Rwe A2 Teachers Book
Rwe A2 Teachers Book
Rwe A2 Teachers Book
Unit 1 Our Leisure Time Kate: I am bored. What are you doing now? Julia: I
1.1 Online Shopping am shopping online. I want to buy a few clothes for
1. To Begin my summer holiday.
Kate: Shopping online? It’s boring!
Draw your students’ attention to the picture and Julia: No, it isn’t! I like shopping online. I can find
let them discuss the questions. As the name of the everything easily and quickly.
module suggests, try to find any kind of related Kate: But you can’t try on clothes and shoes? Julia:
material that you can bring to class such as It doesn’t matter to me. Shopping online saves time
shopping websites, credit card application forms and money.
and statements/receipts. You can also introduce Kate: No way! Let’s go to the new mall in town to
some new words to keep them talking and make do some real shopping!
mind maps to enhance their vocabulary such as Julia: Thank you but I can’t go out now. I’m very
“shopaholic, consume/consumer/consumption, busy.
spend, waste, save, bargain, sale/discount” etc. Kate: I know a small store and everything is on sale
2. What’s the word? Julia: OK, we can go there, but I will shop online
Students are expected to learn the target vocabulary. too.
You may devise vocabulary games and encourage Kate: Well then, be ready in ten minutes! I will come
them to use the new words in their own sentences. and pick you up.
Answers: Julia: OK, see you soon.
2=d 5. Talking Point
3=e Give your students some time to do the matching
4=a activity and then let them talk about which items
5=b they buy online.
3. Reading (from left to right):
Tell your students that they will read a dialog
between Amy and Morgan. Give them some time electrical appliances, clothes, cosmetics & beauty
to study the questions to find the answers while products, phones & computers, food, books &
reading. Then let them read out the dialog. movies, household goods, vacations
1. Morgan prefers shopping online, because he 6. Listening
says: “I’m crazy about shopping online.”
2. She is looking for a new dress. Tell your students that they will listen to a radio
3. Right now program on shopping. Give them some time to study
the questions to find answers while listening.
4. Talking Point
Role plays are instrumental in letting students Answers:
practice the language which develops their speaking
skills by providing instances of meaningful 1. More than half of Americans shop online.
communication. Give your students some time to 2. They shop online at least once a month.
“get in the role”. As an extension of the previous 3. About/Nearly half of Americans use smartphones
activity, let them imitate a similar dialog. to shop online.
4. They buy electronic items.
Sample dialog:
Kate: Hi Julia, what’s up?
Julia: Hello Kate! I’m fine. How about you?
Useful Language Box introduces the adverbs of This exercise introduces online surveys/
frequency. Encourage your students to talk about questionnaires. You may find similar forms asking
their shopping habits by stating how often they do about shopping habits and preferences as well.
something. Answer:
Name: Jason Lune
Sample Answers:
Age: 24 Sex: Male
1. I prefer shopping alone/with my mother/with my
friends. How often do you shop I shop for clothes three times a
for clothes? week.
2. I don’t spend too much / I spend too much (on I rarely shop for clothes. My
clothes/books/electronic devices). mother buys them for me.
3. My favorite store is Zara/Beymen/Pull & Bear.
My favorite online shopping site is Ebay/ How often do you shop I never shop for clothes online.
Amazon/Gittigidiyor. for clothes online? I always shop for clothes
4. I am usually happy with the things I buy, but I shop for clothes online four
sometimes I regret buying things. times a month.
5. I don’t spend much time shopping online,
perhaps a few minutes. / I always spend at least Do you enjoy shopping Yes, I do. I love shopping
two hours shopping online. online? online.
No, I don’t. I don’t like shop-
6. Yes, it does. I can find good deals and discounts. ping online.
8. Talking Point What other items do you I shop for books, DVDs and
shop for online? electronic items.
You can create a discussion game by writing the
How much do you usually I usually spend $100 on clothes
question to small pieces of paper and let your spend on clothes shopping every month.
students form groups to take turns while answering every month?
the questions. I want to see second-hand
Please tell us about the items, books, magazines,
Sample Answers: things you want to see in posters, jewelry, clothes and
an online shopping site. electronic devices.
1. I prefer shopping in real stores / shopping online.
2. I frequently/rarely shop online. 1.2 Shopping For A Gift
3. I often spend a few hours shopping online. I 1. To Begin
don’t spend much time shopping online.
I shop online three times a day. Draw your students’ attention to the picture and
4. Shopping online saves me money. I usually find let them discuss the questions. As the name of the
cheap items online. module suggests, try to find any kind of related
Shopping online doesn’t save me money, material that you can bring to class such as gift
because it makes me spend more. ideas, gift wraps, and gift cards as well creating
5. I go shopping twice a week. mind maps to show the stores/places to buy different
6. I prefer shopping alone/with my mother/with my types of gifts such as flowers, jewelry, books and
friends. clothes.
7. I am usually happy with the things I buy, but
sometimes I regret buying things. 2. What’s The Word?
Students are expected to learn the target vocabulary.
You may devise vocabulary games and encourage
them to use the new words in their own sentences.
1= b 2= f 3= c 4= e 5= d 6= a
4. Talking Point
Let your students make similar sentences as they see
in Useful Language Box. You can bring pictures of
famous places and tourist attractions in a few cities.
6.Talking Point
Give your students some time to study Useful
Language Box and to “get in the role”. As an
extension of the previous activity, let them imitate a
similar dialog.
Sample dialog:
Waiter: Welcome to Benjamin’s Bistro. Would you
like a table for two?
Marissa: Yes. Can we have a table next to the
window, please?
Waiter: Yes, madam. This way please.
Clara: Thank you.
Waiter: Here’s the menu. I’ll be with you in a minute
to take your orders.
(A few minutes later)
Waiter: Are you ready to order?
Marissa: Yes, we are. What is the soup of the day?
Waiter: Lentil soup.
Marissa: OK. I would like to have the vegetable
lasagna and garlic mushrooms, please.
Clara: And I’ll have the spicy chicken spaghetti,
Waiter: What would you like to drink?
Marissa: I’d like coke please.
Waiter: And you madam? Clara: I’ll just have water.
Waiter: Is there anything you would like?
Marissa: No, thanks.
Waiter: I’ll bring your orders immediately. (a few
minutes later)
Waiter: Here are your orders. Enjoy your meal.
Clara: Thank you.
(a while later)
Waiter: Did you enjoy your meal?
Clara: Yes, it was great.
Waiter: Would you like to order dessert? Today’s
special is homemade carrot cake.
Marissa: No, thank you. Can we have the bill,
Waiter: Yes, of course.
1. bargain.
2. pharmacy.
3. jewellery.
4. estate agent.
5. anniversary.
1. these.
2. this.
3. that.
4. these.
5. those.
1. a little.
2. little.
3. a little.
4. little.
5. a little.
1. to swim
2. to buy a house
3. to sleep
4. to buy a present
5. to lose weight
Unit 2 Work & Play • It is important to wear clean, ironed and neat
2.1 The Ideal Interview clothes. Don’t wear casual clothes. Be formal
1. To Begin and tidy.
• Don’t forget to take your CV with you.
Draw your students’ attention to the picture and • You should arrive on time. You shouldn’t be late.
let them discuss the questions. As the name of the • It’s better to arrive early.
module suggests, try to find any kind of related • It’s better not to behave nervously.
material that you can bring to class such as interview • You must pay attention to your body language.
questions, tips for an interview, different kinds of • You must maintain eye contact.
interviews and dress codes. • You mustn’t interrupt people.
You can even let your students create an online CV. • Don’t chew gum.
Answers: a)
1= d 2= f 3= a 4= e 5= c 6= b 1. Tell me a little about yourself.
2. Tell me about your most recent job.
3. Reading 3. Could you tell me about the responsibilities in
Introduce the topic of “a job interview”. You your last job?
may bring various pictures to visualize the tips 4. Do you like working alone, or as a part of a
respectively. For instance, as the first tip suggests team?
the proper way of dressing and appearance in
general, you can find pictures of interviewees b) Tell your students to take notes while listening to
dressed presentably. You can also display scruffy write her answers to the interview questions.
interviewees as a contrast. As the second tip, you can 1. I am 28 years old. I grew up in this town. I
emphasize punctuality by showing clocks or making graduated from City University in administration
a comparison between a person who arrives on time five years ago.
(or earlier) and who is late. 2. I work in the city planning department as a
personal assistant in Chicago.
4. Talking Point 3. I am responsible for scheduling the manager’s
a) Encourage your students to brainstorm more ideas appointments and meetings. I make his travel
on how to prepare for an interview. Here you may arrangements. I deal with phone calls and
find a few examples: enquiries.
• Pay attention to your body language. Do not 1. I love working in a team but I also like to work
cross your arms and legs. by myself.
• Do some research about possible interview 2. I am very motivated and friendly. I can
questions. also communicate well with clients. I am
• Find out the requirements and responsibilities of hardworking and flexible. I want to live in
the job position. this town so I don’t want to move to another
• Seem interested and willing. Ask questions about company.
the company and the job.
6. Writing 3. Listening
Give your students some time to choose a job for Tell your students that they will listen to a dialog
themselves. Let them create short CVs to give between Gregory and the secretary. It’s Gregory’s
possible answers to the interview questions. first day on the job. Students are expected to
complete the table with the details of people working
Sample answers: at the office.
1. I am 30 years old. I am from France. I moved a)
here 2 years ago. I graduated from University Name Job
of Lyon in 2007. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Nancy Secretary
accounting and finance.
Guy Manager
2. I was an accountant and financial coordinator at
Newedge Group in Paris. I worked there for 8 Tammy Tea lady
years until I quit my job two months ago. Nelson Janitor
3. I was responsible for managing the company’s b)
accounts and financial issues. You need to check with the manager before
4. I like working alone, because I like to take full
arranging any appointments.
responsibility and pay attention to detail.
5. I can speak four languages and I have sufficient
work experience. I am ambitious, determined You don’t have to eat the company food.
and hardworking. I can work with deadlines and You have to clean up the kitchen after you eat.
I can manage crises.
You mustn’t use the photocopy machine for
7. Talking Point personal materials.
1= c 2= b 3= d 4= e 5= a
Give your students some time to describe the given 4. Talking Point
jobs. You can do the first one as an example: This exercise aims at letting students choose proper
patient tolerant ways of apologizing. Let them study “How To
Apologize” section before reading the card. Then
teacher encourage them to role play the situations.
You can also introduce the following sentences:
helpful resoureful Please accept my sincere apologies.
I am so sorry.
8. Writing I will make it up to you.
Drawing upon the newly-learned vocabulary and It won’t happen ever again.
grammar structure of the simple past tense, let your Example:
students write an e-mail describing their first day I am so sorry, I am late. I didn’t hear the alarm clock.
at work / university / school. To make this exercise I was very tired yesterday and I felt ill. I couldn’t
more enjoyable, you can let them send e-mails to wake up in the morning. I promise I won’t be late
your mail address as well. again. I am 1 hour late today, so I can leave work
one hour later than the usual time.
2. 3 You’re Late!
1. To Begin 5. Reading
Draw your students’ attention to the picture and Tell your students that they will read an e-mail from
let them discuss the questions. As the name of the Samantha who had a tough day at work.
module suggests, try to find any kind of related She is asking for advice from her friend. Give your
material that you can bring to class such as stories of students some time to study the questions to find the
mishaps and misfortune, short and simple versions answers in the text.
of Murphy’s Laws. Answers:
1. Her cat was ill so she had to take it
2. What’s The Word? to the vet.
Students are expected to learn the target vocabulary. 2. Her boss was angry and not understanding.
You may devise vocabulary games and encourage He was not an understanding person.
them to use the new words in their own sentences. He warned her angrily.
Answers: 3. She is asking her friend’s opinion.
(in order): 1,5,6,3,4,2 She can’t decide whether to look for another job
or not.
3. Listening
Tell your students that they will listen to three 6. Writing
dialogs. People apologize for being late for work. Let your students study Samantha’s e-mail to her
Give your students some time to study the questions friend in the previous activity to imitate a similar
to find answers while listening. e-mail describing a problem at work/school.
Answers: Hello Jason,
1. They said: “I am sorry, I am late” I feel so bad right now. I spent all night doing my
2. Yes, they did. They all gave reasons. English homework yesterday. My father took me to
3. Only Jane made a promise for the future. She school this morning. I was very sleepy and slept on
said: “I won’t be late again” the way.
Reasons for being late Unfortunately, I left my homework in the car and I
Peter He got soaking wet because of heavy didn’t realize it. My English teacher got angry with
me. She didn’t believe me.
I felt heartbroken. I called my father, but he was at
Jane She needed money for the train fare work and he couldn’t bring my homework.
and there was a long queue at the ATM. Fortunately, he talked to my teacher and explained
Alan There was a terrible traffic jam. the situation.
Answers: 8. Writing
a) Yes, it is. Working as a policeman is more difficult This exercise introduces a graphic describing the
now. percentage of workers who are dissatisfied with
b) their jobs. Give your students some time to study the
Now In the past graphic to make a comparison between the past and
Working as a It didn’t use to be such a present situation of workers.
policeman is a very dangerous job. Example:
In the past, 2 in 10 Americans used to feel stressed
dangerous job. Crimes weren’t as serious.
at work, but now 3 in 4 Americans feel stressed at
People don’t respect People used to respect police work.
police officers. officers.
1. listened
2. cycled
3. prepared
4. played
5. stayed / studied
1. have to
2. had to
3. have to
4. has to
5. has to
1. went
2. won
3. caught
4. ate
5. arrived
5. Reading
Before the reading activity, tell your students that
they will ask questions about the story. While
reading, they can underline the important parts that
they want to change into questions.
Example: Where did Henry find the bag?
What was Henry doing when he found the bag? How
did he feel when he saw the bag full of money?
6. Writing
Tell your students that they will write an e-mail
describing an event that has happened to them. They
can choose a story from the module.
Sample e-mail: Dear Martha,
You’ll never believe what happened to me! My
mother bought me a phone and my father bought
me a brand-new bike on my birthday last week. I
didn’t have time to ride the bike until this morning.
I decided to go to the mall to do some shopping. I
went into a store and tried on a green dress. It was
expensive. I left the store and had lunch with my
friends. When we asked for the bill, I realized I had
left my bag somewhere and my phone was in it! We
searched everywhere but couldn’t find it. It was a
terrible day. I feel so sad now! My mother got really
angry. What will I do without my purse and phone?
1. before
2. finally
3. before
4. then
5. First
Module 3 – Newsflash
1. Gary was having dinner when his friend called.
2. Mary was cleaning the flat while her husband was
3. The students were talking when the teacher
entered the classroom.
4. I broke a plate as I was doing the washing up.
5. Our dog wanted to come inside when it started
to rain.
Give your students some time to examine the ads 4.4 Public Transportation
and to look up unknown vocabulary in a dictionary 1. To Begin
to understand the meaning of the whole text. Then, Draw your students’ attention to the picture and
let them discuss which of these holiday types they let them discuss the questions. As the name of the
would choose by giving the reasons. module suggests, try to find any kind of related
Example: material that you can bring to class such as pictures
I would choose the cruise, because I like swimming of the most popular means of public transportation,
and exploring new coves. The sea always makes me ticket machines, signs and venues. You may also
feel relaxed. enable them to watch short videos/clips of well-
known subway and train stations.
6. Speaking
Tell your students that they are going to book the 2. What’s the word?
holiday that they chose in the previous activity. They Students are expected to learn the target vocabulary.
are expected to ask for further information before You may devise vocabulary games and encourage
they book. Give them some time to decide what they them to use the new words in their own sentences.
are going to ask and how they are going to answer. Answers:
Example: 1. platform gap
A: Good afternoon, I am calling you to get more 2. seat pocket
information about the cruises. 3. guide book
B: Good afternoon, how may I help you? 4. wireless Internet
A: How long does the voyage take? 5. return ticket
B: It takes 10 days. (pictures in order of appearance) 5, 2, 4, 1, 3
A: How many people can stay on the yacht?
B: The yacht holds 20 people. 3. Listening
A: Can I bring my dog? Tell your students that they will listen
B: I am sorry but pets are not allowed. A: What is announcements related to public transportation. Give
the price? them some time to study the sentences to complete
B: It is 600 dollars. the missing parts while listening.
A: When is the next departure date? Then let them write (I) for informational and
B: Next week. On June 27th. (W) for warning announcements.
7. Writing 1. mind (W)
Tell your students that they will write a letter to their 2. stop (I)
friends to describe the details of their holiday and 3. stand (W)
invite them as well. 4. change (I)
Sample letter: Dear Luke, 5. gate (I)
I have decided to go on holiday this summer and I 6. seats (W)
want to experience traveling by sea. I found an 7. return (I)
unusual holiday advertisement for a cruise. There 8. connect/seat (I)
will be 20 people on the yacht and the journey will
take 10 days. We will visit new coves and enjoy the 4. Talking Point
silence of the sea. It costs 600 dollars and the nearest Students are expected to express their opinions about
departure date is on June 27th. If you are interested, public transportation services in their town/city.
I want you to join me. I am looking forward to your Give your students some time to study the Useful
answer. Language Box to get hints while discussing the
Lots of love, Kate topic.
In my city, the best form of transportation is the
train, because it is fast, cheap and safe. I don’t use
buses because they are crowded and slow. Traveling
economically is the most important thing to me.
5. Speaking
Role plays are instrumental in letting students
practice the language which develops their speaking
skills by providing instances of meaningful
communication. Give your students some time to
“get in the role” and to study Useful Language Box
to get hints.
6. Reading
Tell your students that they will read a text about
a man’s first day without his car. Give them some
time to study the questions to find the answers while
1. Because he wanted to start saving money.
2. It was right next to the grocer’s.
3. A season ticket is cheaper than a daily ticket.
4. He was late by 45 minutes.
7. Writing
Who doesn’t experience a bad journey? Tell your
student to remember, or make up, a bad journey and
write about it. Tell them to give details: Where were
they going? Which type of transportation did they
use? What was bad about the journey? Why did they
choose that kind of transportation?
1. Stay
2. Don’t shout
3. Turn
4. Slow
5. Don’t worry
1. How
2. Keep
3. miss
4. street
5. system
1. quieter
2. stronger
3. more expensive
4. happier
5. better
1. more crowed than
2. more peaceful than
3. earlier than
4. thinner
5. more important than
7. Writing
Dear Mary, Give them some time to study the questions to find
Hi! How’s it going? I’m having a great time here in the answers while reading. Then let them read out
Paris. Let me tell you what I’ve been doing. It has the passage.
been two days since I came here. I am having the Answers:
best time of my life! I have visited a lot of historical 1. It has been an important city for more than 1,500
places and museums so far. Of course, I have visited years.
the Eiffel Tower. I have taken a lot of pictures. I have 2. It became the European Capital of Culture in
bought a surprise present for you! I haven’t seen 2010.
Notre Dame yet, but I plan to go there tomorrow. I 3. Agatha Christie and Barbara Nadel have written
have also met a lot of nice people here. People are books based in Istanbul.
kind and friendly. I have already made a few friends. 4. The first detective Çetin Ikmen novel appeared in
That’s all for now! 1999.
See you soon, 5. She wrote the novel while she was staying at the
Kate Pera Palas Hotel in Istanbul.
7. Writing
Let your students read the scenario and give them
some time to think about what they are going to
Sample e-mail: Dear Joe,
I am sorry I haven’t written to you earlier. I have
been very busy since I came here.
I arrived in Paris on Saturday and I have been here
for a week. I am currently staying at a nice hotel but
I am planning to rent a small room in a shared house
near the city center. I haven’t had time to explore
the city, because I have been studying very hard to
improve my French.
However, I have seen a few of the famous tourist
attractions such as the Eiffel Towel and Notre Dame.
I have enjoyed the river Seine too. I hope you are
doing fine. Take care of yourself. I miss you very
Write to me soon,
1. Have you ever ridden a horse?
2. Have you ever been to California?
3. Have you ever run a marathon?
4. Have you ever spoken with a famous person?
5. Have you ever eaten Japanese food?
1. haven’t seen him today.
2. she hasn’t worked hard this term.
3. it hasn’t snowed a lot this winter.
4. haven’t won a lot games this season.
5. haven’t read the newspaper
1. Have you been playing
2. has broken
3. Have you been working
4. Have you ever worked
5. has appeared
1. haven’t been waiting
2. ‘ve lost / Have you seen
3. ‘ve been reading / haven’t finished
4. has she gone
5. hs stopped
3. Listening 6. Writing
Tell your students that they will listen to a Sample dialog:
conversation between Tony and Maria. Give them Reporter: What time did the fire start?
some time to study the questions to find the answers Witness: It started at about 2 am.
while listening. Reporter: Where were you and what did you see?
Answers: Witness: I was watching TV and I heard screams. I
1. Maria has dyed her eyelashes and her eyes immediately went out and saw the house burning.
are burning. Reporter: Do you know how many people were in
2. Tony tells Maria to rinse her eyes without the house?
soap and then use eye drops. Witness: Yes, I do. There was nobody at home. I am
close friends with the Smith family and I know that
4. Talking Point they went to visit their daughter in London.
Give your students some time to think about the Reporter: What did you do when you saw the fire?
common accidents that can happen at home. Let Witness: I called the fire department and the police.
them study the Useful Language Box to get hints Reporter: When did the police and the ambulance
while talking. arrive?
Example: Witness: They arrived 10 minutes later. Reporter: So
1. Sharp tools such as a knife nobody got hurt?
2. Burns and scalds Witness: Thank God, they weren’t at home!
3. Choking or suffocating Reporter: Do you know what caused the fire?
4. Poisoning Witness: I think there was electrical fault in the
5. Falling objects garden lights.
You can also turn this exercise into a news contest. A: What do you usually do when you get ill?
The one whose report gets the most attention will be B: I take natural remedies. I am in favor of
the winner. You may create a badge “reporter of the alternative medicine.
year” and give it to your student. A: Have you seen a doctor for your health
6.2 Keeping Healthy B: Yes, I have. I had a checkup last year. The results
1. To Begin were fine.
Draw your students’ attention to the picture and A: Do you take any medication? B: No.
let them discuss the questions. As the name of the A: What is your health problem?
module suggests, try to find any kind of related B: I have a painful headache and insomnia.
material that you can bring to class such as A: I think it might be because of stress. Melissa tea
brochures and pictures of health centers, alternative and vitamins will make you feel better.
medicines and pharmacies. B: I haven’t tried Melissa tea yet.
A: Why don’t you go on vacation? Perhaps a city
2. What’s the word? break will do you good.
Students are expected to learn the target vocabulary. B: I have a very busy work schedule.
You may devise vocabulary games and encourage A: You obviously need to take a break. You should
them to use the new words in their own sentences. pay more attention to your eating habits and exercise
Answers: routine. You should take long walks by the river
1=c 2=d 3=b 4=e 5=a in the evenings. You should also take vitamin
supplements and drink sage tea.
3. Listening B: Thank you, Mr. Rossman. I’ll follow your advice.
Tell your students that the will listen to three people
talking about health care. Give them some time 5. Reading
to study the questions to find the answers while You can bring a few samples or brochures of vitamin
listening. supplements. If you have internet access, find a few
Answers: blogs that deal with the issue and show them to your
1. The first person goes to the doctor only when students.
she is very ill. Tell your students that they will read a magazine
2. He exercises regularly to prevent illnesses. article about vitamin supplements. Give your
3. As long as she doesn’t do exercises and has students some time to do study the questions to find
an unhealthy diet, she cannot lose weight. the answers while reading.
She hates exercising and loves eating. It’s not Answers:
probable that she will lose weight successfully. 1. 30% of Americans get enough calcium from
their diets.
4. Talking Point 2. No, it doesn’t.
Role plays are instrumental in letting students 3. to help you lose weight and beat stress.
practice the language which develops their speaking 4. They can have a healthy diet and do
skills by providing instances of meaningful regular exercise.
Give your students some time to “get in the role” and 6. Talking Point
give them some time to study the Useful Language Drawing upon what they have learned so for in the
Box to get hints. module, students are expected to give their opinion
Example dialog: and discuss the ways of keeping healthy. Give your
A: Welcome Mr. Parson. I will ask you a few students some time to study the Useful Language
questions. Please take a seat. Box to get hints while talking.
B: Thank you. Example:
A: How often to do you get ill? You shouldn’t eat junk food.
B: I think I get ill quite often. Smoking is bad for you.
7. Discussion Point
Let your students continue the conversation from
the previous exercise. Encourage your students to
look at the prompts to help them talk about possible
problems that may occur during their trip.
Sample Answers:
Mother: What will you do if it rains?
Mary: We have water-proof tents but if it rains too
much, we will pack our things and drive to the
nearest hotel.
Mother: What will you do if you run out of food?
Mary: There are a lot of small stores at the entrance
to the camping site. I am sure we will find something
to eat and drink.
8. Reading
You can also find similar brochures describing camp
sites or national parks in your own country. If it’s
possible, bring them to the class, or at least find
pictures of them, to show them to your students.
Let them read the text and help them with unknown
vocabulary while they are doing the task. Give them
some time to study the questions to find answers
while reading.
You can also discuss what kind of information
should be included in these kinds of brochures.
a) There are 13 campsites.
b) The park is open all year long. You can
go camping anytime you want.
c) You will pay 10 to 23 dollars per night.
9. Writing
At the end of the module, students are expected
to reflect what they have learned so far using
vocabulary considering weather, the food, their
companions and activities.
1. allow her to go
2. want to go
3. to buy
4. warned me not to drive
5. to be
1. Do you want me to lend you some money?
2. I want you to know the truth.
3. He offered to carry her bag.
4. She refused to tell him her name.
5. My brother promised to help me with my
1. suggested going
2. finished cleaning
3. considered going
4. admitted stealing
5. enjoy talking
1. stopping
2. paying
3. going
4. going
5. going
Unit 7 The World Around Us communication. Give your students some time to
7.1 Technology “get in the role” and study the Useful Language Box
1. To Begin to get hints. Explain the scenarios to your students
Draw your students’ attention to the picture and and help them with unknown vocabulary.
let them discuss the questions. As the name of the
module suggests, try to find any kind of related 5. Listening
material that you can bring to class such as new Tell your students that they will listen to a radio
technological devices, tablets, new kindles, selfie program hosting an interior designer talking about
sticks and augmented reality glasses. the latest technological developments in houses.
Give your students some time to read the sentences
2. What’s the word? and guess whether they are true of false. Then let
Students are expected to learn the target vocabulary. them listen to the transcript to check their guesses.
You may devise vocabulary games and encourage Answers:
them to use the new words in their own sentences. 1. T
Let them match the pictures to the sentences 2. T
describing them. 3. T
Answers: 1, 4, 2, 5, 3 4. T
5. T
3. Reading 6. F
Ask your students if they are familiar with the term 7. F
“e-readers” and introduce it. Tell your students that
they will read a text about e- readers. Give them 6. Reading
some time to study the questions to find the answers This exercise introduces an instruction manual for
while reading. a technological device. Encourage your students to
Help them with unknown vocabulary. Then let them read the text quietly first to find the answers of the
read out the text. You can also encourage them to questions. Then let them share their answers with the
paraphrase the text using their own words. class. It is also a good idea to bring a few examples
Answers: of instruction manuals belonging to different devices
1. Advantages: E-readers are convenient and give us to examine the basic and common information found
access to almost limitless reading material. Because in them.
we can store over 1000 books in it.
Disadvantages: They are not cheap. If the charge 7. Talking Point
expires you cannot use them. You need to charge Explain the scenario to your students and give them
them. It can be difficult to read them in bright some time to study Useful Language Box to get hints
sunlight. while preparing what questions they will ask.
2. One of the advantages of having an e-reader is They are doing a research on cell phone use among
that you can have instant access to all the books that young people.
you want to read. You can pay and download many Sample questions:
books online. However, book lovers want to have When did you get your first phone? How often do
bookshelves to display their books and to add new you use your phone?
books to their collection. Thus, having an e-reader is Have you ever left your phone at home? How was
something mechanical. your day?
3. No, I don’t have an e-reader and I don’t want to
buy one.
4. Talking Point
Role plays are instrumental in letting students
practice the language which develops their speaking
skills by providing instances of meaningful
7. Speaking
Role plays are instrumental in letting students
practice the language which develops their speaking
skills by providing instances of meaningful
Explain the scenario to your students and make sure
that they understand what is expected of them. Help
them with unknown vocabulary.
Give your students some time to “get in the role”
and to study the Useful Language Box to get hints
where preparing.
8. Writing
As an extension of the previous activity, students are
expected to complete an e-mail that describes what
happened before they were rescued.
1. would be / lost
2. sold / wouldn’t get
3. would happen / pushed
4. did / would feel
5. walked / would be
1. knew
2. wouldn’t buy
3. lived
4. would taste
5. wouldn’t be
1. found
2. wasn’t
3. rings
4. were
5. is
Unit 8 The People Around Us B: Don’t tell me that you’re not coming!
8.1 Colleagues A: No, I am still on for tonight, but can we meet at
1. To Begin 9.30 pm at the restaurant?
Draw your students’ attention to the picture B: Sure, no problem!
and let them discuss the questions. As the name A: Thank you. Then I’ll see you tonight. B: See you
of the module suggests, try to find any kind of soon.
related material that you can bring to class such
as stereotypes in the work place, different types of 5. Reading
friends and levels of relationships (acquaintances, Give your students some time to read the story
colleagues, close friends, family members etc.) and help them with unknown vocabulary. Then
encourage them to paraphrase the story. You may
2. What’s the word? ask them if they have ever experienced a similar
Students are expected to learn the target vocabulary. situation and what their reaction was.
You may devise vocabulary games and encourage Students are expected to find ways of apologizing.
them to use the new words in their own sentences. You can give them a few examples:
Answers: I am sorry for
1=e 2=d 3=b 4=a 5=c What I did was utterly wrong It was rude of me to
I do apologize for
3. Listening I must apologize for
Tell your students that they will listen to three I’d like to apologize for I’m ashamed of
messages left on Anna’s answering machine. Please, forgive me for Excuse me for
They are expected to complete the table with the I’m terribly sorry for
details of these messages. Please, accept my sincere apologies for
Let your students write an e-mail to Mr. Miller to
Message From Relationship
Subject apologize to him.
with Anna
of tomorrow’s Sample e-mail:
1. Belinda Colleague dinner plans Dear Mr. Miller,
I can’t express how sorry I am for sending you
an unkind e-mail. I do apologize for my rude
Approval of a remarks. I’m terribly sorry. Please accept my sincere
2. Brian Colleague proposal and apologies. I am feeling so embarrassed right now.
meeting I hope you will forgive me and give me another
chance to work with you. I will do anything to make
Breakfast up for my mistake.
3. Bill Colleague/ meeting with
new clients
Plant Boss Kind regards,
Janie Carlson
1. Belinda said that she would meet her outside
the bank at eight. 6. Talking Point
2. Brian said that Mr. Plant liked their proposal. As an extension of the previous activity, students
3. Bill Plant said that he needed Anna in a are expected to talk about what happened in the
breakfast meeting with some new clients. interview and sending an unfortunate e-mail
afterwards. Let them study the Useful Language Box
4. Talking Point to get hints while preparing for the role. Encourage
Sample conversation: them to express their feelings while narrating the
A: Hi, Belinda. It’s me, Anna. B: Oh, hello Anna. story. Moreover, they need to ask for advice from
A: I’ve received your message. their friends.
Country Custom Meaning You may also let your students discuss if they can
think of another unusual wedding venues. You can
Parents The groom
encourage them to look for such places and people
feed the will then be
Sudan who share their lives by social networking sites.
bride spicy responsible
(i.e. an American couple Cheetah Platt and Rhiann
chicken. for feeding
Panama 5. Reading
The groom The groom
Tell your students that they will read three dialogs
gives the will support
about attending Geoff’s and Angel’s wedding
bride a his new
ceremony. Give your students some time to study the
gift of 13 bride.
questions to find the answers while reading.
gold coins.
1. Sue wants Mary to lend her 800 dollars to
England get tickets to Hawaii.
The bride The person
2. Yes, she will. Because Sue calls Angel and
tosses the who catches
tells her that she is coming to her wedding.
bouquet. it will be the
3. Because it will be her first time going
next person
somewhere on her own.
to marry.
4. Angels promises Sue that she will look after her.
The bride They will
6. Speaking
and groom have bad
Indonesia/Malaysia cannot use Role plays are instrumental in letting students
luck if they
practice the language which develops their speaking
the bathroom don’t follow
skills by providing instances of meaningful
for 3 days. the custom.
communication. Give your students some time to
“get in the role” and to study the Useful Language
The groom They will
China Box to get hints. Explain them the situations and
shoots three love and
help them with unknown vocabulary.
arrows at his live together
bride. forever.
Sample dialog:
4. Reading A: Sarah, I have good news!
Tell your students that they will read a newspaper B: Oh! Come on tell me!
article announcing a couple’s wedding. Give them A: We have finally found the perfect place for the
some time to read the text quietly, and then read out guests.
loud in class. You can check their understanding by B: That’s fantastic! Where is it?
asking basic comprehension questions. A: It’s near the beach. It’s very close to the place
where the ceremony takes place.
For instance: B: Nobody will get lost! What kind of a hotel is it?
1. When are they going to celebrate their wedding? A: It’s a five star hotel with a beautiful beach and
2. Where will they celebrate their wedding? garden.
Where will the ceremony take place? B: Five star huh? It must be very luxurious.
3. What’s unusual about the place? A: Yes, it has excellent facilities such as a sauna and
Is it a normal place to celebrate wedding? spa, a sports complex and water sports.
4. How many volcanoes are there in Hawaii? B: Do they serve meals?
5. Is Kilauea an active volcano? A: Of course! They have a great variety of cuisines.
B: What if I don’t like the food?
A: Then you can order something from hotel’s cafe.
7. Writing
You may also change this activity to a game. Let
your students form into groups of four. Each group
will be responsible for writing their own task:
1. Group: the current situation and future wishes
2. Group: short term goals (what has been done
so far to reach the goals)
3. Group: long term goals (the desired situation)
1. The doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days.
2. I told him not to shout.
3. She begged me not to tell anyone what happened.
4. She asked me to slow down.
5. He told us to harry up.
1. told
2. told
3. told
4. told
5. said
1. I’ll take a taxi.
2. I’ll pay you back.
3. I’ll have
4. I’ll stay
5. I’ll show
1. think she’ll like it?
2. do you think it will cost?
3. you think they will get married?
4. you think it will rain?
5. do you think it will finish?
Exercise 2: Exercise 3:
1. Lauren used to be a student, but now she works Subject questions:
in a school. 1. Who ate the hamburger?
2. Lauren used to be poor, but now she has 2. What happened?
enough money. 3. Who lost the keys?
3. She used to live with her parents, but now Object questions:
she lives alone. 4. What did Florence do?
4. She used to play volleyball, but now 5. Who did Kenneth write to?
she doesn’t do any sports. 6. Who did Ben talk to?
5. She used to have brown hair, but now she has
red hair. 3.2 Have You Heard?
6. She used to live in Ankara, but now she lives Exercise 1:
in Bursa. * There are no right or wrong answers to this
exercise. These are just example answers.
Exercise 3: Man Struck by Lightning in his own Garden
1) Larry used to work on his father’s farm when
he was a child. Arthur Derwent went outside on a stormy
2) He used to love the farm, and the animals. afternoon to bring his dog in from the rain. He
3) But then his father sold the farm, suddenly saw a bright light, heard a loud noise,
4) and Larry felt very sad. and then everything went black.
5) Larry decided to buy a pet, A while later, he woke up in his living room.
6) because he missed seeing the animals. His wife was by his side. His head hurt and he
7) He couldn’t decide what pet to buy, noticed the bottoms of his shoes were melted.
8) and he used to spend hours thinking about it. He didn’t know why they were melted.
9) In the end, he didn’t have to make a decision, The doctor arrived. He told Arthur he was
10) because his father bought him a dog for struck by lightning. Arthur couldn’t believe it.
his birthday. Larry was happy again! He knew he was lucky to be alive.
He rested at home, and finally returned to work
Unit 3 Tell Me The News a few weeks later. He still suffers from headaches
3.1 Small Ads and dizziness from time to time. He never goes
Exercise 1: outside in stormy weather.
1. Who writes the news? S
2. Who posted the letters? S Exercise 2:
3. Who did she post the letters to? O 1. He said goodbye before he left the building.
5. Who did she give the news to? O 2. The letter arrived at the house 5 days later.
6. What are you doing? O 3. The storm finally stopped.
7. What is your hobby? O 4. He ate his meal, then left the restaurant a
8. Who loves Lauren? S while later.
9. Who does Lauren love? O 5. After five years, he finally asked her to marry him.
10. What did he say? O 6. Brian washed his car before leaving for work.
Exercise 2: Exercise 3:
* There are no right or wrong answers to this 1. The police are still interviewing the eye witnesses.
exercise. These are just example answers. 2. Fortunately, the neighbors called emergency
1. Who sold his car? (Subject) services as soon as they saw the fire.
2. Why did he sell his car? (Object) 3. The reporter from the local TV station was the
3. When did he buy the newspaper? (Object) first to arrive on the scene.
4. Who rang Charles? (Subject) 4. The incident happened at 6 o’clock yesterday
5. When did Alan arrive? (Object) morning.
Exercise 2: Exercise 2:
Bare Comparative Bare Comparative 1. Take the day off and have a rest Charlie.
Infinitive Adjective Infinitive Adjective You shouldn’t work so hard.
2. Suddenly, I woke up because my mobile
peaceful more big bigger
phone rang loudly.
peaceful 3. What an interesting idea you have!
relaxing more far furthest 4. Thanks to Jane, they arrived home safely.
relaxing 5. Peter drove fast, so he won the race in Brighton.
good better complicated more 6. They messed things up completely.
complicated 7. Yes, that was a quick answer!
reliable more reliable cheap cheaper 8. Don’t worry sweetheart, everything is going
very smoothly.
fast faster clean cleaner
Bad worse comfortable more Exercise 3:
comfortable 1. a) Why did you charge me £3.50 more?
old elder friendly friendlier 2. b) Does this train have first-class seats?
3. b) Do I have to change trains anywhere?
Exercise 4: 4. b) Does the bus stop anywhere before the
1. 3 star hotels are not as luxurious as 5 star hotels. bus station?
2. Mr. Jones is not as friendly as my old boss. 5. b) Are there any buses going to Moss Side today?
3. The new airlines is as reliable as Turkish airlines. 6. b) Do trains to Paris leave from this station?
4. Is the new tram as uncomfortable as the old tram?
5. Are you as clever as your sister? Unit 5 International Travel
6. The art gallery is as fascinating as the 5.1 Getting Ready
history museum. Exercise 1:
7. He is as hardworking as his sister.
8. Is your phone as good as my phone? Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle
9. This hotel is not as comfortable as the other hotel. be was/were been
10. Are buses as reliable as trains? begin began begun
catch caught caught
4.4 Public Transportation do did done
Exercise 1: eat ate eaten
hear heard heard
Adjective Adverb
know knew known
accident accidently
learn learned learned
annual annually
let let let
careful carefully
see saw seen
correct correctly
show showed shown
curious curiously
steal stole stolen
deliberate deliberately
take took taken
easy easily
teach taught taught
fast fast
wear wore worn
fortunate fortunately
write wrote written
honest honestly
good well
loud loudly
hard hard
late late
daily daily
terrible terribly
Exercise 3: Exercise 2:
1. gone *There are no right or wrong answers to this
2. been exercise. These are just example answers.
3. gone 1. I want to go to the cinema this evening.
4. gone 2. It’s interesting to see where you live.
5. been 3. I am going home to do the housework.
6. been 4. I promise to love you forever.
7. been 5. I agreed to sell the car to him.
8. gone 6. I decided to go to Spain on vacation.
7. It’s lovely to meet you at last.
Unit 6 Health And Safety 8. I was crazy to sell my guitar.
6.1 Safety At Home
Exercise 1: Exercise 3:
1. One million smoke alarms are made every year. 1. I take vitamin supplements every day in
2. Fire is frequently caused by carelessness. order to prevent illnesses.
3. Seven hundred children are injured by fire 2. I often use natural remedies to treat
every year. minor illnesses.
4. Free fire prevention seminars are given at the 3. I only visit the GP when I am seriously ill.
City Hall every month. 4. I think doctors should give more information
5. Hundreds of injuries are prevented by the use about preventative medicine to their patients.
of smoke alarms. 5. You should eat lots of citrus fruits to avoid
vitamin C deficiency.
Exercise 2:
1. The house was damaged in the fire. 6.3 Ask Your GP
2. The police were called too late. Exercise 1:
3. Mr. Jones was bitten several times by the dog. 1. Living in the capital is very exciting.
4. The neighbors were told not to leave. 2. Playing soccer is my life.
5. A lot of money was found at the scene of 3. Seeing you makes me very happy.
the crime. 4. Eating fast food is bad for your health.
5. Working for this company is very difficult.
Exercise 3:
1. Yesterday’s accident was caused by the Exercise 2:
truck driver. 1. Joseph loves playing with his younger brother.
2. Johnnie was taken home by his mom. 2. We always enjoy inviting visitors to dinner.
3. The picture was painted by Shirley Greene. 3. Mr. Johnson can’t stand getting up early in
the mornings.
6.2 Keeping Healthy 4. I don’t like taking tablets for anything.
Exercise 1: 5. I dislike waiting in the doctor’s waiting room.
1. I promise to help you this evening. 6. She doesn’t mind working hard, because
2. It’s nice to see you again. she needs the money.
3. You were crazy to leave your job.
4. She agreed to go to the gym with me.
5. She went to the library to study.
Exercise 3: Exercise 3:
* There are no right or wrong answers to this 1. If you come home early,
exercise. These are just example answers. I’ll make you your favorite meal.
1. Last night I finished reading The Lord of 2. If we don’t see each other this evening, we’ll
the Rings. see each other tomorrow evening.
2. When I am on holiday, I always miss seeing 3. If Ken doesn’t come, I’ll not be surprised.
my friends. 4. If it doesn’t stop raining, we will not have a
3. My best friend suggested going on picnic today.
holiday together. 5. If I don’t go to bed early tonight,
4. Do you mind helping me with my homework? I’ll be tired tomorrow.
5. Please stop talking! You never stop!
Unit 7 The World Around Us
Exercise 4: 7.1 Technology
1. She is worried about telling her mum the truth Exercise 1:
2. I am interested in learning a foreign language. 1. The man who I am looking at is my dad.
3. Is she really afraid of flying? 2. The hotel where I stayed was very expensive
4. James is very good at doing crosswords. 3. The instructions that you gave to me were
5. I am very happy about getting the job. not very good.
4. The film which/that I watched was hilarious.
6.4 Out & About 5. The place where I visited was very interesting.
Exercise 1: 6. The lady who is very tall is a model.
* There are no right or wrong answers to this
exercise. These are just example answers. Exercise 2:
1. If you are not careful, you will have an accident. 1. The mobile is new. It can do everything.
2. If you come on holiday with us, we will have The mobile that is new can do everything.
a wonderful time. 2. I bought a new TV. It has very high quality sound.
3. If it stops raining this afternoon, The new TV which I bought has excellent sound.
I’ll go to the park. 3. I was born in this house. It is very old.
4. If my friend comes to visit, I’ll take her to The house where I was born is very old.
the beach. 4. My neighbor is ill. He is in hospital
5. If I go camping, I will take my Swiss army knife. My neighbor who is ill is in hospital.
5. The man sold me a phone. He was very rude.
Exercise 2: The man who sold me a phone was very rude.
* There are no right or wrong answers to this 6. You bought a book for me. Where is it?
exercise. These are just example answers. Where is the book that you bought for me?
1. What will you do if you get sick? 7. I bought a pen yesterday. It writes very well.
I’ll call you, mom. The pen that I bought yesterday writes very well.
2. What will you do if there are a lot of insects? 8. The man won a prize. He is my brother.
I’ll take lots of insect repellant. The man who won a prize is my brother.
3. What will you do if it rains all the time? 9. Lilian lives in a house. It has a big garden.
I’ll come home early. The house that Lilian lives in has a big garden.
4. What will you do if you don’t like the place? 10. This girl won the race. Her name is Jennifer.
I’ll find another campsite. The girl who won the race is called Jennifer.
5. What will you do if your phone doesn’t work?
I’ll borrow my friend’s phone.
7.2 Our Wonderful World 5. The birds were singing, the sun was shining.
Exercise 1: 6. Where were you going at 7 o’clock this morning?
1. If I had more time, I would start a new hobby.
2. If you gave me a pay rise, I would go on vacation. Exercise 3:
3. If she worked hard, she would earn more money. 1. He was not at home when I arrived home.
4. I he asked me to marry him, I would say ‘yes.’ 2. Where were you going when I saw you early
5. If I learned French, I would visit France. this morning?
3. What were you doing in the woods at
Exercise 2: 8 o’clock last night?
1. If I won the lottery, I would buy a new car. 4. The young boy did not like the dark,
2. If I could speak Chinese, I would go to China. so he ran home.
3. If she asked (me) for help, I would help her. 5. No, I was not working at this time
4. If it stopped raining, I would go out. yesterday morning.
5. If you could sing, you could enter the
talent competition. 7.4 Extreme Weather
Exercise 1:
Exercise 3: 1. The roads are too dangerous today.
* There are no right or wrong answers to this 2. There isn’t enough gas in the car.
exercise. These are just example answers. 3. Was he running fast enough to win the race?
1. If I went abroad, I would go to Egypt. 4. He was too qualified for this job.
2. If I found a boyfriend, I would be very happy. 5. There aren’t enough police on the streets.
3. If she could speak Russian, she would easily 6. I don’t have enough money to buy this coat.
get a job in tourism.
4. If I could drive, I would drive everywhere. Exercise 2:
5. If I could sing you a song, I would sing 1. There weren’t enough soldiers to win the war.
‘My Way’ by Frank Sinatra. 2. I didn’t have enough money to go on holiday.
6. If I could cook a meal for you, 3. You are too shy to be a teacher.
I would make a curry. 4. She is too young to go to university.
5. He isn’t tall enough to be a policeman
7.3 Myths & Legends
Exercise 1: Exercise 3:
* There are no right or wrong answers to this 1. The weather wasn’t warm enough to go on
exercise. These are just example answers. a picnic yesterday.
1. If I won the lottery, I would go on a long holiday. 2. He isn’t handsome enough to be an actor.
2. If I study more, I will speak English very well. 3. I can’t drink this coffee. It is too sweet.
3. If I go out on Friday night, I will go for a meal. 4. Your hands are not clean enough. Go and
4. If I could go anywhere on holiday, wash them again!
I would go to Spain. 5. You are too slow. Hurry up!
5. I saw an alien, I would scream.
Unit 8 The People Around Us
Exercise 2: 8.1 Work Colleagues
1. As I was walking through the woods, suddenly Exercise 1:
a creature ran in front of me. 1.’I will buy the bread for dinner, ‘said Lucy.
2. The first thing that I saw when I got home 2.’I am going to the theatre with Sam,’ said Ben.
was you. 3. Sylvie said, ‘I am very excited.’
3. While he was playing on the computer, 4.’Everyone can go home early,’ said the boss.
his sister was walking the dog. 5.’I play volleyball on Friday evenings,’ she said.
4. Did you hear the sound that was coming from
the cave?