Chhatisgarh Boardar Baihar Road Dated 26.05.2023. 1-6
Chhatisgarh Boardar Baihar Road Dated 26.05.2023. 1-6
Chhatisgarh Boardar Baihar Road Dated 26.05.2023. 1-6
NAME OF WORK :- Estimate For Damage Slab (3x5.90) Culvert at Km 1/6 (Chainage 52.630)
on Chhatisgarh Border-Mohgaon-Baihar Road (SH-48)
RATE :- The estimate has been framed as per the rates S.O.R. of Road & Bridge
works in-forced from 25/03/2022 with upto-date amendments and
addendum inforce in MPRDC.
SPECIFICATION :- The work will be carried out as per Specification of Road and Bridges
(V Revision) issued by MoRT&H
Divisional Manager
Asst. Gen. Manager M.P.Road Dev. Corp. Ltd.
M.P.Road Dev. Corp. Ltd. Chhindwara (M.P.)
Chhindwara (M.P.)
Detailed Esitmate For Damage Slab Culvert at Km 1/6 (Chainage 52.630) on Chhatisgarh Border-
Mohgaon-Baihar Road (SH-48)
SOR Particular
Item Nos L W H Quantity Unit
1 16.3 Guniting concrete surface with cement mortar
applied with compressor after cleaning surface and
spraying with epoxy complete as per Technical
Slab Bottom 3 5.9 8.20 145.14
Sides 2 20.75 0.70 29.05
Add 10 % for abutment. 17.42
Total 191.61 Sqm
2 16.4 Providing and inserting nipples with approved
fixing compound after drilling holes for grouting as
per Technical specifications including subsequent
cutting/removal and sealing of the hole as
necessary of nipples after completion of grouting
with Cement/Epoxy
1 191.61 10.00 1916 Each
3 16.7 Sealing of crack / porous concrete with Epoxy
Grout by injection through nipples complete as per
clause 2803.1. 1 1916 1.50 2874 Kg
4 16.8 Applying epoxy mortar over leached, honey
combed and spalled concrete surface and exposed
steel reinforcement complete as per Technical
Abutment Peir 6 8.20 3.00 147.60
Sides 1x2 20.75 0.70 29.05
176.65 Sqm
5 16.12 Eproxy bonding of new concrete to old concrete 3 5.9 8.20 145.14 Sqm
6 12.6 Providing and laying Plain/Reinforced cement
concrete in open foundation including form work
shuttering etc. complete as per drawing and
technical specifications and as per relevant clauses
of sections 1500, 1700 & 2100 with .
A Stone/Boulder
U/S 1 6.5 1.50 0.3 2.925
D/S 1 6.5 2.00 0.3 3.9
6.825 cum 2033 13875.225
12 4.1 Granular Sub-base with Well Graded Material (CBR>30 or
more) (Table:-400-1 & Table 400-2) Construction of granular
sub-base by providing well graded material like natural sand
crushed gravel or crushed stone having CBR>30,spreading in
uniform layers with motor graer on prepared surface, mixing by
mix in place method with rotavator or plant mix method at OMC,
and compacting with vibratory rollers of 80 to 100kN static
weight to achieve the desired density, complete as per Clauses
401 of specification.
B Hard Shoulders (CBR value >12) 4 25 2.50 0.30 75 cum 181 13575
19 8.11 Painting two coats on new concrete surfaces painting two coats
after filling the surface with synthetic enemal paint in all shades
on new plastered concrete surfaces.
Outer Side 2 6.5 2.40 31.2
4 0.575 1.00 2.3
Inner Side 2 6.5 0.50 6.5
40 sqm 48 1920
20 10.11 Providing painting, figuring and numbering to culvert upto 6m.
Span complete with synthetic Enamal Paint.
(i) Two coats on new work.
Both Face wall Side 2 2 each 100 200
Total 712937.72
Say Rs. 7.12 Lacs
(ii) for Grading II (19mm nominal size) 2 25.00 7.00 0.05 17.50 cum
4 12.1 Excavation for Structures
Earth work in excavation of foundation of structures as per
drawing and technical specification, including setting out,
construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other
deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling
with approved material. as per relevant clauses of section 300 &
2100 of MORT&H specifictions.
12 12.00 Each
(ii) for Grading II (19mm nominal size) 17.50 6557 cum 114747.50
4 12.1 Excavation for Structures
Earth work in excavation of foundation of structures as per drawing
and technical specification, including setting out, construction of
shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter,
dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling with approved material.
as per relevant clauses of section 300 & 2100 of MORT&H