The Effects of Reward System On Employee Performance
The Effects of Reward System On Employee Performance
The Effects of Reward System On Employee Performance
*Corresponding Author
Reward system which consists of financial rewards and non-financial rewards has become essential
to an organization in managing employees' performance. Motivated employees can be a significant
factor in organizational success. When employees are motivated to work at higher levels of
productivity, the organization as a whole will run more efficiently and is more effective at reaching its
goals. Literature review of the previous studies has proven that a reward system can motivate and
subsequently increase employees' performance. Reward system comes in many forms, for example,
intrinsic rewards and extrinsic rewards. Thus, the organization must critically understand what types
of reward system can motivate the employee to perform well in their job. The purpose of this research
is to investigate the effects of a reward system in an organization on employee performance. The
variable tested in this study includes salary, bonuses, appreciation and medical benefits. This study
adopted a quantitative approach where 132 sets of questionnaires were distributed to the participants
selected using convenience sampling. Data were then analyzed using SPSS software and a few
analyses were carried out such as correlations analysis and regression analysis. The results show that
all variables have a significant impact on employees' performance. The results of this study can be
used by the organization to improve its reward system and to ensure it could help in increasing the
employees' performance.
Reward system is essential to the organization as it has become important in managing employee's
performance. Over the last 25 years, other elements in compensation have evolved to provide
employers with a broad scope of reward, and thus, it motivates the employees. The reward systems
are directly and indirectly involved in the vision and mission of the organization that gives sense to
the employee that a reward system will benefit both parties. A study conducted by Latham (2012) to
motivate and keep the employees motivated is an essential part of human resources and management
within organizations. Reward systems have a huge impact on organizations to retain and motivate the
employees and as a result of achieving high levels of performance (Barber and Bretz, 2000). Thus,
organizations must develop programs such as reward systems to fulfil employees' needs and motivate
them to work.
Most organizations have problems to decide the right reward systems and which reward system suit
the most for the employees. A properly administered system of rewards can provide good quality of
employee performance. If the organization does not have a proper reward system, it will lead to
problems such as low employee morale, the unproductive performance of the employees, or it can
lead to high turnover rate among employee (Wilson, 2004). Edward and Christopher (2006) have
mentioned that most of the employees are not automatically will come to work, continue to work or
work hard for the organization. A recent study by Anitha (2013) defined employee performance as an
indicator of financial or other outcomes of the employee that has a direct connection with the
performance of the organization as well as its achievement. The organization needs employees with
high performance to meet goals, deliver products and services and to achieve competitive advantage
in the market (Ojeleye, 2016). Performance is very crucial same as to reward system because when
employees achieve their high level of performance, they want an adequate reward in return. If they
cannot achieve the goals and show low performance in the organization, it will result in dissatisfaction
(Ojeleye, 2016).
A motivated person will result in a good performance as the employees know there is a reward
waiting at the end of every month. Reward systems have a huge impact on organizations to retain and
motivate the employees and as a result of achieving high levels of performance (Barber and Bretz,
2000). Forsooth, reward strategy and systems are competitive tools that can make employee show
good performance and motivated them to work in the organization. Since the 1980s, developing
countries such as United State and China have done many research and studies on a reward system
(Edward and Christopher, 2006; Lee and Wong, 2006; Paul, 1981; Sarin and Mahajan, 2001).
However, few researchers have started to focus their study on the reward system in Malaysia.
Therefore, this research aims to study the types of reward systems that can affect employees’
performance in an organization in Malaysia.
Employee Performance
Nurul Asyiqin Noorazem, Sabiroh Md Sabri, Eliy Nazira Mat Nazir
Jurnal Intelek Vol. 16, Issue 1 (Feb) 2021
Salary is defined as a fixed amount paid to the employees at regular intervals for their
performance and productivity in a day (Surbhi, 2015). It is also the main mechanism for the
organization to reward employees but very less exposure to how does it work in the reward system. In
order to understand how salary can change the performance of an employee, the organization must
understand their preferences in a reward system. Therefore, the salary issue is very challenging for the
managers to handle and they should work hard at communicating with performance and financial
reward connection (Lawler, 1988: 68 - 71). According to Umar (2012), salary or wages has become
important that works as an effective tool in increasing employee performance. He also added that
allowances are not influenced by employee performance except for the salary. A previous study by
Kanzunnudin (2007) indicated that every organization must determine and decide the amount of
salary of the employees that align with the needs of their life. An effective wage strategy is expected
to contribute on the viability of the unit of work, the realization of the vision and mission, as well
as for the achievement of the targets of work (Umar, 2012).
Bonus, as defined by Heathfield (2016), is the compensation over and exceeding the amount
of pay that the employees received as a base salary or hourly rate of pay. Bonus plans are one of
important part in reward systems. This is because a bonus that will be given to the employees will be
based on their current performance in the organization. According to Bardot (2014) bonuses is a
payment where the employees should not be expected to receive as it is commonly discretionary or
backwards-looking. However, it can be considered as an extra amount of money paid by the
organization when the employee performance is outstanding over the whole year. This bonus plan is
to enhance the performance and effectiveness of employees on their job. The payment of bonus is
commonly made at the end of the performance period that has been set up by an organization's
policies which is a year (Romanoff, 2008). He stressed that bonus is to reward an extraordinary effort
made by the employees throughout the year to motivate them and bonus also works as an incentive
that will encourage the employees to show outstanding performance compare to low performers in the
Appreciation is defined as meaningful and valuable to oneself (Sansone and Sansone, 2010).
There are many definitions of gratitude that has been defined by scholars and views on the
relationship between gratitude and appreciation. However, while agreeing to the relationship between
gratitude and appreciation, McCraty and Childre (2004) argued that appreciation does not contain
negative feelings. It is way from someone to thank others on their achievements. Moreover, McCraty
and Childre (2004) indicated that appreciation has an energetic quality that expressed an extraordinary
feeling of thankfulness from one person to another person. According to Fagley (2016), he argued that
appreciation is another aspect of appreciation under gratitude such as ritual and it considered as a
higher-order construct. Most of the employees truly appreciate an appreciation post or by saying a
simple "thank you" for their hard work in the organization. Apart from that, appreciation can be
classified into public thanks, the team thanks, private or verbal thanks and written thanks. These kinds
of appreciation will make them feel valued by the organization.
Medical Benefits
Health care benefits are defined as policies and programs for maintaining and improving
health (WHO, 1948) The way employees accept the health care benefits offered will affect their
Nurul Asyiqin Noorazem, Sabiroh Md Sabri, Eliy Nazira Mat Nazir
Jurnal Intelek Vol. 16, Issue 1 (Feb) 2021
satisfaction. Apart from that, an organization must not only pay for the health care premiums but must
be able to improve and take care of employee health. The productivity of employees will be at a loss
if the company is not willing to pay for employee health benefits. Thus, it will result in poor employee
health and affects their performance. A study conducted in other countries by Noe et al. (2015) stated
that the cost of benefits adds 44.5% to every dollar of payroll, accounting for 30,8% of the total
employee non-financial compensation package. When the cost of health care programs keeps on
increasing, it is very challenging to the organizations. Coggburn et al. (2012) explained organization
should be responsible to create less competitive wage structure for employees. In this global area,
health care benefits that cover all employees regardless they are healthy or disable are harder to find
due to it is costly.
According to Agburu (2017), salaries and wages are very significant and he also argued that
wages must show a few elements of equity instead of focusing on adequate wages. This is because an
adequate salary will provide satisfaction and enhance their performance in an organization. An
employee aims to earn income either in the form of financial or non-financial. Past studies by
Kanzunnudin (2007) indicated the amount of wages paid to the employee must be attainable to fulfil
their needs for daily life. Fringe benefits and nature of the working environment are the main factors
that influencing employee performance (Edirisooriya, 2014). A positive change in salary from the
employer such as salary increment or increasing the size of the current salary of the employee will
encourage them to improve their performance in the organization. A research conducted by
Edirisooriya (2014) showed that there is a strong positive relationship between employee performance
and financial rewards such as salary and wages.
Bonus is a payment that was not expected from the employees and the old line to some of the
organization (Bardot, 2014). The decision made to pay is either to a group of employees or a person.
The management needs to decide what criteria needed to reward the past achievements of the
employee. For instance, the employee reaches specific profit or achieve sales target for the
organization, and influence employees' behavior to achieve the objectives by providing an incentive
such as a bonus to define an incentive as a progressive plan for the employee. The incentive aims to
work towards the goals.
Another definition of bonus by scholar, it is defined as one payment made at the end of the
year to reward extraordinary employees who achieve organization goals (Romanoff, 2008). Most of
the bonus is a tangible reward such as cash. Despite there is a difference in bonuses and incentives,
both are designated to motivate employee. Some straightforwardly give the worker money. Rewards
based on execution against spending plan, quality or different norms might be utilized as prompt
money related motivating forces. According to William (2010), the board remunerates by rewards
have gotten prevalent in a few organizations as methods for furnishing representatives with a prompt
buster for a culmination of a venture or action. Most organizations utilize monetary pay intend to
motivate their workers. A previous study conducted by Hameed et. al (2014) and Sayuyigbe (2014)
showed that the result of reward such as bonus has positive and significant effect towards employee
Nurul Asyiqin Noorazem, Sabiroh Md Sabri, Eliy Nazira Mat Nazir
Jurnal Intelek Vol. 16, Issue 1 (Feb) 2021
An organization with positive aspirations could make accessible a system inside which
elevated levels of inspiration could be cultivated through non-monetary reward frameworks by the
arrangement of chances for learning and improvement (William, 2010). Appreciation is an expression
of someone to thank for extra effort done by the employee in an organization. According to William
(2010), the significant appreciation is to encourage the employees and to encourage others to do the
same. Appreciation can be done through formal or informal and it is an effective way that does not
have cost. However, an appreciation or gratitude should not be done or relying on a formal event
organized by the organization as it can create a border and unhelpful to maintain employee's
performance in the organization (Kouzes & Posner, 2017).
Porath, Gerbasi and Schorach (2015) argued that a sincere thank you from the employer will
create a good environment that will increase productivity in the organization and also improve social
network between the employer and employees. Feedback that into positive criticism is necessary for
employee’s development. It is significant to create a positive workplace culture. Positive feedback
also motivates employees to function as a member team (William, 2010). A study conducted by
Ozutku (2012) from the respondents from Turkish manufacturing firms showed a positive result of
non-financial rewards such as appreciation and has a significant effect on employee performance.
Knowing what affects employee satisfaction with health care benefits can provide sufficient
information that enables employers to make the right decisions about the workplace. A study
conducted by Hernandez and McDonald (2010) analyzed employee satisfaction as per specific
industry of health care and alongside with the expenses and benefits of individuals with and without
inabilities. They also stated that employers are more aware of people with disabilities and invest more
money in healthier people. Thus, this will give dissatisfaction to healthier workers if their health care
benefits are not equally compared to disabled people. Dulebohn, Molloy, Pichler, and Murrary (2009)
declared that employee benefits are among the "most relevant for remaining competitive in the labor
market" (p. 86). The medical cost is expensive, thus employees want organizations to understand their
financial burden by designing effective health care benefits. Previous research by Tanya (2013)
showed a positive result and health care benefit has a significant effect on employee performance.
Figure 1 below depicted the relationships between variable used in this study.
Nurul Asyiqin Noorazem, Sabiroh Md Sabri, Eliy Nazira Mat Nazir
Jurnal Intelek Vol. 16, Issue 1 (Feb) 2021
In this study, a quantitative research approach was adopted to identify the factors that influence
employees' performance. Data were collected using questionnaires from a group of respondents
consists of employees from McDonald's in Perlis and Penang region. The questions were structured in
a Likert-type scale ranging from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5). 6 items were intended to
determine demographic information like gender, age, race, education, experience and income. Four
independent variables were employed to try to determine the effects of reward system on employee
performance in the organization as it is compulsory benefits that they received for their performance
in the organization. It is really important to measure the amount of salary, bonuses, appreciation and
medical benefits that they received is adequate for living, fair with their workload and also meet their
satisfaction. Data collected was then analyzed using the SPSS version 22.0 software in measuring the
correlation between variables and regression analysis.
This study has answered all the research questions and research objectives of this study which main
focus was to examine the effect of salary, bonuses, appreciation and medical benefits (independent
variables) towards employees’ performance (dependent variable). Two tests were carried out, which
are the correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis, to determine the relationship between
variables and to determine the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. The
results of the analysis are presented below.
Correlation Analysis
The correlation analysis is to measure one to one relationship between the independent
variables and the dependent variable. The independent variables are salary, bonuses, appreciation, and
health care benefits and the dependent variable is employee performance. Coefficient values of +1, -1,
and 0 are being represented as a perfect positive relationship, a negative-positive relationship and no
relationship exists. Results from the analysis as presented in Table 1 below indicated a positive
correlation of (r= .360) between salary and employee performance. Even though it is a weak
correlation, but it is statistically significant at the level of (p= .070), indicating that there is a
Nurul Asyiqin Noorazem, Sabiroh Md Sabri, Eliy Nazira Mat Nazir
Jurnal Intelek Vol. 16, Issue 1 (Feb) 2021
statistically significant positive correlation between salary and employee performance. This result
means that within this population the salary received is associated to employee performance, that is,
the higher the employees were paid for their jobs, the tendency is to perform better in their jobs will
be improved. Next, the results indicated a positive correlation of (r= .624) between bonuses and
employee performance. It is a moderately positive correlation, and it is statistically significant at the
level of (p= .000), indicating that there is a statistically significant positive correlation between
bonuses and employee performance. This result means that within this population the bonuses play an
important part of compensation or rewards system to them where they would perform better if
bonuses were given to them after one year of service. Next, the results indicated a positive correlation
of (r= .530) between medical benefits and employee performance (table 1). It is a moderately positive
correlation, and it is statistically significant at the level of (p= .000), indicating that there is a
statistically significant positive correlation between medical benefits and employee performance. This
result means that within this population, they care about medical benefits offered to them as it is
expensive and harder to find a better offer of medical health provided by the organization.
Regression can be used to explore the relationship between dependent variable which is
employee performance and independent variables to ensure the appropriateness of the outputs from
the regression analysis, the assumption of multiple regression was tested by checking the
Standardized Coefficient Beta, Significant and R square.
Model Fit
The model summary in Table 2 below shows the result of R-value as a level of prediction of
the dependent variable which is employee performance. For this study, the result of R as shown in
Table 4.44 indicated that the level of prediction for this model is good and acceptable. The result for
R square is 0.569 shows that the independent variables and dependent variables were able to explain
56.9% of the variability of the dependent variable.
Nurul Asyiqin Noorazem, Sabiroh Md Sabri, Eliy Nazira Mat Nazir
Jurnal Intelek Vol. 16, Issue 1 (Feb) 2021
Statistical Analysis
In this study, the researcher used ANOVA test to test the overall regression is a good fit for
the data which indicate whether the model is a significant predictor of the outcome variable. Table 3
below shows the result of F (4,125) = 41.190, p<0.01 indicated the model was a significant predictor
of employee performance.
Standardized t Sig.
Unstandardized Coefficients
Model Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) -.176 .358 -.491 .624
meanS .130 .071 .123 1.824 .070
1 meanB .340 .083 .321 4.100 .000
meanA .347 .089 .278 3.895 .000
meanHC .194 .042 .303 4.674 .000
a. Dependent Variable: meanEP
Unstandardized coefficient shows that the dependent variable varies with an independent
variable when all other independent variables are held constant. For salary, the unstandardized
coefficient is equal to 0.130, this means one level of salary increase, there is an increase in employee
performance of 0.130 level. This is represented by the equation Y= 0.130x + C. Result also shows the
significant value of p=0.070, which shows that salary is not a significant factor that contributes to the
For bonuses, the unstandardized coefficient is equal to 0.340, this means one level of increase
in bonuses, there is an increase in employee performance of 0.340 level. This is represented by the
equation Y= 0.340x + C. Result also shows the significant value of p=0.00, which shows that bonuses
have a significant impact that contributes to the model.
Nurul Asyiqin Noorazem, Sabiroh Md Sabri, Eliy Nazira Mat Nazir
Jurnal Intelek Vol. 16, Issue 1 (Feb) 2021
For appreciation, the unstandardized coefficient is equal to 0.347, this means one level of
increase in bonuses, there is an increase in employee performance of 0.347 level. This is represented
by the equation Y= 0.347x + C. Result also shows the significant value of p=0.00, which shows that
appreciation is a significant factor that contributes to the model.
Lastly, for the medical health benefits, the unstandardized coefficient is equal to 0.194, this
means one level of increase in medical health benefits, there is an increase in employee performance
of 0.194 level. This is represented by the equation Y= 0.194x + C. Result also shows the significant
value of p=0.00, which shows that medical health benefits are a significant factor that contributes to
the model.
Based on the best result of significant, the result of significant should be p<0.01, then it can
be considered the items are accepted and signed between the two variables. Based on Table 4 shown
above, the result for the independent variable of salary is p=0.70. It clearly shows that salary is
insignificantly correlated to employee performance. The independent variable of bonuses shows that
the result is p=0.00, where bonuses are significantly correlated to employee performance. The
independent variable of appreciation, the result above shows the result of appreciation is p=0.00,
where it shows that appreciation is significantly directly correlated with employee performance. The
independent variable of health care benefits indicated that the result of health care benefits is p=0.00,
where it shows that health care benefits are significantly correlated to employee performance.
Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis testing is to determine accurately if the null hypothesis can be rejected in favor of
the alternate hypothesis. Therefore, Table 5 below shows the results of hypothesis testing.
H1: Salary has significant effect on employee
Fail to reject
H2: Bonuses has significant effect on employee
Fail to reject
H3: Appreciation has significant effect on employee
Fail to reject
H4: Health care benefits has significant effect on employee
Nurul Asyiqin Noorazem, Sabiroh Md Sabri, Eliy Nazira Mat Nazir
Jurnal Intelek Vol. 16, Issue 1 (Feb) 2021
Hypothesis 1
H1: There is an effect of the reward system for salary on employee performance. Based on the
regression analysis, the result showed (β=.130, p<0.70), indicated that salary has a negative
significant effect on employee performance. Therefore, the result shows for hypothesis 1 is rejected.
Hypothesis 2
H2: There is an effect of the reward system for bonuses on employee performance. Based on the
regression analysis, the result shows for bonuses is (β=.340, p<0.00), indicated that bonuses have a
positive significant effect on employee performance. Therefore, the result shows for hypothesis 2 is
Hypothesis 3
H3: There is an effect of the reward system for appreciation on employee performance. Based on the
regression analysis, the result indicated that appreciation has a positive significant effect on employee
performance where the beta value for appreciation is (β=.340, p<0.00). Therefore, the result showed
for hypothesis 3 is accepted.
Hypothesis 4
H4: There is an effect of the reward system for health care benefits on employee performance. Based
on the regression analysis, the result indicated that health care benefits have a positive significant
effect on employee performance where the beta value is (β=.194, p<0.00). Therefore, the result shows
for hypothesis 4 is accepted.
This research has provided an insight into the factor that affect reward systems on employee
performance at McDonald's in Perlis and Penang. The model used in this study allowed for an
analysis of the independent variables which are salary, bonuses, appreciations and health care
benefits. Moreover, the use of the regression analysis was particularly useful to determine the overall
fit of the model.
However, future research on the effects of reward system on employee performance could give a
brilliant idea to formulate, examine and establish a good research model that could provide a better
understanding of what kind of reward system that could increase employee's performance in the
organization other than independent variables tested in this research study. This is because there are
many types of a reward system in terms of financial and non-financial rewards that might have a huge
impact on employee performance as the employees tend to show their good performance when they
want salary increment, aim for the bonus at the end of the year, being recognized and appreciated by
the organization, or were provided with a good cover-up such as medical insurance or health care
benefits that could benefit them for a long time in the organization.
The authors wish to thank Faculty of Business and Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA. Perlis
Branch for their financial support in conducting this research.
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