EMI Manual Practical 2
EMI Manual Practical 2
EMI Manual Practical 2
Objective: To study about half wave rectifier with and without filter.
Materials Required:
Function generator, Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO), 9-0-9 Transformer, Regulated DC power supply,
Bread Board, Resistance (1KΩ), Capacitor (10µF), Diode (1N4007), Connecting wires.
The conversion of AC into DC is called rectification. Electronic devices can convert AC power into DC
power with efficiency.
Half wave rectifier:
Find out VDC and Vrms by calculation and practically using formula for without filter as:
Vdc = Vp/ ᴫ and Vrms=Vm/2. And find out the Ripple factor (r) = = √( / ) 2-1
Find out Vrms and ripple factor (r) using formula for half wave rectifier with filter as:
Vrms= Vrp-p/2√3 and ripple factor (r) =1/ (2√3 f RLC), where Vrp-p is peak to peak ripple voltage.
Find out efficiency by formula (η) = (Vdc/Vac)2, where Vac is nothing but Vrms of half wave rectifier.
Block Diagram:
Circuit Diagram:
Half wave rectifier:
Calculation :
Theoretical calculation (without filter) :
Ripple factor = √(Vrms/Vdc)2-1=√(Vm/2/Vm/Π)2-1 = 1.21.
Effieiency = (Vdc/Vrms)2 = (Vm/Π/ Vm/2)2=0.405X100= 40.5%.
Experimental calculation (without filter):
Ripple factor = √(Vrms/Vdc)2-1 = √(14/11.2)2-1 =0.75
Efficiency = (Vdc/Vrms)2 = (11.2/14)2= 0.64X100 = 64%
Graph :
Trace the Input and Output waveform of half wave rectifier without and with filter observed in DSO.
Results: We have studied the half wave rectifier with filter and without filter and we found the
experimental value of ripple factor of half wave rectifier without filter and with filter and experimental value
of the efficiency of half wave rectifier without filter.
(a) Connections should be verified before clicking run button.
(b) Check the components before use.
(c) The resistance to be chosen should be in K ohm range.