Fpsyg 10 00351
Fpsyg 10 00351
Fpsyg 10 00351
The increasing popularity of Cesarean birth has become a social concern in many
countries. This paper reviews the literature on the effects of Cesarean section on
children’s psychological health. The results show that Cesarean birth may have adverse
effects on children’s sensory perception, sensory integration ability, neuropsychiatric
development, and the infant-mother relationship. However, there remain deficiencies
in extant research methods, research content, subject groupings, and interpretation
of research results. Future research should improve research methods, broaden the
research content, and refine the grouping of children born by Cesarean section. The
exploration of neural mechanisms is also needed, as well as research directed toward
suggesting effective interventions to reduce unnecessary Cesarean sections.
Edited by:
Keywords: Cesarean section, children, natural childbirth, psychological aspects, neural mechanisms
Klaus Libertus,
University of Pittsburgh, United States
Reviewed by:
Salvatore Giovanni Vitale,
Università degli Studi di Messina, Italy
Human reproduction guarantees the continuation and evolution of the human species; thus, births
Arjan Te Pas,
Leiden University, Netherlands are significant events, which many view as sacred. In general, human birth can be divided into four
categories: natural delivery, assisted delivery, Cesarean section due to medical factors, and Cesarean
Dingliang Tan
section due to social factors. It is well known that Cesarean section has an irreplaceable role in
njnu_xlx@126.com the rapid resolution of parturition under certain medical conditions, such as dystocia, intrauterine
distress, fetal position, and so on. Therefore, Cesarean section due to medical indications is a
Specialty section: necessary operation. However, in the last two decades, Cesarean section due to social factors has
This article was submitted to become an increasingly popular choice (Muula, 2007; Bu, 2008; Khadem and Khadivzadeh, 2009;
Developmental Psychology, Khalaf et al., 2015; Curran et al., 2016).
a section of the journal Cesarean section was originally a surgical solution to solve the problems associated with difficult
Frontiers in Psychology
labor, but now there are no controls over its use. This increasing popularity has led to a rapid growth
Received: 10 October 2018 in the number of Cesarean section operations worldwide. The percentage of births delivered by
Accepted: 04 February 2019
Cesarean section has increased in the United Kingdom from 18% in 1997 to 25% in 2010, and in
Published: 21 February 2019
the United States, the percentage has increased from 27% in 1997 to 31.8% in 2011 (Curran et al.,
Citation: 2016). A survey by the World Health Organization showed that the average percentage of deliveries
Chen H and Tan D (2019)
by Cesarean section in developed countries has reached 25%, which is considerably greater than
Cesarean Section or Natural
Childbirth? Cesarean Birth May
the 15% recommended by the World Health Organization (Curran et al., 2016). In Asia, the ratio
Damage Your Health. is even higher. In Iran, the proportion of Cesarean section operations is close to 40%, and in some
Front. Psychol. 10:351. areas the proportion is as high as 52.8% (Khadem and Khadivzadeh, 2009). In China, the percentage
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00351 has reached 34.9% (Tian, 2017), however, in some rural areas, this proportion is even higher.
Natural childbirth is the inevitable physiological process received Cesarean section, 15 of whom underwent uterine
of human reproduction and it has many positive effects. For contraction before Cesarean section and 16 of whom did not
example, in spontaneous labor, the first contact between mother experience uterine contraction. The two groups of newborn
and child is timely, which is very important for establishing babies were exposed to a certain odor for 30 min after birth. They
mother-child coordination and the child’s psychological were then exposed to familiar and novel smells on both sides
development (Huang et al., 2004). However, Cesarean section of their faces 80 h later. The experimental materials used were
is an unnatural mode of delivery. After Cesarean section, first two odorant-saturated gauzes. Infants’ responses to the odorants
contact time is delayed due to anesthesia, pain of surgical were videotaped. Neonates who had experienced contractions
incision, emotional tension, and other factors, which affects showed a preference for familiar scents, while newborns who
the psychological development of newborns. In recent years, did not experience contractions did not have this preference;
researchers have investigated the impact of Cesarean section on that is, the latter could not recognize the familiar scent. This
children’s psychological health. This paper reviews the extant suggests that contractions may promote the newborn child’s
research to provide points of reference for standardizing the olfactory learning ability. However, in this study, a non-Cesarean
occupational behaviors of obstetricians and promoting the section group was not assessed. Therefore, there were limitations
physical and mental health of children. regarding the sampling.
Through two decades of clinical observations, Mao and Jing
(2005) found that newborns delivered via Cesarean section did
CRITERIA FOR INCLUSION OF STUDIES not like to be touched or hugged as compared with newborns
IN THIS REVIEW delivered via natural childbirth. The neonates expressed stress
regarding physical contact with their mothers. Furthermore,
In this review, we focus on the effects of Cesarean section emergency Cesarean section operations had a greater impact on
on children’s psychological health, such as sensory perception, neonates’ sense of touch compared to those born by planned
sensory integration ability, neuropsychiatric development, and Cesarean section. Children born through emergency Cesarean
infant-mother relationship. We present a selective review of section were prone to tactile resistance due to the experience
articles addressing the effects of Cesarean section on children’s of birth trauma.
psychological health. Thus, studies on the effects of Cesarean Approximately 80% of sensory information that humans
section on children’s physiological aspects were excluded, for process is visual in nature, and visuospatial perception is of great
example, on children’s obesity, asthma, allergy, autoimmune importance for the development of children’s learning abilities.
disorder, gastro-intestinal disorders, and so on. Huang et al. (2005) adopted the Benton Visual Retention Test
The primary criterion for inclusion in this review was that to assess the visuospatial perception of children in the third
publications were original research published in a peer-reviewed and fourth grades of school who had been born by Cesarean
scientific journal. Medline, PubMed, EBSCO, and Psychlit were section due to social factors or born by vaginal delivery. The two
used for article searches. Search terms were as follows: “Cesarean groups were balanced in terms of school, age, gender, family, and
section,” “natural childbirth,” and “children.” However, since other factors. The results showed that these children were less
our focus was on the effects of Cesarean section on children, able to reproduce figures compared to a group of children born
comparisons with natural and assisted delivery groups were by vaginal delivery; that is, the visual memory and visuospatial
excluded. Additionally, as we focused on the effects of Cesarean perception abilities of the former group were poorer than those of
section on children’s psychological health, studies of the effects the latter group. Additionally, among the various types of errors
of Cesarean section on the puerperas’ psychological health were made on the Benton Visual Retention Test, the average number
excluded. The second criterion for inclusion was that the study of errors made by the Cesarean section group was significantly
must have a sample size of at least 10 subjects (per group). higher than that of the control group. This indicates that the
visuospatial perception ability of children in the Cesarean section
group was poorer than that of the control group.
Effect of Cesarean Section on Children’s
Effect of Cesarean Section on Children’s Sensory Integration
Sensory Perception Sensory integration refers to the ability of individuals to
Sensory perception refers to the processing by the human brain utilize sensory information from different parts of the body
of objective sensory inputs that have been transduced by the and to respond to these sensory inputs appropriately. Sensory
sensory organs. Such perception is the basis for all the advanced integration plays a crucial role in children’s learning ability
psychological processes, which are of great significance for and social adaptability. Studies have found that the sensory
individual development. Research has indicated that, compared integration ability of children born by Cesarean section is worse
with natural childbirth, Cesarean section has negative impacts on than that of children born by natural childbirth (Bu et al.,
children’s senses of smell, touch, and visual ability. 2008; Kong et al., 2009; Tian, 2009; Yuan et al., 2009). Tian
Varendi et al. (2002) studied the impact of Cesarean section (2009) also found that children born by Cesarean section due to
on infants’ olfactory performance among 31 individuals who medical factors and Cesarean section due to medical factors both
showed poorer sensory integration ability than children born by increased risk of ASD from gestational weeks 36–42 when
natural childbirth. compared with vaginal delivery (Yip et al., 2016). However,
Overall, the results indicate that Cesarean section has Curran et al. (2015b) found that compared with children in a
negative impacts on children’s senses of smell, touch, and spontaneous delivery group, children born by Cesarean section
vision and on sensory integration abilities. However, few were approximately 20% more likely to be diagnosed as having
studies have considered the effects of Cesarean section on ASD. However, the association did not persist when using sibling
children’s perceptual abilities; research on this topic needs to be controls, implying that this association may be due to familial
further strengthened. confounding of genetic and/or environmental factors. Therefore,
the relationship between Cesarean delivery and ASD needs to be
Cesarean Section and Neuropsychiatric further explored.
Overall, among the studies of the impact of Cesarean
Disorders in Children section on children’s neuropsychiatric development, population
Cesarean Section and Children’s Attention cohort designs have predominated. Such studies typically
Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder used the risk ratio as an indicator of the existence of
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized relationships between Cesarean delivery patterns and ADHD
by a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity- and ASD. Recently, researchers have used sibling-control
impulsivity that interferes with functioning (American designs. There are differences in the results obtained by
Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013). Children with ADHD the two methods. Thus, the relationship between Cesarean
may experience deficits in cognitive abilities, issues with social section and children’s neuropsychiatric development needs to be
and adaptive functioning, as well as disturbances in motivation further explored.
and emotion. Research has shown that Cesarean delivery may
increase the risk of ADHD in children. Cesarean Section and Schizophrenia in Children
Song et al. (2008) found the proportion of children Schizophrenia is a serious and disruptive mental disorder that
with ADHD in a natural delivery group, assisted delivery has a substantial effect on public health (Collins et al., 2011).
group, and Cesarean section group were 6.25, 4.76, and Schizophrenia and Cesarean birth are associated (Verdoux et al.,
11.6%, respectively, differences among groups were statistically 1997; Boksa and Ei-Khodor, 2003; Fond et al., 2016). For instance,
significant. Additionally, a Swedish study assessed a population Verdoux et al. (1997) found that the incidence of early onset
cohort of 722,548 newborns registered by the Swedish National schizophrenia in a group of Cesarean births was 10 times
Bureau of Statistics during 1990–2008 (Curran et al., 2016). higher than the incidence of late onset schizophrenia, which
It was found that the hazard ratio (HR) of the association suggests that Cesarean birth is associated with the early onset
between elective Cesarean section compared with natural of schizophrenia. The natural childbirth group did not exhibit
delivery regarding ADHD was 1.15. The HR of the association this characteristic.
between emergency Cesarean section and ADHD was 1.16.
However, among siblings the association only remained for The Effect of Cesarean Section on the
emergency Cesarean section. This indicates that the relationship Mother-Infant Relationship
between ADHD and Cesarean delivery mode may be related to The emotional relationship between infant and mother is intense.
medical indications that necessitate emergency Cesarean section. A healthy maternal-infant relationship plays an important role
Therefore, the relationship between Cesarean delivery mode and in the successful socialization of children and the robust
ADHD needs to be further explored. development of their personality. Cesarean delivery is not
conducive to the establishment of a healthy relationship between
Cesarean Section and Autism Spectrum Disorder in mother and infant.
Children Numerous studies have found that mothers with children born
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by impaired by Cesarean section have far poorer mother-infant relationships
social interactions and communication, with the presence than mothers who experienced spontaneous delivery (Green
of restricted interests and repetitive behaviors (American et al., 1991; Hillan, 1991; Simons et al., 1992). Studies have found
Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013). Studies have found that that Cesarean section has a negative effect on establishing a safe
there may be a link between Cesarean section and ASD (Dodds pattern of parent-child attachment (Dimatteo et al., 1996; Lobel
et al., 2011; Yip et al., 2016). and Deluca, 2007; Herguner et al., 2012). Mothers with children
A Canadian study found that children born by Cesarean born by Cesarean section have more negative evaluations of
section were 1.23 times more likely to experience ASD than their children (Dimatteo et al., 1996). Mothers in a Cesarean
children born by natural childbirth (Dodds et al., 2011). An section group had significantly lower scores on a mother-child
epidemiological study in 2016 used a cohort design to investigate attachment scale than mothers in a natural birth group (Herguner
ASD among 5 million children in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, et al., 2012). Mothers in a natural birth group have also been
Finland, and Australia (Yip et al., 2016). Compared with vaginal shown to be more motivated to take care of newborns and felt
delivery, the overall adjusted OR for ASD following Cesarean less tired than mothers in a Cesarean section group, who were
section was 1.26. Across the five countries, emergency or planned more likely to fail in their efforts to care for their newborns
Cesarean section was consistently associated with a modestly (Wiklund et al., 2009).
Questionnaires and clinical observations have been the adverse effects of Cesarean section on children’s sensation have
most popular research tools for investigating the impact of not been fully explored; further study is needed.
Cesarean section on the mother-infant relationship. Studies have
investigated the scores of puerpera on mother-child attachment
scales after delivery, and observed the interaction between
The Mechanisms of Negative Impact of
puerpera and newborns after delivery. The results indicated Cesarean Birth on Children’s
that Cesarean section has negative impacts on the mother- Neuropsychiatric Disorders
infant relationship. Concerning the relationship between Cesarean delivery mode
and ADHD, animal experiments have been used to determine
why Cesarean section increases the risk of ADHD in children.
THE MECHANISM OF NEGATIVE Juárez et al. (2010) considered 120 randomly-chosen newborn rat
IMPACTS OF CESAREAN BIRTH ON pups that had been delivered by vaginal birth (VAG), Cesarean
section only (C-only), or Cesarean section accompanied by an
absence of oxygen (C+Anoxia). Neurons were extracted from
living pups from both sides of the medial prefrontal cortex (PFC),
The Mechanism of Negative Impacts of nucleus accumbens (NAcc), and hippocampal CA1 regions at
Cesarean Birth on Children’s Sensory different postnatal ages over time. Subsequently, the rats were
Perception and Sensory Integration sacrificed and brain PFC, NAcc, and hippocampal CA1 regions
The newborn child’s olfactory learning ability may be promoted sliced and each section examined by microscopy. Dendritic tree
by contractions. The fetus experiences the mother’s contractions length and density were compared at each postnatal age at which
during natural delivery, whereas most children delivered via samples were collected and after the brain was removed. Cesarean
Cesarean section lack this experience. From this perspective, section, regardless of anoxia, affected prepubertal development
natural childbirth may help to promote the newborn child’s of PFC and hippocampal CA1 neurons, as well as the NAcc
olfactory learning ability. Researchers have noted that labor medium spiny neurons. The dopamine levels in the NAcc were
contractions also stimulate noradrenergic neurons in the locus increased in the rats born by Cesarean section, with or without
coeruleus and thereby increase brain arousal. This activation anoxia. The results of this study indicate that neural changes
may account for the state of alertness that is typical of human can affect dopamine function in the PFC and NAcc, which
neonates within the first 1–2 h of birth, as well as their heightened may be associated with dopamine-related disorders such as
responsiveness to stimulus input (and possibly increased learning schizophrenia, ADHD, and drug addiction.
efficiency) within that brief time window (Svensson, 1987; Many neuroanatomical networks, including the prefrontal
Lagercrantz, 1996). cortex and anterior basal ganglia, are rich in dopamine
Regarding the child’s sense of touch, newborns delivered by (Purper-Ouakil et al., 2005). Dopamine, which is very
Cesarean section do not experience compression within the birth sensitive to perinatal factors, is involved in the regulation
canal. The first touch they receive is that of the operation- of attention and task-execution. Cesarean delivery can alter the
related medical staff. This is not the gentle touch required by amount of neurotransmitters and the mechanisms by which
newborns, and such inappropriate physical contact engenders neurotransmitters are released after birth, thus increasing the
pain in the neonate. risk of attention deficit disorder (Ei-khodor and Boksa, 2002).
Concerning the child’s visuospatial ability, researchers have Studies have sought evidence for a relationship between
noted that unbalanced development of visuospatial ability in Cesarean delivery mode and ASD. The incidence of ASD
infants following Cesarean may be closely related to the absence following Cesarean births may primarily relate to two factors.
of sensory learning associated with natural delivery. Similarly, the First, anesthesia during childbirth is an important factor.
lack of tactile learning associated with Cesarean section may be Taiwanese studies have assessed the effect of general anesthesia
one reason for sensory integration disorders in children (Guo in Cesarean births and local anesthesia on autism in children
et al., 2000; Wang, 2000). Cesarean section is an interventional (Chien et al., 2015). Children who underwent general anesthesia
delivery, during which neonates are delivered passively in a short for Cesarean section had a higher risk of autism compared to a
period of time. As such, infants delivered by Cesarean section do control group. However, the incidence of autism in the Cesarean
not experience early tactile pressure and the associated learning; group who underwent local anesthesia was not significantly
consequently, some such infants show no sense of proprioception different from that in the spontaneous labor group. Additionally,
and may develop other sensory integration disorders. Due to the the researchers also noted that, compared with the natural birth
extrusion of the birth canal, children born by natural childbirth group, girls in the Cesarean group who had experienced general
experience cohesion, descent, flexion, internal rotation, and anesthesia were twice as likely as boys to experience autism,
extension over a short time period; thus, they undergo marked suggesting that girls may be more sensitive to the long-term
tactile, proprioceptive, and vestibular learning. effects of general anesthesia than boys. This also highlights
In conclusion, a possible reason for the negative impact of that neurotoxicity of general anesthetic agents affects children’s
Cesarean section on children’s sensory perception and sensory future neurological development. Rice and Barone (2000) found
integration ability is the lack of sensory learning associated that damage to the brain in the early stages of infancy can
with natural delivery. However, the mechanisms underlying the affect the development of synapses in certain brain regions,
and subsequently delay or influence the future development Overall, the mechanism underlying the negative impact
of those regions. of Cesarean section on child development needs to be
Second, postpartum anesthesia and surgical trauma delay further elucidated; indeed, the mechanisms underlying certain
the time of first contact between mother and child and aspects remain at the stage of speculation. Additionally, some
of breastfeeding. The delayed parent-child interaction affects underlying mechanisms of the effect on Cesarean section on
child-attachment, which can greatly harm the psychological the infant have not been explored in depth. Therefore, future
development of children born by Cesarean section and cause research could combine animal experiments, brain imaging,
behavioral problems in children (Di, 2009). electroencephalography, and additional methods to further
The influence of Cesarean section on schizophrenia may explore the neural mechanisms.
be the result of many factors. First, those born by Cesarean
section are not exposed to the mother’s vaginal microbiota
at birth; hence, their intestinal microbiota differ from that of DEFICIENCIES OF EXISTING RESEARCH
natural births (Makino et al., 2013). The difference in microbiota AND PROSPECTS FOR FUTURE
continues into adolescence and early adulthood (Mueller et al., RESEARCH
2015). Microbiota play an important role in the development
of the brain and in the occurrence of major neurological Previous studies have assessed the adverse effects of Cesarean
disorders (Collins et al., 2012); thus, the lack of microbiota birth through experimental designs, population cohort designs,
caused by Cesarean section may play a role in the onset of clinical observations, and questionnaire investigations. Such
schizophrenia. Second, dopamine receptors have been implicated studied attempted to reveal the mechanisms underlying the effect
in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia (El-khodor and Boksa, 2001; of Cesarean section through animal experiments and functional
Boksa et al., 2002; Novak et al., 2011; Fond et al., 2015). Long- magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). However, our review reveals
term changes in dopamine receptors caused by Cesarean section deficiencies in the extant literature. Based on our review, we
may also account for schizophrenia. Additionally, perinatal brain propose the following topics for future research.
injuries caused by emergency Cesarean section, particularly In terms of methodology, most previous findings utilized
intrauterine fetal hypoxia, also constitute an etiological risk factor cross-sectional designs, such as prospective cohort studies and
for schizophrenia (Boksa and Ei-Khodor, 2003). crowd cohort studies, but few were based on longitudinal
tracking studies. The influence of Cesarean delivery on children’s
psychology is not static but may be different at different stages
The Mechanisms of the Negative Impact of development and periods of growth. Therefore, conclusions
of Cesarean Section on the based on cross-sectional research lack continuity and generality.
Mother-Infant Relationship It would be appropriate to trace development to the primary
Functional magnetic resonance imaging studies have also school stage, to detect whether a dynamic process of change
investigated mother-infant attachment patterns (Swain et al., occurs, and over what time-scale and thereby obtain more robust
2008). After 2 weeks of delivery, mothers in the spontaneous conclusions. Additionally, researchers have recently proposed
delivery group were more sensitive to their children’s cries a more effective research method, named the sibling-control
and responded more positively compared to mothers in the design, which compares Cesarean birth and spontaneous birth
Cesarean section group. In addition, the former group showed from the same parent. This design can largely balance the
more activity in brain regions such as the frontal gyrus, middle influence of the genetic and family environment, and thus
fusiform gyrus, anterior superior lobe, caudate nucleus, thalamus, improve the reliability of the research (Curran et al., 2015a).
hypothalamus, amygdala, and pons. The study also showed that However, the drawback of this design is that the available sample
some infant behaviors activated the mother’s neuronal circuits is very limited.
related to mood, motivation, attention, and empathy. Among Extant research topics are limited in scope and have not
the key factors affecting the neuronal circuit of the mother’s addressed some aspects of children’s psychology. The fetus
brain, and ultimately the maternal-infant relationship, the mode delivered via the birth canal experiences a series of extrusions,
of birth delivery plays an important role (Swain et al., 2007; Swain efforts, and movements (flexion, internal rotation, extension, and
and Lorberbaum, 2008). In the course of spontaneous labor, the so on), which continue through various planes of the birth canal
contraction of the uterus and the movement of the vagina and until the delivery is complete. This early external pressure and the
cervix stimulate the mother’s pulsed release of hormones from the serial efforts of the fetus in the birth canal may have an impact
posterior pituitary gland (Leckman and Herman, 2002). Animal on the child’s later persistence and willpower. A child who was
experiments have shown that the posterior pituitary hormone is delivered by Cesarean section did not experience this process,
an important intermediary in maternal behavior (Kendrick et al., and its persistence and willpower may be negatively affected.
1992; Morgan et al., 1992; Porter et al., 2002; Poindron, 2005). Therefore, future research should explore whether Cesarean
The mode of Cesarean delivery deprives the vagina and cervix delivery indeed diminishes children’s persistence and willpower.
of the movements involved in spontaneous labor, thus affecting In terms of research participants, several previous studies
the release of hormones from the pituitary gland. This will affect compared two groups of subjects only: a Cesarean section group
the response of the mother’s brain to infant behavior in the early and a natural delivery group. However, a Cesarean birth may be
postpartum period. due to medical or social factors, which may have different effects
on the child’s psychology. If Cesarean births are not divided into and role models when studying the influence of Cesarean
these two groups, any conclusion is suspect. In addition, Cesarean section on children’s psychology. Researchers should compare
births due to social factors can be classified as full-term Cesarean births among different cultural groups to avoid drawing
s section or premature Cesarean sections, which may also have erroneous conclusions.
different effects on the child. Therefore, future research should In terms of the clinical application of research, it is necessary
refine the choice of subjects. to develop research into countermeasures. Accordingly,
Previous findings indicate the importance of the effects medical, psychological, and sociological researchers should form
of general anesthesia in Cesarean births. General anesthesia multidisciplinary research teams to enhance interdisciplinary
increases the risk of autism in children, and girls born by cooperation, and thereby present effective measures to avoid
Cesarean section are twice as likely to develop autism as boys unnecessary Cesarean sections.
(Chien et al., 2015). Therefore, future studies are needed to
explore the effects of general anesthesia and its mechanisms on
infants’ early development, and to further identify the intrinsic CONCLUSION
mechanisms underlying autism in men and women.
Vitale et al. (2016) noted that some studies report an To conclude, Cesarean section may have adverse effects on
increased risk of delayed motor and neurological development, children’s perceptual and sensory integration abilities and on the
generalized cognitive deficits, and learning difficulties in children mother-child relationship, while the effects of Cesarean section
born from mothers with psychosis. Therefore, it is necessary on ADHD and ASD in children need to be further explored.
to comprehensively consider diverse factors when studying However, the negative effects of Cesarean section have attracted
the relationship between Cesarean section and children’s insufficient attention in society at large. It is therefore important
neuropsychiatric development. to improve the quality of information on these effects and
In terms of general orientation, attention should be paid disseminate it as widely as possible to improve children’s health.
to cross-cultural research. Previous studies have shown that
different cultures have different attitudes toward Cesarean
section (Savage, 1986). In some Asian cultures, Cesarean AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
section is regarded as highly negative thing (Savage, 1986).
However, in Brazil, Cesarean section is regarded as a symbol HC gathered and analyzed the literature, and wrote and revised
of modernization and is seen as positive and valuable (Nuttall, the manuscript. DT put forward the research topic and revised
2000). Therefore, it is necessary to consider cultural factors the manuscript.
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