National Grid Clean Energy Vision - Fossil-Free - 0
National Grid Clean Energy Vision - Fossil-Free - 0
National Grid Clean Energy Vision - Fossil-Free - 0
energy vision
A fossil-free future for
cleanly heating homes
and businesses
National Grid | April 2022 Our clean energy vision
We are committed to
playing a leading role
enabling and accelerating
the transition to a clean
energy future, while
ensuring all customers and
communities continue to
have affordable and reliable
options to heat their homes
and run their businesses.
Our clean energy vision April 2022 | National Grid
National Grid | April 2022 Our clean energy vision
At National Grid we believe achieving a fossil-free National Grid is mobilizing to achieve net zero emissions
future and addressing climate change is not just a in a way that ensures that all customers share in the
shared responsibility, but one where we must lead. benefits of a clean energy future. Our vision builds
We are undertaking a bold initiative that will set on our previous actions:
a new climate standard for energy companies across
America. From today forward, we are working to enable
a future where every time our customers use energy 2018: We released a Northeast 80 x 50 Pathway
– to turn on their lights, charge their phones, cook white paper exploring strategies for the region to
for their families, or heat their homes and businesses reduce economy-wide emissions at least 80%
– it can be done without fossil fuels. below 1990 levels by 2050
National Grid is announcing our vision to fully eliminate 2019: We announced our Net Zero by 2050 Plan
fossil fuels from both our gas and electric systems by laying out our commitment to achieve net zero
2050 – sooner if possible – setting clear and measurable greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 from both
milestones along the way. our own operations and the emissions resulting from
the sale of electricity and gas to our customers
We are making this fossil-free announcement because 2020: We launched our Responsible Business Charter
we share our communities’ concerns about climate change.
• 2
021: We are proud to be a Principal Partner for
National Grid is proud of our role in helping Massachusetts the UK’s Presidency of COP26 – the United Nations
and New York consistently rank at or near the top nationally Climate Change Conference that brought together
in energy efficiency programs, electric vehicles on roads, 120 world leaders and over 40,000 registered
solar installations, planned offshore wind, and environmental participants to advance national plans to keep
stewardship. In addition to this track record of success, 1.5 degrees Celsius of global warming within reach
the states in which we operate have enacted some of the Over the past five years in the Northeast US:
most progressive climate laws in the country, establishing We have connected 2,000 megawatts (MW) of
future requirements for net zero emissions across their distributed solar and 180 MW of battery storage,
economies: New York passed the Climate Leadership supported $3.1 billion in energy efficiency
and Community Protection Act in 2019 and Massachusetts investments for our customers, and enabled
adopted the Next-Generation Roadmap for Massachusetts over 4,400 electric vehicle charging ports in
Climate Policy in 2021. our Northeast service areas.
Our clean energy vision April 2022 | National Grid
National Grid | April 2022 Our clean energy vision
Today, heating makes up about 39% of GHG emissions Draft climate action plans from the Massachusetts and New
in Massachusetts and New York.1 Heating is provided York state agencies propose that nearly 10 million households
by a diverse set of fuels and heating systems. Of the change their heating systems to electric heat pumps by 2050
roughly 10 million households in Massachusetts and (see Figure 1). In Massachusetts and New York, this would
New York, nearly 6 million (57%) have a gas furnace or require over 340,000 customers per year converting their
boiler system, 2.5 million (25%) use a boiler fueled by current heating source to electricity, every year until 2050.
oil or propane, and 1.4 million (14%) use electricity.2
Of those using electricity, most use electric resistance,
an inefficient heating source, and about 100,000 (1%)
use a heat pump – a type of efficient air conditioning
unit that can also provide heat.3
41 10
13 25
2050 2050
Today High
Our vision
for fossil-free
25 of heat heat
Our clean energy vision April 2022 | National Grid
National Grid’s vision for fossil-free heat targets National Grid’s vision for fossil-free heat will enable
a hybrid approach. Just as we have decarbonized our customers to have clean heating solutions
electricity with wind and solar, we can decarbonize available to them. Along the way, we can build an
the gas system with renewable natural gas and green integrated energy network that is clean, renewable,
hydrogen. This will enable customers to have choices in and achieves zero emissions.
how to become fossil-free. And, by utilizing our existing gas
and electric networks, our vision will more quickly deliver A better way to net zero
a reliable and cost-effective transition to a net zero future Our analysis shows that using a balanced and diversified
for the entire energy system. approach to heating is the most practical, expedient, and
affordable path to reducing emissions for all our customers.
At National Grid, we believe that electrification of heat will This is consistent with findings from Energy + Environmental
play an important role for some of our customers in achieving Economics (E3), an energy industry consulting firm, who in
net zero. We also believe that we need to offer a diverse their 2022 report developed for the Massachusetts “Future
and practical range of cleaner heating solutions enabling of Gas” proceeding state “A coordinated gas and electric
customers to choose what best addresses their needs decarbonization strategy, utilizing a diverse set of technologies
for performance and cost, without compromising our and strategies, is likely to be better able to manage the costs
shared climate goals. and feasibility risks of decarbonization than scenarios that
rely more heavily on single technologies or strategies.”6 Much
While converting to electric heating may be viable for some like how we are creating a clean electricity network through
customers, others may have challenges due to the upfront the adoption of renewable electric generation sources, such
cost of making this switch or the difficulty of retrofitting as wind and solar, we can achieve a fossil-free gas system
their building. Today, fully electrifying a typical home in through the adoption of renewable natural gas and
Massachusetts or New York costs roughly $20,000-60,000.4 green hydrogen.
Additionally, our analysis finds that – given the physical
limitations of existing buildings – it is technically difficult Our fossil-free vision rests on four pillars of action that will
to electrify 30-70% of building space in the urban areas enable all homes and businesses we serve to meet their
of New York City and Boston and 5-40% outside of those heating needs without the use of fossil fuels by 2050, if not
major cities.5 sooner, achieving net zero emissions while keeping energy
affordable and preserving customer choice.
Figure 2. Pillars of our vision for fossil-free heat.
National Grid | April 2022 Our clean energy vision
Our clean energy vision April 2022 | National Grid
What is renewable natural gas? RNG can be sourced from a vast number of existing waste
Renewable natural gas (RNG) captures biogases that streams and renewable biomass. Sources are all around us:
naturally emit from society’s recurring waste streams. RNG landfills, farms, wastewater treatment plants, food waste,
turns a liability that negatively impacts the environment into and biomass waste residues (see Figure 4). As the global
a climate solution that can be carried in our existing gas population grows, the World Bank projects solid waste to
network and used in existing customer equipment. increase nearly 70% by 2050.7 RNG helps improve society’s
response to waste and the emissions created from it.
Society will always produce waste, which naturally emits
surface-level methane as it decomposes. RNG reduces Figure 4: Waste streams that can produce renewable
emissions by capturing this potent GHG before it can escape natural gas.
into the atmosphere (and contribute to our changing climate)
and putting it to productive use as an energy resource. In that
process, it provides a double benefit of reducing methane
emissions while providing a source of renewable energy.
By simultaneously capturing methane and displacing
fossil natural gas, RNG has the lowest lifecycle carbon
intensity of any energy source available today.
Additionally, RNG is a reliable source of energy that can be
easily stored and delivered to customers when and where
they need it. And, it is a “drop-in” fuel – able to be transported
through existing gas networks, ensuring customers will not
More than 144 4,400
million metric tons of
need to make changes to their existing appliances. landfills
food waste each year
17,000 19,000
waste water facilities large farms and dairies
National Grid | April 2022 Our clean energy vision
Our clean energy vision April 2022 | National Grid
National Grid | April 2022 Our clean energy vision
Pillar four
Figure 6: Schematic of networked geothermal street.
Targeted electrification
and networked geothermal Warm water
In winter, heat pumps
move warm air into
buildings and extract
We will support cost-effective targeted Cool water cold to be stored
electrification on our gas network, including piloting underground.
new solutions like networked geothermal. We will Buildings that
produce excess
support our customers who heat with oil and heat, such as those
with refrigeration,
propane to convert to electric heat pumps. can send it to other
In summer, heat buildings in the
Under any heating sector net zero vision, there is an pumps move cold network.
important and critical role for electrification. Air-source heat air into buildings and
extract heat to be
pumps move heat from the outside air into buildings, and also stored underground.
provide cooling. When paired with 100% renewable electricity,
electric air-source heat pumps can play an important role in
Our clean energy vision April 2022 | National Grid
Figure 7: Economy-wide emissions in Massachusetts and New York in our vision for fossil free heat.
Economy-wide emissions
reductions relative to 1990 50% 75% 90%
CO2e (100yr-GWP)
Million metric tons,
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
Our clean energy vision
A fossil-free future for cleanly heating homes and businesses
Community served by
fossil-free gas and
hybrid heating
Onshore wind and solar electrolyzers generating
Battery storage green hydrogen
Renewable natural
gas (RNG)
Hydrogen (H2)
Fossil-free gas blend
(80% RNG, 20% H2)
14 Electricity
Roadmap to achieve our vision
Our plan for fossil-free heat April 2022 | National Grid
100% fossil-free heat
2040 Net zero
Wide adoption of fossil-free emissions
heating solutions • Continue to accelerate
deployment of fossil-free
• Blend 20% green hydrogen and 30% RNG in our network gas, clean electricity solutions,
• Build 100% hydrogen hubs serving multiple uses and energy efficiency.
• Deploy hybrid heating systems widely
• Support communities with networked geothermal heating
districts and targeted electrification
• Convert all customers heating with oil to electric heat pumps
• Significantly advance building efficiency. Scale a broad
set of solutions
2022-2025 • Invest in infrastructure to deliver
fossil-free gas and electric solutions
• Serve 10-20% of gas demand with RNG
• Promote adoption of hybrid heating
Set foundation to transition
• Run community-scale pilots of H2 blending
to fossil-free heat
• Support deployment of H2-ready appliances
Support legislative and regulatory policies to grow
fossil-free gas, including adoption of a renewable • Progress neighborhood adoption of networked
heating portfolio standard geothermal heating and targeted electrification
• Develop voluntary tariffs for customer • Convert a majority of customers who heat with
participation in fossil-free gas offerings oil to electric heat pumps
• Continue to convert customers who heat • Continue to support states’ progress toward
with oil to electric heat pumps at pace zero-emission and renewable electricity goals.
• Run neighborhood pilots for green
H2 network blending, networked
geothermal, and targeted electrification
• Promote adoption of hybrid heating
• Demonstrate technical feasibility
and scalability of fossil-free gas
Delivering safe, affordable,
• Continue innovation in
and reliable heat
nation-leading energy • Investing in network modernization to reduce fugitive methane
efficiency programs. emissions and increase safety and reliability
• P
roviding nation-leading energy efficiency and demand response programs
to help customers lower energy bills and usage
• Accelerating conversion customers who heat with oil to electric heat pumps
• Partnering with NY and MA to propose a regional Hydrogen (H2) Hub
• Participating in university-led H2 blending studies
• Interconnecting renewable natural gas (RNG) projects to our network
• S
eeking regulatory approval for RD&D to transition the gas network to net zero,
including piloting fossil-free gas and networked geothermal. 15
National Grid | April 2022 Our clean energy vision
As we build toward a fossil-free future, it is essential Most affordable and practical for
that we leave no customer behind. All customers must
benefit from the clean energy transition. Our vision our customers to reduce emissions
enables customers to continue choosing affordable Lowest cost for society
heating options while achieving our states’ emissions Given concern over inflation and economic inequality,
reduction targets and supporting safe, reliable, and the issue of affordability is one of the most important factors
equitable outcomes for society. when determining the best path toward net zero. On average,
we estimate our vision will save our communities $110-200
billion dollars in economy-wide costs by 2050 compared
e believe an integrated, fossil-free gas and
W to a high electrification approach, which is similar to the
electric system will provide our customers and “All Options” pathway developed in the Massachusetts 2050
society, clear benefits: Decarbonization Roadmap and “Scenario 3: Accelerated
Transition Away from Combustion” scenario developed in the
• lowest cost for society New York State Climate Action Council Draft Scoping Plan
(see Figure 8).11 These cost savings are a direct result of
• provides customers affordable choices to heat leveraging existing gas system infrastructure, including
their homes and businesses customer heating equipment, to both achieve net zero
• results in more equitable outcomes, keeping energy targets and keep customers warm during the coldest
affordable for everyone times of the year.
• gives customers smarter, practical heating choices
Figure 8: Relative economy-wide costs to reduce
• utilizes the skills of our existing workforce emissions in Massachusetts and New York, 2020-2050.
• supports a reliable and resilient energy system
by not having “all our eggs in one basket” 590
• allows a more manageable build out of electric
infrastructure 500
• more likely to achieve our shared net zero goals 400
by embracing all options.
$ Billion
200 380
Our vision for High electrification
fossil-free heat of heat
Upper cost range
Lower cost range
GasOur clean Vision
Strategy energyReport
vision April 2022 | National Grid
National Grid | April 2022 Our clean energy vision
Provides customers affordable choices For residential customers living in single-family homes,
to heat their homes and businesses hybrid heating systems have been shown to be the most
The answer to “what heating choice is most affordable for cost-effective solution for the next decade.15 Hybrid heating
me?” will vary depending on the unique circumstance of each systems are able to lower customer costs by utilizing the
of our customers and the timing of that choice. In our service strengths of both the gas and electric systems – they can
area today, heating with gas is the most cost-effective option run on renewable electricity when it’s available and switch
for virtually all customers. Especially for low to moderate to fossil-free gas for the winter months, leveraging the gas
income customers, affordable heating is crucial. system that has already been built to heat our customers’
homes. Hybrid heating systems also significantly lower
As heating technologies and net zero policies evolve, it will upfront equipment and building energy efficiency upgrade
be possible to continue delivering affordable heating options costs for customers who want some heating electrification.
without endangering sustainability goals.
Not only does our fossil-free vision bring lower heating
For residential customers living in older, multi-unit buildings costs, it also keeps electricity rates lower by avoiding
and for many of our commercial and industrial customers, significant overbuilding of generation supply and network
findings from external studies show that reducing emissions upgrades. Compared to a high electrification pathway,
through efficient, fossil-free gas heat is likely to be the most electricity rates under our vision are expected to be
affordable option for the next three decades. Electrifying heat approximately 5-10% lower in 2040 and 10-15% lower in
in these building types will require more expensive heating 2050 than high electrification approaches because it requires
equipment or more significant building retrofits.12, 13,14 less generation, transmission, and distribution infrastructure
buildout. By keeping overall rates for electricity lower, it will
make it more affordable to use heat pumps, charge electric
vehicles, and power everyday appliances. As a result,
the average consumer is expected to save 15-20% on
their overall energy costs in a given year compared to a
high electrification approach (see Figure 9). This is significant
savings and real money for an average household. By saving
$800-1,000 per year on energy costs, families will have more
money for other essentials such as food and housing.
Figure 9: Annual total energy spend for a typical customer in 2040 (2021$). Heating equipment (annualized)
Electric heating bill
Gas heating bill
-$800 -$1,000
Electric transport cost
(-15%) (-20%)
Other electric costs
and other
energy costs
Our clean energy vision April 2022 | National Grid
Results in more equitable outcomes, Our vision allows for adoption of new cleaner and
keeping energy affordable for everyone fossil-free empowered heating technologies to happen
Ensuring energy equity must be an important goal for on a timeline that is more practical for customers.
all of us who care about our customers and communities. In contrast, a high electrification approach would require
90,000 homes to electrify per year in Massachusetts and
Relative to a high electrification approach, our vision to 250,000 homes to electrify per year in New York. What does
eliminate emissions from heating results in fairer outcomes this mean in reality? This means roughly 2,000 full electric
for society. For example, our customers should not have conversions per week in Massachusetts and 5,000 in New
to spend $20,000-60,000 in upfront costs to fully electrify York, every week from now until 2050. Either household
their homes in order to have clean energy.16 In our vision, electrification rates would need to increase by roughly
access to clean heating is more equitable because more 15-20 times, or half of households would need to replace
customers can have clean energy with their existing their gas appliances and heaters before their useful end
appliances and heating equipment. of life in order to achieve net zero by 2050.17
In short, utilizing both renewable electricity and a fossil-free At normal levels of heating equipment turnover,
gas system to achieve net zero will significantly reduce Massachusetts and New York cannot come close to
upfront cost barriers for customers and keep customer electrifying everything by 2050. Adoption rates similar to
energy bills more affordable by avoiding significant historical home appliance adoption levels imply a 40-50%
amounts of new infrastructure. shortfall (see Figure 10). A strategy that relies on customers’
willingness to spend thousands of dollars to replace heating
equipment that is currently working well is unlikely to
Gives customers smarter, more practical succeed. Instead, a better and more equitable way to
heating choices achieve net zero emissions by 2050 is to transition the gas
The reality is that a large share of buildings in the Northeast network to fossil-free fuels. This ensures all our customers
are difficult to electrify – and this will remain an enduring will have fossil-free heating regardless of their choice in
problem. Our fossil-free vision allows customers to use heating appliances.
existing equipment and appliances to achieve net zero
and provides an invaluable option for customers who
have trouble electrifying. Figure 10: Heating appliances that could be electrified
in Massachusetts and New York with normal levels of
In addition to the challenges mentioned above, there may turnover (millions).
also be other practical challenges that make electrification 11 100% of heaters
difficult, such as a renter’s ability to convince their landlord
to install a new heating system, the availability of equipment,
or finding the skilled labor to install an electric heat pump at
the time it is needed. Our vision provides more options for
renters and disadvantaged communities to have access 4.5 Further adoption
that would be
to clean energy. required to electrify
100% of heaters
National Grid | April 2022 Our clean energy vision
Our clean energy vision April 2022 | National Grid
Figure 11: Electricity supply capacity in New England Our fossil-free vision improves reliability by providing a critical
and New York (GW) redundancy and preserves and provides options for
+80 customers without sacrificing or jeopardizing our net zero
goals. In our vision, there are clear ‘offramps’ available.
285 For example, if low carbon gas prices evolve differently
than expected, higher electrification could be leveraged.
In contrast, taking steps that remove clean gas options
today would shut down a wide range of options that would
be difficult to re-open later.
2050 2050
Today Our vision for High electrification
fossil-free heat of heat
National Grid | April 2022 Our clean energy vision
Many of the policies to enable our vision for fossil-free Complementing these portfolio standards, state and federal
heat are already in place, such as renewable electricity incentives should be put in place to support growing
portfolio standard (RPS), energy efficiency programs investment in equipment to capture biogas (e.g. “digesters”)
and targets, and heat pump incentives. To complete and clean and condition it to RNG to make hydrogen
the picture, a few additional state and federal policies (e.g. “electrolyzers”). Other states with emissions reduction
would allow greater progress towards net zero, goals have already implemented these complementary
such as: policies, such as California and Washington.
clean Vision
vision April 2022 | National Grid
Evolving infrastructure
planning and investment
Regulatory planning processes should support long-term
network strategies that promote the most efficient use of the
gas and electric systems for heating, including geographically
targeted fossil-free strategies (e.g. hydrogen clusters or
electrified neighborhoods). Current planning processes only
look out 2-5 years. This horizon should be expanded for gas
and electric utilities.
National Grid | April 2022 Our clean energy vision
5. Conclusion:
What our vision means
for the Northeast
Our clean energy vision April 2022 | National Grid
National Grid | April 2022 Our clean energy vision
6. Appendix:
More about the pillars
of our vision
Improved efficiency RNG offers value in converting waste into a climate solution
Final heat demand that can reliably serve diverse energy needs using existing
infrastructure. It reduces emissions by providing an economic
incentive for local communities to capture methane before
it can escape into the atmosphere and exploits an otherwise
clean Vision
vision April 2022 | National Grid
Large accessible RNG resources are untapped and could be Green hydrogen
developed to meet the residential and commercial fossil-free Hydrogen, the most abundant chemical element on earth,
heating needs of the Northeast. The most comprehensive offers enormous potential as a source of clean energy.
study to date on the availability and costs of RNG in the When hydrogen is converted to useable energy in a fuel
United States, completed by ICF for the American Gas cell or burned to release its energy, the only byproduct is
Foundation in 2019 24, estimated a maximum technical water vapor. And when hydrogen is produced with renewable
potential – with no economic constraints – of 6,300 TBtu feedstocks it is known as green hydrogen, and is carbon free.
in the Eastern US. With economic considerations taken into
account, the supply potential was estimated to be between Hydrogen has the potential to help decarbonize multiple
685 – 1,500 TBtu in 2040 in US regions already connected sectors, including power generation, transport, and heating.
by pipeline to the Northeast (see Figure 13). For heating, hydrogen can be blended with natural gas or
RNG up to 20% by volume and run through gas networks
Figure 13: Eastern US renewable natural gas (RNG) and used in customer appliances without significant upgrades
resource potential (Tbtu). to infrastructure or equipment. In areas with high levels of gas
demand, pure hydrogen also has potential to serve fossil-free
6,300 heating and other energy needs in dedicated 100% hydrogen
Share of Eastern US RNG clusters. These may be part of hydrogen hubs – clusters
economic potential of local hydrogen production, storage, and demand
required for our vision (see Figure 14).
2030: 10-20%
2040: 5-15% Figure 14: Illustration of a multi-purpose hydrogen hub.
665 685
National Grid | April 2022 Our clean energy vision
Hydrogen development to enable the energy transition While existing customer heating and cooking appliances
is receiving strong government support and interest from could use low blends of hydrogen, higher blends or 100%
industry. The US Department of Energy’s Earthshot hydrogen require new units with modifications to burners,
Initiative aims to reduce the cost of green hydrogen to $6-7 fittings and sensors. 100% hydrogen-ready appliances are
per MMBtu in the next 10 years 26 – a target that we assume already being demonstrated commercially in the UK, where
is reached and would bring the cost in line with today’s costs manufacturers are supporting a hydrogen-ready standard
for natural gas (see Figure 15). The Bipartisan Infrastructure for all equipment sold by 2025 and have pledged to match
Investment and Jobs Act passed by Congress in February the price to conventional gas equipment.
2022 allocated $8 billion to establish regional clean hydrogen
hubs, one or more of which could be sited in the Northeast; Hybrid electric-gas heating systems
$1 billion for RD&D to reduce costs of hydrogen produced Hybrid – or dual-fuel – heating systems pair an electric heat
from clean electricity; and another $500 million to support pump and gas heater in a building. The electric heat pump
hydrogen equipment manufacturing and domestic provides cooling in the summer and heating during the more
supply chains.27 temperate “shoulder” seasons. The gas heater provides
heating during the coldest months of the year, when
Figure 15. Hydrogen commodity cost estimate 2020-2050. temperatures fall below a threshold temperature.
Depending on gas during these coldest periods allows
15 customers to install a smaller, more affordable heat pump
than would otherwise be needed if the heat pump was sized
US DOE Hydrogen to cover the customer’s full heat load. Heating needs served
10 Earthshot by the gas component of the hybrid system vary according to
$1 / kg = $5-6 / MMBtu heat pump specifications (size and balance point temperature)
$ / MMBtu
and climate.
For many customers, hybrid systems can offer a clean
solution that is more comfortable, cost-effective and
10 practical for serving cold weather heating needs compared
with an all-electric installation. They avoid using inefficient and
costly electric resistance as the supplemental heating source
0 during the coldest months. They also allow customers who
use gas today to continue using their existing gas heater and
2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
avoid larger building changes that might be required for an
all-electric system, while still capturing the summer cooling
and shoulder season heating benefits of heat pumps. For the
Pilot projects are proliferating across the US – covering broader energy system, hybrid heating adoption across the
production, storage, pipeline transmission and distribution, customer base can help to lessen electric supply and network
end uses, and use in power generation.28 In New York, infrastructure challenges by avoiding high electric peak loads
National Grid has launched the HyGrid Project to build one during winter.
of the first and largest clean hydrogen projects in the country
to blend green hydrogen into existing gas networks, Hybrid heating systems are already being adopted in our
and Plug Power is investing in a large green hydrogen region today. Nearly all gas customers in the Northeast who
production facility to supply fuel for multiple uses.29 have installed an electric heat pump to date have retained
their existing heater, effectively gaining cooling and hybridizing
Hydrogen to supply our customers could be sourced from a their heating. Sustainability advisors like E330 and McKinsey
mix of renewable generation and electrolyzer capacity in the & Co. have suggested hybrid systems as an important option
Northeast as well as imports. If we relied only on dedicated to decarbonize heat in the Northeast and other regions.
offshore windfarms to produce the amount of hydrogen in
our vision, it would require 7-11 GWs of additional capacity,
compared to existing plans in the Northeast to build about
40 GW of offshore wind by 2050.
GasOur clean Vision
Strategy energyReport
vision April 2022 | National Grid
National Grid | April 2022 Our clean energy vision
Sum of Residential, Commercial, and Industrial million metric tons 9
New York State, “Governor Hochul Announces Multi-State Agreement
of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions divided by economy-wide Signed with Major Hydrogen Ecosystem Partners to Propose a Regional
Total emissions from U.S. Energy Information Administration, “Summary Clean Energy Hydrogen Hub,” March 2022, available at https://www.
Table 4. State energy-related carbon dioxide emissions by sector,”
2018, available at ment-signed-major-hydrogen-ecosystem-partners
U.S. Census, “American Community Survey B25040 House Heating 10
(16,235 total ASHP - 2,933 total full ASHP replacements) / 16,235 total
Fuel” for Massachusetts and New York, 2020, available at https://data. ASHP customers = 82% partial ASHP installations from Mass Save, “Massachusetts Energy Efficiency Program Administrators Quarterly
%28HVAC%29&g=0400000US25,36&tid=ACSDT5Y2020.B25040 Report, Fourth Quarter, 2021”, section titled Bi-Annual Data, at 3 of 75,
2021, available at
Estimated 1% electric heat pump adoption in Massachusetts from
low historical adoption rate from Mass Save, “Massachusetts Energy 11
Massachusetts values for “Our vision for fossil-free heat” based on cost
Efficiency Program Administrators Quarterly Report” section titled range for “Hybrid Electrification” and “Efficient Gas Equipment” scenarios
Bi-Annual Data at 3, 2019-2021, available at and “High electrification” based on “High Electrification,” “2030 CECP,”
results-reporting/quarterly-reports/. Estimated 1% electric heat pump and “100% Gas Decommissioning” scenarios from E3 Decarbonization
adoption in New York from VEIC, “Ramping Up Heat Pump Adoption in Pathways Report at 12-13. New York values for “High electrification”
New York State” at 4, September 2018, available at based on NPV of Net Direct Costs for “Accelerated Transition” from
Media/default/documents/resources/reports/veic-ramping-up-heat-pump- Climate Action Council Draft Scoping Plan, “Appendix G: Integration
adoption-in-new-york-state.pdf Analysis Technical Supplement” at 66, February 2022, available at A fossil-free
Upfront air-source heat pump and building retrofit costs estimated gas pathway has not been publicly modeled for New York, so values for
as $29,000 - $36,000 in Massachusetts from Energy + Environmental “Our vision for fossil-free heat” scale New York costs proportionally based
Economics (“E3”), “The Role of Gas Distribution Companies in on scenario costs calculated for Massachusetts.
Achieving the Commonwealth’s Climate Goals: Technical Analysis of
Decarbonization Pathways” (“E3 Decarbonization Pathways Report”) at 12
E3 Decarbonization Pathways Report at 41-42.
102, March 2022, available at
loads/2022-03-21/3.18.22%20-%20Independent%20Consultant%20Re- 13
New York City Mayor’s Office of Sustainability, “Pathways to
port%20-%20Decarbonization%20Pathways.pdf. Upfront air-source heat Carbon-Neutral NYC: Modernize, Reimagine, Reach” at 38, April 2021,
pump and building retrofit costs estimated as $21,087 (Residential Single available at
Family Basic Shell + Air Source Heat Pump) - $59,814 (Residential Single publications/Carbon-Neutral-NYC.pdf
Family Deep Shell + Air Source Heat Pump) from Climate Action Council
Draft Scoping Plan, “Appendix G: Annex 1: Inputs and Assumptions 14
BloombergNEF, “New Energy Outlook 2020,” at 59, available at https://
[XLSX]” at Bldg_Res Device Cost tab, February 2022, available at https://
E3 Decarbonization Pathways Report at 102.
National Grid estimate based on Arup analysis of existing state
and municipal building data. 16
Upfront air-source heat pump and building retrofit costs estimated as
$29,000 - $36,000 in Massachusetts from E3 Decarbonization Pathways
E3 Decarbonization Pathways Report at 19. Report at 102, March 2022, available at
World Bank, “Brief: Solid Waste Management,” February 2022, sultant%20Report%20-%20Decarbonization%20Pathways.pdf. Upfront
available at air-source heat pump and building retrofit costs estimated as $21,087
solid-waste-management (Residential Single Family Basic Shell + Air Source Heat Pump) - $59,814
(Residential Single Family Deep Shell + Air Source Heat Pump) from
U.S. Department of Energy, “DOE Establishes Bipartisan Infrastructure Climate Action Council Draft Scoping Plan, “Appendix G: Annex 1: Inputs
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at available at
clean Vision
vision April 2022 | National Grid
4,000 homes estimated to have adopted air-source heat pumps 25
U.S. Energy Information Administration, “Natural Gas Consumption by
in Massachusetts from E3 Decarbonization Pathways Report at 98. End Use” for Residential and Commercial, available at https://www.eia.
Massachusetts would need to install roughly 90,000 heat pumps a year gov/dnav/ng/ng_cons_sum_a_EPG0_vgt_mmcf_a.htm
to electrify 2.5 million buildings that aren’t already electrically heated in the
next 28 years. Of 43,418 homes estimated to have adopted air-source 26
U.S. Department of Energy, “Hydrogen Shot,” available at https://www.
heat pumps in New York, half estimated to be for NEEP’s Cold Climate
Specification and assumed to be maximum number of full-home heaters
from VEIC, “Ramping Up Heat Pump Adoption in New York State” at 4, 27
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ments/resources/reports/veic-ramping-up-heat-pump-adoption-in-new- at
york-state.pdf. New York would need to install roughly 250,000 ture-laws-95-billion-clean-hydrogen-initiatives
heat pumps a year to electrify 7.1 million buildings that aren’t already
electrically heated in the next 28 years. 28
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ISONE 22 GW summer peak and 20 GW winter peak in 2020 and seek-low-carbon-future-65570349
59 GW winter peak in the “High Electrification” scenario in 2050 from E3
Decarbonization Pathways Report at 59. NYISO 31 GW summer peak 29
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North – South transmission and 600 miles of local transmission. carbonization_Full-Report_November_2020.pdf
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