Toshiba Xario
Toshiba Xario
Toshiba Xario
A Services Partner To s h i b a — A H i s t o r y
Yo u C a n C o u n t O n of Leadership
Toshiba has the expertise and resources
1875 • Founding of Toshiba
you need to manage the costs of healthcare
1915 • First X-ray Tube
without compromising its quality. 1973 • First Real-time Ultrasound Scanner
I n ner Vision ® Pl us 1978 • First Cardiac Ultrasound Scanner
Remote system diagnostics to catch problems before 1989 • First Helical CT Scanner
they interrupt the delivery of care 1990 • First Tissue Dyssynchrony Imaging System
I n Touch C enter ™
1993 • First One-million-pixel CCD
Centralized, 24x7 applications and services 1997 • First Open, Superconducting Magnet
support expertise
1997 • First Flash Echo Imaging
Te c hnica l Assistanc e 2000 • First All-digital Multipurpose X-ray System
Highly trained engineers are ready to service your
2002 • First 400 msec CT Scanner
Toshiba equipment on site
2003 • First 64-slice CT Scanner
I n Touch Agr eeme nts
2005 • Largest 90 cm Large Bore CT Scanner
Services support contracts tailored to your needs
2005 • First Compact Dual Plane Cath Lab with
Pa rts Suppor t Flat Panel Detectors
Delivering quality parts when and where you need 2007 • World’s First Dynamic Volume CT Scanner
them, 24x7, 365 days a year
ease of movement while streamlining workflow. Xario XG’s user interface enables
multiple operators.
accurate diagnosis.
Vo lume I ma g in g
Delivering detailed visualization of anatomy moving in real-time, Xario XG volumetric imaging adds a valuable
new dimension to diagnostic ultrasound, consisting of concise, continuously updated images that allow
optimization of scanning position to gather all necessary data in less time, therefore increasing throughput.
Single sweep acquisition phase – acquiring neonatal head Single sweep acquisition visualizing the pancreas.
with a intracranial bleed.
Endocavitary Transducer
Obstetric, gynecology
or prostate imaging.
Multiview Ima g in g Volume View Imaging
Xario XG provides the ability to view multi-dimensional images in any plane, similar to CT and MR. Volume With Xario XG's Volume View Imaging package, physicians can slice and dice the region of interest in any plane,
Imaging transducers automatically take a single sweep of the region of interest and allow the operator to measure volumes and recreate any view to obtain a thorough, more confident diagnosis.
select slice thickness (0.2 -10 mm slices), display coronal views and interrogate the data on or off the system.
Multiview of infant hip, 0.5 mm slice selected to give Multiview of 7-month-old neonatal head providing Volume View of breast fibroadenoma, depicting entire Volume View of dermoid cyst showing ability to slice
greater detail throughout the hip socket demonstrating added ability to follow and interrogate the bleed. volume of lesion. through the longitudinal, transverse or coronal plane.
normal hip anatomy.
Multiview of the pancreas using 0.5 mm slice enables Multiview of breast hematoma giving greater detail Volume View of neonatal head using the Niche View Volume View gives the ability to demonstrate these
evaluation of the entire pancreas in a longitudinal view. resolution to interrogate the benign lesion. enables the ability to further investigate the bleed. bladder mounds in longitudinal, transverse and coronal
planes a well as visualized as an entire volume.
Simply more intellig ent
for outstanding rad iology performance
A pliP ur e ™ +
ApliPure+ combines the advantages of spatial and frequency compounding, in transmission as well as recep-
tion, to supply ultrasound images of unsurpassed uniformity with detailed contrast resolution.
Hypoechoic breast lesion demonstrating outstanding image Thyroid nodule visualized with ApliPure+ in conjunction with
clarity and detail with ApliPure+ and Trapezoid Imaging. Panoramic View.
Advanced Dynamic Flow (ADF) demonstrating the true ADF reveals sensitive blood flow in spleen perfusion.
vessel lumen of the hepatic vein in the liver used in
conjunction with pulsed wave doppler.
Xario XG features unique, clinically proven technologies for unsurpassed Tissue H ar monic Imaging and P ulse S ubt r act ion ™
These innovative applications provide superior image quality in 2D applications, routine examinations and
image quality. A full range of imaging functions lets operators precisely difficult-to-scan patients.
Short axis view of the aortic valve using Pulse Superior detail resolution in the left ventricular long
Subtraction Harmonic Technology. axis view of the heart.
Left ventricular opacification using Pulse Subtraction Harmonic Tissue Doppler Imaging allows for superior
technology. doppler analysis.
calculations, and complex advanced applications in less time, with better clinical review, archive and share exams. With a wide range of networking and storage
information. The exceptionally high efficiency of the Xario XG comes from the functions, Xario XG integrates seamlessly into all clinical environments, improving
Intelligent Component Architecture (ICA), which enables individual system workflow and enhancing ease of use.
DVI interfaces for truly digital connection to external devices such as additional monitors
On e - To u c h Q u i c k S c a n iA S S IS T ™ wit h B luet oot h t echnolog y opt imizes wor kf low
Achieve greater workflow consistency with one-touch Quick Scan. With a The iASSIST remote puts innovation in the palm of your hand to streamline workflow processes with
push of a button, Quick Scan automatically optimizes 2D gain level and ease and efficiency. Enabled by intelligent component architecture, iASSIST utilizes Bluetooth® wireless
spectral doppler with acoustic precision while suppressing white noise in technology to seamlessly operate Xario XG from a distance without hardware modifications.
echo-weak regions.
Users define and activate exam protocols with the touch of a button — iASSIST automatically
handles the rest of the exam
BEFORE AFTER Routine and highly complex examinations can be reproduced over and over, using optimum
scanning conditions
User-defined protocols can be shared with other Xario XG systems for multicenter studies
Robust Bluetooth technology utilizes extremely fast, short-range radio links to operate in noisy
environments — connecting the user to the system without line-of-sight limitations
Aliasing spectral doppler without Quick Scan. One-touch optimization with pulse wave doppler.
Short axis of the left ventricle of the heart without One-touch optimization of the left ventricular short axis
Quick Scan. view of the heart.
For over 130 years, Toshiba
has led the world in developing technology to improve the quality of life. This Made for Life™ commitment is
reflected in our family of leading-edge imaging systems for MRI, CT, ultrasound, cath labs, X-ray and nuclear
medicine. From creating our first X-ray tube in 1915 to introducing the first dynamic volume CT scanner in
2007, Toshiba continues to build upon our legacy with technological innovation that improves patient care while
providing lasting quality for a lifetime of value.
A Services Partner To s h i b a — A H i s t o r y
Yo u C a n C o u n t O n of Leadership
Toshiba has the expertise and resources
1875 • Founding of Toshiba
you need to manage the costs of healthcare
1915 • First X-ray Tube
without compromising its quality. 1973 • First Real-time Ultrasound Scanner
I n ner Vision ® Pl us 1978 • First Cardiac Ultrasound Scanner
Remote system diagnostics to catch problems before 1989 • First Helical CT Scanner
they interrupt the delivery of care 1990 • First Tissue Dyssynchrony Imaging System
I n Touch C enter ™
1993 • First One-million-pixel CCD
Centralized, 24x7 applications and services 1997 • First Open, Superconducting Magnet
support expertise
1997 • First Flash Echo Imaging
Te c hnica l Assistanc e 2000 • First All-digital Multipurpose X-ray System
Highly trained engineers are ready to service your
2002 • First 400 msec CT Scanner
Toshiba equipment on site
2003 • First 64-slice CT Scanner
I n Touch Agr eeme nts
2005 • Largest 90 cm Large Bore CT Scanner
Services support contracts tailored to your needs
2005 • First Compact Dual Plane Cath Lab with
Pa rts Suppor t Flat Panel Detectors
Delivering quality parts when and where you need 2007 • World’s First Dynamic Volume CT Scanner
them, 24x7, 365 days a year