Reviewer Reejay 2
Reviewer Reejay 2
Reviewer Reejay 2
A. Handwriting Examination
(Graphology/Graphoanalysis) B. Historical Dating - These is work
involving the verification of age and worth
1. examination of signatures and initials of a document of object, sometimes done
2. examination of anonymous letters by a document examiner.
3. hand printing examination
C. Fraud Investigators - This is work that
often overlaps with that of the document
examiner and focuses on the money trail A Request
and criminal intentobliterated writings 1. Document examination shall be based
on written request from any investigating
D. Paper and Ink Specialists- These aro agency of the government, court order
public or privale experta who date, type, and/ or private requesting party, provided
source, and/ or catalogue various types of that the letter has been approved by the
paper, watermarks, ink, printing/copy/fax director, PNPL
machines, computer cartridges, etc, using 2. Document previously examined by any
chemical methods competent agencies of the government
shall not be re-examined except there is a
court order.
E. Forgery Specialists - These are public 3. If the case is undergoing trial in court,
or private experts who analyze alterad, disputed documents shall be examined
obiterated, changed, or doctored only upon order of the court having
documents and photos using infrared jurisdiction of the case.
lighting, expensive spectrography
equipment, or digital enhancement 8. Standard Specimens
techniques The specimens to be submitted will be
dependent on the questioned documents
F. Handwriting Analysts - These are under investigation. First, the original
usually paychology experts who assess document is necessary and the standards
personality traits from handwriting to be collected or requested should be
samples, also called graphologists or sufficient; and observance of similarity of
graphoanalysts: subject matter is necessary.
11. Shading - It is the widening of the ink 18. Rubric or Embellishment - This refers
strokes with increase pressure on the to additional unnecessary strokes not
paper surface. necessary to legibility of letterforms or
writing but incorporated in writing for
12. Line Quality - refers to the visible decorative or ornamental purpose.
record in the writen stroke of the basic
movement and manner of holding the
writing instrument