Infectious Inflammatory Module 2023

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Ateneo de Zamboanga University

College of Nursing
Ist sem SY 2023 – 2024
NCM 112j


Infectious/Inflammatory Module

Subject: Infectious/Inflammatory Response

Module 10 – Overview of the infectious process, practices and standard precaution measures.

Module Objectives: At the end of this module, the nursing student will be able to:

1. Provide support to help prevent spread of infectious diseases through evidence-based infection
control measures in health care settings.
2. Understand the role of and implement environmental control to prevent and minimize spread of
3. List the factors involved in the chain of infection.
4. State the key role of the nurse in relation to the chain of infection.
5. Apply infection control principles and practices in health care settings.

Date: October 16-21, 2023

Platform: Face-to-Face, Zoom, Messenger, E-class
Instructors: Ms. Ellenor D. Velasco/ Flor P. San Luis
Mindset: “Infection control is in your HANDS”

Independent learning Pre Work: Assignments

Pre course work: Before the classroom session the nursing student must be able to:
1. Explain the principles of infection control and practices in the health care settings.
2. Identify the role and structure of infection prevention and control (IPC) programmes
3. Illustrate the sequence of the chain of infection of the disease.
4. Discuss the difference of colonization, infection and disease

Video clips, ppt. point presentation, Laptop
Mondejar-Navales, Dionesia Handbook of common Communicable and Infectious Diseases. 2008 pp. 3-
Infection Control Measure
• Basic principles of infection control .
• Brunner and Suddarth, Medical-Surgical Nursing.”Care of Client with Infectious Diseases” 13th
edition. Pp 2099 – 2104

Intended Learning Outcome: After the classroom session the nursing student can:
1. Differentiate the concept of colonization, infection and disease.
2. Criticize properly the principles of infection control and practices in the health care settings.
3. Value the role and structure of infection prevention and control (IPC) programs.
4. Design clearly home health care measures that reduce the risk of infection.
Session flow:
07:30 Am – 08:00 Am – Prayer and Intro of the lesson, check attendance, School of brevis, Quiz
08:01 Am – 09:00 Am ----Power point presentation, film viewing
09:01 Am - 9:15 Am – Break
09:16 Am – 10:30 Am – Interactive discussion, Show me

Academic Consultation: 6:00 – 8:00 pm (MTW) thru messenger


1. Ticket 1-2-3. To be submitted on October 16, 2023, 7:00 pm in my deliverable locker.

A. Guide question for Ticket 1-2-3

1. Looking back
a. How does what I learned relate to the real world?
2. Looking in
a. What questions or concerns do I have about what I learn?
3. Looking forward
a. What would I like to learn more about?

2. Assignment output: to be submitted on October 16, 2023 after the class. Write it in a long size
bond paper.
1. Discuss control measures applied at home to prevent infections.
2. Write the Infection prevention and control practices for safe health care delivery in all
3. Explain the standard protocol observe in the hospitals or in the lying in Center to reduce
the spread of infection.

1. Quiz
2. Rubric for individual output
Ateneo de Zamboanga University
College of Nursing
Ist sem SY 2023 -2024
NCM 112j


Infectious/Inflammatory Module

Subject: Infectious/Inflammatory response

Management of patients with infectious disorders.

Module 11 – October 23-28, 2023

● COVID-19
● Ebola virus
● H1N1
Module 12 – October 30- Nov. 04, 2023
● Monkey pox
● Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E
● Guillain Barre Syndrome
Module 13 – Nov 06 – Nov 11, 2023 Nov. 13 – 18, 2023
● Sexually Transmitted Diseases ● Parasitism
A. Gonorrhea A. Ascaris
B. Syphillis B. Pinworm
C. Genital warts C. Amoebiasis
D. HPV D. Schistosomiasis

Module Objectives: At the end of this module, the nursing student will be able to:

1. Identify standard and transmission based precautions and discuss the elements of these
2. Describe the concept and the nursing management of emerging infectious diseases.
3. Determine the benefits of vaccines recommended for health care workers.
4. Use the nursing process as a framework for care of patients with infectious diseases.
5. Describe home health care measures that reduce the risk of infection.

Date: October 16-21, 2023, October 23-28, 2023 and October 30 – Nov. 04, 2023
Platform: Face-to-face, Zoom, E-class
Instructors: Ms. Ellenor D. Velasco/ Flor P. San Luis
Mindset: “With a Heart”

Independent Learning Pre Work: Assignments

Pre course work: Before the classroom session the nursing student must be able to:
1. Identify client with infectious/inflammatory conditions.
2. Reduce the risk of exposure and transmission by developing standard precautions.
3. State nursing diagnoses pertinent to problems in infectious and inflammatory conditions.
4. Identify drugs used for client with infectious/inflammatory conditions.
5. Enumerate home health care measures that reduce the risk of infection.

Video clips, ppt. point presentation
Read chapter 71 “Management of patients with infectious diseases”. Medical-Surgical Nursing by
Brunner and Suddarth; 13th edi. Pp. 2084-2103
5., 294705, 325922
6. Guillain-Barre –syndrome-167892

9. View from Diagnosis and treatment syphillis


Intended learning outcome: After the classroom session the students can:

1. Understand the screening tool used to clients with infectious disorders.

2. Explain the implications of the different diagnostic and laboratory examinations of the clients
with problems in infectious disorders.
3. Correlate the pathophysiologic mechanisms of the client’s condition.
4. Determine honestly the different nursing diagnosis in a client with infectious problem.
5. Explain properly the drugs used for client with alteration in infectious response utilizing the
Patient’s Bill of Rights and Obligations.
6. Construct clearly a plan of care to address their needs and problems.
7. Implement safe and quality interventions in addressing their needs and problems.
8. Document client’s responses to nursing care rendered and outcomes of the nurse client

Session flow:
07:30 Am – 08:00 Am – Prayer, Check attendance, Recap, Quiz
08:01 Am – 09:00 Am – Video clips, brainstorming
09:01 AM – 09:15 Am - Break
09:16 Am - 10:30 Am – PowerPoint presentation, Interactive discussion

Academic Consultation: 6:00 – 8:00 pm (MTW) thru messenger

1. Quiz
2. Choose one from the infectious disease listed and search for readings related to the disease.
Write a reaction paper about the disease.
3. From the Youtube “Diagnosis and treatment of syphilis”, write a reflection paper. What
education should the nurse provide to a patient and to her family in order to reduce the
possibility of contacting another STI?

View from Diagnosis and treatment syphillis


Guide in preparing case reflection :

1. Write an introduction after reading the case. State the reason why you choose the case.
2. What are your feelings about what was said?
3. Are you on the same page with the author? Explain reason why you agree or disagree.
4. Have you experienced anything that can be applied to the main ideas?
5. Did you have a different opinion on the topic before reading the case?
6. Is the main point supported by evidence?

4. Submit your output on or before October 31, 2023 in my deliverable locker.

1. Quiz
2. Case Reflection
3. Rubric for case reflection
Ateneo de Zamboanga University
College of Nursing
Ist sem SY 2023 – 2024
NCM 112j


Infectious/Inflammatory Module

Subject: Infectious/Inflammatory response

Management of patients with inflammatory disorders.

Module 14 – November 20 - 25, 2023

● Appendicitis
● Peritonitis
● Cholecystitis

Module 15 – November 27 – Dec 2, 2023

● Urolithiasis
● Benign prostatic hypertrophy

Module Objectives: At the end of this module, the nursing student will be able to:
1. Describe the anatomical structure and function of the client’s organ with inflammatory
2. Develop technical skills and knowledge in performing assessment skills.

3. Identify the appropriate preparation, patient education and follow up care for patients who are
undergoing diagnostic evaluation.
4. Describe nursing measures used to prevent complications.
5. Use the nursing process as a framework for care of patients with inflammatory disorders.

Date: November 20 – 25, 2023,

Platform: Face-to-Face, Messenger, Messenger, E-class
Instructors: Ms. Ellenor D. Velasco/ Flor P. San Luis
Mindset: “Listen to our body signals”

Independent Learning Pre Work: Assignments

Pre course work: Before the classroom session the nursing student must be able to:

1. Familiarize the structure and function of the client’s organ with inflammatory disorders.
2. State nursing diagnoses pertinent to inflammatory problems.
3. Identify diagnostic procedures for patient with inflammatory disorders.
4. Identify drugs used for patient with inflammatory disorders.
5. Enumerate health care measures that reduce the risk of complications and reduce infection.

Video clips, ppt. point presentation
Read chapter 48 “Management of patients with intestinal and rectal disorders”. Medical-Surgical
Nursing by Brunner and Suddarth; 13th edi. Pp. 1303-1308, 1294-1296, 1389, 1391, 1299-1301
Intended learning outcome: After the classroom session the students can:

1. Demonstrate accurately physical assessment tool and screening procedures to clients with
inflammatory disorders.
2. Explain rigorously the implications of the different diagnostic and laboratory examinations of the
clients with problems in inflammatory disorders.
3. Understand the pathophysiologic mechanisms of the client’s condition.
4. Determine audibly the different nursing diagnosis in a client with inflammatory problem.
5. Construct clearly a plan of care to address their needs and problems.

Session flow for synchronous session:

07:30 Am – 08:00 Am – Prayer, Quiz, Recap

08:01 Am – 09:00 Am – Showdown/Show me activity
09:01 Am – 09:16 Am - Break
09:17 Am – 10:30 Am – PowerPoint presentation, Interactive discussion

Academic Consultation: 6:00 – 8:00 pm (MTW) thru messenger


1. 1-2-3 ticket to be submitted on November 29, 2023

2. Submit recent case readings on any of the inflammatory conditions, make a reflection on the
readings you made. To be submitted on November 29, 2023 in my deliverable locker.

1. Rubric for group work
2. Ticket 1-2-3
3. Quiz – ADZU grading scheme

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