Nisha Devi has submitted an Aadhaar update form to update her biometric photo/fingerprint/iris information at the Aadhaar Seva Kendra in Lucknow on November 18, 2023 at 3:30 PM. She will need to bring her original documents to the appointment and has paid the fees online. The form provides disclosures about her identity and biometric information being collected and used in accordance with the Aadhaar Act.
Nisha Devi has submitted an Aadhaar update form to update her biometric photo/fingerprint/iris information at the Aadhaar Seva Kendra in Lucknow on November 18, 2023 at 3:30 PM. She will need to bring her original documents to the appointment and has paid the fees online. The form provides disclosures about her identity and biometric information being collected and used in accordance with the Aadhaar Act.
Nisha Devi has submitted an Aadhaar update form to update her biometric photo/fingerprint/iris information at the Aadhaar Seva Kendra in Lucknow on November 18, 2023 at 3:30 PM. She will need to bring her original documents to the appointment and has paid the fees online. The form provides disclosures about her identity and biometric information being collected and used in accordance with the Aadhaar Act.
Nisha Devi has submitted an Aadhaar update form to update her biometric photo/fingerprint/iris information at the Aadhaar Seva Kendra in Lucknow on November 18, 2023 at 3:30 PM. She will need to bring her original documents to the appointment and has paid the fees online. The form provides disclosures about her identity and biometric information being collected and used in accordance with the Aadhaar Act.
Under Section 3 of THE AADHAAR (TARGETED DELIVERY OF FINANCIAL AND OTHER SUBSIDIES, BENEFITS AND SERVICES) ACT,2016 (Aadhaar Act) Application Type : Submission Date : 10-11-2023 Aadhaar Number : 978670665684 Express Fields to be updated in [ Biometric(photo/fingerprint/Iris)]* Aadhaar: *Only fields mentioned here will be updated at ASK center. Applicant Details Appointment Details
Resident Type: RESIDENT
Full Name: NISHA DEVI Bring original documents for Enrolment/Update. No photocopy required. Original documents are scanned and given back to you.
Appointment Id: 1699593501503
Aadhaar Seva Ground Floor, Ratan Square Kendra Address: Mall, Lucknow Appointment Date 18-11-2023 (15:30) and Time: Service Type: Biometric Update ( Biometric(photo/fingerprint/Iris) ) Payment Type: Online Payment Status: Success Disclosure under section 3(2) of THE AADHAAR (TARGETED DELIVERY OF FINANCIAL AND OTHER SUBSIDIES, BENEFITS AND SERVICES) ACT, 2016 I confirm that I have been residing in India for at least 182 days in the preceding 12 months / I am Non Resident Indian (NRI) & information (including biometrics) provided by me to the UIDAI is my own and is true, correct and accurate. I am aware that my information including biometrics will be used for generation of Aadhaar and authentication. I understand that my identity information (except core biometric) may be provided to an agency only with my consent during authentication or as per the provisions of the Aadhaar Act. I have a right to access my identity information (except core biometrics) following the procedure laid down by UIDAI.
Verifier's Stamp and Signature Applicant's Signature/Thumbprint
(Verifier must put her/his name if stamp is not avaliable.)
Note: In case of Child(< 5 Yrs) or Guardian based application, Guardian/Relative will be required to accompany the applicant. In case of incapacitated person, the signature will be done by Legal Guardian of Incapacitated Person.