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English Journal for Teaching and Learning

Vol. 09 No. 02 December 2021 pages 163 - 178

TikTok Effect to Develop Students’ Motivation in Speaking Ability

Jenni Ferstephanie1, Theodesia Lady Pratiwi2

1,2Universitas Internasional Batam

e-mail: *1tangjenni22@gmail.com, 2theodesia@uib.ac.id

Abstract The study was conducted to explore the effect of TikTok in developing the students’
motivation in speaking. The study was conducted through Classroom Action Research.
The involved participants were 25 students from the tenth grade of SMA Kristen
Kalam Kudus, Selatpanjang. The study used qualitative and quantitative methods in
collecting the data. The research procedures were planned in organized procedures as
mentioned: planning, implementing, observation and reflection. The research
instruments were questionnaire, pre-test, and post-test. The questionnaire was
designed into Likert scale format. Then, the pre-test and post-test were implemented in
the study. The post-test took two cycles. The research findings identified that the
students’ motivation level was at a moderate level 3.84. However, the post-test showed
that the students’ scores rapidly increased and were better than their pre-test.
Therefore, the implementation of TikTok proved that it was effective to develop
students’ motivation in speaking ability. In conclusion, TikTok application engaged the
students to enjoy the learning especially in motivating them to speak. Students were
free to express their ideas while making the content.
Keywords: classroom action resesarch; motivation; speaking; speaking skill; TikTok.

Abstrak Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki efek TikTok untuk membangun motivasi siswa
dalam kemampuan berbicara. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui Penelitian Tindakan
Kelas. Peserta yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini adalah 25 siswa kelas X SMA Kristen
Kalam Kudus, Selatpanjang. Penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif dan kuantitatif
method dalam mengumpulkan data. Prosedur penelitian ini dirancang secara organisir
seperti yang disebutkan: perencanaan, implentasi, observasi dan refleksi. Instrumen
dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner, pre-test dan post-test. Kuesioner
dirancang dalam bentuk Skala Likert. Setelah itu, pre-test dan post-test
diimplementasikan dalam penelitian ini. Post-test dilakukan sebanyak dua kali. Hasil
penelitian ini menemukan bahwa tingkat motivasi siswa berada di tingkat sedang.
Namun, hasil post-test menunjukkan nilai siswa meningkat dengan pesat dan lebih
baik dari pre-test mereka. Oleh karena itu, penggunaan TikTok terbukti efektif untuk
meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam kemampuan berbicara. Bisa disimpulkan bahwa
penggunaan TikTok dapat mengajak siswa untuk menikmati pembelajaran yang
menarik terutama memotivasi mereka untuk berbicara. Siswa bebas mengutarakan
pendapat mereka saat membuat konten.

Kata Kunci: penelitian tindakan kelas; motivasi; berbicara ; kemampuan berbicara; TikTok.

E-ISSN : 2579-4043 P-ISSN: 2338-8781

Corresponding Author: tangjenni22@gmail.com
Tiktok Effect to Develop Students’ Motivation in Speaking Ability

Motivation plays a significant role for the students to be active in a learning
activity. It shapes students’ behavior in receiving the knowledge of the learning
process. Fakeye (2010), cited in (Imsa-Ard 2020) demonstrated that learners’
motivation and attitude are the most significant factors in language learning. When a
student has a purpose to activity by adopting its goal and trying to learn the skills,
their learning motivation is existing. The students’ motivation can be aroused by
understanding the goal and the concept of learning activity. It develops their
enthusiasm in acquiring the learning.
According to Crookes and Schimts (2001), cited in (Ihsan 2016) mentioned that
motivation refers to the learners’ orientation in learning a second language as their
goal. Students who are motivated will give more effort to learning. They are eager to
invest themselves to obtain knowledge in the learning progress. Therefore, the
students should have set their goals and objectives in learning. There are a lot of
studies that mention motivation has a strong effect on the students' learning. In
learning English, the students who are unmotivated in achieving the new language
learning will not interested to learn. They will get bored in learning. As the result, the
students could not obtain the language learning objectives and goals.
Motivation refers to a fundamental aspect of learning (Brewer & Burgess, 2005
cited in (Maulana et. al. 2018). On etymologically, Purnama, et. al. (2019) explain that
motivation is from the Latin word which is movere (to move). It means, an action that
causes to lead an encouragement in a person. In language learning, motivation plays a
crucial role. It is a term of success in the learning process. As mentioned by
Hayikaleng, et. al. (2016) motivation is an important component for the students to
succeed in their English learning. According to Keller (2000), cited in (Badroeni 2018),
motivation is the emphasis on the individual’s decision, the people's choices to
experience what they approach, and the effort that they give.
According to Dörnyei (1998), there are two main types of motivations. They are
intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. Intrinsic motivation is motivation from the
individual. Meanwhile, extrinsic motivation is a motivation that is driven by external
rewards or outcomes that make the person acts or performs the task. Moreover,
Gardner (2007), cited in (Imsa-Ard, 2020) identified that motivation includes three
main levels or elements: language, learner and learning situation level. There are five
ways can be used to measure motivation (Hanafiah, 2010 cited in (Subakthiasih and

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Tiktok Effect to Develop Students’ Motivation in Speaking Ability
Putri 2020)) which are: (1) performance test; (2) a questionnaire; (3) free compose; (4)
achievement; (5) scale.
Referring to the current condition, the pandemic COVID-19 forced the
government to issue social distancing rules. There is a lot of pro and contra regarding
the pandemic situation, especially in the academic field. Nowadays, the students are
transferring from offline learning to online learning. It makes the teaching and
learning process could not be done by face-to-face learning. The teachers should
deliver the material through online media. Besides, the teaching and learning process
become not maximal like the previous time. It is also one of the factors that decrease
the students’ learning motivation. Because, it limits the interaction between teachers
and students. Due to the limitation, the students could not perform better in the
learning English especially for speaking ability. As we know that, speaking is the one
skill to do communication widely especially in giving and receiving information.
According to Brown (2004), speaking is a skill in producing an oral language.
Speaking is one of the four language skills that consider a primary language skill
that should be grasped. According to Nunan (1991), cited in (Maulana, et. al. (2018)
stated that mastering speaking is the most crucial aspect of learning. Speaking is the
basic oral communication (Caroline, 2005 cited in (Maulana, et. al. (2018)). Based on
Chaney (1998), cited in (Zainurrahman and Sangaji 2019), speaking is a social activity
that includes the approach of constructing and distributing meaning in a variety of
contexts. As mentioned by Brown (1990), cited in (Tampubolon 2018) said that
communicative competence is the language learning purposes. It can be concluded
that speaking is a process of interaction that involving how to produce, receive, and
process the meaning producing to acquire the information.
Brown (2004) identified that there are five stages of speaking performance;
imitative, intensive, responsive, interactive and extensive. Some factors hinder
students’ speaking skills; First, fear of mistakes, according to Aftat (2008), cited in
(Dalem 2017) added that the students’ fear is linked to the correction and criticized
evaluation. Second, shyness, students feel shy to speak English in the class. Speaking
in front of the class is common phobias that students encounter which makes their
minds go blank and forget what to say (Baldwin, 2011 cited in (Dalem 2017)). Third,
anxiety refers to the feeling of nervous in facing foreign language learning (Horwitz,
1991 cited in (Dalem 2017)). Fourth, lack of confidence usually occurs when the
students do not understand what the speakers say.

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Tiktok Effect to Develop Students’ Motivation in Speaking Ability
The development of technology provided opportunities for the development
of social media. With the support of advanced technology, social media is very
popular used by people. It has a lot of functions for education that can be used as a
medium for language learning. One of the most popular social media is TikTok. It is a
social media network in a video platform. It has various contents and features in
TikTok. Several studies found that utilizing social media as a students’ learning
platform in motivating students to learn English was received positive effects. Yang
(2020) identified that the students’ perspectives showed positive attitudes in utilizing
TikTok as an English learning platform. They believed that TikTok can be used to
expand English learning strategy and enhance their learning motivation. According to
Pratiwi, et. al. (2021), they stated that TikTok is effective in assisting the students and
teachers in the classroom. They showed that some of the students’ pronunciation is
improved in learning English through the TikTok application.
Sharma (2019) concludes that social media applications are functional tools
for enhancing EFL students’ English language skills as well as their learning
motivation. On the other hand, Gupta and Bashir (2018) stated that social media has
four major purposes. They were for entertainment, socialization, informativeness, and
academic purposes. TikTok is a social media network that enables users to share their
content in the form of a short video. It is the latest social media application that
authorizes users to create interesting videos and interact with others in comments or
even private chats (Deriyanto and Qorib 2018). Currently, TikTok is one of the most
popular social media. It is very hyped among young people. It presents interesting and
user-friendly features with special effects in the application. There are a lot of trending
songs and hashtags that users can use in creating content. It is a platform with various
video content in it. TikTok is a place where the user can express themselves freely with
creativity and innovation. Many tools can utilize in TikTok such as duet, sharing,
challenge through the video with other people around the world. As a result, the
massive of using TikTok as social media will be an effective learning platform for the
students. Students can learn any language content and skills repeatedly.
To study the proposed topics, there was some previous research to support the
study. The first article based on (Liqian 2021) study was about “Study on the
Perceived Popularity of TikTok”. The study aimed to explore the relationship between
product positioning, content variety, and uniqueness, and the perceived popularity of
TikTok. The study was used quantitative research. The research population is targeted
at heterogeneous TikTok users aged above 18 years old. The research sample was 225

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Tiktok Effect to Develop Students’ Motivation in Speaking Ability
TikTok users that live in Beijing which consists of 130 females and 95 males. The
samples were selected using convenience sampling. The data was collected from an
online questionnaire. The study found that product positioning, content variety have a
remarkable on the perceived popularity of TikTok. However, the uniqueness was not
contributed to the prediction. It can say that their hypothesis was not completely right.
The limitation of the study was the lack of theoretical knowledge and the investigation
process was not perfect because of some uncontrollable factors.
Next, the second article based on Yang (2020), the study was about “Secondary-
School Students’ Perspectives of Utilizing TikTok for English Learning in and Beyond
the EFL Classroom”. The study aimed to identify students’ perception in utilizing
TikTok for language learning. The data was collected from quantitative survey
research from 187 secondary-school students. The research instrument was using an
online questionnaire. Then, the study found out the students indicated a positive view
of implementing TikTok as learning aids. The study supported the proposed topic. It
can be addressed that the study was more focused on the students’ perspectives. The
limitation of the study was the lack of real implementation to confirm the effects of
using TikTok to improve students’ English learning performances.
The third article, the study of “Students’ Perception Toward the Use of TikTok
Video in Learning Writing Descriptive Text at MAN 1 Gresik” by (Syaifuddin et al.
2021). The study aimed to identify the students’ perception in applying TikTok in
writing descriptive text. The research conducted a descriptive quantitative by using a
questionnaire as the survey approach. The sample of the study was 85 students at
Islamic Senior High School of 1 Gresik. After that, the findings found that the
interpretation of students about applying TikTok in the writing descriptive text is
beneficial. It is recommended to use TikTok to create a meaningful language learning
process. The third study aid the proposed topic because it showed that the use of
TikTok motivated the students to actively participated in the learning process. Yet, the
limitation of the study was focused on writing skill performance.
Moreover, according to Pratiwi, et. al. (2021), the study was about “Utilizing
TikTok Application as Media for Learning English Pronunciation”. The paper
attempted to learn how a TikTok application can become a learning medium for the
students’ pronunciation skills. The participant of the study was the university English
education student Suryakancana. The collected data was done with observation and a
questionnaire by using a qualitative approach. The study captured that the TikTok
application helps the students to learn the language. The respondents received a

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Tiktok Effect to Develop Students’ Motivation in Speaking Ability
positive attitude and strong desire toward the use of the TikTok application. The study
was only focused on pronunciation skills.
Looking at several previous studies, we can imply that the utilizing of TikTok
(social media) as a learning platform is an essential topic that we should conduct. The
research’s stream is English language teaching (ELT) and emphasized the students’
motivation in speaking ability by utilizing TikTok. The gap between previous studies
was the limitation of the experiment in proving TikTok as a learning platform in
motivating the students’ speaking skills. Furthermore, there was still less research
about applying TikTok as a popular platform in language learning. So, the present
study of the research wants to seek and recognize the integration or the effect of
utilizing TikTok as learning aids in enhancing students’ motivation for speaking skills.
Moreover, the present study also will identify the students’ motivation level in
speaking skills by using TikTok in the teaching and learning process.
The result of the discussion above proved that social media have a connection to
language learning. Tiktok becomes one of the most viral social media that can be
utilized in the teaching and learning process. Moreover, there are various English
learning in Tiktok that can motivate students to learn English. It also engages students
to be able to speak well in English by practicing through various content that they
The current research found that there is some connections between TikTok and
the students’ motivation in speaking skills. The writer wants to identify and show the
effect of TikTok and the students’ motivation in speaking ability, also will show a
positive attitude in the teaching and learning process. Due to the limitation on the
previous studies that less perform TikTok as a learning platform to increase the
students’ learning motivation especially in speaking skills, the current research wants
to identify how is the effect of utilizing TikTok as a learning platform to motivate the
students in developing speaking skill. The current research aims to recognize the level
of students’ motivation in speaking skills by using TikTok.
The outcomes of the study are to identify the findings of the following research
1. What was the level of students’ motivation in speaking skills by using TikTok in
the teaching and learning process?
2. How was the effect of TikTok to develop the students’ motivation in performing
speaking skill of English?

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Tiktok Effect to Develop Students’ Motivation in Speaking Ability
The research objectives were to define the students’ motivation level in speaking
English when utilizing TikTok in teaching and learning activities. Furthermore, the
study also aims to identify the effect of applying Tiktok in motivating students’
speaking skills.

The study was Classroom Action Research. The researcher should have been
more aware and attentive during the teaching and learning activity. According to
Burns (2010) the central idea of classroom action research is to identify the appropriate
way to the problem in a situation to improve a better change or a good product
quality. Therefore, the researcher applied the CAR that was expected can solve the
students’ problem in teaching and learning and they can improve their skill in
Furthermore, refer to Kemmis and Mc Taggart (2010), cited in et. al. (2013) said
that there are three characteristics of classroom action research. The first characteristic
was for practitioners (carried out for the classroom teachers’ purpose), the second was
for collaboration, and the last was to give a solution to change something for a better
The participants were 25 students from the tenth grade of SMA Kristen Kalam
Kudus, Selatpanjang-Indonesia, which was the writer's internship place. They were
science majors. There were 12 female students and 13 male students in the class. Each
of them came from different background. They have their characteristics. The English
level of the students was random. Some of them were good some of them were still
clueless in the language. As the writer found, the students still have obstacles in
performing the language. Especially in the speaking skill, most of the time they tend to
speak Bahasa or mother tongue rather than English in the class. It is found that they
were not confident to speak English orally. They were less motivated to learn English.
In the study, the collected data were qualitative and quantitative data. The data
were collected by applying a questionnaire, pre-test, and post-test. The students will
be given a questionnaire through google form and the questions will about the
integration of motivation and TikTok as learning tools. The questionnaire is adapted
from Gardner (1985), cited in (Ghazvini and Khajehpour 2011) with the Likert Scale
format of Attitude/Motivation Test Battery (AMTB). The writer modified the question.

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Tiktok Effect to Develop Students’ Motivation in Speaking Ability
It was a 5-point scale that ranged from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree”. It is
used to measure the students’ motivation level in speaking with the integration of
using TikTok. The study was conducted in two cycles. The tests were conducted to
show the students’ motivation in learning English, especially in speaking skills. Then,
the post-test result was to reveal if there any effects or integration of TikTok social
media with students’ motivation in speaking English.
Data Analysis
Kemmis and Mc Taggart (2010), cited in (Rizqa, Suhartono, and Rosnija 2013)
stated that there are four main steps in classroom action research. The steps are
planning, implementing, observation, reflection. Following are the explanation of the
procedures of the classroom action research:
a. Planning
In the planning, the writer identified the issue that occurred in the 10th-grade MIPA
of SMA Kristen Kalam Kudus. The writer developed a plan to provide outcomes or
improvements to the specific area of the research context. The questionnaire is
designed to collect the data to identify the students’ motivation level.
b. Implementing
In the implementation, the writer implemented the research by using pre-test and
post-test. The pre-test is taken to identify how the students conduct the speaking
skill in learning. Then the post-test is applied by using TikTok to motivate students’
speaking ability. Before the post-test, the students will be given an explanation and
examples about the activity from TikTok. Then, the students performed the video
and posted it to TikTok. The video was assessed from a created rubric assessment
of speaking skills. It was assessed by using numerical grades from 1 to 5. According
to Knight (1992), cited in (Ulker, 2017), the criteria of the speaking assessment is
fluency, pronunciation, non-verbal, content, and creativity.
Speaking Rubric
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Fluency Smooth in A little minor Somehow Often Hesitant to
speaking in speaking hesistates to hesitates to speak
speak speak
Pronunciation Pronunciati Pronunciation Pronunciatio Pronunciati Serious
on is is good and n is almost on pronunciation
excellent, easy to good and somewhat problem
and easy to understand sometimes difficult to

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Tiktok Effect to Develop Students’ Motivation in Speaking Ability
understand need fully understand
concentrated and need to
Non-Verbal Non-verbal Most non- Much non- Some non- No non-
fully verbal verbal verbal verbal
expressed expressed expressed expressed expressed
to enhance
Content Shows a Shows a good Shows an Understandi Not
full understandin almost good ng to parts understand to
understand g of the topic understandin of topic the topic
ing of the g of the topic
Creativity Give full Give a good Give much Give some No effort in
effort in effort in effort in effort in performing
performing performing performing performing
Table 1. Speaking Rubric
c. Observation
In the observation, the writer observed the effect of students’ motivation to speak
English by using TikTok. The writer also observed the questionnaire that was
answered by the students to identify the students’ motivation level. It is an
important stage for the writer to observe to provide findings and discussion from
the activity.
d. Reflection
In the reflection, the writer evaluated the process and the result from the planning
to observation stage. In this step, it is determined the success of the learning
technique being applied. Therefore, the feedback is a very significant part to
determine whether there was a reason to conduct the next cycle. Thus, there are five
aspects in reflecting: proceeding data categorization, presenting the findings,
answering the research questions, interpreting the findings, and generalization the



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Tiktok Effect to Develop Students’ Motivation in Speaking Ability
Before conducting the pre-test, the writer observed the students obtain more
details regarding their speaking ability in the classroom. The writer also observed the
motivation of each of the students during the class. It can observe from the activities
that they have done during the learning activities. When the teachers asked questions
to the students and they answered the question. Sometimes, when they have to take-
turn in presenting their ideas or opinions.
The questionnaire is designed through Google Form with 10 questions by using
the Likert Scale. It ranged from “Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree”.
Table 1. Likert Scale Rating
Optional Score

Strongly Agree 5

Agree 4

Neutral 3

Disagree 2

Strongly Disagree 1

The questionnaire is distributed online. Then, the students fill up the

questionnaire according to their agreement to the given statement. To measure the
level of agreement and disagreement of the students’ answers are adapted from
(Salamat et al. 2018) based on the following criteria:
Table 2. Standard of Mean
Mean Range Interpretation

3.68 – 5.00 High degree of


2.34 – 3.67 Moderate degree of


1.00 – 2.33 Low degree of


The Result of the Questionnaire

The table presented the results of the questionnaire, following the explanation:

Table 3. Questionnaire of the Integration of Motivation and Tiktok as Learning Tools

No Statement Mean Rating of

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Tiktok Effect to Develop Students’ Motivation in Speaking Ability

1 I can learn to speak English from TikTok 3.56 Moderate

2 Using TikTok will motivate me to improve my 3.32 Moderate

speaking ability

3 I do not worry about making mistakes at TikTok 2.88 Moderate

because it is just for fun

4 I can speak English in TikTok to communicate 3.56 Moderate

with others from different countries

5 I can freely express my opinion on the TikTok 2.76 Moderate


6 I think the use of TikTok improve my speaking 3.28 Moderate


7 I use TikTok to create my speaking style 3.2 Moderate

8 I can duet with an English speaker in TikTok 3.12 Moderate

9 I can monologue in trend sounds in TikTok 3.36 Moderate

10 TikTok permits access to the trend topics that I 3.84 High

can share with others

Total 3.28 Moderate

Table 3 showed the result of a questionnaire related to the integration of

motivation and TikTok as learning tools. The data from the table 3 showed that the
total mean was moderate in the rating of motivational level. The total score was 3.28.
Moreover, each of the statements also got a moderate rating level. Statement number 1
and number 2 had an average mean score of 3.56 and 3.32. From both statements, it
was proven that students had moderate motivation in motivate themselves in learning
and improving speaking skills from TikTok. Besides that, statements number 3 and
number 5 had an average mean score of 2.88 and 2.76. It showed that some of them
still worried about making mistakes in TikTok but some of them stated that TikTok is
just for fun and they did not worry to make mistakes. They also can freely express
their idea or sharing opinions on TikTok. Meanwhile, the statements number 4 and
number 8 had the average mean score of 3.56 and 3.12. The result showed that TikTok
is a medium to connect users with the native speaker and students can motivate

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Tiktok Effect to Develop Students’ Motivation in Speaking Ability
themselves to practice speaking by a duet with the native speaker. Moreover,
statements number 6 and number 7 had average mean scores of 3.28 and 3.2. It
showed that practicing speaking through TikTok motivates the students to create their
speaking style and even boost their confidence. Statement number 9 had an average
score of 3.36. However, the last statement number 10 got a higher mean average score
than other statements. It had a high motivational level. The score was on 3.84 which
meant by trending topic from TikTok it enables the students to share their opinion
towards the current topic with others. They acquire authentic materials for language
In this step, the students were assessed by using the traditional method before
being exposed to the TikTok application. The students were divided into a partner.
Three dialogues from different narrative stories were given. The writer selected the
dialogue for each pair. They memorized and learned the sentence. After that, the
meeting was conducted online. During the meeting, each of them being called to do
conversation with their partners.
Post-Test Cycle I
After the pre-test was conducted, the post-test cycle 1 was conducted. The
students were given a task to create a TikTok video. It was an individual assignment.
They were asked to do conversation by themselves. They selected dialogue from the
narrative story that they chose. The writer also provided a TikTok video example as
their reference. The duration of the video is a maximum of one minute. The students
could play one role or two roles in the video. It is based on their creativity to create the
TikTok content. The writer would assess the video from some rubric criteria in
speaking skills.
The Result of Pre-Test and Post-Test Cycle I
Based on the pre-test and post-test cycle I, the following table presented the
score, following the explanation:
Table 4. The Average Improvement Score between Pre-Test and Post-Test (Cycle I)
No Criteria Pre-Test Post-Test Improvement
(Cycle I)

1 Fluency 2.64 3.8 1.16

2 Pronunciation 2.6 3.56 0.96

3 Non-Verbal 2.32 3.6 1.28

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Tiktok Effect to Develop Students’ Motivation in Speaking Ability
4 Content 2.48 3.64 1.16

5 Creativity 2 3.48 1.48

Average 1.208

The data showed in Table 4 above was the result of pre-test and post-test (cycle
I). The data from the table presented that there was improvement between pre-test and
post-test (cycle I) results. The lowest score for the students was during the pre-test in
creativity and non-verbal criteria. It was because the students were obstacles in
performing the conversation since the test was done through an online meeting. The
limit of the meeting hindered their creativity and their non-verbal expression during
their performance. However, when the post-test (cycle I) was being conducted, the
non-verbal and creativity criteria were improved a lot. Exposing TikTok to the
students motivated the students to be more creative in creating the video. They can
enjoy themselves in creating the content easily because they will have to perform
appropriate and attractive gestures, body language, and eye contact with the audience
or viewers. The fluency criteria were the highest score in the post-test (cycle I) since
the students understand to produce meaningful conversation without worrying too
much. The students also develop their criteria in pronunciation and content. It was
better than the pre-test performance.

Post-Test Cycle II
The writer thought to obtain better results in using TikTok to motivate the
students’ speaking skills, so the writer plan to conduct a cycle II post-test. During the
meeting, the students were given two options for the narrative story. Following the
trending topic, the writer assigned them Doraemon's story and True-Beauty Story. A
short synopsis was provided to the students. After they read the synopsis, they should
choose one story that they prefer. Then, they made the dialogue by themselves refer to
the story that they chose. They should perform the dialogue into the TikTok video,
and they can choose to play both or either one role. The duration time is still the same
during the cycle I post-test. Previous rubric criteria were still used to assess the
speaking skill.

The Result of Post-Test Cycle I and Post-Test Cycle II

Based on the post-test cycle I and post-test cycle II, the following table presented
score with further explanation as below:

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Tiktok Effect to Develop Students’ Motivation in Speaking Ability
Table 5. The Average Improvement Score between Post-Test (Cycle I) and Post-Test (Cyle II)
No Criteria Post-Test Post-Test Improvement
(Cycle I) (Cycle II)

1 Fluency 3.8 4.8 1.0

2 Pronunciation 3.56 4.48 0.92

3 Non-Verbal 3.6 4.64 1.04

4 Content 3.64 4.68 1.04

5 Creativity 3.48 4.8 1.32

Average 1.064

The data showed in Table 5 above was the result of the post-test cycle I and post-
test cycle II. The data from the table presented that there was improvement between
post-test cycle I and post-test cycle II results. Each criterion indicated to exceed a lot
than the post-test cycle I. The highest score was fluency and creativity. It is proved that
students were motivated to create an interesting and engaging TikTok video to post.
Step by step, they were confident to speak English in the video. Along with that, other
criteria were also surpassed in post-test cycle II. They had practiced well their
pronunciation than before. The content that they created was unique with their
characteristics. The students delivered a meaningful story on the TikTok video. The
post-test cycle II gave an unexpected improvement from the post-test cycle I. It is
demonstrated that the students showed a positive attitude towards the utilizing of
TikTok in motivating their speaking skill.

From the research results, it can conclude that the research questions have been
answered. Refer to the objectives of the research were to capture out the students’
motivation level in speaking skills by utilizing TikTok and to figure out the effect
between TikTok application in enhancing students’ motivation of speaking ability. The
study found that the level of motivation of students in applying the TikTok was in the
range of moderate motivation level from the questionnaire that they answered.
Unexpectedly, the effect of the TikTok application in improving students’ motivation
received positive feedbacks from the students. The students’ performance from each
test was encouraged up and better from time to time. It can be implicated that
students’ motivation in speaking was increased because they have new experiences in

Jenni Ferstephanie, Theodesia Lady Pratiwi/EEJ/Vol.09 NO.02 December 2021 Page 176
Tiktok Effect to Develop Students’ Motivation in Speaking Ability
learning the language. They felt happy and enjoy learning the skill from the TikTok
learning tools. It is evidence of this study that proved the use of TikTok in motivating
students’ speaking skills was very interactive and effective with the results of
students’ score showed drastically increase.


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