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| RENAULT COUACH at nar couaci! RC 16D | Manuel de réparation Service manualoe INTRODUCTION ‘en ttn especie Ees'sontauiceptbon de modiatons on cis de changements apporés & {a Tooeation dos diférntaorganes et scessnve cononat te pe Ui repredction la traduction mime parle Gu present daca st loterdon sane Taoist préaleblement nts e RENAULT marina COUAGH hinges en viguew 3a ate The repair methods. spected by the manufacturer ia this manual are uuiahod in funtion of the techie speoestions in force tthe to They ws ote to be changed in cats of changes mado in te Predation of Bi peoporty are rserved by Renault marine Couch Reproduction warslation, oven pata of hs document fon without for wen authorization by Reveal marine CouchTABLE DES MATIERES twrmoouerion A Cenenautes Designation des smn Lenteaon Crntiitaues Couples de serrage Creait enw Cut de erburant Cette Great octave 8 moreuR 1 O4poee 6 growe 2 Repose du owe 2. Demonte 6 ulnese 31 Bépose 242. Demontage 313. Tablon 35. Carter'Ge distribution 332, Démontage 335, Remontage 4 2. “Dietteten 35. Pater rete 35. Crier tetas 37 Grepinesrchrge 3h. Piatonnbietes 38. Vlebrom 3, Arve betes 4 Remontage {1 Enipement do bec 15. Vinbreasn 14. Pal are 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS. lwrrooucTION ‘GENERAL Naming ho arts identtcaton Spectetions TouTeNNG ToROUES Overall dinnasens| Ot eeut Replacing the unit Dlomenteting th engine 234 Cylinder head 111 hemnang the ined 343 Chae i 314 Gytinder end rosaseny 331" Removing tha ting case 332, Oimonting 333, Resesonbly 35. Craahalt tar rearing 30. Pistons comada 30. Crakattt 445° Faulplng the book 14 Crokahlt ree bearing5 Pompe a ale 55, Canute «Range ban 55. Repose OUEMENT eLECTHIQUE 23 Demontage 1. Pompe ijction Ti epose 25. Remontge 2. Ramp co 4 Rel Sepang a ine 42 ‘clge au de 43. Resloge aime 153. Checking the of pump 54 ting 6. Wate pump 13, Baemantong smuecnion 1 tection pre te tating tot 2 ht er 24. Cleaning 25. Reassombly 26 hating, ing FORWARD ANO REVERSE GEARBOX ey suRRaeoRE see5. Pion intrmdare 6. te ea 15) action touresa se sorte 5 Ramortoge| SNe pins 52 Tortens ce serio Ponon intermedi GA itr’ seconie PS eres ee PF ANOMALIES DE FONCTIONNEMENT we Canta system Output caupig ange Primary het 52 Output ound 52. Intermediate pinion 45, Adaptation age 58 Adurtig the setting 1 Eaaine 2 Contos wA - GENERALITES A» GENERAL 2 IDENTIFICATION 2. IDENTIFICATION‘A- GENERALITES. 3. CARAcTEnisriquES. Moteur diesel ype oyele Nombre do eyndres Alesge rn Curae on) atom) (ouplamasarant reduction Ragin soon charge Vn romp tn Injectur Euipament sectiaue Retroiisement Poids moteur ser tka) {pe nveraeur Rapport reduction marche AV marche AR + Rotation sorte marche A Cases ule matour mst) pacts ite motor mi [Cpseté hile Inverse ‘A GENERAL 2. SPECIFICATIONS. Number cylinders Bore tom) Soe tm Tota capcty (em Compression ao Mati Torque betore reduction Under od speed pim Nov food spend rpm + Rotation of rane Moa tation Weigh engine (9) Mente fe + ovinut rotation foward anecien men engine i Capcten int ening 1 4 Obveratour plac & farted moter ot rgaednt vers avant ‘Foren obsowator paced ot earl engine nd seeing Toward Rc 160 {Ftonps (4 stoke) a TWev a 30004 5m inky 88 rpm {IPA corn aK 70/1002 ‘Ohne Ont 748 7670 Se/0lL 308 7596 vavits AW Mi UCELIR sar 12 cv PARISRHONE ATM 1428 A 12. inet Bs6 + Si coches) Startle) iaA GENERALITES: A GENERAL 4. COUPLES DE SERRAGE = Goujon de exans = Etraus de tat deportes = Ecrous de pampe bIjton 4, TIGHTENING TORQUES + mya Injector ‘erat tation mits 2 Injection pump Heaton mate 2 Camstat seroma =A - GENERALITES A - GENERAL Bis Ee vena. anal > | | 5 mensions rorates 5. OVERALL DIMENSIONS. i jo 447 lrz6)_—__ 364/22.20),A CENERALTER a aly | | cod cmvanat‘A GENERALITES 1. CIRCUIT DE CARBURANT ‘A - GENERAL 7 FUEL cincuT‘A GENERALITES A - GENERAL 4 ctcur owuLe on cimcurA. GENERALITES, A GENERAL 9. mectnic cincurtB- moTeuR B - ENGINE 1. DEPOSE DU GROUPE 1. TAKING OUT THE UNIT fo ne mrt es se a I et dp ot pate Weta an in mont ces nse a he em, aie Bite dos organs, bord des boteaue Cer cut te tolling operations according W ore Sn Etlecwer dans ordre Tes opsrotone.suvantes ‘Clore te sen water tke cock evra dep en 5 a = he the foe tank tp ions electriques en ayant 20in de les reper Sh Sen water nate pion wt the ge rnp la = Débrancher le tuyau Céchappement , peereer se baeee ‘a < Enver tx eros de faanon 1 srowpe, nger at Taso a peteree die tae se ne eae tg, 8 i tt, 2, REPOSE DU GROUPE 2. REFITTING THE UNIT ‘orks mir ding le groupe, descends eallc\ ot Je postlonner sur ‘tar sogig the deve uit, lower itn plac end position it on Is four sus St a i tg a, prs es talon d halon eh ace In cso id mounting aoegn the acrog Blt lace in he beg {GS cantons upton Cems ore de eet The water Intake piping and the fost supply piping:B- MOTEUR B - ENGINE 2, DEMONTAGE 3. DISMANTLING THE ENGINE 2, CULASSE 25 evUNDERHEAD 214.1, pose nena te ieee Dipoag To port injectors. Enever I ot dchappamant et so int. Ot ‘he net: cries, Remove the exh pot ad task, Ramee che va im eee teri fnsoge da, zi To Se ae 2142, Démontage eset iv darts. "ge8 - MoTEUR B- ENGINE8 - MOTEUR B- ENGINE “rtm ie ctr ei ec wl Le Yow Het do Fe dot 3. Pega les exutewes Cerrloge dot Sve effect & fold (tig. 87, roatder de Ia méme manitre pour région sutras cutee evi Eetrare ta poule Taide un sirecheoyeu puis enlover se clvete Wis et la rondetle do msintn de fo pute, ooae the rocker staft In the elder esd from the thes end. The fale of the shat should be rected towards. the, ning. cove = Ug, Be). The shalt Tobrenton oles should bo dracted towards te tah wih 8 fae het roche ame andthe Saco epee baa Postion Be tinder he tthe push re bck in pace, ea ‘Adjust the rocker arm setngs = The ajusmant shold eaied out when cota ponding. this valve, and ing the Yel gauge 2) — Fighen the ook (3) Procead i the sume way 10 aot the sting of he other rockers To remove the pulley. unscrew and vemive the fratlan screw and washerB- MOTEUR Devtate le tovton de swcharge (ig. 87 bis). quand esate ( serge tntlon Gu carter ot réeuptrer los ondsis, 8 - ENGINE Unscrew the overland hao (tg. 07%) whan the knob exists, (as fo Unscrew the ‘case fusion nuts recover the washers in pace (2) of te ts means of the 28 ig or ngs necro the governar lever spindle stop screw (6) . i ‘crowad hom the end beaten Rermove the closing late (78. MoTeUR son Jon, trang Fre Vane" let te ue een ng bo Mant fe lever et so axe mi tess mats gs el Ue Iver ot tp rodaon sr any 8 ‘ois mantoes suecesste ig 8.9 et 6°9 $s caver ges (gaat Sse carter de Satin depuis ram ss conver slatlon dy ever puis Boguar aon ourederou. Vrir to bon tonctonneser ci! Metre ls Boge tances, 33.4, Repose ater sir tes goujos Serr tes 9 ors 83 me revaer te but de surcharge. B ENGINE oft the camshaft passage ly 5 th fever an tapi any sl or Caen fe eat EIR TOY har shat sauces tao 0 4 terest tvee tinge tg Boe oa ond tg tn tice the into the spin) rom iad. th eave Fett the governor lever control, zrewdrina alot «ater hoo Screw In without tightring is lockout. Check the goed perc Putin pace the seating bat Pu BK Jo olce the tniog tte on the: gudgcon ade Infiacet™? 7 (08 Craun Of 3 m/tp aac crwlead ind beckB . MOTEUR B: ENGINE8 - MOTEUR B - ENGINE8 - MoTEUR Pe ar bow = age enim i Paine ca : mercer os) bon leeirrvnasmttear| “tees esrb Jeu latéeal 02 Lateral Play 02 — 08 Aiea tel ites eee Bore smatt end. ann8 - MOTEUR 4 REMONTAGE: nda tone Ge Cat O80 ErenancherTarre A. canes sver ui Jt on bene® parc unt @ 203. fle frie Cart conctanne te grisage Bu paler canal (i. 829), Engng ensemble vilevexn ali par B- ENGINE 4 REASSEMBLY OF THE ENGINE “U1 EQUIPPING THE BLocK Surtca tretnont (enter) ae at tha teuring tusnea ono the erakshaft after Heating thm belorehand {fig 8 20) Refit the secand shell on the upper haif bearing, on the support th. 2) Fig 8aB. MOTEUR Chaser Ie. paler, Moter le rulenent 9 rouleaue, pols ls baovt dance Mat le it pope Mente le pier sr fe vbrecsn ‘Serer les erous defination 823 mA Conte te jo llr labo Sere lee ie tenue aller con 425 mia, 45, PISTONS ILLES rer tes 6 vs ou couse de mk, Montes tessogmont su Tes pistons dane ore det ig. 822 cer indication» TOP = (some) Gos segment ‘th anneos shale dane Talsage du piston raise plo dans fe piston et monter Fase an bitée contre vue les demtcoussnets dan To chapeau ot Is tte de biel Disposers sopmenta comme aut ff 829) ="remier et tole" spose 015" par rapport 8 Yee Ay piston = Dasutine oppose au premier Uontr ies ensembles pistons ies dans les cyinros 150TH, Lee chantres infection Mette fs chopeaue de bile on finnt crraspondre les mes chives teptre an vies Vise les eros bite av couple do 3- m/e, ar me B - ENGINE “64, CRANKSHAFT REAR REARING. it the roller bearing ond the sealing bush Tighten the heck te Tighten the conta supper usin sons to torque of 25 my 45, mstons.connoos: ei the tyes! and ehton the 6 faton screws to 9 tore of $ mg Matt onthe pistons thle 4 vngssozarding tothe onder show a ig, B22 Toke foe of tha Indication «TOs marked onthe ton rage, Pac's kelp inthe piston bore, Pac the coord in position the plston and engage the pston pin ight up toni! the cre, 3 second crip he piston bore. ace the baring tll ables Inthe ered ig ends end aos ‘he piston singe shad be placed a» tons thy B23) "the tat and 3rd placed a1 alton withthe piston pin Ihe 2nd opposite th tt r ho ath poste the 3d ‘att he piston and conv sasembles in the eylinders using the too! FACOM 730 TA. the piston injecton chambers shed be mt he oppo f the cx Felt ve como caps making the fgwren mate facing each other. Tighten the ond eap nts fa org a9 magB - MoTEUR B - ENGINE8. MOTEUR ere OE ‘ese: a fentriveret dei pomp 8 enw ave Foti ASK MO #802 Montr te panan de conimande da la pomge injection en sat corres onde ls retres | avec cell dy plan drive eames i 9) ‘Mire Yenneau dlastque 8 Tinie ds pron de commande de 1 pote he, ‘Monte tes 2 roulements dons ce pgnon puis monter Tensemble sr ta ‘rio de sation, Steaua, = [2 pompe damarcage carorant 0m jin. te top B- ENGINE intro the timing system casing = the ein he, = the fe priming pump and is sk, = IB elec stp support pat, then the elect stop ~ the sate = the engin esrb enuping rode = ths load tnd reverse gen = the AC" Conor and ts suport = the water pum,8. MoTEUR 6. POMPE A EAU. Elle aspire eau de mer au travers ne crépine ot la refute Tintélew ‘iver pie dea culate. Cosy et ene mee daa econo chap ‘bement A ty ste diquel flere, ll retro les gar Wechappemort 51.2. Pompe doe le aspire eau poucant saccular dane Ie cae ‘Ain tier Ia deterioration érenuoie de le pompe do ala qu turns en Fermannce eis ele eat pa constant sent, Peete aut sepsre tes 2 comps de pompe comparte une communication saci fe transfert fone petite quote ens dane ta porpe Ge cle_goaniseant sm =Iubeston = Gr Fampe e clo otf pompe de circulation constituent un ensemble entring par arbre & comes. Ou fat de Tortre commun ls eases de roaton sont Nemes Débrancer les cooliations entrée ot de aot de pompe Devine les eran de tation Ts pompe surly lee Dégager Vensemble ot racuprer Te jt ance 63. nePose Metra fe jot Stance sr te be ranger a pompe 8 eau 8 son emplcemant ot faire corrapondie l ton Revises serous de tton do lo Pompe Nebrancher as conaisaions 14. DEMONTAGE. Devise les 5 vin assemblage des dave corps de pomp. Poussr Tae-dentrinement pour acparer Ieee cos Séparor la ebope dela pompe de eae et axe Enfover st besoin le came us cope an vison ate ded or Eniever le jis papi, Devic eave dantrinemant Enver le otr de"pomps deca esate sort ps " Fenetelae puke rotor do some de B- ENGINE 6. waren PuMP 1, How IF Works 6.41 The Coling Circuit Pane This pump suck up sea water tough 8 fxlindore and th. eyindor head. The 1612. The Bilge Pum sucks up any mater witch ray scart in te bilge. So 9810 ovo sy Foot contnaly sipped witch water. he spacer separing the two. Soules as = bypass witch slows forthe passage Sail qvathy ot {RRO te Bie pu. tt ens ts een The Bilge Pump and te Cooling Circuit Pump form a unt driven by the famahalt Because of her common shalt thei ewilon speeds se eet 62 newovne Discomect the sump Input and ott piping. Unscrow the pump fixation mute on tha ce. Remove the sesany and cover the seating sk 69. nerironG ut th sealing gasket back on the book, Inst withthe grove nthe eat Tighten the fump Taatlon mute Reconnect ping 464, piswantuna Unser the $scrows assembsing the two pump bodes Dish the dive set to seperate the two pump Bodas ‘Separate the shat an the bay ofthe tg pup I equire, remawe the cams Tron the Bodie screwing th serve located ‘on tho ccunirenc ofthe pum bodes. Remove the paper potets Uneresthe ote ie eres, Remove the ror fram th ge pp, thn the Spacer and the rtor fom the- EQUIPEMENT ELECTRIQUE 1. DEMARREUR (vot fg. C4) Intra Rapport régime. Semarreur/moteue «1430. Nagine mote pendant te dmarape 50 Urn Detrancer les comerionsslactiques dy démareur en ayent son de le rep riser sbondanment fa rampe hilendale et axed fnceur de démarreur Teriee rahe" 2500) Mate Te dmarcur am pla Revisser les 2 vis creuses du tbe de pasage de hue dan I clase Netrancher los conesions arias’ da dear Aebranher In bates West os recommandé de démonter te démarour - ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 1. STARTER (See fig. C1) inc raerence 9200085 Power "12H (ete Storterfemine spends rato 1433 Disconnect the strc canpectons of he tater. tabking ere 0 mark drwe (Greme ot Rime vaseson =n? = Gonnet the battery pnile of the starter Dismantig the tate int recommended. its operation 16 tty. one should got In tous with an ecvclan gr an Ram Agent- EQUIPEMENT ELECTRIQUE - ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTG - EQUIPEMENT ELECTRIQUE - ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 2. ALTERNATEUR (vot fig. ©2) Marge «Pai Rho. Typos Att MiAaN A 1244 V, Intra do charge 61 000mm © A, & 3.000 t/mn «25 A. apport régime moteu/altomataur* 18 2.8, eodrer Enver ta courle dentaingmant. 23, BeMONTAGE ‘and eelact présente an data de fonconnemer, Meat reconmandé de Songer au dvr tea chroma a Prceder sommes rpateancher a tate = Divaser tes vis de asin du porte charbons ot sate echtel (i. C3) = Contos Ture den carbons st ‘changer Tensile potschaons — Rewaaer les ation 2. AC GENERATON (See fig. 2) Make: Parte pe Ai ie dew {ood Curent at 106) rpm: 8 Amp. {od Curent a 30 rgan: 25 Amp, Engine /onrator sponds ratio | 1/208 21. TAKING HF OUT — Disconnect the battery and the gen ‘ton = Urs he A ent ipo i = Uncrow th scctng Dol State ei the Ae Gonrator. ~ et tack nice on th engine the AC eneaor an te string tlt = hat boc in pce the ving be, = Stretch th diving batt and phen the tenstoner ik bois, Tightan the generator fiction ale = connec the sicic! eanneclons of the AC gente. Recoamect the battery 23, DIsMANTUNG. ity, we recommend You to goth fauch with an eecrician or an An. Possible wo ehack and 10 replace the carton bruthas, To do the tr carer tation sews = check te wear of th carton bushes’ on — Pat the brush carr back in pace = Teh te atin crew- EQUIPEMENT ELECTRIQUE §D - INJECTION 1 POMPE INJECTION. Dewser t posto de commands de stop dels pompe 8 inaction. Daviser les «serous de teaten, 12 nerose ‘alge ov une cle nauve do mime dpisseur ny = ame cle de ante an db hangman de Bs. de ener do strutan on de montane Ponttnner ta ie eremailre an postion mane de fagon 8 la fae passer fur Vencoohe dy cater de Staton Engager fo dit Is cremalie den ty fourhet Serorte# cro Ge faton det pune Rvster le poussov de armande esto. Is pangs 2. pomTEmuecreuR 2 CARACTERsnoUES Injector: SE/OLL 15057595 — pession diecton 180 + 5 kgfem? Parteunjectour OMAP OKUL 74 8750, : ‘Feanchane, Contdler injec. Pacer fe prteiecteu Stn spore 13 Geter den resstn seston qd fed 0 + ten ) Bt par les Wous aot fal samas ra 25, pEMONTAGe (Observer os pls andes precaution de prope 24 nertovace En auc 6. fu ier des objts drs tes que towne, fs de fe. D - ImJecTion 1 INJECTION PUMP 1 one our = Ramone he it cian tubes ad he fe! Sap ing 10 the pan = Recover the thokneas shin 12. neering ston tha camshatt actuating the pump i Such o wey 8 to rel the ung n non operating pation (ott a eon) \isiodapacaio we rah the sting Gay al fans Ege the ig ofthe rack nthe fork othe governor Iver using 6 serew- = Tighten tbe 4 pump tation mats Screw ck n'place the pump sop contrat push ro 2 ImiecTOR CARMEN 2s gnacrensnes lca Type E/OL 15087596 — econ Posie 180 5 ao ‘Injector Carrier : OMAP OKLL 74 7670. an Farner hee: ul itn pes Unscrew te nc ai ain ret Remove the coe Cue Rare he sola toe’ Car hs ces Posi he car Sac na hocking Svc Fu be tse ee rs Tpit le wc pra WM a oO + et 23 ovswanrua Sate that an ono eer Tate cet wr nr very 24 CLEANING al devi for cleaning Bosch myucore at,+ INJECTION Gospect doutevs telles que pointeau dinjcteu rugueur SU zIBRs some ciiectewr at poiten urchin Suh aoe ‘etanchoité du pointesy non Stance 25, nEMONTAGE montge s'ecive dane Fordre de a 01 apts avo snd tes ple ans earbran ibs propre Serer Fecrou record a0 couple de 2 m/e, 26, nerose fats dn cite nd Semen Dacor Fe varigijecteurpuls sere les serous Raccorder le tondutes Saimantaton exteren 3. POMPE CaRBURANT 21, oppose Devise tes 2 grave tation Sortie ealleel puis recipe Te Jt Enlevr le pion de commande es pompo, 2 Repose tule e ion de commande puis olcercalutct da le boo Pacer le Jit ¢ arch srl oe puis a pom et sear ee 2 drous, 4: REGLAGE DE LA POMPE A INJECTION ET DU REGIME 4.1, CALAGE OE LA Pompe tire le ponpe en potion repos ato voant av début de compression, Devise te record etl resort de scupone,Rarcodar Is sedan ree a carburnl. Mave lo lever docdlralnr b micourat, Toons et ars sens de marche funqu ce_que to gest! cou pr aac men. Continer 3 touner i volt letement sh se gos ic rate de sort Cec! corespand aia positon debut dieeeton: Gone oan {8 repérde au ie vole gar on raphe. Cw tee Sot neon een @ oy couple de 2 mi, OC O—CB D - INJECTION honge any art having dou aspect auch 28 rough of sled incor ‘eee. overoated injector By or esl Casing 9 le sopeaee) Meaty Injector neal seat In ty sich aso the Injector must be replaced 25. neassematy Fewesembiy ls caid outscoring to ode cated Ini. 0, ater harng ‘ined the prt Blerchand i sme very teas tok Tighien the unin mt t's tora at Bs 26, Renita. = Refit the seating rng in the cylinder hood > PA the inectorcarerbeck tn poston aid ghien the ts to » trae 3. FUEL PUMP. Unscrew th to Hatin mts, Remove the pomp an rover the gk (OF the svg og and retin he dock ut ho gosta bck in pace on the Bick, hen the fel pump then tighten the 4. TIMING THE INJECTION PUMP AND SETTING THE ENGINE SPEED 41 Tae THE WaeCTION PUNE {iem the pump to the nanoperaing postion and the Uywheol tothe stort of roression positon. "Unscrew he wale” ete tuning slemly th yw ithe tel sop Indeaded on the tiyaheal by n merk Ts man shod carp Se pends tothe beining of injection postion. Ts positon Mt \ndcatod onthe wel by a mark Ths mark shoul correspond we ‘he chong hole ont the gerber fnge )—ce wO@ CeD - INJECTION D - INJECTION Wa dithrence de. coms ‘oir ensue sr Vapaseeur do ta cele pour compenser cata dilérence Sta cae eat pis eps Je dob Cinjction se produ pls tr 11 lu cale ext mone eptnze ‘lo but dinjection ae produ pi Doves sve chant ele canter Te exlage 442, nEGLAGE Du DeT Ue din eat rage on sine a0 bane essai et pa dott gos aire adi Tuell, dane fe cao de chongement de Pompe Inetion ble ae carter'de atetsin, le debit pout ve. conrale apres We ealage de Placer le levy accurate en pastian matimale sans ter fe bouton de pumge & ijocuan (15 mm) mesurde au cmparteur ste piston de to er ncment, faye ts tetement ure” celle! sgh co ue le carbon Sonne Une Too Je di sgl Noquer cov bu bouton de surcharge, Remote to ‘oupape, fs essa et ress le raccrd Je stupape at let hbes nection ian det ejection gato we iy ing i ae ‘Adding thetness makes the ineetion begin a Fedcing thickness mates the Inaction begin eur, ‘Alter having changed the sim, cack Gow are the setting (atocenenyobtary 42 SeTnING THE FUEL FLOW The tet fw atin she tctry, Imoied. However whan raplaing th Place the tote tver nthe fll oad postion with paling the ove Place the fywheat inthe start of nection postion, Turn tha tweet inthe acon at sngin flan fr the engi of travel ‘of the injection pump sveke (151 rm messuad mith » at gouge on te [A's Instn, the fl should begin runing tom the delivery union Once the tow has been adjsted.Ughten the ovela lsk. efit the wv, the spring nd sre back Inthe ale union and he lection Isbes.D - INJECTION 4, REGLAGE DU REGIME (nombre de tous our réler ou mor fe régine, est isposebie utter um compte Devise a rigs die te régime dol ere verte & bord: moteur onbray. an marche plein gar + dt tre de'3000 St. ann fumce'S Tecapporen, ‘al tI wis de raped elt 2 pour ebene np. + 8m Déviser "Ie regime moment 1 pet te nécessnire pour obtetr une maileurestbilts do régime alent ‘fair dicatement sur Ia wis de bude 9 qi miele debattement aoe D - INJECTION 42 SETTING THE ENGINE SPEED opm) ‘At on the stop serew (1) so at to abtin » maximum o9 load speed of evolution speed increases when one screw in, and decreases when one ‘Acton the ile sped st screw (2) 305 to obs 80+ {o act moderately onthe stop aerew (3) wich iis the mowerE- INVERSEUR 1 ~ PRINCIPE DE FONCTIONNEMENT ” Fig. £1 E - REVERSING GEAR 1 = How 17 woRKs Fig 1- INVERSEUR E - REVERSING GEAR {ceva ation Finer mt mer. 3 — REPOSE 2 — TAKING OUT THE GEARBOX $ cermeiepeemmcnearumn 3 — REFITTING THE GEARBOX 2 pen the inser 2 lowe iwogmentebergbeanE- INveRseuR E - REVERSING GEAR 4 — pemonace 4 — DISMANTLINGE. INVERSEUR E - REVERSING GEARE - INVERSEUR E - REVERSING GEAR 5 — REASSEMBLY 52 ting the output ound 5 — REMONTAGE S52 Montge dy toute dort = Fans he confuses ere oF 5 mp 15.3 etiing the Inemedit Pinion {5.3 Montage du pgnon ntemie Fig, E10 isE- INVERSEUR E- REVERSING GEAR 154 Rtitng he Secondary Sha: SS tting etnE- INVERSEUR {57 Hontge time de commande coerce 15.8 Rigged irmur E - REVERSING GEAR 15:7 Raliting the antl esto tate {58 Aduting he setting ofthe gobo: Inmet ti er omen tm ge nen ont ith th {evden pepperoni rence et +t ear ay peanF - ANOMALIES DE FONCTIONNEMENT Constaravions | 1 ny 0 90 de compression BY Le moteur ne mone pas en rg point mart. échappeent CANSES 2) Fe cairo tove 3h Wy ada ose dan coat, 1 Soupupes ial ripe 2) Jia de uasse dteciveus, 1) Ares cartursnt dtectuuse 2) Mauwaiae abitcato 2 Yow amy, 2) Terps told ot moteur ne 1) Le ever acceleration ve va pas and. 23 Vowr R72 3 Voir ANA aawa 21 Jae scupapes mal rt 31 njocturs detect aan 5) Trop de dane te eater mu 4 Nace deface 1 Le tevar accelerate este pos en pasion. 2 voir aus, 5) owe AU — sie te ea do carbrant dan te reservoir = etactor te purge au rout, — Rage jeu des soupapes. = Changer e jot do ease, = Vidanger fe naeur ot sample avec de Thule ua 1 rere vine rec = Sssurer que e motsur tourne 3 100 t/mn & ‘ide (postion datayse, = Restor — hasserrer reer aF - POSSIBLE FAULTS 1 ENGINE MaLFONGTIONS A) The engine doesnot stort there I compression IV. The engine turns sis The engine does not gather spued out of per ©) The eogine Icke power No oxtautt smoke, ‘causes TN ta 2} Fae iter elogned 5) Air the creat 1) Values poory aut 2 Cylinder head gost toy 1 uel ae tay 21 Poor Itrication 1) S00 Aya 2) Cold wear and eine wa iin 1 Th theotetver does ot gal he way 21 S00 A V2 Aa 5) See ait Oana, 1) A itor obstcted 21 Vaive ply poorly usted, 31 Faulty mcr, 1 See nfo 5) Teo macht in the crvkease. 1 Propaler damage! or rong 1 Th tot 2 See a3 5) See AY 1) Chak ue evel inthe tank 21 Change tw cartdge 5) Bleed the cnc 1) Adjust valve pay 2 Change eylndertead gosh, 1 lon the ove lod tab 2) Top up ol ove ih grade 10W OM. At tt ot hn. replace by WOW 0 1 Check the Wael of the trot fever (Chek thatthe engine neat 3100 RPM under soo toot techn 1) Clean the ter. 21 Aaj ete ay 43 Rploe iit 5) Top up ot lve {8 Chang the pope, 1 Reign the lever mut.1c doce 1 otrsinoment do pomp & eau cae 2 Conalsalons eau butte, 3) Rotor de pongo uso 1D Mowaae vention dots eae 3) Mawr es. 11 oie aur. 2 vow ale 3h Yow Cu 1) Manis alipement du moteur por rapport a 2) Maura faatan 2 arte dton tase 4 Nalce endoomagee 1) Bonere décharate 2) Borman desordns oy oxyde, 5) Charbons sages 4) Oryaton des conte debit de ba 0 bouton marour 1) Sotto toca 1) Oxydation del am hioae 2) Yor GU. 1) Couroiedetsinement de ateratew détendue 2) ena desea 5 Charaons sagt 4) Ragultewre hore service. 1) Remplcer axe de pompe 2 Var et nettoyer la ree dea (rec, sabe ‘lla tuyere. En cas Curgence, perma 3) Remplacer le rotor. 4} Amanager le compartment moteur — Contra tagnent 11 Rechargr ta batterie 2] Reawerer lee barnes, netoyer 5} Changer las eharsons 4) Remplce 5) Changer Nettoyor ot gris ls pe hci, 1 Retndte ou rmplca ts cura 2) Resserror los bores 4) Changer les charans 40 Chango le voglteu.©) ect. The starter works but the pion doo8 net » 3 » a Fy » a 0 Sen CH Alternator drive tlt loot or broken a The raw water inthe (anand, 1) Check the alignment 2 Check engine ang and foudation. 5) Change sat 1) Raighten or rope the ale 23 Ratihen tena 5) Replace arbora F - ANOMALIES DE FONCTIONNEMENT 2 INVERSEUR ‘GonsravaTions 1 Paunage de Niners 1) Lente delice war dans un yas de marche AV al de marche AR malar Venctooment noma i tower da commande 1 Duet consttée dans le manauvees de marche 61 Claquement sec et cont 8 Fembrayoe 1) Fite uae pa le reid 1 Fate dhe es serage presse staupe oo Hone die. 1)te opane vont! do Turbo poretce 1) ourtem de tgne arcu von sore 2 fos dite dane Viewers 3) Unre ou dobt de pippope des eines wil 4) Maas églage dos bees de merce avon ou 11 couse insuitizante des cables da commande 08 2) Rupture des pons de marche AV. 1 vow Br. 2 Ropture des plgnons de march A 3} haonai raging de butde marche A, Pus dehice Voir as, 08 1) Mavvls réplage 6 verou do pont mor. 23 Griopge de Tote de commande 5) Vow a2. aces shat. 1) touchon do ened Bours 2) Son sateorese 3) facts dala muEDES 1 Réloge 6 presse dtoupe pour permet arte ty Dapose e reise an tat do bre portend 1) essere te touteau do ligne dat. 2) Conele general 5) Rermplucer les eS. 1) Canter ts corse du cb 2 Ramplocor es plgnon. 3} retor riverseur 3h mage Tiwerser Romplace Theis 1) Desserer wi de rae. 2 Tater 0 rmpece 1) Changer te tauchon 23 Verret change es its 5} Venere ivaF - POSSIBLE FAULTS 2. GEARBOX ‘auroncTions causes eNEDIES |) Reverse Before anything eae check tat 1 Sting bor sdhstment to permit manual rotation Te ie And dows not drive the 4) The shin stating tx. uctng gla Us tht nc ongtina sapicemnent ‘wopeler 3 5) The propor turns feay 1) Removal snd recontionng ofthe suppor shat 18) Roverser motion comet. No formard motion, (©) Covrect motion. No reverse maton, 1) The propeller tht rottes In one detion or a the ether bt the hip does no advance No foward or reverse ration despite or mal operation of the cone! Teer Hares noted In font and rear motion, 3) Chacko koe 1) Dry cominou rating atthe lute. 1 Ol leakage through the raster loeted on the Sper Inpeston door 1 OF akage 1 The shatting boas isnot tien. 5) Wear or tengo 41 Poor lustinent of the forward reverse gor 1) mitt ave of contol ebles or euch ver 21 Fallre of toward maton psoas, 3} Poor adjstnet of the Torn gear stp. 11 See 91 4 21 Follur of reveser mation pinks. 5) Poor edjstment ‘of rear gear sop. No more gee 1) See 1,8 1) Poor adlustment of the neutral lock 2 So1tng of the contol shat 5) Sen m2 1) Crushing of the engine reversercouning ser nt excess 1) Breather plug losses 2 Dnlctva sel 5) Too much a 1 Tight he shtting boss 2} Genera reverse conta 1 aot he reverse 1) Cont the tavels, Adjust the reverser 2} Repice the pinion 5) Aajun the revere 21 Repos th. pinion, 3) Aaj the. Mover 1 Loosen the adjustment screw 21 ine wth lator reac. Remove the toverser and replace the spider or ‘omglete coupling. depending onthe condition 1 Uncog the pg. 2) Check theee Sa EB TEA BS eaom00071 _____—200 200 351 900 200 350 (1) foe 200 378 (2) — 24g 38 034 ToT BY Pufeg tcp bens. (ans76c> ty 220.01 20.01 “Qeowoort "os0 30007 1-908 200 257 a : 208 200 025-2 =308 200 005-1 00 200 021-1 aah 200 024-6 ¢ _____s00 200 023-8 fb 102 200 022-1 {i2gae 200 019-1 [888 888 3872} 1048 701 014-1 “aoa l op E EE IE e Rios ee eee 1-948 200 a gee 1-908 200 32012) 1-908 200 0} 1-908 200 256 3-908 200 046 \ 1-908 200 007 fa) Ve 2-29 400 Voge 908 200 001-1 ‘908 200 002-1 1000 048 056-1 1000 047 089-4 18-808 200 013— gp —039 460 503-2 A000 039 763-2 038 240 402-2 1-908 200 012 2-908 200 009 2-908 200 008 — 908 200 026-8 908 200 003-1 i ? 908 200 253-1 1-908 200 347. 908 200 004-1 0)... 1977 10.78 (2) 1978...908 200 053 04 30.01 ‘0300071 ‘oso300071 908 200 260-6 5-908 200 043. 1-908 200 039 908 200 045-6 2-908 200 038. 1-900 200 $3——__ Ecoateeran 2-908 200 031 x 1-908 200 026. 998 200 049-6 ee as ae 908 200 047-1 1-900 200 081 —908 200 248-1 908 200 042-1 0, 3 908 200 040 Co} 08 200 348 (095 702 352-1 908 200 034 Tee dogg eo ae y 2-908 200 oF one iantsoe ee 1048 100 199-1 a ono jen 203-8) X (000 039 780-6r 30.01 6-908 200 043. 1-908 200 03! 30.01 “oeamoon 908 200 250-6 908 200 045-6 2-908 200 034 1-908 200 033______ 2-908 200 031 908 200 028. -909 200 05) 908 200 053 ‘908 200 034. 1-908 200 036. 2-908 200 260- 2-908 200 036. =-—-908 200 050-1 see 200 049-6 900 200 047-1 _ 908 200 248-1 908 200 042-1 ‘908 200 041-1 ‘0, 3 908 200 040 SO ot 300 948 095 702 352-1 (048 100 199-1 8 160 203-6 (009 039 780-530.02 30 02 = ‘ocasopo7t ‘0300077 908 200 073-2 a neo cr a e —908 200 071-2 908 200 070-2 908 200 069-4 90 200 067-2 108 200 262-4 2-908 200 261— 08 200 066-2 108 200 382-4 4-908 200 06: 908 200 263-4 2-908 200 ——30.03 30. 1908 200 198-2| 38 .01 38.01 Moule avant 1978 oe ‘0300071 32030007 1-908 200 21 6— —908 200 229-1 1-908 200 21 5— ~908 200 230-1 1-908 200 234 ~908 200 228-1 1-908 200 194 __ 208 260 232-1 1-908 200 o4s. 500 200 204. 1-908 200 293 908 200 205-1 1-908 200 208. 908 200 195-1 1-081 23 108. 908 200 196-1 —208 200 202-1 998 200 201-2 ——s08 200 206-1 .908 200 297-1 x Bah 908 200 160-1 908 200 200-1 908 200 203-1 1-908 200 294, 208 200 227-2 1-908 200295, .908 200 227 1-908 200 207 1908 200 298-1 1-908 200 150 908 200 312-138 .02 Modele 1978 ‘oos00071 [eae ee ee 1-908 200 372 1-041 623 108. 1-908 200 294, 1-908 200 295 —__ 1-908 200 34) 38 .02 teas ac 908 200 366-1, 08 200 336-1. ——\ ik S— 908 200 008-| 908 200 202-1. 908 200 364-1 908 200 365-1 908 200 338-1 —908 200 320-1 Ss — 908 200 337-1 908 200 298-1 ‘908 200 150-1 908 200 369-1 908 200 367-1 —908 200 227-2 10.78a a anna 2 = 2-908 200 123, 40.01 40.01 “veoscoor “oeane0e7T = eS a fasottacor gee 1-908 200 192- in 4-908 200 12211) (2)908 200 350-4 1-908 200 121 908 200 120-1 — 200 129-1 2-4 oe 908 200 gear a (19908 200 130-3 2 (2)908 200 130-1 1\ 908 200 260-3 908 200 045-3 09 1 60 222-2 We WE 2S one 100 155-1 2-048 100 202 4-039 460 202. 4-908 200 010 iy 4-908 200 124. eae 1-908 200 330(2 2-908 200 126: 22908 200 127. 1-908 200 128 095 300 489-1 2-908 200 360(2) (041 460 202-2 2-908 200 359(2), 10.78 (sep 1977 ene & erHeaEB RRR BBB BRE * 9-908 200 28318) 40.02 40.02 “amon “camo aa oa HES (21008200 357-2, avi Ney goo 200 100-2 Roo 200 112-1 a 500,200 {11-2 4-598 200 263, ee 308 200 110 4-908 200 109 ete ete tee ‘908 300 35712) — —908 200 114-8 908 200 108 {_-_—_—-—_—_ rw rs ‘908 200 10761) 4-908 200 285 ‘4-908 200 284 4-908 200 103, ———_— 4-908 200 108 4-908 200 101 4-908 200 100 —— a)o08 200 262-2 908 200 118-4 3-908 200 076-. ‘908 200 075-1 a tne 908 200 265-1 wn #909 200 270 —__. 308 200 076-1 gen ee ons BM @ 208 200 077-1 900 200 355 {1-900 200203 (1h... 1977 10.78 of 1-908 200 262 (2h 979 £1508 200 285} 50.01 a 01 a= See = -Sh fa sh Sa Sa ee 1 ee ami cn Ee 208 200 260-1 ay J ee. ace \ ne 4-908 200 010 4-908 200 016-0" )___ 908 200 162-1 aN ee ~S \— 208 200 163 4-909 200 160—or rgoe 200 165-4 1-908 200 159(1) \L2)008 200 234-1 1-309 20029302) @——908 200 155-1 1-908 20013811 ZAK bao rs "Tone 200 1362) 1-908 200 156 @—11 1908 200 168-1 ae (1908 200 165-1 Yo eo Fasoe 200 262-1 1-908 200°33212) (2)908 200 363-1 308 200 182— 908 200 171-4 2-908 200288 o0e 200288 ed 1997 10.78 nore .50.02 oe ee ee ee ee |60.01 1-909 200 266: 1-048 701 014 2-908 200 301 2-908 200 300 208 200 300. 2.908 200 276 — bs, 1-908 200 279 2-08 200 092 7 _. 1-908 200 278 996 200 6g a 60 .01 “ocoxboom odie avant 1978 908 200 019 — 908 200 011-2 908 200 010-2 908 200 304-2 908 200 273 1 908 200 269-1 908 200 268-1 908 200 270-1 908 200 267-1 BoB too 3p '908 200 271-1 908 200 019 908 200 272-1 908 200 277-1 908 200 275 —908 200 276 908 200 274-1a pep eeSa ESE eR SBS ee ee 60.02 2-048 70 014 2-908 200 20) 249 370 coy O80 5007 esate owe 1-908 200 276 1-908 200 275—sey, \ 5-900 200 260s 1-908 200 328. Modbie 1978 yaeroite a y dlaiesenetl yer of le oietee = “ante Lege te 60.02 ‘osba00087 039 460 202-2 908 200 oF0-2 908 200 304-2, —900 200 249-1 908 200 325-1 908 200 267-1 208 200 276-1 i ot bee flecketow «ie eo 43S 2 BBR RRR BRER ET SG ‘4-08 200 163 80.01 1-908 200 305 1-908 200 306 3-908 200 027. 1-908 200 1 86 2-908 200 292— 1-908 200 109. 2-908 200 260__ 2-908 200 045. 80.01 Madble avant 1978 04a 320 004-1 eee to 5088 S>—— 200 200 310-4 908 200 173-2 ] &——-208 200 045-4 J 200 200 260-4 900 200 183-8 908 200 208-2 jo 8 200 182-2 (000 048 158-2 ‘048 100 078-2 2-908 200 043 908 200 191-1 1-906 201 296, 908 200 190-1 1-048 300 ose. .908 200 292 1041 364 911 908 200 16380.02 1-908 200 129 2-908 200 260. 2-908 200 045— 2900 200 043 1-906 201 299—__ 1-048 300 038 — 1-041 364 91}. [ 1-908 200 305 1-908 200 306 N Modble 1978 2-908 200 369 evr 2993 {9 1-900 200 346. 908 200 045-4 908 200 260-4 908 200 369-2 908 200 370.2 048 410 052-4 908 200 3 bh 908 200 335-2 908 200 182-2 908 200 191-1 908 200 190-1 —— 908 200 292-2 —908 200 1 61-4ee ee | 85.01 bab n0 oso ee eee : (1)~908 200 213-1 (2)~ 908 200 343-1 2-040 418 107. 1-908 200 24 1-908 200 242— 908 200 234 2-90 8 (11-908 200 212-1 (2)-908 200 342-1 4-908 200 151 1-908 200 237. 1-908 200 23s. 1-908 200 236 908 200 045-4 908 200 043-4 4-908 200 227. —908 200 260-4 4-908 200 215. 908 200 210-1 1-908 200 296 03-908 200 216 1-908 200 230. 9, 1-908 200 314 1-908 200 214 1908 200 217—(1). 908 200 219-1 1-043 320 203—(2).}— — 908 200 222-1
a we 4p 90.01 90.01 a sipiso toate ea ae SE Se ey ee lala tepsisqe ier LB, } 039 160 411-1 1-098 300 498, 046 108 052-1 1-908 200 299, 049 222 003-1 1-039 360 40) hog 222 004-1 1-008 200 352 re eet f es, fac see 6A 1-906 200 122 fe i = 906 201 186-1 2-908 200 259 | ater aT saasetee | 1-048 200 39990.02 i 90.02 —o4e 200 370-1 ous 410 011-1 0148 410 060-1 {6 —=— 04a 200 252-1 048 200 403-1 1-049 200 40¥ (049 200 402-1 908 200 085-1 1-00 000 33: (039 460 305-3 000 039 781-3 000 096 532-3 908 200 043-3 10.7895:03 ; 95.03 “veosooart 000 674 146- s2vo1 ‘sb2000a1 039 120 205-4 — 04) 469 202-4 (081 600 202-4 906 200 144.) 1-048 200 362. 3] a (048 200 317-1 1-048 200 372. —048 200 319 2-048 200 319 1-048 200 316 01 200 297-1 1-049 200 324 = - zrs nuanh.meeueneeewe se 100.01 100.01 acraee eae “posvo0t ee) 2-908 200 311 oc ace 4-039 460 503——— : ‘043 320 192-2 a Pere cicaa FH: RO IS a Serre ae .000 039 781-2 ie ge 095 200 145-1 4-048 900 017. ay ee soa sc0a01), 0-038 261 401— (039 160 222-2 1-000 096 532— cL \ < 048 100 155-1 1039 160 307m b—- aa] 095 303 218-1 1-048 418 099. 1-095 702 353. : 2 600 201-2 1-039 «20 ook ia 1-039 360 i, 41 460 202-2 (095 200 147-1 6-000 086 532 (048 400 107-1 1-098 200 149. sess TS 000 039 781-5 — 039 620 402-5sR eee ee ee 10) 100.02 12 B (048 190 001-1 1-039 624 401 a 08s 200 1 0-1 04@ 400 109-1 =. 048 112 053-1 : ong 112 052-1 eee are Tay (039 160 303-1 etme 1S aw 039 160 302-4 20se 60 sone 2-000 039 781 1-095 302 636 1-038 «20 702 Ne (ene ve G yom 3027 C20(Gis0 ca wWernes. lee SAS —048 418 049-1 1041 aso 2028 aes a a sie tas 7] ee,a 100.03 rae 100.03 1-098 202 oe -=— 04 112 051-2 1-055 303 028. 048 112 050-2 G0 b02P23 % Ii seehes exe cuatioes, ee, Zhe eee seer 3-043 320 109 1-045 020 395 ___ 1-040 112 054 48112 048-1 1-039 140 $00 048 112 049-1 i bo ae : 1030 «20 603 a Tous 00 005-1 a 508 008 045 020 339- 043 320 19 048 112 051g. — 040 112 050_ 043 320 189 1-000 08% 776122.01 122.01 048 100 200— a oe et oe 039 160 405-2 000 039 781-2 (039 160 303-2 9 22095 302 635-1 gf 25095 302 690-1 (aa 039 160 405-2 i} 0 0 003-2 oN 9 22 095 302 635-1 4 25 095 302 690-1 8 25,4—095 302 817-1 (000 039 782-2 2-039 360 302 ap 039 460 403-2 |ITLAATSYSTEEM details beluchting
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