Fast Nuces Entry Test Materials
Fast Nuces Entry Test Materials
Fast Nuces Entry Test Materials
The test will be presented to you consisting of total 4 sections
o 1) Advance Mathematics
o 2) Basic Math
o 3) IQ and logical reasoning
o 4) English
There will be total 120 MCQ’s questions and total marks will be 100.
o 50 MCQ’s of Advance Math
o 20 MCQ’s of Basic Math
o 20 MCQ’s of IQ and logical reasoning
o 30 MCQ’s of English
You will have total 120 minutes (i.e. 2 hours) to solve the paper.
As the test is computerized, each section (subject) will be given a specific time slot for
you to solve it (depending on no. of MCQ’s in each section = time given in minutes for
that section).
You have to solve all the questions of a section at the given time (shown on timer) For
example. You will be given 50 mins to solve the Advance Mathematics section. You
need to complete this section before the timer is up. (Completing) doesn’t mean that
you have to attempt all the questions, including the one’s you are not sure about. We
will come to that later in this part in detail.
REMEMBER you can’t shift between different sections at any time. Means if somehow
you have completed your Advance Math portion and time is up (50 mins+). Then you
will be directed by the computer to another section (i.e. Basic Math), now you can’t go
back to your Advance Math section in the whole paper duration!
This also lead us to a conclusion that the computer will assign you sections on its own
choice, most probably your 1st section will be of Advance Math, after that it can be
either English, Basic Math or IQ. So, be prepared mentally for each section and adjust
your time thoroughly.
TIME MANAGEMENT IS CRUCIAL! You can see that you will be given almost 1 min to
solve each question. So, don’t waste much time on questions which you are not sure
you can solve it, just leave it (un-attempted). If the question requires some calculations
and you know that you can solve it under 2 mins then go for it while manage your time
on the rest of the questions. (Work Smartly!)
Each MCQ of Advance, Basic Math, and IQ will be of 1 mark, while each MCQ of English
portion will be of 0.33 mark (0.33 x 30 = 10 marks). So, 50 (Adv. Math) + 20 (Basic Math)
+ 20 (IQ) + 10 (English) = 100 marks
For example. In Adv. Math portion you attempted 50/50 questions. 35 of these answers
were correct (You have got 35 marks) but also remember 15 of your attempted mcq’s
were wrong so that means (0.25 x 15 = 3.75 marks) This 3.75 marks will now be
deducted from your Score on correct answer. So, 35-3.75 = 31.25 marks. These are the
total marks you have scored in Adv. Math portion.
Conclusion, attempt only those questions which you are sure about, leave those un-
attempted which you are not sure about, because negative marking will be quite hurtful
to your objected score. So, please be cautious about that!
You can do these topics from the playlist given below by respected Sir
Hashim Zia on YouTube:
And you should practice MCQs related to these topics from either KIPS ECAT BOOK
or ANEES HUSSAIN ECAT BOOK. Both quite beneficial
Best YouTube Playlist from where you can cover these topics:
English Portion:
Topic are:
1) Tenses
2) Correcting the structure of sentences like if a quotation is said then place quotation
mark option, just like that pick the correct option. Very Easy
3) Summarizing a passage into a single sentence
4) From given passage find the answer of any specific question, simple and easy.
5) Synonyms of words (difficulty moderate)
6) Antonym of words (difficulty easy)
There’s not a specific source for practicing this portion. It will be easy if you just know the basic
structure of sentences and tenses, read passage attentively it will be all good. For synonym and
antonym don’t worry, they will be moderately easy. You can do past paper questions for
English, they will be more than enough.
Best of Luck.
About Me:
Salam Alaikum, my name is Muhammad Shariq Nadeem and I am currently doing BSCS from
Fast Nuces Karachi. I secured my admission in the year 2022. During my university enrollment
period I realize the difficulties and doubts with which a student passes by, especially regarding
the entry test preparation. I hope that this resource will be beneficial to all the students looking
to secure a seat in Fast University.
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