fisheries 13 (1): 30–40.
North Pacific Anadromous Fisheries Commission. 2018. International North Pacific Fisheries
Commission (1952–1992). Accessed 27th, April, 2019.
Pauly, Daniel, Villy Christensen, Johanne Dalsgaard, Rainer Froese, and Francisco Torres. 1998.
Fishing Down Marine Food Webs. Science 279 (5352): 860–863.
Rivinius, Edward, and Youssef, Elizabeth. 1992. Spencer F. Baird of the Smithsonian.
Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press.
Robins, Carolyn, You-Gan Wang, and David Die. 1998. The Impact of Global Positioning
Systems and Plotters on Fishing Power in the Northern Prawn Fishery, Australia. Canadian
Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55 (7): 1645–1651.
Seth, Michael. 2016. A Concise History of Modern Korea: From the Late Nineteenth Century to
the Present. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Shin, Gi-Wook, and Michael Robinson. 2001. Colonial Modernity in Korea. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Asia Center.
References 91
Sindermann, Carl. 1983. Parasites as Natural Tags for Marine Fish: A Review. NAFO Scientific
Council Studies 6: 63–71.
Smith, Tim. 1994. Scaling Fisheries: The Science of Measuring the Effects of Fishing, 1855-1955.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Southward, A.J., et al. 1988. Fluctuations in the Herring and Pilchard Fisheries of Devon and
Cornwall Linked to Change in Climate since the 16th Century. Journal of the Marine
Biological Association of the United Kingdom 68 (3): 423–445.
Stokstad, Erik. 2007. The Incredible Shrinking Cod. Science, January 31, 2008. Accessed 27 Apr
Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. 1946a. Summation of Non-Military Activities in
Japan and Korea, No 9, June 1946. Tokyo: Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers Japan.
Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. 1946b. Summation of Non-Military Activities in
Japan and Korea, No 12, September 1946. Tokyo: Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers
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92 3 Fish and Fishing Knowledge(s) as Vibrant Matter
Photo Section
Sorting Shrimp in Tong Shui Gou (通水沟), People’s Republic of China, 20 March
2017—Photo credit: Robert Winstanley-Chesters
Sorting nets in Gageodo (가거도), South Korea, 18 June 2017—Photo credit: Robert
Photo Section 93
Suzan Pizza, Jinshitan (金石滩), People’s Republic of China, 20 March 2017—Photo credit:
Robert Winstanley-Chesters
Watching If You Are the One 缘来非诚勿扰 (Fei Cheng Wu Rao) in the Fisherman’s cabin,
Tong Shui Gou (通水沟), People’s Republic of China, 20 March 2017—Photo credit: Robert
94 3 Fish and Fishing Knowledge(s) as Vibrant Matter
Lüshün (旅顺), Port Arthur, People’s Republic of China, 19 March 2017—Photo credit:
Robert Winstanley-Chesters
Photo Section 95
End of the line for Dalian’s old fishing harbour, Dalian, People’s Republic of China, 17
March 2019—Photo credit: Robert Winstanley-Chesters
Watching at the summit of Doksilsan, Gageodo (가거도), South Korea, 18 June 2017—Photo
credit: Robert Winstanley-Chesters
96 3 Fish and Fishing Knowledge(s) as Vibrant Matter
Building the last road in South Korea (가거도), Gageodo, South Korea, 18 June
2017—Photo credit: Robert Winstanley-Chesters
From Gageodo 2 boatlift, Gageodo (가거도), South Korea, 19 June 2017—Photo credit:
Robert Winstanley-Chesters
Photo Section 97
Stocking up for climate change, Gageodo (가거도), South Korea, 22 June 2017—Photo
credit: Robert Winstanley-Chesters
Chapter 4
Fishing in North Korea, A History
and A Geography
Keywords North Korea North Korean fishing histories Japanese colonialism
Environmental challenges United Nations sanctions
So far in this book, the author has opened a wide theoretical and historical frame
and comprehensive contextual setup for readers to encounter North Korea, its
neighbours and their fishing and watery lives and stories. The reader will have
journeyed from the first interactions with fish in the hunting practices of early
humans, through subsistence fishing, the development of fishing technologies and
communities, the rise of mercantilism, first wave globalisation, colonialism and the
era of modernist forcing open in Asia and the Pacific. This was followed by real
concrete colonisation on the Korean peninsula, then a series of painful and
destructive conflagrations, followed in the 1950s and 1960s by the second wave of
maritime globalisation. This second wave generated what has been referred to as an
‘empire of fishing’. For Korea this was, in fact, the second empire of fishing, the
first, being the Japanese Imperial efforts across the Pacific and Southwest Pacific
following the assumption of the previous German territories there. This second
imperial enterprise while less deliberately colonising on the surface has been much
more impactful on the fish and other lively matters under the waves of the Pacific.
Those vibrant watery matters around which communities and developmental
practices grew along and beyond the shoreline were themselves dominated and
degraded by new energetic materials and technologies derived by human hands and
by the various powers and logics of capitalism.
These energies produced the post-1945 status quo, and on the Korea Peninsula
the post-1953 status quo, which although fractured and challenged at times exists to
the present day. These energies produced much of the military-security processes,
which drove the imperial Japanese project and which drive the post-1945 imperial
project of the United States. It is easy to characterise these products as being
entirely focused around military capability and capacity, around security networks
and the practical domination of vassal states and satellite societies, however, this
was only part of the project. The most public and perhaps obvious element was to
drive free-market capitalism, consumerism, commodification and liberal (and later
neoliberal) logics across the globe, creating a new form of imperial subjectivity, an
internalised commodified subject which would limit choice and co-opt social
organisation in a new American century. However, readers will also have
encountered a further element, one which utilised the preexisting focus on devel-
oping science and technological knowledge. Of course, given this book’s focus, the
previous chapter has considered developments in fishing science and technology.
This element is itself a lively and energetic material in global processes of
extraction and interaction between human and fish. However rather than focusing
on material and tangible lives and things, the previous chapter has considered rather
4 Fishing in North Korea, A History and A Geography 101
more immaterial and intangible elements. Since 1945, statistical methodologies and
practices became vital weapons in the United States efforts to dominate global
fisheries.1 Previous long-standing efforts to make the amount, behaviour and
journeys of fish more knowable from both European and American scholars, which
intriguingly had gained great analytic value from the two world wars, simply by
dint of the fact that pressure on fish populations came to a brief halt amidst the
human conflict allowing them to recover and for human impact to become obvious
once fishing resumed, were displaced by new scientific practices and ambitions.2
In the lee of 1945, it was no longer important to know the details of the life of
fish, of their young offspring, of their weight and travels as they grew older. It was
no longer important to know their habits or their interactions, instead they became
an abstracted product, a commodity of a developing global capitalist superstructure.
Statistical methodologies which had sought to present a way in which the number
of fish in the sea could be known, were co-opted to produce what is known as the
Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY), a figure which reduced fish populations to
simply non-surplus and surplus.3 MSY was then deployed across the world’s
oceans to serve a developing fishing industry predicated on total access, the military
and diplomatic power of dominant states and powerful new technologies which
would strip the world’s oceans of a great percentage of its vibrant and energetic
aquatic life in but a few decades.4 Ultimately, the dominating power of this sta-
tistical methodology was so great that it forced the destruction of the era of United
States and other nations domination of all waters, and nations were required to
extend their territorial waters out to 200 nautical miles, a great enclosure of the near
seas.5 While the statistics and science which generated this situation and their
extractive and accumulative energies have been mitigated by the growing horror of
global populations at what was happening to the creatures of the sea, they have not
gone away. Many of the presumptions of fish and other watery matters as existing
only for the purposes of extraction by humans, only justified by the utility and
usefulness, still exist and in fact underlay a lot of what popular culture thinks about
fish, seeing them akin to a crop, to be harvested, cut down with the scythe.6
However, this does not sound like North Korea’s story as the nation’s politics
and national mythology is rooted in a predication that it is different, it is something
other than the conventional sovereign space. Like a mirror image of American
exceptionalism, North Korea has long seen itself as a radically different state, a
lodestar of revolution as Kim Il Sung once asserted.7 Freed from the structures of
American imperialism and global capitalism by the ingenious idea of its Great
Finley (2011).
Smith (1994).
Finley (2011).
Frank et al. (2005).
Finley (2011, p. 100).
Ibid, p. 94.
Winstanley-Chesters (2014, p. 4).
102 4 Fishing in North Korea, A History and A Geography
Krishnan (1981).
Kim (2013).
Kirkwood (2013).
Lee (2016).
4 Fishing in North Korea, A History and A Geography 103
demonstrate a capacity for fishing in both the deep seas and around its coast.12 This
is also the case with South Korea, its estranged sibling after 1948. In a story untold
by this book, though hinted at in previous chapters however, South Korea would go
on after the 1960s to be one of the globally important fishing nations.13 Boats under
the control of South Korean businesses and government would be key players in the
era of Maximum Sustainable Yield, found everywhere across the planet, with the
latest and most powerful technologies capable of extracting the maximum possible
resources from the water.14 As the reader will suspect, this is not the case when it
comes to North Korean boats.
Readers will remember the complete reconfiguration of Korean fishing infras-
tructures and practice during the Japanese colonial period, through both institutions
on the Japanese mainland and those of the Chosen Government General. A once
peripheral developmental interest, excluded and stigmatised by cultural and spiri-
tual traditions was in this period modernised and reorganised to suit the new pri-
orities of imperialism and capitalist commodification. At the end of this period,
fishing interests and fishing capacity collapsed on the Korean peninsula as Japanese
interests extracted their personnel and technology (and boats), from the peninsula
and both sides of the Korean nation lapsed into a complicated and long struggle for
sovereignty under occupation and geopolitical pressure, and then the disastrous
violence of the Korean War. In 1953, much that had been left behind by the colonial
authorities had been destroyed and Korean boats, such as there were had not been
able to set to sea for some time. Both Koreas would have to completely rebuild
much of their developmental infrastructure and this included that which was
focused on the sea. This chapter will recount the fact that for North Korea, fol-
lowing 1953, fishing and maritime capacity has always been deeply important, and
this importance has never diminished over the decades.
Territory both on land and at sea has been vital to North Korea’s national sense
of itself, especially since it was forced to define which territory it held at its
inception in 1948 and then defend it against enormous odds between 1950 and
1953. The end of the Korean War was not favourable to North Korea when it came
to the maritime territory. During the war, United States Naval command and
dominance of the sea surrounding the peninsula was crystallised at the Korean
War’s armistice into the Northern Limit Line (북방한계선).15 Such an unfavour-
able historical gift has induced painful issues for North Korea on its western
maritime boundary many times in the past. It has hugely complicated North Korea’s
access to deep waters and restricted its access to a very rich area of coastal waters.
Recent altercations between North and South Korea, particularly Yeonpyeong/
Yŏnp’yŏng Island (연평도) in 2010 and the extensive framework of United
Nations Security Council sanctions in recent years have further impacted on North
Sinmun (2015a).
Sala et al. (2018).
Block et al. (1998).
Ford (2012).
104 4 Fishing in North Korea, A History and A Geography
Haggard (2017).
United Nations (2017a).
United Nations (2017b).
Rodong Sinmun (2015b).
Rodong Sinmun (2015c).
Rodong Sinumn (2013).
Sang-Hun and Sanger (2013).
4 Fishing in North Korea, A History and A Geography 105
element of 2014’s New Year Address,23 and was deeply connected to the memorial
processes revolving around the 50th anniversary of the publication of a text key to
North Korean developmental history, the “Rural Theses for the Solution of the
Socialist Rural Question’.24
Fish and fishing, therefore, are currently lively and active matters in the North
Korean institutional mind. In this they are similar to other resources, materials and
matters found in 1964’s Rural Theses. While that important text focused mainly on
developmental sectors of the economy on the land, the inclination within it to focus
on a reconfiguration and reorganisation of materials and landscapes to better serve a
utopian political project appears shared with contemporary North Korean fishing
narratives. Moving backwards through time, this chapter is concerned with whether
that has been the case throughout North Korea’s fishing history, and whether given
the issues with unpicking the political narratives of this nation, it is possible to
discern such a history and any vibrant matters within it.
This chapter is focused on an attempt at historicising North Korean fishing
endeavour. An attempt to extract North Korean conceptions not only of the
importance of fishing within its national and political project, but also to consider
the ideas held by Pyongyang and its institutions about the materials and matters
involved in that project. In a nation where the most vibrant matters of all are the
words and ideas of its leaders, is it possible to discern a concern or interest or even
an acknowledgement of other energetic materials, that might even stand apart from
such politics? Is it possible to discern ideas and research practices derived from
elsewhere such as Maximum Sustainable Yield that would ultimately be deployed
on any such acknowledged lively matter?
To construct or extract such a historicisation, the chapter will consider the
narrative roots to North Korea’s fishing strategy, examining the key texts and
documents accredited to Kim Il Sung and their connections to the wider political
structures and conceptions of Pyongyang’s institutional mind. It will seek to trace
along with that historical narrative inheritance the passage of those conceptions and
ideas into practical policy and physical manifestations in the guise of particular sites
and communities of fisherpeople. To do so, it will touch briefly on North Korean
notions of central planning and economic theory and how these theories translated
or otherwise into the wider frameworks of policy during the 1970s and 1980s. The
chapter will consider the connections between the charismatic authority of Kim Il
Sung and Kim Jong Il and the topographies of development, both generally and
more specifically in the case of fishing and maritime development. It will compare
and contrast North Korean ideas and concepts related to fishing with developments
from research communities the book has explored elsewhere, tracing perhaps any
journeys made by important research ideas and statistical sensibilities in North
“New Years Address”, Rodong Sinmun, 1st January, 2013,
Kim Il Sung (1964). “Theses on the Socialist Rural Question in Our County,” Works vol 18.
Pyongyang: Foreign Languages Publishing House.
106 4 Fishing in North Korea, A History and A Geography
United States Army Forces Pacific (1946, p. 30).
4.1 A New Basis for Fishing 107
Petrov (2004).
Kim Il Sung (1948, p. 304).
Ibid, p. 304.
Ibid, p. 306.
108 4 Fishing in North Korea, A History and A Geography
Ibid, p. 307.
Ibid, p. 308.
Kim Il Sung (1957, p. 96).
Ibid, p. 97.
4.1 A New Basis for Fishing 109
be readily applied both in the East and the West Sea.’35 It is worth considering
whether the equation between tonnage landed and nutritional value and this new
statistical focus on special goal targets was garnered from the knowledge of those
experts from the Soviet Union. It would not be many years until the infamous Rome
conference in 1960. At the conference in which the United States had expected
difficulty and obstruction from Moscow, much to Washington DC’s surprise the
Soviet Union emerged as an enthusiastic supporter of this new global fishing status
quo and a useful ally in the era of MSY.36 Soviet scientists were much in thrall to
the developments in fishing statistical method, St. Petersburg’s Fisheries Research
Station having been one of the earliest places of modern maritime science.37
Imperial Russia itself had been one of the primary global powerhouses of early
extraction, of course, decimating the populations of Stellers’ Sea Cow, Seals and
Whales around Kamchatka, the Commander Islands and the Bering Strait.38 It
would not be surprising if some of that extractive, modernist imperative had not
transferred to the ambitions of the Soviet Union.
While North Korea’s developmental strategy at this moment itself seems
inclusive, structured and potentially functional within a reasonable timeframe, just
as its agricultural twin focused on grain production, it was not to be long lived.
Stalin’s death in 1956, Khrushchev’s policy of De-Stalinsation and its implications
for North Korea’s politics and position had already laid the ground work for its
North Korea’s geopolitical triangulation towards the more ideologically
favourable winds of Maoism and the People’s Republic of China following Stalin’s
death has been well documented by a number of commentators.39 The implications
of this for North Korea’s development have been also noted by analysts from the
period.40 However, the internal connections within the sector between developing
Maoist principles and the rise and articulation of North Korea’s new ideologically
sound Chollima (천리마, the name literally ‘thousand li horse’ refers to a legendary
flying horse from Chinese mythology that could fly one thousand ‘li’ or four
thousand kilometres in a day), development concept, for example, and fishing and
fisheries policy have not been subject to extensive focus.
Perhaps North Korea’s commitment to the tropes and strategies of Maoist rev-
olutionary urgency and ideological influence can be best seen, so far as fishing is
concerned in the abrupt change of focus when it comes to research and technical
development. North Korean commentators and readers of this chapter, even those
not strongly concerned with developmental matters, will surely be aware of the
acute importance to North Korea of doing things and achieving goals in a technical
Finley (2011, p. 147).
Smith (1994, p. 39).
Tucker Jones (2014).
Prybyla (1964).
Kuark (1963).
110 4 Fishing in North Korea, A History and A Geography
“On the Tasks of the Party Organizations in South Pyongan Province,” delivered to
the Provincial Party Committee of that Province on January 7, 1960, includes the
typical for the period, if extraordinary statement that: ‘We must intensify ideo-
logical education among the fishery officials and eradicate mysticism, empiricism
and all other outdated ideas so that they will improve the fishing method zealously
with the attitude of masters….’42 When reading this for the first time, the author
wondered whether this really did constitute a repudiation of the high position of
science, statistics and academic work related to fishing, but assertions that ‘Fish
culture is a not a difficult job. A little effort and everyone will be able to…’ suggest
it was so in these acute, urgent times.43
As with many of the developmental strategies however, there is a sense of
‘popular schizophrenia’ about them. In an effort, again familiar to North Korean
analysts everywhere from most of its historical periods, Pyongyang aimed its
developmental focus so that it could be applied universally, and that a sense of
urgency could be applied in all cases, all of the time. Thus, while it is clear that
some element of empiricism is rejected during this period, it is not clear how
categoric this rejection is, as reference is made to learning from scientists, although
this learning itself is framed within a project to embed their knowledge and research
within an institutional framework tasked with harnessing the energy and commit-
ment of the masses. ‘[C]hairmen of agricultural management boards and Party
committees should read a lot and learn… [about] the know-how of fish breeding
and sea culture.’44
As the impending collapse of the Great Leap Forward became clear to
Pyongyang, North Korea’s geopolitical adherence again shifted, and the dramatic,
insistent and urgent elements within developmental praxis began to wane. Although
the mid-1960s again saw fishing goals reimagined upwards along with the rest of
Rodong Sinmun (2018).
Il Sung (1960, p. 38).
Ibid, p. 39.
Ibid, p. 40.
4.2 Fish Culture in North Korea 111
the ‘Six Goals’ (‘we should raise the production of seafood to 800,000 tons…’45 the
sector would be quickly connected to what might be termed a more ‘rational’,
‘functional’ set of developmental strategies.
Similar to undertakings in the other developmental fields such as grain pro-
duction, forestry and many others, fishing and fisheries policy would be reconfig-
ured and embedded in the late 1960s and 1970s in a thick set of connecting
institutional repertoires of practice. Developmental projects and strategies would
have to connect with bureaucratic and institutional structures (at all levels of
governance) and ideological and theoretical progress as well as paying homage to
both the Korean Workers Party and the Korean People’s Army. ‘For Bringing
About Rapid Progress in the Fishing Industry’, apparently articulated by Kim Il
Sung in early June 1968, is certainly a useful example: ‘Developing the fishing
industry is of great importance in improving the diet of the working people, par-
ticularly in providing them with protein….’46 The text also reiterated progress made
and the application of institutional focus using a historical frame: ‘Our party has
been paying close attention to the development of the fishing industry since
immediately after liberation… within a few years after liberation the material and
technical foundations of the fishing industry were laid.47
But ‘For Bringing About Rapid Progress in the Fishing Industry’ and its
articulation of developmental aspiration in the age of the Six Goals appears mere
subtext when compared to the far more expansive and detailed ‘On Taking Good
Care of State Property and Using It Sparingly’, a text more concerned with rig-
orously critiquing past progress and outlining future infrastructure and practice
rather than an expression of aspiration. As Kim Il Sung noted in the text: ‘[W]e
cannot rest content with this. So far we have laid only the basic foundations of the
fishing industry’.48
Kim Il Sung’s critique and commentary surrounding institutional development in
the fishing and fish-processing sector intriguingly addresses environmental issues
and developments that appear to echo later ecological concerns of North Korea’s
contemporary government.49 These concerns in the developmental present surround
land-based ecologies, but Kim Il Sung here focuses on the maritime environment
‘because of change in the current’ which had resulted in ‘only small numbers of
Mackerel and Yellow Corbina in these waters’.50 The text also decries the ‘frequent
floods’ which fishery workers had told him they had to contend with.51
This text suggests, of course, some institutional knowledge of the connectivities
between fish and animals of the sea and other vibrant matters in their ecosystem,
Il Sung (1961, p. 332).
Il Sung (1967, p. 261).
Il Sung (1969, p. 52).
Ibid, p. 53.
UNFCCC (2016).
Il Sung (1969, p. 53).
Ibid, p. 60.
112 4 Fishing in North Korea, A History and A Geography
namely deep ocean and coastal currents. Harking back to research we have
examined from the early twentieth century, this text also acknowledges that fish
resources cannot simply be a static mass to be harvested, like rice in the field, but
fluctuate and change due to forces greater than the power of the nation state.
Primarily, however, Kim Il Sung’s principle initial concern in the text is to critique
institutional structures and participants in them, even in their responses and solu-
tions to these environmental changes. Kim states: ‘[B]ecause we are inexperienced
we have only prepared many nets needed for catching mackerel… since we had
expected big shoals of this fish to come… we could not catch them because they did
not come…. After that fishery workers are discouraged and at a loss for what to
The text also critiques the sector and wider technical and strategic development
in the fishing and fish processing sector. Even the fleet material sourced from
foreign supporters, lauded in previous documents, is now seemingly regarded as
problematic: ‘The 450-ton trawler we are now producing has many shortcomings.
[For example,] it can be used for fishing only in the Black Sea or the Baltic Sea…
[and] it cannot be used in the Pacific Ocean where the waves are moderate’.53
Kim Il Sung’s plan for the sector and its infrastructure within this text, like its
counterparts focused on land-based developmental repertoires, demanded a large
expansion in the sector’s capacity, replacing these smaller, seemingly unsatisfactory
boats. But while it was an urgent matter in temporal and commitment terms, this
expansion was to be carefully managed and located in a few centers of industrial
excellence—for example, the Ryukdae Shipyard in the Komdok Island area. This
shipyard was to serve as such a centre for the industry in the West Sea.54
The primary geographic site for this renewal of North Korea’s fishing fleet and
accompanying infrastructure was located at Chongjin’s historically important port,
where apart from Ryukdae’s efforts to build mid-range ships of some 600–1,000
tons, North Korea sought to construct much larger vessels of between 3,000 and
10,000 tons.55 While this production was to be supported in institutional terms
through the Ministry of Fisheries, the Ministry of Machine Industry Number 1, and
Provincial Party Committees, other sub-sectorial elements close which Kim Il Sung
was concerned with would need to involve themselves functionally in this devel-
oping. He writes: ‘[A]t the moment people at the ship repair yards busy themselves
getting engines, spare parts and paint, only after the ships return from the deep seas.
They say therefore that it takes a few months to repair a ship, and sometime it even
requires 150 days. Consequently they miss the fishing season’.56
The structural failure of supply and organisation outlined by Kim Il Sung here
would, of course, not be welcome in the industrial sector of any nation for whom
Ibid, p. 54.
Ibid, p. 55.
Ibid, p. 57.
Ibid, p. 58.
4.2 Fish Culture in North Korea 113
development and progress was a concern, even less so in one for whom capacity
and output is absolutely vital. Just as a reorganisation was pending and necessary
within those institutions tasked with the reconstruction and reconfiguration of the
fishing fleet and port and processing infrastructure, it was necessary for new
bureaucratic connections and governance technologies to be made and developed at
the institutional nexus between those departments and the practical projects
responsible for that fleet’s maintenance and support. As Kim Il Sung asserted: ‘[I]f
we are to succeed in this work, we must have a large quantity of engines and other
spare parts in stock… a ship spare parts factory should be built in Kimchaek City…
then it will be easy to obtain supplies of steel from Songjin Steel Plant’.57
This text reiterates a fact that the chapter will return to later, that for all its
ambitions and planning, North Korea has to this point failed to join the techno-
logical race so far as ship size and capacity that would allow it join countries like
Japan, the United States and by this point in time South Korea, in the race for MSY
and the harvesting of the deep sea and the ocean floor. To this point, the largest boat
it appears that North Korea has built is only some 450 tonnes and there has been no
mention of the highly effective, if destructive mothership system utilised by the
Soviet Union, Japan and the United States for some decades now. North Korea it
seems at this point must return its catch to land for processing, rather than being
processed at sea which would allow whatever fleet it had to sail further and fish for
longer in international waters. At this stage, North Korea cannot have made much
of an impact on the vibrant and lively matters beneath the waves as Kim Il Sung
wished it to have.
Apart from these larger, national developmental scales of construction and
infrastructure focused on the productivity of the deep sea and perhaps even the
expanse of the Pacific Ocean, which North Korea has not yet really engaged with,
‘On Developing the Fishing Industry Further’ and Kim Il Sung also perceives the
possibility for connectivities and development on a smaller, more personal, local
scale: ‘At the moment there are many good comrades in big cities… who live on
pensions because of illness… it will not be bad to engage them in fishing… they
will be very pleased if they are told to catch fish with nets and rods in boats while
they continue to receive the benefits from pensions.58 Here it seems that Kim Il
Sung envisages the revival of a model of semi-informal fishing cooperatives using,
marginalised, peripheral or underemployed workers. The word ‘semi’ is of course
in this context something of an oxymoron as these workers are still conceived by
the text and no doubt North Korea’s bureaucracy, to be well integrated into insti-
tutional and political planning, as well as ideological expression and presentation,
serving as much as part of the sectors future and interests as those facilities and sets
of workers undertaking activity in the deep sea.
Beyond the developmental capacity and institutional structure of the fishing and
fish-processing industries, the final key point of this text is another that would become
Ibid, p. 61.
114 4 Fishing in North Korea, A History and A Geography
familiar to analysts of North Korea and scholars whose focus was agricultural
development and capacity increase elsewhere in the Communist/Socialist world in the
coming decade.59 Pyongyang’s developmental and infrastructural focus began to
assert the categorical importance of scientific research and the place of the scientist
within bureaucracies and institutional structures. On this matter, Kim Il Sung is no less
assertive within ‘On Developing the Fishing Industry Further’: ‘It is not an exag-
geration to say that the modern world is one of science and that science and tech-
nology decide everything’.60 This scientific and empirical focus is important when it
comes to the functional protection of fish stocks, the development of fishing areas and
fish farm installations in freshwater environments. Science and attendant epistemic
communities, it seems was to become vitally important in North Korea, not only in the
fields of fishing and fisheries, but to its wider frameworks, processes and practices of
politics and ideology. For example, one of Kim Il Sung’s final concerns in the text is
the embedding of commitment to science and scientific process within this political
imperative: ‘[T]he fishery sector must carry out a forceful ideological struggle against
the conservatives who are trying to check our advance and thus develop the science of
fisheries as soon as possible….’61 Of course, the text and Kim Il Sung never fully
articulate which scientific developments and concepts North Korea will be led by in
the fisheries sector. It is clear that North Korea has absorbed notions of fish popula-
tions as capable of fluctuation and change due to natural conditions, but there is also a
sense that the products of the sea are something of an unlimited harvest and easily
translatable into less tangible nutritional values, as opposed to being living beings and
communities. Even though North Korea appears interested at moments in conser-
vation, it is quite possible the scientific imperatives behind this conservation are
simply to conserve that which can be later extracted.
Institutional framing of science within North Korea’s focus on fishing and fisheries
development becomes more politically acute as the 1970s continued, becoming
located in the troublesome and contested West Sea area, still familiar to those
interested in North Korea.62 Countering what is perceived as a world food crisis in
1977, Kim Il Sung writes: ‘the world is currently experiencing an acute food
shortage… according to information from abroad, as much as a quarter of the
world’s population is now suffering from malnutrition’.63 In the text ‘On the
Wong, Lungfai. 1986. Agricultural Productivity in the Socialist Countries. Boulder, CO:
Il Sung (1969, p. 66).
Kotch and Abbey (2003).
Il Sung (1977, p. 65).
4.3 Blue Crabs, Gizzard Shad and Anchovy 115
Further Development of the Fishing Industry in the West Sea’, from that year, Kim
Il Sung sites much of future development within that most disputed of North
Korea’s maritime areas. However, Kim Il Sung also carries over much of the focus
on small-scale fishing from earlier texts, creating a potentially enormously crowded
and confusing in conceptual or functional terms, developmental space within an
already complicated locale: ‘[I]t would be reasonable to establish fishing bases
around Ongjin, Monggumpo, Sukchon and Mundok in South Pyongan and in
Cholsan, Chongu, at the mouth of Chongchon River and on Sinmi Island in North
Pyongan Province….’64
While Kim Il Sung’s concern to harvest the ‘well known fish in this sea’65 is
clear and the focus on the West Sea areas developmental possibilities and capacity
is acute, its generative capacity means that Pyongyang will see the expansive deeper
spaces of the East Sea as perhaps a more long term and economically rich insti-
tutional priority. ‘Let Us Develop the Fishing Industry and Increase the Catch’, for
example, draws out the importance of the East Sea as a zone of deeper pelagic
exploitation as much as it reconfirms the themes of science, development, political
connection and capacity increase which have marked the 1970s as a decade in
policy terms, and occur in the smaller infrastructural development on the
Peninsula’s opposite coast: ‘The fastest and most rational way of solving this
problem is to catch large quantities of fish. Our country is bounded by the sea on
three sides, so it is much faster and more economical to solve the protein problem
by developing the fishing industry….’66
While Kim Il Sung begins his analysis with an extremely positive note,67 it is
clear from even a brief reading of the larger body of the text that in spite of the
importance of the East Sea fishery and the extent of North Korea’s institutional
agenda and concern shown to it, there are factors at play to thwart some of the
scientific and developmental ambition, ambition which appears alas quite close to
home in institutional terms. Some of the hesitancy and ‘conservatism’ Kim Il Sung
and North Korean revolutionary politics wished to banish through the incorporation
of scientific modernity and technical development appears still extant at the close of
the decade: ‘I have emphasised on more than one occasion that the officials in
charge of fishing should study deep-sea fishing. But they have claimed there are no
fish in the deep sea and have not looked into methods of detecting shoals and
catching the fish. They even altered the contents of the textbooks to concur with
their opinion’.68
Ibid, p. 70.
These are listed as “planktonic shrimps, prawns, Acetes chimensis, Blue Crabs, Gizzard Shad,
Yellow Corbina, Setipinna Gilberti, Anchovy, Sand Ell and Grey Mullet.” Ibid, p. 67.
Il Sung (1978, p. 86).
It reads: “A large amount of Pollack was caught by our fishermen last winter. The catch is large
every year, but last winter was an all-time high….” Ibid.
Ibid, p. 88.
116 4 Fishing in North Korea, A History and A Geography
Ibid, p. 93.
International North Pacific Fisheries Commission (1971).
International North Pacific Fisheries Commission and Fisheries Agency of Japan (1955).
Rhee (1987).
4.3 Blue Crabs, Gizzard Shad and Anchovy 117
therefore Koreans have offered it at the altar. It seems that our ancestors also like
Pollack.…’74 While Pollack may well have been Kim Il Sung’s fish of choice and
deep and frequent catches an aspiration of Pyongyang’s fishing fleet in the 1970s,
the era of the ‘Six Goals’ and ‘Great Tasks’ (though primarily on land), would soon
fall given these diminishing and seemingly unrealizable tasks. The Party Congress
of 1980 would abandon the comprehensive, dramatic wider strategies and goal
setting for the next decade, determining that perhaps it was better to focus on
simply achieving what was possible given the resources available, despite ineffi-
ciency and incapability. Maritime production and the fishery sector were as subject
to this abandonment as were the national framework of forestry goals and tidal
Following the abandonment of most developmental goals in the 1980s and North
Korea’s period of stagnation and near collapse in the 1990s, there would be a time
when policy directed at fisheries and maritime infrastructure would again in the post
Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il eras connect with North Korea’s institutional priorities
and newly articulated developmental agenda. Fishing and extracting value from the
sea has been brought back into focus during the era of Kim Jong Un. Particularly in
2014, these appeared to be because of revitalisation and reconnection of North Korea
developmental policy with the agricultural narratives and political impetus generated
by the Rural Theses and their 50th anniversary. The appearance of fishing in 2014’s
New Year Address, along with a call for both memorialization and actualization of
the goals previously articulated in the Rural Theses, frames the development of the
fisheries sector within the mould of contemporary North Korean politics. Kim Jong
Un’s words from the New Year Address, that the state ‘should take measures to
bolster up the fishing sector and that it should follow the example of those institu-
tions within the Korean People’s Army tasked with the exploitation of the sea and
other maritime resources. The KPA’s Fishery Stations has apparently had enormous
success and landed a ‘huge haul of fishes by carrying out the order of the Supreme
Commander unto death’.75 This had the effect, in common with many other elements
of North Korean economics and development following the famine period, of
asserting and demonstrating the important, functionality and relevance of military
participation in the fishing industry, as well as their absolute commitment to carrying
out the requirements of the ‘Supreme Commander’ and this maintaining a close
connection to the Kim dynasty itself. Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il’s conceptions of
fishing issues were while they were alive, vital to its continued institutional
importance, and their revolutionary charisma served to drive forward and further
Ibid, p. 98.
Rodong Sinmun (2014a).
118 4 Fishing in North Korea, A History and A Geography
increase the impetus for the development of the sector. 2014 and 2015 would cer-
tainly see that political charisma and its power within the developmental field and
specifically the fisheries sector, being harnessed by Kim Jong Un in the present.
Kim Jong Un’s order following the New Year Address in 2014 to modernise
fishing vessels and infrastructure and to ‘launch a dynamic fishing campaign by
scientific methods…’ while potentially capable of deriving from any era of North
Korean development, places the sector firmly in a framework of technical and
institutional approach that is intrinsically modern, and very much of the political
moment in the North Korean sense. Similar strategies have been deployed in
institutions responsible for fungal development, turf and grass production, and
those tasked with weather forecasting and more long-range meteorology76. While
the fishing industry within this campaign was to have the KPA and its institutions
with their ‘unusual resolve and stubborn practice’77 as a model, it seems more
important top North Korean politics, its agenda and development for it not to fall
into the traps of institutional stasis which Kim Il Sung critiqued in the 1960s.78
Kim Jong Un’s first official moment of ‘on the spot guidance’ in 2014 was focused
on this paradigm of modernised, scientific approach to piscine resource manage-
ment. However, Kim also sought to make connections and useful examples of
previous development to the articulation of this new paradigm. These examples
could then serve as historiographic vectors through which past authority and suc-
cess in developmental terms could be deployed on the maritime projects of the
present. Rodong Sinmun for instance recounted Kim Jong Un’s visit to KPA Unit
534’s ‘Aquatic Products Refrigeration Facility’ on 8 January79 This visit served for
North Korea’s institutions and the writers of the report to underscore and reiterate
the ‘need to make the flames of the innovation drive in the fisheries field of the
People’s Army rage furiously in the fisheries across the country’. Perhaps in light of
past notions of revolutionary urgency, which North Korea ultimately sought to
avoid in the era of the Great Leap Forward, it is interesting to consider the level of
functionality within the developmental project given that its projects must be
undertaken in the midst of such a furious, urgent rage; ‘Kim Jong Un demanded
that the KPA unit undertake the building of a fishing port facility to supply the
refrigeration facility, and ostensibly complete its construction ‘before the Day of
the Sun and start the fish supply from coming autumn’.80
Rodong Sinmun (2014b).
Rodong Sinmun (2014c).
Il Sung (1964).
Rodong Sinmun (2014).
4.5 2014: The January 8 Fisheries Station 119
The ‘January 8 Fisheries Station’ and its workers are required to connect not
only the charismatic threads of the Kim dynasty’s political authority, military
urgency and technological development; it is also bound to absorb those elements
of previous rhetoric derived from the Kim Jong Il’s intent to create a ‘strong and
prosperous state’. Rodong Sinmun’s 30 January 2014 editorial81 reviewing those
developments and progress linked to the project asserts, for example, ‘Fishery plays
an important role in improving the standards of people’s living’, and, ‘To shore up
the fishing industry is not simply an economic task, it is a political task to carry out
the behests of the great generalissimos and our Party’s intention to make our people
live better off’. Doing so at such a dramatic and urgent pace does not (in theory, at
least) militate a reduction in technical or research focus; however, for a project built
at a revolutionary pace must not neglect research or technical competence,82
since ‘Fishing operation today is in a certain sense a brain’s warfare and technical
warfare. Therefore, it requires of us to keep the fishing industry scientifically and
technically update’.
A little over a month later in 2014, Kim Jong Un was again present on the
grounds of the ‘January 8 Fishing Station’, visiting on or around 24 February
2014.83 This second visit both reiterated the urgency of the project and the
importance of the Korean People’s Army as a trusted and privileged institution
within the developmental remit; a point that it is interesting to note in light of
previous speculation as to the place of developmental issues and their
co-option by Jang Sung Taek and his supporters: ‘I thought of the service per-
sonnel of the KPA who had carried out any task assigned to them, when I was
making up my mind to build a modern fishery station here, and so, I declared I
would entrust to them the project to which the party attached importance…’84
Kim Jong Un’s statement about the Korean People’s Army’s importance serves
to reassert the structures of institutional hierarchy in North Korea’s developmental
strategy. In this, the KPA serves as the key tool in the state’s bureaucracy to support
the will and direction of the Korean Workers’ Party as it is applied within the remit
of the nation’s wider institutional ecosystem. This was reinforced in the reporting of
the event, by the presence of several important individuals from the KWP: one
Central Committee department director and at least two vice-directors. Rodong
Sinmun’s recounting of Kim Jong Un’s visit concludes with a reminder of both the
specific urgency involved in the planning for the project and the future planning
required for its successful utilisation. Only 2 months since Kim Jong Un first
articulated and asserted the need for this particular project, Central Government and
developmental institutions focused on the sea were looking towards the long term,
officials being given instructions ‘to select captains and fishermen and prepare them
Rodong Sinmun (2014).
Rodong Sinmun (2014f).
120 4 Fishing in North Korea, A History and A Geography
as all-round fishermen in advance so that they may go out for a fishing operation
right after the completion of the project’.85
It would, in fact, be only 5 months between the narrative initiation and infras-
tructural completion of the January 8 Fisheries Station. The Station’s construction
and development was apparently successfully achieved on 30 April 2014.86 As was
the case throughout the period of its construction, multiple narrative and devel-
opmental streams converge upon the project, reinforcing and supporting each other,
as is the case in many such projects in the fishing sector. Connecting the charis-
matic authority of Kim Jong Un, the political–ideological framework provided by
Kimism and the Korean Workers’ Party and the efficiency and brute strength of the
Korean People’s Army, it is apparent that the impetus for the project is concep-
tualised within a wider framework of revolutionary and narrative urgency. Such
projects are thus undertaken beyond the bounds of normal/non-revolutionary time:
‘This is another miracle and a model of creation of speed of Korea which can be
created only by the Korean People’s Army possessed of indomitable fighting spirit
and heroic fighting traits’.87 They operate in, as if it were possible, charismatic
time. Yet in spite of their charismatic tone and content, they are also conceptualised
within a more mundane, frame, one in which ‘it is aimed to supply fishes to baby
homes, orphanages, orphans’ primary and secondary schools and old folks’ homes
across the country.’
North Korean maritime exploration and exploitation have even more recently
continued to develop in both institutional and narrative importance. 2015’s New
Year Address88 suggested that developmental sectors should create ‘seas of gold’
following the suggested institutional model of that year and Kim Jong Un’s New
Year Address for 2016 demanded that; ‘fishing sectors … should ramp up pro-
duction as soon as possible and see to it that the fish farms … built across the
country pay off …’89 Kim Jong Un, in fact, made a series of visits to fish-processing
and equipment-production facilities in late 2015, just before the generation of new
developmental themes for the next year.90 Having done much of an aquacultural
nature in a year that was both the 70th anniversary of Liberation from Japanese rule
and the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the Korean Workers Party Kim’s
concern later in the year served to reiterate both the role of the Workers Party and
the Korean Peoples’ Army within the framework of North Korean bureaucracy.91
The KPA Fishery Station no. 1592and August 25 Fishery Station.93 were the sites of
Rodong Sinmun (2014g).
Rodong Sinmun (2015a).
Rodong Sinmun (2016)
Rodong Sinmun (2015d).
Rodong Sinmun (2015).
Rodong Sinmun (2015).
4.5 2014: The January 8 Fisheries Station 121
Pyongyang’s much-vaunted success in bringing home ‘great fish hauls.’ Kim Jong
Un certainly made sure to mention fishing in the New Year Addresses of 2017,
2018 and most recently 2019 and these will be considered further in the concluding
chapter of this book.
Aside from the repeated failures and complications of development, when it comes
these historical narratives of fishing from North Korea, another familiarity to those
versed in North Korean developmental history will be its opacity. How can we as
external readers and analysts possibly trust a North Korean historiography, when
we know that such narratives are so often written, rewritten and written again.94
Can we get any corroborating evidence or account of North Korea’s fishing history
from elsewhere or outside the nation itself?
The reality is that to this point it has been nigh on impossible to get a coherent
sense of the reality of North Korea’s fishing history from other sources. In nearly
every other nation’s case researchers would turn to the statistical yearbooks pro-
duced by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). It is
worth remembering that FAO fisheries statistics are notoriously complicated and
troublesome from this period, their methodologies being reconfigured every few
years.95 However, when it comes to North Korea, the FAO received one set of
statistics in 1957 which were so outlandish and ridiculous that from that point til
now the organisation simply estimates and extrapolates the nation’s statistics based
on the level of economic development of the country, its population and geographic
position.96 Looking elsewhere to the statistics of the various commissions which
manage the pelagic and anadromous fishing stocks of the Pacific, such as the North
Pacific Anadromous Fisheries Commission (NPFC), North Korean boats make no
appearance, not even as illegal fishers (Taiwanese boats being the prime concern of
the authorities of Japan, the United States and Canada). Thus while boats from the
Soviet Union, the German Democratic Republic and the People’s Republic of
Poland are all accounted within the documents by the NPFC, Pyongyang’s boats
are nowhere to be found.97 Fish for North Korea’s institutions and government have
always been an important, lively matter, but perhaps Pyongyang has never been
successful at all in extracting them and connecting with their vibrancy. But it is
unclear whether these statistics cover all the fishing effort in these waters, or
whether they can ever do so, so we cannot discount entirely North Korean presence
somewhere in the Pacific.
Petrov (2004).
Pauly and Froese (2012).
FAO (1972).
North Pacific Fisheries Commission (1972).
122 4 Fishing in North Korea, A History and A Geography
To get a sense of North Korean capabilities and interests in the Pacific and
perhaps elsewhere the author of this book turned to the archives of the former
Soviet Union. The author’s interest on these archives was first piqued a couple of
years ago when North Korea’s national newspaper Rodong Sinmun reported on a
meeting of the Joint Fisheries Commission of the Russian Federation and North
Korea. A reading of past North Korean media reports suggested this commission
had met for many years, but its publications and minutes were never publicly
available and certainly not made available by North Korea. North Korea and the
Soviet Union had in fact set up the commission’s predecessor in the late 1960s
following some 20 years of attempts at engagement on Moscow’s part. This author
had in fact never seen any of the reports issued by these committees, however visits
to the Russian Federation’s State Archive of the Economy in Moscow gave the
author access to the committees’ previous reports and the documents that surround
them. These certainly give an external, Soviet perspective on North Korea’s fishing
interests history and particularly its success or otherwise in the eyes of Moscow’s
The Soviet Union appeared concerned to develop conservation and management
of fisheries stocks, counter to the extractive imperatives of Maximum Sustainable
Yield, capitalist, socialist or communist rationalism focused on appropriating
resource from the sea at this time. The Soviet Union was very concerned to support
North Korea’s own efforts to develop its fishing capabilities and capacities, perhaps
to mitigate the cost of the various loans, credits and exchanges offered to
Pyongyang by Moscow following the Korean War and to support relations between
the two during the difficult politics following the death of Stalin and North Korea’s
engagement with China. Reports from the Ministry of Fisheries and VNIRO
(Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography) (BHИPO or
Bcepoccийcкий нayчнo-иccлeдoвaтeльcкий инcтитyт pыбнoгo xoзяйcтвa и
oкeaнoгpaфии) suggest that the Soviet Union had sought to connect with North
Korean fisheries throughout most of the 1960s, especially to engage in researcher
swaps and exchanges on each other’s boats and ships.98 But contrary to Kim Il
Sung’s assertions in previous decades of how much North Korea wanted this to
happen, and that readers will have encountered previously in this chapter, they had
never happened. Vladivostok’s branch of VNIRO and the Russian Academy of
Sciences Fisheries Section were especially concerned to develop joint projects in
the Sea of Okhotsk, as North Korea sought valuable Snow and other crabs for local
markets and that stocks had declined within its territorial waters.99 There were it
seems also a number of instances of illegal and dangerous fishing practices by
North Korean boats in or near Soviet declared or territorial waters. After much
negotiation and many false starts, North Korea and the Soviet Union signed a
‘The Soviet Union delegation’s account of work on session of Joint Soviet—North Korean
Fisheries Commission’ 1970, p. 3. Soviet Union Ministry of Fisheries Archive, Russian State
Archive of the Economy, Fondy, 8202-20-2323.
Ibid, p. 2.
4.6 External Sources (Soviet and WCPFC) 123
protocol on the 5 September 1969, which established the joint Soviet-North Korea
Fisheries Commission.100 The first meeting of the commission was delayed by
Pyongyang’s preparations for a Workers Party of Korea Congress (the 5th, even-
tually held in November 1970), but was finally held between 26 February and 10
March 1970.101
Soviet reports on the commission’s meetings give a fairly thorough and frus-
trated view of a complicated and difficult series of exchanges. North Korea’s rep-
resentatives are described as intransigent, taking an entire day to set the agenda and
being extremely reluctant to discuss the practical procedure.102 The Soviet Union,
on the other hand, had wanted to discuss the granular details of fish stocks and
North Korea’s perception of their own stocks and the framework of management
and administrative principles governing joint exercises. North Korea, however, was
determined to discuss potential joint collaboration and interactions as soon as
possible.103 The Soviet Union it appears, already had a considered and complicated
network of restrictions and management around Kamchatka, the Sea of Okhotsk
and Sakhalin and even joint agreements on stock capacity with Japan (with whom,
even in spite of very difficult relations given the post-war status quo of Sakhalin and
the Kuriles, the Soviet Union had a joint fisheries commission), which North Korea
was keen to avoid being constrained by.104 After much discussion, the North
Korean side agreed to abide by the wider restrictions on salmon fishing across the
Western Pacific which the Soviet Union subscribed to in collaboration with the
Japanese (also quite possibly to avoid complicating relations with the United States
and Canada on the subject of fishing for anadromous species in the Pacific), as well
as restrictions on crab fishing around Kamchatka, trawling the mid-sea on the west
coast of Kamchatka and herring fishing in the Gulf of Shelikov between mid-April
and mid-July (herring fry season).105 In exchange, the Soviet Union allowed
Pyongyang to access the inshore waters of the Commander Islands, fish for flatfish
around Kamchatka and Sakhalin and access the herring fisheries of the Soviet area
of the Bering Sea.106
In exchange for these supplementary rights, North Korea supplied the Soviet
side with the details of its fleet and catch. According to the Korean side, its fishing
fleet in 1969 had been some 35 boats, half medium-sized trawlers and some purse
seine boats.107 North Korea also claimed to have four mother ships and four
transport ships (having even bought two mother ships from the Netherlands) and
Ibid, p. 1.
Ibid, p. 4.
Ibid, p. 5.
Ibid, p. 6.
Ibid, p. 8.
Ibid, p. 7.
124 4 Fishing in North Korea, A History and A Geography
had plans to two large trawlers with refrigeration capacity.108 These boats had
caught in 1969 according to the North Korean fishing experts, some 11000 tons of
flatfish and 25000 tons of herring in the Sea of Okhotsk. In the Sea of Japan, North
Korea claimed to have caught 1000 tons of Pink Salmon, 400000 tons of Pollack,
up to 60000 tons of squid and 15000 tons of crab (both Hairy Crab and Snow
Crab).109 The Soviet side thought these figures an understatement and that North
Korea, in spite of its consent to restrictions, sought to exploit Pacific salmon
resources as much as possible and to exploit the highly endangered Fur Seal
populations on Tyuleny Island off Sakhalin.110
Despite their own concerns and lack of trust in the North Koreans, the Soviet
Union in the joint commissions sought to negotiate joint research collaborations
between fishing experts of both countries in 1970. While this seemed very difficult
to set up in 1970 owing to the demands of the forthcoming Workers Party Congress
on North Korea’s scientific bureaucracy, the commission managed to come to an
arrangement.111 Many complex challenges were overcome when it came to matters
of responsibility and lines of control and even the issue raised by the North
Koreans, that Soviet ships in the Pacific were subject to mandatory boarding rights
in certain areas by foreign powers and Pyongyang was absolutely keen to avoid any
circumstance where hostile or unfriendly agencies might have access to North
Korean workers and operatives on board Soviet ships far from its control. These
joint exercises were to begin in late September 1970, the culmination of many years
of effort on the part of the bureaucrats, diplomats and scientists from the various
Soviet institutions.112
These potentials for collaboration between the two nations was severely chal-
lenged on 28 September 1970 when a highly urgent telegram found its way onto
many bureaucratic desks across the Soviet Union. In the week that research
cooperation efforts were supposed to begin on ships of both the USSR and North
Korea, the telegram reported that a North Korean purse seine boat with its iden-
tifying marks illegally disguised, had attempted to set its own nets across and above
the nets of the Soviet Union’s chief research ship, damaging the them and the
Soviet boat’s floats beyond repair.113 Responses to the initial telegram revealed that
this was not an isolated incident and that in fact North Korean boats had been
repeatedly disguising their identification marks and using incorrect or impossible to
Ibid, p. 4.
Urgent Telegram from USSR Ministry of Communications ‘Urgent Moscow Harbour to Ishkov
Dal’ryba (FarEastFish) to Starzinskiy,’ 28th September, 1970, Soviet Union Ministry of Fisheries
Archive, Russian State Archive of the Economy, Fondy, 8202-20-2323.
‘Letter to D. Gafin from Volkov A.A,’ 28th September, 1970, Soviet Union Ministry of
Fisheries Archive, Russian State Archive of the Economy, Fondy, 8202-20-2323.
4.6 External Sources (Soviet and WCPFC) 125
decipher marks on their nets and floats in the Sea of Okhotsk.114 Further telegrams
from ‘Far East Fish’ the ‘Fishing Cooperative of Kamchatka’ reported near colli-
sions and other dangerous interactions between North Korean boats and tugboats,
an ocean-going barge, the Dagystanka and a fishing trawler, the Kammeniy.
Unsurprisingly, interactions between the research institutions of the Soviet Union
and North Korea which had been very carefully organised and negotiated earlier in
the year were curtailed for the moment while authorities in Moscow reconsidered
how to approach and engage a partner like Pyongyang.115
In spite of this bizarre and destructive behaviour on North Korea’s part, while
activities at sea were restricted in 1970 the Soviet Union decided to allow North
Korean researchers to engage on land with the Ministry of Fisheries institutions
near Vladivostok in Nakhodka. North Korean researchers were in the Soviet Union
between the 15 December 1970 and the 16 January 1971 for what was a
fact-finding mission for the Koreans and an exercise in epistemological training
from the Soviets—according to the accounts it was an extremely difficult month.116
The events of the previous year, which the Soviet institutions had essentially put
down to some form of industrial sabotage, coupled with the complication of the
discussions surrounding the joint research efforts had soured the mood between the
two nations. The Soviet side considered the reasons for some of the more difficult
moments in the discussions, such as North Korea’s lack of willingness to allow any
reciprocity in contract arrangement and complex negotiation over the legal
framework and responsibilities for any of that nation’s citizens on Soviet boats as
exposing its institutions to moral hazard.117 It appeared that there was a
high-security risk in engagements with North Korean institutions and that under the
guise of interest in fishing, Pyongyang could send intelligence operatives and
engage primarily in industrial espionage on Soviet infrastructure and factories in the
far east, but also to extract knowledge not available to it on fishing stocks and
fishing areas in the Sea of Okhotsk and in the wider Pacific.
The exchange in 1970/1971 certainly did not begin in the most comfortable
manner. In order to avoid issues of subterfuge, espionage and security threat, the
Soviet Union stipulated that none of the researchers or technicians sent by North
Korea should have visited the area before or been involved in the institutions on the
Soviet side in the past. Certainly none should have security or intelligence
‘A list of violations committed by DPRK boats fishing in the Sea of Okhotsk regarding the
Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea and the fisheries regulations,’ October, 1970, Soviet
Union Ministry of Fisheries Archive, Russian State Archive of the Economy, Fondy,
‘A report on the work with Korean delegation during a period of 15 December 1970 until 16
January 1971,’ 29th January, 1971, Soviet Union Ministry of Fisheries Archive, Russian State
Archive of the Economy, Fondy, 8202-22-468.
‘The Soviet Union delegation’s account of work on session of Joint Soviet—North Korean
Fisheries Commission’ 1970, p. 4. Soviet Union Ministry of Fisheries Archive, Russian State
Archive of the Economy, Fondy, 8202-20-2323.
126 4 Fishing in North Korea, A History and A Geography
background and essentially all should have fishing and fishing research experience.
North Korea, of course, claimed that none of its researchers had ever been in the
Soviet Union before and all were trained and experienced fishing experts, but
Soviet intelligence soon reported that one had been to college in the USSR and two
had worked in their consulate in Vladivostok—a fourth member of the Korean team
it was decided actually had nothing to do with the fishing industry and knew
nothing about fishing at all.118 The Ministry of Fisheries efforts to entertain the
North Koreans continued to be combined with a concern for security and the
obvious dangers of their potential efforts at subterfuge and espionage, concern
which only grew when the Koreans appeared to be fairly consumed by the tech-
nological aspects of their visit to the extent that when they demanded the blueprints
and layouts for the machinery in the various canning and preparation facilities they
visited, the Soviet side actually restricted access.119 Eventually, a reasonable
negotiation of the problems was done by the Soviet side, with extensive reports in
the documents of the North Korean’s being refused visits to irrelevant infrastructure
and careful management of their visits to technical or research institutions, so that
they could not extract data or spend too long with technology that was delicate
when it came to security matters. The documents also report a number of moments
of push back from the North Koreans and frequent returns to their hotel rooms
following difficult moments with their hosts, to review material at length or to
communicate with North Korea.120 Finally in scenes familiar to watchers of North
Korea in the present, the researchers aside from their focus on machinery and
technology, were fascinated by shopping opportunities in the fishing towns they
visited—The Soviet Union’s Ministry of Fishing even sent the North Koreans back
to their own country with an extensive supply of Soviet Crab, Caviar, Shrimp and
The records of the Joint Soviet Union North Korean Fisheries Commission
which met on average every 4 years following the initial 1970 meeting record more
or less similar interactions between the two countries and their fishing industries for
the next two decades. Undoubtedly on the surface, Soviet efforts to develop North
Korea’s behaviour and technical capacity worked to mitigate the security and
espionage risks it generate, Pyongyang’s desires to fish illegally and exploit what
was not within its property or remit for the 1970s (though it could never seem to
diminish Pyongyang’s ambition to extract whatever it could from Japanese stocks),
though it cannot be said that efforts from Moscow’s researchers and academics
supported much in the way of practical development when it came to North Korean
fishing capacity. Nor can it be said that North Korea ever managed to extract by
Ibid, p. 6.
Ibid, p. 2.
‘A report on the work with Korean delegation during a period of 15 December 1970 until 16
January 1971,’ 29th January, 1971, Soviet Union Ministry of Fisheries Archive, Russian State
Archive of the Economy, Fondy, 8202-22-468.
Hong (1995, pp. 97–113).
4.6 External Sources (Soviet and WCPFC) 127
Western and Central Fisheries Commission (2014).
Western and Central Fisheries Commission (2014).
Gao (2019).
128 4 Fishing in North Korea, A History and A Geography
signing of the China-South Korea fisheries agreement in 2001 mean that South
Korean waters were now primarily closed to Chinese boats. Likewise, the
Fukushima Nuclear Incident after the 3/11 earthquake in 2011 meant that a great
deal of radioactive pollution was discharged from Japan into the currents of the
northern Pacific.125 Specifically, this radioactivity would pool in the bodies of
molluscs and squid species highly sought after by Chinese fishermen. While North
Korea’s waters even in the eastern edges of the Bohai Sea and at the mouth of
Amnok/Yalu estuary are far from pristine, they are preferable for Chinese com-
panies and state enterprises to breaching the terms of the China-South Korea
fisheries agreement and to fishing in waters felt to be radioactively polluted by
Fukushima.126 Bo Gao thus records a burst in interest from Chinese fishing
organisations after both 2001 and 2011 in purchasing fishing licences from North
Korean institutions such as the North Korea Fishery Association.127 This interest
has been pressured by both the impositions of United Nations sanctions and by the
various difficulties generated institutionally by a series of kidnappings of Chinese
boats by North Korean interests around the mouth of the Amnok/Yalu, the first of
which was known as the 5.8 Fishery Incident.128 This again perhaps suggests that
engaging with North Korea’s small fishing resource is as fraught to with difficulty
in recent years as it was for the Soviet Union in 1971.
By the conclusion of this chapter, the reader will now have something of a sense of
North Korea’s sense of its own fishing history as well as the briefest of glimpses
into the reality of its endeavours allowed by corroborative evidence from elsewhere.
As much as it is clear that fishing and watery matters were hugely important to
North Korea and its political, governmental and national sense of self, it is also
clear that its ambitions have not been realised. But given this fact, how might they
be conceptualised within Pyongyang’s politics Fishery projects and the develop-
mental, environmental or agricultural sectors in which they are placed essentially
function on multiple scales, as indeed do the politics and ideology of North Korea.
All ultimately connect with the narratological strands serving to underpin, define
and legitimate the charismatic political form; all strands lead to the Kims or con-
ceptions or ideas of there are own conception, and thus all are transformed by that
charisma and those narratives into something a little close to transcendent or
miraculous. This narrative element of mythos and the miraculous creates a
Ibid. p. 61.
Ibid. p. 58.
Ibid. p. 62.
Ibid. p. 55.
4.7 Fishing Matters and Multiple Scales 129
Winstanley-Chesters (2015).
Rodong Sinmun (2016).
Rodong Sinmun (2015).
Winstanley-Chesters (2014).
130 4 Fishing in North Korea, A History and A Geography
the United Nations Commission of Inquiry (COI),133 a little space in which its
institutions and imagination can extend despite a myriad of troubles on land. While
North Korea’s revolutionary claims may reside in many cases in the charismatic,
narrative past, the contemporary era of the ‘big fish hauls’ allows just a little bit of
that revolutionary possibility to leach out into the present. Just as the KPA’s dam
builders in 1997 battled against the West Sea’s waves to rebuild the breakwaters at
Taegyedo reclamation site,134 protecting hard-won new land for the revolution, so
the fishing boats of North Koreas’ Fishing Stations are tasked still with forging
socialist promise from the water.
North Korea as the reader of this book may realise by now, may never reach the
heights of extraction from the commons of the sea managed by the Soviet Union
during its existence. The Soviet Union and perhaps unlikely partners such as the
Polish Democratic Republic and the German Democratic Republic would join the
United States, Japan, South Korea and Canada in the 1970s and 1980s as a global
fishing power, the ships of these nations found across the seas of the earth and at
their farthest reaches. North Korea, in spite of efforts made in the 1970s as
recounted by this chapter would never be a great success. However, that has never
stopped it aspiring to such success as seen in 2015’s New Year Address from Kim
Jong Un, and in following years, which features seas (and mountains) of gold as
developmental imperative.135 As much as Kim Il Sung wanted, desired and
demanded it, North Korean fishing success on a global scale has never happened.
The institutional redesign, scientific focus and technological jump required by
North Korea’s fishing strategy in the late 1960s and 1970s produced very little.
North Korea fishing boats seldom top 1000 tonnes (Whereas South Korea’s are in
the tens of thousands).
The notion that fishing landscapes are still under construction in North Korea,
still in engagement with the lively matters of the sea, at least in the institutional
mind is fascinating. This chapter as well as the at times mythic history of North
Korean fishing has touched on the reality of that history through the use of archival
materials from the Soviet Union. Readers would have read a lot about not just
watery matters and the vibrancy of fish and fish products in North Korea’s view, but
also about the spaces and geographies in which that matters would be captured,
harnessed and produced. The shipyards of Chongjin and other fishing places are
hugely important to these narratives, deeply embedded in the narratives and in the
ideology of North Korean developmentalism. However, these narrative and his-
torical landscapes cannot really tell anything like the entire story of the nation’s
engagement with its fishing matters and so it is vital for this book to go into the field
and to explore the reality of fishing spaces as they are in reality. Just as it is
impossible to consider North Korea’s fishing history without considering the deeper
and wider fishing histories of its neighbours, so North Korean fishing landscapes
United Nations (Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights) (2014).
KCNA (1997).
Rodong Sinmun (2015).
4.7 Fishing Matters and Multiple Scales 131
and places, particularly at the community level will give the reader a more holistic
sense of the engagement between space, community and the lively matters of fish
and fishing. Just as this book as used the wider history of fishing and its application
in the East Asian region to frame the watery histories of North Korea, so it will
encounter the reality of communities focused on fish and products from the sea and
coast by shifting the frame again back to North Korea’s neighbours. The next
chapter does that through recounting fieldwork done in fishing communities in the
People’s Republic of China and South Korea, places and populations who are
challenged by many of the same environmental problems that fishing communities
in North Korea will be, but whose political and economic frameworks will be
considerably different.
Block, Barbara, Heidi Dewar, Charles Farwell, and Eric Prince. 1998. A New Satellite Technology
for Tracking the Movements of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences 95 (16): 9384–9389.
FAO. 1972. Fisheries Statistics Yearbook 1972. Geneva: United Nations.
Finley, Carmel. 2011. All the Fish in the Sea: Maximum Sustainable Yield and the Failure of
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Limit Line, Sino-NK, 15th October, 2012.
Frank, Kenneth, et al. 2005. Trophic Cascades in a Formerly Cod-Dominated Ecosystem. Science
308 (5728): 1621–1623.
Gao, Bo. 2019. China’s Economic Engagement in North Korea. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.
Haggard, Stephan. 2017. UN Security Council Imposes Tough New Sanctions on North Korea.
North Korea: Witness to Transformation, 29th December, 2017.
Accessed 27th April, 2019.
Hong, Seong-Yong. 1995. Marine Policy in the Republic of Korea. Marine Policy 19 (2).
International North Pacific Fisheries Commission and Fisheries Agency of Japan. 1955. On the
Salmon in Waters Adjacent to Japan.
Accessed 27 April, 2019.
International North Pacific Fisheries Commission. 1971. Statistical Yearbook for 1971. https:// Accessed 27 April, 2019.
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Kim, Soyeun. 2013. Korea in Africa: A Missing Piece of the Puzzle? Korea 13 (15): 22.
Kirkwood, Meghan LE. 2013. Post-Independence Architecture through North Korean Modes:
Namibian Commissions of the Mansudae Overseas Project. A Companion to Modern African
Art 548–571.
132 4 Fishing in North Korea, A History and A Geography
Kotch, John and Abbey, Michael. 2003. Ending Naval Clashes on the Northern Limit Line and the
Quest for a West Sea Peace Regime. Asian Perspective 175–204.
Krishnan, R.R. 1981. North Korea and the non-aligned movement. International Studies 20 (1–2):
Kuark, Y. 1963. North Korea’s Agricultural Development During the Post-War Period. The China
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Capitalism and Socialism: The Interaction of Capitalism and Socialism. London: Routledge.
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Pauly, Daniel, and Rainer Froese. 2012. Comments on FAO’s state of fisheries and aquaculture, or
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Petrov, Leonid. 2004. Restoring the Glorious Past: North Korean Juche Historiography and
Goguryeo. The Review of Korean Studies 7 (3): 231–252.
Prybyla, Jan. 1964. Soviet and Chinese. Economic Competition within the Communist World.
Soviet Studies 15 (4): 464–473.
Rhee, Kang Suk. 1987. North Korea’s Pragmatism: A Turning Point? Asian Survey 27 (8): 885–
Sala, Enric, et al. 2018. The Economics of Fishing the High Seas. Science Advances 4 (6).
Sang-Hun, Choe and Sanger, David. 2013. Korea Execution is Tied to Clash Over Businesses. The
New York Times, 23 December, 2013.
korea-purge.html. Accessed 27 April, 2019.
Rodong Sinmun. 2013. The Party Requested it, They Did it. Rodong Sinumn, 21 December, 2013.
Rodong Sinmun. 2014a. New Year Address. Rodong Sinmun, 1 January, 2013. http://www.rodong.
Rodong Sinmun. 2014b. Kim Jong-un Gives Advice to Hydro-Meteorology Service. Rodong
Sinmun, 10 June, 2014.
0015&chAction=S. Accessed 21 April, 2016.
Rodong Sinmun. 2014c, Rodong Sinmun, 6 January, 2014.
php?strPageID=SF01_02_01&newsID=2014-01-06-0007&chAction=S (no longer available
and not archived at
Rodong Sinmun. 2014d, Rodong Sinmun, 8 January, 2014,
php?strPageID=SF01_02_01&newsID=2014-01-07-0012&chAction=S (no longer available
and not archived at
Rodong Sinmun. 2014e. Rodong Sinmun, 30 January, 2014,
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php?strPageID=SF01_02_01&newsID=2014-02-24-0009&chAction=S, (no longer available
and not archived at
Rodong Sinmun. 2014g. Rodong Sinmun, 3 May, 2014.
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kp/en/index.php?strPageID=SF01_02_01&newsID=2015-01-02-0002. Accessed 29 April,
Rodong Sinmun. 2015b. Kim Jong-un Visits May 9th Catfish Farm. Rodong Sinmun, 12
December, 2015.
12-12-0020. Accessed 29 April, 2016.
References 133
Rodong Sinmun. 2015c. Kim Jong Un Visits KPA Fishery Station 15. Rodong Sinmun, 25
November, 2015.
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November, 2015.
11-23-0001/. Accessed 29 April, 2016.
Rodong Sinmun. 2016. New Year Address. Rodong Sinmun, 2 January 2016. http://www.rodong. Accessed 29 April,
Rodong Sinmun. 2018. Nation’s Best Scientists and Technicians in 2018(3): Yu Chol Jun, Giant
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strPageID=SF01_02_01&newsID=2019-02-14-0026. Accessed 27 April, 2019.
Smith, T. 1994. Scaling Fisheries: The Science of Measuring the Effects of Fishing, 1855–1955.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Sung, Kim Il. 1948. On Developing the Fishing Industry on a New Basis. Works 4. Pyongyang:
Foreign Languages Publishing House.
Sung, Kim Il. 1957. On the Development of the Fishing Industry. Works 11. Pyongyang: Foreign
Languages Publishing House.
Sung, Kim Il. 1960. On the Tasks of the Party Organizations in South Pyongan Province. Works
14. Pyongyang: Foreign Languages Publishing House.
Sung, Kim Il. 1961. All Efforts to Attain the Six Goals. Works 15. Pyongyang: Foreign Languages
Publishing House.
Sung, Kim Il. 1964. Theses on the Socialist Rural Question in our Country. Works 18. Pyongyang:
Foreign Languages Publishing House.
Sung, Kim Il. 1967. For Bringing About Rapid Progress in the Fishing Industry. Works 22.
Pyongyang: Foreign Languages Publishing House.
Sung, Kim Il. 1969. On Developing the Fishing Industry Further. Works 24. Pyongyang: Foreign
Languages Publishing House.
Sung, Kim Il. 1977. On the Further Development of the Fishing Industry in the West Sea. Works
32. Pyongyang: Foreign Languages Publishing House.
Sung, Kim Il. 1978. Let us Develop the Fishing Industry and Increase the Catch. Works 33.
Pyongyang: Foreign Languages Publishing House.
Tucker Jones, Ryan. 2014. Empires of Extinction: Russians and the North Pacific’s Strange Beasts
of the Sea, 1741–1867. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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from Ri Hyok, North Korean Minister of fisheries, 5 August, 2014. Phonpei: Marianas Islands.
134 4 Fishing in North Korea, A History and A Geography
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Chapter 5
Gageodo, Dalian and Slavankya…Lively
Matters in the Neighbourhood
political geography in some ways as challenging as that of China and North Korea,
Slavyanka a fishing community since the 1860s was threatened by the develop-
mental interests of regional politics in Russia, yet through an extensive repertoire of
resistive and energetic actions managed to maintain its geography and fishing
infrastructure. Through these three case studies, a complex meshing of lively
political, environmental and economic matters generate and co-produce fishing
geographies and landscapes which will certainly be useful in the next chapters’
consideration of a particular North Korean fishing community.
Keywords Fieldwork Gageodo Dalian Chinese fishing communities Korean
fishing communities Russian fishing communities Kaekchu
This books’ consideration of fish and fishing communities in North Korea cannot
entirely focus on the spaces and places of that nation’s territory. Fishing commu-
nities in our age are focused on watery spaces beyond the bounds of the national
territory, and as much as the United States and Japan have attempted in the past to
transform fish populations into national subjects, fish are beyond nation and
national territory. However, it is best that any study of North Korean matters does
not make the same mistakes as past analysis and imagine that the nation and
territories are themselves separate from the wider world or region in which they sit.
As this author has sought to make clear throughout his work and certainly in this
book, North Korea is not a unique nation with a sui generis social and political
system, in fact to think of it like that is not helpful for a real and coherent
understanding of it as a real place. North Korea is not simply an aberration, outlier
or freak of the political weather, it is a product of history of local, regional and
international relationships, of changes in economic and social forms and of
developing environmental challenges, which in a sense we all face, but that are
certainly faced by fishing communities and fish themselves globally. This book
does not really have the time or intention to delve deeply into the fishing histories of
every nation that sits close to North Korea. In the English language, if background
and history on the interactions between state and society in the realm of fishing in
historical China is needed I suggest the work of Micah Muscolino1; if the same is
true of Imperial Russia and its interests in fishing and marine mammals then I
suggest the work of Ryan Tucker Jones.2 However, it is extremely important for
this book to connect to some of the places and communities near and connected to
North Korea. This fifth chapter, therefore, will as the title suggests, examine the
Muscolino (2009).
Jones (2014).
5.1 Gageodo, Dalian and Tong Shui Gou…Lively Matters in the Neighbourhood 137
lively fishing matters in North Korea’s neighbourhood. It will primarily do this not
through extensive historical analysis, or statistical review, but through that most
Geographic of methodologies, the fieldwork exercise. The chapter will certainly get
to Chinese places and spaces, for they are and were utterly fascinating to the author,
especially given the nexus of cross-border exchange, support and interaction
between North Korea and the People’s Republic of China. However, first this
chapter will explore a fishing community mentioned earlier in this book, Gageodo
(가거도) in South Korea. There is an industry in making comparisons between
North Korea and South Korea of course, comparing economic and political
development since the division in 1945/48, often pointing out the failure of northern
efforts in comparison to apparently miraculous achievements of the south. This isn’t
the ambition of this author or this section of the chapter which seeks to place this
South Korean fishing community in the context of a similar sea to those of North
Korean fishing communities, and certainly very similar environmental and climatic
Gageodo is the most southwestern island in the whole territory of South Korea.
This book considered a little of its fairly unknown and unwritten history in the
second chapter, but it is fair to say that Gageodo has always been peripheral to the
institutions and governance of Korea. When Prof. Han Sangbok of Seoul National
University first visited the island in the 1960s while he was completing his doctoral
training it was almost as remote as it had been centuries earlier. The Professor
reported to me the extraordinary journey from the mainland which was the only
option at the time, a journey of some five days by steam ferry, staying overnight on
the chain of islands that extends offshore from Mokpo port, itself the most south-
western port in South Korea.3 Most of the trade and interest in this area it seems has
settled for some time on the island of Heuksando, famous in Korea for its
Hongeo-heo 홍어회, incredibly strongly smelling fermented Skate (similar to the
legendary Icelandic dish of Kæster hákarl, the putrefied and fermented flesh of the
Greenland Shark). Gageodo at the time was still some 2 days sailing southwest of
Heuksando (흑산도). This remote location meant that Gageodo was fairly unde-
veloped for many centuries. Even under the Japanese colonial administration, it
seems there was no police force or military garrison on Gageodo, and the colonial
era only left a lighthouse at the island’s far southern tip…not even accessible by
path or road from the villages on the island. In 1968, the fishing community in the
main village of Gageodo had to rely entirely on the natural harbour created by the
areas topography (a headland and a large island, presumably once joined to the
island by a rock bridge which had long since collapsed), and as this could be
problematic in a storm or change of current or wind direction, traditionally the
fishers of the village had to haul their boats up and over the pebble beach for safety
so that they rested on the seaward side of the main village street, opposite the
narrow rows of houses. The steam ferry did not even actually berth on the island,
and the Professor and anyone else who wished to visit had to be decanted into a
Han (1977).
138 5 Gageodo, Dalian and Slavankya…Lively Matters in the Neighbourhood
smaller tender boat to get to shore. Gageodo in 1968 was even still under the thumb
of the Kaekchu (객주), commission traders who had kept the community and many
other fishing villages under a curious private enterprise form of debt and credit
bondage, which meant that its technological and economic development was highly
compromised and restricted.
In 2017, when the author of this book travelled to Gageodo with Prof. Han
Sangbok the steam ferry and overnight stops on Heuksando and other islands had
been discontinued. Gageodo was now reached by a hydrofoil from Mokpo which
while still making quite a large number of stops at various islands (even the express
service), including Heuksando, in some 5 h of sailing. South Koreans who the
author has mentioned this island to, still often exclaim at this point how can it take 5
h? South Korea today is an extremely well-connected nation courtesy of its highly
developed high-speed railway network, the KTX which means that one can travel
from Seoul in the far northwest of the nation to Busan in the far southeast in around
2 h. A five-hour journey in South Korea is highly unusual in the
twenty-first-century. Gageodo’s hydrofoil service is provided by a boat actually
named ‘Utopia’, but fishing communities have never been utopian in East Asia and
certainly not in Korea. Fishers and fishing communities, including Whalers were
among the lowest and unclean classes of the population, problematic and stigma-
tised people. In Korea, historically the sea and the ocean itself was considered
dangerous and in some way morally dysfunctional. The Sea Dragon King held
sway over the waves and fishing communities were forced to seek cosmic miti-
gation of this danger through a complex landscape of ritual and spiritual perfor-
mance in which fishers engaged in complex rituals at particular rocks and small
islands. Gageodo in 2017 is still not any form of utopia but is considerably more
developed than when visited in the early 1960s.
Utopia arrives next to a large concrete harbour wall, which was in the middle of
having an even larger concrete berth built connected to it in 2017 by Samsung
Heavy Industries so that cruise ships and larger pleasure boats could dock at
Gageodo rather than just sailing by. When Prof. Han Sangbok visited in 1968 the
notion that this tiny remote island might become in any way connected to tourism
would have seen fantastical and outlandish. At the time there was only one guest
house on the island, owned by the head of the village in the largest village on the
island. Gageodo’s position far out to sea and in the middle of some of the strongest
currents of the West Sea meant of course that the fishing was good, the reason for
the communities on the island in the first place. When sportfishing developed as a
leisure activity in the 1970s and 1980s in South Korea, newly adventurous leisure
fishers sought out all sorts of interesting landscapes on South Korea’s jagged
western coastline in order to find the best and most interesting places to access the
more energetic of ocean fishes. Gageodo became actually quite famous for fishers’
potential access to Tuna and larger sea and ocean fish. It appears there was a boom
in accommodation providers for these sport fishers, although nothing so far very
luxurious as such sportspeople seem to minimise their costs for overnight stays, and
even small shops for sustenance and fishing equipment. Thus by 2017, a number of
the houses on the front street of Gageodo’s primary village were guest houses and
5.1 Gageodo, Dalian and Tong Shui Gou…Lively Matters in the Neighbourhood 139
there were further guest houses and accommodation providers further up the
mountain. Quite what will be the impact of larger cruise ships and tourist boats in
the future is unclear but it surely won’t be long before a more conventional hotel is
opened somewhere on the island. Along with the extensive harbour development
which allows the hydrofoil to stop in the harbour, South Korean government money
had supported the fishing community to install a large mechanised boat lift and to
build new birthing spots for larger boats. The community has built a freezing and
prep facility on the right side of the harbour next to the fishing community hall.
Gageodo’s main village is connected by small roads to two further small hamlets on
either side of the island. Both of these communities were in 2017 declining in
population and have many derelict and unused houses, but both have had new
harbour infrastructure built to support initially whatever fishing enterprise remains
there, but in more recent years to support the sport fishers.
When the author of this book arrived, staying with Prof. Han Sangbok as he had
done in 1968 in the guest house of the village head one of the first things I noticed
at the head of the harbour was a large series of shipping containers filled to the roof
with bottled water. Interesting environmental times it seems were afoot on
Gageodo, drought had arrived for what was said to be the first time in living
memory and had come for several seasons. Gageodo’s many water storage tanks
and bores were dry and no serious rain had fallen for many weeks, even though
dense fog would regularly roll in. The village head had engaged in extensive
negotiation with the regional administration on the mainland in Mokpo and they
had agreed to support Gageodo and neighbouring islands with drinking water until
the end of the drought. No one knew when this strange weather situation would end
as it really had never been seen before. So at this moment of real institutional and
governmental interest in Gageodo, unlike many centuries of neglect prior to the
1960s, the island was beset with new problems, surrounded by water, but with no
water to actually drink. The village head and other fishers I met on the main street
and who talked to my colleague the helpful and sprightly Han Sangbok (even
though he is an Emeritus Professor and in his late 70s), insisted that while there
were still plenty of fish, the types and sizes of fish caught on the island had begun to
change and the time of the year they were caught had also begun to shift.
I set out a number of times to walk across the island, as of course there is no
public transport on Gageodo, so if one wanted to get from the main fishing village
to the two further small hamlets one would have to walk out of the village, up the
mountain past the ROK Navy Marines base. At the shoulder of the mountain 400 m
above the largest village, the road splits in two. One road follows the contour lines
into a deep wood and heads to the west side of the island. Another road heads
straight up the mountain and eventually weaves, turns and then descends fast down
to the eastern side. Extraordinarily, and in a way which Han Sangbok could not
have imagined in the 1960s, Gageodo is as digitally well connected as nearly every
other place in South Korea. Korea Telecom and SK Telecom, the two largest South
Korean telephony and mobile telephony services decided that rather than install a
brand new copper wire network across the island in the internet age, they would
140 5 Gageodo, Dalian and Slavankya…Lively Matters in the Neighbourhood
install broadband Wi-Fi routers on old telephone poles all across the island. The
visiting tourist or academic can, therefore, now be as connected as anywhere else, I
found myself walking through the paths up Gageodo’s highest peak streaming BBC
Radio 4 on my phone while using an Olleh mobile broadband ‘egg’. Although in
one of the most distant and foreign places, I had ever visited I felt as enmeshed in
the global digital nexus as I have ever felt in Korea.
While listening to streaming services or networking on social media, the visitor
on the western side of the mountain would continue down to the second Gageodo
fishing village. Gageodo 2, as the villages of the island are marked on maps, was
located in a topographic bowl underneath the mountain and with a promontory to its
west. Essentially the village had no coastal strip or beach and has never had one,
steep cliffs abut the sea, but the shape of the coast means that the water below is
very calm and presumably very safe for boats to be moored. Historically fishers of
Gageodo 2 used to tie their boats close to the cliffs and the scale them using a steep
ladder and walkway. This was apparently the case until the early 1970s when
funding from regional authorities in Mokpo and from central government under the
control of the Park Chung-hee regime enabled new infrastructures to be built across
the island. Gageodo 2 received a new powered boat lift to raise fishing boats from
sea level up the cliff to a new prep and freezing building. This boat lift was built on
quite a substantial concrete base, large enough to take the catch and equipment of
several boats and to allow those boats to berthed alongside. This boat lift and base
also enabled a brand new and dramatically shaped concrete set of steps to be
constructed alongside the boat lift. Sat on the concrete base the water at this point is
extraordinarily clear and pristine, as idyllic a scene as can be found in Asia. It is
abundantly clear however that very little organised conventional fishing still occurs
from this place, even though on the occasions that the author of this book was there,
a number of sportfishing boats surrounded the boat lift and base racing off with their
eager cargo of holidaying South Korean businessmen out to catch a big fish and not
let it getaway. The head of the village, and unofficial governor of the whole island
informed me that in fact there were only three actual fishing boats fishing properly
out of Gageodo 2’s harbour. This small village had begun to decline in the late
1980s and now only a few of the small houses on the hillside above the cliffs were
inhabited and apparently not by families but by single older men, three of whom
were the remaining fishers. These small dwellings hunkered down into the land-
scape, connected by small cobbled pathways, not unlike mountain villages I had
visited around Nagarkot in Nepal, timeless but more than a little lost.
Thinking back up the mountain to the road junction, the visitor interested in
fishing should turn to the east and climb further up the small mountain following
the tiny road. Before the peak, a further trail climbs away from the road to the
highest point of the island. Instead, however of being able to sit at the top of the
summit and look out across the seas below for whatever fishers might be plying
their trade, visitors are not really alone at this place. There is a very substantial
listening post and radar station on top of the mountain from which the Republic of
Korea Navy and Intelligence Agencies survey the shipping lines and watch for
5.1 Gageodo, Dalian and Tong Shui Gou…Lively Matters in the Neighbourhood 141
Gao (2019).
Kim (2017).
142 5 Gageodo, Dalian and Slavankya…Lively Matters in the Neighbourhood
are in a substantially different geopolitical and environmental world from that of its
All of the Gageodo villages and the islands other infrastructures may have had
quite a degree of financial and other support dispersed upon them over the decades
since South Korea’s birth in 1948, enough to maintain and develop fishing com-
munities and practices which would have dissipated and disappeared elsewhere.
However, the waters surrounding the island have transformed similarly since the
colonial era. While whaling boats and motherships may no longer ply the nearby
seas, as this book has already asserted, the maritime landscapes and the fish
themselves that travel the currents and school amongst unseen underwater
topographies have been extraordinarily denuded by the technologies, economics
and practices of industrial fishing in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. As
fishing technologies and capabilities have developed what is done to the sea and to
its inhabitants as only spiralled downwards in impact. Global societal notions of
what is a large fish or what is a large number of fish have transformed, so that earlier
literary descriptions of the size of particular species or the density of a shoal are
regarded as fantastical. A cod could never surely be the size of a man, the waters
could never really be so full of fish that a human could also walk upon them to
reach land, it is though, the writers who said so were being hyperbolic or absurdist.
Yet recent more careful maritime archaeology and consideration of the genome of
fish species suggests that in fact it is very likely that these seemingly rather
far-fetched stories were true.6 It is not the reality of the past that has changed or
become cleared or smaller in the present, it is the fish and their numbers, and that is
the fault of humans and their technologies. The impact of this is felt as heavily at
Gageodo as elsewhere across the globe in changing fish size, population density,
ease of catch and time of migrations and schooling. Even in spite of the investment
from central and regional government fishing has not been good and the number of
fishers and fishing boats has declined over time.
Many miles to the north of Gageodo is the Liaodong Peninsula. A long thread of
land which follows the estuarial course of the Amnok/Yalu (압록강/鸭绿江) River,
just across the water from North Korea and the community of fishers at Sindo.
Liaodong has like many places on the coast of China colonised by many other
nations. At one point, the peninsula had a settlement named Port Arthur at the end,
a British colony. Port Arthur soon became a Russian colony and was connected to
the China Eastern Railway, another ice-free port for the Empire. Just to the north of
the port the Russian’s built a dramatic new city, Dal’niy, planned in a similarly
Haussmannian style familiar in other cities nearby. Dal’niy would become Dairen
in 1905 following Russia’s defeat to Japan in 1905 and the area would become the
Kwantung Leased Territory, combined in the later years of the Japanese empire
with Manchukuo.7 The Russians would arrive back in Dairen in 1945, this time as
the Soviet Union, defeating the remaining Kwantung and Japanese forces following
Barras (2018).
Hess (2006).
5.1 Gageodo, Dalian and Tong Shui Gou…Lively Matters in the Neighbourhood 143
the Manchurian Strategic Offensive.8 The Soviet Union would hold the territory in
collaboration with the forces of Communist China until 1950, handing it back to the
People’s Republic of China without compensation and with goodwill.9 The
People’s Republic of China and the developmental power behind the Chinese
communist model have continued to develop Dalian over the decades. Dalian is
now one of the largest ports in northeast China, building aircraft carriers for the
PLA Navy and Port Arthur now known as Lüshün (旅顺), has one of the largest
PLA Navy bases in the area, just down the street from the preserved railway station
from the China Eastern Railway. Under the mayorship of the infamous Bo Xilai,
Dalian found itself with the worlds’ largest planned square and some fantastical
architectures on hills around the city.10
While certainly not uncommon in the contemporary People’s Republic of China,
Dalian has one of the most extraordinary proliferations of examples of the physical
and architectural outputs of what has been called speculative urbanism. Within the
highly active economy of contemporary China, there is a great deal of capital
flowing around, generated by the normally extremely high levels of economic
growth, high profit margins and the unusual liquidity of money.11 People with
capital are always looking to invest and make a profit in China, and one way of
doing so is urban development. While China’s politics has a peculiar set of
restrictions, known as the Hukuo system (户口) designed to protect agricultural
land holding, maintain public order and control the mobility of the public, modern
Chinese people are still essentially quite mobile.12 There are a number of ways in
which restrictions, which prevent citizens from moving to new districts and buying
and selling land are circumvented, often leading to greater speculation.13 Large
population transfers have occurred in China in recent decades as the western coastal
region developed economically into the industrial powerhouse it is known as today.
Wages in these industrial areas, while extremely competitive on a global scale,
completely outpaced the value of pay and trade-in non-urban areas to the east.14
This created a huge drive towards population transfer from the rural areas to the
urban areas like Dalian. Under post-Deng Xiaoping housing policy, the supply of
public housing was restricted and privatised to a degree, so that property developing
companies, often in tandem with arms of or connections to state institutions like the
PLA, became the key provider of new housing.15 Coupled with an autocratic and
radically ambitious approach to urban and developmental planning that privileged
economic growth over personal property or rights, such companies, backed by the
Bo and Chen 2009.
He et al. (2009).
Chan and Zhang (1999).
Huang et al. (2014).
Knight and Song (2003).
Huque (2005).
144 5 Gageodo, Dalian and Slavankya…Lively Matters in the Neighbourhood
state in both its’ organisational and legal capacities, and powered by the huge
capital flows would completely reconfigure areas of urban and rural landscape.16
While this has been for the most part successful and contemporary China has
managed to navigate these huge population transfers without extensive political or
public revolt, there have been glitches and fractures in the system. Famously these
involve situations where incomplete or unsatisfactory planning has failed to map
the potential population flows and public demand in the right way and been further
enabled by an overheated market for capital and investment.17 Academia knows the
results as China’s ‘ghost cities’, huge and unlikely new urban conurbations built
often in very remote or peripheral places because of a sense that development
would reach even the furthest outreach, or that there was a resource to be extracted
nearby and workers would be needed to obtain it.18 These have been the subject of
intense debate in the literature and often ridiculed as examples of the weakness of
China’s model of development.19 There are also examples of where developmental
capital has gone through a process of diffusion, so that primary builders, sell on to
secondary buyers, tertiary buyers and then even fourth-level buyers all of whom are
highly focused on extracting a profit. Because there are so many rings of profit, the
primary builders and secondary buyers are essentially protected from risk. It does
not matter whether people will actually live in these developments or not, as their
equity stake in them will have been sold on well before anybody even thinks about
buying them. It is only tertiary and fourth level buyers who might be exposed to the
reality that perhaps the location is unlikely or will not be popular enough to turn a
profit as has been the case with many of these secondary developments.20 Large
sets of urban high-density tower blocks attempting to take advantage of the new
power of the city, trying to second guess its growth and the growth of its transport
infrastructure. There is also a great deal of speculative urbanism in the area which
connects to leisure pursuits or the aspirational desire of newly middle-class Chinese
to move either further out of the city or to be in an attractive landscape, particularly
by the coast.21 These developments cannot always be successful or appropriate, but
they are powerful stores of capital and almost impossible for people who are not
part of this new development/capital matrix to compete with. Traditional ways of
life and ways of making a profit such as fishing and other maritime enterprises,
which the area is, of course, famous for, are subject to intense pressure for space.
The author of this book engaged in fieldwork around the Dalian/Lüshün region,
which included a number of visits to various examples of such speculative
urbanism, including the hotels north of the record-breaking square in the middle of
the city which resemble fantastical Disney creations. The old fishing harbour of
He and Wu (2009).
Yu et al. (2011).
Yu (2014).
Sorace and Hurst (2016).
Wu (1999).
Jiang et al. (2017).
5.1 Gageodo, Dalian and Tong Shui Gou…Lively Matters in the Neighbourhood 145
Dalian, familiar to the Russians and Japanese is buried beneath the dramatic con-
struction site of a new Langham Place development. Further along the fishing area,
Dalian now sports an enormous series of faux-European townhouses, meaning that
one can walk along the shore past imagined versions of Bruges, Venice, Florence
and Paris, architectural styles changing every few hundred metres. Away from the
shore and the new thrusting city centre, the Russian old town built around a turn of
the century town hall sits derelict with its paint peeling. There was little to be seen
of Dalian’s fishing traditions within the centre of the city or in the main area of
Lüshün, which is complicated to visit and restricted somewhat by the security
presence around the PLA Navy station. To the southwest of the city is the Bangchui
Island area. Historically famous for being one of Mao and Deng Xiaoping’s
favourite CCP guest houses (it was recently visited by Xi Xinping and Kim Jong
Un),22 before it was cordoned off to become a VIP area this shore was important for
fishers. Little remains of their facilities and architectures, nothing of course in the
guest house area, but the power of speculative capital has displaced whatever was
left of fishing communities along this coast. Middle-class residents of Dalian can
now even be found sipping coffee in a giant coffee shop and restaurant named
‘fishing harbour’ at Xiaoping Island. Accompanied by a guide, fellow academic,
translator and a driver we set off in search of the remains of Dalian’s fishing
Travelling along the coast road towards Lüshün, we first visited the fishing
market at Yanchangxincun (盐场新村). Here the market on the coastal side of a
dual carriageway highway is overshadowed by an army of 30–40 storey apartment
blocks. The market was one of those dream places of China, if a little dishevelled
with all manner of sea product, some completely indescribable, scattered in a mix of
tiny stalls and other sales outlets right at the end head of a beach, on which a few
small powered boats had been hauled out of the water. Perhaps this would have
been proof enough that amidst all the speculative urbanism it was possible for the
vestiges of a past fishing community to carry on, if it were not for what we saw next
in the distance. Behind the market, connected to a small promontory that stuck out
into the sea were an extraordinary network of wires, pulleys and metalwork that
were fixed into the ocean. These various haphazard pieces of technology connected
to a disorganised flotilla of boats as well as to facilities on the shore which appeared
to billow with steam and smoke. A short walk up a path to the edge of the
promontory revealed that all this steam was, in fact, the sign of an unexpected
industry, seaweed boiling. Kelp is made ready for storage and cleaned by vigorous
boiling and the networks of wires allowed the various small businesses along the
coast to pull bundles of kelp directly from their boats to the boilers. Here, a group of
at least four men per site would make sure the kelp was kept on feeding into the
boiler, poked and prodded it while inside the machine and then made sure it
emerged properly at the end of the process. These were extraordinary workplaces,
hot, wet and uncomfortable, jets and bursts of boiling steam spraying out on
Benjamin (2009).
146 5 Gageodo, Dalian and Slavankya…Lively Matters in the Neighbourhood
occasion, the workers protected in white overalls and protective suits. We walked
all the way down the promontory counting at least 14 such businesses working in
the same field of work. Surely this is complicated and dangerous work with little
profit margin in contemporary China, but proof at this point that along with the
various tower blocks and apartment complexes, value could still be extracted from
the sea and life could be had at its edge.
On the other side of the Dalian urban region, Jinshitan (金石滩) was a fishing
village known for its deep-sea fishing prior to the colonial periods. The Jinshitan
now visible from our car appeared to be an interesting mixture of apartment
architecture from the 1970s and 1980s, shopping centres and leisure facilities
connected to the area’s new identity as a seaside resort and golf resort, including
Discoveryland Theme Park and the Golden Pebble Beach Golf Club. The Canadian
owner of the famous Suzan Pizza restaurant in the middle of the more down at heel
apartment complexes, who has lived in Dalian for more than 20 years told me that
when he first moved to the city the apartments were primarily owned by fishers and
that the coast had been radically reclaimed to make space for the golf resorts which
had impacted not only on the physical space available for fishing infrastructure, but
also on the sea currents which travelled around the headland. Behind the golf resort
and down an unmetalled road, dodging the trucks and wagons you could make your
way to the new fishing area. Having taken his advice, we did find the new area for
the huge number of wooden and metal boats of the Jinshitan fishermen’s cooper-
ative. Here in the waters of Changjiang bay, the fishing community and its
infrastructures appeared to have found a functional new home. In the manner
familiar to developmental communities across the globe who are busy with work
and not necessarily hugely focused on beautification, Jinshitan’s fishing area is a
little chaotic and messy, but the extensive buildings around the fishing adminis-
tration office and cooperative hub suggest that investment from the Dalian area
authorities had not been wasted. The cooperative also had extensive preparation and
freezing infrastructure and that looked as if they had been built for wet fish, though
I never did see any fish being landed or transported at the time. Around the corner
from these places explicitly focused on fish, I found a street-facing directly onto the
sea with a series of undramatic low-roofed factories with extensive courtyards. This
area belonged again to seaweed preparers and boilers. Out on the quayside in front
of these facilities trucks disgorged wet cargoes of kelp and other vegetation from
the sea, cargoes lifted up by cranes and placed into wire mesh cages. These cages
disappeared into the courtyards and later the steam began to rise as the boiling and
processing got underway. The prevalence of such industry focused on seaweed
suggests that besides wet fish, crustaceans and other shellfish, this might be the real
focus of Dalian’s still extant maritime enterprises. Future fieldwork undertaken by
others should surely seek out the location from whence all this seaweed came from,
whether it be directly from wild sea forests or enormous kelp farms offshore. It
would also be fascinating to read an anthropology of the seaweed boilers and their
lives amidst this steamy, hot, messy way of life.
Jinshitan and Yanchangxincun while in some ways thriving and managing to
continue in the midst of so much urban and leisure development, with all of the
5.1 Gageodo, Dalian and Tong Shui Gou…Lively Matters in the Neighbourhood 147
pressures of both space and capital around them are examples of more urban fishing
communities in the area. These were not entirely traditional, and East Asian
examples more generally of fishing places are more peripheral and rural, so it was
important for the author to find whether in the hinterland of Liaodong, such places
still existed. For this, we apparently needed to head north out of Dalian City area to
Wafangdian district (瓦房店市). In 2017, this journey involved driving along a
series of large dual and triple carriageway highways (with remarkably few cars after
having left Dalian City limits), and then turning off into the countryside along
increasingly smaller and remote roads. Having passed an extraordinary example of
a ghost tourist resort, complete with a series of hotels, bus station for coach and
touring companies, potential restaurants, a bowling alley and a series of unfinished
golf courses, the roads traversed a series of salt farms. There is perhaps a book to be
written on salt farming in this area, as these facilities took up miles and miles of
ground and presumably displace other agricultural efforts, but as a low input,
reasonable output industry they are perfect for the landscape of the area. Finally,
beyond the salt farms and over a series of low hills we glimpsed the coast and the
road essentially gave out to pebbles and compacted mud, here, at last, was Tong
Shui Gou (通水沟). The gateway to the village, complete with faded party slogan
from the local office of the CCP was followed by what can only be described as a
tower of broken and disused lobster and crab pots. Further down the main village
street was a huge pile of what looked like anchors and the metal posts used to fix
buoys to the ocean floor. Tong Shui Gou is certainly not a pretty fishing village, it is
not picturesque in any sense, it is impossible to imagine speculative urbanism
weighing the investment potential of this land. While the days we visited were
perhaps not the most auspicious for its appearance, the sky a slate grey, light mist
rolling in, a stiff breeze in the air, amplifying the essential dullness of the water,
tourists or citizens of modern China will be unlikely to come here, my fixer and
academic colleague from Shanghai was amazed that somewhere like this still
existed in the greater Dalian region. If the village is a mess, it is at least functional
and practically every building and patch of ground nearer the coast was dedicated to
fishing or the storage of fishing equipment. The harbour itself was host to a huge
number of boats, perhaps more than 50, both wooden and metal hulled, both small
two or three man-day boats and a series of larger trawlers and purse seiners with
which a crew could go to sea and spend a few nights at work. Whether any of these
larger boats had seen service recently was not clear. The ice house, the prep
building and what looked like a packaging facility looked as if they had not been
used for some time. But as we approached the quayside with its weigh station and
fisherman’s rest house, it was clear that there was a small crowd in attendance, not
for us visitors but to receive a boat due to arrive with a catch in the next 20–30 min.
We decided to wait, with an invitation of course, in the rest house for the
fishermen and to see if any of those at work with their stout and lengthy wellington
boots would talk to us. It was apparent that they had all been at work throughout the
early morning and were of few words at the best of times. But the conversation such
as it did tell us that Tong Shui Gou was still in business, yet did not as a community
focus on wet fish or larger shellfish anymore because they simply could not be
148 5 Gageodo, Dalian and Slavankya…Lively Matters in the Neighbourhood
found in quantities worth seeking. There was some talk of who they had to sell to as
well, that it was hard to find a market for the products, so jokingly the market came
to them…an aside which was not elaborated on in any great detail, but later the
meaning of which became abundantly clear outside in the drizzle and wind. Mainly,
our small group and the fishermen watched an episode of the globally famous TV
show ‘If You Are the One’ 缘来非诚勿扰 (Fei Cheng Wu Rao) in which single
men attempt to win the favour of a phalanx of women by detailing their capabilities
and attributes, as well as a giving a little performance of sorts. While the British
version (‘Take Me Out’) of this programme is much more focused on comedy than
the rigorous, serious Chinese version, it would be no less bizarre to watch in a
fishermen’s rest up surrounded by the detritus of lives at sea. The bright lights and
cacophony of the studio in Nanjing seemed very far away from this dank, blustery
After several men and numerous women had failed to impress or be selected
movement outside the hut alerted everyone that the incoming boat, now later than
anticipated due to the stiff wind, was not far off the harbour. Outside I noticed the
arrival of a small group of men dressed in leather jackets, better shoes than
everyone else in the village and with rather purposeful expressions. At the same
time, four women dressed very colourfully in padded jackets and hats also arrived
with a set of large boards and coloured plastic buckets. The women set up their
boards into a set of large tables and the men loomed about above them smoking
furiously and trying to keep warm in spite of the noticeably cold wind. These men
with commission tradesmen, responsible for buying whatever the catch was, setting
the price and finding a market elsewhere for it. Similar to Kaekchu in historical
Korea such tradesmen would also extend credit and supply necessary resources or
arrange repairs to boats, nets or other equipment. Naturally, the relationship
between such people in a peripheral community like Tong Shiu Gou is problematic
and not entirely comfortable, but, given the distance of Tong Shui Gou to the
nearest fishing markets, the need for the fishermen to spend as much time at sea as
possible and the presumed connections between the salesmen and the regional
markets themselves, they are fairly essential. I have described the historical impact
of Kaekchu on fishing communities in Korea and the restrictions their place in the
web of relationships around fishing places on the practical level of development of
these communities in a previous chapter. I do not claim that such restrictions are
necessary in play at Tong Shiu Gou and any other fishing villages of the Dalian
region. These communities in previous times in the People’s Republic of China sold
their fish through a more centralised and bureaucratic system of fish marketing. The
appearance of these men in leather at the quayside essentially is a product of
China’s economic liberalisation and peculiar approach to free markets, as well as
the withdrawal of institutions of the state from smaller scale developmental interests
such as these. It is more likely that while they cannot be generous with their pricing
and certainly will extract a profit which would otherwise go to the fishing com-
munity, their continued interest in this place makes it possible to continue fishing
here in these difficult contemporary times.
5.1 Gageodo, Dalian and Tong Shui Gou…Lively Matters in the Neighbourhood 149
So with the men in leather jackets, the women and their boards and our small
group of academics and helpers all looking on, the black wooden boat for about
potentially four or five crew flying the red flag of the People’s Republic rounded the
breakwater and entered the inner harbour. When it arrived at the quayside the four
crew on board attempted to scramble off at the same time as two of the buyers tried
to get on to make sure of what was on board. Essentially, it was a meagre catch,
three crates of mixed specimens of the sea, not really full, but somewhere between
two-thirds and three-quarters full. I have learnt a lot about the state of our seas and
oceans in recent years for the research behind this book, the impact of fishing
technology, climate change, warming sea temperatures and pollution and I was on
the quayside shocked and more than a little horrified by what was in those crates.
A polite and academic way of saying it would be ‘shrimps and assorted other
crustaceans,’ there are of course innumerable less polite ways of referring to it.
Essentially much of what had been caught looked undersized, sick or broken, as
well as interspersed by an enormous percentage of waste, both plastic and paper. At
this village, we were some distance from urban centres or landfill, but it was
patently clear that wherever this boat had been to dredge or net this catch, the sea
was not healthy or clean there.
As the catch was hauled out of the boat the women sat next to their boards
waiting, before the boats crew unceremoniously dumped the contents of each of the
crates onto them. Faced with a seemingly vast pile of mixed waste and slowly
wriggling small fish and shrimps the women got to work. Moving very fast the
women began to make several piles, one for waste, one for things that were shrimp
or looked like shrimp and things that were fish or looked like fish. The waste pile
grew and grew, at least a third of the catch, while the fish pile remained fairly small
and bizarrely the least attractive of the piles as at least some of the waste had colour,
whereas these fish were also entirely grey and appeared fragmented and damaged in
almost every case, often with skin lesions and other malformations. The shrimp pile
became towering, and while grey, had some of the pinkish colour so famous around
the world, almost a single mass still moving occasionally. When the piles were
initially complete the women scraped the waste pile and the fish pile to two other
boards, each with a single person tasked with its further investigation, while two
women focused on the mass of shrimp.
It is probably too much to compare the efforts of two women sorting shrimp in
the wind in a down at heel Chinese fishing village to the synchronised movement of
robotic arms in a complicated factory or a fully automated Amazon web fulfilment
warehouse, but the extraordinarily fast fingers and arms of the two women at their
board had a sort of balletic quality. The one enormous pile of shrimp very quickly
transformed into three and the women through an obviously engrained and pre-
existing set of mental guidelines were set fast in the task of sorting the greying mass
into these three piles. Based on both size and width the women selected individual
shrimp for each pile, the differences being not immediately apparent, but before
long it was clear that there was a previously unseen homogeneity in their selected
piles. Each set of shrimp really were discernibly different sizes and presumably
weights and judging by the interest of the men in leather jackets also different
150 5 Gageodo, Dalian and Slavankya…Lively Matters in the Neighbourhood
prices. As the women finalised the first sort, they then went through each pile,
reallocating on the rare occasion that a particular shrimp did not meet the unwritten
specification and had been placed in an incorrect pile. One of the tradesmen buyers
was very much more hands-on in this process than the other and considered each
case of misallocation very specifically and carefully, shrimp by shrimp, obviously
not wanting to pay a single Yuan more than was strictly necessary.
On a neighbouring board, another woman had the job of sorting out the pile of
fish and assorted other living sea creatures in a series of piles that seemed to equate
to ‘saleable,’ ‘unsaleable’ and broken. These were, for the most part, sad collections
of sickly, small looking creatures, the value of which could not really be clear to all
but the most expert of fish pricers. Still it became apparent that there must be value
in these little agglomerations of fishy life as the most interested of the tradesmen
sought to set prices both for the pile of apparently saleable fish and the pile of
broken and damaged creatures. There was even heated discussion about the value of
certain species, which mainly focused on what looked like very juvenile dogfish
and a species of very colourful guppy. For the pile of broken fish, there was less
discussion, only a resigned expression from the sorting woman that this collection
of once living detritus had some value, even if it was very small. Moving back to
the shrimp piles, the discussion between the two women, a representative from the
fishing cooperative and the two tradesmen took up some ten minutes of discussion
over the three separate piles. Even at the last moment before final prices were set,
there was some disagreement over the place of some of the shrimp in the middle
pile between them, but eventually consensus was grudgingly reached and the
tradesmen unceremoniously decanted off their boards their piles of shrimp and fish
into separate black bags. If money changed hands I certainly did not see it, and
neither did any of my colleagues and if a monetary price was come to, we certainly
did not hear it, as the prices were discussed in fractions of an unknown whole.
Large shrimps were sold for 8/10s, middle sized for 5/10s and small for 2/10s.
When it came to the fish, reasonable specimens were sold for 6/10s and the pile of
broken pieces for 1/10th. To this day, it is unclear what these tenths represented or
how they were translated into a financial value.
Just as quickly as the men in leather jackets had appeared, they and their black
bags from the catch disappeared back into their cars (which had been left running
and with presumably the heating on during the entire process), and faster than we
would have dared, drove up the rutted main street past the various piles of unused
and unusable fishing equipment. The women who had spent such an effort sorting
through the various piles seemed a little disappointed with the pricing and the
exchange, though they were fairly taciturn and reluctant to engage my Chinese
colleagues in detailed conversation surrounding what the prices had become and
what they had hoped, save for a few utterances like ‘what do you expect’ and ‘they
are good and hard businessmen’. They seemed much more concerned to get out of
the wind and like the cooperative representative were soon disappeared back into
the fishermen’s hut. My Chinese colleagues were also reluctant to hang around
watching the boat head back out to sea and round the breakwater to carry on the
task of wrenching their meagre catch from the sea.
5.1 Gageodo, Dalian and Tong Shui Gou…Lively Matters in the Neighbourhood 151
As we left the harbor I was left to look back at the pile of plastic and other pieces
of rubbish left behind on the ground having been dumped off one of the sorting
boards. This pile had been greater in height than either the pile of shrimps or the
pile of small and broken fish and really for me represented the primary catch of this
boat. It brought home to me the degradation of the ocean and seas of the world that
we are seeing in our century. This was Tong Shui Gou’s own little Pacific garbage
patch, not as dramatic perhaps as the enormous conflagration of material stuck out
in the gyres of the mid-Pacific, but very much their own. This, in another sense was
not a garbage patch at all, it was their home waters and the territory from which this
small village was forced to ply and derive a living. In retrospect, I find it
extraordinary that a community would carry on in the face of such environmental
disaster and despoliation, but then what other choices did our sorters have? While it
may have been meagre, the value of their small and denuded catch cannot have
been so low as to make it either pointless for them or for their leather-jacketed
tradesmen and buyers. Even in the midst of the obvious decline in the productivity
of their particular little patch of sea it was still apparently worth it to carry on the
The fieldwork for this book was also anticipated to have extended to the
northeast of North Korea, past its complicated boundary with the People’s Republic
of China and the mouth of the Tuman/Tumen (두만강/图们江) River over the
railway bridge between Tumangan and Ussurisyk. This border formulated fol-
lowing the treaties of Nerchinsk (1689), Aigun (1858) and Peking (1860) solidified
the Russian Empire’s control of its claims to the western coast of the Pacific,
Chukotki, Kamchatka and the far east of Siberia.23 Originally governed from the
port of Okhotsk, the centre of institutional and bureaucratic power moved south to
Khabarovsk and finally to Vladivostok at the far end of the Trans-Siberian rail-
way.24 Vladivostok is the administrative centre of Primorsky Krai and for most the
end of the road or rails across the entire Russian Federation. However, to the south
of Vladivostok is Khasansky district which runs right to the tri-point above the
Tuman river where North Korea, the People’s Republic of China, and the Russian
Federation meet. Little known but famous in some circles for the Russia-North
Korean Friendship Bridge, the only connection between the two countries, a
single-track railway bridge across which traffic was banned for most of the 1990s
due to a huge debt built up by North Korean railways to Russian Federal Railways
after Pyongyang started to refuse to return Russian railway wagons shipped across
the border, Khansansky has a series of ports and fishing villages along the shore of
Peter the Great Gulf. Unexpectedly perhaps there are a series of ferry routes to
North and South Korea and from ports such as Posyet and Zarubino as well as bulk
goods facilities and transhipment to China taking advantage of the railway con-
nection to the Trans-Siberian and to the North Korean and Chinese networks.
Slavyanka is the district capital and was perhaps named by settlers of Ukrainian
Frank (1947) and Finkelstein (1978).
Mackinder (1904).
152 5 Gageodo, Dalian and Slavankya…Lively Matters in the Neighbourhood
ethnicity in the nineteenth century (there is another Slavyanka in the Donetsk region
of eastern Ukraine). For much of its existence Slavyanka has been focused on
fishing and aquaculture, however efforts during the 1970s to develop Primorsky
Krai by the Soviet Union sought to diversify the area’s infrastructure and capa-
bilities. While this impacted the communities at Posyet and Zarubino in a familiar
way having already extensive port facilities, Slavyanka was to have an extensive
new shipyard constructed.
Slavyanka’s shipyard was a large piece of developmental infrastructure, which in
its comparatively small harbour could only displace a fairly substantial proportion
of local fishers. The extent of this practical displacement could not be evidenced by
this book, as the records for this period in the Russian State Archive of the
Economy’s material on the Soviet Union and that from Vladivostok’s branch of
VNIRO or Gosplan could not be located. Anecdotal evidence garnered during
discussions with academics focused on fishing in the Russian far east suggests that
even during the mid-1970s in the Soviet Union there were community protests and
upset about the plans reducing the amount of space for both fishing and the storage
and stowage of fishing equipment, as well as potential ecological impacts on the
fishing grounds nearby.25 While the shipbuilding yard was constructed, space was
left in the harbour for the traditional fishing communities until the turn of the
twenty-first century. In the 2000s however, there was further pressure on Primorsky
Krai from the government of Vladimir Putin’s United Russia to extend develop-
ment in the area, in part to counter the rise of China, but also to underpin Moscow’s
claim to institutional functionality this far away from the centres of power.26 Yet
another extension to the shipyard and shipbuilding facilities at Slavyanka, this time
focusing on a new dry dock and bulk materials trans-shipment yard was envis-
aged.27 Again the impact of this development on the local community and more
traditional enterprise sparked local protests and petitions to both district and
regional authorities. However, as readers can imagine complaining about such
developments has always been problematic in the framework of Russian politics
and this is no less the case in contemporary Russian politics under either Putin or
Medvedev. Primorsky Krai in particular has proved a place of real interest to Putin,
with huge infrastructure dedicated at Vladivostok for what is known as the annual
Far Eastern Forum at which political leaders from across the region attend to talk
economic development and security policy.28 However, again the community
obtained reconfiguration of the plans and developmental policies which meant there
would still be space for fishing and fishing people at Slavyanka.29
This author due to the pressures of both time and bureaucracy unfortunately
never made it to Slavyanka (or hasn’t by this first version of the book). Regardless
Personal communication (2016).
Korneyko and Latkin (2015).
Ogai et al. (2017).
Nemtsova and Anna (2012).
Ogai et al. (2017).
5.1 Gageodo, Dalian and Tong Shui Gou…Lively Matters in the Neighbourhood 153
of the community’s success in fending off the categoric and existential challenge of
the newly extended shipbuilding yard, Slavyanka and other communities on the
shore of Peter the Great bay are also impacted by ecological degradation and
damage. While the detritus, filth and plastic cannot be seen with one’s eyes such as
in the unfortunate catch of Tong Shui Gou, these Russian communities face
extensive wastewater runoff from the Vladivostok metropolitan area. Numerous
reports and papers also describe and detail frequent pollution incidents and out-
breaks of bacterial infections in the water and in fish and other sea life in the area.30
Even though the fishers of Slavyanka, Posyet and Zarubino may be able to continue
fishing, in spite of all of the recent developments and infrastructural impositions,
their catch may not be of anywhere near its historical quality nor saleable in foreign
or distant markets.
Having explored in this chapter the history and some of the reality in the field of
these fishing communities in South Korea and China, as well as the communities in
the Russian Federation which are subject to many of the same environmental issues
and some of the same pressures from political and economic forms, the penultimate
chapter of this book moves away again from neighbours to North Korea itself.
China, South Korea and the Russian Federation have all been part of the global
developmental process, which has radically exploited and extracted life from the
waters and oceans through extraordinary technological progress and statistical
reconfiguration. Russia and before it the Soviet Union and before that Imperial
Russia has long been a key player in the stripping of the ocean commons, both
underwater and at its surface through the exploitation of sea mammals such as seals
and the Stellers’ Sea Cow. South Korea, of course, as this book has suggested has
only recently become one of the global powers of the sea, its boats and ships
present on many of the world’s oceans, far from its coasts as had been the case for
much of Korea’s national history. Whether unsuccessful or successful on the
waters, however these nations have also been deeply integrated into the global
industrial and economic structures of production and consumption that have caused
so much damage to the planet’s ecosystems. In these, they are all responsible in
some way for the impacts of climate change, sea temperature rise and pollution
which has also heavily impacted on the lively matters that are the fish of the world’s
waters. This does not mean that they are any less impacted by these impending and
developing changes than anywhere else, in fact as we have seen at Tong Shui Gou,
often their communities are even more heavily impacted than elsewhere. The
essential differences for communities around the globe focus on matters of resi-
lience, adaptation and adjustment, practical matters which fishing communities are
well versed in given what they do. In China, South Korea and the Russian
Federation, we have seen resilient communities facing incredible levels of change
and difficulty manage the processes unleashed by such changes in such a way that
they can still survive as communities and still engage in the fishing activity which is
at the centre of both their lives and work. Given the complexities and difficulties
Vashchenko (2000).
154 5 Gageodo, Dalian and Slavankya…Lively Matters in the Neighbourhood
faced by North Korea more generally in its history and contemporary experience,
how might fishing communities and practices there cope with such changes. While
North Korea certainly has not been at the developmental vanguard which has
stripped the world’s oceans of life, filled the atmosphere with pollutants and CO2
and fallen into the logics of consumption and production (though not of course for
want of or desire for trying), it will certainly have been subject to these powerful
impacts. As we have also seen in a previous chapter, in spite of its rather distinct
political form and sense of itself in geopolitical history, North Korean fishing effort
has been predicated on many of the same statistical and developmental presump-
tions as fishing nations elsewhere in the globe. The desire, energy and effort to
follow these presumptions, regardless of its local ideological structures has had
some truly extraordinary impacts on fishing and other communities in North Korea,
the outcomes of which this book will only briefly mention, but which have haunted
and will continue to haunt this author for some time to come. With all of this in
mind, the next chapter attempts to root itself in the fishing communities of North
Korea, both now and in the future, no matter how hard they are to conceive of or
Barras, Collin. 2018. This Ancient Fish was Bigger than a Whale Shark and Faster than Scientists
Ever Imagined, Science, May 29th, 2018.
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Bo, Zhiyue, and Gang Chen. 2009. Bo Xilai and the Chongqing Model. East Asian Institute:
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Chan, Kam Wing, and Li Zhang. 1999. The Hukou System and Rural-urban Migration in China:
Processes and Changes. The China Quarterly 160: 818–855.
Finkelstein, Jesse. 1978. An Examination of the Treaties Governing the Far-Eastern Sino-Soviet
Border in Light of the Unequal Treaties Doctrine. BC Int’l & Comp. LJ 2: 445.
Frank, V.S. 1947. The Territorial Terms of the Sino-Russian Treaty of Nerchinsk, 1689. Pacific
Historical Review 16 (3): 265–270.
Haas, Benjamin. 2009. Kim Jong-un meets Xi Jinping in Second Surprise Visit to China, The
Guardian, 8th May, 2009.
meets-xi-jinping-in-second-surprise-visit-to-china. Accessed 27 Apr 2019.
He, Shenjing and Wu, Fulong. 2009. China’s Emerging Neoliberal Urbanism: Perspectives from
Urban Redevelopment. Antipode 41 (2): 282–304.
Hess, Christian. 2006. From Colonial Jewel to Socialist Metropolis: Dalian 1895-1955. PhD
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Huang, Xu, Martin Dijst, Jan van Weesep, and Nongjian Zou. 2014. Residential mobility in China:
Home Ownership among Rural–urban Migrants after Reform of the Hukou Registration
System. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 29 (4): 615–636.
Huque, Ahmed. 2005. Shifting Emphasis in the Role of the State: Urban Housing Reform in
China. Asian Journal of Political Science 13 (2): 53–74.
Jiang, Yanpeng, Nalini Mohabir, Renfeng Ma, and Pengyu Zhu. 2017. Sorting Through Neoliberal
Variations of Ghost Cities in China. Land Use Policy 69: 445–453.
Kim, Suk Kyoon. 2017. Fishery Regimes and Illegal Fishing in the Yellow Sea. In Maritime
Disputes in Northeast Asia. Leiden: Brill.
References 155
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and Evaluation. Economics of Transition 11 (4): 597–619.
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Primorsky Region: Economic Rationales and Ways of their Realization. Mediterranean
Journal of Social Sciences 6 (5 S3): 118.
Mackinder, Halford John. 1904. The Geographical Pivot of History. Royal Geographical Society.
Muscolino, Micah. 2009. Fishing Wars and Environmental Change in Late Imperial and Modern
China. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Nemtsova, Anna. 2012. Russia Unveils a $2 Billion Campus on the Edge of China. Pulitzer
Center, September 24th, 2012.
campus-edge-china. Accessed 27 Apr 2019.
Ogai, Sergei and Rychkova, Victoria F. 2017. Modern Institutional Environment for Seaports
Developent in Primorksy Krai, Russian Federation. Asia-Pacific Journal of Marine Science
and Education 14.
Sangbok, Han. 1977. Korean Fishermen: Ecological Adaptation in Three Communities. Seoul:
Seoul National University Press.
Sorace, Christian, and William Hurst. 2016. China’s Phantom Urbanisation and the Pathology of
Ghost Cities. Journal of Contemporary Asia 46 (2): 304–322.
Tucker Jones, Ryan. 2014. Empires of Extinction: Russians and the North Pacific’s Strange Beasts
of the Sea, 1741-1867. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Vashchenko, M.A. 2000. Pollution in Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan, and its biological
consequences. Russian Journal of Marine Biology 26 (3): 155–166.
Wu, Fulong. 1999. The ‘Game’ of Landed-Property Production and Capital Circulation in China’s
Transitional Economy, with Reference to Shanghai. Environment and Planning A 31 (10):
Yu, Kongjian, Sisi Wang, and Dihua Li. 2011. The Negative Approach to Urban Growth Planning
of Beijing, China. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 54 (9): 1209–1236.
Yu, Hong. 2014. China’s ‘Ghost Cities’. East Asian Policy 6 (2): 33–43.
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Chapter 6
Sindo, Environment and the Politics
of Fishing in North Korea
Abstract Sindo island is in the mouth of the Amnok (Yalu in Chinese) River at the
border between North Korea and the People’s Republic of China. Reclaimed from
the estuary of the river in 1971, a cooperative of fisher people from older fishing
communities and enterprises along the western coast of North Korea was created to
serve as a model community and model example of development at this time. Kim
Il Sung himself made repeated visits between 1971 and 1976, during a period when
North Korean politics sought to reconfigure landscape and developmental possi-
bility through a series of what are called ‘Great Nature Remaking Projects’. North
Korea’s fishing industry was to be reconfigured so as to focus on resources further
out to sea, fishing practice and knowledge was to be further developed and a series
of cooperatives were to be the institutional basis for the sector. By the 1990s,
fishing cooperatives such as Sindo had been forgotten in the collapse of North
Korean capability and bureaucracy and in the 2000s, the fishing industry has been
co-opted by the Korean Peoples’ Army and a network of fishery stations dedicated
to industrial fishing and resource production built. This meant that Sindo became
even more peripheral to the political and institutional mind. This chapter explores
this history, context and strategies the fisherpeople of Sindo might use to maintain
their livelihoods and connections to the vibrant and lively fishing matters that once
sustained and gave impetus to them. In Sindo and in other places within North
Korea are fishing matters as vibrant and energetic as local political sensibility and
aspiration are lively?
Keywords North Korea North Korean fishing communities Sindo
Amnok River Environmental change
With this penultimate chapter, this book returns to the Korean Peninsula, but does
so with a shorter historical frame and some of the perspectives gained from field-
work in North Korea’s neighbours both to the south and north. Readers will have
encountered in the preceding chapter the extraordinary survivals of communities in
China and South Korea who are focused on fishing and the products of the sea,
extraordinary for the challenges faced by them generated by both environmental
and politico-economic issues. This book has attempted to detail as best it can, the
impact of human development over the centuries, but especially the last two cen-
turies on fish and their watery landscapes. The nineteenth and twentieth centuries
saw the rise of technological and industrial fishing, connected to the power of
mercantilist and colonialist Capital. The logics both of Capitalism and Empire
began a stripping of the oceans in the nineteenth century, but this developed into a
truly extraordinary industrial process by which fish can now in the twenty-first
century be located by GPS satellite from space, extracted from the sea at all levels
and even stripped from the ocean floor or beneath it. These fish can be produced
into abstracted and reformed products, their flesh and material reconfigured into
different shapes and textures, while still at sea so these new matters are ready for
computerised logistics and shipping to disperse them across the planet. In the
previous chapter, new technologies such as refrigeration meant that fishing com-
munities could venture further from the coast, beginning work in the deep seas,
pressuring for the first time fish populations in deeper waters. Refrigeration in
conjunction with steam power hugely altered the effort and energy placed into
extraction by industrialising fishing enterprises. These technologies were later
embedded in new fishing practices such as the use of motherships and deep-sea
trawling. Geopolitics following the 1914–1918 war meant that Japan was gifted the
League of Nations mandate over Germany’s former South Pacific colonies, giving it
an opportunity to practice using these technologies and logistics. It would later
deploy such infrastructure and technology across the empire it built in East Asia and
the wider Pacific before 1945. After the conclusion of the war in the Pacific in 1945
and Japan’s defeat, global American geopolitical interests meant that the United
States was very concerned to assert what it called ‘freedom of the seas’ across the
planet. This inadvertently meant that it had to guarantee the freedom of the deep
seas for all other nations, including its deadly enemy between 1941 and 1945. More
than that the United States was very concerned that Japan be both as cheap as
possible to occupy and rebuild following 1945 and a useful bulwark and ally
against world communism in Asia and the Pacific. Inexplicably, this would result in
the United States essentially selling out some of its own Californian tuna canning
and fishing interests in order to allow Japan to build a canning factory on one its
former colonies (now known as American Samoa) and to import cans of tuna
caught by Japanese boats into the 50 states of the continental United States of
These new geopolitically connected, technologically advanced fishing land-
scapes put not just extreme pressure on fish populations, often causing them to
collapse under the power and agency of Maximum Sustainable Yield, but also
fishing communities. Most recently, this power has been seen in fishing commu-
nities in Africa who are out competed and displaced by the factory boats of the
European Union and others. Fishing communities in this book have been enor-
mously challenged by the changes to the landscape and the fishing ecosystems
created and reconfigured by this new industrial empire of fishing. In tandem with
this pressure on fish stocks and populations have been wider pressures focused on
watery and maritime environments by huge growth in human population and the
6 Sindo, Environment and the Politics of Fishing in North Korea 159
wider global economy. This second decade of the twenty-first century has brought
enormous dead zones in the global oceans, with no or little oxygen, a product of
industrial farming and sewage discharges. It has also brought coral bleaching, sea
temperature rise, sea level rise and ocean acidification, products of climate change
and wider environmental crisis. Finally, and perhaps most resonant in the public
mind the oceans have simply been filled with disposable and non-biodegradable
waste, particularly plastics. While the world is familiar with the fact that human
waste and chemical products, historically DDT and Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs),
can reach the furthest parts of our globe and wreak havoc there, plastic is a great
deal more visual and present. It is a lively and active material which persists in
global ecosystems, stuck in the throats of turtles, twisting up in the intestines of fish
and cetaceans, spread over the beaches of remote islands and caught in the North
Pacific Gyre, an ocean current in the middle of the ocean so polluted it is now
publicly familiar as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The fishing communities
encountered in the previous chapter certainly have been impacted by plastic, this
was obvious in the case of Tong Shui Gou (通水沟) on the Liaodong peninsula,
whose catch witnessed by this author was predominantly plastic waste. Gageodo
island in South Korea was impacted by unusual weather and drought during the
field visit by the author. All of these communities surely have been affected
severely by these environmental changes in the present, and they certainly will be in
the years to come, perhaps as climate crisis and sea level rise increases in severity.
North Korea, of course, will not be absent from these challenges, there is no way
it will not be subjected to the environmental challenges faced by the rest of the
globe in the coming years. In fact, North Korea has already been subject to intense
environmental impacts, it is even suggested that one of the driving factors in the
nation’s economic and environmental collapse in the early 1990s was a series of
climactic events and flooding which damaged the nation’s vulnerable pump-fed
irrigation system and therefore hugely impacted upon its agricultural output, con-
tributing to its terrible famine period. Only 3 years ago, the northern provinces of
North Korea were subjected to further intense flooding following unexpectedly
heavy rain and 2018 was a drought year which has again impacted agricultural
production.1 Just at the moment that a nation’s ability to feed its population has
become a key prerequisite of its governmental offer, North Korea has been dele-
gitimised in the public and media mind due to these impairments.2
The developmental history of North Korea does not record that it has been happy
to accept failure and the collapse of its own agricultural and developmental systems.
Pyongyang following the disasters of the 1990s, was forced to call for the first time
for aid from the non-communist world.3 Along with the grain and other aid
resources came an influx of agencies of the United Nations and other NGOs whose
“North Korea Floods, Tens of Thousands Displaced,” BBC News, September 13th, 2016.
Retrieved April 27, 2019 from
Boffey (2019).
Kim (2011).
160 6 Sindo, Environment and the Politics of Fishing in North Korea
Noland (1997).
Winstanley-Chesters (2014).
Makinen (2016).
6 Sindo, Environment and the Politics of Fishing in North Korea 161
turbines, North Korea has never managed to harness a substantial amount of power
from them.10 In reality when it comes to the countries environmentally friendliness,
North Korea has one of the lowest CO2 emissions rates on the planet, not because it
is concerned not to impact climate change yet further, but because its industrial base
collapsed to such an extent that there is very little functioning that can actually
produce excessive CO2 or other emissions.11 Organic agriculture in North Korea
has become quite an important issue for government. This author has tracked the
development of new stock-breeding bases at Sepho, using organic feed and other
materials and there is even an organic dairy processing enterprise in North Korea
which is seeking to fill the supply gap for organic dairy products in Europe.12
However, this use of organic agriculture has not come about because of a
Damascene conversion to the cause, but because North Korea’s agricultural system
used to be one of the most chemical and fertiliser intensive systems on earth, and
since the early 1990s and now since the UNSC sanctions have been strengthened, it
simply does not have the capital to buy such large amount of fertiliser, nor has it
been able to make it locally.13 North Korean agriculture was even experiencing a
decline in the 1980s due to the impending nutritional death of its soil. Organic and
low impact agriculture, therefore, is simply the only form of farming that the nation
is now capable of and its environmental benefits for Pyongyang come second.
This period also saw the importation of ideas of conservation and sustainability
into North Korea, which focused on the sea and on fishing resources. There is an
anecdote about one of the first UNEP meetings in North Korea which touched on
the sea, in which having had the idea of maritime conservation explained to him by
the official from the United Nations, the Minister of Fisheries exclaimed that this
was fantastic as there would now simply be many more useful fish for their boats to
catch.14 Fish, for North Korea following the difficulties of the 1990s were not
something to conserve or leave alone, they were a useful, if not vital, free resource,
a commons to exploit with little complicated effort involved in their capture. While
North Korea has continued to talk about notions of conservation and environmental
protection at sea, and the mitigation or reduction of harms in the water, little sense
has been gained of any movement on the institutions of the nation’s idea of what
such notions actually are, other than intrinsically connected to the needs and hopes
of man, rather than the interests of fish.
In the previous chapters of this book, readers will have encountered multiple
layers of history and geography which extend backwards to the moments in which
early humans first sought fish in ponds and streams for food. These layers have then
traced the development of human technology and cultural practices, which have
sought fish and watery matters first on the shore, then close to it and then out into
Habib (2015).
Ireson (2006).
Jung (2018).
Winstanley-Chesters (2016).
162 6 Sindo, Environment and the Politics of Fishing in North Korea
the deeper waters of the globe. These practices might have once been described as
haphazard, discoveries of the places and journeys of fish and other creatures by
chance, often twinned with spiritual and religious rituals to give thanks for the
unexpected gift of having located such watery bounty. As technology and industrial
capacity developed, however, such practices became ever less haphazard, to the
point we have reached now, when fish populations and their routes of travel,
migration and breeding can be literally seen from space, through a panoptic tech-
nology which allows fishing people to know exactly when and where their quarry
is, and how much effort to deploy in order to capture it. Previous chapters have
specifically focused on these developments as they have occurred in East Asia, in
pre-revolutionary China and in Imperial Japan, and connected them to the geopo-
litical developments which generated what has been referred throughout this book
as an Empire of fishing in the Pacific. The Korean peninsula was of course part of
both the Japanese Empire and this Empire of the Sea, and the book has explored the
transformation of Korean fishing and coastal spaces from traditional, subsistence to
places rooted in the research and developmental prerogatives of the Japanese
Imperial project. Later of course, unseen by this book, South Korea developed its
industry and technology so that its boats and fishing enterprises would rival Japan
and it would become a true master of the global oceans, one of very few nations on
earth whose ships can be found in any waters on the planet.15 Chapter 4 then
considered fishing and the development of maritime resources in North Korea. This
chapter traced the history of fishing under the rule of Pyongyang from its emergence
as a separate nation in 1948 to the period of stagnation prior to the collapse its
communist supporters elsewhere in the globe in the 1980s. In this historical tracing,
the connections between industrial practice and ideological development were made
clear. North Korea’s fishing efforts, like the rest of its developmental practice has
been heavily influenced by the ideological needs of those nations which is con-
nected to for support. Thus early in North Korea’s history, its fishing policy and
practices were heavily influenced by the classical central planning policy of the
Soviet Union, and then later following the death of Stalin, when Pyongyang tacked
geopolitically towards China, ideas and concepts derived from the Great Leap
Forward and the most dramatic forms of Maoist urgency began to influence the
nation’s developmental strategies. Of course following the obvious disasters of the
Maoism’s more intense form, North Korea moved to maintain an equidistance
between China and the Soviet Union, and thus sought to absorb many of the ideas,
practices and technologies developed in the Soviet Union and which had made such
a huge difference to its capabilities in the global oceans. This author has tried to
give a flavour of this connection in this book using documents which recount the
processes and organisation involved from the Soviet perspective of having North
Korea integrated into its Pacific/eastern fishing bureaucracies. Chapter 4 sought to
give a periodisation of North Korea’s fishing efforts and policies, in part led by the
frequent writings and assertions of Kim Il Sung on the subject. This periodisation
Anticamara et al. (2011).
6 Sindo, Environment and the Politics of Fishing in North Korea 163
includes an early period which focused on reducing the influence of the Japanese
colonial model, followed by a period which sought to increase the scientific and
technical capacity of fishing institutions as well as North Korea’s boat and
ship-building capacities. North Korea then entered into a period, influenced at first
by China, which set great goals for production and extraction, goals which on land
would seek to transform landscapes and the natural environment, but which at sea
sought to transform North Korea itself into a player in the global oceans. The
chapter considered the bureaucratic and institutional processes around which all this
was framed and gave a sense of some of the key spaces and terrains of North
Korea’s fishing interest. The reader will have encountered the fishing community,
the fishery station and the fishing cooperative in North Korea, as well as the yards
of Ryukdae and Chongjin.
In the present, readers of North Korean government reportage and publication
will still see on occasion the harbour side and the dry docks of Chongjin, often with
an accompanying photo of Kim Jong Un, but will do so with the knowledge that the
shipyard has never been able to reach the level of production aspired to by North
Korea and that the nation’s ships have for the most part remained small, regardless
of whatever fishing initiatives had been conceived or developed. North Korea, has
the following 2013/2014 returned to fishing and aquaculture as major elements of
its developmental strategy given the use of such as a low input, comparatively
cheap resource. In spite of the strictures placed upon North Korea’s fishing industry
by UNSC2397 and other sanctions and restrictions, Pyongyang sees fishing as a
viable source of both food and revenue, and it appears has not yet been dissuaded
from this by external pressure. Much of the impetus and interest of North Korea in
recent years has focused not on familiar fishing communities and villages, but on
fishing stations. These are essentially enterprises run by units of North Korea’s
military, the KPA. Army units are tasked with developing and running fishing
stations run on military rules and practices which are vertically integrated, so the
KPA supply, build and run the fishing boats.16 The KPA repair and maintain the
boats and crews and also then prepare and market the product, even researching
elements of diversification into other markets. These fisheries stations can focus on
classical fishing practice, focused on the deep sea, or they can be on land and
focused on aquaculture and fish farming.17 An interesting subset of this element has
been those stations, which are constructed on the urban rivers of Pyongyang and
integrated firmly with state research organisations tasked with further developing an
integrated environmental industrial policy and experimenting with whether it is
possible to deploy reed beds and fish farms together in order to improve urban
water quality.18
As readers will have also been aware of, North Korea’s approach to fishing
strategy and organisation changes quite radically with changes in politics and
Bermudez and DuMond (2018).
O’Carroll (2017).
164 6 Sindo, Environment and the Politics of Fishing in North Korea
Lankov and Seok-Hyang (2008).
6 Sindo, Environment and the Politics of Fishing in North Korea 165
villages and communities survived the war or returned soon afterwards. North
Korea sought to initially harness the energies of these communities, interspersed
and guided by the various articulations of Kim Il Sung, but also to generate new
collective fishing enterprises and to utilise the now centrally organised ship and
boat building institutions and yards to supply them with better equipment. North
Korea’s fishing ministry under the guidance of Kim Il Sung and wider policy
framework sought to organise much of the fishing in the 1960s through these large
collective enterprises, but often the best fishing on the peninsula is done on
peripheral spaces, far from areas which might be useful for extensive production
and infrastructure building. In the 1970s, this sense that the most effective places for
fishing in the country might be at its most peripheral places, was twinned with
projects which focused on the rehabilitation of unusable land or the reclaiming of
coastal land from the sea. These projects focused on a cooperative model, sourcing
families and fishing people from a variety of other communities along North
Korea’s coast and forging them into smaller cooperative units. These cooperative
units for a moment in North Korea’s fishing history were vital to its developmental
approach, focusing not just on fishing and the extraction of product from the sea,
but also the reorganisation of family and social groups at the state’s behest, and on
the reclamation and creation of new useful land from the sea, a hugely important
task given North Korea’s political ambitions a real way of creating new socialist
territory over which Pyongyang could rule. One such cooperative site was at Sindo,
a small island in the mouth of Amnok/Yalu (압록강/鸭绿江) River and the newest
county in North Korea.
Sindo has long been of interest to the author of this book. For some time before I
became interested in the watery and fishy matters of North Korea, I had been
focusing on developmental communities in the nation, specifically those that
worked in the forestry and timber sector and those that sought to reclaim land from
the sea. For the most part, such communities were present in the spaces they
worked in for only short periods, completing one project, or being tasked with
something before moving on to the next engagement or the next task. Often the
places and spaces they lived in during their periods of engagement were deliber-
ately built for the purpose of undertaking that engagement. They had tenuous,
short-term links to the geographies and terrains they sought to transform and were
for the most part either epistemic or technical communities, rooted in research,
academic work or developmental effort. Previous fieldwork I had undertaken in
North Korea had been focused on just these sorts of communities and had felt
primarily like engaging with groups of researchers similar in a way to me.21 While
these communities and similar engagements are considered rare by popular or
public narratives, in reality they are not. North Korean researchers, technicians and
developmental specialists have been making connections with similarly minded
academics communities across the globe for many, many decades now. This book
has even recounted some of the moments in which North Korean fishery specialists
Winstanley-Chesters (2014).
166 6 Sindo, Environment and the Politics of Fishing in North Korea
sought to make connections with the Soviet Union in the 1970s and we know that
developmental specialists from all fields from North Korea were embedded in a
variety of projects across the globe during the period of communist and socialist
solidarity. Following the famine period of the early 1990s, North Korean technical
and research communities met and engaged with a number of external partners to
support Pyongyang’s recovery from that difficult period. In more contemporary
times all manner of foreign researchers and projects have engaged North Korean
academics, specialists and other technical workers, from Volcanologists, health
researchers, and Computer Scientists to bureaucrats and specialists in renewable
energy.22 Yet, North Korea is famous for restricting the connections between for-
eign visitors of most types and its regular, non-specialist citizenry. It has historically
been almost impossible for foreigners of any type or situation to engage with
normal people in North Korea, though this has begun to change in recent years with
a slightly more relaxed attitude on occasions and even cases of comfortable friendly
interaction on university campuses and elsewhere between locals and visitors
(though this unfortunate case resulted in the eventual detention and deportation of
the foreigner involved, shortly before the manuscript of this book was finalised).23
Historically, this extreme difficulty in connecting with local North Koreans even
meant that developmental spaces and their communities could seem amorphous,
abstract and unreal. Whatever lively and energetic matters there might be, certainly
appeared out of reach to the visitor. Such places appeared to be almost entirely
Sindo, however, appearing in the Works of Kim Il Sung in the early 1970s,
perhaps could have been different. A single developmental community on a patch
of land that was fairly small and absolutely trackable via Google Maps and other
GIS techniques (and more conventional and old fashioned tools of surveillance such
as those found in NARA’s collection of aerial photography held at College Park,
Maryland), as well as easily defined temporally could be different. Perhaps this
community, engaged as it has been, in a developmental project which is not, by
North Korean standards hugely controversial or politically embarrassing, could be
reached, perhaps its energies and vibrancy could be known. It might be possible in
our contemporary times of increased openness from North Korea to really know
one of its developmental communities. Hence, the author of this book started this
project, which for a time became enmeshed in the work of Tessa Morris-Suzuki at
Australian National University focused on what she had called ‘informal life pol-
itics’.24 In North Korea, one would require both an extensive repertoire of very
formal life politics as well as anything informal, but the practicalities of engaging
with little resource and very challenged capacity with the denuded seas of the world
in a time of acute environmental crisis would surely require a great deal of flexi-
bility and skill. While such a theoretical frame has become less important as time as
MacDonald (2016).
Sigley (2019).
Morris-Suzuki and Jeong Soh (2017).
6 Sindo, Environment and the Politics of Fishing in North Korea 167
gone on in the writing of this book, the reflexivity of those involved and of North
Korea, in general, is powerful in the author’s thinking. It might not surprise the
reader to learn that while a great deal of watching, considering, knowing has gone
on so far as this community is concerned, so far as actual engagement and meeting
is concerned that has been a different matter.
As I have iterated elsewhere in this book and in this chapter, North Korea’s new
fishing initiatives in the 1970s and the fishing bases mentioned by Kim Il Sung on
the West Sea coast were not isolated and disconnected from other national devel-
opmental imperatives and agendas. Projects which focused on coastal reclamation
and land rehabilitation had followed a similar institutional journey to those, which
focused on fishing since the 1950s and had been re-conceptualised in the 1970s
within a new developmental framework of organised goal setting and increased
capacity. This increased capacity would come in part from technological change
and imagined efficiencies, but also from literally creating new land. Sindo Island
itself was one such piece of terrain reconfigured and generated by North Korea’s
utopian urges to generate new Socialist land which could support increased
Sindo island was forged from the estuarial bed of the Amnok/Yalu River,
downstream from Sinuiju/Dandong initially in 1958. As part of a wider drive for
land reclamation and capacity increase during the 1970s and what was known in
North Korean government narratives as the ‘era of 300,000 ha’, the small island and
sand banks on opposite side of the Yalu boundary with China were reclaimed to
form Sindo Island and reconfigured later in 1991 into a new county.25 A fishing
cooperative was formed on Sindo’s reclaimed land from communities elsewhere on
the coast, during the era of fishing cooperative development outlined elsewhere in
this book. Sindo’s cooperative was even visited by Kim Il Sung in 1976. In the
years following the deaths of Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il and the difficulties of the
crisis period in the mid-1990s Sindo completely slipped off Pyongyang’s devel-
opmental radar becoming an even more marginal, half-remembered site.26 While
fishing and maritime activity is certainly still a feature of North Korean government
policy, as evidenced by the many appearances of Kim Jong Un in 2015 at various
coastal installations, Pyongyang, like as is the case in other developmental utilises
the KPA as the primary agent of its functionality and driver of institutional change.
Yet in spite of the KPA’s dominance, the resident community at Sindo Island would
have to continue their lives and work focused on fishing and would occasionally be
referenced by North Korea in its historical narratology.
The story of Sindo, therefore, is in a sense a similar narrative to those of other
developmental projects in North Korea as the nation entered the difficult period
following the collapse of the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact. The story of Sindo
and other North Korean fishing communities and enterprises, for example, mirrors
that of the tideland reclamation sector. The reclaiming of coastal land by local and
Winstanley-Chesters (2016).
168 6 Sindo, Environment and the Politics of Fishing in North Korea
regional bureaucratic institutions and by local communities had long been part of
North Korea’s developmental strategy. Coastal land engineering and reclamation
had been a key part of the dramatic projects aiming for a complete transformation of
nature and of the various planning periods of North Korea’s commitment to central
planning. North Korea’s ‘Third Seven—Year Plan’, which included extensive
elements of coastal reclamation and reconfiguration proved very short lived and
developmental policy was rapidly overtaken by the consequences for North Korea
of the collapse of the Warsaw Pact and the USSR between 1989 and 1991. North
Korea, its development and those communities undertaking it were forced to take a
new direction, disregarding any previous ideological agendas or progression.
Given the collapse of much of North Korea’s bureaucracy, the difficulties with
finance and the disappearance of eternal partners, progress by both the state and
developmental communities focused on hydrological projects during this period of
disruption, might have been expected to have been limited. However, documen-
tation from the KCNA and American sources suggests that work on key tideland
reclamation projects, including Taegyedo, was sustained to a surprising extent.27
This continued work provides evidence of pragmatic shifts in developmental
strategy, shifts in strategy which would go on to diminish the role of local
bureaucracies and communities in favour of the remaining, functional military
institutions and bureaucracies. During August 1992, for example, it was reported
from the Kumsong tideland reclamation area in Hamgyong province that ‘soldier
builders have laid a dam extending more than 1,400 m in the last two months to
complete the first damming project by introducing advanced construction meth-
ods’.28 This project was soon finished with the KCNA reporting a year later that
‘3,300 ha [had been] reclaimed, as part of the wider project for the reclamation of
300,000 ha, including 110,000 in North Pyongan, 110,000 in South Pyongan and
80,000 ha in South Hwangae’.29 Further work by the military was also undertaken
in 1995 within North Pyongan province, in areas surrounding the Taegyedo project,
and there were reports of a new barrage at Cholsan being constructed. Rodong
Simnun30 reported that this barrage ‘makes it possible to water 6,000 ha of
reclaimed tideland’. Responsibility at this point as this chapter has already pointed
out, for major reclamation projects shifted from local and provincial institutions.
The KPA is described in contemporary reports as the initiator and planner of such
projects, reflecting a radical change of policy and approach. Whilst the KPA had
undoubtedly provided support for local projects, North Korea’s military forces had
not previously assumed direct responsibility for projects which developed indus-
trial, technological, agricultural or hydrological capacity. This shift formed part of
Pyongyang’s new ‘military first’ or ‘Songun Politics’, which subsequently
KCNA (1992).
KCNA (1993).
Rodong Sinmun (1995).
6 Sindo, Environment and the Politics of Fishing in North Korea 169
Park (2007).
Noland (1997).
Smith (2009).
170 6 Sindo, Environment and the Politics of Fishing in North Korea
1972, the island appears to have reached its greatest extent, merging together a
number of smaller islands and small settlements, dock infrastructure and tracks
across it become visible. Much really stays the same for the next couple of decades,
Pidansom is drained a little further than it had been initially, and perhaps a little
more development takes place along its north coast, however, it is for many years
until to the north of Pidansom, an area of the estuary to the north of the main river
flow is drained extensively, rather incongruously creating a piece of North Korea on
the northern side of the Amnok/Yalu River. This has become known as
Hwangkumpyong (Hwanggeumpyeong) (황금평) and in our present is extremely
close to one of the main roads leading out of Dandong as well as Chinese railway
lines to the north of the river. Both North Korea and China sought to develop the
area as a Special Economic Zone following the 2000s though it appears from
satellite photography that very little happened.34 By 2011, it was revealed as the
Hwangkumpyong SEZ and a variety of publicity material and billboards put up on
site, as well as public announcements made focusing on how important it would be
and how much trade and business was going to pass between North Korea and
China as a result of it.35 Andray Abrahamian of Chosen Exchange and Theo
Clement were two of many visitors to the area in the years following its unveiling,
however, by 2013 and 2014, it was clear that virtually nothing had been built on the
site since 2011.36 In fact, the execution of Jang Sung-taek in 2013 broke many of
the institutional connections, which had been leveraged to make the project happen
in the first place and without them Hwangkumpyong appeared destined for
non-completion for many years in the future.
The rest of the Sindo County area and the island of Pidansom remained without
any further development until the turn of the 2000s. At this point, at least two
further installations were construction on the islands west coast, facing the sea with
what looked like the beginnings of aquacultural development. Over the preceding
decades, Pidansom had also been further drained and agricultural developments are
clearly outlined on the maps and on satellite imagery from the area. The original
fishing cooperative occupied a coastal area at the most southerly tip of the island,
below a small village named Chogumsa, which while small clearly has its Party
foundation monument and parade ground. It is unclear whether this village, or in
fact this part of the island received anything in the way of support or materials for
many decades following its moment of interest in the 1970s. The author of this
book was very concerned for many years to physically visit the island, and came
closest to organising a trip around the year 2016. In this year, I was supported by
the research project, which I was part of at Australian National University to visit a
number of the fishing communities discussed in this book and to arrange a visit to
North Korea, specifically to engage with fishing projects and initiatives there. If any
reader has experience of arranging fieldwork to North Korea, they will surely know
38 North (2012).
Choson Exchange (2014) and Theo Clement (2016).
6 Sindo, Environment and the Politics of Fishing in North Korea 171
the process making such arrangements and the intriguing complications that can be
found along the way. Suffice to say, it is fairly easy, unless you are an American
citizen (who cannot as of 2019 visit North Korea without a reason satisfactory to the
current administration, surrendering their passport to the State Department and
having a special one use only travel documents issued), to visit North Korea to
spend several weeks being shown the monumental architecture of Pyongyang and a
large number of pictures of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il. It is less easy to visit
North Korea and do actual empirical work, to collect functional and viable data and
to engage with a real research community or object. Even if you do manage to
arrange a visit to do such things, your intricately, politely and carefully developed
plans can be subject to change at the last moment and in a way which cannot be
appealed against (there are few appeals in North Korea of course). On previous
occasions in which I have done fieldwork in North Korea focusing on develop-
mental projects, changes occurred which actually benefited my interests and were
extremely generous on the part of local institutions. I was able to visit places I had
never imagined visiting and to see things I had not heard any researchers engage
with before. I have seen similar moments happen to colleagues in the field of
geography, but also volcanologists, architects and health practitioners. On this
occasion it did not happen to me, primarily because of the vagaries of ethics
committees within Australian institutions, but also because Sindo was too hard a
place for local institutions to consider me visiting. It was quite possible to visit the
shipyards of Chongjin, quite possible for me to visit port facilities at Nampo and
elsewhere (though not necessarily from the shore), but it was problematic for me to
physically visit Sindo itself, or the fishing cooperative just south of Chogumsa.
Unlike the busy community at Gageodo or the small fishing villages of
Liaodong, including Tong Shui Gou and Jinshitan, beset by both economic and
environmental pressure, this book would have to consider Sindo and its fishing
cooperative mainly from afar, but with an academic gaze rooted in fieldwork done
in neighbouring fishing spaces, history and an awareness born out of knowledge of
environmental and other data. It is worth remembering that Sindo itself, as an island
would dramatically impact upon the flows and hydrology of not just the Amnok/
Yalu estuary, but also the waters around it. The river has also been a source of great
amounts of silt, and deforestation that has occurred from many centuries ago would
have certainly impacted on the amount of material entering the river. While this
area of North Korea has not been extensively farmed, the collapse in local irrigation
and agricultural systems following 1992 cannot but have increased the amount of
material eroded from the hillsides and mountains still further. Across the world as
climate change has developed and increased temperatures have dried out the
landscapes at higher altitude and altered ecosystems there, much soil, sediment and
peat material has been lost, flowing downhill into streams and rivers as sand and
other fine materials (this is certainly true in the areas near to where the author of this
book lives).37 This will have impacted greatly on the flow of the Amnok/Yalu and
Harrison et al. (2008).
172 6 Sindo, Environment and the Politics of Fishing in North Korea
on those species of fish which inhabit the river, as well those species which inhabit
the areas of the sea just offshore. Sea level rise will also be impacting on the tidal
range of the river, as again will the physical geography of the island itself, and the
extension on which Hwangkumpyong SEZ perhaps one day will be built.
Sindo fishing communities will also be challenged by a huge drop off in the
volume of fish and other marine life in the waters in the East Sea/Yellow Sea. This
area is one of the many across the globe which has begun to produce either per-
manent or seasonal dead zones, anoxic, as in oxygen-free or depleted areas of water
in which little can live.38 Often such the zones are product of extensive agricultural
run-off into river systems, containing as it often does in industrialised agriculture,
very high levels of nitrogen and other organophosphates due to heavy levels of
fertiliser use on the land.39 Urban areas, especially those built in a hurry and without
functional or responsible urban planning, can also discharge enormous volumes of
human and other wastes directly into the sea through either sewage systems designed
to do just that, or sewage systems which have become overwhelmed by the size of
contemporary populations or increased rainfall events which have become much
more frequent in an age of climate change.40 Many of the shallow waters along
China’s coast have been shown to develop extreme levels of Hypoxia and Eutrophic
events such as vast blooms of green algae have become more and more frequent
along its shores.41 While South Korea has partnered China, Japan and the Russian
Federation recently in detailing some of the instances of such impactful and wide-
scale events in their seas and coasts, North Korea has as of yet not done so. This does
not mean that North Korea’s coastal and shallow water areas would not be impacted
by such processes and events. The collapse in the use of chemical fertiliser in North
Korean agriculture and the decline in the nation’s industrial base removed some of
the primary causes of such environmental issues. However, the importance of North
Korean urban centres and a lack of availability of finance to support the maintenance
of sewage and waste disposal facilities, coupled with the increasing number of heavy
rainfall events brought by a changing climate mean that the nation’s fishing com-
munities are very likely to face similar spaces along its coast. If North Korean fishing
communities such as Sindo are not faced with Anoxic or Eutrophic spaces directly
on their own coast line, then surely when fishing in the West Sea/Yellow Sea or in
Korea Bay, which the Amnok/Yalu River feeds into they will encounter them.
Fishers from Sindo would be faced with many of the same fishing resource
problems as those the author of the book found were faced by communities on the
Liaodong Peninsula. These anoxic, Eutrophic and pollution events have really
impacted heavily on the volume of fish available in the areas that they would fish. It
is quite evident that for the most part North Korea’s fishing communities do not
venture far, there are simply not enough large boats in the country for extensive
Diaz and Rosenberg (2008).
Townsend and Howarth (2010).
Chen et al. (2007).
Zhou et al. (2001).
6 Sindo, Environment and the Politics of Fishing in North Korea 173
fishing efforts in the deep sea. The virtual absence of North Korean boats from the
deep Pacific as recorded by the North Pacific Fisheries Commission and West and
Central Pacific Fisheries Commission reports in the present day and the fact that
those boats from North Korea that are known about catch only a very small tonnage
of fish in comparison to other nations in the area, further suggest that communities
such as Sindo will struggle in any effort to extract great volumes from the sea.
While elsewhere on the globe, seafaring communities challenged by similar issues
have been beset by extensive numbers of invasive species (European Green Crabs,
for instance, which have become prevalent in Canadian waters and which have
begun to severely impact local ecosystems), in the water, the ecological restrictions
placed on the waters of Northeast Asia have meant that, in fact, the primary
invasive marine species is a species of Cord Grass Spartina alterniflora which
impacts coastal tidal flats, severely reducing their biodiversity.42 Korea Bay and the
West Sea/Yellow Sea are so degraded ecologically that the marine ecosystem is not
inviting to invasive or new species and its more regular inhabitants are in serious
decline. Recent scientific analysis, for instance, shows that mollusc species which
are vital for shore economies have declined precipitously in biodiversity from
hundreds of species present to seven, and that even the Chinese Shrimp which is a
hugely important species for fishing communities has declined in population so far
as to now be classed as endangered.43 The degradation of shrimp populations was
all too obvious during fieldwork by the author of this book at Tong Shui Gou.
Beyond the core issues of climate change, sea level rise and environmental
degradation and reduced biodiversity which would challenge any coastal commu-
nity, the fishers of Sindo and other nearby North Korean communities have long
been further challenged by the fact that the mouth of the Yalu has long been
problematic in the relationship between China and North Korea. Pidansom one of
the islands that now forms part of Sindo was actually once Chinese territory (known
as Chouduandao 綢緞島), inhabited by a number of Chinese fishing families, but
had fallen under Korean control around the period of Japanese colonisation. North
Korea had offered after the 1950–1953 war to return the island to China as a gift for
the support given by the Chinese volunteers, but had in fact never done so.44 The
developmental dreams of North Korea which resulted in the entire area becoming
one single island, Sindo in the late 1960s and early 1970s meant that the People’s
Republic of China had to evacuate those Chinese families from Chouduandao in
1969. This is in spite of the fact that in 1949, at the conclusion of the Chinese Civil
War, both China and North Korea had agreed to manage the area of the Amnok/
Yalu River mouth jointly together, not demarcating the international boundary
down the midstream of the river as is conventional in most other territorial
examples.45 North Korean actions over many years, including the co-opting of the
Wang et al. (2006).
UNEP Regional Seas (2011).
Pinilla (2004).
174 6 Sindo, Environment and the Politics of Fishing in North Korea
entire territory of Sindo have gone against the spirit of this conclusion. North Korea
in 1977 even followed the practice of seafaring nations across the world seen in an
earlier chapter of this book and extended its economic exclusion zone to some 200
miles, an extension which proves highly problematic in such a space as the mouth
of the Amnok/Yalu.46
In more recent years, however, it has not been North Korea’s complicated
engagement with the territorial boundary arrangements between itself and China
that has been the primary problem for the fishers of Sindo and other North Korean
fishing communities along its coast. The environmental issues outlined earlier in
this chapter have meant that the West Sea/Yellow Sea and the areas of the Bohai
Sea just to the west of North Korea have become extremely depleted of fish, as well
as ecologically degraded and polluted. China has, in fact, closed most of the area
above the 35th parallel to all fishing boats in the summer months since the year
2004. North Korea itself in recent years has also sold what little there remains in its
West Sea EEZ to Chinese fishing enterprises for hard currency, so that North
Korea’s larger boats have to sail further afield.47 These larger North Korean boats
themselves have issues of range and capability and cannot themselves travel or fish
very far away from the home ports. There have been a number of instances of North
Korean boats illegally fishing for squid at night in the Japanese EEZ because of
this.48 All of these environmental issues and border issues pale into comparison
with the more recent fact of UNSC2371, the sanctions regime which, in fact, makes
it illegal for North Korea to sell any seafood or maritime product to anyone and also
makes it illegal for any other country to buy such products.49 UNSC2397 explicitly
outlaws North Korea from selling any of its own rights to other countries and
seeking value and funding that way from the sea.50 This has further problematised
much of the interest detailed by Bo Gao, from Chinese fishing enterprises following
both the restriction of other waters to Chinese boats and the unfortunate radioactive
pollution of their preferred grounds in the North Pacific following the Fukushima
Incident in Japan in 2011.51 All this has further complicated the fishing market for
North Korea, even at those moments with, for example, Chinese enterprises who
are most malleable when it comes to international law and the restrictions it places
on North Korean fishers.
Small fishers from communities like Sindo are therefore caught in many binds,
not simply environmental, but also governmental, institutional and legal, which
restrict their capacity and the sea space from which they can extract fish and make a
living. It is also worth reminding the reader that when it comes to institutional
support within North Korea, such communities are now at the absolute bottom of
Shim (2016).
Princic (2018).
United Nations (2017a).
United Nations (2017b).
Gao (2019).
6 Sindo, Environment and the Politics of Fishing in North Korea 175
the pile when it comes to governmental interest. As North Korea’s KPA now
controls the vast majority of the nation’s boats, fishing rights and production/
preparation facilities, the small boats of fishing cooperatives and other subsistence
communities are very low in the list of priorities for local institutions. If there is
fishing to be done, primarily it will be done by fishers of the KPA rather than places
like Sindo.
North Koreans, however are resilient and always capable of finding their way
around a seemingly intractable problem, so it would not surprise the author of this
book if fishing communities like Sindo, or perhaps even Sindo themselves found a
way of extracting value from their denuded sea and in some way continued to make
a living, regardless of the multiple challenges facing them. The current institutional
interest shown in not only more generally the fishing sector, but very specifically
the island of Sindo the reclaimed land surrounding it, speaks to this fact. Sindo is
famous not only for its fishing and fishing station, but also for its reed beds, and
perhaps some of the focus recently bestowed on these spaces by the visit of Kim
Jong Un would flow to the community nearby.
So in this chapter and in this book, readers will have come close to the fishing
people in Sindo, close to the small fleet of boats moored off the tip of the island and
the collection of buildings which service them next to the coast. They are, as is
often the case in North Korea, tantalisingly out of reach from both myself as the
researcher, and us as the readers of this book. While North Korea’s interest in the
lively matters of this island continues to grow, the benefit for these fishers declines,
just as the population of fish in the nearby waters of the Amnok/Yalu River and the
Yellow and Bohai seas decline. However, as is often the case again in North Korea
in contradiction with these declines has been the rise in interest within Pyongyang’s
narrative in fishing and watery matters.
Chapter 4, this books’ concerted effort to extract a historiographic narrative and
sense of geography from the strands of North Korean political messaging and
elements of the often hidden documentary evidence of Pyongyang’s intentions and
efforts at sea, has detailed the outburst in 2014 of institutional interest which
detailed the reconfiguration of its strategies for fishing away from places and
communities like the Sindo cooperative and towards the various infrastructures of
the KPA. That chapter, for the most part, focused on the events and focus of 2014
and 2015, the era of ‘mountains and seas of gold’. From the intense peak in the
middle of the decade, institutional interest seemed to have waned a little in 2016
when Kim Jong Un in his New Years Address could only muster the direction:
‘fishing sectors…should ramp up production as soon as possible and see to it that
the fish farms…built across the country pay off…’52 But North Korea certainly paid
attention to fish farming and aquaculture in 2016, with a number of media and
government announcements of new projects in Pyongyang and elsewhere. This
was, of course, the peak period for the Byungjin Line (병진로선), North Korea’s
developmental and ideological strategy which paired technical development in the
Rodong Sinmun (2016).
176 6 Sindo, Environment and the Politics of Fishing in North Korea
economy with nuclear capability and capacity. Fishing and watery matters it seems
could certainly play their part in the drive to increase the technical capabilities and
level of North Korea’s various developmental sectors. As readers will know this
increasing focus on nuclear capability drove international focus on North Korea to
something of a fever pitch, and Pyongyang and Washington DC after a few too
many early morning missile launches with Kim Jong Un in attendance seemed at
points destined for a real military confrontation.53 Amidst the heat of it all, North
Korea still included fishing policy in its developmental agenda. 2017’s New Years
Address, for instance, reminded readers of the difficulties North Korea has had
historically with increasing the size of its fishing boats and developing their
capabilities: ‘The fishing sector should conduct a dynamic drive for catching fishes
and push perseveringly ahead with aquatic farming… It should build modern
fishing vessels in a greater number…’.54
2018 was a unique year in North Korean political history. In the middle of the
disturbing geopolitical volleys between North Korea and the United States, Moon
Jae-in had been elected as President in South Korea on a platform which included
some form of return to his political mentor Kim Dae-jung’s ‘Sunshine Policy’. At a
speech in Berlin on 6 July 2017, the new President Moon made it very clear he was
minded to overturn some twenty years of conservative party policy on North Korea
if given the chance. Rüdiger Frank of the University of Vienna recorded the core
intentions in the speech as ‘… Moon repeatedly expressed his willingness to respect
and accept North Korea as it is. To make sure the message isn’t missed, he explicitly
said that he neither wishes for North Korea to collapse nor that he will work towards
any kind of unification through absorption…’.55 Given the bluster coming from
Washington DC it never looked as if Moon would get the chance, but the
Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in the early months of 2018 provided an opening that
perhaps no one saw coming. It appears that mindful of Moon Jae-in’s inclinations,
Kim Jong Un’s New Years Address of 2018 included the hope that North Korea and
South Korea might cooperate in some way during the period of the Winter Olympics,
as they had done at previous international sporting events. Seoul and the Moon
administration acted within 48 h of the address being posted and by the 9 January,
both sides were discussing the possibility and within a month North and South
Korean athletes were participating with a joint team at the Winter Olympics.56 While
the attendance of Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong Un’s sister and Kim Yong Nam (North
Korea’s then official head of state, Chair of the Praesidium of the Supreme People’s
Assembly) at the opening ceremony and their handshakes with the South Korean
President would have been absolutely extraordinary in normal times. However
“North Korea Confirms Successful New Ballistic Missile Test,” BBC News, May 21st, 2017.
Retrieved April 27, 2019
Rodong Sinmun (2017).
Frank (2017).
“North Korea Accepts Olympics Talks Offer says South,” BBC News, January 5th, 2018.
Retrieved April 77, 2019 from
6 Sindo, Environment and the Politics of Fishing in North Korea 177
within months, Moon Jae-in and Kim Jong Un met at Panmunjom and signed the
April 27th, Panmunjom Declaration, the first of three search meetings and by June,
Kim Jong Un and a North Korean delegation were meeting US President Donald
Trump at an extraordinary event in Singapore (so far the first of three meetings
between the two men, and certainly the most substantive and successful).57
Not only in 2018 had North Korea avoided the seemingly inevitable (in 2017 at
least) attack from the United States and its allies, but as a nation, it had rather
punched above and beyond its weight and reputation on the global stage, in spite of
the various sanctions regimes and processes. While 2016 and 2017 had brought
severe restrictions on its developmental output through the UNSC 2397 and uni-
lateral sanctions put in place by the United States through Edward Royce’s HR757
Bill, perhaps a way forward could now be found for the future.58 Fish and fishing
would it seems certainly play a role in whatever future that would turn out to be.
While the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang were happening, North Korea’s
long-standing joint commission on fisheries with the Russian Federation (this book
has explored moments of interaction produced as a result of this commissions’
previous iteration with the Soviet Union as a partner), took place for the thirtieth
time. Interest remained high in fishing matters throughout the year and Pak Pong Ju,
then Premier of North Korea would be seen in government publications visiting fish
farms, a railway bridge and a new railway line built to connect new fishing facilities
on the Songjon peninsula near Wonsan and the opening of a new ‘National Fish
Breeding Laboratory’. Kim Jong Un himself made time in 2018 to visit salmon
farms, the Samchon Catfish Farm and a number of the KPA’s Fishery Stations.59
For this book and its author however the most important moment in North Korea’s
developmental year in 2018, was Kim Jong Un’s visit to Sindo itself. Rodong
Sinmun records that on 30 June 2018, Kim Jong Un paid a visit along with a
number of other officials as part of a more extensive visit to Sinuiju and the
northwest corner of North Korea to the islands.60 Such a visit does inevitably put
greater institutional focus on this once forgotten place, even with the dreams and
ambitions of Hwanggumpyong SEZ to its north. But it was not focused on the
island and the various communities of fishing people who live there that was
important on this occasion to North Korea. Granted fish and fishing in 2018 were
lively matters among many others for North Korean institutions, but it appeared that
another form of vibrant material was the key concern. Kim Jong Un was in fact
visiting ‘Reed Branch Farm 1’ of the Sindo County Combined Reed Farm (the text
from Rodong Sinmun asserts that this farm was also visited by Kim Il Sung and
Kim Jong Il), in order to see developments in the production of reeds for the fibre
and chemicals industry.61 This natural product has become important to North
Lyons et al. (2018).
United States Congress (2016).
Rodong Sinmun (2018a, b, c, d, e).
Rodong Sinmun (2018f).
178 6 Sindo, Environment and the Politics of Fishing in North Korea
Korea since it can no longer afford or source fibres produced through chemical
process or based on petroleum by-products. Sindo thus in North Korea’s institu-
tional mind, in 2018 is not a place for the fishing cooperative and fishing interests
(though fishing does have a brief mention in the text recounting the visit), but for
other forms of material, other lively energies in the matrix of the nation’s
6.1 Conclusion
Sindo is one of those terrains in North Korea that certainly can be seen and studied
from space. GPS-enabled satellite photography can show the reader and the watcher
the outline of its fishing facilities, the monument at the heart of its main village
square, the developments on its west coast and increasingly the turpidity and
sediment build up in the Amnok/Yalu estuary. The post-imperial technological gaze
can show the interested and the curious all of these things, but it cannot get anyone
close to the reality of the small fishing community on its southern tip and their
politics and political strategies, informal or otherwise. Sindo has long been caught
in web of environmental crisis, developmental stasis, geopolitical complication and
institutional disinterest, and all of these do not make the community there itself
anymore visible or any more reachable. It is a fundamental disappointment to the
author of this book, that the space and place they had set out to engage with have on
this occasion been essentially and practically unreachable. I hope that this does not
make this book without merit. It has been a long journey intellectually and con-
ceptually to this point, and on that journey, I hope that vibrant and lively fishing
matters, or the place of such matters in North Korean political and developmental
practice has become a little less opaque.
The final concluding chapter of this book seeks, not just to summarise and
reiterate the various temporal, geographic and conceptual scales and frames the
reader will have gone through to get to this point, but to open out the frame once
again. At this point, the reader and the narrative of this book have arrived in 2019 at
a small community, a little beyond physical reach, at the mouth of the Amnok/Yalu
River. While for many analysts, readers and writers, such a place is out of time, out
of political space, out of the social, economic and ecological frame that much of the
rest of the globe sits in, it has throughout this book and throughout the research and
fieldwork that is behind the words of this book, always been the ambition of the
author to put Sindo and watery geographies like it back into the framework of
political, economic, social and environmental time. North Korea is part of a
peninsula, it is not an island or a satellite of the wider world, circling it forever like
an unusual aberration. As a nation is as much a part of our global neighbourhood as
any other place, its own environmental crises are simply offshoots of the wider
planetary crisis that is befalling us all as a result of unfettered growth politics and an
industrial and economic system predicated on and defined on their being no limits.
Non-human materials and energies have been harvested and extracted from our
6.1 Conclusion 179
world to the extent that the lively and powerful matters on which humans as a
species have depended on for so long are now depleted beyond repair, or present in
such a great volume that we are on the brink of a radical transformation in our
ecosystem. This book has so far very much attempted to tell this narrative, and
Sindo, however, accessible is certainly part of that story.
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Chapter 7
Lively Conclusions
So far, this book has primarily been a work focused on developmental communities
and processes, which have long roots in human history but have only in the last few
centuries become intense industrial processes, which have stripped the world’s
waters of their lively matters. For the most part, this narrative has been one of
plenty and presence, the developing capabilities of human societies and institutions
to harvest fish and other creatures of the sea, this development in tandem with
changes and growth in those societies and their structures. Readers will have
encountered the transformation of societies and their practices of extraction from
semi-feudal to mercantile to late capitalist and neo-liberal. Classical empires have
been built across Asia and the Pacific, only to disintegrate and collapse and have
new empires of fishing and extraction replace and build on their ruins.
Technological development and the unending quest for profit and accumulation
have transformed the seas, oceans and coasts of the world to just that, ruins, ruins
which both humans and sea life must live among. While this narrative certainly
sounds unrelentingly bleak and destructive, this book and its author are not so naïve
as to assert that this is the end of the story.
If Geography’s ruin-turn has imparted anything to the field it is that ruins and
destruction are not the end of the story. Our planet’s web of life, as Moore
understands it, whether impacted by the energies of capitalism or non-capitalism
cannot simply be negated, but constantly transforms and reconfigures itself under
the pressure of accumulation and other human processes.1 Just as weeds, grasses
and other life colonise redundant, broken, derelict sites of industry or alien viruses,
bacteria and other pests colonise new territories as climate change and global
temperature rise transform our global ecosystems, so denuded and degraded waters
will harbour new forms of sea life. Humans will learn to interact with, use and
accumulate these new species and forms just as they have always done and through
practices, the reader will already have encountered, of fishing down the trophic
level, are in reality already doing so. I do not suggest a biological equivalence
between historic, contemporary and future forms of life, just as I do not suggest a
moral equivalence on the part of humans and societies for having at least in part
created these situations. It would be better for the planet if such degradation had not
and did not happen, ecosystems and ecology, after all, develop best at slower
temporal frames, more geologic than anthropocentric. But this is, as many assert
perhaps a new era, the Anthropocene, or more correctly, the Capitalocene.2 In this
new epoch, species and ecological development will exist outside of the frames of
ungoverned or directed nature, influenced by the energies of capital of all times, a
product of consumption, accumulation, extraction and waste as much as by evo-
lution or natural selection.
Moore (2015).
Moore (2014).
7 Lively Conclusions 185
Matters in this era are no less energetic or lively than they have been in previous
eras. If anything they are more energetic, as they are not simply the drivers of
natural processes, but elements vital to the functioning of the processes and prac-
tices of capitalist logic. Vibrant and energetic matters have become important parts
of the construction and functioning of our new world, their energy driving both the
physical materialities of that world, and values and prices within it. Of course, fish
and sea life are one such category of those matters, vital as food for humans and for
animals, for chemistry, industry and medicine. While not quite the energetic
material that corn and its by-products have found themselves to be in our world,
seafood and other products of the sea are deeply important to many of the processes
of our modern age. I began this section by talking about destruction and degra-
dation, key processes at play in the economy and development of our age, and
processes that pivot on the transformation of living materials from a state of
abundance to states of scarcity. Scarcity economics are of course familiar in our
times. Scarcity sets prices, creates value and drives innovation in our economies, or
at least that is the theory. Scarcity is itself an important and vibrant political matter
in our global geopolitics. As readers will already have encountered when reading
this book and thinking about North Korea’s place in world politics and economics,
scarcity in a society is now taken as a sign of governmental failure and incapability.
Only failing, illegitimate governments and economic systems have overt scarcity
which is not mitigated by the abundance of something else. North Korea is con-
ceived of, in global popular, political and media discourse as a place of scarcity and
therefore not legitimate in some way as a nation. Commentators have even in the
past accused North Korea of even deliberately starving its own people, denying
them sustenance as a means of control and of power. Intriguingly whether or not
this is true, or wilfully true, the assertion that North Korea might not be capable of
feeding or sustaining its own people has been weaponised by those who seek to
change, overthrow or negate North Korea, in a way which itself a means of control
and of power. The reality is that of course things are scarce in North Korea. It is a
nation whose entire political and economic support structure collapsed in the early
1990s, it was subjected to a period of acute environmental and institutional failure
because of this and because of a series of climactic misfortunes and its political
system and ideology has required much of the energy and capital generated by the
nation and its people over the last few decades to be spent developing military
capabilities. Further to these things, North Korea is subject to some of the most
fierce and disabling sanctions regimes yet constructed in the global legal system; so
things are certainly scarce.
Fish in this nexus of scarcity and lack are vital for their energy and vibrancy. As
readers will have seen at moments in which North Korea has found it very difficult
to access the finances and material support to engage in developmental activity of
the conventional sort, fish have seemed to it like a bountiful commons to be
exploited, without cost or material input. Of course, this isn’t true in a way, as the
seas open to North Korea do not have a great many fish, and there is certainly a
level of material, financial and technical input required to go fishing. However, it
seemed that way to North Korea, and fish and the energies of their matter have
186 7 Lively Conclusions
Gause (2006).
7 Lively Conclusions 187
encountering absence and it has produced one of the most truly macabre devel-
opmental outcomes in recent years.
Japan has long been concerned about infiltration and espionage from North
Korea. Ever since the dramatic and unprecedented spate of kidnappings and
abductions from its shores by North Korean military operatives in the 1970s (to both
fulfil a practical need for Japanese language translators in North Korea and occa-
sionally the esoteric needs of its leadership which further poisoned relationships
between the two countries), Tokyo has been protective of its coastline.4 After 2010
Japanese media, public and government institutions were extremely concerned then
when a series of wooden, derelict boats with Korean identification marks began to
wash up on the shores of western Japan and Hokkaido. Later finds of North Korean
materials such as flags, a Kim Jong Il pin badge and military insignia suggested that
these were from North Korea. It was doubted that such boats were attempts at
defection or escape from North Korea, though a few North Koreans had tried in the
1980s to sail to Japan, due to the enmity between the two countries and because it
would have simply been easier for these boats to aim for South Korea, which is
considerably nearer and less troublesome to navigate to. In 2011, Japanese Coast
Guard statistics recorded that 57 boats had washed ashore, and this was the start of an
increasing number of boats over the years, peaking in 2013 with some 80 boats and
in 2017 with 99 boats.5 These boats were often of extremely rudimentary and
primitive wooden design, with, where still present, very old and badly maintained
outboard engines. While there were a few instances of crew surviving the journey to
Japan, for the most part, and the most macabre element of this developing story, the
crews were either missing or dead.6 A large number of the dead bodies of North
Koreans thus have come to Japanese shores by these means, sometimes badly
decomposed, sometimes reported essentially as skulls or skeletons by the time they
washed ashore, indicating that whatever had happened to them, it had been a very
prolonged period of time since they had set to sea and come to grief.7
To date, there are very few answers surrounding the nature of the boat crews’
ambitions, identities and the background behind what has created this terrible
outcome. North Korean authorities to date it seems have not divulged details for
any of the instances, and as North Korea and Japan have no bilateral relations
formally, no repatriations of bodies or other materials have occurred. It is suggested
that all of the increasing pressure from the central government and institutions in
North Korea on the KPA, other institutions and perhaps even local communities
(being pressured by their local or regional Party bodies), are forcing either soldiers,
sailors or civilians to go to sea to catch fish when they do not have the capabilities,
training, knowledge or resources to do so.8 Fishing as an occupation is one of the
Williams and Mobrand (2010).
Japan Coast Guard (2019).
Park and Kaneko (2015).
McCurry (2017).
188 7 Lively Conclusions
more dangerous livelihoods on the planet, and historically, even with experience,
training and resources behind them fishing communities have had many losses
globally. The crews of these ‘Ghost Ships’ as they are termed, have set off in search
of the bounty of the sea, with inappropriate boats for the currents and weather they
will encounter, little navigational knowledge, no equipment for communicating in
case of difficulty, very little food or sustenance and little resources to support them.
They have set off it seems in search of the vibrant matters of the sea, only to be
overcome by the powerful energies of the water. Japanese coastal communities and
institutions to make something of an understatement have found these instances
traumatic and frightening, yet to date have had little reassurance that the problem is
reducing. Ghost Ships and their spectral crews continue to haunt the harbours and
coasts of western and northern Japan, victims of intense developmental urges from
what is essentially an enemy across the waters.
How do we as academics, as publics, as humans even begin to frame such a
horrible, miserable outcome? These North Korean Ghost Ships are lively matters in
the geopolitical and regional political networks of northeast Asia, the bodies,
skeletons and other human materials of their crews are political and energetic
objects in the own right. The derelict boats and craft washed up on remote beaches,
moored precariously at the edge of Japanese harbours are essentially waste material
by-products in North Korea’s contribution to global efforts to extract the resources
and lively matters of the sea. They are perhaps by-products, which represent the
level of human wastage and collateral damage that its institutions are prepared to
tolerate in the rush to extract value from the sea, while that value still exists. They
are complicated, troublesome, upsetting and traumatising materials of course,
deeply problematic for the nations which surround North Korea to deal with. So far,
the vast bulk of the instances of their arrival has been on the shores of Japan, while
they could of course also be washing up on the beaches and coasts of China and the
Russian Federation, if they have the media and government agencies of those
countries have not reported on them. Our response surely must also be human, as
well as political or focused on security. These unlucky fishers and sailors are of
course citizens, fathers, sons and friends who will never see their families again,
never see their homeland again, no matter how politically complicated a place that
is. Their bodies, due to the disconnection between Japan and North Korea will
never be repatriated to their home country, and so their mortal remains intersect
with the cultural, social and political traditions of Japan. Japan is of course well
versed in encountering and managing the bodies and materials of living things that
are complicated and difficult to cope with given spiritual and cultural norms. This
author, in particular, suggests revisiting the work of Jakobina Arch encountered
earlier in this book, and her recounting of Japanese communities management of
the bodies and burials of whales and foetal whales in the eighteenth and nineteenth
centuries.9 Little has been said so far of what actually happens to the bodies and
human material washed up with these Ghost Ships on the shores of Japan, save for
Arch (2018).
7 Lively Conclusions 189
one story focused on the town of Monzen (門前町), in Wajima municipality (輪島
市). Monzen had three Ghost Ships wash up with a number of bodies in December
2015, and after various bureaucratic issues, the municipality authorities found they
could not afford the $13,500 cost of disposing of the human remains.10 The Los
Angeles Times reports that Wajima authorities arranged for the bodies of the North
Koreans to be cremated and their ashes interred at Soujij, a Buddhist Temple on the
outskirts of Monzen.11 It is unlikely that the North Koreans whose bodies they were
would have been in any conventional terms, Buddhist, yet their physical materials
have become part of the sacred geography and commemorative architectures of
Japanese Buddhism. Kayoi village in Yamaguchi Prefecture (山口県) as Arch
records has a Buddhist shrine, grave and commemorative geography which pre-
sumably has much in common with that of Monzen. Kayoi’s sacred geography, in
common with Monzen in our present, also possesses the bodies of visitors involved
in fishing who are as alien as the bodies of those North Koreans. They are the
bodies of foetal whales caught by its whaling crews by accident, in contradiction of
the Buddhist practice of their time and necessarily entombed and named on
memorial headstones to atone for the whalers mistakes and give the souls of the
unborn whales a chance to become little Buddhas, like all those creatures in
existence who have had a chance to live. It is entirely impossible that the dead
North Koreans of Monzen and elsewhere could ever be thought of, like the whales
of Kayoi, as ‘mizuko’ 水子, but the heart of their and many other crews of these
Ghost Ships, unfortunate stories is that they become as lost as the ‘water-child’,
trapped not only at sea, but in the place as lively matters, caught seeking other
vibrant materials in an even more energetic and impossible watery geography.
Perhaps, this abstraction of the bodies of unlucky North Korean fishermen into a
frame in which they can be encountered in commemoration and remembrance in a
similar manner to other complicated or uncomfortable materials in the complicated
watery interactions that make up global and historical fishing practise is a difficult
connection for readers to make. However, these fishers, even more unknowable and
diffuse than Sindo and other North Korean fishing communities surely are owed a
modicum of compassion and a place at least somewhere on land. The ghosts of the
Ghost Ships are for this author the most extraordinary contemporary element of this
books story, and that which requires the most extensive research in the future and to
which he will certainly return.
The reader will certainly have travelled some distance through this book and its
engagement with the lively matters of fishing. The irony is not lost on the author,
that one of the final energetic materials with which connections are made in this
book are the dead bodies of unfortunate North Koreans, which are lively in the
politics of the region and the difficult relations between the two neighbouring
countries, in spite of their lack of life. Fishing is about life and death and always has
been so. Humans sustain their own lives and the lives of their families and
Kaiman (2016).
190 7 Lively Conclusions
communities through the harvesting of the lives of creatures of the sea, whose own
dead bodies become vital and powerful materials in the global web of life. While
their living bodies certainly have energy and are vital to the geographies and
ecosystems below the waves, their vibrancy once caught, processed and prepared
has been extraordinary.
This book has explored the role of fish, fishing and products of the sea in the
political, economic and cultural lives of coastal communities in a huge temporal and
geographic scale. Readers will have encountered the development of human interest
in fish and the creatures of the ocean from the very earliest time until the present.
The book has ranged widely across the planet, yet has primarily focused on fishing
in Asia, specifically on the Korean peninsula and neighbouring nations. This book
has thus explored the development of Japan from one of the first ocean-going
nations, whose economic and cultural landscapes found creatures from the sea
hugely important for food and other materials and who sometimes incorporated the
bodies of those creatures that had been caught into the structures of towns and
villages, as well as commemorative and sacred architectures. Equally the book has
recounted the development of China, as one of the pioneers of river fishing and
aquaculture, a nation focused on taming a complicated and troublesome hydrology,
and when it did so would become one of the world’s great civilisations. Both
nations were of course hugely powerful in their own ways, yet both had compli-
cated histories and experiences of colonisation and modernisation at the hands of
mercantilism and capital. Japan, in the long run, was initially more successful and
used the experience of colonial and imperial power to develop its own unique form
of colonisation. Since it was an ally of Britain and the victorious powers in the War
of 1914–1918, Japan was granted trusteeship of the former German South Pacific
territories, now Palau, Micronesia, the Northern Mariana Islands and the Marshall
Islands. Possession of these territories allowed Japan to experiment with and
develop its capacity for deep sea fishing and industrial processing, particularly at
Saipan and gave it an extensive area of territorial waters over which it could
exercise control. As history records, Japan would go on to build an empire across
the Pacific, which was both a classical imperial project on land and an ‘Empire of
Fishing’ at sea. The Korean peninsula would become a hugely important part of that
empire of course.
Later, following Japan’s defeat by the United States and its allies in 1945,
Japan’s reach over the Pacific would be briefly restricted before it was allowed to
grow again, in tandem this time with America’s own imperial ambitions and desires
to hold back, restrict and if possible roll back communism. The United States had
global ambitions after 1945, not just for imperial domination in the classical sense,
but for economic imperialism, reframing what was possible in social and political
terms in many nations so that it would best fit American political and business
interests. Extraordinarily as readers will have encountered this meant sacrificing the
interests of its own fishing industries and canneries so that freedom of the sea and
freedoms of navigation could be maintained across the globe. This framing of the
deep sea and the wider oceans, especially in the Pacific as open territory, a global
commons, suited the interests of a fishing industry who with a new statistical
7 Lively Conclusions 191
methodology rooted in the claims that not only were the fish in the sea knowable,
but they were quantifiable using scientific and mathematical methods. Such
methods gave rise to the notions of surplus populations and Maximum Sustainable
Yield which building on much scientific research over more than a century, cor-
rupted fisheries science for political and economic ends. While they did so, they
created the availability of investment capital which transformed the technology
involved in the fishing processes. Ships became larger and larger, refrigeration was
put to use so that the problems of spoilage and decay were no longer a concern so
those larger and larger ships could put to sea for longer and longer and travel further
and further. Motherships were developed as floating factories so that fish caught by
a fleet of smaller ships could be processed and packed without ever having to touch
land and could then be landed at the nearest and most convenient market. These
preparation technologies even revolutionised the form that fish were actually eaten
in, from fillets and cuts of whole fish, to processed fish sticks and fish fingers, a key
part of a developing convenience economy and society. Where once fishing was a
matter of chance and luck, technologies such as sonar and radar developed which
allowed fishing boats to see fishing populations from above and to best target their
technology. In more recent times, these technologies have been superseded by GPS
and Remote Sensing from satellites, so that fish movements and stocks can be
tracked from space, a panoptical developmental technology rooted in the
observation-security complex of our modern world.
Korea was a nation a little out of line with the fishing histories and narratives of
China and Japan. Never a country of the deep sea, fishing practices and commu-
nities had been restricted by political and economic developments, by spiritual,
religious and social ordering, so that fishing was very much coastal in nature and
fishing communities disparate and peripheral. Korean fishing communities them-
selves were not hugely impacted by the Japanese colonial period, as the
Government General of Chosen was primarily concerned to import Japanese fishing
people and technology onto the Korean peninsula rather than transforming local
practices. Korea’s waters long contested and impacted by external and foreign
fishers and agency were regarded as under pressure by Japanese colonial authorities
and even restricted fishing boats from mainland Japan. It is unclear whether the
Pacific War of 1941–1945 or the Korean War of 1950–1953 were positive periods
for fish populations, as was the case during the First and Second Great Fishing
Experiments (as European researchers referred to them), in the North Sea and North
Atlantic between 1914–1918 and 1939–1945, no one ever thought to engage in the
research necessary to discover whether fishing stocks increased in the West and
East Seas in these times of conflict. This was even after the fact that Japan’s
colonial authorities sought to include Korea and its waters within the wider
framework of Tokyo’s research network. After 1945, both Koreas were hobbled
somewhat initially by the fact that Japanese fishery institutions and fishing people
retreated to mainland Japan with their fishing boats, and then whatever infras-
tructure was left was further degraded during the destruction of the Korean War.
Both Koreas since their independence have seen fishing as one of the develop-
mental imperatives which would bestow legitimacy and authority upon them during
192 7 Lively Conclusions
the Cold War. South Korea after the 1950s with American support and with
Japanese capital became one of the world’s global fishing powers, its boats and
ships seen in seas across the globe. North Korea, of course, has always sought to
extend its fishing power across the globe, in tandem with other socialist and
communist nations such as the Soviet Union, the People’s Republic of Poland and
the German Democratic Republic. This author has often said what could be more
socialist or utopian than literally creating new land from the sea, but dominating the
seas of the world would surely be another key goal for any bonafidé utopian
national project.
North Korea’s ambitions at sea have never really come to fruition. Despite
technical, bureaucratic and financial support from the Soviet Union, the People’s
Republic of China and a number of other ideological allies, Kim Il Sung’s repeated
calls to increase production, develop new infrastructure and built larger and more
capable boats somehow never seemed to be heeded by reality. The vagaries and
contradictions of central planning and both ideological changes and development
meant that the most concrete and well-laid plans somehow always went awry. The
Japanese colonial administration had through the importation of a large amount of
Japanese labour, financial focus and Imperial drive increased the volume of fish and
marine products landed on the peninsula an extraordinary amount; it is unclear in
the history of North Korea whether the final pre-war figures for colonial Korea
(even accounting for reduction in territory), for 1939 and 1940 have ever been
matched. North Korea certainly has talked and written its way into considering
itself a great and aspirational fishing nation of the world, but the reality, as unclear
at times as it has been, is that this is not the case.
In the present, however, this book has repeatedly asked the question, what is left
in the waters of this world for there to be a great fishing nation of. Industrial fishing
rooted in the statistical framework and presumptions of the American century and
the Cold War Empires of Fishing has essentially asset stripped the past, present and
future of our oceans. In reality there is little left to catch that has already been
extracted from the waters, coasts and seafloor. The fishing methods and practices of
the twentieth century guided by the panoptical gaze provided by satellite and
remote observational techniques have not simply reduced the populations of fish
and other species to a fraction of what they have historically been, they have
transformed the geographies of the sea and the seabed. Deep sea trawling has
flattened and reduced the ecosystem of the ocean floor, from a complex and
complicated topography of coral and other deposits, built not only by geologic and
sedimentary time, but by the combined efforts of polyps, worms and molluscs, to
often flat deserts devoid of life, but perfect for the interminable scraping of trawling
gear. Industrial fishing has even transformed fish and human perception of fish. Fish
which are attractive and valuable to the global fishing industry are not in reality
allowed to live anywhere near the normal life spans, so do not in general reach
anywhere near their historic potential size. So the fish of our present, really are not
the same fish as those of our pasts and human perception of them has radically
altered. In the twenty-first century, we read historic accounts of fish and fishing in
which authors recount the huge size of some species and the incredible abundance
7 Lively Conclusions 193
and presence as fantasy, fish are simply not that big and it is ludicrous to us for
them to suggest that there might be so many that the water itself might no longer
seem liquid, that it might be possible to walk over the backs and fins of so many
creatures. While humans loom larger than life in our anthropocentric times, fish are
very much smaller, their geographies and topographies taking up a great deal less
This is the reality of the science and the watery geographies of this book, that the
vibrant and lively matters and the spaces of fish and other creatures of the sea are
reduced, smaller, degraded, and perhaps a little less energetic. Another key element
of this book has focused however, on the fact that while this may be true when it
comes to their own bodies, the routes and spaces of their own lives under the sea,
fish and fishing practices are still every bit as energetic, vibrant and vital to those
communities and people who seek and make a livelihood off them. Jane Bennett’s
theorisation of the vibrancy and energy of matters is certainly reflected in the ‘thing
power’ of fish and aquatic creatures, even at their most degraded, in the web of life
encountered by the author during the fieldwork and research for this book. The
Chinese communities of the Liaodong peninsula who are beset by a number of
vibrant and energetic matters in the present, such as speculative Capital, the
physical materials of urban development and the powerful politics of contemporary
China certainly still seek to harness the power and value of fish, sea life and aquatic
vegetation. While communities like Tong Shui Gou (通水沟) and Yanchangxincun
(盐场新村) are pressured even in their peripheral locations by powerful external
energies, the vibrancy of materials and matters from the sea mean that it is worth for
their communities navigating a complex and precarious path to continue to attempt
the harvest of whatever bounty remains below the waves. Gageodo (가거도) in
South Korea and its fishing communities, long extremely peripheral to national
institutions and infrastructures, have continued to seek the lively matters of the sea.
The residents of Gageodo do so even as subsistence or conventional fishing from
the island is challenged by the pressures of tourism and the islands precarious place
in South Korea’s security framework, close to Chinese waters and shipping lanes.
Complicated as their connections to the mainland have been, Gageodo’s fishers
have been freed from the yoke of the Kaekchu, commission tradesmen, but find
themselves now facing new restrictions from climate change. The least visible and
accessible community of this book, Sindo (신도군) and its fishing cooperative are
also challenged by multiple practical environmental challenges, but with them face
many of the developmental problems which concern other North Korean devel-
opmental communities. Institutional disinterest, bureaucratic and financial failure,
ideological change and political reconfigurations, have seen smaller fishing com-
munities in that nation replaced in the developmental hierarchy by the fishery
stations of North Korea’s military. Yet the vibrant matters of the sea for North
Korea following the 1990s seem even more lively than before. The value of the
watery commons is huge for a country so restricted by economic, political and
environmental factors, it has been vital for Pyongyang to seek more fish from the
sea to replace the protein and calorific values lost by agricultural collapse else-
where. It has been vital for North Korea’s sense of its own legitimacy and authority
194 7 Lively Conclusions
as a nation to take to the waves and to find ‘seas of gold’, even if those seas are not
necessarily in their own economic zone or national waters. Yet North Korea, of
course, has found itself further restricted and cut out of global maritime markets by
the complex and thick framework of sanctions placed upon it in recent years,
having to find new and novel ways to continue connecting with the vibrant energies
of the sea.
Ultimately North Korea’s fishing communities continue to live, even precari-
ously, but they also die, as the reader will have encountered in this final chapter in
the shape of the macabre and spectral geographies of the Ghost Ships. While the
human remains and bodies of North Koreans washed upon on distant Japanese
shores are some of the most lively and energetic materials of all connected to the
sea in regional politics, these are not the materials this book wishes to end with
(though in classic academic style, more research is certainly needed on them). The
fishers of Sindo and other communities in North Korea though unknowable and
inaccessible in many ways continue to seek the vibrant and lively materials of the
sea, even as those materials become sparser, thinner and more disparate. In framing
their places, spaces and experiences throughout this book as but part of a longer
historical frame, a wider conceptual network and a geographic neighbourhood
which connects them rather than regarding North Korean people and places as
detached, the author hopes to have inserted a new sense in the readers mind. Instead
of disconnection and isolation, North Korea’s fishers and fishing communities are
very much part of their regional neighbourhood, and in fact, a neighbourhood
which encompasses the whole planet. The entirety of this neighbourhood faces
dramatic, perhaps insurmountable challenges in the future, as all of us humans,
animals, plants and other residents of the planet do, but the vibrant energies, the
‘thing powers’ of the materials and beings that make up our global web of life will
keep enticing us to continue engaging, continuing to harness their liveliness.
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Tokugawa period (Japan), 34 Vibrant matter, 5, 16, 23, 56, 65–67, 89, 105,
Tong Shui Gou (通水沟), 17–18, 59, 92, 93, 111, 183, 188, 193
159, 173, 193 VNIRO (Russian Research Institute of
Trans-Siberian Railway, 50 Fisheries and Oceanography), 122
Treaty of Aigun, 35, 151 Volcano Islands, 81
Treaty of Nerchinsk, 35, 151
Treaty of Portsmouth, 49 W
Treaty of San Francisco, 1952, 82 Wafangdian City (瓦房店市), 17, 59, 147
Trophic Levels, 31, 89 Wake Island, 82
Truman, Harry, 82–85 Weaponization of literature, 2
Tsushima, 45 West African Fisheries, 31
Tsutsui, William, 16 West and Central Pacific Fisheries
Tucker-Jones, Ryan, 16 Commission, 127, 173
Tumangan, 151 West Sea, 39
Tuman/Tumen (두만강/图们江) River, 151 Whaling history, 16
Whatmore, Sarah, 5, 16, 20, 23
U Whiting, 30
Ulsan, 45 Wilbert M. Chapman, 84–88
UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritages list, 47 Woods Hole, 71
United Kingdom, 11–12, 58, 75, 77, 81, 84,
87–88, 106 Y
United Nations, 6, 14, 86, 159, 161 Yanchangxincun (盐场新村), 145, 193
United Nations Commission of Inquiry (COI), Yangban, 42, 43
130 Yangtze river, 38
United Nations Framework Convention on Yellowfin Tuna, 51
Climate Change, 15 Yellow Sea. See West Sea
United Nations Security Council resolutions, Yeonpyeong/ Yŏnp’yŏng Island (연평도), 103
21 Yi Chung-wan (이중환), 44
United States Army Military Government in Yi dynasty. See Chosŏn (조선)
Korea, 82 Yi Hwang (이황), 42
United States Fish Commission, 71 Yi I (이이), 42
United States Fisheries Policy in the Pacific, Yongbyon, 2
UNSC 2371, 21, 99 Z
UNSC 2397, 104, 127, 163, 174, 177 Zarubino, 151–153
US Army Military Government in Korea, 55 Zhejiang, 40
US State Department, 84 Zhou dynasty (周), 38
Ussurisyk, 151 Zhoushan archipelago, 40
Zimbabwe, 14
V Zongfan guanxi (宗藩关系), 45
Vanuatu, 127
Venezuela, 10