D&D 5e - Bhuka and Dekanter Goblins

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Each phratry is responsible for protecting a relic of the

Bhuka Emergence, the time when the fi rst people came out from
"The bhukas are an offshoot of the goblinoid people and under the earth. For example, members of the Wokuhoo
claim to be descended from the first inhabitants of the world. (Moon Owl) phratry are the caretakers of the Talon, a relic of
They are consummate survivors of the waste, having a talent the bird that led their ancestors into the Upper World. They
for finding water and many physical adaptations that allow lead ceremonies commemorating that event and control
them to function in a harsh environment. Their culture imagery that appears in sacred art relating to it.
celebrates and preserves ancestral ways of living."
--- Elminster
Bhukas are slightly built, with sand-colored skin and brick-
red, tightly curled hair. They have little facial or body hair.
Their large ears, networked with veins, fold fl at against the
head to retain heat in the cold desert night and keep out
blowing sand. A frill of skin about the neck contains
numerous spines that can lift the frill and raise it for cooling.
The face of a bhuka is fl at, with slitlike nostrils protected by
fl aps of skin. A bhuka’s eyes have long lashes to keep out
sand and dust, and the skin surrounding them is darker than
the rest of the face, giving a bhuka the appearance of wearing
a mask. Bhukas have wide, splayed feet that help them move
easily over sand, and they do not wear shoes. Body paint is
used to signify social position and ranges from a simple
stripe on a low-ranking youth’s neck frill to an elaborate
pattern of spots, stripes, and whorls covering the arms and
upper body of a matriarch.
Meak and Uninteresting
From the beginning of their history, bhukas have been a
gentle people of whom others have taken advantage. When
the first people emerged from the Lower World, bhukas were
the last to choose their home and thus had to adapt to the
harsh waste. The cruder goblinoid races deride them as
weak, while the traditional enemies of goblins are more likely
to engage a bhuka on friendly terms. Warlike people of the
waste have driven bhukas away from fertile regions, forcing Hard Living
them into an ever-smaller and less hospitable territory. Yet
this form of exile is a source of strength for the bhukas, who Each bhuka village has a ceremonial pit, dug into a courtyard
take pride in their ability to flourish even under such or sacred cave and covered with a lid of painted hides. The
conditions. Bhukas are not cowards, push too hard, and they walls are carved with traditional symbols that depict the
reveal a toughness bred of burning sun and baked earth. The Emergence and subsequent migrations of the people, as well
bhuka people have a longstanding trade relationship with the as images of friendly spirits, important landmarks, and food
crucians (desert tortles), exchanging food, art objects, and animals and plants. The most solemn rituals take place in
dyes for tools and other worked items. these pits, which recall the dark world beneath the ground
from which the bhukas emerged. Outsiders are strictly
Phratries forbidden from entering sacred pits, and only adult members
Bhukas form extended family groups, called phratries, of the community participate in the rites. The village pit is
consisting of several clans related by origin. Each phratry also where coming-of-age rituals are held. Village festivals
claims ancestry from one couple who emerged from the celebrating the harvest, weddings, and changes of season
Lower World at the beginning of history and is responsible take place in the common area rather than the pit, and are
for maintaining a particular tradition of the people. Young occasions for feasting, song, and dance.
adults of a given phratry cannot marry within any of its clans, Farms surround each village. The arid climate and hard
which means they must wed someone from another village; earth of the waste makes agriculture a challenge, but bhukas
the new family may settle with either parent clan. Bhukas use traditional dry-farming techniques to grow their staple
inhabit adobe or sandstone dwellings built into and against foods of beans, sunf lowers, desert grasses, and corn. The
cliffs or dug into the upper levels of desert canyons. Each fields are not plowed. Instead, tough native vegetation holds
family has its own home, with a terrace built under it to allow the soil in place, with the crops planted in rows of deep holes.
drying of food, space for sitting and talking, and access to Sometimes, the village spring irrigates a terrace built below
other houses. The entrance to a house is well above ground the house entrances for growing small, tough melons that
level as a defense against invaders, access is by ladders or furnish both food and containers. Bhukas supplement their
rope lifts. A central spring provides water to the community. diet with wild plants such as cactus pads, fruits, and the meat
of small animals.
Bhuka Traits
Your bhuka character has the following racial traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases
by 2, and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. Bhuka reach adulthood at age 10 and live up to 80
Alignment. A complex system of community relationships
holds a bhuka village together. Respect for superiors and the
need to contribute to the common good is drilled into every
member of the society, and those who do not adhere become
outcasts. Bhuka society is lawful, with most individuals
tending toward good.
Size. A typical bhuka stands between 4 and 5 feet tall and
rarely weighs more than 90 pounds. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Desert Born. You're naturally adapted to hot climates, as
described in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.
Glare Resistance. Dark skin and long lashes around the
eyes protect bhukas from sun glare. You have advantage on
saving throws against the blinded condition.
Sure Feet. Bhukas have broad feat and splayed toes that
help them travel easily over sand and similar loose surfaces.
When you would fall into quicksand, you can make a DC 10
Dexterity saving throw. On a success, you do not fall into the
sand, and you can immediately move to the nearest
unoccupied safe space, if you have movement remaining.
You also have advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving
throws made against effects that would knock you prone.
Water Sense. You have the innate ability to detect a source
of drinkable water within a distance of 100 feet. To do so,
make a Wisdom (Survival) check. The DC depends on the
depth below ground of the water source, according to the
following table.
Water Depth Survival DC Bhuka Names
0 feet (on the surface) 10 Bhuka names are long and carry much meaning, but they
10 feet or less 12 retain the harsh syllables of the Goblin tongue. A typical
11-20 feet 14
bhuka has a given name, followed by the name of the
mother’s clan (preceded by kha, or “born of”), and the clan
21-40 feet 16 into which he or she has married (preceded by gi). Children
41-70 feet 18 receive a pet name until they come of age and choose a name
that describes their personality. Clans carry the name of a
71-100 feet 20 totem spirit or relic of the Emergence.
Male Names: Aghila’ak (Runs Like Lizard), Cochik’ukan
Languages. You can speak Common (if it exists in your (Eyes of Sunhawk), Gistik’uwa (High-KickDancer), Kotigana
campaign), and Goblin. (Ears of Hare), Niskigan (Snake Fang), Piklit’akit (Jumping
The bhukas do not have a literate society. All their lore is Mouse Grace), Takigini (Speaks with Force), Wikitagan
oral, supplemented by a rich library of symbols that adorn (Flight of Swallow).
both artistic and everyday objects. Their language is distantly Female Names: Chinkichu (Basket of Corn), Hintak’inai
related to Goblin, but the two tongues diverged so long ago (Painted Frill), Kekkoti (Little Ear), Lakinigo(Slow Smile),
that most other goblinoids cannot understand Bhuka. Namatagi’na (Sings with Paint), Stikuchi (Dancing Mother),
Takihoti (Speaks with Wisdom), Yukaki’na (Leader of Songs).
Clan Names: Chikuk (Sunhawk), Kekkinna (Ear of Corn),
Kichu (Basket), Niski (Rattlesnake), Pitlitak (Jumping Mouse),
Wiki’i (Swallow), Wokuhoo (Moon Owl).

For many generations, they dekanter had difficulty
Dekanter adapting to freedom. For a race born into slavery and created
"This rare species of goblinoid was once as belligerent and to serve, they did not know how to live. They soon devolved
agressive as an ogre. Nowadays, thanks to Guerre, they have into ignorant raiders and savages. That is until the rise of
reshaped the opinions of many against the goblinoids. Guerre, a dekanter revolutionary, who united the goblinoids
Impressive little creatures, they throw themselves into their and brought them under one banner.
work, and are as loyal as a pet rock." The dekanter have since become almost respectable
goblinoids. They have shed their brutal heritage and made
--- Gimble, Notes from a Treasure Hunter sincere efforts to better themselves morally and socially. In
more open-minded communities, the dekanter have earned a
The dekanter have changed much, and ventured far since place as capable artisans. In more rural areas with out-dated
their creation. Dekanters sprang forth from the abominable sensibilities, the dekanters are feared and misunderstood.
experiments performed by the Beast Lord, an illithid lich, or
alhoon. The Beast Lord operated upon many a goblin, Service Bands
eventually creating his masterpiece of the dekanters.
Dekanter goblins are somewhat larger than their Each dekanter family has a house stone. Upon their first
pregenetive cousins, but not by much. They stand at roughly birthday, dekanter are gifted an earring which bears the stone
the same height, dekanters merely a few inches taller; their of their house and marks them as a youngling. During these
proportions however vary widely. Dekanters are stocky and years, the they are encouraged to play, explore and fight.
built closer to a dwarf or miniature bugbear. Dekanter When they reach the age of 4, dekanter enter the
goblins' skin ranges from the colour of rust to that of an old workforce, learning skills in mercantile and crafting, related
dried scab. Their hair grows longer on their head than any to their house’s specialty. They are gifted with their first
other goblinoid, sometimes reaching down past their Service Band on their large horn, denoting their crafting skill.
shoulders. Their heads squat atop thick, powerful necks, and A bone band for jewelers, a leather band for armourers, an
they have a sharp, rhinolike horn at the tip of their elongated obsidian band for weaponsmiths, wood for carpenters, and a
snouts. stone band for masons.
When they are conscripted into The Scarlet Horns at the
A Troubled Past age of 6, they are fitted with a red-gold Service Band on their
smaller, rear horn. It is common practice to make a small
Dekanter goblins were created only to serve their master, the scratch on their band for each kill earned in battle. The
Beast Lord. They were the terror of the Dekanter mines, highest ranking members’ bands have been scratched clean
mostly because of the alhoon’s cunning in his command of of red.
them. Originally, these creatures only guarded the Beast Upon completion of two years of military service, a
Lord’s domain. Today, however, they range far and wide, dekanter crafts their own, final, Service Band. A cone tip for
having long since deposed the alhoon, and seized their their horn. Each of these bands is crafted personally and the
independence. materials and design reflect the individual.

Dekanter Names Rhino
Dekanter have strong intimidating names which evoke Prerequisites: Dekanter
respect and attention. You strengthen your body, adapting to your natural gifts. You
Male Names: Agamemnon, Acron, Basillides, Callimachus, gain the following benefits:
Demetrius, Echestratus, Glaucus, Hephaestus, Karanus, By lowering your body to the ground and propelling
Kerghan, Lamachus, Mentor, Nicocrean, Spartacus, yourself with your arms, you can move faster for a time. If
Xenoclides you have both hands free, when you move on your turn in
Female Names: Athena, Althaia, Berenike, Calista, combat, you can double your speed until the end of the
Chrysanthe, Danae, Echo, Elpida, Kalliope, Ophelia, turn. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until
Persephone, Thalia you move 0 feet on one of your turns.
Dekanter Traits If you move at least 20 feet straight toward a target and
Physically powerful and cunning, dekanters have literally then hit it with a horn attack you can attempt to shove the
been made for battle. target with your horn as a bonus action.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution, Dexterity and
Strength scores each increase by 1. You develop a tough, leathery hide. When you aren't
Age. As their cousins, dekanter goblins reach adulthood at wearing armor, your AC is 13 + your Dexterity modifier.
age 8 and live up to 60 years. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if
Alignment. Dekanter goblins live for physical combat and the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A
battle, revelling in the thrill of the kill, most are chaotic evil. shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your
Size. Dekanter goblins are short and squat, weighing about natural armor.
125 lbs. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Artisanal Training. You have proficiency with one of the
follow artisan's tools of your choice: Carpenter's tools,
Jeweler's tools, Leatherworker's tools, Mason's tools or
Smith's tools.
Claws. Because of your claws, you have a climbing speed
of 20 feet. In addition, your claws are natural weapons, which
you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them,
you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength
modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an
unarmed strike.
Horn. You have a horn with which you can make unarmed
strikes. If you hit with hit, you deal piercing damage equal to
1d8 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning
damage normal for unarmed strikes.
Hybrid Nature. You have two creature types: humanoid
and monstrosity. You can be affected by a game effect if it
works on either of your creature types.
Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when
determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can
push, drag, or lift.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common (if it
exists in your campaign), and Goblin.

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