Reviewer Reejay 2

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Reviewer with questioned documents, it is the

process necessary to discover the facts

ADDITION - Any matter made a part of
about them.
the document after its original preparation
Various types are undertaken, including
microscopic, visual photographic,
CONCLUSION - A scientific conclusion
chemical, ultra violet and infrared
results form relating observed facts by
logical, common-sense reasoning in
accordance with established rules or laws.
a. EXPERT WITNESS. A legal term used to
describe a witness who by reason of his
The document examiner's conclusion, in
special training or experience is permitted
legal term is referred to as "opinion".
to express an opinion regarding the issue,
or a certain aspect of the issue, which is
involved in a court action. His purpose is
studies scientifically the details and
to interpret technical information in his
elements of documents in order to
particular specialty in order to assist the
identify their source or to discover other
court in administering justice. The
facts concerning them.
document examiner testifies in court as an
expert witness.
Document examiners are often referred to
as handwriting identification experts,
but today the work has outgrown this
latter title and involves other problems
term "insertion" and "interlineations"
than merely the examination of
include the addition of writing and other
material between lines or paragraphs or
the addition of whole page to a
ERASURE - The removal of writings,
typewriting or printing, from a document
is an erasure. It maybe accomplished by
either of two means.
- as used in this text it means that the
source or authorship of the compared
A chemical eradication in which the
questioned and standard specimens is
writing is removed or bleached by
chemical agents (e.g. liquid ink eradicator)
a. OBLITERATION - the blotting out or
an abrasive erasure is where the writing
shearing over the writing to make the
is effaced by rubbing with a rubber eraser
original invisible to as an addition
or scratching out with a knife or other
b. OPINION. In legal language, it refers
sharp with implement.
to the document Examiner's conclusion.
Actually in Court, he not only expresses an
EXAMINATION - It is the act of making a
opinion but demonstrates the reasons for
close and critical study of any material and
arriving at his opinion. Throughout this
text, opinion and conclusion are used B. Examination of Typewritings and
synonymously. typeprints.

QUALIFICATION. The professional C. Examination of Inks

experience, education, and ability of a
document examiner. Before he is D. Examination of Erasures, alterations or
permitted to testify as an expert witness, obliterations, etc.
the court must rule that he is qualified in
his field. 1. Detection of alteration
2. Decipherment of erased writings
Divisions of Questioned Document 3. Restoration of obliterated writings
E. Counterfeiting
Criminalistics Examination. This involves
the detection of forgery, erasure, 1. Examination of currency bills and coins
alteration or obliteration of documents. and the like.
2. Examination of fake documents
Dr. Wilson Harrison, a noted British
Examiner of questioned documents said F. Miscellaneous aspects
that an intelligent police investigator can
detect almost 75% of all forgeries by 1. Determination of age of documents
careful inspection of a document with 2. Identification of stamps
simple magnifiers and measuring tools. 3. Examinations of seal and other
authenticating devices

B. Handwriting investigation/Analysis. Related Fields of Study

This is more focused in determining the
author of writing. It is more difficult A. Questioned Document Examiners -
procedure and requires long study and A document examiner analyzes any
experience. questioned document and is capable of
more than just questions of authorship
Aspects of Questioned Document limited only by their access to laboratory
Examination equipment.

A. Handwriting Examination
(Graphology/Graphoanalysis) B. Historical Dating - These is work
involving the verification of age and worth
1. examination of signatures and initials of a document of object, sometimes done
2. examination of anonymous letters by a document examiner.
3. hand printing examination
C. Fraud Investigators - This is work that
often overlaps with that of the document
examiner and focuses on the money trail A Request
and criminal intentobliterated writings 1. Document examination shall be based
on written request from any investigating
D. Paper and Ink Specialists- These aro agency of the government, court order
public or privale experta who date, type, and/ or private requesting party, provided
source, and/ or catalogue various types of that the letter has been approved by the
paper, watermarks, ink, printing/copy/fax director, PNPL
machines, computer cartridges, etc, using 2. Document previously examined by any
chemical methods competent agencies of the government
shall not be re-examined except there is a
court order.
E. Forgery Specialists - These are public 3. If the case is undergoing trial in court,
or private experts who analyze alterad, disputed documents shall be examined
obiterated, changed, or doctored only upon order of the court having
documents and photos using infrared jurisdiction of the case.
lighting, expensive spectrography
equipment, or digital enhancement 8. Standard Specimens
techniques The specimens to be submitted will be
dependent on the questioned documents
F. Handwriting Analysts - These are under investigation. First, the original
usually paychology experts who assess document is necessary and the standards
personality traits from handwriting to be collected or requested should be
samples, also called graphologists or sufficient; and observance of similarity of
graphoanalysts: subject matter is necessary.

Forensic stylisties refers to the same The logical progress of inquiry in

purpose but by looking at semantion, document examination
spelling, word choice, syntax, and
phraseology. A FIRST - ASCERTAIN THE FACTS: to select
g. Typewriting Analysts - These are "AUTHENTIC, and "DOUBTFUL*
experts on the origin, make, and model documents.
uned in typewritten material
1. Concerning the Document in
H. Computer Crime Investigators - This Questioned.
is an emerging group that relates to QDE a. Is only one signature in questioned?
through some common investigative and b. Is any part of the document in
testimonial procedures. question?
c. Is the date of the document in
QUESTIONED DOCUMENT EXAMINATION d. Is the paper or the typewriter used in
(PP.CLO SOP) the document in questioned? Etc.
3. If it is possible to make arrangements
2. Regarding the Standards: with the client for photo-enlargement, is it
a. Make sure that there are sufficient advisable to do so?
numbers of authentic documents for 4. Photo-enlargements are always useful
comparison submitted. If there are for demonstrating the reasons on which
Inadequate standards, obtain more. the opinion is based, especially in Court.
b. Determine whether the standards are
authentic ones, on which a foundation can
be built for admitting them in evidence.


Synthesize the elements, date, LESSON 2.3 SCIENTIFIC METHOD IN
circumstances, conditions, technical QUESTIONED DOCUMENT EXAMINATION
problems and the like.
1. The examiner after ascertaining the A. Analysis (Recognition) - properties or
facts, should have detailed information as characteristics, observed or measured.
to the circumstances of the document in
questioned, the condition of an alleged B. Comparison - Properties or
writer, or of any condition that may have characteristics of the unknown determined
affected the writing or typewriting or any thought analysis are now compared with
facts that are part of the technical the familiar or recorded properties of
problem with the document that is known items.
submitted to the expert.
2. He should inquire about the C. Evaluation- Similarities or
circumstances and conditions as far as the dissimilarities in properties or
client knows, such as; was the document characteristics will each have a certain
signed sitting on the wall, on the lap, or value for identification, determined by its
lying in bed? Sitting on bed, lying on his likelihood of occurrence. The weight or
back or side? For example, a document significance of each must therefore be
could have been signed in a moving considered.
automobile or while having a drink at the
bar. D. Verification - It is the process of
C. THIRD - QUALIFY THE CASE: double checking the accuracy and
1. How much time is needed for the correctness of the examination usually
examination? conducted by other experts in the said
2. Is it possible to complete the study field.
from the original papers, or is it necessary
to make special photo-enlargements for
proper examination?
The criteria of scientific examination of the hands, upon a rightful surface or
documents screen.

A. Accuracy - correspondence between C. STEREOSCOPIC BINOCULAR

results obtained and the truth. MICROSCOPE - a tri-dimensional (3D)
enlargement is possible.
B. Precision - measure of the consistency
of results obtained in repeated study or D. MEASURES AND TEST PLATES
experimentation. (TRANSPARENT GLASS) - those used for
signatures and typewritings.
Preliminary examination of documents
is the initial examination conducted on a E. TABLE LAMPS WITH ADJUSTABLE
document to determine whether it is SHADES (Goose Neck Lamps) - used for
genuine or not. It is not a misnomer, for in controlled illumination; needed in
really it consists of painstaking analysis sidelight examination wherein light is
more than looking at a document and placed at a low-angle in a position oblique
expressing an off-hand opinion. to plane or document.
Questioned Document Expert- One who F. TRANSMITTED LIGHT GADGET - a
conducts Preliminary Examination. device where light comes from beneath or
behind glass on document is placed.
Off HAND opinion- a conclusion that is
not based thorough scientific G. ULTRA VIOLET LAMP - this is usually
examination. used in the detection of counterfeited bills
but can actually be used to detect security
features of qualified documents.
DOCUMENT EXAMINATIONS decipher writings in a charred document.


and other people involved in currency to that of the bullet comparison
examinations usually use and ordinary microscope.
hand-lens; the maximum diameter of
which is four inches, and this appears big J. VIDEO SPECTRAL COMPARATOR
with its wide frame it has a magnifying (VSC) - It is used in the examination of
power of two times the original only. masked or obliterated text, watermarks,
Magnifying lenses of five times or more visible fluorescence, paper fluorescence
magnifying power, with built-in-lighting and oblique illumination of indented
are more useful. writing.


formed by casting a shadow, usually of Comprehensive imaging device
Enables forensic document examiners to B. TRANSMITTED LIGHT
analyze, compare and distinguish between EXAMINATION - In this examination, the
ink and paper, document is viewed with the source of
illumination behind it and the light
K. ELECTROSTATIC DETECTION passing through the paper. Documents
APPARATUS (ESDA) – are subjected to this type of examination
The device that can detect indention/ to determine the presence of erasures,
indented writings can records matching of serrations and some other
transparencies of any indentations. types of alterations.
It is a piece of equipment commonly used
in questioned document examination, to C. OBLIQUE LIGHT EXAMINATION - An
reveal indented impressions on paper examination with the illumination so
which may otherwise go unnoticed. controlled that it grazes or strikes the
It is a non-destructive technique (will not surface of the document from one side at
damage the evidence in question) thus a very low angle. Decipherment of faded
allowing further test to be carried out. It is handwriting, determination of outlines in
a sensitive technique, and has been known traced forgery, embossed impressions, etc.
to detect the presence of fresh are subjected to this type of examination.
It is used to detect and to assist in the D. PHOTOGRAPHIC EXAMINATION -
decipherment of indented impressions of This type of examination is very essential
handwriting on paper. in every document examination. Actual
observations are recorded in the
Ultraviolet radiation is invisible and occurs
A. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION - Any in the wave lengths just below the visible
examination or study which is made with blue-violet end of the spectrum (rainbow).
the microscope in order to discover These visible rays react on some
minute physical details. Stereoscopic substances so that visible light is reflected,
examination with low and high power a phenomenon known as
objectives is used to detect retouching, FLOURESCENCE.
palching and unnatural pen-lift in This type of examination is done in a
signature analysis. With proper angle and darkroom after the lamp has been
intensily or illumination. it aids in the warmed up in order to give a maximum
decipherment of erasures, some minute output of the ultra-violet light. Exposure
manipulations not perfecily pictured to to the ultra-violet light should be to the
the unaided eye and the sequence of minimum duration in order to avoid
entries done by different writing fading of some writing ink and typewriter
instruments. ribbon.
F. INFRARED EXAMINATION - This 1. Physical methods maybe used by
examination of documents employs passing a strong beam of nearly parallel
invisible radiation beyond the red portion light almost horizontally over the surface
of the visible spectrum (rainbow) which is of the paper.
usually recorded on a specially sensitized 2. Fuming the document maybe of values
photographic emulsion in some cases.
3. Powders of various kinds maybe used
Miscellaneous examinations without changing the document.

A. ERASURES - One of the common

inquiries in questioned document is C. BURNED OR CHARRED PAPER - A
whether or not an erasure was aclually piece of paper maybe subjected to the
made on a document. In cases like this, action of a limited amount of heat,
the following examinations are made: causing it to become scorched and
1. Physical inspection: using ultraviolet retaining a certain amount of its identity
light, observation with light striking the or it maybe subjected to intense heat,
surface at a sharp angle, and observation reducing it to ashes and losing its identity.
under the microscope maybe considered. However, if the combustion is incomplete,
2. Fuming with iodine may cause an a certain amount of success maybe
almost negligible stain, but in most realized provided the pieces are large
instances not the slightest semblance of a enough to form a coherent message.
stain remains. The following methods maybe applied to
decipher the original message contained
B. INDENTED WRITING - Indented thereon:
writing is a term usually applied to the 1. Photographic methods, using various
partially visible depressions appearing on types of filters and different angles of
a sheet of paper underneath the one on illumination may determine the writing
which the visible writing appears. These contained thereon without changing the
depressions or indentation are due to the appearance of the charred fragments.
application of pressure on the writing 2. Chemical methods, such as spraying,
instrument and would appear as a carbon painting, or bathing charred pieces with
copy if a sheet of carbon paper had been solutions of different chemical reagents.
properly inserted. Indentation may also 3. Photographic plates maybe utilized by
appear on a blank sheet of paper if such is allowing the charred paper to remain in
used as a backing sheet while typing out a contact with the emulsion sides in total
message on a typewriter. Methods of darkness from one to two weeks.
examination are:
D. ADDING MACHINES - The Motor coordination- delicate way in
construction of an adding machine differs which various muscles used in writing
greatly from the typewriter but the work together to produce written form.
methods and principles of identification
are related. SCHOOL COPYBOOK FORM (school
Manufacturers use different types of model) - refers to the standard of
numerals and from time to time change handwriting instruction taught in
their design. The spacing between particular school. Classes of copybook
columns is also not standardized for all depend on the standard school copy
machines. Those factors form the basis of adopted by a writer.
determining the make of the machine and
for estimating the period in which it was
built. Another kind of approach is the A. SYSTEMS of Early American
ribbon impression, for the ribbon is made Handwriting
and operates very similarly to the
typewriter. 1. Old English round hand - an Italian
hand popular in 1840.
HANDWRITING - It is the result of a very
complicated series of facts, being used as 2. Modified round hand - early edition of
whole, combination of certain forms of the Spencerian, and the Payson, Dunton,
visible mental and muscular habits and Scribners copybook - 1840 - 1860.
acquired by long, continued painstaking
effort. Some defined handwriting as
3. Spencerian - there is simplification by
"visible speech."
the omission of extra strokes and
flourishes. And a general tendency toward
Kinds of Writings
plainer letters than the preceding system,
some of which were very ornate - 1860-
A. Cursive - connected; writing in which
one letter is joined to the next.
B. Script - separated or printed writing.
4. Modern Vertical writing 1890-1900
5. The arm movement writing - the
manner or method of wriling, instead of
Two groups of Muscles involve in
the form alone is especially emphasized.

1. Extensor muscles – push up the

Out of these five divisions of early
pen to form the upward strokes.
handwrling, the modern com mercial hand
2. Flex muscles- push the pen to
systems developed.
form downward strokes.
This is characerized by free movement. 6. Connecting Strokes - this refers to the
And the forms nademind and lit Paled to strokes of links that connects a letter with
easy rapid wriling. the one following: In signatures, it is a
These are the Zaner and Blozer system common practice among many writers to
of arm movement writing and the Palmer write their signatures with the initials and
system of American connected without lifting the pen. In
writing, many writers habitually drop the
connection before certain letters
(particularly small letters within words).
CHARACTERISTICS a. circular - Richard T. Camara (check mo
notes reeejay)
1. Form- refers to the shape or design of b. Elliptical- Rehend T. Cerers
the individual letters. c. Angular - Richard T. Gamara

2. Slope or Slant- angle or inclination of

the axis of letters relative to the baseline. 7. Terminal Strokes and Initial Strokes -
When a letter, word or name (signature) is
3. Size - as a writing characteristic is completed in a free, natural wriling, the
somewhat divergent under varying pen is usually raised from paper while in
condition and may have but little motion with a "flying finish" for what is
significance when applied to only one also referred to as "vanishing".
example, or to a small quality of writing "tapering" or "flourishing" terminal
like a signature unless the divergence is strokes) and with many writters, the
very pronounced motion of the pen also slightly precedes
the putting of the pen on the paper at the
4. Proportion - Individual characteristics beginning with "flying start" so that the
in relative proportion of letters or strokes at the beginning and end of words
proportion of a part of a letter or relative gradually diminish or taper to a
height of one letter to another letter can "vanishing point". e.g.
be found in different writing. Proportion
of letters is one of the hidden features of 8. Pen- Lift - It is an interruption in a
wriling. stoke caused by removing the pen from
the paper.
5. Ratio - The relation between the tall
and short letters is referred to as the ratio 9. Hiatus - Is a gap between strokes due
of the writing. e.g. to speed in writing and defective writing
10. Lateral Spacing - lateral spacing is course of time, variation in genuine
considered as a common characteristics signature appears in superficial parts and
when it conforms to the ordinary copy- does not apply to the whole process of
book-form. writing

11. Shading - It is the widening of the ink 18. Rubric or Embellishment - This refers
strokes with increase pressure on the to additional unnecessary strokes not
paper surface. necessary to legibility of letterforms or
writing but incorporated in writing for
12. Line Quality - refers to the visible decorative or ornamental purpose.
record in the writen stroke of the basic
movement and manner of holding the
writing instrument

13. Alignment - is the relation of the

parts of the whole line of writing or line of
individual letters in words or signature to
the baseline

14. Rhythm - It is the balanced quality of

movements of the harmonious recurrence
of stress or impulse.

15. Pen pressure - it is the average force

in which the pen makes contact with the
paper or the usual force involved in

16. Tremor - means "deviation from

uniform strokes due to lack of smoothness
perfectly apparent even without

17. Natural Variation - variation is: due

to lack of machine-like precision of the
human hand, it is also caused by external
factors, such as the writing instrument and
the writing position, influenced by
physical and mental condition such as
fatigue, Intoxication, illness, nervousness
and the age of the writer, due to the
quality of the writing prepared in the
TECHNICAL TERMS 9. FORM - The writer's chosen writing
1. ALIGNMENT - Is the relation of parts style. The way the writing looks, whether it
of the whole of writing or line of individual is copybook, elaborated, simplified or
letters in words to the baseline. It is the printed.
alignment of words or the relative
alignment of letters. 10. GARLAND FORMS - A cup-like
connected form that is open at the top
2. ANGULAR FORMS - Sharp, straight and rounded on the bottom.
strokes that are made by stopping the pen
and changing direction before continuing. 11. GESTALT - The German word that
means "complete" or "whole". A good
3. ARCADE FORMS - Forms that look like gestalt needs nothing added or taken
arches rounded on the top and open at away to make it "look right". Also a school
the bottom. of handwriting analysis that looks at
handwriting as a whole picture.
4. CHARACTERISTICS - any property or
mark which distinguishes and in 12. GRAPHOANALYSIS - the study of
document examination commonly called handwriting based on the two
to as the identifying details. fundamental strokes, the curve and the
straight strokes.
5. COLLATION - side by side comparison;
collation as used in this text means the 13. GRAPHOMETRY - analysis by
critical comparison on side by side comparison and measurement.
14. GRAPHOLOGY - the art of
6. COMPARISON - the act of setting two determining character disposition and
or more items side by side to weigh their amplitude of a person from the study of
identifying qualities; it refers not only a handwriting. It also means the scientific
visual but also the mental act in which the study and analysis of handwriting,
element of one item are related to the especially with reference to forgeries and
counterparts of the other. questioned documents.

7. DISGUISED WRITING - A writer may 15. HANDLETTERING. Any disconnected

deliberately try to alter his usual writing style of writing in which each letter is
habits in hopes of hiding his identity. The written separately;also called
results, regardless of their effectiveness handprinting.
are termed disguised writing.
16. LETTER SPACE - The amount of space
8. DOWNSTROKE - The movement of the left between letters.
pen toward the writer.
17. LINE DIRECTION - Movement of the
baseline. May slant up, down, or straight
across the page.

18. LINE QUALITY - the overall character

of the ink lines from the beginning to the
ending strokes.
There are two classes: Good Line quality
and Poor Line quality. The visible records
in the written stroke of the basic
movements and manner of holding the
writing instrument is characterized by the
term "line quality". It is derived from a
combination of actors including writing
skill, speed rhythm, freedom of
movements, shading and pen position.

19. LINE SPACE - The amount of space

left between lines.


disconnected form of script or semi-script
writing. This type of writing is taught in
young children in elementary schools as
the first step in learning to write.

21. MARGINS - The amount of space left

around the writing on all four sides.


study or examination which is made with
the microscope in other to discover
minute details.

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